#best tvdu mom
thedragonqueens · 1 year
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Happy Mother's day!
With Hope's mom, maternal figure and the one who always wanted to be a mom <3 Hayley, Freya and Rebekah had bad mothers but became amazing ones, I wish we could have seen Freya and Bekah with their kids.
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 8 months
My Opinions Of TVDU In 2024
(They really haven't changed all that much but I feel like sharing)
–I loveeee Delena. Yep, I love this ship with all my heart and I'm not afraid to say it.
–I loveee Damon, probably another problematic opinion but I don't care.
–I don't like Caroline. There, I said it. She is just the kind of person that would irritate the shit out of me. Honestly, until season 8 I couldn't handle her scenes.
–Bonenzo is the best. Loveee it. They deserved better and I personally want to stab Julie Plec for how they ended.
–Bonnie deserved better. This is an universal truth.
–I hate Tyler, but I recognise that he was right to hate Klaus and right to be mad at Caroline for sleeping with him. Revenge on Klaus was kind of dumb, but understandable. He was right to want him dead.
–Klaus is my beloved, always going to be and I'm not even sorry.
–Marcel is a Mikaelson!!! Marcel is Klaus's son and his treatment is another reason for me to feel murderous to the writers of the shows.
–I don't like Kol. Yeah, he was right in many things, but he came across as somehow self-righteous and believed himself better than his family. Like bro, you aren't.
–Finn deserved better. I honestly still wonder if Finn knew about Klaus's real father, 'cause if he did Klaus would have a valid reason to hate him. I am saying this because in The Originals season 2 episode 3 we have flashbacks of young Klaus and the necklace Esther gave him. If I remember correctly Finn was always in the background and even retrieved the necklace when Klaus lost it. Given that Finn remembered Freya and what happened to her, it wouldn't be far fetched to think he knew who Klaus's real father was and hid it as well. That being said, he is a victim of his parents as well and deserved better.
–I hate Elijah. He just gives me the wrong vibes.
–Marcel and Rebekah made sense and I ship it. The Mikaelson family is insane with their romantic relationships, so they just sort of clicked.
–Kol should have taken the cure instead of Rebekah. Bekah could just adopt, but what is going to happen with Kol when Davina dies? Nothing good. Plus, he loved being a witch.
–Hayley and Klaus and Klaus and Cami made way more sense than Haylijah and Klaroline. Honestly and throuple with Klaus and the two women who call him out on his shit the most would have been chef kiss. Hope deserved two moms.
–Every Klaus ship made more sense than Caroline. Bonnie? Bennett witch and he likes witches. Aurora? First female vampire (other than Bex) and met him when he wasn't as he is now. Elena? Has Tatia's face, and I think if Klaus just tried to befriend her and explain why he needed to break his curse she would've helped. Camille? Her mind, she clocked him the moment they met, not to mention the O'Connell legacy. Genevieve? Powerful Witch. Hayley? Baby mama, werewolf princess and hybrid, not to mention they are similar. Stefan? The ripper days gave off fruity vibes. Damon? I love their scenes together, they have a similar vibe to them. Rebekah? He is literally killing her boyfriends left and right. Elijah? The codependency is strong here, Elijah's girlfriends have a higher mortality rate than Rebekah's boyfriends. Katherine? Tatia's face, also they are similar. Greta? Their few interactions in season 2 pointed to a thing going on.
–Elena is overhated. Baby has the biggest survivor's guilt in the universe and still she soldiers on. I hate when people said she was less compassionate as a vampire, I honestly thought she was the same. Like, she controls her hunger to become a doctor. She is too good for this world.
–Enzo should have been introduced sooner, Bonnie and him should have gotten together sooner.
–They should have explored Damon's trauma with Augustine more, and the fact that he always disregards his emotions.
–Klaus wolf side should have been explored!!!
–Unpopular opinion, but not everything Katherine did was necessary for her to survive. She could have easily contented herself with one Salvatore brother, but she had to go after both.
–Davina and Klaus needed more scenes together. I mean, that's her adoptive grandpa!
–Lily was awful, Damon was in his rights to not forgive her.
–I liked Valerie, and I liked her with Stefan.
–They should have explained more about Klaus ability to have children, 'cause that was weird. I loved it, but weird.
–Alaric should have died and the twins should have been raised by someone else.
–Matt lived too long.
–Jeremy and Damon were kind of funny.
–Bamon was really great.
–They should have addressed the fact that growing up Damon was the only one there for Stefan. We saw that in the flashbacks but they should have said it more.
–Damon purpose in life was to live for those he loved. My take on him.
–Damon was pretty humanity-full vampire until after Augustine when he turned off his humanity. But, five years of torture in the hands of humans would do that to a guy.
–The witches opinion on vampires were ridiculous. This species has been around for over a millennium, they are pretty assimilated in the magic ecosystem. I think their extinction would actually do more damage than their existence.
–Mikael and Esther deserved more pain.
–I think Dahlia only tried to negotiate with Klaus not only because he was Hope's father but because he was the only one who wasn't Mikael's son.
–Vampire/Supernatural politics are actually so interesting.
–Lexi was too hyped. And I don't get what she had against Damon in the forties.
–Legacies doesn't exist.
That's all. For now.
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occulthours · 11 months
still on my stefonnie bullshit and i can’t stop thinking about how much they mirror each other.
stefans mom abandoned him and damon only to start a new family with the heretics as her children (stefan went on to date one of them). bonnies mom abandoned her only to adopt jamie (bonnie and jamie dated for a few episodes).
stefans dad was emotionally distant and had high expectations for him (re: being against vampires). bonnies dad was emotionally (and physically) distant and had high expectations her (re: expression arc)
stefan and elena broke up because elena had feelings for someone else. bonnie and jeremy broke up because jeremy had feelings for someone else. (both are victims of emotional cheating and ironically were done dirty by the gilbert siblings).
stefans ripper arc started due to his desire to protect damon and elena. bonnies expression arc started due to her desire to save jeremy. both ended up attacking their loved ones (namely elena), were isolated from the friend group, and were manipulated by the main villain of the season (in stefans case klaus, in bonnies case silas).
stefan spent the summer in between season 4 and season 5 drowning in a safe. bonnie spent the summer in between season 4 and season 5 dead. neithers absence were noticed until months later.
season 5’s storyline was literally started due to their ancestors (qetsiyah and silas) having a long and complicated history together that was so deep that affected the supernatural world as a whole.
they had the same morals, same general outtakes on life, were the two main people making sacrifices for the group, and got the two worst endings of the main tvd characters. you’d think they were written with the intention of being twin flames/soulmates of some sort with the sheer amount of parallels you can find between them. their friends to lovers arc would’ve been one of the best to come out of the TVDU if the racist ass writers weren’t insistent on excluding bonnie from things (from storylines to romantic/platonic dynamics) that she should’ve been apart of.
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chronic-escapixt · 11 months
His Rose ~ Details
(Kai Parker x Bennett OC fanfiction)
content warnings/tags ~ Dark fiction, dom/sub dynamics, abuse, murder, childhood trauma (mentioned). Minors DNI
I don't claim ownership of The Vampire Diaries or its characters. All credits go to the rightful owner(s). I only own my original character(s).
K.P. Masterlist
This fanfiction is born from my dissatisfaction with the way Kai was criminally underutilized in the TVDU. Honestly, I found him annoying at first, but he grew on me as season 6 went on. Thru Chris Wood's charming performance, Kai stole the show for me. I'll never forgive the showrunners for a lot of things, including underutilizing Chris Wood in this role & not allowing this broken king to have a real redemption arc.
On the topic of the showrunners, I'll never forgive them for how they did Bonnie Bennett or the Bennetts in general with how they were limited to magical plot devices for everyone else's use without any appreciative focus on their power & how it could really benefit them. Even though I love Bonnie & Kai, my otp endgame for her has always been Bonenzo, but I also adore Klonnie ❤️.
My AU changed and added plenty of lore around his coven & certain events. The plot follows the life of Bonnie's younger sister, Rosalina "Rose" Bennett-Ruiz. I go on to describe her below, but I'd like to state that she acts as Kai's antithesis as an innocent, fledgling witch. She's also Bonnie's support system. I always hated how the show often ignored that Bonnie lacked family around her that were unconditionally there for her. Bonnie's mom left when she was small, she lost her grams in season 1, and her father was a non-factor in her life until he returned... just to get killed off in front of her.
I wrote Rose & Bonnie's dynamic keeping in mind everything I hate about older sibling/younger sibling dynamics, like the one between Buffy and Dawn in BTVS. Bonnie deserves family that consistently supports her, encourages her to prioritize her well-being, and actually tries to lessen the existing load on her shoulders.
Another thing I kept in mind when adding Rose to my TVD AU is not to have her replace or take away Bonnie’s space in the plot. Now, I do give her Bonnie's plotline of being sent to the prison world in season 6, but this is essential to the story, and the way Bonnie was treated that season made me so sad that I have no problem taking traumatic experiences from her (of which she has more than enough) and giving them to Rose.
Okay... if you made it through my rant, congrats. I also want to offer my inbox as a place where anyone can offer up requests, scenarios, ask questions, even if you want to roast my cruddy writing... my inbox is open.
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🌹Rosalina "Rose" Bennett-Ruiz:🌹
Born: March 18th, 1994 (18yrs)
Gender: Female | Height: 5’1” | Hair color: Brown | Eye color: Hazel
Race/ethnicity: Black and Latino/Hispanic
Species: witch (Bennett)
Titles: Rosy (Kai), littlest witch (by Kol), kid (by Damon)
Rose is a gentle and kind-hearted person, always looking for the good in people and situations. She can be a people pleaser and overall naive when dealing with people, often seeing the best in everyone and believing in second chances
She highly values family, so bonding with Bonnie means a lot her. Due to her naivety and weakness, she can be easily manipulated and taken advantage of. Like Bonnie she’s compassionate and tends to selflessly help others. Struggles with powerful spells due to her insecurity in her magical abilities
She enjoys singing, gardening (honing her nature-based magic, making potions & studying herbology), sewing and cooking (she bakes when she’s anxious)
She has a strong aversion to blood & violence so spending time with vampires took a lot of getting used to
Trilingual: fluent in Spanish & Portuguese
Despite her demure demeanor and virginal innocence, with her stuffed animal collection, enduring love of cartoons and a lack of dating, she’s a hopeless romantic that harbors the hidden desire to submit herself to a powerful dominant
Family: Bonnie Bennett (half-sister), Jamie Ruiz (half-brother), Abby Bennett-Ruiz (mother), Matteo Ruiz (father 🕊️), Sheila Bennett (maternal gm🕊️)
Rose was raised in Summersville, North Carolina. She was a child model until 13 when her father tragically died. She was the captain of her high school majorette dance team. Her life drastically changed when Bonnie arrived on her doorstep.
Rose was 16 when she & Bonnie would finally meet. Bonnie and Elena came to Abby for help with a spell. Rose was shocked to find that she had an older sister as Abby never mentioned Bonnie or the life she left behind in Mystic Falls. She was even more surprised upon finding out about her magical bloodline and that supernatural creatures walked the earth. Unlike Grams, Abby never mentioned magic throughout Rose’s life and even went as far to suppress her magic with a binding spell
After Abby is turned by Damon, she decides to leave her family to learn control and find peace as a fledgling vampire. Rose moves to Mystic Falls with Bonnie where she learns magic from her.
Magic doesn’t come naturally to her. Admittedly having a 50% accuracy rate with her spells. She struggles with her confidence & focus when chanting and spells drain her much quicker even when she tries channeling the energy around her. Despite this, Rose is determined to improve, valuing her one-on-one time with Bonnie and spending late nights on her own practicing & memorizing spells. She is determined to use her magic for good, prove herself and lessen the load on Bonnie as the resident Bennett witch of the group.
Her role in the Mystic Falls gang is the “Bennett witch in training” or “the bringer of baked goods” (according to Damon), since she often supplies their gatherings with fresh pastries. Everyone underestimates her power, even Bonnie. She tries to keep Rose out of danger unless she can’t help it.
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🔪Malachai "Kai" Parker:🔪
Born: May 9, 1972 (22yrs)
Gender: Male | Height: 6'0" | Hair color: Dark Brown | Eye color: Blue-gray
Race/ethnicity: white/non-Hispanic
Species: siphoner (Gemini Witch coven)
Titles: abomination, black sheep, the defective twin (his coven)
Charismatic with a charming smile. Upon meeting him, his charisma operates as a façade to hide his lack of empathy and his sadistic tendencies
Can be hard to read but that’s because he struggles with expressing his emotions which stems from his abusive childhood. He’s cold and relatively unfeeling with people, but once he lets someone in, he’s fiercely loyal and protective.
He can be observant, calculating and manipulative to taking advantage of someone and get what he wants
He’s a sassy man, often comes back with quick quips and has a natural sense of humor (typically dark humor)
When he’s comfortable, he never shuts up, has no filter and sucks with certain social cues. After being alone for nearly his whole life, will talk anyone's ear off without realizing they are not willing to listen
Kai can siphon all of a witch’s magic without killing them. He controls how the process feels - at its worst, a fast searing burn to a slight tingle. Overtime, a witch will regenerate their magic
High libido!!- He’s starved for touch and affection (though he would never admit that he needs anyone). Sexual desires reflect his sadistic personality as he enjoys dominating another person through absolute control and pain infliction
He likes raunchy comedies and media with half-naked women such as Bay Watch and MTV videos. A major foodie with constant cravings for sweet and salty snacks. He prefers snacking throughout the day but when he does bother to cook, it’s really good
He is fluent in old Latin, often found in grimoires and other ancient texts. When he was young he’d get his hands on old grimoires and study them, all the time to himself allowing him to hone his knowledge of witchcraft and technique
The Parker family is the head of the Gemini coven. Its patriarch, Joshua Parker is the coven leader. Kai is the eldest child, being half an hour older than his fraternal twin, Josette. Unlike Jo, Kai was born without the ability to generate his own magic, instead siphoning magic from lingering spells, objects, or other witches. When he was young, he would naturally gravitate toward the magic of his sister, so Joshua quickly decided to physically isolate Kai from everyone for fear of his son's "defect" hurting others.
As fraternal twins born of the coven leader, Jo and Kai would be set to merge on their 22nd birthday, where the winner takes the other's magic and coven leadership and the loser dies and is absorbed into the other but with the risk of Kai's siphoning ability giving him an edge in the merge, Joshua and Viviane continued having kids until she birthed another set of twins that would merge instead.
Kai's upbringing was lonely, spending most of his time locked in his bedroom up in the attic. Following his father's lead, most of his family excluded and demonized him. As he grew, Kai learned to internalize the cruel labels they gave him. If they wanted a monster, they would get a monster and on his 22nd birthday, May 9th, 1994, he would finally act on his boiling rage and resentment toward his family, unleashing the hatred he accumulated through a lifetime of torment onto his siblings when Jo refused the merge. To protect the twins, she would relent to merge with him but the coven was waiting and with the help of Sheila Bennett they banished him to a prison world of complete isolation.
Each year that passed only added to his hunger for revenge, left with nothing to do but plan his escape and seizer of coven leadership. He grew to take pride in what he had done to his siblings and his status as a sociopath capable of killing anyone who gets in his way without remorse.
AU-Specific Lore:
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Prison world Lore:
Prison worlds are created by Bennett blood sacrifice, meaning a Bennett must be bled to death so the gemini coven can channel her blood magic.
A prison world resets with the eclipse every 3 months.
Time works differently, so no one ages throughout their time there.
A prison world cannot create life so the only living inhabitants are those sent there or arrive via ascendant.
Kai is linked to his prison world so he can’t die. If something kills him, he’ll be out for a while depending on the damage but the magic will heal him back to life. Without Kai, the prison world falls apart so while he’s there, it sustains his life to sustain itself. Once he leaves, it ceases to exist.
The Ascendant - an ancient device created by the Gemini coven and a Bennett ancestor that only responds to a living Bennett’s blood magic. The ascendant is sensitive to magic in general, so even when the spell is done right, it will activate then fall apart. You only have one chance at the time of the eclipse to correctly do the spell, which Kai knows from experience because early on he tried collecting a vial of Bennett blood that he hunted down in a hospital and using Josette's magic he siphoned from a hidden dagger. Disappointment boiled over into rage when he did the spell beneath the eclipse, the ascendant disassembled, but he was not transported out.
The Gemini Coven Lair:
Exists as a interdimensional where the coven keeps ancient texts, grimoires, enchanted items (talismans, gems, ascendants, etc.), and materials for spells & potions
Infinite space that can be utilized by the coven leader: often includes a space for magic instruction, a library, spell casting, a gathering area for the coven, etc.
Accessed only by portal, which is summoned by a spell entrusted to high-ranking Gemini members
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hyperactivewhore · 8 months
In your opinion who is the best mother in the TVD universe? I think it has to be Hayley. She had made a lot of mistakes, but at the end of the day, Hope has never once doubted that her mother truly and unconditionally loved and supported her. Hayley practically raised Hope by herself. All Hayley wanted is for Hope to have a normal, happy childhood. And unlike many people I don’t think she ever abandoned Hope. Yes, she sent her away to the Salvatore school - but I think that’s because she knew that Hope couldn’t live a normal life in New Orleans and she thought that the best chance of Hope having a semi normal childhood is if no one knew who she was. And in legacies, it’s said that she still visited Hope at school frequently.
Hayley Marshall without a doubt was the best mother in tvdu, especially considering the events regarding her pregnancy, daughter and her daughter's family.
Hayley loved Hope from the very beginning, don't bring up how she tried to abort Hope because that's just rubbish: she wanted to do it because it would be better for both of them, but ultimately couldn't bring herself to do it. Claiming Elijah was the first person to care about Hope is so wrong, he didn't give a damn about the fetus but what it could mean to Klaus and his fucked up family at the beginning, he only saw his niece as her own person when she was fifteen years old.
Motherhood was forced upon Hayley and she had no other choice but to accept it, Klaus and Elijah made that very clear and it sickens me how people brush over Hayley herself saying how terrified and scared she was during this period of her life. She was barely an adult, thrown into the most dangerous family to ever live just because she happened to carry a baby and was killed twice because of that same family.
Saying Hayley was a bad mother is crazy, she loved Hope and put her above everyone almost always (I won't praise her for this, though, loving your child is the bare minium a decent parent should do) even if it was above people she cared about. People always bring up how she "stole" Hope in season two to try to put her in a bad light and it's embarrassing every time.
Was it a dangerous and risky choice? Obviously, yes, but Klaus, the father of her daughter, was jeopardizing Hope at the time with his paranoia and refusal to trust his family, and at the time everyone believed he had killed Aiden, a member of Hayley's pack, of course she would panick and run away with their kid. It was wrong nonetheless because she was putting in danger her whole pack, her husband, her daughter and herself, but I'll never blame her for it considering how much shit she went through only because of the Mikaelson.
Like Klaus, Hayley was scared too and this is often "forgotten" by the fandom: like him, she never had any good parent, but this didn't make her stop talking to Hope suddenly. The fandom often justifies Klaus abandoning Hope because he had daddy issues and because of The Hollow, but was it that hard to write letters, answer her phone calls? He ghosted his own daughter when she was nine because she saw him murdering someone, but somehow Klaus is the better parent in tvdu and the one Hope loved the most. Make it make sense.
Caroline was away too from her daughters, but she didn't ghost them the way Klaus did. Hayley was co-leading New Orleans, a whole city full of supernatural creatures, but she didn't abandon Hope either: as you said, Josie herself said she used to come to Mystic Falls frequently just for her daughter. Sending Hope away to school after nearly dying and losing her father was too soon, and while Legacies made everything they could to make these women look like bad mothers (Hope being basically depressed as a child, wanting to belong into the Saltzman family, her line in season three "my mom and dad will come back for me" - though I'm not sure if it should consider it proof, considering it was a weird Star Wars episode -, Lizzie feeling neglected by her mother, etc) they simply weren't.
Caroline and Hayley were both forced to be mothers and both proved to be better than everyone in the series. People should start criticizing the actual bad parents in this show instead of them.
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lupaeusarc · 9 months
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i saw some people doing these end of year posts and i'm in a sappy mood so happy holidays and here's some people i adore !!
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@stanfordprepped JARED my bestie my love the light of my life you're genuinely one of my best friends and an absolute day one ride or die i can't even describe how much samemma and cassdell mean to me and our other ships are top tier as well i'm so glad i met you and i'll get to updating cassie's aesthetic and bringing some cassdell to the dash right after this 🤍
@carp3diems ceejay . bestie . partner in crime . sounding board for every chaotic thought that goes through my mind . i adore you and our plots and threads and the way i can just hop into your dms like " hey can i traumatize our muses rq " and you're always down lmao you're so talented and i'm just very thankful for you and for colbemma and for all of our chaos
@multi-royalty maddieeeeeee i love you so much my big little sissy 🥹 the only person i'll write em in the tvdu for and the reason i'm still writing at all i owe so much to you and i appreciate that even if we don't talk constantly you know i think you're the bees knees and you make the rpc a better place you absolute ball of sunshine
@stilesstylelinski trick you fuckin goblin i don't know what i would do without our bullshit or your unconditional emotional support you and i have both had a pretty shit year and i'm just really glad we could lift each other up even a little bit throughout all of it . stemma owns my soul and i'm still just in awe of your portrayal okay you basically pull the boy off the screen
@boundforhale MOM mom i love you mom i'm so grateful for you and for the gremlin chat and for all the support and love you give . you're so talented and kind and you need to be NICER to yourself for taking your time with replies i would be happy with a reply a year okay plus derek is a stubborn asshole it wouldn't make sense if he woke up all the time lol when he does he comes out swinging though you knock it out of the park every time
@ruinedmyself twin 🤍 i think you're so neat okay the way your brain works is so fascinating and the love you put into your muses is like palpable you're so cool and so talented and brooklyn and sam are so fucking funny i can't watch the basement yard anymore without thinking of them . i'll make more edits of them soon the accuracy is just so unreal lol
@inkedmuses VVVVVV listen i have such brainrot for john b and emma right now they make me so happy all of our ships are so cute and interesting and i love them so much you have some of the coolest plot ideas ever it's so chaotic and so fun to just yell ideas at each other and bring them to life
@guiltye LILLY i mean i just could yell forever and i will i WILL yell forever i can't even believe how intricate and deep and unique all of our plots are i'm constantly in awe of your mind every time i get a meme or reply from you i'm starstruck i love you and i love yelling about noah with you and i just think you're so fucking cool and so creative and talented and interesting and strong as all hell and you just never fail to make me smile *mandolin playing* you got all my love 🤍
@n0prom1ses lumiiii listen i love these idiot sisters so much already and i think all of our ships and dynamics are so neat 🥹 i'm sad we lost so much time especially knowing why but i'm so glad nature is healing and that sonny is once again dragging asher by the balls bc frankly it's what he goddamn deserves
i could literally go on for hours but i do want to get some things done lmao so here's some more people that my note to is this : i adore y'all and i hope you have the best holidays / new year and that 2024 brings you everything you hope for 🤍
@svnflowehrs , @escapedfromthevoiid , @hellgiven , @qapsiel , @westwingsolo , @r4chelamber , @ofcrxwns , @ofblackskies , @neverrcry , @gunchamber , @controlledvolatility , @sarcasticsnackpack , @localsalt , @fuckmeupindie , @hstoryhuh , @mecwmellc , @surgcns , @unitcd , @unbearablyindifferent
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ashloring · 7 months
My tvdu dr
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This is going to be explaining some of my backstory and the plot of my tvdu dr (desired reality). This is about shifting realities so if you are not interested please move on, this is also my first post and the first time I'm really writing for someone other than myself so please be patient. I want to start writing so feel free to leave requests!♡
My dad, James, is an Original who is also a witch. After being turned he was a witch and a vampire the first ever of this kind, the bloodline was special. He was turned along with the Original family also known as the Mikaelsons, my father was like a brother to them, after all they did grow up together but we're not related by blood.
My mother Hayley, a witch as well. A beautiful, kind, and loving person with a huge heart.
My mother and father didn't meet till centuries after James was turned. One thing led to another and here I was a blessing, a miracle, a curse whatever you would like to call it, I was born, Ashley Taylor Marshall. Born in the city of New Orleans, but I never knew the city for it to be called home. My mom took me away, away from everything that was the curse to be called the daughter of an Original. she cloaked me blocking anyone who tried to do magic to find me in a town called mystic falls, my home the place I grew up.
I always loved it here, it was peaceful I loved practing magic outside of school with my mom and aunt. They taught me ever since I was a young child. It was always hard keeping that secret just between the three of us I could never fully be honest with my bestfreinds Elena, Bonnie and Caroline. That was until I found out that vampires exist and bonnie was also a witch. It felt amazing to finally be able to share my magic with someone other than my mother and aunt Amanda.
But that was also just the beginning of everything, everything that would be my family's downfall. My mom died, she died in a car accident that I couldn't prevent but still blamed myself for. My aunt was the only family I had left that I ever cared for, at this point I knew my father was a vampire I just didn't know he was one of the first ones ever. They had always kept that from me as a way of protecting me.
Fast forward a year later, word of one of the first vampires to exist were coming for elena, klaus mikaelson. But he wasn't the one to show up it was his brother elijah mikaelson he was protecting elena. My aunt (Amanda) knew she needed to do something because elena wasn't the only one in danger it was also me. She decided it was best to talk to elijah knowing who he was "the noble brother" and the way she saw him protect elena that this was the best decision.
Amanda told elijah everything, how I was james daughter, that i'm a witch, how I'm cloaked, everything. She knew he would protect me and that he did.
When Elijah and I met there was an instant connection. The more time we spent together the more I grew closer with him feeling something I never felt before, I was falling for him. We would spend hours together just talking. Talking about my family history, about his family history and just life in general.
Soon enough the rest of the Mikaelsons were in town throwing a ball. Elijah had invited me, and being James daughter the whole family was intrigued to meet me.
Word must have spread about me and where I was because only months after all of the Mikaelsons arrived in town my aunt was murdered. The only family I had left everything seemed to be falling apart including the other side where all the supernatural beings went and soon enough it was gone meaning my mother and aunt would never find peace unless I consecrate them in the place they were born, New Orleans. I had to go back to the very place my family took me from to protect me.
I started to pack knowing I had to leave and the Mikaelsons offered me to stay with them while I'm going to be in New Orleans. I accepted their offer knowing how much I trusted Elijah.
Being in New Orleans felt like a new kind of home. I could feel my ancestors magic and after consecrating my mom and aunt I could feel their magic as well. Living with Klaus, Rebekah and Elijah was weird at first but it was better than being alone. Going into the French Quarter I was warned by witches left and right about a vampire who calls himself a "king", he didn't let witches do magic. It wasn't until I learned his name that I walked into his home. Marcel, Marcel was the man who helped my mom get me out of New Orleans when I was a baby. She would tell me stories about him how they were close and he looked after her as family would. They kept in contact until they both realized it was a risk. Someone could find us or even just spread the word that a witch baby with vampire blood in her system and the daughter of an Original existed. They had to stop communicating but she would make sure that I knew of the man who she considered a hero and a part of the family even if they never talked again.
There was only ever one time I had met Marcel, I was six years old we got along instantly my mom painted him as my hero and that's what I saw him as.
Seeing him again was a feeling I couldn't describe. Before my aunt died she told me that he was a vampire but I never thought I would see him again. We started to talk and then I told him why I was brought into town. He tried not to react too much about their deaths knowing it was already hard enough for me to talk about, but he promised me that he would be there for me that we were family.
Marcel ensured me that my father wouldn't be a problem knowing that when my mom and aunt died their magic died along with them not cloaking me anymore. He told me that James was daggered and locked away.
Elijah and I had been getting even closer, considering we live in the same house. But he was holding himself back I just lost my aunt and he didn't want to hurt me in any way he didn't have much luck with relationships in his past. There was alot of tension, moments we would be together and all I wanted to do was kiss him and he knew that.
He was talking to me about why he couldn't bring himself to pursue a relationship with me, he saw himself as someone who could hurt me...a monster. But I didn't see him as a monster I saw him as someone who would do anything for his family, someone who has remorse and someone that I have come to love. It was at that moment that he gave in and kissed me it felt like the whole world had stopped like it was just him and I left and nothing else mattered. His kiss was passionate and full of love it was like we fit together perfectly this is what I wanted as soon as I laid eyes on him, its what he wanted...but wouldn't give himself. Now was all that seemed to matter. When he pulled away we were still for a moment, looking into each others eyes everything about it was perfect.
This was the confirmation that we both needed. I wanted to be with him forever, until forever ended.
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andreal831 · 8 days
Your opinion of Caroline?
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I will always love Caroline Forbes.
Yes, she was a deeply flawed character for most of the show, but so was everyone. Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie will always be special to me because they were TVDU for so long. I will always love the three of them over any love triangle the show tried to force on us.
But Caroline, to me, felt like a very organic character. She was a stereotypical mean girl in high school who hid her insecurities behind cutting words and a 'I'm too good for this' persona. I loved seeing her grow throughout the show and become a more confident and secure version of herself. I don't think she needed to become a vampire to do this. She just needed some support and maturity.
I adored her development with her mom. Liz wasn't the best mom in the early seasons and it shows how Caroline responded to her. Just the fact that Damon was abusing her in their own home and Liz had no idea. I know Damon is a vampire and could of compelled or snuck around, but she didn't even suspect anything was going on when Caroline was struggling with the abuse. She's a cop. She's supposed to be trained to notice this. But Liz finding out about Caroline being a vampire and coming around to her, loving her and being proud of the person she was. It was so beautiful.
My favorite Caroline ship is honestly Forewood. They were so good to each other. Tyler brought out the best in Caroline and vice versa. Neither of them were the nicest people in season 1 but they grew together. I hated the writers for ruining them. They deserved better. The fact that they didn't even show Caroline mourning Tyler or kicking Damon's ass for killing him will never sit right with me. She loved Tyler and that doesn't just fade because they both moved on. I wish, if they were determined to keep them apart, that we could have at least had their friendship back.
I do love Steroline too and I do tend to hold it out over Forewood just because the ending of Forewood kind of ruined that ship for me. Steroline to me was such a great friend-to-lovers moment. Stefan was another person that brought out the good in Caroline.
I've seen a lot of people say Caroline doesn't have development, but I disagree. Especially in a show where Damon and Klaus are held out to have the "best" development. Do I think she had the greatest development in the history of media, no. Like I said in the beginning, she had a very organic development. She became a more mature person because she got older. I think her relationship with Stefan was a sign of this. Stelena fans love to say Stefan loved Elena first and Caroline was just his second pick, but that's not how love works. The logic sounds like season 1 Caroline. But as their relationship develops, Care no longer has that impulse to question it. She learns to feel secure in the love Stefan has for her, which shows a lot of development from her high school relationships. Although, Caroline had ever right to question Matt who was still very clearly into Elena.
Caroline is a deeply flawed character, much like the entire show. There were definitely storylines that I couldn't stand or phases of writing that I found annoying, but that's every character for me. She definitely can and should be criticized. The biggest examples I can think of that Caroline does something problematic that deserves being called out: her general insensitivity in season 1, sleeping with Klaus, how she treated Tyler after that, her criticizing anyone for turning their humanity off after she easily did so. She's not a perfect character. But I still found her charm and personality to be compelling. She could have been better at times and how they portrayed her in TO and Legacies did hurt her character a lot. But I'm always going to have a soft spot for TVD Caroline.
Thanks for the ask!
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ywhiterain · 2 years
Esther is still the best villain
I love how her plan to show Elijah the error of his ways and jump in a new body is to set him on a trap where the bait is literally having actual children kill humans to become cannon fodder in her army.
And the memory she forces him to relive is one where he’s pretty objectively the victim. He’s been a vampire for a few days and the woman he’s in love with cuts herself so he eats her. It’s pretty well established that sex and feeding is tied together in TVDU.
He asks his mom for help and she decides to fuck with his head without his consent.
And it’s hilarious because he’s objectively done worse and we know there are memories he’s repressed. But that’s not going to work because it’s mostly collateral damage and Elijah’s probably point out she’s slaughtering humans left and right and possessing innocent witches, including an actual child.
So her best bet would point out how bloodlust is terrible and he’d be like maybe 9000 years ago but I can be dead for months and not even be all that tempted to feed if all I have is a child. She could point out he enjoys the hunt, but it’s not like that in itself will be a case he’d buy. Particularly if he was parasitically possessing a witch.
But! Elijah blaming himself for his own victimization and telling him he had a choice about what went down with Tatia and his coping mechanisms. Yeah that’s how you’re gonna break Elijah.
Put a cherry on top and shove him into a magical coma that can only be fixed by Klaus talking with and working with his biological dad. That’s a great plan.
The only reason this doesn’t work is because Hope is actually alive and in order to cope with loosing Freya she’s convinced herself that Klaus and Hayley and the rest will be willing to replace Hope.
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bluboothalassophile · 2 years
hi! i just went on a binge of all your pieces and i loved them! you’re such a talent.
i saw you were taking requests so, post tvdu canon when all of the mikaelsons but marcel and hope (and maybe kol if he didn’t off himself after davina died) have passed.
So I think this fits your request, just a heads up it's a bit angsty.
Last Three But Never the Last...
Hope stood with her uncle and cousin, alone, the wind rustled her hair a bit as they stood at the grave markers for their family. First was Freya, with Keelin, next to them was Finn, with a marker for his lover, Sage, then there was Uncle Elijah, he was beside mom, which was fitting, then there was Dad, next was Auntie Bex, and finally, the markers which were just buried, Uncle Kol with Auntie D. Part of Hope knew that Marcel had died with Auntie Bex, but he had stubbornly remained here with her, but with the promise that he would be able to go one day. Nik stood beside Hope with his girlfriend, a witch from the quarter, and it was quiet.
They had gathered here today because Auntie D had passed, and unbeknownst to anyone, Uncle Kol had the remains of one White Oak Stake.
“They both lived long lives,” Nik finally said.
“I know,” Hope murmured. Auntie D had lived to one hundred and fifty-nine, looking no older than fifty, she had found a spell to slow her life through some old school voodoo in the grimoires of Dad’s old witch, Gloria. Dad had hoarded the grimoires for Uncle Kol as a peace offering for when he let Uncle Kol out of a box. Davina had died because of a car accident, and when she died, so had Uncle Kol. It was tragic how in love they were, so in love they couldn’t live without the other, and it had Hope swearing off love for her eternity; she’d never let anyone mean that much to her.
Still, Hope’s one and only turned vampire was waiting for her, patiently, and Hope knew if anyone took her best friend away she’d willingly die like Uncle Kol had. It was a horrid, daunting reality.
“We should go,” Nik said and she looked at her cousin. His girlfriend, a fellow witch, was the mother of his three children, and she sighed.
“Yes, you should.”
“Don’t wait until the next funeral to come around, Hope,” Nik said as he hugged her. She hugged him back. Nik was getting old, with his kids and grandkids around him. Part of her envied his mortality to build a family, but he had never cut her out of his life. Even if he had purposely never gotten married or permitted his family to carry the Mikaelson name.
“I won’t, I’ll see you for Christmas,” she promised smoothly.
He examined her, with weathered old eyes so similar to his biological father’s, before he nodded, kissed the crown of her head and left, leaning on his cane, offering his arm to his girlfriend as they walked through the crypt. Hope now stood alone with Marcel who stared at the engraved names.
“One hundred thirty-three years ago, I had this exact crypt carved for her death,” he murmured.
“She was…”
“She was something,” Marcel smiled wickedly. And Hope looked at her uncle then; yes, she supposed now she could view him as a brother, but she also couldn’t, he’d always been there with Auntie Bex, never as just him.
“I’ll miss them,” Hope murmured honestly.
“I know baby,” Marcel draped his arm around her shoulders as he pulled her into his side, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“Why does everyone we love die?”
“Because they’re Vikings, going for Valhalla is the end goal, always,” he murmured. “And one day, when Ragnarök is upon us, we’ll see them again.”
“You honestly believe in Ragnarök?” Hope snorted with tears burning her eyes.
“Nah, but they did, so… no reason not to if it gives us a chance to reunite with them,” Marcel said softly. “I like the hope of reuniting with them.”
“I do to,” she confessed with a watery, weak laugh. She liked it better than that farrier nonsense she had experienced when the deities were attempting to break reality, and losing Landon; who looking back upon her life was not an epic love, had been crippling at the time. “I just wish they had been able to live longer, so we weren’t alone for an eternity.”
“We are never alone, baby girl,” Marcel said smoothly. “If you but reach out, Hope.”
“No. Modern twenty second technology might be at a loss for you, but pick up the telephone or the radio, or the holovids! Answer your damn mail, and stop isolating, you’re worse than Klaus about that.”
“I’ll… try,” she offered.
“Good, go be with your girl, I need… I need some time,” Marcel said. “I’ll call you tonight.”
“I’ll pick up.”
“You’d better,” he warned. She smiled tightly as she kissed his cheek and walked away. She saw Lizzie waiting against the car, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. The Heretic was Hope’s only true companion; especially after they had broken their sire bond, but Lizzie was also her most dangerous adversary when crossed.
“Hey,” she said meekly as she approached the tall blonde. Lizzie turned her piercing blue eyes on Hope and frowned a little.
“I know they were buried, but… are you holding up okay?” Lizzie asked.
“I’m… fine, I think, I will be,” Hope sighed as she came to stand beside Lizzie.
“I… I never thanked you for… Always and Forever,” Hope stammered.
“You’re my sister, more so than Josie ever was,” Lizzie admitted softly.
“Have you heard from Josie?”
“No,” Lizzie admitted. The other Heretic, Josie, was their greatest threat to life and living, Josie had been furious with them since they had turned her to save her a hundred and twenty years ago. And since then, Josie had been in league with Chloe seeking a way to kill them.
“We’ll find them, Kaleb and Chloe can’t hide for forever, and Josie isn’t patient.”
“I just…” Lizzie sighed and waved her hand before they got into their car. The hover cars were some of the best innovations of the twenty-second century in Hope’s opinion, though she still liked horses.
“We’ll either see her and get her to understand, or we’ll die trying.”
“She’s such a selfish brat!”
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ao3feed-rhaewin · 3 months
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katherineholmes · 1 year
2, 10, 12, 16, 23 get controversial queen <3
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom.
Well, I don't think Klaus would ever bottom because he has severe control and trust issues. Any time someone goes against what he says, he considers it betrayal, not to mention the number of time he actually has been betrayed (not always undeserved) and I just can't see him trusting anyone enough to bottom. Maybe like....decades later in a long term relationship.
10. worst part of fanon
Oh dear god. The entire fandom and the way it reacts to the sire bond between Elena and Damon. Like, that shit was fucked up. It was dub-con at best and non-con at worst. Elena is like a doll in Damon's hands, he shapes her the way he wants to. The most disgusting thing is that she's grieving Jeremy's death so Damon makes her turn it off, and then she's 'annoying' so she should turn it back on. And not once have I seen this being taken seriously. People are so busy hating on Elena cause they simp for Damon and Stefan that they forget that this an eighteen year old girl whose entire family died in traumatic circumstances, that she witnessed some of those deaths and now she's stuck being Damon's personal doll. None of that matters as long as people can make another 'I hate Elena' video. I swear there's a part of this fandom that's drowning in internalised misogyny but if you point that out, they'll flay you alive.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Vicki, I guess, which is such a weird answer, but like her dad was gone, we never know what actually happened to him. Her mom left her too, and she was poor. People like the Lockwoods didn't like her being around them, and if I recall correctly, she had a job. She was a teenager with trust and abandonment issues who was left to fend for herself and her brother, and got addicted along the way. It always feels like she's judged far too harshly for just for being a teen with massive issues. And I feel bad about the way her story ended, not to mention the way Damon toyed with her, and treated her like an object. (There also seems to be a lot of slut - shaming going on there, but I'm not sure it was explicit).
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
I'm scared of answering this, but where does this notion of Elijah being the perfect guy comes from? Like the man is a murderer, he had no qualms sacrificing a seventeen year old Elena or a sixteen year old Davina. The man is a manipulator, and I love him for it, but sometimes, the takes I see, and the things I read make me think that people don't realise that he isn't noble.
Not once in the show has Elijah called himself noble because he knows he isn't. Klaus calls him noble, but the bar for Klaus is in hell, and Elijah is definitely better than Klaus, but he's not a good person. He's a monster, he compels people, and he breaks his word all the time. That's what is so interesting about him, and yet, sometimes, I see that people make him toothless.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to
Klayley, I guess. Like I'm more of a Klena and Klamille fan, and I ship Hayley with happiness and sometimes Jackson, but damn do Klaus and Hayley have chemistry. They might be the best enemies to lovers done in the TVDU without the writers realising it cause they were a little dumb like that. But like, I remember this scene in s1 when Hayley is at risk, and Klaus wants to go there. He wants to help her and ensure that she's okay, and he even gets jealous of Elijah when Elijah helps Hayley instead. And when Hayley and Jackson are getting married, Klaus can't take his eyes off her, and then plans Jackson's murder five minutes after the wedding. Like....it's right there, and the chemistry is great. I personally believe Klaus loved both Cami and Hayley on TO.
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thorsluvr · 3 years
quick tvdu unpopular opinions bc i like talking shit
psa: if you disagree w an opinion i have that’s totally fine but i only respect your opinions if you respect mine.
unpopular opinions (w little to no explanation)
klamille > klaroline. please don’t think i hate klaroline simply because i ship klamille which is not the case. i disliked klaroline long before i even began watching the originals and knew camille existed. just entirely too toxic for my taste.
i don’t like damon salvatore. just personally didn’t do it for me. don’t think i dislike damon because i like stefan that’s simply not the case i just don’t like damon.
there is no better brother/man. damon & stefan are both horrible people.
tyler had every right to be mad at caroline for sleeping w klaus. klaus killed his mom. that was all tyler had left. not to mention all the other fucked up things klaus did it was so fucked for caroline to sleep w him.
tyler lockwood deserved better.
seasons 1-2 elena > seasons 3-6 elena. damon-less elena was honestly my girl but once they got together her character went downhill so fast because contrary to popular belief, ELENA DID NOT CHANGE DAMON. DAMON CHANGED ELENA.
katherine was a good villain AT FIRST. but she got very corny very quickly.
the mikaelson siblings are sick & evil motherfuckers. i still love them tho i just know how to call them out on their bullshit.
elijah > klaus. just a personal preference. still love klaus.
elijah mikaelson IS my baby daddy. favorite character.
matt is over-hated.
delena sucks. it’s literally my least favorite ship.
damon should have been w rose & that is the hill i will die on. rose wasn’t gonna let damon get away w all the shit that he would do (besides like normal vampire stuff) and i wish they would’ve been together.
although i love him klaus is the most overrated tvdu character.
klaus’ abuse & trauma although heartbreaking does not excuse his actions.
the way elijah treated marcel is absolutely disgusting. especially when marcel was supposedly “family” to the mikaelsons.
i absolutely ADORE camille o’connell.
marcel had every right to retaliate towards the mikaelsons. they treated him so horribly. yes all of them even rebekah at times.
i like davina claire.
finn had every right to hate his siblings. if your crazy younger brother daggered you & kept you in a box for 900 years, and NONE of your siblings bothered to try and get you out…would you not be upset?
i want to ship steroline but i can’t. it seemed more like a pity ship than anything tbh. i don’t think stefan ever truly got over elena. stefan definitely loved caroline as their friendship was unmatched but i don’t think he ever truly wanted caroline in that way. it’s cute and i can see why people ship them but i just can’t as of now.
marbekah is hard for me to ship as much as i want to. rebekah literally watched marcel grow up then one day she just…had feelings for him? yea no.
marcel is overhated to death. i love that fine ass man.
seasons 3 & 6 were the best seasons of the vampire diaries. this is non-negotiable.
always & forever was the cause of the mikaelsons downfall from the beginning.
i love stefan. i don’t excuse his actions but i love him.
jolaric was my favorite alaric ship.
stelena sucks. in the beginning i didn’t care for it because i knew that’s how they were going to get the story moving along (elena meeting a vampire). but stefan being over 100 years old dating a 17 year old girl (it does not matter that he’s physically 17 and his brain never “fully matured”, i’m pretty sure being alive for over 100 years makes up for it) is weird. not to mention the fact he pre-stalked her and just showed up at her school one day. absolutely not.
warning: mention of abuse
kai parker did not deserve better. i like kai as a villain simply because he was a villain. a lot of times in tvd the writers constantly tried to make you sympathize w the villain and i feel like they didn’t do that w kai that much. yea he had a little sad backstory but it wasn’t enough & constantly thrown in my face to the point where i automatically felt bad for him & excused all his actions. that being said, kai killing his siblings & terrifying the mystical fall gang (aside from bonnie they kinda deserve it tho let’s be real) let’s not forget abusing bonnie was totally fucked.
warning: mentions of r*pe
damon raping caroline & katherine raping stefan should not be glossed over. trying to make one seem worse than the other annoys the hell out of me. they both did the exact same thing therefore there should be no trying to make them seem not that bad. no it wasn’t sexual assault it was rape. the MOMENT katherine & damon compelled stefan/caroline, the relationships became non-consensual. stefan was scared of katherine but she compelled him to forget and go on as they were. if katherine had never done that, stefan would have been able to make his own choices about the future of their relationship. same w caroline. not to mention damon was a grown man with & without his vampire age (23/25 physically and 100+ as of true age). so it would be statutory either way.
i have a unpopular opinions post for characters & ships in my drafts (they’re a bit lengthy tho) which i may post idk.
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xkandor · 2 years
i truly hate how Legacies doesn't acknowledge Hope's werewolf bloodline and the fact that she comes from a line of royalty in regards to the wolves
she's a Labonair by birth and yet, it's never discussed at all
we always hear about the Mikaelsons and the original vamps and how Hope is Klaus's daughter but the lack of references to the Crescents is irritating coz yes, she is the Klaus's heir but, however, she is also Hayley's heir, the next rightful Alpha of the Crescents, something not even mentioned to the point that i wonder if Hope even knows she is technically the next Alpha
and dont get me wrong, i love Klaus, always have always will but the general lack of Hayley nods and mentions and Hope's wolf side is infuriating
we get so much of the witch side and we've been getting a lot of the vamp that i would like to see that gorgeous wolf form of hers, maybe even a talk about the Labonairs and the Crescents and hell even the birth mark thats suppose to be on her shoulder
anyway all of this to say, Hope is also a wolf and wolf royalty at that and that it should be acknowledged more
They do Hayley so dirty on this show and it really annoys me. Don't get me wrong Klaus is my little meow meow. But Hayley spent 15 years raising that girl and to brush her off the way they do is so frustrating. Also I agree Hope is literally werewolf royalty why don't we ever talk about it or acknowledge it?? I watched Legacies before I had seen any other TVDU show. Hope Mikaelson for the first 3 seasons to me, was a boring character who's story severely revolved around Landon, to the point where she lacked any sort of characteristics for herself. I watched The Originals to better understand her as a character, The Originals made me love and appreciate Hope's character more than Legacies had in its 3 seasons. (Season 4 I'm living my best life, Hope's gotten so much development). But you have a character who's a powerful New Orleans witch, the daughter of an original vampire/the world's first hybrid, who's mom is literal Werewolf royalty. WEREWOLF ROYALTY. Like there's definitely stuff to explore with that so I hope we get that in season 5 if they get picked up again.
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philtatosbuck · 3 years
"caroline is overhated/underrated" y'all are lying through your teeth. caroline is the most popular, save for MAYBE katherine, girl in the entire tvdu.
i'ma be honest here. every reason i've ever seen someone say they stan caroline for is bullshit or at the very least, a dumbass reason when they also hate people who have those same personality traits and/or moments.
"she's a good friend" yeah like... in life or death situations, maybe, but caroline spent seasons just dragging the shit out of her friends' choices, making them uncomfortable, telling their secrets and only supporting them when she agreed with them. that's every day life stuff. would i trust caroline to save me? honestly, maybe. would i want her to be a part of my every day life? hell no
"she's compassionate" no more so than any other character besides the 100+ yr old gang. bar is low.
"she's badass" all due respect caroline has had maybe TWO scenes in which this could even remotely be true.
"she's not selfish" 🤨 me when i lie.
"she's a good mom" once again, in tvdu, the bar is low and she's not even that high on the list if you take legacies into account.
"she brought out the good in klaus" it has been canonically confirmed in a world where they got together / there was no hope, they brought out the WORST in each other.
"she's a better friend to bonnie than elena is" see this one is weird because it's based on elena's actions rather than caroline's and also. no the fuck she is not caroline married the man that murdered the love of bonnie's life like a week after it happened. yea u can argue elena dated damon who turned abby into a vampire but u would be arguing with the wall. abby being a vampire is not as bad as enzo being fucking dead. (and bonnie later canonically becoming best friends with the man who actually did it would also murk that up for u.)
ngl the rest of the reasons are ... kl/roline related which i think says enough LMAO
i did recently see a tiktok that was like "care pulls more guys than bonnie or elena did" and it's true! you know what else is true. they are all dead except for matt (who was still hung up on elena the entire time they were dating) and alaric (elena's stepfather) so that is what the julie plec self insert has to show for it thank u and goodnight.
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Hi I hope you're doing well. So I'm new to Tumblr because I want it to get on a site that doesn't have so many toxic antis on it. So far I haven't ran into any here which is a good sign and people have been really friendly which I love. But I have to say your blog and your Handon haven blog is like my new safe haven for all things Landon and Handon. I just love your gifs and thoughts.
Also I apologize if you have already answered something like this before. But ever since the start of s2 this has been on my mind. But why do people hate Landon so much? I really don't want to believe it's all because of a ship. And their reasons for hating him and saying that he's "a bad boyfriend" makes zero sense. All the reasons they have are him having basic human emotions. He gets upset when he has every right to be he's a horrible person and bad boyfriend. He goes to take a walk to avoid a fight or after a fight so that means "he's leaving her once again." I think the one I've seen the most is how back in s1 when Landon found out Hope has been lying to him about his mom. And people say "he didn't have to ask her about that right then. And he sure didn't have to walk away either." I think the only way I could agree with that is if Landon found out about hours ago and then waited until that moment to say something. But the fact is he found out only moments before hand. He was clearly hurt and upset and after finding out something like that I don't think him or anyone else could have waited at ask about that. And once he was showing basic human emotions. So it makes perfect sense that he would go take a moment for himself. But there's no doubt in my mind that if Hope actually cared about that pageant and wasn't just doing it for Lizzie, that he would have stayed even though he was upset and did the pageant with her. And the list only goes on like that, Landon shows emotions he has bad person and boyfriend. When in fact it's the exact opposite. I swear the way antis try to make Landon sound you would think there was an episode that came out that only antis got to see where Landon commits mass murder, cheats on Hope with dozen different women while drowning puppies for kicks of it.
In 3 seasons the worse thing he did was unknowingly stole a knife and then lied about it because he was scared. That's it that's the only bad thing he's done. Everything else was him doing everything he could to help while being there for Hope when no else was. Also people are so quick to say that Landon is a bad boyfriend but no one talks about the few times that Hope wasn't to best girlfriend(or they take those times and twist them to make Landon the bad guy). Like her lying to him about his mom, or her refusing to teach him how to fight because the monsters were back when that would be the perfect time for him to learn how to defend himself. Or her trying to send Landon to the prison world with Raph because the necromancer was back and planning something. Let me just say I'm not coming at Hope I love her to bits and I know her reasons for doing what she did was rooted in her fears and her not wanting Landon to get hurt. And I can understand that completely(but at the same time not really her best moments even if her heart was in the right place)and glad that at the beginning of s3 she was starting to let Landon to help and do more and not trying to put him in a cage so much(I hope I made sense with that one and that you understand what I'm trying to say with the Hope part. If not sorry). I just don't understand the Landon or Handon hate for that matter. Yes they have fights and disagreements like every other couple. But nothing that would warrant this much hate. These two love each other so much and would do anything for each other and they generally make each other better and happier. You can just see it when they're around each other and away from each other. And if im being honest they're one of the healthiest relationships in the TVDU. Okay there's so much more I could add and say. But I'm going to end this here before this ask gets way to long.
Once again sorry if you already answered something like this before. I know it could get annoying answering the same thing over again.
Hi! Thank you, I hope you’re doing well too! And that’s understandable, it’s way better here than other places, like Twitter. There can still be some hate and negativity at times, but for the most part, it’s pretty minimal. But wow, really? Aww, I’m so glad! Thank you so much!! That means a lot. ❤️
I don’t think I’ll ever understand why people hate Landon so much. I think all the hate started mostly because of ships, but has just grown from there. I also feel like people hate on him because that’s become the popular thing to do. But yeah, their reasons for hating him really don’t make any sense, there’s just no good reason to hate on him at all. Exactly, because he has feelings and has been affected by very serious things, he’s not a good person or boyfriend?? It’s so obvious that they just don’t think that Landon’s feelings matter. The times that he’s walked away were when he was really hurt, but I guess he’s not allowed to feel hurt or take care of himself? Landon isn’t one to fight, he goes to take time to calm down and to think. And it’s not like he does it all the time (despite what some people say), it’s happened a few times in extreme situations.
But yes, people have often brought up 1x14, and they don’t even try to see Landon’s side of things. People really think he should’ve waited to ask Hope? Yeah, exactly, he had just barely found out about it, how could he not have brought it up? Imagine having the kind of life that he had, where he had grown up abused and without a family or home, didn’t know who his parents were, but had that picture of Seylah and always wanted answers. He had wanted to meet her his whole life and know why she had given him up, because that affected his entire life. And then to find out that he had met her and gotten answers only to have it all wiped away? And that Hope had been lying to him about it after the issues him lying to her about the knife had caused? And how they had agreed to be honest with each other? If people can’t understand how that must have made him feel and why he was so emotional that he had to leave, and think that he should’ve just stayed at a pageant that neither him or Hope wanted to participate in, then idk what to say. And true, it’s possible if he thought Hope actually cared about the pageant that he might have forced himself to get through it. But I don’t think he should’ve been expected to either way, he was obviously very hurt and overwhelmed. He shouldn’t have had to stay when he was feeling all of that. Because it was still about his mother and his life and being lied to vs. a pageant. And Hope shouldn’t have had to stay either when she was feeling so upset and panicked too, it was Roman who convinced her to stay when she didn’t have to, which just made it worse.
And Landon’s reasons for walking away the other times were just as valid. Hope doesn’t tell him who she is for months, after he’d been struggling while she was gone, had been killing himself, and was still in love with her but didn’t know it. And then realized she’d let him be with Josie, which also might have made him question how Hope felt about him? That all must have been very shocking, but antis think he’s not allowed to be upset? Same with when he lost his brother/best friend and his powers all in one day, turning his life upside down and leaving him scared about his future with Hope. He takes time for himself in these situations and people are outraged. It’s so clear that they don’t care about his feelings at all. If he reacts to anything, even though his reactions are perfectly reasonable, they attack him. Seriously though, idk what show they’ve been watching, because they really do make him sound as if he’s done absolutely horrible things with the way they talk about him.
So true, and another reason he lied about the knife was because he felt influenced by it as well. Because he had said it was like “the knife wanted me to steal it and then it wanted me to lie.” So not even that was his fault. Exactly, he’s not done anything bad. And he’s not perfect, but he does always have good intentions and tries to do the right thing. And yep, he’s been there for Hope more than anyone too.
And I agree when it comes to Hope. I love her too, but she’s not perfect either, but no one says anything about it. They seriously do just twist everything to make Landon look bad while not acknowledging when Hope hasn’t necessarily made the best decisions. And yeah, I understand her reasons for all that she did too and that she just wanted to protect Landon. She had good intentions as well, and was also scared, so I totally get that. But some of what she’s done hasn’t always been the best for Landon, like with her lying about Seylah, or her not wanting to train Landon to fight, which would’ve been very beneficial to him (especially this last season when he was in the prison world). But yes, she has been able to handle that sort of stuff better and has let Landon do more over time, which is good. And you did make sense, I do understand what you’re saying. So I can see both Hope’s and Landon’s side of things. It just bugs me when people only ever choose to see Hope’s side while ignoring Landon’s.
Agreed, I’ll never understand the Landon or Handon hate either. And yeah, they have disagreements, but they also grow from those disagreements. Like every time they’ve had one, they talk things out and just get stronger. So it’s helped them to communicate and understand each other better and know how to move forward together. And exactly, they both make each other so happy and they bring out the best in each other. And ikr, they are one of the healthiest TVDU couples, that’s why it baffles me when people have such strong reactions when it comes to Handon, and will call them toxic, etc. Were they not around for TVD/TO? Have they not watched them? Because if they’re so bothered by such minor things with Handon, you’d think they’d explode if they saw what happened with some of the other couples from the other shows.
And it’s fine! I’ve posted about all kinds of stuff, so I may have talked about some of this before, but can’t remember tbh haha.
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