#best rehabs in Texas
intheroomsrecoverytool · 10 months
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socialjusticeinamerica · 10 months
I’ve told you this before but I’ll repeat it. George “Dubya” Bush began the practice of paying Evangelical pastors to preach against Democrats and in favor of Republicans.
After coming out of rehab for coke addiction “Dubya” became a born again evangelical. As dumb as he is he quickly realized that southern and rural evangelicals were poorly educated and completely uniformed bible thumpers that could easily be bought off and used as a political propaganda props.
“Dubya”, who had deserted the Texas Air National Guard and had many scrapes with the law, had his record expunged by his father who had been director of the CIA. Papa Bush helped Nixon open China to Republikkkan corporations and then as VP assisted Reagan in his war on the American middle class and poor. When “wimpy” dad ran for President, Jr fell in with evil brain bug Karl Rove who put the coke addict in charge of buying evangelical clergy. A fairly easy task because evangelical churches are independent, for profit businesses with no hierarchy to answer to like the mainstream Protestants churches or the Catholics. The effort brought in so many new Republican recruits that it continues to this day.
During the Obama years the Justice Department investigated and revoked the non-profit status of evangelical and Baptist churches that were preaching Republican culture war bullshit. This infuriated them and was largely responsible for the massive backlash against Obama and the Dems. Although this was highly underreported it was a very sore point for the GOP thieves. Even today most Dems think the overreaction by Republicans to Obama was purely racism (and let’s face it they are racist bastards) when in fact it was partly that Barry Obama had cut deeply into their lucrative propaganda/fundraising in the south and rural areas. Although it’s not entirely clear that Obama led this effort to undermine the fascist GOP it shook them to the core. They need the pastors to tell the MAGAts how to vote and who to donate to.
Today the evangelical fake Christians of the old Confederacy are the backbone of the MAGA cult and they have been groomed to accept Trump as a “mercenary” for their bastardization of religion. They are willing to overlook his embodiment of the seven deadly sins because he pushes their agenda, not because he believes in it but because he needs their money and votes. It’s a match made in the bowels of Fox News Hell. They’re aware he’s the biggest sinner in the country but he’s their last best chance to set up a Christo-fascist state. Something that wasn’t even on their radar until the Bush dynasty, Karl Rove, and the RNC came knocking on their doors. They think they’re driving the car but they’re just the limo drivers for the oligarchs and their GOP puppets.
It should be noted that there are some cracks in the armor as many college age evangelicals have been speaking up against the tidal wave of cruelty and evil coming from Trump and the GOP. Somebody must have introduced them to the New Testament and Socialist Jesus. For the most part however the old guard televangelist figureheads have been silencing dissent. The young on both sides, while very vocal, haven’t exactly turned out in the massive numbers we keep hoping for.
Republicans still rely on a coalition of evangelical bible thumpers, far-right Nazis, southern/rural gun nuts, the wealthy, and Deep South Americanized Hispanics. The Dems are still largely a coalition of adult African-Americans, Northeast/West coast progressives, the over educated, urban dwellers, and union members (except for police unions). Thanks for reading and following.
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stakesraised · 10 months
plot ideas i need:
if you want to write any of these with me let me know please. ( feel free to like/reblog )
something dealing with aliens; rather it be two muses getting hunted down by aliens, ufos, creepy shit, abduction even. or even a farmhouse where they live and weird sighting stuff keeps happening; crop circles, etc.
police officer/detective & bank robber/convict fall in love. the angst ? and the sneaking around ? we luv to see it.
HORROR! just because halloween has passed doesn't mean we can't still do horror. plots based off of all the great classics: nightmare on elm street, texas chainsaw, spooky stuff in general. abandoned houses, blair witch vibes, forest excursions. give me all of it pls.
plots set in the 70s or the 80s. retro, hippie shit or even rock & rollers falling in love.
things based off of movies in general, rather it be your favorite movie or mine. i think it's so fun pulling inspo from film.
ADVENTURES. our muses going on unique adventures, rather it be to places that exist or places that don't exist. we could literally make them go to neverland or narnia if we wanted.
winter plots ! snow angels and angst, what could go wrong ?
this is less of a plot but NORMALIZE using fcs from diff time periods ( that are still alive of course ) like what if i wanna use leonardo dicaprio's fc from the 90s or winona ryder from heathers. this needs to happen more often.
dr*ggies in love. all the pain, hardships, trying to get better or not. the ups & downs of add*ction. or maybe one muse went to rehab and the other didn't. so now they have to make a decision if they want to leave or try to push their partner towards getting better. or even best friends that fall into bad habits. can be slowburn, friends to lovers..
unrequited love, the usual angst pulling at the heart strings. one sided love, or two muses who are too afraid or shy to say anything, jealousy and yearning.
slice of life; plots where two muses meet at a 9-5 job, at a grocery store, in college, during a walk in the park, while on vacation, realistic cute things like that.
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organicfirewood · 5 months
The Tortured Poet's Department (Katie's Version)
basically i'm liveblogging this as i listen. talking into the void; this is more for me to reflect back onto than a genuine critique of the album.
Most excited for: "Florida!!!" "Down Bad" & "WALOL?"
I'm hoping that this album will sonically resemble folklore and evermore... more acoustic, stripped-back, and raw. I'm still wondering about the "✌️" imagery and how that'll play into the album... maybe feeling two-faced or double-crossed?
Fortnight (feat. Post Malone) - ok... rehab. uh oh. swifties have been calling her a drunk for a while... but nobody ever took it seriously. this must be about a rebound... i don't want to say MH. ugh i loooove how this sounds. like a more sober midnights. no pun intended... sorry. post malone was honestly such a genius move for this song- his voice sounds very youthful paired with hers... hopeful.
2. The Tortured Poets Department - YESSS 80's into!!! god i love this instrumental so far. (I use a typewriter!!!) holy fuck nooooo this has the charlie puth lyric. more wedding references.
3. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys - ok. that charlie puth lyric left a bad taste in my mouth im trying to recover. i like that her vocal tone is a little darker here- would lower register apply for this? "he only runs because he loves me" real af i get you, queen. love that we've graduated to only having sandcastles instead of fortresses. these lyrics are also very ex-best-friend-coded... im projecting.
4. Down Bad - funkyyy okay. aww dun-dun-dun-dun! i wonder what mr kelce thought of all of this... oh, to be a fly on every single wall. yeah i like this one a lot. somehow also very 1989(tv ftv) coded. this sounds like denial into anger if we're still talking about the stages of grief. "like i lost my twin" is like "twin fire signs." i think she keeps seeing herself in her partners and feels abandoned when things don't work out.
5. So Long, London - ok intro eatssss down! this sounds like a driving-on-the-highway-song. i like how "talky" this is. it's very theatrical. this gives the sense that they (taylor and whoever this may be about) may have bonded over their sadness and the other party got upset when she started to heal. also, another reference to altars, but that may strictly be a religious metaphor.
6. But Daddy I Love Him - the intros are great. love the acoustic sounds. i really like this one a lot... this is a lot more whimsical and could almost fit on a Speak Now-style record. yeah, this is fantastic. such a quintessential Taylor Swift song. i'm terrified of how literally people (millennials on tiktok) are going to take this.
7. Fresh Out The Slammer - YUHHHH these intros!! ugh god i love a western motif. this is beautiful. this might be my favorite so far. i can't help but wonder what "time" she did. rehab, like previously alluded to? a rebound? a tortuous relationship? the period in a public career where one is constantly criticized and scrutinized? another ring mention.
8. Florida!!! (feat. Florence + The Machine) - huh. weed and babies. awesome! i agree, florida is one hell of a drug. "cheating husband..." uhokok. ok yes swamp imagery! yes southern/florida gothic! what shitstorm happened in texas? taylor please eliminate the urban sprawl in florida it'll give you more room to bury bodies!! pleaseee.
9. Guilty as Sin? - again. great intros. uh oh. is it just me, or does this sound like a 1975 song?? i like the production regardless. "we've already done it in my head" again real af. this song is real af. this is like limerence... these lyrics are kinda pushing the envelope, no? for taylor's standards, anyway.
10. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? - another western-esque motif. we are scared of you taylor, i promise. contained scandal... oh? is this the cheating allegation??? this bridge was legitimately chilling. her reputation era was only a scratch on the surface. i think she needs a legitimate full-blown villain era (as a treat). i'm scared for track 13.
11. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) - moooore western motifs. yuh okay i like this one. more texas. what happened in texas? did anything happen in texas or is it just a placeholder? the vocals on this one are like velvet. "GOOD BOY"???? and the references to angels??? please. please. thank you, taylor.
12. loml - sigh. im not ready for this one. "better safe than starry-eyed" is a fabulous lyric. i can't wait to see that on fan merch everywhere. another reference to marriage. this is very reminiscent of "you're losing me." more rings and cradles. christ. loss of my life! loml.
13. I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - im not ready i dont think. the intro, again, is great. sounds like setting up the tour. i hope that this album was therapeutic for her. yesss i love this one actually. i love when artists do the sarcastic happy-sad trope. taylor, please know that 90% of the eras tour crowds was and is sympathetic; we were only cheering for you, not for what you do. yes key change! yes i love this one!
14. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - jehovah's witnesses mentioned. just wanting to know why is so incredibly valid and a universal truth, i think. this one left me with a pit in my stomach.
15. The Alchemy - chemicals... hospitals... i hope she writes an autobiography one day. touchdown! so this is a travis-era song? i like the sound design of this one.
16. Clara Bow - nooo im not ready. stevie nicks reference!! :) i don't think she's exactly regretting her fame, but certainly re-evaluating it here. we (media, society, swifties) need to leave her alone, please.
I hope that the creation of this album was cathartic for her; it feels intensely personal. I don't like speculating about her life, yet so many of these songs are extremely context-dependent. Most of all, I hope that she gets the healing she needs. She's such an important figure for so many people; more people want the best for her than don't. It's been very clear for a while that she's been suffering. Everyone breaks at some point... I keep seeing The Tower in my mind.
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Ugh, I just watched that one South Park episode about whaling and all the pointless cetacean violence (that doesn't even represent the actual issues at hand all that accurately ofc) has left me rather upset. Any positive cetacean thoughts/news to share to help cleanse my brain?
Ugh, I'm sorry. I've never watched that show, but I've seen GIFs of the episode you're talking about, and it made me rather nauseous.
As for happy cetacean news... remember Izzy, the dolphin who was rescued from Texas after being repeatedly harrassed by beachgoers to the point of permanent disability? In November 2022, she found her forever home at Clearwater Marine Aquarium!
Izzy currently lives with Apollo (who arrived at CMA in 2021 after rehabbing at SeaWorld) and Hope, who was the "best friend" of the late Winter.
In related news, Clearwater is currently rehabbing a little female rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis)! I adore this species, which is rarely seen by most people since they live off-shore. Only two facilites in North America house stenos (all of which are non-releasable rescues), and if you've never seen one in person, I would add that to your bucket list. They look like dinosaur dolphins. It is not yet known if this darling girl will be releasable, but I will share CMA's updates as they post them!
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Can I share an unpopular opinion? I don't really think that Gwyn was as good a mother as most fan fiction tends to portray. She always gave me the impression of being too consumed with being a hotshot lawyer than a mother. And she did both Owen and TK really dirty when she was in Texas. She knew damn well she wasn't going to stay in Texas permanently (a posh Manhattan snob like Gwyn wouldn't last long in Texas) and she used Owen to get what she needed at the time. She was literally going to go back to New York without even telling TK if she hadn't been caught when he came home to find her stuff packed. Even when she "saved" him and sent him to rehab it felt like it was more about her feelings than about TK. I know Owen has issues, but he always struck me as being a much better parent than Gwyn.
Sure! You're welcome to share your opinions on the show. I don't know if you're looking for my view on what you've said or if you just wanted to vent or start a general discussion with others who might see this (which is fine), so please skip over what follows if you're not interested:
I really like Gwyn – and Owen, Andrea and Gabriel. They are all my problematic faves; none of them are simple, all of them have grit, and I love the depiction of parents-with-adult-children on the show. That said, in my own fics, I've portrayed Gwyn as a beloved, loving, much missed person who had to enter a crack den to save her son. I also see some of what you're saying, like she was always going to want to be back in Manhattan, even if a pregnancy with Enzo hadn't happened. I think it was always the plan to say goodbye to TK before she left, though. She just needed to compartmentalise at first and get far enough along in her move so he wouldn't be able to talk her out of it (headcanon, obvies). She said she and Owen want to talk to TK about it together (but I love TK’s reaction to that – it giving him flashbacks to when he was seven but this time he gets to stand up for himself).
Tbh it doesn't bother me that she's a hotshot lawyer any more than it bothers me that Owen is highly career driven, and presumably Gabriel too. We don't know about Andrea job-wise, but we do know she’s an attentive mother who let her son down in a big way nonetheless. With TK in a much better place, and an adult, Gwyn can focus on what she wants and make money doing something she loves (can’t relate). She also deeply loves TK, and I can only imagine how difficult it is emotionally to balance having kids and hugely busy high-stakes jobs. You can't be la-de-dah about being a parent, but you also can't fudge being a lawyer. You have to go H.A.M. Fun fact: I'm the sprog of a busy complicated yuppie who I constantly disappoint lol, so I have some skin in the game when it comes to trying to figure all this out, as well as forgive certain things and find peace. (All this is furthering a ridiculous notion I have about bringing Gwyn and Gabriel back as ghosts with unfinished son-business 😅, as I contrast them with each other in my head a lot). I'm not a huge fan of the pregnancy storyline, partly because the timeline drives me bananas. Wish they'd done it a different way. Generally, I'm up for exploring Gwyn's complexities and flaws more.
Ooof…. I strongly disagree re. taking TK to rehab being more about Gwyn’s feelings than about his wellbeing. She was at her wit's end and I see it as a last-ditch attempt to save TK; by that point into TK's addiction, I can imagine she and Owen were both hugely fatigued. It's immensely difficult to deal with loved ones with addiction. It causes frustration and anger that all ultimately comes from a place of love and care and just wanting the nightmare to stop for everybody involved, with the best possible outcome (recovery), and at some point you’re running on empty. Both Gwyn and Owen dealt with TK the only way they knew how. It's impossible at times to know what to do, and everything seems wrong. I recently rewatched 3x08 very closely because I was working scenes into a fic, and I found it highly effective and emotional. To me, their love as mother and son was crystal clear and beautifully played. She flew from New York to California and then immediately flew back again. Imo, that is something else – something totally desperate.  
Owen and TK's relationship is what drew me to the show in the first place, and I also like that it's loving and close but also has its issues. Owen, Gwyn and TK have all been through a lot together and apart, they all have their flaws, and it makes them fascinating characters. I like that nobody is perfect – everyone is trying their best but messing up, sometimes big-time (this I can relate to...)
Tl;dr - I like our hot mess hotshot lawyer and her hot mess ex and son and the hot mess in-laws she never got to know. Really like the lilac jumper she wore as a spectre leaning against the tree, so shout out to that as well. You've inspired me to think more deeply going forward about her as a fic writer (I have a couple of WIPs in which she is important) so 👍
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
umm friday night lights characters ranked now that i’ve known them for a while <3
tami taylor. her guidance counselor swag and mom realness and coach’s wife slay and milf serve…. she’s so everything… i can’t tell you who she reminds me of because explaining that would take hours but just trust that she reminds me of something very VERY near and dear to my heart and soul and seeing her go about her fun little plotlines brings such joy and happiness to me it’s unreal…
timmy riggins <3333 that’s literally my guy… he’s breaking barriers by being every letter of the lgbt acronym at once and also a cishet teenage boy from texas etc we’ve heard this. also he thinks the scarlet letter is about a woman named scarlet… he’s so me when i don’t do my assigned readings fr…
LYLA GARRITY THE MOST SPECIAL GIRL ON THE PLANET!!!! she’s literally having her comphet arc right now… and also in her getting slut shamed era… happens to the best of fictional teen girls <3 love you girl
julie taylor… she doesn’t really do anything for like 7 episodes but then when she does get to do things she’s soooo funny about it… her dad was conspiring against her going on a date and she outwitted his every move! i don’t even think she really cares that much about dating matt she just thinks it’s funny that her dad is mad about it and matt is awkward about her dad being mad about… like you just KNOW this bitch is giggling up a storm to herself after watching them interact…
matt saracen :) he’s just a nice young man for real… a nice boy… he loves his grandma and he just really wants his daddy to be proud of him for becoming the quarterback and he just has so much going on he’s like an overly stressed out puppy that’s just shaking and shivering and quivering because he just has so much to worry about all the time and he’s just a little guy he’s only 16 and he just wants to hang out with his buddy while he plays bad music with his shitty band… he’s so clary core actually maybe that’s why i like him. ok
coach taylor. i don’t know this man’s name. his first name is coach to me…. and i like him :) he’s kinda my dad core…. he’s also literally nothing like my dad and that’s WHY i like him… it’s complex
jason street… he’s like if a really nice young man was also the most irritating mf alive. society if his plotlines didn’t revolve around him being mad about shit 80% of the time. i love him but goddamn. doomed by the narrative but instead of that meaning he’s going to die at the end it means he’s literally narratively not allowed to be happy and it makes him act in such annoying ways….. this also happened to archie andrews but i can’t talk about that lest i incur the wrath of my rivermutuals
landry clarke. he’s just so funny to have around… he’s like matt damon but a little gayer and more pathetic… he’s like such a classic comic relief character he’s so good at it he’s so cunty he’s so everything and he has a shitty band and he drives his best friend on dates because he has nothing better to do than be a chronic third wheel i guess… love this guy !!
tyra <3 she’s so slay but also sooooooo Written By Men…… girl you don’t deserve this shit
smash. i don’t like him at all really but i know he’s only written Like That because of racism so like i’m being forgiving and i don’t hate him but i also still don’t like him and i’m never going to be excited to see him onscreen :/
well that’s all the major characters, an honorable mention goes out to jason’s friend from rehab who’s name i’ve forgotten, but he’s fun to have around!
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xaviermattthews · 2 years
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Full Name: Xavier Matthews.
Nicknames: X.
Pronouns and Gender: He/Him, Cis Male.
Birthday: July 27th, 1990.
Birth place: Houston, Texas.
How long have they been in town?: 15 years on and off.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Housing: Seabrook Quarter.
Occupation: Lead singer of a band called Submergence.
Family: Only child of divorced parents.
triggers: drugs, alcohol // @aurorabayaesthetic
xavier grew up in what he thought was a stable home in houston, texas. that was until shortly after his fourteenth birthday his mother addie came out as a lesbian in her forties which effectively ended her marriage to his father, darren. his father’s departure from the home and his parents subsequent divorce weighed heavily on him, and kickstarted a five year long spiral that culminated in a cocaine overdose at the age of 19.
what followed was his first rehab stint, and a six month period of consecutive sobriety which ended in a weekend in LA that he still can’t recall the full details of.
most of his 20′s was spent falling on and off the wagon, but he’s been sober since his 30th birthday and is determined to make it stick this time.
regular attendee of AA meetings, but isn’t the most forthcoming about that. or anything.
he started playing guitar after his father bought him one for his 10th birthday, and it remains the one consistent hobby he keeps that doesn’t double as a vice.
worked a variety of jobs over his tenure in aurora bay, mostly service industry. bartending was his longest stint.
formed submergence at 21 with 3 close friends. he didn't think they would do much with it other than fuck around, but interest in them grew steadily over the years and after one of their songs was used in a movie an had little moment of going viral, he decided to focus fully on the band.
the band got signed to a label five years ago and their first album (flood) did numbers.
he's working on their sophomore album (tsunami) currently and trying to manage the pressure of living up to his own expectations.
+ ambitious, independent, enthusiastic, skillful.
- loud, jealous, implusive, cutthroat.
goes by x for all things related to his music.
speaks fluent spanish.
has an arrest record that’s both long and ridiculous. has managed to avoid a holding cell since he signed his record deal because they threatened to drop him if he didn't get his shit together.
has nearly been cancelled on twitter twice.
has a bunch of running jokes with hardcore fans of his band. it's all a bit parasocial.
closest vibe to his band's music irl is the 1975.
did a spotify singles cover of anti-hero by taylor swift that went viral on tiktok. think this.
bandmate and fiancé of @vanessagable
older brother of @lilymatthews (muse no longer in game but still canon)
former best friend of @lucianaxalvarez
ex-boyfriend of @cheyxjohnson (muse no longer in game but still canon)
best friend of @bradley-banner
close friend of @christinaxwagner / pseudo uncle to her son
ex-boyfriend of @lemielewis
sorta family friend because of dating lemie to @lorelailewis / @luckylewis
former friend/bandmate of @connorxrose
former neighbour of @rominacortez
mutually destructive influence of @pearlwestbrook (muse no longer in game but still canon)
sponsee/close friend @greengideon
former bad influence of @tillycai
godlike to @fionaosmvn
formerly got his coke from @marsmoran pre-getting clean
in talks to write a song for a movie adaption of one of @coradeveraux's books
bandmates!! this will require heavy plotting though because the band have been playing together for 12 years now. there's a lottttt of history there, but also hella things in the future!
connections wise he’s pretty much an open book right now, but some baseline ideas that can be springboarded off are:
best friend (1 space available) /  childhood friends from houston / bandmates / friends / drunk friends / online friends/pen pals / former friend / new friends / former co-workers (pretty fluid and he’s definitely bounced around jobs so can be worked out for specific plot needs).
flirtationship / friends with benefits / tinder matches / exes / unrequited crush (can be either way) / experimented with their sexuality together.
enemies / former (best) friends / fell for the same person & fell out of touch / frenemies / rivals / negative influence / former co-workers (could have caused him to quit or be fired from a former job, can be worked out in depth).
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racerchix21 · 2 years
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Title: What am I gonna do?
Word Count: 413
Relationship: Seth Rollins x Reese Matthews (OFC)
A/N: Reese is the 2nd of 4 best friend original characters that I’m sharing with y’all! I have some fic ideas that would work better in my head using original characters.
Tagging: @sunnyfleur23 @rollins4eva @queenslayer1985 @queencherryberry @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @gobbersworld
Work Text:
A torn ACL, MCL and fucked up meniscus. 6-9 months with no wrestling. Reese felt like she was underwater and she highly doubted that Seth was much better off since it was something that he’d already dealt with himself. Granted he’d fought his way back but what if she couldn’t?
“Baby? Hey Reese Cup I’m gonna go get the car real quick and then I’ll be back to get you, okay? Hang tight for a minute and I’ll be back,” Seth says quickly kissing Reese’s forehead then her cheek even as she grumbles at the nickname. She hates being called Reese Cup and Seth knows it which is why he continues to call her that.
“K Sethie, but hurry please cuz I need boyfriend cuddles and to get the hell out of this place,” Reese whines picking at the hospital sheets.
“Yeah, baby. I’ll give you all the cuddles when we get back to the hotel,” he promises slipping out of the room, sidestepping the ER doctor walking into her room.
“Reese, I’m Doctor Hardy. I’m going to send you to the best sports medicine doctor I know in all of Texas. Dr. Freeman is the best at complex knee surgeries and he’ll have your knee fixed up and you back in the ring before you know it. Do you have any questions?”
“No, but thank you doc. Can I go now?”
“Yeah, here’s your release forms and I’m guessing that Mr. Rollins is your ride back to the hotel?”
“Yes, sir. He just went to get the car. It’s been a blast doc and now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna head out and pretend like my career isn’t fucked,” Reese says glancing up to see Seth coming back in the room. “Sethie, can we go now? I’ve got a retirement announcement to write up and surgery to look forward to.”
“Retirement? Baby, you ain’t retiring until you’re too old to wrestle. I don’t care what I have to do you’re gonna leave this business on YOUR terms not because of an injury. Besides if I can come back from this same injury so can you my lovely little Reese Cup. Trust me, okay? I’ll help you rehab and everything just trust me.”
“Okay, Rollins but you best be right about me making a comeback. I love you, too by the way and thank you for being here holding my hand through all this shit.”
“Love you too babe. Love you too.”
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If he hadn't been so resigned to it, another night of lukewarm takeout on his couch, Jack might have felt more bitter.
The paparazzi photos had only been the beginning of the farce that he called his mostly stagnant social life. The worst of it came after.
It started with the Post left in the break room. Riley Juergenson, his supposed best friend since he was in diapers, had gone to the press. His parents' marital problems, his aunt Rita's alcoholism, all of it, had made it to the front page. And no one would meet his eyes after.
The second time he found the gossip papers spread out on the table by the microwave, H.R. had called him in. He'd needed to find another job.
But Donna hadn't called, not once. Not him, not their parents, not their Aunt Rita who had to go back into rehab from all of the stress. She was too busy, her manager said. She was recording, on tour. Jack hadn't been particularly surprised.
It was Paul who called him, sometimes, checking in from the hallway of some recording studio out in L.A. or after a show in Montana or Texas or one time, Beijing. They weren't ever very long phone calls. And they talked about hockey, mostly. Hockey and baseball and Star Wars, the same kind of meaningless shit that had gotten them through every concert the band had in high school. The normalcy of it helped. It brought him back to Sunday afternoons behind the wheel of his dad's station wagon, Donna in the passenger seat playing with the radio dials, Paul arguing with whichever of their other friends they'd gotten to join them about animal rights or calculus homework, their equipment blocking Jack's view out the back windows.
Liz Crosby called him too, when she'd heard. A late, and only fleeting, addition to Donna's post-high school roster of occasional bandmates, she'd gotten out before Hiroshima Shadow had made it. She was studying for her CPA exam, and had recently gotten engaged. No regrets at all about quitting before the band's recording deal, not even for a second. She hadn't even heard from Donna in the last year and a half.
It helped, somewhat, to have people in his life who had known him for years, even if they had technically been his sister's friends first. His own friends, well, Riley hadn't been the only one to say something to the reporters. Jack tried talking to a therapist about it, but even that had wound up in the press.
He didn't leave the house much after that. Just work, an IT gig he'd found where he could feel his braincells rotting from boredom, and maybe the occasional trip home. He was anonymous enough with a baseball cap pulled low and sunglasses. He also looked a little like the Unibomber, but it kept people from trying to approach him much.
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lakesidercc · 10 days
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Finding the Best Drug Rehab in Austin: What You Need to Know
Finding the best drug rehab in Austin means you should look for programs that fit your unique needs, like outpatient or holistic options. Verify the facility's credentials, checking for proper licensing and accreditation. Assess success rates by looking at long-term outcomes and patient testimonials. Make sure they offer robust support services, including aftercare and family involvement. Don't forget to evaluate costs and insurance coverage; many centers offer financial assistance or payment plans. If you continue, you'll uncover detailed guidance on making an informed choice.
Types of Treatment Programs
Exploring the various types of treatment programs can help you find the best fit for your recovery needs. You might feel overwhelmed, but understanding your options is essential.
Consider outpatient therapy if you want the flexibility to maintain your daily routines while receiving treatment. It allows you to attend sessions and return home afterward, making it easier to integrate recovery into your life.
Holistic approaches can also be transformative. These methods focus on healing your mind, body, and spirit, offering a thorough path to wellness. Practices like yoga, meditation, and nutritional counseling can complement traditional therapies, providing a well-rounded recovery experience.
 Assessing Facility Credentials
Once you've understood the types of treatment programs available, it's important to evaluate the credentials of the facilities you're considering.
Look for the following key elements to guarantee the facility meets high standards:
1. **Licensing Requirements**: Make sure the rehab center is properly licensed by the state of Texas. This guarantees they meet basic operational standards.
2. **Accreditation Organizations**: Check if the facility is accredited by reputable organizations such as the Joint Commission or CARF. Accreditation indicates adherence to rigorous quality standards.
3. **Qualified Staff**: Confirm that the staff holds appropriate certifications and licenses. This guarantees you're receiving care from trained professionals.
Evaluating Success Rates
To choose the best rehab center, you'll need to evaluate their success rates to guarantee their treatment programs are effective.
Start by looking at their success metrics. A reputable center should be transparent about their data and how they measure success. Pay attention to long-term recovery rates, not just short-term outcomes.
Patient testimonials can be incredibly insightful; they offer firsthand accounts of experiences and results. Listen to stories of those who've walked the path before you. High praise and consistent positive feedback are strong indicators of a center's effectiveness.
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Support Services Offered
While evaluating success rates is important, it's equally essential to examine the support services offered by a rehab center. A robust support system can make all the difference in your recovery journey.
Look for facilities that provide extensive aftercare programs, as they help you shift back into daily life smoothly. Family involvement is another vital aspect—having your loved ones engaged can provide emotional support and encouragement.
Consider these three key support services:
1. **Aftercare Programs**: Confirm the center offers ongoing support post-treatment.
2. **Family Involvement**: Programs that include family therapy can strengthen your support network.
3. **Therapeutic Activities**: Look for a variety of activities that promote mental and emotional well-being.
These services can greatly enhance your recovery experience.
Cost and Insurance Coverage
Understanding the cost and insurance coverage of drug rehab in Austin is essential for making an informed decision.
You'll want to explore affordable options that suit your financial situation. Many rehab centers offer financial assistance programs to help ease the burden.
Check if your insurance plan covers rehab services—most do, but it's good to confirm. Don't hesitate to ask about sliding scale fees based on income, which can make treatment more accessible.
Some facilities even provide payment plans to spread out the cost. Remember, investing in your well-being is invaluable.
Choosing the best drug rehab in Austin is like planting a seed for a new life.
You've explored different treatment programs, checked credentials, evaluated success rates, and considered support services, costs, and insurance.
Now, trust your instincts and take the leap.
Remember, the right facility will nurture your growth and help you bloom.
Your journey to recovery is just beginning, and with the right support, you'll flourish beyond your wildest dreams.
Addiction treatment center Austin TX
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fedorahead · 2 months
i was such a sad child
this whole morning, memories have been washing over me
beautiful memories, of love, of childhood, of experiences. of places that don't exist anywhere else now.
the adults tried their best. better than anyone i know now that all my friends are raising kids. there was always someone who cared for me, who wanted to give me a beautiful life.
but i spent all that time feeling so alone, so abandoned, in so much pain all the time
nothing can counter abuse, nothing erases the trauma of being disabled and nobody recognizing it, nothing takes away having an unstable parent and a struggling one.
i got told so often that i was ungrateful, but i wasn't, i was just afraid. so afraid of everything that could and would go wrong.
i don't buy presents for my family much. it's an ongoing struggle. when you don't know the day of the week and can't plan ahead, holidays are really hard and budgeting is near impossible. so every holiday i'm panic scrolling wish or temu or whatever hoping i'll find something worthwhile and then it ships to the wrong state and i've failed again because i just don't have that capacity.
my baby is going to have a lot of adults in their life. but those adults don't do their best for the kids they already have. nobody's doing their best right now. we were thriving in the 90s. we're all struggling now. and the kids suffer. and before he's even born, i can see the suffering creeping closer to my kid's childhood.
i'll never take him to disney. he won't grow up near LA. he's not going to have many cherished memories of restaurants and a life of privilege like i had. we're poor, we're poly, we're in a rough city, we're autistic and not like my grandpa the engineer but like my mom, who jumped from job to job and rehab to rehab not ever getting the right diagnosis and living off disability now.
all the gifts and expenses and shopping trips and film festivals and theme parks and fancy lunches in the world won't make a childhood good, and this baby will have love. and he'll have parents who aren't teenagers, who have already raised children and have learned so many lessons. but he'll also have parents as ill as mine were, with all our own flaws.
it would be nice to cover those flaws in expenses, life changing experiences, a childhood of joy and wonder and amazing shit. but his older brothers have more toys and games and electronics than they even care to use and they're not happy either because it takes more. and when someone in my family was burnt out there was always someone else. and when i was struggling with one family i could always go to my other family. and this little guy is gonna have just us, and who we live with, no other parent to call for a pickup on a bad day. just the christmas we can offer. maybe if we're lucky i can take him to see my family in texas every year.
but i want to be able to give myself awesome everyday experiences like museums and symphonies like my family gave me, and i can't manage that, so how am i going to do it for a kid?
my husband is amazing. he cooks, he helps me clean up my chaos, he takes me to concerts when i can't afford to. but he doesn't think the way i do and he didn't have adults constantly looking for ways to make life more fun and stimulating and fascinating. he doesn't have that precedent.
he's happier than me, overall, but those memories are where i find my happiness... even though i couldn't feel it at the time.
and the more i reminisce, the more i see and feel the decline. the hope fade from my life. the efforts get smaller. when your brain doesn't reward you, you stop accomplishing much on your own. and i was never able to maintain that momentum they set for me, because depression had always made me just a passive enjoyer, and the bursts of inspiration were never enough to sustain my own interest in life. and they come less and less, and more in the form of consumption now. buy the entry tools to this hobby. crave this food. get out of the house and go anywhere at all, just get out, spend some money you don't have.
i wanted to design shopping malls and space stations as a kid and now my most recent life changing memory is i went to a nice bookstore saturday.
hell, i had a project i wanted to do by sunday and it just never happened.
there's no untangling all of life from the rest of itself, no removing the trauma from the beautiful days, the sadness from the privilege. and i don't know how to give my kid one while protecting him from the other.
i wish i could get back to sleep.
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themomsandthecity · 4 months
Hailey Orion: How My Family Is Healing From a History of Addiction
Hailey Orion is a music artist. For PS's Radical Honesty issue, she discusses growing up with addiction and abuse in her family. Read more radically honest stories here. The thing about getting older and going to therapy is that I've come to an understanding that everything started way before me. When I was going through things as a kid - my dad was very emotionally and physically abusive - I didn't know why. I'm the oldest to four boys. I didn't know it at the time, but my biological mother was living in Florida while we were in Texas, and I was with my dad and who I thought was my mom at the time. Then when I got older is when I learned that my dad was addicted to certain drugs and alcohol when we were younger, and that was the reason for his violence and change in moods and things like that. But as kids, we couldn't really comprehend that. And now I know that my biological mom is an alcoholic as well and has been on her own journey with rehab. And my grandparents on my dad's side, they were both addicts as well. Only just recently I've learned how big addiction has been in our family. When you're a kid, you only know what you're taught. So when we were really young, I think I internalized a lot of it. A lot of the abuse and violence, I was like, "It's my fault, I'm not being a good kid, I'm not doing things correctly, that's why my dad is lashing out." But I think in middle school, going to other people's homes and witnessing a family dynamic that was so wholesome and no one was screaming or afraid of doing something wrong because they were maybe going to get hit or yelled at - I think that's when I started to piece it together. I was like, "This isn't normal." I didn't fully know everything until I was out of high school. I remember the first time my dad sat down and told me and my brother who's closest in age to me - we were the siblings who went through the worst of it - he sat us down and told us about being addicted to cocaine when he was younger. And that kind of explained why he had the outbursts he did. At the time, it was hard to hear. I was like, "Why would you risk our safety for something like that?" That was very confusing. But that's also when I started understanding his journey. Only just recently I've learned how big addiction has been in our family. My grandpa was a huge alcoholic and everyone on that side of the family before him has died from alcoholism. And it's kind of just stopped with my generation. It needs to be talked about: how these things can be overcome and how you can heal with other people. When I was 21 or 22 and I started therapy, my therapist started teaching me about boundaries. And for the first time ever, I was setting boundaries with my dad. The first one was us meeting in a third-party location away from everyone else where we would go have lunch once a week and start to catch up in that way. It started with us just being very honest with each other and talking to each other, but even then, it wasn't easy. We were still arguing, but at least we were talking about it. We want to talk about it, we want to grow together and get past it. We've grown bit by bit, but the biggest step we took was last year. I had just gotten out of an emotionally abusive relationship and had nowhere to go and didn't think I'd be able to go home, because our relationship hadn't been like that. I didn't think it would be good for me to go back to a place that also hadn't been healthy for me. But when I came back, my dad really stepped up. He took me in - he was there for me and protected me in a way I don't think he ever had before. That helped our relationship so much, and over this past year, he has become my best friend. It's not an accident and it's not because I'm just forgetting things. He does not do drugs anymore - his parents are also completely sober. And it's really cool to watch him put in the work, and as I'm putting in the work, we can come together and… https://www.popsugar.com/family/hailey-orion-addiction-family-radical-honesty-49362610?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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twins2994 · 4 months
Kansas City Royals-Minnesota Twins Series Preview
5.27.24- Alec Marsh RHP (4-1) 2.72 ERA Vs. Joe Ryan RHP (3-3) 3.15 ERA
5.28.24-Cole Ragans LHP (4-3) 3.34 ERA Vs. Simeon Woods Richardson RHP (1-0) 2.57 ERA
5.29.24-Seth Lugo RHP (8-1) 1.74 ERA Vs. Bailey Ober RHP (5-2) 4.33 ERA
5.30.24-Brady Singer RHP (4-2) 2.63 ERA Vs. Chris Paddack RHP (4-2) 4.39 ERA
The Royals At A Glance- The Royals have been one of the biggest surprises in baseball so far. They just had an eight-game winning streak snapepd and are (34-20). The Royals sit just 2.5 games behind the Indians for first place in the American League Central. Salvador Perez is having a solid season with a .325 average, nine homers, and thirty-nine RBI. Bobby Witt Jr. continues to be a solid young face with nine homers, thirty-six RBI, and sixteen stole bases. Vinnie Pasquantino has been slumping a bit with a .225 average and just five homers. The Royals starting rotation owns a 2.97 ERA, which is third-best in the big leagues. Seth Lugo has been incredible with just a 1.74 ERA and eight wins. Brady Singer has finally found his form and Alec Marsh has been good as well. The bullpen hasn't been the greatest with a 3.96 ERA, which is eighteenth-best in baseball. James McArthur has saved eleven games with a 3.80 ERA. Will Smith has had a rough start to the season with a 7.16 ERA in 16 1/3 innings. John Schreiber has been a good arm with just five runs allowed over 23 1/3 innings of work.
The Twins At A Glance- The Twins had a four-game winning streak halted by the Texas Rangers on Sunday. They continue the homestand with four games against a surprising Royals team. Alex Kirilloff has been on fire late with a .364 average, two homers and four RBI over his past four games. Carlos Correa is hitting .333 over the past week. Eddie Julien has been ice cold with one hit in his last twenty-seven at-bats. Royce Lewis is working his way back on a rehab assignment with the Saints and the team will have an interesting roster decision to make. Jose Miranda is hitting and Eddie Julien isn't. The starting pitching had been going better until Pablo Lopez rough outing on Sunday. Josh Staumont has thrown 7 1/3 shutout innings since his call-up. He'll play his former team this weekend.
What To Watch For- The Twins took two of three from the Royals to open the season. The Twins were (6-1) against the Royals at Target Field last year. Alec Marsh threw five innings and allowed three runs in his lone start against the Twins. Joe Ryan is (5-0) with a 1.52 ERA in seven starts against the Royals. Cole Ragans has allowed three runs over ten innings against the Twins. Simeon Woods Richardson has never faced the Royals. Seth Lugo has a 1.80 career ERA in twenty innings versus the Twins. Bailey Ober has a 7.24 ERA in eight games against the Royals and has his worst career start on March 31st against them. Brady Singer is (3-6) with a 5.18 ERA in twelve starts against the Twins. Byron Buxton and Max Kepler each have two homers off Singer in their careers. Chris Paddack gave up two runs over five innings in his lone start against the Royals. This is a key early-season series against teams vying for the top spot in the division.
-Chris Kreibich-
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Nelson Thomas Car Accident Story
Nelson Thomas is a reality tv star who got his start on this tv show called the challenge that aired on the MTV network channel from frame to a very life altering change that happened in Austin Texas on March 5th 2023 year he had a very serious car accident to where he crashed his car into another vehicle that became nearly a fatal crash and thankful nobody died but that accident led him into the hospital in Austin Texas of where he went through having and doing lots of surgeries, rehab along that he experiencing of such a life altering lifestyle that has change his life ever since that accident especially of losing his foot and trying to figure out how to do just your daily life activities and how to walk again with getting a prosthetic and he'd said that he couldn't of done this whole journey without having the loving support from his family, close friends and having faith. JESUS CHRIST GIVES YOU STRENGTH ALWAYS :)
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Nelson, mention in his Youtube, instagram, snapchat videos and interviews with Austin Texas News is how he learned that you have to be thankful, appreciate of what you have and get in life because at any second or time anything can be taken away from you and your life can be change for life so don't take anything for granted and just realized of how good you have it in life too so how he choose a year after getting his foot amputation on March 5th 2024 of having so much a eye opener of looking down and realizing that his foot was gone but now he's on the road of recovery after getting his prosthetic and opens about his whole amputation world and journey it has and continues to be and just hoping the best for you because anything is possible in this world :)
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Only Positively and one of my favorite verses is: Philippians 4:13 ''I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me''
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