#best medical website design
doctorwebdesign · 8 months
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Explore the top dental websites, showcasing cutting-edge design and informative content, empowering patients to make informed decisions and dentists to showcase their expertise.
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procodershakil · 1 year
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Recently I'm done this project with 5star review on #fiverr. You Can check on this live website and all there Functions. Live Website Link:- https://gurabo.com.do/ Just Contact Me For More Information:-https://lnkd.in/gTbJjAu4 #searchengineoptimization #business #design #digital #work #team #designers #webdesigner #websitemarketing #webdesignagency #webdevelopers #dental_website #madical #helth_service #helth_care #halthcare #helth
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milliondental · 1 year
Dental Website Design: How to Build Trust and Credibility with Your Patients
In today's digital age, a professional and well-designed dental website is crucial for building trust and credibility with your patients. A website that looks outdated, unprofessional, or confusing can create a negative impression of your dental practice, while a well-designed website can help patients feel more confident and comfortable about their dental care. We'll share some tips on how to build trust and credibility with your patients through your dental website design.
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vocisllc · 2 years
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Quality, Precise, Virtual QuickBooks Services for your Company! Reduce your Overhead TODAY by 50%.
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zozotheme · 2 years
We've made a Clean & Feature-rich WordPress Theme for Doctors & Healthcare Clinic!
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alismak · 2 months
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Istanbul is one of the largest and most popular cities in Turkey and has a very important position in terms of medical tourism. Especially in recent years, hair transplantation, implants, eye laser surgeries and plastic surgery operations performed in Istanbul have become very popular. Many people who want to have these procedures done prefer Istanbul to receive quality service and to visit the city and have a fun holiday. In this blog post, we will give detailed information about hair transplantation, implants, eye laser surgeries and plastic surgery operations performed in Istanbul.
Hair Transplant Istanbul
Istanbul, which is one of the first cities that come to mind when Hair transplant istanbul is mentioned, is also a very important center in terms of hair transplantation. Istanbul, which provides services with clinics with high standards and experienced doctors for hair transplantation operations, is preferred by many people. Especially expert organizations such as LS Clinic perform hair transplantation operations successfully with their state-of-the-art equipment and professional team.
Hair transplantation has become very common with the advancement of technology and the development of surgical techniques. Thanks to modern methods, it has become possible to obtain natural and permanent results. Hair transplantation clinics in Istanbul offer aesthetic and natural-looking hair to their patients thanks to these advanced techniques.
In addition to hair transplantation operations in Istanbul, quality services are also offered in areas such as eye laser surgery, implant and plastic surgery. In this way, it is possible for patients to find solutions to their different aesthetic needs from a single center.
Implant Istanbul
When it comes to implant istanbul, the first thing that comes to mind is dental treatments. With the developing technology and the advancement of the medical world, implant applications have become quite common. Istanbul serves as a city that has proven itself in this field. At LS Clinic, high quality implant applications are performed under the supervision of specialist physicians.
Implants are also very important in terms of dental aesthetics in the Istanbul region. Professional service is offered in a sterile environment for those who want to have a more aesthetic appearance with smile design. Defects in your teeth can be fixed permanently with implant applications.
Additionally, you can get detailed information about dental implants and get support from specialist physicians by making an appointment at https://lsklinik.com/. Having a healthy and aesthetic smile is now much easier and more accessible.
Eye Laser Surgery Istanbul
Laser eye surgeries have become very popular in recent years with the development of technology. In a big city like Istanbul, there are many options for those who want to have eye laser surgery. However, if you want to receive quality and reliable service, it is important to choose a specialist center like LS Clinic.
Eye laser surgery istanbul is an operation performed to correct eye defects, and LS Clinic has extensive experience in this field with its expert staff. LS Clinic, one of the best eye laser surgery centers in Istanbul, prioritizes your eye health with its innovative technologies and expert physicians.
If you want to get rid of your eye defects and have a clearer vision, you can benefit from LS Clinic's eye laser surgery Istanbul services. LS Clinic, which cares about your eye health in a quality and reliable way, offers you the best service with its modern techniques and expert staff. For more information and appointments, you can visit the LS Clinic website.
Plastic Surgery Istanbul
LS Clinic serves as a clinic specialized in plastic surgery in Istanbul. It offers the highest quality service to its patients with its expert staff and state-of-the-art equipment in plastic surgeries.
Plastic surgery istanbul is a great option to improve your appearance and feel better. LS Clinic offers various plastic surgery procedures such as breast aesthetics, rhinoplasty, liposuction and face lift.
If you want to leave your plastic surgeries in reliable hands, you can choose LS Clinic. It provides the best results to its patients by using the latest technology. You can visit the LS Clinic website for detailed information.
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ynfg-review · 2 months
Yume Nikki Fangame Reviews: .flow
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Website | Wiki | Play Online
.flow was released by lol in 2009, and features the technologically induced dreamstates or memories of a girl called Sabitsuki. The game was last updated in 2019, and has a full set of effects and three endings.
Atmosphere: .flow is grungy, industrial, and dripping with gore. This is a game about decay, where crunching mechanical sounds and strange drones follow you through the abandoned rooms of back-alley hospitals with bloodstains on the floor. .flow evokes some of the whimsical surreal feel of Yume Nikki, but combines this with more realistic representations of eerie environments. It has quite a lot of variety in the vibes of its worlds, but the cohesion of its themes and repeated imagery prevents this from feeling incoherent.
Exploration: .flow is a sizable game, although many of its worlds are small in comparison to those of Yume Nikki or 2kki. It has fewer dead ends, and is harder to get lost and stuck in than many YNFGs, so it’s easy to go on a long meandering journey without having to turn back. Rather than wandering through vast, atmospheric areas, the heart of .flow is in the passages and connections between spaces, which often have implicit narrative associations.
Art: Much of the game has a muted, dark colour palette, which normally wouldn’t appeal to me but which works extremely well for the vibes it’s trying to cultivate. There are a few brighter and prettier areas with some lovely pixel art, and these have even more of an impact when they’re surrounded by drab greys and rusted metal corridors. All of the gore and horror art in the game is really effective and high quality – definitely where lol’s pixel art style shines the most.  
Storytelling: .flow has the strongest environmental storytelling of any YNFG I’ve played. Whilst retaining a lot of ambiguity and room for the player’s imagination, it builds a picture of the protagonist’s life story from her birth itself. Multiple NPCs recur throughout the game, and the endings provide a lot of food for thought. There’s nothing quite like sitting down late at night to read decade old .flow theories on obsolete forums.
Horror and CWs: This is unambiguously a horror game. It brings together Yume Nikki’s surreal body horror style with some pretty in-your-face gore and a lot of medical imagery. Nevertheless, the areas which I find most unsettling aren’t always the ones with the blood and chasers. It’s a great game for haunting, uncanny environments.
 As well as the gore and medical horror, .flow comes with a hefty content warning for depictions of (horrific) pregnancy, suicide, and sex work. There’s an area relating to the latter which is pretty heavily sexualised in imagery and sound design.
Best thing about it: The encroaching horror that builds with the subtle implications of the narrative. The final ending is a great payoff (whilst still leaving most of your questions unanswered).
If you like… Ethel Cain, exploring abandoned buildings, the poem 'Tulips' by Sylvia Plath.
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Yesterday CNN published an article by senior writer Tara John about the UK National Health Service’s newly skeptical stance toward youth gender medicine. The main takeaway, which is big news to observers of this debate, is that the NHS will no longer provide puberty blockers to young people, other than in research contexts. (As for cross-sex hormones, a relatively strict-seeming regime is set to be implemented, and they will be offered to youth only “from around their 16th birthday.”)
As myself and a number of others pointed out, the article contains a sentence that is, in context, rather wild: John writes that “Gender-affirming care is medically necessary, evidence-based care that uses a multidisciplinary approach to help a person transition from their assigned gender — the one the person was designated at birth — to their affirmed gender — the gender by which one wants to be known.” But of course, whether youth gender medicine is medically necessary and evidence-based is exactly the thing being debated, and anyone who has been following this debate closely knows that every national health system that has examined this question closely, including the NHS, has come to the same conclusion: the evidence is paltry. That’s why so many countries, including Sweden, Finland, the UK, and Norway have significantly scaled back access to these treatments for youth. So it’s very strange to see this sentence, which reads as though it comes from an activist press release, published in a news article in CNN, an outlet that generally adheres to the old-school divide between news and opinion.
There’s a strong case to be made that CNN’s sentence, as written, is false. Gender medicine is at best unproven, when it comes to the standards society (and regulatory bodies) expects medical researchers to adhere to. The situation with youth gender medicine is particularly dicey, given that this is a newer area of medicine suffering from an even severer paucity of quality studies.
It would be bad enough for this sentence to have appeared in one article on one of the most important news websites in the world. But here’s the thing: this wasn’t the first time. Rather, this exact sentence, and close variants of it, has been copied and pasted into dozens of CNN.com stories over the last few years, as a Google search quickly reveals. 
This sentence, and its close variants, appear over and over and over. I asked my researcher to create a list of all the instances he could find. Here’s what he sent back, in reverse chronological order [...]
I haven’t triple-checked every single one of these, but it’s undeniable that effectively the same words have appeared in about three dozen CNN articles since May of 2022, which was already years after the present wave of European nations rethinking these treatments had begun. 
When I asked CNN about this, I heard back from someone there who explained on background that it’s standard for outlets to provide reporters with guidance about accurate and appropriate language. While that’s true, it doesn’t really answer my question. Sure, it’s not unusual for an outlet to have a house style, sometimes enshrined in a stylebook, that provides rules about how to refer to, for example, individuals in the United States who lack legal status. They used to be called “illegal immigrants,” and now they’re often called “undocumented immigrants,” or language to that effect. This is a fairly normal process by which language changes and, sometimes as a result of a push-pull between outlets and advocacy groups, outlets decide which changes to make and when. So you may or may not agree with the fact that many outlets have switched from “biological sex” to “sex assigned at birth” when discussing trans issues, but the underlying process of switching from one phrase to another is standard and occurs in many areas. 
This is quite different. You do not generally see the same complex sentence pasted over and over and over into news stories written by different authors and published in different sections. I asked CNN if it could provide me any other examples of CNN.com publishing the same sentence in multiple stories by different authors, and posed the same question in an email to Virginia Moseley, the CNN executive editor who, according to the website, “oversee[s] international and domestic news operations across platforms.” I didn’t hear back about this.
This copy-paste job is journalistically problematic for a number of reasons. For one thing, it suggests that CNN has decided, at the editorial level, that its institutional stance is that youth gender medicine is “medically necessary” and “evidence-based.” While they’re being used somewhat colloquially in these articles, these terms have fairly specific definitions in certain medical and legal contexts, and treatments only qualify for such designations if they have exceeded a certain evidentiary benchmark based on solid published research. That is not the case here — far from it, actually. As written, this is a deeply misleading sentence.
The language also puts CNN writers in an awkward position. Does each and every bylined author of these stories believe that youth gender medicine is “medically necessary” and “evidence-based”? Maybe they do (which would be disturbing), but the fact is that they didn’t write these sentences — they, or one of their editors, grabbed that language from somewhere else and pasted it in. They are effectively outsourcing their own judgment on a hotly contested controversy to their employer. This is not what journalists are supposed to do, and, at the risk of repeating myself, it’s significantly different from a reporter rolling their eyes when using language like “undocumented immigrant” or “sex assigned at birth,” rather than their own preferred verbiage. Those are rather small-stakes linguistic quibbles, different not only in degree but in kind from the question of whether or not youth gender medicine is medically necessary and evidence-based. And it goes without saying that a CNN reporter who does develop doubts about youth gender medicine is likely to be deterred from investigating further by the fact that their bosses have already decided that this is the way they’re going to cover this subject — say the line, Bart. Why bother?
It’s a pattern, unfortunately. Many outlets dug themselves into a deep hole on this issue by simply acting as stenographers and megaphones for activist groups rather than doing their jobs. And now that there is ever-mounting evidence undercutting the loudest activist claims, climbing out of this hole is going to be awkward. But there’s no other option, really. Because right now there’s absolutely no reason to take CNN.com seriously on this issue — the site has proven, demonstrably, that it doesn’t take itself seriously on this issue. 
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barrenclan · 1 year
Hey Raz- as someone working on my own battle cats comic, I have to ask
How do you go about portraying dark topics in the comic? Like- The Defiance’s cult, Thrasher’s abuse towards Cormorantpaw, and Blacknose’s dementia.
My biggest fear is that the topic I want to cover in my comic will end up being handled/received poorly and I don’t want to offend or upset anyone. So any tips? Or websites you used for research?
That's a very good question. I suppose it's a combination of thinking very hard about the topic, asking other people for their opinion, and research if it's necessary. It can depend on the subject, and some things require a lot more technical care than others. Not everything needs the same amount of attention. In fact, the examples you gave are perfect for describing some basic levels of my process:
For Thrasher being an abusive husband/father, I didn't have to do any "research" for this. Nowadays, it's generally known how abusive partners and parents will act, especially if they are as straight-forward and physical as Thrasher. That's not to say I was flippant, because I put a lot of thought into how Thrasher would act, why he acts this way, and what kind of an effect it would have on his family. I also made sure to consider how much of this I wanted to show to the reader. A conscious decision is required to determine if I wanted to be more graphic, if I wanted to depict actual violence from Thrasher or just mention it in words, how severe should I get considering that people in my audience might have suffered abuse and whether that worth someone like me, who hasn't, showing it severely.
For the Defiance cult, I have a passing interest in cults and so have already done the research, so to speak, by watching videos, reading books, and so on in the past. I already have a small knowledge base on this, so that factored into how I designed Defiance.
For Blacknose's dementia, this is something I did actual, categorical research into. Degenerative memory diseases are real medical conditions that have specific, non-abstract effects, so I need to actually get those right (or as right as they need to be in a fan-Warriors story). My research for something small like this really just consists of Googling various terms and finding legitimate websites, or blog posts if I want a personalized account. If I'm researching something more serious, like for a future comic of mine, I'll check out relevant books from the library, go onto an academic paper site, or watch a documentary about my topic.
In the end, I think what matters most is showing genuine effort and thought put into whatever topic you're talking about. You need to know that you're not always going to get everything right, especially if you're not part of the affected base of your subject. But doing your best to educate yourself and form a knowledgeable opinion is much better than just assuming you know what things mean. And asking people's opinions never hurts.
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schizopositivity · 7 months
Hello, my brother recently got put on 5250 for danger to others.. they said he has unspecified psychosis and could potentially have schizophrenia.. it’s been tough on me and my family because we love him and want him to have a full life. Get a stable job and hopefully fall in love and start a family.. but it doesn’t seem he has any motivation or focus.. ☹️ I’m hoping things will be better when his medications finally start working.. but do you have any advice for jobs for people with psychosis/schizophrenia? Do you have any advice for me about how can I make him more social so he isn’t isolated in his room all day? He is my best friend, this is so hard on me. I want him back 😞 I’ve come to terms that one day when I’m older, and both of my parents pass, that he most likely will be my responsibility. And that is not a burden at all to me. The burden that I carry is in my heart.. because I just want him to live his best life and be happy and I don’t know how to help him 😭😭
This sounds like a very difficult and confusing time for you. I know that you love him and want the best for him. But try to remember that he is in the first steps of treatment, things can change a lot after medication is stabilized. And in general, those of us with schizophrenia are like anybody else, we can have low and high points in our lives and it's ever changing.
In my case as a teenager I was very isolated and didn't think I'd ever get a job or be happy or find a partner or do anything but suffer from my mental illness. But things changed. I went to a psych ward, got on antipsychotics, and got diagnosed with schizophrenia. It took about a year for me to be fully stabilized and able to do other things in life. I got a job that I don't hate, I started really becoming myself and growing as a person. I later found my partner and I've never been happier. In four years my life completely changed for the better, and it'll continue to change like everybody else's.
As for jobs he could possibly have, ask him what he would be able to do, not everyone's experience with psychosis/schizophrenia is the same, and we can have any job that works well for us individually. If he doesn't want to socialize with the public at work, he could get a manual labor job like production in a warehouse (that's what I do). Or if he doesn't want to leave the house he could do something like data entry jobs from home. If he needs a flexible schedule maybe he could do freelance work like working for a food delivery app, or designing websites. The possibilities are endless.
My suggestion for getting him to socialize is starting really slow. Maybe ask if he'd like to sit outside your house for a few minutes a day to feel the sunshine. Or you could ask him for help with grocery shopping or other errands. Maybe think of things he used to enjoy (like walking in a park) and invite him to go with you. Just don't force him to, it may be incredibly hard for him to do things that are very easy for you. Try to be understanding and listen to his feedback. Try to connect with him more and ask him how he's feeling, or why he doesn't want to leave the house. Let him know he can talk to you about anything.
Or you could try everything and he could still live his life unable to work or socialize, and as long as he's comfortable and content, then that's alright. Not everyone has the same life goals, or things that will fulfill them. People can live perfectly happy lives without a significant other or job. It's important to remember that when people have a mental illness, their life goals can be very different from other people's goals. For some people staying alive and safe is the best they can hope for and that's alright. I know it might be hard for you to understand, but from your brother's perspective, maybe he is doing the best he can possibly do right now, and that's perfectly fine.
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doctorwebdesign · 1 year
Healthy Websites: The Vital Role of Doctor Web Design
Looking to boost your medical practice's online presence? Doctor web design isn't just about aesthetics; it's about trust and patient care. 
Your website is your digital clinic. Make it welcoming, informative, and user-friendly to ensure patients find the care they need. 
Prioritize mobile responsiveness and quick loading times. Patients want information at their fingertips, and fast! 
SEO matters. Optimize your website for search engines to reach more patients actively seeking medical services. 
Trust-building elements like patient testimonials and credentials matter. They reassure visitors and foster credibility. 
Keep your website up-to-date with essential information like services, hours, and contact details. Patients appreciate it! 
Showcase your team, facility, and medical technology through engaging visuals. Transparency builds trust. 
Interact with patients through blogs, FAQs, or chat support. Answer questions, offer guidance, and demonstrate your expertise. 
Prioritize patient data security. Medical websites handle sensitive info, so invest in robust security measures. 
Your website is your digital front door in today's healthcare landscape. Make it inviting, informative, and trustworthy, and you'll enhance patient care and trust.
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drdemonprince · 1 year
Thank you for your thoughts so far.
I was wondering about the “informed” component of informed consent, and people’s relationship to gatekeepers of information. Many communities are obviously medically disenfranchised, and thus distrust conventional physicians (rightly so in many cases). Additionally, there are individuals actively spreading misinformation, for their own reasons. And in a non-negligible amount of cases, there is no consensus on best uses, even when fully informed of (known) side effects, etc. How do we parse who has the control of information in order to counsel patients?
We have to really tear down a lot of the power structures that separate doctor from patient -- and in fact this is a problem the informed consent model is designed to address. Currently, we are dependent upon our medical providers to get medications we need. We have to do whatever they say in order to get them to write a prescription, and this often means quieting our doubts and not asking too many questions.
In this power structure, it's impossible to get all the medical information you need, and it foments medical mistrust and people "doing their own research" online and buying horse dewormer off sketchy websites and the like. More patient freedom means more patient power to demand attention and credible information.
I'm glad you brought up the topic of medical distrust among Black patients, because the very best model for how to do this comes from the Black Panthers!
All I'm about to share comes from this amazing book:
The Black Panthers were acutely aware of how difficult safe, respectful medical care was to access for Black people (and, as they frequently articulated in their writings, for all marginalized people, albeit in distinct ways.) They opened healthcare clinics in Black communities that provided not only medical care, but also training for how to conduct one's own pap smears, sickle cell anemia tests, and many other relatively easy to learn procedures.
When doctors volunteered for the Black Panther clinics, they were required to not wear white coats, to not treat patients with any condescension, and to devote some of their volunteer hours to passing medical training and knowledge on to members of the Black Panther Party. If a doctor refused to comply with these requirements, and showed any lording of power over their patients, the Party kicked them out.
Black Panther Party members led classes on health screenings, taught more people in their communities to read sickle cell anemia test results, provided a variety of health screenings using donated equipment, and also maintained logs of who in their communities had recently tested positive for STI's -- and used that information to help keep Party members on their prescribed medications.
The Black Panther Party clinic paired with a number of other left leaning organizations and also provided healthcare to people in poverty, queer people, immigrants, and other marginalized populations of all races. They advocated harshly against medical misinformation regarding conditions like sickle cell, and are responsible for the public now being aware that the sickle cell form actually has some health benefits in certain areas of the world -- it's not a sign of Black 'inferiority' the way many doctors once claimed.
Party members also advocated stridently to make the public aware that the increased mortality and negative health complaints experienced by Black patients was not innate, or biological -- it was social, cultural, and economic in origin.
I can't say enough good things about this book. Anyone who is interested in changing the healthcare system, improving patient access, fighting medical racism, and making true informed consent possible has got to read it. There are lessons in the past. Other activists that came before us had a lot of things figured out -- and then they were quashed, violently and purposefully, by the U.S. government.
There are also many lessons to be learned in the victories of Act Up. That's another healthcare movement that centered disenfranchised, ailing populations and armed them with knowledge and agency. It was HIV activists who spread the word about the efficacy of condoms and who established harm reducing methods of having sex. It was HIV activists who carefully researched possible courses of treatment and worked like hell to get early medications out to sick patients. My favorite book on the subject is Beyond Shame by Patrick Moore.
The idea that access to information needs to be 'controlled' to keep patients safe is an authoritarian myth. We see the price of such gatekeeping today with the medical misinformation crisis you're speaking about. It will take a lot of work, and patience, and respect for patients in order to undo decades of people living in the dark and being condescended to by doctors and instead reaching out to anti-vax, covid denying, healing crystal energy worshipping communities instead for lack of any other accessible option.
The anti vax people are more than happy to share every bit of "information" they have with anybody curious. They'll sit down and explain it for hours and hours. Until our doctors start actually doing the same, people are gonna keep defaulting to believing the people who listen to them and talk to them.
Gatekeeping information and body autonomy has not worked. The proof of that is all around us. It's time for a change.
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astral-crescent · 5 days
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We're the Stardragon System (they/them), a professionally diagnosed fully handicapped, physically & mentally disabled, autistic, plural, cancer-having, transgender, uterus-having artist, animator, web designer, and code wizard struggling in extreme poverty in Texas.
We cannot afford our medication or surgery:
🌙 Commission Thread 🌟 Astral's Accent Atelier 🪐 AstralRoses Art Team 🌌 Suport Us on Ko-Fi 🌙 Donate via PayPal
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Any criticism anyone has of anyone in our system is instantly invalid
the moment that person engages with drama websites or blogs or they themselves engage in stalking, gossiping, bullying, ableism, transphobia, or any other form of bigotry.
Seeing as that is every single time without exception-- all criticisms of us on the public internet are instantly invalid and we refuse to take them or the people who perpetuate them seriously.
It's so fucking funny to us that these people are so delusional, that they're so unapologetically ignorant, that they lack SO much self-awareness, that they don't understand that they're the bad guys.
Reminds us of someone else. Please get help.
The actual Astral fronter does not deserve the shit you people say about them when you actually mean to criticize other fronters in our system. Your ableism instantly invalidates anything you have to say about us. Learn to not be ableist and transphobic or trumed, and then we can consider what you have to say-- but not before then.
We also do not take criticism from anyone born after 1990. JSYK.
Our life partner is @snackatlas
Our elder sister is @shrieking-banshee. Her mother adopted us in 2006/2007 because our parents are abusive alcoholics that made us homeless and we are still struggling in poverty. We are actively trying to save back money to move back in with them.
Our best friend is @bookwormally.
No matter how badly you wish to merge us into a fucked up Cerberus creature, it isn't going to happen. Sorry! :)
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ashiq1233 · 12 days
Hair Transplant Cost UK vs Turkey: Why Capital Hair Restoration is the Best Choice
Two leading options often considered are the UK and Turkey. Both have advantages and challenges, but Capital Hair Restoration (CHR) stands out when it comes to the best overall experience. Check: Hair Transplant Cost UK vs Turkey
In recent years, hair transplants have become a popular solution for those struggling with hair loss in the UK. This trend reflects broader global patterns where advancements in medical technology and a growing focus on personal appearance have made hair restoration more accessible and effective. For many, hair transplants represent a path to renewed confidence and a more youthful appearance. This article explores the key aspects of hair transplants in the UK, including the procedure, costs, and factors to consider.
Understanding Hair Transplant Procedures:
Hair transplants are surgical procedures designed to address hair loss by relocating hair follicles from one part of the body, typically the back of the head, to areas where hair is thinning or missing. For more information, Visit our website: Hair Transplant UK vs Turkey
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blookmallow · 11 months
reviewing spirit animatronics for 2023
i almost forgot again. but here we are
apparently the website doesnt display animatronics that are sold out so im trying to dig for them... this isnt a complete list im doin my best
anyway lets GOooooooo
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im gonna start with my favorite look at this silly little guy. something about this design is just incredibly endearing to me and the stringy guts look pretty good in motion too. hes cute and i like him. his description says he was a guy who kept scaring everybody all the time and one day he scared an old lady who turned out to be a witch so she turned him into a pumpkin. and now hes stuck like this bc he could not behave himself. i love gourdo i want him 10/10
Eternal Rest
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its a tombstone. theres a sad crying face and it turns into a skull face and screams at you. thats... thats it. it looks fine but its just really basic, this is doing nothing for me
Poor George
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this guy was at my local store for a while. hes pretty fun, he flips around and his face changes. i like his funky stripes. makeup design looks extremely art the clown which is just making me wish they had him instead
its at least an attempt at a unique design. but according to his description, the story here is he was just a nice regular clown who had a terrible accident but somehow survived. you can see his bloody torso when he turns. this isn't a zombie clown monster, this is a man who desperately needs medical assistance
also no explanation for why he has two faces. he doesn't appear to be intentionally meant to be conjoined twins or something so if hes supposed to just be a regular guy im not sure whats going on there
they also came out with another killer klowns animatronic this year too, hes BIG but i dont have much to say about that one other than it looks good glad to see the klown rep increasing
i guess ill also mention here that they have a mars attacks alien figure now too, which doesn't really do much, it just moves its head a little but the lighting is cool and the design looks really good and seeing it inspired me to go watch the movie, so. shrugs. i like him
Heckles the Clown
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here we have i think the first Sad Clown spirit animatronic? i cant think of any others ive seen. he kind of has creepy uncle energy but isn't really scary. hes just sad. he is a pathetic shell of a man weakly trying to sell his balloons and i just kind of feel bad for him. i did not notice in the store that his balloon actually has a light-up face in it which is cool. apparently according to his description hes actually using poison gas in his balloons which is a neat idea but is extremely unclear from the animatronic itself, i never would've known that if i hadn't read the description, so,
his face sculpt looks pretty good though. hes a pretty well designed figure i just think his whole deal is unclear and just makes me feel bad for him. help this man
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i do love a scary clown but all of these are starting to look pretty much the same to me. the colors are visually striking (i like the use of the blue accents especially) and i like the bloody bowling pins but at this point it's just kinda like, yep, that's another tall spooky clown. great for all your tall spooky clown needs but its not really that memorable. 4/10
Death Stalker
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THIS thing however, looks sick as FUCK and i really want to see it in person. i dont know what the fuck that is. i love it. it breathes smoke and has way too many teeth. the description offhand mentions it lives behind an abandoned doll factory for no apparent reason. i love this thing 11/10
i think it might be built from the same body structure as their krampus figure that i also really liked
The Black Heart
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ok i dont know about anyone else but i just find this one extremely confusing all around
he gives off protective dom skeleton boyfriend vibes. in the store i saw this and figured the woman was his victim and hes showing us his kill to threaten us, but it also looks like he's protecting her, so i didn't really get what was going on. the description says she tried to do some weird ritual ive never heard of where you lay in a grave and your true love will arrive to kiss you and wake you up snow white style at midnight, but instead she ended up with this guy as her "master" but it also refers to him as her "partner"
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"the fuck did you just say about my wife"
so i guess they have some kind of bdsm relationship going on. which, y'know, if she's into that, id say good for her, but she doesn't move at all, she appears to be dead or unconscious. she also looks like she's emerging from his waist or something bc like, i guess they made her skirt the same color to hide that she's there until he reveals her, but i didnt even realize she had a lower body at all,
anyway the design is really confusing to look at and i don't really understand what their whole deal is. the faces look really good though. 5/10
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leatherface in the HOUSE!!! i dont really have a lot to say here other than i think he looks great and i want you all to see him. 7/10
Darling Dolly
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i fucking love this thing look at that. salad fingers doll monstrosity what the fuck is going on here. there was one in our store very briefly but it wasn't working and disappeared pretty quickly which just made it even weirder. this has a fantastic "what the FUCK IS THAT" factor and i just wish it had better functionality bc i was really excited to find out what it does and it turns out it pretty much just screams at you. i feel like a slower, creeping movement with spidery fingers and whispering sounds would have been more effective. its definitely scary though. i want more wild designs like this i love this thing
the backstory is... a little girl dug up a cursed doll in the yard and her mother tried to bury it back but got struck by lightning and became nightmareishly fused together with the evil doll which just. doesn't make sense to me i feel like trying to create an explanation for this figure is actively a detriment to it i like it better just as a Horrible Inexplicable Demon
9/10 could have been executed better but great design
The Cauldroness
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pretty much just your standard witch. i like the way she's posed, this figure is more interesting to look at than a lot of the standing ones. the movement in her hands looks pretty good. i like her face. she also looks like salad fingers. maybe im just seeing it bc im trying so so hard to manifest him into existence even though i know they'll never make one sfjkg
anyway this is simple but i think it works well, 5/10
Dagger Mike
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look at this ridiculous little gremlin. his name's dagger mike. hes got knives. his torso makes no sense. i love you dagger mike 6/10 hes not good but he makes me laugh and i like him
i do like the vintage clown look here though. i just think his body looks stupid and his existence is very funny to me in a way i cant articulate
Floating Spirit
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its a ghost. it goes ooooo. 10/10
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ukeartraininguk · 1 month
UKeartraining.com is a leading provider of specialised training for individuals aspiring to become certified ear wax removal specialists across the United Kingdom. Our comprehensive, two-day UK Ear Care Training Course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and certification required to practise ear wax removal professionally and confidently. Fully accredited by CPD, our course allows graduates to begin treating patients immediately, making it a recession-proof business opportunity suitable for those with or without prior medical training. Our course curriculum covers essential aspects of ear care, starting with an understanding of ear anatomy, common conditions and abnormalities, and the formation and function of ear wax. Participants are trained in modern ear wax removal methods, including the use of otoscopes for ear examinations, and specialised techniques such as water irrigation and microsuction, which are standard practices in leading ENT clinics. The training is hands-on, with practical sessions on the second day where participants practise these techniques under the expert guidance of our experienced trainers. Additionally, we emphasise the importance of patient care, teaching best practices for patient preparation, treatment, and aftercare, ensuring that participants can deliver exceptional service that fosters long-term patient relationships. Beyond the technical skills, UKeartraining.com also provides valuable insights into running a successful ear wax removal business. This includes training on software and technology to streamline operations, strategies for building and marketing a practice, and effective methods for finding and retaining patients. At UKeartraining.com, we are committed to providing an all-encompassing training experience that not only prepares participants to excel in ear wax removal but also equips them with the business acumen needed to thrive in the industry. Whether you're looking to start a new venture or expand your current practice, our training offers the tools and knowledge to succeed.
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