#best truffle honey
l0vegl0wsinthedark · 7 months
"Okay, this one."
Lily's irate frustration was a nearly tangible crackle in the perfumed air of the boutique. Draco glanced up over the rim of his spectacles.
"Absolutely not," he said calmly.
Lily's fists balled up in the skirt of the slinky, forest green dress she wore. Thousands of shimmery little beads were sewn into the light, clingy fabric. The slit ran all the way up to mid-thigh and the halterneck straps were beaded strings.
"Why." Lily's question sounded from between grit teeth.
"Turn around," Draco said flatly.
A moment of hesitation, and then Lily spun around to reveal her back, exposed from neck to tail bone.
"Absolutely not," repeated Draco, looking back down into his phone, typing out an email with one forefinger, painstakingly slow.
"It's a dress. You want me to buy a dress. This is a dress."
"I want you to be respectably dressed for your seventeenth birthday party," Draco replied without looking up. "You're coming of age, yes, but you will do so whilst dressed as you ought to be."
"As I ought to be," Lily repeated scornfully.
"As a Potter-Malfoy ought to be."
"Why can't a Potter-Malfoy wear something like this?"
"We don't go out in public half-naked."
"This is a floor length gown."
"The whole length of your left leg is on display, as is the entirety of your back." Draco glanced up once more. "Your whole back. You're practically naked."
Lily"s clenched jaw shifted as she gnashed her teeth some more. With forced calm, she said, "Papa, I do not want to be wearing some sort of Victorian ballgown for my seventeenth birthday party."
"More's the pity. But no, definitely not this one either."
"I can wear a jacket over it." Lily raised one eyebrow when Draco looked up again. "I want a leather jacket."
Draco snorted, shaking his head. "I don't think so."
"Dad said I could get one."
"Your dad is an idiot."
"I want one like his."
"Absolutely not. He's a lunatic with a flying motorcycle. You don't want everything he has, trust me."
"It's just a bloody leather jacket, Papa, please!" Lily actually stomped one booted foot, her voice rising shrilly.
"I'm used to strops, darling, I invented them," Draco said, completely unbothered. "Besides, what would your grandmother say. She would faint."
"She told me to get the jacket in black." When Draco looked up in genuine surprise, Lily went on, "She said black would go best with her opal earrings that she's having reset in silver for my birthday present."
Draco stared at her over his spectacles as she stood glaring back at him, hands on her hips.
Then the bell above the door tinkled merrily, and Harry's voice filled the silence of the stylish little boutique as he exchanged cheerful pleasantries with the owner.
Reaching breaking point, Lily shrieked, "DAD!"
"I will not tolerate that sort of screaming in a public--," Draco started.
"Green, eh?" Harry said, walking into the private area Draco had reserved for the afternoon, his own boots loud on the wooden flooring.
"Because I have your eyes," Lily said in her most honeyed voice. "Grandma's eyes."
"Good choice, Lils," Harry said affectionately, sitting down on the plush sofa next to Draco before carefully picking through the collection of truffles set out in little crystal bowls.
"You haven't looked at the dress very closely," Draco said, voice tight.
"Oh?" Harry popped a hazelnut truffle into his mouth, straightened his glasses a bit, and leaned back, crossing ankle over knee. "Let me do that, then." A pause, and then, "She looks great!"
Draco twirled one forefinger through the air, motioning for Lily to spin. "She's half-naked."
"It's the trend now or something," Harry said, shrugging and scratching carelessly through his beard.
"I want to wear it with a leather jacket, Dad," Lily said hastily. "A black leather jacket. One like yours."
Harry grinned, roughing up his hair as was his wont. "Like Sirius'. Yeah, why not? Let's get you one."
Draco's lips were very thin as he pulled off his glasses and turned the full force of his displeasure onto Harry.
"Don't," said Harry. "We said she could pick her own outfit."
"The Minister's going to be at the party," Draco said tightly.
"Doubt he cares, honestly," Harry said, eating more chocolate. "Besides, it's Lily's day."
"I don't like to be ganged up against," Draco said, teeth gleaming white on a forced, very dangerous smile.
"Babe, we're not ganging up--," Harry started.
"Where is James?" Draco said suddenly, raising his voice over Harry's.
"My ears are burning," James drawled, sauntering in. Draco turned in his seat to look at him, his mouth slightly open.
James' hair was a bright, lemon yellow where it stood in a carefully styled, vertical mass on his head. The sides had been shaved down close to the scalp and dyed green.
Draco could only splutter in apoplectic dismay at the sight.
"What are you supposed to look like?!" he finally managed to ask.
James shrugged, scratching behind one pierced ear. "Dad thinks it looks cool."
Draco whirled around in his seat, now glaring violently at Harry. "He was supposed to get a haircut that's also suitable for school."
"He's still on summer break," Harry said.
"His head looks like a bloody sunflower!" Draco said. "Harry, you had one job--"
But Lily was now cackling loudly at James, who in turn stood grinning proudly, hands in his pockets, fourteen years old and sincerely unbothered about a single opinion that wasn't his own. Harry couldn't help grinning, too, but he quickly moved closer to Draco and took one of his hands with both his own.
"Babe, we've talked about this," he murmured gently. "This is one of those times you need to let go. Remember how we talked about letting go?"
"She's seventeen, and he looks someone cracked an egg on his head," Draco seethed.
Harry leaned forward and kissed him squarely on the mouth.
"How about lunch at the Ritz?" he asked gently.
"And then we buy me a black leather jacket," Lily said, hitching up the skirt of her dress and stomping loudly back to the changing room.
"Life was easier when I was seventeen," Draco muttered darkly, glaring at where their son was inspecting a rack of dinner jakcets.
Harry grinned again. "Yeah. A war, a megalomaniac. I really miss those days."
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thedelicatearcher · 1 month
lazy days with finnick odair
a satisfied hum escaped your lips when finnick fed a piece of pie into your mouth. this definitely wasn’t the plan for today, but you weren’t complaining. finnick had promised to take you to the market that evening, unaware that it was a special day. after one of the district 4 tributes in the last hunger games ended up becoming a victor, the capitol had been rewarding the district throughout the year with several deliveries of luxury garments, resources from other districts, and exotic fruits and food that you would never have seen in person if not for the victors.
the look on your face as you observed all the shiny and new stuff in the market was one of sheer astonishment. on the other hand,the look on finnick’s face was one of disgust. he would never understand how buffets or silk fabrics could ever mend the heartbreak of so many parents who now have to live in quiet homes with empty hearts.  sensing finnick’s discomfort, you suggested going back home instead.
“honey,” you pulled him out of his trance, “let’s go home. i can cook something for you, and we can cuddle to sleep.” instantly, his whole demeanor changed. he tried to act as if nothing was wrong. “no, sweetheart. i promised to take you to the market and here we are.” his protests weakened as you gently dragged him out of the market. 
the year finnick won his games, you were fascinated by all the novelties, your eyes shone at the luxurious yet simple truffles and the high quality clothes. however, when your gaze met finnick’s broken one, all material things stopped mattering and the need to be there for your then best friend overpowered you. that day paralleled today, with the difference being that eight years later, finnick’s eyes now hid resentment and an immense sadness.
the walk home was quiet. your arm linked with your lover’s, and the only sound was the calm waves of the nearby beach. his victor’s house was long forgotten. years ago, he had moved into your home and made himself comfortable. the walls were adorned with several pictures of your small milestones: one showed you proudly displaying a fish the size of your torso after a family fishing trip that finnick happily joined. another picture showed your younger selves proudly holding diplomas while wearing robes far too big for you. yet another showed your innocent, youthful smiles after you had buried finnick in the sand and posed for a picture. though it was taken fifteen years ago, it still made you let out a lighthearted chuckle. 
as you locked the door, finnick dragged his feet and collapsed onto the couch. a sigh you couldn’t quite decipher escaped him. “honey,” you cooed as you went to cuddle with him, positioning your head on his chest, “what’s wrong?” another deep sigh fell out of his lips, “i don’t like going out whenever there’s a capitol spectacle in the district,” he murmured sheepishly, his hand gently running through your hair. “it’s okay. we don’t have to go out,” you reassured him,  turning your head to look up at him, “we can have plenty of fun here.”
the melancholic frown on his face faded, eventually changing into a cheeky smile. “what are you going to cook for me, chef?” he asked. “you mean, what are WE going to cook?” the mere idea of you making dinner alone was laughable. after years of living together, there were zero instances of you cooking alone when your boyfriend was at home. he loved cooking for you, but more than that, he adored cooking with you.
as he chuckled at your words, finnick couldn’t help but hold you tighter to him. before standing up, the blond reached for your hand and pressed soft kisses on your knuckles. “well, sweetheart, maybe you should pamper me one day.” his now cheerful figure walked to the kitchen and put his apron on. “i would, if you let me, finn,” you teased him lightheartedly.  
while finnick put certain ingredients on the counter, he said “i’m craving something sweet.” he winked at you mischievously, “is a pecan pie fine by you?” before he could finish setting out the ingredients, you grabbed the bowl, beating him to it. nodding excitedly, you started mixing the different sugars and the butter. “you know,” you began with a sweet grin, reminiscing, “who would have told our 7-year-old selves that we’d be living together?” a soft chuckle rumbled from your lover’s chest as he stirred the rest of the ingredients. “i mean, we dreamed of flying to mars together and living there for the rest of our lives.” 
“you know that’s not what i meant, honey,” your belly laughter caused his chuckles to increase. “well, sweetheart,” he reached to press a peck on your lips, “if it’s worth anything, my future has always included you. even when we were seven, and our worst enemy was your mom for not letting us have a sleepover.” 
after placing the pie in the oven, you ran to the living room to put on a movie and lie down on the couch. “c’mere,” you pleaded with open arms. not one second later, he was lying on top of you. as if he were a purring cat, delighted hums escaped him as you ran your hands through his hair. “sweetheart,” he murmured, his head being victim of your loving touches, which dozed him off and distracted him from the movie, “i love you.” 
“i love you too, finn.”
thirty minutes into the movie, the alarm you had set for the pie rang, startling both of you. “sweet little jesus,” he exclaimed with his hand on his chest. after taking the pie out of the oven and letting it cool for a while, you served each of you a slice. finnick was right behind you, carrying two glasses of milk to complement the dessert. 
the rest of the evening was spent cuddling on the couch, watching whatever was on, and then getting completely lost in each other, getting drunk on each other’s thoughts. this time, it was your turn to lie on top of finnick. “honey,” you called his pet name with your head comfortably placed on his tummy, “i fear we are going to be gassy tonight.”
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7-pines · 6 months
top 10 things to put into aging barrels
Cactus honey <- Bee house <- Cactus (flower)
Large gesha coffee <- Keg <- Large gesha coffee bean
Goat cheese wheel <- Cheese press <- Large goat milk
Large salted quail egg <- Mason jar <- Large quail egg
Gesha coffee <- Keg <- Gesha coffee bean
Melon juice <- Keg <- Melon (fruit)
Goat cheese <- Cheese press <- Goat milk
Fairy rose honey <- Bee house <- Fairy rose (flower)
Pineapple juice <- Keg <- Pineapple (fruit)
Salted quail egg <- Mason jar <- Quail egg
Calculated without factoring buy prices into this. While animals are expensive, they don't ever stop producing. Ranking based on profit per hour (i.e. how much per hour you make while while these are in their respective artisanal machines).
Since the top 10 largely answers what animal products to prioritize (though I will say, white truffle oil and large llama yarn beat out cactus mead on their own), moving onto other categories of things to prepare for aging barrels. For everything here, make the flowers into honey via bee houses, fruits into juice via kegs and vegetables into pickles via mason jars.
Best Spring Crop: Snowdrop (Rank C, 45g seeds)
Best Summer Crop: Melon (Rank E, 130g seeds)
Best Fall Crop: Cactus (Rank B, 300g seeds)
Best Winter Crop: Snowdrop (Rank C, 45g seeds)
Best Seedling: Lychee... but it's ranked 38 (way below everything else here)
Best Saplings in order of profit:
Durian (spring)
Peach (summer)
Apple (fall)
Alternatives: Cauliflower (Rank F, 70g seeds) during Spring. Fairy Rose (Rank C), Lily (Rank D) and Rice (Rank F) (put this one in the keg) for Fall.
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141wh0re · 3 months
Red Spider Lily- Dead Dove Do Not Eat
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Pairings: Body Guard!Simon Riley x Rich Bitch!Reader (f)
TW: MDNI, DDDNE, depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, minor character death, angst, substance abuse and addiction, implied narcissism from readers dad, alcohol consumption, vomiting (not detailed, just mentioned), hyperthermia, brief wlw, NSFW thoughts, soft Simon, grumpy x grumpier trope, fun fact: don't mix MDMA with cocaine lads and lasses (can result in hyperthermia), whump, fluff.
Let me know if I missed anything in the tags <3
Word Count: 2626
Summary: Simon retires from the SAS, taking on a job for a well known real estate tycoon's daughter, serving as her sole protector until her father can find a suitable man to sell marry her off to. Yet, instead of protecting her from outside dangers, he's finding the biggest danger is herself. Simon is determined to help you escape this life that was pre-ordained for you, and cure you of your disease. Addiction.
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After nearly three decades spent in the military, Simon never expected to find himself here. Stuck in a contractual agreement, protecting and ensuring the safety and well-being of a bratty young woman with a wealthy family. It was almost insulting to him, had it not been for the hefty sum of money the woman's father wired to his bank account every week.
There were a few moments he'd almost made the rash decision to quit his job completely, and allow the someone else to look after this bitchy damsel.
But there was something that kept him here, keeping a protective eye on you and a firm hand at the small of your back in crowded rooms.
Beneath all the glitz and glam, partying and binge drinking, and the drugs... Simon saw you for what you were when you were at your lowest points.
A young girl who was forced into a lonely life of luxury. A girl who lost her mother too young and wasn't sure how to cope. A girl who yearned for her father's attention while he consumed himself in work, social gatherings, and public appearances. A girl who closed herself off from the world and kept everyone at arm's length so the venomous bite of abandonment would be less impactful when those people inevitably left her. A young girl who drowned her liver in alcohol while snorting enough blow to potentially kill her every weekend.
Simon knew you needed consistency in your life with substance. He'd watched his younger brother go through this plenty, repeating a vicious cycle of pain and torment for a fleeting moment with the impostor of joy in powder form.
He also knew you resembled that of a caged bird. Lonely, isolated, and detached from the rest of the world while you awaited either your death or an arranged marriage that would benefit your father's company, and potentially cushion his pockets a tad more.
As you emerged from the master suite of the penthouse, Simon heaved a resigned sigh, seeing you dolled up for the night ahead. Luxurious, private parties and public appearances to keep your name relevant in the tabloids and medias.
He leaned against the kitchen island, large arms crossed in his black button down, rich, honey-colored eyes fixated on you, and his signature black, surgical mask in place.
"Eat. You're not going out on an empty stomach." His deep, thick accented voice demanded. He nodded towards the plate on the counter, filled with chicken risotto with truffle sauce.
You scoffed in response to his authoritative tone before obeying anyways and climbing onto the bar stool, realizing it's probably best not to piss off your body guard.
"Where's it from?" You asked in a bland tone.
"Your kitchen." he answered gruffly as he poured an electrolyte packet into a bottle of water and set it beside your plate.
"Didn't know they taught ya to cook up truffle sauce in the military," you teased in that snarky tone he felt deep hatred for. Your metaphorical mask was going up early tonight.
"It's so cute how hard you work to save me from myself every weekend, big guy. Doesn't it get tiring?" You goaded before working at the small, yet filling dish before you.
Simon ignored your attempts to rile him up, knowing good and well you were fishing for a reason to indulge in your vices tonight. If you went out in a bad mood, it was all the more reason for you to fill your nose with booger sugar, and what better way to elevate yourself than starting it in a piss-poor mood, so your high will be that much better?
"Eat." Is all he replied with, leaving no room for questions or arguments.
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As the night progressed, Simon kept a watchful eye on you, taking in your every move, expression, and breath while diligently scanning your surroundings to ensure your safety.
He watched as you finished another glass of champagne that was easily worth three months rent for his studio loft downtown.
You were pleasantly buzzed as you floated about the mansion, like you owned it, being the perfect little socialite you learned to be. Simon's dark, brooding presence loomed behind you, keeping you within at least three arm's lengths at all times.
"Going to the loo," you informed Simon as you spun on the toe of your red bottoms, heels clicking against the marble floor as you sashayed in the direction of the restroom.
You didn't even have to cast a glance over your shoulder to know Simon was already following behind you, keeping his eyes dutifully trained on you and your immediate surroundings.
Once outside the bathroom, Simon knocked on the door before entering and doing a sweep of the room before allowing you to enter.
You rolled your eyes at his precautious measures as he shut the door behind you. After clicking the lock in place, you promptly relieved yourself before standing at the vanity to wash your hands, reapply your red lipstick, then pull a little pick-me-up from your clutch.
Using the compact mirror, you pulled a tampon case from your clutch, producing a small baggie of white powder from within it, and emptied the contents of the baggie onto the mirrored surface as it sat on the vanity. You shook the small tampon case to receive a small straw, then used one of your many credit cards to neatly align the powder in a straight line.
Holding a finger to your left nostril, you plugged it and inserted the end of the straw into the right nostril, hovering over the powder as you inhaled with a strong pull from your nose and lungs.
The powder irritates your nose momentarily, causing it to scrunch and sniffle as the tingles pulse through your nasal passage. Bitterness coated your taste buds as the powder dripped down the back of your throat, earning a cringe from you as you shook your head, coughing slightly to aid the phlegm in easing down your esophagus.
You promptly cleaned up and did a final once over in the mirror, adamant not to stare too long and avoid your flaws. Clammy palms idly smooth over the material of your dress, trying to ensure you look your best, and avoid the nagging feeling at the back of your mind. Your darker-self trying to rear her ugly head and steal your fleeting moments of joy, and stir up the insufferable concoction of anxiety.
Finally, you emerged from the bathroom to be greeted with the sight of Simon stood with his back to the door, his large palm clasped firmly over his wrist.
He wasn't stupid. He knew exactly what you were doing in the bathroom. Had it only been a quick stop, it would've been three minutes tops. But when you did your pick-me-ups, it took seven minutes.
He shouldn't know that, yet considering you're a relatively well-known public figure, he has to time every second you're not in his line of sight.
Simon stepped to the side, allowing you to exit the bathroom. His dark eyes gave a disapproving look as he surveyed your appearance.
"You've got a bit of sugar on your dress." He informed you, glancing down at the skirt of your black cocktail dress.
Your eyes hurriedly followed his, searching for the spot and swiping your hand over the material, earning an amused glint to flash in his normal unreadable eyes.
You groaned in annoyance once it became apparent he was messing with you, your hand quickly came up to slap his arm in defiance.
"Arse," you muttered under your breath. Simon's stoic demeanor momentarily gave way to show off a glimpse of underlying smugness.
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Simon couldn't deny that you were a good looking woman, and he always found it hard to tear his gaze away from you, especially when you were a magnet for people. You had the natural ability to draw people in, even with your resting-bitch-face. Somehow, someway, everyone gravitated toward you.
It was very much the opposite of himself, all jagged edges, harsh lines with the repellent of a rabid Rottweiler. He found it fascinating on a personal level, but on a professional level, he loathed it.
He hated how people thought they could touch you, or be within three feet of you, or even the way they looked at you.
All he saw was greed, manipulation, and control. He was certain that you saw it too; he could see the faint flicker of disgust in your eyes when someone tried to cozy up to you for their own gain.
A part of Simon's heart ached to see your life full of so many people, yet none of them truly gave a shit about you. But he also knew you did it strategically, much like he had done for most of his life. Although, Simon's was done more coldly, you had a certain finesse about it. You held a sense of attainability, allowing people in just enough to keep control of, but never in deep enough for them to control you.
Behind the rich, spoiled brat, Simon marveled at the true strength and cunning you showed within this materialistic world. He could see the fox within you, calculating and sly as she was, planning her escape.
But the escape plan is what scared him. He heard every conversation you had with yourself, when you thought no one was listening.
You longed for a life without a name. Where you could fly under the radar, only keeping close to you those who truly cared. And as much as he tried to remain detached. He was concerned that one day, you'd find a remedy for that desire.. and take flight for the heavens.
Simon watched vigilantly over you as you remained perched on the outdoor couch with your group of girlfriends. His eyes never left you as your friend slipped a pill between your soft, red lips and did the tactless act of spitting her drink in your mouth to aid you in ingesting the pill.
Fuckin' hell, love. You need better friends.
He sighed inwardly, but heaved a quiet breath as he kept watch, wanting to shake his head in disappointment. But he knew you could feel his disapproving gaze prickling at your muted senses.
Your head dipped back in pleasure as your friend kissed down your neck, across your collarbones and back up to your lips. Half-lidded eyes remained trained on Simon as he stood within your sight, your eyes appreciatively raked over his form, taking in the way his muscles strained against the black fabric of his black button-down, and the way his slacks fit his tree-trunk legs perfectly.
He was a delicious sight and you were feeling ravenous, silently lusting over the man assigned to guard your life. The only man who gave a single shit about you.
Simon internally groaned, his hand clenching into fists behind his back as he watched the scene unfold before him. If he wasn't on duty right now, he'd be fucking you within an inch of your life, and make you pray to a merciless God. Himself.
You pulled yourself up from the couch on slightly unsteady legs, and sauntered over to him, only stopping in front of him once your hands were on his chest.
Simon gazed into your dilated pupils, already noticing the effects of your meeting with your little friend, Molly.
"Wanna go home," you demanded, pouting up at him.
"So soon? You looked like you were having a bit of fun." He replied in a neutral tone, keeping his aloof and disinterested persona in place.
"It's boring here," you whined, "wanna have fun. At home. With you."
"Mm, you wound me, bird. Here I thought you knew not to associate me in the same sentence as fun." He scoffed lightly, trying to keep the inflection of amusement from his tone.
He reached a large, callused hand to rest on the small of your back, acting as a stabilizer for your current state. Tingles ran up your spine as every nerve-ending desperately sought out the rest of his warm touch, igniting hot flames of desire along your spine, and pulsing directly to your rapidly slickening cunt from your heightened state.
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Simon watched you closely once you were back in the safety of your home. He gauged you as you stripped off your dress carelessly, leaving it discarded on the floor, much like you had done with your heels the moment you were off the lift earlier.
He sighed as he watched you prance around the room topless, going about your business in your flimsy g-string.
"It's too bloody hot in this damn house," you whined as you adjusted the thermostat.
Your body swayed on unsteady legs, your skin glistened with intense perspiration. A wave of dizziness struck you, forcing you to lean against the wall momentarily while your heart rate soared, soft, frantic breaths escaped your lips while your vision blurred in a not so fun way.
Simon's eyes narrowed with concern before he immediately recognized your symptoms, having realized what would force this reaction out of you.
"How many lines did you do tonight?" Simon asked in a firm tone, scooping you up in his arms effortlessly, then rushed you into the bathroom.
He helped you kneel before the toilet, gathering your hair in one hand so you wouldn't have to focus on much.
"T-three," you panted out, feeling waves of nausea swell and your stomach to roil.
You retched into the toilet, firmly grasping the edges in a white-knuckle grip.
"And you only took one pill. Molly, right?" he asked with concern, gently rubbing his large palm at the center of your shoulder blades.
"Yeah," you croaked weakly before lowering your head again.
Simon grunted in frustration, yet remained vigilantly at your side, helping you through your sickness.
After a while, the vomiting finally ceased as he gently cleaned you up and propped your back against the bathtub. He quickly grabbed a washcloth and a disposable cup for mouth wash before handing it to you.
"Swish and spit in the cup, bird," he instructed while pressing the cold washcloth to your forehead, then moved it to the nape of your neck, trying to quickly cool your body down from the sudden onslaught of heat exhaustion.
You did as Simon instructed before handing it to him to dispose of. Your eyelids were hardly able to stay open, your body felt weak as if each limb was weighed down by imaginary anchors, and your skin felt like it was on fire.
Simon returned with a thermometer in hand, taking your temperature.
102 degrees.
"Fuckin' hell, bird." he murmured gruffly.
With quick efficiency, Simon collected you in his arms again, carrying you out to the oversized sectional in the living room.
You were already drifting in and out of consciousness, finding new items surrounding you each time you opened your eyes.
Simon worriedly administered an IV, a bin was placed beside the couch, cool washcloths littered across your body.
"What's all this?" you slurred nearly unintelligibly.
"Hyperthermia. Just rest. Let me take care of you," he answered in a softer tone than ever before, and had your body not been fighting for it's life, you might have caught the worry in his eyes and concern and care in his deep voice.
For several hours, Simon remained by your side, using a dropper to dispense electrolytes on your tongue, checking your temperature every hour, and gently running his fingers through your hair while you slept on the couch.
"M' gonna get you fixed up, bird... don't wanna see you like this anymore," he whispered in devotion, and pressed a tender kiss on your forehead.
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just-jordie-things · 8 months
Okayayaokala I’ve been thinking about like what lipgloss flavour the jjk men would appeal to or like the one they think tastes best.
Now, I’m not good at this brain rot kind of stuff BUTTTTT
Satoru: cotton candy (something sweet def, strawberry short cake?) ((you know those like candy flavoured lipglossses?)
Suguru: more simple but still tastes good (peppermint, vanilla?, honey?)
Toji: cherry (?) something strong though so like it’s like lasting
Megumi: some sort of mixed berry maybe even chocolate but not tooo chocolately yk? Like soft chocolate (if that’s a thing)
Nanami: SIMPLEEE (I think) honey and vanilla maybe peppermint? Oh but then maybe he’d be like “whichever one is ur favourite then it’s mine aswell”
one step further is how quickly they're ruining it after a fresh coat.
gojo's got his eyes on your lips as soon as you pull the wand away and smack them together, checking your work in your little mirror before packing it and your lipgloss back into your purse. he's kissing you silly to get a taste of that sugary sweet flavor on your soft lips as soon as you've perfected it. you'll have to start doing it in private in a bathroom or something if you ever want to keep the pretty gloss intact.
suguru is sneakier than his white haired counterpart. he's obviously noticed as soon as you've applied a fresh coat, but he's pretending he hadn't. he'll have his eyes on your lips for the rest of the day/evening. incredibly focused when you're speaking, barely paying any mind to what comes out of his own mouth. best believe as soon as you're in private he's getting a taste of the minty gloss for himself.
don't bother with toji. he gives you the satisfaction of putting on your classic cherry gloss, but before you can even tuck the tube back into your pocket he's smearing it across both of your faces in a kiss so needy that if you're in public? you might be applauded, you might be booed, let's be honest.
megumi howeverhas more manners than his father! well, more accurately, he has more anxiety which keeps his impulses under control sort of. you applied your favorite gloss a few moments ago, and he's trying to be normal about it, he really is. he doesn't want to ruin how pretty it looks on your lips, does he? that wouldn't be fair. he probably makes it a good fifteen minutes before he can't take it anymore and he's pulling you into a gentle kiss. he tries his best not to smear the chocolatey truffle goodness, but he can't help but want a little taste.
kento is the most gentlemanly about it. he'll let you wear and reapply that pretty gloss of yours however many times you need and he won't try to do anything to ruin the look you'd done up for the evening. but once you're alone? he's stealing a sweet kiss to get a hint of a taste of your sweet sticky lips. "you know how much i love this taste on you, my dear" my heart
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laurapetrie · 2 years
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SECRET SWEETH TOOTH: Sweets turned out to be one of Sisi’s favorite over-indulgences, and she was known to splurge on confections and pastries. She frequented Demel, the official patisserie of the Imperial Court, which was conveniently located across the street from the Hofburg. She would slip in and order thick hot chocolate, homemade truffles, and sumptuous slices of chocolate cake. She was especially fond of candied sugar violets, and always went home with a box. Her passion for violets was so great that she even indulged in her favorite treat, violet ice cream, when she wasn’t starving herself. THE FAIRY QUEEN: Sisi got the idea for her famous sparkling stars after attending a production of A Midsummer Night's Dream at Vienna's Burgtheater. The actress portraying Titania wore a sprinkling of glittering stars in her hair; inspired, Sisi then requested her own fairy stars from the imperial jeweler. She saw herself as the fairy queen Titania, and her bedroom (which she called "Titania's enchanted castle")  was painted at great expense with scenes from A Midsummer Night's Dream by a young Gustav Klimt. THE LOOK: Her beauty routine was legendary. She used facial waters of rose, chamomile, lavender, and violet to remove impurities, and she would slather her cheeks with pure honey, rose petals and crushed strawberries. After her Rapunzel-esque hair was done to her satisfaction, it would be sprayed with Creed’s Fantasia de Fleurs, a heady floral fragrance created especially for the Empress, with a regal bouquet of the best Bulgarian roses.
- Assorted sundries about Empress Sisi 💗
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tastesoftamriel · 1 year
My grandmother once told me “a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” which to be fair considering her may have been sword technique advice. However, I was curious if you’ve ever done food for seduction. If you wanted to get someone into your bed, what would you cook them before hand? And do Tamrielic cultures have a standard “come hither” meal?
If it's a romantic meal you're after, you've come to the right place. Whether it's Heart's Day or something a little more low key, you'll make anyone in Tamriel drool over you and your kitchen prowess with these meals!
Just like with anything else in the Summerset Isles, subtlety is key when wooing. Relationships can take centuries to build between Altmer, so some choose to speed things up a little with what's known as a courtship basket: a not-so-simple picnic that's bound to wow. First, pick a stunning picnic location and an even more stunning wine. Load up that basket with all of Summerset's finest, from peach blossom indrik ricotta and Russafeld Heights grape honey to freshly baked spiced loaves and caviar. The rest is up to you!
As many know, Argonians become life mates through bonding ceremonies, which are a quintessential part of Saxhleel culture. Bonding ceremonies usually entail a feast, usually with foods purported to put the happy couple in an amorous mood. One of the most famous aphrodisiac dishes is juicy Moss-Foot Croaker tree frog legs grilled in pandan leaves with wild bush honey, served atop gratinated witchetty grubs and Spotted Seatrout roe.
Love is a precious thing in Valenwood, and courtship often involves lots of food to test a potential spouse's skill in the kitchen and as a homemaker. The much-loved Husband's or Wife's Pie (known to some as Courtship Pie) tests those culinary skills from the fiddly all-butter thunderbug carapace crust to the twelve-hour meat and jagga filling. It's an exercise in patience and love to be sure!
Nothing is quite as romantic as a night in Wayrest at a nondescript, candlelit gourmet restaurant with a two-year waitlist. If you can't wait that long, do the next best thing and host that dinner at home (the bedchamber is just around the corner, no?). Popular courtship dishes are generally rich and include foie gras with wild berry and shallot coulis, lamb saddle served medium rare with black truffle sauce, and salted caramel and brandy custard mille-feuille.
The famous Queen and lover Barenziah was particularly fond of a certain dish, which Dunmer in the many years after her influence still present to potential mates as a not-so-subtle hint at something more. The dish is none other than the notoriously finicky marshmerrow and comberry choux-fflé, which is exactly what it sounds like: a feat of culinary engineering that combines delicate marshmerrow and scuttle soufflé in a clamshell of sweet saltrice choux pastry. Guaranteed to make any Dark Elf fawn over you as if you were Narsis Dren.
Imperials aren't exactly renowned for being the best with big feelings (it's all the Divine guilt), so showing someone you love them with food is the most common love language in the Province. Whether it's one of Salmo's sweetrolls, a hearty home cooked meal, or an unforgettable stay at one of the Imperial City's top hotels, there's no wrong way to go about Imperial courtship food. However, if you really want to impress, go for a dark chocolate and pomegranate torte, with a fudgy melting chocolate centre and topped with pomegranate treacle. Indulgent!
It's said that Khajiiti love is as fiery as their curries, but we all know better than to eat a hot curry on a date. So, what does one offer their partner when romantically inclined in Elsweyr? Try a silk-wrapped box of moon sugar bonbons from the closest gourmet sweet shop! A box of moon sugar candy is one of the most thoughtful gifts you can woo a Khajiit with, whether it's cardamom-milk cakes or hard boiled coconut and ginger sweets. Just be careful at the confectioners, because clashing flavours are a sign of bad taste...
If there's one race whose digestive system is directly linked to their nether regions, it's Nords. Just the mention of a romantic meal of buttery mudcrab legs with sourdough, twice-roasted elk basted in juniper spiced Honningbrew Mead, and snowberry pudding with a Nord Ale caramel drizzle is enough to make any Skyrim native do that thing where they brush their hair behind their ear while biting their lip at you.
Historically speaking, there are two food items that are a must for wooing an Orc: echatere cheese, and proper Wrothgarian ale. Put the two together and you'll be planning a spring wedding. Echatere cheese and Orcish ale fondues, pies, sauces, and much more are the best way to use these star ingredients, but I prefer a bit of a twist: echatere cheesecake with a caramelised biscuit crust and berry-ale compote.
Redguards are known for being passionate lovers, who write rambling love poetry and frantically check their birthsigns for relationship compatibility. With that in mind, you're going to have to work hard in the kitchen to gain a Redguard's love. If you're not sure where to start, skip the Middas special camel-stomach meatloaf at the inn and get right to the kitchen to make some rasmalai! This unique spiced dessert of sweet cottage cheese balls are served with crushed pistachios, and a cardamom, saffron, and rose-infused cream. The punchier and more balanced the spices, the more likely you are to pull that date.
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thesoulesscollection · 3 months
New Ocs (Kinsley Family)
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New Ocs dropped! The parents of Honey & Choc Kinsley & grandparents of Cherry. I've just been thinking about them lately and if anyone's interested, I would love to share anything about them with you all.  
The picrew in question was a lot of fun and is made by lullindo
Some lore dump down below
Full names are Ronald ‘Ronnie’ (Redacted) ‘Kinsley’ & Truffles Eclairs Kinsley 
Both were born in 1940, only a few months apart. Truffles was raised with the Toppats whereas Ronnie grew up in a rural little town cut off from the rest of the world
Truffles was an only child though she did long to have siblings to keep her company, she took in some comfort from the other children of the Toppats clan. 
^ Ronnie was the second oldest of four children & was close with all of them. As well, with the other kids in the small town he lived in 
Their relationship dynamic would be kinda inspired by the bad boy x good girl or Romeo & Juliet but deep down are mushy, goofball nerds who both gotten the bad hand in life. 
^ As well, their relationship would be best described as tragic and is met with a sad, bitter end. Where they had struggled to keep their head above the water yet inevitably drowned
The pair first met in late 1954, it was near instant love at first sight and they were quite smitten with one another. Would write the other lovey dovey letters whenever they were apart
Become teen parents at the age of 16yo with their first child and son, Choc. Then three years later albeit more planned out (barely) had their daughter, Honey
Both teens was made (forced) to keep the child (unplanned) and be wed to avoid having a bastard child out of wedlock by Truffles’ mother, Candy Kinsley 
Truffles Kinsley unfortunately died at the young age of 21yo due to health complications she both suffered from her own lifetime long illness and the births of her two children. 
Many years Ronnie came to his own untimely demise at the age of 40yo at the hands of (Redacted) and the case is left unsolved
Once Truffles’ death settled down, her mother, Candy swooped in to take care of her two young children when Ronnie unexpectedly got up and left soon thereafter. 
^ Candy would tell her grandchildren of his sudden departure being caused by grief, yes but importantly, he was ‘freed’ of being chained down to family life. 
If they were still alive, the pair would be in 75yo 2015 & 84yo in 2024 and would've celebrated 59 or 68 years (in the respective years) of a relatively happy marriage despite the horrible bumps along the way
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Assigning LMK characters mushrooms time‼️
(Under the cut tho cause this shit is gonna b LONG, this round is the main group):
Ok so 1st off we got MK, now when assigning this dude a mushroom I did have a bit of trouble bcz he deserves the best, & his character is so complex I couldn’t just settle on 1. So he gets 3, in order we got: Star Mushroom, Golden Waxcap, and Puffball
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Then we go to Mei, and honestly there was only one mushroom on my mind for this gal, I mean it’s literally so perfect. May I introduce: the Parrot Waxcap
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Then we gotta move to the father figures, Pigsy and Tang, starting off with Pigsy of course. Now this one was even easier then Mei, what’s a better mushroom for the best cook that just so happens to be a pig? The Truffle ofc
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Now Tang was a bit hard bcz mushrooms can’t b smart, so I just decided healthiest means “smart”, but couldn’t say the healthiest 1 (u’ll find it l8r) bcz it was taken, so instead we got another healthy 1 ( @mythicalmagical-monkeyman pointed out it looks like noodles) & the oldest 1 bcz he’s a historical kinda guy: the Cordyceps and Dark Honey Fungus
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Ofc we can’t leave out Sandy or his lil fella Mo. 1st of all Sandy get 2 bcz I’m indecisive like that, so obv I gotta give this guy sum water & tea related, so we got 1 that lives underwater & another 1 that’s used in tea: the Aquatic Gilled Mushroom and Lingzhi (AKA Reishi)
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& obv Mo has 2 have sum cat related so we got the: Cats Tongue
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Part 1 (u r here), part 2, part 3, part 4
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ofmermaidstories · 3 months
If you don't mind me asking, how often do you play stardew valley? do you play at night? with a cup of tea?
please! i am dying to talk about it!!! i tend to play games in solid, obsessed blocks. so i’ve been playing every day for the last couple of weeks, now, but before that it’d been months and months since i touched it last. i’ll play whenever! whenever i have time, or throughout the day if it’s a lazy one. i like to play in stretches, and i consider it a treat to, so i’ll often have a snack ready or a drink (sometimes that cuppa you mentioned, often a juice box tho bc im like, five, lmao). i only have two saves!! my first one, delilah, where i didn’t know what i was doing and got bored of, really quickly—and my current one, my second one! it uses my real name, lmao, which tbh i’m not sure i like—it’s always jarring when the other characters say things to me. 💀 we’re currently in winter, in year five. the farm is called Sea Dreams, and it’s a beach property. i completely ignored the warnings about it not being for beginners lmfao, but i quite like it! beyond the romanticism of being on the beach of this like, inland sea cove, i like that the sand means only a fraction of the land is actually good for proper farming. i use the proper soil, the real soil, for my seasonal crops and then let patches of trees grow throughout the rest of the farm. my fruit trees are near the bat cave; in front of my house i grow small plots of flowers. and then by the shore i keep the animals. i’ve fenced them so they get trees and the pond and the sea as well; if i’m spending the day on the farm i’ll sometimes hear the plop! of the ducks, gliding onto the cove’s waters. they always look so contented. 🥹 if i’m there in the evenings, when it’s time for them to turn into the barn or the coop, i’ll stand on the shore and wait for them to drift back—they’re always last in, on those days.
i have a single fish pond, so far, towards the south of the property—it’s filled with sturgeon and from their eggs i make caviar. i make goats cheese and bread and mayonnaise and at the end of every season i harvest the flowers that grew and ride into town on my horse, grover, and hand them out. in the warm months my farm is covered in grass, everywhere! on the last day of autumn i cut it all down, for hay. my greenhouse is on a little island of it’s own, with grandpa’s shrine behind it: inside i grow more flowers, and fruit trees, and strawberries, blueberries, ancient fruit, starfruit. i hope to get a second mango sapling at some point, to grow in the greenhouse—my first one is now planted among my peach trees, waiting for it’s first summer.
fairy roses are my favourite flower. every autumn, during the stardew fair, i always include a pink one, one of my best, in my grange display for the competition. this year my setup included my best goats cheese; my best, aged wine. my best peach and my best orange! caviar, my fairy rose, a bottle of truffle oil and a jar of fairy rose honey, and then lastly, a tulip from spring, lavender-dawn in colour.
(i always win, and i always feel so smug about it. i hate pierre so much lmao, he’s such a dick.)
hmm, what else can i tell you? i’ve only just made it to the skull caverns! they stress me out so bad. 💀 recently tho (like, today, lmfao), i found my first dinosaur egg! and my first two prismatic shards—i saved the first shard in a chest in my barn, and with the other got a sword. the dinosaur egg is currently incubating! i’m so excited for it to live among my chickens and my ducks and my rabbits. 🥹
i really, really like the magic realism that’s steeped into the valley. beyond the atmosphere of the game (the freedom of leaving behind a life that was stifling you, and finding a home in the valley you’d never even dared dreamed of, before) the magic of the world is like, the number one factor in me wanting to write a AU for it. i like—things like the fairy stones. An old miner's song suggests these are made from the bones of ancient fairies. i like things like finding the burnished copper helmets of the dwarves; i like that we can wear one. i like that sometimes, in the night, there’s a rustle of wings and the next morning when you step outside there’s an owl statue, nestled somewhere on your farm like it’s been there for centuries. there’s a junimo hut in the secret, wooded area of pine trees on my farm. they’re too far from the crops to appear, but sometimes when i ride past in the dusk, just when it’s getting dark, you can hear the flicker of flames—the open doorway to their little home glowing. there’s also a secret altar to yoba, amid the trees; the dull steel of the sign of the vessel hidden away against the dark green. there’s just so much to it! i feel like you could dig deep, go deep, literally deep in the mines, and still not understand the world. and it makes me want to write that, lmao. the whole game just makes me want to write! just the world of it—waking up at six am, every morning. learning how to make something of the land before you, how to grow things, how to care for things, animals. walking into town to buy seeds. galloping into town, or down to the forest. one of my favourite touches, in the game, is how sometimes there’ll be a flock of birds on the path, pecking at something—and when you come along they all take flight, all together. and there’s a moment, every time, where you’re in the middle of it, the the beat of the wings—running or riding with them, almost. that’s what i wanna write about. the ride into town, slipping from the horse, breathless, in front of the general store or the saloon. i haven’t married anyone in my save, yet; i can’t decide on who i want to live with. so many of them are sweethearts. i like elliot a lot, recently. he wrote a romance novel for me. 🥺 but originally i wanted to date alex—i love his grandparents. on the last day of autumn i’ll take my fairy roses into town for his grandmother, and for jasmine. but saying that sebastian’s also grown on me; as has haley. sometimes i think i’ll just ask krobus, deep in his sewer, to move in with me instead—but i have an empty nursery in my house and sometimes i wonder if it’d be fun to have someone to have kids with.
(but then i swing back and forth on it—it creeps me out that the kids never age. 🥹 eternal toddlers, stumbling around the house. maybe i’ll have them just to see what it’s like, and then go to the witch’s hut to turn them into doves and let them go.)
if i wrote a stardew valley AU for my hero, i think it’d be just as hard to pick an endgame in-fic. do we pick izuku, and his rabbits? or bakugou and his explosions, up in the quarry? shouto, following us from the city, trying to leave behind the massive corporation that’s eating the world up that he’s set to inherit? idk! anyways. that’s off-topic. 🥹 do you play, anon??? what’s your favourite part? what’s your farm like???? do you like to have a cuppa in hand, when you settle in to play?
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sadfragilegirl · 7 months
A Valentine Birthday
For @mysticstarlightduck for @writeblrcafe Secret Valentine's Day Event. And yes, I'm your Secret Valentine. I hope Valentine's Day will be full of love for your family and friends.
This is also dedicated to those birthday celebrants who were born on Valentine's Day as well.
And lastly, one last thing: Happy Birthday to Jaehyun of the Kpop boy group NCT, who was born on Valentine's Day as well. Happy Birthday to our NCTzen's (offical fanclub name) Valentine Boy. ❤️
With love,
Queennie (@/sadfragilegirl)
I was born on Valentine's Day.
It's seriously true!
I was definitely born on the same date as Valentine's Day. Which means, I am going to celebrate 2 events in one day. It is such a rare thing when someone celebrate between a birthday and general holiday in one day, which is really cool.
Every year, I wore my very best clothes by the time the event is finally today and decorate the whole house filled with both Valentine's Day and Birthday themed decorations.
My mom is baking Valentine's Day cookies and a birthday cake. Every year of my birthday and Valentine's Day, she came up with new ideas on making new desserts. From chocolate truffles to black forest cake. From candy heart chocolate bark to red velvet cheesecake.
While my dad is cutting fresh flowers, including roses in pink and red to put it on a flower vase. Just like my mom, he also came up with new ideas to decorate the whole garden. From flower arrangements to bush sculptures. My dad also has a fruit and vegetable garden as well to make delicious party food.
My siblings? They are in charge of making Valentine themed arts and crafts. And every year of my birthday, they send me a wonderful and creative homemade birthday and Valentine's Day card.
And my friends, my cousins and my relatives from far away? They greeted me a "Happy Birthday and Happy Valentines Day" from text messages and E-Cards received by an Email. They sometimes send me physical cards too because I really missed the handwritten letters just like the old times.
I heard a knocking sound of the door. As I approached the door and opened it, it's my love of my life, which we've been in a relationship for a very long time, came for a visit.
"Happy Valentine's Day, honey", She sweetly said as she received a box of chocolates and a bouquet of different kinds of flowers.
"Thank you very much", I replied.
"But also..." She said when she showed me her homemade heart shaped strawberry cake, "Happy Birthday!"
"Wow, you made this cake for me? How thoughtful of you", I exclaimed with flustering cheeks glowing. How can my love of my life baked this cake so amazingly beautiful? Must be her hands that is full of work of art of a masterpiece.
Once my family and my love of my life are finally gathered at the dining table, we gave each other a toast and sang a Happy Birthday song to me. I even make a wish on those two Valentine's Day plus birthday cakes from a candle.
We also happily ate and chat together with all the food that my mom and my dad prepared.
When it's finally time to have my own moment, I clapped my hands as a call to pause for a while to my family.
"Mom, dad...And all of my siblings...I would like to make a big announcement to all of you."
"What is it, dear?" My mom asked.
"What kind of big announcement?" My dad asked curiously.
I turned to my love of my life and commanded, "Please place my hand onto yours."
And my love of my life ordered to do it with a gleam of a smile.
I pulled a small box from the pocket of my pants and said....
"All those long years we're been together, it's time to go to the road to forever."
I opened the box that inside is an engagement ring.
"Will you be my forever love of my life from eternity? For better and for worse? From achivements and downfalls? In sickness and in health? Till death to us part?"
My love of my life was surprised with tears brimming into her eyes and said, "Yes! Yes I will, my forever love!"
My entire family not only cheered but also cried because how my life has grown so fast after that announcements that I was going to get married with my love of my life after years we're been into a relationship for long years.
We embraced each other after I placed the engagement ring into her ring finger.
"Oh, sweetheart!" She exclaimed in tears of joy. "This is the best Valentine's Day gift ever!"
And with that, this is one of the best memories during the celebration of Valentine's Day and my birthday.
Valentine's Day and Birthday isn't about the gifts, flowers and chocolates, but also it is the time that to spread love and happiness to the people that I loved most in the whole wide world.
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seokjinsonlyone · 1 year
if bts were american and ate our fast food, where do u think they would eat at
i love this question so much it is just out of the box enough for me omg mind u i'm an east coast girlie so ion know nun bout dat in and out or whatever else they got on the west side
haters gon say it's fake but jimin would 100% main popeyes like catch him getting a 3pc chicken combo dark meat only 🤪 and he'd drizzle honey and hot sauce on the chicken either that or the 5 pc strips with the sweet heat sauce if he's feeling a sense of childlike wonder every other month he goes through a weeklong spicy chicken sandwich phase always drinks sweet tea exclusively
jin would swear by chickfila and i can't blame him! like the consistency is always there in the food and the service and that's just what he needs in life like my man has high standards and they just don't disappoint when it comes to the food i can see him getting the grilled chicken club sandwich with a side salad as his go to meal, the regular deluxe sandwich when he's feeling indulgent, and the 30ct nugget when he's feeling ravenous. whenever there's a seasonal shake he has to try it at least once otherwise it's him and the diet lemonade against the world
joonie is giving cookout like there's just so much variety if he want a burger they got it, barbecue they got it, chicken quesadilla, hot dog, corn dog, chili cheese fries, just.... all his wants and needs would be at cookout and when he's feeling a sweet treat??? boom they got the best milkshakes in town. i think his go to meal would be a big double burger tray with a chicken wrap and onion rings for the sides and he got to have cheerwine for the drink mhm iktr
it pains me to say it but i can really see tae up at 2am getting a deluxe cravings box from taco bell like i personally can't stand taco bell it just ain't for me like don't get me wrong there's been times when i worked overnight and it was bought for me so i ate it but i wouldn't choose it but i think tae would 😭🙏 like it's more convenient than chipotle bc it's open later and has a drive through so it's conducive with his lifestyle so that's where he's at in the parking lot at 2:30 with a crunchwrap supreme a doritos locos taco and a baja blast sigh
jungkook would LOVE wawa like i don't think you understand how many times i've imagined going to wawa with jk especially after seeing his camping vlog and there was one point where he was eating a sandwich and he was like if he could eat any food for the rest of his life it'd be a sandwich and it was at that moment that i knew me him and wawa would be written in the stars like catch us at 11pm getting an italian sub some takis and a blueberry pomegranate smoothie
suga would def be at wendy's like i don't think y'all understand how much i love the wendy's app like she has never steered me wrong she is there for me when it's midnight and me and my friends have no place to go we be in dat parking lot fr 😭🤞 and bc yoongi is my twin flame my best friend he would feel the same like it's better than mcdonald's and the way you can rack up rewards points like nobody's business like it's an economical choice it just makes sense i can see him getting the double stack biggie bag with spicy chicken nuggets and a diet coke to drink
i had to think hard for hobi bc i'm like he so boujee these days with his steak and truffles that i couldn't imagine him getting trash food with the commoners but with a little brainpower i placed him directly in zaxby's like you cannot tell me he wouldn't love him some zaxby's sweet teriyaki boneless wings with some fries and that slice of bread they put in the box on the side with a sprite to drink of course yeah that would do it for him every time
i really don't think you understand how much i loved this question like imma be thinking about this scenario for the rest of the week sodfjakjdl
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firstroseofspring · 5 months
im having the best breakfast in the world right now smoked salmon + jammy boiled egg + avocado + honey truffle goat cheese + everything but the bagel seasoning nd fruit on the siiiiide :)))
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issak · 6 months
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So last month my friends and I decided to give Terraria a second chance, a game we tried to conquer Years ago, and although we came really far, for one reason or another we simply stop playing right after defeating Golem.
I knew nothing then, and was playing catch up constantly, but it was fun regardless, I really took to the building aspect, and the base dean role. I found the summoner class fascinating at the time, with the Terraprisma as the ultimate Goal in sight.
But that was then and this is NOW, and this is all about the 𝙎𝙪𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝘽𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙙 [a mount-summoning item that summons a rideable Lava Shark Mount] AND Melee DAMAGE!!!!!
So imagine if you will, you are in hell, fishing in lava, as one does, when you reel in this haul, and as you are reading the item description you decide to give it a go, why not, you got not ride yet, the good ones are all endgame anyways (you foolishly think to yourself) and as soon as the fish touch the lava your neck almost immediately breaks due to the whiplash, this thing is FAST Boys, Remember you are in Pre-hardmode, Wall of flesh is a future thing, nor even a prospect, There is NOTHING this fast at this stage of the game.
And it is then that you are hit with a REVELATION ..... Can ... Can I use this... like .... Like effectively? surely not.... I mean lava is so BRIGHT, you can't See SQUAT while swimming in it, can you swim on anything else besides lava though ?
Well YOU CAN, and you don't loose any speed.
So water clearly is the way to go, just craft a water breathing potion so your new best friend doesn't drown you while riding him, at this point You are GONE nay CONSUMED by an idea instill [υη∂єяωαтєя вσѕѕ αяєηα] your mind whispers like it's forbidden knowledge, and you simply MUST you just MUST, so what if you Terraform one of your 2 oceans into a massive multilayered Boss arena, completed with automatic heart dispensers on 1/4 tic timers, and bubble Honey stations for extra healing, imported biome water fountains to overwrite the red hues of the blood moons to bright light blue, Now your Shellphone can teleport you directly to the boss arena at the edge of the world, no Pylon no custom Spawn point (no big loss), so what if you had to learn about Gemspark Walls and painstakingly "intall" those LEDs all over the ocean floor/ floating lamps {one at a time} with your optimized builder loadout, so you can Actually see what's happening during the Darn fight...
I had a Goal, an objective 【D】【u】【k】【e】 【F】【i】【s】【h】【r】【o】【n】 Taking the Arena for a spin against the 3 Mechanical bosses at the same time was my test run, since the moment I fished Zephir from the lava all of these thoughts came to me, I had to try, somebody had to try, this must be viable, I just don't want to go at him with endgame gear, I already have 8  Truffle Worm to use as bait.
I think ...this is doable, a just need to NOT panic, for example, I can't believe I forgot to summon my SUMMONS , I could had had 4 FOUR!!! during this fight, UGHHHHH what a waste of accessory slot, that was free damage, WHY DIDNT I PRESS THE FREE DAMAGE BOTTOM .
So yeah that's what I've up to, I'm very normal about my hyper fixations
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unavernales · 11 months
peonies. at least two dozen of them. honey had mentioned offhandedly that she was wearing a body mist with peony in it because it was their favorite flower. reminded him of gran. the admission was said in a slew of word vomit over some truffle french fries.
now there was a bouquet of two dozen peonies shoved into her locker. honey was equal parts mortified and endeared. it's not the first time someone's sent a stripper flowers and it certainly wouldn't be the last, but honey figured he'd never be one of those dancers. honey was great with boundaries. was the one to call to if you needed backup in a parking lot scrap or if a drunk was getting too handsy. and now? now honey had a guy.
nikita. the one with the thick bands and the dimples. young and handsome, the other dancers tended to glare when he waved off the rest and zeroed in on honey. honey, your guy is here. honey, you got some flowers from your guy! honey, tell your guy i need a new pair of shoes, why don't ya?
that night, she tries to put on her best face. there had been a scuffle backstage when one of his dearest coworkers had insinuated that honey was dealing pussy on the side and how nasty it was. honey had responded by smacking her to next tuesday. they broke a nail in the process.
so by the time they meet nikita in the private room he's been booking for the past few weeks, their fuse has been shortened by just a tad.
"what the hell's the matter with you?" honey hisses once the door's shut behind them. nikita looks... incredibly good lounged on the leather seat. but that's not the point! the dancer leans in, pressing palms to the armrests to cage the other man in. "i don't give out pussy for money, flowers, outfits--- nothin'! i might be a floozy, but i'm a floozy wit' certain morals, capiche?" it has to be sex. rich guys always want the one thing they can't have. @gryscled
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ginkovskij · 9 months
top 5 foodsies 😳
Asking THE question, I see. So difficult.
Cheese. All of them, yes. My favourites ways to have it are: 1. savoury local cheese with honey, complemented by fruits like grapes, dates, figs (top 1 summer meal); 2. fondue savoyarde (top 1 winter meal)
Potatoes. You know I am a fan. I like them mostly in the form of frico, burek (thank you Balkan Bäckerei forever), and roasted with rosmary.
Game. This one is super rare for me to have, because where I live there isn't really any. I tried it in France, Austria and North Italy when I was super lucky. My favourites dishes are: braised duck with homemade noodles in truffle sauce; steaklet of duck glazed with honey; this big dish with chamois and fillet of deer that were a super lucky catch.*
Pesto. The best part of having a nonna ligure is that she is super fussy about making pesto hehe.
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