#best free educational apps for students
auspicioussoft01 · 2 years
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unschool · 2 years
Get trending online course certificates to start your career
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Undoubtedly, the IT industry will become more competitive as technology advances. Employees and employers recognize the significance of IT certifications to get an edge against other pools of IT professionals in the industry. Fortunately, Unschool brings online courses with a 100% internship program. The motive is to go the extra mile for their careers. We help students to earn knowledge and give them internship opportunities to get a brief understanding of the domain.
Trending IT Online Course Certifications
IT certifications are “designations demonstrating a professional’s competency in a specific facet of technology.” They are earned after an educational course. Participants must fulfill the standards required to prove they have the skills and knowledge about specific IT disciplines.
These certifications cover app development courses, advanced artificial intelligence courses, full-stack development courses, and much more. You can get in-depth knowledge and upskill yourself to crack a job.
If you want to advance your IT career, consider earning the relevant certifications from Unschool below.
1. Android App Development using Java
You will learn a mobile app development course for beginners to understand programming knowledge. After Java, we will take you through the basics of Android, followed up by animations, video playing, and android game designing. You will also learn how to integrate SQLite database and Shared Preferences, using external API to make weather data post calls and implementing FCM Notifications using Firebase.
2. Full Stack Development
The Full-Stack Developer course is designed to meet the changing role of developers in this world of ever-developing technologies. Get the chance to learn the entire process of development from industry experts! The course is designed with care for those with little to no experience in web technologies but who are eager to start a career. The course will enable you to design websites and web applications effortlessly.
3. Advanced Artificial Intelligence Certification
Artificial Intelligence marks the foundation of all the current trends like Machine Learning, Deep learning, Reinforcement learning, and more. Therefore, having foundations in Artificial Intelligence itself is critical and assists you in comprehending inside out to earn the required knowledge before jumping into Machine Learning and Deep Learning. However, it demands no background knowledge in Computer Science or Mathematics but the quest to learn and understand new stuff. So gear up for an advanced artificial intelligence course with Unschool now.
4. Advanced Python
The Advanced Python course gives you a walk-through of all the basic concepts in python. Also, the core concepts are explained along with advanced concepts of python to help you to get an array of knowledge in python that can be implemented in your real-time projects.
Elevate your career with Unschool
These certifications offer better job opportunities in the IT industry. However, IT professionals need enough experience, skills, and dedication to succeed in his/her career. While it may consume a lot of training, these certifications can advance their career, increasing their chances of getting hired and a higher salary. Certifications are an important part of boosting your career in IT by giving you an edge over the rest.
Unschool is an e-learning platform designed to bring out the best in you. In a world where learning only comes from our formative years in school and college. It is the new, easy, and definitive path for keeping up with the 21st century. It is the platform where you can finally stop trying to fit in a system crafted for the masses and learn in a unique way that brings out the best version of you.
Explore All Courses
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
The Best News of Last Week - May 15, 2023
🐕 - Now It's a Paw-ty
1. World's oldest ever dog celebrates 31st birthday
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Bobi was born on 11 May 1992, making him 31 years old, in human years. A big birthday party is planned for Bobi today, according to Guinness World Records.
It will take place at his home in the rural Portuguese village of Conqueiros in Leiria, western Portugal, where he has lived his entire life.
2. The FDA has officially changed its policy to allow more gay and bisexual men to donate blood
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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that they’ve eased restrictions on blood donations by men who have sex with men in an effort to address blood shortages. The new policy recommends a series of individual risk-based questions that will apply to all donors, regardless of their sexual orientation, sex, or gender. Gay or bisexual men in monogamous relationships will now be permitted to donate blood.
3. Illinois passes bill to ensure community college credits transfer to public universities
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The Illinois General Assembly has passed a bill that would help community college students transfer to public universities.
It would ensure that certain classes taken at community colleges could be transferred to any higher education institution in the state. Some schools currently only count community college coursework as elective credits.
4. Brazilian President Lula recognizes 6 new indigenous territories stretching 620,000 hectares, banning mining and restricting farming within them
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Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has decreed six new indigenous reserves, banning mining and restricting commercial farming there. The lands - including a vast area of Amazon rainforest - cover about 620,000 hectares (1.5m acres).
Indigenous leaders welcomed the move, but said more areas needed protection.
5. More than 1,000 trafficking victims rescued in separate operations in Southeast Asia
More than 1,000 trafficking victims were rescued in separate operations in Southeast Asia over the last week, officials in Indonesia and the Philippines said. 
Indonesian officials said Sunday they freed 20 of their nationals who were trafficked to Myanmar as part of a cyber scam, amid an increase in human trafficking cases in Southeast Asia. Fake recruiters had offered the Indonesians high-paying jobs in Thailand but instead trafficked them to Myawaddy, about 567 kilometers (352 miles) south of Naypyidaw, the capital, to perform cyber scams for crypto websites or apps, said Judha Nugraha, an official in Indonesia's Foreign Affairs Ministry.
6. A peanut allergy patch is making headway in trials
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An experimental “peanut patch” is showing some promise for toddlers who are highly allergic to peanuts. The patch, called Viaskin, was tested on children ages one to three for a late-stage trial, and the results show that the patch helped children whose bodies could not tolerate even a small piece of peanuts safely eat a few.
After one year, two-thirds of the children who used the patch and one-third of the placebo group met the trial’s primary endpoint. The participants with a less sensitive peanut allergy could safely tolerate the peanut protein equivalent of eating three or four peanuts.
7. Critically endangered lemur born at Calgary Zoo
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The Calgary Zoo has released pictures of its newest addition, a baby lemur. The zoo says its four-year-old female black-and-white ruffed lemur, Eny, gave birth on April 7. The pup’s father is eight-year-old Menabe. The gender of the pup has not been confirmed but the Calgary Zoo says the pup appears bright-eyed and active and is on the move.
The black-and-white ruffed lemur is registered among the 25 most endangered primates in the world, due mostly to habitat loss and hunting.
That's it for this week :)
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Turning Brain Dr. Preeti Tyagi: The Best Physiology Mobile App for Medical Students
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Turning Brain Dr. Preeti Tyagi: The Best Physiology Mobile App for Medical Students
If you are going to join MBBS 1st year Dr. Preeti Tyagi Turning Brain lectures are a must for you!
In the competitive world of medical education, finding the right resources can make a significant difference in a student's success. The Turning Brain app, featuring lectures by Dr. Preeti Tyagi, is recognized as the best physiology mobile app for medical students. This app has quickly become a favorite among MBBS students, especially those in their first year, offering a reliable and convenient way to study medical physiology.
Learn from the Best Physiology Faculty in India
Dr. Preeti Tyagi, widely regarded as one of the best physiology faculty in India, leads the educational content on the Turning Brain app. Her lectures are known for their clarity and depth, breaking down complex physiological concepts into simple, easy-to-understand lessons. The app covers all essential topics, ensuring students receive comprehensive knowledge that aligns perfectly with their curriculum.
Best Mobile Application for MBBS 1st Year Students
For MBBS 1st year students, having access to high-quality educational resources is crucial. The Turning Brain app is the best mobile application for MBBS 1st year students due to its targeted content and user-friendly design. Dr. Preeti Tyagi’s lectures are specifically tailored to meet the needs of first-year medical students, helping them build a strong foundation in physiology.
Interactive and Engaging Features
The Turning Brain app goes beyond just video lectures. It includes interactive features like quizzes, flashcards, and practice questions that help students engage with the material more effectively. These tools make learning more dynamic and help reinforce key concepts, making it the best physiology mobile app for medical students who want to excel in their studies.
Study Anytime, Anywhere
One of the biggest advantages of the Turning Brain app is its flexibility. Medical students have demanding schedules, and it’s not always possible to attend every lecture in person. With this app, students can watch Dr. Preeti Tyagi’s lectures anytime and anywhere, whether they’re on the move, between classes, or studying late at night. This makes it a top choice for students who need a flexible study tool.
High-Quality Content and Regular Updates
The Turning Brain app ensures that all lectures are delivered in high-definition video and audio, providing a clear and distraction-free learning experience. Moreover, the app is regularly updated with new content, ensuring that students have access to the latest information in medical physiology.
Affordable and Accessible
Education is an investment, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. The Turning Brain app offers various subscription plans, making it an affordable option for students. Compared to the cost of traditional coaching classes or buying multiple textbooks, this app provides excellent value for money, making top-quality education accessible to a broader audience.
The Turning Brain app, with lectures by Dr. Preeti Tyagi, stands out as the best physiology mobile app for medical students, especially those in their first year. With content from one of the top physiology faculty in India, interactive features, and the convenience of learning at your own pace, this app is an essential tool for anyone serious about mastering medical physiology. Download the Turning Brain app today and take the first step toward academic excellence in your medical career.
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alphaman99 · 1 year
government schools
Robert J. Borer
Aug 30
Dear Friends,
We’re going to be talking about what’s going on in the Burwell Public School system in a moment, but before we do, I’d like to say a word about government schools in general.
Quoting from the Preamble and Article 1-4 of our State Constitution:
We, the people, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, do ordain and establish the following declaration of rights and frame of government…
Article I-4.
All persons have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences. No person shall be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship against his consent, and no preference shall be given by law to any religious society, nor shall any interference with the rights of conscience be permitted. … Religion, morality, and knowledge, however, being essential to good government, it shall be the duty of the Legislature to pass suitable laws to protect every religious denomination in the peaceable enjoyment of its own mode of public worship, and to encourage schools and the means of instruction.
The first thing I want you to notice (from the Preamble) is that our freedom comes from God, not government. Therefore government can’t take your freedom away, unless YOU let them. That’s right—YOU have to let them.
If you want to be a citizen of a free state, you have a responsibility to help keep that state free, first by governing yourself under God, and second, by holding your government accountable, and by that, I mean accountable to the extent that, if necessary, you will assist in altering or abolishing that government, per the Declaration.
Our Founders did their best to provide checks and balances within government, but government still managed to corrupt itself. Checks and balances are only as good as the men/women who are supposed to be serving as those “checks and balances.” Our Founders knew that. That’s why they said We the People are the ultimate check and balance when they wrote the Declaration: “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [i.e., securing our rights], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”
Barring some future military/militia intervention (which I expect is coming), we can expect the men and women being s-elected (through our fake elections) to serve as checks and balances to be forever spineless to do what’s right.
“Religion, morality, and knowledge, however, being essential to good government….schools…”
Schools are predicated on the truth that religion, morality and knowledge are essential to good government. Said another way, “[true] Religion and good morals are the only solid foundation of public liberty and happiness.” (Samuel Adams)
Schools are supposed to to provide our youth with the kind of learning necessary to sustain Freedom/Liberty.
But that’s not what’s happening in our government schools today. The opposite is happening. The education of our youth has been hijacked by subversive forces. They bore students and brainwash them with immorality, idolatry and godlessness. They largely destroy incentive to learn.
The general public should not be paying for this pseudo-religious nonsense, nor for the associated sports entertainment.
When our Legislature sold the public on centralizing control of public education across our State back in 1972 (see here) they made it easy for subversives to destroy our state and country.
Schools should teach three subjects and only three: reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic. All other learning, beyond the moral influence of parents, flows from those three subjects.
If you want to learn how to truly educate your child, Dr. Art Robinson presents a brilliant model in his talk here:
Dr Art Robinson Explains the Robinson Curriculum
So what’s going on in Burwell??
This is what’s going on—social engineering and the moral corruption of our youth:
This information comes by way of Emily Swett, whose name I have permission to use.
Emily is standing up, fighting back and speaking out. I applaud her. You should too. Better yet, you should join her in her fight.
Emily has been to the local paper, and met with the superintendent and the teacher responsible for perverting our youth (my words) with the above material.
I’ll let you contact her to find out how those conversations went.
God bless you, Emily!! Thank you and keep up the great work.
The last thing I’ll share is this comment from John Roby in response to this post:
Aug 28
He made a gesture. He no doubt KNEW his bill would be DOA and he can then turn around and blame 'the process' for it. Lather, rinse, repeat. It's the same kind of kabuki theater we see at the national level with the GOP holding hearings and investigations and writing strongly worded letters and yet nothing real ever happens. You called him out on it and now he's upset. Boo hoo.
So LB228 says you have to show up, show photo ID and vote in person. To what end when your ballot is fed into a machine and it's a total mystery what happens after that? By the SoS (and other 'officials') repeated admission, We The People have no right to see the results of what those machines do and we're supposed to take it on faith that the multiple questions that have been raised about their integrity have been addressed. The laws are set up to thwart transparency, not provide it. And again, the people in charge smugly say, 'Well, we're just following the law.' There's what's legal and there's what's right. The two do not necessarily match.
We've had two elections stolen from us and showing up in person and voting with an ID are meaningless gestures until the these machines are removed from the equation. Sounds to me like Erdman is bought and paid for as well. Just another Uniparty hack.
That’s it.
God bless,
Robert J. Borer
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marlasomething · 1 year
The Street Where You Live (Bugborg Week - June 16)
Summary: Nebula is tired of Mantis being an useless student, so she decided that, instead, is going to waster her time with hear with small talk…apparently, none of them are good at speaking in a chill manner.
Relationships: Nebula/Mantis
A/N: Written for day 5 of @bugborgweek2023
Prompt: Based on a song
Word count: 920
CW: parental abuse, childhood trauma, mentions of death
Also on AO3!
Nebula didn’t understand why on Earth she had said yes to this job offer. Yes; she wanted to be able to leave home as soon as possible, and it wasn’t as if she had many talents apart from physical defence and formal etiquette (things that happen when your father is a mafia boss), but she had never been good with nice people of around her age…
Still, there she was, in front of a smiling girl a couple of years younger than herself, sitting in the most uncomfortable position imaginable while wearing green raggedy clothes. Between her posture and the outfit…she got why people called her Mantis. Also, she wished she could be squashed as easy as the insect, since this was already their fourth session and she couldn’t even choose the proper spoon for soup.
Still, she actually felt pity for the girl; all her siblings had died either under mysterious circumstances after having tried to face their father or in the line of duty while trying to make him proud. Mantis’ only reason to still be alive was that the 1920s weren’t exactly a progressive time, and his father wouldn’t allow a girl to either become part of the Army or the Police Forces, nor give her enough free space to get a formed opinion that would make her want to rebel against him.
Nebula hated his father; he was abusive and there was barely anything good to be said about him even outside of how he treated his multiple suspiciously adopted children, but, at least, he valued them having a mind of their own and didn’t care about their gender or interests under the sheets , as he called them.
“Ok, we are getting nowhere and after this I have to go and try to stole a prisoner from my sister so my father actually realised I am the best out of the two of us. Maybe I will kill him, just in case he decides to speak well of Gamora. He won’t be the first idiot falling for her…wonder why” she reflected out loud while sitting down. “…what do you like doing?”
“What do you mean?” the younger lady was clearly perplexed by the question.
“What do you like doing? For example: I like fighting and not having useless conversations”.
“This is a useless conversation, and that is not something you do. That is something you avoid doing…wait, do you only like the stuff your father thought you?”
Nebula scoffed.
“As if you were any different, Miss Perfect Mantis Planet” Mantis lowered her eyes, and Nebula thought she had hurt her with a far too brutal honesty. Then, before she could even form an educated opinion whereas that made her feel good or bad, the other young woman kneeled on the floor and dismantled a couple of wooden panels, to show a complete painting set, showing drawings of faraway lands.
“When I was little, my dad was an ambassador and we travelled a lot . I wish I could travel again…I really don’t care where, though I’ve heard Seville in Spain is really nice and hot; I am tired of London’s clouds. I also draw; feelings, mostly. I just…put the colours where the feelings would go. Of people, or for people. I like to make people feel things ; like I make you be frustrated”.
This shouldn’t have been enough for Nebula to open her absolutely hardened heart but, here was the thing: she was so unused to people being honest without being scared of her, or purposely cruel to her, that the difference was enough for her to do something that would commonly be absolutely out of character for her.
“Yeah, you are pretty good at this…I…I might like when…when I got people that also want my classes, but the self-defence ones, the crap that is actually fun and not only for appearances. Especially when it is when actual kids, not like you, I…think I kind of like kids”.
“I do too, but at a distance. Except for the girl of my bodyguard. She is really kind, and strong. Maybe you would get along. See? They are here” she pointed at a painting of a very muscular man with a woman and child, not small by any measures either. It was painting in warm, peaceful colours.
“Wait, why is it in this colours? Your bodyguard is pretty infamous for his violent temper and this, this brings me…”
“…peace, I know. Because that is who he really is, but don’t get it mistaken: there is also some aggressiveness painted into it. The only reason you don’t get it is because it is already too deep within you, but, don’t worry. I think your palette wouldn’t be as violent as you think either. Maybe…yes, a lot of blue”.
“A lot of blue for the murderous ginger? Yeah, sure”.
“Yes, sure . Now, let’s talk illegal, it’s always fun” she sat somehow in an even more uncomfortable position and, holding her head in between her hands, asked “what was your favourite place to go drink while pretending to be within legal age? I need names”.
Nebula contained a cackle and answered. Perhaps, this class would be a bit longer than usual.
Back on the street, Nebula observed the panel with the name of the street in which the Planet Household was situated “Gunn Street”.
She let a sight scape. She would be walking around said street much more from that moment on.
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evolvingshe · 10 months
Is the modern dating scene a product of our divided society?
As shocking as this title may sound, there have been multiple studies conducted by psychologists and sociologists about the deterrent effect of modern dating regarding the increase in population. Many may argue that options such as dating apps should be able to help singles find dates and get into relationships. But because of the constant availability of other, or “better” singles out there, the dating scene is met with a ruthless new phenomenon. “Situationships” better known as “delusionships” is the factor that is keeping people away from the dating pool. 
Many people take into account that due to our divided culture, it is harder to set aside differences to find a partner, and with that, I agree. In this post-2016 election dating pool, many singles consider voting decisions, alongside their career, education, salary, and whether or not they own a property before making their decision official. Why is that? Have we succumbed to becoming superficial and narrow-minded? 
I am no sociologist, but I know quick judgments result in lonely nights. As a college student, I understand the desire to be in a monogamous yet non-committal relationship. But that only exists in a world where STDs and constant communication exist, what I mean is this fallacy does not exist. 
As a twenty-something, I have made peace with the fact that my dating pool will be inherently barren until I hit 27, solely because I refuse to be in this constant loop of being like a girlfriend without the title. We as a society all collectively agree that free labor is cruel, and as college students, we would not be caught dead with an unpaid internship, but we allow ourselves to be in “almost relationships”. Due to these harsh conditions, there has been a rise in practicing celibacy, the act of withholding sexual encounters until emotional needs are met. This rise was originally seen as a side effect of the lockdown, but after open conversations on social media, the hashtag celibacy has surpassed more than 1.2 billion views.
 As an observer of these changes, the best way to explain modern dating is to view the change as if it were the real estate market. Back in the day, it was much easier to buy a house since there were fewer restrictions on home-buying, but to purchase a new property one needs a strong credit score, a loan, insurance, and also be able to buy the property in cash. The same could be said about dating, we expect too much in the worst way possible.
As a population, it is hard to admit that we have become blind to what truly defines a person and what makes a good partner. I can guarantee that an individual who is deemed “cool” most definitely lacks character, and is not dating material and we need to stop chasing people for the sake of a better status. Yes go out with someone who shares similar interests, but for the love of god DO NOT and I do mean this, but do not take someone off your roster because they have some differing views. Ask them about their opinions and be reasonable, this intolerance to any differences is not only leaving people alone, but it is creating insane division outside the dating scene. This notion of accepting differences goes a long way, accepting people for their values and their dating goals will not only make the dating pool accessible but also help heal other divided relationships. 
The final issue with modern dating is that we do not want to get attached or else we will get hurt, pain is inevitable, and any venture worth going into will cause pain. If we applied this mentality in all aspects of life, more would be done.
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sidbhat · 1 year
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newsinsight4u · 1 year
Best Apps for Students in Pakistan: Boosting Productivity and Learning
With the rapid advancement of technology, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives, offering countless applications designed to make our daily tasks easier and more efficient. For students in Pakistan, there are a plethora of apps available that can enhance their learning experience, boost productivity, and simplify various educational tasks. In this article, we will explore some of the best apps for students in Pakistan, providing a comprehensive list of tools that can help them excel academically.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a globally renowned online learning platform that offers a wide range of courses and educational resources. From mathematics and science to humanities and economics, Khan Academy provides interactive lessons and practice exercises for students of all ages. The app covers various subjects aligned with the Pakistani curriculum, making it an ideal choice for students looking to reinforce their knowledge and prepare for exams.
Evernote is a versatile note-taking app that enables students to capture and organize their ideas, lecture notes, and research materials in one place. With features like text recognition, voice memos, and file attachments, it facilitates seamless note-taking and ensures that important information is always at hand. Students can create notebooks for each subject, add tags for easy categorization, and even synchronize their notes across multiple devices.
Learning a new language can broaden horizons and open up new opportunities. Duolingo is a popular language learning app that offers courses in various languages, including Urdu, English, and other foreign languages. Through gamified lessons, interactive exercises, and personalized learning paths, Duolingo makes language acquisition engaging and enjoyable.
Maintaining focus and avoiding distractions can be challenging for students. Forest is a unique productivity app that helps students stay focused by gamifying the process. Users plant a virtual tree and set a timer for a specified period, during which they must resist the urge to use their phones. If successful, the tree grows, but if they exit the app, the tree withers. This visually appealing concept encourages students to stay committed and develop better study habits.
MyStudyLife is an all-in-one study planner app designed to keep students organized and on track with their assignments, exams, and class schedules. It allows users to input their courses, create to-do lists, set reminders, and even sync data with other devices. With its intuitive interface and comprehensive features, MyStudyLife serves as a reliable companion for students to manage their academic commitments effectively.
Effective written communication is crucial for academic success. Grammarly is a powerful writing assistant app that helps students improve their writing skills. It provides real-time grammar and spelling checks, suggests vocabulary enhancements, and offers insights on sentence structure and style. Whether writing essays, reports, or emails, Grammarly ensures that students' written work is clear, concise, and error-free.
NOON Academy
NOON Academy is an online tutoring app that offers personalized educational services to students in Pakistan. It provides live classes with qualified teachers who cover a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, science, English, and more. The app also offers exam preparation courses, interactive quizzes, and progress tracking features to help students monitor their performance. With NOON Academy, students can receive additional guidance and support to supplement their classroom learning.
In today's digital age, leveraging technology to enhance learning and productivity is paramount for students in Pakistan. The apps mentioned above offer valuable tools and resources to support students in their educational journey. From online learning platforms like Khan Academy and NOON Academy to productivity apps like Forest and study planners like MyStudyLife, these applications cater to various aspects of a student's academic life. By utilizing these apps, students can streamline their tasks, improve their learning efficiency, and excel in their studies. Embrace the power of technology and make the most of these apps to unlock your true potential as a student in Pakistan.
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unschool · 2 years
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Unschool: We provide the best Online courses with internship programs from top companies in every stream in 2022.
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codingguru123 · 2 years
Is Java training useful for future generations?
Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and it has been around for over 27 years. Since its creation, Java has become the backbone of many software applications and is widely used in the industry. Java training can be a valuable asset for future generations as it provides a strong foundation for computer programming and software development. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of Java training and how it can prepare future generations for success in the tech industry.
Java is widely used:
Java is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world, and it has become the standard for many software applications. It is used in web development, mobile app development, and enterprise software development. Java is also used in the development of games, e-commerce websites, and many other applications. Therefore, it is a valuable skill for anyone who wants to work in the tech industry.
High demand for Java Developers:
Java Developers are in high demand in the tech industry, and the demand is expected to grow in the future. According to a recent report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of software developers is projected to grow 22 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations. Therefore, Java training can prepare future generations for lucrative careers in the tech industry.
Java is versatile:
Java is a versatile language that can be used for a wide range of applications. It is used for everything from web development to game development, and it can be used on many different platforms. Java can run on Windows, Mac, Linux, and many other operating systems. This versatility makes Java a valuable skill for anyone who wants to work in the tech industry.
Java is easy to learn:
Java is a relatively easy language to learn, and it is an excellent choice for beginners who want to learn programming. Java has a simple syntax, and it is easy to read and understand. Java is also an object-oriented language, which means that it is organized around objects rather than actions or functions. This makes Java easy to learn and understand.
Java is free:
Java is an open-source language, which means that it is free to use and distribute. This makes Java an excellent choice for anyone who wants to learn programming without investing in expensive software. Java can be downloaded and installed for free, and there are many resources available online for learning Java.
Java is used in education:
Java is used in many educational programs, including computer science courses at universities and coding boot camps. Java is an excellent language for teaching programming concepts because it is easy to learn and understand. Java is also a great language for teaching object-oriented programming, which is an essential concept in software development.
Java has a strong community:
Java has a strong community of developers who are constantly creating new libraries and frameworks. This community is dedicated to improving the language and making it easier to use. This means that there are many resources available for Java developers, including documentation, forums, and open-source projects.
Why Learning Java is Important.
Learning Java is a valuable investment for anyone who wants to pursue a career in the tech industry. Java is a versatile language that is widely used in the development of software applications, and there is a high demand for Java developers. Pursuing a Java course from a reputable institute like Fullstack Guru can provide a strong foundation in Java programming and prepare individuals for success in the tech industry. Fullstack Guru offers the best java classes in Pune taught by experienced instructors who are dedicated to helping students succeed. With hands-on training and real-world projects, Fullstack Guru's Java course provides a practical learning experience that prepares students for a career in software development.
Java training is a valuable asset for future generations, as it provides a strong foundation for computer programming and software development. Java is a versatile language that is widely used in the tech industry, and there is a high demand for Java developers. Java is also easy to learn and free to use, making it an excellent choice for beginners who want to learn programming. Java is used in many educational programs, and it has a strong community of developers who are dedicated to improving the language. Therefore, Java training is a valuable investment for anyone who wants to work in the tech industry or pursue a career in software development.
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Dr. Preeti Tyagi: Best Medical Physiology Faculty in India
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Dr. Preeti Tyagi: Best Medical Physiology Faculty in India
"Turn Your Brain to Easy Way of Exam Preparation"
For MBBS 1st Year, FMGE, BDS, Nursing, MSc, Paramedical Students
Dr. Preeti Tyagi (MBBS, MD) has been established as one of the best medical physiology Faculty in India, renowned for her exceptional teaching methods and dedication to student success. With 15 years of experience in medical teaching, she has guided thousands of students across various disciplines, including MBBS 1st Year, FMGE/MCI, BDS, Nursing, and Paramedical courses, helping them excel in their Physiology exams.
Why Choose Dr. Preeti Tyagi?
Dr. Preeti Tyagi stands out as the best Physiology teacher in India, offering top-notch educational resources through her YouTube channel and mobile application named Turning Brain. This platform is tailored to meet the needs of medical students by providing comprehensive course materials and practice tests.
Turning Brain App:
 Turning Brain, the best Physiology Mobile App for Medical Students by Dr. Preeti Tyagi.
* Full Course Medical Physiology Lectures in a Hindi-English mix language.
* 2000 + MCQ Practice tests designed separately for MBBS 1st Year, FMGE, BDS, Nursing, MSc, and Paramedical students.
* Accessible and affordable educational content.
Exceptional Video Lectures at the Lowest Price
Dr. Tyagi’s video lectures cover crucial topics in Physiology and Anatomy, ensuring students gain a thorough understanding of the subject matter.
Turning Brain app offers an extensive range of video lectures across various units:
* Blood Physiology
* General Physiology
* Nerve Muscle Physiology
* Cardiovascular Physiology
* Respiratory Physiology
* Renal Physiology
With over 2,000 MCQ questions available, students have ample opportunities to practice and reinforce their knowledge, enhancing their exam preparation.
Free and Premium Content
Explore Dr. Tyagi’s teaching through free video lectures available on her YouTube channel and the Turning Brain app. The best YouTube channel for medical students. For a more comprehensive learning experience, students can subscribe to the Premium Membership on the Turning Brain app, unlocking access to all exclusive content.
Dr. Preeti Tyagi’s innovative approach to medical education has transformed the learning experience for countless students. By leveraging her extensive knowledge and dynamic teaching style, she continues to set the standard for medical physiology education in India. Whether you are a first-year MBBS student, preparing for FMGE, or pursuing a career in Nursing or Paramedical fields, Dr. Tyagi’s resources are an invaluable asset to your academic journey.
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runningrhino · 2 years
how to play minecraft education edition
Minecraft Education Edition is a version of the popular sandbox video game Minecraft, designed specifically to be used in an educational environment. It provides an immersive, fun way to learn and explore new concepts, while also enabling teachers to assess their students' progress. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to play Minecraft Education Edition. We’ll walk you through the basics of the game, from setting up your server to creating your first world. Additionally, we’ll cover some additional features that make this version of Minecraft unique and help you get the most out of your educational experience.
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What is Minecraft Education Edition?
Minecraft: Education Edition is a version of Minecraft that was created specifically for educational purposes. It is similar to the regular version of Minecraft, but includes a number of features that make it more suitable for use in schools. Some of the key features of Minecraft: Education Edition include: -A user-friendly interface that makes it easy to get started -A library of resources, such as lesson plans and tutorials, that can be used by teachers to integrate Minecraft into their curriculum -The ability to easily connect with other players around the world, making it ideal for collaborative learning -A safe and secure environment that is monitored by staff to ensure appropriate behaviour
How to Get Started with Minecraft Education Edition
Minecraft: Education Edition is a version of the popular sandbox game designed specifically for classrooms. The game is available for free to anyone with a Microsoft account, and there are no in-app purchases. To get started with Minecraft: Education Edition, you'll need to create a class in the app. Once you've done that, you can invite students to join your class and start playing together. There are a few things to keep in mind when playing Minecraft: Education Edition. First, the game is intended for educational purposes, so there are some features that are different from the regular version of Minecraft. For example, players can't hurt each other in Minecraft: Education Edition, and there's a built-in chat system that lets students communicate with each other without leaving the game. Second, because Minecraft: Education Edition is designed for classrooms, it's important to follow the rules set by your teacher. For example, your teacher may want everyone to stay on the same level or may want players to build only certain types of structures. Third, while Minecraft: Education Edition can be played offline, it's best to play it online with other people. That way, you can take advantage of all the features the game has to offer, like collaboration and communication tools. Finally, have fun! Playing Minecraft: Education Edition is a great way to learn about teamwork, problem-solving, and digital literacy.
Tips for Using Minecraft Education Edition
Minecraft: Education Edition is a game-based learning platform that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment. The game is free to download and play, and there are no in-app purchases. Here are some tips for using Minecraft: Education Edition in the classroom: 1. Establish ground rules with your students before starting to play. Discuss expectations for behavior and teamwork, and set up a system for dealing with problems that may arise during gameplay. 2. Use the built-in tutorials to introduce students to the basics of the game. These can be found in the world editor after creating a new world. 3. Encourage students to collaborate and communicate with each other while playing. One way to do this is by setting up teams of students and assigning specific tasks to each team. 4. Utilize the many resources that are available online for Minecraft: Education Edition. There are lesson plans, printables, and videos that can be used to supplement your instruction. 5. Take advantage of the feedback feature in Minecraft: Education Edition to give students immediate feedback on their work. This is a great way to help them improve their skills and understanding of the game mechanics.
Minecraft Education Edition is a great way to learn and have fun at the same time! By following this guide, you now know how to set up your game and make sure that it runs smoothly. With its vast array of features, Minecraft Education Edition can be an incredibly powerful tool for learning. So go ahead and start exploring new worlds with your friends or even using it in the classroom—the possibilities are endless!
platforms Facebook,Pinterest,YouTube,Twitter,Game bloggers,get the latest game guide
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theuiucollegian · 2 years
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Photo courtesy of Carlee Dove (pictured back right)
Dove studies art, explores cuisine in magnifica study trip to Italy
“I have always had a passion for traveling and wanted to go to Europe,” Carlee Dove, student-athlete of Upper Iowa University, said. Through the Academic Programs International, or API, Carlee Dove enjoyed a study abroad trip to Florence, Italy during the summer of 2022. For eight weeks, Dove visited multiple, incredible cities in Italy and took part in fun activities towards her art degree. 
For eight weeks in Italy, Dove took tours to various, respected cities such as Rome, Venice, Capri, Milan, Pompeii, and more. Additionally, Dove participated in cooking classes and wine tastings, explored many art museums and traveled via train to the beach. 
Along with traveling to beautiful cities in Italy and partaking in fun activities, Dove was joined by other students from other states who were also part of the API program. They were grouped into an apartment based on their personalities, and quickly bonded with one another. “I am so thankful to have the roommates I did,” Dove said. 
Dove plays volleyball at Upper Iowa University and is double majoring in art and graphic design with a double minor in communication studies and marketing. When it came to picking the program that was best for her, Dove looked into various programs and highlighted all the events and trips each program planned for the students. “I chose Italy due to its renaissance art movement,” Dove said.
Eventually, Dove picked API due to the length of trip and opportunities it opened for her: eight weeks for cooking classes, free museum tickets and multiple weekend trips. Being eight weeks, the API program allowed Dove to take two credit classes towards her art major. Then, Dove made sure she monitored how much she was spending on groceries every week to help her budget for the trip. 
Along with a passion for traveling, especially to Europe, Dove wanted to further her education and learn more about her major through studying abroad. Due to her being a student-athlete during the school year, the best time Dove had to study abroad was during the summer, so she took on the adventure. When she did, studying abroad in Italy helped expand her knowledge about various art styles and which art style suited her best. 
In Italy, transportation for Dove was a lot easier than she thought it would be. She traveled via taxi, bus or train if she needed to go to another town or city. Her favorite way to travel was by using the train as it moved her across the country fast, and her favorite place she traveled to was Elba, an island that did not have many English speakers and where she went snorkeling at, rode a boat, and walked to get to a beach. 
Dove met multiple people who did not speak English, but it was not as difficult for her. She was able to use the Google translate app or ask one of her program friends who spoke Italian to translate. Though Dove said she wishes she would have taken time to learn more of the Italian language to communicate with those she met in Italy more. 
When it came to communicating to her family and friends from back home in the United States, Dove bought an Italian SIM card which allowed her to receive service in places she went using the Italian phone number it came with. Additionally, there was also WiFi in their apartment. 
With these, Dove was able to make Facetime calls with her family and friends in the United States. There was one adjustment she had trouble with: there was not always air conditioning in their apartment, restaurants, shops and classrooms due to how expensive electricity is in Italy. This became hard for Dove and her roommates as the temperature in Italy got very hot during the summer. 
“There is not one thing I would change about my trip,” Dove said. “I loved every single part of it and wished I was still there.” 
Though there were communication barriers and problems with the air conditioning, studying abroad in Italy became a trip to remember for Dove. She was able to expand her knowledge with art, learn more about herself as an individual, build communication skills with another culture, strengthen her skills as a leader and made memories that will stay with her forever. 
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nithiyanantha · 7 days
Best Mobile Apps for IAS Preparation
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Preparing for the Indian Administrative Service examination is no small feat. First of all, one needs a wellstructured plan of preparation coupled with consistent efforts and the right resources. In a digital era like this, a mobile application plays a very important role in helping aspirants. With such applications, studying material, current affairs, and other stuff like mock tests within easy reach.
These mobile apps are supplements to classroom learning for students preparing at distinguished coaching centers like PM IAS Academy, Coimbatore, and provide them with that extra mile in preparation. Let's know more about the best IAS mobile applications in helping your study plan in the blog below.
Why Mobile Apps Are Essential for IAS Preparation With the fast information and technology world, mobile applications make learning easier. Here are a few reasons why these mobile applications are required for IAS aspirants:
Access is not necessary to be at one place to access study materials, news, or lectures. You could do it anywhere and at any time, thus optimizing your study time even during short breaks.
One can opt for customized study plans and track progress in some mobile applications. Thus, a student will focus on his areas of weakness and improve accordingly.
Diverse Content: These have every possible study material, right from current affairs to mock tests, video lectures, and so on, which helps aspirants cover the entire IAS syllabus.
It is cost-effective. Although the courses for IAS preparation are costly, the mobile apps are relatively free and cost-friendly, ensuring that everyone gets to access the best education. Let's dig deeper into the best mobile apps available for IAS aspirants, especially from PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore, to enhance their preparation.
Top Mobile Apps for IAS Preparation
Comprehensive Current Affairs App Keeping oneself updated with current affairs is an essential part of IAS preparation. Apps related to current affairs provide news at the national and international levels, policies by governments, and the condition of society. These apps provide the following:
News summary on a daily basis. Editorials from leading newspapers. Monthly current affairs capsules. Quizzes and practice tests based on current events. For aspirants at PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore, these apps can work as supplements to your learning in the classrooms by providing current news update and analysis important both for Prelims and Mains.
Mock Test and Practice App Mocking tests and practice exams are the best ways to know where you stand and which part of the exam pattern is to be understood. These apps provide:
Timed Prelims and Mains Mock Tests. Detailed Performance Analysis. Sectional Tests General Studies, CSAT and Optional subjects. Practice through Mock Test Apps. So you may catch where you are going wrong, and you may concentrate on areas of improvement. The students of PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore find these apps to be very handy for simulating the actual exam atmosphere.
Interactive Learning and Video Lecture App For the student who is a visual learner, interactive video lecture apps would come as a gift. These include:
Video lectures by experts on multiple topics within the syllabus of the IAS. Interactive quizzes and discussions. Topic-wise segregation. The ease of accessing video lectures at any time makes it simpler for the aspirants in revisiting a topic or clearing doubts. Video lectures supplemented with learning in classes at PM IAS Academy here in Coimbatore cover all complexities in topics.
Previous Year Papers and Question Bank App Understanding the kind of question paper used in previous years' examinations would help crack IAS. A multitude of question papers from previous years and huge question banks are available on these apps that offer access to: Question papers of Preliminary and Mains for the last 10+ years. Questions available topic-wise and subject-wise for practice. Answer explanation and analysis for enhanced understanding. These apps can be used in conjunction with classroom coaching to ensure that the students are well exposed to question patterns and adequately rehearsed.
NCERT and Standard Books App NCERT books form the backbone of IAS preparation. Having easy access to NCERT books and other standard reference material on your mobile is very invaluable. Apps give the user: Free access to all NCERT books from Class 6 to 12. Summary of main points from standard reference books. The ability to highlight and bookmark sections which may need to be revisited again. To the PM IAS Academy aspirant at Coimbatore, these apps have turned out to be an excellent quick reference tool, carrying their textbooks wherever they want.
Note Taking and Revision App The art of note-taking is always good and with these apps, you can coordinate your revision process with: Tools that enable you to create and organize your notes. Ability to share notes with classmates or gurus. Accessing notes on any device. Capture of lecture notes and highlights taken at PM IAS Academy, Coimbatore and it will always be ready for revision on the go.
Time Management and Planner App Time management forms one of the biggest challenges an IAS aspirant faces. In addition to planner and time management apps, you can:
Schedule study time and reminders for your timetable. Divide the IAS syllabus into smaller sections. Marking daily, weekly, and monthly progress. You can thus monitor your study materials with proper time management apps along with these scheduled pre-planned study times given for CSAT preparation by PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore. CSAT is a part of IAS Prelims and there are specific apps that help aspirants prepare for the CSAT paper. They offer:
Logical reasoning and comprehension exercises Quantitative aptitude practice tests Detailed explanations and performance tracking For PM IAS Academy students in Coimbatore, these apps come as a supplement to help them feel better prepared for the CSAT paper, which usually acts as a decider for clearing Prelims.
How to Leverage these Applications while Preparing IAS It is nice to use these mobile applications, but it needs strategic use in order to get the maximum benefits from them. Here are a few tips on how one should integrate these apps into one's IAS study plan:
That can be used as complements of and not to replace the classroom learnings under PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore: Also, these apps should be used as a supplement to those guidances and resources received from the academy. Classroom training has the backdrop of an institution, while mobile applications provide flexibility and resource supplemented as well.
Maintain a Balanced Study Plan: Do not spend all your time on any app or subject. Use apps for current affairs in the morning, mock test in the day, and revision in the evening such that you are studying everything.
Fix Time Limitations: Mobile applications tend to be addictive. See that you don't spend too much time on them. Ensure you have fixed time limits for each app so that you balance your study routine.
Regularly assess your progress: Utilize the performance analytics provided by mock test applications to monitor your progress and then modify your plan of study. Share the results with the mentors at PM IAS Academy, Coimbatore, and get tailored feedback based on it.
Conclusion The mobile apps for IAS preparation are excellent tools to help you enhance your learning experience. Above all, such applications are easily availed, which further enhances your overall performance. It may clear up emergency current affairs, practice mock tests, or revise vital topics while focusing on a specific area of improvement.
However, these apps can be used only in combination with structured coaching from experts. For students at PM IAS Academy in Coimbatore, mobile apps thus provide greater access to more resources and more flexibility to meet their dreams of becoming an IAS officer.
By integrating mobile apps in your strategy of preparation, you get a step ahead in the competition, keep things organized, and move fearlessly closer to becoming an IAS officer.
IASPreparation #UPSCJourney #MobileAppsForIAS #BestIASCoaching
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everyday-tuition · 8 days
The Ultimate Guide to Online Tuition for Secondary Classes :Everydaytuition.
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In the wake of technological advancements and the growing demand for personalized learning experiences, online tuition has become an integral part of education, particularly for secondary school students. With platforms like EverydayTuition making online learning accessible and efficient, it is essential to understand how to navigate this educational landscape effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of online tuition, how to choose the right platform, tips for students, and how EverydayTuition stands at the forefront of this educational revolution.
Why Choose Online Tuition?
1. Flexibility and Convenience
Online tuition offers unprecedented flexibility. Students can attend classes from the comfort of their homes, eliminating commute time and scheduling conflicts. This adaptability allows them to balance their studies with extracurricular activities, work, or family commitments.
2. Personalized Learning Experience
Every student has a unique learning style and pace. Online tuition platforms provide tailored support, allowing students to progress at their own speed. This customization ensures that students receive the attention and assistance they need to excel.
3. Access to Diverse Resources
One of the most significant advantages of online tuition is access to a wide range of resources. Lessons can incorporate multimedia elements, interactive quizzes, and educational games, making learning engaging and effective. Additionally, students can access a library of recorded lectures, enabling them to revisit complex subjects as needed.
4. Specialized Tutors
Platforms like EverydayTuition connect students with experienced tutors who specialize in various subjects. This expertise ensures that students receive top-quality instruction, improving their understanding and performance in challenging areas.
How to Choose the Right Online Tuition Platform?
Selecting the best online tuition platform can significantly impact a student’s learning journey. Here are some key factors to consider:
1. Course Offerings
Ensure that the platform provides a diverse range of subjects relevant to the secondary curriculum. EverydayTuition offers an expansive selection, catering to various academic needs — from mathematics and science to languages and humanities.
2. Tutor Qualifications
Verify the qualifications and experience of the tutors. EverydayTuition prides itself on having a team of highly qualified educators who bring expertise and enthusiasm to their teaching.
3. Interactive Features
Look for platforms that offer interactive features such as live classes, discussion forums, and online assessments that promote engagement and facilitate collaboration among students.
4. Trial Classes
Many platforms offer trial classes or free demos. Take advantage of these opportunities to assess the teaching style, platform interface, and overall compatibility with the student’s learning preferences.
5. Student Support
Consider the level of support available for students. EverydayTuition offers a robust support system, assisting students and parents with inquiries, technical issues, and academic guidance.
Tips for Students Enrolled in Online Tuition.
Online tuition can be highly beneficial, but it requires a proactive approach. Here are some tips to maximize the online learning experience:
1. Create a Dedicated Study Space
Set up a quiet, organized space for studying that minimizes distractions. A designated area helps students focus and fosters a routine.
2. Stay Organized
Keep track of assignments, deadlines, and class schedules using digital planners or calendar apps. Staying organized can reduce stress and enhance productivity.
3. Engage with Tutors and Peers
Encourage active participation during lessons. Ask questions, seek clarification, and interact with both tutors and fellow students to enhance understanding and retention of material.
4. Utilize Resources
Take full advantage of the resources provided by the platform, including recorded lessons, practice tests, and supplementary materials. These tools can reinforce learning and aid in exam preparation.
5. Set Goals
Establish short-term and long-term academic goals. Regularly assess progress and adjust study strategies as needed to stay on track.
EverydayTuition: Redefining Online Learning.
EverydayTuition stands out as a leading provider of online tuition services for secondary classes. The platform’s commitment to quality education and student success is evident in its comprehensive offerings:
- Expert Tutors: EverydayTuition recruits qualified educators with a passion for teaching, ensuring students receive the best guidance.
- Engaging Content: The platform focuses on creating interactive lessons that cater to various learning styles, keeping students engaged and motivated.
- Flexible Scheduling: Students can choose class times that suit their schedules, promoting a balanced approach to education.
- Progress Tracking: The platform provides tools to track academic progress, enabling students and parents to celebrate achievements and identify areas for improvement.
Online tuition for secondary classes has transformed the traditional educational paradigm, offering students flexible, personalized, and effective learning solutions. By embracing platforms like EverydayTuition, students can unlock their potential and achieve academic success in a modern, digitally connected world. With this ultimate guide, you are well-equipped to make informed decisions and embark on a fulfilling online learning journey.
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