#bestiary menu
imsobadatnicknames2 · 8 months
You. Yes, you. The person who just read or perhaps watched Dungeon Meshi and is toying with the idea of running a similar campaign in D&D.
Before you do that, consider checking out RELIC. It's free, much lighter in terms of rules, only 42 pages long, broadly compatible with most Old-School D&D material (including modules and bestiaries) with little to no conversion required, AND it has pretty cool built-in mechanics for cooking and eating dungeon critters.
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EDIT: I wasn't aware of this at the time of making this post, but the latest version of RELIC seems to have removed a few mechanics and procedures from earlier versions, including the Monster Menu section. I didn't realize when I made the post bc I was still using an older version of the game. However, the RELIC Companion PDF contains a lot of these mechanics that didn't make it into RELIC v3. It used to be available on the official itch.io page but it doesn't seem to be there anymore, so you can find it here.
So reblog this version of the post instead please.
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neoyi · 1 year
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Dave the Diver is perfect for the ADHD in me, a game that constantly gives you something new to do with its mini-games, side quests, and other knick-knacks while maintaining its chief fishing/restaurant sim without feeling overwhelming. I am engrossed with this game.
It has so much of what I love: helping NPCs with their Problems, organizing in-game items (arranging the menu to pick which sushi to sell is serotonin), collecting animals to complete a bestiary - I had this game for like three days and already clocked in fifteen hours. And I bet I haven't scratched the surface!
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r0zeclawz · 5 months
great news everybody. i figured out how to make custom menus in rpg maker 2003 which means a bestiary for hyperspace is back on the table
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advancement-made · 1 year
List of EPPRBs (helping Status)
@monster-bestiary and @bossfight-messages
@character-selecton (no i)
@druid-exclam (no im not switching this to html <3)
Not punctuation:
Also check out:
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yuki-kazami · 7 months
I'm not gonna look in the actual tag for it because I'm starting to get invested, but Ex Astris is really grabbing my attention thus far. Even though I don't have access to most of the pieces yet, the depth of the combat system is already apparent, and I love the art direction and environments. Holding my judgement on plot until I get further bc there isn't much positive or negative going on yet, but I LOVE the in universe Metroid Prime-esque logbook entries on various important places/your items/the bestiary.
There are zero indications that there will be any kind of surprise "gotcha" regarding the monetization, there isn't even a place in the menus for something like a shop.
HyperGryph is giving me some very strong first impressions with their first non-gacha game! Not setting it in the Arknights universe is also a bold decision I respect, they have confidence that this will be interesting on it's own merit.
If any of my mutuals see this, I definitely recommend checking it out!
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slarpg · 2 years
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SUPER LESBIAN ANIMAL RPG v1.1 IS HERE! This is the most substantial patch since launch. On top of the usual bug fixes, we have new area maps, the new Additional Guidance mode, and most importantly... Melody now has a pet cat!! Look at him
As always, Steam users should get the patch automatically, while itch users can redownload the game from the store page. Common technical questions are also addressed in our FAQ page.
To try and manage expectations here, while this update contains more than the usual bug fixes, I don't currently have any plans to add a huge amount of content to the game. Right now I think it's already long enough, and the game's structure (with a definitive ending and no postgame) isn't conducive to adding DLC. And also, you know, what's there already took almost eight years of my life to make, and that kinda takes a lot out of you. But these additions felt like they would meaningfully improve the experience of what's already there.
Full changelog below!
v1.1 Changelog
"New content":
Additional Guidance mode can now be toggled on or off from the start of the game or via the in-game Options menu! When enabled, this will occasionally offer more direct hints on what to do next in a few specific parts of the game for more story-focused players - particularly a few puzzle segments, as well as helping you find the side content late in the game.
Ultimately, the total number of hints added across the game is low. Exploration, dungeon puzzles, and returning to previously-visited areas with new tools are core pillars of SLARPG's design, and I don't want to hold the player's hand every step of the way. But these specific bits have been parts where some players just gave up and messaged me (usually at like 3am), or posted a cry for help in the #SLARPG tag on Twitter. Which isn't optimal! So now an extra nudge in the right direction exists in-game, should you ever need it.
New area maps have been added for the Amber Woods, Sapphire Coast, and Uncanny Valley! They can be acquired from Park Ranger Taylor, the beach souvenir shop (first accessible in Act III), and Rafael, respectively.
And finally, as was originally intended, Melody now has... a pet cat in her house!! He is truly the most important part of this patch, and the most important thing that will ever be patched into the game.
Other tweaks:
Unrevealed enemies should no longer have their health bars displayed when using multi-target attacks.
The menu (and, by extension, the options menu) can now be accessed during the Prologue.
Fixed the Bestiary entries for the Loot Scooter and Helper Jelly not properly unlocking in the Sapphire Coast.
The animation for Megalith from the Geomancer Spellbook now plays for each individual enemy that's caught in its area of effect. (A compatibility issue was found with the script that made AoE attacks only play one animation, and this was the only skill in the game that needed said script.)
Originally the columns in the last "puzzle" room of the Flurry Mountains had no collision because that room is just a joke and I didn't want people to get stuck in a maze that exists purely for a gag but they now have collision so that I stop receiving bug reports about it
Added new line when entering the Fortune Teller's shop late in Act IV (or Act V) saying that he can help locate uncompleted major side quests at that point in the story. (He will now also point you in the direction of Fawna's side quest if you haven't completed it.)
A backup method of acquiring the missable Spellbook in Act III has been added late in Act IV. (You can still only get it once.)
The Crypt boss can no longer be defeated in a way that makes a certain unique status ailment remain after the battle.
There's now an additional warning at save points past the point of no return.
Other minor fixes.
Enjoy the update, everyone!
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bewildered-angel · 4 months
QoL features
The next update I will put out will be a bunch of Quality of Life improvements to the current game. There's quite a few things that can be smoothed over or polished!
Below I'll list all the things I'm considering. Now that isn't to say I'll do all of them! Some of them might turn out to be unnecessary or prohibitively difficult/time-consuming to accomplish. But I want your opinions about them, and I also want to hear what QoL features you would like to see in the game! 
These are supposed to be improvements to the already existing game, mostly changes in UI. I don't have to time right now to add big new features and mechanics.
Here's what I'm thinking about:
Keyboard Input - This is a popular request to be able to play the game solely by keyboard
Highlight Common Element Previews - I want to indicate to the player what Common Elements are covered by the characters they have selected when picking a stage
Improve Map Navigation - Click and drag can be kind of a chore over long distances, I want other options for moving the map
Characters on the Start Menu - I haven't updated this in a long time! I want everybody there!
Options for sorting characters - I want to sort them by level up cost, weight, favorite food, and abilities
Smarter Map default location - Right now the game just focuses on the earliest incomplete level when you return to the map screen, this is a pain to deal with if you're retrying an old level for better times or in a branched area
Improve font - The 1 and the 7 look too much like each other in the current font!
Better Indication of cooldown and KO - Right now these are indicated by shading the character portrait, which I don't think is clear enough!
Some way to review the information about stats - Right now this is a tutorial message that only shows up the first time you go to level up. If you miss it the first time, you're outta luck!
Increase the multiplier for favorite food? - I'm really on the fence about this one. If the multiplier was bumped up to say, 4x, that would speed up the game and reward picking characters particularly well suited for each level. But that also punishes using your favorite characters if they're sub-optimal.
Bestiary? - For checking monster stats! Maybe? Another one I'm not sure about.
Preview the exact rooms/monsters? - Sometimes the Common Element display doesn't give you a good idea of what's really going on. Maybe when you're retrying a level it tells you exactly what you'll face?
Buff Armor? - Right now Armor just isn't as exciting as the other support abilities! Maybe all I need to do is double or triple the value?
See Best Crew Along with Best Time in Level Select - So you don't have to remember what the best party comp for each stage is!
Common Elements Display Needs to Prioritize Damage Type (Weapon, Magic, Etc) over Food Type - Damage type is just more relevant!
What do you think about these changes? What other changes would you like to see?
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jaklub · 1 year
update 1.2.0 of vividlope is now available! steam news copypaste:
Level editor and Workshop support - now you can download more levels and make your own. Plenty possibilities!
Bestiary - know your enemy. Learn about the behavior of your foes and play with them without the risk of getting knocked out. Check Extras in main menu to access it.
New Tile Coloring option - Constant. You can customize it by editing the included png file, too!
Endless and [redacted] mode cutscenes are now viewable in Cinema.
A lot of new mid-game hints for new players.
Minor adjustments and bugfixes.
find the game on steam!
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
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All of the Pixel Remasters let you fight any defeated boss or enemy formation from the bestiary option in the main menu. Fighting the first boss with an endgame party is amusing.
oh fun, I haven't noticed that option yet when playing 6 so I'm gonna guess I have to beat the game first.
That or get better at looking.
Either way that'll be fun in the end.
One of the things I enjoyed about RE4 was taking all the stuff back for the future rounds, going through the game with the Chicago typewriter and infinite launcher turns it into a totally different game.
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nefarious-exclam · 1 year
Learn the rules, foolish traveler, for I am NEFARIOUS EXCLAM! Make no mistake, I am not @monster-bestiary , the Supreme Exclam of all things Monsters, but I am TWICE AS EVIL and THREE TIMES AS NEFARIOUS!
#nefarious deeds: ALL THINGS ON MY BLOG BY ME THAT ARE NEFARIOUS AND EVIL! (And those that do not fit into the FOLLOWING TAGS!)
#dastardly queue: MY EVIL QUEUE TAG! WEHEHEHEH!
#the wizard speaks: HEAR ME SPEAK!
#not rpg: posts that aren't part of the gimmick
#the sun saga: that time THE NEFARIOUS WIZARD extinguished the Sun.
#interrobang war: that time I went to war against the Interrobangs
#bedrest saga: after the magic toll of shrinking the Sun, fighting off the ice people, unshrinking the Sun, and briefly going to war, The Nefarious Wizard is on magical BEDREST.
#nefarious art: fan art :)
Part of the Exclamation Point PFP RPG Blog Cinematic Universe founded by @status-updates , including @deathscreenmessages , @loading-tips , @monster-bestiary , @bossfight-messages , @dailyquests , @mission-board , @advancement-made , @character-selecton , @item-shoppe , @glitches-and-bugs , @buffs-window , @beta-leaks , @evil-loading-screen , @magic-foraging-tooltips , @unused-questline , @war-causing-interrobang @small-cat-npc @collectibles-menu , @character-profiles , @rpg-partylog , @shady-item-shop , @unskilledpoint , @redacted-exclam , @percontation-mark , @shitpost-mods , @cmd-semicolon , @ultrakill-style-bar-updates , @big-bad-evil-guy , (a bunch of fuckin others I can't keep track of), and of course me, @nefarious-exclam
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Any asks about speeding up arcs, spreading drama, personally attacking mods, or constantly wanting [character] to meet some other person will be deleted.
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character-selecton · 1 year
Welcome New Player. Please select your character.
Current Playable Characters can be found under #Player Character
New Player Characters can be unlocked via Asks, and can be found under #PC Submission
You may also choose up to two (2) Additional Party Members. You can find them under #Party Member
Party Members unlocked via Asks can be found under #Party Member Submission
Other tags include:
#Character Variant for variants of existing characters
#Select Speaks and #Not RPG for original, non-rpg posts and roleplay
#Evil Character for Evil Characters
#Rare Character for Rare Characters
#Legendary Character for Legendary Characters
#Fan Selections for Fan Art
Selection Confirmed. Press Any Key to continue.
This blog is moderated by @eldritchdemonfox and is part of the exclamation point pfp rpg blog cinematic universe, or punctuationverse, which contains:
dailyquests, status-updates, advancement-made, deathscreenmessages, monster-bestiary, bossfight-messages, nefarious-exclam, item-shoppe, glitches-and-bugs, mini-games, beta-leaks, unused-questline, objective-marker, magic-foraging-tooltips, evil-loading-screen, war-causing-interrobang, small-cat-npc, collectibles-menu, character-profiles, rpg-weather-cycle, rpg-partylog, unskilledpoint, buffs-window, roadside-shrines, cmd-semicolon, shady-item-shop, location-loser, redacted-exclam, percontation-mark, hashbang-mods, ultrakill-style-bar-updates, big-bad-evil-guy, the-tutorial, john-tendrils-exclam-the-eighth, druid-exclam, system-notifs, level-1-slime, sparky-exclam, trap-messages, epcuartbook, bugged-inverted-interrobang, settinggeneral, pheriya, story-choices, slime-wizard-exclam, demonic-dev-blog, the-moon-npc, level-12-weaponsmith, trudle-the-faerie, combat-menu, virus-thing, daily-companion, demon-exclam, parasiteinfoform-greenstate, mrsladymadam, upgradegarage, tinkermenu, th3-oracl3, semi-headless-semicolon, plus-minus-contingency, ampersand-echo, bug-finder-tyria, lupe-the-waitress, hostess-exclam, exclamcook, ken-primordial-janitor, carr10n-exe, daily-sound-effects, doctor-percentile, vagueinfo, worldeater-tros, exclamania-news-network, messagingsystem, asterisk-armourer, the-upgrade-slime, mothermere, evil-therapist, the-strongest-exclam, zigsaw-puzzle, wood-golem, the-multiversal-asterisk, epprbu-shipping, and me [character-selecton]*
Other epprbcu connected blogs/non-punctuation rp blogs include: epprbcu-incorrect-quotes, correct-epprbcu, gnome-armada, the-goblin-horde, the-many-faces-of-things, pointless-achievements, post-shooter, solidwater05, daily-quest, fictitiousfanfics, epprbcubookanon, epprbcu-tournament, epprbcu, epprb-art-the-2st, i-follow-epprbcu, jonesbones1, and loading-screen-tips-occasionally
(Page 1. Cont in reblog)
*the profile linked here was created by @character-profiles
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miyakuli · 11 months
Digimon Survive
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Digimon Survive is a visual novel with tactical rpg part that breathes new life into the franchise, and may be a good way for newcomers to discover this universe and its bestiary. Personally, I only had distant childhood memories of the first animated adaptation I watched, but despite this I was able to immerse myself easily in this new story, which is much darker in tone. However, while the visual novel is pretty good, I wasn't totally convinced by the other aspects of the game.
❤ A mix between the naive, childlike side of the original series and a much darker, more violent tone that works quite well. ❤ The visual novel part is not based on static images, but on high-quality animated sprites, which liven up each dialogue scene. The scenery is equally well done. ❤ Rather endearing characters with good development (even the most unbearable ones become likeable). ❤ On the dubbing side, the actors do a very good job, and on the Japanese side, the original seiyuus are even used for the digimon voices - a nice touch! ❤ I liked the fact that the affinity between the characters was linked to the evolution of their digimons, which encouraged me to talk to each of them and get to know them so I could make the right dialogue choices. So it played on my attachment to the characters and also to my desire to unlock each evolution x)
+/- Significant replayability (3 "normal" endings, 1 bad ending and the true ending). These endings are attained through a system of auras (virtue/harmony/wrath) that are increased according to our dialogue choices....but they will always be placed in exactly the same place (for example, the answer to increase the harmony statute will always be in the bottom right-hand corner). This makes our work easier (==)" For my first game, I personally like to make choices based on my mentality, without knowing which dialogue will influence which stat, so I discover the ending I've set myself. Here, the fact of knowing indirectly influenced me, and I'd have preferred them to save that for the New game+. +/- The musical themes are pretty (especially the main theme), a little redundant because there aren't many of them, but they never bore. On the other hand, I found that some scenes had music that didn't quite fit in with the atmosphere and action going on, it was a bit weird. +/- The true ending provides real redemption for certain characters who were really annoying to begin with. On the other hand, I found it a lot of length with constant back and forth (probably to stretch the story, but it doesn't add anything) and the ending is nice, but nothing more. I found the "virtue" ending more impactful.
✖ The tactical combat system is laborious and almost boring. The tactical side is bland; we're presented with a strength/weakness system based on elemental abilities (water/air etc…) but in the end it doesn't really matter as brute force will win out almost all the time...also, the fights are SLOW!!!! you can speed them up via the menu (I set them to x2 because I couldn't take it anymore). ✖ The method for recruiting digimons is really not that great; you're given a sort of quiz with the digimon you want to get, and unless you know the universe really well, you just guess at the answers and hope it works, but sometimes the solutions are really lunar (or maybe it's the translation that doesn't sound right). ✖ The Skip function, which allows you to skip through the text you've already read if you want to complete the various endings, is far too slow, and you can't even skip through the evolution animations. This discouraged me from finishing all the endings in a row. ✖ The map during exploration phases is ugly and not very practical, I find, and the constant change of music as the map opens is annoying.
Digimon Survive is bound to be a divisive game, as the balance between visual novel and combat is clearly not equitable (70/30% in my opinion). Personally, this wasn't a problem for me, as I'm used to this genre, but it's true that the tactical combat phases are this title's major weakness. At least it gave me a pleasant nostalgic feeling at the side of these little digimons (🎶are the champions!🎶).
➡ My personal VN ranking (in french) ➡ My Steam page
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inspirationaljunkyard · 5 months
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More samples from the Cairn 2E bestiary, on today's menu: rot goblins, purple worms and pixies... Cairn 2E is live on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1557907976/cairn-2e-boxed-set
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demonsteapot · 7 months
what if i made it so that the bestiary always has one unfillable entry no matter how many entries are in the game just so that the menu can never be satisfying to look at
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osiris-iii-bc · 10 months
My print shop, but with a backstory
So… a funny thing happened.
Since I started to post my experimental Emeritus portraits I’ve had some requests to make them available as prints. Actually I have been working around this idea but I had a hard time finding the right way to make them available. I am still unsure about Redbubble for many reasons.
Anyway, now they actually are (find a quick posters menu below):
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Click on the image to get to the shop.
All the prints of Papa’s bestiary are available there in different formats and gadgets. The stickers and magnets for I and II will arrive soon.
Primo: Poster | Artprint
Secondo: Poster | Artprint
Terzo: Poster | Artprint
Cardinal Copia: Poster | Artprint
Copia (Papa): Poster | Artprint But the story behind my shop is a bit chaotic, like everything I do. 👇🏻
I have tried a couple of print-on-demand websites but I wasn’t sure of them because I thought the shipping costs were too high and it wasn’t worth it, one of these website is Redbubble. I had set up the shop and all but just abandoned it there, sure nobody would notice.
After dropping Redbubble, I had taken into consideration the direct selling (me personally printing stuff and shipping it through Vinted or Etsy) but while I was still deciding what to do, without a single shred of expectation, the items I had uploaded on Redbubble started to sell. Like people actually started buying my stuff while I was almost forgetting having a shop there. Funny. At that point I just said “ok, so let’s roll with it.”
I can't decide the actual price of the items but only my earning margin, which I have lowered to keep prices affordable. Nice to mention that Redbubble keeps the 90% of earnings.
Now, I have never bought on Redbubble so I have no idea of the print quality, but I have just ordered a bunch of my own stuff (posters, magnets and stickers) to test it. Please don’t kick my little scared ass if the quality isn’t top, write to me and I’ll sort it out at best of my possibilities.
Bear with me, this is the first time I do something like this.
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automatonne · 2 years
I have several new OCs for something original I’m cookin 👀
I don’t let the fact I can’t draw stop me… I used He/ro Forge to make approximate models of my new girls!
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Meet Dolly the centaur, Jade the naga, Lyra the minotaur, Berry the slime girl, and Nessa the dragon girl!
Dolly is the owner of the Monstere Cafe, a place where half-humans and full monsters alike can gather to eat. She’s got that Southern hospitality charm but is a little no-nonsense. She’s an owner of a small business, above all, and she’s here to make sure her customers get what they want, whether they end up in a belly or cram someone else in theirs. She may be an older horse (44 and counting), but she’s still got it!
Jade is a refined lady of more luxurious tastes. She’s 23 and a recent graduate of a prestigious academy for naga women, Goldscale. (Top of her class, too, mind.) Nagas are expected to enter society as magic wielders and alchemists and are known for their slender, sleek beauty. Jade takes pride in her lovely green scales, but she bears a secret… she really wishes she could put on some weight. She bemoans a metabolism much too high for a half-snake. She’s also had this reoccurring dream where she’s slurped down like a noodle by a human she keeps waking up from blushing like a fool…
Lyra is a lady who knows what she wants and coyly reminds you of that every step of the way. She is not for the easily embarrassed. (Or maybe she is, if you’re into that.) She’s an apprentice at a store that caters to monsters with bodies that do not accommodate human clothes very well. She is a warm presence, even if that warmth occasionally spreads to your cheeks as she teases you for staring at her outrageous bust…
Berry is everyone’s cheerleader. She’s bubbly and a touch airheaded, but hey, slimes don’t have brains anyway. Cut her a break. She runs a self-help podcast for monsters with poor body image and shyness about their roles in the pred/prey system, and she is a HUGE supporter of gainers trying to develop the body they want. As overenthusiastic as she is, though, if you find yourself hungry, you may end up with a mouthful of strawberry slime and fed much more than you bargained for.
Nessa has opinions, and you’re going to hear them. Loud and brash, this biker girl is fed up with the stereotyping of the monster world. Nessa is staunchly a prey 99% of the time and very blunt about it. She may bully you if you hesitate in your decision to put her on the menu. She’s been known to cram herself into people’s mouths, too, out of pure frustration… Despite her argumentative and pushy tendencies, her dream is to become a professional tattoo artist, and she enjoys volunteering at local bestiaries.
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