#bi tony wonder
anonymous-tals · 2 years
In season four, Gob was at his lowest. Just at the end of his rope. Truly hopeless. He goes to Tony’s magic show, intending to take revenge, take his anger towards himself out on someone else to try and make himself feel better about his own life(which never works) but, when he goes to see Tony’s show and watch his revenge unfold, he’s found himself genuinely touched by the show. He sees himself in it. A gay man who was forced into the closet by society, the world, his parents, the father in particular. A son who was constantly compared to his brother and hated by his father. That’s him up on that stage. Or, rather, he wishes it could be him. He wishes he could be like Tony, out and proud; here, queer, and now over here.
The last time he saw Tony, he was in the same place he was; the same place Gob currently is. The self centered, straight, womanizing magician stuck in a persona in a magic scene rife with forget-me-nows. And, Gob sees this man who he’s been enthralled with for years and years and years and sees how he’s moved past that. He became a better person. He moved past his old life and seemed to be doing okay; great even. And, then that same man asks him to get a drink and he’s absolutely mesmerized. While it’s all under the guise of revenge, deep inside, he knows he doesn’t want to harm Tony. He wants to be better, for his sake and Tony’s.
But, the funny thing is is that Tony hadn’t actually changed. Sure, his persona was different but he was still the same guy he used to be. Still just like Gob, selfish, taking out his self hatred on others, a womanizer, etc. It was all an act manufactured by the gay mafia. But, he sees Gob among the crowd and, after inviting him to get a drink and talking, he realizes how much Gob has changed. I mean, not long ago, he witnessed the man evade his own wedding to a woman and now he’s here on gay night? He really discovered who he truly was…And, plus, he’s being super sweet and nice, not at all like the man he had had that brief interaction with all those years ago; the man like him.
And, as the night goes on, Tony can’t help but see himself in Gob. The once self centered, straight, womanizing magician stuck in a persona in magic scene rife with forget-me-nows. And, now Gob was seemingly trying to break through the persona, one that was certainly going to be hard to escape…While Tony’s persona actually involved being gay, he still had yet to truly admit to himself that the fact that he also liked men was not just a part of that persona. It was real. And, he sees Gob, who was previously so tangled in the thralls of internalized homophobia and comp het and he was now spending his night with him on a date. What progress he had made! Maybe he could be just like Gob, out and proud. Actually here, queer and now over here.
And, both of them caught up in wanting to be better for the other, a man they had fallen for so completely, are kinder to the other person than they’d ever been to anyone else in their entire lives. Because, they can’t bear to lose each other. And, they can’t let the other know that maybe they aren’t as content and at peace with themselves as they say they are. So, they both don’t even do anything regarding their initial plans of sabotage, trickery and scheming because that’s not what you do to someone you care about. And, soon enough, they’re planning to have ga-I mean, normal sex on Cinco. And, they’re both happy. Genuinely happy. They’ve found someone who understands them. Who they understand. And, they may feel awful and shameful and terrible inside at the thought of someone finding out they’re really gay, at the thought of it being confirmed to themselves that they’re gay, but maybe it’ll all be okay if they get to do it with the other by their side.
Which is why finding out the other was “lying” was so heartbreaking. So devastating. They’d allowed themselves to really open up to this person and had become hopeful that maybe this was the start of their lives finally, truly looking up only for the man they loved to turn out to be straight? Not that they themselves weren’t straight or liked him in that way because they’re definitely straight. They’re not gay. They never were, they aren’t and they never will be. And, they can’t believe they let themselves fall into the other’s trap.
Of course, as we know, they sleep together and realize that they really are gay. There’s no denying that they like men. They’ve been on this journey together and well, now, it’s coming to an end. Their shame too great to bear, they both plan to take a forget-me-now. But, this is where their paths diverge. Tony takes the pill and Gob doesn’t, Gob having given his pill to his brother instead, Michael having caught Tony coming out of the bedroom Gob emerged from earlier and putting two and two together. Gob remembers the night that confirmed to them both that their feelings were real. That they loved each other. That they were gay. But, Tony doesn’t. Tony was sent right back to his state of denial.
They’re no longer purely same. They’re at different stages of realization. Off by a hair. But, that doesn’t change things for Gob. It’s discouraging, sure, but he doesn’t give up on what seems like a hopeless situation. The man he loves ghosts him, is running away, and clearly afraid of acknowledging his feelings, afraid that, if he gets too close, he might get scared “again” and leave Gob more lost than ever. But, Gob doesn’t give up. He’s in the position to take action here and, instead of avoiding confrontation and difficult situations, he does what he can to try and get Tony to open up, feel comfortable. He’s kind. He’s patient. He lets Tony catch up with him at his own pace. They’re different in the same way. Same in a different way. But, even when they aren’t, they’re willing to reach out to the other to bring them right back up alongside them. It isn’t about getting something from the other. It isn’t about sending one back or sending themself ahead. It’s about getting somewhere together. And, if the other is in need, they stick through it together and help them trudge through the difficult terrain. They’re there waiting for them at the finish line, cheering them on as the other tentatively approaches a place in life they never thought they would or even could.
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But for real...
¨this… this is not what I wanted. I was trying to explain to him…¨
¨I bought Simon's company to save it, it wasn't going to survive. I knew Simon had brilliant tech and development, I wanted to work with him to save what he built…¨
¨all I wanted to do was help him…¨
uunnmmm they both built companies to help people, but they tend to lash out over ¨paceful¨ resolutions and tend to go for the hammer to end a conflict with no way of returning...
Your honor, I believe they could have been (boy) friends
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yvanka · 1 year
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Happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈
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who-gives-af · 2 years
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fsfghgee · 18 days
What phones do you think the linkuei have and in what condition? I see Sektor and Bi-Han having a modern one. And I think Tomas's would be the one with the broken screen XD
I wonder if Tomas and Kuai Liang even have cell phones… Don't they still just use letters, just to honor tradition? LoL
From what I understand about the Lin Kuei in MK1, all the technology they have is created by themselves, if you look at Sektor's jetpack and rocket launcher…
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They all carry the Lin Kuei symbol, as a brand name.
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If Sektor and Bi-Han have cell phones, I'd say it would be like Tony Stark's transparent phone
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High-tech, equipped with the latest technology and extremely resistant, created by Sektor herself.
I would dare say that Sektor made a less cool one for Cyrax (just for communication between the 3) and Tomas and Kuai Liang, finding Cyrax's communicator useful (and finally realizing that it's not just something futile that Johnny Cage uses to take pictures), finally decided to buy one for themselves or bought all the necessary equipment so that Cyrax (as Sektor's apprentice, I believe she acquired some knowledge in technology as well, not just in combat) could make one for them too.
But if by chance, Tomas and Kuai already had phones, I'd say that they barely use them and in fact wouldn't be very modern.
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bedlamsbard · 5 months
For science and out of curiosity I have gone through Home to make note of every time it's explicitly or implicitly stated that Howard sleeps with men and/or is in love with Steve, plus the same for Steve being bi.
Friends. It was not subtle.
Chapter 1:
Peggy POV: “Just because Steve bats his lashes at you –” Peggy went on, which resulted in the dubious satisfaction of seeing Howard’s cheeks flush scarlet. It was an open but unspoken secret in the SSR that Howard was sweet on Steve.
Chapter 2:
Peggy POV: “Howard believes him, but Howard is so desperate to get into Steve’s knickers that he would believe anything Steve says,” Peggy said, then winced; just because everyone knew it was true didn’t mean it was the sort of thing that ought to be said out loud.
Natasha POV: Howard Stark might be stupid about Steve Rogers – that was more than obvious after a week in his company – but he hadn’t let it affect the SSR’s internal security. 
Chapter 3:
Natasha POV: And do you know Howard Stark is in love with you? Natasha wondered, watching him. Even though she had barely been out of their room over the course of the last week, she had picked up enough SSR gossip to realize that it was common knowledge. From what she knew about Howard Stark after the war, he had never fallen out of love with Steve, either, even after he had married Maria Collins Carbonell in 1965. Meeting Howard Stark had explained a lot about Tony’s complex feelings about Steve and Captain America.
Peggy POV: "Howard’s foolish about Steve but he’s not actually a fool.”
Peggy POV: “Don’t be flippant,” Peggy snapped. “It’s different for you.”
His brows drew together. “Different how?”
“There was never any chance that you – oh, never mind!”
“No, I want to hear you say it,” Howard said, his jaw working briefly. “What was there never any chance of?”
Peggy looked aside, irritated; even as angry as she was she did another quick onceover of the courtyard to make doubly certain there was no one close enough to overhear. “Everyone knows you want to notch Captain America on your bedpost, Howard, but even if you’d managed it what do you think was going to happen after that? It’s not as though a man in your position – or Steve’s – could ever –”
Howard grabbed her arm. “Okay, that’s enough of that.”
His gaze flickered quickly around them, because what was an open secret in the SSR was still a secret, and a dangerous one if anyone ever decided to push it. Howard Stark wasn’t universally loved by a long shot; there was always something to be found if one of his enemies really wanted to dig and had a good reason to believe they would find something eventually. Peggy was almost certain – almost – that Steve didn’t sleep with men, but she knew that Howard did occasionally. In her less generous moments she believed that his parade of cinema stars and fashion models was to cover up the fact that he basically preferred men; he had never made a pass at any of the women in the SSR, or any other woman in uniform for that matter, which put him head and shoulders above some of the men Peggy knew.
Chapter 4:
Natasha POV: If Irina had made a pass at Steve back in 1943, then he could probably identify her, though Natasha knew that in 1943 as well as 2018 – well, up to 2016, anyway – there had been plenty of women throwing themselves at Captain America. He had never seemed much interested in any of them – not in the men, either, though there had been fewer of those since it had never been public knowledge that Captain America was bisexual.
Peggy POV: “Howard got married?” Peggy interrupted. “To a woman?”
Chapter 5:
Peggy POV: “I admit some difficulty believing you would ever do something as pedestrian as marry a woman,” Peggy said.
Peggy POV: He didn’t say anything to that, but eventually he said, “I don’t want to just notch him on my bedpost.”
“What?” Peggy said, confused by the non sequitur and wondering if she had had a bit too much brandy after all.
“Steve,” Howard clarified. “What you said before. I don’t want to just…notch him on my bedpost.”
Peggy looked over at him. She had had enough to drink that it left a soft, bright edge on everything, Howard included; after a moment she reached over and put her hand on top of his. “I always wanted Steve to say he loved me,” she said, trying to smile and mostly just feeling like she was going to cry instead. “I just didn’t expect the next thing he said to be that he loved someone else more.”
“Yeah,” Howard said. “Me too.”
Peggy POV: Despite the SSR’s esoteric focus, Howard’s day to day work was mostly practical engineering and the chance to spin off into theory had led to delighted spitballing and diagrams and equations penciled onto every flat surface in the workshop, aided by the liberal application of alcohol and the chance to occasionally wax poetic about Steve Rogers.
Chapter 6:
Steve POV: Howard looked a little dreamy-eyed, either at the idea of a twenty-first century helicopter or at Steve manhandling it or more likely the combination of the two. “How much torque do you think it had?”
Steve POV: She cocked an eyebrow at him, thoughtful, and Steve wondered briefly what the gossip mill among the enlisted women of the SSR was saying about the three of them – four if anyone had added Howard into the mix, the unspoken but universally known secret of the SSR.
Steve POV: He didn’t say you were right and neither did Peggy, but the words hung unspoken between the three of them anyway. They stood like the three points of a lopsided triangle, a man and a woman Steve had loved six or seventy-three years ago and still loved, but couldn’t have any longer. He started to speak and caught his breath instead; he didn’t know what he could say that he hadn’t said already.
He touched the curve of the shield instead, feeling the elegant artistry that went into everything Howard Stark made even when Howard let his enthusiasm get the better of himself. I know you hate anyone else touching it, he had said, something that no one at SHIELD and few of the Avengers had quite understood. It’s as close as I could get it to the old one.
Howard had remembered.
Steve gripped Howard’s shoulder in lieu of speaking. Howard covered his hand with his own, his fingers still in their battered leather pilot’s gloves and smelling strongly of engine grease. For a long moment they just looked at each other, not speaking, then Howard’s mouth twisted slightly, wryly acknowledging what he would never say out loud. There was no bitterness in it, just a little grief.
Chapter 7:
Natasha POV: “I’m glad Steve got married. Or whatever,” he added with a solemn wink. “It’s good for him.”
For a moment his expression was wistful, then his gaze flickered sideways, as if he was embarrassed that he had let the emotion show.
“Did you and Steve ever –” she began, and then stopped, uncertain how to end the question. Or if she should be asking it at all; this wasn’t the twenty-first century, and even there it wasn’t a harmless inquiry.
Howard looked back at her, wary now and frowning a little, but whatever he saw on her face seemed to reassure him. “What, and get both of us shot by Peggy? That wouldn’t do the war effort any good. She’d do it, too. Anyway, Steve’s been a little busy fighting a war.”
“Do you know who the woman was that Agent Carter caught him with in 1943?” Natasha asked, with a mental tick of observation that he hadn’t bothered to deny that Steve liked men as well as women. Not that either one of them was saying anything outright, just half-spoken asides. “I’ve heard the story, but no one will say who –”
Natasha POV: “They might have gotten married later, yeah, but they never actually talked about it. Stupid thing to do in a war,” he added, then thought about it and grimaced, making a vague gesture with the pencil towards himself as if to say, but I did the same thing.
Natasha POV: Howard slid a third look at the door and started to say, “Steve –” and then stopped, chewing on the end of the pencil again. Finally, he said, “I think if either he or Peg had pushed harder, it would have gone further between the two of them, but neither one of them ever did. In a way it is – it was – probably easier that way. I mean – it is when people make assumptions. Easier, I mean. Leave enough gaps in any story and people will fill them in for you – hell, you’ll start filling them in yourself.”
He sat in silence for a few moments, his expression abstracted; Natasha thought about his playboy reputation, that he hadn’t married until 1965, the few things Tony had said about his father and his parents’ marriage – the way Howard looked at Steve when he thought Steve didn’t know. For that matter, the fact that he hadn’t looked at her with anything more than aesthetic appreciation over the course of the past two weeks and change.
Natasha POV: Howard started to say something, then hesitated, studying Steve’s face. Natasha had gone outside with the Howling Commandos after Howard had already landed, so she hadn’t heard what Steve, Howard, and Peggy had been talking about, but she had seen the expression on Steve’s face. Steve never talked about what had happened in Siberia with Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes, but she knew he had left Germany with the shield and hadn’t had it when Natasha had finally tracked him down to Greece. She doubted that he had told Howard and Peggy any more than he had told her. Probably less than that, since they didn’t have any context for Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, or the Sokovia Accords. Having met him, Natasha suspected that Howard would have sided with Steve over his own son, not that she was planning to tell anyone that. She also suspected that that would have been equally true if he had actually met his son.
Chapter 8:
Natasha POV: Steve had made it very clear over the past six years that he wasn’t particularly interested in any of the many women or the handful of men who had been throwing themselves at him. She knew he had made a couple of half-hearted tries, apparently on the principle of the thing, but none of them had gone anywhere.
Natasha POV: One of the more frustrating but rather petty things about Rumlow turning out to be Hydra was that he and Steve had actually gotten on well enough that Natasha had begun cherishing the hope that Steve might unbend enough to make a real friend. She also suspected that Rumlow had wanted into Steve’s pants, but that hadn’t been going anywhere either. She was never going to tell Steve about that.
Chapter 9
Peggy POV: She picked up Irene Lorraine’s War Department identity card, staring at the typed letters. More convincing lies. “Why aren’t you angry with her, Howard? Maybe you never had a chance with Steve, but –”
His eyebrows shot upwards. “Oh, thanks.”
Maybe that had been unfair, but Peggy wasn’t feeling particularly inclined to be fair. She picked up her coffee cup and was aggrieved to find that it had gone cold; Howard got up to hand her the pot at the center of the table, though by this time its contents had taken on the general taste and consistency of tar, with a distinct undertone of chicory that told her the amount of the real bean in it was probably minimal. The milk she poured in left a greasy film on its surface and clung to her spoon after she had lifted it out.
Howard sat down in one of the empty seats near her and watched this process in silence. He didn’t say anything again until Peggy had taken her first few awful sips. Then he said, “Peg, I know you don’t like her and I know you don’t like that Steve lied about her. But Steve loves her. That’s not going to stop any time soon. What is going to happen is that he’s going to start hating you for hating her, and he doesn’t want to do that. So if after we get him back – and we are going to get him back – you want him to still talk to you, then you’re going to have to find a way to live with the fact that he picked someone else. And if you can’t do that, then you’re going to have to live with him never talking to you again.”
Peggy wrapped her hands around the warm ceramic. “Is that what you do? Live with it?”
He frowned at her, then poured himself coffee. He tasted it and winced, setting the cup down with a clatter on the saucer. “Three weeks ago Steve was dead,” he said bluntly. “Would I rather have him in my bed than hers? Or yours, for that matter? Sure. But I’d a hell of a lot rather have him alive than anything else. He’s here, Peg. Don’t you get that that’s the part that matters? Steve’s here. Three weeks ago we didn’t have that. The rest is just details.”
Chapter 10
only chapter that doesn't explicitly lay it out
Chapter 11
Steve POV: Howard hummed happily to himself, erotic thoughts apparently forgotten. “Thanks.”
Steve watched him with a frown, rubbing at his chafed wrists. “Howard, what are you doing here?”
Howard blinked and glanced up at him. “What?”
“You don’t go out in the field.”
“It’s London, Steve, not Nazi Germany,” Howard said, trying to make his voice light, then he met Steve’s eyes and went on more seriously, “The last time I stayed home you didn’t come back.”
Steve bit his lip, then nodded and put a hand on Howard’s shoulder. Howard fumbled the manacles into his pocket and reached up to grip Steve’s fingers briefly before he released him. “Thank you.”
“Don’t do that to me – to us – again,” Howard said, his voice cracking briefly.
Chapter 12
Natasha POV: She had known for years that Howard Stark had been a little unhinged about Captain America, to put it mildly; her brief tenure as Tony’s PA had made that clear enough more than a year before SHIELD had pulled Steve out of the ice. His ghost had been a potent force at the Stark Expo even before Nick Fury had forced Tony to conjure him up, so near at times that Natasha had sometimes thought she saw him vanishing around a corner or heard his sardonic voice coming from behind a closed door. By then she had known that he had been one of the founders of SHIELD, head of SHIELD’s research and development division for more than forty years – a secret he had taken to the grave rather than share with his family. She hadn’t recognized his fingerprints on both Stark Industries and SHIELD until she had seen the SSR.
He'd left more of an impression on SHIELD. Howard had had very little to do with Stark Industries after SHIELD had been founded; Obadiah Stane had run it in everything but name. Steve’s original disappearance in 1945 had broken something in him, and the sharp edges left behind had cut at everything they’d touched – SHIELD, Stark Industries, Stane, Tony. Probably Maria Stark as well, though Natasha didn’t know enough about the other woman to see what marks had been left behind.
Steve POV: Lorraine met his gaze, direct and challenging. “Two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead, Captain. Stark loves you too much to question getting you back, no matter how crazy the story is. Carter and the boys and Colonel Phillips –” She shrugged. “They talk.”
Chapter 13
Steve POV: “Okay,” Steve said, more gratified than he cared to admit that Howard wasn’t going to break a promise just because Steve batted his eyelashes at him. He was pretty sure no one else in the SSR would have believed that Howard wouldn’t do so; Steve wasn’t sure that he had believed it until just now. “I’ll tell you what I know, and you can decide if you want to say anything.”
Steve POV: “Barnes wasn’t exactly a big talker,” he said, his voice a little raw from the liquor. “Not with me, anyway – I think the longest conversation we had otherwise that wasn’t about guns was the time he told me he didn’t like the way I looked at you.”
Steve raised his eyebrows. “He said that, did he?”
“Yeah.” He looked at Steve for a long moment, then glanced aside and added, “He might have had a point. Not that I’m not happy for you and the lovely Mrs. Rogers.”
Steve POV: "Anyway, if you were screwing the radiant Natasha, then –” He stopped abruptly, looking down at the glass in his hand, and said, “Maybe I have had enough.”
Chapter 14
Bucky POV: Howard had been looking at Steve the way he always did, like Steve was Christmas and Hannukah and a Nobel prize and a blowjob all wrapped up in one. Bucky had actually forgotten how obvious he had been about it, even though back in the day everyone in the SSR except Steve had known and pretended they didn’t. Well, maybe Steve had known; Bucky had never been sure and he hadn’t been about to bring it up by asking, just in case Steve hadn’t known. He certainly wasn’t going to bring it up now, not with Howard’s kid right there.
Bucky POV: He hadn’t really been friends with Howard Stark the way Steve had been, not least because he could tell that Howard had been in love with Steve and that was more than Bucky really wanted to deal with. They had been friendly enough, anyway.
Steve POV: “You could stay here,” Natasha said hesitantly. “I’ll go back. You can marry Peggy – or Howard,” she added, with the ghost of a smile, even though her mouth was trembling.
“I love Howard, but we’d kill each other inside a week if we ever tried to live together,” Steve said. “Probably by negligence on his part and homicide on mine."
Steve POV: “Are you –” Steve didn’t bother to finish the sentence. Everyone, including him, knew that of everything that Howard Stark made light of, the only thing he wouldn’t joke about was Steve himself. “When?”
Steve POV: For what felt like a long time, Howard just looked at him, then he said, “To hell with it,” and grabbed Steve by one harness strap, pulling him into a hard kiss. It was sloppy and off-center, their teeth knocking painfully together until Howard got them straightened out. He kissed like he had been saving it up for years, like he knew he wouldn’t get a second chance – like he was saying goodbye. His lips were a little chapped and he tasted like the brandy they had been drinking earlier, but he was – as Steve had suspected he would be on the few occasions he had ever let himself think about it – an excellent kisser.
When he pulled back, he said, his voice rough, “Sorry – I’m sorry. Don’t set your wife on me.”
Steve bent his forehead down against Howard’s, breathing hard. “It’s okay,” he managed to say. He could feel heat in his cheeks and ears and there was a tiny voice in the back of his head whispering, great, Tony’s going to kill you stone cold dead this time, but he shoved it aside.
“I’m sorry,” Howard repeated, and then, sounding apologetic, “Sorry. I had to do that at least once, even if I’m not going to remember it.”
“It’s okay,” Steve said again. They were still so close together that he could feel Howard’s breath warm against his cheek, the smell of his Floris cologne mixing with the ever-present scent of machine oil. “I’m sorry too,” he added, and as Howard’s brows knit slightly in wary concern, clarified, “Not for that. For – for everything else.”
“That’s okay too,” Howard said wryly. He took a deep breath, then said, his voice quiet, “You know that I love you.”
“I know,” Steve said softly. He couldn’t tell that Howard that he also knew what had come of that love, and would still come of it when he was gone again – grief and obsession and the kind of wounds that never healed, the kind that left scars on everyone around him and which had come back to bite Steve in the ass more than once in the twenty-first century. None of that mattered right now. He put his arms around Howard, pulling him into another hug, and said, “I love you too.”
He felt Howard nod against his shoulder, holding on tightly before he finally stepped back from Steve. His fingers twitched a little like he was thinking about touching them to his lips, but instead he let his hands dangle loose at his sides. He only looked aside as Peggy and Natasha approached, Natasha looking interested and Peggy’s expression unreadable.
Steve POV: He raised his eyebrows, frowning. “What? Because I didn’t knock his teeth out? I like guys too, you know, and I like Howard.”
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technicalthinker · 1 year
tony gilroy please make cassian andor bi in season 2 challenge i have five whole dollars i can bribe you with just make cassian andor bi in season 2 of hit-show andor tony gilroy can you hear me i have a request about cassian andor and wonder if you can make him bi in-
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lilyisneat · 5 months
the first chapter of my hivemind fanfic :3
This Fanfiction is about the characters portrayed by the members of HIVEMIND, not the actual people. I do not know them personally, and do not make any assumptions about their personal life and sexuality, only what is portrayed in the various HIVEMIND channels. When talking about Riley, Graydon, Quadeca, ext. it is of the characters they portray/the personality they show on camera, not of the actual people. Thank You.
CHAPTER 1: Crush
Graydon had always questioned whether he was bi, but put it to the back of his mind ever since he started dating Blond Eden. Ever since Blond Eden died, Graydon’s crush on Riley became really strong. 
Graydon walked into the studio in order to film a video with his best friend and long time crush, Riley. 
They had hooked up a couple of times, but Graydon wondered if their relationship was only sexual.
“Hey Graydon!” Riley said.
Graydon’s heart fluttered. Omg he’s so hot, Graydon thought. “Ready to shoot this video?”
“Of course!” Riley responded, “Tony? DJ Grant? We all good to go?”
Both Tony and DJ Grant gave a thumbs up.
The video was another episode of Q4U. Graydon was doing really bad, only getting 2 points whereas Riley had 6. Graydon could have guessed the answers correctly if he had thought hard enough, but he was distracted by Riley's beautiful hair and mustache.
I have a great idea, Graydon thought I should tell him I like him, through a bit! “Hey, I have something to tell you.” Graydon started, “I have a major crush on you.” He had intended to confess his love through the guise of a bit, but his blushing face started to give him away. OH FUCK, he thought.
“Ha Ha Ha” said DG Grant.
“Really” Riley stated.
“No you're Riley,” said Graydon, trying to save the bit. “I’m Graydon”
“Ha Ha Ha” said DG Grant.
“That’s DG Grant, that's Hank, that’s Tony, and that’s the ghost that haunts the studio.” he continued, pointing at each person.
“No, that’s not what I meant,” Riley said, putting his head in his hands. “I meant, do you really have a crush on me?”
“Hm?” responded Graydon.
“Ha Ha Ha” said DG Grant.
“No, you’re Riley. I’m Graydon, that’s DG Grant, that's Hank, that’s Tony, and that’s the ghost that haunts the studio!” He repeated.
“Ha Ha Ha” said DG Grant.
“Nevermind. DJ Grant, what’s the next question?” Riley asked.
After shooting the video Dignan rode in on a spinning Little Caesars sign. “Hey slut” he said to Riley, making him blush (he likes to be degraded by Dignan). 
“Sup, Dignan” said Riley bashfully.
“Hi, Dignan,” said Graydon, feeling jealous, “Want a smoke? I got some Marlboro reds”
“Nah, I just came to say hi” he does a kickflip on his sign “see ya”
Graydon then turned to Riley and said, “Wanna hang out tonight at my place?”
 “I’d love to,” said Riley seductively.
“Ok then, see you later,” Graydon said. “Bye everyone”
“See ya” said Riley
 “Ha Ha Ha” said DG Grant.
Dignan stopped Graydon on the way out of the building. “I heard what you said up there while you were shooting that video”
“What? How?” asked Graydon.
“Don’t you dare take Riley from me, he’s MY little pookie bear!” Dignan growled. “I got the whole place bugged you little shit, and don’t you dare try finding them.”
“It was just a bit I swear!” Graydon retaliated.
“Fuck off, I know what you are. Stay in your fucking lane.”
“Fine. I admit. It wasn't just a bit. I love him, and you can't take that away from me.”
“Let’s just wait and see who HE picks then. Is he a Digrider or a ‘Graydonrider’?”
“Fine. We’ll wait and see.”
(i will put this on ao3 when im closer to finished)
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grutadodaibo · 8 months
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So, I decided to rewatch Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated, it's been 3 years since the last time I watched it, by now I am midway season 1, it has been a nice experience, I really appreciate the writers effort for trying to make a plot focused Scooby Doo show while keeping all the tropes the franchise is known for, and I keep wondering why someone at Warner Bros. haven't tried to give it a try on it again (Unless you count HBO'S Velma, but let's not talk about this, we all know how bad this show is).
But one thing that keeps coming back everytime I watch an episode of the series, is how in order for the series to work, the gang needs to be either out of character or very one note. Their dynamic is really weird because you have these two opposing forces on the series where in one hand they want us to root for their friendship and for them to stay together but at the same time when they are together they are this close 🤏 to split up and never see each other's faces again.
I kept remembering the 2002 live action movie where the gang has a similar dynamic, but there they at least have a reason for why they acted like that, they've been together for too long and can't stand each other anymore because every monster they find the same thing keeps happening, that's why they break up and keep acting completly rude and apathetic towards to each other. Here though, there really isn't a reason why, they know each other for a while, have solved some misteries by the time the show begins, but overall, they are just really toxic to each other, the prime example being the way they write Velma and Shaggy's relationship, I know that Tony Cervone has stated that this was because Velma is lesbian in the series, going through a compulsive heterosexual relationship but this is not enough to explain way her relationship with Shaggy is so messed up, with her trying to change how he talks, how he dresses, what he eats and the whole rivalry they pull out of nowhere between her and Scooby, I'm all for Velma being lesbian (Even tho I'm more of the Bi Velma team) but this really isn't the way to do it.
I stil like the show, but we all need to adress criticism when criticism is needed, specially when the show is often regarded as the best piece of midia in the franchise, and that could be a problem for new interpretations of the characters that have the same issues as the ones from SDMI.
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anonymous-tals · 1 year
Happy Pride Month! Here are the silly magicians acting silly and also proud.
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violenceenthusiast · 2 years
ok tony wonder can be bi but gob bluth is definitely gay
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notafunkiller · 26 days
I respect your opinion but I have to disagree about the age part because it is canon in the Mcu that Bucky is over a hundred years old and I could see a friendship/sibling relationship between yelena and Bucky but I’d never hate or send hate to someone sharing their opinion? Can people not share their views with each other anymore? It’s like people don’t want an actual conversation and hearing others takes on things. Which I don’t think they will give Bucky or yelena a relationship it’s never really worked when they have tried to do so in the past the only relationships that work out have been Tony and pepper. Clint and his wife. But also I never got the shipping between male characters when there was nothing but friendship implied and or making characters who were never shown to be in the community (I’m bi I’m in the community). I get wanting representation but I don’t get trying to force that onto characters. Same thing happened on supernatural with dean and cass. Even though Jensen ackles himself has said Dean isn’t gay and they tried to make him homophobic because he didn’t feed into it. There are gay characters so I don’t get pushing it onto characters who aren’t. It just feels icky to me. And girl I loved your theory by the way! I’ve saw your parallel of Bucky and yelena on Twitter and even though I don’t see a romantic relationship between them it shows that they will be able to relate to each other and create a friendship. Bucky should have been in the black widow movie in flash back or something but they never utilized that the black widows and winter solider are connected other than both being with hydra for a time. I know in civil war during the iconic fight scene between Nat and Bucky she says the line “you could at least act like you recognize me” alludes to their shared past. It would have been nice to have seen winter widow onscreen but I’ve never been sure exactly how it would play out. I’m excited for thunderbolts and I was kicking screaming when it was announced Bucky and yelena would be in it. We get to see badass assassins 🥰 they have hated on everything about this movie and made up so many rumors a lot about Bucky dying and I’m like why is that the first thought? He’s one of the originals from the first movies they won’t get rid of him and I won’t be surprised if they don’t try and get Sebastian to sign on for more years especially if the movie does big numbers at the box office. Thank you for being a normal human being in this fandom because it’s gotten exhausting being apart of it so thank you for being an amazing human all love 💗
I totally respect your opinion and it's healthy and normal to have different opinions aboit things. You are wonderfullll 🌸
I have to disagree about the age part because it is canon in the Mcu that Bucky is over a hundred years old and I could see a friendship/sibling relationship between yelena and Bucky but I’d never hate or send hate to someone sharing their opinion?
I understand, but he did not live for 100 years. He barely lived 30+... he was in the cryo or living as a brainwashed puppet for a couple of days per year. He is not a vamoire who lived for 300 years... and she is in a similar situation as him (a bit different, but yeah). I am sure you see my point.
I totally agree about convos! I love having discussions with people who have different opinions... I feel like all parts can grow and learn from it...
And yeses, I rememebr that with Jensen! I was so confused!
Also I believe representation should be made out of love and from the bottom of the writers' hearts when it fits. Making a character gay because it's trendy is so direspectful to the community bc the writers who do it for this reason never write lgbtq+ people right like this. I am so tired of seeing wonderful people being represented in a cliche, not necessarrily realistic way.
And honestly... right/goodnrepresentation in Marvel? No way.
The line in Civil War refers to him shooting a target through her actually (reference to catws - Steve and Nat's talk about the Winter Soldier)
Please, Sebastian's contract was clear so I was not eorrying about him dying in Thunderbolts (unless they make him appear in a different universe in the Avengers movies lmao)
The only rumour I might feel it can be true because the writers have no idea what to do with Marvel overall is kill this branch... this universe and focus on another one and in this way other actors can come back too.
It's lovely to talk to you and thank you too! I love having this conversation and I am also here if you want to discuss more or something else 🌼
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thealexanderfiles · 10 months
lol I’m sure you’re getting a lot of these, but as a once-MCU-only fan turned Marvel-and-DC comics fan, I think I can offer some guidance.
I’m going to answer some of your questions first, then give you some starting point recs.
There are 6 kids that officially have lived in Wayne Manor with Bruce as their parent, Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, Damian, Duke.
Duke is the only one I’m not sure the status on adoption or not, definitely foster at a point, but his parents are technically alive as far as I know, so not sure the adoption legalities there.
Duke is also the ONLY META in the batfamily.
There are 5 robins, you got that and the order right. But, Jason was actually adopted before Dick was, Dick was adopted as an adult- he was legally Bruce’s ward when he lived in the manor, but lbr they were already father and son then.
Minor qualm but yes, Jason did take a dip in magic water (the Lazarus pit) but technically what brought him back to life was an angry fanboy literally punching the universe to the point where it shattered and Messed Things Up (happy to explain more if you want).
Tim Drake did not begin as an orphan, that is correct, but how he became Robin is actually super fun. He as an 8-year-old discovered the identities of Batman and Robin (he recognized Dick Grayson’s Robin do a move only the Flying Graysons were able to do, and put the pieces together from there). He then saw Batman was Not Doing Well mentally after Jason died (aka becoming more aggressive, caring less about his personal safety, etc.) and decided that “Batman needs a Robin” and volunteered himself.
^that could help if you want more in-depth backstories on each member of the family otherwise.
Tim ran WE for some time when Bruce was believed dead, I believe he then became majority shareholder.
Tim, Dick and Jason do not in canon become airheads, and unfortunately Brucie Wayne is more of a fanon thing than a canon thing in the way you are describing it (aka The Superior Way it Should Be in canon). Comic writers treat Brucie Wayne more like an MCU-Tony-Stark-esque playboy.
Cass is the second Batgirl (third if you count Bette but most people don’t), between Barbara and Stephanie. See that link above for more details. She was Black Bat for a time after, and now is Orphan.
The JL actually don’t think Batman works alone! That’s just a fun fanon trope that is not canon compliant.
Yes, any Green Lantern is essentially allergic to the color yellow.
You are so right about the crossovers and You Should Say It.
Tim is Bi!! Iconic and amazing and wonderful of him. Everybody say “thank you, Meghan Fitzmartin.”
The internet is divided because canon is divided. Most will choose to simply ignore bad Batdad, others will argue it’s important to the characters. Personal preference there.
If I’m not mistaken, #OnlyInGotham is a fanon thing.
Sure, I like Australian NYC, but I much prefer New Jersey if it went off the deep end (because Gotham is widely considered to be in New Jersey)
Hit the nail right on the head with Riddler, 10/10.
Batcest can just go away for ever please and thank you.
There’s actually a fascinating history about Deadpool here. Deadpool was created by Marvel in part as a very obvious parody to DC’s Deathstroke. Deadpool is Wade Wilson, Deathstroke is Slade Wilson. I can’t make this up. Comics are awesome.
In the comics, Dick Grayson is primarily associated with Teen Titans, and Tim Drake is primarily associated with Young Justice. Both shows’ original Robins are Dick Grayson, though. (YJ does eventually incorporate the next two Robins as Dick becomes Nightwing).
Batburger is real and canon.
Now for recs:
The most fanon-y way to start is Wayne Family Adventures on Webtoon. That’s how I got started.
To get a more full sense of the DC Universe, watch Young Justice. It deviates a lot from the comics in many respects, but is incredibly comics-accurate in others.
Super Sons is a great comic. It’s about Damian and his best friend Jon Kent, Superboy.
Tom Taylor’s Nightwing is a personal favorite, but wait to start that until you have at least read WFA.
Hope this helps!!
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Oh my god please do I have so many questions
And yes this helped a lot. Do you know where I can watch any of the shows? Bc I know Disney is where u go for marvel, but I've asked around and none of my friends (primarily mcu fans, accept for one singular dc fan who's number I've forgotten) have a clue.
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thewingedwolf · 1 year
my opinion, like many in the fandom, is that Buck has always been a little bi coded, and I think handling it like the way abc handled Rosa Diaz being bi, by simply having Buck drop some information he’s always known about himself but never been comfortable sharing, would be a decent way of handling it. for one thing, having both buck and eddie go through a gay panic thing would be a lot for one season, and maybe a bit repetitive, and I think it would be perfectly in character, while adding a really lovely layer to Maddie & Buck’s relationship, that Maddie has always known Buck was bisexual, and has attempted (maybe awkwardly) over the years to get Buck to be more comfortable with it. I also think it would add a really wonderful layer to Buck and Chim’s relationship (again, to make the b99 comparison bc this is a textbook “if i had a nickel for every time a beloved, diverse show involving police officers got canceled by fox and picked up by ABC bc beloved diverse shows with a really active fan base are their bread and butter i’d have two nickels” situation lol), the same way it was a natural & moving way to have the first person Rosa came out to be Charles, if Chim finds out because Buck needs to talk to Maddie about how he and Eddie had a stress induced make out on Eddie’s couch and then Eddie had a panic attack over being gay, and Chim is there trying to connect the dots of this conversation & be supportive bc Buck is anxiously mumbling while bear hugging Jee in his kitchen. And “Buck has been bisexual the entire time” leaking out to the rest of the 118 has a lot of potential; we know they’re all gossipy & nosy about each other, and Chim is terrible at keeping important secrets, so Hen & Bobby piecing it together from Buck‘s sudden interest in LA Gay Culture & Chim’s nervous stuttering, while Ravi is like “happy that you’re comfortable enough to come out to me Buck but again, i do not need to know this much detail about your personal life” all of this just seems like a very natural, easy way of getting Buck to come out.
and that leaves the Gay Panic storyline to Eddie, lmao. because whether they decide to go with the common fandom idea of “eddie is gay but due to being a really macho dude from Texas, born into a family of very typically ‘we will always love you no matter if you’re straight or choose to be gay’ esque family, has been heavy repressing it all these years” or they decide to make him bisexual, it’s clear that Eddie’s continued wild misses at dating women, panic attacks over the idea of being with a woman, and naming another man as the caretaker of his child in case he dies, that Eddie is primed to have an absolute break down if he ever comes out. Is it very similar to Carlos’ story? Yeah, obviously, but they’re incredibly different people, and more than that, the type of family they come from is incredibly common in this day and age, and whereas we’ve seen the fallout of all the shame that comes with feeling like your parents love isn’t unconditional wrt Carlos, we never saw the initial, badly handled coming out that prompted this break in the Reyes family, and we would be seeing that with Eddie and the Diaz family! not only that, but we have Hen & Toni there to help Eddie (and his parents & pepa & abuelita) through it, to help them handle what are bound to be difficult conversations on Eddie’s history of dating women his family will like that he has minimal interest in, and what happens now that Eddie is once again testing the unconditional aspect of his family’s love.
And that’s not even touching The Bobby And Athena Of It All, from Bobby once again relating to Eddie’s struggles of “what do you do when you feel like the core of who you are has shifted and everyone else is standing still” to Athena having intimate knowledge of the effect of coming out late in life, after you’ve lived a whole life as an ostensibly heterosexual man. We could get a really touching scene between Bobby & Athena and Buck, discussing how this is something he’s always known but it’s just been easier to let it go unsaid even if he knew Bobby and the rest of the 118 would be loving and supportive if he ever came out. Imagine the jokes re: Buck, Eddie, AND Hen being the messiest gays in LA while Ravi is begging them to Say Less.
I think the storyline potential of “Buck and Eddie impulsively make out after a stressful call in ep 1 and then skirt around their feelings for at least half a season” can be really rich, and also kind of in line for how abc has handled a character who got popular for being bi coded, and I’m not saying i trust them to not be cowards about it, but I am saying they shouldn’t be cowards about it.
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Warp Effect Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
The Week of Jojo Part 2 begins. Last week, Army agreed to be the sperm donor for Nim, Mollie and Nim had a good moment during the training for the film that totally left Bew jealous, See-ew stepped out on Liu and ended up arrested for making porn, Liu broke up with See-ew in a scene that was fantastic between Sing and Clize, and Captain beat the shit out of Kat for not wanting to be his partner.
I'm glad we're staring with Kat. What happened to her was upsetting, and I wanted to check on her first.
It's interesting how Kat displays a wide array of feelings here, but annoyance, irritation, and offense come through most strongly.
All of Kat's girls came to check on her, but she doesn't want to be a victim. She is totally right to be frustrated that she was attacked after making her boundaries clear.
So now she'll flirt with Jean (who is apparently bi!) as a tease? I need this to become more than teasing!
I like Jean. Just because something bad happened to Kat doesn't mean she's gonna let Alex back in.
Army is lovesick, and also frustrated that Joe won't switch. So glad we're having frank conversation about the relationship dynamics in gay relationships about sex. Army is right that bottoming is tiring, and doing it all the time is exhausting. I'm curious how they'll explore Joe's reticence about the act. Just don't turn this into Cucumber, because I'll never forgive Russel T. Davies for that.
Alex is the straight guy determined to get his gay friend laid. We've come such a long way.
Cutting between Kim and Nim about the pregnancy tests was a neat touch. Kim's is unexpected, and I don't think Nim is pregnant yet.
I kinda like this plot with Bew. Lesbians can have poorly planned pregnancies, too. Bew may be jealous about Mollie, but the callous attitude about the baby is concerning.
Joe needs to do things away from this school more often, and everyone else needs to stop trying to make Joe talk about gay shit in the locker room of the school he works at.
Ah, Joe is a side. I appreciate that he doesn't like anal sex; I don't think it's required. I also don't like the bar and club scene. I just worry about the self-fulfilling nature of Joe's sense that he doesn't belong anywhere. You have to find your people.
I want to see Silvy whip ass in this film they're working on.
So Bew really left. TRASH. How do you look like Dichen Lachman and let me down like this??
"I remember all of it." Mollie, please never say that to your ex if you're trying to maintain a platonic relationship.
Jean stressing repeatedly that Kim's health and safety is more important than the set is exactly how more places should be. I will accept less shows less often if it means the people making it aren't suffering.
I just don't think the doctor should have told Jean that Kim is pregnant though? Seems like that's private information.
Oh, this is an interesting way for this plot to develop. Jean, who I suspect has had an abortion, doesn't foist that choice upon him. Kim admits she's not ready to start a family, and doesn't believe Ice is either. Kim doesn't hide the pregnancy from Ice, and he immediately rallies to become a dad and parent with Kim, much to her chagrin.
Kat is tough in front of others, but I am not surprised she's nervous in parking garages now.
Gosh, almost every scene has a blue hue to it this week. It's like watching Eyewitness again.
Mmm, unsure how I feel about Kat opening herself up to more with Alex immediately after beginning recovery.
Tony stay shooting his shots with Jean.
Alright, I do think it's important for us to talk about men's health and making sure they actually get it from professionals. However! Army knows Alex is not actually trained as a doctor right now, so what are the ethics here??
This and Between Us acknowledging bathroom stalls as their position in gay sexual history. I wonder if I'll have to write about this at the end of this year.
I get why Army stayed friends with Alex. He's very affectionate for a straight man.
Jojo really loves to fuck with the audience. Kat snuggles in with Alex, considering what it might be like to be serious with him, only for Alex to call out for Jean in his sleep.
I really like the exploration of the sensual potential of outercourse with Army and Joe. With how much BL misrepresents the physical considerations of penetrative sex, this feels necessary.
Also, in terms of the narrative, I like that Army's problem is solved by reconciliation with the first boy he really hurt and reaching equilibrium with him.
This fictional scene of Rose and Liu enabling Kat to curb stomp Captain is making me think of I May Destroy You (2022). I'm feeling a deep surge of complex feelings. Of course, her girls are here to support her.
Love that Kat's problem wasn't solved by choosing a guy.
Oh good, we're returning to Rose and Jedi next week. Not showing him in the bar felt intentional.
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chenfordsrollisi · 4 months
Lack of Bisexuals on TV?
Maybe it's just me, but I feel like there is a lack of bisexual characters on TV. I must not be watching the right shows. Buck on 9-1-1 has recently come out as bisexual and I love it so much. As a bisexual myself, it's nice to see someone who sort of represents me on TV, and in a supportive relationship.
Does anyone have any recommendations of TV shows where there's a bisexual character who has a wonderful storyline? I don't want to sit through sad and angsty stuff. Got enough of that with Willow on BTVS and Clarke on The 100.
The most "recent" characters that I can remember coming out as bi are Angela from Bones, Ashley from South of Nowhere, Chris from S.W.A.T., Sara from Arrow and Legends, Paige from Degrassi, Quentin from The Magicians, Toni from Riverdale, Rosa from B99, and Buck from 9-1-1. I'm sure there were many more, but I simply don't know about them.
Please share shows with me that have wonderful bisexual women and men. I want to spread the love!
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