#best photo studio london
tyxstudios · 2 months
Discover the Best Photography Studio Rental Experience in London
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Time to level up your shoots at a TYX London photo studio. The best photography studio in London offers the perfect space to bring your vision to life. Equipped with high-resolution cameras, natural light, and an infinity cove, it's perfect for all kinds of shoots—fashion photography, portrait sessions, product shoots, and more.
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'UPDATE, 11:44 am PST: Christopher Nolan confirmed before the beginning of the “Oppenheimer” screening that the cast has left in solidarity with the SAG-AFTRA strike.
PREVIOUSLY: Matt Damon has revealed that the “Oppenheimer” cast talked about their strike strategy before hitting the movie’s red carpet premiere in London on Thursday.
“We talked about it,” Damon told Variety on the carpet. “Look, if it’s called now, everyone’s going to walk obviously in solidarity … Once the strike is officially called, [we’re walking]. That’s why we moved this [red carpet] up because we know the second it’s called, we’re going home.”
Damon added: “We gave the strike authorization. We voted 98% to 2% to do that because we know our leadership has our best interest at heart.”
“It’s really about working actors,” he continued. “It’s $26,000 to qualify for health coverage and a lot of people are on the margins and residual payments are getting them across that threshold. This isn’t an academic exercise. This is real life and death stuff. Hopefully we get to a resolution quickly. No one wants a work stoppage, but we’ve got to get a fair deal.”
The London carpet for Christopher Nolan’s atomic bomb thriller kicked off just before 5 p.m. local time, with a lot of nervous publicists and marketing executives looking anxiously at their phones and watches. In the event of an early strike, sources told Variety that the entire cast planned to discreetly exit the carpet in Leicester Square.
Emily Blunt told Variety: “Obviously we stand we all of the actors and at whatever point it’s called, we’re going to be going home and standing together through it because I want everyone to get a fair deal.”
Asked whether she’ll be joining the picket line herself, the British star quipped, “Oh, I think so!” before being rushed down the line by her publicist.
Kenneth Branagh, who plays physicist Niels Bohr in the film, also spoke to Variety about his feelings on the strike.
“There are a lot of people here we did not want to disappoint, but we’re also in complete solidarity with our colleagues and what they’re doing,” he said. “I know they’ve worked diligently to achieve an agreement which is happening at a critical point in our industry. It’s important that we’re ready to be shoulder-to-shoulder with them as the situation develops.”
Nolan also spoke to Variety on the carpet about the film’s runtime.
“The runtime is two minutes shorter than ‘Avengers: Endgame,’ so we cling to that,” he said. “I said to (producer) Emma Thomas very early on that it’s going to be a three-hour film. I have to write a script that reflects that. That was our conversation with the studio. It’s a big story and needs a big talent. It’s a 180-page script and it’s a $180 million movie.”
The cast worked the carpet for the better part of an hour before wrapping around 6 p.m. for group photos. Rami Malek, who was stuck in traffic heading over to central London from a shoot, missed the red carpet entirely, but arrived at the 11th hour and hurried onto the carpet for photos...'
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jetskisonyourmoat · 2 months
An old interview from 2007 ☺️
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[credit to Twitter user who took photos of the interview]
Coldplay in scarves and woolly mittens. The Libertines as Dickensian street urchins, and REM's Michael Stipe as um, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. The NME Christmas cover has an illustrious tradition of rock stars arsing around in their best dressing up clobber for a day Some need gentle coaxing, some need a raft of costume. based ideas sent over by our art team before theyll commit. Others, like this year's Christmas cover stars Arctic Monkeys, have planned the concept and hired the outfits even before our tentative email request has had time to settle in their manager's inbox. "We want to be evil elves," came the return message moments later. "Not naughty elves, not mischievous elves. EVIL ELVES.” Which is why, one Wednesday afternoon in late November, we find ourselves at a north London photo studio strapping dynamite sticks to reindeers, impaling others with giant shards of metal, hiding a bomb in a snowman's hat and handing Arctic Monkeys bassist Nick O'Malley a mallet and then standing back as he sends carefully wrapped gifts shattering across the room. Of course, there were the annual set of complications in trying to co-ordinate a photoshoot of this magnitude: Alex Turner requesting the ‘smacked-up elf’ look from the make up artist, but looking more like a cherubic waif with every ring of dark eyeshadow applied, Nick shunning the hired-in pixie boots in favour of his own toe-curling pointers ("from Prada, thank you very much") and a minor tussle over which band member was going to get their ears stuck on first. That and the endless flutes of champagne threatening to sabotage the interview scheduled for straight after the shoot (“I feel very light headed and unsteady on my feet, NME," says Alex, wobbling).
Eventually we manage to steer them to a corner of the room where a Dictaphone awaits. By this time Nick, Matt Helders and Jamie Cook's costumes are on coat hangers and they're back in civvies. Only Alex has opted to stay as an elf, at least as long as the interview lasts. It's a heated hour that will see them debate the big topics of the year, consider their own personal highlights (Nick. "Glastonbury. NME: And your defining Glasto 2007 moment? Nick "Er, headlining the fucker") and lowlights (Mike Reid RIP). Before all that though, there's the small matter of destroying Christmas 2007 for everyone. Your favourite worst nightmare before the festive season is about to be unleashed.
NME: Hello, Nice costumes.
Alex Turner: "Thanks. You might say we dress up too much, But really, what is too much? It's good to escape your own face for an hour.
Matt Helders: "It's easier to hide behind a costume, isn't it? I felt in good spirits up there though - I’m not sure I was really feeling evil enough.
So what's Arctic Monkeys squad of evil elves manifesto for ruining Christmas?
Jamie Cook: "Go out on Christmas Eve.
Alex: "I heard a terrible story about a friend who went out on Christmas Eve once. This lad got hammered and, you know when you're hungover and, like, your thoughts and your mouth aren't connected properly? Well, he was eating his Christmas dinner and his nan were wittering on as your nan does, and he thought to himself. Oh, shut up Nan, you cunt. Then he looked up and everyone was looking at him and his dad went. I think you'd better just take your dinner upstairs and eat in your bedroom. He’d said it out loud (The table collapses in laughter).
Matt: "His nan was a cunt, though."
Alex: "So there's a way to wreck Christmas - call your nan a cunt. Actually. you should leave that out cos my nan buys NME more than my mum. My nan files her NMEs!
Matt: "So our real answer would be... I dunno, burn everyone's house down.
Alex: "Or, you know those Santa’s that come on a truck to estates and all the kids come to see them? Maybe you could hijack one of them as another Santa then rip your beard off
Matt: "....and punch the kids. Or the dad. There's nothing worse than beating kids dads up in front of the kids!"
Alex: "(Nodding) Nothing worse.
Moving on. What does a traditional Christmas entail round at Alex Turner, the only child's, house?
Alex: "Quality Street. That's the only tradition around mine. Other than that, just looking at the phone thinking. Can I ring them (points at other Monkeys) on Christmas Day or is that out of order?'
Matt: "Yeah. it is. (Holding hands up to each ear to mimick a two-way phone conversation between Alex and himself 'Do you wanna come round?' 'Al, it's Christmas Day. My nan's here.' 'Yeah. but I'm just sat here at home...' "
Alex: "We've been discussing how there's nothing to do on Christmas Day and maybe having some kind of party this year. Fancy dress, obviously. We were talking about having some sort of Ultimate Warrior party."
Matt: "Wrestlers weren't it?"
Alex: "Ah yes, wrestlers."
What are you doing for New Year's Eve?
Matt: "Last year was crap. I DJed in Sheffield at midnight. The first song everyone in that room heard going into 2007 was 'Boom! Shake The Room, which was a good feeling"
Alex: "That's something to be proud of. This year we've got nothing planned. We all go out together though; we were at that club."
Matt: "It rarely works, New Year's Eve. It's always such a fucking build-up."
Alex: Everyone's like, '(Whining voice) What are we doing now?' And then it fucking snows, doesn't it?"
Um, not where I'm from...
Alex: "It always snows round where we are"
Jamie: "It's not snow, it's sleet."
Alex: "I remember walking home last year in it and no taxis stopping for us."
Jamie: "Yeah, 'Im not taking you to High Green, mate."
Nick O'Malley: "I booked a hotel last year in Sheffield city centre and just stayed there."
Alex: 'Maybe well stay in this year. See Jools' Hootenanny and that."
What New Year's resolutions are you going to make?
Alex: "I want to learn how to cook food. I want to do a good curry."
Nick: "I want to get to a level of fitness synonymous with that of a boxer - just so I don't get out of breath walking up the stairs"
Jamie: "I want to grow a beard. I’m not shaving after today."
Alex: "Otherwise I'm allowed to punch him in the nose."
Matt: "I want to learn to do a back somersault and a front somersault."
Jamie: "Oh, and be able to dive into shallow water from a height and not hurt yourself."
Alex: "Yeah, flips, juggling. unicycling. I think were all always looking for improvement in our overall balance."
The coming year dealt with, it's time to turn the clock back and get Arctic Monkeys' take on the headlines that shook 2007. For this, Alex takes a more noticeably back-seat role in the conversation especially when the spectre of political allegiance rears its head and he actually goes completely mute. According to his press officer afterwards, having seen Arctic Monkeys branded Gordon Brown's favourite new band before he became Prime Minister, Alex is reluctant to say anything that any of the political parties could use to their advantage. From here on in then, Nick'n'Matt take over from Aln'Matt as the comedy double act. Meanwhile, Jamie will reserve his sole contribution to the conversation for an animated outburst about social networking sites in the workplace.
This Christmas marks the one-year anniversary of James Brown's death. Did he mean much to Arctic Monkeys?
Nick: "Yeah, we were big fans of James Brown."
Alex: "The first ever gig we did, we walked onstage to 'The Payback. And at college I had a pair of jeans I'd written on in red marker ‘I've got soul and I'm super bad!
Jamie: "He did as well."
Nick: "It was one of those things when you heard, you didn't want to believe it. A bit like Steve Irwin."
Alex: "Or Mike Reid. (Genuinely moved) Mike Reid, that really hit me that."
Nick: 'I don't think there was a big enough fuss about that as there should have been."
Matt: "I tell you when Ill be dead upset- and I don't really want to say it cos he's not dead yet, but I might as well get it all out -and that's when Bruce Forsyth dies."
Alex: "(Gravely) Ah, Forsyth."
Matt: "Cos I know I'm going to see it.. all being well my end."
Nick: "Touch wood."
Alex: "Cover the holes!"
Nick: "(To NME] Do you know where that expression comes from?"
Alex: "Apparently there's these little people who live in the wood. Like these little fairies that bring things that you say to life. So you cover the holes so they can't get out... Yeah, Mike Reid. I remember reading about that in the airport.
Then there was the Celebrity Big Brother race row early in the year. Did you watch any of it?
Nick: "We made a point of watching that. We wanted to watch where what's-her-name got kicked out. That said it all, and they didn't have any crowd there"
Alex: "Oh, Jade."
Jamie: "I thought Jade Goody and the one that was getting abused by her.
Matt: "Shilpa Shetty."
Jamie: "That's right. I thought they both played it bad."
Alex: "Jo from S Club 7 can fuck off I’d send her to jail Why? I just don’t like her; I think she came across horrible."
Nick: (Changing tact) “I texted one of those numbers to find out about touch wood (Reaches for beeping phone and starts reading) Touch wood is said to come from a mid-18th century story in which children being chased who touched wood were said, to be immune from being caught"
Matt: "I don't believe that. This has been wrong once before and thats when texted, to ask who's headlining Glastonbury and it said Eric Clapton. (Pumping chest out defiantly) It weren't - it were us!"
Of course the biggest music story of the first half of the year was Keith Richard revealing he'd snorted his father…
Jamie: "(Laughing) His ashes weren’t it?
Yep. What's the weirdest thing you've ever snorted?
Matt: "An eraser. That's not true actually I've witnessed it but never done it I wish I had. I didn't live enough at school”
What did you think of Keith's revelations?
Matt: "I think it was shortly after he said we were shit. He said something like the ["Load of cunts. load of cunts. Posers, rubbish was how Keef actually described the Monkeys, alongside Bloc Party and The Libertines in the same NME interview.
Keith said he didn't like The Libertines who reformed for one night only in April, with Carl Barât joining Pete Doherty onstage at London's Hackney Empire. Did you care?
Alex: "Yeah, I was interested in that. It was a 'should've been there moment, I imagine.”
Matt: "I’d have liked to have seen that.”
Nick: "They're one of the bands that a very young us were really into."
Would you like them to get back together permanently?
Alex: "(With just enough sarcasm) The greatest hits album were enough for me”
Jamie: "They didn't sling it out though did they? It was the label."
Nick: "I read something where Pete was saying he didn't even know it had come out.”
What about the new Babyshambles album? Were you fans of that?
Nick: "I’ve only heard a few songs, but the were good tracks."
Alex: "I liked it and I liked him on Friday Night With Jonathan Ross.”
Nick: "He seemed like a nice gentleman"
Alex: "I met him once. I was at this party in this club this time last year when we were recording, and someone who I’d never met said Oi! Come here and led me through this door and there was a studio and in this studio he was stood there with his top off."
Nick: "Topless?!"
Alex: "It were surreal. For a start there's a studio in a club, then there’s Pete Doherty and then he's got his top off he’s taller than you’d think.”
Matt: "I remember meeting him, as a fan actually, at a Strokes gig at Alexandra Palace I had my picture took with him and that’s when I realised he were tall."
In May, offices and schools across the UK began blocking students from using Facebook.
Alex: "I’ve never even been on Facebook"
Jamie: "(Antagonised) You know what? That’s fair enough if they should be workin’ or learning, not making take friends"
Matt: "What's the difference between…”
Jamie: "(Raising voice) No, but fair enough! You're fucking working!"
Matt: "Um, what's the difference between Facebook and MySpace?”
Please tell me one of the Arctic Monkeys knows what Facebook or MySpace are...
Alex: "I've never looked on them."
Jamie: "I haven't."
Matt: “I know what MySpace looks like, cos other people have shown me theirs, but none of us have actually got one.”
Are there any sites you do frequent?
Matt: "I don't mind The Hype Machine. I go on to search for remixes before they get heard properly."
Nick: "I got really into Wikipedia at one point. I read loads of things about joe Meek and Shack"
Alex: "He’ll read all these facts then casually throw them into conversation the next day."
Matt: "Askjolene.com is the biggest adult search engine in the world.. Just throwing that in there"
Gordon Brown - a big fan of yours, apparently - took over from Tony Blair this summer as Britain's 51st Prime Minister. How's he done so far?
Nick: "I've not really noticed any changes."
Matt: "It's neutral for me."
Who will you be voting for next time?
Matt: "I need to start evaluating, reading all their manifestos."
Nick: "I’ll Wikipedia them all and make a decision that way.”
The UK smoking ban kicked in on July 1. Has it bothered you?
Matt: "Nick's the only one of us that smokes."
Nick: "Oi, my mum reads this!"
Matt: "(Back-tracking hastily) Like I said, Nick doesn't even smoke."
Nick: "I agree with it, even though 1 do smoke. I think it's a good thing."
Alex: "You get weird smells now, I reckon."
Matt: "We were reading about that place where they give out free deodorant because you smell people more now in bars."
Nick: "It's a good way to meet new people outside I've found. And it someone's getting on your nerves you can just say. 'Right, Im going outside for a cigarette."
Alex: "I think it will become less strict in a few years. 'Cos like in New York they've had it a bit longer and they turn a blind eye to it some places there now.”
In August we had another music legend pass away; Tony Wilson.
Alex: "That were a right shock. I'm not a huge fan of the Manchester music scene. but enough for his death to mean a lot."
Nick: "I always imagine him as Alan Partridge, y know! Well, Steve Coogan in 24 Hour Party People. That's where I first got to know of Tony Wilson."
Alex: "(Looking glum) What happened in September, NME?"
You can have the Diana death inquest or Klaxons winning the Mercury Prize.
Alex: "Klaxons winning the Mercury Prize."
Matt: "You could say Klaxons winning the Mercury Prize if you want, or you could say us losing the Mercury Prize"
How did you feel about that?
Matt: "It were alright. It were a bit of a dent on my life."
Nick: "Well done, Klaxons. I wanted Dizzee Rascal to win it."
Matt: "'Yeah, Maths + English'"
Nick: "I thought it was Winehouse's though."
Alex: "But then I think Klaxons' album is more of an album than Amy Winehouse's album. Like, Amy Winehouse's album had some good tunes an' that. But I think as a thing, you can't really argue with Klaxons."
What did you think about Radiohead shocking the music industry with the way they released In Rainbows' this autumn?
Alex: "We heard Radiohead's riveting radio broadcast on the way home last night."
Matt: "I nearly fell asleep at the wheel!"
Alex: "I were nudging him! 'Keep your eyes on the road!"
Nick: "I think it was quite a clever idea for them. I think it works well for them cos their fans are the type of fans who’d probably really be into that concept."
Is it something you'd ever do?
Alex: "Nah."
Matt: "That'll be memorable 'cos they'd gone out of their way to do something different, but I don't think we need to. Obviously they don't need to either. They can afford to do stuff like that."
Alex: "They've done it now. You only need to do an experiment like that once. I don't feel like it was designed to change anything"
Matt: "They said themselves, 'It's not a template' See! I was listening last night."
Then at the end of the year, Led Zeppelin finally played their long-awaited reunion show in London. Did you apply for tickets?
Matt: "Nope. I would have gone if late Led Zep drummer] John Bonham was still alive."
Nick: "Oh, Matt."
Matt: "I'm not that bothered by them. It's not that big a deal."
Jamie: "Nah, it really is! (Laughing) Thats why a lot of people are going."
Nick: "I had a phase of being a big Zep fan. I remember I had a perlod of about six months thinking they were the bee's bollocks."
Which brings us right up to the end of the year. What great truths have Arctic Monkeys learned in 2007?
Nick: "We learned that we're really into finding out where expressions came from. So we learned where 'fill your boots' came from - it's where old, er-”
Matt: "Cavaliers."
Nick: "Yes, Cavaliers!"
Matt: "They'd get their place at the bar and once they were there they wouldn't want to lose it, so they'd piss straight into their boots so they could carry on drinking. They had big boots on, like. That's it. There's our great truths.”
Or are they? Can we trust anything that comes out of the mouths of Satan's Little Helpers? Perhaps it's all just an evil plot to make us urinate on our own footwear this Christmas. Or go on festive arson rampages. Or cause expletive-induced coronaries in the elderly. Whatever, Arctic Monkeys certainly wish you all a very scary a Christmas.
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folkloresthings · 10 months
NORTHANGER ABBEY — send a muse + your favourite trope and i’ll write a drabble/blurb.
This with oscar and the best friends to lovers trope because it seems so fitting !
Also congratulations on 1k followers , I recently found your blog and I love your writing so much 🥰
him and this trope??? perfection.
ALWAYS. ❨ oscar piastri x reader ❩
the gods had been on your side the day you met oscar. or, to put it literally, lando norris had. you’d known the english driver a few years, through mutual friends and whatnot. he had been the one to introduce you to oscar, just after his moving from australia to london. his apartment wasn’t far from your own, though his was much nicer than your student—loan rented studio.
fulfilling your promise to show him around the city, the pair of you became inseparable. from picnics on the heath to nights out in soho to sitting on the roof of your apartment counting the stars. you could talk for hours and hours and never run out of things to say. he listened to your rants about school and you listened to his worries about racing.
for a whole year, oscar was your second half. never once did anything other than pure platonic love slip in — hell, you’d even set him up with one or two of your girlfriends. the notion that you and oscar could ever be more hadn’t crossed your mind at all. at least, it hadn’t before.
he was supposed to be in belgium. you were graduating university the same day he was supposed to be racing around a track hours away from you. but the ceremony had just ended and there he was, stood outside the hall waiting for you.
“what the hell are you doing here?” you squealed, gown flowing behind you as you ran towards him. oscar laughed gleefully, arms outstretched and waiting for you to jump into them. he held you tightly, even after spinning you around, strong arms around your waist.
“i couldn’t miss your big day, could i?” he hummed, watching you pull back and grin up at him. you looked so happy, he was sure he’d made the right decision to fly back. “i’m so proud of you.”
“thank you.” you softened, cheeks warming up when he reached behind him to pull a bouquet of tulips from his bag. glancing back to where your friends were stood, you beckoned one of them over. “come on, we need a picture.”
handing the girl your phone, you position yourself by oscar’s side. one arm around his waist, the other cradling your flowers. oscar mimicks your movements, his hand on your hip tugging you closer to his side. for a moment, you feel your heart flutter. it’s a totally new sensation, one you’d never felt for oscar before. you falter, nearly forgetting to smile until your friend reminds you.
ten minutes later, your little photoshoot is over, leaving you to take a quick swipe through the photos with oscar leaning over your shoulder. you find your favourite immediately. your head was leaning on his shoulder, graduation cap comically placed atop his head instead of yours. your smile is wide, but his is soft. he’s not looking at the camera, like you are, but down at your content expression.
you recognise the look on his face in an instant. you’d seen it before, your friends and their boyfriends. lando and luisa. but not on oscar — never on oscar.
“i like that one. send it to me, will you?” oscar murmurs, fixing your cap back on your head. you nod, throat dry and fixated on his hands in your hair. “i have to fly back tomorrow for the race so i’m treating you to a celebratory dinner; that little italian you love near london bridge.”
your chest tightens with fondness, never happier to have to cancel plans with your other friends. he’d come all this way just for you, booked your favourite restaurant just for you, skipped his practice race just for you. he’d brought a whole new bucket of feelings for you to deal with, and you had no idea how to.
“y/n? you okay?” oscar had obviously caught onto your spacing out, concern painting his pretty face. god, he’d never been pretty before.
possessed by this new crush, your body sprung before your mind could and you were kissing him. not kissing, per day. but you were up on your tiptoes, pressing your lips against his and jumping back before either one of you could do any more.
“fuck. shit, sorry,” you ramble out, cheeks burning and hands twitching nervously by your side. “i don’t know why i did that.”
you stare hard at the ground beneath you, desperate for it to open up and eat you whole. the pit in your stomach grows heavier and heavier, the sudden realisation that you may have just ruined the best thing to happen to you in the past year.
oscar’s looking at you in surprise when you finally gather the courage to peek up at him. your face twists, abhorring the quiet that’s gathered over the two of you. all of your classmates are celebrating around you, taking pictures and laughing, unaware of your life falling apart.
“i’ve waited ten months for you to do that,” oscar finally speaks, and he’s smiling. your eyes widen, unsure if the words were hallucinations or not.
oscar grins, striding forward to cup his palms around your cheeks, and there’s that look again. that look that, apparently, you’ve been missing for a year. “i’ve been in love with you since the weekend you came to monza last year. lando told me to make a move but i didn’t want to risk losing you. you’re everything to me.”
your stomach twists again, but in the best possible way. pressing your hands to his chest, you pull him down to another kiss. a proper kiss, of course, spilling out everything past soft lips and interrupting giggles. all this time, how could you not know?
“about damn time,” you hear one of your friends jest behind you. you turn red again, burying your embarrassment in the soft fabric of oscar’s shirt. he doesn’t fluster at all, basking in the pride of being able to hold you in his arms without question.
“come back with me to belgium?” he whispers against your hair, unwilling to part with you just yet. you nod against his chest, not caring if your makeup smudges. all you care about is him.
“promise me one thing?” you asks, fingers winding through his. oscar nods, head cocking to the side. “we’ll still be best friends? talk to each other about everything? even if we kiss sometimes.”
oscar laughs, pressing his lips to your temple endearingly. “always.”
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harrisonarchive · 11 months
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George and Astrid in 1977; photo © Astrid Kirchherr.
“Astrid was the one, really, who influenced our image more than anybody.” - George Harrison, The Beatles Anthology
“I had the strongest friendship with George. He was one of my best friends. We saw each other often, and he always looked after me, got in touch constantly to ask if I was healthy and if I have everything. Today […] I still meet up with his wife Olivia and his son Dhani.” - Astrid Kirchherr, translated from Hörzu, 2005
“[Olivia] is a special lady and a wonderful woman, she is only what you would expect from someone married to such a wonderful man as George. [...] I was invited to a beautiful memorial service with Olivia and their son Dhani, who is so like George, at their beautiful home where George was happy being a gardener.’” - Astrid Kirchherr, Liverpool Echo, August 26, 2003
“I was in London then [in the late Sixties] and George said he needed a photo for the inner sleeve of his Wonderwall album. I said, I just don’t feel like it, and anyway I haven’t got a camera. He smiled and said, ‘Darling, I just need to click my fingers and there’s any camera you want!’ So I had to do it, and I do really like that picture. Then later George said, ‘Come over to London and I’ll set up a studio for you and you can be a photographer here.’ But I was so unsure then if I was any good or not, that I just couldn’t accept his offer. I’d had years of being called ‘The Beatles’ photographer’. I’d go into a magazine with my portfolio, and all they would want to talk about was The Beatles. They didn’t care if picture was out of focus or not, especially in the ’60s, as long as it had a Beatle in it. So I started to question myself. Are you actually good, or are you only good because you took pictures of The Beatles? And under those circumstances, I didn’t feel as if I could do it any more. I still take pictures - but these days they’re just in my mind.” - Astrid Kirchherr, The Beatles: Classic, Rare & Unseen
“He was then [in the early '60s], he still is now: my Georgie boy.” - Astrid Kirchherr, translated from Spiegel, 2/1994
“George was always my favorite, his kindness and his wit. He was just a wonderful person and whenever I was in trouble, like with money and things, he was always looking after me and he invited me a couple of times to London and later on to Henley. I just miss him terribly because he was like a little guardian angel for me, I feel like I am in a way lost without him.” - Astrid Kirchherr, Astrid Kirchherr: A Retrospective
“[Kirchherr] last saw George Harrison in mid-2001, months before he died, when he invited her to [Friar Park] for a last weekend with his family. ‘I remember we had a little walk in his park, and I was so full of love and joy to be with him that I cried,’ she says. ‘He said, “You must not cry, I will always look after you.” He had no fear. No fear whatsoever. I miss his presence, but I’ve got the feeling he’s still around me.’" - Peter Fetterman Gallery, Artists: Astrid Kirchherr (x)
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gucciwins · 2 years
an ex brings stories and mistrust
Word count: 3440
A/N: you asked for angst for some reason so here it is. i am so happy to know you still love bel and harry as much as i do. 🤍
Warnings: angst, jealousy, ex-boyfriend
read love on tour series 
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“I’m going out tonight,” you tell Harry as you steal a sip of his coffee. You love the smell but can never find yourself enjoying a full cup.
“Done being a homebody,” he teases.
You roll your eyes; after being home in London for a few days, you’ve been enjoying staying in your house but also at Harry’s. It was larger than yours, yet it felt cozy because he was here.
“Haha, a few friends are in the city and want to grab dinner, maybe karaoke,” you share, “what we do after is still up in the air.”
“You can always sing one of mine,” as he takes a blueberry out of her hand.
“Mhm…too bad I already have my song.”
“It’s a classic. You sing ‘you’re so vain’ perfectly every time. Always leaves me in awe.”
You feel your face warm up at his compliments. There had been a lot of begging for him to get you to sing in front of his friends one night. It helped. Most of them were a few tequila shots in. Although it is something Mitch brings every time you see him suggesting new songs, you should try to karaoke for them.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, H.”
Harry frowns, wanting to spend more time with you this morning, but he knows you have a fitting for a red carpet. You’re working with an upcoming designer Sarai told you about,  a Hispanic designer with beautiful looks incorporating designs from their culture. You just had to work with them; of course, they were happy to agree.
“Send me photos, please,” he mutters against your lips.
You go to pull away, but Harry holds your waist, deepening the kiss wanting to give you something that would hopefully want to make you stay home, although he knew it was a losing battle. You pull away breathless, a smile breaking out as you see Harry’s puffy pink lips.
“I love you, H.”
“Te amo, Bel.”
There was no studio today, and Harry decided to use the day to catch up on reading a few books Bel had recommended he got two chapters in when he was inspired to grab his journal to write these lyrics before they escaped him. Harry wasn’t sure how much time had passed when he felt his phone ring, he dropped his pen thinking it was Bel but to his surprise saw it was Naomi, your best friend.
“Hi Naomi,” he greets.
“Hiya H, where’s our girl? She’s ignoring my calls,” Naomi asks, straight to the point.
“She had a fitting and was going out tonight.”
“Did she? Say with who?”
“Oh, friends in the city. Don’t think she gave me any names.”
Harry peeked at the time on his phone and saw it was close to six pm. The day honestly had gotten away from him. He would need to cook himself dinner.
“Heard Dylan was in the city.” Harry frowns, hearing Sarai whisper to Naomi.
“Dylan O'Brien,” Naomi tells him, “a good friend.”
“Who’s still in love with her,” Sarai inputs.
Harry hears Naomi shush Sarai,” sorry they’ve been drinking.”
“Why would Dylan be in love with Bel?” Harry had never been more confused. He knew you saw Dylan as a good friend; you would go as far as saying he was one of your closest friends in the industry.
Naomi sighed, knowing they messed up.
“It’s not–shit. H, you have to understand this was years ago.”
“What was?”
“Dylan and Bel dated,” she confesses.
And Harry feels his heart drop.
How did he not know this? How could you not share this information with him?
“Listen, it was after their first film together. It was never made public and is something she really doesn’t share. She broke up with Dylan because he was ready to get serious and take it to the next step, and she felt she wasn’t there. He was heartbroken after, but he was always supporting her.”
“He didn’t want to break up, did he?”
Naomi sighed, “no, he fought her on it, but she was set on her decision.”
“Did she love him?”
“Naomi, please!”
“Of course she did. But it’s different, H. You have to believe me. She loves you. I’ve never seen her this happy or in love, and I’ve known her all her life. You make her shine. She’s one hundred percent herself when she’s with you.”
Naomi sharing this brings him a bit of comfort, but he’s left with the question of why you hadn’t told him Dylan was an ex. He was sure there were no secrets between each other, but now he wasn’t so sure. Harry shared about his past heartbreaks and his hand in breaking hearts. You had shared little, telling him that you had two serious relationships that were not worth talking about because you had all wanted something different.
“I don’t get why she wouldn’t tell me.”
“She doesn’t dwindle in the past. Think she’s lived there long enough.”
Harry sighs because he understands, in a way, he doesn’t know what it is like to be alone for years or not to have a loved one to seek out for comfort to share childhood memories with, but he has been faced with loss and knows how hard it can be. He does not understand why she’d keep her relationship with Dylan a secret. It’s as if there was something more she wasn’t telling him.
“I’m going to ask her about it,” Harry tells Naomi.
He hears her sigh, “I’d be surprised if you didn’t.”
“Bye, Naomi.”
“Harry, please be kind. I know this isn’t the easiest way to find something out, but don’t react when you’re speaking with her,”
He sighs, knowing she’s right. Harry doesn’t know what would have happened if he found out through you, but for now, he had to feel his emotions, and he’d talk about this news when you came home to him tonight.
“Of course.”
The phone drops against the cushion on his couch. There’s too much on his mind for him to rest in peace. Harry decides to meditate as the best way to work through his clouded mind. It works for some time until he feels the urge to check his phone, so he leans across where he let it fall, his eyes bugging out to see how late it had turned and you had yet to turn up. He didn’t mean to bother you when you were out, but he was concerned because, for the past few days, you’ve been coming home to him.
He sighs in relief when he hears your cheery voice after the second ring.
“Hi baby,” he breathes out. “Are you coming back here tonight?”
You sigh, coming out low. “Sorry, H. We came back to my place with some friends. You’re welcome to come,” you offer, feeling bad about making him wait for you when you could have texted him earlier in the evening.
“Hurry back. We’re going to lose,” Harry hears Dylan call for you.
Harry tenses, forgetting that you had even asked him a question. “H?”
“No, uh, early morning tomorrow,” he lies.
“Lunch tomorrow, then?” You counter. “Vinny’s?”
“I’ll be at our table,” he promises.
Harry heads to bed with a heavy heart but is thankful he will see you tomorrow.
He had arrived early, wanting to have your food ready for when you arrived. You always loved eating the same meal here, the ravioli with butternut squash filling. It was good, and Harry always ended up stealing a bit or two from you when you claimed he needed to try it.
As he waited for you, he was trying to decide how to approach the topic or wondered if Naomi had already sent her a warning. A few minutes later, a large commotion in front of the restaurant caught his attention. There are people gathered around, and he catches a glimpse of your face making him quick to leave his seat and go help you with the crowd. To his surprise, Dylan helped part the crowd and guided you inside with a hand on the small of your back. The group stayed outside as Harry watched you turn to hug Dylan in gratitude. You stood there speaking with him before Dylan shook his head, leaning in to give you a kiss on your cheek. Harry was confused. You showed up with him, and even more that you managed to catch the attention of a crowd.
“Hey,” you greet him with a breathless grin.
“You alright?” He checks in.
“Saw that,” you breathe out. “It was fine. Dylan was there to help.”
Harry hums in response, trying to think what he wants to say.
“Did you order?”
“Should be here in a few minutes.”
You drop the menu, flashing him a huge smile. “You’re an angel, H.”
He sits silently, letting you start to tell him about your day when he interrupts your story about Sally burning pancakes last night. “Why did you show up with Dylan?”
You frown, leaning back a bit as he surprised you with the sudden question. “He stayed the night, and I had let Emerson borrow my car for the day, and I had forgotten, and he offered.”
“You stayed with him alone!” Harry exclaims.
“No, Sally, Nina, Saoirse, Tom, and even Sarah stopped by last night for game night.”
Harry huffs, “you could have called me.”
You grimace, “he was heading this way, and you had a meeting this morning.”
“And the paparazzi just so happened to know you were headed here.”
You frown, not liking what he was insinuating. “H, what are you saying?”
He shrugs, taking a drink of his water.
“Do you think Dylan called the paparazzi?” You sound surprised he’d accuse your friend of this.
“We’ve eaten here how many times?” He reminds you, not once have you had a run-in with paparazzi. “Funny he offers you a ride, and you’re conveniently papped together.”
You sit back in your seat, not sure what he meant. He’s been papped out from time to time, sometimes with you and sometimes when he’s out with other friends. There’s this world you live in, and how easy it is to get lost in your own world behind closed doors. Forgetting that others around you will do anything to get a glimpse inside.
“Harry, come on.”
He shakes his head, “forget it.”
After that, lunch is tense, little to no conversation is had, no matter how much you try. He checks his phone more often, making you fall silent. It’s the quietest meal you’ve had, and it makes you upset not knowing what you did wrong. Harry finished his meal before you but didn’t rush you. Not feeling comfortable continuing to eat, you decide you’re finished placing your napkin on top and offering him a small smile. He asks for the check, and soon you’re off, following Harry to his car, wondering if he’s going to take you home or back to his place.
You don’t dare ask.
It’s not until he takes a left turn instead of a right do you sit back in relief, knowing he still wants you around. Even if it is only to sit in silence.
He parks the car. You sit there together in silence, not sure where you stand. You reach out to squeeze his hand to comfort you and let out a breath of relief when he lets you.
“Come on, I’ll make us some tea.”
You’re not sure what conversation awaits you inside, but it’s Harry, and you know together, you can work through anything.
Harry is quiet as he lets the kettle warm up. You set your bag on the couch before following after him. You can see he’s tense as he grabs two mugs from the cabinets.
“Need any help?” You offer itching to do something.
“I got it.”
You sit there waiting patiently because you know Harry will bring it up soon. He can only hold something in for so long before he pops, and you know you won’t have to wait long.
Harry pours a cup of chamomile tea into a floral mug you painted when you did a ceramics class together during the holidays. It was his favorite, which is why it resided in his home and not yours.
“I know,” he whispers, breaking the silence you were in.
You stare at him, confused, unsure of what he is referring to. He knows what?
“Sorry, H? I don't know what you mean.”
Harry pushes away his mug before turning to look at you. His eyes look lost and hurt, and you want to fix that; you’re just not sure you know how to.
His frown deepens, “I know—I know about him.”
Harry says him with so much distaste that you’re not sure what he’s referring to. “H,”
“Dylan—that you dated Dylan,” he breathes out, and your face falls in surprise. Harry takes in your reaction and knows Naomi wasn’t lying that you dated Dylan and didn’t bother to tell Harry he was an ex, only claiming he was a close friend.
“Harry,” you whisper, hoping he’ll let you explain.
“You told me he was a friend.”
“He is.”
Harry scoffs, “you can’t be friends with your ex, not when they’re still in love with you.”
You can’t believe he would say throw that in your face when he’s notorious for being friendly with his exes and having them out for shows. Instead of arguing, you allow yourself to take a deep breath and remain seated, hoping he’ll let you explain.
“Can I tell you about this past relationship, so you’re not only running on what you’ve heard?”
“Are you insinuating your friends are lying?” He bites back.
Naomi and Sarai are the only ones that know, besides a few close friends of his. You’re not upset with them. It must have been an accident. You don’t even want to know, but you want to talk this out with Harry.
“Dylan worked on my first movie with me, and I was so scared. He was nice and had a few movies and shows under his belt already. Our chemistry read had gone well, and it’s how I booked the role, but he was my friend first. Nothing happened during filming. I would have never allowed for that to happen on my first Hollywood movie.” You pause because you hadn’t thought back to that time in years when you were full of nerves and not sure how people would accept you as a lead, especially next to an already well-loved actor with a growing fan base by the day. Dylan was a friend, and it wasn’t until after filming wrapped did he ask you on a date. It was complicated, but Harry deserved the truth.
“We wrapped and went our separate ways. He called to check in, and we got to talking. He asked me on a date, and I accepted. He understood how I didn’t want this to be on every magazine when I was growing my name, and he was the star of Teen Wolf. It would have labeled me his girlfriend before I could make a name for myself.” You watch Harry. No emotions cross his face as he listens to you. “We dated close to a year when he wanted to go public and be my date to red carpets. I liked what we had; it was intimate and private, no need to give ourselves away to the public. It’s when we stopped seeing eye to eye. By the time our movie was set to release, we had broken up. Press interviews were hard, but we made it through. Dylan promised he’d be my friend, and he has been.”
Harry stares at you, and you have no idea what he’s thinking. You know you made a mistake by never sharing about Dylan or your other ex, but it’s trivial. The exes in your life didn’t define you and felt pointless to talk about when your last relationship was years before Harry.
“You broke his heart?” Is the first thing Harry asks.
You shrug, “we wanted different things. We were both so young.”
“Did anything ever happen after you broke up?” You freeze, and Harry picks up on your hesitation. “What happened?”
“He was going through a breakup, and I was in New York at the time. I reached out and offered my support. We ordered takeout and talked about how he was doing. One thing led to another,” you run a hand through your hair, feeling overwhelmed. “We agreed it meant nothing.”
Harry couldn’t believe how deep your relationship ran with him. How, even years later, you sought each other out. There’s one question that plagues his mind. “Did he know your family?”
You frown, of course he did, and the confirmation you know will hurt Harry in a way you never wanted. “He met them when I brought my grandparents to tour set on the first film.”
Harry’s face crumbles right in front of you. “He has a part of you I’ll never have,” Harry confesses.
You feel a bit of your heartbreak because you know your family would have loved Harry. Your Abuelo would have dragged him into the kitchen to help, and your Abuela would have taught him all her favorite songs until he could play them back for her.
“I know, I know. You think I don’t know that.” You don’t want to cry. You can’t. “You think I don’t think about it constantly how my family would have loved you, and I never got the chance to introduce them to you. I won’t get to introduce them to anyone important to me, and it kills me, Harry. That’s a pain I carry every day.”
There’s a crack in Harry’s anger, and you know he wants to reach out to hug you, but he stops himself. There’s so much left to say; instead, he lets his anger control him.
“You’ve called him in front of me!” He accuses thinking of the time during tour you sat and congratulated him on his recent film.
“He’s a friend. That’s all he has been for years.” You’re going in circles. It’s like Harry won’t hear a word you’re saying.
Harry scoffs, “not when you’re both single, it seems.”
You shake your head, “you don’t get to be mad about this. It was all before you!”
“Who’s to say he won’t come running when you break my heart, and you’re searching for comfort,” he throws at you knowing the words would hurt, and they do, making cracks in your heart that had never been there before.
“I don’t want to break your heart, Harry,” you soften your voice, pleading for him to listen to you. “I love you. You’re it for me.”
“Then why did you keep him a secret!” Harry screams. “If you loved me, you would have told me. I thought I knew everything about you.” He shakes his head, no longer able to look at you. “It’s clear you don’t trust me.”
“But I do,” your voice cracks as you fail to contain your tears.
“You don’t not as much as I thought you did. I told you about my exes and how I hurt them but also how they hurt me. You know how hard that conversation was for me.” Harry’s eyes are stormy. It’s a look you don’t recognize, and you know you put that dark look there. “I want to be alone.”
“H,” your voice wobbles.
“You need to leave. I want to be alone.”
Instantly you feel your walls rise. You’ve been in this situation before.
“Harry, if you tell me to leave, I won’t be coming back. We’ve had a similar conversation just like this.”
You see Harry freeze taking in your words. “I love you, Bel. I do,” his voice breaks. “I don’t want you to leave me, but I want to be alone. You hurt me, I know you didn’t mean to, but I need this time to process.”
You sigh, backing down. There’s no use in fighting. You walk out, taking out the key that rested next to your shark charm on your key set and placing it next to the empty pink vase missing the flowers you were supposed to pick together tomorrow at the farmer’s market. “Don’t think I deserve this or have your trust to keep it.”
And with that, you walk out the door, leaving your heart with him.
You hadn’t lost him, but it felt like you had.
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don't worry there will be a part two...but i'll let you sit with this for now
taglist: @alienorknight @harry-is-on-route-66 @myfavfanficsever @springholland @michellekstyles @harryismyfwend @japanchrry @lechairr @golden-hoax @itsmycorneroftheinternet @harryspirate @tenaciousperfectionunknown @thurhomish @thelovecayon @shawnieeboyy @dontworrysunflower @a-strange-familiar​ @caramello-styles​
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brian-in-finance · 1 month
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Classy lass
Caitríona Balfe attends Harrods Iconic Dining Hall relaunch hosted by Stanley Tucci on October 5, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/Getty Images for Harrods)
All the best Caitríona Balfe photos from her recent appearances at stylish events and on the red carpet
The Outlander actress and former model always looks amazing and she's a regular on the high-society scene in London, Paris and New York
Fans are currently in the midst of another 'Droughtlander' with the second half of season 7 not due to hit our screens until November.
In the meantime, however, at least we are getting to see plenty of Claire Fraser – also known as Irish actress Caitríona Balfe – as she tours the world attending glamorous and glitzy events.
The former model, 44, is often seen with famous faces such as Stella McCartney or Carey Mulligan... and of course, her Scots co-star Sam Heughan, who plays on-screen hubby Jamie Fraser. Here's a selection of the best images from the past 12 months:
Ladies who lunch
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(L to R) Caitríona Balfe, Micaela Marconi and Carey Mulligan attend a special lunch to celebrate "Maestro", hosted by Charles Finch, at Maison Assouline on December 1, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/Getty Images for Netflix)
It’s all a blur
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Caitríona Balfe attends the LOEWE FOUNDATION Studio Voltaire Award 2023 on October 10, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/Getty Images for LOEWE)
With the REAL husband (emphasis not Brian’s)
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Caitríona Balfe and her husband Tony McGill attend the UK Special Screening after party for "Leave The World Behind" at Kettners on November 29, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/WireImage)
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Caitríona Balfe attends the Charles Finch & CHANEL 2024 Pre-BAFTA Party at 5 Hertford Street on February 17, 2024 in London (Image: John Phillips/Getty Images)
Polka party
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Caitríona Balfe attends the launch of Manzi's Soho, in partnership with Choose Love, on July 6, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/Getty Images for The Wolseley Hospitality Group)
A night at the theatre
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(L to R) Caitríona Balfe, Gloria Obianyo, Tobias Menzies and Sophie Okonedo attend the press night after party for "Portia Coghlan" at The Almeida Theatre on October 17, 2023 in London (Image: Hoda Davaine/Dave Benett/Getty Images)
Vive la France!
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Delphine Arnault and Caitríona Balfe at Loewe Ready To Wear Spring 2024 held at Esplanade Saint Louis on September 29, 2023 in Paris, France (Image: Swan Gallet/WWD via Getty Images)
A night on the town
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Caitríona Balfe attends the private view of "Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto" at The V&A on September 13, 2023 in London (Image: Mike Marsland/WireImage)
Cait and Stella
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Caitríona Balfe and Stella McCartney attend the NET-A-PORTER x Stella McCartney cocktail party during London Fashion Week to celebrate the Stella McCartney FW23 Runway collection at The Box Soho on September 15, 2023 in London (Image: Dave Benett/Getty Images for NET-A-PORTER)
Here’s where Brian passed his 10-image limit…
With Big Sam 👨🏼👩🏻
Sam Heughan and Caitríona Balfe attend Outlander Season 7 World Premiere At Tribeca Film Festival at OKX Theatre at BMCC Tribeca Performing Arts Center on June 09, 2023 in New York City (Image: Getty Images for STARZ)
New York, New York 👩🏻👨🏻
Caitríona Balfe and Zachary Quinto attend Outlander Season 7 World Premiere At Tribeca Film Festival at Verōnikaon June 09, 2023 in New York City
The famous four 👩🏻👨🏼👩🏼👨🏻
Sam Heughan, Caitríona Balfe, Sophie Skelton and Richard Rankin attend Outlander Season 7 World Premiere at Tribeca Film Festival in NYC (Image: Getty Images for STARZ)
Check the link for the three missing photos:
Scottish Daily Express
Remember… only six more months of Droughtlander to go… 🙃
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cantquitu · 3 months
This will come as a shock to many, but I regret to inform you that Harry Styles has one again launched a stealth attack on Louis Tomlinson. Vicious, petty, unprovoked... it bears all the hallmarks of a Styles assault.
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As you know, only the most unhinged discerning Louis Tomlinson fans are equipped to identify and track Harry Styles' vindictive strategies. We are grateful for their service as without them, the wider world would never know what he's capable of. However, I will do my best to give clarity and context to this latest offense. And what an egregious offense!!
This very week, Harry Styles joined the England football team at a London venue for a party thrown by James Corden to celebrate Declan Rice's 50th cap for England. 
A couple of blurry pap photos show him leaving early in the night, while a ton of star players like Jordan Henderson, Jude Bellingham and James Maddison partied on until 4am. You know where this is going, right?
Who else is English, likes football, and supports the England team?  
Okay, okay, roughly 50 million people...but bear with me. One of them is LOUIS TOMLINSON! 
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Need I say more?
This was clearly an attempt by Harry Styles to gain Louis' attention and RUB IT IN HIS FACE! Partying with the England team, which Louis would no doubt love to do??!! Unhinged behaviour from Styles!!
As one of Seasurfacefullofclouds1's anons so astutely put it, 
"This man goes out of his way to befriend and be around people that Louis has vocally showed so much support of over the years or called his "idols". I personally believe something did happen between them on a romantic level years ago and Harry's toxic ass either never got over it or holds some kind of twisted resentment over it...It's abusive and manipulative". 
They then poignantly ask, "Why can't Larries see this?" Why, indeed.
Some may wonder, when else has Harry gone out of his way to befriend Louis' idols?  Two words:
Five years ago, Liam Gallagher revealed that he and Harry were both working on their albums at RAK Studios at the same time, and hung out a few times. Harry even bought him fish! Seabass!
Harry clearly went to great lengths to orchestrate this in advance, because he KNEW that Louis was about to enter his Liam Gallagher cos-play era. He befriended Gallagher before Louis had even debuted his temporary new accent, changed his walk to match LG's, or started saying  "youknowworrimean?" at least 17 times per sentence.
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And it goes further than that! Gallagher shared in the press that he lives in the same area as Harry, and frequents the local pub right next to Harry's house. In 2019 Liam was at the pub having lunch with Andrew Wyatt and asked Harry to join and HE ACCEPTED. There's even photographic evidence courtesy of Wyatt and some fans!
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From this I can only deduce one thing, and it's a chilling thought...
In 2012, when Harry Styles was buying his home, he bought one in Hampstead right next to that pub. Was he playing the long game, waiting seven years for Liam Gallagher to invite him for a pint in the hope it would gain future Louis Tomlinson's attention? After all, that's the kind of petty, obsessed demon he is.
SEVEN YEARS. Reflect on that.
Sea herself puts it best when she says,  "Imagine your divorced dad keeping track of your divorced mom's friends, throwing parties for these friends, befriending them, buying them ££thousands in gifts and favors, inviting paps to take photos and write gossip columns.
Yes, just imagine!
How long will Harry's crazed and creepy attention-seeking spree go on for? Will Louis finally crack and give him the response he so obviously craves? HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH??!
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lovecanyon · 2 years
harry styles x azoff!y/n
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 1,302,744 others
hshq Y/N Azoff, our new manager. Beginning of an era.
view all comments
harryfan2 omg
harrystyles Already such an honor to work with Y/N.
harryfan3 he’s so cute
pillowpersonpp so excited!!!
harryfan6 a true girlboss
jefezoff #retiring
yourinstagram have fun old man
mitchrowland the excitement i feel right now
harryfan4 oh this was the girl harry was with yesterday…😭
kidharpoon shaking in my boots
harryfan7 #slaying
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liked by harryfan9, harryfan11 and 731,607 others
view all comments
harryfan13 i’m not okay right now
harryfan15 BE SERIOUS
harryfan17 harry…count your goddamn days
harryfan19 @jefezoff let us know how you feel about this 🎤🎤
harryfan14 cause of my downfall = this
harryfan16 she’s his new manager obviously they are going to be seen together? 😭
harryfan18 yeah…
harryfan20 cut the cameras
harryfan22 banging my head against the wall
harryfan24 the matching coats ✨
harryfan21 jeff’s sister stealing his job is just so iconic
harryfan23 harry hiring y/n as his new manager is very real of him
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 3,402,617 others
yourinstagram happy 28th sue! thank you for staying up late talking to me and buying bottles of rouge’s for your overly special best friend (me)!
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harryfan27 tears are rolling down my cheeks
harrystyles It’s an honor buying you wine, my love.
yourinstagram speaking of wine…go buy some, specifically red wine!
harrystyles Already on it darling.
harryfan29 i’m on the floor
harryfan31 i don’t know how to process this information 😭
alessandro_michele birthday boy
harryfan33 just thinking of all the photos y/n has of harry
paulithepsm feeling 28!!!
harryfan30 he’s so hot for what??
glenne_azoff this duo is truly everything
harryfan32 the azoff’s really got harry in a chokehold
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liked by harryfan34, harryfan36 and 661,290 others
enews Harry Styles was seen carrying suitcases into his manager Y/N Azoff’s house in Malibu earlier this morning.
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harryfan40 not him moving in with y/n 😭
harryfan37 SHIT SHIT SHIT
harryfan39 this is it boys. she got him.
harryfan41 they are most likely just a couple of besties
harryfan43 “besties” yeah sure…
harryfan45 the way this is trending on twitter. we are going through hell.
harryfan47 crying in the club
harryfan42 harry’s outfit though 🙏
harryfan44 i am going through all stages of grief
harryfan46 literally going insane
harryfan48 pretending i did not see this
harryfan50 this post has every harrie shaking
MARCH 2022
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liked by harryfan49, harryfan51 and 821,402 others
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harryfan52 omg the new album is probably coming soon 😭
harryfan54 WHAT
harryfan57 y/n probably knows a lot 😮
harryfan53 she looks so beautiful…i don’t blame harry at all
harryfan55 the hottest azoff
harryfan56 i love the way she’s so humble
harryfan58 right, i didn’t even know jeff had a little sister
harryfan60 slayed.
harryfan62 i’m going to need harry sue the paparazzi again
harryfan59 y/n is just so pretty
harryfan61 leaving the studio??? hs3 coming soon 🤭
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liked by harryfan63, harryfan65 and 591,903 others
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harryfan64 I WANNA MEET Y/N?
harryfan66 the fans should’ve told her to leak hs3 🙄
harryfan68 they are in the presence of an icon
harryfan70 i love her already
harryfan67 y/n gives me so much harry vibes
harryfan69 they radiate the same energy 😭
harryfan71 the woman behind it all
harryfan73 the way y/n managed haim, tyler the creator and billie eilish
harryfan75 a true girlboss
harryfan72 harry’s fans = y/n’s fans
harryfan74 i’m going to need a story time about them meeting y/n
harryfan76 the rings.
APRIL 2022
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 404,712 others
pillowpersonpp coachella bound
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harryfan77 HARRYCHELLA
harryfan79 oh my god harry’s soulmate 😮
yourinstagram i hate the heat
pillowpersonpp same same same
harryfan81 she has me in a chokehold
billieeilish MY ICON AND MUSE
harryfan83 y/n can run me over…
glenne_azoff so pretty!
harryfan84 when you realize y/n was the one that got harry to perform at coachella
harrystyles Y/N is amazing at what she does.
harryfan82 SOBBING
harryfan85 harry responding to a fan gives me life…
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liked by harrystyles, glenne_azoff and 5,307,192 others
yourinstagram the youngest azoff child takes on harrychella (hoping she doesn’t get sunburned)
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harryfan86 i love y/n
harrystyles So very beautiful darling.
yourinstagram your very beautiful too H
harryfan90 not them flirting in a comment section 😭
harryfan92 cause of death: harry and y/n
alanahaim missing my favorite girl!
harryfan94 i love everything about y/n 🙏
mitchrowland the coolest
harryfan91 literally going feral for her
_basselin so gorgeous y/n 💞
harryfan93 now i know why harry was flirting with her..because same
MAY 2022
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liked by harrystyles, stevienicks and 3,920,711 others
yourinstagram Harry’s House, Out Now
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harryfan95 SCREAMING
harryfan97 HS3 HS3 HS3
harrystyles Thank you for everything you’ve done bunny, I seriously love you.
yourinstagram i love you too!
harryfan98 harry dating his manager is so 😭
pillowpersonpp album of the year
jefezoff congratulations, i am so proud!!
harryfan102 this album has me sobbing on the floor
haimtheband so very amazing ❤️
harryfan104 late night talking and grapejuice is clearly about y/n 🤭
harryfan100 crying and throwing up
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liked by yourinstagram, billieeilish and 7,419,602 others
harrystyles The muse of Harry’s House.
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harryfan103 did he just post this??
yourinstagram i love you dearly sue
harrystyles Well I love you more.
harryfan107 never settle for less women
harryfan109 this seems like a fever dream 😭
gemmastyles i love you guys 💞
harryfan106 having a breakdown
emmalouisecorrin I KNEW IT
harryfan110 this relationship is everything to me
glenne_azoff best couple ever!
harryfan112 harry really loves the azoff’s 🤭
JUNE 2022
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liked by harryfan114, harryfan117 and 3,199,672 others
papermagazine Jeff Azoff is apparently angry at his little sister, Y/N Azoff over dating his former client, Harry Styles. He calls it an ‘inappropriate relationship’ for the music industry.
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harryfan119 JEFFREY?
harryfan121 now i know why harry fired jeff 🙄
harryfan124 dramaaaaa
harryfan122 this is so bad….what are we going to do
harryfan125 i don’t believe it
harryfan127 be serious please
jefezoff fake news.
yourinstagram sorry for being in a ‘inappropriate relationship’ :(
harryfan129 I AM SCREAMING
harryfan131 i seriously love them for this
harryfan134 paper magazine = deuxmoi
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @newyorker14 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @olivialovesh
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landinrris · 3 days
I'd love to hear more about the Vietnam cave photo & back in Hanoi (Norrix)!
Ugh this smaller fic is so beyond overdue. It's mostly what it sounds like. I was writing a drabble about how Lando took That photo of Martin in the cave back in Vietnam that ends up culminating in a bit of smut once they get back to Hanoi and away from all their friends they're with. Tents don't exactly provide the best privacy.
All that needs to be finished on it is the smut, but I had hit a tiny roadblock with it. I guess this is my cue to try and pick it up again.
This snippet is a bit of conversation they have while they're sitting in the sand together post-photo:
“Penny for your thoughts?” He tilts his head down onto Martin’s shoulder, eyes staring blankly at the natural light beginning to filter in with more force. They probably don’t have much time left alone.
Martin snakes a hand to curl around Lando’s thigh. The weight is comforting in a way that makes Lando’s body melt into Martin’s that much more. If they were anywhere with even a modicum more privacy…
“There’s a part of me that wishes this would never end. That we could disappear and live off the grid somewhere where no one would find us.”
“As long as there’s indoor plumbing,” Lando adds. But he relates concerningly to Martin— maybe that’s why they work so well together. Long lost souls who cherish what they get to do, but secretly would give it all up for a life of calm and contentment.
“I’ll build you a karting track so you don’t get too rusty.”
Lando laughs and seals his mouth into Martin’s shoulder in an attempt at muffling his noises. He doesn’t miss the way Martin shivers.
“And a studio in the spare room for you.”
“Sounds like the perfect dream home.”
Lando kind of hates how his stomach jumps at Martin’s words. They’ve only officially been together since the end of November, known each other for a year and a half. If anything, he should be spooked about Martin talking about a future already, yet he feels anything but.
Lando should have laughed and run away when Martin suggested this trip in the first place, especially being so close to the start of the season, yet here he is.
His self-preservation instincts may be a bit broken when it comes to Martin.
“You wanna know what I was thinking about when I woke up before realizing where you were?” Lando asks, letting his impulsive thoughts float to the surface.
“Hmm?” There’s a note of interest in his voice that’s disastrous for Lando’s self-restraint.
“How unfair it is that I’m spending my last days of break with you and we’re surrounded by other people in very not sound-proofed tents.”
Martin’s hand around Lando’s thigh squeezes, and Lando can’t help but let it fall in towards Martin. “Are you uninviting me to the UK when we get back?”
Their last hurrah before Martin’s tour starts, but Lando will be back working by then. He has a few days in Monaco while Martin is in the studio to unpack and maybe get lunch with Carlos, but then he has to go do his helmet reveal and do the car launch, film what’ll feel like never-ending promo material. Martin can be off-camera while Ash takes photos of him, but it won’t be the same.
Lando scoffs and playfully digs his front teeth into Martin’s shoulder. “If you don’t come to London with me when I’m not gonna see you until mid March…” he trails off, tilting his head up to look at Martin for the first time in several minutes. The stare that greets him sends a shiver up Lando’s spine.
“If it makes you feel better, we have a day when we get back to Hanoi where we will not be sharing a hotel room with anyone. And I will make it up to you.” He murmurs the last bit as he leans in to close the gap to Lando’s mouth.
There’s something about the quiet morning light that makes this feel that much more special for as simple of a kiss as it is. But that’s how Martin has always driven Lando insane— with careful and sure movements that eventually culminate in Lando becoming a begging mess.
Lando pushes closer, opening his mouth under Martin’s while trying to stifle as much noise as he can. God, he hasn’t been kissed like this, one of Martin’s hands coming to cradle his jaw and tip his head back, since they left Hanoi. How silly, to ache without the presence of someone’s touch after a few days, but it’s an ache Lando feels all the same.
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believesthings · 1 month
Not Just A Girl - Chapter 7 // Jason Sudeikis x Reader
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You keep referring back to your calendar and then, when catching yourself in the act, huffing out of frustration. Tomorrow you will be back for second fittings for the James & Mia project, which they still had yet to give a working title – and if all goes well tomorrow, you’ll be back in on Friday for photos in costume.
Jason has already left for London with the rest of the cast and crew that you have grown to know through frequent set visits. Tom has been enlisting most of the actors he is working with to help him to send you short clips of funny moments on set, though such horseplay has died down in the past few days. Your favorites usually had Jason interacting with Theo whose humor had quickly endeared him to you. They always seemed to be having such fun, but you were glad to not be in their dizzying path. Your set visits had given you your fill of their combined antics, you’d settle for just Jason's endless energy from now on, thank you very much.
You are concentrating on sending Jason a message on your phone while you are leaving in the morning for the studio and stumble over a newspaper that had been left in front of your door. Odd, as you get typically your news via your phone. Rather than taking the time to walk it into your room you stuff the paper into your bag. Maybe someone else in the crew would like to read the publication.
Before you are even fully admitted to the wardrobe room you can hear that Brett is in today as well. He is standing with his back to you, his arms slightly splayed out to his sides as pins are used to adjust a suit to fit him more snugly. His shoulders are shaking with laughter, which is causing the two people trying to make adjustments to half-heartedly glare at him.
They picked a wonderful cut for him so why they are bothering with alterations you can’t imagine. Everett, the production’s wardrobe designer is nowhere to be seen but you know he is present. Alterations to one of his creations without his critical eye observing? Unthinkable! You nod greetings to the two tailors and sit down to wait to be told what to do.
Brett does his best to keep his body still but turn his head far enough to see behind him. “Morning.”
You motion for him to turn back around so the suit jacket hangs correctly, receiving grateful expressions from both tailors. “Morning Brett. Been here long?”
“Still on London time.”
Right. He had flown in for the awards, then went straight back to the job afterwards. London, of course, makes you think of Jason. You’ll call him after you are given your marching orders for the day. “Must be fun, arguing with your internal clock.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t tried to keep similar hours. Jason always worries about a good time to call.”
Having a conversation with the back of someone’s head is a little odd. “You talked to Jason?”
Brett nods. “This morning. He says Hi. And asked me to pass along the message to call as soon as you're free. And something about being in slow motion which I can only assume to be an inside joke?”
You are saved from having to explain what it means by Everett coming into the room with a bunch of papers in his hand. He stops when he sees you and scoffs playfully, “She sits and studies the stitching. Up, up. Let’s work on Mia’s wardrobe!”
The suit hangs on the rack, the man it was fitted to now gone from the room when you return with your own pieces that needed slight adjustments. Since there were so few changes needed you are released early. You don’t have anything else to do so you end up back at the hotel, trying to figure out how to occupy your time. Everett has assured you that everything will be ready for photos tomorrow. You can’t wait to see how everything looks once put together. Full makeup, costume, maybe a few props…
You miss Jason when you call to update him on the news. After leaving a brief message find yourself once again at the mercy of the clock. Considering you’ve lived pretty much out of your suitcase since arriving in town there isn’t all that much to do to pack for your move. Sifting items from drawers to your bags doesn’t take all that much time so you opt to clear the desktop of the little mementos and paperwork.
Most of the items are from places you visited while filming All Your Monsters but a few are things sent to you from fans. When you look at the clock again you sigh, only two hours have passed. You’ve already organized and then reorganized the constantly building stack of screenplays and appearance requests that Todd keeps handing you. Ever since the awards show, every time you thought that you had made headway he appeared with more. You finally had to lock them away in the room’s safe to keep yourself from trying to find a new way to order them.
The next morning you sit cross-legged in the hallway, your phone resting atop your now forgotten pages. You had been left to your own devices for the time being. Your coffee – only the second cup this morning thank you very much – has nearly cooled enough to drink without scalding the roof of your mouth. You had decided to use the time to continue to study the script, but had abandoned that venture when you see Jason's call come through. You can’t help but smile as you greet him. “Good morning sir. I miss you.”
“I miss you as well. I didn’t call too early?”
You’ve been at the studio at least an hour now. “Already been in with wardrobe once this morning.”
“Have you seen much of Brett today?”
You look around while replying, as though Jason will summon your costar. “Not today – I saw him briefly yesterday but only long enough to say hello. He always seems to know more about your day than I do…”
“My day? I got up this morning, watched a beautiful sunrise, and thought of you. You did film part of All Your Monsters here in London if I remember correctly. Did you get to sightsee at all?”
“No, not really. Will did try but we ran out of time and had to move on to the next location.” You sigh into the phone. Great, now you were both missing Jason and wondering what Will was doing with himself.
Jason sounds like he is pacing, moving around an enclosed space at least. “We’ll have to rectify that.” What time was it for him – ten? He had waited most of the morning to call.
“Yes. I would love that. How is the job?”
“Exciting. Frustrating. Keeping me busy. Do they have a villain for the All Your Monsters sequel yet? Or maybe a new love interest?”
You laugh into the phone, “You don’t have to be my costar to see me, you know. There’s this thing called video chat…”
“There’s being able to see you and,” his voice lowers, “being able to see you.”
“Jason!” His laughter over the line both delights and saddens you. You know exactly what he means. You look around to see if anybody is close enough to overhear the conversation.
Your phone is alerting you to an incoming video chat request and you tap the screen to find Jason still laughing. “Had to check if you were blushing.” He grins merrily. Just seeing him while he speaks to you helps to boost your mood again. That settles it, you’re going to find a way to fly there and surprise him soon.
“Of course I’m blushing. I’m in public and you’re making me think about being tangled in your arms.” You’ve hunched down slightly while furtively speaking to the phone in your lap.
“New hair, I see. Is that for the character of Mia?” Ah – you’d meant to take a picture to show him after they had finished it this morning but you’d gotten distracted.
You finger gently through your locks, "Yeah, We're testing out some styles, trying to find what works, they said they might make some changes."
“I vote to keep it like that. It looks great!”
 “I’ll tell them you approve.” Someone’s calling for you. Of course they’re now ready for you to come back in for photos. You glance away from the screen, and thereby Jason, and sigh. “I’ve got to go. But London. That’s a yes.”
Jason’s slight frown presses into view the two creases that run straight up between his eyebrows. How you wish you could smooth them out of view again. He doesn’t want to say goodbye either it seems. “Just a matter of finding time.”
“Yes…” You pick up your phone and untangle your crossed legs so you can stand. “I’ll call later?” You wait to see him nod before ending the call and pushing everything that had been in your lap into your bag. Oh, you’d also forgotten about the newspaper from yesterday morning. Oh well, it will continue to travel with you.
While playing dress up – yes you know that isn’t what you’re doing at the studio so bright and early this morning but that’s how you are determined to think of it – you’ve come to realize that while everyone is polite, no one really seems all that talkative with you.
By break at lunchtime you’ve had enough, “What? Does my hair look awful?” Your outburst sends most everyone scurrying.
Everett is the one to respond. “It’s not the hair –.” “It’s nerves and trying to figure you out.”
Confusion now mixes with frustration. “What are you talking about?”
“You’re intimidating,”
“I’m really not.” You reach up to fuss with your hair, unsure what else to do and desperately needing to fidget.
“You are. We all know your background. You could talk shop with most of us but you don’t. It took me all morning the first day to get you to open up past general introductions.”
“Everett that’s unfair, you were taking measurements and told me to hold still.”
He laughs. “Yeah, hold still, not become mute.”
“Besides, you guys don’t want to hear some nobody actor try to relate your work back to her theater days.” You try to wave him off.  
Evidently the walls have ears because you hear someone giggle, “The nobody actor that everybody wants to work with.”
You make a face at Everett for starting this which makes him grin and call out to the others who are making their way back to their work, “Ok – so different conversation since she’s too guarded to talk shop. Suggestions?”
Yes let’s open up the forum shall we: the life and times of the woman about to strangle her costume designer. One of the assistants is quick to pipe up, “Ooooh Jason! Tell us about Jason” A flurry of questions and pleas of encouragement follow. “Yes tell us about Jason, please.” “What’s it like dating him?” “Does he do a good British accent?”
Up until now nobody had really referenced the fact that you were dating Jason. Evidently it had been on everyone’s mind… “Er, so about Mia’s color scheme…” You are rewarded with a few laughs but everyone still seems to be waiting to see if you’ll share details about your relationship. After confirming that you were dating and fielding a few general questions both of you agreed to keep the details of your relationship as private as you could. The cast and crew here would eventually feel like family but until you trusted them more you’d stick to the basics. “I’m really fortunate to have him in my life."
You give Everett a look and he gives you a short nod of understanding before steering the conversation on to the next topic. “Talking about accents – when we went to pick up materials the girl cutting behind the counter had the most adorable Russian lilt…”
You are thrilled with the combined results of hair, makeup, and costumes. Mia is finally manifesting someplace other than on paper and in your head. You’ve signed the paperwork for renting a small place about an hour away from the studio so you are officially – at least temporarily – a resident of Los Angeles! The read through for James & Mia won’t happen for at least a week which gives you plenty of time to settle in to the new place and work out the best routes to and from the studio. Scrolling through your messages you see that Jason has sent you a series of pictures showing you the progression of his day. He looks tired in the last few and you sigh softly, “Don’t push yourself too hard, Jase…”
But wait, you have a week, at least a week… Screw getting your new place set up – there will be plenty of time to get it to feel like home. A quick search and you begin to scroll through possible flights to London. You can take advantage of the fact that the promotional period for All Your Monsters only just ended and you’ve grown accustomed to the wait to get through Customs.
You still have to run it by Todd- redirecting the taxi to the airport isn’t practical, you would at least need to grab your bag from your room – once again the benefits of living out of your suitcase make you smile. Maybe you can talk Brett into being your inside man and finding out where Jason will be when you figure out when you’ll be flying in – to surprise Jason – oh! You’re liking the idea more and more.
You quickly tap out messages to both Todd and Brett alerting them to your newly formed plans. Brett seems game but you can feel Todd’s glare as you read the words of his response:
We just went through all that paperwork for your keys to the new apartment and you’re talking about going out of the country. You’d better be positive on the time frame for James & Mia before you book your ticket. Spur of the moment trip – he hasn’t been gone that long – just, send me the details when you know them.
You make a face and talk back to the phone, which makes the taxi driver give you an odd look, “Judge me all you like Todd, I’m going to see him.”
You tap out a few more messages to the corresponding members of the production team and everything seems to work out nicely. Yes, there’s still a number of things that need to happen before a table read is a go. Looks like you’re in the clear for taking four or five days to go to London. You wait, your finger hovering over the link to confirm your plane ticket to fly out later tonight which would put you in London around 3pm their time – Jason has been incredibly busy with filming, is this really a good idea? There is the risk that you will fly there and he won’t have any free time to spend with you. If that is the case then you can tour yourself around London for a few days and try to see him when he is available…. Shit, now you’ve just about doubted your way out of your trip. No. No, you’ve already set in motion the required parts – follow through.
Now to make sure Jason doesn’t suspect anything…
Signed the lease! Keys will be mine on Monday. So excited to have my own place again! Can’t wait to start decorating.
You really are very excited about getting to once again have rooms that more accurately reflect your personality. You are going to eventually work on decorating the new place, just after your surprise trip. Hopefully this is a clever misdirect.
You’ve already talked with the hotel regarding your move so you need to stop back by the reception desk to discuss the possibility of them holding your things until you get back from London. Hell, you really don’t have much that won’t just squish back into your luggage. Though you really don’t need to take fan mail, scripts, and odd assorted collectibles you’ve been given all the way to London. If they need the room back, maybe the hotel will hold the various items in storage for you?
The clerk at the counter seems hesitant at first but after being given the go-ahead from management, extends the date for your departure from the room until after you are back stateside. Everything is working out! Jason responds while you are in the elevator:
Still say you should have just taken over the place I had been renting. Can’t wait to see pictures once you get settled. Wish I could be there to help.
He had tried many-times-over to convince you to talk with the realtors to see if you could lease the place he had been renting. You were stubborn on that point though, you wanted a place that was distinctly yours, not a place that would make you immediately think about how much you missed his presence.
There really isn’t much that you need to do to get ready for your flight. Your travel documents are always in your bag and since you were already preparing to move out of the hotel… After ensuring that you have a few days’ worth of clothes packed – no way are you lugging your entire wardrobe across the Atlantic – you check to make sure Brett is upholding his end of the bargain.
Looks like I’ll be arriving around 3 in the afternoon tomorrow (7ish for you here). I’ll keep you updated during the trip as to progress. Thank you again!!
His response is almost immediate.
Happy to help. Weather willing he will be working but I can recommend things to do until he is done with his day.
The ticket you purchase isn’t for the first flight out, but instead gives you a few hours to get your things together before needing to head to the airport. If you had chosen one of the extremely early flights you probably would have had a better bet of flying out without getting caught by cameras, but that would mess up your arrival time. You don’t want to have to consider an entire day wasted on travel. Maybe your new hair will help prevent you from being recognized? 
Eleven hour flights provide time to catch up on your sleep though so you’re not terribly worried about being exhausted upon arrival. You can’t find your bracelet or your favorite tube of chapstick, but in your excitement you’ve probably just forgotten where you packed them away. You pause to access your appearance in the bathroom mirror before catching a taxi to the airport: you’ve elected to wear clothes a little more comfortable for travel rather than trying to dress to wow Jason. You gather that you’ll have time to change after arriving… Should you wear a hat? Sunglasses? You throw those into your carry on, just in case you decide to try to use them to hide. 
In the airport there are a few people who give you prolonged glances but merely smile back when you make eye contact. Apparently you look just enough like yourself to be merely a good decent look alike. As you are boarding you send both Todd and Brett messages, as requested, to keep them updated. Once the plane takes off you are able to relax a bit though not enough to let you sleep. No matter, you’ll nap a bit eventually. You brought copies of the floor plan to your new place so you can start playing with ideas about the setup of the apartment.
You receive a text from Jason more than halfway through the flight. He had fallen into the routine of leaving you messages to wake up to. 
Good morning beautiful. Can’t remember if you’re working this morning or not. Hope the sunrise you are greeted with is as stunning as mine was.
Your response is true enough though you avoid the query regarding your work schedule. 
I’m awake. Entertaining myself with various ideas on color schemes for the new place. You? Busy day? 
Your response sounds natural enough. You aren’t giving anything away…. Hopefully Brett’s curiosity as to Jason’s schedule for the day doesn’t tip him off. 
The usual fun. I’m here if you need a second opinion. I’ll call later? Maybe another video chat session?
Video chat wouldn’t be needed soon enough. You shift in your seat to stretch a bit.
Later sounds good. Can’t wait
And be able to reach out and touch you… in – ugh, you shouldn’t have looked at the time… You close your eyes and try to relax. Sleep will make the hours seem to go by faster.
Jason's next text wakes you and makes your heart leap:
I have some down time, would now be a good time to call? 
It feels like you just fell asleep but glancing at the time informs you that you’re nearly there. 
Yes. Shit. No. You’re on a plane. How the hell do you disguise the fact that you’re on a plane while on the phone? What if they make an announcement during the call? The surprise would be blown. You’d love to talk to him but …
Er, not the best time. Too much background noise at the moment. Maybe in an hour?
Yes, in an hour when your plane would be landing and you can duck into a quiet room to talk to him.
I don’t mind background noise. You’ll have to listen to Theo, um, "singing", in the background to hear me as well.
Hmmm. How can you word this so that Jason doesn’t think you’re trying to avoid him?
Your hesitation as to how to describe it makes me cautious… I think I’ll pass for now. What is Theo ‘singing’ anyway?
There - keep him talking about his costar. 
But Jason isn’t easily swayed from his goals.
Frank Sinatra’s Fly Me to the Moon. But if you have a request I’ll pass it along. What if I promise to sing the entire conversation?
And now you have Frank Sinatra singing stuck in your head. Damn. Why don’t the insides of planes look more generic? What if you went into the bathroom? No, then it would just look like you were in the damned bathroom of a plane.
Tempting. But I want to be able to enjoy such an encounter. Let me get someplace quiet, then you can serenade me to your heart’s content. 
You’re teasing him now, but you can’t help but add another few lines of text:
No complaining if I make a thing out of texting you Sinatra lyrics. Already scrolling through my playlists looking for his music.
He responds back:
No complaints. Scout’s honor. Where is Brett? I asked him to help get you someplace quiet. Are you not at work right now?
You grin. He is curious now. You haven’t seen a text arrive from Brett so Lord knows what he was saying to Jason regarding your current whereabouts. 
Haven’t run into Brett. Apparently we aren’t in the same location right now.
Jason's response is slightly delayed which gives you time to plan out what you’ll say if he keeps pushing with questions about where you are. Your planning is pointless though, when you read his message.  
I’ll say! Sorry, but your secret is out. Just checked my feed to pester Brett there. Someone on your plane is fangirling that she is on the same flight. I know you’ll be landing soon. I’ll see you at the airport.
You will not run through Customs. You will not run through Customs. You will not run through Customs.
tag list: @my-soupy-brain @tegan8314 @tortilla-maria1 @nerdgirljen
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angelfirewalker · 2 months
Before my passion became all about Good Omens and a certain Demon , I had other interests...lol.
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As a David Bowie and Kate Bush admirer , I was led down the path toward Lindsay Kemp, their mentor.... Lindsay is one of the reasons so much happened in the 70s creatively, as Bowie once said, none of this would of this would of been possible without Kemp.
And Lindsay Kemp really was gayer than a tree full of monkeys on Nitrous Oxide. He is part of Queer Theatrical History.
Once Upon a Time......
The first time I actually saw Lindsay Kemp in the flesh was at The World David Bowie Convention at a massive hotel complex in Hammersmith. I went with a friend who was a massive Bowie freak and as I liked adventures, it wasn't really my type of thing, was never good in big crowds but it was one of best decisions I ever made. It was over a weekend, and I spotted that Lindsay was being interviewed. His interview was very, very popular. There were no seats left, so I sat on the floor.
A photo I found years later. and I am not in it...lol
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I knew about Lindsay from both David Bowie and Kate Bush. But at Art School I had been guided towards Textile Design & Print and not done Theatre Design as I originally had wanted to at 16 in my first year at Art School. Natasha Korniloff taught there and she was another part of Kemp co/ Bowie history. I later went back and did the Advanced Theatre course and got taught by her.
Lindsay with Kate Bush, 1993, Natasha Korniloff and David Bowie 1979/80. Lindsay and David Bowie 1970s.
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(The Textile design was not wasted, I needed it for the printing of the Kimonos in Onnagata).
I was spellbound and mesmerised by Lindsay, he was effervescent ... my friend had gone to watch some Bowie video / film. Lindsay had captivated me, and I picked up flyers for the shows at Sadlers Wells later that month. I booked for Dream and the 2nd shows of Façade and Nijinsky.
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Still have the ticket..
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I saw Dream from the back row of the gods.. cheap seats.. they looked like tiny fairies from up there. I was a student with no grant, so my cleaning job paid for everything , including paints and paper. DREAM was AMAZING..... like a moving masterpiece painting.
Photos of Kemp Co, A Midsummer Nights Dream.
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The programme.
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They looked like tiny fairies from where I sat.... I was hooked, so much so my design work the next day changed over night. We were doing landscapes in Textiles... suddenly mine was Dream inspired... the tutor was like what happened to you?.. I told him I had seen Lindsay and co the night before...' that explains it!' he said. I saw Façade and Nijinsky the following week from the stalls. I was in LOVE.. I had come home.. Yes. that old cliché Lindsay Kemp had changed my life. ☺...most people say that.
But my passion grew and grew and years later, after my path ended up in theatre. After on Talk Lindsay did with David Haughton at the Baylis studio theatre at Sadlers Wells in 1989, I got very brave and offered my skills to help. I was working at a Costumiers in London for 2 years. I was a very shy, timid person (well I still am, I wear a mask/ put on a facade / act to deal with situations ). So, offering to help out was a massive deal.. I spoke to David Haughton (Associate Director / Performer ), I was far too nervous to approach Lindsay and I babbled so much that I made absolutely no sense whatever..... David H made me take a deep breath and repeat everything I had just said.
That was the day I first stepped into a Kemp Company world. And as you say, the rest is history.
If you are interested in learning more about The Lindsay Kemp Company, there is a link in my very 1st post. I am now a bit of a Kemp Co archivist, and there is a wonderful selection of photos about all the shows over the years.
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Top Left, Me with Lindsay and his Mum Marie, Roma, Italy 1990, Top Right - Lindsay and I in Yolanda Sonnabends studio. London 1992. Bottom Left, Lindsay and Me, Worthing 2014. Bottom Right Me, Lindsay and Francọis Testory backstage during Flowers in Trieste Italy 1992.
I will write more about my life in the Kemp company another time.
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I love how the first time my performance in the Kemp Co matches David Bowie's in the Kemp Co... I love things like that.♡ 35 years in between though.
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Buzzcocks during the recording session of 'Another Music In A Different Kitchen' at Olympic Studios in Barnes, London, as captured in 1978 by Jill Furmanovsky in a photo used for the cover sleeve of their ‘Singles Going Steady’ compilation.
Well, we know of Greece's contibution to western civilization, democracy, arts & culture etc, as well as of Buzzcocks’ contribution to human happiness through pop perfection, but do we know of Greece's contribution to Buzzcocks's pop perfection? Maybe the secret lies in the Greek spirits.
“...RC: -The b-side, ‘Why Can’t I Touch It?’, is one of your best. It sounds very spontaneous.
Pete Shelley: -We came up with the idea just a few days before we did the session and I think the secret to it was that, after we recorded the backing track to Everybody’s Happy Nowadays, we went out to a Greek restaurant in Stockport, near Strawberry Studios where we were recording. We had lots of retsina and ouzo, then came back and started recording Why Can’t I Touch It? 
So we were quite, well, “relaxed” shall we say...”
John Maher even remembers he was concerned about a small cock-up ('malakia' in greek) he had made because of all the ouzo power, an out-of-place hit on the snare during the recording of the song, which Martin Rushent solved by upping the volume in the mixing process to make it sound deliberate, as mentioned in the audiobook "Ever Fallen in Love: The Lost Buzzcocks Tapes", published in 2021 with the blessing of Pete’s estate.
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harrisonarchive · 1 year
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Photo 1 (from the arrival back in London) by Watford/Mirrorpix via Getty Images; photo 2 cross-posted at This Lovin' Time.
“First social call was to Peter Tork’s house. When we arrived Peter was wearing a string of beads and very little else, since it was far too hot to be anywhere but a swimming pool that day. Dave Crosby (Byrds) was there, too, and we had a good get-together. […] I suppose the highlight of L.A. this time for us was the session we had at Peter Tork’s place. Peter Asher joined us there — he played bass, Peter Tork was on piano, George and Dave Crosby on guitars and Ringo drumming.” - Mal Evans, The Beatles Monthly, August 1968
“Ringo Starr and George Harrison dropped by the Studio City home, Tork recalled. ‘We went swimming for a while in the pool.‘“ - The News Journal, July 16, 1989
“Just relaxed, just played what you could play. […] I played with Ringo Starr, Ringo, and George once, played with those guys. Same thing: bam, everything settles down, everything’s in order, everything is taken care of, and play what you can play.” - Peter Tork, Musicgroups, 2007
“Steve [Stills] was there [too], and he was embarrassed; he shook hands with George and kind of turned his back on him, the way shy guys will do. [...] We all jammed, Stephen and George and Ringo, and I was on keyboards, and I don’t remember who played bass. It was fabulous to hear Ringo play. My God, what a drummer. God, he was good. He was so solid, and the authority was astounding. I learned so much just by playing with him for five minutes; it was a wonderful experience.” Q: “It’s a bummer it didn’t get recorded.”
 PT: “It is too bad, nobody thought to record it. The best we had at the time was cassettes, but even so, that would have been a wonderful jam.” - Peter Tork, Rolling Stone, 2007; published 2019 (x)
(In connection with today's post: July 1967, post 1, July 1967, post 2, and January 1968.)
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justforbooks · 9 months
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In the 1960s, there was one actor who could justifiably claim that ladies prefer blonds. As the secret agent Illya Kuryakin in the TV series The Man from UNCLE, David McCallum, who has died aged 90, received more fan mail from young women than any other actor in MGM’s history.
With his Beatles-style haircut, his liking for black turtleneck sweaters (which created a fad among viewers nationwide), and an aloof and enigmatic air, through which he sneaked a fair amount of charm and self-amusement, McCallum made Kuryakin into a sex symbol of the period. He provided a trendy contrast to Robert Vaughn’s Napoleon Solo, his fellow spy, who went in for expensive suits and ties.
Although Solo and Kuryakin worked perfectly in tandem, their personalities were at variance, the former being urbane, easygoing and sociable, the latter more reserved, intellectual and intense.
The James Bond film craze had already taken off when The Man from UNCLE series was launched in 1964, so US audiences were used to laidback heroes and their villainous nemeses. However, it was surprising to find a hip Russian alongside the good guys of United Network Command for Law and Enforcement fighting against the evil organisation THRUSH (an acronym for Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity), during the cold war.
McCallum, who played Illya with the slightest Russian accent and an occasional Scottish lilt, was also known recently for his long-running role from 2003 in the popular CBS crime series NCIS.
He was born in Glasgow. His parents were classical musicians; his mother, Dorothy Dorman, a cellist, his father, David McCallum, a violinist and leader of the London Philharmonic Orchestra. McCallum Jr won a scholarship to University College school in Hampstead, north London, before being accepted at Rada, where he studied from 1949 to 1951, having given up his ambition, and his parents’ wish, to play the oboe professionally.
In 1951, McCallum managed to satisfy his love for both music and the theatre by landing the position of assistant stage manager at Glyndebourne opera. However, he was called up to do his national service in West Africa. Demobbed as a lieutenant, the 19-year-old McCallum headed for the theatre, which mainly meant stage-management jobs in rep.In 1956, he half-heartedly posted off some photographs of himself to the Rank Organisation, which was scouting for young talent. The photos were seen by Clive Donner, who was casting his first feature, The Secret Place (1957), and he invited McCallum to do a reading.
“Although he was nervous, his voice was firm, and he was very good,” Donner recalled. “I sat and looked at him for a long time. He was very skinny, with a marvellous head and huge eyes. I think he was living in a bedsit in Archway at that time and had little money. We put him under contract straight away.”
Obviously under the influence of James Dean, the leather-jacketed McCallum, playing a young punk involved in a heist, does his best to express teenage angst. In Cy Endfield’s gritty thriller Hell Drivers (1957), McCallum plays Stanley Baker’s brother, on crutches as a result of a crime. In the cast, as a waitress, was 20-year-old Jill Ireland. McCallum and Ireland were to marry a few months before the film’s release. Soon after, they played young lovers in Robbery Under Arms (1957), an adventure shot mostly in Australia. At that time, the couple were often pictured together in fan magazines.
It was back to British realism with Basil Dearden’s Violent Playground (1958), in which McCallum plays a juvenile delinquent gang-leader. Despite a mite too posh an accent, he makes a vivid impression with his drawn features and mop of fair hair.
There followed several more conventional supporting roles, such as radio operators, first on the Titanic in A Night to Remember (1958), and a jumpy one in an Elstree-studio Burmese jungle in the second world war drama The Long and the Short and the Tall (1961). He was even more nervy in John Huston’s Freud (1962) as one of the first of the psychoanalyst’s patients, a young man who assaulted his father because of an incestuous love for his mother.
After appearing as a sympathetic officer in Peter Ustinov’s Billy Budd (1962), McCallum went to Germany to make John Sturges’s The Great Escape (1963), the most expensive PoW picture of them all. Among a starry cast, headed by Steve McQueen, James Garner and Charles Bronson, McCallum held his own among the Brits as Eric Ashley-Pitt – “Dispersal – who devises a way of getting rid of dirt from the digging of an escape tunnel. But more significant for him was the fact that Ireland, who was with him during the shoot, fell for Bronson. Ireland and McCallum divorced; he later married Katherine Carpenter, while Ireland married Bronson.
McCallum, who was already making his principal career on television, was given the secondary role of Kuryakin in The Man from UNCLE, but was soon granted equal billing with Vaughn after it rapidly became clear that he had a huge fanbase. Alma Cogan recorded a song called Love Ya, Illya, which became a pirate-radio hit in Britain in 1966, and as late as 1991, an Argentinian funk duo named themselves Illya Kuryaki and the Valderramas, after McCallum’s character and the Colombian football player Carlos Valderrama.
The first feature-film spin-off from the TV series, To Trap a Spy (1965), in which McCallum had a minor role, did little business. But the second one, The Spy With My Face, co-starring McCallum, really lifted off, followed by the box-office hits One of Our Spies Is Missing, One Spy Too Many and The Spy in the Green Hat (all 1966), and How to Steal the World (1968).
After The Man from UNCLE finished in 1968, McCallum continued to make guest appearances on TV until his second long-running series, the BBC’s Colditz (1972-74), in which he played Flt Lt Simon Carter, a hot-headed RAF officer who is impatient to escape.
Subsequently, McCallum appeared and disappeared as a scientist in The Invisible Man (1975-76), a US TV production, and co-starred with Joanna Lumley in ATV’s spooky sci-fi series Sapphire and Steel (1979-82) as the eponymous extra-dimensional detectives sent to Earth to monitor threats to the time-stream.
McCallum was seldom off television screens over the next three decades, making the occasional sortie into films. He also did some theatre in New York, where he and his wife had settled, notably Julius Caesar in a Central Park production (2000), playing the title role as “a senile old man, suffering from ideas of grandeur” according to the actor; and portraying the Emperor Joseph II on Broadway in Peter Hall’s revival of Amadeus (1999-2000).
In 2003, his looks belying his age, McCallum began playing Dr Donald “Ducky” Mallard, chief medical examiner, in the TV series NCIS, following the cases of the fictional agents of the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. His research for the part included studying pathology and sitting in on autopsies. He stayed with the show for the rest of his life, appearing in all 20 seasons up until this year. In one episode, a character asks another what Ducky looked like when he was younger. “Illya Kuryakin” comes the reply.
McCallum is survived by Katherine, their son, Peter, and daughter, Sophie, and by his sons Val and Paul from his first marriage; Jason, his third son with Ireland, died in 1989.
🔔 David Keith McCallum, actor; born 19 September 1933; died 25 September 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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rosey-rosey-rosey · 6 months
hello World ^_^
it has been some time since ive been here (i finally got into my biology course) and after a year of working full time at a shitty bakery/cafe i was tired of everything (and was terrified id fail 1st year (again)) so i had neglected this blog.
i hope to be back this year and maybe perhaps ill post more
so lets do a quick update of where ive been:
-i went to many concerts, my favs being Ethel Cain opening for boygenius, Yves Tumor, and CMAT (everyone go listen to CMAT)
-i went to london and chicago in September. the museums were rlly cool in both (Tate modern and MOCA Chicago my beloved) and both were insufferably warm. Chicago was also infested with dragon flies which was. interesting.
-ive been crocheting a lot, tunisian crochet being my favourite. i might post some of the stuff ive made if i remember to
-i grew a successful crop of Oca! they taste like very floury potatoes
-my fav albums of 2023 were 001011 by Salvia, Praise A Lord Who Chews... by Yves Tumor, Nymph_o by Shygirl, Desire, I Want To Turn Into You by Caroline Polachek, and Crazymad, For Me by CMAT (seriously go listen to her, shes the best country pop act of our lifetime)
-my top artists this year were Yves Tumor, Caroline Polachek, Björk, Fiona Apple, and Ethel Cain
Now, for the resolutions for the new year:
-when i see a fruit ive never seen before i will eat it
-get back on tumblr
-draw better
-take more photos of myself
-suck more dick
-get a tattoo
-get my bridge pierced
-bleach my brows
-wear makeup
-watch every Studio Ghibli film + Satoshi Kon film i can find (ive never actually watched a studio ghibli film all the way through)
-read all the books left in my pile (im reading House Of Leaves rn (going very slow), ive got The Dispossessed by Le Guin, Daisy Miller + The Turning Of The Screw by Henry James, Invitation To A Beheading by Nabokov, Liarmouth by John Waters, and a compilation of short stories by Poe)
-finish the ep im working on (and also the album maybe)
I hope to do monthly updates on these to see how im doing and if i can get them done
Im looking forward to what 2024 brings (ethel cain is coming to Dublin im buzzing) and what i will do with the year
theres some asks in my inbox that ill try to get to later, but for now
I've been Rosey :•)
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