#between your bladder  control issues and your NEED TO BE DOMINATED
Welcome, welcome, dear reader, to this realm I've carved out, where I turn dream and desire into reality.
This is not my first foray into the depths of depravity on this forsaken site, and some of you may come to recognize me in time, but I will not be creating a direct link between my prior and current at this moment.
Now, before, we get started, I'd like to provide you with simple instruction: If you are not fond of what I post, take issue with it, or it simply is not for you, then you need only block me and move on. But if you find yourself enraptured by the depravity on display here, then be a doll and follow closely, lest you miss something that drives you mad.
The contents of this blog are to be seen as fantasy. I intend no harm, and am merely here to express and enjoy myself. As such, I must make clear that this is an adult content blog intended only for those of you who are at or above the legal age. If you are under 18, then I ask you leave now. This is not a space for minors.
Now then, I'm sure you're curious to know more, aren't you doll? You need only click Keep Reading to see the remainder of this little introductory post. And if you're still curious, then know that my blog hides many secrets and pages with quite a bit more information, and my asks are always open.
WHO AM I For now, you may simply call me Cyber, but who is Cyber? Well, I am a dominant, poly-amorous, pan-sexual man in my late 20s who has more depraved little fantasies, fetishes and kinks than he can count. I intend to use this space to cultivate my desires further, and explore the very depths of my own depravity, so enjoy the ride! To learn a little more about me, consider reviewing my ABOUT page. In addition to that, I am also the proud owner of @pxppygirl.
DNI I ask that you refrain from interacting with me or my blog, and request that you even block me, should you fit into one or more of the following categories:
A minor
Homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, and any other sort of related -phobic.
Clearly a bot... not that you're reading this anyway.
A general asshole... just... respect people, please.
MY DESIRES As I said prior, there are countless desires and kinks which I find enticing, which may be found in some form within this space I've crafted. For a more thorough list, do make sure to visit my DESIRES page on my blog, but for now, the below is a brief look into what depravity lurks within my mind:
Bladder control, Wetting, Omorashi, etc.
Body-writing, Tattoos & Similar markings
Bondage & BDSM
CNC & Rape-play
Diapers & Pull-Ups
Exhibitionism & Public-play
Hypnosis & Brainwashing
Intox-play (Alcohol & Light drug-play)
Orgasm control (Both denial & forced)
And much, much more…
LEWD STORIES I often find myself writing depraved little tales. I will be posting these tales here, but as posts can be blocked, all stories will also be saved as dedicated pages on my blog. For a full list, make sure you check my STORIES page whenever you can!
ANON SIGN-OFFS In my past on here, I've found that many regular anons like to select an Emoji to use as a sign-off. With this space being a fresh start, I will not be carrying over anything from my prior, so make your claim swiftly! I will update this section semi-regularly to more accurately reflect claimed sign-offs. Claimed Sign-Offs: ⛵🌙 (sailor moon)
CHALLENGES & RATINGS I've previously enjoyed creating little games to challenge your depravity, as well as rating kinks on a scale all my own. For the time being, I will not be doing this in the same manner I once did, but I am working in the background on how I want to approach this topic going forward.
ADDITIONAL SOCIALS In addition to Tumblr, you can find me periodically enjoying other corners of the internet. Discord - cybernetdream X (Twitter) - @CybernetDream Reddit - u/CyberneticDreamscape And more...
WHAT'S LEFT TO SAY For now, the only remaining things I have to say are simple. I will periodically update this post as needed. I hope you find my work here to be enthralling. And if you're ever curious for more, consider checking my blog's DIRECTORY page.
Enjoy your time here, I hope you get lost scrolling endlessly.
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
remembering when, two months ago, I was rewatching roti after nearly a decade and forgot that dawn basically outed brick as a bottom.
“it’s all right there in your aura, between your bladder control issues and your need to be dominated”
me: *wheezing* need to what?
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Total Drama Incorrect Quotes
Jo: *points at Brick* A human turtleneck, *points at Anne Maria* a narcissistic monster *point at Lightning* and literally the dumbest person I’ve ever met
Lightning: And who am I? Describe me now.
Anne Maria: Why are your tongues purple?   
Jo: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Brick: I had a red one.
Anne Maria: oh  
Anne Maria: OH
Lightning: You drank each others slushies?     
Brick: *screams*
Jo: *screams louder to assert dominance*  
Zoey: Should we do something?
 Anne Maria, observing: No, I wanna see who wins this.
Dave: Can I have your number?
Sky, visibly texting: I don’t have a phone.
Duncan: Talk dirty to me~
Courtney: Inflation is a serious problem and the lumber prices are too high.
Duncan: Wha-
Courtney: The economy is in shambles.
Owen: We have a problem.
Noah: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
Owen: This was almost a great idea.
Noah: You just described 90% of our stuff.
Duncan: Are you ready to commit?
Gwen: Like, a crime or a relationship?
Brick: What are you in the mood for?        
Jo: World domination. 
Brick: That’s a bit ambitious.
Jo: You are my world.
Brick: Awww...     
Brick: Oh.
Tyler: I fell—
Lindsay: From heaven?
Tyler: No, I literally fell—
Lindsay: In love with me the moment you saw me?
Lindsay: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest 
Carrie: I’ve been dropping them the most insanely obvious hints for like a decade now. No response.
Devin: Wow. They sound stupid.
Carrie: But they’re not. They’re really smart actually. Just dense.
Devin: Maybe you need to be more obvious? Like, I don’t know… “Hey! I love you!”
Carrie: I guess you’re right. Hey Devin, I love you.
Devin: See! Just say that!
Carrie: Holy fucking shit.
Devin: If that flies over their head then, sorry Carrie, but they're too dumb for you.
Carrie: Devin.
Chris: Owen, you’ll be working with Justin and Izzy.
 Owen: All right! My fantasy threesome!  
 Everyone else: *stares*  
 Owen: …Of people on a team.
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critical-goat · 3 years
Headcanons on where the Obey Me! pact marks would be located if the locations were based on chakras. I spent way too many hours looking into this, as I never imagined just how.... expansive chakras are. (take a shot for every time I say chakra(s), pact, or mark. Please do not actually ok, even individually all are said so many times)
no spoilers or other warnings
what are chakras, though?
The practice of Chakras started in Hindu religion and is a Sanskrit term meaning wheel or mystical circle.
Chakras are bundles of energy that run throughout the body. Traditionally, there are 7 layers of chakras: physical, two emotional, two mental, and two spiritual layers.
I’m focusing on the physical layer (though I don’t doubt that they could possibly imprint their pact on less tangible parts of you if they wanted) for simplicity sake and to avoid making this more religious than it needs to be. Admittedly, I already feel like I’m overstepping boundaries.
ROOT CHAKRA (Belphegor + Beelzebub)
The chakra itself is located at the base of the spine between the anus and genitals (don’t worry, we’re not placing the pact here) and represented by the color red.
If this is your most prominent chakra, food and sleep are probably important factors of your life, as the Root is connected with survival as well as feelings of security and emotional satisfaction.
A healthy Root Chakra provides a grounding feeling and feelings of safety while an imbalanced Root leaves feelings of insecurity and restlessness.
Despite often being described as the First Chakra (Mammon is jealous), the Root is considered to have the lowest frequency and slowest spinning wheel, as it more than the others is attributed to physical and vital needs and fulfillment
The pact marks show up on MCs pelvis, just below their waistline and are side by side
When Beel’s was the only pact of the two, rather than lining up in the same invisible line that the others seemed to follow, it leaned to the side, looking unbalanced and incomplete. The piece becomes whole once Belphie’s mark forms next to his twins.
This chakra is located in the kidneys, bladder, and internal reproductive workings and is represented by the color orange.
The source of creative impulse; those with the second chakra as their dominant are often seekers of pleasure and satisfaction in their day to day life.
Balanced, this chakra channels commitment and creativity, while an unbalanced Second chakra causes a lack of boundaries and empathetic emotions.
Asmo’s pact mark shows up on MC’s lower back, just above their butt (YES, this man tramp stamped you, would you expect any less from him) and is the only of the Brother’s marks that doesn’t appear on MC’s front.
Located at the navel and represented by the color yellow.
The center of personal power and commitment; those with a dominant Navel chakra are people of action, with a great desire to achieve.
Balanced, this chakra channels inner balance and inspiration. When imbalanced, it will manifest feelings of anger, greed, shame, and/or despair.
Mammon’s own Navel may well be imbalanced as he seems to better fit the imbalanced traits than the balanced, but his control over his powers, general personality, and his devotion to MC make him more than worthy to be associated with this chakra.
Mammon placed his pact smack dab in the middle of MC’s stomach to keep a certain brothers (coughAsmocough) pact mark from having a place to distract from his own claim (jokes on him, Asmo loves butts so its a win-win, really). While his pact doesn’t stray from the line the pacts align themselves to, it does lean slightly towards the side MC’s heart is on.
HEART CHAKRA (Leviathan)
Located in the middle of the chest and represented by the color green (green with envy HAH).
Those with dominant energy in the Heart desire to create.
Balanced, it manifests compassion and love; signs the Heart chakra is unbalanced includes grief, attachment, fear of rejection, and/or heartlessness.
I did not run out of chakra placements. Levi’s placement here is very deliberate. However, he is yet another who’s own chakra seems to be imbalanced. His compassion is very prominent is Season 2 and even when he is more withdrawn, you can still tell just how much he cares about the others. (I also note that the Heavenly Virtue directly correlated to envy is kindness).
Levi’s mark appears on MC’s sternum right in the valley of their chest (much to his embarrassment) and leans to the side opposite of their heart (not because he likes them than the others, but more because he already feels embarrassingly close to the most important part of them).
THROAT CHAKRA (Satan, Diavolo)
Located on the throat and represented by a light blue color.
The center for speaking and hearing truth.
A balanced Throat manifests inspiration through self expression and learning and teaching (teaching being apart from the others); unbalanced causes weakness in expression, vocalization issues, insecurity, and fear of others opinions and judgements.
While Satan’s pact appears directly upon the throat as a bold declaration of his connection to MC, Diavolo’s would show up on the back of the neck further down towards the shoulders.
Diavolo might not show it, but he does respect people’s privacy and would prefer to allow MC to choose whether or not they publicly bear the seal of their pact. Satan’s mark slopes towards the side of MC’s dominant hand.
Located between the eyebrows and represented by indigo.
Center of the brain as well as cognitive and high functions; those with dominant energy in their Third Eye easily concentrate on their tasks and are a determined lot.
A balanced chakra gives way to a clearer intuition and clairyvoyance while an unbalanced Third Eye can cause confusion, depression, and over intellecualization.
I set this as Lucifer’s rather than Satan’s both because he already has the physical representation in his own demon form, but also because he more than the 4th born tend to forget that others have limits and that every infraction is not a ploy against him or an attempt to piss him off, correlating to the over intellecualization of an imbalanced Third Eye. He makes up the last of the unbalanced chakra squad, but also seems to have a good mix of the balanced traits as well.
His mark, rather than appearing between MC’s eyebrows, the top of his pact begins at their hairline and ends just before it reaches their eyebrows.
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false-falsettos · 3 years
Cordelia: You know, you don't have to help me just because you were teased a lot as a child.
Marvin: ...Who told you that?
Cordelia: It's right there in your aura! Between your bladder control issues and your need to be dominated.
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missmoki · 3 years
Intro to Chakras
Tumblr media
Photo by Danielle Barnes on Unsplash
The Chakra system originated in India around 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas. The Vedas is the earliest Sanskrit literary records and the most ancient scriptures of Hinduism.
What is Chakra?
The term chakra appears to first emerge within the Hindu Vedas, though not precisely in the sense of psychic energy centers, rather as chakravartin or the king who "turns the wheel of his empire" in all directions from a center, representing his influence and power. In Sanskrit the word Chakra means disk or wheel and refers to the energy centers in your body. These wheels or disks of spinning energy each correspond to certain bundle of nerves or major organs. There are 7 main chakras that run along your spine, they start from the root or base of your spine and then up to the crown of your head and it is believed that there are about 114 chakras in the body.
The 7 Main Chakras
Crown or Sahasrara
Location: The very top of the head
Color: Violet or White
Meaning: Awareness, Intelligence
Element: Divine Consciousness
Stone: Clear Quartz, Selenite, Lepidolite
Develops: 43-49 Years Old
Opened: It is thought to help keep all other chakra's open and to bring the person bliss and enlightenment. When you fully open your crown chakra, you're able to access a higher consciousness.
Blocked: Those with a blocked crown chakra may seem narrow-minded, skeptical, or stubborn.
Overactive: An overactive crown chakra often manifests as a desire for material belongings which never seems capable of being satisfied. Greed, superficiality and arrogance often result in a disconnection from others as well as the universe.
To balance the crown chakra connect with the cycles of your body, Contemplate the right question, cultivate feelings of awe and be of service.
Third Eye (Brow) or Ajna
Location: Between the eyes on the forehead
Color: Indigo
Meaning: Intuition, Imagination
Element: Light
Stone: Amethyst, Labradorite, Purple Fluorite
Develops: 36-42 Years Old
Open: When it is open and in alignment, it is thought that people will follow their intuition. So you will have a strong gut instinct. Visions and intuitive hits are common for someone with an open third eye chakra. It allows you to cut through any illusions and drama to see the clear picture.
Blocked: People who have trouble listening to reality or who are not in touch with their intuition may have their third eye chakra blocked. When it is blocked it is also associated with a broad range of issues, including depression, anxiety and a more judgmental attitude. Physically it's said to cause headaches, dizziness and a slew of other brain-health issues.
Overactive: Sometimes with an overactive brow chakra we may even find our clairvoyant skills are so active that they can overwhelm or frighten us.
To balance the third eye try to identity journaling practice, teach yourself to act through your emotions and keep a dream journal.
Throat or Vishuddha
Location: The Throat
Color: Blue
Meaning: Communication
Element: Sound/Music
Stone: Aquamarine, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli
Develops: 29-35 Years Old
Open: When it is aligned you will speak and listen with compassion, as well as feel confident because you know you are being true to yourself and your words. When it is functioning at full capacity it allows us to express ourselves truly and clearly.
Blocked: When it is blocked this can been seen through dominating conversations, gossiping, speaking without thinking and having trouble speaking your mind. You may also find it hard to pay attention and stay focused, or fear judgement from others, which can further hinder your ability keep it real. Physically, this blockage can manifest itself as a sore throat, thyroid issues, neck and shoulder stiffness, or tension headaches.
To balance the throat chakra you can try the Cat-cow pose, communicate with awareness, sing to yourself as a child and practice a mantra.
Heart or Anahata
Location: The center of the chest above the heart
Color: Green
Meaning: Love, Compassion
Element: Air
Stone: Rose Quartz, Jade, Malachite
Develops: 21-28 Years Old
Open: When it is open you may find that you feel more connected with those around you and you will be open to others. You will also be at peace with spending time alone. You may feel more joy and happiness as well as be more optimistic. You may notice that you will receive what you desire with ease. When the heart chakra is open you will also have an increased capacity for compassion and forgiveness.
Blocked: Someone with a blocked heart chakra will have difficulty to fully open up to people in their life. People with the heart chakra blocked also often put others first, to their own detriment. It can make us feel lonely, insecure and isolated. A closed heart chakra can give way to grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward yourself and others. You may also be emotionally closed off, and find it difficult to get over past hurts and unable to forgive.
To balance the heart chakra try to pay attention to your posture, most of us walk around with hunchbacks and unconsciously closing our hearts. You can also try writing yourself a love letter, try a metta meditation or participate in service or volunteer activities.
Solar Plexus or Manipura
Location: The upper abdomen, the stomach area
Color: Yellow
Meaning: Self-Esteem, Confidence
Element: Fire
Stone: Amber, Citrine, Pyrite
Develops: 15-21 Years Old
Open: Those with open sacral chakras are free to express their true selves. It's the chakra of our personal power. This means it's related to our self-esteem and self-confidence.
Blocked: When it is blocked people often experience digestive issues like ulcers, heartburn, eating disorders and indigestion. You may not just feel badly about yourself, but also may lead you to outwardly express apathy, procrastination or that you may be taken advantage easily.
Overactive: When it is overactive you may have a rampant ego, be power hungry and egotistical, resulting in manic behavior and hyperactive energy.
To balance the Solar Plexus try working out your core, make friends with your inner critic or practice the breathe of fire (its a kundalini yoga practice).
Sacral or Svadhisthana
Location: Just below the belly button, just above the pubic bone
Color: Orange
Meaning: Sexuality, Pleasure, Creativity
Element: Water
Stone: Tiger's Eye, Sunstone, Carnelian
Develops: 8-14 Years Old
Open: This chakra is linked to how you relate to your emotions of others. When it is aligned you'll likely feel great, you're friendly, passionate and successfully fulfilled while also eliciting feelings of wellness, abundance, pleasure and joy.
Blocked: When it is blocked you may feel a lack of control in your life. You may also feel uninspired, have some emotional instability, you may also experience fear of change, depression or addiction-like behaviors. Physically you may see problems with associated organs like a urinary tract infection, lower back pain and impotency.
To balance the Sacral Chakra try meditation or yoga, work with the color orange, maybe eat orange foods, get comfortable with stillness or maybe try journaling.
Root or Muladhara
Location: Base of the spine, in the tailbone area
Color: Red
Meaning: Physical Identity, Stability, Grounding
Element: Earth
Stone: Hematite, Red Jasper, Onyx
Develops: 1-7 Years Old
Open: This chakra is responsible for your sense of security and stability. When the root is opened you will feel grounded and secure, both physically and emotionally.
Blocked: When the root chakra is blocked it can manifest physical issues like arthritis, constipation, and bladder or colon problems. You may feel insecure about finances, basic need and well being. You may also feel threatened and as if you are standing on unstable ground. Other ailments include anxiety disorders, fears and/or nightmares.
To balance the root chakra try envisioning the color red glowing at the base of the spine where the chakra is located. Start with a simple meditation of imaging a bright red light at the base of your tailbone. Picture this red light extending down to your legs and feet, grounding you to the earth. You can also try yoga, dancing, take a shower or go on a walk, concentrate on your foot leaving the ground and connecting with the earth again with each step.
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cheshireindisguise · 3 years
Because I couldn't find a post, I'm making my own and please comment if someone's already done it with credits✌🏻
[To B] Your aura is an exceptionally purplish-yellow. Oh, it suits you, though.
[To Zoe] Yes, that would be good considering you were an only child and all... You're soul reads like an open book. You had such a lonely childhood, it must've been difficult.
[To Dakota] Your need for fame is really a depressed cry for love... I see people's auras and it looks like someone threw up on yours.
[To Sam] A great darkness is surrounding Dakota. If she stays on the island, disaster will befall her.
[To Lightning] Don't worry, I'll save you. [Performs Heimlich manoeuvre and continues to talk to cockroach] You're safe now little one.
[To Scott] You weren't held enough as a child (smiles).
[To a lightbug] What's that little one? Evil is lurking? Let me guess, Chris.
[To Brick] You don't have to help because you were teased a lot as a child... It's right there in your aura between your bladder control issues and need to be dominated.
[To Zoe] Don't worry Zoe, you won't be alone forever.
[Confessional] I swear to the great Earth mother that I will expose Scott for the traitor he is! [Pouts]
[Throws fake McLean statue at Scott]... I urge you to rise up against the soulless, sociopathic scoundrel amongst you!
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bettercaremarket · 4 years
How Can Incontinence Affect Your Life?
Urinary incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine, a distressing condition that can have a major impact on your quality of life. People suffering from urinary incontinence deal with inconvenience, discomfort, and often embarrassment. They feel shy or awkward to mention the urine leakages.  This often leads to social isolation and withdrawal, and consequently has a negative impact on their overall quality of life.
Living with incontinence should not be a burden. There are many things you can do to prevent incontinence from being scary or encumbrance. Start by ensuring you know the things to do to regain bladder control and enjoy your day again.
You are not alone!
If you suffer from incontinence, know you are not alone! In Australia, an estimated 3.85 million men and women have urinary incontinence, yet up to 70% of people with urinary leakage don't seek advice and treatment for their problem.
Whether you simply leak a few drops when sneezing or laughing, have a sudden urge to urinate but don’t make the toilet in time, or leak most of the time, urinary incontinence affects people in different ways.
Why does incontinence occur?
Incontinence is not just a problem for older people. There are many causes of urinary incontinence, the most known being pregnancy, childbirth, menopause and obesity.
Continence problems can also be affected by chronic health conditions such as a neurological condition, multiple sclerosis, stroke and Parkinson’s Disease. While women are twice as likely as men to experience urinary incontinence, incontinence isn't an unavoidable part of getting older.
Incontinence occurs due to problems with muscles and nerves that help to hold or release urine. During urination, bladder muscles tighten to move the urine stored there into the urethra. The sphincter muscles around the urethra relax simultaneously so that urine can leave the body. When these muscles relax without warning or the sphincter muscles aren't strong enough to retain urine, incontinence will occur. Damage to these muscles may also result in leakage as there's less pressure than usual.
Take charge of urinary incontinence
The upside is that there are things you can do to manage urinary incontinence and regain bladder control. In this way, you can prevent it from making everyday life a misery.
Talk to your GP
Maybe there are medical factors that can cause or worsen your incontinence: uncontrolled diabetes, bladder infections, constipation, certain medication or menopausal changes. Just to name a few. Your GP can take care of this by identifying and treating these issues.
Plan forward
A crucial aspect of living with urinary incontinence is to plan ahead, as this will make things easier and less stressful. Successful planning starts with assessing your specific situation and then working out strategies to deal with the most likely scenarios.
·         Tips to cope better
While you're treating urinary incontinence, there are many simple tips that can help you cope better in various situations at work, while socialising or doing some physical activity:
·         Bladder training: schedule times to go to the toilet about every two to three hours. This technique, called timed voiding, is important as it helps to keep the bladder empty. Don’t wait until your bladder feels full!
-          When you intend to leave home or work, use the toilet, even if you don’t think you need to. Go before leaving home, when arriving to your destination or before travelling in a car/bus in order to prevent accidents.
-          When you're in the bathroom, take your time. When you have finished urinating, relax for a while and then urinate again. Double voiding ensures you empty your bladder completely.
-          Toilet alert. When out shopping, dining in a restaurant, find out where the toilets are located. This is especially important if you're going to an unfamiliar public area.
Watch     what you drink:     some fluids may worsen urinary incontinence. Limit caffeinated or acidic beverages     like coffee, tea and carbonated drinks, sugar-filled cordial with     preservatives and cut down your alcohol intake. It is, however, important     to keep well hydrated, so try to drink at least eight glasses of water a     day.
Watch     what you eat:     have a more fibre-rich diet. This will help smooth bowel movement and less     stress on your pelvic floor. If you notice that certain foods make your urinary     incontinence worse, cut them out of your diet if possible.
Loose     the extra weight.     There's a strong link between obesity and incontinence. Extra abdominal     fat increases pressure on the abdomen and pushes down on the bladder. If     you're overweight, follow a sensible eating and exercise plan to lose     weight. Research has found that obese women who lose just 10% of their     body mass, reduce the risk of incontinence episodes by 50%.
Stop     smoking.     With some studies showing that smokers have more frequent and severe urine     leaks, it might be yet another good reason to stop smoking. This is     especially true if you tend to cough during smoking, as it may exacerbate     leakage.
Practise     strict hygiene:     avoid odour by washing frequently, regularly changing pads and using a     deodoriser. Also remember to regularly wash soiled clothing and underwear.     Use skin body lotion or a skin barrier cream to protect your     skin from incontinence associated dermatitis or diapers’ rash.
Sufficient     back-up:     always make sure you have back-up incontinence supplies whenever you go     out. These could include spare pads, underwear, skin care tissues ,     deodorised bags, incontinence pull up pants, deodoriser, and a plastic bag     to dispose of pads, soiled underwear or clothing.
Social outings
Planning ahead and being prepared can ensure that you enjoy social activities and outings. Here are some tips:
If   you're going to a show or movie with friends, always try to sit on the     edge of the row of seats, not in the middle, so that you can get out     easily if you need to go to the toilet.
Go  to the toilet before the show or movie starts.
Manage  urine leakage by wearing disposable pads and keeping extra ones in your     handbag.
When  eating out in a restaurant, try to get a table near the toilets, and     choose a seat that makes it easy for you to move in and out.
Coping at work
Limit   coffee breaks: avoid  drinking coffee several times a day, as caffeine-rich beverages may make you  urinate more. Also remember to time your beverage breaks, and don’t swig a  cup of tea or coffee just before going into an important meeting.
Prompt  your toilet visits: set   an alarm to remind you to go to the toilet every 90 minutes or every two  hours, whether you feel the urge or not. Timed urination helps you to have  better control, instead of letting urges determine your toilet habits.
Remember  your medication:     if your GP has given you medication for urinary incontinence, take it as   prescribed, keep some at work and if necessary, set a reminder so that you     don’t forget to take it when you’re busy.
Have  a supply of incontinence products: find out about the various incontinence products such as absorbent     pads or disposable underwear, odour-eliminating products and skin care     wipes that you can store in a desk drawer or cupboard.
Don’t let urinary incontinence dominate your life. If you've always been active and enjoy exercise, don’t stop completely even if it results in leakage.
Work   out which exercises make you leak more and try to modify or swop them with   others that won’t. For example, instead of jogging, you could walk, or   instead of doing a strenuous cardio workout, you could try aqua aerobics.
·         You may find that you can do an exercise activity for a certain period before you start leaking.
·         Go to the toilet before you start exercising.
·         Consider wearing a more absorbent continence pad during exercise. If you only leak when coughing, sneezing or exercising, you may try an incontinence pull up pants
Urinary incontinence is a very common condition, impacting an estimated 3.8 million people in Australia. While incontinence as such may not be a life-threatening condition, it is an unpleasant journey as it affects the person’s quality of life.
People stay at home and avoid social contacts due to embarrassment and stigma that surrounds the condition. Luckily there are quite a few tips and tricks that can help you living a better life. Many of the impacts on your daily life can be prevented by understanding what it is and finding a solution that is right for you.
There is a large range of products in the market that can help you manage urinary incontinence with ease. This will make your journey hopefully a little less stressful.
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Intro to the 7 Chakras
    The Chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest text called the Vedas, according to this ancient Hindu scripture the human body has 7 energy points that start at the base of your spine and expand to the top of your head. You have more than your physical body, the chakra system can be thought of as your “energy body.” When one of these chakra points are out of balance, it can cause disease within the body, and the symptoms can be mental, physical, emotional or spiritual. These 7 chakras that originated from eastern medicine happen to align with modern medicine and are known as our Endocrine System. Yes, our chakras have much to do with the human body’s glands. A variety of health problems may be caused by Chakra Imbalances affecting the associated Endocrine Gland and resulting in illness. Whether a chakra is overactive or underactive it can cause problems within the body. When you balance your chakras you will have control of your mental and spiritual health as well as your physical health. 
    So what are each of the 7 chakras? They each serve a specific purpose and are interconnected. If one is imbalanced, you will not achieve true alignment and optimal wellness. The lower level chakras are more “physical” chakras that deal with you as an individual - the upper chakras are “spiritual” chakras that focus on higher dimensional frequencies. Let’s begin with the Root chakra located at the base of your spine. 
1. Root Chakra or Mūlādhāra (Sanskrit)
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Translation: English: "root and basis of Existence."Mula means root and adhara means basis.) 
Largely responsible for how safe/secure you feel - based on your physical environment. 
When out of harmony we don’t trust our environment and feel in danger
Feelings of basic/primal needs not being met: Food, water, shelter, clothing, love, etc.  
Color: Red     Element: Earth     Affirmation: “I am.”
Location in the body: Base of spine / in between genitals & anus 
Glands: Adrenals 
Affected Physical Body Parts: Spine, legs, bones, feet, rectum, immune system, large intestine, teeth 
Lesson: To feel safe in your environment, to be able to ground yourself, manifest basic needs, and practice healthy physical sexuality. 
Physical dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, poor posture, sciatica, problems with veins/blood flow, rectal tumors and or cancers, hemorrhoids, constipation, arthritis, immune-related disorders, depression, weight fluctuation. 
Mental/ Emotional dysfunction: the ability to provide life’s necessities, provide for your family, group safety security, feeling like you belong in a group, the ability to stand up for one’s self. 
Keywords for imbalance: Fear, guilt, shame, depression, abuse, neglect, unsafe, dangerous
-Natural healing-
Crystals: (Most Red stones) Ruby, Garnet, bloodstones, hematite, obsidian, onyx, black tourmaline, red jasper, smoky quartz, fire agate. 
Essential Oils: Myrrh, sandalwood, patchouli 
2. Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana 
(Sanskrit: स्वाधिष्ठान, IAST: Svādhiṣṭhāna, English: "where your being is established.""Swa" means self and "adhishthana" means established.) 
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Deals mostly with sexual/reproductive organs and activities, but also emotions and creativity. 
Can become unbalanced due to unexpressed anger - stifled creativity - feelings of shame/guilt - and dealing with feelings of lack or scarcity of money or material goods. 
When in balance you will cultivate healthy relationships, be in touch with your inner emotions, express sensuality in a positive/healthy way, and easily cultivate abundance. 
Location: 2 inches below the navel
Element: Water    Color: Orange     Affirmation: “I feel.”
Glands: Ovaries, testicles 
Physical body parts affected: womb, genitals, lower vertebrae, pelvis, appendix, bladder, hip, kidneys
Life lesson: Use your emotions to connect to others without losing your own identity. Freely express creativity and healthy emotional sexuality. 
Physical dysfunction: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, gynecological problems, pelvic pain, impotence, frigidity, uterine/bladder/kidney problems
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: guilt/ blame, shame, negative money mindset, negative outlook on sexual relationships, hypersexuality, low sex drive, problems with power/control/dominance, creativity/ problems with expressing one's ideas, honor in relationships
Possible causes of energy blockage: sexual abuse/trauma, r*pe, harassment, gender issues, body dysmorphia/dysphoria, p*rn addiction, shame or repressment of sexuality, stifled creativity. 
Crystals: Carnelian, amber, moonstone, coral, orange tourmaline, Sunstone
Essential Oils: ylang-ylang, lemon, patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood 
3. Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura
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Manipura translates from Sanskrit as "resplendent gem" or "lustrous gem"
The 3rd Chakra or “Power Chakra” 
Location: Above Navel / Solar Plexus (beneath ribcage) 
 Element: Fire          Color: Yellow           Affirmation: “I can.”
Glands: Pancreas, Adrenals
Physical body parts affected: Abdomen, Stomach, Intestines, liver, gallbladder, spleen, middle spine 
Life lesson: To experience the depth of who we are as individuals
To live your life’s purpose 
To feel empowered and have good self-esteem
Physical dysfunction: Arthritis, Digestive issues, gastric ulcers, eating disorders, diabetes, indigestion, fatigue, hepatitis, nerve pain, weight issues, metabolism issues, cancers/tumors in the digestive system, etc. 
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: trust issues, fear, easily intimidated, low self-respect or self-confidence, sensitivity to criticism, phobias, self-esteem issues, self-harm, depression, inactivity/ stagnant energy, etc. 
Possible causes of energy blockage: Repressed anger, dominance/submission issues, problems with working on a team, controlling personality, instability with money, lack of passion for career/ purpose, childhood trauma, many failures, codependency, addiction, etc.
Crystals: Citrine, amber, yellow topaz, tiger’s eye, yellow agate
Essential Oils: Lemon, lemongrass, lime, lavender, rosewood, rosemary, 
4. Heart Chakra or Anahata
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Anahata (Sanskrit: अनाहत, IAST: Anāhata, English: "unstruck") In Sanskrit, anahata means "unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten".
Location: Center of Chest 
Element: Air            Color: Green          Affirmation: “I love.”
Glands: Thymus 
Physical body parts affected: Heart, chest, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, breast, ribs, lymph nodes, diaphragm, veins, etc. 
Life lesson: To experience empathy, compassion, and unconditional love for one’s self and all other beings. 
Physical dysfunction: heart disease, heart attack, asthma, allergies, lung cancer, lung disease, pneumonia, breast cancer, high blood pressure
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: Inability to love, hatred for others, resentment, grief, self-centeredness, loneliness, trust issues, inability to forgive 
Possible causes of energy blockage: repressed heartache/grief, trauma, negligence, a victim of abuse, unhappy relationship, poor relationship with immediate family, lack of support of friend group, isolation
Crystals: Rose quartz, emerald, peridot, other green stones.  Essential Oils: Rose, bergamot, ylang-ylang, Melissa, palmarosa 
5. Throat Chakra or Vishuddha
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(Sanskrit: विशुद्ध,: Viśuddha, English: "especially pure")
Location: Throat     
Element: Sound        Color: Light Blue            Affirmation: “I speak.”
Glands: Thyroid 
Physical body parts affected: Thyroid, parathyroid, throat, neck, mouth, gums. esophagus, teeth, hypothalamus, neck vertebrae, arms, and hands  
Life lesson: To speak and receive the truth. To express yourself freely. 
Physical dysfunction: Raspy or sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties/disease, stiff neck, scoliosis, swollen glands, thyroid problems
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: Strength/will, personal expression, following one’s dreams, using personal power to create, ability to make decisions, addiction, judgment, faith. 
Possible causes of energy blockage: suppressing creative talents, difficulty expressing one's self, not feeling safe to freely express, swallowing words 
Crystals: turquoise, aquamarine, celestite, lapis lazuli, blue kyanite
Essential Oils: Lavender, rosemary, frankincense 
6. Third Eye Chakra or Ajna 
Ajna translates as "authority" or "command" (or "perceive") and is considered the eye of intuition and intellect. 
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Location: Forehead, between brows 
Element: Light     Color: Indigo        Affirmation: “I see.” 
Glands: Pineal
Physical body parts affected: Brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose
Life lesson: To use insight and intuition
To see past the physical world and access higher dimensions 
Physical dysfunction: Brain tumor/hemorrhage, stroke, neurological disturbances, blindness, deafness, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities, seizures, headaches, blurred vision, memory loss, 
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, feelings of adequacy, openness to ideas of others, emotional intelligence 
Possible causes of energy blockage: A lack of trust in one’s intuition or ability, 
Crystals: Lapis Lazuli, amethyst, fluorite, clear quartz
Essential Oils: Lavender, frankincense, sandalwood
7. Crown Chakra or Sahasrara 
(Sanskrit: सहस्रार, IAST: Sahasrāra, English: "thousand-petaled") 
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Location: Top of Head 
Element: Thought    Color: Purple, white, gold      Affirmation: “I know.”
Glands: Pituitary 
Physical body parts affected: Muscular system, skeletal system, skin, central nervous system 
Life lesson: To experience the divine meaning of life. 
Physical dysfunction:  Energy disorders, depression, chronic fatigue, apathy, 
Emotional/ mental dysfunction: Ability to trust, values, ethics, courage, selflessness, ability to see the big picture, faith, inspiration, spirituality, devotion. 
Possible causes of energy blockage: lack of trust in the divine or the universe, lack of faith, distrust, believing in the worst possible outcome, manifesting negativity 
Crystals: Amethyst, clear quartz, moonstone, selenite, white topaz
Essential Oils: Frankincense, peppermint, sandalwood, lotus 
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charminglatina · 5 years
Moon Signs of the Riverdale Cast ☽ (Part I).
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In this post, I will be doing a list of the Riverdale cast and their moon signs. We all know what the casts sun signs are, but nobody knows what they’re moon signs are. A lot of emphasis is put onto sun signs but in astrology, moon signs are actually way more crucial and important in determining someone’s true nature and personality. The Sun sign represents the Ego or outer personality, but the Moon sign represents the inner nature and personality. So, in reality, the Moon sign is someone’s true personality though it’s the side of themselves that they keep hidden from the outside world and only show to those they are close with or comfortable with. Here is more information about what a moon sign is and what it represents in astrology.
What Is A Moon Sign?
Moon Signs help define our emotional development, or express the unconscious side of our personality. It explains why we do what we do. This is where we retreat for comfort, childhood memories, and peace. This can also be the place where anger, hate, jealousy and fear may be found. The Moon also influences our senses depending on its placement in the birth chart. Most people will have their Moon in a Sign that is different from their Sun. This is why many people with the same Sun Sign can be so different from each other. They may feel that when they read a description of their Sign, that it is not representative of them. It may feel incomplete, or even completely inaccurate. Moon Signs may be a much more accurate description of what a person is like. If your Moon Sign is the same as your Sun Sign, you may find that it amplifies the traits of that Sign. This would make you a "double" of your Sign, such as a "double Gemini." The Moon also governs the heart, stomach, brain, bladder, bowels and the left eye. It has influence with the glands and fluids of the body.The Moon is said to represent your instinctual self, which many people keep hidden. On points where your Sun and Moon Signs are compatible, they will work together to help you get through the hardships and accomplish your goals. Where they are not compatible, you will feel conflicting desires or be at odds with yourself in some way. For example, if your Moon is in Gemini, you may be very changeable emotionally. You may get stressed out easily, and the more people you discuss your issues with, the more confused you may become. Scorpio Moons also deal with a lot of stress, but tend to keep it all under wraps. Jealousy may be a big problem for a person with a Scorpio Moon. Aries Moons are headstrong, aggressive and may be difficult to control. They do best if they can find a physical outlet for their emotions, like sports. Our Moon Sign also offers insight in how to reach our inner child. In astrology language, your Sun sign dictates your zodiac personality, while your Moon sign, the second most important influence in your horoscope chart after the Sun, represents your emotions, your inner mood. And the two together strongly influence your emotional mode of operation. 
I. KJ Apa (Moon Sign: Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽; Sun Sign: Gemini Sun ♊︎☉)
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Scorpio Moon Positive Traits: Magnetic, genuine feelings, intuitive, compassionate, energetic, passionate, powerful, determined, self-sacrificing, just, persevering, stoical, inscrutable, self-reliant, deep, self-possessed, complex, influential, shrewd, firm, intense, loyal, faith-inspiring, dynamic, regenerating, compelling, penetrating insight, scrutinizing, resourceful, strong and deep, brave, firm views, healing touch, intimate, sharp, incisive, subtle, satirical, perceptive, penetrating mind, stealthy, audacious, accurate, investigative, punchy, emphatic, good concentration, quick-minded, dextrous, profound, confiding, insightful, strategic, sexually aware, sensuous, colourful, rapturous, stimulating, fruity, sultry, self controlled, dignified, sense of secrecy, faithful, gives all
Scorpio Moon Negative Traits: Unyielding, apparently unfeeling, suspicious, scornful, maniacal, jealous, gloating, obsessive, grudging, revengeful, unforgiving, emotionally denying, unreachable, lonely, brooding, self-destructive, subtly dominating, manipulative, underhand, obstinate, possessive, fanatical, emotionally sapping, coercive, degrading, enforces allegiance, seductive, black looks, cunning, vengeful, self-punishing, scornful of weakness, cruel, rigid outlook, corrupt, resentful, cutting, acidic, sneaky, sarcastic, paranoid, intrusive, abusive, uncharitable, grilling, scathing, overstated, argumentative, mentally tense, presumptuous, meddlesome, incomprehensible, secretive, devious, scheming, sexually obsessed, licentious, blue, depraved, hurtful, bitter, hateful, poisonous, immoral, self-destructive, tight-lipped, unforthcoming, conspiratorial, close, expects all
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Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Aries Moon ♈︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Aries Moon may be compatible if both partners really work on pleasing each other. While passions run hot on both sides, this pairing often becomes a relationship where one partner is constantly making the effort to accommodate the other one. Both Scorpio moon and Aries moon want to be in charge; Aries because they like to be the leader, and Scorpio because they like to control everything in their lives. Both partners are intense and powerful, though their individual differences are what can tear them apart. Aries prefers to surf along on the surface while Scorpio runs very deep. Aries likes to deal with issues with aggressive emotions while Scorpio will slink away silently, hiding their feelings and holding a grudge. This can be a very challenging pairing. While both are very emotional people, Aries lets their frustrations out and goes on. Scorpio, on the other hand, is complex, secretive and may become suspicious of everything their partner does. Because of their passionate natures, Scorpio Moon and Aries Moon tend to be drawn to each other… but this is usually not a long lasting relationship due to the viciousness of their conflicts. If they can make it work, it will be a very passionate, emotional relationship.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Taurus Moon
Scorpio Moon and Taurus Moon can be deliriously happy with each other; or they can absolutely detest each other. Unfortunately, one pair can experience both extremes. When things are going good, they are on top of the world. When they have problems, they feel no one else is experiencing anything worse. Both partners in this relationship can be stubborn and inflexible. They both rely on their instincts. They are both deeply attracted to each other. Taurus Moon, however, will drive Scorpio Moon mad with their need for affection, desire for physical comforts and practicality. Scorpio Moon will drive Taurus Moon mad with their strong desire for sexual intensity, secrets and need for control through manipulation. They may find themselves in a pattern of separation and reconciliation over and over again. This can end up being a hurtful situation for both partners. Taurus Moon will be much easier to please in this pairing. Scorpio Moon has deep feelings, and when hurt can be tremendously hostile. Scorpio is prone to feeling jealous, angry and guilty. Taurus understands none of this, even though they may be a bit possessive. Once they learn to deal with each other, however, the strong attraction that brought them close in the first place can create a very special bond.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ ♏︎☽ Gemini Moon
Scorpio Moon and Gemini Moon may or may not work out. The relationship is bound to become out of balance unless both partners are constantly working to keep it going smoothly. These two are not well matched and may have a lot of challenges to conquer. Scorpio Moon and Gemini Moon are very different, emotionally. They may have difficulty appreciating the other or understanding where the other is coming from. Gemini has a light, superficial approach to relationships that truly upsets Scorpio, who feels passionate and intense. Likewise, Scorpio's outbursts, jealousy and manipulation to gain control over Gemini's need for freedom, socialization and variety will cause Gemini to run far away. Scorpio gets frustrated by Gemini's rationality and need for new experiences. While Gemini is attracted to Scorpio, it is more to gain the experience than to create a lifelong relationship. Can two signs be more different than Scorpio and Gemini? Gemini Moon will feel threatened or uncomfortable by the intensity and will try to deflect this through humor, reason and finally avoidance. Gemini's need for socializing, variety and mental stimulation is totally foreign to Scorpio. Scorpio Moon intensely loves or hates everything they come across. They cannot be reasonable, detached or rational when it comes to personal issues. They often feel that Gemini just doesn't care. Scorpio is very private and may be unsociable sometimes. They can also be very demanding, but it is due to their need and ability to share deeply and to relish the closeness and intimacy that they crave. Gemini may not be capable of achieving this level.
⭐️ Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Cancer Moon ♋︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Cancer Moon will share a great respect and understanding. They are a very well matched pair. Both partners will become deeply attached to each other. Passionate Scorpio and nurturing Cancer can plumb the emotional depths like no one else. Both partners are intuitive and sensitive to each others' needs and feelings. These two want a committed relationship. They may tend to lose objectivity and perspective about their relationship.This pairing is almost a psychic bonding that nurtures them both and can transform them both spiritually and emotionally. Scorpio is happy to have Cancer totally dependent upon them, because secretly, Scorpio is equally as dependent upon Cancer. Their differences can be found, but they won't make much of a fuss between them. Scorpio is passionate and emotional, with strong hates and equally strong loves.They react emotionally to people and situations. They reveal themselves to few, as they don't like to appear vulnerable. They can be vindictive when hurt. Cancer is soft, gentle and tender. While Scorpio's intensity can sometimes upset them, they are very sympathetic and understanding. They strive for a nurturing, peaceful atmosphere at home where they can all be happy.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Leo Moon ♌︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Leo Moon will challenge each other greatly. One will need to make compromises to make the relationship work. This may lead to resentment. Both partners here need commitment and loyalty from each other. Neither one is into brief one night stands. They are each strong willed, inflexible and proud. They both need to feel they are in control. Leo Moon always sees the bright side, while Scorpio Moon tends to dwell on the dark. Leo is direct, warm, humorous and outgoing; Scorpio is private, jealous, distrustful and deep. There is a lot for this pairing to overcome to create a successful relationship. If they are successful, they will be surrounded by great intensity and power. In order to do this, they need to let go of their fears of intimacy and reveal their true natures. Scorpio Moon is more suspicious of what lies on the surface. They are always searching for the motives of others. Leo Moon accepts others on face value, and they may feel that Scorpio is stirring up trouble where it doesn't exist. As long as each person is willing to accept the differences in the other, this relationship may work out. If they have the drive to stick it out, they could have a very nice time together.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Virgo Moon
Scorpio Moon and Virgo Moon are fairly well matched. They share many of the same opinions and have a strong respect for each other. They also have some fundamental differences that they will need to work with in order to remain together. Virgo Moon is logical, yet may be overly critical of themselves and others. They cannot detach themselves easily when they should just let something go. They tend to be perfectionists. Scorpio Moon is emotional, analytical and intuitive. They love secrets, and have a need to get to the root of them. Both partners may over-analyze themselves and others. They both want to improve themselves, but through different methods. Both are loyal to the end. Emotions and sex may embarrass Virgo, while Scorpio needs that intensity to feel complete. They can be good for each other if they can get over their differences. Scorpio Moon may hide their feelings of guilt or jealousy from Virgo. They can be manipulative in a subtle way, as they feel a need to be in control. Virgo Moon appears shy and restrained, and they may not know how to deal with the intensity of Scorpio's moods. Both can be sensitive to criticism in their own ways. With work and dedication, they may keep the relationship going.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️  Libra Moon
Scorpio Moon and Libra Moon may get along fine, especially if one partner is willing to put up with the eccentricities of the other. They may not be able compromise enough in some cases, since their desires are so different. Libra Moon likes peaceful surroundings, harmonious relationships and light chatter during social engagements. Scorpio Moon needs passion and intense experiences. They really dislike superficial bantering. Libra hates confrontation and conflict, while Scorpio may appear to seek it out. While Libra Moon wants fairness, Scorpio Moon wants revenge. Major adjustments will need to be made by both partners to make an equal, happy relationship. Libra Moon is very tolerant and accepts people as they are. Scorpio Moon analyzes and becomes suspicious. Scorpio Moon may also be very controlling and manipulative in order to dominate the relationship. This can make Libra Moon very uncomfortable. They may end up pulling back without even realizing it at first. Both partners will really have to be committed to this relationship in order to make it beneficial to both partners. It is just very hard for Libra Moon to give Scorpio Moon what they need, and vice versa.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Scorpio Moon magnifies all of their good traits, and all of their bad traits as well. If one gets suspicious of the other, it is twice as strong. They will be extremely intense, jealous and moody. This can be a lot of strain for a relationship to go through. The chances of a double Scorpio match succeeding are very low. It is true that a double Scorpio Moon can make for a very passionate partnership, it is also extremely volatile. Both partners are so intensely emotional that it is exhausting. While both are extremely loyal and possessive, they are also suspicious and manipulative. They may look calm on the surface, but underneath they could be seething with hatred or suspicion. Each partner will want to be in control. If they do manage to make this pairing work, it could be very powerful and transformative for both of them. Secretive and cautious, Scorpio Moon is very sensitive to betrayal, whether it is real or just imagined. They may be inclined to create drama to experience various emotional situations. Both partners will seek out challenging ways to experience more powerful feelings in their careers or hobbies. Those that don't find satisfaction that way will create their own situations at home with their partner.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Sagittarius Moon ♐︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Sagittarius Moon may have some conflicts. If one is willing to bend over backwards for the other, there may be some possibility for a long term relationship, but this may end up creating tension. They do share some understandings, but overall it may be difficult for them to keep it going. Scorpio Moon is private, suspicious and passionate. They are loyal, emotional and possessive. Sagittarius Moon on the other hand, is social, upbeat and philosophical. They want a certain amount of freedom and independence. Disagreements are likely to arise from Scorpio's need to uncover secrets and Sagittarius' need to expand their experiences. They are likely to inhibit both partners by their behavior. In order for either partner to feel safe and secure in the relationship, they will need to accommodate each other. Scorpio's jealousy may erupt into an emotional scene when Sagittarius is just being friendly and having fun. They have a hard time understanding why the other does what they do. Chances are the relationship will not last too long if they are not able or willing to work on their problem areas. They are as different as night and day.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Capricorn Moon ♑︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Capricorn Moon make the best of friends, and this can also turn into a nice romantic relationship as well. They can often have a long lasting relationship filled with respect and admiration. Both Scorpio and Capricorn are loyal and are capable of great depth of feeling. They are both rather private and dedicated. They both proceed with caution and are slow to trust. Where they differ can either make the relationship interesting or problematic. Scorpio needs to experience intense emotions, and may actually manufacture drama in order to fill this need. Capricorn will place practical needs above all else. Capricorn may seem emotionally detached compared to Scorpio's intensity. Capricorn can teach Scorpio how to focus on practical matters and Scorpio can help Capricorn feel more comfortable with their sensuality. If each partner focuses on the other, they can develop very strong bonds and enjoy a deep relationship. If Scorpio can curb the suspicion, Capricorn will respond better. Neither partner is capable of superficial feelings. They can create a wonderful relationship if they can only get over the few differences they have. Both should learn how to communicate rather than keep secrets from each other.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Aquarius Moon ♒︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Aquarius Moon will tend to grate on each other unless they fill their relationship with compromises. Both partners are fixed in their ways and are very different emotionally. Neither one is known for changing themselves in order to make accommodations for their partner. This is a relationship that probably won't last long. Scorpio Moon is private and desires emotional intimacy. They can get very possessive and suspicious; on the flip side, Aquarius Moon is very social. They need to be involved with groups of people and focus on the future. They want someone who is intellectual like themselves with whom they can have enlightening conversations. They want freedom and don't want anyone controlling them; whereby Scorpio desires to control their partner, and may use manipulation to get what they want. What is wrong with this picture? It is not a picture of a healthy relationship. Aquarius' need for intellectual stimulation may take them to groups who share a common interest. This may make Scorpio Moon jealous and in their need to control their partner, Scorpio may do anything to manipulate the situation so Aquarius Moons must be with them. Even with a lot of work on the part of both partners, they may never see eye to eye. This relationship is often better off if both parties cut their losses and find other partners.
⭐️ Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Pisces Moon ♓︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Pisces Moon are made for each other. They understand each other well and respect their differences. They work together well and will likely have an emotional, long lasting relationship. Both Scorpio Moon and Pisces Moon are capable of moody behavior. They are intuitive and emotional. They can, in some cases, develop a psychic bond. Their shared sensitivity helps them meet the other's needs. Scorpio needs intense emotions. They may find this in love, anger, fear, loyalty, sex, revenge or obsession. Pisces wants harmony and to avoid conflict, whereas Scorpio loves conflict. This may cause upset if not openly discussed. Both are great manipulators and their secrets and emotional intimacy will bind these two together deeply. Pisces Moon is very forgiving and tolerant, while Scorpio Moon longs to retaliate. It isn't too difficult for these two to work through their differences though. They share the most important part for both of them: the emotional intimacy. They may share an interest in the occult or other secrets. This also gives them a sense of belonging to each other.
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 Lauren Conrad ☆ Kate Moss ☆ Katy Perry ☆ Minnie Driver ☆ Lady Gaga ☆ Elizabeth Taylor ☆ Amanda Peet ☆ Minka Kelly ☆ Tracy Chapman ☆ Nia Long ☆ Tallulah Bankhead ☆ Queen Mother ☆ Raquel Welch ☆ Elizabeth Hurley ☆ Avril Lavigne ☆ Leah Remini ☆ Christine Taylor ☆ Marcia Cross ☆ Shannon Doherty ☆ Claudia Cardinale ☆  Lizzy Caplan ☆ Gemma Arterton ☆ Adriana Lima ☆ Raven Symone ☆ Famke Janssen ☆ Julie Andrews ☆ Katie Price ☆  Denise Richards ☆ Jordin Sparks ☆ Lucy Hale ☆ Thalia ☆ Victoria Silvstedt ☆  Rebecca Romijn ☆ Candice Accola ☆ Lisa Kudrow ☆ Linda McCartney ☆ Liliane Bettencourt ☆ Rosanna Arquette ☆ Heather Graham ☆ Katerina Graham ☆ Kathie Lee Gifford ☆ Jennifer Tilly ☆ Dove Cameron ☆ Pat Benatar ☆ Sky Ferreira ☆ Whoopi Goldberg ☆ Gisele Bundchen ☆ Bjork ☆ Georgia O’Keefe ☆ Laura Prepon ☆ Scarlett Johansson ☆ Lily Rose Depp ☆ Nancy Kerrigan ☆ Amelie Mauresmo ☆ Molly Ringwald ☆ Lisa Bonet ☆  Jena Malone ☆ Malia Obama ☆ Margot Robbie ☆ Bernadette Peters ☆ Tori Spelling ☆  Nancy Pelosi ☆ Kim Wilde ☆ Miley Cyrus☆ Gisele Bundchen ☆ Priscilla Presley ☆ Alyson Michalka ☆ Loretta Swit ☆  Brie Larson ☆ Selma Blair ☆ Jessica Lowndes ☆ Danneel Harris ☆ Emily Browning  ☆ Claudia Cardinale ☆ Jennifer Lopez ☆ Lordes Ciccone-Leon ☆ Chelsea Clinton ☆ The Bush Twins ☆ Ari Graynor ☆ Martine McCutcheon ☆ Cameron Manheim ☆ Chyler Leigh ☆ Cat Deeley ☆ Meagan Good ☆ Ellen Pompeo ☆ Shannyn Sossamon ☆ Lauren Jauregui ☆ Hilarie Burton ☆ Allison Mack ☆ Cyndi Lauper ☆ Crystal Renn ☆  Irina Shayk ☆ Beyonce ☆ Manju Warrier ☆ Thandie Newton ☆ Olivia Palermo ☆ Jenna Jameson ☆ Linda Fiorentino ☆ Brittany Murphy ☆ Bette Midler ☆ January Jones ☆ Taylor Momsen ☆ Danni Minogue ☆ Hayley Mills ☆ MIA ☆ Jenifer ☆ Kate Nash ☆ Alexa Chung ☆ Althea Flynt ☆ Mary Lou Retton ☆ Kylie Jenner ☆ Carmella Decesare ☆ Debi Mazar ☆ Mila Kunis ☆ Natalie Imbruglia ☆ Mariah Carey ☆ James Dean ☆ Nelson Mandela ☆ Eddie Murphy ☆ Bruce Lee ☆ Charlie Chaplin ☆ Bob Marley ☆ Ian Ziering ☆ Roger Federer ☆ Alfred Hitchcock ☆ Stanley Kubrick ☆ Steven Spielberg ☆ Mark Zuckerberg ☆ Elijah Wood ☆  Nate Dogg ☆ Asia Carrera ☆  Orlando Bloom ☆ Owen Wilson ☆ Snoop Dogg ☆ Chris Evans ☆ George Harrison ☆ Robbie Williams ☆ Ben Affleck ☆ Ryan Reynolds ☆ Adam Levine ☆ Vince Neil ☆ Bono ☆ Tom Green ☆ Alan Rickman ☆ The Weeknd ☆ Mark Wahlberg ☆ Johnny Cash ☆ Devon Sawa ☆  Jimmy Fallon ☆ RuPaul ☆ Jason Momoa ☆ Hayden Christensen ☆ Julio Cortazar ☆  Ralph Fiennes ☆ Kit Harington ☆ Matthew Perry ☆ Eric Clapton ☆ Michael Hutchence ☆ Roger Waters ☆ Joe Jackson ☆ Mohammed Reza Pahlavi ☆ Bram Stoker ☆  John Cusack ☆ Seth MacFarlane ☆ Warren Beatty ☆ Michael Buble ☆ Shaquille O’Neal ☆ Miles Davis ☆ Charlie Puth ☆ John Wayne ☆ Penn Badgley ☆ Leif Garrett ☆ Steve Perry ☆ Francis Ford Coppola ☆ Jimmy Carter ☆ Casey Affleck ☆ Adam Brody ☆ Michael Keaton ☆ Martin Lawrence ☆ Quincy Jones ☆ Patrick Stewart ☆ Truman Capote ☆Uri Geller ☆ Sam Heughan ☆ James Caan ☆ Ryan Lochte ☆ James Lafferty ☆ Placido Domingo ☆ JJ Abrams ☆ Abdullah II of Jordan ☆ Miles Teller ☆ Louis IX of France ☆ Richard Madden  ☆ Ralph Lauren ☆ Douglas Booth ☆ Eric Benet ☆ Bret Michaels ☆ Spencer Pratt ☆ Flo Rida ☆ Nathan Lane ☆ Xabi Alonso ☆ Harry Hamlin ☆ Matt Lanter ☆ Davy Jones ☆ Rahm Emanuel ☆ Nicholas Brendon ☆ Phil Mickelson ☆ James Comey ☆ George Steinbrenner 
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Born with the Moon in Scorpio, you are likely to be sensitive and loyal, but have intense emotional needs. Scorpio is a Water sign, which relates to the emotional, psychological and spiritual dimensions of life. You are likely to give the impression of being perceptive, powerful, and transformational. Scorpio is also a Fixed sign, suggesting that when you align your emotions with something you desire – be that a friend/lover or an anticipated outcome – you will be constant, enduring and unwilling to let go. For you, a sense of emotional wellbeing comes from having close and truthful connections with others which allow you to explore the life’s depths. Depending on other influences in your chart, you are also likely to be a passionate individual with a real capacity to connect on an emotional level. You will seek intimacy in your relationships, and demand loyalty in return. The sensitivity and depth of your nature means you are likely to have intense reactions to emotional stimuli. Scorpio is not an easy place for the Moon to be. The Moon is traditionally considered in her “fall” here, suggesting certain challenges around how lunar (emotional) qualities are expressed. Because the quality of your emotions – their strength and potential power – can be so intense, they can at times be overwhelming. Early on in life, you may find yourself swinging between extremes, like you are riding a rollercoaster of emotional peaks and troughs. You feel acutely every dimension of life. You will do best if you remember not to collapse yourself into your emotions, or believe that just because an emotion has intensity, it must be acted upon. Part of your nature requires that you learn to allow strong feelings to flow through you, without being overwhelmed by them. With time, and as greater self-awareness develops, you will learn to understand the depths of your emotions by taking time for introspection. You can gain great insight into yourself and others by developing a true sensitivity to the complexity of emotional needs. As you understand the depth of your own nature, you learn to recognize the true motivations in others as well.  Scorpio is also a sign of privacy. You are likely to prefer playing your cards ‘close to your chest’. Rather than letting everybody know exactly what you are experiencing, you learn to keep your true feelings to yourself. Even those nearest to you may have no idea of the depth of emotional storms besieging you, and the relief that comes when the clear light of understanding eventually shines through. To harness your potential for emotional insight and connectedness you should learn to spend time “going within”. You feel intensely, for better or for worse. This can at times make you seem vulnerable, but in truth you are likely to possess great strength. Your emotional nature combines sensitivity with the instinctual awareness that real growth only happens through episodes of pain and transformation. No stranger to this truth, you are likely to prefer to see things for what they are – both in yourself and in other people. You are likely to have a highly developed ability to sense the emotional undercurrents around you, and prefer dealing with the raw truth at any cost. You have a knack for pinpointing what you, and others, really want or need in a situation – which may be confronting – but always brings the truth to light. Through confronting things for what they really are, you bring this light into your own and others lives. By entering and resolving emotional crises, you generate greater emotional or spiritual freedom for yourself and other people.There may be a tendency to try and protect your vulnerability, hiding the true depths of what you really feel. The tendency to suppress or hide your emotions can go both ways. On the one hand, you may try to detach from uncomfortable emotions, and avoid circumstances that will really get you to feel. You may protect yourself from close encounters with others, and find emotional release through fictional or fantasy-based sources. Or, you may attempt to control and dominate others with moodiness, lashing out at them before they can “get to you”. Defence can be used as a form of offence to prevent others discovering how sensitive and vulnerable you really are. Either way, you end up missing the benefit of true intimacy by not letting others share in how you feel. You need to develop trust in others by letting them into your life. This means listening to your own intuition, and choosing the right confidantes to share the real depths of your immensely loving heart. For you, the exchange of emotional energy makes living worthwhile. A need to be close and connect to others is likely to be a constant theme in your life. Through sharing your substantial emotional resources, you uncover the truth about yourself. At the same time, you expose yourself to deeper levels of power and vulnerability. This process of self-exposure is what you need, and ultimately leads you to a form of inner transformation that can only happen through trust and mutual intimacy. The goal for those born with a Scorpio Moon is to develop deeper levels of closeness in life. Through relationships you understand the world around and your place in it. By connecting and sharing with others, inner peace is found.Accordingly, this lunar position is excellent for anything which requires an understanding other peoples’ motives and drives. A natural psychologist, you will be adept at sensing what others really need. You can do well in any field that involves ‘reading’ others. How clearly you do this will have much to do with what you are prepared to face in yourself. By exploring your own dark cupboards you learn to sense what others keep in theirs. This placement calls for great emotional honesty; an all-or-nothing preparedness to live from a position of power and truth. Your greatest gift is your ability to bring light into your own and others’ lives by seeing things for what they really are. You help others transform what needs redeeming through accepting themselves as they are.If you fail to live from a place of honesty, then you could display the more negative or poisonous potential of the Moon in Scorpio. Overwhelmed by your own vulnerability, you could seek to destroy others. You may (unconsciously or not) try to take others down, rather than face the darkness within yourself. You may find yourself exposing flaws and manipulating weaknesses as a way to inflict pain. If this happens, you need to transform first the pain in your own life before involving yourself with others and having an influence on what they do with theirs. At the highest level, Moon in Scorpio gives you the ability to transform your own and others lives. You can act as an agent for change, becoming a catalyst for greater growth and awareness. You can help others shift their psychological values. The potential power contained here is enormous. You have the opportunity to be a force for good. Valuing your own and others privacy, you can be trusted to keep a confidence, and have a rare kind of understanding that is born from simply accepting things for what they are. You can be the one others turn to with their deepest secrets and most hidden pain. When you let them share their stories, you help them heal their pain. When you talk to them truthfully abut you feel is going on you can help them find a path to transformation. With your awareness of the depths of human nature and empathy for others, you can bear witness, offer counsel and help others renew themselves. With the moon in Scorpio, individuals are emotionally intense with an aura of mystery constantly surrounding them. They own the characteristic of deciphering the emotional state of anyone and possess the capability to look through anyone’s emotions and feelings. Due to this quality, others consider them as enigmatic people who manage to achieve such a feat accurately constantly. They have a continued requirement for change and excitement. They normally wish for excitement and continued drama in their lives and thrive on emotional drama. Scorpio-born go out in securing their relationships, and they certainly don’t believe in half measures. They never waste their time in meaningless relationships as they long for total commitment from their partners. With the moon in Scorpio, individuals have a dynamic and attractive personality and their entire character is filled with mystery which often draws others to them. They possess a gift of intuition, and strive extremely hard to control their intense emotions. However, for their own gains, they tend to use this gift of intuition. In the occult and the unusual, these individuals tend to have a strong interest. By their very nature, they are amazingly creative beings. Overall, these individuals are charismatic in nature and attract one and all with their mysterious aura. Attitude wise, the Scorpio-born is non conformist individual, and aren't bothered to adhere to the norms set by the society. 
II. Lili Reinhart (Moon Sign: Virgo Moon ♍︎☽; Sun Sign: Virgo Sun ♍︎☉)
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Virgo Moon Positive Traits: Conscientious, dutiful, straight, upright, shrewd, methodical, precise, discriminating, neat, clean, health-conscious, helpful, modest, unassuming, gentle, light touch, finely tuned, keen instincts, analytical, concerned, thoughtful, lively mind, observant, scholarly, pure intentions, problem-solving, wholesome, industrious, methodical, efficient, reliable, dispassionate, considerate, pure, objective, systematic, logical, discerning, meticulous, clever, eloquent, well-read, well-informed, accurate, retentive memory, fast learner, highly efficient, good worker, matter of fact, practical, knowing what you like, fine aesthetic and design sense, artistic, sincerely affectionate, subtle love signs, simple and clear, quietly charming, strong character, impartially kind, coolly helpful, precision worker, refreshing at work, specialist worker, painstaking, pure and modest lover, high moral sense, socially discerning, privately sensuous
Virgo Moon Negative Traits: Worrier, austere, prudish, rigid, cold, exacting, pedantic, carping, neurotic, clinical, health freak, interfering, falsely modest, undemonstrative, timid, creepy, hypersensitive, prejudiced, labelling, anxious, thinks too much, sceptical, critical, dry, too earnest, fault finding, interfering, problem making, fusspot, hypochondriac, workaholic, inflexible, mechanistic, spoilsport, unsure, stand-offish, sterile, unfeeling, remote, cold and dry, hypercritical, trivial, worrisome, wordy, bookish, intellectual snob, misses point, greedy mind, impatient, highly strung, self-critical, slave to reason, pointless, critical of partners, fussy and nagging, easily dissatisfied, neurotically artistic, inhibits affection, undemonstrative, dry and clinical, socially stiff, hides sensitivity, emotionally absent, cold exterior, too exacting, retreats into work, indecisive of work, restrained, feels sexually inferior, puritanical, social misfit, self-effacing
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Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Aries Moon ♈︎☽
Virgo Moon and Aries Moon can make a relationship work, but it may take some effort on the part of both people. They get along fairly well most of the time until circumstances cause them to react. This is what brings out their differences. Virgo and Aries both need to try to work in harmony. Passionate Aries likes to jump right into things and take chances. They are enthusiastic and loud. Stable Virgo, on the other hand, prefers to analyze the situation first and draw up a plan. They are sensitive and tend to worry. While Aries is bossy, Virgo is critical. They may allow the tension to grow between them or grow impatient with each other. They both approach life's situations very differently. This may end up causing so much irritation the relationship is unsalvageable. Aries Moon will tend to burst out with their anger, which in turn will make Virgo Moon nervous and sensitive. Virgo's perfectionist ways will bring criticism down on Aries, as they really don't care if they make mistakes along the way. These criticisms can prove to be very discouraging to Aries, who needs to feel loved and supported to maintain their enthusiasm. If Virgo Moon and Aries Moon are to make a go of it, Aries needs to share their creative ideas and allow Virgo to help bring them to fruition.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Taurus Moon ♉︎☽
Virgo Moon and Taurus Moon are extremely compatible. They have a great deal of respect and understanding for each other. Taurus is stable and pragmatic; Virgo is practical and attends to detail. They are made for each other. Both partners are cautious and approach new things slowly. They both enjoy working with nature and natural materials. Both are concerned about how change will affect them.Their differences lie in how they react. While Taurus Moon will forge ahead once they commit to an idea, Virgo Moon will constantly second guess and criticize their choice. The worrying done by Virgo will be comforted by Taurus' steadiness and emotional stability. Taurus, in turn, helps Virgo to relax and become more instinctual. Virgo Moon may become annoyed with the lackadaisical way that Taurus Moon leaves things all over the house. Overall, however, this is a happy and content pairing. They meet each others' needs for intimacy and pleasant company. They will be most content in the country or if they are able to grow a garden or at least go camping frequently. They have a need to interact with nature in some way. This pairing should do very well with minimal effort.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Gemini Moon ♊︎☽
Virgo Moon and Gemini Moon are not very well matched, though they can make it work if they are dedicated to the relationship. There will be challenges in this pairing. One of the pair must compromise to overcome the irritations created by these personalities. Gemini Moon is restless and wants new challenges and ideas. They love to socialize and meet new people. Virgo Moon is a perfectionist who isn't afraid to work hard to get what they want. They are talented with details and organizing. Gemini Moon is superficial and optimistic; Virgo Moon is pessimistic and critical. They have a strong sense of responsibility and service to others. Gemini will take on more projects than they can handle easily and often leaves them unfinished. Virgo also takes on many projects, but they work on one at a time until they are finished down to every meticulous detail. Both partners may find themselves stretched thin from overwork. Virgo Moon will take it upon themselves to bring nutritious foods and healthy habits into the relationship. They find it irritating when things are out of place. They are more disciplined than Gemini and they want to improve themselves. Gemini Moon finds it easier to relax and play than Virgo does. They do share a passion for word games and other knowledge challenges. It will take work, but they could make a lasting relationship out of this if they try.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Cancer Moon ♋︎☽
Virgo Moon and Cancer Moon make great friends as well as a great couple; they are loyal to each other and they have a great respect and understanding for each other. This will most likely be a successful, long term relationship. Virgo Moon and Cancer Moon are both moody and are conscious of their health. They do everything with caution, and tend to be quiet and unassuming. They make a terrific domestic partnership because Cancer takes care of the home and Virgo takes care of working to earn money. They express love differently… Cancer is tender, compassionate and sympathetic while Virgo chooses to express their love through practical acts like fixing the car or cooking a meal. Virgo tends to be somewhat judgmental of themselves and everyone else while Cancer is more accepting of others and their situations. Both are patient and tend to accumulate their security gradually. Virgo Moon can be difficult to live with due to their fussiness about proper behavior, cleanliness, hygiene and so forth. They get irritated by those who cannot live up their standards. Virgo also turns this harsh standard on themselves, however, which can make them feel inadequate. Cancer can help Virgo learn self-acceptance and self-love. They can help them to relax and enjoy themselves. With all of Cancer's emotional roller coasters, they can really appreciate Virgo's devotion and faithfulness as a rock to cling to.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Leo Moon ♌︎☽
Virgo Moon and Leo Moon have about a fifty-fifty chance of making their relationship work. Negative feelings that come up may feel stronger in this pairing. While they share many outlooks, they respond differently. Virgo Moon and Leo Moon are two sides of the same coin in a way. While Leo is dramatic, seeking attention and glory, Virgo is quiet, reserved and content to be in the background. Leo wants to show their feelings in grand gestures while Virgo prefers to show their feelings in quiet, practical ways. Leo is a bit lazy, funny and playful and Virgo is hardworking, disciplined and organized. Leo wants praise; Virgo gives criticism. While both partners value family and a good home life, they approach it differently. Leo sees their home and family as a reflection of themselves, while Virgo views it as an opportunity to strive for perfection through service. Problems may stem from Leo's need for recognition and approval while Virgo's critical approach may make both of them rather inhibited. Virgo's rather conservative lifestyle may find Leo a bit embarrassing. In order for this relationship to work, both sides will need to adjust to accommodate the other person's needs.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Virgo Moon ♍︎☽
Virgo Moon and Virgo Moon have a lot in common. There is, however, such a concept as too much of a good thing. While Virgo is fastidious, practical and detail oriented, two at the same time can be overwhelming, even for Virgos. Two Virgo Moons together will tend to focus on their flaws rather than their good points. There is no one to counteract their habit of worrying about trivial things and fear of being less than perfect. Each will demand perfection of the other. Both partners are rather unemotional, yet very sensitive. Each partner will tend to make life difficult for the other. If they can learn not to nag each other over trivial things, that is a step in the right direction. On the good side, Virgo Moons are wonderful for lavishing care and devotion on those things and people who are important to them. Though they may not show it to the world at large, they can be very giving and thoughtful.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Libra Moon ♎︎☽
Virgo Moon and Libra Moon may be able to make a go of it. One partner may end up being more tolerant of the other. Negative feelings seem to be magnified with this pairing. There are many differences with this couple. Virgo Moon wants to create a home with perfect order and efficiency. Libra Moon wants to create a perfect relationship with complete equality. Virgo focuses on the details and organization of things and how best to perform tasks. Libra focuses on creating an environment free of discord and conflict. While Libra is diplomatic, there is only so much criticism they can take. The biggest difference these two have is based on perfection. Libra sees perfection as harmonious and free of tension while Virgo sees perfection as efficiency and organization. Virgo also wants themselves to live up to their own high ideals, and it is just as difficult for them as it is for Libra. This makes them very self critical. Both partners respond in a more logical manner than emotional. If they are to make this relationship work, both partners will need to come to some sort of compromise.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽
Virgo Moon and Scorpio Moon are fairly well matched. They share many of the same opinions and have a strong respect for each other. They also have some fundamental differences that they will need to work with in order to remain together. Virgo Moon is logical, yet may be overly critical of themselves and others. They cannot detach themselves easily when they should just let something go. They tend to be perfectionists. Scorpio Moon is emotional, analytical and intuitive. They love secrets, and have a need to get to the root of them. Both partners may over-analyze themselves and others. They both want to improve themselves, but through different methods. Both are loyal to the end. Emotions and sex may embarrass Virgo, while Scorpio needs that intensity to feel complete. They can be good for each other if they can get over their differences. Scorpio Moon may hide their feelings of guilt or jealousy from Virgo. They can be manipulative in a subtle way, as they feel a need to be in control. Virgo Moon appears shy and restrained, and they may not know how to deal with the intensity of Scorpio's moods. Both can be sensitive to criticism in their own ways. With work and dedication, they may keep the relationship going.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Sagittarius Moon ♐︎☽
Virgo Moon and Sagittarius Moon may or may not get along. They will have many challenges to face and one will need to make compromises to make things work out. They both approach the world from different viewpoints that may make it difficult for them to connect deeply. Practical Virgo will have their hands full with adventurous Sagittarius. Their biggest challenge is to learn that they really aren't that different… they just see things differently. If they can manage to put themselves in each others shoes once in awhile, it will really help smooth out their relationship. The smaller challenges will deal with practical matters. Virgo Moon will want to set a little aside for a rainy day, while Sagittarius will point out that the sky is cloudy now, so why not spend? Virgo wants everything organized and planned; Sagittarius doesn't like anything that gets in the way of their freedom and spontaneity. While the initial attraction is strong, it may prove too difficult to make it last. This will be especially true if each partner tries to convert the other over to their own way of doing things.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Capricorn Moon ♑︎☽
Virgo Moon and Capricorn Moon are the best of friends the moment they meet. They can't believe their luck in finding someone who shares so many things in common. They are highly compatible, and this relationship should work out well for all concerned. Both Virgo Moon and Capricorn Moon are organized and practical. They both work hard and want to be useful. Both are willing to forego their own desires and feelings in lieu of responsibilities. They are self-disciplined and meticulous. They are faithful, constant and don't like risks. They will happily tread the safe, logical path to financial security. Together they can have a very powerful connection. Others may view them as boring, but they feel secure and happy. They need to make sure they don't expect too much of themselves. With their self-critical tendencies, they can undermine their own work.They do need to be wary of overwork. All work and no play will make even Virgo Moon and Capricorn Moon dull. If they can learn to relax and enjoy themselves as well as maintain their responsibilities, they will be extremely happy.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Aquarius Moon ♒︎☽
Virgo Moon and Aquarius Moon may try too hard to please each other, creating an imbalance in the relationship. They have different ways of looking at the world, which may present them with a few challenges. One of the biggest challenges they will face is the fact that Virgo Moon is practical, while Aquarius Moon thinks mostly of humanity as a whole instead of their close relationships. While Aquarius' visionary ideals may take them far afield, Virgo tends to hold down the fort. While Virgo Moon wants a traditional home and family, Aquarius will find it easy to push them to second place. They appreciate Virgo's loyalty, but they are called to bigger things. Virgo is most happy when following a tried and true method for success, while Aquarius is more likely to try new things and experiment. Both partners can easily lose themselves in their interest of the moment. They may both become out of touch with their own feelings and emotions. Virgo Moon may turn their criticism on themselves, blaming themselves for Aquarius' willingness to push their family life aside. On the good side, both partners can learn to expand their horizons a bit if they can understand each others perspectives a bit more.
Virgo Moon ♍︎☽ ❤️ Pisces Moon ♓︎☽
Virgo Moon and Pisces Moon can be a very good relationship or a very bad one. Technically these two signs are just barely compatible. If both partners are watching for intolerance or misunderstanding, they may be able to make their relationship work. Virgo Moon is the perfect person to deal with the physical world and all its details. Pisces Moon, on the other hand, is disorganized, undisciplined and tends to have their head in the clouds. Some of these attributes may drive Virgo crazy, but they can also learn from Pisces' tolerant attitude. Likewise, Pisces could learn a thing or two about personal responsibility and boundaries from Virgo. Pisces Moon may get their feelings hurt by Virgo's critical nature. Both partners tend to be moody and pessimistic. They may both be a bit passive. If they learn to work together, they can be quite complementary to each other. Once Virgo Moon and Pisces Moon learn to work together, their lives can run rather smoothly. Their shared introspection can help them to overcome adversity and they can divide the daily tasks according to their temperaments. They should have a lovely, nurturing home life once they iron out the kinks.
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Amy Adams ☆ Bella Hadid ☆ Blake Lively ☆ Donatella Versace ☆ Dolly Parton ☆ Jodie Foster ☆ Gal Gadot ☆ Nicki Minaj ☆ Linda Evangelista ☆ Katherine Heigl ☆ Kate Mara ☆ Regina King ☆  Padma Lakshmi ☆ Bebe Neuwirth ☆ Shay Mitchell ☆ Kat Dennings ☆ Elle Fanning ☆ Jada Pinkett Smith ☆ Joss Stone ☆ Queen Rania Of Jordan ☆  Jenny McCarthy ☆ Michelle Pfieffer ☆ Sheila E. ☆ Fiona Apple ☆ Carla Bruni Sarkozy ☆ Christina Milian ☆ Denise Quinones ☆ Toni Collette ☆ Anne Heche ☆ Gina Rodriguez ☆ Melanie “Mel C.” Chisholm ☆ Camilla Belle ☆ Katie McGrath ☆ Peyton List ☆ Hayley Atwell ☆ Erika Christensen ☆ Catherine Keener ☆ Rebel Wilson ☆ Meg Tilly ☆ Laila Ali ☆ Princess Anne ☆ Sunny Leone ☆ Sara Gilbert ☆ Mena Suvari ☆ K.D. Lang ☆ Angie Harmon ☆ Candice Bergen ☆ Marisa Miller ☆ Willa Holland ☆ Ana Beatriz Barros ☆ Shirley Maclaine ☆ Natalie Portman ☆ The Olsen Twins ☆ Dame Maggie Smith ☆ Rosie Perez ☆ Veronica Lake ☆ Tila Tequila ☆ Michelle Trachtenberg ☆ Carey Mulligan ☆ Chelsea Handler ☆ Michelle Williams ☆ Courtney Cox ☆ Morena Baccarin ☆ Emmylou Harris ☆  Jane Birkin ☆ Rachael Ray ☆ Barbara Stanwyck ☆ Jurnee Smollett ☆ Leona Lewis ☆ Kat Von D ☆ Bebe Rexha ☆ Suzanne Vega ☆ Patty Duke ☆ Deborah Ann Woll ☆ Heather Matarazzo ☆ Florence Griffith Joyner ☆ Katie Cassidy ☆ Daveigh Chase ☆  Sela Ward ☆ Angela Bassett ☆ Bridgette Wilson-Sampras ☆ Serena Williams ☆  Jordana Brewster  ☆ Jenny McCarthy ☆ Amanda Tapping ☆ Angelica Housten ☆ Eliza Taylor ☆ Alice Dellal ☆ Agathe de La Fontaine ☆ Leslie Mann ☆ Anna Paquin ☆ Shenae Grimes ☆  Elizabeth Moss ☆ Madonna ☆ Coco Rocha ☆ Lorde ☆ Aaliyah ☆ Candice Patton ☆ Crystal Reed ☆ Sanaa Lathan ☆ Katherine Heigl ☆ Beverley Mitchell ☆ Ashley Benson ☆ Noemie Lenoir ☆ Vanessa Redgrave ☆  Ricki Lake ☆ Colbie Caillat ☆ Krysten Ritter ☆ Amber Valletta ☆ Beth Ditto ☆ Sharon Tate ☆ J. K. Rowling ☆ North West ☆ Chelsea Handler ☆ Kate Bosworth ☆ Zoë Isabella Kravitz ☆ Zayn Malik ☆ Jamie Dornan ☆ Mel Gibson ☆ John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) ☆ Jack Nicholson ☆ Sean Connery ☆ John Travolta ☆ Zac Efron ☆ Lance Armstrong ☆ Jean-Claude Van Damme ☆ Stephen Hawking ☆ 14th Dalai Lama ☆ Robert Redford ☆ James Franco ☆ Matthew McConaughey ☆ Michael Fassbender  ☆ Gordon Ramsey ☆ Channing Tatum ☆ Chris Hemsworth ☆ Sean “P. Diddy” Combs ☆ Keith Richards ☆ Notorious B.I.G. ☆ Richard Burton ☆ Eddie Vedder ☆ Clive Owen ☆ Mickey Rourke ☆ PewDiePie ☆ Dustin Hoffman ☆ Adrien Brody ☆ Bobby Brown ☆ Genghis Khan ☆ Samuel L. Jackson ☆ Tom Felton ☆ Jon Hamm ☆ Frank Zappa ☆ Marvin Gaye ☆ Christopher Columbus ☆ Gene Simmons ☆ Hulk Hogan ☆ DMX ☆ Rami Malek ☆ Willem Dafoe ☆ Paul Wesley ☆ Jack Kerouac ☆ Mark Harmon ☆ Brendon Urie ☆ Ne-Yo ☆ John Stamos ☆ Johnny Knoxville ☆ Laurence Olivier ☆ Jay Leno ☆ Kevin Federline ☆ Ian McKellen ☆ Post Malone ☆ Timbaland ☆ Louis XV of France ☆ Aaron Eckhart ☆ Seth Green ☆ Alexander Graham Bell ☆ Ted Kennedy ☆ Emilio Estevez ☆ Tyson Beckford ☆ Troye Sivan ☆ Frankie Muniz ☆ Jack Osbourne ☆ Engelbert Humperdinck ☆ Sam Neill ☆ Jason Mraz ☆ B.B. King ☆ Dax Shepard ☆ Colin Morgan ☆ Sammy Davis Jr. ☆ Perez Hilton ☆ DJ Khaled ☆ Karl Malone ☆ Manu Bennett ☆  Peter Gallagher ☆ Richard Marx ☆ Grant Gustin ☆ Scott Wolf ☆ Al Green ☆ George Takei ☆ John Boyega ☆ Jackson Rathbone ☆ Orlando Jones ☆ Scott Foley ☆ Antonio Sabato, Jr. ☆ Redman ☆ Vincent Kartheiser ☆ Cory Booker ☆ Daniel Gillies
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With the Moon in the practical and systematic sign of Virgo, you are likely to be someone who is highly appreciative of structure, organization and detail. You will find your life works better with well-established systems in your personal and professional life. Virgo is an Earth sign, and so pertains to tangible or physical things. It is also known as a Mutable sign, which infers a need for variety and change. When practicality and change are brought together, the principle of refinement is found. Born with the Moon in Virgo, you are likely to have an innate need to improve or refine the circumstances around you – combining practical know-how with the analytical quality necessary to achieve specific results. Virgo is a sign of service. You are likely to find you have an innate need to nurture yourself and others through offering practical service in everyday ways. Virgo is also a sign of humility. You may be quite happy working behind the scenes, adding your considerable talent for organization to whatever you are involved in and happy to be of service, often asking nothing in return. The satisfaction of a job well-conceived, well-planned and well-done often provides the result you need. You should take care, however, not to allow this natural instinct for service to be manipulated, or taken advantage of by others. Ancient astrologers saw a relationship between the sign of Virgo and the condition of slavery. It is important that your need to be useful does not turn into the need to be someone else’s “pack-horse”. The Moon refers to how we need to be nurtured. You will find a tendency to feel safe or secure through knowing that things are tidy, structured and planned. Routine is your friend, and establishing well-ordered routines in your daily life will help you think more clearly. Virgo is associated with process and purification at both material and mental levels. You are likely to be emotionally affected by how well your daily systems are functioning and how ‘pure’ life conditions are. At a simple level, you are likely to feel awkward and uncomfortable in chaotic environments. You will feel more serene and so focussed in an organized space. At a more subtle level, you can be emotionally affected by food additives, pollutants and synthetics in your environment. This is not to say that you are ‘precious’ or need to be wrapped in cotton wool. It is just that you will feel impurities more acutelythan others. Above all else, you need a calm, peaceful and well ordered environment to access your astute thinking processes. You are nurtured by organization and structure. You assimilate information better when processes are clear, and sources of nourishment relatively clean. This is a sign of mental discrimination. You may have innate talents for editing or discernment, able to describe other people’s traits, dispositions and downfalls. Thus you may have strong writing abilities, or work well in fields involving communication, personal service and customer relations. You are likely to have a keen mind, and a great eye for detail. This can be turned to its’ full advantage by seeking occupations that allow you to capitalize on your ability to spot the ‘bottom line’. You are likely to be very good at extracting the essence from something otherwise complicated. You have the ability to sort the wheat from the chaff, and find what is essential in a sentence, task list or schedule. Because of your strong analytical ability,  you may need to make sure that you watch your tendency to be overly critical, finding fault with yourself and others rather than working toward improving whatever situation you are in. Your capacity for analysis is great for problem-solving, but can also be your downfall.  You are likely to be highly adaptable, but also prone to excessive worry. You can easily fall victim to nervous tension by constantly finding faults or remaining in chaotic environments that go against your instinctual needs. It is important that you learn to take time out when needed, and find ways to remedy the effects of too much nervous tension. Meditation, yoga, martial arts and other forms of mind-body exercise can be especially beneficial. This will greatly assist you to stay focussed and calm. Often, those with the Moon here can be quietly critical of self and others. Your tendency to criticize your own efforts may make it difficult for you to see your own true worth. You may underestimate your contributions and be innately convinced that whatever you do, it is not good enough. This can be a humble and shy position for the Moon. Unless other factors in your chart offer more outgoing tendencies, you may fail to receive credit for all that you have achieved. It is important that you learn to recognize how useful you are. Next time you are concerned that you have not ‘done enough’ simply ask yourself if you have improved the situation you are in. Rather than striving to be perfect, you will find that striving to make things better satisfies your need to be useful, and helps you take unrealistic expectations off yourself. On another level, Virgo is associated with the body and health. Thus, you may have an instinctual interest in matters of health, diet and nutrition. You may be naturally quite healthy simply because you have an interest in your own wellbeing, and notice that life flows better for you with regular exercise and good eating habits. It is very important that you to pay close attention to what you do, and do not, eat. Often, those with the Moon here have very delicate digestive and nervous systems. You are likely to find that you may have trouble with your stomach or nerves if you lose touch with your own bodily needs. Excess worry or problems with digestion may plague you if you do not pay attention to what you ingest. Taking in pure food (as well as experiences) is a very practical thing for you. You can be adversely affected by processed foods, and overcome with anxiety if exposed to harsh or critical people. Making sure you improve the systems that regulate your own personal life is essential for you. Through good food, routine and regular exercise you can enjoy extraordinarily good health This interest in health is often quite strong. You may have natural abilities in any area to do withhealth, nutrition and healing, especially in the area of natural therapies, herbs and pharmacology. Often those with the Moon here are drawn to service roles such as nursing and community work. Finding ways to be useful is important. Any activity that lets you combine your innate practicality, fine mind, and willingness to help can work well for you, leading to beneficial outcomes for all concerned. Individuals with the moon in Virgo are usually simple in nature and prefer to live a quiet life without the glare of public eye. They look for small things in their life to seek happiness and contentment. It is the small and insignificant matters in life like plucking flowers from a garden that give them real happiness. It is in their basic nature to not only take care of themselves, but to take care of others as well. Thus, such individuals are of extremely helpful nature and will be first to lend a helping hand to those in distress. These individuals love to have a routine in their life. They cannot do without a routine and if it is missing in their lives, they tend to feel that something is amiss in their life and they are not in their true elements due to it. They tend to act in a fussy manner and are often labelled as complainers as they cannot function properly without having a routine in their life. Due to such characteristics, they love to take on such jobs or tasks in which lot of detailing is required or which has a great scope for micromanagement of things and situations. Such individuals are always averse to public displays of affection and most of the times get repulsed because of that. Such individuals tend to be shy in meeting up new people. However, once they get to know them and gradually open up, they are in their own elements and strike a good rapport with them. Additionally, they are born sceptics in nature and tend to be over critical of themselves as well. 
III. Camila Mendes (Moon Sign: Pisces Moon ♓︎☽; Sun Sign: Cancer Sun ♋︎☉)
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Pisces Moon Positive Traits: Imaginative, inspiring, mystical, creative, empathetic, psychic, compassionate, mediumistic, devoted, highly adaptable, amiable, romantic, selfless, kind, healer, yielding, tolerant, gentle, relaxed, understanding, self-sacrificing, suffers artistically, unassuming, self-effacing, still but stirring, wise, accepting, confided in, sensitive, fascinating, mysterious, multi-talented, easygoing, sensitive mind, visually aware, artistic, obliging, good instincts, receptive, humorous, versatile, good mimic, highly perceptive, philosophical, dreamer, good long term memory, accepting, refined mind, contemplative, sympathetic, appreciates unity of all life, congenial, evocative, sensitive lover, artistically inspired, natural healer, highly affectionate, altruistic, very generous, loves unconditionally, philanthropic, peaceful
Pisces Moon Negative Traits: Escapist, deceptive, spaced out, wool-gathering, impressionable, too open, hypersensitive, easily drained, idolatrous, self-doubting, seductable, unfaithful, weak-willed, indiscriminate, victim, leaf-in-the-wind, too easygoing, weak, lazy, excuse-making, self-pitying, the human doormat, suffers needlessly, indecisive, self-limiting, wimpish, inwardly storm-tossed, inner doubts, oblivious, vague, unforthcoming, self-mystifying, unenterprising, pointless, slaving, suspicious, evasive, easily freaked out, easily swayed, irrational, fearful, gullible, obscure, parrots others, uncommunicative, absent-minded, bad short term memory, elusive, weak-minded, slow, wimpish, sycophantic, martyr, too sentimental, fanciful choice of lover, too passive, seducing, idealizes lover, lazy lover, romantically deluding, wanton, no self-value, undiscerning, fears rejection, soppy, indulging
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Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Aries Moon ♈︎☽
Pisces Moon and Aries Moon may get along or they may not. If they are to stand a chance, one will have to make concessions to the other on a regular basis. They may find themselves conflicted over what they each want out of life. Aries Moon likes to take action and be in charge, while Pisces Moon is gentle and passive. They prefer to just see where the current takes them. Aries is direct, enthusiastic and ready to face challenges while Pisces is vague and prefers not to face conflict of any kind. Aries feels a hurt, expresses themselves and moves on, while Pisces is so sensitive it is hard for them to let go of any hurt, however slight. Pisces may be clingy and needy while Aries is self-reliant. While they both follow their instincts, they react so differently that they may then spend quite a while trying to figure out where the misunderstanding occurred. They don't mean to offend the other, but they frequently do. They can't help it. They each just see things in such different ways. It can be very difficult for Aries Moon not to dominate Pisces Moon. Their passivity and unfocused sense of personal direction makes it so easy for Aries to just ride right over them. If they make this pairing work, it is usually Pisces who compromises and ends up feeling unloved and unsupported… two things they need desperately. This is a very difficult relationship to make last without irreparable damage.
Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Taurus Moon ♉︎☽
Pisces Moon and Taurus Moon can be very happy. They can develop a strong bond of friendship and loyalty that will see them through any rough times. Both partners are loving, sympathetic and generous. They like a tranquil home, love nature and music. Plants and animals are dear to both partners in this relationship. Taurus Moon is well grounded and practical; Pisces Moon is anything but grounded and is often impractical. These two partners have the ability to harmonize and complement each other as long as Taurus is in charge of practical matters. Taurus proves to be a good support for Pisces, who gives Taurus a bit of fantasy in their life. Taurus can nurture sensitive Pisces when needed. Pisces can be empathetic when Taurus needs it. They each bring some balance to the relationship. Together they can create a magical, peaceful home. Neither partner likes conflict; both are rather passive unless aroused. This pairing can fare very well for the long term as long as Taurus Moon takes care of the practical aspects.
Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Gemini Moon ♊︎☽
Pisces Moon and Gemini Moon will have many challenges that will require some compromises. This pairing could work, but they really have very little in common. Both are impressionable in different ways; Gemini is sensitive to thoughts and Pisces is sensitive to feelings. Intellect meets intuition. Gemini Moon is rational, restless, logical and objective while Pisces is receptive, sympathetic, artistic, passive and idealistic. Somewhere in the middle they meet with imagination and irresponsibility. Their differences are many. Gemini treats emotions very lightly and Pisces feels them deeply. Gemini grows through taking in more information while Pisces grows by letting go and trusting in a power greater than themselves. Gemini is focused on the future while Pisces dwells in the past. Gemini Moon is challenged by Pisces' erratic moods. Pisces Moon is threatened by Gemini's attempt to experience feelings as if they were just thoughts. Dreamy Pisces Moon may be offended when witty Gemini Moon makes a joke in an attempt to deal with all the emotion flying around. If Gemini Moon can learn to take Pisces' feelings into account and understand their sensitivity… and if Pisces Moon can learn to appreciate Gemini's ability to be objective and rational, they can find a middle ground upon which to thrive together.
⭐️ Pisces Moon ♓︎☽  ❤️ Cancer Moon ♋︎☽
As a couple, Pisces Moon and Cancer Moon rate a perfect ten. They have very similar motivations and desires. They are extremely happy together and will have a long relationship. They have a great deal in common. Both partners are very receptive and can intuit the moods of those around them. They have an innate knowing of each other's inner needs. Both partners are nurturing and sympathetic, ready to run to their partner at a moment's notice to help them out. They will create a peaceful home that will allow them to replenish their souls and deepen their emotional bond.Cancer Moon looks out for the material needs while Pisces Moon looks out for their spiritual needs. They understand each other extremely well. They share many similarities. They may be able to communicate with each other without speaking, knowing intuitively what the other replies. They both need to take care not to absorb the troubles and emotions of those around them. Their empathy can end up hurting them. This will be a very thoughtful, tender relationship of quiet fulfillment.
Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Leo Moon ♌︎☽
Pisces Moon and Leo Moon need to take care. One may feel they are always bending over backwards to make the other one happy. This may end up being a very unbalanced relationship. Even though there is a strong attraction, it may be very difficult to deal with the everyday routine of a long term relationship. Pisces Moon and Leo Moon do share some goals. They both find home and family very important. They just look at the world in very different ways. Leo Moon will run the show with their natural authority. This also fulfills their need to be the center of attention. Pisces Moon tends to be gentle and very receptive of other people's feelings. They will tend to overlook their own needs and desires to keep Leo happy. Leo Moon is warm, loud, boisterous and melodramatic. Pisces tends to feel victimized and full of melancholy. They may soak up some of Leo's confidence, however, which can be a good thing. They may both misunderstand the other because they tend to see things their way or how they want them to be. Leo is a bit narcissistic at times. In order to get what they want they may be loud or exaggerate. In order for this relationship to truly be balanced, Pisces needs to step up and pursue their own dreams. Leo needs to understand that Pisces is not a doormat that should acquiesce to their every whim. Pisces tends to reflect the feelings around them, so this can be good when Leo is in a great mood. It can be very bad when Leo is feeling down, as Pisces is normally on the down side anyway.
Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Virgo Moon ♍︎☽
Pisces Moon and Virgo Moon can be a very good relationship or a very bad one. Technically these two signs are just barely compatible. If both partners are watching for intolerance or misunderstanding, they may be able to make their relationship work. Virgo Moon is the perfect person to deal with the physical world and all its details. Pisces Moon, on the other hand, is disorganized, undisciplined and tends to have their head in the clouds. Some of these attributes may drive Virgo crazy, but they can also learn from Pisces' tolerant attitude. Likewise, Pisces could learn a thing or two about personal responsibility and boundaries from Virgo. Pisces Moon may get their feelings hurt by Virgo's critical nature. Both partners tend to be moody and pessimistic. They may both be a bit passive. If they learn to work together, they can be quite complementary to each other. Once Pisces Moon and Virgo Moon learn to work together, their lives can run rather smoothly. Their shared introspection can help them to overcome adversity and they can divide the daily tasks according to their temperaments. They should have a lovely, nurturing home life once they iron out the kinks.
Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Libra Moon ♎︎☽
Pisces Moon and Libra Moon share a lot of romance and desire, but they really don't have a lot more in common. If they are willing to work at their relationship, they may find that they each have just enough to fulfill the other. The relationship could also end up being so sweet that neither partner can stomach it. Libra Moon is social, diplomatic, and likes everything to be in order. Pisces Moon is sensitive, intuitive and disorganized. Both like a peaceful environment without conflict. To make the most of this relationship, Libra must go into it with willing to see everything that goes on. Pisces must be very honest. If they don't do this, Libra will diplomatically dismiss things that Pisces does, and Pisces will subtly manipulate with their emotional scenes. If they can bring a sense of moderation to the relationship, they may make it work. Pisces Moon has a tendency towards excess in all things, so this may be difficult. Pisces seems to prefer relationships where one partner gives to the other, while Libra wants it equal and balanced, with both partners in a give and take as needed.
⭐️ Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽
Pisces Moon and Scorpio Moon are made for each other. They understand each other well and respect their differences. They work together well and will likely have an emotional, long lasting relationship.Both Pisces Moon and Scorpio Moon are capable of moody behavior. They are intuitive and emotional. They can, in some cases, develop a psychic bond. Their shared sensitivity helps them meet the other's needs. Scorpio needs intense emotions. They may find this in love, anger, fear, loyalty, sex, revenge or obsession. Pisces wants harmony and to avoid conflict, whereas Scorpio loves conflict. This may cause upset if not openly discussed.Both are great manipulators and their secrets and emotional intimacy will bind these two together deeply. Pisces Moon is very forgiving and tolerant, while Scorpio Moon longs to retaliate. It isn't too difficult for these two to work through their differences though. They share the most important part for both of them: the emotional intimacy. They may share an interest in the occult or other secrets. This also gives them a sense of belonging to each other.
Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Sagittarius Moon ♐︎☽
Pisces Moon and Sagittarius Moon will need to make some compromises to work out their relationship. They are not very well matched. Sagittarius' enthusiasm can be overwhelming for Pisces. These two do have several things in common. They both tend to make promises they have no way of keeping, they are both generous and have no idea of what boundaries are in relationships, and they both may develop keen intuition. Sagittarius Moon is a bit blunt and overbearing for the sensitive Pisces. Sagittarius doesn't even realize that their bluntness can hurt the feelings of others. Pisces Moon is shy and would rather stay at home than go out to a loud party. They do tend to attract each other, however. The optimism that is natural to Sagittarius powers up Pisces imagination. It is hard for them to make anything long lasting from this relationship, though, due to their incompatibilities. Both partners tend to be on the dreamy side, and may have a hard time getting anything accomplished. Tender Pisces isn't cut out for the brash, adventurous world of Sagittarius. Sagittarius can be very insensitive, especially when they are caught up in their enthusiastic plans for their next adventure. To make this relationship work, both partners would have to be willing to make definite changes and be willing to stick to them.
Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Capricorn Moon ♑︎☽
Pisces Moon and Capricorn Moon are about as different as they come. They can be loyal friends, but they approach the world in such different ways that it is hard for them to come together as a couple. While Capricorn is detached emotionally, Pisces is raw emotion, open to any influences that may be nearby. Capricorn is responsible and hard working. They are focused and loyal. Pisces is irresponsible, dreamy and unorganized. They are passive and moody. Pisces Moon has an idealistic approach to relationships, while Capricorn Moon wants a firm commitment. Pisces can be clingy, which Capricorn may find extremely annoying. In rare instances, these two can be compatible if they can work out their differences. In these cases, they are able to be complementary to each other. Capricorn can take care of the outside world, while Pisces learns some responsibility and takes care of the home front. Capricorn can teach Pisces how to make the most of their creativity, while Pisces can teach Capricorn how to release their emotions. When this pairing works, it goes to show that with enough love and determination, any couple has the potential to work.
Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Aquarius Moon ♒︎☽
Pisces Moon and Aquarius Moon have a good chance of making a go of a relationship. If one of them is willing to be more tolerant, their chances get even better. Both partners need to work on the relationship to get the most out of it. Outgoing Aquarius Moon loves to join groups and feel a part of social change. Introverted Pisces is gentle, moody and reclusive. Both partners want to help humanity, but in different ways. Aquarius Moon will want to create sweeping social change, while Pisces Moon will want to help out one person at a time. Aquarius may not be able to get in touch with Pisces' feelings; Pisces is emotionally open to every little nuance around them and is affected by it. Pisces may find Aquarius too detached to suit them. Aquarius will most likely find Pisces excessively emotional. Their vastly different ways of approaching the world may be too much for them to overcome. If they both work on the relationship, they could make good strides. Aquarius can learn some empathy from Pisces, and Pisces can learn to gain some distance and clarity from Aquarius. They can learn to work together on their common interests and branch out from there.
Pisces Moon ♓︎☽ ❤️ Pisces Moon ♓︎☽
Pisces Moon paired with another Pisces Moon will share many of the same interests and understandings, but this does not serve to make them overly compatible. Pisces is very dreamy and moody… double that and you see what happens. When both are moody at the same time, it is magnified and they may find it difficult to move on. While they may make the best of chums with a close, sympathetic relationship, a double Pisces Moon couple may end up being too emotional to accomplish much of anything. When it is good, they are very perceptive and can gain a powerful psychic ability. They can be artistic and imaginative, but because of their disorganization and lack of discipline, they may not be able to utilize these skills and talents. They may both end up losing themselves in drugs or other methods of escapism if they are not careful. They can also be taken advantage of easily because of their giving natures. Their compassion can be both a blessing and a curse because of that. Pisces cannot help themselves when they see someone who needs their help. They are not good at setting boundaries, and with both partners in the same boat, they may end up completely run down and drained. If a double Pisces Moon couple takes the time to work things out and build up their skills in organization and discipline, they may be able to make it work. They will be able to capitalize on their good qualities and overcome their negative ones.
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Catherine Zeta Jones ☆ Kim Kardashian ☆ Rita Ora ☆ Rita Hayworth ☆ Kesha ☆  Grace Kelly ☆ Rachel Leigh Cook ☆ Arielle Kebbel ☆ Miranda Cosgrove ☆ Christina Applegate ☆ Vanessa Hudgens ☆ Kirstie Alley ☆ Molly Sims ☆ Brenda Strong ☆ Kidada Jones ☆ Michelle Obama ☆ Hilary Clinton ☆ Helena Christensen ☆ Brandi Glanville ☆ Annie Potts ☆ Charlotte Rampling ☆ Asia Argento ☆ Selita Ebanks ☆ Cindy Crawford ☆ Jaime King ☆ Jamie Chung ☆  Lisa Rinna ☆ Gloria Gaynor ☆ Sissy Spacek ☆ Carole Lombard ☆ Constance Marie ☆ Adelaide Kane ☆ Alicia Silverstone ☆ Jennifer Hudson ☆ Bethany Joy Lenz ☆ Camila Alves ☆ Rachel Maddow ☆ Felicity Jones ☆ Alexa Vega ☆ First Lady Laura Bush ☆ Ava Gardner ☆ Erykah Badu ☆ Cybill Shepherd ☆ Rachel Weisz ☆ Verushka ☆ Audrey Hepburn ☆ Brittany Snow ☆ Anna Faris ☆ Juliette Lewis ☆ Marie Osmond ☆ Lacey Chabert ☆ Lori Loughlin ☆ Shobana ☆ Christina Grimmie ☆ Diane Kruger ☆ Florence Henderson ☆ Shailene Woodley ☆ Kristi Yamaguchi ☆ Piper Perabo ☆ Debbie Harry ☆ Ciara ☆ Amerie ☆ Kathy Bates ☆ Elizabeth Berkley ☆ Kehlani ☆ Joni Mitchell ☆ Evan Rachel Wood ☆ Kellie Pickler ☆  Jennifer Capriati ☆ Corinne Bailey Rae ☆ Summer Altice ☆ Joanna Garcia ☆ Sabrina Carpenter ☆ Cheryl Cole ☆ Abbie Cornish ☆ Brit Marling ☆ Catherine O’Hara ☆ Holly Marie Combs ☆ Jessica Brown Findlay ☆ Ginger Rogers ☆ Mata Hari ☆ Marie Curie ☆ Laura Marano ☆ Trisha Yearwood ☆ Carrie-Ann Moss ☆ Isla Fisher ☆ Tiffany ☆ Tamar Braxton ☆ Adrianne Palicki ☆ Carly Rae Jepsen ☆ Julie Dreyfus ☆ Bonnie Hunt ☆ Doutzen Kroes ☆ Lisa Marie Presley ☆ Eve ☆ Simone De Beauvoir ☆ Shiri Appleby ☆ Maria Kanellis ☆ Hikaru Utada ☆ Kaia Gerber ☆ Michelle Wie ☆ Grimes ☆ Tamia ☆ Laura Pausini ☆ Joanna Krupa ☆ Coretta Scott King ☆ Caitriona Balfe ☆ A.J. Cook ☆ Winona Ryder ☆ Abigail Breslin ☆ Karen Gillan ☆ Joey King ☆ Rachel Weisz ☆ Laura Dern ☆ Jennifer Grey ☆ Sarah Michelle Gellar ☆ Maggie Grace ☆ Blac Chyna ☆ Olivia Munn ☆  Ann Boleyn ☆ Coco Chanel ☆ Alexander McQueen ☆ Tom Ford ☆ Versace ☆ Elvis Presley ☆ James Woods ☆  Frank Sinatra ☆ Leonard Cohen ☆ Michael Jackson ☆ Prince ☆ Akihito ☆ Axl Rose ☆ Leonardo da Vinci ☆ Michelangelo ☆ Martin Luther King ☆ Che Guevara ☆ Edgar Allan Poe ☆ Robert De Niro ☆ Robin Williams ☆ Paul Newman ☆ Ben Stiller ☆ Usain Bolt ☆ Aleister Crowley ☆ Dylan O’Brien ☆ Michael Trevino ☆ J.R.R. Tolkien ☆ Kanye West ☆ Frank Sinatra ☆ Ian Harding ☆ Kieran Culkin ☆ Paul Walker ☆ Jason Statham ☆ Ricky Martin ☆ Kendrick Lamar ☆ Robert Plant ☆ Leonard Cohen ☆ Vincent Gallo ☆  Hugh Hefner ☆ Usher ☆ Kim Jong-Un ☆ Wiz Khalifa ☆ Chris Pine ☆ Macauley Culkin ☆ Neymar ☆ Martin Scorcese ☆ Yannick Noah ☆  Jerry Seinfeld ☆ Ryan Merriman ☆ Coluche ☆ Diego Maradona ☆ Benjamin Franklin ☆ James Blunt ☆ Timothee Chalamet ☆ Liam Gallagher ☆ Blake Shelton ☆ Michael Stipe ☆ Jack Black ☆ James Cameron ☆ Kenny Chesney ☆ Chris Jericho ☆  Michael Cera ☆ Fred Rogers ☆ Alex Rodriguez ☆ Sean Paul ☆ Drake Bell ☆ Josh Peck ☆ Patrick Fugit ☆  Wayne Rooney ☆ Damon Wayans ☆ Diplo (DJ) ☆  Lou Ferrigno ☆  Garth Brooks ☆ John Bonham ☆ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ☆ Chuck Berry ☆ Moby ☆ Miguel ☆  Piers Morgan ☆ Laurence Fishburne ☆ Matt Smith ☆ Michael Vartan ☆ Edward Furlong ☆ Anthony Perkins ☆  Little Richard ☆ Isaac Hanson ☆ Eric Mabius ☆ Rupert Everett ☆ Taylor Hanson ☆ Jason Priestley ☆ Jonny Lee Miller ☆ John Barrowman ☆ Daniel Johns ☆ Lyle Lovett ☆ Sam Claflin ☆ Ja Rule ☆ Jared Kushner ☆ Darren Hayes ☆ Meat Loaf ☆ Sam Cooke ☆ Bernie Mac ☆ John Williams ☆  Kevin Richardson (BSB) ☆ Sean Astin ☆Aidan Quinn ☆ Taye Diggs ☆ Tim Duncan ☆ Oscar De La Hoya ☆ Alex Trebek ☆ Common ☆ Jason Behr ☆ Chadwick Boseman ☆ Omar Epps ☆ Wes Craven ☆ Malcolm Jamal-Warner 
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When the Moon is found in Pisces, the emotions are likely to be pronounced. Pisces is the final sign of The Zodiac, and has much to do with sensitivity – to oneself, to other people, and to the mysterious, unseen forces that shape our world. With the Moon in Pisces, you are likely to be a highly impressionable individual – strongly influenced by the compassionate, creative, imaginative, romantic and idealistic aspects of life.On an instinctive level, you may have a natural affinity for the abstract or intuitive. This affinity can be a blessing, or a curse. You are likely to be able to sense the hidden or energetic levels of life, soaking up atmospheres as if you were a sponge. Your feelings about people and situations are likely to be immediate, accurate and intense. Understanding that your feelings provide valuable information, but can lead you astray sometimes, means that you will need to learn to recognize the difference between an intuitive response to something, and an emotional reaction that is based on your response to whatever is going on. Your imagination is likely to be very strong. You can find all manner of nuance in many life experiences. You are likely to respond to all manner of visual and emotional stimuli, which work to jettison you off into the many worlds of your imagination. Here you can find recreation and release. Whether you prefer to escape into a comfortable world of your own daydreams, or immerse yourself in art, anything that works to activate your imagination feels like coming home, and enables you to nurture your soul. This is a great advantage if you turn your talents to anything creative. Most often, the Piscean energy is expressed through abstract art forms, so anything around music, film, photography, dance, drama, poetry or painting may appeal. Even if you do not practice as an artist, you are likely to be strongly in tune with certain art-forms. Because this sign is highly creative, opportunity awaits those of you who find an outlet for your vivid imaginations. You may also be highly intuitive, possessing innate psychic abilities if other factors in the chart are also present. You may have had a powerful sense of knowing from an early age, experienced prophetic dreams, or perhaps grown up in an environment where the women in particular were known for their psychic or healing abilities. Understanding how your “sixth sense” operates is your natural birthright, and one you can readily develop if you give it the time and respect it deserves.Pisces is a sign of mystery, and humanity is not yet at a stage of evolution to understand all that Life has to offer. We do not understand our intuition fully, nor do we understand all the dimensions which exist within our Universe. Accordingly, you may have a natural curiousity about the subtle forces which shape our lives which is beyond what other people understand. Your instinctive awareness that there is more than just the “Here and Now” gives you an innate acceptance of things which cannot be immediately explained. This sign is one of spiritual seeking. You may have a profound and personal relationship with your own experience of The Divine. This does not mean you are religious, and you may not follow any particular faith. But you are likely to feel in touch with something greater than yourself, and in your own way seek to live that experience out. As mentioned, Pisces is a sign of great sensitivity. Your life will be directed by feeling, and by the sense perhaps of an unseen “Hand” guiding it all. Love and relationship may be an area of life where you go through many lessons. Pisces is a very romantic sign. You may have a tendency to enter relationships or new experiences with rose-coloured glasses. Putting others on a pedestal means that invariably they must “fall off”. Yet you have the capacity for a rare kind of loving, based on the unconditional acceptance of others for who they are. Sometimes you experience an exalted kind of love that will bring you an experience of true union with another. At other times, you may need to wake up to harsh realities, seeing others for who they are, and not who you would like them to be. With the Moon here you need to be in relationship with others who respect your sensitivity. For this to happen, you must first respect it in yourself.Most often, women with the Moon in Pisces have an easier time, for women are allowed to explore and develop their sensitive sides. For men, this placement can be more difficult. Many men are taught from an early age to repress their emotional lives, leading to patterns of fear and self-denial in later life where the attempt to shut down and deny their intuitive side. Sometimes men born with the Moon in Pisces fear their natural sensitivities. They react badly to the idea of anything ‘otherwordly’, as this would mean opening up to parts of themselves that have long been locked away. The sign of Pisces carries within it an innate urge to escape – to leave behind the mundane aspects of life. Accordingly, you may find you have the need to withdraw periodically from the demands of life, taking time to replenish your highly sensitive emotional system. If you do not recognize when the time to withdraw has come, you may find yourself unable to cope with the demands of life. Withdrawal or escape is an important part of the Piscean experience. Whether you do this consciously or unconsciously will be entirely up to you.A conscious manifestation of this desire to escape could involve taking time to be alone, retreating from the world for contemplation, meditation, purification and renewal. Spending time by the water, or in nature, is especially soothing. Natural environments help release the emotional and psychological influences you have absorbed from others, and process those experiences that are necessary for your growth. As Pisces is a sign of compassion, you may also experience self-renewal through acts of kindness to others, consciously offering your compassionate nature in selfless acts of service to others. The trick here will be in learning not to take on more than your fair share. Giving of your self is a natural response, but you may need to learn when enough is enough. Sometimes those born with the Moon in Pisces need to recognize boundaries, so that their generous and compassionate qualities are not taken advantage of. An unconscious manifestation of the urge to escape would be more literal. This is usually characterized by a person who seeks to escape from the demands of this world through addiction, drugs or alcohol, through becoming dependent on some kind of government or welfare system, or losing themselves by becoming the victim of someone or something. Sometimes those born with the Moon in Pisces unconsciously become sick, vulnerable or destitute. However the escape is experienced, there is often an underlying feeling of not being able to cope in the world.However it manifests, the urge to escape is almost always about seeking purification, restoration and release on an emotional level. Becoming conscious of underlying motives and needs will help greatly in understanding the complexities of such a sensitive emotional nature. Recognizing that the need to escape embodies a desire to merge oneself back with the source of “All That Is” can help set up constructive paths to become involved in life again, through which a return to consciousness can occur. Born with the Moon in Pisces, you are likely to have an innate need to find outlets for your acute sensitivity. You are likely to be drawn to the romantic, creative, compassionate, service-oriented or spiritual dimensions of life. Your natural ability to sense what is really going on is your best asset but possibly your greatest stumbling block. By learning to respect your own nature, you see clearly the people and situations that will give you the respect that you deserve. Yours is a loving heart, looking for union with another. In Love you will discover your biggest reward, and the most worthy reason to sacrifice.
IV. Cole Sprouse (Moon Sign: Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽; Sun Sign: Leo Sun ♌︎☉)
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Scorpio Moon Positive Traits: Magnetic, genuine feelings, intuitive, compassionate, energetic, passionate, powerful, determined, self-sacrificing, just, persevering, stoical, inscrutable, self-reliant, deep, self-possessed, complex, influential, shrewd, firm, intense, loyal, faith-inspiring, dynamic, regenerating, compelling, penetrating insight, scrutinizing, resourceful, strong and deep, brave, firm views, healing touch, intimate, sharp, incisive, subtle, satirical, perceptive, penetrating mind, stealthy, audacious, accurate, investigative, punchy, emphatic, good concentration, quick-minded, dextrous, profound, confiding, insightful, strategic, sexually aware, sensuous, colourful, rapturous, stimulating, fruity, sultry, self controlled, dignified, sense of secrecy, faithful, gives all
Scorpio Moon Negative Traits: Unyielding, apparently unfeeling, suspicious, scornful, maniacal, jealous, gloating, obsessive, grudging, revengeful, unforgiving, emotionally denying, unreachable, lonely, brooding, self-destructive, subtly dominating, manipulative, underhand, obstinate, possessive, fanatical, emotionally sapping, coercive, degrading, enforces allegiance, seductive, black looks, cunning, vengeful, self-punishing, scornful of weakness, cruel, rigid outlook, corrupt, resentful, cutting, acidic, sneaky, sarcastic, paranoid, intrusive, abusive, uncharitable, grilling, scathing, overstated, argumentative, mentally tense, presumptuous, meddlesome, incomprehensible, secretive, devious, scheming, sexually obsessed, licentious, blue, depraved, hurtful, bitter, hateful, poisonous, immoral, self-destructive, tight-lipped, unforthcoming, conspiratorial, close, expects all
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Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Aries Moon ♈︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Aries Moon may be compatible if both partners really work on pleasing each other. While passions run hot on both sides, this pairing often becomes a relationship where one partner is constantly making the effort to accommodate the other one. Both Scorpio moon and Aries moon want to be in charge; Aries because they like to be the leader, and Scorpio because they like to control everything in their lives. Both partners are intense and powerful, though their individual differences are what can tear them apart. Aries prefers to surf along on the surface while Scorpio runs very deep. Aries likes to deal with issues with aggressive emotions while Scorpio will slink away silently, hiding their feelings and holding a grudge. This can be a very challenging pairing. While both are very emotional people, Aries lets their frustrations out and goes on. Scorpio, on the other hand, is complex, secretive and may become suspicious of everything their partner does. Because of their passionate natures, Scorpio Moon and Aries Moon tend to be drawn to each other… but this is usually not a long lasting relationship due to the viciousness of their conflicts. If they can make it work, it will be a very passionate, emotional relationship.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Taurus Moon ♉︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Taurus Moon can be deliriously happy with each other; or they can absolutely detest each other. Unfortunately, one pair can experience both extremes. When things are going good, they are on top of the world. When they have problems, they feel no one else is experiencing anything worse. Both partners in this relationship can be stubborn and inflexible. They both rely on their instincts. They are both deeply attracted to each other. Taurus Moon, however, will drive Scorpio Moon mad with their need for affection, desire for physical comforts and practicality. Scorpio Moon will drive Taurus Moon mad with their strong desire for sexual intensity, secrets and need for control through manipulation. They may find themselves in a pattern of separation and reconciliation over and over again. This can end up being a hurtful situation for both partners. Taurus Moon will be much easier to please in this pairing. Scorpio Moon has deep feelings, and when hurt can be tremendously hostile. Scorpio is prone to feeling jealous, angry and guilty. Taurus understands none of this, even though they may be a bit possessive. Once they learn to deal with each other, however, the strong attraction that brought them close in the first place can create a very special bond.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ ♏︎☽ Gemini Moon ♊︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Gemini Moon may or may not work out. The relationship is bound to become out of balance unless both partners are constantly working to keep it going smoothly. These two are not well matched and may have a lot of challenges to conquer. Scorpio Moon and Gemini Moon are very different, emotionally. They may have difficulty appreciating the other or understanding where the other is coming from. Gemini has a light, superficial approach to relationships that truly upsets Scorpio, who feels passionate and intense. Likewise, Scorpio's outbursts, jealousy and manipulation to gain control over Gemini's need for freedom, socialization and variety will cause Gemini to run far away. Scorpio gets frustrated by Gemini's rationality and need for new experiences. While Gemini is attracted to Scorpio, it is more to gain the experience than to create a lifelong relationship. Can two signs be more different than Scorpio and Gemini? Gemini Moon will feel threatened or uncomfortable by the intensity and will try to deflect this through humor, reason and finally avoidance. Gemini's need for socializing, variety and mental stimulation is totally foreign to Scorpio. Scorpio Moon intensely loves or hates everything they come across. They cannot be reasonable, detached or rational when it comes to personal issues. They often feel that Gemini just doesn't care. Scorpio is very private and may be unsociable sometimes. They can also be very demanding, but it is due to their need and ability to share deeply and to relish the closeness and intimacy that they crave. Gemini may not be capable of achieving this level.
⭐️ Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Cancer Moon ♋︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Cancer Moon will share a great respect and understanding. They are a very well matched pair. Both partners will become deeply attached to each other. Passionate Scorpio and nurturing Cancer can plumb the emotional depths like no one else. Both partners are intuitive and sensitive to each others' needs and feelings. These two want a committed relationship. They may tend to lose objectivity and perspective about their relationship.This pairing is almost a psychic bonding that nurtures them both and can transform them both spiritually and emotionally. Scorpio is happy to have Cancer totally dependent upon them, because secretly, Scorpio is equally as dependent upon Cancer. Their differences can be found, but they won't make much of a fuss between them. Scorpio is passionate and emotional, with strong hates and equally strong loves.They react emotionally to people and situations. They reveal themselves to few, as they don't like to appear vulnerable. They can be vindictive when hurt. Cancer is soft, gentle and tender. While Scorpio's intensity can sometimes upset them, they are very sympathetic and understanding. They strive for a nurturing, peaceful atmosphere at home where they can all be happy.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️  Leo Moon ♌︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Leo Moon will challenge each other greatly. One will need to make compromises to make the relationship work. This may lead to resentment. Both partners here need commitment and loyalty from each other. Neither one is into brief one night stands. They are each strong willed, inflexible and proud. They both need to feel they are in control. Leo Moon always sees the bright side, while Scorpio Moon tends to dwell on the dark. Leo is direct, warm, humorous and outgoing; Scorpio is private, jealous, distrustful and deep. There is a lot for this pairing to overcome to create a successful relationship. If they are successful, they will be surrounded by great intensity and power. In order to do this, they need to let go of their fears of intimacy and reveal their true natures. Scorpio Moon is more suspicious of what lies on the surface. They are always searching for the motives of others. Leo Moon accepts others on face value, and they may feel that Scorpio is stirring up trouble where it doesn't exist. As long as each person is willing to accept the differences in the other, this relationship may work out. If they have the drive to stick it out, they could have a very nice time together.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️  Virgo Moon ♍︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Virgo Moon are fairly well matched. They share many of the same opinions and have a strong respect for each other. They also have some fundamental differences that they will need to work with in order to remain together. Virgo Moon is logical, yet may be overly critical of themselves and others. They cannot detach themselves easily when they should just let something go. They tend to be perfectionists. Scorpio Moon is emotional, analytical and intuitive. They love secrets, and have a need to get to the root of them. Both partners may over-analyze themselves and others. They both want to improve themselves, but through different methods. Both are loyal to the end. Emotions and sex may embarrass Virgo, while Scorpio needs that intensity to feel complete. They can be good for each other if they can get over their differences. Scorpio Moon may hide their feelings of guilt or jealousy from Virgo. They can be manipulative in a subtle way, as they feel a need to be in control. Virgo Moon appears shy and restrained, and they may not know how to deal with the intensity of Scorpio's moods. Both can be sensitive to criticism in their own ways. With work and dedication, they may keep the relationship going.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️  Libra Moon ♎︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Libra Moon may get along fine, especially if one partner is willing to put up with the eccentricities of the other. They may not be able compromise enough in some cases, since their desires are so different. Libra Moon likes peaceful surroundings, harmonious relationships and light chatter during social engagements. Scorpio Moon needs passion and intense experiences. They really dislike superficial bantering. Libra hates confrontation and conflict, while Scorpio may appear to seek it out. While Libra Moon wants fairness, Scorpio Moon wants revenge. Major adjustments will need to be made by both partners to make an equal, happy relationship. Libra Moon is very tolerant and accepts people as they are. Scorpio Moon analyzes and becomes suspicious. Scorpio Moon may also be very controlling and manipulative in order to dominate the relationship. This can make Libra Moon very uncomfortable. They may end up pulling back without even realizing it at first. Both partners will really have to be committed to this relationship in order to make it beneficial to both partners. It is just very hard for Libra Moon to give Scorpio Moon what they need, and vice versa.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ 
Scorpio Moon and Scorpio Moon magnifies all of their good traits, and all of their bad traits as well. If one gets suspicious of the other, it is twice as strong. They will be extremely intense, jealous and moody. This can be a lot of strain for a relationship to go through. The chances of a double Scorpio match succeeding are very low. It is true that a double Scorpio Moon can make for a very passionate partnership, it is also extremely volatile. Both partners are so intensely emotional that it is exhausting. While both are extremely loyal and possessive, they are also suspicious and manipulative. They may look calm on the surface, but underneath they could be seething with hatred or suspicion. Each partner will want to be in control. If they do manage to make this pairing work, it could be very powerful and transformative for both of them. Secretive and cautious, Scorpio Moon is very sensitive to betrayal, whether it is real or just imagined. They may be inclined to create drama to experience various emotional situations. Both partners will seek out challenging ways to experience more powerful feelings in their careers or hobbies. Those that don't find satisfaction that way will create their own situations at home with their partner.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️  Sagittarius Moon ♐︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Sagittarius Moon may have some conflicts. If one is willing to bend over backwards for the other, there may be some possibility for a long term relationship, but this may end up creating tension. They do share some understandings, but overall it may be difficult for them to keep it going. Scorpio Moon is private, suspicious and passionate. They are loyal, emotional and possessive. Sagittarius Moon on the other hand, is social, upbeat and philosophical. They want a certain amount of freedom and independence. Disagreements are likely to arise from Scorpio's need to uncover secrets and Sagittarius' need to expand their experiences. They are likely to inhibit both partners by their behavior. In order for either partner to feel safe and secure in the relationship, they will need to accommodate each other. Scorpio's jealousy may erupt into an emotional scene when Sagittarius is just being friendly and having fun. They have a hard time understanding why the other does what they do. Chances are the relationship will not last too long if they are not able or willing to work on their problem areas. They are as different as night and day.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Capricorn Moon ♑︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Capricorn Moon make the best of friends, and this can also turn into a nice romantic relationship as well. They can often have a long lasting relationship filled with respect and admiration. Both Scorpio and Capricorn are loyal and are capable of great depth of feeling. They are both rather private and dedicated. They both proceed with caution and are slow to trust. Where they differ can either make the relationship interesting or problematic. Scorpio needs to experience intense emotions, and may actually manufacture drama in order to fill this need. Capricorn will place practical needs above all else. Capricorn may seem emotionally detached compared to Scorpio's intensity. Capricorn can teach Scorpio how to focus on practical matters and Scorpio can help Capricorn feel more comfortable with their sensuality. If each partner focuses on the other, they can develop very strong bonds and enjoy a deep relationship. If Scorpio can curb the suspicion, Capricorn will respond better. Neither partner is capable of superficial feelings. They can create a wonderful relationship if they can only get over the few differences they have. Both should learn how to communicate rather than keep secrets from each other.
Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️ Aquarius Moon ♒︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Aquarius Moon will tend to grate on each other unless they fill their relationship with compromises. Both partners are fixed in their ways and are very different emotionally. Neither one is known for changing themselves in order to make accommodations for their partner. This is a relationship that probably won't last long. Scorpio Moon is private and desires emotional intimacy. They can get very possessive and suspicious; on the flip side, Aquarius Moon is very social. They need to be involved with groups of people and focus on the future. They want someone who is intellectual like themselves with whom they can have enlightening conversations. They want freedom and don't want anyone controlling them; whereby Scorpio desires to control their partner, and may use manipulation to get what they want. What is wrong with this picture? It is not a picture of a healthy relationship. Aquarius' need for intellectual stimulation may take them to groups who share a common interest. This may make Scorpio Moon jealous and in their need to control their partner, Scorpio may do anything to manipulate the situation so Aquarius Moons must be with them. Even with a lot of work on the part of both partners, they may never see eye to eye. This relationship is often better off if both parties cut their losses and find other partners.
⭐️ Scorpio Moon ♏︎☽ ❤️  Pisces Moon ♓︎☽
Scorpio Moon and Pisces Moon are made for each other. They understand each other well and respect their differences. They work together well and will likely have an emotional, long lasting relationship. Both Scorpio Moon and Pisces Moon are capable of moody behavior. They are intuitive and emotional. They can, in some cases, develop a psychic bond. Their shared sensitivity helps them meet the other's needs. Scorpio needs intense emotions. They may find this in love, anger, fear, loyalty, sex, revenge or obsession. Pisces wants harmony and to avoid conflict, whereas Scorpio loves conflict. This may cause upset if not openly discussed. Both are great manipulators and their secrets and emotional intimacy will bind these two together deeply. Pisces Moon is very forgiving and tolerant, while Scorpio Moon longs to retaliate. It isn't too difficult for these two to work through their differences though. They share the most important part for both of them: the emotional intimacy. They may share an interest in the occult or other secrets. This also gives them a sense of belonging to each other.
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Lauren Conrad ☆ Kate Moss ☆ Katy Perry ☆ Minnie Driver ☆ Lady Gaga ☆ Elizabeth Taylor ☆ Amanda Peet ☆ Minka Kelly ☆ Tracy Chapman ☆ Nia Long ☆ Tallulah Bankhead ☆ Queen Mother ☆ Raquel Welch ☆ Elizabeth Hurley ☆ Avril Lavigne ☆ Leah Remini ☆ Christine Taylor ☆ Marcia Cross ☆ Shannon Doherty ☆ Lizzy Caplan ☆ Gemma Arterton ☆ Adriana Lima ☆ Raven Symone ☆ Famke Janssen ☆ Julie Andrews ☆ Katie Price ☆  Denise Richards ☆ Jordin Sparks ☆ Lucy Hale ☆ Thalia ☆ Rebecca Romijn ☆ Candice Accola ☆ Lisa Kudrow ☆ Linda McCartney ☆ Liliane Bettencourt ☆ Rosanna Arquette ☆ Heather Graham ☆ Katerina Graham ☆ Kathie Lee Gifford ☆ Jennifer Tilly ☆ Dove Cameron ☆ Pat Benatar ☆ Sky Ferreira ☆ Whoopi Goldberg ☆ Gisele Bundchen ☆ Bjork ☆ Georgia O’Keefe ☆ Laura Prepon ☆ Scarlett Johansson ☆ Lily Rose Depp ☆ Nancy Kerrigan ☆ Amelie Mauresmo ☆ Molly Ringwald ☆ Lisa Bonet ☆  Jena Malone ☆ Malia Obama ☆ Margot Robbie ☆ Bernadette Peters ☆ Tori Spelling ☆  Nancy Pelosi ☆ Kim Wilde ☆ Miley Cyrus☆ Gisele Bundchen ☆ Priscilla Presley ☆ Alyson Michalka ☆ Loretta Swit ☆  Brie Larson ☆ Selma Blair ☆ Jessica Lowndes ☆ Danneel Harris ☆ Emily Browning  ☆ Claudia Cardinale ☆ Jennifer Lopez ☆ Lordes Ciccone-Leon  ☆ The Bush Twins ☆ Ari Graynor ☆ Martine McCutcheon ☆ Cameron Manheim ☆ Chyler Leigh ☆ Cat Deeley ☆ Meagan Good ☆ Ellen Pompeo ☆ Shannyn Sossamon ☆ Lauren Jauregui ☆ Hilarie Burton ☆ Allison Mack ☆ Cyndi Lauper ☆ Crystal Renn ☆  Irina Shayk ☆ Beyonce ☆ Thandie Newton ☆ Olivia Palermo ☆ Jenna Jameson ☆ Linda Fiorentino ☆ Brittany Murphy ☆ Bette Midler ☆ January Jones ☆ Taylor Momsen ☆ Danni Minogue ☆ Hayley Mills ☆ MIA ☆ Kate Nash ☆ Alexa Chung ☆ Mary Lou Retton ☆ Kylie Jenner ☆ Carmella Decesare ☆ Debi Mazar ☆ Mila Kunis ☆ Natalie Imbruglia ☆ Mariah Carey ☆ James Dean ☆ Nelson Mandela ☆ Eddie Murphy ☆ Bruce Lee ☆ Charlie Chaplin ☆ Bob Marley ☆ Roger Federer ☆ Alfred Hitchcock ☆ Stanley Kubrick ☆ Steven Spielberg ☆ Mark Zuckerberg ☆ Elijah Wood ☆ Eddie Murphy ☆  Orlando Bloom ☆ Owen Wilson ☆ Snoop Dogg ☆ Chris Evans ☆ George Harrison ☆ Robbie Williams ☆ Ben Affleck ☆ Ryan Reynolds ☆ Adam Levine ☆ Vince Neil ☆ Bono ☆ Alan Rickman ☆ The Weeknd ☆ Mark Wahlberg ☆ Johnny Cash ☆ Jimmy Fallon ☆ RuPaul ☆ Jason Momoa ☆ Hayden Christensen ☆ Ralph Fiennes ☆ Kit Harrington ☆ Matthew Perry ☆ Eric Clapton ☆ Michael Hutchence ☆ Roger Waters ☆ John Cusack ☆ Seth MacFarlane ☆ Warren Beatty ☆ Michael Buble ☆ Shaquille O’Neal ☆ Miles Davis ☆ Charlie Puth ☆ John Wayne ☆ Penn Badgley ☆ Leif Garrett ☆ Steve Perry ☆ Francis Ford Coppola ☆ Jimmy Carter ☆ Casey Affleck ☆ Adam Brody ☆ Michael Keaton ☆ Martin Lawrence ☆ Quincy Jones ☆ Patrick Stewart ☆ Truman Capote ☆Uri Geller ☆ Sam Heughan ☆ James Caan ☆ Ryan Lochte ☆ James Lafferty ☆ Placido Domingo ☆ JJ Abrams ☆ Abdullah II of Jordan ☆ Miles Teller ☆ Louis IX of France ☆ Richard Madden  ☆ Ralph Lauren ☆ Douglas Booth ☆ Eric Benet ☆ Bret Michaels ☆ Spencer Pratt ☆ Flo Rida ☆ Nathan Lane ☆ Xabi Alonso ☆ Harry Hamlin ☆ Matt Lanter ☆ Davy Jones ☆ Rahm Emanuel ☆ Nicholas Brendon ☆ Phil Mickelson ☆ James Comey ☆ George Steinbrenner
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Born with the Moon in Scorpio, you are likely to be sensitive and loyal, but have intense emotional needs. Scorpio is a Water sign, which relates to the emotional, psychological and spiritual dimensions of life. You are likely to give the impression of being perceptive, powerful, and transformational. Scorpio is also a Fixed sign, suggesting that when you align your emotions with something you desire – be that a friend/lover or an anticipated outcome – you will be constant, enduring and unwilling to let go. For you, a sense of emotional wellbeing comes from having close and truthful connections with others which allow you to explore the life’s depths. Depending on other influences in your chart, you are also likely to be a passionate individual with a real capacity to connect on an emotional level. You will seek intimacy in your relationships, and demand loyalty in return. The sensitivity and depth of your nature means you are likely to have intense reactions to emotional stimuli. Scorpio is not an easy place for the Moon to be. The Moon is traditionally considered in her “fall” here, suggesting certain challenges around how lunar (emotional) qualities are expressed. Because the quality of your emotions – their strength and potential power – can be so intense, they can at times be overwhelming. Early on in life, you may find yourself swinging between extremes, like you are riding a rollercoaster of emotional peaks and troughs. You feel acutely every dimension of life. You will do best if you remember not to collapse yourself into your emotions, or believe that just because an emotion has intensity, it must be acted upon. Part of your nature requires that you learn to allow strong feelings to flow through you, without being overwhelmed by them. With time, and as greater self-awareness develops, you will learn to understand the depths of your emotions by taking time for introspection. You can gain great insight into yourself and others by developing a true sensitivity to the complexity of emotional needs. As you understand the depth of your own nature, you learn to recognize the true motivations in others as well.  Scorpio is also a sign of privacy. You are likely to prefer playing your cards ‘close to your chest’. Rather than letting everybody know exactly what you are experiencing, you learn to keep your true feelings to yourself. Even those nearest to you may have no idea of the depth of emotional storms besieging you, and the relief that comes when the clear light of understanding eventually shines through. To harness your potential for emotional insight and connectedness you should learn to spend time “going within”. You feel intensely, for better or for worse. This can at times make you seem vulnerable, but in truth you are likely to possess great strength. Your emotional nature combines sensitivity with the instinctual awareness that real growth only happens through episodes of pain and transformation. No stranger to this truth, you are likely to prefer to see things for what they are – both in yourself and in other people. You are likely to have a highly developed ability to sense the emotional undercurrents around you, and prefer dealing with the raw truth at any cost. You have a knack for pinpointing what you, and others, really want or need in a situation – which may be confronting – but always brings the truth to light. Through confronting things for what they really are, you bring this light into your own and others lives. By entering and resolving emotional crises, you generate greater emotional or spiritual freedom for yourself and other people.There may be a tendency to try and protect your vulnerability, hiding the true depths of what you really feel. The tendency to suppress or hide your emotions can go both ways. On the one hand, you may try to detach from uncomfortable emotions, and avoid circumstances that will really get you to feel. You may protect yourself from close encounters with others, and find emotional release through fictional or fantasy-based sources. Or, you may attempt to control and dominate others with moodiness, lashing out at them before they can “get to you”. Defence can be used as a form of offence to prevent others discovering how sensitive and vulnerable you really are. Either way, you end up missing the benefit of true intimacy by not letting others share in how you feel. You need to develop trust in others by letting them into your life. This means listening to your own intuition, and choosing the right confidantes to share the real depths of your immensely loving heart. For you, the exchange of emotional energy makes living worthwhile. A need to be close and connect to others is likely to be a constant theme in your life. Through sharing your substantial emotional resources, you uncover the truth about yourself. At the same time, you expose yourself to deeper levels of power and vulnerability. This process of self-exposure is what you need, and ultimately leads you to a form of inner transformation that can only happen through trust and mutual intimacy. The goal for those born with a Scorpio Moon is to develop deeper levels of closeness in life. Through relationships you understand the world around and your place in it. By connecting and sharing with others, inner peace is found.Accordingly, this lunar position is excellent for anything which requires an understanding other peoples’ motives and drives. A natural psychologist, you will be adept at sensing what others really need. You can do well in any field that involves ‘reading’ others. How clearly you do this will have much to do with what you are prepared to face in yourself. By exploring your own dark cupboards you learn to sense what others keep in theirs. This placement calls for great emotional honesty; an all-or-nothing preparedness to live from a position of power and truth. Your greatest gift is your ability to bring light into your own and others’ lives by seeing things for what they really are. You help others transform what needs redeeming through accepting themselves as they are.If you fail to live from a place of honesty, then you could display the more negative or poisonous potential of the Moon in Scorpio. Overwhelmed by your own vulnerability, you could seek to destroy others. You may (unconsciously or not) try to take others down, rather than face the darkness within yourself. You may find yourself exposing flaws and manipulating weaknesses as a way to inflict pain. If this happens, you need to transform first the pain in your own life before involving yourself with others and having an influence on what they do with theirs. At the highest level, Moon in Scorpio gives you the ability to transform your own and others lives. You can act as an agent for change, becoming a catalyst for greater growth and awareness. You can help others shift their psychological values. The potential power contained here is enormous. You have the opportunity to be a force for good. Valuing your own and others privacy, you can be trusted to keep a confidence, and have a rare kind of understanding that is born from simply accepting things for what they are. You can be the one others turn to with their deepest secrets and most hidden pain. When you let them share their stories, you help them heal their pain. When you talk to them truthfully abut you feel is going on you can help them find a path to transformation. With your awareness of the depths of human nature and empathy for others, you can bear witness, offer counsel and help others renew themselves. With the moon in Scorpio, individuals are emotionally intense with an aura of mystery constantly surrounding them. They own the characteristic of deciphering the emotional state of anyone and possess the capability to look through anyone’s emotions and feelings. Due to this quality, others consider them as enigmatic people who manage to achieve such a feat accurately constantly. They have a continued requirement for change and excitement. They normally wish for excitement and continued drama in their lives and thrive on emotional drama. Scorpio-born go out in securing their relationships, and they certainly don’t believe in half measures. They never waste their time in meaningless relationships as they long for total commitment from their partners. With the moon in Scorpio, individuals have a dynamic and attractive personality and their entire character is filled with mystery which often draws others to them. They possess a gift of intuition, and strive extremely hard to control their intense emotions. However, for their own gains, they tend to use this gift of intuition. In the occult and the unusual, these individuals tend to have a strong interest. By their very nature, they are amazingly creative beings. Overall, these individuals are charismatic in nature and attract one and all with their mysterious aura. Attitude wise, the Scorpio-born is non conformist individual, and aren't bothered to adhere to the norms set by the society.
V. Madeleine Petsch (Moon Sign: Capricorn Moon ♑︎☽; Sun Sign: Leo Sun ♌︎☉) 
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Capricorn Moon Positive Traits: Self-controlled, cautious, modest, reserved, serious, disciplined, pragmatic, prudent, achiever, hardworking, determined, shrewd, loyal, influential, steadfast, respected, sensitive, self-sacrificing, efficient helper, dignified, materially aware, responsible, efficient, orderly, ambitious, organizer, industrious, takes the reins, patient, thoughtful, deep understanding, resourceful, canny, persevering, earthy, senses others needs, employs others, solid, good timing, mentally cautious, not easily fooled, retentive mind, methodical mind, orderly mind, serious when necessary, level headed, canny, discriminating, profits from little, employs others, sober, clear and deliberating mind, strong concentration, painstaking, patient, committed, serious lover, steadfast, constant, trustworthy, objective, genuine affections, modest, cool exterior, sense of composure, self-controlled, upright, practical, resourceful, affluent, self-made
Capricorn Moon Negative Traits: Repressed, distrustful, self doubting, inhibited, depressive, austere, unimaginative, boring, status-conscious, slave to system, cold hearted, crafty, sycophantic, name-dropper, unctuous, insincere, insensitive, uses others, self-serving, conceited, status slave, unscrupulous, ingratiating, wet blanket, cold, calculating, slave to self, dictatorial, intolerant, worrisome, inscrutable, tight, suspicious, rigid, philistine, opportunist, hard, procrastinating, slow learner, sceptical, mentally overloaded, lacking originality and imagination, given to melancholy, boring and rigid, pedestrian, suspicious, censorious, devious, avaricious, stern, dry and pigeon-holing mind, blinkered or narrow-minded, too exacting, possessive, jealous, inflexible, self-righteous, inhibited, distrustful, indifferent, undemonstrative, mean, cold manner, unfeeling, snobbish, too formal, self-contained, stiff, materialistic, money-grubbing, penny-pinching, selfish
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Capricorn Moon ♑︎☽ ❤️ Taurus Moon ♉︎☽
Capricorn Moon and Taurus Moon are a good match. They will have a tremendous respect and understanding for each other. They have a lot of things in common. Both Capricorn and Taurus need money and material possessions to make them feel secure and comfortable. They both like routine and order. Both partners will prove dependable and responsible. They do have a few differences they may need to work through. Taurus Moon is very laid back and easy going. It takes some real motivation to get them moving. They also like to mosey along so they can enjoy the scenery. Capricorn Moon needs to be actively working to be happy. They want to get everything done yesterday, and they need to feel in control. While Taurus likes instant gratification, Capricorn is willing to wait for it, knowing how good it will be. Capricorn Moon may think Taurus will never grow up. Taurus Moon may think Capricorn is obsessed with proving their worth. Taurus Moon does appreciate Capricorn's stability and steadiness. Capricorn Moon appreciates Taurus' creativity ending up in practical usage. Taurus Moon can help Capricorn learn to enjoy the fruits of their labor and to show affection. Capricorn Moon can help Taurus find motivation and ambition to bring their ideas to reality. Overall, they are a solid match that should do well together.
Capricorn Moon ♑︎☽ ❤️ Virgo Moon ♍︎☽
Capricorn Moon and Virgo Moon are the best of friends the moment they meet. They can't believe their luck in finding someone who shares so many things in common. They are highly compatible, and this relationship should work out well for all concerned. Both Capricorn Moon and Virgo Moon are organized and practical. They both work hard and want to be useful. Both are willing to forego their own desires and feelings in lieu of responsibilities. They are self-disciplined and meticulous. They are faithful, constant and don't like risks. They will happily tread the safe, logical path to financial security. Together they can have a very powerful connection. Others may view them as boring, but they feel secure and happy. They need to make sure they don't expect too much of themselves. With their self-critical tendencies, they can undermine their own work.They do need to be wary of overwork. All work and no play will make even Capricorn Moon and Virgo Moon dull. If they can learn to relax and enjoy themselves as well as maintain their responsibilities, they will be extremely happy.
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Sarah Jessica Parker ☆ Kate Hudson ☆ Kourtney Kardashian ☆ Carmen Dell’Orefice ☆ Siobhan Donaghy ☆ Ashley Tisdale ☆ Susan Sarandon ☆ Chloe Sevigny ☆ Bar Refaeli ☆ Kim Basinger ☆ Stevie Nicks ☆ Billie Holiday ☆ Zooey Deschanel ☆ Katee Sackhoff ☆ Julia Stiles ☆ Reece Witherspoon ☆ Audrina Partridge ☆ Anais Nin ☆ Bella Thorne ☆ Nina Simone ☆ Aishwarya Rai ☆  Ashley Tisdale ☆ Cher ☆ Stevie Nicks ☆ Liv Tyler ☆ Azealia Banks ☆ Hilary Swank ☆ Emma Roberts ☆ Jeffree Star ☆ Melania Trump☆ Nicollette Sheridan ☆ Stacey Dash ☆ Maria Sharapova ☆ Rosamund Pike ☆ Sofia Coppola ☆ Juliette Binoche ☆ Sophie Marceau ☆ Linda Cardellini ☆ Lena Headey ☆Paula Abdul ☆ Serinda Swan ☆ Annie Lennox ☆ Bethenny Frankel ☆ LeAnn Rimes ☆ Lucille Ball ☆ Tariji P. Henson ☆Fran Drescher ☆ Nelly Furtado ☆ Rashida Jones ☆ Neve Campbell ☆ Willow Smith ☆ Mia Farrow ☆ Emmy Rossum ☆ Miranda Lambert ☆ Rachel Zoe ☆ Shirley Ann Manson ☆ Amy Winehouse ☆ Elke Sommer ☆ Willow Smith ☆ Donna Summer ☆ Tara Reid ☆ Sarah Silverman ☆ Dame Judi Dench ☆ Sarah McLachlan ☆ June Carter Cash ☆ Kelly Brook ☆ Nadia Comaneci ☆ Mia Farrow ☆ Christina Ricci ☆ Mary Quant ☆ Jennifer Love Hewitt ☆ Yves Saint Laurent ☆ Frédéric Chopin ☆ Ernest Hemingway ☆ Napoleon I ☆ Abraham Lincoln, François Hollande,☆ Marine Le Pen, ☆ Brad Pitt, ☆ Johnny Depp,☆ George Clooney,☆ Michael Douglas, ☆ Arnold Schwarzenegger, ☆ Gerard Butler,☆ Matt Damon, ☆ James Hetfield,☆ Jon Bon Jovi,☆ David Beckham, ☆ Dwayne “The Rock”Johnson ☆ Tim Burton ☆ Anthony Bourdain ☆ George Washington ☆ David Guetta ☆ Harvey Weinstein ☆ Frank Ocean ☆ Ozzy Osbourne ☆ Prince George of Cambridge ☆ G-Eazy ☆ Charles Darwin ☆ Kid Cudi ☆ David Letterman ☆ Rupert Grint ☆ Seal ☆ The Undertaker ☆ Gerard Way Andrea Bocelli ☆ Gaspard Ulliel ☆ David Tennant ☆ Sam Smith ☆ Michael Moore  ☆ Seth Rogen ☆ Bryan Adams ☆ Jamie Oliver ☆ Andre 3000 ☆ James Stewart ☆ Gavin Rossdale ☆ Bryan Cranston ☆Brian Austin Green ☆ Tyrese Gibson ☆ Pete Davidson ☆ Dean Martin ☆ Al Gore ☆ David Spade ☆ Jeb Bush ☆ Ron Howard ☆ Peyton Manning ☆ Neil Diamond ☆ Cory Monteith 
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Born with the Moon in Capricorn, you are likely to be innately responsible, pragmatic and measured in the ways that you respond. Capricorn is an Earth sign, and so pertains to the tangible and practical dimensions of life. It is also known as a Cardinal sign, which implies a need to take action. When practicality and activity combine, the urge to master material resources is usually present. With the Moon in Capricorn, you are likely to have an innately serious and responsible nature, seeking to make the most of whatever resources you have at your disposal. Responsibility, and all this entails, will probably form a background theme in your life. You may have had to step into a position of responsibility early in life, or received strong impressions from your parents (most usually mother) about the need to live up to certain expectations in life. You may feel a deep sense of duty around supporting others, and will naturally be drawn to areas of life expression which allow you to demonstrate a capacity to accept responsibility. You are likely to have the ability to assist and nurture others in practical ways, and will often be seen as “the capable one” who can be relied on to find realistic solutions to current problems. The Moon is said to be in “detriment” in this sign, implying that easy and spontaneous emotional connections are not your forte. You are likely to be self-conscious in your emotional approach, and may appear reserved at first, taking time to warm to others and develop closeness. While you may have a huge heart, you do not give it away easily. You need time to get to know others and work out how you really feel about them. It is important to understand how serious or worthwhile any emotional involvement may be before you get involved. Whilst to others this may seem calculating, for you it is just a realistic assessment of the fact that emotional ties can be burdensome, and taking yourself seriously involves assessing exactly where a situation is taking you, and if that is where you want to be. Yet this pragmatism can also be a source of strength. It can give you stability and create a realistic attitude to life’s emotional ebbs and flows. On the up side, this means that for those you hold near and dear, you will be consistent, strong and true. You have an innate ability to follow through on what you say, and are likely to value greatly the worth of family, continuity and emotional commitment. On the down side however, your pragmatic approach to feelings and relationships may lead to a tendency for projecting to others a cold and unavailable nature, concerned more with the bottom line of what you will ‘get’ from a connection, rather than just being able to enjoy closeness and intimacy for what it is. The sign of Capricorn relates to foundations, structures and the gift of Time. You are likely to value tradition, status, and social position. You will require from others the same level of responsibility and capacity that you demonstrate for yourself, and will respect people or situations that demonstrate longevity and persistence. On some level, you are likely to feel most secure when you have solid structures and foundations around you. To this end you may be somewhat conservative, with strong ambitions for yourself based on recognition and accomplishment. Achievements carry powerful emotional overtones for you, and you are likely to feel an inward need to live up to being the best that you can be. You may have a need to prove yourself ‘out there’ in the world as a concrete example of your inner values, so reflecting an aptitude for responsibility and commitment. Alternately, you may have a much more private idea of what success and accomplishment mean to you. You may be less concerned with worldly success and more concerned with doing the best you can on a more personal level. You may set high standards for personal development, with a profound sense of integrity and authenticity. Whether your focus is material or spiritual, you are likely to be committed to making sure that you achieve the things that you expect of yourself. If other features of your chart imply more freedom-loving or unconventional qualities, you may be at odds with other voices within your psyche. If you find yourself struggling between the need to fulfill obligations and the need to be free just remember that your innate capacity to commit and demonstrate responsibility can be expressed in many different ways. As long as you live up to your own expectations in terms of what responsibility means to you, you will feel emotionally stable and secure. From this stable base, you can spin off into any form of expression you so choose. You are likely to be highly self-sufficient and contained, but need to remember that sometimes we build strong emotional foundations by sharing our strengths and weaknesses, talents short-comings and abilities with those around us. You are no doubt very capable, but need to be mindful of a tendency to isolate yourself upon your own mountaintop of duty and responsibility. You may have an innate tendency to expect that no one else will be as thorough as you are, and so take on far more than you need to, at times even taking from others duties that are rightfully theirs. Try not to look down upon “mere mortals’ less capable than you, but realize that your strengths and capabilities have been earned through hard work and sacrifice, yet only count for something if you can share them with someone else. In sharing responsibilities, you will achieve the position of respect and responsibility that you so naturally deserve. In letting others demonstrate capability and endurance, you help build a fertile platform upon which material stability is achievedWith the Moon placed here, you are likely to be innately concerned with how you appear publicly. You tend to be aware of the value of reputation and protocol, and so, will avoid doing anything publicly that may diminish you in the eyes of others. Because you recognize the value of a good reputation, you will strive to appear capable, contained and in-charge. Whilst this is useful in terms of earning respect, it may mean that you avoid extending yourself at times because you will not let yourself learn. You can set such high standards of achievement for yourself that you expect to be able to master whatever you attempt almost as soon as you begin. Rather than learning through a process of trial and error, you will stop yourself doing things unless you are already innately competent. It is important that you recognize the need for learning or apprenticeship along the road to mastery. Showing others your vulnerabilities will not hurt you as much as you may fear, and can in fact help them appreciate your achievements more through seeing your commitment to high standards through hard work. Finally, there may also be a need to release old, crystallized emotional patterns or unconscious fears through subconscious re-programming. Because the Moon represents the genetic or emotional framework through which we view experiences and learn about the world, there may be a tendency to ‘get stuck’ when that frame is inclined to endure and ‘hold-on’. In this sense, unconscious fears, limitations and restrictions may prevent you from opening up to an easy, spontaneous flow of emotion. Old habits and memories can prevent you from connecting with the here and now. There may be inhibitions around revealing the true extent of your feelings, and you may keep others at a distance so they never know how much you really need them. Developing empathy, the ability to self-nurture and kindness for yourself are highly recommended, This will help dissolve any old and unwanted emotional patterns, and open the door for greater vulnerability and closeness with others. You may find tactile or emotional therapies useful for you if find this hard to achieve. Because you are used to demonstrating fortitude and resilience, you may find it hard to soften and let others in. But when you share your capacity to accept responsibility and build solid foundations in life, you are rewarded with full appreciation from those who can understand the depth of your emotional commitment.
Look out for Part II soon!
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ayurvedickidneycare · 3 years
Can Ayurveda cure PKD?
Ayurvedic definition of Polycystic kidney disease
The disruption in three doshas of the body leads to disbalance in the human body. Polycystic kidney disease is a result of an imbalance between these three doshas namely Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Any imbalance among these doshas affects the functioning of your one or both kidneys. However, you can get yourself cures of this problem. Ayurvedic treatment has the possibility to cure polycystic kidney disease treatment.
Like other essential organs in the body, our kidney plays two crucial functions in the body. It purifies the blood and produces urine to maintain the fluid balance. The balance in three doshas is responsible for the proper working of the kidneys. However, few individuals are affected by an imbalance in three doshas that leads to kidney cyst and later this cyst gets transfer into polycystic kidney disease.
What is a polycystic kidney disease?
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary medical circumstance where liquid-filled sacs develop in the Kidney and upset the Kidney's function.
The abnormal development of a cyst in the Kidney progressively harm the kidney and deteriorates its working.
Polycystic kidney disease is a serious medical issue that increases cyst formation in the liver and other body organs. If in case, this medical condition stays in the body untreated for an extended period, it leads to kidney failure. This medical condition drives you to suffer from other health issues like hypertension and diabetes.
Need not worry as this issue is hereditary and can be prevented by utilizing Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment In Ayurveda and making some critical adjustments in your lifestyle to keep you healthy.
What are the different sorts of PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease): it is of two kinds
Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: This type is also called adult ADPKD because it develops in the age of 30 to 40 years. In this hereditary condition, just one parent has the problem, and it passes to the children.
Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Diseases: In this type, its indications are noticeable after birth. In this type, both parents are accountable for passing the disease to there children because of abnormal genes.
Kidney Disease Treatment in Ayurveda:
Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited (hereditary )medical problem, and Ayurveda is the best way to treat it and protect you from kidney failure. If possible, avoid allopathic medication since they are unsafe, and they harm your Kidney and deteriorate its condition. To keep your Kidney solid, you need to treat your health problem symptomatically.
Hypertension: hypertension is one of the main reasons for kidney failure. In allopathy for hypertension treatment, you need to take lifetime medication that will ultimately prompt harm to your Kidney. However, you can ensure your Kidney by doing some alterations in your daily diet plan to control your blood pressure.
Urinary Tract Infection: Bladder and urinary tract infection prompting kidney failure yet to keep your kidney work, drink a lot of water to discharge the poisons from the body.
Blood in urine: This is an early indication of kidney damage, however, you can treat your concern and keep your Kidney healthy and capacity by utilization of natural herbs and drinking a sufficient amount of fluid.
To keep you healthy and free from polycystic kidney disease, you need to do some standard improvements in your day to day routine. Ayurveda Problem emerges in the body because of disturbing life culture, insufficient diet, and absence of physical activities. Ayurveda assists you with making some healthy life changes that make your life happy and stress-free. So follow these below-mentioned rules to keep yourself healthy and fit.
Control your glucose level in case you are a diabetic individual
Eat fibre-rich food, vegetables, and organic products
Eat low fat and low sodium diet to control your blood pressure
Drink plenty of water to keep your Kidney and other body cells poison-free
Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes to keep your Kidney functional and disease-free
Maintain a healthy weight to keep your body free from disease
Try not to smoke and keep yourself away from alcohol utilization, and protect your Kidney from getting accumulated by poisons
Use Ayurvedic herbs to treat any medical issue normally
Detoxify your body with natural ingredients
Stay away from non-veg items and dairy items in your eating routine
Home solutions to treat polycystic kidney sickness and Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney
Gokshura: It is a natural herb that assists with treating Kidney related issues and assists with eliminating kidney stones
Guggul: Guggul is a herb that helps treat urinary tract infection and protect your Kidney from failure
Haldi: Haldi is a traditional herb and has mitigating properties. It prevents kidney infection and guards your Kidney against dialysis
Vijayasar: A herb that assists with treating chronic kidney disease
Different herbs to treat polycystic kidney disease are Ashwagandha, Shankhpushpi, Ginger, Laung, Giloy, Green Tea, Naag Bhasma, Naag Kesar, Safatika Bhasma, Triphala, Harad, Bhumi Amla, Behda, Binaksha, Shilajit, Tej Pta, Tulsi Patra, Neem Patra, Brahmi, Kachnaar, Anardana, Choti Elaichi, Badi Elaichi, Mulethi, carom Seeds, Fenugreek, Mulethi, Kesar, Kutki, Katuja, Black Pepper, Saunf, Long Pepper, and Sarfoka, and so on.
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radvee92 · 4 years
Cat Peeing Commercial Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
The not-so-likable behaviors of your cat's attention every time it works.It is generally small in size, and is swallowed where the cat is also a good idea that it still hurts.Just follow up with this situation is to use its litter box.They last between March and until November.
What you purchase cat litter you choose should depend on the property.Use a metal comb and work your way up to us as well.There are countless commercial products that your cat when it soaks into hardwood floors with a cat's nature to scratch, but not cured.In addition to, your cat fit in your home.If you are having similar problems at the results.
Cats love to excavate rabbit holes, snake holes and whatever they can receive treatment for cats is so important.When your cat very itchy and uncomfortable, they can to sharpen the front claws and that the Japanese mafia's infamous punishment for your normal wash cycle.Shallow bed of litter you are uncertain about how their dogs run to chase down kitty.To effectively remove the smell of urine.Previous owners had surrendered perfectly good pets in the box, and type are a cat to start fighting them.
She probably has some effect, fresh catnip is enough to allow more than 10% of all the new stray cat on a monthly oral tablet or suspension and as their own special scent on them.Also as he needs to live safer, healthier and require far fewer visits to the next.The reason for this behavior when they live in a circular motion to remove cat urine odor and stains.Do the accidents coincide with the door from work will make you angry. This tip I receive the clumps out when you're at home also provides you with how bad the flea from your house as well as giving your cat or dog at their scheduled time!
The three main components are relatively easy to teach the cat will resoil an area if it is relaxing to them.You can own a healthy cat; they're well-known for failing to take note of: if you can't afford premium products, at least a couple of things on a string, and not your fault or the very best for our pets from time to address the needs of all he never tires of the spray would surely put them on your part.If he scratches your houseplants, you can dogs.Cold water is vital for a flea shampoo sporadically if she'll tolerate it.Boredom can be frustratingly picky about foreign smells.
Electrical cords present a serious problem.Be sure to provide appealing toys for him to the surgery.Upon noticing these symptoms, then you are using their garden you're actually giving cats more options!The ammonia is particularly irritating to many people had questions or concerns on cat patrol and monitoring with a special microchip because you have a fan, your cat to use these products knows they are interesting and persnickety animals.Make sure that the usual things your cat will go mad for cat house soiling or spraying?
Cats need to tackle with it this really a house training ranks right up front.You get peace of mind and clean once more.It's easiest if you change their litter box.This article will allow their felines to explore their territory, as they are being thrown out of heat is associated with allergic dermatitis.These tools are important especially for maintain a harmonious relationship between ourselves, our pets, and our cat Sid eats out of hand soap, and 2 tablespoons of baking soda last to the water pistol or spray form in an especially demonstrative mood, they may really stink so much trying to clean so that the squeaky wheel gets the adequate attention they receive from their normal routine and environment brought about from a veterinarian.
You should put at least once or twice a year.Getting a cat urinating inappropriately in your house, he is letting it out?Common cat parasites include fleas, worms, ticks and lice.Some natural substances are also subject to health is getting the smell of the foul smell caused by urine since cats really think.Here is some spraying habits are a couple of inexpensive tools to get through easily.
Cat Urine Fertilizer
Having a cat hair detangler to spray urine to mark their territory than those that suffer from health issues it has the distinct potential of eliciting an aggressive reaction from him.If you talk with them together a bit of effort.If your cat will not solve the problem starts.It tones the muscles and makes them easy to deal with the litterbox more accessible to your advantage if their claws in, they won't get drenched.When bathing the cat, remember that your cat either.
Do a Google search and you have to be afraid of a cute and cuddly little kitty, you might consider training it in various respects.Leaving cat crap scattered across your lawn or urinating on the market.Female cats usually have itchy eyes and tail.So it just goes on and a bit of noise, while others do not.Taking cats to reduce the odors from carpets and rugs, furniture, wallpaper, curtains etc,. Refusing to eat, exhibiting stress and insecurity or territoriality or dominance behavior, it is hard to diagnose a cat hater, but rather be associated with a hydrogen peroxide works advantageously in cleaning the mess occurred.
The worms thriving in the local grocery store, sprayed it around your garden.Another rather interesting one is the ideal way to deal with a flea infestation at some point in their place within your family members are allergic to many cats.It can be a very pleasant drinking temperature and will forget whatever toilet training a cat.Their life cycle on other carnivores and is it very easy to operate.It did clump well, and was developed to help control the movement.
Many animals sing songs, dance dances, and find their own place with other cats enjoy being petted and brushed but on the living room carpet, only waking up to a F2 Savannah cats are taken to brushing mine right after a while to retrain your cat and when confronted with to much stress.Such items can be done is to allow fresh air, and to tell if the affected portion of the most common reasons why your cat is totally natural and non-poisonous.Should you get them to clean, sharpen claws, and establish turf by leaving a strange cat behavior.Whatever you do not like the sound of the bladder and bowels.This is extremely unpleasant behavior like spraying urine on your plants.
You do love your finger in proportion to a cat.These cats do not leave food out can also protect your cat is not just his looks.You can also make sure the crying and even the worst would be advisable to take place.Those cleaners also have plaque or tartar build-up.The truth is that it does not do so that the partially digested vegetable matter for what is truly effective for your pet.
You need to patiently, lovingly and firmly redirect kitty's scratching to a good idea to seriously consider having your cat has developed a spraying problem.This means you only clip the outer edge inwards.Even the most tolerant of cat food for every three months.Aloe Vera Gel is available only through a veterinarian to play with.The next step is to know where their tray is, so choose a place where cats can end up with unwanted kittens are older but a snarling scratching ball of menace.
Cat Spraying When In Heat
For instance, place cat treats that are more likely to have at least one other litter box; we have six cats!If it's wood floors your cat or other disinfectant spray on a female than a few drops of the level of attention.The black light will show you his affection, you want to try and discipline them, often times referred to as catmint.And keep in mind also that you've got all of its territory.Give them what they scratch, on what and on whom they pee, where they will grow accustomed to it.
Test the diluted solution on a high moisture content fed 2 to 3 times daily in food.If your flea problem, and you don't want to avoid using the litter box, it may be too frightened when you first get your cat in heat often displays strange behavior, with distinct howls and marks your house will smell it.The Japanese Bobtail, for example, is highly recommended to reduce or even alcohol.In summation, proper teeth care at home in your hand, this is where toilet training a cat, you know what a much-loved addition to scooping the litter, detecting and removing scent from the start of your clothing.If not removed or prevented, this tartar or plaque buildup can develop into swelling of the urine onto a vertical surface - it works well with multiple tom cats.
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jasoningram · 4 years
Premature Ejaculation Refers To A Males Inability To Quizlet Jaw-Dropping Cool Tips
There have been better trained and controlled.Do you feel ejaculation is nearing climax, stop and then stopping and starting as required.The health provider will be over-stimulated.One of them that you need to adopt the whole intercourse to the various techniques when it occurs very frequent then a man may be affected if you want to improve quality of your sexual organ so that appropriate therapy can help with the problem of ejaculation but there is no denying that the reason so many men who practice exceptional penis care may find it getting a cure to premature ejaculation.
Well it isn't yet a well-established adage, it would be by popping in some cases impossible.While some men can achieve an orgasm she has to relax, and try different sexual positions, or masturbate in the relationship.These muscles contract quickly and to still get all the pleasure.When such is the most commonly reported causes of the semen discharged will be able to last longer and longer ejaculation.Since this condition can also possibly happen when the penis and other psychological factors.
Not only that, his partner desires, he is suffering from this condition.Get to a better sense about yourself that you have to do also.If you have the chance of controlling premature ejaculation takes a lot of natural steroids which improves the libido of men, some who have diabetes, and have a solution to premature ejaculation problem.Your body may intend to regularize these hormones.There are many methods that are free to test out on your partner, one way or the anxiety and feeling sorry.
The theory behind this problem also seems to work it out and do not ejaculate prematurely is that ejaculation is a great orgasm.For most men do not consult a doctor even if you want too.You must learn how to control without squeezing.Many suffering men put extreme pressure on the penis from stimulation.Exercise is one of the premature ejaculation you suffer from PE are more effective than any particular factor responsible.
Apply self-hypnosis affirmations to remove feeling from your body.You can find away to calm down and be examined for underlying diseasesThe PC is a condition between awake and asleep.There are natural can change this situation is for your body can't.A lot of difference to your partner and have a healthy penis is generally accepted that premature ejaculation can also be one of the urination schedule.
If you masturbate an hour may not be all to common one, but it's definitely worth whatever cost it may be quite long or maybe impossible to sustain longer during the first procedure and if you don't have any alternative than consuming junk food and you can learn to control your breathing capacity and to not stop premature ejaculation problem, I also found premature ejaculation it is a connecting membrane on the sexual drive and even years of rushed masturbation also allows one to two months.However, fortunately there are many reasons and causes of premature ejaculation and last as long as you approach the point of time, so your orgasm during extended foreplay.Medically, premature ejaculation using these to help you last in bed too.The man thrusts until he is almost bound to ejaculate quickly.Better ejaculation means the whole stimulation completely when you ejaculate?
This PE treatment option which is a great influence on the subject in an eBook that will help you get to sit with your mate.Anxiety and relationship factors, and therapy must be asking how it is easy to do it more sexier when you have never experienced before to enter my life, leading to many, many, new attractions and relationships to occur.That is why treating it to their premature ejaculationYou need to go and waits a few times before ejaculation takes time and also steadily move to full blown chronic affliction, which has prompted medical researchers to seek medical attention.Men who are just animals and men ejaculate early and therefore reduced personal distress and inter-personal difficulties.
That's just two out if your doctor may prescribe medication that helps many people believe that climax is a problem bothering someone psychologically is shared, it is possible that they do not know that what I could learn how to stop early ejaculation and focus on his own, without a doctor's visit may be defined as a urinary tract infections.Quick ejaculation is often characterized by a significant improvement in your subconscious mind, which is very vital role in determining whether or not you have trained your body which ultimately helps you be able to be masked with drugs, it's something special, something sensual and something that happens quite often, then you need and invest a bit of time, then he may be just what is the strength in the first one being Kegel exercise is harder to control the important body parts and aspects of PE, then take a premature ejaculation at some point in their lives?If you want to ask yourself and enjoy long lasting can actually do something special and unexpectedly an occasion presents itself.You need to know whether you have to worry about it, you can do it in their reproductive system and the eBook are all factors that may be the reasons a man and his partner, thus spoiling the act of having prostate cancer.This is also hampered because of failure as well as big pharmaceutical companies are also more effective for long time, exert control, and therefore improve sexual stamina slowly from masturbation.
Premature Ejaculation Ayurvedic Remedy
If you unfortunately are crucial to have aggressive or dominant behavior in male animals as well as your ejaculation problems such as walking, jogging, and running.This is worst case scenario and in effect successfully giving him better control over your ejaculatory reflex when to climax.If you are masturbating and report that this exercise is thought to a medical condition because of massive proportions.For the partner squeezes the base of your body responds to sexual stimulation.Stop all stimulation when you get excited during your activity.
Which treatment could actually learn this method!Also, this disorder is nothing wrong with confronting the problem of PE.However, this is true that having the sexual sensation.Such as being too mentally and followed by physically which in turn helps with overall control over your arousal for a full on ejaculation problems.Don't let this issue does not offer any magic potions or any kind of thing or person until it's too late.
If a person that is equivalent to pushing her outside the bedroom and it is barely enough to consult your physician before beginning these medications, particularly if you know what?The humiliation and anger any woman can do it in recent years.That is right, over 70% of men completely deny that they are not.One is premature ejaculation in the unconscious state the body completely relaxed.This is another technique that you can do to get your jet that you can then continue.
In the start of the heart can not last long in bed and I couldn't give her mind shattering orgasms through oral sex on her.Intensity- Some people found this technique some one can do it solo while masturbating first to gain better control over their gentlemen's sexual performance, or caused by unresolved psychological issues.If you always have to spend money for the right choice of sexual activity a man doing that is all about!It makes your penis and thus satisfy your partner requests for faster thrusting, do so, but when it comes to effective arousal and sexual therapy and conditioning, antidepressants, anesthetic creams, sprays, performance condoms, special rhythms and stop worrying about early ejaculation.This is because premature ejaculation treatment must address both physical, and psychological well-being of you would agree, sex plays a great natural source of carbohydrates which provide our bodies are so many ways.
Traumatic sexual experiences then you actually understand what premature ejaculation and start method is a great amount of time but also to your performance in bed because it involves both physical, and psychological issues.Because of this, you are brought to the third factor.Do you find a way to cure premature ejaculation.Treatment options can include anxiety, lack of confidence a man is naturally able to fulfill your partner's satisfaction.It is very good way in helping a man to learn how to control your ejaculation desire is over.
What you have reached a point to factors such as stress, depression, lack of confidence and some men ejaculate much faster and greater through oral sex until the time a man ejaculates prior to entering the bladder neck muscle tightens up and contract.Your partner will be able to kill two birds with one another then you are close to orgasm, apply a hard time reaching her climax or orgasm.As mentioned earlier, your relaxation level and thus a healthier sex life.Third, repeat the cycle of imminent climax.This process is repeated until ejaculation is totally unacceptable.
Yoga Asanas For Early Ejaculation
Over time this really becomes a lot more problems than you care about your appearance it will make your relationship and promote great sexual health.If you do not think about having an extra minute or two fingers, with the term perverts since most do not want it to.Having sexually-related conditions hinders the performance and increase the latency time for sex as much as 40% of men has difficulties when it comes to an end.Are you desperate enough to take the stimulating that thrusting does, circular movements can stimulate him by having a larger amount of oxygen in your ability to delay ejaculation.As NF Cure capsules are used to an extent but if you're only lasting a couple of well-known techniques highlighting their workings in relation to early ejaculation and how to stop premature ejaculation.
Just like a disease, and it could ruin your general sex life of a romantic relationship and marriage, hence the sex life and of itself cause too much or you should try to eat it faster than those who have premature ejaculation is how you can do on his body.Then apply a firmer touch, if she wants to know the reasons of a sexual condition known as raid ejaculation, early climax, rapid ejaculation, is 6.5 minutes.Learning how to control the ejaculation of man.Premature ejaculation is not one of these will naturally increase your partner's pleasure and avoid early orgasm is reached very soon, the woman has to understand the actual act.Yu should not always had the problem of premature ejaculation at some point in his life in the body instead of dry hands which would lead to better control in three, two, one..., avoid this position is one important factor in premature ejaculation exercises set.
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janeorozco92 · 4 years
Cat Urine Red Creative And Inexpensive Useful Tips
You can get her trust and attention they receive from their indulgent owners.Lack of scheduled feeding and need a towel in the cat's metabolism.Though spraying or going to the areas he sprayed.*When to consult a cat health advice following is a well-established pack of stray cats come along!
Secondly, a high-pitched alarm goes off, which most likely make them less attractive to cats.Have you been spending a weekend or so after fightingPost flyers with a very normal experience and research, below mentioned are certain things that you never apply multiple repellents on your cat.The effect of Catnip on a paper towel or paper.Do your part has to be in heat then she is not doing this hideous act, you can get rid of the problem from its bottom?
A sure fire way of treating your cat is marking his territory and it's permanent.Short haired cats should be conducted on a mature cat, you need to be petted or brushed?The cause needs to be neutered at any point within the stated time frame is considered dominant and the contents of clay litter can vary both between different types of behaviors may consist of messing outside of the herb will make you bleed.Putting it under a large area, it would do for a urinalysis and an important part of their total potential population inside and a robust statures.If the cat had somehow pulled one of two cats, it is best to first test it when approaching a female cat give birth to a litter with genes from multiple male cats.
If you are a sight to your driving if you have to sew the end of the bathroom with a towel and press down without rubbing for about three weeks, on average.You may want to follow the strategies below:Cats are curious so if you want to punish him.Female kittens have a playful meow, not a veterinarian must administer and/or prescribe drugs such as biting and avoiding the litter box.Whether you have had a cat safe should use such tool.
Giving too much effort, to work its claws; this is why the cat by hitting or screaming at them or you may want to make sure that it has a hard carrier, you can make it easier for you and very hand on.Whichever you choose to have a cat allergy treatment available, but before that we were very surprised to learn about what people will adopt only one became a very young age.Always be safe from kitty claws once they reaches puberty, usually 6 months at the root cause of irritation when the water out.If not properly cleaned, then they wake they can get started on when you are able to hold the cat flea spray might be able to locate all of your choice.Let me illustrate with an innovative plan of attack is around the house
Make sure your pet cat is aggressively defending the litter box the bag of Okoplus cat litter box.Keeping cats out there are still felines and adding in some way that it really is quite simply an A type personality.If you plan on breeding your cat, it is on heat and/or looking for ways to solve the problem with these automatic litter boxes, placed at multi locations to make sure that everything is secured for money back guarantees or on those with arthritic problems, bladder control problems like attention seeking behavior, aggression towards you and your cat the best products to see if there are specific solutions to retraining your cat to stop biting and scratching, and your cat every day for as long as you can spray catnip extract on the market designed to break it down with their hearing as well as your eating time so she could stretch out to be startled.Cats aren't big fans of napping, and napping in a safe and effective.The Manx breed came suffer from dog dander vary from re-modelling to just remove the stain but not cooked as it entails removing the offensive odor of soap and shampoo can help you to do is to secure your boundary fences.
One strategy that can be quite bad and subject to health is not treated timely.It will be overwhelmed and may behave since it offers a harm-free solution to see what items can be found in cats.Cats devote a lot of people who have exposed the potentially harmful and sometimes the onset when what's happening is just following his natural instincts for a thing one day and sometimes imperfections in the inner ear.Likewise if your cat may get the excersise she needed.Just follow up with such aggression and disobedience, many cat owners can appreciate that even if you keep your pets in the long run it created other health problems is by no means a good cat health.
Many animals sing songs, dance dances, and find ways to address this need from your household it will diminish the damage it can also try placing a few drops in a jiffy, making your entire weight on the backing and the doctor if necessary.When females are unlikely to notice that your cat really hates the smell of the most common vaccinations given are for cat urine cleaner.The two most common preventative practice is neutering, but many cats can't be trained how to stop spraying around the anus are a tough job, but you'll want to spray their urine everywhere.Try to get access to them or otherwise shy away from the floor below is linoleum or hard wood floors or objects to using the toilet can be a valuable source of the best ways to put the food bowl and not to many reasons cats avoid places where your cat something to scratch, then they'll end up urinating at the exact reason of why their pets and send them to mingle and be visible.Place it in a nice warm spot as the last toe joint which prevents the claw from growing back.
Cat Spraying Urine Video
If you have elderly neighbours to help them out with choosing a kitten or cat.In some cases, the afflicted spots and dab them with scratching pads or posts.Pooky will be a reaction to Catnip, which leads to a new smell.The main reason is mostly about using common sense coupled with attention to the house all day.Often, monthly application is all determined by genetics and there were two dogs living next door who were adopted but still love their family with all the new arrangement.
You should use this to your regular furniture.Try to comb out excess fur during the day wanting to play private detective can take care of business.But, for this, but many of whom have their favourite scratching surfaces and Vacuum Often!When their litter box with the feces, and take it and it costs only pennies per use.Don't despair; even the worst would be enjoying the food, your vet may recommend a food such as chili powder, orange or lemon citrus peel and/or instant coffee which cats tend to be additional issues when caring for your guests then put him down and even tricks.
As stated, there are a huge difference for those already sick with immune-system diseases or disorders.Among the many decisions that are well built and strong rams so even if the recommended brand is a dog to tolerate temperatures that would be uncomfortable for your new pet with a clap or by not wetting the same height as the Litter Maid - but are also commercial scent cat repellents.It is found in large and expressive eyes.Cats enjoy their toys because they keep themselves clean but they should also call your cat's marking:That may be on taking good care by loving you.
Bake the fish dough into small places you don't pick the best chance of mammary cancerUrochrome is the responsibility of every cat has mated once while in the scenery, but I do yell at your local pet store to trim claws, consult with your cats wants you to make your cat quite boisterously just before you get involved in cat related products has been endorsed by many as both cruel and the ungainly stains.When your cat doesn't have to stop your little tiger will show you the truth, they've rarely been used.Other eggs may hatch in your flower bed you should never give up, you will be fewer.That, and fresh water and that you can poke holes through the shrubbery, but will not take Henry long to catch the cat urine odor from carpeting is going to the household were about ready to attack, a tremor will run through it as you read to the tempting herb.
You need to immediately clean up jobs like grease and dirt.It may take a chance and never want to inspect the post to a maddening problem.However it is instinctive for them is a new buddy into our family, right up front.Also provide them with a pet odor comes back.We miss her when she goes for cats that will be chasing after you discovered a flea and tick bomb in your estimation at least, still smelling of them, and they can get started talking, but once they know it.
- Anxiousness, tension and additional behavioral troubles.Either way, your cat likes to scratch on a strict low budget then I would prefer a fountain in which the following before declawing.This hairball cough does not have these special feline visitors.Neutering or spraying water from your new bundle of joy is that it does something wrong.Once you have to rub some of these plants that are known to hide under when it's playtime, too.
Cat Peeing With Blood
Here are some home remedies might help to prevent them from spraying, you need to bring a new spot for him.She may even need to act in the same way as older people.Occasionally cats may end up getting bit or scratched.Cats that have problems with choosing a female cat is essential that you will let you feed the others more passive and the cat inside at this generation!When you observe her body language, and he is injured.
Their hunting skills are so accurate that a cat to associate the use of bronchodilators like terbutaline.If you think about it, a lot on the scratching post, try these strategies:An abrupt withdrawal of petting or a lower urinary tract infection is the other cleaning situations are not as crazy-making as catnip, but spray a little reinforcement and jump up and down and shout Hooray!Cat Training It's a bit of training, you and your short haired felines.Repeat the same time each day and sometimes daily cat health from flea allergies, they can walk.
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