#best movies of 2017
A three-way Best Picture race, a final bow marked with an X, and a brand-new entry into my top 10 movies of all time. Read about all of them and more in a new entry for my first-ever Rankings Series: Movies of the Decade (2010s). Here are my Top 10 Movies of 2017! 
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10.) Lady Bird
Director: Greta Gerwig Cast: Saorise Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts, Beanie Feldstein, Lucas Hedges, Timothee Chalamet, Lois Smith, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Odeya Rush, Jordan Rodrigues, Jake McDorman Best Aspect: The first time Christine pulls out her mobile phone Thoughts: I, for one, am a fan of coming-of-age slice of life stories like Boyhood and Stand by Me. Naturally, this tale about a girl overcoming the pressures of high school and her overbearing mother hits right home. It is poignant to see the transition of Lady Bird’s life. But the subtlety of her story sticks in you.
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jimforce · 6 years
NEW VIDEO Top 10 Movies of 2017
I talk about what I felt where the past movies from 2017
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spazoutloud · 6 years
Best Films of 2017
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moviemosaics · 6 years
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My picks for the best film performances of 2017
1) Richard Gere as Norman Oppenheimer, Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer
2) Melissa Leo as Mother Marie St. Clair, Novitiate
3) Rob Morgan as Hap Jackson, Mudbound
4) Saoirse Ronan as Christine “Lady Bird” McPherson, Lady Bird
5) Frances McDormand as Mildred Hayes, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
6) Robert Pattinson as Connie Nikas, Good Time
7) Laurie Metcalf as Marion McPherson, Lady Bird
8) Nakhane Touré as Xolani, The Wound
9) Barry Keoghan as Martin, The Killing of a Sacred Deer
10) Diane Kruger as Katja Sekerci, In the Fade
11) Harry Dean Stanton as Lucky, Lucky
12) Kristen Stewart as Maureen Cartwright, Personal Shopper
13) Garance Marillier as Justine, Raw
14) Ella Rumpf as Alexia, Raw
15) Bryan Cranston as Sal Nealon, Last Flag Flying
You can find my list of 100 favorite film performances of the year at http://kilostogo.blogspot.com/2018/01/the-100-best-film-performances-of-2017.html
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leslistesdantoine · 6 years
2017 – Films
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Cette année encore, on a eu droit à des films magnifiques, tels Loving Vincent ou Blade Runner 2049. Mais la plupart des longs-métrages qui ont réussi à se tailler une place dans mon top 10 sont des films uniques et totalement originaux.
Les films qui nous font vivre des expériences déboussolantes et intenses peuvent facilement faire sombrer le récit dans la noirceur. Malgré que la plupart des offrandes sur cette liste ne sont pas des visionnements faciles, vous en serez récompensé, puisqu’ils vous feront réfléchir et vous questionner sur le monde dans lequel nous vivons. Ils vous habiteront probablement plusieurs heures encore après la fin du générique – voire même plusieurs jours (Mother!)!
Je n’ai malheureusement pas eu le temps de tout voir ce qui était sur ma liste, ce pourquoi vous n’y verrez pas Faces Places, Lady Bird ou bien Phantom Thread.
Voici donc mon top 10 subjectif de films à voir absolument. Bon cinéma et bon rattrapage!
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10 ★ Thelma – Joachim Trier
Je n’ai vu ce film qu’au mois de décembre, mais j’ai tellement été accroché par son originalité que le voici qui clôt mon top. Ce film norvégien est passé sous les radars et on se demande bien pourquoi, car ce thriller romantico-coming-of-age-science-fictionnesque fonctionne à tous les niveaux. Thelma, qui depuis l’enfance possède des dons, quitte la maison familiale pour aller étudier et l’on assiste à sa découverte de soi qui prendra une tournure des plus inusitées.
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9 ★ Dunkirk – Christopher Nolan
L’expérience au cinéma fut mémorable; des images grandioses et cadrées avec génie, une bande sonore incroyablement stressante signée Hans Zimmer et une super brochette d’acteurs assez débutants, mais justes.
, c’est une histoire de guerre racontée de façon brillante, en trois temps, grâce à un montage de fou ne nous donnant aucun répit. Je crois que je suis resté la bouche ouverte pour la durée entière de la scène d’ouverture, elle est magnifique et horrible à la fois. Du grand Nolan.
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8 ★ Get Out – Jordan Peele
Get Out est l’un de ces films qui nous rappellent la série Black Mirror, présentant une histoire anxiogène sur le thème du racisme. Le film aurait pu souvent tomber dans les clichés du genre, mais l’originalité est de mise durant tout le film. Daniel Kaluuya livre une performance plus que parfaite dans le rôle d’un petit ami présenté à la famille blanche de sa copine, et ça ne se passera pas comme prévu… Jordan Peele, qui signe ici son premier long-métrage, est définitivement un réalisateur à surveiller de près. Et cette finale!
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7 ★ Le problème d’infiltration – Robert Morin
Une bonne façon d’expliquer le nouveau Robert Morin, serait de prendre The Shining de Stanley Kubrick, de le transposer au Québec dans la famille d’un chirurgien joué avec brio (et épouvante) par Christian Bégin. Ajoutez une myriade de silences, de malaises, de discours moraux et une descente vers la folie. Vous obtiendrez un film de Série B un peu difficile d’approche, mais follement divertissant.
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6 ★ A Ghost Story – David Lowery
Une proposition étrange, lente et fantomatique. L’un des films les plus originaux que j’ai pu voir cette année – en effet, le jeu de caméra, le format, la composition et la musique font sortir le film du lot et ajoutent à l’ambiance particulière et si fresh de ce quatrième long-métrage de David Lowery. Je ne suis pas sûr d’avoir compris le film – ça m’est égal – l’expérience cinématographie en vaut à elle seule franchement la peine.
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5 ★ The Beguiled – Sofia Coppola
Après quelques films décevants, Sofia Coppola est de retour en force avec une proposition aussi drôle que troublante. Une sensualité incroyable émane de ce huis clos tournant autour de Nicole Kidman (excellente comme d’habitude), des 7 jeunes étudiantes de son école pour filles de Virginie, ainsi que Colin Farrell (cette barbe!) en guerrier blessé qui vient troubler leur quiétude… et leur pudeur.
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4 ★ The Killing of a Sacred Deer –Yórgos Lánthimos
Si vous avez aimé The Lobster, la précédente offrande de Yórgos Lánthimos, vous avez de bonnes chances d’aimer ce tout nouveau film – encore plus étrange (ou étrange différemment ?) – mettant en vedette une seconde fois Colin Farrell, qui se retrouve encore dans une situation plus que bizarre. Un film dérangeant et glacial, parfois aux limites du moral, parfois dans une opération à cœur ouvert. Immensément original.
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3 ★ Mother! – Darren Aronofsky
, c’est un pari osé, une grande claque dans le visage. C’est aussi un film bourré de défauts et de symboles parfois trop appuyés, mais qui nous fait vivre une myriade d’émotions fortes et surtout beaucoup, beaucoup de frustration. La distribution est solide, les images et le jeu de caméra sont magnifiques et étouffants, et le design sonore, plus que réussi. Malgré ses défauts et longueurs, trop peu de films nous amènent où
réussi à nous transporter. Une expérience hors du commun, à voir absolument si vous êtes un cinéphile aventureux.
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2 ★ GOOD TIME – Joshua Safdie et Ben Safdie
Qu’est-ce qu’on ne ferait pas pour notre famille? Après un braquage raté, Connie, joué par un Robert Pattinson qui est ici à son meilleur, risquera tout pour son frère Nick qui lui s’est fait attraper. Commence alors une nuit survoltée et électrisante dans New York où Connie essayera de ramasser l’argent pour la caution. L’un des réalisateurs du film (Benny Safdie) joue le rôle de Nick, atteint de déficience intellectuelle, avec tellement de précision et d’émotion… c’en est réellement renversant! La musique composée par l’excellent Oneohtrix Point Never joue elle aussi un rôle immense dans l’émotion vécue par les protagonistes, elle est parfois si forte qu’on entend à peine les dialogues. Les images, souvent filmées en gros plans, et sous les néons rouges et bleus de la ville sont grandioses et vraiment uniques. Une œuvre touchante et exaltante.
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1 ★ Call Me by Your Name – Luca Guadagnino
S’il n’y avait qu’un seul mot pour décrire ce film, je crois que je choisirais l’adjectif «beau».
Call Me by Your Name
raconte une histoire bien simple: Elio, 17 ans, les vacances d’été, l’Italie, la recherche de soi, la découverte, la passion. L’arrivée du nouveau stagiaire aidant son père à ses recherches viendra le chambouler et changer le cours de son été, mais aussi de sa vie. Il est si rafraîchissant de voir une simple histoire d’amour racontée de manière si touchante et sincère. En effet, Luca Guadignino a réussi à capter avec magie les petits moments ordinaires, les gestes qui pourraient sembler anodins, qui rendent la naissance de cette relation si réaliste et vraie. Rarement des paysages ont été filmés avec tant de sensualité, et la lumière chaude et douce de l’Italie toujours présente sur les corps des protagonistes en fera rougir plus d’un. Ce film sans faille vous fera rêver, rire et pleurer, mais vous donnera surtout l’envie de retomber en amour. Inoubliable.
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+ Bonus Twin Peaks: The Return – David Lynch
Après deux premières saisons assez intéressantes sorties il y a 26 ans, David Lynch est de retour aux commandes et cette fois, il est le seul réalisateur. Soyons honnêtes, cette nouvelle mouture est définitivement la meilleure jamais réalisée de toute l’histoire de Twin Peaks. Du Lynch à son paroxysme et à son meilleur. Tellement étrange et si fascinante, cette troisième et ultime saison aura marqué le monde des séries télé à jamais. (épisode 8 !!!?????!)
Envie de plus de recommandations? Retournez voir mon top 10 2016! À noter que si j’avais à le refaire, je crois que je m’en voudrais de ne pas parler de l’hilarant The Love Witch d’Anna Biller ou bien de l’incroyable et stupéfiant documentaire de près de 8 heures O.J. : Made in America d’Ezra Edelman. Je vous les conseille fortement.
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agentnico · 6 years
Best Movies of 2017
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*Disclaimer: I haven’t seen ‘Phantom Thread’ before making this list, since I am sure that if I had seen it on time, it would have definitely been on here. Though expect a review of that film from me as soon as I get the chance to see it.
2017 in film was definitely a step-up in the world of cinema compared to last year. The only good thing about 2016 was the Oscar season (’La La Land’ baby!!), but the rest of the year, including that painful summer blockbuster season, was terrible. 2017 luckily was a vast improvement on that, with not only many great films and many-a-obsession with John Denver, but also some great treats on TV, like for example the revival of ‘Twin Peaks’, the intriguing third season of ‘Fargo’ and the second season of ‘The Good Place’ which takes all the best parts of the first season and makes them even better! But we are not here to talk about cable networking! We’re here to talk about the greatness of 2017 in film! I even have quite a few honourable mentions (and by a few I mean quite a lot actually!), because of how many films I liked this year. In fact, I am actually really sad that some of these films only get an honourable mention, as they are all so good. This was probably the most difficult list I’ve ever had to do for a best films of the year. But the final choices have now been made, so let’s dig into these gems that 2017 offered us. Also, I judge films by Oscar season, so even though some of these films came out in the UK this January (2018), they still make the list as they are part of this year’s Oscar contentions. Obviously this is all my opinion, and you can find my full reviews of each of these films at the end of each section. So without much further ado, here are the honourable mentions that only just missed the final list, as well as the list itself...
T2 TRAINSPOTTING - The nostalgia is real!!
THE BIG SICK - Guy meets girl. Girl falls into a coma. Guy makes movie about it.
FREE FIRE - A crazy shootout...and Sharlto Copley!
OKJA - The film was enjoyed, though a vegan I did not become.
GET OUT - What’s the natural progression for a guy who until now only did comedy? Make horror film, of course!
LIFE - What ‘Alien: Covenant’ should have been.
MOLLY’S GAME - Aaron Sorkin and his cleavage fetish.
THE SHAPE OF WATER - No fish-men were harmed during the production of this feature!
THEIR FINEST - My favourite of the three Dunkirk films of 2017.
THOR RAGNAROK - Marvel presents: Taika Waititi!
(As I said, all these honourable mentions are fantastic in their own right. I mean, there’s so many films I wanted to have on this list, that instead of doing my usual Top 10 I’ve done a Top 15!)
15) All the Money in the World - “Everything has a price. The great struggle in life is finding out that price.” One of the last films of 2017 that I saw, and even though that whole shindig happened with recasting Kevin Spacey’s role after the sexual allegations and Christopher Plummer instead refilming all his scenes within 8-9 days, and yet somehow they managed to pull it all off, as ‘All the Money in the World’ is a fantastic feature from director Ridley Scott. The film tells the true story of when the grandson of billionaire J. Paul Getty was kidnapped, the elder Getty refused to pay the ransom even though he had ‘all the money in the world’ so to speak. Plummer is fantastic in the role, but Michelle Williams is also not to be overlooked. From the direction to the music to the acting to the story to the cinematography, this movie has it all! Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/169552627869/all-the-money-in-the-world-2017-review
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14) Split - “Something’s coming for you...” It’s nice to finally see a good M. Night Shyamalan film again, it’s been a while! Originally on first viewing I enjoyed this movie, but didn’t really think of it as anything special, however upon rewatching it a few times, I now find myself a fan of it. Just from the various details that Shyamalan puts in every single scene all the way to that awesome twist ending, and McAvoy’s stellar multi-performance and Anya Taylor-Joy continuing to rise slowly to becoming a real star, this film is definitely not to be missed (and if you missed it, what have you been doing for the past year? C’mon man, the film came out back in last January!). Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/156263654209/split-2017-review
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13) A Cure for Wellness - “There is a sickness inside us. Rising like the bile that leaves that bitter taste at the back of our throats. All one can do is find the cure...” I have a special appreciation for this film, since its very rare for the time we live in where the movie industry is filled with franchise films, superhero flicks and endless sequels, reboots and remakes that a big studio like 20th Century Fox makes a big-budget ORIGINAL film. Yes, ‘A Cure for Wellness’ is exactly that, an example of a studio taking a big risk! Well, the critics didn’t like it, however I really loved this film, and my only main issue was that the film goes about 15 minutes too long with a fairly sloppy finale, but besides that I really liked what director Gore Verbinski managed to do here. The cinematography and the unique visual style alone are worth the price of admission, but Benjamin Wallfisch eerie but beautiful score is one that will stay with you long after the credits have rolled. Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/157733587989/a-cure-for-wellness-2017-review
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12) The Lost City of Z - “If we may find a city, where one was considered impossible to exist, it may well write a whole new chapter in human history.” Usually a film like this would be much higher on this kind of list, but 2017 was just so damn good, that this film inevitably was pushed down. Yet its still on the list, and for good reason! Very old-school in the sense that this film feels like it could have come out in the 60′s or 70′s, seemingly drawing inspiration from the types of stories of Jules Verne and Rudyard Kipling, this historical drama focuses on the adventures of explorer Percy Fawcett and his search for this mystical civilisation in the centre of the Amazonian jungle. In its style this film really was nostalgic for me, as they just don’t make these kinds of movies usually anymore. And here’s a little trivia fact for you all. Did you know that Percy Fawcett inspired everyone’s lasso-expert explorer Indiana Jones? Well, now you know. Now go watch this movie! Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/158815046809/the-lost-city-of-z-2017-review
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11) The Disaster Artist - “Oh hi, Mark!” A film about the making of one of the worst (but at the same time best!) movies ever created - ‘The Room’, is brought to us by the producers who are known for their oh-so-many stoner comedies. However this is a different direction for them, as even though this is a comedy, and it 100% makes fun of the many scenes from ‘The Room’, it also delves a lot deeper and gives us some lessons on friendship and not giving up and fighting to achieve your dreams. An inspiring tale, filled with great performances, notably James Franco who completely transforms himself into the eccentric Tommy Wiseau, taking on the accent and the mannerisms perfectly, and generally the whole film is a joy to watch. This, alongside the next film on this list, are easily the two best comedies of 2017! Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/168499770239/the-disaster-artist-2017-review
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10) The Death of Stalin - “I'm going to have to report this conversation, threatening to do harm or obstruct any member of the Presidium in the process of... look a your f***ing face!” Political satirist Armando Iannucci managed to make a comedy out of one of the most frightening and horrific times in history, the era of Stalinism. The monster dies, and his followers fight to gain that same level of power. And more to that the film is surprisingly fairly accurate to the true events. The only major difference is the time span. The events that transpired in the time of a few months are condensed in this film to about 10 days. However that’s not a bad thing, as having multiple time lapses would have really made the movie feel disjointed, so it was the right call. All cast performances are fantastic, especially Simon Russell Beale as the tyrannous Lavrentiy Beria (the Chief of the secret police), and every time a joke misses its mark its balanced out by 5 hilarious jokes afterwards. The only issue in the film is that the ending feels slightly rushed, but because you are having such a good time with the rest of the movie it doesn’t really ruin anything. More so, there are no Russian accents in this film. I’m tired of western movies that are about Russia insisting on having those accents (yes, I’m looking at you ‘Child 44′!). If the film isn’t spoken in Russian anyway, why not just talk normally in your own language? So here we are, Jason Isaacs speaks in Yorkshire, Tambor and Buscemi are doing California, Paul Whitehouse’s Cockney, and it all only adds to the enjoyment of the film. Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/166637040579/the-death-of-stalin-2017-review
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9) Baby Driver - “Sometimes all I want to do is head west on 20 in a car I can't afford with a plan I don't have - just me, my music, and the road.” Known for his work on the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy and ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World’, Edgar Wright has proven that he is one independent filmmaker that is willing to take that one extra step further to make a great film. And now he’s back with his passion project ‘Baby Driver’ about this guy named Baby, who suffers from tinnitus, and so wears headphones and listens to music on his iPod to drown out the noise in his ears. He is one of the best getaway drivers in the world, and he works for this criminal mastermind named Doc to pay back a debt he owes him. On yet another heist things obviously go wrong and shenanigans ensue, and all of this happening to the sound and beat of Baby’s song playlist, and the amount of joy I had watching this film was just infinite. From the soundtrack to the dialogue to the cinematography to the superb cast performances (a surprising stand-out for me was Jon Hamm), this is a movie I can properly refer to as ‘cool’!. And when I first saw ‘Baby Driver’ I was confident it would be my No 1 film this year, but there just happened to be a whole load of others that somehow managed to be better. 2017 was one hell of a year for film! It is sad now though to hear all these allegations of sexual abuse towards Kevin Spacey (who plays Doc in the film), since he is such a great actor but what he did was simply unacceptable. But don’t let his actions affect this film, as he is only one guy, whilst so many other people worked so hard on this movie and it would be quite unfair to all of them if ‘Baby Driver’ is mistreated for Spacey’s actions. For ‘Baby Driver’ is one hell of a movie! Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/162473059424/baby-driver-2017-review
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8) War for the Planet of the Apes - “You are impressive. Smart as hell. You're stronger than we are. But you're taking this all much too personally. So emotional!” Caesar is back for his third entry in the Apes franchise, this time facing off against the mysterious character of the Colonel, played by Woody Harrelson. Following certain heartbreaking events, Caesar sets out on a journey of revenge, showing that even he can lose his nobility and the idea of what’s right and wrong when everything he loves is taken away from him. The emotional journey of this film floored me. I was never a big fan of the Planet of the Apes franchise, but something just clicked for me in this one. And the motion capture work is on a whole new level! Makes me really look forward to Andy Serkis’ ‘Mowgli’ coming out this year! Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/163100239274/war-for-the-planet-of-the-apes-2017-review
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7) Loving Vincent - “You want to know so much about his death, but what do you know of his life?” Talk about a film that’s groundbreaking! This movie, which attempts to unravel the mystery behind the death of painter Vincent van Gogh, is a mind-boggling tale that, even though is quite slow paced and doesn’t really have any major events happen within it, is a fascinating story which will have you thinking about it a long time after the film has ended. And all of this is backed up by the fact that the whole film is oil painted frame by frame in the style of van Gogh, and seeing the various endless brush strokes pass across the screen cause for some beautiful imagery. This is a technical marvel as well as an emotionally filled tale which should not be missed. Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/166397214374/loving-vincent-2017-review
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6) A Ghost Story - “We build our legacy piece by piece and maybe the whole world will remember you or maybe just a couple of people, but you do what you can to make sure you're still around after you're gone.” A meditative journey through loss and grief that leaves us with more questions than answers. When a man dies in a car accident, he must stay in our world as a ghost for some unfinished business. It’s a film where from first glance not much happens, but then you realise that the film relies purely on the deeper meaning and undertones of each shot. There’s a lot of inspiration here of the works of Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch, so yes, that does mean that this is a very slow paced film that is not for everyone. But hey, when a film succeeds in bringing out an emotional performance out of Casey Affleck when he is covered by a sheet most of the film, that’s got to count for something, right? Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/164177949139/a-ghost-story-2017-review
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5) Call Me by Your Name - “Nature has cunning ways of finding our weakest spots.” A story of love. From the touching performances to the earnest tale next to the beautiful Italian scenery, this film’s innocence is what makes it so special. But what gives this film that extra push is the monologue that Michael Stuhlbarg’s character delivers to the end of the film, where he sort of says how you should stay true to yourself and how everything is all going to be alright in the end. For those who thought ‘Brokeback Mountain’ was the top film of its genre, think again, for ‘Call Me by Your Name’ is now here! Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/166877702899/call-me-by-your-name-2017-review
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4) Blade Runner 2049 - “This breaks the world, K. Do you know what that means?” It took me a couple of months to truly appreciate the mastery of this film. I saw it when it came out back in October, and I liked it, gave it a positive review and all, but I did not love it. Then as the months went by, I couldn’t get this movie out of my head. It was strange. So I decided to rewatch it quite recently, and I was stunned. Yes, I still have the same problems with the movie that I had when I originally wrote the review, but they are 100% overshadowed by all the greatness that this movie has to offer. We live in a time when we constantly get reboots, remakes and long overdue sequels come out, and though some are enjoyable (the recent ‘Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle’ was a surprisingly fun time at the cinema!) generally speaking none of them are anything special. However here director Denis Villeneuve crafted something different. I’d even go as far as to say that this movie is better than it’s predecessor, and that is a bold statement, since the original ‘Blade Runner’ is also fantastic. From the sheer imagination and the clever plot-line to Roger Deakins’ gorgeous cinematography to the eerie score of Benjamin Wallfisch and Hans Zimmer to the strong performances by most cast members, this movie just had it all, and it puts a whole new stamp on the science fiction genre. Though no scene in this film beats the iconic ‘Tears in the Rain’ scene from the first movie, but beating that is basically impossible! Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/166221329644/blade-runner-2049-2017-review
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3) Raw - “We had our first kiss, and I understood...” A coming of age tale about a female’s sexual awakening and the discovery of own’s self body. This movie is pure brilliance in my opinion, because ‘Raw’ isn’t a cannibal film that is made to make you sick, unlike many other films of the similar topic would try. ‘Raw’ is more of a sub-genre of horror, with elements of horror, yes, but also comedy, drama and a look at the absurdity of life with elements of body horror. With beautiful cinematography, superb performances and a script that tries to do something different, this was probably one of the biggest surprises for me this year, and it reminds us that it’s not all about Hollywood; foreign films have so much to offer as well! Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/159334902329/raw-2017-review
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2) The Killing of a Sacred Deer - “Can I have your MP3 player when you are dead?” It was really tough for me to decide between this, ‘Raw’ and the next film as to which one deserved to be my number one film of the year, as in the past few years I enjoyed many films, but I always had a clear winner each year, like with ‘La La Land’ in 2016, but this year was filled with so many great films that the whole list was really tough to make, but it was these three films that were most difficult to make a decision between, and in the end ‘The Killing of a Sacred Deer’ beat ‘Raw’ out by a margin, but lost out on the No. 1 spot. But why is ‘The Killing of a Sacred Deer’ so great, you ask? Honestly, it’s hard to say. You watch it, and it feels like you are observing a work of true brilliance. Similarly to how Luca Guadagnino learnt from his previous films to make his masterpiece ‘Call Me by Your Name’, Yorgos Lanthimos took inspiration from his own works like for example ‘The Lobster’ to create a psychological thriller that has its characters talk in a strange deadpan manner that adds to a weird but intoxicating movie experience. I don’t really want to say much to spoil this movie, but all I’ll say is that the title is a reference toward the Greek myth of Agamemnon, who had to sacrifice his daughter after accidentally killing Artemis’ (the goddess of hunting) favourite deer, so you can sort of assume what the movie is about. Also, look out for career best performances by Colin Farrell, Nicole Kidman and Barry Keoghan! ‘The Killing of a Sacred Deer’ is a movie not for everyone, but for cinephiles its a must-watch! And talk about that pulse-racing edge-of-your-seat ending! Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/167124359109/the-killing-of-a-sacred-deer-2017-review
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1) Lady Bird - Here we are. My favourite film of 2017. Who would have guessed? I wouldn’t have. This was completely not on my radar until the end of the year, and then I watched it. I experienced it. I went through it. A film about life. An innocently earnest tale with moments of happiness, moments of sadness, and the difficulties of growing up. Yes, this is a coming-of-age film, and it is a brilliant one! Saoirse Ronan plays a teenage girl who goes to a Catholic high-school, and the movie simply goes through her daily routines as she tries to manoeuvre through the difficulties of teenage life, whether its trying to get with boys, handle her relations with her parents, trying to successfully get into college etc. I was actually really surprised how much this film emotionally affected me, and since I watched it, I just couldn’t get it out of my head. There is no way I can describe this film without giving it the proper justice, so all I’ll say is if you get the chance, watch it, as there’s something for everyone here. And thus, ‘Lady Bird’ is my No. 1 film of 2017! Full review: http://agentnico.tumblr.com/post/169087015999/lady-bird-2017-review
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So that is that: my top films of 2017! Here’s to hoping that 2018 will be another smash within the film industry! And I really look forward to seeing what the Oscars do this time round, as so many films deserve and award, but not all of them will get it, which is a shame. Anyhow, thank you for reading, I apologise if some of your favourites of 2017 didn’t make this list, but at the end of the day, that’s what movies all about, you know. Each of us has our won individual opinion, and there’s a strange kind of beauty in that.
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rickrosset · 6 years
My Top Ten Movies of 2017
1. Lady Bird
2. Blade Runner 2049
3. Get Out
4. Phantom Thread
5. The Shape of Water
6. Dunkirk
7. Call Me By Your Name
8. I, Tonya
9. Good Time
10. War for the Planet of the Apes
Honorable Mention
I Don’t Feel at Home in This World Anymore
The Lost City of Z
Meyerwitz Stories (Now and Then)
The Disaster Artist
Logan Lucky
Shot Caller
Wind River Personal Shopper
The Post
Have Not Seen
All the Money In the World
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Killing of a Sacred Deer
Baby Driver
It Comes At Night
Molly’s Game
Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Brawl in Cell Block 99
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9.) Get Out
Director: Jordan Peele Cast: Daniel Kaluuya, Allison Williams, Bradley Whitford, Catherine Keener, Caleb Landry Jones, Lil Rel Howery, Lakeith Steinfeld, Stephen Root, Erika Alexander, Richard Herd Best Aspect: The last ditch reach to the door Thoughts: Not a huge fan of horror, if you can’t tell. But this biting send-off to Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner by Jordan Peele is a striking blend of satire and horror. The parallels to today’s standard on racism are pretty apparent. Yet it ups the ante on making every scene and scare resonate for years to come.
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amishbabymachine · 6 years
The Best and Worst Movies of 2017 - Episode 175
The Best and Worst Movies of 2017 – Episode 175
The guys are back for 2018 and they’re more powerful than ever! In this epic episode it’s all about the best and worst movies of 2017. During the discussion tactical comedy and random references are inserted throughout.  As always it’s a must listen!
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oneofusnet · 6 years
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Movie BS Ep 390: 2017 top 10 lists 0:00 - Happy new year! We're going to tell you our top 10 lists 2:30 - Our top 10 lists 33:30 - Some other movies we liked in 2017 35:30 - Your favorite movies of last year 37:30 - The good things that happened to you last year 42:15 - Movie of the Month: Stakeout (1987), which we found,... read more on One of Us
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sportsalcohol · 6 years
The SportsAlcohol.com Podcast: The Best Movies of 2017
Hopefully you’ve gone through our list of the 20 best movies of 2017, and maybe if you did, you had some questions, such as: Where was this or that movie? Did everyone like every movie on this list a near-equal amount? Is there a way I could listen to Marisa, Sara, Nathaniel, and Jesse talk about the movies of 2017 for a feature-length amount of time? Luckily, we have a podcast for that.
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moviemosaics · 6 years
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My picks for the best movies of 2017.
1) Get Out
2) Lady Bird
3) Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
4) The Wound
5) Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer
6) Mudbound
7) Raw
8) Colossal
9) Coco
10) Call Me by Your Name
11) The Big Sick
12) The Shape of Water
13) Ingrid Goes West
14) The Florida Project
15) Lucky
You can read why I picked these films by going to http://kilostogo.blogspot.com/2018/01/the-best-movies-of-2017-part-2.html
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gchoate17 · 6 years
I watched 27 movies this year, only one of which was in a theater. I’ve ranked them by how much I enjoyed them. It’s worth noting that I enjoyed the top 18. 
The Imitation Game
The African Doctor
The Whistleblower
Dark Places
Midnight Special
The Founder
Definitely Maybe
I Don’t Feel at Home in this World Anymore
Cloud Atlas
The Giver
One of Us
What the Health?
How To Make an American Quilt
The Road
Glow: The Real Story of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling
Wonder Woman*
The Witness
The Boss
Babies Behind Bars
Everything Must Go
Bride Wars
The Words
* Watched in movie theater.
See my TV list here, and my book list here. 
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supercut0fus · 6 years
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best films of 2017
1. Lady Bird - Greta Gerwig
2. Call Me By Your Name - Luca Guadagnino
3. The Florida Project - Sean Baker
4. mother! - Darren Aronofsky
5. A Fantastic Woman -  Sebastián Lelio
6. The Beguiled - Sofia Coppola
7. Columbus - Kogonada
8. God’s Own Country - Francis Lee
9. The Killing of a Sacred Deer - Yorgos Lanthimos
10. A Ghost Story - David Lowery
11. Raw - Julia Ducournau
12. Good Time - Ben & Joshua Safdie
13. Dunkirk - Christopher Nolan
14. Okja - Bong Joon-ho
15. Wonderstruck - Todd Haynes
16. Mudbound - Dee Rees
17. The Shape of Water - Guillermo del Toro
18. Personal Shopper - Olivier Assayas
19. Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Rian Johnson
20. I, Tonya - Crag Gillespie
full list: https://letterboxd.com/franki_xcx/list/best-of-2017/
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