#beyblade season two
radargrind2091 · 1 year
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Tyson Granger - Icons from “Beyblade”, “Beyblade V-Force”, and “Beyblade G-Revolution”
-“Beyblade”, “Beyblade V-Force”, and “Beyblade G-Revolution” (c) Nihon Animedia
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irisviel101 · 11 months
Question for Beyblade Metal: if you could have given the Star Fragments to previous characters instead making new characters, who would it been and why?
Good question. I've never considered this before but it's a really neat idea. Thanks for the ask!
Edit: This ended up being a loooong since I decided that some of the story beats didn't work with the character changed so I basically rewrote Metal Fury. Sorry for the long response and for straying so much from the topic, but I felt that it was relevant sicne I can't just change the major characters without it affecting the plot at least a little.
I would keep Gingka, Kyoya and Ryuuga/Kenta's Star Fragments the same since their arcs played out well enough that I can't imagine anyone taking their places.
For the winter Star Fragment, the two main candidates I can think of are Masamune and Benkei (Monoceros and Taurus). I am tempted to say Masamune but I think it would be great for Benkei's arc too, and Masamune will be the red herring just like he was in canon. It would give Benkei a way to compete with the main crew of Metal Fury and show how far he's come since his introduction in the first season.
Another reason is that all the seasonal bladers have their constellations best seen in the second months of their respective seasons, except for Kenta which is third. This symbolizes that they are the second generation of legendary bladers — the first being the ones from history — and Kenta is a third generation since he received his Star Fragment from Ryuuga. Similarly, Taurus is also best seen in January, same as Orion, while Monoceros is best seen in Februrary. Masamune would be a better pick from a meta perspective if there was a third generation of legendary bladers.
Anyway, it would be the last Star Fragment to be awakened in the season; I would play up Benkei's insecurities starting from the Tag Team Tournament arc and that would be the thing to hold him back for the majority of the season, despite all his efforts, until the Better Island Tournament. I dunno who I would choose to be his opponent in the finals — maybe Kenta for old times' sake or Masamune since either would boil down to who is the legendary blader amongst them. The one I'm leaning towards the most, though, is Kyoya. It would be so thematically appropriate, since Benkei has always been Kyoya's number one supporter and he's the one Benkei feels the need to prove himself to the most. I don't remember if Kyoya is there in canon or not, but if he isn't, I would just place his return earlier. But more on that later.
Regardless, this would be the time for Benkei to overcome his feelings of having fallen behind the rest of the group and that would help him awaken the Star Fragment.
Since King won't exist in this AU, Masakune can have his breakdown moment with someone from Team Dungeon or Gingka.
As for the solar system bladers, well, that's a less obvious choice. Also, most of the new characters have a reference to their planet in their beys. Jupiter and Saturn are the Roman names of Zeus and Kronos in mythology which are also the names of Dynamis and Aguma's beys respectively. Mars is the Roman name of the Greek god of war, Ares, and King's Bey is called Variares and is also called the "Sword of the Gods" in canon myths. Not to mention their personalities but I'll talk about them separately.
Since Yuki wouldn't exist in this AU, there needs to be a different way for everyone to learn about Johannes, but honestly, the start isn't that much different. Pegasus and Leone evolve the same way, Madoka and Benkei recall the night they got their Start Fragments and Gingka and Ryo make the connection to the Koma Village legend. At first, they don't really take any action on it but they do keep an eye out for any strange occurrences in the news and tell everyone they know to do the same.
(Because of this delay, Yuu and Tsubasa are able to leave on their training journey together with only words of caution from Ryo and Hikaru)
Then, Johannes attacks Gingka to try and steal Pegasus. He fails but manages to escape, and the gang decide that he could be a danger to other people as well so they search for him. They eventually find him and overhead him talking to Pluto and discover the Nemesis cult through that instead.
Then they discover the island where they find Ryuuga and things play out similar to canon except there's no Yuuki, so they only discover one legendary instead of two. Kenta begins to consider leaving the group but he stops because he isn't sure if following Ryuuga is a wise option since he could probably leave him to die somewhere and succeed.
Fast forward to the Tag Team tournament and since Yuuki isn't here to be Gingka's partner, Kenta gets to do that instead. Except Gingka does pretty much all the work with his new bey, further reinforcing Kenya's feeling of uselessness, much like Benkei. Their first battle is Da Shan and Chi Yun instead of Chao Xin and Mei Mei.
Instead of the Beylin Fist not existing at all, I decided to make them antagonists for this one arc. So Aguma still exists and is still insanely powerful, so he eventually gets to the semifinals where he has to fight Chao Xin and Mei Mei. This battle helps Chao Xin awaken his Star Fragment and become the legendary blader of Saturn.
The reason I chose Chao Xin is because in astrology Saturn is associated with obligation, structure, rules and ambition to name a few (according to Google, correct me if I'm wrong). These values define Aguma's character in Metal Fury but in Chao Xin's case, it would be less about him learning these things and more about reinforcing the lessons he has learned in the previous season and showing how much he has grown since them.
Because Aguma wouldn't have a Star Fragment, the Beylin Fist would lose, but Chao Xin would extend an olive branch to dissolve this centuries long feud anyway, saying that they aren't their ancestors and they don't deserve to be ostracized for something they personally didn't do, to show how much he has grown and matured since his introduction in Metal Masters.
Virgo would becomes Scythe Virgo since, you know, Saturn is the Roman name of Kronos and Kronos usually has a scythe. (Totally not me being lazy with the bey designs, definitely not.)
Moving on to the Destroyer Dome arc. Since there's no King, the legend of Variares would be just used to explain Destroyer's origins since it was modeled after Variares. Also, in this version, Julian would also be participating in the Destoryer Dome as he would be among the people who aided financially for the stadium's construction. And instead of first going to Italy or wherever else they went, and they go straight to America.
(Sadly for Gingka, they still don't get to participate).
So we get to re-meet Team Dungeon, Tsubasa and Yuu — who is sulking because he didn't get a last minute free pass from the WBBA since he's not their employee and using him to find a legendary blader would technically be child exploitation and why would they bother with that when Tsubasa is right there with his already great past record as their special agent? — the Eonis guy still exists, King does not (I feel the worst for this one) and Team Lovushka and Team Garcia are there too.
The first round goes pretty much the same, except Julian is there to contrast how the Garcias didn't change from the second season, although it is acknowledged that their poverty is an actual issue and they're not being evil for the sake of being evil. They're trying to survive; it's just that they're trying to screw everyone else over in the process. Maybe Julian even decides to take a chance on them and gives Argo a job — the only Garcia he can legally hire since the rest are below 18 imo. I chose Julian for this since they worked together in the past so Julian should know why they do what they do and after he almost lost all his wealth, he should be able to at least sympathise with them. Anyway, the Garcias need a better conclusion than canon.
Onto rounds two. Since King doesn't exist and Jigsaw is not interested in fighting at all, Masamune and Lera throw hands instead since they missed their chance to battle in the World Championships in Metal Masters (also so that the tiny rivalry they were beginning to form actually goes somewhere, even if it isn't in this season). Julian realizes that they're not just competing but also trying to find the Star Fragment, so he remains neutral for a whole, further spurring on Lera and Masamune's fight since they just want something done already. That is, until they decide that Jigsaw is being way too smug and decide to team up to take him down a peg. Similar to canon, Jigsaw obliterates everyone except Julian and Masamune.
The final round is where it gets interesting. Jigsaw eliminates Zeo and Toby, and goes into hiding. This annoys Julian since he believes that a battle needs to be fought valiantly with one's full strength, regardless of who your opponent is. We get a few flashbacks to Julian's battle with Da Shan in Metal Masters to show that this is where those feelings originate from. These strong feelings awaken his Star Fragment and Julian pretty much destroys Jigsaw easily.
Sicne Variares is modeled after the mythology Ares, with, you know, attack and defense modes symbolizing a sword and shield, Destroyer's new design would be similar to Variares. The Fusion Wheel would have a different name though, idk, maybe something like Paladin Destroyer or Knight Destroyer to fit with Julian's emperor theme.
Then, Tsubasa, Masamune and Julian have a battle royale. Masamune gets defeated, the stadium breaks and we get the hamster wheel scene with Tsubasa ans Julian instead. Instead of an exposition about Julian's past, we get a flashback to their first meeting aka the Dark Power shenanigans, and they talk about how far they've come since then and that they finally got to battle all out in a tournament after all, bringing closure to that arc as well.
The reason I chose Julian this time is because the planet Mars is associated with strength, passion, valor, energy, etc which are qualities Julian shows as well even if they aren't always apparent. His arc, much like Chao Xin, is more about reinforcing his previous growth than changing anything about him now.
Planet Jupiter is associated with protection (I'm saying this based on Google, correct me if I'm wrong). In Roman Mythology, Jupiter was considered a protective deity as well. We see this with Dynamis being the guardian of his temple and I think it parallels Hyoma being the guardian of Koma Village. In my version, Koma Village would play an important role in the protagonists learning what the hell is even going on since that's considered to be the origin of beyblade itself. Not to mention, it would help flesh out the location a bit more, since we only saw the areas surround the village in Metal Fusion but not the actual village itself.
I picture it starting with Mist Mountain, even though there is no Dynamis. Similar to canon, there would be various traps in the mountain to prevent intruders from reaching the temple at the top and it would essentially be a race between the protagonists and the antagonists to reach the top. Once they do get to the top, they find ancient scripts in a language so archaic that it's almost impossible to decipher. Johannes's group steal the tablet and get away with it, but Madoka manages to snap a picture of it before. Gingka finds the script a bit familiar and makes the connection to Koma Village, so the gang heads there while giving Hyoma and Hokuto a heads up to start looking for clues.
Once they gets there, we get a brief reintroduction to Hyoma since it's been ages, and then the characters would start searching for clues in Koma Village's library. We would also see the village more populated since the people decided that it's safe to return now that Ryuuga and Doji have been defeated and a whole year has passed without any similar incidence.
Meanwhile, Doji — without showing his face on-screen — would make the connection to Koma Village sicne he invaded that place twice and probably did extensive research beforehand. So Johannes, Pluto and Cygnus would make their way to the village as well and start attacking the place, demanding that they give him the information or he would destroy the place. The gang tries to stop him while Hokuto continues to search for information, but they aren't powerful enoguh to defeat Pluto just yet.
Eventually, seeing the place he's worked so hard to protect being threatened and attacked like this again makes Hyoma snap and his desire to protect everyone makes the Star Fragment awaken and he manages to defeat Pluto with his newly evolved Aries.
I decided to just give Aries Jupiter's Fusion Wheel since the four metal balls in the Jade Fusion Wheel are supposed to represent the rings of planet Jupiter, which have four components. So Rock Aries turns into Jade Aries.
After this, Hyoma decides that they need more information on how the legend went down to see if they can learn anything else, but Hokuto tells Hyoma to leave that to him and to train with his new bey instead sicne he believes that the enemy will only get stronger and stronger from here on out.
(Alos, since there's no magical vision of their ancestors, they have no clue what the planetary legendary bladers are supposed to look like.)
For the next one, the candidate I have in mind is a bit out of the way, but hear me out. Mercury is associated with communication, rationality, adaptability, variability and thinking. It's no wonder that Yuki is the legendary blader of Mercury in canon, even without considering that Mercury in Roman mythology is the messenger of the gods and guess what is Yuki's main role in Metal Fury?
Anyway, the person I chose to replace Yuki with is Sora. I imagine that he would appear in Beyster Island as a competitor. He would eventually get to fight Kenta in the tournament and we would see flashbacks of Kenta teaching Sora way back in Meral Fusion. Sora would defeat Kenta, showing how far he has come since then.
While preparing to leave, Kenta would run into Gingka and they would have a conversation about why Kenta left, similar to canon. I feel bad about removing the Gingka vs Kenta fight sicne it was such a good battle, but I think they're close enough friends that they can come to an understanding even without that. Besides, it's been a long time since we've seen Sora so this fight would serve to not only show his growth but also to reintroduce him as a character.
Then, Sora would fight Gingka. Finally, after all this time, he would get to fight his role model. Sora would way more analytical and adaptable now, having built up on the foundation Kenta gave him in Metal Fusion. So, while it wouldn't be as apparent as Yuki, he would still fit the values mentioned above.
I think Gingka would win this fight since showing up out of nowhere and defeating Kenta and Gingka would be a bit much. Not to mention, it would show Sora that no matter how far he has come, he still has something higher to strive towards. However, he would awaken his Star Fragment during this fight.
Since Anubis's Fusion Wheel is modeled after Vulcan, which was a planet proposed to exist in Mercury and the Sun but was later disproved, I would make Sora's Pegasus evolve into Mercury Pegasus. I would get rid of the stripes in the design since they remind me of Anubis, and I would make the shape less like a feather give it a bit more rounder and flowy design as a nod to the element mercury which is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature.
Lastly, for Venus, I would choose Yuu. Venus is often associated with love (platonic or romantic) , relationships, harmony, beauty and the urge to sympathize with and unite with others. In canon, the themes of friendships and relationships were explored with Tithi well enough, but I feel like they could just as easily be explored with Yuu. Not only is he someone who sees something wonderful in almost anything but he is also able to easily sympathize with and befriend others, even managing to befriend Doji to a certain extent.
I have no clue how he would awaken his Star Fragment though. I think that Doji would take a more proactive role this time around, mostly because it's Yuu and he wants to mess with his head almost as much as he wants to mess with Ryuuga. Doji would probably be searching for the last fragment too, since they have literally only one and that is the one Nemesis got, so finding that last fragment is doubly important. He would run into Yuu and Tsubasa by chance and decide to mess with Yuu a bit because Fiji's thw actual worst. Tsubasa tries to fight him off while Yuu recovers from the whiplash of seeing him alive, but Doji's gotten much stronger since then and Tsubasa is struggling. I think Doji mocking what little understanding they used to have back in Metal Fusion would be enough to snap the Star Fragment into action. Flame Libra becomes Death Libra, because I think the complicated bey design suits Yuu since we all know how tactical he can be when he wants. (Seriously, just look at the wiki page. That Fusion Wheel is way more complex than I thought.)
Doji would eventually retreat once Yuu becaomes the legendary blader of Venus, because he knows that he has ruined aby chances he might have had of recruiting Yuu to their side, not that Yuu is stupid enough to fall for that a second time nor would he just abandon his friends for a guy like Doji.
I imagine that, since none of the legendary bladers side with the Nemesis cult this time, they would have some time to actually plan things since the cult wouldn't have the other Star Fragments to accelerate Nemesis's revival. They would, however, make the legendary balders fight the fodder enemies to gather energy for Nemesis once the protagonists do decide to attack their fortress. There would only be one battle since they would have had the time to actually plan stuff instead of speed running the preparation phase of the invasion. Ryuuga dies, Kenta gets the Star Fragment and they all play a role in the final battle instead of it being just Gingka eith the power of the whole world on his side.
Damn, this turned out longer than I thought it would. Sorry for basically writing out a fanfiction, but I figured that I should go forward with how things would change if I did change the main characters. Sorry!
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the-tea-table · 2 years
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why isn’t there more fandom content of big bro ranjiro I’m punching the floor
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hoperaypegasus · 1 year
Assorted Headcanons: Tsubasa and Yu
- Tsubasa has an identical twin sister named Tsuna. They have switched places numerous times and no one but Yu and Demure notices.
- Tsubasa was raised on a nature preserve, hence how he knew what to do with his eagle.
- Despite having the space to have seperate rooms at the WBBA, they insist on sharing a room (partially because Yu wanted bunk beds).
- Yu printed out a rated list of every ice cream flavour and hung it on his and Tsubasa’s door.
- Tsubasa tells Yu legitimately every ounce of blackmail he knows.
- Everyone thinks Tsubasa would be the best babysitter, but in reality he has no idea how to handle kids. The only one he can kinda take care of is Yu.
- Tsubasa is actually a fake name (he is essentially a spy after all). His real name is Washi. Yu is the only person outside his family that knows it.
- Reji is actually Yu’s older half brother, with both their father’s being Doji. Tsubasa is the only other person who knows this and purposefully left it off Yu’s WBBA profile.
- Yu actually grew up in a small town not far from where Doji went to pick him up, but there was only a few kids.
- Tsubasa went back to the Dark Nebula headquarters after Doji was defeated to get Yu’s surviving toys.
- Yu has a Youtube account and a Tiktok and makes tons of vlogs with Tsubasa appearing in the background like a cryptid.
- Tsubasa and Yu get matching tattoos when they get older.
- Yu wears a necklace with a panic button in it just in case anything happens. If he presses it, it alert sends Tsubasa his location.
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zadien · 2 years
A Clash of Jocks and Nerds
A little something for TyHil and the autumn theme. A little glimpse into Hilary's first day at Preston Academy and her first meeting with hockey player Tyson. An autumn day that would lodge itself firmly in her memory.
It was autumn when they first met. A bright sunny day in September, the kind that students resented their return to school. Well, some, anyway. Hilary quite liked school; going back and stepping into the cool interiors, filled with others dressed the same as her and given the same chances. There was an equality to it, and she was excited to finally enter high school, to meet her intellectual peers and become more independent in her learning.
Preston promised all of that and more.
Living on campus away from her parents for the first time would be strange but also freeing. Sharing a room would be another oddity, but she was excited to experience it.
She leaned against the windowsill, in the room that would be her home for the next year, and stared out at the red brick buildings mismatched with the more modern concrete constructions. Trees populated the campus in random areas, their green leaves, just edging towards yellow, shivering in the autumnal breeze, and their long shadows crawling across the asphalt.
She picked out a few other students wandering the paths: a cyclist travelling down the main street bisecting the campus proper, a cluster of girls standing under a huge poplar around one lone male figure, and a circle of boys tossing a frisbee back and forth. All of them were older, she mused, more comfortable with campus life, but someday that would be her.
She couldn’t wait for that stage where she could just grab a book and go sit out on the quad, soaking in the sunshine as easily as she soaked in knowledge. The idea of meeting friends for study groups by the fountain. Maybe even the odd class outside when the weather improved.
It was all so exciting.
Just not so much at the moment when her dorm was so empty. How a room with eight beds could be so vacant on a moving day blew her mind. Where were her dorm mates? Had they decided to come later so they could unpack and immediately go to sleep? It would avoid unwanted socialisation.
She could understand and appreciate that.
The clatter of footsteps on the stairs drew her attention from the window just as a boy appeared in the doorway, clutching the doorframe, brown eyes searching the room before he slumped against it. “Oh. She’s not here.”
“Excuse me, who are you looking for?”
He startled and glanced at her, and she felt a jolt through her system. His face lit up, and he marched forward, heedless that he was entering a girls' dorm and really had no right to be there. Navy hair escaped his loose ponytail to frame his face as he stuck out a hand.
“Hi! I’m Tyson Kinomiya!”
Her tongue suddenly felt too big in her mouth and she swallowed hard before putting her hand in his.
“I’m Hilary. Hilary Tachibana.”
His hand, warm and calloused, swallowed hers and pumped enthusiastically. “Nice to meet you, Hils!”
“Hilary,” she corrected him.
She didn’t have nicknames. They were awfully familiar, and she’d only just met this boy. Was he a first year too? she wondered. He looked around her age but he was slightly taller and he had a strength to him that screamed jock. Not that she had anything against jocks, but they weren’t exactly her intellectual equals.
“Can I help you?” she asked, extracting her hand and placing it behind her back, wriggling it to shake off the weird tingling. “This is a girls' dorm.”
“Oh, yeah, we know.”
He gestured over his shoulder where a lanky, blonde-haired kid with eyes as blue as the sky outside and an equally brilliant smile stood in the doorway. Hilary flushed, mortified. She hadn’t even noticed him. Too blinded by the other boy's presence, and she didn’t like that at all.
She stepped back and drew herself up to her full height, which just put her at eye level with the first boy—Tyson was it?
“I’m Max Tate,” the blonde called out, as he looked around the dorm but carefully remained beyond the threshold.
At least one of them had manners.
“Hilary, charmed, I’m sure. As I was saying—”
“Oh, hey you’ve got a great view from up here. Hey, hey, Max, look, you can see the barn!”
“The barn? I don’t think there’s a barn on campus,” she scoffed, folding her arms tight across her chest as Tyson bulldozed past her to take her spot at the window.
“Max, come see, buddy!”
“Ah, can I come in and look?” Max asked and Hilary sighed.
She couldn’t exactly say no when he’d asked so politely, unlike someone else.
“Yes, you can look, but I’m not sure why you think there’s a barn out there or why it would be so fascinating. Stables, yes, but I think Preston got rid of those a while back because they just weren’t financially sound.” She knew; she’d looked up the prospectus. She didn’t even know if she liked horses, but the idea of a horse club seemed fun on paper. Tyson looked back at her and laughed, cheeks rounded with humour. “Not an animal barn, a hockey barn.”
A what?
Tyson’s expression darkened, and he pushed away from the windowsill. “Say, Hils, you have heard of ice hockey, right?”
“Of course I have, and it’s Hilary. Or Tachibana to you since we've only just met.”
Tyson waved that away and gestured for her to join him at the window. She shuffled forward, a little uncertain about placing herself between two boys who were a little bigger than her and she wasn’t a petite girl by any means. They both generated a ton of heat though, she mused, hunching in on herself as she peered outside. What if someone looked up and saw them, she thought wildly. Could she get expelled on her first day? Would that be an academic record?
“Over there! You can just see the roof beyond the fir trees.”
Hilary followed Tyson’s direction and there, just as he said, nestled within the triangle peaks of dark green pines, a silver rooftop glimmered in the sunshine. “That’s a barn?”
“Yeah. It has a technical term, but we call it the barn.”
Max grinned at her, a flash of white teeth in a tanned face, and it surprised her to realise that she was close enough to spy a spray of freckles across the bridge of his nose and cheekbones. “Takao calls all ice rinks the barn.”
“Yeah, but this will be our barn, Maxie.”
“You play hockey?” Well, she wasn’t wrong about the jock factor then.
“Yeah, I play defence and Max is a goalie.”
“Oh. Well. That’s nice.”
Tyson stepped back from the window, a frown on his face, all good cheer melting away. “That’s nice? Don’t tell me you’re one of those nerds who doesn’t play a sport.”
“Why do you say nerd like it’s a disease? It’s not the 80s anymore, Kinomiya. Nerds happen to be among the top percentile who are improving this country and our lives.”
“Yeah, well, sports improve lives too,” Tyson returned hotly, brown eyes burning into her.
“Oh, really?" she demanded, rising on her tiptoes to point in his face. "Watching a bunch of sweaty men chasing a ball on skates is hardly an intellectual pursuit.”
Max blew out a breath and stepped back, hands in the air, but Tyson moved into her space. “It’s a puck and it takes brains to play a sport. You have to think strategically—”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night!” Hilary snapped back, then faltered, suddenly realising that she was a girl, alone in a room, with two boys who were significantly bigger than her.
“Hey, Tyson, simmer down, will you? Hilary—sorry, Tachibana— doesn’t like sports and that’s okay. It takes all sorts to make this world interesting, you know?”
Tyson glowered at her, brown eyes almost black with a glittering fury before he inhaled sharply and nodded curtly. With a disgusted sound, he backed off and headed for the door.
“Sorry about that, Tachibana,” he sneered. “I’m sure we’ll see each other around, but let’s not make a habit of it, okay? I prefer not to hang out with judgemental people.”
With a grimace, Max waved an apology and then hurried out of the room after Tyson.
Judgemental? Her? She was hardly the one at fault here. He made the jibe about nerds and made being smart sound so awful. What was she supposed to do? Just accept that? Smile and simper because a boy smiled at her? Ha, no. If that was what Tyson Kinomiya wanted, he could look elsewhere.
She didn’t even know why he’d invaded her room, anyway!
A loud bang echoed below and she jumped. A squeal followed, and then a roar that sounded like Tyson. Hilary hurried to the window and looked out, just as a girl, with dark green hair and a delighted smile, collided with Tyson, arms and legs wrapped around him in a tight squeeze. Hilary’s stomach dropped to her knees. Well, looked like he found her.
And her first day of school was off to a fantastic start. All those hopes and dreams of meeting friends on campus seemed further and further away. She knew the school had a strong sports scholarship, but surely someone here didn’t play a sport. However, as a tall lavender-haired boy with a broad torso appeared around the corner and dropped a hockey bag beside the girl, she began to think differently.
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curedeity · 2 years
Ryo: i dont have a favorite child
Gingka: im your only child!
Ryo: *hands adoption papers over to hikaru* not after today you arent
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beybladefanboy · 2 years
A brief review of every Beyblade Metal Masters episode
Gonna try and keep these briefer than the Fusion ones were though I can’t make any promises once we get into the meatier episodes.
Episode 1: Seeking the Legend 8/10
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Gingka seeking out the new Pegasus is a fun little adventure and the scene where he actually contacts and claims Pegasus is honestly epic. It’s a really good way to start a season. Masamune’s stuff… well I don’t like Masamune but I admit his introduction is well done.
Episode 2: The Persistent Challenger 7/10
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Masamune is a stalker in this episode. There are too many stalkers in this show. Also Gingka gains complete control over Galaxy Pegasus way too quickly. It takes one scene and suddenly all of Gingka’s struggles become working with a group rather than with a new bey. Him not being used to his new Pegasus is only brought up one other time after this. Kenta is great here at least.
Episode 3: A New Challenge 6/10
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Masamune and Gingka honestly exhaust me. There’s a couple funny moments but we’re three episodes in and I’m already tired of their bickering. Mei Mei and Chi-Yun are good new characters though, even if I don’t like Chi-Yun.
Episode 4: Ticket to the World 7.5/10
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Kenta not making it to the world tournament was bad writing. Besides that, this episode is actually very entertaining. Lotta fun little battles and funny moments.
Episode 5: Fierce Battle! Leone VS Eagle 9/10
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Kyoya learned from his battle with Ryuga. He creates rubble to use in his tornado and make it stronger and use against the opponent. Also this battle is freaking epic. It starts the best plot in Masters and is just Kyoya and Tsubasa being total badasses.
Episode 6: Soar Into the World 7.5/10
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Tsubasa vs Yu is a good battle and then Gingka has a mini depression episode which is… fine. Cute episode.
Episode 7: The Beylin Temple in the Sky 7.5/10
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I don’t know why Daxiang was so entertaining on this rewatch but he was. He is genuinely introduced well but he also just makes me laugh. Also Masamune has a rare smart moment in this episode.
Episode 8: The Third Man 6.5/10
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I don’t like Chao Xin or Masamune. So no thanks to this one. It’s not a bad episode, it sets up the first battle well, I’m just not into it.
Episode 9: The World Championships Begin! 7/10
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Okay this was actually pretty cool. I feel like the sequence of Masamune’s arc feels out of order for some weird reason but the battle of this episode is still good.
Episode 10: Lacerta’s Will 7.5/10
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I want to punt Chi Yun across the stadium. What is his problem?! I know Tsubasa had to be driven to the point where he goes dark mode but come on. That being said, the scene where he does snap gave me chills so this episode has that going for it.
Episode 11: The 4000 Year Old Secret 7/10
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This battle’s fine. A little lukewarm honestly, especially after the last one but not boring.
Episode 12: The Bey with a Hero’s Name 5/10
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Why establish an entire team just to have them defeated in one episode and completely forgotten? That’s… that’s boring. These guys are boring. Also while I do like Julian, god do I hate the whole, “yeah I can rotate both ways because I’m rich” nonsense. In one fell swoop, it makes reverse rotation, something that was previously a huge deal and was the mark of evil, into just some silly quirk. It’s one of the worst things the series has done overall.
Episode 13: The Wintry Land of Russia 6.5/10
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This whole episode is the characters chilling on a train and… it’s honestly fine. Madoka falling for the first intelligent person she’s ever seen in her life is pretty amusing and Lera… would’ve been a great character if she’d actually been used properly.
Episode 14: How Grand! The Cage Match 6.5/10
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Gingka has no arc this season but he has a bunch of tiny character moments scattered throughout the season, with this being one of them. It’s an okay battle, with an obvious conclusion (both Gingka winning and the way he wins).
Episode 15: Libra Departs for the Front 7/10
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Okay seeing Yu battle is really nice and the way he wins is fun. I don’t really have any complaints about this one, I just like other episodes more.
Episode 16: The Festival of Warriors 7.5/10
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Gingka, Masamune, and Yu are so disrespectful in this episode, I don’t think they get into enough trouble for the stunt they pulled here. Sophie and Wales are awesome though.
Episode 17: We Meet Again! Wang Fu Zhong 5/10
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This episode doesn’t do anything objectively wrong, unless you count wasting time on the teamwork theme that honestly goes nowhere this season and just annoying the crap out of me. I’m sure the bickering is supposed to be funny, and there’s some moments here and there but overall, this episode honestly feels like a waste of time.
Episode 18: The Scorching Hot Lion 9/10
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This episode is such a breath of fresh air after the stretch of honestly overall boring episodes so far. This is a simple but fun story that introduces both Nile and Demure well and further cements Kyoya as the best person in the room at any given point… before Ryuga took his spot.
Episode 19: The Shocking Wild Fang 8/10
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Kyoya you probably shouldn’t have revealed Reverse Wind Strike like that but I’ll forgive you because I love you. Also, Team Wild Fang slaying some fools is great.
Episode 20: Horuseus vs Striker 8/10
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Masamune is so goddamn irritating on this episode. Nile kicking his ass is so unbelievably satisfying. The battle’s also just fun in general.
Episode 21: Eternal Rivals 10/10
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This is Kyoya and Gingka’s best one on one battle and one of the best battles in the series if I’m being honest. There are so many back and forths and the conclusion that Kyoya and Gingka are on the same level powerwise is actually really cool. It’s a lot more interesting than Gingka winning, which was the only other option storywise at this point.
Episode 22: The Third Match: On the Edge 9/10
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This episode is brutal. They really knock Tsubasa around and build up to his breakdown, which is a doozy. Every painful thing that could happen with this plot happens here: Tsubasa knocks away Yu, destroys the stadium, attacks his eagle, makes Hikaru panic so badly that Ryo takes a break from being a terrible person to shield her from the falling glass. That moment was the first one that made me cry when I first got back into Beyblade.
Episode 23: The End of a Fierce Struggle! 7.5/10
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(Warning: I talk about abuse again in this section, specifically a parent abusing their child. Just know this anger is coming from a personal place but if it’s a triggering topic, I suggest you scroll past the majority of this part. I talk about the rest of the episode in the last paragraph.)
I really REALLY hate Ryo. I don’t care that Gingka and Kyoya wanted to battle, they shouldn’t have even been allowed to in the state that they were in. They couldn’t even launch their beys properly and were in physical pain the entire time. I’m sorry to bring this up AGAIN but this is yet another way Ryo abuses Gingka. He put him and his bey in physical danger and whether you consider this active harm or neglect, it’s still abusive. I don’t get how Gingka doesn’t linger on shit like this. Here’s how I’d fix it: Have Ryo refuse to force his injured son to fight and THEN someone (perhaps someone else in the WBBA, it can’t just be Ryo and a couple of teenagers) argues he’s showing favouritism and Ryo ends up feeling like his hands are tied and he has to make Gingka battle. That wouldn’t have completely excused it but it may not have made me completely hate him for two seasons in a row.
Okay, I got really angry for an episode I honestly like. Besides the WBBA’s disgusting decision, this is a pretty fun battle. Masamune shows he learned his lesson from Nile and actually works with Gingka as a team to defeat him and Kyoya, which is nice to see. Masamune has some good moments here and there in this show and this is one of them. Also Kyoya really shows how much he’s grown this season, letting himself rely on a teammate and not blaming him when they lose. He actually accepts the loss very graciously, even encouraging Gingka to keep winning. It’s really sweet.
Episode 24: The Creeping Darkness 7/10
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Yay the dark Tsubasa thing has been explained! That’s really interesting. Mei Mei and Chao Xin’s battle against Sophie and Wales is okay, nothing special though.
Episode 25: The Axe of Destruction 6/10
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I don’t like Chi Yun, so this episode doesn’t do it for me. They spend way too long on his backstory for my liking. I think it would’ve been better if Chi Yun’s backstory with Da Xiang was explained in an earlier episode or something. Overall, this episode feels like filler despite being Klaus’s introduction.
Episode 26: The Dragon Emperor Returns 9.5/10
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RYUGA! Gosh he never fails to make me smile. I was feeling kinda down when I rewatched this one and the moment Ryuga appeared in his flash of lightning, I was smiling ear to ear and melting at his story of overcoming the dark power. This character means so much to me, I’m a little in awe. And you know what else means a lot to me? The Dark Tsubasa arc. Getting a visual on what is going on in Tsubasa’s mind is really powerful and the animation and acting are honestly stellar. It’s also nice to see Excalibur. Just overall a great episode.
Episode 27: Exceed the Limit! 8.5/10
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Okay, I like this battle. Masamune and Klaus are so respectful to each other it makes me respect them and the battle is so back and forth it’s kind of exhilarating. Also, Ryuga gets some cameos. Yay :)
Episode 28: Dark Eagle 9.5/10
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“Everyone has darkness in their hearts, instead of trying to suppress it, we should accept it as part of ourselves and learn to control it.” That message alone boosts this episode so high in my mind, I freaking love it. I also just think the Dark Tsubasa arc was overall exciting and interesting and this was a great battle and conclusion.
Episode 29: Gravity Destroyer 8.5/10
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Gingka kicks Julian’s butt because a hot homeless person with a crush on him gave him some tsundere pointers and honestly, that’s beautiful.
Episode 30: The Midday Street Battle 7.5/10
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“Don’t wander through the slums of Brazil alone, kids. You’ll get beat up and left for dead on the streets.” This show is so brutal I swear to god.
Episode 31: The Brazilian Trap 7/10
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“If you lose at Beyblade you can still live a normal life.” He says to a kid who once had the threat of death over his head if he lost to a sadistic snake boi.
“You who has never had to worry about not having a place to live.” He says to a kid who was at the very least implied to be homeless before the Dark Nebula took him in and again, kidnapped and tried to kill him
Why do the characters never once bring up these points? The Garcias are clearly intended to be hypocrites, why not call them out on it directly? Also, Masamune is really stupid but I find myself laughing at this incompetence.
Episode 32: The Explosive Cyclone Battle 7/10
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Selen out here playing Punch Out while the rest of us are trying to do actual boxing. Is that reference lost on my Beyblade crowd? Ya dodge a lot in Punch Out. The Cyclone Battle stuff is fine I guess and Gingka losing to Argo, getting a major loss in the World Tournament is pretty cool.
Episode 33: Charge! Ray Gil! 8/10
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“You think we’ve had an easy time?! My path so far definitely hasn’t been an easy one either!” You fucking tell them Tsubasa. The Garcias definitely could’ve and should’ve been called out more but this was a great battle despite that. I love that Tsubasa’s dark side comes back for just a moment but he’s able to overcome it with the support of his friends and faith in his abilities that have gotten him this far. Also that scene with Ryuga at the end is downright legendary.
Episode 34: The Friend’s Name is Zeo 7.5/10
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Pretty chill episode, besides the backstory bit that made my heart ache. Also Coach Steel is great.
Episode 35: Our Slogan is Number 1! 8/10
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An entire flashback episode devoted to Team Dungeon? You’re really setting me up to get my heart broken aren’t you?
Episode 36: The Plot Thickens 8/10
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This is mostly exposition for the arrangement system and team Starbreaker but it’s interesting exposition and definitely important going forward. It also has the introduction of my beloved Jack and shows my beloved Ryuga kicking ass.
Episode 37: The Compass of Fate: Byxis 8.5/10
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More Ryuga, and the introduction of Damian. And Zeo being an angsty sad boy. And Tsubasa and Yu getting attacked. A lot happens in this episode for a seemingly uneventful one.
Episode 38: The Wicked Peacock: Befall 8.5/10
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Peacocks can’t fly you beautiful disaster. What the hell has Ziggurat been teaching you, Jack? This is a really good debut for Jack, I can’t help it. He’s so much fun.
Episode 39: The Guard Dog of Hades: Kerbecs 8.5/10
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This episode is painful. I like Julian, even if he’s a bit annoying, so seeing him being humiliated and tortured like that was brutal.
Episode 40: The Furious DJ Battle?! 9.5/10
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Kenta feeling overshadowed and ignored by the others is straight up set up in Masters. Not in this episode specifically, but it is a good example.
Putting that aside, this episode is really funny. It feels more and more like a parody as it goes on, even before the Blader DJs show up, but especially when they do. It’s like a crazy fanfiction or something. I love it.
Episode 41: The Final Countdown 9/10
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This episode is literally just a shot of pure pain and depression. Why must these children be traumatised all the time? :(
Episode 42: The Dragon Emperor Descends 10/10
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Yeah, I have no idea how I left this episode off my Top 5 Masters Episodes list. I adore this episode. It’s a great show of both Ryuga and Jack’s power and personalities, showing how unhinged yet passionate Jack is, and showing Ryuga being a total badass who can actually be quite clever and a bit sadistic even without the dark power. It’s obvious he was toying with Jack from the start, to me at least, but going as far as humiliating him like that was pretty brutal. I just love both of these characters so seeing them clash is just perfect, and a neat little surprise for first time watchers.
Episode 43: Spirits’ Last Battle 7.5/10
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Lots of exposition in the first half, but it’s important and some of the revelations and characters’ reactions to it are pretty impactful. Gingka vs Damian is a pretty predictable setup but it’s a reasonably fun time.
Episode 44: Showdown! Gingka vs Damian 7.5/10
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I actually didn’t remember Storm Bringer coming back at all, that’s really cool.
“You really are just a victim in all this.” Okay, Gingka acknowledging that about Damian is a really powerful moment and I do feel bad for Damian despite it all.
Would’ve been nice to get a moment like this with Reiji and Jack but I digress I guess :/
Episode 45: The Miraculous Spiral Force 8/10
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Ziggurat discusses global warming, overpopulation, and the energy crisis, all of which are still issues to this day and weren’t even as well known a decade ago when this came out. That is the catalyst of Ziggurat’s plan. This show has some serious balls and it does not get nearly enough credit for it.
Episode 46: Charge! Hades City 8/10
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Fun episode with a lot of little moments for even the less major characters to shine.
Episode 47: The Fallen Emperor 9/10
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I talked about this fairly recently in my “great things about Masters” post but I love the way Julian and Da Xiang’s character arcs meet and contrast in this episode, Julian drowning in shame from his failure, feeling like he has nothing left to lose with his pride and family legacy seemingly destroyed while Da Xiang took his failure as an opportunity to improve and teaches Julian to do the same with their battle and his words. Beyblade’s consistent theme of getting back up after a loss and to keep moving forward is a really important one and it’s very prevalent here.
Episode 48: Befall’s Trap 8.5/10
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Jack finally got off the drugs, that’s nice. He and Tsubasa’s battle was fun, two really great characters clashing is always nice to see. Also, Jack is very funny and cute.
Episode 49: The Wild Beast Unleashed 9/10
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Kyoya is really really really hot and badass. No thoughts, only simping.
Okay if I have to provide a thought, I like the whole “you need actual experience to be good at something” message that Kyoya is preaching. Kyoya is cool.
Episode 50: Rampage! Tempo 7.5/10
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Okay, some of this science is so wrong it has to be intentionally them going with magic over science, which they absolutely should not do when the plot is rooted in science.
Ryuga’s cameo was super hot though.
Episode 51: Galaxy Heart 8.5/10
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Kind of a weird finale. There is a battle going on but the thing that saves the day is Gingka and Ryuga launching their beys at a machine and sending an explosion to space, which is fun in its own right. Also the team dungeon stuff is excellent as usual.
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meowstix · 2 years
every once in a while i feel like i get a little bit closer to talking about the weird change of tone as bakuten shoot goes on, like season one felt so bright and passionate even with the more fucked up stuff around the end what the hell HAPPENED
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hyperzone-2 · 2 years
NOBODY tell her about the Ls max was taking back in v-force
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Summarising every single HTTYD movie, short and episode in roughly one sentence:
ADHD incarnate befriends Death: The Dragon and with the power of friendship they OH GODS OH FUCK OH HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT
Legend of the Boneknapper:
Gobber likes to tell campfire stories
Book of Dragons:
DreamWorks attempts to write a reader POV fanfiction
Gift of the Night Fury:
Critical series lore in a Christmas special?? Yeah seems normal for this franchise
Riders of Berk:
1. Mildew tries to get a bunch of teenagers executed or some shit
2. Solidifying Gobber as a total madlad: The episode
3. Hot take: You can skip this episode, it's arguably the worst one in the franchise, but you WILL miss a penis joke so there's that going for it.
4. Toothless develops an Older Sibling complex over Beyblade: The Dragon™ and HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT???
5. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, MILDEW?? I mean I knew you were an ass but I didn't expect THIS??
6. "The films aren't anything like the books!" UM, ACTUALLY- (aka the episode where Hiccup goes full-on Book!Hiccup mode and Alvin is nothing like his book counterpart but the rest of the outcasts are)
7. "Look at this super dangerous dragon I found! I'M GONNA WRESTLE IT!!"
8. Hiccup has body image issues
9. Mildew gets bitten in the ass (SATISFYING)
10. The Mary Sue: Part One
11. The Mary Sue: Part Two
12. Oh yeah Snotlout's dad is an abusive cuck who can go fuck himself I'm not even joking. Love Snotlout tho I gotta say.
14. Toothless has a mortal enemy apparently and it is fucked up
15. (Dagur fanboys start screaming in the distance)
16. Snotlout fixes his mistakes (they were very big mistakes)
17. VALKA??? VALKA MENTION??? HICCUP HAS A DRAGON PLUSHIE??? (silently weeping by the end of the episode)
18. Fishlegs and Snotlout piss off some helicopter parents who are also Invisible Acid Dragons™ (ohhhhhh no)
19. Are there... other Night Furies????
Defenders of Berk:
1. Fight Club reference
2. That one time Meatlug became magnetic and almost died
3. Dagur is gay for Hiccup but like in a yandere way
4. Whoever designed the Screaming Death must have been on a particularly fucked up slice of magic mushroom because I've never seen something more in need of holy water than that dragon (my childhood favourite :D )
5. Snotlout's dad is a fucking asshole but I never thought he'd stoop that low
6. Behold: My second favourite dragon who canonically killed Astrid's uncle
7. They tried to train Terrible Terrors in this episode, guess how that went lmaooo
8. (grabs more holy water) IT'S BACK.
9. Hey remember Tiny Beyblade Dragon? Yeah now he's kinda sorta the size of a house. Meanwhile everything is on fire (twin's fault)
10. Behold: My favourite dragon's frozen carcass preserved in ice- I mean my favourite dragon is hibernating in ice- I mean OH SHIT OH FUCK HOLY FUCKING SHIT OH NO-
11. Dagur subjugates my favourite dragon and then karma bites him in the ass
12. Snotlout and Gustav are an anxiety/adhd wombo-combo
13. Ruffnut cuts her hair short to save the life of a really cute dragon and Dreamworks was too pussy to keep it like that for the rest of the season.
14. (darude sandstorm plays)
15. The dragons get high and try to kill each other
16. Toothless is on drugs (I'm not even joking, during the Toothless POV shots you can literally hear stoner music playing)
17. Dagur with helmet hair Dagur with helmet hair Dagur with helmet hair
Dawn of the Dragon Racers:
The gang got new fits and invented a sport
Race to the Edge S1:
1. Oh shit, Dagur's out of prison, better go chase him down and OOOH, SHINY TELESCOPE THINGY?? (Hiccup is a magpie apparently)
2. Gothi once again proving herself to be an absolute madlad
3. Hiccup and the gang move out of home because telescopy thingy told them to. What could possibly go wrong? (GONE WRONG)
4. Welcome to our new home on Dragon's Edge! It's been years since we've been able to function effectively as a team, and Tuffnut's been smoking way too many hallucinogens lately OH FUCK HE WASN'T HALLUCINATING OH FUCK ME
5. Snotlout is gay for Fishlegs
7. Basically what happens when you put me in charge of anything
8. "Look at this super dangerous dragon I found! I'M GONNA WRESTLE IT!!"
9. Fishlegs and Snotlout are gay
12. (darude sandstorm vocoded to running in the 90s plays)
13. they made girl dragon pink
Race to the Edge S2:
1. Astrid becomes that "SHOW ME YOUR WAR FACE" guy basically
2. SCOTLAND FOREVER!!! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 (new villain alert and he is AWESOME)
4. Dreamworks introduces Dragon Werewolfism and does NOTHING with this concept after this episode?? What a ripoff!
5. Fuck Snotlout's dad so much
6. Hiccup punches Snotlout in the face and knocks him out which is no surprise considering he is God of Dragons
8. Two people and a singular dragon try to fight off an entire armada
9. They succeed somehow
10. Oh hey it's a HTTYD 2 dragon (Free Willy parody? You couldn't have done anything more original?)
12. Prepare to thirst in 3... 2... 1: (Viggo appears)
13. If you thought Dagur was homosexual, you aren't prepared for how gay Viggo gets
Race to the Edge S3:
1. Dagur did WHAT NOW???
2. Fuck Cavern Crashers so much but SNOTLOUT SNOUTLOUT OI OI OI!!!
3. Sword in the Stone parody?? Are all the Fishlegs episodes story parodies now??
4. Did... Did they try to portray Snotlout's dad as being in the right in this episode?? Ew fuck that.
5. Viggo almost caused Covid-19
6. Hiccup forgets that not everyone has ADHD and the dragons go completely fucking feral
7. This show loves to force romances, doesn't it?
8. I think these people took HTTYD/Pokemon crossover fics a bit too far
9. A musical episode which has a reason to exist. Sarah Z was right all along?
10. Favourite Fishlegs episode :)
12. My go-to introductory episode for non-fans. It's got everything. Including Viggo.
Race to the Edge S4:
2. If you listen closely you can hear TJ Miller in absolute hysterics in the recording booth
3. At this point in time Viggo only values Hiccup as being worth 1000 gold coins
4. I love Snotlout so much... Spitelout can go suck a bag of rocks
5. Oh fuck yes Dagur's back
6. Viggo throws a hissy fit and kisses a man and Toothless is willing to die just so Hiccup doesn't have to die alone (sobbing)
7. Everyone is high in this episode
8. "You didn't think after all we've been through I'd expose myself without some... added protection?"
9. Jumping into a volcano on purpose: The episode
10. Viggo takes a sip of water in this episode (very important)
11. It took Hiccup and Astrid over four years since their first kiss to officially start dating, but they finally did it and it was one of the best episodes in the whole show
12. Ryker has had enough
13. Viggo confesses his love for Hiccup and then fucking dies (or did he?)
Race to the Edge S5:
1. "The volcano on Dragon's Edge is a dormant volcano" THINK THE FUCK AGAIN, FISHLEGS
2. How the fuck did Gen Z: The Dragon get ahold of Viggo's sword?
3. Savage needs therapy
4. Snotlout's casual sexism almost gets him killed: Lesbian Island edition
5. If you've ever watched an elderly person try to escape a nursing home then you've seen this episode before. Just without as many bones and corpses
6. The Gays Are Back In Town ft. Gay Snotlout, Gay Fishlegs and Gay Viggo
7. "my city now" - Krogan
8. You cannot watch this episode and tell me that Viggo isn't in love with Hiccup
9. Krogan insulted Viggo's hobby and Viggo got mega salty about it
10. Astrid punches a dragon with poisonous scales and almost dies because Save Stormfly Make Anditode™, turns out she did this for no reason whatsoever because Stormfly Wasn't Dying
11. Tuffnut fakes his own death in order to make Ruffnut happy
12. Dagur not-so-casually finding his fathers dead body
13. Rage.
Race to the Edge S6:
1. My blood has never boiled so hard as it did watching this episode
2. Stoick gets played like a cheap kazzoo and regresses back to how he acted in HTTYD 1 out of sheer stress
4. Fishlegs can't believe that his ancestors were Dragon Hunters as if he wasn't once enrolled in Dragon Killing School
5. Nothing solves a sibling rivalry like teaming up to kill the annoying cousin
7. The twins are just. So ride or die for each other it's not even funny.
8. Viggo confesses his love for Hiccup and then fucking dies for real this time (Viggo fans start sobbing as The Winner Takes It All by ABBA starts playing in the distance)
9. Snotlout writes a book
10. What if the gang had never left Berk? What if Hiccup never shot down Toothless at the start of HTTYD 1? What if Spitelout actually loved his son?
11. Protecting an island filled with a bunch of dead dragons
12. The satisfied smirk on my face knowing what the characters don't
13. The most satisfying death in the history of mankind.
Way to straight up ruin Hiccup's life, am I right?
Ruining every character and spitting in the face of all that I love
20 minutes of my life that I'll never get back
Snoggletog Log:
Half an hour of a fireplace and the wrong voice actors. This shit plays like a DVD menu.
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radargrind2091 · 2 years
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Tyson Granger - Beyblade V-Force Icons
-“Beyblade V-Force” (c) Nihon Animedia
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crocuspetals · 24 days
Whats ur favorite twdg ship and why?
(intense shaking) VIOLENTINE 🍊💜
when I first started watching gameplays and learned violet was a love interest I went into season four pretty skeptical.. as a sapphic person sometimes game companies don’t always do the best with their wlw relationships
but BOY was I wrong
violet is (personally) my favorite love interest and my favorite route to go along with. I think her and clem work very well together and they bring out each other’s softer/more vulnerable side which is really nice to see :( their relationship feels so genuine I love how awkward and cute it is 😭
they’re two very damaged people who learn to trust each other and it’s really really sweet :( also I love the pure drama of minerva being one of the main antagonists for the season because there’s something so funny to me about it being violets current girlfriend vs violets ex girlfriend and violets just watching like. Yoinks! 😵😵
ALSO this does Not mean I don’t like louis. he’s in my top five favorite characters of the whole SERIES I just prefer him and clem platonically :) but I 100% respect clouis
tldr I like violentine a lot. I rotate them around in my head like a beyblade
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ashxketchum · 1 year
G-revolution content from Beyblade World has now been added to the drive!
Which means all things Bakuten Shoot Beyblade from the fan club website, Beyblade World is now accessible for everyone! The content includes character art, representative episode screen grabs, DVD art, calendar art and character style sheets. Additionally, there are dcos which feature all the textual content like character profiles and episode summaries from every season in Japanese.
I'll see about translating these sometime in the future, though I have posted translations of Tyson's profiles before! The G-revolution folder has roughly 450-500 images that I painstakingly saved in two days, so yeah translation is not a priority for me right now 😆 I'll need to drown myself in TyHil content to recover from the 'right click save' trauma but we all know there is no TyHil content to drown in 🥲
So anyway, enjoy the content, save it share it as much as you want 🫶🏻
An example of what you can find in the archive:
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pumpkinsy0 · 4 months
the outsiders early 2000s au hcs
for some character analysis i did check here
•he would add pony and angela somehow into most of his projects
•angela and her friends had ds’ and used pictochat to communicate when one of em
•mcbling angelaaaaa hellllloooooo
•OK LOOK ik this isnt ONLY in the 2000s but i still wanna include it, so yknow how friend groups made up names for their groups that EVERYONE just knew them by and so that was just their clique??? yea angela and curlys friend groups have their own name
•angelas friend group called themselves “the bratz” and curlys friend group called themselves idk “cyber bytes” or somethin, mostly bc they rlly play video games together
•unlikely for them to b one but lets all imagine johnny, pony, and angela as scene kids
•i say let pony and anglea be popular on myspace, they deserves it
•if ponys not famous on myspace at LEAST hes popular livejournal
•johnny posts on flickr sm??? like my god he loves taking pics and videos, he always carries around a camera
•u can usually find curky and his fuck ass friends
in the back if a taco bell parking lot
•johnny and pony were those kids watching sonic/teen titan tribute vids on youtube
•they all either had a flip phone OR thise phones where if u slid them up the keyboard was right behind them, yknow what i mean???
•NONE of them had unlimited data LMFAOOOOO
•and if i told u all their pastimes was being in omegle what would u do🤨🤨
•two bit loves kaomoji’s lol
•darry bought pony a sony walkman and he just NEVER put it the fuck down like EVER
•darry still has his gameboy!!
•curly has a ps vita he just lets pony take home for whatever reason and pony lets the gang play around w it a bit but not for long
•cherry and marcia r lps collectors and they trade a LOT
•two bit fucking loves silly bands in the shape of dinosaurs, his sister gives him a shit ton and he wears em
•sylvia was that girl to get tans and she had that playboy bunny sticker print left on her hip
•curly got pony into portal (like the game)
•soda and steve r BIG beyblade and hot wheels fans
•twobit LOVES pokemon, dally thinks its fucking stupid but he does like watching ppl get riled up over it
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that-macrophylla · 10 months
the most soul-shattering ending aside to good omens season 2, I think this ending paints a realistic portrait of what happens when two dumbasses dance around each other for 6,000 years and never sit down to actually figure out what they want their future to look like
the best thing about the show is that there's absolutely no doubt that they love each other, actively seeking out each other's company and going to each other for help or comfort or boredom- it's just that each of their...love languages?? or gestures of love are taken so differently by the other and they kinda just wobbled together in such a short timeframe where it happened and it just fell apart like two very fast beyblades that ricochet off each other and go flying in opposite directions
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/ -- Romantic
*-- Unlabelled/Other
+ -- QPR
& -- Familial
Solshuu (Solaria Aoi/Shu Kurenai)
hello its me and my blorbo from my home. my media. so basically if you like childhood friends to lovers you'll like these two!! um so a lot happens but its like. in the beginning everyone knows they love each other except the two of them. like they live together sorta? i mean theyre kids and the canon characters parents are away most of the time so. company! and then they cook together and at night they cuddle asleep. and its beyblade and they do the battles. later in the show bad things happen which are major spoilers and one of them hurts the other (twice) but its ok she forgives him and then late the next season they get together in a spur of the moment confession and everyone who finds out is like "fucking FINALLY" and yes. the next season the canon charactger deos not show up but my character falls asleep on a call with him <3 and theres a ton more. also they keep their relationship mostly a secret from the public cause. legendary bladers theyre famous n shit and all that stuff. and. augh. im so normal over my favorite character and also. yes there is more there r like 3+ more seasons but i dont have time for all of that ok goobye
Elitheocecily (Elijah Scott * Theodore Churchill * Cecily Churchill)
OK SO. theodore is an angel from heaven disguising himself as a human on earth. cecily knows this, elijah does not. theodore met cecily shortly after coming down to earth and fell head over heels in love with her like its insane how much this man loves his wife. shes literally the only reason he stays on earth. they are both best friends with elijah, whos a priest and is REEEAAAALLLYY fucking repressed and so deep in the closet its ridiculous. hes convinced himself that its actually really normal heterosexual friendship stuff to be completely infatuated with your boy best friend. he thinks hes being really covert but cecily and theodore both are aware of it. cecily thinks its really funny and theodore just finds it really endearing :) if youve ever seen singin in the rain they basically have lie the same dynamic as don kathy and cosmo its great i love them
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