#bi Buck arc finally
catlover-multifandom · 2 months
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i was in the middle of making a post about my predictions for the finale when i realised my buddie stuff could take up a whole other post so here ya go:
this is a bit of an out there theory and i don't necessarily think it will happen, but it's something i'd do if i were the writers. eddie makes a move on buck. i don't mean 'yay buddie goes canon in the last 10 mins of s7', i mean 'eddie fucks up so monumentally they don't know if they can come back from it.' i think he'll try to kiss buck and buck will push him away.
eddie's confused and lonely and heartbroken (not to mention desperate) and he turns to the one person who has unfalteringly been by his side the whole time, the guy who likes to fix things. it's not that he doesn't have genuine feelings for buck, because he really does, but he's not thinking about it AT ALL. he just wants buck (to his core) and is maybe letting himself feel that for the first time.
but it's like a slap in the face to buck. buck, who's in a happy, stable relationship for the first time in years. buck, who eddie told his bisexuality wouldn't change anything between them. buck, who's been used for his body for his entire life. he would be absolutely crushed if eddie did this. and he's matured to the point that i think he might not let it slide. he wouldn't cut eddie out of his life, but i think he'd need space and for once he might respect his own needs over his wants. especially since i don't think he's considered his feelings for eddie and definitely doesn't think eddie's acting out of love/desire
so we get to the end of s7/start of s8 and eddie has fucked up his relationships beyond belief. chris, marisol, even his parents and shannon's memory. buck is still there, because he's always there but things are different. and i think that it could be a great set up to explore who eddie really is and what he wants, especially if/when the 118 get split up. as ryan keeps saying, he'll be isolated. neither buck or eddie will tell the others what happened between them, but that doesn't mean that eddie won't finally look into his sexuality by and for himself.
when i say i want a divorce era 2.0, i don't mean screaming at each other in a grocery store bc to a certain extent that was almost funny - they were coworkers of less than 2 years and it was wildly overdramatic. now they're partners and best friends and co-parents and they've suffered blow after blow, and their kid's gone and eddie betrayed buck and they don't know how to be anymore but they love each other too much to let go
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alistairlowes · 2 months
why are you unsatisfied i'm genuinely curious
okay actually enough time has passed. like i didn’t really wanna say anything i get everyone is happy so i don’t want to bring in negativity nor certain people in my ask box but actually i don’t care everyone can call me whatever they want it's all just buzzwords to me at this point anyway.
i wish i was happy because i know looking at it from the bigger picture this is a win but i’m so annoyed on how it played out. like of all the characters why did they have to bring back converted racist misogynist lmao and do this with almost no built up. they could have literally introduced someone new and it wouldn’t make any difference.
i just can’t get over buck saying he was trying to impress tommy because girl when? you mean when you were doing whatever you were doing in front of eddie for the whole episode? why were you upset over chris talking about tommy like that then? logistically from the writing perspective weird sentence to include when that didn’t happen at all. like tim clearly knows his fanbase and that's why the whole episode was more of a buddie bait and it was intentionally framed to look like it was going to go in that direction finally but at the end they decided to subvert expectation by partially giving everyone what they want except it made no fucking sense when they made it seem like something else. and i also don't see how tommy likes buck now after whole episode of him not giving a shit about him but alright.
atp i really do believe they'll do canon buddie like what are they gonna call us crazy for believing that now lmao. but i didn't want buck arc to go like this especially not with this rando who they brought back for 3 episodes as a plot device. i can think of at least 10 better ways to write this with more care and not just “hey guess what actually” at the end. also eddie once again being used for buck’s development something something but that is a rant for separate post.
and the thing is i saw the leaks for this episode and i went no way in hell is this happening it’s so out of the blue it’s so wattpad. not the bi thing but buck and tommy. and then it actually happened. and i saw next weeks leak too and i know i’ll be pissed but heard they changed that so who knows <3 i just don't like when writers and showrunners do this will they won't they HA we gotcha now thing.
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profoundcastiel · 2 years
me after watching a scene where fox decided to use a wildly know bi anthem song as background for a buck scene
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daffi-990 · 2 months
Seeing comments on Facebook like “Buck was always a ladies man” or “he’s never shown any interest in guys before” is why this story arc is so important.
Bisexual people exist and so often get dismissed or told to pick a side or that they just can’t commit to being gay or some other shit.
Just because you show a preference to one gender doesn’t mean you can’t be attracted to another.
And you don’t have to have your sexuality figured out at a certain age! It’s fluid! It changes! You could not discover something about yourself until you are away from toxic noise and finally are in a place where you feel safe.
I’m just .. I’m so thankful for Oliver and Tim and how they’re wanting to tell this story.
Especially Oliver.
He loves Buck so much and he sees the bi community and he wants to give them the best representation he can.
just yeah .. this story arc is important and Oliver is cradling it so gently in his hands because he knows how precious it is
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i'm still processing everything and my mind is both all over the place and hyperfixated on that final scene.
oliver said there have been crumbs throughout the show for years
oliver said this is how he has always seen buck
oliver said the fans weren't crazy for clocking buck as queer, because he himself saw it too
oliver said he had to pull back from fan interaction on social media because he wanted to validate our feelings so much but couldn't because those as*holes over at fox were holding him back
oliver said he planned on playing buck differently this season, leaning more towards bi buck and this was WITHOUT knowing what tim had planned
tim said there were studio execs back when who held all the cards basically confirming that fox refused to give them the green light for this story arc
tim said he's always viewed buck's love interests as flat and never moved the story forward
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thatbuddie · 12 days
ok so bear with me here, this theory is based on nothing but vibes and dreams and delusions.
buddie is going canon in 8x12 which is also episode 118 of 911.
i still find it so interesting that they decided to make bi buck canon (i will never ever ever ever get over bi buck canon, btw) in episode 100 of the show. i know that nowadays episodes 100 of shows are not as big as they used to be (mainly because shows rarely make it to them) but they still mean something big. something big enough to warrant press and cakes and such. and what did 911 do with their 100th episode? they made it about bi buck. in a way that forever links the essence of 911 and bi buck forever. and i find that so incredibly beautiful.
it would be logical to argue that episode 8x12, which is episode number 118 of the show that revolves around station 118, has the potential to be something different and special too. i think that the best way to honor this would be by making it a mostly lighthearted team-focused episode. give me bottle episode at the station where the team receives 0 calls all shift, give me an episode from the 3rd person pov of the people that they help on calls and how they view the 118, give me a the 118 gets locked in a room silly episode, just give me something fun and heartfelt that shows the 118 as the family that they are!!! and then.... and then....
give me the first real confirmation of buddie going canon at the end of the episode. and i mean the very last scene of it.
they already connected a big episode (7x04 aka episode 100) with a very big moment that many many fans had been waiting for (bi buck). why not connect the other very core episode of the show (their 118 episode which is nothing really and yet so special of them) with the other big anticipated thing that fans have been dying for for years.
and like y'all, bi buck is important in and of itself and i hope we all know that. but bi buck is so intrinsically connected to buddie too. and i mean both in fandom and in the canon as well. like we know what subset of fandom has been reading buck as bisexual for seasons now and it's not most of the casual viewers (though i hope some did). it was the buddie fandom. and in 7x04 the way that buck's realization arc was so incredibly connected with eddie and their friendship is astounding. like i still can't believe that it went that way. and that is a deliberate choice. there were a thousand ways in which they could have done it and then said "we are putting eddie diaz, evan buckley's best friend and the guy that everyone who wants bi buck ships him with, in the center of it." so it would be very on brand for producers and writers to give us the actual buddie of it all in episode 118 which could be an episode to touch the core of the show -found family, the firefighting aspect, the hope- which at this point includes buddie as well.
now we know NOTHING about s8 right now so this is where more vibes just get added but it would also make sense that it happens in 8x12 because that it the second half of the season. i feel like s8 is gonna start a little "dark" (and i just mean sad) for the 118. gerard is gonna be ruining their lives and making everything wrong. and eddie is gonna be doing badly, y'all. of course he is. so we can use the first 8 episodes to "solve" these things. eddie can finally be in therapy again for more than his ptsd. the 118 can be fighting to get bobby buck. the bucktommy relationship can be worked towards a break up that moves buck to the next stage of where he's going. and then s8b starts. and we have a "lighter" feeling. hopefully chris is back. bobby is back. buck and eddie are single and we can see that there is something there but for now it has been things that still maybe not everyone can catch on to. so then 8x12 happens and BOOM. buck and/or eddie realize/aknowledge/voice the truth of it all: it's always been about buddie. and then we have 6 more episodes in the season to explore that!!! which is a pretty fair number, i think.
so yeah, that is my-based-on-nothing-but-i'm-now-convinced-is-happening theory for a buddie canon confirmation in 8x12 aka episode 118 of 911.
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watchyourbuck · 30 days
It’s so interesting to me that this entire season has been about ghosts. Both physical and metaphorical, but also conceptual and even made up. Hear me out.
We literally start off with the ghost of Shannon reading Christopher the letter she left for him. A letter Eddie gave to his son in hopes to somehow reunite them. The ghost itself doesn’t appear to Eddie, just to Chris, and we – the audience – can tell it’s her voice that they’re trying to emulate, considering that ‘I can’t remember her voice anymore.’
On that same episode we see the ghost of Athena’s and Bobby’s fears. I know it sounds like I’m reaching but think about it. Athena’s haunted by the fear of having made a mistake by marrying, while Bobby’s afraid he pressured her into it. It looms over them like some kind of shadow, pushing them apart.
Later, with the bi Buck’s arc, we see the ghost of Buck himself. Not the same way we did in the coma dream, though, rather like a devil on his shoulder. A ‘ghost’ in the way of a metaphorical reflection of his inner struggles to finally free himself. It looks for a while there like he’s haunted by the expectations of others and the weight of societal norms, all of which return to him, considering no one else is imposing them (and that’s literally what Tommy tells him: ‘no one’s looking at us, Evan.’).
By the wedding ep, the concept of ghost gets more literal. We see Chimney struggle between his life and his death, represented by Kevin and Doug, respectively. This is insane, actually, because it happens in so little time, but it’s so intense. Doug tries to drag him into the abysm, threatening him with the pain of the woman he can’t remember just yet, but loves to bits. His brother, on the other hand, leads him back home; their home.
Finally, we have Eddie literally hallucinating the ghost of his dead wife and projecting her onto another woman — whilst cheating on his current girlfriend btw. This one’s bonkers actually and it’s so clear to me that Eddie’s not well and that he’s living a delusion that’s gonna come back to bite him in the ass eventually. But alas, it’s the clearest form of ghost we’ve seen so far.
+ 1: Maddie and the ghost of her past (the girl on the passenger seat) on the domestic abuse call that turned out to be a little different than she thought.
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deadlydelicious · 2 months
maybe its me wearing buddie clown makeup, but given everything Lou, Ryan, and Oliver have been saying i'm still pretty convinced that Tommy is going to be Buck's gentle bi awakening to bring in the arc of his exploring his sexuality, and that at some point before the finale (or in the finale), we'll get a gentle Tommy initiated breakup where he suggests Buck look a little more closely at his relationship with Eddie, opening us up to buddie in season 8
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trans-buckleyy · 27 days
while I do think misogyny is a massive problem in the 911 fandom as a whole, I think relatively few of the people who hate buck and eddie's past love interests don't also hate tommy, sure the hate is slightly different (and realistically slightly less vitriolic) because he's a guy and "we finally got bi buck" but the amount of homophobia and biphobia being aimed at buck and tommy's characters is ridiculous... treating tommy like he's predatory (come on now buck is 32), claiming that buck's bisexual arc is "pointless" if he's with tommy, wanting buck to cheat (cheating storylines are whatever but lets be real none of you were okay with him cheating with a woman but now that it might validate your ship, you're suddenly fine with it), saying anyone who even remotely likes bucktommy is 'fetishising mlm relationships' and 'just wants to see two guys kiss', not to mention the purity culture surrounding the idea that a friends to lovers relationship is morally better than a relationship that starts with dating.
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catlover-multifandom · 2 months
hmmm okay new 911 theory popped into my mind at 3AM. woo! spoilers for 7x04 if you haven’t seen it yet below the cut!
alright I love buddie but I don’t think it’s going to be canon this season. I think abc knew it would generate enough to renew for an 8th season (which it did! yay!) and obviously now that we have BI BUCK RAAAAHHH there’s going to be some episodes focusing on that. and there’s only 10 episodes this season, we’re 4 episodes in now and the bi buck realization was at the very end of episode 4. madney wedding is happening at some point so they won’t focus that much on buck’s sexuality, but I can see it being a character moment still! so now I’ll get into the actual theory other than the buddie won’t be canon this season.
we know that Tommy and Buck aren’t going to be a thing for long and neither will Marisol and Eddie. so they’re going to be all “hmmm want partner :(“ and now buck’s going to realize he has more options of course and that the jealousy he felt with the eddie&tommy friendship was jealousy about Eddie hanging out with someone else, I feel like that will also be what ends up splitting Buck and Tommy. so he’s going to realize he’s interested in Eddie since Tommy has a lot of similarities with him and realize maybe he has a thing for Eddie. and he’s going to realize it more at the wedding when he sees other couples dancing I’m sure and he’s going to be off to the side talking with Eddie and realize all this mentally. and I think they’ll share one of their “looks” between each other. (one of THOSE looks. you know the one). and since they’re talking about relationships, after the look Eddie will realize something too and that he might be into men as well and take more looks at buck while he’s not looking lol. (I can picture it in my mind. either the clownery is real with me or I’m getting prophetic but 911 likes to pull little scenes like these lol with the characters just looking at each other lol). and I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere from there, just confirmation that eddie’s thinking about the possibility of being a with another dude and leave a sorta set up for his gay/bi/pan/likes men awakening next season, leaving it open for us to imagine if it weren’t to be renewed but something to set up a bigger plot thing. and then I think we’ll get the Eddie likes men plot beginning of s8 after the big emergency… and then they dance around feelings for each other for a minute (an episode or two) thinking “no way they would want to date me! 🥺” and then they probably get some sense talked into them by one of the other characters separately (I could see hen or Maddie trying to talk sense into Buck about this lol) and then boom scene of one of them approaching the other and awkwardly asking them to go out or something and the other being all “oh yeah, uh I’d love that yeah sounds good!” and then boom buddie go on date (date first gets postponed by big emergency maybe lol) and boom buddie canon and boom operation buddie success to finish off season 8.
abc if you’re reading this maybe take some notes?? lol
thank you btw abc for making bi buck canon. it no longer needs to be a headcanon. The truth is out. (wee)wooooooo!!!
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notafragilething · 1 month
Buck/Tommy Late Night Ramblings: The Data
It's around the 8 hour mark from the time the official Instagram posted the Buck/Tommy kiss and coming out scene. I ran the data again and my mind is actually blown because these numbers are ridiculously good in regards to social media engagement. So I'm going to share the numbers, my feelings about the vibes in the comments and final thoughts.
Right now there are 110 videos posted on the Instagram and the average views is 379k. The Buck/Tommy kiss video, as of the time of I'm writing this, has a view count of 526k (half a million) after roughly 8 hours. That means it has already reached the point of being the 22nd most watched reel of those 110, most of which have been posted for weeks or even months. It very likely will be entering the top 15 most viewed by the 24 hour point and I'll make a post about this topic. It also has 1.5k in comments and almost 56k in likes.
To give you a comparison, the clip of Buck coming out to Eddie that was posted roughly 3 full weeks ago currently has 760k views and is the 11th most viewed reel with 1.2k in comments and 70k in likes.
So what does this tell me?
It tells me that, after three full episodes of this arc, the general audience is having a very positive reaction to the pairing. I brought up the coming out scene because that performed really well but the new video of their kiss and Buck coming out to everyone is massively outperforming it and will likely pass it in views and likes at some point in the future. Which likely means support for bi Buck and this pairing is growing.
There also remains a HUGE shift in the comments and how they're responding to that scene. Well there definitely are some upset shippers and homophobic people complaining in the comments they're not a significant portion of the comments. They are also not getting many likes and engagement is pretty low. They're mostly just talking back and forth amongst themselves. The majority of the comments are talking about how they love this pairing, asking for Tommy/Lou to stay and responding really positively to them.
I think this is a pretty good sign of how the general audience is feeling about Buck and Tommy as a couple and very likely is indicating to ABC that this is a marketable couple. People like them, they like to see them, content of them brings in some pretty significant engagement.
I think it's about to get really interesting in how they market these two more towards the end of the season when Tommy returns for the last episode or 2.
Also I kinda like these late night ramble posts. Should I keep making them?
Edit: Extra Late Night Update. I just re-checked and the video is currently at 569k for views, 59k for likes and 1.6k for comments. It's now in 17th place for most views at the 9 hour point. My new prediction is it will enter the top 10 sometime tomorrow,
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mintedwitcher · 2 months
Here's the thing. Buck being bi has nothing to do with Eddie, or with Buddie as a ship, or anything even tangentially related to that.
Buck is a bisexual man having his awakening in his early 30s, after spending so much of his life defining himself by his relationships and his sexual experiences with women. He is learning about himself, he is rediscovering himself in a way that we rarely ever get to see on television.
This is so much bigger than Eddie or the potential for Buddie. Don't you see? We have a late-in-life realisation and coming out arc for a BISEXUAL MAN, who isn't being made into a joke or a punchline or a set-up. This isn't a stepping stone for him to be "properly gay" later on, this isn't another "sex addict" plotline taken to extremes. This MATTERS. This is IMPORTANT. This is a rarity, and we get to see it unfold in real time. How often do we get these sort of arcs for grown adults?
I'm sorry that some of you are disappointed. But you all need to sit down, take a breather, and realise that this is bigger than your ship going canon.
Evan Buckley is bisexual, and that is about HIM. He is finally, finally coming into himself and realising that he is more than he thought he was before. This is the beginning of a beautiful, important, powerful arc, and it deserves to be treated with kindness and compassion by the fans just as much as it is by Oliver himself.
If all you care about is Eddie, or Buddie, then do us all a favour and just stick to fanfic. The rest of us will be here, falling in love with this new chapter of Evan Buckley's life.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 month
ugh this is horrible news tommy is still around, hope to god he's gone in the finale. v
Maybe in your world Nonnie, but not in mine and I'm not entirely sure why you felt the need to come and complain about it on my blog, but here we are!
It makes perfect Narrative sense for Tommy to still be around in the back end of the season, and even possibly into the start of season 8. The show is telling a story of Bucks bisexuality, so why woould they get rid of Tommy so quickly? To do so would do a disservice to that story - a massive disservice. I'm guessing you're hating on this relationship becasue you see it getting in the way of Buddie, rather than viewing it as a vital step on the route to Buddie.
Lets put it into simple terms - Buck figures out he's bi and then begins to explore that newly discovered aspect of himself. The show has also taken the time to move Buck from someone who didn't really do relationships (of the long term variety), into someone who is looking for love and looking for forever. But in amongst all of that, he hasn't really had a healthy long term relationship, the closest he had to that was with Ali and that one didn't last especially long and she wasn't around for most of it
Buck isn't ready for an endgame queer relationship right now - he is still to immature from a relationship perspective - especially a queer relationship perspective. If Eddie was available and he and Buck got together - as they are as characters right now, they wouldn't last - they're not in a position to do so successfully. And this isn't me suggesting that they need to have figured everything out before they get together - to have fully healed etc, because thats neither realistic or something I would want to see - what it means is that they both need to get to a point where they are in a healthy enough place to put in the work together, understand each others flaws, and their own flaws and proactively work towards overcoming those things together and as of right now, neither of them are - they are getting their and moving rapidly in the right direction, but Buck needs to learn a bit more, and in many ways learn how to be with a man, before he will be ready to start anything with Eddie.
The growth we're getting to watch Buck go through right now - in the aftermath of the lightening strike, his reckoning with his mortality etc and the fact he's now off the hamster wheel and moving forward - in a healthy and faster way than we've ever seen from him, speaks volumes.
Tommy is also a far better developed love interest than any other love interest we've seen Buck (or indeed Eddie) with (Abby excepted but she was a main, so had her own purpose on the show)- I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling like I know Tommy more after 3 episodes plus what we got from the begins episodes he was in, than I managed to ascertain about Taylor or Ana or Nataila etc!
Not to mention, him figuring out he's in Love with Eddie as part of this process is going to be fun to watch. The show has made no bones about re-enforcing at every. Single. Opportunity how close, how entwined and how important Buck and Eddie are to one another - the show has quite literally been prioritising that over anything else Buck and Eddie related - Buck was there front and centre - placed very much on an equal footing with Shannon and even Eddie himself in 7x01, and then Eddie was the centre of Bucks bi arc in 7x04 and in his coming out in 7x05. They are literally moving chess pieces into place to tell an amazing story of queer love in later life and creating an epic slow burn for the ages.
And finally, Eddie is, as far as we know at this point in time, still in a relationship with Marisol - why shouldn't Buck get to explore who he is and what he want's within a relationship rather than sitting pining on the sidelines - that isn't healthy in any way shape or form. Eddie still has stuff to figure out about himself.
Even Tim and Oliver have stated in interviews that this is about a happy and joyful queer experience of figuring out bisexuality and therefore within that is giving the narrative a romcom vibe. But they have also stated that Tommy isn't going to be around for that long - that he is very much a narrative device.
It is worth pointing out that timelines on various aspects of the narrative may have been shifted because of the season 8 renewal - but that is only going to help tell the story because now it doesn't have to be rushed. I'm still fully expecting some form of feeling realisation from one of them by the end of the season (my money is on Buck), setting up for season 8 and Buddie going canon either 8a finale or early into 8b.
You have every right to dislike Tommy if thats you jam - have at it, but don't come to my blog and expect me to agree with you. I'm not a multi shipper by any means - I'm a one ship kind of gal and I will be a Buddie shipper until the end of time, but within that, I am here for amazing storytelling and amazing queer storytelling - the like of which I've not had the privilege to watch on my screen before - especially one that hits so close to home. Its a really important story to tell and I'd rather it not be rushed.
And if you had to pick - I'm pretty sure you'd rather have Tommy around for a bit longer that Marisol!!!!
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neverevan · 2 months
I actually think Tommy not being in 7×07 and 7x08 makes a lot of sense considering just how on the fly the Buck/Tommy (and season seven as a whole lol) seemed to have come together, and Tim Minear needing a pause to see how it's received by the general public while also working writing the end of the season at the same time 💀 Also, I know Oliver mentioned wanting an on screen relationship similar to the one Carlos and TK share on Lone Star, and if I remember correctly, in that first season when they were still getting to know eachother Carlos was in every 3rd-ish episode with various degrees of importance?? Anyway, it seems like Oliver (and Lou, and hopefully Tim as well) want to carry o with this story line for now, and the reception to bi buck has been mostly positive so I have hope for more Tommy in season 8, if not sooner!!!
mhm yeah it's very much on the fly, we still haven't got a title for the last episode and based on the latest Tim interview, I'm pretty sure it's not even written yet, hell, we barely just got the titles for the previous eps and the way Oliver was talking about it — and also because we know they usually get stuff 2 days prior to shooting at most — I'd wager that the actors haven't even seen the script yet for ep 9, if it's even finished.
so yeah, the possibilities at this moment are endless and I'd honestly expect them to keep Tommy around during the finale, in the background if nothing else, because the general reception was good and as you said there are many other storylines we need to get to without "wasting time" on recurring roles/bringing up more drama by doing a breakup arc, but we shall see.
I def can't comment on the lone star of it all, but if Tommy would become a more serious LI for Buck, I'm sure we'd be seeing him around a bit more, but you know out of 6 eps this season, Karen was in only 3 (assuming she'll be in ep6) and she is literally married to a lead character and has consistently had major storylines throughout the show.
all in all, I have high hopes and am staying positive about it until being told otherwise. 💛
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buddiesmutslut · 2 months
I want to be one of those “Bi Buck is so important that I’m okay if we only get that & not Buddie” but I am just not that girl.
If we get Buck ending up with some random man (bc Tommy isn’t going to be around full time) as a consolation prize for Buddie, I am going to be PISSED.
I’m not saying that I need Buddie to happen right now, at all 🙅🏼‍♀️ I like the BuckTommy pairing, I want to see that fleshed out & see Buck get romanced and bumble his way through his first boyfriend, because that representation IS so important, and Buck deserves to have this time to grow & figure himself out (& also kiss Tommy again bc that one kiss was not enough for our boy, he looked hungry after Tommy pulled away lmfao.) Buck should be able to grow and develop his character without being dependent on one person. I think Buck's character arc from s1-s7 is my favorite part of the show, the way he grows and changes and learns more about himself with each season, I love it, I don't want that to stop.
Also, if you’ve read my other posts, I also think Eddie deserves to go through his sexuality and feelings realization arc. I’ve always HC Eddie as gay (and Demi, but I have no hope of seeing that on screen ever), which means he’s going to have a LOT to work though, and I think that he also deserves the time & space to work through his own crisis and grow as a person/character.
Having said that, we have spent YEARS falling in love with these characters and their relationship. They've spent the entirety of season 7 thus far further cementing that Buck, Eddie & Chris are a family, a unit that no partner will be able to compete with or replace parts of.
Those two have been through so much together, so many situations that have led to them understanding each other, knowing what the other needs and be able to predict and understand how they're going to act in certain situations, and you will be hard pressed to find two brand new characters better suited for Buck & Eddie than Eddie and Buck.
They've already started making the moves to make it possible (Bi!Buck is canon, holy shit!) by making Buck kiss a boy (!!!!) on screen. Any homophobic people that don't want to see that have already stopped watching the show. It's not like those viewers are going to stop watching it again if Buck & Eddie get together in the future.
At this point, putting all this work into these characters & this ship and NOT getting them together is a slap to the fan's face and I will throw a fit. I am so down for a slow burn, I'm in it with pining & confusion and not understanding why they're feeling this way or that and struggling before finally getting their happy ending, but I will never be able to get behind throwing yet more characters in between the family that is the Buckley-Diaz's.
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