#bi manifesto
adaptive-dragonet · 2 months
I just read the Bisexual Manifesto and I’m having the honeymoon phase all over again 🥹🤩😃
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minervas-sandwich · 2 years
Going to do a project for a Queer Studies class; this isn’t a source but I am trying to get a general sense of how well-know this is and would appreciate as much input as possible!
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onward--upward · 5 months
ain't ever been skin on skin with a man like this
Buck/Tommy, 3k, rated E || ao3
Here’s the thing about discovering your attraction to men in your 30s: it’s a little bit like Buck has slingshot himself back to high school, giggling at a pretty person making eye contact with him from afar. He’s… giddy whenever he’s around Tommy, and it feels ridiculous, but also weirdly… normal? Because you’re supposed to feel excited about the person you’re dating – he hadn’t realized that excitement had been missing lately, but now that it’s back, it seems obvious. Looking back, he hasn’t been genuinely, uncomplicatedly excited about any of his relationships for a long time – not since Ali, maybe, or even Abby.  Years.  But this – Tommy. Dating him feels a little bit like being a teenager again. So many things are new to him – the scrape of stubble against his skin when Tommy kisses him, the sensation of tilting his chin slightly up when they’re close, and most of all, the soft gentleness with which Tommy treats him.   “It’s like –” Buck is more than a little wine drunk, head tilted back against the back of the couch at Maddie and Chimney’s. At this point, he’s not actually sure whether it had been Maddie who brought it up, or if he was simply drunk enough to be babbling of his own accord. “It’s like – everything is new.” 
read on ao3
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This is With Purpose: The Clementine Manifesto.
My name is Astrid, and I wrote/created With Purpose: The Clementine Manifesto. This document is a few things. It's a 'manifesto to my personal community', so it's a love letter to all Sapphics, and to my own lesbianism. It is also an invitation for you (also sapphic) to participate in the art project (With Purpose) that will become my senior capstone. (I'm getting a BFA in Design.)
You can do a few things:
You can read the manifesto and comment on it!
You can (please) send it to other people who would like it!!
You can submit additional relevant art/photos/writing that you or other people created.
If you are in the Milwaukee area, you can come and join one of two conversations I'm having.
If you're not in the Milwaukee area, you can hold your own conversation in your community. (please send me pictures of these!!)
After all, to love with your hands is to love with purpose.
-astrid xx 🍊
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monstrousdesirestudy · 5 months
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New blog post up!
Lads. I fucking did it. I finally finished this behemoth of a goddamn blog post 😮‍💨
Read about the queer coding of Dracula: from Stoker’s homoerotic love triangles to the queer subtext in classic 1930s Hollywood horror 🧛‍♂️🦇🩸
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watermelinoe · 5 months
i'm also a bisexual woman and i feel exactly the same way you do re: penises. i actually found your post really validating lol
i think attraction takes a lot of forms and it's really not just about genitalia - which is why it's so frustrating when transactivists go on abt ~genital preferences~ as if intimacy doesn't involve the whole body. if you somehow mister potato head slapped a vagina onto a male body, lesbians are not suddenly going to see him as a viable sex partner like the rest of him isn't there??
on the other hand, i can find the rest of the male body attractive up until the peen and balls are involved and my attraction shrivels up, and i'm still bi. maybe there's a psychological reason for my aversion, maybe not, in the end it doesn't really matter bc i was only hurting myself by trying to like it
lesbians aren't attracted to male voices, male hands, male stature
i am genuinely attracted to males and i like being bisexual now that i understand there's nothing i have to fix about my bisexuality
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vexenya · 10 months
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ghostlyerlkonig · 5 months
Chappell Roan... ily..... do not regret finding you on bandcamp in 2020..... but if I see one more separatist terfy asshole say lesbians are the only ones to be able to relate to part of a song ABOUT A PAST LOVER EXPERIENCING comphet and NOT FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF someone experiencing it, I'm going to kill myself.
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feintenstein · 1 year
bi people can and do experience attraction to all genders and the concept of pan people being the only ones who are “attracted to personalities not parts” is a (super common! no judgement!) kinda yucky idea that undermines the complexities of other sexualities. def recc reading the bisexual manifesto which was written in the 90s and talks abt bisexuality as being attraction to all genders (including nonbinary genders) — pansexuality is a much more recent term and imo i don’t think it is helpful to distinguish it from bisexuality beyond personal preference. sorry to get discourse-y at ya but as a nonbinary bisexual the bi/pan discourse is one of the ones that i tend to have the most stake in + i find it is often based on a lot of misinformation abt bisexuality
For awhile I identified as demi because I'm attracted to personalities not strictly bodies. And then the question "so what gender are you interested in?" Popped up and flipped my whole bus over.
I figured all and any gender ever (or none at all) fit right in along with being demi. But I had no word for it til learning about pansexuality. (My brain being very literal reads bisexuality as literally 2- which is not right but its what i lead to naturally. I need to work on flexibility...)
Not to mention I didn't bother with labels 80% of my life. But for convenience sake I've been looking for what I align with so I don't blather the constitutionofmysexuality when someone asks.
The question I gather from this then is: What is Pansexuality? And Why's There Even an ' Alternative ' option for the label Bisexual in the first place? Is it really just founded on preference?
^I am asking from complete curiosity of never having been taught & wanting to know.
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faaun · 6 months
hi! this is unrelated to the situationship but i’ve been going through a crisis about whether i’m bi or a lesbian for like six months now lmao and iirc i think you went through something similar once, so i was just wondering if you had any tips or advice about how you figured it out? tysm!
hiii i did ! i went thru this crisis like 3 times b4 i figured out i was bi, it can genuinely rly be difficult to figure it out it :)
i'd say keep in mind that it's not important to have a label rn - just keep urself open to exploring new feelings ! but also if u want to figure it out faster, spending more time w both men and women - esp those u think you might find more attractive - might help ! for me it was having guy friends, going to clubs, dating, etc, but it can truly be anything :) since starting a hinge profile i've been seeing quite a few men that i found super pretty which confirmed things even further for me (if you go down this route remember that dating app algorithms take a while to adjust)
also remember that ur standards for men may be different, and you may have an intense preference for women which wouldn't make you any less bi ! similarly, if you genuinely cannot imagine a future or conceive of any romantic/sexual attraction between u and a man, then you may be a lesbian ! the point is that u can date ppl and find out !! ♡ also labels can change as u learn abt urself over time so it's all good if you can't land on one definitive label rn forever, it takes time and life reveals new things to us all the time 🩷
while i like knowing that men are like...within my dating pool now, since realising i'm bi basically nothing has changed for me bc i still find women so so much more attractive, so it's good to remember there truly is no rush ! take ur time experiment have fun x
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tennant-davids · 9 months
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harmonicabisexuals · 7 months
joan baez internalized homophobia post is literally me kissing my girl friends on the lips in college and getting wildly jealous over their boyfriends but not being comfortable w calling myself bi until i was like 22
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evildilf2 · 2 years
They’re doing bi vs pan discourse on twitter so that means I get to shoot another hostage
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fox-on-the-moon · 2 years
btw if you identified as bi because you are attracted to all people equally, and then found out that’s because you’re not attracted to anyone at all, its still completely ok to still be bi if you prefer it over other labels. bi has always included people like you
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transratsactivist · 2 years
i'm starting to be more and more confused about why people keep writing that the "bisexual manifesto" was written/published in 1990. the text that is known as the bisexual manifesto is from the introduction to bisexual magazine anything that moves. the first issue is from 1991 and the first issue containing the often quoted passage is from 1992. what happened here? who first called it the bisexual manifesto? where did the "published in 1990" error come from?
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corelliaxdreaming · 7 months
Jag is very good quoiromantic asexual boy. Jaina is a very good gray aroace girl. They are a very good aroace4aroace couple. *firm nod*
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