#bifrost won't forget this
unsat-and-strange · 8 months
lyfrassir edda tried to cut their hair after the bifrost incident. hair and the meaning it holds had been a common thread in the multitude of cultures that comes with 9 inhabited worlds in one star system, and one thing that had been a given in nearly every single one was you don't wear braids when you're grieving. you don't wear rings or ribbons or gems, you don't wear any ornamentation. for a long time it was taboo to even pull it back in a ponytail except for the most strenuous of tasks. and you don't cut it unless you've lost it all. which, of course, they have. so they take a pair of scissors they found in a toolbox and cut the whole tangled mess of it off their head over the sink. it's ragged and uneven and they feel exposed without it, but if this is the only way left to honor their vanished world then so be it. or that's what they thought. that night as they wake from yet another nightmare that leaves them gasping at the brink of tears they feel that familiar weight spilling down their shoulders and back. they don't try again. they do try to forget about it, push it from their mind through sheer force of will but they can't explain it away. and they can't ignore the fact that the gray streaks in their still-long hair grow thicker by the day. and it looks less and less like true gray than a multitude of colors and shades dulled to a neutral tone by sheer numbers. they are changing and it won't let them cut their hair.
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deastrumquodvicis · 3 months
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so. The idea:
Asgard joined the Federation with a "we have our own version of the Prime Directive that applies mostly to technology--especially our faster-than-light travel system, but we'd love to help in this grand alliance you have going on here, it's pretty neat." The Brodinsons joined Starfleet at the same time/together as kind of a duty to a) help foster the alliance, and b) impress Odin. Sif and the W3 joined soon after that, with Heimdall and Valkyrie coming on a little later. Valkyrie has a bit of a Mariner thing going on where she doesn't follow rules she thinks are stupid, but her results are amazing, so she shot up the ranks due to prior experience and proving herself in sticky situations, and wound up the captain of the first Asgardian-crafted Starfleet vessel, which at the moment I'm calling the Bifrost even though that's the name of their FTL drive because I can't think of a better one right now. It's an NX designation largely due to it being the first attempt to merge Federation and Asgardian tech, and usually it works well, but sometimes it needs a little magic to make it communicate.
Thor is the first officer. Asgard was very careful to avoid apparent favoritism (for instance, the crown prince as captain looks kinda bad). And he has a tendency to be a bit quick to hit things (not as bad as Shaxs, but still pretty scrappy).
Loki is their science officer. Following an incident that lead to his court-martial (finding out he was adopted, the resulting breakdown, and boy was that confusing), he was stripped of all rank and would have been kicked out altogether if not imprisoned if it hadn't been for a plea by Frigga to allow him to remain on shift, saying that positive role models found in his own family and friends could probably get him on track again. Plus, he knows the magic involved in the systems better than anyone else. Loki is perpetually annoyed by having to get someone else to operate things because he no longer has clearance. His medical records until recently didn't properly categorize him as being Jotun, just an Asgardian with some genetic anomalies (as Jotunheim is a pre-Warp civilization, technically, Starfleet has minimal data except that which was provided by Asgard.)
Sif is chief of security. She has constant track of Loki's lifesigns (not his combadge because she knows Loki's too sneaky) and is ready to beam him to the brig on her command at any time.
the Warriors Three are the main security detail. Volstagg is also the cook if the replicators aren't talking to the Asgardian systems. Hogun is very proud of being the first Vanir in Starfleet.
Heimdall is both navigations and chief engineer due to how the bifrost drive works.
Sylvie fell out of a temporal anomaly one day, and her definitely stolen mirror-universe Romulan shuttle (renamed the Naglfar) is waiting in the shuttle bay, a bit like how Neelix's ship was always just kind of there if the plot needed it. She's not from the mirror universe...they think? Nobody knows and she won't explain. They just know she's Asgardian, with a magical signature not unlike Loki, even though he's not Asgardian by birth.
A few other characters I didn't include because I thought of them after I finished:
the League of Realms, who have more of a MACO vibe, not technically Starfleet but work alongside them for security in more dangerous missions
random lower decker Light Elves (maybe including their chief medical officer?)
Balder as comms officer? because the comics forget about Hermod and have Balder doing a lot of messenger duty going to and from Nornheim a lot
Korg and Miek. No idea what they'd do, maybe security ensign for Korg, but since Ria is an Asgardian protectorate, it's not too out of place
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haelkio · 5 years
Who you are in the dark
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I just had to draw this quickly because I’m still reeling from your colossal mistake, Kei. I know you love your wife but still aaaaaargh you could have been a bit more patient
This is Telltale game levels of decision-making and you still choose the wrong path smh
edit: I hope that this is just some kind of 4d chess/big brain strategy to get closer to the truth but I’m not getting my hopes up :(
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nixymarvelkins · 2 years
Title : The TVA
Pairing : Loki x Reader
Summary : Y/N is working with Sylvie so all Loki’s have a fair chance at a happy ending, even if that means her misery and death. What happens when she is reunited with her Loki at the TVA?
Warnings : Angst, fluff, idk really not any. 🤷🏻‍♀️
"Come on, we know she knows something. Let my Loki talk to her." Mobius begged Ravonna.
"It's a bad idea but fine."
"What am I looking at?" Loki asked as he watched a girl in Asgard's gardens. She was laying on the ground in a fetal position. He then would see a projection of himself walking around with Sigyn.
"Y/N's time loop cell." Loki looked at Mobius.
"You have had my best friend..." Loki started.
"Don't forget at one point in your future your wife."
"I think you are full of it with that little video." Mobius rolled his eyes in annoyance because Loki truly did seem happy with that result until he died. The reality was that, as far as he knew, his Y/N believed him to be dead and would never fall in love with him. "Why is she here?"
"We don't know. She was under our radar for a while but we have determined that she veered off of the timeline shortly after you let go of the rainbow bridge."
"The bifrost!" You call up from the floor. "You're not invisible or silent." She shot her magic up, only it disappeared before it reached them.
"She's the only one who can use her powers here." Mobius added. "Frankly I am surprised she hasn't tried to escape."
"Let... her... go..." Loki demands through his teeth.
"She knows the variant we are after and she won't budge on their whereabouts." Loki looks down and sees Sigyn and himself all over each other. "In the memory she storms off and you don't notice. And then here you find her asleep in the garden alone. She hasn't moved from that spot since the first the memory played through." Loki watched himself stroke Y/N's hair. He knows what he is saying to her. He's apologizing to her for forgetting her birthday and that he made her third wheel. Telling her how he will make it up to her and of course she isn't even mad at him, for forgetting anyway, and is honestly happy to not be spending all of it alone.
"Why did you bring me to her?" Loki asked.
"To get me to talk. You always were dumb." She said in a joking manner that Loki missed greatly, so much so that he cracked a smile. She had teleported to Mobius and waved cheekily.
"Hey Mobi. How goes it?" She asks playfully.
"Didn't know you could escape from there." He says sarcastically
"Come on... think about who my best friend is." Y/N says with a smirk as she plays along. She looks at Loki with a sad look in her eyes. "But he died... fell from the bifrost." Loki met her gaze with a similar sadness.
"Yeah about that." Mobius started.
"Don't." She pointed at the man furious. "Don't do that. I lost hope a long time ago when I went after him. I escaped some over grown purple grape and..."she smirked a bit and silenced herself.
"Y/N come on I am being serious. Out of everyone here I have not lied nor tricked you." She scoffs.
"I'm still not telling you where they are."
"For what purpose Y/N?" Loki asked interrupting their conversation. Y/N turned to Loki and smiled sadly. "You will suffer here."
"Even so... it's worth it for everyone to have free will and the possibility of Loki's having their happy ending."
On a different planet, in a place called Roxxcart, in the time line a woman by the name of Sylvie began to pace. The storm outside was overpowering.
"Where is she?"
"Boo!" Sylvie jumps and turns to face a laughing Y/N projection. "Sorry I can't escape but they know nothing. Just continue the plan and stop worrying would ya?" Sylvie smirked.
"See ya in a minute." Sylvie stated with a smile.
"Loser. See ya in a minute." The projection ends and Sylvie starts setting everything up in the shop.
"I'm sorry I forgot your birthday Darling..." Y/N groaned in annoyance but it was the only connection that she had to her Loki. She never saw what happened to her Loki for herself for that matter she didn't see what was going to happen to her. She didn't care to. Even if it was only in this memory at least she had her Loki for a bit longer. But this time she wanted to be honest with her feelings because once everything comes into play, she may no longer exist.
"Loki I am in love with you." The fake Loki looked at her in shock and furrowed his brow. "I always have been. I didn't care that you forgot my birthday, I cared that you are with that awful woman and I was just an after thought. I'm upset that you let go at the bifrost and I was left alone to be tortured. I really don't care what happens to me after this but I just want you to be happy." Suddenly fake Loki disappeared and as the memory reset Loki hugged her from behind. He had heard the whole thing. She struggled at first but Loki held her to his chest until she calmed down.
"Darling... it's really me..." Y/N froze, feeling tears spill down her cheeks. She turned into him and began hitting his chest repeatedly.
"You died! You're not him! I watched you fall from the Bifrost!"
"I... I was being tortured by Thanos too..." Y/N's eyes widened. "Listen... I did let go and then after Thanos I tried to take over Midgard with his army..."
"I lost... that's when I was brought here because I escaped the Avengers... Darling I'm so sorry..."
"Loki... please I was tortured with fake versions of you by Maw and now this place... please tell me something only you would know..." Loki looked deep into her eyes and said,
"We have a secret lagoon that none of Asgard knows about. Anyone we dated was never welcomed there. It was always just our place to get away from all of our troubles. My father and Thor. And your mother who was forcing you to be a lady in waiting which we both know you are nothing of the sort. You are the most amazing sorceress I have ever seen, rivaling Mother of course." More tears fell as she understood that it truly was her Loki.
"You're alive..." She said breathlessly. Loki chuckled as she toyed with his hair and examined his face. "Oh Norns you're alive!" She cheered, knocking him over by the sheer force of her embrace. Loki grunted and chuckled as she sobbed gratefully into his chest.
"DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN LOKI FRIGGASON!" Loki smiled brightly as she hovered over him. She was the only one to call him by that last name. He preferred it over Odinson and especially over Laufeyson. She was the one to give him that name when they were children. As he stared up at her, he realized something he never had before. He realized just how beautiful she truly was as her (H/C) hair tickled the sides of his face.
"I promise I won't. But Darling..."
"I see you have found your Loki." Sylvie snarled. Loki didn't look at her but could tell the annoyance in her voice.
"Yes and you're late." Y/N's demeanor completely changed, shocking Loki a bit.
"Well this one figured out my plan and stopped me from getting here sooner. I failed so we need to hurry and get out of here." Y/N looked down at Loki remembering what she confessed earlier and then smiled.
"Come with us Loki... I seriously meant every word I said. I know you don't feel the same but..." Loki stopped her words with his lips on hers.
"Would you hurry up?! They're coming!" Sylvie started messing with her tempad and Loki chuckled.
"Let's go." Loki said as Y/N was still shocked and the three fled the TVA.
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You Are In Love
Loki x Reader
1989, epilogue
"You are in love, true love."
Summary: It's hard to find the one, but even if you do find him it's always going to be a daily struggle to make it work. Can you even make it work after he broke your heart? The answer to that is complicated, but it all started when you found each other again in the stark tower- and that's where our story begins.
Word count: 7,106
Warnings: some angst, some unreliable narrator, fluff, me being a hopeless romantic.
A/N: this is the very end- the epilogue, and it is based on the 1989 deluxe song You Are In Love. I really think this is important to the story despite it being an epilogue because I based some of the things solely because I wanted a scene here to happen, I needed that scene. Okay idk how this got so long, I'm sorry! Also, not me stealing quotes from my favourite book… I cried writing this.
A/N2: thank you to @chrissquares for all the incredible dividers she made for my series, and for @nacho-bucky who beta read it all and managed to put up with me. I appreciate you two so much, I love y'all!
No one is allowed to repost my writing or steal or copy my work! Reblog on tumblr is fine.
Series masterlist
Song on Spotify and YouTube
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The room was dark and silent as you got into bed, playing the same thing that has been in your mind for weeks now. You heard him in your head, and saw him in your mind as you went to sleep. It hasn't been long since you first saw Loki, but he plagued your mind. Being asleep did not make him go away. You shut your eyes.
The wind felt cold on your skin but your palm was warm as he held you close. When you looked down you found yourself in a dark golden gown, a smile spread on your lips when you looked into his eyes and he took you to dance with him. You saw nothing but him as he twirled you around, your surroundings did not matter as the whole world stood in silence, the two of you were only focused on each other. You were wonderstruck, dancing around with him and looking at his bright blue eyes, you prayed he won't let you go. He only held you lightly with the palm of his hand and the arm around your waist but you felt enough.
He whispered in your ear terms of endearment and you could feel yourself blush. He twirled you around and out of his reach. You danced around all alone, until you turned around and saw Loki sitting on the back of a car, his hand inviting you. You felt your confusion go away as you climbed up to sit next to him, your jeans barely touched his black pants. Then he talked to you.
"Do you remember?" You heard his voice say to you and you turned your head.
"What?" You sat there when Loki talked to you.
"Look up." You heard his voice say to you and you turned your head up and looked at the stars, and your shoulders brushed. A shudder of warmth coursed through you as you saw the brightest star in the sky. You turned your eyes on Loki and the lights turned out.
You woke up in a shudder, heaving, you looked at the clock that mocked you. 1:58.
You turned to the other side of the bed and hoped sleep would take you quietly this time.
Loki walked along the bifrost, his heart was beating and racing, it didn't matter how many times he visited Heimdall, he was still anxious for his answer every time.
"Heimdall," Loki greeted the guardian.
"Prince Loki, are you going to ask the same question every time?" Heimdall looked over at the distressed prince. He remembered seeing him, when he was so young, so happy when he snuck him out at night so he can go to see the human woman he fell so hard for. He remembers Loki coming back in the morning with a smile on his face that he has never seen on him before; he remembers the young innocent prince showing him the necklace he carved especially for you, with his insignia on it; he remembers him being hopeful for the future- with you.
"I just want to know how she is."
Now he is an idiot.
"Just like she was the last time you asked me." Loki merely nodded, looking down on the ground. Heimdall waited for him to ask the other question he always asked.
"Is she- is she seeing someone?" Loki kept his eyes down, he held his breath.
"No." Heimdall tried to comfort the prince but he knew the answer won't do. Loki nodded to him, he never knew if he liked the answer or if he wanted you to find someone and be happy even if it is without him.
"Is she happy?"
"Yes, she is. She is happy and content," Heimdall stepped forward and put a hand on Loki's shoulder. "But it's been four years- don't you think there is a reason why she is still alone?"
"She just hasn't found-"
"She won't find someone who will make her happy like you did."
Loki refused to be selfish like he was in the past with you. Now that he understood what you asked him all those years ago at sunset, he refused to destroy your peace. Yet, he refused to forget you.
"However, your highness, she will not be available forever." Loki finally looked up at him, "and forever is not a lot of time for mortals."
"Then what am I to do about it?" Loki has told Heimdall a great deal about you, he never told his mother about you but since Heimdall was the only one who knew- Loki conversed with him after you had a fight, gushed to him about new midgardian stuff you taught him, and Loki knew that he didn't have to hide you from him.
"Do not sabotage your own happiness, it is not a selfish act if both of you will be happy from it. She will be happy to see you again, I can see that." Heimdall looked into the prince's eyes and hoped he could bring some sense to him.
He almost missed the way his eyes shone for just a moment, before the prince turned away to go back to the palace.
"Thank you, Heimdall, truly." Loki turned to him briefly before turning once again.
He wasn't as uncertain as he thought he would be; he pondered as he made his way across the rainbow bridge.
You woke up yet again alone, another sleepless night made you long for something you didn't have, leaving you tired. You reluctantly got out of bed, closing the curtains and concealing daylight and opting instead to turn on the lights. You had a long day ahead of you, so you shook the blue eyes that haunted you from your mind, you could almost see them in the shadow at the corner of your room.
It was just a trick of the light. You checked.
You walked out the door, not before taking a double look at the apartment, it was empty but… it felt wrong. You could almost see a silhouette, you must have been losing your mind, you thought, as you turned out the lights and walked to work. But right before you closed the door you sneaked one last glance, and you could still see it with the lights out.
Work had been tedious, Pepper was busy which meant that so were you, but at least you amused yourself in your breaks. Seeing the competitive supersoldiers spar on the mat sure could bring a smile to your face any day.
You weren't lonely by any means, you were happy with your new family that seemed to adopt you the moment you got the job, you were happy with your job, but from time to time you couldn't help but feel… hollowed. Something was not quite right, something was missing and you couldn't figure it out. Sure, you didn't have a boyfriend but that wasn't it. Every guy that hit on you just seemed wrong, you didn't feel the need to get one. You were satisfied and happy… was that enough?
You buttoned your coat to shield you against the autumn chill as you went back home. Happy suggested driving you, Tony basically commanded it but you sneaked out as he was arguing with someone on the phone, waving Happy goodbye as the elevator doors closed. You felt like walking today.
Autumn air swept past you as you walked, you looked through store windows at the TV, one reporter was talking about how there were sightings of the evil god of mischief. You stood there and stopped to look at it, could you have missed him? You remembered when you saw him at the Avengers Tower- when you first met him at the Tower- he left too soon, you fixed yourself in your own mind and watched as the reporter showed pictures after rambling about how dangerous it is.
Your heavy chest breathed again when you saw the photos- Steve's hair has not been like that in years, this was not recent. You shook your head and continued walking.
You remembered when he passed by you, you remember the chill of him that for some reason gave you warmth. And now in the cold weather you could feel it all over again on your way home. You could imagine it, and it was so real there, him being on your left, you could almost feel him breathing on your neck.
You opened your eyes and looked over your shoulder. He wasn't there.
Long story short, you were sure you were going insane- having an unexplainable crush on a god you met once upon a time, what was it? Four year ago? You hoped your mind would stop listening to your heart this one time.
You met him one time, you talked a bit before he passed by you, meeting him was rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky- that is what you told yourself at least, when days passed and you remembered him but you didn't see him again.
You shook your head again, shaking him away, you were just chasing shadows and there was no point in that. You knew that and wished logic would calm your racing heart.
Loki stepped into the Allfather's throne room and dismissed all the other Asgardians that were there.
"My son, what are you doing?" Odin rose up before he saw the look on Loki's face and with a raised interest he sat down as Loki went up the golden stairs.
"I have a request, it is important to me."
"And you came to ask me to grant it?" Odin raised a brow and studied the god of mischief, doubtful with every moment that went by. This sure is intriguing.
"I am afraid you are the only one that will be able to fulfill my wish." Loki's thoughts were still messy in their silence, scattered in ways he didn't try to collect. He thought about it the whole way to the palace. Even when he was satisfied here, and when he and Thor became true brothers after everything went down… it still wasn't home. It isn't home- it never was since he met you.
"Well do tell me what made you so desperate that you came to me?" Loki took a breath in.
"My love." He breathed out.
"The mortal midgardian girl?" Odin seemed to understand the situation. He never thought it would come from Loki, he never thought anyone would come to him for it, especially not the prince. "What would you want me to do?"
"The one thing only the Allfather is capable of doing." Loki lifted his head up and looked at his father with determination. He was certain with his decision.
Loki walked the rainbow bridge feeling different and yet the same all at once- he felt new. But with one weight lifted, another dread took its place.
Heimdall nodded at him with a small smile and Loki found himself returning it, it reminded him of the first night he came back to Asgard after meeting you in Midgard. Heimdall always knew from the start.
He stepped into the Avengers Tower, knowing that by this hour you were probably back at your apartment- at home. He stepped into the living room and found the witch, the billionaire, and the captain there sitting around on the several couches.
"Captain," The god nodded to him in recognition. He wasn't quite sure what to say.
"What are you doing here?" the god walked around to stand in front of the three avengers.
"I've come to a decision."
"I used to want the Throne, father." Loki continued, "The very one you are sitting on, or the one I'd put on Midgard. As the rightful heir to the throne, and as the King of Jotunheim, I deserve that.
"I was born for it- and so, I used to want the throne. I used to think myself superior to everyone in the nine realms, the mortal midgardians out of all… that was until I met her, my love. When you met your love, father, it didn't change you. You caused ruin and shed blood and now you are sitting on a throne built on that in a world that now I am fit to rule." Loki did not let the Allfather speak in between. He deserved this, he knew that now.
"During the time you were away and under my spell, I made Asgard prosper… look how well it all turned out," he chuckled bitterly. "I used to want the throne but now I realize I just wanted to be acknowledged for my abilities, for my wit, instead of being shadowed to the side- all because you decided to pick up a baby and use it as political gain only to find it useless." Loki took a breath to close his eyes, he remembered it all, he remembered the day he found out about it all, about his glorious purpose his father planned for him.
"And Then I met my love, and she saw everything- all of that-inside me already without me having to prove it to her. She made me realize that I have nothing to prove to you- an abuser who calls himself king.
While Thor is my brother, and I acknowledge that I still am both Odinson and Laufeyson, this is not the home I thought I could make it out to be… by fixing everything else and making the people love me, fear me, acknowledge me. Even when my mother was here, I was not able to be fully myself, not here, not like I was whenever I'd sneak out of Asgard to be with her." Loki smiled, thinking about all of your moments together.
"Those were the sole moments where I felt what a home should feel like- though I never had anything to compare it to, and you made me think that somehow I should be grateful for you- for taking me here instead of dying in the cold, even though you were planning to use me as bait to gain advantage on your opponent.
Then I found her and she warmed her way into my heart and despite it all she still loves me and cares for me and I know that if I ever had a home… it wasn't on Jotunheim or here with my brother- it was with her: In a small apartment in Midgard, surrounded by mortals.
"And so, yes I am the rightful king of Jotunheim and a prince of Asgard, god of mischief… but I also have a home waiting for me in Midgard and I also am in love. And only now I realize all I want I can get, which is the home that I gave up on all those years ago- trying to make this home better. I don't want the throne anymore.
"So now, now I choose her."
"You decided to come back?" The witch leaned forward and asked him, he was about to nod when the captain spoke up.
"What about you saying that you want her to have peace?" Steve crossed his arms and rose up, "You said that as a god you won't be able to give her a peaceful life?"
"Yeah what changed in the last few years?" Tony continued sipping on his drink, casually looking over at the god with an arched eyebrow.
"Well, I came to a few realizations about her and myself which is why I am here now." Loki started, "now I can be what she needs me to be, if she will take me back."
"She still thinks of you, her thoughts are so loud sometimes." Wanda smiles at him, he is still wary with her after she saw inside of his mind. "How did you change then?"
"Well," Loki took a breath. "The ruling god, the Allfather, has the ability to revoke the immortality of a god. And so- I asked my father to take away my immortality."
They stared at him in silence, one in disbelief, one studying him, and one confused.
"So now if I stab you, you will die?" Stark asked and the god rolled his eyes.
"The Asgardian gods were never immortal, we are almost immortal, so even if you had stabbed me before I could have died- I however doubt you would have managed to do any harm to me." Loki dismissed the small man.
"Wait, what about your… magic?" Steve asked and one shrug later an identical Captain America stood in front of him, smirking.
"Patriotism, Justice, god bless America!" Loki shapeshifted back to himself before continuing, "I still have my magic, powers, and the rest of the qualities as the god that I am- that make me way above all of you- I am just not as immortal, and I will be able to live with her properly."
"So, you are like a supersoldier." Steve nodded in understanding, and Loki smiled slightly.
"Yes, but a lot more powerful and better."
Steve shook his head but let out a small laugh.
"So when are you going to see her?"
"Well, I think I wasted enough time already." Loki let out a chuckle, and he didn't even bother hiding the excitement in his blue eyes.
Loki hoped his excitement, as well as his nervousness, were hidden- he gave up using illusions around you a long time ago, and it was very long ago but he didn't want to use them now. This time he was going to make it right.
It was weird, not having unlimited time anymore. But his doubts about the decision stopped when you opened the door after hearing his soft knocks.
Your eyes were beautiful, they always were but he missed them terribly, now they were filled with a mix of confusion and excitement. He couldn't help the slight smirk that slipped out across his lips- at least he still had that affect on you.
You had a hard time processing who was at your doorstep, but you could already feel the butterflies blooming in your stomach. So long trying to suppress your weird crush. It seems to be inevitable now that he showed up years later.
When you saw his smirk you realized you must have been staring at him longer than you should have.
"Loki?" his name tasted weird on your tongue, you couldn't place the little spark that flew in your mind, making your head ache a bit.
He brought his hands up and with a light green glow he held blooming flowers in his hand.
"May I come in, love?" you could barely speak with the way his blue eyes shone, like moonlight against the darkness of the night like the suit he wore.
You nodded and stepped back to let him in.
You were certain that when he walked past you and handed you the flowers he had a certain glow to him, like an aura that was visible to the naked eye, it both calmed you down and overwhelmed you, so you looked away.
"These are my favourite, how did you know?"
He turned to look at you and you couldn't help but blush, wonderstruck at the little whispers you could almost hear his eyes hold, a silent question. You couldn't answer.
"I have magic, did you forget, dear?" Loki smiled when you locked the door and turned back to him. "I can read minds."
You laughed, and what a sound it was.
"That's bullshit, I didn't think about flowers now. Can you read what I'm thinking now?" you raised a brow at him, happy to call him on his bluff- you hoped it was a bluff, you'd rather the earth swallow you alive than if he could know what you're thinking while he is here.
"You are wondering what I am doing showing up at your door close to midnight." He took a step towards you. He wasn't wrong. "A little birdie told me."
You let out a nervous chuckle when you saw him standing closer now, but it turned to anger when you understood his words.
"Steve told you?" you went around him contemplating how to kill Steve, Natasha owed you a favor after all; you muttered, "That son of a bitch…"
Loki figured he will go with your answer, it is the easier answer. You came back shortly with a vase and the flowers in the water in it.
"Do not fret, those flowers are special, they have an enchantment on them so they will not die."
At least you didn't have to worry about that, he was so considerate and normal that you almost forgot about the odd situation.
"Why are you here?" You asked and clasped your hands in front of you.
"You told me to come to you if I ever plan to take on the planet again, so here I am." He smiled at you such an honest smile, and you didn't even know why he was so happy, but you knew that smile will linger in your mind like a tattoo kiss. It was so tempting to look at his lips for longer and imagine to yourself what his kiss would taste like. "If I'm honest, you've left quite an impression on me the last time we met."
"Oh?" you hoped the heat in your cheeks was not visible, you bit your lip. "Can I trust the god of mischief to be honest?"
"Of course you can, just trust me." His serious look contrasted your playful one.
"Why do only the untrustworthy people say that?" you mused and smiled at him, hoping to ease whatever tensions you felt brewing in his mind.
"Well, love, that is because the people that you know you can trust don't need to say it." He looked at his shoes and you took the time to really admire him now that he was up close and real.
"Well then, I guess you don't need to say it." You found pride in how he lifted his head and a sly smirk took over. "Do you want something to drink?"
If he was here, after all those years of only imagining him, you could ignore the odd situation just so you could make him stay a little longer this time.
"I'd like that, thank you." You invited him to your kitchen as you made yourself some tea.
"What would you like?"
"Coffee is good." He wondered how far he could take it with you, letting a gentle glow almost reach you when you turned around and he stopped.
"Coffee at midnight?" you questioned him, "Okay, what kind of coffee do you like?"
"I am a god, love, it doesn't affect me the way it affects you," he laughed when you rolled your eyes. "Pick whatever you think I would like."
You nodded at him with a shy smile. You turned away from him and made his coffee as he sat around you at the isle. You felt little tickles in your brain then. You tried to shake them off somehow but when they got stronger you winced at the slight headache.
"Are you okay, love?" god, you were already getting used to the pet name he gave you.
"Yeah, just a headache- nothing tea cannot fix." You laughed and turned back to him and the headache was gone, you couldn't help but wonder if he used his magic to heal your headache. It would be stupid to assume that though, so you stayed silent and took a sip of your tea. You gave him his cup of coffee and your hands brushed- it was one touch but you felt enough to know that he will linger on your skin.
"So tell me," you broke the silence that took over as he kept looking at you with soft eyes. He hummed and urged you to continue, "How can I help you take over earth? Where do we start?"
He laughed and you promised yourself to make sure he will laugh again. And you wanted to hold him, but you held back that urge and relished his familiar- no, comforting presence as you talked through the night.
From there you saw Loki around more, at work or when he would invite himself into your house at night or during your day off. You fell so easily into routine with him, he filled the space in your life that used to be vacant, you never really noticed it until he had to go to Asgard for a month to deal with a meeting. He made up for it when he came back though, walking you home that night and the next night, and the one after that…
It did nothing to sooth your crush on the god, it increased it if anything. Whenever you saw him, he would sooth the headaches you were getting lately, you could almost feel the gentle almost featherlike caresses of his magic- it had to be his magic, even if he never said anything, you saw it in his eyes.
You managed to handle it until he followed you around at work- and you were surprised when the Avengers did not even comment on it or flinch.
"You look lovely as ever, my love," he picked the necklace on your neck and your breath hitched at his closeness and the way his fingers brushed your chest and throat, "Always a sight to behold."
"Oh, Loki," you always stammered at his compliments that he shamelessly threw at you, "you're so sweet thank you, I- I have to go now, I need to go to Pepper- I have work, yes work."
You cringed to yourself as you turned around and down the hallway, only to shriek in surprise when Loki suddenly materialized in front of you, causing you to fall… almost.
Loki caught you just before you hit the ground, with a hand around your waist and the other holding your hand and bringing you upwards to him. You didn't dare say a word.
"You know that with a beauty like yours Asgardian princesses could never compare- and for your steadiness I'm certain I could teach you Asgardian ballroom dancing- to help you, of course."
As if it couldn't get worse, your cheeks were heating up, and you were caught in his eyes before he thankfully let you go.
"I assure you I am steady and not clumsy, a person appearing in front of me would catch anyone off guard!" you laughed it off.
"I am not a person, dear, I am a god." At the intense look in his eyes you clutched your hands to your side, holding in a gasp you just nodded and went around him to try and get work done.
If Pepper noticed anything, she didn't comment on it.
As the days went on, he became bolder and bolder and you couldn't deny that you loved him courting you this way and knowing that he only has his eyes on you. On some days he was bolder, on others you took the leap to get closer to him when you noticed he was having a bad day, and sometimes he would be so gentle with you the genuine way of it made your heart soar.
It was all gentle touches and intense eyes that you still saw when you closed your eyes in the dark of the night. It was the slowest build up that made you feel like he was always there with you, whether it was in your heart or soul or body, it surrounded you in warmness you didn't know you missed.
And then he asked you out, as you showed him your favourite spot in the park. He just laughed and smiled at you and when you asked why he held your cheeks and asked you out on a date. He wanted it done properly.
So now you stood at your home in your best dress- it was green, you found it in your closet and you liked how it matched the colour of the shirt he often wore.
The doorbell rang so you looked in the mirror one more time, seeing the dress and the necklace he seemed to love. You looked around the dimly lit room and the set table and once you were sure everything was ready- you opened the door.
And there he was in all his glory, you couldn't have stopped the smile you shone at him even if you tried, he seemed to have that affect on you. You could see royalty on him, you could feel it, even when he stood there with a simple black suit.
"Hello dear," he looked you up and down, remembering another night you wore this very same dress, only you didn't wear that necklace, not yet. "You look ravishing."
"As do you, I really like this suit on you." You brushed your hand on his chest, straightening the tie. "Come on in."
Loki stepped into the room, appreciating the memories he has of all of your date nights, even those that you had before the two of you got together. He appreciated every single one of them.
Then he once again looked at you, the candles giving you a glowing aura, making you shine and his breath left him speechless.
The light reflected the chain on your neck, the one he gave you all those nights ago, that faithful night.
"Loki? What are you hiding there?" you laughed at him as you tried to circle him and see what he was clasping behind his back. Only to see green lights as he made whatever it was disappear with a smug smile on his face. "Hey that's not fair!"
He put his hands on your hips and pulled you to him as you tried, and failed, to stay stern.
"You are dating a trickster, love, you brought this on yourself." He laughed at you as a giggle escaped you before you again tried to drop the smile that gave away your true emotions. "It's your fault that you love me!"
His laugh stopped when he saw the wondering look in your eyes and he realized what he had said. Then he backed away from you.
Shaking his head, he laughed it off before putting on a smile that you knew was a cover for his true emotions. He pulled out a golden box, you had never seen something like this before. You knew he was distracting you but chose to let it go- for now, at least.
He looked at you with gleaming eyes, urging you on as you held it and opened it.
You caught your breath when you saw a golden necklace laid inside it. It was fairly simple, but it was golden and even had a glow around it. The pendant of the necklace was a simple circle that held a weird S shaped symbol on it. You looked at Loki as he took it out and held it in his hand.
"What is it, Loki?"
"That, my love, is my symbol. Two snakes circling each other, biting each other's tails, and in a way- they symbolize me."
"That is beautiful, Loki, thank you." You traced the symbol delicately- it was intricate but you could tell it was hand carved. You let him put it on you.
"This way, you will have a part of me wherever you go."
You held back tears and tuned around to face him, jumping in and hugging him close.
"You were right before, you know, I've been meaning to tell you this anyway." You pulled back only by an inch but he went and sat on the couch, so you went ahead and sat on his lap, letting his arms circle you.
"What do you mean?" he asked nervously.
"I love you."
Norns, he was so afraid to tell you back then, but now he wasn't afraid, and all he had to do was wait. He was willing to wait until you were ready, he hoped the light spells he had been casting were doing their work well, he hoped it won't be long.
You woke up in your bed, smiling at the golden daylight, you turned around and reached for the other side of the bed, happy to see Loki was still asleep.
It was rare to see him like this- peacefully sleeping. You lightly traced his face, careful with the light bruises he came home with. They were already healing but you still didn't like seeing them. You convinced Loki to let you clean them up, he argued about how he is a god, and yet he let you do it anyway.
"Good morning, beautiful." He murmured, still half sleeping, he grasped your hand in his and kissed the inside of your wrist.
"Good morning, handsome." You smiled at him. "You said I have you for the week, right?"
"I'm all yours, my dear." He pulled you closer now, "I have a few ideas on how to spend these days…"
You laughed and let him kiss you, you were just happy to have him home.
It was a few hours later that morning that you got out of bed, groaning at your sore muscles and chuckling to yourself at the smell of the burnt toast, it was only Sunday.
You put on his shirt and stepped outside to the kitchen.
"Will you ever not burn the toast?" he shrugged at the comment but didn't reply as he tried to break an egg into the pan.
"This is ridiculous." He grumbled to himself. "After all this time and I still don't get it."
"You didn't try to do this that long." You chuckled as he finally gave up and used his magic. "You have only been here with me for like half a year now."
"Right," he fixed himself, quickly coming back to you and serving you your breakfast the way he remembered you used to like.
"Thanks, Loki." You kissed his cheek as he sat next to you. "But how about you take the first bite?"
You bit your tongue to stop yourself from smirking.
"Now, darling, there is no need for that."
"Sure there is, I'll be very amused." You laughed at the look he gave you and how he tickled your side.
"I am not amused."
"You know, for an Asgardian you sound so British."
"False, English people sound like Asgardians." He pointed a fork at you before he ate from your breakfast, you joined in only after he approved of it to your surprise.
You sipped on your tea, sighing at the perfect morning you got to enjoy. That was when you realized that you are in love. In love with a god. You read books after you met him, you knew that this wouldn't last.
"How are your bruises? They seem to be healing okay, do they hurt?" you brushed away a strand of hair out of his face.
"I told you, darling-"
"I know, I know, you're an immortal Asgardian god, you can handle wounds like these." You laughed and hoped he wouldn't see through it. That was the one sentence from the book you read that haunts your brain. It made you remember a sunset, but you've never been with Loki to a sunset, maybe you should go sometime.
"Actually, Asgardian gods are just almost immortal. But I am not immortal anymore." He said, sensing your anxiety, hoping that this information will make it all okay, hoping you will realize that this will last.
"What? Why not?" you should not be delighted by the news, you should be worried of him getting hurt now.
"I decided to give up my immortality, while I still am a god and I assure you I am just as strong as I was before," he took your hand in his and looked into your eyes. "I decided that I want a better, more peaceful, life."
"But why would you-" you shook your head.
"I had my reasons." He kissed the back of your hand,
You nodded to him and looked away, a sinister kaleidoscope of butterflies of hope rose in your stomach.
Maybe some things last forever after all.
"I am both terrified and excited." You held onto Loki's arm for support, praying to any god out there that you won't mess it up and stumble.
The gown you were wearing was golden, with a dark glimmer to it, Loki was matching you in his royal suit in black, green, and gold. Loki finally took you to a ball a year into your relationship, you asked to celebrate it here and he complied
Asgard was beautiful, though you were getting a bit lightheaded from it all, it got worse when you entered the ballroom.
"I told you." Loki leaned in to whisper to you as you took in the scenery.
"You are more beautiful than any Asgardian princesses in their best dresses." Heat rushed to your cheeks at the compliment, remembering when he so casually said it to you at the tower.
Loki remembered the night he taught you to dance, the one he finally kissed you and told you those same words.
Loki made sure to keep you away from Odin, and put an armor of magic around the two of you, hoping it would ease your headaches. And then you danced in your own little world, around and around until you got tired and Loki took you home.
Half a year later you were going to sleep, Loki was right there beside you, holding you close to him as you laid your head on his chest.
"Goodnight, my love."
"Goodnight… I love you."
"I love you too." Your lover kissed your head and then as you closed your eyes you felt the same tingles in your brain that you started to get whenever you went to sleep or even when you went to work.
Soon enough you fell asleep and your dreams took you along.
You wandered along places with Loki beside you. You were there with him on a high hill, staring at the sunset. "I'll treasure this moment forever." You heard him tell you but you didn't hear him- no, it was something else. You smiled at him and suddenly you were in your apartment, and you were smiling as he kissed you, you saw two paper airplanes flying around and he said- talked to you. "I told you my way was better." You heard yourself laughing at him and felt yourself bringing him back to a kiss. You were there with him as you ran through the trees until you stopped and climbed up, where was this again? "Come on, Loki, I now a place we won't be found." You giggled to him- no- you heard yourself giggling. Was this a dream anymore? With the growing headache this must be a nightmare. Since when do you have vivid dreams like this? Your apartment looked different as you danced around it with Loki. "I bet you'll look just as beautiful in an Asgardian dress. Like a true Asgardian goddess." But no- he couldn't have told you that there. You felt ecstatic as he leaned in to kiss you right there, it's your first kiss. No, it wasn't. You felt it all, you knew this was inevitable. Did you know that? Your head was spinning as you saw that golden necklace you found in your drawer. "It has my symbol on it, two snakes circling each other," biting each other's tails. No, you must have read it somewhere. Then you walked towards the spot in the park that you loved, at least that was familiar. "You will get a cold if you keep sitting in the rain, don't you have an umbrella?"Loki looked at you, he seems so much younger, you got shivers from his blue eyes. Your head hurt more and more, you didn't know where you were. All you felt was confusion. You saw the bifrost and there you saw the man with the golden eyes greeting you, he knew you- he knew everything. Did you know? "Do you remember?" Loki came home to you, with a fake smile which turned real when he said "I love you." He loved you. In Asgard yet again, why were you saying goodbye? "Promise you'll get me back, Loki." And then he bowed- but you already knew he was going to do that, the dream didn't have to tell you- "I'll see you around, my love." You remembered.
"I'm going to miss you, even if I won't know it." You did miss him, you missed him all along.
You waked, shot up from Loki's grip, with a hand over your mouth. You could hear the hushed whispers of memories in the silence of the bedroom; you could feel him on the way home even when you had nothing but his necklace; you could see it all now in a kaleidoscope of memories playing with the lights out. You were in love with him- you were in love with him over and over again. You never stopped loving him.
Now you saw it all: yes Loki was your lover, but before that- a lot of things happened before that, he was your best friend.
Loki woke up to the strange look on your face, rising up to be face to face with you. You paused before looking at him and he teared up at what he saw.
"You're my best friend." He saw you- his love- and now you saw him. And he knew what it was, you came back to him.
He took you in and held you close in a hug, laughing as tears ran both of your faces.
"So, 1989." He brought you in for a chaste kiss.
"It's been 1989 days since the last time you remembered me." You chuckled.
"Took me that long?"
"It felt like an eternity." You tentatively caressed his cheek.
"Why did you give up eternity for me?" you asked him and he laughed as if it was obvious.
"The only way to survive eternity is to be able to appreciate each moment- and I couldn't do that, not without you." He pressed a kiss to the palm of your hand, "and now- now I get to spend my eternity with you."
You leaned in to kiss him once more, savoring it, you knew: You were ready to fall in love with him all over again.
You lost each other, but you found each other again, and somehow that was everything.
Tags: @ayybtch @buckys-other-punk @chaoticpete @madcrazy50 @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @the-departed-potato @rogerrhqpsody @onceupona-happilyeverafter-love @percabethismyotp14
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rel-ish · 4 years
once again thinking abt that moment pretty early on in the bifrost incident when thor is arguing with odin abt how she ruined loki's mind for her own benefit and he says "loki deserved to die in her right mind" meaning she deserved to die peacefully more than she deserved to live in the state she's in now, where she can't remember her wife or her loved ones and she doesn't know who she is anymore (portrayed in how angry and upset she sounds when she says "but if that was me, then who the fuck am i?") and then that moment when loki and thor pass each other in ragnarok iii and he tells her "die in peace" because "perhaps that's enough" and she does because this time she's dying for a reason and at least she's with her wife now and she still knows that she loves her even if she couldn't remember who she was at first because of odin and she tells sigyn that she won't forget her this time and
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sadmages · 4 years
That ask about tma maybe ending like the bifrost incident made me think about loki/sigyn and jon/martin parallels... imagine Jon and Martin with the lines "I won't forget" "I won't leave you, this time" ;-;
at least :]  they can die together :]
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stainedglassthreads · 3 years
💢 Magnus Archives and 🎥 The Bifrost Incident
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
A brief list of fave scenes:
-The Missile Two/Mistletoe pun.
-Exclusive to the live version but 'And then they all died. Cosmically and horribly.' and 'We just happen to come across a lot of tragic situations where everyone dies. Obvious there ARE stories where people live but we just... choose not to tell them.' 'Yeah, 'cause they're boring.' 'Yeah.'
-'And then she sees Loki. And all the hardness and misery falls away in an instant.'
-Losing Track, where they're all singing their motifs that were introduced earlier and it's glorious.
-There's been so little time to share. We've always had our loads to bear. I won't forget, I won't leave you, this time. This time.
-Goodbye my love, yet shed no tears. The lives we've shared have brought us here. I will stay by your side, I'll hold on through this time, this time.
And let us not forget:
Y'ai ng'ngah Yog-Sothoth h'ee l'geb f'ai throdog uaaah
Ogthrod ai'f geb'l-ee'h Yog-Sothoth ngah'ng ai'y zhro
Y'ai Yog-Sothoth...
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
I do not like that you've not yet finished it and I cannot talk about THINGS--
In all seriousness I'm still a bit disappointed that my idea for the ending was never really... a thing. I think it could have been entirely plausible with how the world works.
Spoilers for TMA season 5 and finale but--
Okay so
1) We've established people can pass through the rift in the house at Hill Top Road completely safely and arrive in other worlds
2) We've established that it is possible for Melanie, Georgie, and Jon to remove people from their domains, the big issue is travelling with too large a group attracts attention
3) We've established that, if there are no more people in the world, the Fears will eventually starve and die
4) We've established that the Fears cannot travel through the rift on their own, and that in a world without the Fears, their avatars do not have powers.
So why not take the people of this world and bring them through the rift as refugees to other worlds, one at a time? It'd take decades and not everyone would survive, yes. People would be displaced in an unfamiliar world with no home, job, or connections, and a hell of a lot of trauma, yes. But it feels... a lot more optimistic than the other two options... Even if it's nowhere near a perfect solution and will be very hard and there's still a lot of suffering, it's slowly improving things, and makes a difference to some people. It feels more hopeful.
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lokihzra · 3 years
My Heart’s On Fire For Your Love
Chapter 7: I don’t have a voice
Summary: Only a lucky few happen to find their soulmates. It was so rare that it became a myth. So why did Tony find an L on his wrist a couple hours after Loki threw him out a window and why did he agree to Loki and Thor moving in the tower?
Tony couldn’t deny his heart shattering in his chest, the shards cutting open his lungs in the process. He wanted to freak out, he wanted to yell, yell at Thor for not knowing, he wanted to go to Asgard and poke out Odin’s good eye but he didn’t, instead his eyes well up with tears as he mumbles out “what?”
Tony didn’t think one name would make him sober up completely. Like that time he was wasted after promising Pepper he would stop drinking and she fucking caught him. He sobered up in an instant at her pained expression, now they’re broken up all because of alcohol.
“yep” Loki hums before sitting back down and going back to his book, completely ignoring Tony’s presence like he was never there.
“why? why the fuck would he do this to you?” Tony asks a bit louder, not caring that his voice shakes because Loki doesn’t fucking do anything other than flip a page of his book “Loki why would he do this to you?”
No reaction.
“it wasn’t because of the invasion right?” Tony can’t help but ask “I mean he’s your da-“ Tony tries to make sense of why Odin wouldn’t do this but Loki catches him off guard by interrupting him.
“he’s not my father”
“I know but he raised you-“
Loki speaks louder this time “raising me does not make him my father, loving me and caring for me would make him my father and he’s never done either”
Tony frowns because that’s the exact reasoning he uses to disown Howard before he snaps out of it and realizes this is what Loki wants, to distract him from the real reason he’s here “Jesus you really do know how to use your tongue” Tony states “I almost forgot what we were talking about”
Loki sighs loudly, looking back at his books he says “I hate that you’re intelligent”
“well thanks and I hate that you actually live up to Silvertongue”
Loki looks up at Tony through his eyelashes “you have no clue Stark” Loki says lowly, his tone suggestive and it almost works as Tony's mind flickers over the possibilities.
He’s smarter than Loki thinks, he knows Lokis game “don’t flirt with me to try and make me forget about the fucking cuts all over your back from Odin”
Loki sighs loudly, placing his book on the bed beside him, Loki really does not want to say anything but Tony is fucking persistent and he could use this to his advantage. “promise not to tell Thor”
Tony frowns at that “he’s your brother”
“he’ll tell my mother and my sister and it will just go to shit after that”
“stop swearing” Tony complains with a groan and in reply Loki spits “fuck you, do you promise to keep it to yourself or not? ”
Tony hates promises just as much as he hates breaking them but there’s likely no other way he can get the God of Manipulation to tell him “I promise I won’t say anything”
Loki is quiet for a moment, taking in Tony’s clenched fists and jaw, his tapping foot and quick breathing “I called him Argr after I yelled at him for lying to me, being a terrible father and treating us all horribly, told him that he didn’t deserve us or Asgard” Tony won’t tell and if he does Loki will just throw him off the building.
“you’re not wrong about that” Tony says without missing a beat but quickly asks “what’s Argear?”
“Argr” Loki corrects “worst insult in the Norse language, I’m lucky he didn’t kill me”
“what the fuck is Asgard?”
Loki ignores him and continues “calling someone Argr results in a battle between the accused and accuser, if the accused proves himself a man then he can decide if the accuser dies or lives”
“so what does Argr mean?”
“unmanly, coward, informally it means having relations with a man”
Tony frowns, trying to wrap his head around it “so it’s like Asgard's equivalent of faggot?” Tony asks because it’s the only thing he can compare it to, except that shit doesn’t result in a fucking fight to the death.
You don’t know that
“if it is then why are you saying it?” Loki retorts quickly, hopefully shifting the conversation.
Without missing a beat Tony says “I’ve fucked with men as much as I’ve fucked with women”
“and you’re proudly telling me this?”
Tony shrugs “not in Asgard, people are free to love who they want here”
Loki huffs out a bitter laugh “I see why people like you”
Tony doesn’t ask. Loki wouldn’t tell him anyway. “people like me until they meet the real me” the only people that still like him after knowing him are Happy, Pepper and Rhodey. His own uncle can’t even stand him, Tony doesn’t blame him for that though, he did kill his son, even if it was self-defence.
“When will I meet him?” Loki asks with a raised brow.
Tony can’t help his eyebrows shooting up, he thought Loki would be smart enough to notice the shift “you’re talking to him”
Loki scans him for a moment before nodding with a hum “I like this Stark better” Loki states
Tony's brain short circuits “well I’m going to bed I guess”
“don’t tell anybody” Loki reminds him as he walks out and Tony calls out a quick yeah before heading to Thor's room.
There’s a promise not to say anything.
There’s no promise keeping him from writing it.
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Tony backed out. He wouldn’t want Loki to do that shit to him so Tony couldn’t do it, he couldn’t break his promise, he can’t tell anyone. So how can he get them to know without Tony physically telling them? He can’t show them, he can’t write it, it’s the same as telling someone. Fuck he’s supposed to be a genius.
Tony snaps out of it to find Thor heading out to the helipad “when my brother wakes up can you tell him I will return tomorrow”
“of course” he replies too quickly and Thor frowns, noticing his bouncing leg and fidgeting hands.
“is something bothering you?” Thor asks “anything I can do to ease your anguish?”
Tony frowns even harder, his leg bouncing faster. How can he tell Thor, how can he make Thor figure it out? “the trail, Loki’s trail” he mutters “what happened?”
Thor frowns harder “is something wrong with my brother?”
“no no I’m just-“
“maybe I should stay” Thor nearly whispers
Tony’s eyes widen as he sits up “no no Thor, Loki is okay I just wanted to know what-“ Tony stops as it finally hits him “I gotta go”
“do what?” Thor asks as Tony gets up and walks to the elevator.
“ya know work stuff, sign papers, look over footage, make some calls, that boring stuff” he lies easily and he can tell Thor doesn’t buy it as the elevator doors close.
Thank god he’s catching on.
Turns out Thor didn’t catch on.
Tony was in the lab all day watching footage of the tower. Loki had the cuts since the day they showed up to the tower so it confirmed Tony's suspicions of it happening after the trial when Thor came to earth ahead of Loki to inform them of the situation. Loki has magic so that explains why he wasn’t weak or covered in blood.
But why the fuck is he hiding it?
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May 19th, 2012
It happened accidentally.
Tony fell asleep during a movie on the couch in the living room. He fell asleep staring at the pictures of his back. So when Steve came in and went to wake him up, Steve freaked out before he could, making Tony literally fall off the couch from flinching so hard.
“what the fuck?” Steve yells
“no no Steve shhh” Tony hushes him loudly as he scrambles to his feet and snatches his phone out of Steve's hand before anything else.
“who the hell did that Tony?” Steve hisses, pointing at the phone in Tony's hand and on instinct the latter shoves it in his back pocket.
“Steve I’m fine” Tony almost yells as he turns around and lifts the back of his shirt a bit “see? I’m fine so stop fucking yelling” he demands and turns back around to face the superhuman.
Steves face hardens before he asks lowly “who did that?”
“It wasn’t done to me ” he says slowly, not knowing how to explain it to Steve without flat out saying it, knowing Steve likes things to be sugar-coated.
“the bond” Tony says, hoping Steve could figure it out on his own.
“Loki, you got those from Loki?” he snarls, ready to go fuck him up but Tony quickly says “no Loki didn’t give them to me the bond did”
“What?” Steve frowns before his arms fold together and he asks lowly “does Thor know?”
“No” Tony admits and Steve immediately turns to the elevator. “no no no no Steve please don’t” Tony begs as he steps in front of the man “I promised Loki and-“ he trails off, almost mentioning Odin.
Steve’s gaze hardens as he swerves around Tony and marches out, ignoring Tony’s pleas.
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Tony was anxious as shit. He was pacing, biting his nails and constantly checking the time to see how long it took for Loki to come and kill him.
Bruce and Natasha simply sat and watched until a glow of green lights up the room for a split second and Loki appears out of nowhere yelling “you fucking told them?”
Tony holds his hands up in a submissive manner as he steps behind the bar “no I didn’t tell-“
“so what did you write it?” Loki roars as he marches over to Tony and thankfully doesn’t join him behind the bar,
“no Loki-“
“you said you wouldn’t say anything”
“and I didn’t”
“I trusted you with this-” Loki yells even louder because he never trusts anyone, ever “-what if I told them about-“ Loki trails off with a groan, running his hands through his hair. Loki wouldn’t go that low, Stark may go that low but Loki won't. “now my whole fucking family is gonna split up because of me”
“because of Odin” Tony corrects, stunning Loki into silence “it’s not your damn fault he can’t take a fucking insult”
Loki drops his hand from his hair with a sigh and says “my sister will most likely show up with my brother”
“Yeah I heard the Bifrost” Tony mumbles
“you don’t know how badly I want to smash this glass-“ Loki points to the window beside them “-with your head”
“get used to it” Tony retorts without missing a beat.
"seriously you're going to have to" Natasha butts in "I've known him for a little over a year and the urge is still as strong as ever" she says lightheartedly.
"I think I might like you" Loki states, Natashas jaw falling open and he resists smiling by turning back to Tony and asking “if you didn’t tell them then how does Rogers know?”
Tony presses his lips together as he digs out his phone, Loki watching silently as he scrolls through it until Tony throws it down on the counter, the phone nearly sliding off the edge but Loki quickly catches it.
Loki ignores his stomach throbbing with his heartbeat as he stares down at the phone showcasing wounds on Tony's smooth tan back. He simply slides it back across the counter “delete that and don’t show my brother and especially not my sister” he demands before walking to the stairs.
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oknerd3 · 2 years
For the Get To Know Me ask game from a couple days ago:
orchid ⇢ what’s a song you consider to be perfect?
jasmine ⇢ do you have a movie or book you loved but will never watch/read again?
chamomile ⇢ what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts?
aloe vera ⇢ what’s something (mundane) you really want to experience in life?
papyrus ⇢ if you put your ‘on repeat’ playlist on shuffle, what’s the first song that comes up? what do you like about it / associate it with?
Thank you for putting the questions I would not have the energy to go find it lol
perfect song:
The perfect song is Rangnarok II: The Calling by The Mechanism
The transition from Loki's lines to Odin's is stunning! I also love the song Loki, but it doesn't have the same thrumming rhythm that I LOVE. It's such a good song, please listen to The Bifrost Incident, the album it's from.
Show you loved and won't watch again:
I will watch every show that I have ever loved. The only exception may be Avatar the last air bender, bc I watches that on repeat as a child and I know the story by heart, so there wouldn't be much point in me rewatching it now. When I start to forget points tho? Absolutely rewatching.
Favorite kind of gift
Art, genuinely. I have most other things in my life sorted out. Food is also a good one!! But art that I can hang up and go "someone made this for me/someone looked at this piece and decided it looked like it belongs with me"
Something you want to experience:
I haven't kissed anyone since second grade, so I'd love to feel that again. Morning cuddles are also AWESOME, I wanna feel those again
On repeat playlist and meaning:
Why does it keep playing songs that I have never heard of. "Smile" By Ukuletea but I've never heard that so skil
Then "The fall" by Lovejoy. That more in tune to my music taste.
I LOVE music that has phases. Simple soothing beginning to beat to break to something harsher. Stunning- I also love themes of artisty driving one into chaos and sickness. ALSO the VERY end, no not the lyrics the part after the HAH, just scratches my brain right
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