#best video camera phone best selfie camera phone 2020
watermelonsugacry · 2 years
Hey! Hope everything’s going good! Was thinking if bandmember did anything like the vanity fair Billie eilish videos when they watch back all those interviews. Would love to see how far our girl has come
YN YLN: Same Interview, The Sixth Year | Vanity Fair
A/N: Christmas break is coming up so been busy but I also have some stuff coming out soon for your lovies! 💚
SINCE 2010 masterlist
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“Year six, baby,” YN smirks at the camera. “Alright—” She pulls on the tops of her pink sheer opera gloves that match her pink corset before clapping her hands together. “—Let’s do this. ‘Ello, m’name is YN YLN. Today’s date is October 18, 2022.”
How old are you?
“I’m 23 years old.”
“I’m 24.”
“M’28 years old,” YN kisses her teeth. “M’pushing 30, mate.”
How many followers do you have on Instagram?
“I have 573K followers on Instagram.”
“I currently have 287 million followers on Instagram. Dunno why I have so many; I make a lot of shit posts.”
What is your most liked picture on Instagram?
“My most liked picture is one of me and the boys huddled up backstage after our last performance together with 654K likes.”
“It is a picture of me in my home recording studio with about 5 million likes.”
“It’s currently one of me photo dumps on tour. The first picture on that one is a selfie with Harry taking a bite out of m’cheek. This one has 60,036,819 likes. Which is way too many likes if m’being honest.”
How are you feeling today?
“M’feeling really good. I always look forward to these interviews. I try me best not to look at the old videos more than once so that I can best prepare meself for my current answers, yeh know? But I love that I get to do this every year. There’s a lot of like, time lapse compilation videos on meself on YouTube that show off how far I’ve come over the years but these I feel are the least cringy ones,” YN lets out a laugh.
Biggest thing to happen in your career?
“I won a Grammy for producer of the year?” YN furrows her eyebrows as she juts her chin out. “Wha’ is life? That’s insane. The highlight of me career. Hands down.”
“It’s still the highlight of me career. And I got nominated for it again for Grammys 2023. To even be nominated and be the only woman in this category a second year in a row is just super fookin’ wild. Um...I got seven other Grammy nominations for next year. I’m also on tour again—a world tour—and it’s definitely me favorite thing to do aside from making the actual music. Harry’s new album that we’ve been workin’ on for over the past two-ish years finally came out earlier this year. I’m dropping me third album before the year is up. So many good things have happened this year that it’s honestly too long to list.”
How often do you get recognized in public?
“Pretty often,” She nods her head, a chuckle pushing past her lips. “It’s pretty hard to just go out and grab a bite to eat without getting surrounded.”
“Public? Who is she? I dunno her,” YN teases. “It’s pretty rare that I’ll go out nowadays and the masks only help so much with trying to be lowkey on the street on stuff like tha’.”
“I have to admit, v’gotten a lot better at being discreet when going out in public,” She nods her head with a knowing smile. “I think I was just so used to not being ‘allowed’ to go outside or if I did I wouldn’t enjoy meself because I knew I was gonna get recognized by paps. It was really hard for baby YN there because of how everything started. Everything I did was in the public eye and no matta’ what I did, me fans always knew where I was at all times it seemed,” YN hums. 
“I love me fans and I love the times when we happen to see each other on the street, we can have like a genuine conversation instead of shoving yeh phone in me face and putting yeh hands on me without me permission. I’ve had the most amazing conversations with fans like tha’ those moments are super special to me.
But in all honesty, they need to get hired by the FBI or somethin’. Knowin’ where m’gonna be before I even do,” She huffs out a chuckle.
What’s most important to you right now?
“The relationships within me life. I think this year has really made me recognize that. Whether those relationships are with me mum, me boyfriend, me tour team, me dancers, the fans—they’re all super important to me. Makin’ sure that we’re all safe and healthy—mentally and physically—now more than ever.”
“All of which are still very important to me. I think v’also learned to stay in touch with me emotions. I think in an industry like this, it can be very easy to just put on a mask or passively go through events to maintain an image. If I’m doing something—wether it be somethin’ major or not, I want to allow m’self to be in the moment.
I did a show recently in Austin and...” The crease between her eyebrows disappear and smile etches itself on her lips at the memory, “I was singing POV and I just stopped singing and the crowd took over. I quite literally just stood there, took out me earpieces and just listened to a stadium full of people sing my song back to me. It made me feel so...it made me feel really good, really happy.”
Do you feel pressure?
“I do yeah,” YN nods with a sincere furrow of her eyebrows. “But I have been feeling pressure for the majority of my career so I’m mostly used to it by now; It doesn't bother me as much anymore.”
“Of my fookin’ word,” She throws her head back. “I can’t even—like even the way I spoke, man. Can yeh hear that? Like, I was still in the mindset of having to change the way I talk, tweak me accent and act all prim and proper,” YN points a finger into her mouth as she sticks out her tongue.
“And what a lie. Like of course that pressure bothered me still! I was fresh into the hiatus, just dropped me first solo album, about to do a world tour by meself for the first time. I was dealin’ with so much that I remember the pressure of everything was just...it felt that I was gonna be squished into a pancake. Being in the band and being as big as we were, there was an immense amount of pressure for everything to keep going well; everything seemed like it had to get bigger and bigger and if I didn’t live up to that standard as a solo artist, it was the end of the world to me.”
“I do still feel some pressure but definitely not to that extent anymore. It’s more of like, a good pressure, I’d say. It keeps me from resting on me laurels and it makes me continue to work hard to improve meself. Like, just because I won an award for produce of the year doesn’t mean that m’gonna let it get to me head and just not work to better meself in that craft. 
But I have to admit that a lot of that pressure has been lifted off of me from me fans. They’ve just continued to give me their unconditional love and support—whether it be for a year, 2 years, 12 years—m’just super grateful that they just allow me to be me, flaws and all.”
What did you eat today?
“I ate some grilled chicken—that I made all by myself—with a side of some beans,” YN giggles as she knows by now that the fans have been having a laugh about her boyfriend’s baked beans comment over interviews in quarantine.
“I had a chicken caesar salad bowl that I probably put way too much dressing on to be considered healthy anymore,” She chuckles, playing with the chunky chain sitting on her collarbones.
“I actually had an amazing chicken wrap this morning. Just the right amount of protein and yumminess,” She pats her tummy with a content smile. “Yeh girl likes chicken, what can I say?”
Are you aware of people when you're playing?
“I think so yeah. It’s crazy because for me, it’s scarier to play in front of 6 people than 60 thousand people. But on the other hand, the noisiness of big crowds is super calming to me. I can’t really explain how. Like right before m’gonna go on stage, I like to take out me ear-pieces and just listen to them scream...which now makes me sound like a serial killer of summ’wat,” YN’s shoulders bunch up to her ears as she giggles.
“I would say that m’more aware of the audience members now more than I ever have before. This current tour that m’on is probably the funnest tour so far and it’s really because of the fans. When m’on stage and when I’m performing, I make sure to look at the people in the audience, yeh know? Like, I can still remember when the band did our first stadium tour, I honestly couldn’t see anything; they were all just blurbed together. 
But with this tour, I make sure to take the time during the show to talk with fans. And I make an effort to sing to them and look at them dancing in the pit, the outfits they recreate, the way some of them are just closing their eyes and just being in the moment. As a musician, to see people come to me show and to see how they create this environment where everyone can have fun and let loose and just have a good time is just super amazin’. It’s a really indescribable feeling.”
Are you more confident this year compared to last year?
“From last year to now? 100%,” She answers with ease, leaning back into her seat. “I think this is the most confident I’ve ever felt, I think. M’not too worried about what people are sayin’ about me because let’s face it, they are always saying something. So if yeh like me, cool. If yeh don’t, cool.”
“She’s not wrong. 2018 YN’s ego was pretty up there. Granted, me ego is still growing and sensitive so—” YN shamelessly shrugs and puts her hands up in defense. “—Take tha’ as you will. But I definitely feel more confident and secure in who I am as a person and as an artist. When the boys and I went our separate ways musically, I had a hard time sort of, figuring out what I like and the kind of music I wanted to make for meself. Even the way I thought about fashion, I knew people saw me in skirts and things like that but I remember entertaining the idea of if I wanted to continue that as a security blanket of sorts. 
When I was in the band, I took things with a grain of salt and m’very happy that I’ve kept that with me.” 
Biggest rumor about you?
“That I’ve slept with each of the 1D boys,” YN lets out a nervous laugh. “Which is gross because they’re all like my brothers.”
“Where do I even begin?” YN blows out a raspberry. “I’ve been gettin’ this one for literally years now but that m’dating my old bandmate, Harry—which is getting really old at this point,” She scrunches up her nose with a roll of her eyes.
YN bursts out laughing as she watches her old self answer, knowing full well that during that time period she was in the midst of her on-and-off relationship with Harry. 
She tilts her head to the side with a quick raise of her eyebrows, “I mean, she’s not wrong. V’been getting that question/comment asked since we were on the XFactor. And believe it or not, I still get asked that question. I just answer it differently now,” She cheekily brings her shoulder to her chin.
What do you hate being asked?
“That. The ‘who are you dating?’ question. For a long time, I just had to suck it up and just answer the question but I don’t have to answer if I don’t want to, y’know? Also, I’m my own person,” She begins to list things off of her fingers, “I’m not someone’s arm candy, m’not so-and-so’s new girl. I’m YN YLN and if all you ask me is if I’m dating anyone rather than me music, you don’t deserve my time.”
YN drops her jaw and the corners of her lips tug up in a smile.
“A feisty little thing she is,” She chuckles. “But no truer words have ever escaped me mouth. She’s right, and I still stand by that. 100%. My career is not based around a guy or who m’dating. That’s not to say I hate talking about Harry—I love to talk about him but don’t make it the whole point of the interview, yeh know?”
Craziest fan moment?
“Me first show back on tour after being held back in 2020 was really heartwarming. It a stadium show—not intimidating at all for me first show back—” YN sarcastically comments. “—so there were three levels of seating: the pit, the middle section, and then the top. While I was singing, the audience did a fan project where on the top section held up lights to read welcome back, and then the middle said we missed you, and the pit held up pieces of paper saying we love you. M’not even gonna lie, I was bawlin’ me eyes out. Like, just thinking of the amount of work that went into that...” She shakes her head in disbelief. 
“I did a show last week in LA and at the barricade, I saw this lineup of these 5 girls wearing my current and past tour outfits. I have seen some really good recreation of me fits before and it was honestly like a copy and paste, I was so shocked. After talking with them for a bit—now I don’t ever do this—but I invited them to come up on stage with me,” YN laughs. 
“I suggested we ditch the choreography for Kiss Me More but they insisted they knew it and sure enough,” YN throws her hands with another laugh. “I almost hired them on the spot!”
Do you have a boyfriend?
“Um, no. I do not have a boyfriend. I’m just really focused on my music at the moment. That’s my boyfriend,” She lets out a chuckle.
YN playfully rolls her eyes and throws her hands up, “Well I’d be the biggest liar in the world if I said no.”
She huffs out a giggle as she refers to the entire world finding out about her secret relationship with Harry on New Years Eve of that year.
“I do have a boyfriend,” She smirks at the camera with a shrug of her shoulder, leaving it at that.
YN takes a second longer to answer this question and stares at the laptop screen with a fond smile. She technically doesn’t have a boyfriend anymore, but will she let them know that? Nope.
“Well, you’d all be happy to know that Harry and I are still very much together. Still got that boy locked down, ladies,” She playfully winks at the camera with a click of her tongue. 
What makes you happy in a relationship?
“I like quality time. From staying inside 24/7 in 2020 to easing back into my busy schedule made H and I realize that it was important to set some time aside for ourselves, just the two of us. Like, we don’t even have to be talking just as long as we’re together during the business of it all. And...” A smirk grows on her lips, “One of me love languages is physical touch. It definitely wasn't on the list before so you can probably guess who made me this way but yeah. And music, of course, that’s me main form of love language. Whether we’re listening to good music, making it, singing it—anything to do with it m‘in love.”
Describe your style in 3 words.
“Figuring it out.”
“No more skirts,” The 24-year-old rolls her eyes.
“Whatever is comfy,” She laughs as she wraps her light green cardigan tighter over herself.
“Trying new things.”
“Trousers and blazers.”
She tilts her head as she bites her lip, looking up as she thinks about how to compactly frame her style now. As she says the next three words, she holds up her hand to count it off on her fingers, “Pretty in pink. And 2018 YN was a lie. I still fancy a skirt every now and then.”
Biggest thing you’re struggling with?
“I think, just being honest with meself in terms of how I feel. I think I struggle a lot with allowing meself to feel the way I feel about certain things,” Or about a certain someone. “And that it's okay to feel those things. I know, super detailed,” She chuckles.
“Yeah, 2019 YN was certainly going through some personal issues. S’crazy to look back at these videos and remember wha’ I was feelin’ during that time. S’pretty crazy. I can say that v’grown immensely from that time of my life which is very comforting to know. It’s still hard for me, don’t get me wrong, but allowing myself to feel things like love or sadness or happiness is something that I’m subconsciously reminding myself to do. 
I think the biggest thing that m’stuggling now with is to have check ins with meself. It’s safe to say that m’back to my busy, hectic, never-ending schedule so I want to take a breather every now and then. It can be a whole day, a whole 20 minutes, just a pause to check in with my mind, me body, me spirt to make sure m’okay and then be off to a career that I love very dearly.”
What advice would you give your future self?
“Have some fun and enjoy this new chapter that you’re venturing onto,” She nods with a smile.
“I would say to allow yourself to feel uncomfortable. Step out of your comfort zone and take that leap of faith.”
“What a genetic piece of advice for that first year, eh?” YN chuckles with a smirk, “Enjoy this new chapter you're venturing onto like yeh can hear how professional I wanted to sound,” She playfully rolls her eyes with a sigh. “I would say that 2019 YN’s advice is a good one though. It’s a good reminder to not play things safe all the time. As a narcissist, I want everything to be perfect, especially me music, so to be in the studio and not fall back to me old habits of what I think sounds good, try something different, yeh know? I like that a lot, actually.”
This is my mum...
“Everyone, say hello to Penny,” YN proudly presents as her stepmum comes up to her side, placing a hand on the back of her chair as she waves at the camera.
“‘Ello, lovelies,” Penny beams.
“Penny!” YN smiles brightly. When she wiggles her fingers towards her stepmum the sound of her rings clinking together can be heard.
When Penny walks up to her stepdaughter’s side, she puts her hands on top of YN’s red leather jacket to give her shoulders a squeeze.
“Hi baby,” Her stepmum gives a warm smile and gently presses her chin to YN’s temple.
Penny tucks her long, black hair behind her ears before wrapping her arms around her stepdaughter’s shoulders. 
“I love you, my baby,” She says into her hair before planting a kiss on her head.
“I love youuu so much,” YN sings as she holds onto her stepmum’s forearms over her chest.
“Y’already know what time it is,” YN dances in her seat, her arms already extended out by her side. She lets out a laugh as she watches Penny shimmy her way to her stepdaughter’s side. The tight high waisted jeans show off her curvy, fit figure and a mask covers the lower half of her face.
“It’s Penny time,” Her stepmum throws finger guns at the camera.
“Come over ‘ere, mum,” YN nods her head over to Penny. Once she’s close enough, she takes a hold of her stepmum’s hand and pulls her over for her to sit on her lap, wrapping her arms over her torso, “Love you.”
“I love you more, baby,” Penny smiles as she leans her head back to rest beside YN’s. 
“This is me mumma,” YN smiles warmly before cooing out a chuckle. “Wha’ happened?” She questions when she sees Penny walk over to her side with glossy eyes.
“Sorry, m’sorry,” She chuckles, dabbing her under eyes with the sides of her index fingers. “S’just really fookin’ cool to see how far you’ve come. Like look at her—” Penny points to the laptop screen that has 2017 YN on display. “—me lil’ baby.”
“Mum!” YN laughs when Penny wraps her arms around her daughter’s head and pulls it to her chest.
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wengdotlam · 4 months
Week 9 Digital citizenship and software literacy: Instagram filters
Hey there, digital adventurers! As usual
Welcome to Lam’s Blog! 
Today, I'm talking about the magical world of Instagram filters and how they tie into digital citizenship and software literacy.
What is a filter, and why do people love to use filters?
A filter, particularly a beauty filter, is a feature available in certain apps that can modify photos or videos by overlaying a filter onto the image, altering the appearance of the person or people shown (Opitz 2020). Filters use Augmented Reality (AR) technology, combining virtual elements with real scenes, allowing users to experience a richer reality through devices such as smartphones and tablets. For example, AR technology can add virtual elements to real scenes through the mobile phone camera, allowing users to experience more realistic visual effects, such as selfies with Instagram filters that shape your face to look prettier or even face-swapping with your friends. This is why people say filters can ‘catfish’ others, meaning that people might think you look the same as in your picture, but in reality, you do not. Filters are not only a way for people to present themselves and the real world but also a means to construct themselves and the world (Constructing an imaginary self for others to see is like retouching the self) (Barker 2020).
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According to Ryan-Mosley (2021), filters not only enhance the visual appeal of images but also integrate with location-based beautification, making the portrayal of an "ideal life" appear more authentic. People tend to present their best selves using filters, reflecting their desire to be admired. Over time, they become accustomed to these enhanced images, perceiving the illusions created by filters as reasonable and justified.
While filters can be fun, it's essential to remember the line between enhancing and misrepresenting reality. Always strive for authenticity, and be mindful of the message you're sending with heavily altered images. Research by Barker (2020) found that excessive use of beauty filters on platforms like Snapchat and Instagram can lead to unrealistic beauty standards and affect self-esteem and body image. As responsible digital citizens, users should also be aware that certain filters may unintentionally cross the line into cultural appropriation or sensitivity. Pick filters that won't affect or shade other people’s culture because non-verbal communication could misrepresent other cultures, especially in a country like Malaysia with rich cultural diversity.
Furthermore, filters that frequently use facial recognition technologies raise privacy concerns. Ensure you are satisfied with the permissions you are granting and are aware of the privacy consequences. Recent findings emphasize the risks, as hackers now have the capability to steal face scans through fake apps and AI-powered deepfakes. Cybercriminals can steal and misuse sensitive information by creating phony apps that require biometric data, according to Singular Security (2024). This can result in illegal access to secure apps and substantial financial loss.
But people use filters not just to become more beautiful. In an era of competition for attention and constant comparison, “beautification” helps to compete for limited resources such as attention and brings inner spiritual satisfaction and returns of social capital. Filters are a side profile of today’s accelerated society.
For Software Literacy:
Instagram lets users create their own filters by downloading Spark AR Studio. There was a craze for special effects photography. Spark AR Studio is Facebook's (Meta) new AR Studio, allowing you to design personalized AR filters that enhance content with distinctive visual experiences by adding interactive effects to your camera display. Download Spark AR Studio, familiarize yourself with its interface, and start adding and modifying items to get started. After testing your filter, send it to Spark AR Hub for assessment (Marriott 2019). Creating AR filters becomes interesting and approachable with tools like community assistance and introductory tutorials. Gaining proficiency with this tool will improve your social media presence and equip you with valuable AR development abilities that will be in high demand across a range of sectors as AR technology advances (Spark Meta n.d.). Craig (2013) stated that this will also let people learn more and improve their software literacy.
Instagram filters can be useful and a perfect tool to boost your confidence, but they also come with responsibilities. By being a mindful digital citizen and enhancing your software literacy, you can create your ideal filters yourself!
Comment and share what filters you have created and how obsessed you are with Instagram filters!
Barker, J 2020, 'Making-up on mobile: The pretty filters and ugly implications of Snapchat',Intellect, vol. 7, no. 2-3, 2050-0726, pp. 207-221.
Marriott, B 2019, Create an Instagram Filter | Beginner Spark AR Tutorial, 17 October, viewed 6 June 2024, <https://youtu.be/_B0G1jIaxMA?si=2di7ckEH_TAtIp6x>
Opitz, S. C. 2020, ‘BEAUTY FILTERS WHEN BEAUTY IS STANDARDISED’, From Print to Pixel, 5 June, viewed 6 June2024 , <https://www.fromprinttopixel.ch/en/my-networked-images/beauty-filter>.
Ryan-Mosley, T 2021, Beauty Filters Are Changing the Way Young Girls See Themselves, MIT Technology Review, 2 April, viewed 6 June 2024, <https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/04/02/1021635/beauty-filters-young-girls-augmented-reality-social-media/.>
Singular Security 2024,Hackers Can Now Steal Face Scans, singularsecurity.com, 7May, viewed 6 June 2024, <https://www.singularsecurity.com/2024/05/07/hackers-can-now-steal-face-scans/>.
Spark.meta n.d.,  Meta Spark Studio - Create Immersive AR Experiences, spark.meta.com, viewed 6 June 2024,
‌PewDiePie 2019, We need to STOP INSTAGRAM Filters!, 31 October, viewed 6 June 2024,
0 notes
charles5436 · 1 year
The OnePlus Nord: Everything You Need to Know About Its Features, Design, and More || NEoDrafts
Mobile phones have become the de facto best friends of everyone in these tough quarantine times. Becoming so intimate with the mobiles that they begin to seem boring is an unexpected aftermath. With many models and upgrades in the market, it is not difficult to rectify such situations. All You Need to Know About OnePlus Nord, Features, Design and Many More
Out of all the available brands and models, OnePlus NORD surely sweeps the top spot in the hearts of the people. Eager to fulfil the tagline of OnePlus “Value for Money”, OnePlus released NORD in an affordable price range. Let’s dive into the specifications and features of this unarguably the best smartphone of 2020.
OnePlus Nord Background:
Exclusive for the mid-tier smartphone section, OnePlus has launched NORD on July 21st. Available exclusively with Amazon and the company’s own website, NORD aims to go on sale from August 4th. Also, with its a high-end variant set to hit the market in September. Keeping in mind the global economic crisis and staying true to the company’s concept, the launch of OnePlus NORD will bring the best of both worlds.
Playing in the affordable price ranges of ₹24,999 to ₹30,000 for all the NORD variants, OnePlus smartphone seems to have returned to its roots. Also, the likes of such quality mobiles at reasonable prices had been the youth of OnePlus as a brand.
Specification of OnePlus NORD:
Available in head-turning colors of Blue Marble and Grey Onyx adds to the aesthetics of this smartphone.
With 6.44 inches AMOLED display with resolution 1800X2400 pixels and 90Hz refresh rate, OnePlus ensured that there was no compromise with quality with respect to the price. And an option of tuning the refresh rate down to 60Hz is also available to save battery life. No stopping you on awesome games and an endless movie marathon.
OnePlus boasts of 6 cameras, 4 rear and 2 front. 48MP main camera + 8MP ultra-wide + 2MP macro + 5MP depth sensor. 32MP Sony IMX616 primary sensor + 8MP secondary sensor for the front cameras. Super slow motion, Time-lapse and a 4K video recording can satisfy every amateur photographer’s needs.
Updated software to suit today’s fast-paced generation, OxygenOS10.5 based on Android 10 is the best offered at this price range. Powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G 5G processor with Adreno, everything on the mobile becomes faster and efficient.
Going along with the trend, NORD supports face unlock and fingerprint scanner. This sensitive equipment is protected by strong Gorilla Glass 5 on the front and back.
Do not get disappointed with no micro SD slot for with The OnePlus Nord the base model of 6GB RAM/64GB storage variant, the 8GB RAM/128GB storage and 12GB RAM/256GB storage variants remove this necessity of separate storage space.
With a 4115 mAh battery (non-removable), and fast charging 30W guaranteeing 70% charge in 30 minutes, it is the best deal available at the mid-price range.
What Is Unique in OnePlus NORD?
The number of variants with the quality and features at the given price range is a feat worth mentioning. The focus on user experience rather than the specifications is a welcome shift in the series of OnePlus smartphone launches. And the OnePlus NORD surely packs a punch in its performance.
Another scarcely mentioned advantage of NORD is that its thermal footprint is well in control even if the phone usage is pushed to the limits. This means you do not have to scald your hand when excessive usage of the smartphone is unavoidable. The better selfie cameras and filter options are definitely an upgrade from OnePlus’s previous models. The photographer’s soul in you will assuredly be super satisfied.
In conclusion, with OnePlus NORD, you get more than you expected and at a reasonable price range. And also with OnePlus as a brand that continuously strives for perfection, new upgrade in the software are available frequently. To sum up, this makes the NORD smartphone stand the test of time and usage for years to come.
0 notes
findmyblogs · 2 years
Top 5 iPhones in 2021
The United States tech giant Apple has become a family-friendly phone over the past few years and introduced its top 5 major best iPhones in the world. Here we are presenting its features and highlights in 2021.
Apple iPhone 12
Apple has released four different variations of the iPhone 12 series. iPhone 12 welcomes you with the fastest 5G speed smartphone chip ever. It's not just the improved speed that you'd be getting in iPhone 12, it also comes with many other upgrades, such as a new fresh design and improved durability.
Main Features:
The design of the iPhone 12 is very impressive and revised after a long time. It comes with flat edges that look nice enough. The iPhone 12 is improved by Apple’s new Ceramic Shield material which increases its durability and makes it scratch-proof.
The iPhone 12 comes with a brighter and more beautiful OLED display. This Super Retina XDR display of the apple delivers more contrast as well as amazing color accuracy.
You get an advanced dual-camera system in the iPhone 12 which also features amazing Night mode selfies. The camera of the phone works with A14 Bionic so that you can enable computational photography and get excellent camera shots.
iPhone 12 also offers a great battery time as a single full charge can provide up to 17 hours of video playback. Apple uses a powerfully efficient A14 Bionic chip to manage battery consumption in its 2815mAh battery in iPhone 12.
Operating System: iOS 14.1
CPU: Hexa-core (2x3.1 GHz Firestorm + 4x1.8 GHz Ice storm)
Internal Memory:  64GB / 128GB / 256GB
Main Camera: 12MP + 12MP
Front Camera: 12MP
Display: 6.1 inches Super Retina XDR OLED
Resolution: 1170 x 2532 pixels
Dimensions: 146.7mm x 71.5mm x 7.4 mm
Weight: 164g
Battery: Li-Ion 2815 math + 20W Fast charging
Sensors: Face ID, Accelerometer, Gyro, Proximity, Compass, Barometer
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iPhone 11:
The iPhone 11 was introduced in September 2019 and Apple has continued selling it. iPhone 11 is the phone which is attracting the most people who are planning to upgrade to Apple phones. Apple is offering most of the top-end technology in the powerful iPhone 11 Pro.
Main Features:
The iPhone 11 is design-wise an attractive phone. It is built with a glass and aluminum combo that gives it a premium feel. The glass design of the iPhone 11 comes in six different colors.
The iPhone 11 has a 6.1-inch display and it uses LCD technology rather than OLED. This display is still decent though, as Apple has manufactured the screen to be bright, sharp, and clear.
The iPhone 11 is an excellent phone with one of the best cameras the industry has seen on a smartphone. The iPhone 11 features wide and ultrawide 12MP cameras at the back and a 12MP camera at the front.
The iPhone 11 comes with a massive Li-Ion battery of 3110 mAh. The phone also supports wireless charging and it can also fast charge with the 18W chargers of Apple.
Operating System: iOS 13
CPU: Hexa-core (2x2.65 GHz Lightning + 4x1.8 GHz Thunder)
Internal Memory:  64GB / 128GB / 256GB
Main Camera: 12MP + 12MP
Front Camera: 12MP
Display: 6.1 inches Liquid Retina IPS LCD
Resolution: 828 x 1792 pixels
Dimensions: 150.9 x 75.7 x 8.3
Weight: 194g
Battery: Li-Ion 3110 mAh + 18W Fast charging / Qi wireless charging
Sensors: Face ID, accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, barometer
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iPhone SE (Special Edition):
The 2020 iPhone SE is one of the most famous products of the Apple company that attracted a lot of users to Apple. The iPhone SE 2020 is lightweight and affordable as well as a Powerful smartphone. This apple device is also at an affordable price which is why fans are loving it. It’s one of the best iPhones ever created that you can buy for less than half the price of a new flagship phone Apple.
Main Features:
The design of the iPhone SE is modern but also shows a look at our digital past. The iPhone SE (2020) is built with Gorilla Glass panels and an aluminum frame. The metal-and-glass design of the phone is really impressive in the black, white, and red colors.
The iPhone SE packs a 4.7" LED-backlit IPS LCD screen. The display of the Apple iPhone SE offers a true tone of colors. Although, the display on the iPhone SE 2020 is not equipped with a lot of features it still gives a premium look.
The iPhone SE has a 12-megapixel camera as the main camera sensor and it is also equipped with 7 megapixels selfie camera on the front. The iPhone SE takes beautiful photos in all kinds of light conditions. These photos are clean in the detail and also color-accurate.
The battery life of the iPhone SE is all right and can give you back a full day. The phone has 1821 mAh non-removable battery. You can charge your phone through fast charging or wireless charging.
Operating System: iOS 13
CPU: Hexa-core (2x2.65 GHz Lightning + 4x1.8 GHz Thunder)
Internal Memory:  64GB / 128GB / 256GB
Main Camera: 12MP
Front Camera: 07MP
Display: 4.7 inches Retina IPS LCD
Resolution: 750 x 1334 pixels
Dimensions: 138.4 x 67.3 x 7.3mm
Weight: 148g
Battery: Li-Ion 1821 mAh + Fast charging 18W / Qi wireless charging
Sensors: Fingerprint (front-mounted), accelerometer, proximity, gyro, compass, barometer
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Apple iPhone XR:
The iPhone XR is one of the good-looking, powerful, optimized, and affordable phones Apple. If you're looking for an iPhone at an affordable price then the iPhone XR is a strong suggestion. This phone comes with the latest software as well as enough power and the great battery life required for an iPhone. The apple phone delivers 95 percent of the high-end experience at a reasonable price.
Main Features:
The iPhone XR has a compact design and comes in six new colors. You have the classic black and white colors to choose from which is a great combination or selection. The iPhone XR got a matte aluminum frame on the back which is going to be durable for a long time.
The screen quality of the iPhone XR is excellent as it is a 6.1-inch display and uses the Liquid Retina technology of Apple. The display LCD of XR is super accurate and provides outstanding color performance.
The iPhone XR is equipped with a 7-megapixel selfie camera on the front. It has also a greater camera of 12 megapixels on the backside of the screen. These cameras use Apple’s Smart HDR system that helps you take amazing and beautiful shots.
The overall battery life on the iPhone XR is very good as it provides excellent screen time on a full charge. However, the charger of the phone is a bit slower as after one hour of charge you will get only around 40%.
Operating System: iOS 12
CPU: Hexa-core (2x2.5 GHz Vortex + 4x1.6 GHz Tempest)
Internal Memory:  64GB / 128GB / 256GB
Main Camera: 12MP
Front Camera: 07MP
Display: 6.1 inches Liquid Retina IPS LCD
Resolution: 828 x 1792 pixels
Dimensions: 150.9 x 75.7 x 8.3mm
Weight: 194g
Battery: Li-Ion 2942 mAh + Fast charging 15W / Qi wireless charging
Sensors: Face ID, accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, barometer
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Apple iPhone X:
Apple’s one of the top and revolutionary phones, the iPhone 10 comes with a great screen and premium and strong design. iPhone X remains a winning evolution of Apple and proved to be the most loved product of the company from its launch. The phone is faster, smoother, and offers a gorgeous design as well as a Face ID feature, lots of cameras, and much more.
Main Features:
The iPhone X is simply gorgeous and looks beautiful. The phone is just a little taller than the iPhone 8 and offers the perfect balance of front and back design. Apple has used stainless steel for the iPhone X on the sides and glass is used on the front and rear sides.
The 5.8-inch OLED display of the iPhone X is quite simple and a good display that apple never used before the launch of the iPhone X. The sharpness and the quality of the screen as well as color visibility are excellent.
Apple has manufactured iPhone X with the Face ID feature along with a depth-sensing front camera of 07MP. The phone has a similar dual-12MP camera that works as a wide-angle and telephoto lens. The camera setup also looks beautiful that captures great-quality photos and videos.
The iPhone X is equipped with a non-removable battery of Li-Po. It is a 2,716 mAh battery that gives you a good usage time. The iPhone X doesn’t come with the super-fast charger and is shipped with a very slow 05-watt charger. However, the phone supports fast charging and the charger for iPad or Mac books can also be used with it.
Operating System: iOS 11.1.1
CPU: Hexa Hexa-core 2.39 GHz (2x Monsoon + 4x Mistral)
Internal Memory:  64GB / 256GB
Main Camera: Dual camera of 12MP + 12MP
Front Camera: 07MP
Display: 5.8 inches Super Retina OLED with HDR10
Resolution: 1125 x 2436pixels
Dimensions: 143.6 x 70.9 x 7.7 mm
Weight: 174g
Battery: Li-Ion 2716 mAh + Supports Fast charging of 15W / Qi wireless charging
Sensors: Face ID, accelerometer, gyro, proximity, compass, barometer
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vmgreys · 2 years
Dlight samsung
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Dlight samsung full#
Dlight samsung Bluetooth#
Samsung Electronics' technology and services revolve around people. Find out something new about yourself and place yourself at the center of a whole new world that you build. Samsung d'light is an exhibition space built to let you have fun with Samsung Galaxy A02 64GB is available at Bovic at the best price.Future Possibilities Presented by Samsung Electronicsĭiscover a new world of possibility with Samsung,Īnd experience how much fun the future will be. This Smartphone is available in Black and Blue colors. It is powered by a Li-Po 5000mAh non-removable battery. Sensors on the A02 include accelerometer and proximity.
Dlight samsung Bluetooth#
It has Bluetooth 4.2, A2DP, GPS, with A-GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, BDS, FM Radio, and microUSB 2.0. The Galaxy A02 32GB comes with various connectivity features including Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, dual-band, and Wi-Fi Direct. The front area is Glass, the back is plastic and it has a plastic frame. The body dimensions are 164.2 x 75.9 x 9.1 mm. This phone was announced in 2020, November 24. With this phone, you can always capture superb selfies with a good amount of detail. It comes with a 5MP front-facing camera with an f/2.2 aperture. Samsung Galaxy A02 32GB can record videos. The LED flash allows you to capture amazing photos in places with low light. The triple camera system consists of a 13 MP, f/2.2, wide main lens, and a 2 MP, f/2.4, macro lens. Samsung Galaxy A02 32GB’s main camera consists of two lenses. Internal storage space is 64GB and there is 3GB of RAM. Samsung A02 32GB allows you to expand the memory via a memory card slot, microSDXC. The display is vibrant, stunning, and bright. Its resolution is 720 x 1600 pixels, has 20:9 ratio, and 270 PPI density. This display is ideal for browsing the internet, watching videos, and playing games. The Galaxy A02 64GB features a PLS IPS display measuring 6.5 inches. The highlights of his budget phone include 6.5 inch HD display, 32GB onboard storage, and a 5000mAh battery. This phone comes just a few months after Samsung Kenya launched the Galaxy A02s and the Galaxy A12. Samsung Galaxy A02 32GB is a budget phone perfect for anyone looking for a good quality smartphone below 15k. Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Wi-Fi Direct, hotspot
Dlight samsung full#
Samsung Galaxy A02 32GB Full Specifications LAUNCH
Two-color options are available in Kenya – Black and Blue.
This device is powered by a 5000mAh Li-Po battery.
Accelerometer and proximity sensors are available.
The front-facing camera is 5-megapixels.
The back camera is dual – with a 13-megapixel primary lens accompanied by a 2-megapixels macro lens.
It also has a dedicated memory card slot allowing extra storage.
This smartphone is equipped with Mediatek MT6739W (28 nm) chipset.
This display has a resolution of 720 pixels by 1600 pixels.
It comes with a PLS IPS capacitive display measuring 6.5 inches.
Outstanding Samsung Galaxy A02 32GB Features It is available in Black and Blue colors. This smartphone was released in January 2021. It has 3GB of RAM and 64GB of built-in storage space. The price of the Samsung Galaxy A02 in Kenya is KSh 12,499. Samsung Galaxy A02 32GB Price In Kenya & Key Specs Price
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shivam11110000 · 4 years
सस्ते और शानदार स्मार्टफोन, कीमत सिर्फ 10 हजार रुपये
सस्ते और शानदार स्मार्टफोन, कीमत सिर्फ 10 हजार रुपये
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>अगर आप एक शानदार स्मार्टफोन खरीदने का प्लान कर रहे हैं तो ये आपके लिए बेस्ट मौका है. इन दिनों स्मार्टफोन पर कई डील मिल रही हैं. कंपनियों ने अपने कई स्मार्टफोन की कीमत पर लॉन्चिंग के बाद कटौती कर दी है. आज हम आपको ऐसे फोन Source link
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avitaknews · 4 years
सस्ते और शानदार स्मार्टफोन, कीमत सिर्फ 10 हजार रुपये
सस्ते और शानदार स्मार्टफोन, कीमत सिर्फ 10 हजार रुपये
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>अगर आप एक शानदार स्मार्टफोन खरीदने का प्लान कर रहे हैं तो ये आपके लिए बेस्ट मौका है. इन दिनों स्मार्टफोन पर कई डील मिल रही हैं. कंपनियों ने अपने कई स्मार्टफोन की कीमत पर लॉन्चिंग के बाद कटौती कर दी है. आज हम आपको ऐसे फोन Source link
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sarasa-cat · 2 years
Sometime this morning I was being amused by some arts and tech fluff piece in the NYT about how elder Gen Z are into distorted, wonky, unstaged selfies for Instagram— and this involves using the wide angle back camera on a phone so you cannot see the photo as you are taking it and some of them purposefully don’t even look at the photo til later leaving it as a lolsnort surprise. The whole point is to be stupid and contagious (oops wrong Gen) purposefully messy and anti-Instagram perfection.
And the comments on the article were all from older ppl — boomers I assume (bc I recognized some of the commenters handles and know something about some of them) and it was all WHAT THE FUCK ARE WRONG WITH KIDS THESE DAYS NO WONDer ThE WoRlD is In tHE ToILEt. Rrrgggg dumb kids so lazy and stupid!!!
(And contagious).
Anyhow I already knew about this from a few years back (why do I know these trends? Idk?) and when I first noted it I thought —
Okay, hold on here, bc I need to address all my millennial gen friends bc I really do love you so much and have since you all started coming of age and entering my adult (lol university) friends circle — I do have a bunch of my literal best friends in the millennial gen especially in that Xennial crew but also younger than that too —
I thought a few years ago— omfg thank god the gen Zeds (or Zees) are growing up to the point they have an effect on culture bc they (unsurprisingly!) remind me SO MUCH OF GEN X But with modern tech and late 20teens / early 2020s problems.
The humor in gen Z is totally a revamp of gen X humor. Which makes sense. gen Z are technically gen X’s kids.
Ppl can argue whether generation theory in sociology is bullshit or has something to say. Idk. I’m on the fence. But I do see societal swings of certain sorts: like, millennials were boomers revamped in many ways, which made gen X roll our eyes. What-ever.
I’m sure gen x was actually some sort of weird console video game playing revamp of (what the fuck came before boomers? Uh…)
Uhhh wikipedia?
The silent generation. Omfg they were named the SILENT generation in america. Shit you not. The leadership of the civil rights movement and the so called silent majority. From 1951 article in Time magazine:
“The most startling fact about the younger generation is its silence. With some rare exceptions, youth is nowhere near the rostrum. By comparison with the Flaming Youth of their fathers & mothers, today's younger generation is a still, small flame. It does not issue manifestoes, make speeches or carry posters. It has been called the "Silent Generation."”
Yeah, bc the parents of the boomers who came b4 them were called The Greatest Generation lol.
Seriously- that is what the press said about Gen X in the 90s- they are losers and slackers and blah blah blah do nothing lay abouts. Yeah, whatever. And then millennials came along and they were the Golden Children who would do everything right. Whatever.
So I am not surprised boomers are shitting on Gen Z while Gen X are eye rolling.
Anyhow- we need more messy shit and less of this staged aesthetic ffs. Yeah, even if messy is an aesthetic.
I just want to have less freaking expectations about the damn professional look that millennials created for women bc it is too time consuming and so entirely not my jam and I was SO PISSED OFF when it became an Expectation(tm).
(Don’t worry millennials- ur still many of my besties. 🌟)
Edited to add: despite my earlier post today about the news making me feel stupider, this made me smirk 😏- it’s the real news in america that is just fucking fuck)
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shopelectronics · 2 years
Buy iPads Online 2022 At Exciting Offers
iPads can give you better portability and comfort than larger screens like laptops. You can stream, watch, write, draw, read and play games on the iPad. The latest and best iPads are immensely popular for these reasons and more. Buyers can easily get the best deals on the latest iPad online.
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But if you are confused about picking one out of the popular iPads, read on for a comprehensive guide to iPad generations.
Find the Best iPad Models and Generations
iPad Air 5 (2022)
If you are looking to get some serious work done, like video editing or document editing, then iPad Air 5 is a perfect match for you.
Features & Specifications:
Size:     good sized 10.9-inch display, 359.2cm² 
Internal     storage: 64GB/256GB, 8GB RAM
Selfie     Camera: 12MP/12MP (ultrawide)
iPad     Air 5 displays the same     octa-core M1 chip as the 2021
model comprising     four performance cores and other four efficiency cores.
Compatible     with Apple Pencil (1st generation)
Available     at AED 2,499 and AED 3,099 etc.
Get     iPad Air 5 at the best eCommerce     stores offering discounts. 
iPad Air (2020)
The built-in features elevate the iPad Air 2020 to a worthwhile investment for customers. The new iPad Air 2020s performance will be incredibly quick thanks to the new Apple A14 Bionic chipset. 
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     A14 bionic processor
Display     Size: 10.9-inch 
Display     Type: liquid retina IPS LCD
Storage:     64GB/256GB and 4GB RAM
Main     Camera: 12MP wide cameras
Resolution: Great display with 1640 x     2360 pixels
Impressive sound quality with the option to connect with stereo speakers.
Battery     Type: Li-Ion 7606 mAh
Price     dipped to AED 3,029
iPad Pro 12.9
The iPad Pro 12.9 is the best tablet in the world, and if you can use it to its fullest capacity, it is well worth the price! An improved Apple Pencil 2 with expanded features and a great screen size for drawings that appears to be bezel-less are the highlight feature of the device.
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     M1 processor
Display:     Liquid retina 12.9-inch 
Storage     options: 128GB/256GB/512GB/1TB/2TB, 8GB RAM/16GB RAM
Camera:     12MP (wide), 10MP (UltraWide) main camera and 12MP (UltraWide) selfie     camera 
The     price starts at AED 4,399
iPad Pro 11 (2021)
iPad Pro's M1 chip has a great screen and super fast processing power that will be useful for running some demanding games and using certain apps like video and picture editing.
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     Apple M1 processor
Display:     11-inch liquid retina
Generous     storage options: 128GB/256GB/512GB/1TB/2TB, 8GB RAM/12GB RAM
Camera:     12MP front and back camera
iPad Pro 12.9 inches (2020)
iPad Pro (2020) doesn't have the power of M1 processing but is still a cool-looking device with a keyboard that gives a laptop-like working experience. Although now we have iPad Pro 12.9 inches (2021) 2020 model is still an excellent performer.
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     A12Z bionic
Display:     liquid retina 12.9-inch inches screen
Storage     options: 128GB To 1TB
Camera:     12MP wide and 12MP UltraWide camera
iPad Pro 11-inch (2018)
The iPad Pro 2018 is an incredible piece of technology and is undoubtedly worth the price. 
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     A12Z bionic
Display:     Liquid retina 12.9-inch screen
Internal     Storage: 128GB, 4GB RAM To 1TB, 6GB RAM
Camera:     12MP wide front camera and 7 MP selfie camera
Supports     2nd generation Apple pencil
iPad mini (2021)
The iPad Mini is not big, yet its screen is bigger than a phone. It provides a sizable portion of the screen to work on. It flows well and is simple to use. It is very portable and ideal for browsing and reading books.
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     A15 bionic
Display:     8.3-inch screen
Internal     storage: 64GB, 256GB and 4GB RAM 
12MP     main and selfie camera
iPad 10.2 inch (9th gen)
At its pricing point, the iPad 9th generation is already a great tablet offering excellent value for money. 
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     Apple A13 bionic
Display:     10.2-inch screen
Storage:     64/256 GB, 3GB RAM 
Camera:     Main camera-8MP, Selfie Camera-12MP 
Good     battery life—Li-Ion 8557 mAh 
iPad 10.2 (2020)
The Apple Pencil iPad supports iPad 10.2, and it offers a very realistic simulation of writing on paper and has virtually no lag. iPad 10.2 offers great value for money and includes all the essential iPad features.
Features & Specifications:
Chipset:     A12 bionic
Display:     10.2-inch screen
Storage:     32 GB, 128GB and 3GB
Camera:     8MP/12MP 
Thick     bezels: 8mm on the left and right and 20mm at the top and bottom
Why wait till black Friday sales when you can buy iPads at the best price throughout the year? Buyers can easily buy iPad at the best price online at low prices at Jumbo Electronics today. 
So head over to browse good deals on new iPad models and order one right now!
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asherlockstudy · 3 years
Reviewing all my phones simply because I wanna
*including the family phones because I have always been the poor soul that managed all of them regardless of age
Nokia 5110 (1998)
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Ah the memories... When the phones were that. Phones. I was probably around 6 when we got that and I was still the one handling it because my parents aren't the most tech savvy people. It was a thick phone, which I actually like, it had 6 but good ringtones and of course it had Snake. That's all we cared about back then. Not as tough as its reputation because we had to change it after 2-3 years.
BTW: my mom insists we also had the famous NOKIA 3310 but I have no memory of it whatsoever. Well, it's not like my mom can tell models apart.
Motorola 120e (2002)
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I wonder, what were we thinking as a family when we bought this object? The funny thing is that I am sure we bought it because we (mom) thought it looked pretty. It was slim, silver and UGLY AS HELL. The buttons were super dysfunctional, the screen was tiny and everyday the phone had one new bug. At some point after months? weeks? it simply died. Quietly, on its own. Nobody was sorry.
Sharp GX20 (2003)
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Back when Sharp was trendy, this was one pretty phone and certainly the prettiest of the Sharp GXXX line. The design was simply beautiful, the main screen was huge, the main camera was way ahead of its time and you could take a selfie by looking at yourself in the external screen. The small screen would also show notifications, the time, pictures etc. The only nonsensical thing about this phone was that the maximum video and voice recording session was only 10 seconds or something. WTF
Sony Ericsson K750i (2005)
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So if you didn't know it yet, here's the fact: K750i is the best phone ever created. The unsung hero. I saw an advertisement for it in a magazine and that was the first time I was fully manipulated by an ad. I wanted it so bad it was the only thing I was thinking about. I wasn't wrong. This phone proved the ultimate GOAT for its time. It was the direct predecessor of the walkman phones and it was in my opinion better because it specialized both in camera and music. The design was simply wonderful, with the silver back opening to reveal the lens. It was also as tough as any classic NOKIA and more. I bought it before 8th grade and kept it till my second year in university (8 years). It was still working fine but it was basically dissolving in my hands. My parents begged me to buy me a smartphone and my friends thought I was ridiculous. They couldn't understand. I am seriously considering buying a 3D model of this phone (it exists) just for the memories.
Alcatel OneTouch Pixi 3 (2015)
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See this? This is the worst idiotphone someone had the audacity to create. Bought the gold one for mom because she only cares for looks and she wanted a "smart"phone to feel relevant (even though she can't even use the basic phones). Anyway, even I can't use that phone. Everything about it is bad. Bad responsiveness, bad interface, bad camera, bad screen, bad memory, bad battery, bad CPU EVERYTHING IS BAD There is literally not one good thing I can think about this phone. It's obviously a low-end device but what I mean is it is bad by low-end standards. Utterly horrible. I was tempted to throw it from the balcony quite a few times. If you want to kill time, go read reviews of this monstrosity.
Samsung Galaxy S5 mini (2014)
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My personal initiation to the smartphone world was traumatic in the beginning as I had to buy this phone twice, because I lost the first one after a few months. However, the fact that I paid again for the exact same model is a hint about how much I liked that phone. Small, beautiful with changing skins, simple and so bloody functional. I have no complains whatsoever except the memory proved small for me after 5 years of filling it up. I bought a memory card and then Samsung fucked something up with the compatibility. My phone was broken. I spent a month trying to fix the software myself. I did it eventually. I still have it now but the battery drains in a few hours without touching it. I am heartbroken. I don't know if I should change the battery or it is because of the "touched" software I put in there. And it has become unbearably slow. I knew I had to swallow it and buy a new phone. But I knew, any phone I chose would always be an Android and preferably Samsung.
iPhone 12 mini (2020)
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This... didn't go as planned. Let me explain myself. I am an Android fan, I love its interface and customization freedom. I hate everything about Apple. I don't like iphones either. BUT IT'S NOT MY FAULT THERE ISN'T ONE SINGLE NORMAL SIZED ANDROID PHONE IN THE MARKET. IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR APPARENTLY USING YOUR PHONES WITH YOUR FEET OR WHAT. I need a phone, not a freaking ear laptop. This was the only phone that could fit in my hand, only slightly larger than the S5 mini. I mean, it's not my ideal choice to sell a kidney for a phone, trust me. It's been several months and I dare say I am... okay with the iphone. I still prefer Android but I admit iOS is clean cut, so to speak. I hate how limited it is in customization and I hate that it literally burns like lava while charging or running a heavy app. But more than anything else, I hate how much Apple exploits its customers. An app that is free on Google Play can cost 10 bucks per month in Playstore. Let's not forget that I had to go buy chargers and cables separately to make my phone functional. Go fuck yourself Apple, honestly. It's a pretty phone but you don't deserve the hype. Camera is very good though. And the one thing that made me bond a little with this phone was that a friend pointed out it is a very "me" phone - it's admittedly a phone that when you see it, you will pick me out of a group of people as its likeliest owner. And so... I don't hate it that much. My concern is what will happen when I will have to buy a phone in the (hopefully distant) future... they don't make phones for my hands anymore. Actually, they don't make phones anymore period
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joezworld · 4 years
Specifically, any headcanons of the Sodor Engines interacting with the internet, or the internet in general?
For some reason, I’d imagine that podcasts and the like are popular among vehicles in general.
That is a question that I've been working on for some time - because I'm workshopping my own Tornado headcanon (and boy oh boy does she use the internet a lot) - but I have some ideas for the Sodor engines as well: 
Henry is probably the most "plugged in" engine on the island, weirdly enough. One of his drivers gave him an iPod back in the early 2000s, and kindly preloaded it with a bunch of torrented music.
 BTW, that works because all the engines are now equipped with automatic train warning systems, and the little on-board computer has a USB port - as a nice side effect it allows music players to work with the engines in the same way as bone-conducting headphones do. The computer also acts as some kind of computer interface, which I am not going to explain how that works because Jesus Christ I don’t know how it does either.  
 Henry has managed to upgrade his iPod a few times since thanks to hand-me-down units from NWR staff, so he eventually got his buffers on a wifi-enabled iPod Touch and now downloads new music from the station wifi. He does listen to podcasts, but as every other engine will tell you, you could show Henry ten thousand new and exciting songs from the best artists in the world, and his top ten played songs are still going to be Genesis, Phil Collins, and Yes. Bear considers it a win that he managed to convince Henry to regularly listen to Rush after a mere twenty years of convincing. 
 Mavis and Daisy listen to a very interesting program called The News, because as stated elsewhere, they invest a shitload of money and need to be on top of things. Thomas and Percy wish that Daisy would use headphones or something similar to that, instead of listening to Bloomberg TV at loud volumes in the middle of the night. Toby frankly doesn’t mind, as it’s very nice to be kept up-to-date on the outside world.  
In a move that surprises no-one, Bill and Ben have a podcast where they talk about whatever they think about at that moment - usually horse-racing, investing, and clay mining. As such, they have a wide audience, almost none of whom know that they’re that Bill and Ben, as their podcast is audio-only.  
 In an also unsurprising move, Edward and BoCo have been made very much aware that Bill and Ben have a podcast, but are still unsure as to what the hell a podcast is, despite being frequent guests on it.  
Of the main line diesels, only Bear has shown any real interest in the internet, and was immediately put in charge of the Amazon Alexa when a unit was installed in the diesel shed. He also has an iPod that he got for Christmas a few years back. (The NWR has a very good personal  electronics recycling program called give it to Henry, he’ll make use it.)  
Bear does listen to podcasts as well as music, but his choices are so insufferably boring that even Henry refuses to listen to them. (I don’t really listen to podcasts - despite making one - so insert the most boring podcast you can think of here.) 
 As for other internet uses... 
Gordon is very up-to-date on the newest social media trends - somehow - but only really cares when he is involved. He won’t admit it, but he’s been trying to figure out how to work a camera/selfie stick for some time so he can start up his own Instagram account. So far he has been unsuccessful, but one day he will manage it. 
 James has had an ongoing feud with his own Wikipedia page for about a decade now. The article sourced most of its information about his construction off of some out-of-print book about the L&Y. The book in question is accurate about James’ class, but not James himself - as he was a prototype engine. There’s no other primary sources available, so the very dedicated Wikipedia mod who created the page won’t change it - no matter how much James complains that he was there! He knows what happened! 
Every now and again a TTTE fan blog/tumblr will make a post about hypothetical “ships” of the Sodor engines. Most of the time it’s shipping the core characters like Gordon and Henry, much to Gordon’s bafflement and Henry’s amusement! 
Only one blog (a ttte fan tumblr by the curious name of @mean-scarlet-deceiver  ) has gotten it right. Henry actually reached out to congratulate this blogger, but was unfortunately mistaken for a very dedicated roleplay account.  
James is very annoyed by these blogs, as they have never once correctly guessed who he is “shipped” with! He has tried several times to be seen in public with Delta, but these events have never gone as planned - the “best” instance is when Edward rolled by at exactly the wrong moment, leading to months of speculation that JamesxEdward was the ship to look out for! 
Thomas, being a generally oblivious sort of engine, was totally unaware of the online fan community around the TV show until he started getting actively harassed by vloggers and Instagrammers in the early 2010s. He’s fine with it now, but it was a deeply unusual experience for most of 2012.  
Toby has developed an unexpectedly popular following on social media following his collab with Stormzy. His official twitter is huge now, with over a million followers, even if he has no idea what to do with it. He posts rarely, but usually manages to make an incredible post when he does.
No-one is sure who told Oliver what a “fan-production” is, but if you manage to get ahold of him for any period of time and ask him nicely, he will lend his voice to your TTTE fan-project, so long as it isn’t about [INSERT TERRIBLE SOCIAL/POLITICAL VIEW(S) HERE]. This means that he has 100% voiced dramatic readings of NSFW Fanfics before, which is always an absolute riot to spring on people unannounced.
There is a series of slice-of-life TTTE fanfics on Ao3 that have been written with such accuracy and innate railway knowledge that people are sure it was written by a Sodor engine, but nobody knows which one.
The Culdee Fell Railway has very active Instagram, Twitter and YouTube accounts, with all of the engines and coaches showing up regularly. It’s about the closest any of the railways on Sodor have come to what those outside the UK would call “normal locomotive social media”.
The Skarloey Railway has social media accounts too, but they don’t really feature the engines in any meaningful way, instead being used as a normal service announcements page.  
 The SR is a real working railway that doesn’t rely on tourism money as much as the others do, so they get a bit of a pass here.  
 The Arlesdale Railway has Twitter and YouTube, which didn’t usually get a lot of hits until 2020, when Ivan and Amanda Farrier started badgering the staff to make some videos just to alleviate some boredom. So far the most popular videos on the channel are a front-mounted camera video of the entire line slow-tv style, Bert explaining how steam engines work, and a video of Mike complaining about Justin Bieber for a solid half-hour.  
 That’s about it as far as Sodor goes, but before we’re done, I want to take a moment to talk about Tornado, because I have some fun ideas for her... 
First of all, we need to establish that Tornado is very young. Her construction only started in late 90′s, and she was steamed to life in 2000, putting her firmly into the “Zoomer” category. Add in the fact that she was built by a bunch of old men who didn’t really know how to treat a new engine, and she was raised much more like a human than a locomotive - I’ll get to this much more in the proper Tornado Headcanon post, but what this means here is that when social media started being a thing in the mid-to-late 2000′s, the people at the A1 Trust decided that they needed a young person to run things like Twitter, Facebook, and Myspace... and, well, Tornado was the youngest person in the trust by a large margin.
I should state here that in the rest of the world, locomotives are on the internet at roughly the same level as humans are, so there’s plenty of equipment to connect a phone/computer/camera to an engine - being English, the A1 Trust didn’t know how common it was, but they managed to get it up and running just the same.
 So Tornado has very quickly become attuned to the internet, just like any other teenager would. (yes, let’s let that settle into our minds for a moment - Tornado is barely old enough to drink in the US!) Quite naturally that means that she knows social media inside and out, and is actually quite a proficient social media manager for the trust, managing all of their social pages. More than one person who has complained about the trust on twitter has unknowingly been complaining to Tornado herself! 
 “On the internet, nobody knows that you’re a dog Engine”. 
 Tornado has her own personal social media accounts too, but most/all of the time she gets mistaken for a very dedicated role-player, as the general perception of British Locomotives is that they don’t tweet. This has resulted in some amazing reactions from podcast hosts (because, as you might expect, Tornado is very knowledgeable about steam traction in the 21st century, and tweets about it often, so train podcasts want to talk to her) when she gets invited onto video calls, turns on her webcam, and is met with screams from people who suddenly realize that her profile picture is accurate.  
 By far the best instance of this is when she was invited onto a video call with a railfan podcast. She was at the NRM at the time and managed to convince them to let her use their Skype setup. A wide-angle lens was needed because she was on the turntable in the Great Hall, so that podcast quickly got sidetracked when her webcam was turned on and revealed Tornado, with Mallard, Evening Star, City of Truro, and Green Arrow visible behind her. Whatever the original topic was quickly got thrown out in favor of a 2-hour Q&A with some of the most famous engines in the UK. 
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liam-93-productions · 4 years
Liam’s full interview with Tings Magazine - Part 1
Note: the interview was recorded in may 2020.
Justin Campbell: What is the weirdest YouTube/Instagram trend hole that you’ve fallen into? Liam: One that always gets me is putting Mentos in Pepsi or Coke. We all know what happens, but we have to watch the ending. I’ve seen it about fifty times, and it doesn’t change. But it’s weird finding out what things are interesting when you’re stuck inside. It’s a crazy ride watching the world react to this. It’s almost like everybody’s become a street performer. You see these people on the street who have a special skill like magic and the internet is now the place for that and everybody does it. 
Do you feel pressured to participate? Is there currency in that? Does that keep you relevant? I think artists have had to change a lot to fit in. There used to be mystery where you didn’t know too much about their lives, whereas we are in my living room now for all the world to see. I think that’s the biggest change of these newer platforms. I think you have to join in if you want to stay relevant. If you look at someone like Jason Derulo, he has 19 million followers on TikTok and he just started. His old songs are re-charting because of the TikTok chart. So, you can’t just make music and expect it to go well anymore. There has to be a personality and a story. It’s not quite the same anymore. 
There’s so many differente avenues to keep up with. There’s Instagram, YouTube, TikTok. It used to be you did radio, tours and late-night television. Now there seem to be a dozen things to do.  It’s crazy, this last promo schedule for me, having to do it indoors. I had to learn how to do a bunch of different jobs for the people that couldn’t be here. We put up a green screen in my lounge. We moved all the sofas, me and the camera guy that is staying with me set up the green screen and then you have to film it as well. It’s just crazy the amount of different things that you have to get involved in right now to stay relevant. And that’s all it is. The majority of the stuff isn’t really doing anything, but it’s doing loads at the same time if that makes sense. It’s a difficult thing to get used. And also, things have gotten jovial. So, you have to learn to make fun of ourselves. You can’t be Mr. Serious pop-star anymore. People aren’t really attracted to that anymore. People like the fun side of you, your personality and your humor come through on these things. It’s crazy. I thought about when I joined TikTok the other week, there’s a pressure to film something fun. But then if you are not having fun filming it, you’re not going to film a fun video. And I didn’t want to live my life every day thinking I got to film a video or nobody is going to care. I spent an hour trying to think of stuff and I don’t want to live my life like this. I enjoy then. I like going on TikTok and getting lost in a little TikTok rabbit hole, we all do, but I don’t know if I’m that way inclined mentally. 
With the need to share more, to share a comedic side or a vulnerable side, where do you draw the line? When do you stop sharing? How much of it is constructed sharing and how much of it is authentic sharing? It’s difficult. I’m very prone to enjoy a moment rather than take my camera out and film it. I’m always one of those people who take a picture of a sunset and then never look at it and say why did I bother taking the picture. I’d rather enjoy the moment. We live in a day and age where the camera phone is people’s first thought for things. And I’m just not one of those people. Humorous stuff will happen and it will be off the cuff, but we didn’t film it. And it will be like “aw, should we recreate it?” But we don’t want to recreate it. It just feels stupid. It always feels forced in that sense. So for me, I definitely struggle with sharing moments.  And you have those people out there, who are literally willing to do anything. There’s a trend for people who are shaving their eyebrows off at the moment. I’m not going to shave my eyebrows off so people will care a little more. That just doesn’t register with me. You have Jake and Logan Paul, who do a lot of crazy, crazy things to get noticed. And it’s like where do you draw the line. 
These platforms make it challenging to carve out a private life. People expect more and more of celebrities’ lives to be shared. They feel they have ownership of every aspect of people’s lives. What are your thoughts on that? From the start of this lockdown, the first James Corden TV performance was filmed in the lounge and we went through my whole house. I can remember back in the day when a newspaper sent out the photos of my house. I don’t like people knowing where I sleep because it’s a security problem for me. I had a big complaint about that. Now fast forward 5-6 years and the world has changed to where nothing is really a private or intimate moment. It’s strange. As One Direction, we were in an era on the rise of Twitter. I think Twitter helped us a lot. It was the way we trended on Twitter that actually made us famous. But being on the cusp of that internet stardom, we didn’t really care about how many followers [we had].  Now, it’s become a currency. I just struggle to take those things seriously, that it is part of the job because it feels so foreign. When we had apps as kids, there was no way to becoming MSN famous. Now kids want to be an Instagrammer or a TikTokker. It’s crazy. We never had that. 
You said something about people chasing the currency of liked and follows. Kids are thinking about that validation when they are creating content. How much of that are you thinking about it when you create music or social media/video content? I think, for me, I don’t often pay attention to how many likes thing gets. As a pop star, you have to have an average amount per post. We have to have meetings now where people will go through posts, and tell you why this works. Which for me, it seems insane, but you have this persona that you have to keep up online. And definitely, when posting certain things, you are gauging whether it’s going to get a reaction or there’s no point in posting it. And that’s always been the problem for me. I’m hoping for a big reaction for stuff which limits the amount you post because you think there’s no point posting this.  Often the people who do the best in these scenarios are the people that didn’t mean for it to happen. Someone makes a little challenge like The Ice Bucket Challenge. Someone thought I’ll do this. It will be fun for us to film and because they are having fun, everyone is like we will get involved. If you think about it too much, it will overtake you. For the longest time, I didn’t post a lot. I got off of Twitter because of the backlash and the fact that you are always going to annoy someone with a post. I was like, I can’t deal with it. I might as well keep it to myself. There’s no disappointment. 
I think that’s part of the condition of being an artist. You crave a certain amount of validation.  When it’s work, you can take that some people won’t get it. But because everything has become so personal now like it’s about you. You sell your personality to people. It’s like if someone asks you “what five things do you want people to know about you”. And everyone goes, well, I’d like to be... You suddenly think, what we are doing every day online is trying to sell ourselves.  It’s a difficult balance. You have to have the right amount of humor and humility and the right amount of this. It’s so difficult to find that person. And you see people who become caricatures of themselves online. They overdo it. You don’t know what works any why it works. The internet is such an untested experiment. The public decides. It’s so crazy.
You just said that it can feel so personal, which I think is such an honest statement because when you are putting yourself out there, it is hard to celebrate the work and you. When people don’t like something, it can feel like they are personally attacking you.  It genuinely scares me sometimes. Even to post a selfie, because you just don’t know what the recipe is. I’m not trying to impress anyone. I’m just trying to stay around if that makes sense. I don’t know, it’s difficult. The fact that you just let it go and it’s gone and people either take it or leave it. It’s like jumping on stage every time you post, which scares me anyway. 
You’ve spoken pretty openly about dealing with depression and anxiety. How does this level of exposure impact your ability to manage your anxiety? Before all of this started, the first day of school would probably be when you are your most anxious. Or it’s your own clothes day and you don’t know what to wear. That feels like what everyone is going through every single day online. It’s like the teen generation has so many more questions to answer that we had. I know as a kid I was quite stressed. I can’t imagine how these kids feel these days.  The only way I can relate is by how I feel in this scenario. Obviously, being a little bit older, you are a little wiser with it. I thinks it’s a different kind of pressure these days. It’s a worldwide pressure. The fact that anyone can become a superstar overnight or also the most embarrassing thing in the world and the line is that thin. I can’t imagine what is like for kids growing up in that scenario. For me, it’s raised a lot of questions about my mental health and having to deal with these things. I’ve been running a pilot with someone for people in my position, people who struggle with fame, with the position that they get themselves. You don’t really realize the playbook you’re pressing. Once you’re in it, you’re in it.  I started from 14-16, were my two start years. And the only answer that people had for you was that you’ve got have thick skin. But I don’t think that’s really the point because once you are here, you have to find out if your skin is thick enough. You have to learn. For the longest time, if somebody wrote something about me in the press, I’d rise back up and bring back up. I didn’t realize they were trying to bait me out because they knew I’d do that. Then they’d write three more articles about the scenario that I didn’t want them to write about. You can only know that with years of experience. If something comes out now, I just leave it to die and go away and that’s it. I just think it’s difficult when people say the only answer is that you have to have thick skin to do this. 
That’s not really a solution. That’s just saying you asked for this. This is just part of it, which I don’t think is fair. Is fame something that you struggle with a lot? For me, there’s different periods, severe highs with different things and a lot of questions about stuff. I’ve been going at this now for ten years, which seems insane. I’m only 26 as well, which is quite a long time to be doing anything. And to be in this pressure cooker for that long is quite difficult, but I say I’ve learned to deal with it better now. Age and time are wonderful things. And we were buffered as teens. We had each other in the band. When I look at someone like Justin Bieber, I think no wonder he went completely mental at some point because there is no one in the world that knows what is like to be Justin Bieber, but Justin Bieber. He had no one to share it with. We had each other to share it with, to remember it with and be reminded how to behave, how to act. You shouldn’t do that. It was tough at some points, but for the most part it was helpful growing up in that team exercise rather than be let off on your own and you’re the most famous person in the world. It must have been pretty crazy for him. 
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You’re Home (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: Sequel to To Pluto and Back. After months back home in Bar Harbor, Maine during quarantine, you have had enough of the being away from Colby. You spend the next few driving across the country just to go home to him.
Written: 2020
Word Count: 2,754
Warnings: A lot of fluff, swearing (minor)
“Call me every day while you’re on the road.” My mother says as she squeezes me tight.
“I will, I promise. I should be back in La in five days, a week if I decided to take in the sights while I’m driving. Are you sure you don’t need me to stay? I can cancel everything right now.” I place my hands on either side of my mom’s face.
“I’m positive. Your brother and sister are nearby if your dad and I need help. Besides, I don’t think I can take any more of you moping around the house. Go home to your boyfriend and friends.” My mom kisses my forehead and goes to stand on the porch so my dad and I can talk in private.
“Got everything you need? Your clothes, GPS, snacks, full tank of gas?” My dad asks with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I packed up my bedroom. I have the ice chest in my car, I’m going to get snacks, gas, and ice right now. Mom packed me to lunch and a few snacks. I have all of my chargers, my spare tires, my overnight bags for when I have to spend the night in a motel. My location is on for you, mom, and my friend in LA. My wallet, phone, and all my little necessities are in the front seat along with chargers. I have the number for a tow company just in case. I also have my mace and whistle. I’m going to be okay.”
“I’m just making sure. I’m your dad, I’m allowed to worry. Here, take this.” My dad hands me a folded up bill.
“Dad, I don’t need money. Keep it.” I try to push his hand away, but he’s insistent.
“Just take it to ease an old man’s heart.” I hesitantly take the money and put it in my pocket.
“Fine. I love you guys and I’ll call you when I’m home.” I wrap my arms around my dad and kiss his cheek. He gives me a soft, yet tight hug back and kisses the top of my head. He lets go and my mom joins him as I grab my filming camera off of the top of my trunk and hop into my car.
I’ve been down in the dumps since I sent Colby that care package. He sent me one back after and I filmed that video last week. I’ve been moping around the house since then with the new stuffed animal he gave me. I knew that going back home to Maine to help my parents out with the quarantine would be hard, but it’s taking longer than I thought and it’s been taking a serious toll on my mental health. I only came home because my brother and sister are older with their own families, I knew they would help out our parents when they could, but I knew that they needed me to help too. The three hour time difference doesn’t help either. I’m just so used to being with Colby since I moved in with him two years ago. Being away from him truly feels like I’m missing a part of myself. My mom finally saw how sad I was being away and basically kicked me out of the house. After a few days of thinking, I finally packed all of my stuff to head home.
“Hey, guys, Y/N here! Today, I’m taking you guys with me on a road trip. To make a long story short, I’m going home to LA to surprise Colby and finally move into the house. The only one who knows is Sam, who is helping me make sure Colby doesn’t do anything rash like fly over to surprise me. Because of the virus and all, I’m trying my best to limit my human contact. Unfortunately for me, that means taking a 50-hour road trip across the country by myself. But it’ll be worth it in the end. I’m at the gas station to fill up my tank and get some provisions for the next few hours. When I get back I’ll give you guys a little car tour!” I turn off my camera and grab my bag before heading into the convince store.
I only told Sam because I figured he could be the only one to keep Colby in line while I drove. He’s been talking about coming down to Maine to stay with me for a bit, and knowing him he would actually do it. I would have told Jake and Corey, but I feel like they would let it slip that I’m coming. I told Sam that he could tell them when I’m 5 minutes from the house. I’ve worked really hard planning this perfectly so that Colby won’t suspect a thing. I pre-filmed and edited this week’s YouTube video. I made a whole bunch of TikToks all over my parent’s house so I could post a few while I’m on the road and he would think I’m still there. I took a lot of selfies and boomerangs to post Instagram and to send to Colby. I even drafted tweets in case I got too tired to think of something after a long day of driving.
The only issue is when Colby wants to FaceTime; which is every day. I could probably get away with texting and calling him for the next few days. Despite the time difference, we like to fall asleep and wake up together. Well, I’m always asleep and awake first because of the time, but you get the point. We were THAT couple for the past four months.
I get some shots of me getting gas and filling the ice chest with snacks. This is going to be a long trip, but I made sure to only get a few snacks. I did get a lot of iced coffees just in case the gas station I stop at every morning doesn’t have the brand or flavor I like. You only make that mistake once.
“Okay guys, It’s 8:30 in the morning on a Monday, and in all honesty, my goal is to be in LA by Friday. Unless I drive for 5 days straight, that’s not going to happen. I think I’ll barely make it out of Maine today. Realistically, I probably won’t be home until next Monday, maybe even later. I do want you to know that I’m going to try to be safe and smart. All of my travel clothes are light and comfortable. I’m not going to be driving more than 8 hours a day. I’m going to get to the motels around 5 pm so I can get dinner and relax. I’m going to take a break every two hours to stretch my legs, eat, go to the bathroom, etc. I have compression socks to prevent blood clots. I have no real plans for this trip. Honestly, I don’t care how this goes. All I care about is getting home to Colby. I know that I’ve been talking about how depressed and lonely I’ve been without him, but I know that he feels the same way, maybe even worse. So I’m mainly doing this for him. And bub, if you’re watching this, I love you.” I close the camera again and turn on my GoPros to get some shots of my driving.
“Did you hear they might extend the quarantine again?” Colby says on the other line. I’m eating breakfast in my car. I spent the night in Denver. I have two more states to drive through before I’m finally in California. The trip is taking a bit longer than I anticipated. It’s Friday and I’m a quarter of the way home. I’ve already driven through ten states, but the fact that I have about three to four more days until I can be in Colby’s arms again is what’s keeping me going.
“I didn’t hear about that. I’ve been trying to spend less time on the internet lately. That sucks. That means we’re not going to be able to see each other until like next year or something.” I can’t help by smile. Sometimes when I lie I have the urge to laugh. I’m generally good at hiding it, but I keep thinking about the look I’m going to see on Colby’s face when I see him.
“Don’t say that. This is the longest we’ve been apart since we started hanging out. It’s already been killing me the past few months. Maybe I could come down to visit you for a few weeks.” He’s been saying that so often, I’m afraid he’s going to sneak out of the house to surprise me in Maine.
“I would love that, babe, but we talked about this. I don’t want to risk you getting sick. I know it’s hard, but we need to wait this out, I promise everything will change soon. Very soon. Oh shoot, I got to get my laundry before my mom gets upset. I’ll call you tonight. I love you.”
“I love you too, princess.” I hang up and just stare at my phone for a bit. A picture of Colby that I took before I left is my lock screen. I didn’t technically lie about the laundry. I brought only a few days worth of clothes and I needed to wash them. So I grabbed breakfast near a laundry mat so I could kill two birds with one stone. I’ve also been texting Sam to keep him updated. We still don’t know how I’m going to surprise Colby. We agreed to talk about it when I’m closer to California so we don’t jinx anything. He’s had to stop Colby from buying a plane ticket a couple of times. I’m so glad that I told him or else this whole trip would have been for nothing.
By the time I get to a motel every night, I get so anxious that I want to start driving again. The only thing keeping me sane is editing parts of the video and stopping at gift shops in every state I drive through to get souvenirs for everyone. I get something specific for Colby and me and then a bunch of cute $1 items for everyone else so they can choose what they want. Our friend group is too big for me to buy bigger things for each of my friends. I’ve already spent close to $300 on gas on this trip so far.
“Hey, is anyone near you?” I ask Sam as I pack my stuff back into my overnight bag.
“I’m in my room and everyone is either asleep or getting breakfast, what’s up?” I hear Sam moving in the background.
“I’m definitely going to be in Los Angles today. I have four and a half hours left, give or take, until I’m at the house. Are the plans for today set?” I double-check that I have everything before heading out to my car. I load my stuff into my car and head to the front desk to check out. I pay and return my key before finally heading back to my car.
“Yeah, I mean there isn’t much we can do. Thank God the shops are finally, open. I can distract Colby by going to the mall or something. Jake and Corey are going to be home to let you in and help you get your stuff. I’m going to see where Colby is and tell them right now. Hopefully, they don’t let anything slip.” I hear a door open in the background.
“Yeah, I would definitely kill them myself if they did. Anyway, I have to start driving. I’ll text you when I’m about halfway there and then call you when I get there. Keep me updated on your end please!” I start the car and plug in the address into my GPS app.
“Will do. Drive safe and talk to you later.” Sam hangs up the phone as I readjust everything. I turn on my road trip music and get ready to get breakfast.
Last night when I was talking to Colby, I was texting Sam. We finally settled on how I was going to surprise Colby. Sam is going to get Colby out of the house while Jake and Corey sneak me into the house. They’re going to also help get my stuff out of my car. While Sam and Colby are out, I’m going to get a quick tour of the house and change out of my gross road trip clothes so I can look like a decent human. The three of us are going to hang out downstairs. When they get home we’re going to call them into whatever room we’re hanging out in and boom, surprised boyfriend.
Jake and Corey help me set up the last few cameras so I can get Colby’s reaction. They also helped me hide my car. Not that Colby would notice, but I didn’t want to take any chances. They showed me around the house a bit, and honestly, I almost didn’t recognize it from when I was looking at the house with them months ago. Seeing the house in person feels so different than seeing it in videos and FaceTime chats with Colby. Being here makes it real. Sam texted us saying that they were around the corner. That’s when we turned on the camera. I brought lunch for everyone so the three of us are just eating in the kitchen and catching up.
My heart is racing. I don’t even know why I’m so nervous to see my own boyfriend. Maybe it’s because I have no idea how he’ll react. I’ve been kind of giving him the cold shoulder the past few days because I’ve been driving. We haven’t talked as much as we have been for the past four months while I was in Maine. I don’t why, but part of me feels like he’ll be a different person.
“We’re home!” I hear Sam call out from the front of the house. My heart immediately drops to my stomach from nerves. I tightly grip the counter that I’m sitting on to keep myself from falling off.
“We’re in the kitchen. We have lunch for you guys.” Jake responds. I stop breathing for a second.
“I’ll be there in a second. I have to go put my things down.” Colby calls out. I’m so glad that we hid my stuff. I had a feeling Colby would go to his room first. Maybe he’s still the same Colby I left here four months ago.
Sam walks into the kitchen while putting his phone away. He walks over to me and gives me a quick hug. We all wait, whispering, for Colby to join us in the kitchen. The nerves don’t leave my body as he takes longer to come back. Eventually, we hear his footsteps on the stairs.
“Sorry I was… Y/N?” Colby stops dead in his tracks when he sees me. He blinks a few times before a huge grin creeps on his face.
“Hi,” is all I can manage to squeak out. I managed to lose my voice at the sight of Colby.
“Y/N, is that really you? What are you doing here?” Colby starts walking towards me. I hop off the counter and meet his halfway.
“I’m home,” I whisper as I hug Colby, “I missed you so I came home.”
Colby hugs me back for a second before letting go and placing both hands on either side of my face. He looks deep into my eyes and I can’t help but start to cry. I haven’t seen Colby in so long, I can’t believe that I’m standing right in front of him. He kisses my forehead and engulfs me in a hug. I squeeze him tight like he’ll disappear if I let go. I’ve been gone for so long that I forgot what it felt like to hold Colby in my arms.
“I can’t believe you’re here right now. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Colbs. I missed you so fucking much it hurt. I finally feel whole again.” For the first time in months, Colby leans in and kisses me softly. Everything feels right in my world again now that I’m here. Even though I’ve been back in LA for at least 20 minutes, I didn’t feel like I was home until this very second: in Colby’s arms.
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datheetjoella · 4 years
Fantober 2020, Day 22: Demon/Angel
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Author: DatHeetJoella Fandom: Free! Pairing: MakoHaru Rating: T Part: 22/31 (read the full collection here) Word count: 1,612 Tags: Canonverse, Established Relationship, Fluff, Filters, References to Sexual Content Read at: AO3, FFn, or right here!
Fresh out of the bath, Haruka walked back into the room. Makoto was sitting on the bed with his back against the wall, engrossed in his phone.
"The bath's free," Haruka said, but Makoto didn't respond. Instead, he opened his mouth slowly, not saying a word, then he chuckled under his breath. With a frown, Haruka went over to him and asked, "What are you doing?"
"Oh, Haru!" Makoto said as though he hadn't even noticed he was here. He patted the mattress next to him. "Come sit. I want to show you something."
Haruka plopped down beside him and scooted over until their thighs touched. When he peered onto Makoto's screen, he frowned. The front-facing camera was open and he stared back at his own face. He didn't quite understand what was so remarkable about this. "What?"
"Now open your mouth slowly."
Another incredulous look was sent Makoto's way, but Haruka did as he was told and let his jaw slacken. Instantly, a rainbow waterfall cascaded from his mouth while his eyes grew big and his cheeks were tinged pink. The furrow between Haruka's eyebrows deepened. "What is this?"
Although they'd had their smartphones for almost half a year, Haruka still didn't understand all the functions it had. There were only a handful of things he used and the camera was one of them, but he had never seen this before.
"It's an app that puts filters over your face so you can take pictures or videos with it," Makoto explained, "You know my friend, Hayami-chan, who posts a lot of sparkly selfies on social media? She was taking some earlier when we were studying, so I asked her how she gets those effects on her pictures and she showed me this app. I've been playing with the filters while you were in the bath and some of them are pretty funny. Here, look."
Makoto swiped through the little images at the bottom and selected another filter. Dog ears and a nose adorned his and when he opened his mouth again, a tongue appeared on the screen. Haruka still thought it was a bit silly, but this one was kind of cute. Not that he would ever admit that.
"And look, it stays on your face even as you move around."
"This one suits you," Haruka said, biting his bottom lip to suppress a smile, "Nagisa was right after all."
"About what?"
"That you're like a golden retriever."
"In that case, this one is perfect for you." Makoto tapped on the search bar and typed something. When he pointed the phone back at Haruka, his whole face was replaced by a cat one that was, unlike Makoto's cartoon dog features, incredibly realistic. The stripes of fur moved along with his expression and the eyes blinked when he did.
"Now this is just terrifying," Haruka said with a snort.
"I quite like it," Makoto said with a cheeky grin. "It's cute. My two loves combined into one."
That made Haruka seriously question both Makoto's taste and his sanity. "How is this amalgamation anything but creepy? This is actual nightmare fuel."
"If you hate it that much, I'll pick out another one for you," Makoto said, "How about this one, a flower crown? Oh, or this one, a halo with angel wings. These are nice, right?"
They were better than the cat filter, but that didn't say much. While Haruka didn't see the fun in it, Makoto seemed to be enjoying himself. As long as he was happy, Haruka would gladly play along. "Do they have an Iwatobi-chan filter?"
A cheerful laugh left Makoto's lips. "I don't think so. You'd have to be the one to create it if you want one."
"Too much effort," Haruka said with a shake of his head. "What about a mermaid filter?"
"Hm, I'm not sure," Makoto mumbled as he thumbed through the options. "I would say no because most of these are aimed to use on your face, not your whole body. I'll ask Hayami-chan about it the next time I see her."
Haruka nodded, then he reached onto the screen. "What's this?" he asked; the preview picture was too small for him to make out what kind of filter it was.
"It's the devil filter," Makoto said as he pressed onto the image. As expected, two red horns popped up between his brown locks. "When Hayami-chan was showing me earlier, my friends said this one suits me."
The crease between Haruka's thin eyebrows returned at that. "How so?"
"They said I look and act so sweet that I must be hiding a secret, demonic side and that the filter is a reflection of my true nature," Makoto said in a spooky tone, but he ended it with a giggle that broke the spell.
Haruka had to summon every bit of self-restraint not to scoff at that. If there was any filter that reflected Makoto's true nature - besides the dog face - it was the angel one. "That's ridiculous. Your friends clearly don't know you as well as they think."
"What, you don't think I have a darker side to me?"
"No?" Haruka said, confused as to why Makoto sounded offended when he was defending him. "You couldn't even pretend to be evil when we were making the swim club recruitment film."
"It wasn't that I couldn't pretend to be evil, I was just nervous about acting in general," Makoto said, discarding his phone on the duvet, "Besides, Shizuru-kun thought my evil king was convincing."
"And he was the only person who thought that," Haruka said, "Makoto, you were crying this morning while watching a cat video. Does that sound like something a person with a dark side would do?"
"But it was so sad and cute!" Makoto said, "At first, it seemed like the kitten wasn't going to make it, but everyone took such good care of her that she made a full recovery. Isn't that heartwarming?"
The tears that welled up as Makoto recalled it did not support his case. "I'm pretty sure my point stands."
"I can be devilish," Makoto insisted as he crossed his arms, "Want me to show you?"
"Sure," Haruka said, curious to see what Makoto would come up with to prove himself. "Show me all you've got."
Before Haruka could as much as blink, he found himself pinned to the mattress by his wrists, arms raised over his head. His jaw plunged in surprise as Makoto hovered over him, a sly smirk wickifying his features, but he didn't want to admit defeat just yet. So he shot Makoto a challenging look back.
Makoto's expression didn't shift as he moved one hand from Haruka's wrists to his belly and, without a second of hesitation, started to tickle him. This was a low blow, but Haruka wouldn't give in that easily. He bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from laughing and stared right back into Makoto's eyes.
Alas, this was a battle Haruka was doomed to lose, for Makoto knew all his most ticklish spots. After a solid minute of tensing his abs, he couldn't hold back any longer. Loud laughter erupted from his stomach and he kicked his legs.
"Stop! Makoto!" he managed to get out between fits of giggles, desperately trying to break free. "Stop!"
As nefarious as he was, Makoto quit the instant Haruka told him to. With a self-satisfied grin, he sat back. "Well, how was that?"
"This does not count," Haruka said when he caught his breath. "This is teasing at best, not devilish. People tickle each other all the time but that doesn't mean they have a dark side."
"Oh, so you want something of a higher caliber?" Makoto said, scratching his chin as if in deep thought. He leaned over Haruka again, reclaimed his hold on his wrists and lowered his face next to Haruka's left ear. In a low, husky voice he murmured, "You want to see my true, sinful nature?"
The words in combination with his hot breath fanning against his ear shell and neck sent goosebumps down Haruka's spine, spreading tingles across his body. Now this was the type of sinful he could get behind. "As sinful as can be."
Makoto didn't need to be told twice. He stroked his fingertips lightly over the inside of Haruka's bare arms, down his torso to his thighs. Then, he spread Haruka's legs and lined up their hips, his face inches removed from Haruka's.
Haruka's heart pounded faster and faster with anticipation as Makoto's hands played with the hem of his pyjama pants. Makoto's nose brushed against his, their lips only a whisper apart. All the while Makoto didn't break their eye-contact and a look that was more than familiar to Haruka shone in his hooded green irises.
Just when their lips were about to connect in a passionate kiss, Makoto was gone.
Confused, Haruka pushed himself up on his elbows and watched as Makoto leisurely strolled to the bathroom. "What are you doing?"
"I'm going to shower. I'll be taking a while, so you don't have to wait up for me and can go to sleep first. Good night."
With that, he shut the door behind him.
This had to be a joke. He couldn't leave Haruka here like this. Surely whatever he had in mind before was much more fun than taking a shower.
Haruka waited for Makoto to come back, but when he heard the faint sound of dripping water, he realised what had happened.
With a loud, frustrated groan, Haruka grabbed a pillow and slapped it over his face.
Perhaps Makoto's friends knew him pretty well after all.
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mgkconfessions · 4 years
AMAs 2020 1/2
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The entire night summed up in one word: anticlimax! ^^ I had more expectations from our twin flame couple after all their cheesy paparazzi videos and Megan’s poetic talk about their once in a lifetime love story and deep spiritual connection and this was the best that they could do. Spoiler: It didn’t get more romantic than this!
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You can really see the love and sparks between them and how happy and excited they were to be there with each other! ^^
Their outfits
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Kells’ outfit: I like the colour, the material, the cut from the top and especially his hair. He took another risk with his outfit and did something different :). However I don’t like that they mixed the top with a hoodie pocket in the front and I don’t like the shoes with the trousers. I would have liked them more with a dark boot that was more loose around his legs.
Megan’s outfit: I like the green colour a lot, I think it’s suits her very well! The only two things that bother me are the long thing in the front that is hanging down and the strap from her shoes around her ankles, because I don’t like it together with the rest of her outfit. Her outfit wasn’t ugly, but it wasn’t anything exciting or special either. I find it rather forgettable. Also she forgot to tan her belly!
Since they attended the award show as a couple they should have made sure that they would look somewhat coherent with their outfits in the pictures and not clash so much to create a true power couple moment, which I assume was the goal of their red carpet moment. Kells’ outfit isn’t amazing, but he tried to stand out and not look boring and I would have liked to see a woman by his side who felt the same way about fashion and match his ideas about how to use it to step up the game. I think for Kells it’s very important to make fashion statements on red carpets and at events at the moment, but I don’t think that Megan is on the same wavelength, so instead of couple goals, they just looked like they were going to two different events and someone just randomly put them together for a picture. It would have been very easy for Megan to match Kells more, for example she could have used a silver purse or matched the style of his outfit better and I’m only focusing on Megan matching Kells here, because I believe that Kells very likely got the job to perform before Megan was even asked to be a presenter or in other words, I believe that Megan was only a presenter, because Kells was performing.
When they previously released a list of 10 presenters, Megan wasn’t among them and usually they would have used the best names that would get the most people to watch the show and Megan surely would have been one of them. In addition I believe it was in the SPIN interview, where they described how he got the phone call that he would be performing at the AMAs and how Megan grabbed her phone after he got the news. Who did Megan immediately need to text to share Kells’ good news with? Her mum? Or her team to get her somehow on the show now too, so she can continue to leech on to Kells’ success and make herself part of it, because lately any interviews and photo shoots that Megan was part of were actually Kells’ and not hers and that’s a fact you can’t argue with!
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The posing
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I don’t think that the red carpet moment was their only goal with the PR, however this was surely supposed to be a highlight of their relationship, because they used it to become red carpet official, Megan showed her tattoo dedicated to Kells for the first time and she even had the honor to announce her own boyfriend’s performance. All points that were supposed to set them up for a perfect couple goals evening and to make people fall in love with them. However they managed to fail that goal in every aspect! And I honestly was surprised at how badly they delivered! I was really not expecting that :D! They had one job to sell everyone on their relationship and couldn’t even do that although both of them work as actors and therefore acting should come more natural to them and we know that they can play the in love couple from all the paparazzi pictures and videos, where they also look awkward and staged, but I can see why people buy their show. At the AMAs I can’t understand anyone who saw them as a happy couple in love, not even if I tried it!
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Two stones would have had more chemistry than Kells and Megan! What was that? Lmao! ^^ Megan is only trying to look sultry and sexy and is hyper focused on the camera while forgetting that there’s a guy right next to her who she’s allegedly madly in love with. She looks like she didn’t come to take pictures together with Kells, actually she looks like his presence annoys her and she would prefer to just have him stand there, not touch her and get in her way so she can do what she came for, seducing the camera and look hot for her ultimate media coverage. I agree with everyone who said that she looked rather mad tho. I don’t think that Megan is a team player, not in her relationship and not when it comes to attention. She was only thinking about how good she will look instead of how good they could look together as a couple if they focused more on being there together instead of themselves. I take Kells looking to the side and down as a sign of trying to offer a more natural couple pose, where they would have been interacting more with each other while showing his hair cut from a better angle too, but Megan was on her ego trip or pissed at Kells and didn’t look like she wanted to be part of what he wanted to do. I don’t see any specific emotion in Kells either when he looked down. He could have looked at a white wall and have the same expression. If people think that’s love in his eyes, their standards for love are seriously low! The videos for their pictures are my personal highlights tho, because anything that already looked embarrassing and awkward in the pictures is only amplified in the videos and shows even more how ridiculously they behave and I can take them even less seriously as a couple who isn’t selling their relationship for their career and personal reasons! ^^ At first you’d think that Kells posing with Megan was like he usually poses, because in a way it is, but when you see the pictures of him alone and with Travis he came a lot more out of his shell, stuck his tongue out and even made an exaggerated smile face. I think it shows that with Travis he feels more comfortable to be himself and act silly even at a public event while with Megan it was strictly all about business and keeping it cool and hot. I assume that they talked about how they would pose for the cameras and maybe Megan decided that awkwardly standing next to each other would be enough to sell their love while not taking too much attention away from herself and maybe they had an argument beforehand which would explain the bad mood and long faces too. It would have been better if they hadn’t focused so much on looking hot and instead enjoyed being there with each other and then maybe they would have got better pictures too where you could have seen that they at least like each other, because in those pictures they don’t even look like they want to have anything to do with each other! Someone on DailyMail commented that you can tell that they practiced their poses in front of a mirror and they literally did, because majority of their official couple pictures are mirror selfies where they stand next to each other like buddies and it won’t get any less awkward the more they pose like that! :D But the picture where both of them have their mouths open is hilarious! It’s probably one of the worst pictures I’ve seen of them. They look like wax figures! ^^
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Their body language as a couple with such an intense love that Megan can only express it with toxic poetry is horrible although this was supposed to be their big couple goals moment! There’s no chemistry between them, I can feel the coldness and bad atmosphere around them by only looking at the pictures. I thought that we would see more of their super intense and special love and connection as twin flames, but there’s nothing between them. They look like two random people who were asked to take a picture together and afterwards went their separate ways. They aren’t interacting with each other, they are stiffly standing straight to the camera with their bodies. Both of their feet are also pointed towards the camera, which means that there’s no interest in each other in that moment and Megan even crossed her legs, which isn’t a good sign either. Like I mentioned, Kells looked at Megan one time, but she didn’t look back and he went back into his initial pose. And only then Megan tilted her head into his direction for a couple of seconds without ever looking away from the camera tho. It’s so awkward to see them pose in the video that it’s funny again ^^! Megan actually posed with Brian and Shia on red carpets a lot more naturally and in love than with Kells and so did Kells with other women too, who he was dating or had a thing with like Remy LaCroix or Halsey. But with each other, Kells and Megan failed this red carpet moment although they are self claimed twin flames like this is the ultimate relationship and they are with their ultimate partner and still they look like wax figures on their special day! In case anyone wants to claim that I’m only saying this because I don’t like them together there’s even an article about their body language at the AMAs from a body language expert who said the same things and even more. If you think there’s any love in these pictures, you’re lying to yourself! Thanks to the anon for finding the article! :)
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“This is not what I'd expect from a couple who's gushing over each other," says Traci Brown, body language expert and author of Persuasion Point: Body Language and Speech for Influence after examining their pictures. Brown describes their body language as "almost emotionless."
Click here for the link to read the full article: Megan Fox & Machine Gun Kelly's AMAs Red Carpet Body Language Is Surprising
The announcement
We could argue now that it was just in that moment that Megan seemed more mad than in love with Kells when they took the official pictures, but when she presented him, she acted the same way. No emotions, not even a little bit of faked excitement although she was talking about all of us being under his spell for many years lol. ^^ It makes me wonder if she was only allowed to accompany Kells if she also announced his performance or her team thought that this would be a great idea, but she didn’t want to do it, she only wanted to come, look sexy at the camera, get her attention and articles and leave the work as per usual to Kells. But even on her own fan pages people noticed how emotionless she was and how weird that was, because if you are allowed to announce your own boyfriend, who was giving his AMAs’ debut, you’d think that you’d be more proud and excited about it and try to give your best and not what Megan did on that stage! There’s a behind the scenes picture where she is smiling on stage, the only time that she was caught smiling by the way, but when she was filmed, she was as emotionless as she was in the pictures that she took with Kells and those were the moments that mattered.
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sellsmartcellular · 3 years
Best place to buy Refurbished iPhone XR
A new phone is NOT the same as a second-hand phone. Restoration phones are phones that have been returned; they may have failed or may have been sold back to the network/store to repair the handset. The telephone is then repaired and tested until it is sold back to a customer. The phone used is NOT the same that a used phone you can buy on the Facebook Marketplace from eBay or any random individual.
It has been vetoed and patched and restored to its ideal condition if there were problems.
So from which is the best place to purchase a refurbished iPhone? Right now, when you are buying renovated iPhones in the UK and US, you have some vital choices and the following are:
Amazon Renewed – 
Amazon is a lot now; from Amazon all, you can do. And now it requires iPhones that are renovated. Amazon has plenty of choices in its Renewed Program, whether you are looking for an iPhone X or an iPhone 6. Prices are also acceptable, but not as low as Gazelle. I would also like to help a local business – Amazon makes enough cash, and Gazelle has excellent rates and choices for unlocked iPhones.
SmartCellular  (Another Option for the UK ) –
Resell will be our one option right now if you've been in the UK and are searching for refurbished iPhones – including iPhone 11, iPhone 12 etc then you are at the right place. Not only these you have the options to sell your phone at good prices. Reselling also includes tablets, iPad and samsung mobile too. 
Read out the recommendation about how to sell my phone?
Gazelle is a US-led company with a dedication to iPads, Macbooks, Samsung and other retrofitted iPhones. All telephones purchased through Gazelle have been tested and have completed their 30-point process test. The best part, however? Prices – iPhones purchasing via Gazelle will save up to 40 per cent. That's why our first place to buy a refurbished iPhone XR is recommended.
Verizon – 
Verizon has some excellent deals if you're in the US and want a lot of a refurbished iPhone. The iPhone XR can be picked up for less than $250.
Backmarket, if you are based in the US. You will navigate through thousands of telephones, branded ones, unlocked others from all the most prominent technology brands. Gazelle carries Galaxy S and Galaxy Note series phones for Apple's iPhone and Samsung's. They have both regular and pro versions, iMac, MacBook and iPad.
Do refurbished iPhones look good as new ones?
The most important thing about a refurbished iPhone is for most people to think about it is not going to look OK – it will have bumps and scratches. However, that is not the case, particularly if you are paid a little more, as I always am, for a mint phone. I bought an iPhone XS Max recently via SmartCellular. I wanted a new phone. I tried to get an iPhone, and I always enjoyed the XS lineup, so I chose to pick up an Apple's 2018 flagship phone called the gold iPhone XS Max.
Conclusion :
Up to the 2020 norm, the iPhone XR is fantastic - don't be fooled. You will have a wonderful full-day life with moderate use, super quick output that is the best choice to run any current games. The iPhone XR has cameras you can't call friends, however. The cameras lose their information, and the Apple Deep Fusion technology does not come to the XR to resolve the issue. The absence of an ultra-large camera is also a boom for a high-end telephone in 2020. The front camera is also good, but it offers no best quality in terms of selfies and videos. Finally, the iPhone XR is a year old, and Apple's software support will be reduced to one year.
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