#they have so little screentime together why do i do that to myself
silv-paru · 9 months
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rainysofsunshineao3 · 5 months
And today, instead of anylysing another Yasmina and Sammy scene, we're analyzing THESE TWO BAMFs!!!
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OMFG, these two I can't with these two I love them so dearly my lord. One of my favourite brother/sister relationships of all time. Their so supportive of each other and have a "sorry I just threw you down a mountain, it's how I show affection :)" relationship it's the best dynamic ISTG.
Like, I think Ben is the only other person Yaz voluntarily hugs (Not counting all the time's with Brooklyn cause those were kinda out of like "I protec u").
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Like, Yaz didn't really have a strong relationship with Ben before he became "Island Ben", but when she sees him, instead of standing in shock like Brook and Kenji, she just throws herself at him (In a very "Sammy-like" manner, if I do say so myself lol). She obviously cares for this boy, even in when he was "Scared-Ben" and before their relationship really took off.
And she CONTINUES holding on to him like a lifeline for a good 7 seconds (Trust, I counted lol) AND THEN SHE FUCKING-
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She pulls him in AGAIN. And Ben isn't like, akward about it at all. He just hugs her back instantly, which to me screams that there were never any romantic interest between them (Sorry to those who ship these two) and honestly shows need more of this. Like, these two are the only ones in this series...
ok I take it back, no one has shipped Ben and Brooklyn or Darius and Sammy as far as I'm concerned, but they have such limited screentime together I can see why.
They're the only well-developed and HEALTHY non-romantic duo in this series.
But like, Brook, Kenji, and Darius all had this really...weird and unexplained love triangle going on. Like I swear I wasn't the only one picking up on Brooklyn and Darius in Season 1 and 2, but then it shifts to Kenji for no real reason. Then obviously Yaz and Sammy were hinted at since the very first episode lol, but these two.
They're not even really as sibling-coded as Darius and Kenji (Yet another ship that I hope no one wanted to sail because...ew. their brothers yall. BROTHERS). They're just...different. I really don't know how to explain it. Honestly the best way I can explain it is with these two vvv
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Yaz would definitely call Ben "Dingus" and make a "You Rule | You Suck" board I will die on this hill.
And Yaz obviously trusts this boy with her life. Like, when they were hiding from the robo-dogs (Oh my god, the demodogs and demogorgons of JWCC, the BRADS and BRAD-Xs) she's leaning into him.
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And then they think their gonna die and this snipped right here actually breaks and heals my heart at the same time 🥹
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Yaz just clings to him and hides her face in his shoulder and Ben doesn't waste a single goddamn moment before he tries to shield her as best he can.
*Raine pauses and watches again for science*
Screaming, crying, sobbing over them.
Can't find the GIF for it, but in season 5 when Ben sees Bumpy on get off the boat and makes a run for it, Yaz is the first one who notices Ben is gone. She's looking around for him before everyone else and she's the one who asks "Where's Ben". It's the little details in their relationship.
There's a whole other post I might make tomorrow on the amazing wingmanship between these two with Sammy and Ben's hilarious misunderstanding of Yaz being Kenji's wingman (Still not over that).
I love these two so much, my babies :))) There's so many moments between them that I caught on my rewatch.
Can't wait for JWCT, I miss the children so muchhhh
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mazzystar24 · 4 months
While I’ve seen a lot of criticism of the date scene/daddy kink joke (admittedly I also didn’t care for it), most of what I’ve seen are people criticizing the writing itself and not necessarily Tommy.
For me (and I think a lot of others), it’s frustrating to see what could be a very interesting and important relationship for Buck fall flat in a lot of areas. The writers had every opportunity to make it a very vulnerable and open scene but they didn’t take it. And I do very much understand joking about trauma; I do it all the time. I think that’s what Buck did when he mentioned the daddy issues, though I saw that as deflection through humor and not flirting. Daddy issues don’t automatically mean kink (though they can! I just didn’t think that was for sure the goal here). I just think that Tommy could have either made some light joke in return, instead of saying no I don’t have daddy issues (this I thought was odd since he mentions earlier in the scene issues with his own father), OR he could have said something sweet about being glad Bobby is okay or showing support for Buck.
It wasn’t the kink joke itself that was off putting but more the tonal shift of the scene and the missed opportunity. We have seen so little of their relationship and it’s development, so that kind of a scene is weird to see between a couple as assume doesn’t know each other very well. We really haven’t seen them be sweet and supportive together, and it’s infuriating that there have been so many opportunities to create scenes for them to do so but the writers haven’t.
Long story short: begging the writers to develop LIs better, especially if they’re sticking around for over a season.
like imma go point by point real quick:
•same with the trauma jokes like I do it to myself and specific friends of mine do it to me too (and vice versa) - yeah honestly like I do see it was more humorous deflection but I guess that CAN be interpreted as flirting with the “both” which is why I call it that in the other post
• YESSS THATS WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY LIKE A JOKE ABOUT DADDY ISSUES IS DIFFERENT THAN A JOKE ABOUT DADDY KINK THEY CAN GO HAND IN HAND BUT THEY ARE DIFFERENT (but media does often make it synonymous -and ofc there is a real correlation but anyways that’s a whole tangent- so I get the confusion)
• but yeah that’s what I keep saying like the joke isn’t what’s bothering people it’s the execution of the joke and the tone of the rest of the scene and episode catches people off guard in a jarring way
• yes like what the writers have used the very little bucktommy screentime for has been A CHOICE so please writers redeem yourself in s8 and give me Hannah from bones energy I beg😭😭
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codfanficedits · 1 year
One fucking mistake - Part Six
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!Reader - She/her pronouns being used
Summary: Simon lost you after making a mistake on a mission.
Wordcount: 2164 | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: DEPRESSION (and not the uwu am a little sad kind) ,cussing, swearing, grieving, angst with no comfort, conversation, blaming, therapist, mentioning of flashbacks
A/N: Part six! I would like to mention that the portrayal of the depression is the way I have experienced mine, the therapist appointment is also one that I have experienced myself. I understand that this might not be the same for everyone, but please be kind.
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ AO3 Link
The days are starting to look the same, they melt together in a blur of grief.
He lays in bed, unless he really has to get out. A quick visit to the bathroom and back to bed he goes. When he is unable to ignore his rumbling stomach, he orders some takeaway, just to eat it on the couch, the empty cartons starting to flood the place. But he doesn’t care, not in the slightest, he doesn’t care when he can see the mold on the little pieces of food left in the pizza box.
He doesn’t care when he can smell himself whenever he gets into the bedroom again, he doesn’t care when he rewatches the same show for the fifth time, not a care in the world when his screentime is over sixteen hours a day. He doesn’t care when he stops answering texts, he doesn’t care when calls are met with a loud sigh, annoyed that they’re interrupting the game he was playing.
Simon despises the days he has to go to therapy, it is the only day in the week where he has to get up, shower, wash his hair and brush his teeth. It is the only day of the week where the rotten air from home is replaced by fresh outside air, and he hates it, the comfort of his home being ripped away, just like you got ripped away.
His legs bounces while he sits in the waiting room, he still feels as if he doesn’t belong to therapy, while he knows that there is something wrong, he doesn’t want to admit it, he doesn’t want to accept the help.
He frowns when he gets called in by someone else than his usual therapist, but he goes in anyway.
“Where is she?” He asks bluntly as he goes to sit down in the same comfortable chair he always sit in.
“My usual therapist.”
The woman in front of him frowns. “She didn’t feel as if she was booking process with you, so she asked me to take over. Didn’t she tell you?”
Simon can only shrug, truth be told, he never paid enough attention to even remember anything from those sessions. “Could be.”
Her lips press together until they are a faint line and Simon can tell he doesn’t like her one bit.
“Let me introduce myself.” She continues. “My name is Sarah, and I’m…” He zones out within seconds, pushing her voice to the background.
“Simon!” She has a fucking sharp voice.
“I’m talking to you.”
Simon raises an eyebrow, this is the first time a therapist has been this direct to him. “Right.” He mumbles. “Continue.”
“Did you get anything I just said?” Sarah asks him.
“Well, your name is Sarah, and..” His voice dies out. “That’s all.” He adds with a sheepish tone.
“Why are you here, Simon?” She asks him, as she holds the clipboard to her chest.
Because my captain asked me to.
But he stays silent, just shrugging as she asks him that question.
“Do you even want to be here?”
Simon frowns at the second question, of course he doesn’t want to be here. “No.”
“Then why bother coming anyway?”
Because you would’ve been so disappointed in him if he didn’t at least try. But Simon knows that what he is doing isn’t even close to trying at all. It is just easier to lie to himself that he is trying.
“Because..” His voice his hoarse.
Because he wants to get rid of that feeling of guilt, that is weighing him down on his chest, the feeling that keeps him up at night, being so heavy that he worries that he’ll suffocate in the matrass if he acknowledges it. Because he wants to deal with the grief that came with losing you, because every little thing outside of the routine that he has created for himself reminds him of you. Because he wants to be happy again, but just the mere thought of it feels like a betrayal to you.
Because, because, because.
But the words leave him, just like he left you there to die by yourself, and the thought of that tightens his chest, his ribs suffocating his lungs and it feels like he can’t breathe. Short burst of air leaving his nose when he tries to wipe away the image. That familiar feeling again, a panic attack waiting in the shadows of his mind.
God not here, not now.
But Sarah doesn’t react, she doesn’t try to talk him out of it, instead she just lets it happen, observing how he handles it.
His hands pressing against his temples. He doesn’t want to think about you, about leaving you, he doesn’t want to be confronted by his mistake.
Deep breath in through your mouth, exhaling out your nose.
He remembers the advice you gave him, you’d walked in on him having one as he sat down on the shower floor. He tries to remember your voice, your face when you said it to him. But he can’t. Fuck. He can’t.
He loves you, so why is he forgetting it? Why is your face becoming a blur. Why is your voice different in every memory.
Deep breath in through your mouth, exhaling out your nose.
The panic dies out after a few deep breaths, guilt popping up like the mushrooms do around autumn.
“Why are you here, Simon?” Sarah repeats the question.
“Because I can’t live like this anymore.”
“Like what?”
A scowl forms on his face, he hates feeling this vulnerable, it makes him feel weak and he still feels as if he should overcome this with ease. “Living in my own filth because I can’t be bothered to actually live.”
“Why can’t you be bothered to actually live, Simon?”
For fuck sakes, he hates how many questions she is asking, he hates how it forces him to think about things he doesn’t want to think about, things he has crammed away in the shadows of his mind.
“Because I don’t deserve it!” His voice is louder than he wanted it to be, but part of him hopes it scares her off, that it makes her stop asking questions.
But it doesn’t, Sarah doesn’t bat an eye.
“Why do you feel as if you don’t deserve to live?”
Because you didn’t get to live.
“Because I killed her, I begged her to come with me on a mission that killed her. I am the reason she is no longer walking on this earth. She said no the first time and I’m a selfish asshole for taking her with me!” God it feels good to get that off his chest.
Sarah stays silent, and the silence causes his words to float in the air.
“She said yes herself, right?” Sarah eventually says. “Why are you holding yourself accountable for that?”
“Because she said no the first time. And I bribed her with doing the dishes.” He spat out.
God he hated how Sarah would let his answers linger in the air, it meant he had to think, think about what happened, think about his answers, think about how actions, how it affected everything.
How he would never give himself peace.
“Because I keep wondering how life would’ve been if I had accepted her first no, I wonder how I would be if she wouldn’t have gone with me. Because. I. I. I.” Simon starts to stutter, the words flooding out him, things he had kept hidden to rot inside of him.
“Because I know that she would’ve been alive if it wasn’t for me.” A tiny voice for a big soldier.
“You can’t change what happened, Simon.”
Of course he can’t! Fuck, it annoys him. “I know.” He grits his teeth.
“Do you think she would want you to live like this?”
Fuck, a cold sensation running over him, his stomach feels as if it is doing summersaults.
“No, no, I don’t think so.” He eventually admits. Of course not, you would only want the best for him, you would’ve wanted him to move on, to make something out of his life. Oh God, you were always so sweet, so innocent, and he, he took you away from this world.
That same feeling in his chest again, he presses his eyes shut.
The image of that fucking flash grenade sticking out of the debris again. Haunting him, taunting him.
As the tightness in his chest gets worse, he can’t stop the hot tears falling down.
Fucking weak.
Sarah’s voice brings him back to reality, but not just enough, flashbacks running through his mind while he tries to feel the fabric of the chair under his fingertips.
“Tell me what is happening, Simon.”
Short, quick breaths, the tightening in his chest becoming worse, and worse.
“Simon? Tell me what you’re seeing, right now.”
He wants to open his eyes, he wants it to stop, but this is the clearest he has seen you in weeks. He doesn’t want to lose this, even though it hurt like something he has never felt before. He wants it to stop, but he doesn’t want it to end.
“The mission.” He mutters.
Silence again. He hates how Sarah lets him struggle with his emotions, his feelings, and he wants his old therapist back, whatshername, who would fill up the silence so he wouldn’t have to.
“I keep replaying the mission in my head.” Simon adds.
“Tell me.” Sarah commands. “Walk me through what is happening.”
“It always starts the same.” He begins. “Always.”
“How does it start?”
“We’re waiting for the chopper. We’re both wearing a bulletproof vest, and I make sure hers is safe. I tug on it a little, a few times actually. I would brush the skin of her cheeks with my knuckles.” It is a whisper, but it is a start.
“And then we move to the chopper, she is sitting next to me, and all I see is her beauty. It was supposed to be an easy mission and she is talking, talking about how she will let me do all the dishes she can find, she is teasing me about having to wear an apron while I’m doing the dishes.” His breathing is starting to get more controlled.
“It was supposed to be an abandoned area.” Simon continues, his hands gripping the armrest of the chair. “I let my guard down, we were joking too much, laughing too hard. The enemy must’ve heard us. And then, then, then.”
“Stop.” Sarah says. “Put the film on hold, and tell me what you see.”
“I see her, the sun high on the sky, a smile on her face, not a worry in her eyes. And then I spot the flash grenade. And I want to warn her, but it’s too late.” Simons starts.
“Okay.” No it’s not okay.
“Can you put yourself in the image?”
“Put yourself in the situation, standing alongside yourself and her.”
Silence again.
“Can you do it, Simon?”
“Yeah.” He mutters, feeling awkward, but he can, standing next to himself and next to you.
“Is there anything you’d like to say to her?”
His heart starts to race again. Yes, yes, yes! There are so many things he would like to say to you, so many things that he wants you to hear, but that will never reach you.
“I. I. I want to tell that I’m so, so sorry.” He begins. “I want to say that I should’ve listened to her, that if I could do it all over again, I would do it differently.”
He holds back a sob.
“I want to tell her that I will always love her, that she will always be a part of me, no matter what happens, no matter how old I grow, no matter who comes in to my life, she will always matter.” The raw words leave his lips, dragging the heavy feeling from his heart with them, leaving him able to breathe for the first time in months.
“Can you hug her?”
What a stupid question. But he can, and he does, he presses his eyes shut and hugs you, and although it is in his imagination, it feels real, for him it is real. The version of you that got one more hug, tells him that he is forgiven, and it brings a little bit of peace to him.
Simon finally opens his eyes again. “God.” He breathes.
“How does that feel?” Sarah asks.
“Better.” He admits.
“Good.” Is that a smile on her lips?
“Are you going to be able to handle being alone?” Sarah breaks the silence.
“Yeah.” And for the first time it does feel like he is able to handle being alone. For the first time he wants to go outside, to breathe the fresh air. Hell, he even wants to grab the bin and clean the house.
He wants to live again.
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canonically47 · 19 days
post-DCAS character ranking
18. yul. the worst dsvc character to ever grace our screens. i should not have to explain myself for this, i feel like it goes without saying he's the worst of every cast ever
17. riya. a one-dimensional character who refuses to change. the only reason she's ranked higher than yul is because she's not racist which (virgil sanders voice) that CANNOT be where the bar is.
16. ashley. her entire development was becoming jake's friends and helping in a very small way to get tomjake together. she did nothing for herself, her entire character was just jake's bff and that goes to show how little ONC cares for their female characters
15. ally. the worst development of the season, with the most boring ending, with the least pay-off. how she made finale is beyond me
14. hunter. somehow higher than ally because he was funny
13. tess. higher than both of them but she just existed to me
12. tom. he existed and i still dislike him despite the finale desperately trying to make me not to.
11. connor. a whiny manbaby who achieved nothing this season, whose only role was being there for riya’s drama. genuinely, why did they bring him back if this was all they were going to do with him? only ranked this high because the others behind him are somehow worse or even more boring.
10. lake. similarly to tess, she also just existed. they brought her back just to nerf her like idiots. because guess what if the drama doesn't revolve around a mlm couple then it's not interesting to ONC!
9. miriam. poor queen how you have fallen. decent but deserved more
8. james. consistently funny and good, just wish he had more screentime. others rank higher than him because they actually got some type of development.
7. ellie. pains me to put her this low, she's one of my favorites ever, but i gotta do what i gotta do. she should've gotten better and more believable development. i dearly miss her season one self
6. aiden. he and jake were gay and i don't remember anything else that he did. only ranked this high because he made it far again, played fair, was super entertaining, and his VA is my all-time fav. sue me, i got biases.
5. fiore. she managed to not be ruined my baby <3 she escaped the bad writing so proud of her
4. gabby. it's okay gabby we all know in the better timeline you won the money and helped ellie pursue her dreams. you did your best. yes gabby we are all ignoring how weird the whole evil shadow realm you thing is. we love you too much to blame you for it. that's all ONC. you're innocent. we love you gabby we all say in unison
3. grett. i am sooo happy she got her development this season but by GOD did she need to get her justice earlier. she should've killed yul tbh
2. alec. he was at his worst mid-season, but fuck it, i'm biased and he actually bounced back. he was not likable from beginning to end, but he was a strong player with a consistent and (somewhat) believable character arc. in a better timeline, we got an alec - rosa-maria - grett finale and alec won.
jake. this will come as a shock to anyone who's followed me for a longer time/has seen my early reviews, and even to myself. i never expected myself to like jake as much as i did, but credit is due where credit is due: ONC did something with him this season. he got his development. he became a better person, outgrew his mistakes, befriended those that did him/he did wrong, forgave them and/or made it up to them, and he even got the guy in the end. never thought i'd say this, but jake is probably the best written character in this show, and will be one of the only characters or overall things i will miss about disventure camp seasons 1 & 3.
thank GOD it's over
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Kohaku analysis
Hi anon, sorry for taking more than 5 months to reply. Kohaku just has so many things going on that I really didn't have a firm understanding of his character and don't know where to start. Still don't actually, but I'll give it my best shot.
Kohaku's main appeal imo is his numerous gaps. There’s a ridiculous amount of them, but the main ones are that he's pink, he's 160cm, he's the youngest character at 15, and yet he has no qualms about killing a man.
He could kill a man and yet was locked in his house until just this year. He could kill a man and yet he's terrified of zombies and wouldn't be able to kill them.
He talks like he has his things together (and he sort of really does), and yet he is still the youngest in the cast and so many people around him nurture him and watch his growth with warm and loving eyes.
Everyone who lays their eyes on him immediately treats him like their cute little bro, and yet he seems to be the more emotionally stable and mature one in Double Face - where his partner is literally the self-proclaimed Mama in the series.
I think the most confusing part about Kohaku is his maturity and simulataneous lack thereof. How he manages to be emotionally mature in DF, and yet is still the baby in Crazy:B. So for this post I'm going to delve into how and why Kohaku manages to do this.
(Please bear in mind that I haven't read the !! main stories and the stories for No Name Yet and Ariadne, so i might be missing important characterisation.
Also be warned that I will be referencing events in Dark Night's Passing, Secret Service and Sudden Death. Spoiler warning!)
I feel like most people get really blown away by the shock factor of Kohaku being trained as an assassin. And together with the way Kohaku carries himself, a lot of fans forget that there is a lot he doesn't know about the world.
He grew up in isolation and could only physically step foot into the rest of civilisation at the end of the ! era. And then he promptly got lost. (He asks Anzu for directions to ES in his first character story.) He doesn't know how to choose his own modern clothes either. The clothes we see him wearing were picked out by the salesperson, and for his Feature Outfit he chose traditional wear similar to what he wore growing up.  
Kohaku is honestly very similar to Hiiro in this respect. I think it's just not as obvious to non-KohakuPs because:
Kohaku has less questions. This can be explained by how he grew up on the internet, so he had the advantage of familiarity with technology.
Screentime differences:
Hiiro’s ignorance was emphasised throughout the novel that was !! Main Story 1
Kohaku had one (1) introductory chapter that highlighted his ignorance. The rest was sprinkled in mini-talks and event stories.
Differences in other characters' responses to their questions:
Hiiro gets Aira loudly yelling, without fail, that he's stupid and ignorant. And then Hiiro yells his apologies in response. The whole exchange is very noisy and impossible to ignore. (It also happens multiple times.)
Kohaku’s interactions, however, tend to go very smoothly. They’re always along the line of, "Oh, what is this? Ohh so that's it. Thanks for teaching me!". Clean and simple, no jabs and just question > answer > thanks. Or he'll say, "I've only known about this through the internet! I'm looking forward to experiencing this myself this year." And no one comments on it, except for maybe a “Fufu I hope you have a good experience.” It’s all very short and pleasant. Nothing you would take note of unless you’re a KohakuP and realised you’ve seen them lots of times
So anyway, in contrast to Kohaku’s general cool and judgemental "Madara/Rinne-han you’re so stupid” vibe, he really is not that wise in the ways of the world. To be frank, I think his cool-as-a-cucumber behaviour is very boyish of him. You know, when you're a teen and pretend to be more grown-up than you actually are.
And Kohaku is acutely aware of how little he knows. Kohaku has low confidence in making his way through the world, even though he generally acts very capable. This low confidence is the focus of the Honey Bee scout story. It's a very, very cute story where Crazy:B finds ways to push him out of his comfort zone while still respecting his 15 year-old pride. Basically Kohaku was going to shy away from something and Rinne goes "Ha bet you can't do this!" Kohaku reacts very much like a kid by immediately biting the bait. So cute! Another point for the KohakuPs who love the cute and child-like Kohaku. I wouldn’t call Kohaku immature, but he sure isn’t a mature adult either. He has a lot of growing left to do!
Kohaku just generally exudes this little brother energy as easily as breathing.
I think part of it is his size and pink hair colour and baby fat.
Another is probably how open he is about how little he knows. Like Hiiro, he’s not shy about asking for clarification. If you hang around him for long enough, you probably come to expect and accommodate the gaps in his experience.
He’s also super forthcoming and genuine with his praise, admiration and gratitude. The instant he thinks of something nice, like "wow this person sure is skilled!" he'll just let the person in question know. (Unless you're Rinne - you tease him too much for him to want to praise you genuinely to the face orz.) I think people just like being around him and being nice to him because of this habit, and they become nicer and better people in his presence. ((I am looking at HiMERU in particular.))
And despite what I said about his teenage pride, Kohaku's also very gracious and accepting of being consistently assigned the little bro. His attitude to realising that people adopted him is just "huh? well okay I guess. Thank you for your help." He doesn't see it as being patronising; he recognises that people just want to be nice to him and lets them + is grateful for it. (Again, Rinne is an exception because his modus operandi is to bully Kohaku and Kohaku Knows This.)
I think these factors form the basis of his relationships with everyone (minus Madara and his family) where he’s the little baby Kohaku-chan that everyone loves to dote on. And he lets them, and also lets them know that he is grateful for their care! It's super wholesome and cute. Ra*bits-esque, even.
But despite all these child-like parts of him (especially him not knowing a lot of common knowledge), he also has a lot of. I don’t know what to call it, I guess emotional maturity in his interactions with others. He's always very genuine and sincere and respectful, and this doesn't ever change unless you're deliberately fucking with him (Rinne).
It's most obvious when you look at Double Face and his interactions with Cagiest Bastard in the Whole Series, Mikejima Madara.
This part requires a good deal of understanding about Mama's issues and Oh Boy Is It A Lot! But what you need to know is that Madara's family is involved with the police and the Shinkai Cult and Madara was been elbows deep in that world from birth. He beats people up off screen and sends the mafia after them and doesn't blink. And his emotional walls reach stratospheric heights. He calls himself Mama and is extremely friendly, but he never really lets anyone close. Headcanon that it's bc he wants to be as close to others as a Mama, but is purposely assigning himself a role that most ppl reject bc he is afraid of actually being that close to people. He's been in a solo unit for the whole of the ! era and was acting alone even before then. Talking about his issues and true feelings are simply not something he does. He buries it under layers of Wasshoi Wasshoi Festival Man Mama. Sometimes he alludes to how estranged he feels but before anyone can meaningfully respond, he jets off to another part of Japan/the world and is uncontactable for a few months.
There's no time to really go into what Madara's issues actually are, but basically Anzu (and the enstars writer Akira) created DF because she wanted Madara to have a friend. Kohaku as an assassin and Madara as the kid of a mafialord just Get Each Other the way others don't. Just look at Dark Night's Passing. It's about feeling too dirty with sin to truly assimilate with the bright sparkling world of Ryuseitai/Tsukasa. It's about not being able to talk about their feelings about their involvement with the underworld because they don't want to sully their friends. Madara sort of talks about it with Kuro, but Kuro is an ex-delinquent and beating other misguised youths up is nothing compared to what Madara is still involved in. Kohaku is probably more comfortable with Crazy:B than any other unit because of their themes of being rejects and rulebreakers, but that's still not the same as assassination. I don't think Kohaku ever came clean to them about his family. Kohaku & Madara just truly do understand each other in a way no one else can.
And despite all that, Madara still tries to distance himself from Kohaku. 😡👎👎. Kohaku has to chase this mf ""unit leader"" down to get updates of their shared unit's work. Kohaku has to call Madara and gets sent to voicemail every time. He has to call up everyone he can think of who could be in contact with Madara and then fly his ass across Japan to beat up Madara up. (He doesn't actually beat Madara up because he's a good kid. He just joins Madara in whatever he was working on and helps him and reminds him that he is no longer alone.)
Anyone in Kohaku's place would be completely justified in thinking that Madara's more effort than he's worth and give up or lash out at him. Just the way Madara likes it! With people so far away from him that he can't hurt them or vice versa (Madara ignores the fact that the act of pushing others away is in itself hurtful.)
But Kohaku doesn't abandon Madara. He takes things pretty damn well imo.
Kohaku re: dirty jobs & the Underworld is just so. He's so hopeful even while being born in and knowing the shit side of the world. It breaks my heart and fills me with awe with how disillusioned and yet hopeful he is with the world.
Kohaku in the early stories constantly talks about how the world & people's hearts are dirty. And yet, whenever he receives help (...often, bc of his politeness and little bro energy) he also always comments that kindness still exists in this world. Kohaku, especially in Dark Night's Passing, is a very jaded child. He thinks that his family's line of work is pretty dirty and hates being born into it, but still says he is okay with sacrificing himself for the Suou's. He thinks the world is rotten, that injustice will always exist, and that sacrificing himself is okay, but does whatever he can to ensure that the good people in his life don't suffer.
Kohaku doesn't roll over and give up. He finally has freedom after 15 years and he is so excited to experience all the good things the world has to offer. He knows it comes with bad things too, and accepts it like a champ! Takes it as a foregone conclusion.
It contrasts so sharply with Madara that I just gnnh. Madara is tired. He has given up. He's just floating along trying to help his loved ones while fighting a war in his head and heart against the instinct to also push them far away.
Madara and Kohaku initially connected over their shared understanding of the rotten world and their roles in it, but their attitudes towards living in such a world and with such a role couldn't be more different. Madara believes that he never belongs in the sparkling world everyone else inhabits, and he tries not to "sully" it by never entering it. Kohaku accepts the world, both its rotten and good parts, with an almost zen-like countenance that you really wouldn't expect from a 15 year-old freshly entering the world. Kohaku is excited and accepting and open-minded of all the world has to offer (as long as he doesn't look stupid, because he is 15 and freshly interacting with people irl, he cares about appearances.) Kohaku uses his assassin role to protect himself and those he cares about; it's not something that he even conceives as holding him back.
This really uniquely positions him to set Madara back on the path to heal, because he shares a similar background and yet offers perspective that Madara would not have accepted from any other person. Yes this turned into a DF dynamic analysis but Kohaku was literally created to be a Madara foil, so. That probably just means I'm doing my Kohaku analysis right.
Explaining Kohaku's emotional maturity
From a meta perspective, Kohaku's emotional maturity can be attributed to the fact that he was explictly written to be Madara's friend and confidant. He had to be a character that could make Madara feel comfortable enough to let his walls down. He also had to be a character that didn't have the same trauma response and who could handle Madara's.
Lorewise, I think Kohaku's emotional maturity when it comes to relationships (being so open, honest and respectful) can also be explained by his upbringing.
The fact that Kohaku is so open and honest and respectful can be a bit surprising, considering how he was, y'know, locked up for 15 years and all. You expect him to have some very tragic backstory, where he was abused and went through grueling and traumatic assasin training like Killua from Hunter x Hunter or something. You expect him to be cagey and defensive, like Madara or worse. Then you read Sudden Death and it becomes apparent that the chances of Kohaku having been abused are abysmally low. Kohaku is very, very loved by his family. There are still things that don't add up, like Kohaku still having been locked up in a dimly-lit room for 15 years and speaking of his growing up years so negatively. But I'm inclined to think that against all odds, his family treated him very respectfully as a little man and he was raised well. Maybe his distaste for his upbringing was because his family never really tried to justify it or gaslight him into thinking that it was normal and okay. The Oukawas are pretty cool!
TLDR for this whole post; Kohaku is very accepting, genuine and forthcoming. He can put even the most guarded people around him at ease and inspires them to be better people just by being himself around them. He was written perfectly to bounce off Madara (and Rinne).
He is also very small and cute. People can't help but dote on him. He is also so excited to finally participate in the world, but feels the tiniest bit of trepidation. He is growing bit by bit every day! Basically he would belong at Ra*bits is what I'm saying. If you ignore the whole assassin thing.
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amyreads · 1 year
Could you tell us your process for each chapter?
Sure! There's a bit of spoilers for chapter 2
So I use something called Scrapple. It's like a digital cork board and it helps me so MUCH, because you can organize the routes clearly and with clarity. For example, here's a piece of chapter 2 part 1:
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[Rowan's bus chat was deleted lol][Also, you can see that I added an extra scene]
But this help me visualize the routes and can break it down choice by choice. It's just so easy to visualize it like that, and you can customize however you want.
Before that though, I use a chapter beat sheet that I create, guiding me to the goal of the chapter. What do I want to share this chapter? What plotlines and storylines will be unraveled and focused on a little more? And then I have to decide how the ROs screentime will be divided up and why, to make sure if it's logical. And if an RO isn't going to get as much page time that chapter, I need to know why and if it makes sense narratively.
That's really it! Everything else is filling in the blanks and just having fun discovering for myself :) I do a lot of adding and deleting throughout the process, and it's about how well they blend together
(i hate scenes that skip. for example: i like scenes that lead to other scenes, which is partly why you get that small car ride wth v and g to get back to the hotel and have a chat with rowan instead of e just telling you and then skipping to when you arrive. i still do it of course, but if i have an idea that can avoid that, i choose it lol)
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mushiemellows · 4 months
for the ask game do you have things to say about kiwi n mozu ? its really cool to me that they got to be relevant in SRH, smiles. 12, 20, and 21
oh yes yes yes!! I looooved making them into real characters in SRH. For a lot of the headcanon questions, I'll be talking about the little things that i used to flush out their characters in my brain that then informed how I wrote them, if that makes sense.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
So I do hc them both as transwomen. This literally never comes up in my writing, but it's rooted in the canon backstories for both of them (unhoused in their teens, in the same way that Franky being trans has partial root in his parents kicking him out at 10. And the whole FF is clearly all queer coded, and a big part of why I write Zambai as gay). I also needed to give them slightly different motivators to differentiate them from each other. So Mozu's a little more serious, a little more Family focused, she's slightly more logistical. By the time I have them running the bar, she's handling more of the finances and things like that, where as Kiwi's more of the face bartender. Kiwi, on the other hand, is a little more invested in her friend group outside of the Family. Like, they're both friends with Tiff and the others, but Kiwi is more in that circle than Mozu is. Also, Kiwi's a lesbian, idk if the microscopic Kiwi/Nami subplot is ever picked up on, but I did write it that way. And it's not a hc, it's a style decision- Toei, I'm begging you to give these women their deserved melanin.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I mean, easy answer is Franky. Second easiest answer is each other. Third easiest answer is Tiff, but she's an OC so that doesn't count. I do think post-Franky leaving, Mozu and Zambai get closer as they both step up to fill his position, while Kiwi gets more invested in that secondary friend group. In the same tone as the Nami/Kiwi thing, I actually do think those two would get along if they spent more time together. I think Nami would like both sisters under different circumstances, we're just never really shown them. On the flip side, I have Robin and Mozu getting along slightly better. It's the interlocking big sister-little sister dynamics, on repetition, if that makes sense. But less properly sisterly, more just complimentary.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Oh I loooooooove writing when they both tell a story at the same time. One of my favorite scenes to write was them essentially recapping the first third of the plot to Zambai, it's so much fun letting them bounce off each other and finish each other's sentences. They need to be their own characters, but I also love when they get to combine (they are like crystal gems to me). What I don't like? I don't like how little I have to work with. There's just scraps in the canon, so I had to build a lot of them up myself. In a way this was a bit of a blessing, they got to be whoever I needed them to be as long as it supported whatever Franky was up to, but it was still a challenge. Also- the true hardest part was the hours I spent remembering which was which and which was older (Mozu is younger and is the one in yellow, Kiwi is older and is the one in pink. it took me 13 chapters and 275k to cement that in my brain and I'm still certain I got it wrong at one point or another. I had to make a nemonic device.)
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edai-crplpnk · 4 months
Torune or Kakashi (character list)
For this character ask game
I'll start with Kakashi cause he will probable be easier 😆
favorite thing about them: ... Gai? More seriously, I like their plotline of self destruction and martyrdom and being forced to overcome that, but I don't think I like it so much each individually as I like them together.
least favorite thing about them: Don't touch children's butt even in a fight, Kakashi.
favorite line: chose between "I need to protect him." in Shippuden 288 or "He's nice, isn't he?" in Konoha Shinden (he's a simp)
brOTP: Idk if that really answers the question, but I like his relationship with Team 7 when they are more grown up and he is less their teacher and superior, and more like an older friend to them. I'm soft about teens becoming adults, and I like their dynamic!
OTP: KakaGai ofc, we all know the truth
nOTP: outside of the obvious Kakashi/any Team 7? not much tbh. But there's also not really any ship I'm enthusiastic for outside of KakaGai
random headcanon: I'm not sure the man can read. He left school at 5. I think 10yo Kakashi thought if he held a book in public at all times no one would realise he's barely litterate, and by the time he realised what the content of the book was, he already had a reputation made and so he's been "the guy who reads porn in public" for the past two decades because there was no coming back. His writting is that of a 6yo kid and someone has to write all the official paper for him once he's Hokage.
unpopular opinion: He works paired with Iruka but only if you acknowledge his inherent patheticness. KakaIru sucks as long as it's "cool and strong and mysterious military man and his soft and nice teacher boyfriend". But I can get behind "overworked and tired middle school teacher has no patience left for whiny boyfriend who has forgotten how to interract decently with other human beings".
song i associate with them: I'm not very good at songs but I'm thinking maybe Veux-tu danser ? by Gris. For the lyrics much more than the song itself. "You cannot touch me because I carry the worst of infections. I spread it to the ones I love at the whim of impulsions. I never wanted to propagate this heineous bacteria. Plese forgive, I should have staid stuck in your lives. Why do I have to bear this terrible curse? And most importantly, why did you have to love me back?"
favorite picture of them: I have to give a shout out to Kishimoto's iconic double pages
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The details in the eyelid and lashes? The concept of him only crying from Obito's eyes and never his own? Excellent.
Now Torune!
favorite thing about them: His sacrifice for Shino is obviously touching, but it's also pretty fucked up and sad too. It makes mewonder about his father and their relationship. Presumably Shikuro died when he was little, if he was raised alongside Shino by Shibi? I wonder how much Torune got to know him, if he's grown up at least for a while with someone who had the same type of hive as him, what their place was inside the clan and how he's been raised to come to think of himself that way.
least favorite thing about them: Too little screentime 😔 and also tbh not the greatest fashion sense of all Aburame, but he gets a pass for being naked half of the time
favorite line: He doesn't have much lines in the manga, and while he may have some nice ones in the anime episode with the flashback of his childhood with Shino, I don't have access to it and I don't know it very well.
brOTP: Shino seems like an obvious choice! We need a "Danzou doesn't exist and all is well" AU
OTP: It's gotta be Fuu. I can happily see them as friends to but if he had to be with someone it'd be him.
nOTP: I think the truth is, I never really have any big nOTP
random headcanon: I assume Torune isn't his birth name. Loosing your name when entering the Root is shown as a big thing for Sai and Yamato. I like to make myself sad thinking about Shino only knowing his birth name, and not recognising it when people who have seen him, for example at the Gokage Summit, mention him by his Root name. Maybe Shino calling him his birthname when they meet during the war and Torune hearing it for the first time in over a decade.
unpopular opinion: I don't think there's enough fandom opinion about him for any to be unpopular haha
song i associate with them: I'm not sure it makes any sense but I thought of Isara by Eluveitie
favorite picture of them: Him carrying Fuu in piggy back just makes me soft. More generally they seem to have a love of trust and affection for each other. I like it.
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orionsangel86 · 11 months
Welp. Okay I watched the last episode of ofmd.
To sum up my thoughts on this season I will say that whilst I enjoyed it and felt the love and passion and respect for its queer fanbase throughout, it didnt hit me the same way the first season did. It felt like maybe a little bit of that season 1 magic was missing and for that I very much blame Max's cutting off 2 episodes and slashing the budget. They had a lot of story they wanted to tell that would have worked so much better in 10 episodes.
I consider the last 3 episodes of season 1 some of the best TV I have seen in my life. From the use of The Chain in ep 8, through the dramatic highs and lows of eps 9 and 10 it was edge-of-your-seat drama and I was in awe at the creators that put it together. But one of the reasons why those 3 eps were so good is because the drama and the pivotal moments were given time to breath.
If those 3 eps were given the same lack of time and budget as season 2, no doubt they all would have been crammed into 1 episode and it would not have had the same impact.
If anything that last episode should have played out across two, with Izzy's death being the half way point and cliffhanger ending leading to a final battle and somewhat happy resolution.
I'm not mad at Izzy's death. If anyone was gonna die, it was gonna be him. His status as Blackbeards enabler and sometimes mentor is over. For Ed to truly be free, I think Izzy always had to go. From a storytelling perspective it makes perfect sense, even though I am sure a lot of fans are absolutely heartbroken about it.
Another casualty of the reduced screentime meant certain original cast members weren't given anywhere near the amount of screentime they should have had. I was expecting a lot more focus on Jim as they were basically the third lead of s1 due to them getting the same backstory as Ed and Stede. All of the crew appear to have had drastically reduced parts which does feel like a big loss to me.
Its funny actually, OFMD S2 suffered from the opposite problem to GOS2. OFMD had too much story to tell in a limited timeframe, GOS2 had very little story to tell outside of the flashbacks and probably too much time given to it. Both shows season 2s suffered from tremendously bad pacing issues.
Also, the one thing the final episode made so obvious to me, is the uncertainty of getting a s3 renewal. It is so clear in the way they tried to wrap things up in a happy bow as best they could, so that if they do get cancelled it leaves fans at least somewhat satisfied. I hate this though. I hate that studios are so fickle and ruthless that creators have to gamble with good quality writing and avoid cliffhangers because of asshole executives who dont actually care about the stories.
Because of the fast pacing, and the fear of cancellation, it felt more like a rush happy ending instead of a part way point in a bigger story, with important character development still to come. Perhaps I need more time to absorb the story in a full rewatch, but im not exactly itching for more at this point, whilst also not really being satisfied with what I got either. I wish we had left Ed and Stede in at least some minor peril, like have them captured and threatened with hanging but at least in a good place romantically, so that we can start speculating about what kind of escape plan they will come up with in season 3. Leaving them in a dilapidated old inn somewhere just felt wrong to me. Instead of ending the season with the stakes sky high (like season 1) it feels like they left season 2 with zero stakes at all, instead of at least a happy medium. At this point we should be turning to fanfiction and wondering what happens next, but instead I'm left thinking "okay then. That was good. What can I watch next?" I don't need to bury myself in fanfic and fanart to feed the hyperfixation this time around, and that is where I feel the most loss.
I'm sure others will have hugely different reactions to me though. Perhaps my expectations were too high? Perhaps my GO obsession just isn't leaving room for OFMD this time? But then again, I think if GOS2 hadn't ended the way it did, I wouldn't still be so obsessed with that either.
Sigh. I dunno. It was a good fun show and will no doubt still be hugely popular with devoted fans, but for me I just can't say it cast the same spell over me as it did last year.
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For character ask game: Gabe-1,2,14,18,20
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Aaah it's so difficult to put it into words. I generally really like characters who are "normal" and achieve everything because of their dreams, motivation and hard work and Gabe is literally "just some guy", he's our best look into Shuriki era Avalor and literally, his whole story and character development could have not happened if not for one decision made not even by him, that we didn't even see in the show (him being made Elena's guard) and then if he didn't PUT HIS WHOLE HEART INTO IT!!!
And it's just that, I love how he changed throughout the show, how we see more sides of him and outside of that first promotion, everything that happens to him he has to work for (and tbf he probably had to do something meaningful to become Elena's guard too). He has big ambitions and a big heart which is literally the best combination.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Hmm maybe how he never gives up? He might not believe in himself, he might be beaten or humiliated, it might seem hopeless, but he'll always stand up and fight for what he believes in.
And my second favourite thing is definitely how much he loves his friends and family <3
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Guard uniforms
Zbbdhzhs okay no, I have this one half-serious headcanon that Gabe is actually very knowledgeable in fashion, he just always wears the uniform because it's just the most comfortable given that he's almost always on duty when we see him. And it would probably be easier if I knew anything about fashion
But okay I tried putting together a little visualization!
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So I definitely think that Gabe's personal style is definitely very simple and as much as he cares about looking well put together, he doesn't care all that much about what he wears, so what he has in To Queen or not to Queen I think is actually pretty realistic. But if I was to design him a casual outfit I'd say that he takes a lot of inspiration from Antonio Agama, since he's such a great fan of his, so he definitely goes for the "adventurer" vibes. So high boots with tucked in pants, a simple shirt with rolled up sleeves, except I'd give him a neckline more similar to Naomi's and an ascot, like Mateo's except maybe tied more loosely (he bonds with Mateo by going ascot shopping together.) As for colors I'd put him in warm, earthy tones - browns, beige, red, maybe some khaki, and navy for more elegant occasions (yes, because of his uniform)
And I know that's not what the question was about but I also started thinking about his style in the sense of modern fashion.
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I think he'd still dress in a kind of military-but-casual style, he wants his clothes to be practical first and foremost. I allowed myself to give him a bit more accessories, since again, he's not flashy but a watch is just a useful thing to have. The paracord bracelet I imagine was a gift from some friend who thought that he should accessorize more XD and he wears it because hey, you never know when you might need a piece of rope. Also Gabe strikes me as the type to always be warm, so it's t-shirts for him for the majority of the year, but he'd look great in a biker jacket, you can't convince me otherwise. (Bonus not included: given how big of a fan of Antonio Agama, he definitely owned an Indiana Jones type of hat at some point and thought it made him look so cool. He still wears it sometimes when he's out of town with his closest friends and it kind of grew into an iconic part of his wardrobe between them.)
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
His friendship with Elena! Cause really, it's so diverse, since it's so full of contradictions and they're basically opposites in many aspects, but through all of this they just care for each other so much and it's just- A
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I'll be sharing my "Gabe and Rico are friends" propaganda until the day I die, I fully believe they are friends and in fact have been almost since the beginning of Gabe's time in the guard (okay, so maybe they weren't that close pre The Curse of El Guapo, but I still think they were at least work friends and definitely became closer with time, you can pry their friendship from my cold dead fingers)
Thank you so much for sending this ask!! As you know, I love talking about Gabe zbsggs
Ask game
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ddreamzee · 2 years
My Top 10 BL Dramas of 2022!!!
I figured I would also make my list of my favorite bls that came out this year (and ended this year) so here are my picks!
1. Love In The Air (Thailand)
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I think most people loved this series this year and it’s not very hard to see why. the couples are immaculate, the spicy scenes are SPICYYYY and the storyline is actually interesting. the couples also got equal amounts of screentime and each of their stories made coherent sense. i personally loved phayu and rain a tad bit more than prapai and sky but i love both either way. chef’s kiss
2. KinnPorsche (Thailand)
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once again I think most people love this series. I waited so long for this series and almost didn’t watch it bc I was annoyed it took so long lmao. but i’m glad I gave in and watched it anyways. this is art. this is how you do a mafia drama, this is how you act, this is how you depict love, lust, hatred, betrayal, all of the above. i thought i liked kinn and porsche the most out of the couples but after going through my saved videos I have found myself to be a clown, apparently I was subconsciously obsessed with vegas and pete.
3. Cherry Blossoms After Winter (S. Korea)
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LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!! THIS SERIES!!! IS SO FUCKING GOOODDDD!!!! i love cherry blossoms after winter so damn much. it’s so fucking cute and i love the characters so much, especially taesung. oh my boy taesung! he is such an angel pls. i always expected something bad to happen while watching this but I was so happy when nothing did happen. even when taesung’s mom found out they were together, haebom and taesung both stood their ground for their relationship although haebom was hesitant to even start dating taesung bc he was worried about his mom. but this is definitely one of my favorite korean bls
 4. Cutie Pie (Thailand)
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this is a very obvious choice. zee has been one of favorite actors since why r u so i was so damn excited about this. i really liked it and it was different for thailand, an arranged marriage bl series. i also really enjoyed the side couples in this, especially nuea and syn. in my opinion this series wasn’t completely perfect though, there were times i felt like things were a little too slow or a character would get on my nerves *cough* kuea *cough* but i’m really hyped for the special episodes and zeenew’s series coming in 2023
5. Takara-kun to Amagi-kun (Japan)
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I love love LOVED takara kun to amagi kun. it was so cute, both takara and amagi are literal angels. it was pretty natural too like it didn't feel really forced and I loved when amagi would get all excited and like mess with takara or drag him around and takara just went with it bc he was so utterly in love with this boy. nothing but love for my two angel boys
6. Cherry Magic The Movie (Japan)
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the original series was so fucking good so i KNEW this was gonna be good but i didn’t think it was gonna THIS fucking good. this movie was everything i think all of us wanted it to be and more. i could not ask for anything else, this movie knew what it needed to give and it GAVEEEE. it was so cute and the serotonin boost i got while watching this, i felt like a lovesick fool smiling throughout the entire thing. it was certainly a perfect ending for this amazing series.
7. Senpai, Danjite Koidewa! (Japan)
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japan was GIVING in 2022. i cannot even begin to explain how in love i was with this series. even i was surprised at how much i loved it bc i usually don’t really like workplace/ office bls, i really don’t, but something about this year made me overcome that dislike and i was obsessed with so many workplace bls this year, i think this series is the one that started that trend for me.
8. Love Stage!! (Thailand)
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so this series was so unexpectedly good. the original anime has always been one of my favorites so i was so hyped about this. i saw the japanese adaptation that came out in like 2020 which was umm.....something. i will say that this was MUCHHH better than that. especially since it was kaownah and turbo, made it so much better, they were perfect. i remember while watching this there were so many issues with episodes like audio, quality and subtitles wise, like there was always something wrong. despite that though i got through it and still enjoyed it. the side couple was also really good. since this series revolves around celebrities, managers and the entertainment industry it gave very much war of y vibes but like not as dramatic(?)
9. My Secret Love (Thailand)
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everybody and they mamas was hating on this series and i never knew why, i felt like i was the only one enjoying it? i loved all the couples (especially park and lee) and like it was pretty much just a lighthearted university bl which i’m quite a sucker for tbh. i do admit some scenes were a little.....?? much? unnecessary? but overall i loved it, and the ost is such a bop, one of the few thai bl osts i really enjoy, bc it’s jeff satur so of course.
10. Oh! Boarding House (S. Korea)
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do not ask me why i loved this series so much, i really do not know. i feel like it just really stuck with me throughout the year and even till now i catch myself thinking about it for no reason. like there were so many good korean bls this year but this one was slightly different. i loved the main couple and i just really enjoyed the other side characters as well. it was like a found family kind of situation and it felt really cozy, fun and relaxing to watch. like while watching it, is almost felt like hanging out with friends? idk if you haven’t seen it pls go watch it and maybe you’ll understand what i mean.
Honorable Mentions!
- Triage (Thailand)
- Plus and Minus (Taiwan)
- Semantic Error (S. Korea)
I would say overall this was a good year for bl, it seemed like there was a new series almost every week and there was always something to watch. also the influx of korean and japanese bls this year was surprising but they were all decent, they are pretty much on the same level as thailand at this point, but i think thailand is still number 1 in all things bl.
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p-receh · 8 months
Sorry i'm bothering you again with the elements (sadly i'm not patient enough to wait for your boel post 😔)
One thing i find really fascinating is how certain elements get along better with specific kokotiam + certain fandom hcs that i adore
Halilintar despite butting heads with fang a couple times seems to get along/work with fang the most (granted this could be the cause of petir/hali being boi's go to elemental). Another fun hc that is.. kinda(?) Confirmed is that Hali and Ying do races
Taufan always seems to get along great with Yaya, we all know the infamous cookie episode but Taufan canonically likes baking and is actually pretty good at it! Some parts of the fandom also likes to believe that Yaya is just specifically bad at making cookies.
But is pretty good (at least edible) in other foods and pastries. Another reason why both can get along great is bcs taufan can fly so there was a moment where the fandom hc that Taufan and Yaya occasionally travel together and later cook/bake the cultural food they're at (pretty sure it was during 'Fly with Yaya' this hc was pretty big). Bonus: the rest of the kokotiam later on join these 2 on their travels
Blaze and by extension ANY of TTM get along great with Gopal
Ais also gets along great with Gopal
Duri seems to get along with anyone but we see more interaction of him and Fang
Solar is actually probably the only difficult one since we know the least about him and he has so little screentime and barely interacts with the rest of kokotiam T^T but there are 2 hcs
The first (and this was before Sori aka before we know hes an overthinker) is that hes really close with the girls. Him and Y&Y have a study group and/or occasional research sessions
The second is that hes close with Fang, granted this one is more of the fandom wanting that Sun and Moon / light and dark being close trope (to the point between the elements, solar was a favored elemental to be ship be-it platonically or romantically with fang)
Gempa is the only exception. He gets along with everyone, probably has smth to do with him being the most like regular boi
P.S i know all the elements get along with all of Kokotiam (they are all boi after all)
Yeah yeah, my bad anon for keep you waiting.
I'm honestly so disappointed at myself that I missed so many things during my absence.😔
But anyway, yeah. I noticed all Kokotiam (or Kokotaim? I personally prefer the former one ^^') gang already know each of the elementals and they already make bonds outside of TV and comic series. Hence why we got so many small strip comics and official images like these
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And this also goes back to my previous rants about elementals in this post.
Uwaaa makes me jealous to all people know this sooner T_T
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e-lisard · 3 months
Counting Down
Characters: Shimura Kyomi, most of the Twisted Wonderland students, although the ones with the 'most' screentime are Epel Felmier, Jack Howl, Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Floyd Leech, Leona Kingscholar, Rook Hunt, Malleus Draconia, Idia Shroud and Kalim Al-Asim
Story: Descend Into Magic
CW: none
WC: 569
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"How long do we have left?"
"Seven days, my Queen."
"Hm. Better hurry it up, then."
"Don't worry, Riddle, six days is plenty of time, still."
"I'm well aware, but what if something goes wrong and we need to start all over?"
"Hahaha, stop stressing, I've got pictures so it won't take as much time, even if everything somehow went wrong."
"Five days and then Shrimpy is gonna get got!"
"Hehe, thank you, Floyd."
"I'm sure our valued customer will be quite happy to... Get got, as you put it."
"Four more days..."
"Four more days?"
"Malleus, don't tell me you forgot what we've been planning for this entire time!"
"Ah- of course I didn't, Lilia."
"Three more days and then the omnivore gets the shock of his life."
"Shishishi, he'll never expect it."
"Eh?? Ortho, why didn't you tell me earlier? Two days is way too little time to prepare myself!"
"Sorry, Idia... But it's just our friend! I'm sure you'll be fine!"
"Stop running, Kalim. You'll trip."
"I can't help it! I'm just so excited! Tomorrow it's all gonna happen!"
"Man, y'all really have been dragging me everywhere these past few days." Kyomi shakes his head as he lets Epel drag him towards yet another destination. Luckily, this time it's Scarabia dorm, rather than any of the other places they've been so far.
"It's for a good cause." Jack nods as if he's trying to convince himself, his tail wagging faster than Kyomi has seen so far.
"Yeah, just let us take the lead, Kymi." Ace throws an arm over his shoulder, putting more than a little bit of weight on him.
"We've been very busy to make sure everything went right." Deuce smiles at him, soft and gentle.
"And no one is gonna tell me what it's all about?"
"Nope!" It's not often the four of them are completely in sync, but now is one of those times they are.
Well, whatever. Kyomi will just let them do what they want, if it makes them happy.
He's dragged through the yard in front and into one of the bigger-
"Happy late birthday!"
- into one of the bigger rooms, where his friends are gathered with cake.
"... Thanks?" Kyomi tilts his head, laughing a little. Yeah, this... Is not what he had expected. "This explains a whole lot."
"Shrimpy!" Floyd picks him up, squeezing him tightly but not painfully. "We planned it all out together! Exactly a month after your birthday!"
"Woulda been on your birthday, if you'd told us," Leona says, rolling his eyes.
"That's..." Kyomi flushes, ducking his head. It's not his fault, okay? He's just only celebrated his birthday a few times, so he tends to forget it's a thing.
"Oh, stunning!" Rook places his hands on Kyomi's cheeks, making him look up. "That colour on your face! Beauté!"
"I hope you enjoy your late birthday, child of man." Even Tsunotaro is here...
"Thanks, guys," Kyomi says, trying to blink away the tears welling up. Ridiculous, just because they're throwing him a birthday party he's suddenly getting emotional?
"Hope you have many more, or whatever..." They even dragged Idia out of his room? That- wow. They all really care about him, huh.
"Well, if everyone's here, let's get this party started!" Kalim grins, hitting the play button on the speaker.
... Yeah, Kyomi loves his friends.
Flash Fiction Friday taglist: @flashfictionfridayofficial
Descend Into Magic taglist:
General taglist: @simkarta333 @sparrow-orion-writes
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months
rewrites with Millie after she was trashing the show a little, talking about how she can't wait for it to end so she can move on. Maybe the DB were like - oh, bet? Screen time slashed, have fun.
tbh the duffers also appear as mysteries to me, as well as mbb and the rest of the cast. theyre all outcasts in their own subtle ways, despite being big stars. i think they stayed those original kids at the back of the bus. for example, noah seems mainstream and basic bitch in his pop taste (<3) but i think he's a secret weirdo haha! he's just very quirky in how he even answers interview questions, so i can only imagine his true humour and chat when he's in private spaces with loved ones.
then there's millie, and i know you get bad vibes, but she confuses me! she seems really easy to have a laugh with, but the kind of friendship for me that could never go too deep. i would find myself gravitating towards her but wonder why, and wishing i could be closer with someone more reserved like finn i think. because thats more my kind of person and i love deep conversation and friendships. but i would have to make much more of an effort to go over and talk to finn and get to know him. this is all hypothetical if i worked with them lol.
so its like, mbb also seems kinda mainstream, but shes a weirdo too. she bought a house right next to her parents and she basically has a small farm holding. thats not normal by society standards, but it's not bad either - she seems kinda old fashioned, wanting to keep a community and family nearby, when so many young stars jet off to live in hollywood in a big empty mansion. and her product lines are so childish in their aesthetic and style, all that lavender and lilac, but she's also oddly mature and getting married this year? its so odd to me.
and captains of the weird ship - the duffers! when the show dropped most people i knew didnt even think they were real. just a pseudonym or something haha. theyre siblings and twins who work professionally together - already odd, somehow they manage such stress in a way most siblings could never. theyre clearly unhinged in the best way as can be seen in the thematic content of their show (true artists always are lol) and they give a chaotic energy where you never know their true intention: the show itself is somehow simultaneously wildly cheesy and yet completely unpredictable and genuine.
but in response to your original point, i think they do very much write for the actors, as can be seen most in dustin's spoken details in the show about his condition. we'll have to see if s5 drops mbb's screentime (i personally think that was inevitable whatever happened offset), and i havent seen these interviews where she said she cant wait for it to be over - but i certainly think they wrote for noah and finn's chemistry. perhaps not the storyline itself, but the details, certainly. you can see it in how they deliver lines - clearly deviating from the scripts and inhabiting these characters, riffing a little.
Thank you for sharing!!! All fair insights! ❤️❤️
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scalproie · 1 year
the story in general: enjoyable if you take it as face-value and dont dig deeper than the surface level, also if you dont have any passionate attachments to what came before.
the earthrealm champions storyline: genuinely liked it. Kung Lao/Raiden/Johnny/Kenshi's introduction and characterization were strong enough to carry them through the story. It was pretty easy to fill the gaps between timeskips and the dynamics were enjoyable
the outworld storyline: lots of players in this one but having a clear villain (shang) that ties everyone's motivation together makes it easy to follow. Overall I did like it.
the lin kuei storyline: as per usual, its isolated from everything else, but it's given NO screentime to actually develop, and even seem like an afterthought. I'd even dare say that with a little tweaking, you could remove them completely and the story would be no different. The only thing accomplished here is making explaining who the characters are harder than necessary, and I swear if I see one more person with vague knowledge of what theyre talking about trying to explain them to people who know even less and getting it absurdly wrong because of this game, I'm going to lose it. By far my biggest disappointment.
The timelines shenanigans: in a weird limbo where it's simultaneously too much focused on and not touched on enough. It felt like it was here for spectacle rather than smth they genuinely wanted to explore, but then again we have one interactions thats kinda sweet and satisfying. Overall, the entire story revolves around this so its pretty solid? but I also did not quite like it on a fundamental level. So it was... whatever.
Liu Kang: the closest thing we have to a clear protagonist, as he ties everyone together, which is fitting for his role both out and in-universe. I dont mind him even tho he is definitely flawed as its impossible to write a character with that much control as 100% good (we wouldnt have a game otherwise). Think he shouldve kept the white god hair tho.
Raiden: his role being switched with liu kang's was expected and the logical following of their storyline in mk11, I am more than fine with that. Raiden feels like himself in a different circumstance. I sure do wish his electricity was inherent to him and not the product of an amulet tho, I have no idea why this change was made. I did like him overall.
Kung Lao: Kung Lao is consistent in his characterization and this familiarity made me like him even more than usual. He gets really sidelined early on but I know the chapter system is to blame for that. There is a lot of cute moments involving him.
Johnny Cage: god, the writers fucking ADORE him do they? As one of mk's sole comic relief characters, I get he is the only one able to deliver a bit of comedy to the mix but fucking hell they almost abuse him in that regard. BUT they also give him a shocking lot of nuance too? The scene with his future ex-wife and everything involving kenshi? He gets a LOT of screentime and development and he is nothing BUT characterization, hence why, as someone who doesnt care that much about him, at one point it starts to feel really fucking unfair. Johnny is fine but I have to check myself because if I get too much exposure to him (which is inevitable) he genuinely starts to piss me off so fucking bad
Kenshi: he's fine. Kenshi here, like Johnny, is a character that isnt tied to anyone else, so the both of them having a joined development thats resolved in this very game is pretty good. I dont have a lot of things to say about Kenshi, he complete his arc and gets his job done in the narrative.
Geras: Geras has only been in one game prior so he does not have overwhelming expectations weighing him down. I really liked him here, his relationship with Liu Kang really does both of them favor.
Sub Zero: Bi-han fit the antagonistic role he was given well enough. Sadly it comes at the price of his already feeble reputation of an originally neutral character. But even when I lower my expectations, here he is given no nuance and no room for growth, not in a satisfying way anyway, as things are right now. The "depth" (read: one or two lines) he is given feels more like inconsistence on the writers' part than him having complex feelings. As usual, he COULD have been great, but he isnt. I'm really disappointed.
Scorpion: Utterly Unrecognizable. He is not fully Kuai Liang on account of being Scorpion, and he is not fully Scorpion on account of being Kuai Liang. This isnt a character, this is a checklist: 1) get the scar (Kuai Liang part) ✅️ 2) be shirai ryu (Scorpion part) ✅️. He is the only character to be given this treatment, or at the very least, the only one where its THAT noticeable because he is made of arguably the most popular characters of mk. We are missing CRITICAL parts of his and his brother's characters to make us care (his motivation comes from an unknown and unseen dead father that never existed before and such a massive big deal is never given development or focus, despite being all they're talking about), their entire storyline rely on nothing other than the HIGHLY popular rivalry between "Scorpion" and "Sub zero". No love and care was brought to his character, nor his brothers', nor his storyline.
Smoke: Smoke... sure as hell was there. Personal thoughts: but the more time passes the more I Do Not Like his characterization. He is written no longer as an equal to Kuai Liang but as what I can best describe as a sidekick, even moreso than usual thanks to him being written and played as younger than the brothers. Yet another thing I dont like about the Lin Kuei storylike. Literally miss (bi-han) after miss (kuai liang) after miss (smoke) for me. They're out.
Hanzo: genuinely ask yourself. Are you happy that hanzo is here? His presence in mk12 is the same as nrs holding up a cardboard picture of him so people wont be mad that he's absent. Everything that he had has been given to "scorpion" aka kuai. He cannot be important because he is young. And when we get a timeskip of him being finally being older then what? The only thing people want of him is dying and coming back as an angry wraith? That's all he is and will be? I'd rather have no Hanzo at all rather than him being stripped of what made him him and used in an unsatisfying way.
Harumi: Harumi went from being the wife of Hanzo Hasashi that dies to being the prize of Scorpion's character. She is finally given development but said development is so confined to the game she's in that it doesnt even matter to me, adding to the fact that they're going in a direction I find boring (to my tastes) with her.
Kitana: she was also there. Which is surprising because kitana always felt like... the protagonist when outworld was involved? While I understand her role, I personally am not that fond of her being relegated to a supporting character.
Mileena: she is an entirely new character with mileena as a basis. I think her story has holes but on the surface it gets the job done. She is definitely one of the more focused on character all the way til she gets her own chapter to conclude her arc, and she has plenty of relationships to bounce off of, so she's definitely one of the more rounded characters here. I dont mind her, but I cant hide personal pettiness that her popularity mightve been the reason why she's so important.
Sindel: I genuinely DID like sindel but I look at her and in the back of my mind there is always the devs' voices going "sorry sorry sorry". Still, I liked her. I liked her death also! It made sense and, while I think it couldve been done MUCH MORE EMOTIONALLY, Im fairly okay with the way it was done. Idk if her being a flawed leader is completely a feature or a bug but I did like it!
Li Mei: I literally did not care that much about li mei until the revelation that she and sindel used to be friends, and then a lot of things clicked together, so I would say THIS was good. Other than that, li mei is whatever to me.
Reptile: one of my main issue with him just boils down to him being hot. I do not mind him having one big monstery form and one human form, but the two are clearly not treated equally, and yeah yeah I know its easier with a human model or whatever BUT LITERALLY BARAKA EXIST. So him being "good looking" 75% of the time with sad backstory and an IMMEDIATE nice an easy going personality (even tho imo he should maybe be a bit angry and grieving that his fucking family died in the living forest until at least his own chapter) = the writers trying too hard for me to give him my sympathy. And I dont like being forced. Aka reptile lost most of his edge with me, it's like hes trying so hard to be likable he has no flaws and so he annoys me a bit in return. But I still like him. I SHOULD love him, so much even, but when I try there is always smth bugging me. I want him to be more fucked up, and no, eating a bug once (1) doesnt count, its what should be NORMAL for him.
Tanya: she's so weird to me. Tanya is mk12 is like, if she was from a mirror universe where she was the good version of an evil jade, if you get what I mean? She's not tanya in almost every way, yknow? Also, usually if you think the writing staff do anything with shipping in mind, you're reading too much into it, and shipping itself is not smth that's seen with respect... BUT THAT BEING SAID I genuinely wonder: if tanya/mileena had never been a thing, would they still had picked tanya for this role, or would they simply just have picked jade.
Rain: to fully appreciate rain you have to hunt down everything involving him in mk12, cutscenes in storymode, endings, intros... my man literally has SO little. But. What he has is literally so inoffensive to me, I actually quite like this rain a lot. He has his own thing going on and I like the direction it took!
Baraka: his inclusion feels like mileena's story was thought of first, and baraka's was built all around it to support it. No, I still dont like the tarkatans being a leprosy allegory now, and no, the new identity Baraka has doesnt do anything for me even if (or because) it was made completely out of nowhere for the purpose of mk12. People dont want SOME characters to suffer (even tho it makes for an interesting story), but when baraka is reworked into doing nothing but suffering, nobody bat an eye because he is no one's favorite. Also he is severely underused in story mode, where he could give us more insight on tarkat and the flaws of the regime, but doesnt. He also helps the earthrealmers out of the kindness of his heart but it really does feel a bit forced, especially when intros show he is not actually that kind in general. Still, just like reptile, I liked baraka.
Shao: funnily enough shao is given interesting depths in this story, but because shao has been an absolute fucking bastard in his 30 years of existence, nobody seems to notice or care. But I Do, despite myself I notice and care about whatever weird thing shao has got going on this time around. I know he has to be a lil bit problematic in there if I dig a little but nothing BIG on the surface so far??? And its the addition of MISGUIDED BUT NOBLE GOALS in shao that were previously non-existent thats so fucking weird to me. I'm literally looking at him under the microscope.
Reiko: Jobber Supreme. Reiko was funny. He is carried by his relationship to shao but it could legit be interesting so yknow what Im gonna let this silly fucking guy entertain me. What can I say, I like when villains have positive interactions and relationships.
Shang Tsung: Shang Tsung (both of them) was funny af. 10/10 no notes. Extremely entertaining. No fucking redeeming qualities. Critical amount of Kunt being served here. Evil and having fun about it. Caught being stupid in 4k by his own self. His plan(s) was pretty straightforward and I can appreciate that. I have nothing bad to say about Shang.
Quan chi: Quan chi was there to make funny faces and be mean gays with Shang Tsung. I dont mind him. Him being an outworlder and "turning white" is not smth I enjoy much tho, whats wrong with him being tied completely to the netherrealm?
Ermac: his design is something you eventually get used to. But as soon as you do he fucking get That Face. I swear I almost end up hating Jerrod in spite because of how they used Ermac. I cant deny it technically makes sense why they wouldve used him like that but I cant help it, I Did Not Like It. didnt liked it in mk9, dont like it now. I think I wouldve liked more the idea of Ermac being influenced by Jerrod rather than him being downright possessed by him. My opinion was much more scathing before the leaks but I have since calmed down a bit. But Ermac gets treated so badly in this game, he actually gets all my sympathy and more, compared to other characters.
Ashrah: Ashrah is okay. I like what she adds to the earthrealm team (and god know they needed her bc damn this was the no girls allowed club before she showed up) but I'm not sure I would enjoy her on her own without someone to bounce off of. Because she also was a character whole neutrality got removed to make her a fully good-aligned character. One thing that really endeared me to her tho was her "I've never had a home before!" line and the genuine happiness she showed there, I wish this part of her had been more explored. And she is also one of the characters that gets a lot more fleshed out in the intros to me. But still, like I said, Ashrah was okay.
Nitara: yeah the megan fox voice acting is objectively bad but it could also be way worse. I know its different bc this one is just an optional skin and not the character's actual voice but fucking listen to JCVD's voice acting. As for nitara, Im really sorry but it feels like she is just here to fill a niche, and said niche being "fanservice". So i'm really sorry for people who like her but yeah she is outshined by her VA and the "well she is a 3d era character that hasnt been shown for awhile so lets bring her back for the people" sentiment. As for her role in the story, I know we need jobbers but she is so isolated from everything they could remove her and it wouldnt change anything. Her personal motivation is not even given the time of day even tho it's the ONLY thing she has, so yeah Im having a hard time to care. Which is sad.
Havik: as soon as I saw his bio I knew he was going to be done dirty, the trailer he showed up in implied it but him having such a sympathetic backstory all but confirmed they were gonna go the "guy with good reasons to change the system fucking take it too far so you cant endorse him" trope with him. Everything with him seems a bit random (which is ironic considering he is mr. chaos) like, why is scorpion the one to give him his iconic open jaw look? (It also cements scorpion as the checklist character ngl). Anyway I do understand the reason for his inclusion as well as the story needing jobbers, doesnt change that I still think he's whatever tho.
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