#best commute
porcelain-paladin · 2 months
Me anytime there's a scene is WBN with Eursulon's theme in the bg or his family
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heatherwitch · 5 months
Hi, sorry if this has been asked before, but do you have any advice or resources you could point me to about being a spoonie or having low energy and practicing divination, like tarot? I've been having a hard time lately energy-wise, and wanted to ask
Hello! I have a couple posts that you may find helpful :)
First of all, this masterpost has all of my spoonie witchcraft posts linked in it:
This post is all about divination:
This one features some divination with limited movement:
Those two are my main posts that have divination in them but I do recommend perusing the masterpost I linked above, there’s a lot of resources there and many of them have contributions from some fabulous blogs!
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nixariel · 5 months
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CARMEN SANDIEGO (2019) + locations: Stockholm, Poitiers, and the Austrian Alps [7/?]
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pansyfemme · 4 months
yeah so regarding the shit ive been posting about lately: i am safe, i am okay, im staying with family for a little while until its safe to return to school and move dorms. i appriciate all the support and its been a really tough few weeks, but im really trying my best to keep my head up. i love you all.
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kelpiemomma · 1 year
Rolling around a modern au where Ingo never got yeeted to Hisui and Akari still isn't dawn, but she does look an incredible amount like her. Akari works at gear station with the twins and bc she looks like dawn people often mistake her for the Sinnoh champ. Akari is the youngest of the gear station crew so everyone is constantly looking out for "the baby" (affectionate) Making sure the baby has her lunch, making sure the baby has all her hygiene needs, keeping the baby safe from people who want dawn's autograph or a battle. Akari left her family at the first chance, so the support of the gear station crew means everything to her. Maybe someone, a leftover from team galactic or team plasma, mistakes her for Dawn and thinks they'll get revenge on her and abduct her. Except they made a mistake, because they took gear station's baby and there will be hell to pay.
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serenpedac · 3 days
Also, answering this too----
8. Specific Scene that has stuck with you:
A smile shines through in his voice when he says, “I believe you are supposed to look up if you don’t want to miss your chance to make a wish.” Chuckling, she nudges his shoulder with hers—just how is she supposed to concentrate on falling stars when he does this to her?
(falling stars and Yael and Nate and binary systems!!! - no three body problem here--- although now I'm having LT thoughts ahhhhh)
17. Author you give sincere comments to and why:
(On 'when words' --- oh your writing has so much feeling - I feel the story the characters in the words!!! Letters and the forests on the edge of the sea, stripped driftwood. Morgan at the airport. A ring left in a bedside drawer. Ahhh!!!)
20. Fic(s) you used to reward yourself:
"After the concert finishes, they return to the garden where night has fallen. Except that instead of being greeted by darkness, they find lanterns strung between the trees in numbers beyond counting. Like stars descended to cast their light on this section of Earth. Like anyone else, she has heard the stories about the Gardens but had banished any fantasies she might have had far from her mind. This kind of thing would never be for her, yet here she is.
They walk underneath the glowing lanterns and it’s unreal. Dreamlike. At some point, her arm threaded through his has changed to their hands clasped together, fingers entwined and that—the warmth of him, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles every now and then—that is real enough.
And when she turns her head to look at him and he is looking at her, those feelings swelling in her chest are just as real."
('breath that passed from you to me' is one of my favourite stories and was a definite reward to myself- I have a very distinct memory of being on the london overground crossing the river on a gloriously sunny day reading the second chapter and just grinning like a fool at my phone as the city flashed by...!!!!)
Wonderful person <33333 Thank you so much for your message, I'm smiling so much right now! I love it when people tell a little about where they were/what they were doing when reading my fic, it makes it feel like, like my fic really was a part of their lives, no matter how small, and I'm so grateful that people chose something that I created to take that place. Does that make sense?
(Ohhh, no LT! Ngl, Will's comment/hallucination about Raj being chaos initially made me think it was about the three of them being a LT, but I'm kind of okay with how it was handled/it being there. Even if it was still painful. Honestly, Jin deserves so much better than someone who tells her to keep it easy on the science (I'd talk science with her all day))
(Okay, I will shut up about the Three-Body Problem. For now. While I reread your message and smile about it <3)
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saetoru · 8 months
it’s literally raining all week and i’m so miserable bc driving in the rain is literally the most unpleasant and stressful thing to me and everyone tells me im dramatic and it’s not that bad but it makes me upset driving in the rain i just want to curl in bed and sleep as the rain hits my window is that too much to ask :,)
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maranull · 11 months
I love writing.
I love creating stories. I love making characters and I love seeing them form personalities as the story evolves. I love pointless world-building and making the tectonic plates of a fictional world. I love strange new plans and creatures. I love. Writing.
I love hearing the pen squeak as I write, I love hearing the keyboard doing the clickity-clackity as I type. I love my fingers being in pain after a long session.
I love getting stuck on a scene. I love finding the solution. I love deleting paragraphs and how better the re-write is.
I fucking love writing. Be it fanfic or original works. I fucking love writing. Good or bad. I love it. To death and back.
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imperatorrrrr · 10 months
There’s a new interview with both Nino and Nico that aired yesterday here, but I’m geoblocked from watching it, but I was able to find this golden nugget featuring giggly Nico Hischier and his favorite cheese on Instagram, so enjoy!
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hesterias · 4 months
i cant listen to ‘heroes’ by david bowie anymore without thinking of @reconciledviolence729’s amazing fic 🖤
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woman-respecter · 4 months
apartment hunting in this city sucks
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aeongy · 2 months
I’m so convinced that when I move next week my depression will magically disappear and I will become the most balanced and joyful person ever
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tragedyposting · 10 months
I wish you could arrange google maps results by shortest transit commute. It’s going to take me so long to figure out what fabric stores I can get to without a car when I’m sure google maps could cook up a sorting algorithm easily. Anyone know anything that does this?
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
I think I may need to lower my standards orz
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ropertplant · 7 months
2019 production of a midsommer night's dream ft gwendoline christie viewing experience summed up
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themanwhowouldbefruit · 8 months
when i used to work in the depressing labor violations themed factory place around really loud machines and i had to wear earmuffs and i got the factory worker earmuffs with secret bluetooth speakers inside. and i was depressed and wanted to die for 8 hours every single fucking day for minimum wage. well oh boy my spotify playlists were so fucking fire back then <3
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