#big W for fennel
gayrootvegetable · 4 months
wip wednesday !!
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thank you to @littlemisskittentoes and @hgejfmw-hgejhsf for tagging me 💖
GUESS WHO'S BACK !!!! finally, after a 6 week writing drought, i have been making progress on my tumblr au! so enjoy this lil sneak peak of alex's anonymous ask and the first part of henry's response 😎
After watching two cinematic masterpieces—Shrek 1 and Shrek 2, of course—Alex feels much better. His sister always knows how to get him out of his own head. It’s 9 PM now, AKA prime tumblr-scrolling hours. This realization prompts Alex to open the tumblr app on his phone, sending a surge of nervous energy through his body. He doesn’t worry for long, though, because right at the top of his dash is H’s response. Alex slides into bed, pulling the duvet over his head to create a blanket cocoon, before beginning to read.  
Anonymous: hi i hope it’s ok that i’m sending you this. i’ve been following you for a while and your poems mean a lot to me. i thought i was straight but now i’m not so sure because surely a straight person wouldn’t connect with queer poetry, right? so i guess my question is, how did you know you were gay? and how do i know if i’m gay? (sorry feel free to not answer this i ramble when i’m nervous haha)
Hello, Anon. Firstly, thank you for this kind message. I’m glad my writing meant a lot to you. It’s nice to know that my sad gay pining isn’t completely useless. And don’t apologize, it’s okay to be nervous. I am quite the expert when it comes to being nervous, thanks to the anxiety disorder.  As for your question, I’m honoured that you trust me with giving you advice. Unfortunately, there is no way for me to definitively determine whether you’re queer or not, but I can offer you some anecdotes from my experience, and hopefully that will be helpful in some way.
i love them, your honor 😭😭😭 OH AND the tumblr work skin i've been customizing for myself looks SO GOOD i am so excited
idk who has posted for WIP wednesday yet and who hasn't but tags under the cut as always sjdfhksj🫡
@happiness-of-the-pursuit @songliili @leojfitz @rockyroadkylers @heartitinthesilence @read-and-write- @inexplicablymine @firenati0n @tinyarmedtrex @14carrotghoul @cactusdragon517 @anincompletelist @bidoofenergy @affectionatelyrs @gay-flyboys @emmalostinwonderland @rmd-writes @myheartalivewrites @xthelastknownsurvivorx @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @lizzie-bennetdarcy @ninzied @anchoredarchangel @benwvatt @magicandarchery @kiwiana-writes
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seangelfish · 10 months
hii! >< Can I request fennel, morning glory, and sweet pea for madara? thank u!!♡
A/N: I love Madara sooo much...!!! He is my dream man!! :'(
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Madara Mikejima
🌼 fennel: what are their kisses like? where do they like to be kissed the most? 
– His kisses are sweet like honey, but they are also pretty cheeky too. He steals a kiss from you in times you least expect. There was a time he had asked you to whistle for him. When you complied, your lips were greeted with his. He's always amused by your cute reactions.
– But most of the time, he tends to be soft with you albeit there are times where his kisses are rough. He is just madly in love with you.
– He likes being kissed everywhere, but it seems like his favourite place for you to kiss him is on his cheeks (especially in public). Without saying anything, he'll tap you on the shoulder and point to his cheek, indicating that he wants a kiss from you. You always abided and he was always happy about it.
🌼 morning glory: what is their favorite form of physical affection?
– Hugs, of course! He loves hugging you every chance he gets. If he spots you outside, he'll sweep you up in his arms and twirl you around. When you arrive home from work, he is already at the door to greet you with a huge embrace. If he's the one who arrives home from work, then he expects you to greet him with a hug too!
– He's always tossing you up in the air too even if you don't want him to. He does it so effortlessly and he is always prepared to catch you in his arms. He really likes doing this, so you can never get mad at him. In fact, it brightens your mood, and you can't help but laugh along with him.
"Ah, here you are, (Y/N)~" Madara sings. "My love, my sunshine! Let me toss you up, okay?"
"W-What? But I'm working–"
"Here we go!"
– Once he catches you, he hugs you tightly. You can never get enough of Madara's hugs as they're always filled with love and comfort.
🌼 sweet pea: are they big on cuddling? what is their favorite position to cuddle their s/o in?
– Absolutely! He loves touching you. Before you could say anything, he already has you in his grasp. There is not a single day you would not be in his arms.
– He's always the one initiating the cuddles too, but he loves it when you wrap your arms around him from behind or when he climbs into bed and your hands automatically reach for him.
– He loves cuddling you in many ways. For example, he likes it when you sit on his lap as he wraps his arms around you. This is the perfect position to read a book together or to play games! Another example is when he acts as the big spoon, cuddling you from behind. But these cannot beat the fact he loves facing you to cuddle. He’ll hold your body close to his, one hand around your waist and the other gently caressing your cheek. He looks at you lovingly, thankful that you’re his.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist ; Enstars Plant Asks masterlist | Rules
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starsurface · 4 months
hello! Are you still feeling sick? I hope you feel better soon! I recommend drinking plenty of tea (if you're having trouble sleeping, I recommend fennel tea)
Well, I would like to ask for headcanons of Regressor Bihan with Kuai Liang and Tomas as caregivers? If you're not feeling well enough to do it, I'll completely understand.
rest well and don't exert yourself too much!
I'm feeling much better now, thank you for the advice!!! :D <3
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Tomas & Kuai Liang w/ Regressor Bi-Han Hcs
❄️ Bi-Han didn't regress with someone for years, even when Tomas walked in on Bi-Han small
💨 This was mostly because Bi-Han was too scared to regress around anyone, even his own brothers (especially his own brothers)
🔥 The first time he regressed with them was and still is an extremely fond memory between the brothers (even if it was a little sad)
❄️ Bi-Han had had a extremely stressful week to begin with, everything made him snap, everything annoyed him, everyone was stupid, and nothing was going his way
💨 Eventually Tomas was getting fed up after getting shouted at the fifth time that day (he wasn't the only one) and ended up asking Bi-Han if he was done throwing a hissy fit
🔥 Bi-Han froze him, and ran to his room, declaring Tomas stupid and incompetent
❄️ ^ Don't worry, Tomas was okay, Kuai Liang unfroze him
💨 Later Tomas and Kuai Liang checked up on their Grandmaster, since no one had heard from him since the morning, and found Bi-Han borderline in tears as he hide in his blankets, feeling incredibly small and about to break down
🔥 He, very reluctantly and with much convincing, crawled onto Kuai Liang's lap and let himself be held and cradled and they had a very relaxed day just babying Bi-Han
❄️ He never exactly verbally apologized to Tomas for freezing him . . . But he did make Tomas a pretty picture with the scratched out words ‘I'm sorry’ and instead ‘For You’ on it (Kuai Liang suggested it and helped him spell)
💨 Bi-Han will never go out right and tell either of his brother's he's small, but he'll knock on their doors late at night and will hold out his book
🔥 Other times he'll tug one of their sleeves or sit beside them poutingly
❄️ Tomas makes a really good babysitter/big brother
💨 He's really good at being super energetic for little Kuai Liang, but also really peaceful for little Bi-Han
🔥 Kuai Liang's also an incredibly good cg, very warm and comforting when Bi-Han needs him to be
❄️ The only reason Tomas is counted as a babysitter is because Bi-Han refuses to admit that he sees him as a caregiver (he does, he's just too prideful)
💨 Bi-Han is borderline nonverbal, but willingly so
🔥 He doesn't like his voice while small, and he'll instead make grabbby hands or point
❄️ Very grumpy baby, but his brothers know how to handle him
💨 Kuai Liang talks through his little tantrums and hissy fits, and Bi-Han usually calms at the sound of his voice (it’s very comforting to him)
🔥 Tomas will hold back his usual snidemarks or comments and instead let Bi-Han cry and scream before practically smushing him in a hug (which Bi-Han craves for)
❄️ Bi-han’s a very touch starvered person, but also hates telling his brothers he wants cuddles or forehead kisses
💨 ^ However, when he doesn’t receive them, he’ll start tearing up and pushing them away
🔥 Incredibly luckily, Kaui Liang noticed that Bi-Han acted positive when he’d hug Bi-Han when Bi-Han purposely sat beside him instead of ont he other side of the couch (his implication of wanting cuddles)
❄️ They only found out about the forehead kisses because Tomas did it once and it made Bi-Han smile, so they kept doing it
💨 ^ One time they didn’t and Bi-Han sat in his bed for hours waiting for them to come back (he eventually went and got them, and they all had a cuddle party at one in the morning)
🔥 While Bi-Han does adore the touch, he also needs to initiate it most times
❄️ His version of initiating is deliberately sitting next to them, or tugging on their sleeve and leaning towards them
💨 Kuai Liang runs incredibly warm, and it’s great during the winter time
🔥 Normally Bi-han doesn’t accept his hugs (too prideful) but little Bi-Han loves to cuddle beside him
❄️ Kuai Liang adores squishing and pinching Bi-Han’s cheeks ebcause he’s a big meanie >:(
💨 Kaui Liang thinks it’s adorable when Bi-han gets incredibly pouty and fussy over the cheek touching
🔥 Tomas adores the fact that Bi-Han will run behind him and tell him that Kuai was being a big meanie
❄️ Tomas adores playing peek-a-boo with Bi-Han
💨 Bi-Han . . . doesn’t react much
🔥 He’ll stare as Tomas plays, and continues to stare even when Tomas brings his favorite stuffie in to try and make it fun
❄️ Tomas thought he didn’t like it, but Bi-Han practically screamed at him when he tried to stop their little game
💨 He did get scolded for that, but Tomas was more than willing to continue playing peek-a-boo (Bi-Han just doesn’t like seeming babyish so he didn’t react that much, but his eyebrows were lifted and he didn’t push Tomas away)
🔥 Will get a bit pouty if Tomas doesn’t play peek-a-boo with him every once in a while
❄️ Also gets pouty if Kuai Liang doens’t squish his cheeks (he secretly adores it, but will never tell them)
💨 When Kuai Liang found out how irregular, and borderline dangerous, Bi-Han’s regression schedule was, he immeantly set a weekly schedule
🔥 ^ It was only ‘dangerous’ becuse Bi-han had a habit of involunteringly regressing incredibly small, mostly due to pushing off his regression for weeks, almost months on end
❄️ ^ And if he regressed on a mission, it would be terrible
💨 The schedule really helped, even if Bi-Han was incredibly relunctant at first
🔥 While Tomas and Kuai Liang are both his CGs, he also really likes having playdates with them when there also small
❄️ He’d never run around with Kuai Liang, but he’ll sit down and color with him
💨 Also really likes petting puppyspace Tomas’s hair, does have a habit of tugging too hard sometimes though
🔥 Tomas is really good at scolding Bi-Han, he keeps his voice maintained and his words softer, especailly because he knows Bi-Han can break down really easily when he’s small like this
❄️ Kuai Liang . . . has a bit of a rougher voice, and has caused Bi-Han to cry on complete accident (which ended with much praise and comforting for the boy)
💨 Bi-Han needs everything to go his way, and usually it does, but sometimes it doens’t
🔥 Both men are really good at gently, and firmly, putting their foot down when Bi-Han’s throwing a hissy fit over something incredibly tiny
❄️ They’re also learning newer ways to have Bi-Han learn that he doesn’t need to lash out to be heard or express his anger, and there’s many better ways that screaming at them
💨 Tomas got Bi-Han his first stuffie, a Grumpy Carebear, and Bi-Han broke down and shouted at him
🔥 Tomas didn’t take it too much to heart, and let Kuai Liang help Bi-Han calm down
❄️ Bi-Han only freaked out because he was terrified someone would find it and question it, he’s Grandmaster, how could he explain that? How could Tomas be so stupid? Anyone could find that thing!! The Elders would question him, his people would question him-
💨 Luckily, Kaui Liang helped Bi-Han process his fears and Tomas apoligized for making Bi-Han freak out by accident
🔥 Bi-Han also apoligized for yelling at him, a very quiet apology, but it was also clearly proccess made and both brothers were proud he did so without having Kuai Liang telling him to
❄️ That bear doens’t leave his side while he’s small (does not care for the show though)
💨 Bi-Han doesn’t care for tv in general, but will watch something if it means he gets cuddle time
🔥 Likes Tomas reading to him more, because Tomas is better at doing funny voices
❄️ But also likes Kuai Liang because his voice is easier to fall asleep to
💨 If Bi-Han is regressed at night time, which he usually is, the brothers will have a sleepover in one of their rooms (per to Bi-Han’s request)
🔥 Tomas’s nickname is Tommy, sometimes Bubba
❄️ And Kuai Liang’s nickname is Kuai, one time Dada (they never spoke of the moment, but it made both smile)
💨 Bi-Han has a million nicknames, including Baby Boy, Snowflake, Precious, Sweetheart
🔥 Usually Tomas uses the nicknames and Bi-Han will cover his mouth because he’s emarressed
❄️ Only for Kuai Liang to start using them and now Bi-Han’s being targetted!! >:(
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hope these are decent enough!! I can always make a part 2 or something!!! <3
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cakeboxie · 2 months
@avocado-writing’s tav + Charlie enjoying some birthday soup bc it’s their birthday today and mine is in 5 days so!! Soup!! (My actual birthday soup recipe is under the cut)
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Birthday soup
Don’t forget to get silly w it. That’s like, required. It’s your BIRTHDAY (or someone else’s birthday) you deserve to get silly.
I stole this from my mom btw, also make sure you know the difference between a herb and a spice.
Oh yeah also it includes soup dumplings.
Kitchen items:
Big pot w a lid
Cutting board
2 tbls Butter
1pkg Stew beef (or chicken hearts, that’s the original ingredient I just don’t like em)
2 medium onions, one diced, one quartered (keep separate)
1 whole head of garlic, minced (jarlic works very well here)
3 cups of stock (beef if you use beef, veggie if you use chicken, do not use chicken stock it fucks up the taste)
3 medium carrots, chopped
2 medium potatos, chopped
1 celery stick, chopped
1/4 head of cabbage, chopped (optional, I just like cabbage an unreasonable amount)
1 whole package of frozen spinach, defrosted (do this in a bowl this shit is WET also keep the water)
Can of green beans (you could probably use fresh, I don’t like fresh tho so, idk)
Can of diced tomatoes
Mustard seed
Celery seed
Sprinkle of Cloves (ground)
Sprinkle of Nutmeg
5% Vinegar or lemon juice (or your favourite other edible acid, tomato juice would in theory work, lime juice is mid.)
Salt + pepper
1 tbls Paprika
Butter in that pot, medium
Spices, add em, leave ‘em until they smell good, it won’t be long.
Beef and a splash of your acid in that pot, cook until 1/4 done
Carrot and celery in that pot, get em hot but don’t cook em too long.
Diced onion, spinach, and paprika + salt n pepper to taste in that pot, med-low
Stir, cover, leave it alone for 5ish minutes
Uncover, add garlic to that pot, cook until it smells like garlic
Stock + the canned bean and frozen spinach water, add it.
Canned tomato, add it.
Potato, add it.
Cabbage, add it.
All them herbs, add em to taste (I use roughly a tablespoon each of em dried, but I like my shit strong.)
Bring it to boil on high
Let that bitch simmer, you may need to periodically add water if he’s goin too hard. (START MAKING THOSE SOUP DUMPLINGS RN IF YOURE DOING THAT)
When the potato is 1/2 done that quartered onion (and the dumplings)
Finish the potato.
Bam. Soup. I like it more cold, but it is intended to be eaten hot.
Soup dumplings
I stole this from my roommate and add em to most soups tbh
Kitchen items:
Wood spoon,
Your Hands,
You could probably do this in a stand mixer but I don’t have one of those so, you’re on your own man.
2 cups Flour
Water, hot as you can handle touching, volume required varies,
Onion powder
Garlic powder
Whatever fresh herbs you like (dried don’t work here unless they’re ground absolutely tiny)
1 tbls of your favourite liquid fat (I use olive oil, canola and sunflower also work for sure)
Flour, into the bowl
Seasonings, into the bowl
Mix well.
Add the fat
Slowly add water, mixing often until you get a slightly sticky ball.
Knead for a bit, I don’t really know how to describe the texture bc I’ve been making bread since I was a kid (and this is just a yeastless bread dough) but its finished when it stops really sticking to your hands (it’ll be tacky, not sticky)
Divide into 1 inch balls
Drop into the soup roughly 30 minutes before it’s finished.
Serve in the soup
Congrats, soup balls.
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lysenfeu · 1 year
Adrian Chase/Vigilante - SFW Character Alphabet
Here we go! The content nobody asked for but I'm serving up anyway lol. Here's nearly 2k words worth of Adrian headcanons. NSFW alphabet coming tomorrow~
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Adrian is super affectionate but not in the usual ways. He's not big on hugs or similar things, but he loves to spend quality time with people doing things they both enjoy (shooting, drinking, movie nights etc). Getting invited to patrol with him is the pinnacle of him expressing how much he likes someone. Lots of high fives, fist bumps and big smiles! He's also big on gifts, always bringing snacks, beer or something neat (weapons/ammo, little trinkets, cool rocks, ya know).
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Adrian is the most supportive bestie. Have you seen the way he is with Peacemaker? Top tier hype man, always on their side, ride or die (literally) for life. He just selects someone he finds interesting or useful, gloms onto them and never leaves them alone forever.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Adrian loves being cuddled but he's awkward and a little weird about giving affection back. He's not very used to non-sexual intimate physical contact and isn't always sure where to put his hands or if he's doing it "right" but he loves having a partner curled up into him, touching him and playing with his hair.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Adrian is surprisingly domestic. He keeps a clean house, he's organised and knows where everything is but his systems are confusing for others. He can cook a fair amount of dishes (he makes a mean mac & cheese) but gets take-out a lot due to time management and his discount at Fennel Fields. He likes having somebody at home with him to share the space and do tasks with, he avoids being home alone for too long.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
This motherfucker absolutely breaks up with people by text and doesn't understand why that's shitty. It's just efficient and saves him from dealing with other people's feelings because big emotional displays make him uncomfortable and confused.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
I don't think Adrian takes marriage very seriously. His parents are divorced and his dad took off on them, he doesn't really have a high opinion on marriage vows. He'd tie the knot if a partner wanted to but it's not something he actively thinks about or considers much.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, Adrian underestimates his strength and sometimes can be too rough but it's not on purpose. He's not great with soft affection but he doesn't want to manhandle anyone, unless they ask ;)
Emotionally, Adrian is blunt, he says things without thinking a lot and that can come off as rude or uncaring. He doesn't like to raise his voice much and will apologize if he oversteps, he doesn't like intentionally hurting someone's feelings. But his general communication is matter of fact and not very soft or gentle.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Adrian is weird about hugs. If he's hugging anyone it's a giant bear hug where he lifts them off the ground and it's more like a sneak attack than a hug. I feel like he wasn't hugged a lot as a kid and isn't really used to it, Chris gets weird about it too so he just defaults to limited/no hugs.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Adrian is very hesitant to say he loves someone. He finds love to be a really complex emotion he's not very familiar with in a traditional romantic sense and he knows the words mean a lot to other people so he holds back from saying it until he's 100% sure.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Absolutely Adrian gets jealous, very quickly and very often. He gets pouty the second he feels he's not getting enough attention and he gets very upset if someone moves in on his friends or partner. He'll threaten people for the smallest of transgressions (like a stranger offering to buy a drink) but only follow through if there's a real problem like unwanted physical contact.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Adrian adores kissing. He has his mask on so much that actually having his mouth available is rare and he makes full use of it. He loves kissing a partner all over and making a little game of it, tracing little patterns and pathways along their skin. He loves having his neck kissed, it's a vulnerable spot he has protected most of the time and it's a huge turn on for him to trust someone enough to expose his throat to them.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Adrian is good with kids but uncomfortable around them. He doesn't have a lot of experience dealing with them and knows his lifestyle isn't really kid-appropriate so he gets nervous. He'd like to have kids someday but worries about keeping them safe.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Adrian are silly and fun! Loud music, making pancakes or waffles and goofing around in the kitchen. He's always up early and likes puttering around the apartment with the radio on.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Adrian are comfy and cozy. Often spent curled up on the couch with blankets, watching Fargo or a movie with popcorn and take-out from Fennel Fields. When he's not out on patrol, he just wants to relax a bit.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Adrian is an open book about most things right away. He rambles constantly about pretty much any subject, an absolute chatterbox from the second he meets anyone. The only thing he doesn't like to talk about is his family.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Adrian has a surprisingly large amount of patience. He can handle a lot of shit, he's used to having his buttons pushed constantly. But if he reaches his breaking point, it's a brutal switch and everyone needs to get the fuck out of his way.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
What Adrian remembers or not seemingly has no rhyme or reason to it. He'll forget to take the garbage out three days in a row but remember the exact thing someone said at dinner 6 months ago. It's all a matter of what seems important to him at the time and how focused he is.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
The first kiss. It's a special moment for Adrian, a clear and direct signal that someone actually likes him, wants him, that he can't justify away as just 'friendly'. That's the turning point for him, where it all became real.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Adrian is protective to a fault. He will 100% stalk and watch people to make sure they're "safe". He'll intervene if even the slightest perceived threat appears, often with disproportionate force. He claims he doesn't need anyone to protect him but melts when someone cares about his safety or well-being and checks in on him. He would turn into a puddle if a partner threatened/killed someone just for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Adrian tries really hard. He doesn't always get it right, but the effort is there. He's not big on grand gestures but there's always a certain thoughtfulness in everything he does. He remembers birthdays and anniversaries for everything (the first date, the first kiss, etc) and tries to get cute little gifts or mementos for each one.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He will take off without saying anything. Just leaving in the middle of the night without a note because some work came up or he forgot he needed to be somewhere. He'll also cancel or miss date nights to hang out with Peacemaker (or vice versa and ignore his friends for a partner repeatedly).
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Adrian doesn't care what he looks like. He thinks he's unattractive because of the bullying from Chris and others (probably Gut, other schoolmates) but it doesn't really bother him much. He gets all worked up when someone compliments him and won't really believe them, but eventually, once he understands they're being honest, he enjoys the praise.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Once someone is established in Adrian's life, he needs them. He would feel incomplete if his someone wasn't around enough or he had to go long periods without seeing them. He nearly lost his mind when Peacemaker was in prison, every time he missed Chris he sent him a message and stared at his phone all day hoping for an answer.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Adrian does in fact have feelings, he has a lot of them. I feel like as a kid he had to shove everything deep down inside to avoid being targeted (by Gut, Chris, his parents, other kids) and spent so many years repressing all his emotions that he has trouble identifying them now. He was never taught proper emotional processing so he has difficultly handling strong feelings. He gets overwhelmed easily and simply shuts down whatever he's feeling instead, pretending it doesn't bother him.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Breaking his moral code is an instant mood killer (literally, he will shoot you). I don't think he'd tolerate a partner lying to him or keeping really big secrets (despite him doing it constantly). He'd be intensely frustrated and upset with anyone who thought Vigilante was a bad guy or a nuisance, or wanted him to stop fighting crime.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
I feel like Adrian barely sleeps. His stamina is way higher than normal, he doesn't feel the need to sleep very often or for very long and he would rather spend that time doing other things. But he enjoys staying in bed with his partner while they sleep and he can watch over them.
I hoped you guys enjoyed my musings on Adrian :) Let me know what you think, all comments and questions are welcome~
PS: Check my pinned post masterlist for more Vigilante headcanons and fics!
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tsuki-sennin · 7 months
Today we get to (maybe) finally learn a little something about Empress Underg! Yeah, about time, am I right? What exactly inspires so much fear from her minions and yet such unwavering loyalty from Skearhead? What could she have possibly wanted from Elle before? And why does she now seek the Pretty Cure's demise? ...only one of these questions will probably be answered, but hey~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Shalala Real!
-Ahhhhh, Tsubasa's got the secret to perpetual motion in his lap.
-Ahhhhh, I see. It reverses destruction itself, does it?
-Oh, that's not a good sign.
-Shalala's gonna be our twist villain, isn't she?
-If I had a nickle for everytime a PreCure series I watched had its real main villain be a high-ranking knight... Actually, I'd probably have several nickles. Y'know, with Butler, Fennel, Joker if you wanna be technical on what a knight is, Kawarino if you also wanna be technical on what qualifies as a main villain... Bah, whatever, point of this scene is!
-Research binges pay off, Tsubasa-kun!
-Ageha's taking you out shopping~!
-Oh... oh wow, you're... hella gorgeous. Goddamn, you've got hips for days.
-And yet Miss Sky Blue Sapphic herself seems to take little notice...
-"These 18-19 year old clothes sure are conveniently fitting on my 30 something frame."
-Absolutely wild that this actual goddamn robot's treated so casually, but uh
-Well, I don't mind too much, this isn't the cyberpunk/psychic powers 2020s I was promised.
-And here Sora sits... alone.
-Not even noticing our dear Mashiron...
-A chance to stretch with the Captain~!
-Into the bushes with you!
-"I suppose a lie's a little too much for a pure-hearted hero-type."
-A moment's hesitation... and all her questions rise to the surface.
-"I'll find my own answer."
-I love how gently the music comes in, only to stop just the same way.
-"I get that. This is my reason though..."
-She got you there, Tsubasa-kun.
-The resolve to find that answer's been found!
-Farewell, Shalala!
-...so uh... is nobody gonna accompany her, or...?
-No, okay, that's fine!
-You're finally getting some sunshine, boy!
-Oh fuck, Skearhead.
-Ah, yep~! There it is~!
-"Hmph. Suppose I'll try something simpler this time. Kyoborg! Style on those impudent children."
-If this were anybody but Skeebo, I'd say he did this on accident.
-"Yeah, go talk about this with Skearhead!"
-Good job, Wing-kun!
-Ikki ni ikuze! ...w-wait, no...
-We're gonna fuckin' throw her!
-Fly, Sky~!
-Right outta the sky!
-He can't be all bad with love on his side, right?
-Did your trainer only teach you Shadow Ball, Skeebo?
-Oh, he's doing this Freeza style.
-"This isn't your problem anymore, Cure Sky. The dead have no worries left. Nice job, idiot."
-Naivety becomes her heroic strength.
-Hirogaruuuuu... Sky Punch~!
-"Ohhhhhhh, that's not good."
-Wow, he just noped right out of there.
-Didn't even stay for the finisher.
-...sound tactical move, actually. He avoids the lecture and reports back to the Empress in record time.
-He might have a reason... but is that reason really so good he'd hurt innocent people?
-And still we're not even an inch closer to knowing the truth of Empress Underg...
-The Shalala Twist angle I'm going for seems like an obvious pick, but there's honestly no real way to speculate on what the Empress's is deal is besides how power-hungry and scawy she allegedly is.
-Oh fuck, he's roided out!
-He's finally having that big final villain battle he always wanted.
-Right, see you next time, I guess~!
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mayahawkse · 2 years
peacemaker and stranger things cannot convince me that adrian chase and eddie munson get no bitches, i simply do not buy it.
is adrian kinda weird and socially unaware? yeah! he's also adorable and hot as fuck and has big green eyes and soft hair and a huge cute smile + some people would find his weird energy endearing like all of us on here do. if i worked at fennel fields with him i'd be trying to jump his bones all day every day.
is eddie considered a freak? yeah! he's also adorable and hot as fuck and has big brown eyes and soft hair and a huge cute smile + some people would be into his nonconformist metal music loving energy. if i went to hawkins high i'd be putting love notes in his locker daily.
they both absolutely get ass. i mean like, we see the threesome in peacemaker w chris and adrian but it kinda hinged on that woman being attracted to chris in the first place but adrian could easily ON HIS OWN find someone to sleep with. he's weird but he like is weird in a dorky, earnest way
and eddie ugh a complete total sweetheart like u spend more than a minute around him and it's obvious how nice and gentle he actually is. high strung and always reared up? oh totally but like.....we like that
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dykeyote · 1 year
Fennel for the character asks thing?
sexuality: theyr an acearo lesbian to me ..... maybe just ace or just aro but definitely one of the two
fav ships: honestly any lesbian fennel ship goes crazy . fennevonne? delightful. fennesol? great. fennesalem? i love it! fennelann? fucking based. sorrel (theyr lesbians to me)? delightful . peace and love tbh
brotp: hmmmm ..... sorrelann is too easy i have to think of smt more creative . hmmmmm . i think them and sydney could have an interesting friendship thatd be sweet to me
notp: i mean ppl dont really ship fennel w people besides soren and marie-ann and i like those ships so . like i could go "oh w [obviously fucked up choice]" but that seems like making up smt to get mad at and i do yhat enough as stages for my infodumps in my head lol
a random hc: i think they regularly have episodes of speech loss when exhausted or distressed . everyone at this camp has autism and fennel is included in this
general opinion: i like them a lot!!!! excited to see where their character goes in season two hehe (: theyr one of the big things im especially intrigued by
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allwaysfull · 1 year
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Pulp | Abra Berens
Table of Contents
milk bread
brown butter custard batter
clafoutis batter
cobbler batter
crepe batter
dutch baby batter
muffin batter
pat’s crackers
graham crackers
hazelnut crust
pretzel crust
choux/cream puff dough
cream scone dough
cream cheese dough
phyllo dough
biscuit dough
pie dough
puff pastry dough
almond orange cake
angel food cake
basque cake
cornbread cake
ginger honey cake
maple pudding cake
upside-down cake
almond brutti ma buoni
ginger thins
pecan sandies
pie dough cookies
puff pastry tortas de aceite
Crunchy Stuff and Toppings
candied fennel seeds
candid nuts
crumble topping
honeycomb brittle
salty sugar sprinkle (sss)
salty nuts
Creamy Stuff (though not always made w/dairy)
crème brûlée
panna cotta
pastry cream
sabayon (french), zabaione (italian), sabajón (spanish)
salted carmel sauce
sour cream
whipped cream
lemon curd
tart fruit curd
Frozen Stuff
ice cream base
lime sorbet
buttermilk sherbet
fruit sherbet
Pie Filling
butterscotch pudding
chocolate pudding
rice pudding
tapioca pudding
simple syrup ratios
brandy syrup
citrus syrup
marigold syrup
Pickle Liquids
basic fruit pickle brine
traditional pickle brine
apple salad (savory/raw)
peanut butter apple stacks (sweet/raw)
aa++ salad (savory/roasted)
apple butterscotch pudding w/candied nuts (sweet/roasted)
roast chicken w/rosemary poached apples (savory/poached)
chilled poached apples and almond cookies (sweet/poached)
snow melt stew (savory/stewed)
apple crepe cake w/sherry custard (sweet/stewed)
one-pan sunday roast (savory/baked)
apples in pajamas (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.148-9)
shattering cheese and apricot salad (savory/raw)
apricots, rosemary sabayon and almond brutti ma buoni (sweet/raw)
grilled chicken w/apricots, red onion and basil (savory/grilled)
brittle-topped grilled apricots (sweet/grilled)
leg of lamb w/apricot bulgar, fresh herbs and toum (savory/roasted)
torrijas caramelizadas w/apricots (sweet/roasted)
ginger-poached apricots over salmon,choi and chili oil (savory/poached)
rosé-poached apricots and earl grey semifreddo (sweet/poached)
apricot grilled cheese sandwich (savory/baked)
burnt apricot tarts (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.174-5)
salad of oat groats, blueberries, chicories and buttermilk (savory/raw)
blueberry puffies (sweet/raw)
roast chicken over blueberries, cornbread and lemon (savory/baked)
blueberry spelt muffins (sweet/baked)
venison (or lamb) w/parsnips and blueberry sauce (savory/roasted)
blueberries and griddled cake (sweet/roasted)
preserved (p.189)
brined cherries and salty snacks (savory/raw)
chocolate pudding w.coffee-soaked black cherries (sweet/raw)
cherry baked brie w/seedy crackers (savory/baked)
cherry pie (sweet/baked)
buttermilk pork tenderloin and grilled cherry salad (savory/grilled/roasted)
tart cherry syllabub/smashed almond brutti ma buoni (sweet/grilled/roast)
preserved (p.208-9)
Drupelet Berries: Raspberries, Blackberries and Mulberries
roasted carrots w/raspberries, beet cream, chili oil, cacao nibs (savory/r)
lemon soufflé w/blackberries and olive oil (sweet/raw)
chicken liver mousse, roasted raspberries and oatcakes (savory/roasted)
coconut tapioca pudding w/roasted mulberries and lime (sweet/roasted)
baked ricotta w/black pepper raspberries and a big salad (savory/baked)
raspberry surprise crème brûlée (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.1226-7)
butter lettuce, grape, fennel, walnut and buttermilk salad (savory/raw)
grape salad over lime sorbet (sweet/raw)
pan-roasted parsnips w/grape sauce and pecans (savory/roasted)
rice pudding w/sherry roasted grapes (sweet/roasted)
ham and butter sandwiches (savory/baked)
grape custard pie (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.246-7)
Ground Cherries (a.k.a. Cape Gooseberries)
red cabbage salad w/ground cherries, cilantro, pepitas, lime (savory/raw)
ground cherry floats (sweet/raw)
cashew cauliflower w/ground cherry glaze and toum (savory/roasted)
basque cheesecake w/roasted ground cherries, rosemary (sweet/roasted)
super grilled cheese sandwiches, ground cherry chutney (savory/stewed)
biscuits w/ground cherry butter (sweet/stewed)
preserved (p.262-3)
melon, cucumber, chickpea salad (savory/raw)
cantaloupe sundaes w/black pepper and olive oil (sweet/raw)
grilled melon w/tahini, chili oil and sesame seeds (savory/grilled)
grilled melon w/grape sherbet and candied fennel seeds (sweet/grilled)
preserved (p.276-7)
Nectarines and Peaches
spicy, sweet, salty summer salad (savory/raw)
peaches and cream w/ginger thins (sweet/raw)
grilled peach and ricotta toasts (savory/grilled)
cream scones w/grilled nectarine, goat cheese sandwiches (sweet/grilled)
coconut milk shrimp w/jalapeño-peach cornbread (savory/baked)
peach-berry cobbler w/whipped sour cream (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.298-9)
chicory salad w/shaved pears, walnuts and pecorino (savory/raw)
sliced pears w/salted caramel and crumbles (sweet/raw)
red wine-poached pears w/goat cheese sabayon, pumpernickel and pine nuts (savory/poached
chilled poached pears and pecan sandies (sweet/poached)
pear, bacon and onion tart (savory/baked)
ginger honey cake w/pears and whipped sour cream (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.319)
buckwheat salad w/plums, cauliflower, mustard dressing and arugula (savory/raw)
maple pudding cake topped with sugared plums (sweet/raw)
stewed plums atop oatcakes w/ricotta (sweet/stewed)
plums for breakfast: stewed plums over rice porridge and pine nuts (sweet/stewed)
ginger-plum-glazed ribs w/rye spaetzle and greens (savory/roasted)
blintzes w/roasted plums and hazelnuts (sweet/roasted)
plum cream-baked pork shoulder w/turnip mash (savory/baked)
rum-plum clafoutis (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.342-3)
midwinter pork bake (savory/baked)
crumble-topped quince (sweet/baked)
quince and lamb tangine (savory/stewed)
cream-stewed quince w/oatcakes (sweet/stewed)
sunday at the pub (savory/poached)
oeufs à la coing (sweet/poached)
preserved (p.366-7)
poached salmon w/rhubarb salad and pine nut relish (savory/raw)
parsnip panna cotta w/rhubarb, orange and olive oil relish (sweet/raw)
pork chops w/rye spaetzle, white wine-poached rhubarb and spinach (savory/poached)
rhubarb cream puffs (sweet/poached)
rhubarb one-pan chicken w/kale and poppy seed salad (savory/baked)
rhubarb upside-down cake w/whipped cream, salty nuts (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.384-5)
beet carpaccio w/strawberries, flowers, candied fennel seed (savory/raw)
strawberry sundaes: vanilla ice cream, pulsed strawberries, meringue (sweet/raw)
lamb chops w/buck wheat, black pepper strawberries (savory/roasted)
dutch baby w/sherry vinegar strawberries (sweet/roasted)
preserved (p.402-3)
Tart Round Fruits: Cranberries, Currants, Gooseberries, Lingonberries and Autumn Olive
roasted carrots w/lentils, spinach, cranberry relish (savory/raw)
eton mess (sweet/raw)
squash claws w/stewed currants (savory/stewed)
gooseberry fool w/tortas de aceite (sweet/stewed)
winter casserole (savory/baked)
january cake (sweet/baked)
preserved (p.424-5)
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nsfw asks - finn edition
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
I always use the aftercare section to talk about what kind of positions my ocs like. anyways. a switch!! when he tops, he's very gentle and caring with aftercare.. will make his partner a snack, get them a drink, clean them up. and when he bottoms he's j really clingy, he wants kisses in a warm bath with a bath bomb..
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Finn is pretty insecure about his body, he's incredibly dysphoric. But he thinks he has really nice hips! though they're a bit more feminine than he'd like, he knows they're nice. On his partner? hands... simp.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I’m a disgusting person)
He's pretty average with wetness? So I'll go with the fact he tastes a lil bit sweet with that hint of musk...
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Breeding kink. He really really didn't think he'd be into that and then Fennel suggested it and now he's REALLY into it.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Virgin before his current bf.. No experience whatsoever. But he's soo determined.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
The Lotus! He likes how close it is..
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
tends to giggle a bit, he's kind of ticklish so.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
messy and light brown. doesn't shave that much..
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...) 
LOVER BOY... pet names, kissing, forehead touching..
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Didn't really masturbate before Fennel and then proceeds to masturbate and send him videos every night before they move in together lmao gn.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
big big big exhibitionist.. really likes bondage, especially tying up his partner with fancy knots.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere. Not like.. on a stage or anything. but he's open to most places..
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
unsanitary kinks, cnc, he wouldn't take drugs..
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Likes to give! He's so eager to learn that he quickly gets the hang of it!
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
When he bottoms he likes when it starts slow and sensual and gets rougher the more needy his partner gets for him. When he's on top he's a bit of a tease.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Not his favourite, but not infrequent.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Super game to experiment. He hasn't done anything before this so... Why not?
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
Sorcerer stamina real... Can go for a few rounds!
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Probably? Probably for both..
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
BIG tease without even meaning to be sometimes.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
LOUD, bottom or top, he's a very vocal lover.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he's really.. really into (consensual) frottage.. j rubbing is.. ugh. idk somethin sinful about it he loooves.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
cute,, small.. tiny boy.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Tends to match his partner's.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
not immediately! he loves himself some pillow talk first<3
0 notes
callieandriddick · 2 years
Ragnorok (the end-ish)
Today - 7/4 -  I was engulfed in lethe. Moving all day from 8-23 is wearing. But I forced myself to get up at 8:45 and eat some yogurt with muesli, and take a stroll. It was Monday when everything was closed anyway, so walking about was all one could do. I covered three different islands, a long city walk, and then to the “garden island” - the old hunting grounds - where rests the most absurd “hunting lodge” on the planet. This thing is a spaceship turned on its side. It’s easily a hotel. The Smithsonian looks up to it w/envy. The fireplaces would digest trees. 
The “hunting lodge” now breathes on as the Nordic cultural museum. It was an interesting hr, with particular affinity for the stories of the native, arctic peoples I learned of in Alaska and a lot about climate change. An interesting wing had reconstructed Swedish domiciles from various centuries. Then the Vasa Museum. I will not describe it too much bc everything can be read online, but DAMN. This was an incredibly interesting museum/experience - completely immersive. After, I grabbed a scooter and meandered my way back to the room through the city, navigating the bike paths and listening to MASTER BOOT RECORD. It was utopic and dystopic. 
Gear: Pros and Cons:I had been rained on most of the day -  glad to have my Mammut jacket, but I think It may be losing some of it’s proof. Could perhaps be time for a new one - This jacket, though is well travelled. Alaska (3), Switzerland, Telluride, Scandinavia. I was also happy to just get my feet wet in my barefoot sandals rather than having soaked shoes. It made things easy until exactly as I was heading back to the hotel, I stutter stepped on a big wet cobble - They are the size of rugby balls some places - and stubbed the bloody fuck out of my toe. There was nothing to do but just keep bleeding in the rain on the scooter back to the hotel. 
Dinner was at Kryp In where the chef cooks in a galley kitchen right in the entrance of the small room and specializes in simple - but very dialed in - venison dishes. Think of the charmasters at the Houstons grill station, but half the size. I asked if I could watch him for a bit and he obliged. He seemed happy to chat, and then eager to, when I told him I have cooked deer for about 5 years now. I showed him some of my dishes/preparations. I will be damned, they are exactly the way he does them. From meatballs with fennel to ragu/bolo to cubed stew with cream (I call it stroganoff) to the loin preparation with port reduction sauce. It was fun to nerd out with a chef who really knows his deer, and I definitely picked up some ideas - especially to incorporate juniper into some dishes. One beer in Nobel square - the old town hall (where they decapitated criminals and dissidents for 300 years) and then bed. 
Biorhythms: Sunset is about 22:00 - late but not weird after a few days, but sunrise is 3:30! That seriously messes with you. Even with curtains closed, the laser beam shard of photons will crawl its way across the room from the cracks in the curtain, and it’s always there, fucking with your sleep just enough to be on your mind. 
Today does not look like rain. The plan is Skansen open air museum, and then MOMA. After that, I will repack and head back for an early smorgasbord then try to sleep before getting up at sunrise - 3:30! - and heading to the airport for my 6:30 flight to AMS then ATL for one night and then Maine.
0 notes
okay my tummy tea mix is so much better iced over mint like im enjoying this
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liliesoftherain · 3 years
Something Witchy is Going on II
Request: Hey really enjoyed that prompt with bakugou and the witchy female reader. It was super cute 😍 Could we get another one but with prompt numbers 25, 41, and 58. 😊 thank you so much in advance 🥰
A/n: So uhhhhhhh, this has been in my inbox for probably a year now. I’m sorry anon, you’ve probably given up, but I got a sudden inspo and I needed to write it, so here we are(: I only managed to fit in prompt numbers 25 and 41, so I hope you enjoy anyway! This is a repost
Part 1
Some links where I got the info- Charm Bags & Herbs
25. “I got you a present.” 41. “Why choose me?”
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Bakugou Katsuki!:
It’s been a few weeks since Bakugou had discovered you were the person who had been leaving him charms; a few weeks since he asked you to continue. You never would have guessed Bakugou would have actively asked you to carry on with your gifts, even going so far as to call you a good luck charm. You pressed your hands to your cheeks, giddy as you remembered the interaction.
You may have had a tiny crush on the boy, but you weren’t making the bags just for that--you wanted to help him somehow; you knew how he felt about being looked down upon, and all you wanted was to let him know someone was there for him, even if he didn’t want it.
That you’d be there for him, no matter what.
You had just created another charm, adding plenty of strength and protection this time--remembering his request from before. Walking down the corridor to Bakugou’s room, you felt the joy at being able to talk to him; no longer were you sneaking the bags inside of his room, now he made you physically hand him the bag, to ‘inspect it’, in his words.
As long as he didn’t take it apart or damage it, you didn’t mind what he did with it; you remember the first time you had told him so, he had exploded, only causing you to laugh-
“Why the fuck would I damage it!?”
“I was just letting you know-”
“Tch, I wouldn’t be so careless, idiot.”
The memory pulls a soft smile across your face as you arrive outside his dorm room, knocking three times to let him know it was you. The smile only grows as he opens the door, his normal scowl doing nothing to hinder your happiness.
“I got you a present!”
He hums, taking the bag from your outstretched hands, inspecting the cloth.
“What’s inside of it this time?”
“Well, you wanted more strength added, so I put iron inside.”
“Iron… strength and, protection.”
“Yea! You’re getting good at this, Bakugou-Kun.”
He clicks his tongue, mumbling how he was good at everything, before walking inside his room. You wonder if that was it and mentally sigh before turning around.
‘What a short conversation today…’
“Oi, dumbass, where are you going?”
You blink comically, confused.
“Uh, well I guess back to my dorm-”
“You’re not finished telling me everything you put in here; since I can’t open these you better tell me what the hell you’re giving me, so spit it out.”
It took you a moment longer to understand what he meant, brightening up when you did.
“Oh, okay!”
You skip inside his room happily, closing the door behind you before sitting on the chair by his desk. He sat on his bed, across from where the chair was, staring down at the bag without meeting your eyes.
“Ah, right,” you laugh at yourself before speaking animatedly, “there’s a blessed key inside; I haven’t told you what that means yet, so basically it’s power, luck, and a symbol of access to hidden things. I was able to get my hands on some toadstones, so there’s one in there, and there’s some salt sprinkled along the bottom-”
“Purification, attracts wealth, repels evil.”
“Yep! Toadstone is basically the same thing, but it’s properties are there to help heal illness, along with repelling any evil.”
“Then there’s fennel, garlic, and thyme! All have an active hand in strength, and I have a feeling you’ll really like thyme, even if you don’t really need it.”
“Oh,” you watch as he raises a brow, “why wouldn’t I need it?”
“You have everything it has to offer already, Bakugou-Kun.”
“...and what’s that?”
You bite at your lip softly, looking away from the intensity of his gaze to play with your fingers. You got too caught up in the excitement of your charm that you forgot that you were still talking to Bakugou of all people.
“W-well, it stands for activity--you already are super active--bravery, and well, you’re the bravest person I know, you know? Courage, and like, you’re super courageous like a hero should be. And lastly, of course, strength.”
The silence is overwhelming, and you mentally curse yourself--you just had to sound like you were confessing, didn’t you. You don’t look up, even as he fidgets, even as he gets up to stand directly in front of you. Closing your eyes in anticipation--although anticipation of what? To get yelled out, to have an explosion in your face? You weren’t sure, you were just prepared.
“Why choose me?”
You finally look into his eyes and your breath hitches, you were so unprepared for this--
He looked so vulnerable, his eyes communicating everything he was hesitant on speaking. He clutched the charm bag close to his chest, appearing angry if one were to just glance, but you saw the deeper meaning.
Bakugou was embarrassed, standing here in front of you more open than he’s ever been before; he wanted to kick you out of his room, he wanted to shake you by your shoulders, he wanted to pull you in for a hug, he wanted to scream at you to leave him alone, he wanted to whisper for you to never leave. The few weeks you’ve been giving him these dumb bags, you’ve been so open with him--explaining everything that he wanted, patient with him, and so understanding. You were constantly on his mind and he couldn’t make sense of it; he wasn’t any good, he was the cause of so much agony, so much pain-- he brought down the number one hero for fucks sakes, what did you gain by being so, so nice to someone like him.
You stand as well, noticing the way he took a small, shaky step back. Your heart went out to him, and so you let yourself be one hundred percent honest.
“I’m doing this for you, not out of pity or anything, just because I want to. You’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, and I could see you were struggling… I just wanted to find a way to help you remember that, you’re the best. I’ve always seen you as such, and I didn’t want you to forget that about yourself. You… you carry so much alone, and I wanted to be there to help you carry some of that,” you force yourself to look steadily into his eyes, face pulled into determination, “I do this for you because you’re Bakugou Katsuki: the guy who can do it all, who’s going to make it big, the future number one, the guy I want to watch, the one I trust the most; I’ll follow you anywhere because I have the utmost faith in you--that you’ll be the greatest hero, you’re own hero, no matter the odds.”
His eyes were wide, mouth slightly parted as he struggled to find what to say back. Your tough façade falters the longer he doesn’t speak, and you feel the embarrassment spread as you realize exactly what you said. Bringing your hands up, you cover your eyes and whine lowly, berating yourself.
“Oh my gosh, did I really just say all that? I really am an idiot, aren’t I? Oh, why couldn’t you just keep your big mouth shut, y/n? Now you’ve really done it, oh my-”
A fist to your head had you yelping, hands instead rubbing your head, even if it wasn’t that painful. The pout on your lip fades, the question dying in your throat as you catch sight of Bakugou; his eyes screwed shut, lips twisted in a frown, and there was an unmistakable, dark blush along his cheeks.
“You talk too much, you know that?”
“S-sorry.” You frown, arms coming up to wrap around yourself.
Bakugou clutches the bag tighter, looking down at you through his lashes as he takes in a breath.
“Of course I’m going to be the greatest hero; stay by my side and watch me, got it?”
Your head snaps up, surprised at his words; he’s serious, the blush still present but now his own determination swirling in his ruby eyes. All you can do is let your eyes flutter close, smiling up widely at him.
“Got it!”
And you did; the following years you kept your promise, watching over him from a special spot right by his side, and he kept you there with a promise of his own; the burning feeling of the ring on your left hand was proof of that.
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
i’ve never said anything on here before so hiiiiiii! i’ve never liked the police thing so, since you might be in need of some inspiration, here are some of my personal Steve headcanons:
he’s the underpaid 7/11 night-shift worker who has to put up with all their Feral Gay Bullshit at 3am
Luz stumbled in there after her first ever fight with amity purely by accident and she was Immediately Attached when he quietly charged her for a small slushie (slurpee?) instead of a large
she took this as a sign of friendship since he was like the first person to be nice to her since moving there, when tbh he just wanted her out the shop because she was dripping blood on the floor but Oh Well
while Luz absolutely robs the place blind because fuck corporations, she doesn’t do it when Steve is working because he Knows. he doesn’t tell her off, he just gives her the “i’m not angry just disappointed” face and she just s l o w l y puts it back. that’s only if he explicitly catches her though, otherwise he Pretends He Does Not See it because guess what, he hates corporations too
while his exterior is Tired he’s actually a big softie and makes sure that the funky patterned plasters (band-aids) are in stock for Luz
he literally Did Not Ask for her to be around so much but she just,,, is
he made her a highlight reel of her and amity’s Best Fight Moments for her birthday
he rides a motorbike but like in a really dorky way, but Gus thinks he’s the Coolest
he drinks herbal tea, his favourite is liquorice and fennel
luz tried it one time because she thought it would taste like twizzlers and it Did Not
when he’s bored he sits and watches the fights on the CCTV (with luz’s permission of course)
Luz is like a well-known cryptid amongst the 7/11 workers but Steve is like the only one who’s ever seen her, he doesn’t tell anyone else about the fights because they absolutely would not believe him
Anon your absolutely big brained your ideas are Immaculate 
Steve is the equivalent of a guy freshly out of college & still can’t get a job and hates life & the government. He just wanted the random bloody teen out of his 7/11 but then she kept showing up and now he’s just Resigned to his fate. He just said “guess this is my bastard teen now”
He is one of the only people Luz respects. She’s got like 4 but with him its a solid 5. She just walks into the 7/11, grabs the bandaids, slaps like 3$ on the counter, and peace’s out. And thats on a good day.
Luz can and has broken into the 7/11 before but once she did it while Steve was closing up and upon him giving her a Tired Glare she just slowly left the store without grabbing anything. He doesn’t get paid enough to deal w this.
Once Luz showed up w Amity, Willow & Gus bc Slushies and Steve was Gripping The Counter bc Jesus Christ There’s More Of Them and he was very much giving Luz What The Fuck eyes the entire time bc the longer those 3 were in the store the more he realized they were Even More Feral than Luz. Luz simply placed a 15$ on the counter and said “bitch to this one next time I come in bleeding” while pointing to Amity and they almost start another fight in the store. Help him
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
People, May 10
Cover: Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade
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Page 3: Chatter -- Mindy Kaling on technology woes, Amy Adams on wanting to go into acting because of Grease, Gal Gadot on telling her daughters Maya and Alma about her pregnancy, DJ Khaled on using Rihanna's skin-care line, Christie Brinkley on showing off her body on Instagram at age 67, Whoopi Goldberg on writing a superhero movie about an older Black lady
Page 4: 5 Things We're Talking About -- Michael Keaton returns as Batman, Jane Fonda recalls her first and best kiss, Maya Rudolph would give Bridesmaids another go, the stars of ER scrub in one more time, popcorn and donuts team up
Page 7: Contents
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Page 8: StarTracks -- one day before Prince William and Princess Kate's youngest child Prince Louis turned 3, Kensington Palace released a new portrait of the little royal to mark the occasion; Kate snapped the photo of Louis, who wore a school uniform and backpack as he rode his bike outside their home in London ahead of his first day of preschool
Page 9: JoJo Siwa and mom Jessalynn went for a roller-coaster ride at Disney's Hollywood studios in Florida, Madonna in a three-piece Gucci suit for dinner at West Hollywood staple Craig's
Page 10: Stars on Set -- Rachel Brosnahan was pretty in pink while filming season 4 of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel with costar Alex Borstein in NYC, John Cena flashed a peace sign when he took a coffee break while filming The Suicide Squad spinoff series Peacemaker in Vancouver, Tika Sumpter and James Marsden shot an action-packed scene for Sonic the Hedgehog 2 in Vancouver
Page 11: Katie Holmes was spotted on a Connecticut set preparing to film the drama The Watergate Girl in which she'll play Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks, Awkwafina and Bowen Yang filmed the upcoming season of Awkwafina Is Nora from Queens in NYC, Melissa Benoist suited up for Supergirl in Vancouver
Page 12: Brooke Shields who is recovering after breaking her femur in a gym accident walked arm in arm after a lunch with husband Chris Henchy, Britney Spears and boyfriend Sam Asghari posed for a photo before attending a friend's wedding
Page 15: Stars in the Sun -- Maren Morris flaunted her new tan while enjoying a tropical getaway, Simone Biles and boyfriend Jonathan Owens cuddled up during a trip to Florida, Lindsey Vonn caught some waves and some rays while paddleboarding in Tulum, Derek Hough cooled off in the ocean during a beach day in L.A., Brie Larson enjoyed a dip while on vacation in Hawaii
Page 17: Scoop -- Life After Their Split -- how Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez are moving on
Page 18: Inside Caitlyn Jenner's run for governor
Page 20: Heart Monitor -- Tarek El Moussa and Heather Rae Young ready to wed, Pete Davidson and Phoebe Dynevor going public, Zac Efron and Vanessa Valladares split, Billie Eilish and Matthew Tyler Vorce new couple?
Page 23: Jana Kramer and Mike Caussin's messy divorce
* Susannah Constantine -- my royal friendship with Princess Margaret
Page 24: Open House -- French Montana
* Baby Boom -- the latest on Hollywood's growing families -- Marie Kondo and Takumi Kawahara welcomed a son, Nick and Lauren Carter welcomed their third child
Page 27: Ed Helms talks life after The Office
Page 29: Passages, Why I Care -- Lisa Kudrow is working with doctors at UCLA to end the stigma surrounding mental health issues
Page 31: Stories to Make You Smile -- most cats can't stand the water but 8-month-old Marlin can't get enough and his Instagram is @carolinejarvis, a first grader's airplane kits give wings to kids' travel dreams
Page 35: People Picks -- Tom Clancy's Without Remorse
Page 36: Limbo, One to Watch -- Shadow and Bone's Jessie Mei Li
Page 37: Pose, Pet Stars
Page 38: The Handmaid's Tale, Thomas Rhett -- Country Again: Side A, Q&A with Olivia Holt
Page 39: The Mosquito Coast, Inspiring America: The 2021 Inspiration List
Page 41: Books
Page 42: Oscars 2021 -- The Return of Glamour -- the show was unconventional, just 170 guests were allowed in L.A.'s Union Station, and COVID restrictions were strictly enforced, but stars did their part to bring back some movie magic
Page 43: Andra Day
Page 44: Fabulous Fashion -- crop tops, ball gowns and bows ruled the red carpet -- Angela Bassett, Zendaya, Carey Mulligan, Maria Bakalova
Page 45: Margot Robbie, Reese Witherspoon, Viola Davis, Amanda Seyfried
Page 46: Behind the Scenes -- Regina King -- the actress closed out awards season in a custom Louis Vuitton creation
Page 48: Shine Bright -- there's no such thing as too much bling -- Laura Pausini, Vanessa Kirby, Zendaya
Page 49: Maria Bakalova, Daniel Kaluuya, Glenn Close, Tiara Thomas
Page 50: Very Well Suited -- these sharp dressers put their own twists on the tuxedo -- Lakeith Stanfield, Colman Domingo, Paul Raci, Tyler Perry, Sacha Baron Cohen, Alan Kim
Page 53: Getting Ready with Andra Day
Page 55: Getting Ready with Angela Bassett
Page 56: Romance on the Red Carpet -- these couples only had eyes for each other -- Sacha Baron Cohen and Isla Fisher, Halle Berry and Van Hunt, Chloe Zhao and Joshua James Richards, Riz Ahmed and Fatima Farheen Mirza
Page 57: Steven Yeun and Joana Pak, Leslie Odom Jr. and Nicolette Robinson, Paul Raci and Liz Hanley Raci, Aaron Sorkin and Paulina Porizkova
Page 58: Best in Show -- there were A-list stars, groundbreaking moments and social distancing as Hollywood gathered safely to honor the best movies of the year -- Reese Witherspoon
Page 61: Alan Kim, Angela Bassett, Rita Moreno
Page 62: Major Moments -- these artists broke barriers during the most historic ceremony ever -- Emerald Fennell, Chloe Zhao, Daniel Kaluuya
Page 63: H.E.R., Anthony Hopkins, Yuh-Jung Youn with Brad Pitt, Mia Neal
Page 65: Yuh-Jung Youn and Daniel Kaluuya and Frances McDormand, Elton John and Dua Lipa, Andra Day and Winnie Harlow
Page 66: Cover Story -- Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union -- Dream Team -- the actress and NBA champ open up about protecting their family, fighting for what's right and why they're stronger than ever
Page 72: George Floyd's Killer Found Guilty -- We Can Breathe Again -- friends and family of the Minneapolis man killed by police rejoice after a jury's verdict and vow with supporters to keep fighting systemic racism
Page 76: Bethenny Frankel -- what I know now -- the irrepressible former Real Housewives star and businesswoman is newly engaged and back as a boss with a new show
Page 80: A Son Lost to Suicide, A Father's Mission -- we loved him every day, but it wasn't enough -- after the shocking death of his 12-year-old son, Brad Hunstable has a message for parents: talk to your kids about suicide
Page 84: Andrew McCarthy -- I was never suited for fame -- the beloved actor, and author of a new memoir, looks back on his enduring films, surviving his '80s stardom and how his affiliation with the so-called Brat Pack was a mixed blessing
Page 88: Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton's 10-year anniversary -- remembering the big day -- those who made the wedding a fairy tale share their memories
Page 92: Country Singer Thomas Rhett -- fame, family and finding my way -- the star opens up about overcoming struggled with his wife Lauren in their 8-year-marriage and learning to put their family first
Page 98: Murdered Soldier Vanessa Guillen's Fiance -- every day I pray for justice -- a year after losing the love of his life, Juan Cruz is determined to make sure the Army specialist's legacy is never forgotten and that her tragic death inspires lasting change
Page 102: George W. Bush -- painting with a purpose -- the former president avoided making waves, until his party's nativist prompted him to use his art to celebrate immigrants
Page 106: Pop Star Julia Michaels -- how I learned to love myself -- the singer talks falling in love, managing anxiety and writing hits for Britney Spears and Selena Gomez
Page 116: One Last Thing -- Josh Duhamel
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babbushka · 4 years
Each Eye (7/8)
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Kylo was the most feared boss in the entirety of New York City. They said that the crime families were no more, that they had disappeared with the end of an era. You knew it wasn’t true, you saw first hand. The families didn’t disappear, they simply went underground, adapted.
Lucky for you, your man, and your family, no one could ever get rid of crime. Not really.
Mob Boss!Kylo Ren x Reader
5.8k ; Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence, Blood, Gore, Murder
The tea you had chosen was a five course, three hour affair. You had figured that would be plenty of time to charm and chat, to catch up and gossip like normal people do. It was what everyone around you was doing, at the very least.
The Turkish afternoon set was very charming, and reminded you of all the wonderful memories you had with Kylo, going abroad to the gorgeous vacation home in Turkey that he owned. He had properties all over the world, but that was definitely one of your favorites, and it made the afternoon much more enjoyable.
The tea itself was brought out in a golden camel teapot, which you thought was only a little tacky, in that way that overly luxurious places tended to be. In addition to the tea though, there was a rosewater lemonade that was brought out with the first course.
Since it was only the first, the portions were small, but you didn’t care too much. You knew you’d be full by the end of it. Dried fruits and nuts decorated a golden tray, and you were careful to clean your teeth of the dried apricots and figs when you asked,
“NYU or Columbia?”
Rey hadn’t been expecting that question, clearly, if the way she coughed around the sweet walnuts was anything to go by.
“I’m sorry?” She asked, soothing her throat with some of the tea, the Dunes de Sahara that she was currently on her second cup of.
“Tax law, isn’t it? Are you at NYU or Columbia?” You clarified, really wondering if there would ever be an instance that she would just use her own context clues so you wouldn’t have to go repeating yourself all the time.
“Oh, Columbia.” She replied, dabbing her mouth with the linen cloth and reaching for the dried dates.
“You have a full schedule, I’m assuming.” You nodded, and she sighed.
“Yes. It’s very, pardon my pun, taxing.” Rey chuckled slightly at her own joke. If you weren’t so suspicious of her, then you might’ve laughed too. “I’m enrolled in the maximum amount of classes, currently. Although the drop period hasn’t passed yet, so I might lighten the load a little, depending.”
There was no way you could envision her dropping a class normally – you knew how she had been in high school when you both attended together. You saw how she took on more classes than anyone else, more after-school extracurriculars, more clubs.
Her dropping a class was only more reason to believe that she was doing something, something that was going to cause another schism in the family, something that was going to start another war – and you had proof.
You only needed her to admit it.
“Well then I am extra glad that this worked out. I wouldn’t want to keep you from your studies for too long, but it’s been a while since we’ve spent time together.” You commented.
“I don’t think I’ve actually ever spent time with you like this.” Rey said quietly, “The two of us alone, I mean.”
You both knew why, you knew. It wasn’t hard to guess, what with the way she had gone after her brother, what with the way she was so hell bent on killing him, that night so many years ago.
You took a sip of your tea, and smiled falsely at the waiter when they removed the golden tray of the first course, and replaced it with the second.
On top of a crystal dish were filo puff pastries filled with lamb and feta cheese, pistachio finger-cakes, and crackers with dates.
“Kylo’s very protective, isn’t he. When I went to Columbia he enrolled in all the same classes just to put himself at ease.” You said, reaching for one of the pastries, placing it on your pretty plate and using the polished silverware to cut into it.
“You’re an alumnus?” Rey’s hand froze as she reached for her own pastry, and you smiled.
“Of course, didn’t you know?” You asked, paying her body language no visible mind, “Spent quite a lot of time in Arthur W. Diamond.”
“Me too, there and the library.” Rey said, and you did glance up at her then.
“That is the library.” You blinked, watching.
She knew, you could tell she knew, that she was fucked.
You only were trying to prove a point. She knew that too.
“Oh, yeah, right, that’s what I meant.” She said unconvincingly, busying herself with the pastry, cutting it into many pieces of exactly the same size and shape, a nervous habit.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to go back and get a secondary degree, maybe another masters, I don’t know. Is Professor Carmichael still there? I loved taking classes that professor taught, we became good friends.” You asked, luring her into a trap.
“He is! I see him in the hallways sometimes.” Rey nodded enthusiastically, “I’ll ask and see if he remembers you.”
Professor Carmichael died two years ago, you and Kylo had gone to the funeral.
But she didn’t need to know that.
“That would be wonderful! You could ask after you visit the deli.” You said, pleased with yourself for this little segue.
 Rey’s hands went deathly still.  
 She was frozen for some time, you only watching her, only taking in her posture and the way her pulse jumped in her throat. You wondered what it must be like, to be prey.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Rey blinked, and oh how funny it was, to watch her immediately tense up.
To watch her lie.
“Don’t you frequent the Hamilton deli, on Amsterdam Avenue?” You asked, picking up your phone which had been resting on the table.
Her eyes zeroed in on the phone, and you could tell she was suspicious, could tell she was already thinking that you were using it to record her. She didn’t need to know that Kylo’s phone was safely tucked away in your purse, microphone facing her through the thin fabric.
“No, I’ve never been there before.” She lied.
You didn’t even need to use your years and years of observational skills to tell, didn’t even need to look at her to tell she was lying, because you were sifting through your screenshots in the cell phone gallery, looking for one piece of incriminating evidence.
“That’s funny because this is a reply text message from your cell phone number, to an unsaved number. It says, ’I'm busy that weekend. Let’s meet on Monday, our usual spot on Amsterdam.” You said, finally finding it, turning the phone screen to face her, “Or, am I mistaken?”
“How did you get that?” She asked, defensive. So defensive.
She knew she was fucked, why did she bother making this more difficult than it already needed to be?
“A little birdie sent it my way.” You replied.
It was easy to forget, you figured, that your family had connections with all the crooked cops in the city. It was easy to forget that there were people who sent in reports, people who made back alley deals, people who took bribes and offered them to the mob. Cops weren’t all squeaky clean and sunshine the way the mayor was painting them, the way some of these bootlickers were painting them.
No, they were just as slimy and grimy and corrupt as anyone else – maybe even more so.
 It was a cop who sent you that screenshot.
Which meant it was a cop that Rey had spoken to.  
 “So you do visit the deli.” You asked again, and this time, this time Rey had no choice but to play along, unless she was stupid.
She may have been a moron, but she wasn’t stupid.
“Yes.” Rey finally said, taking another big sip of her tea.
“Regularly.” You said, no longer a question.
“What’s this about?” Rey’s eyes narrowed, that squirrely fear of her giving way to the frustration of being caught.
You shrugged, putting the phone away, tucking it into your pocket. Rey followed the movement carefully, and part of you wondered if she thought you were going to pull out a gun and kill her right there. You could, of course, but you wouldn’t. For what she had done, what she was doing, she was in for something far more gruesome.
Today was only a warning.
You took a sip of the lemonade.
“I wonder who you meet there.” You said, nonchalant.
“Just some friends.” Rey replied.
The waiter decided that that was the best time to come in and clear away the plates, to exchange the pretty crystal dish for a three-tiered tray of stirling silver.
This was the course you were most looking forward to, if you were being honest. The top tier of the tray held a sunflower fennel Turkish bagel, the second tray had chicken pastilla, and a fun variety of dips, and the bottom tray had an assortment of things to go with the bagel. You immediately went straight for the apricot saffron jam, and watched as Rey tried her best to keep her hands from shaking as she served herself some baba ghanoush.  
“It must be very good food, or they must be very good friends, for you to regularly take time out of your very full schedule.” You said.
“It’s not so busy.” She replied, and you raised a brow.
“You just said you’re taking the maximum amount of classes.” You challenged, and she blinked rapidly, trying to backtrack.
“I meant it’s not so busy right now, at this point in the semester.” She lied, “We help each other study.”
“I didn’t think someone so bright would need help studying.” You mused, taking a crisp crunchy bite out of the pastilla.
Rey must have been at her tipping point, because her jaw was clenched and her fists were tight on the silverware she held. You had a fleeting thought that she would lunge at you from across the table, the knife in her hand particularly tense.
“I don’t like what you’re implying.” She hissed instead, and you raised an eyebrow.
“What am I implying?” You asked, which she didn’t seem to appreciate too much.
“That I’m cavorting with people.” She tried to keep her voice down as to not draw attention to herself, although her temper and that firey sprit that always reminded you so much of her late grandfather, wanted otherwise.
“Are you?” You asked evenly, hoping she’ll just get over with it and fess up.
“No.” She lied instead, and you cocked your head.
“Then why was that your first impulse I wonder?” You hummed, taking a sip of the tea.
“I’m used to people accusing me of things I didn’t do.” Rey said and you almost wanted to laugh out loud.
“Who’s throwing out accusations?” You said instead, your own attitude starting to become a little snippy, starting to become a little more sharp around the edges. “I just think it’s interesting that you make such an effort to meet your new friends. You don’t even take the time to properly control your slice of the city which you so desperately want to keep. I wonder if Gwen knows.”
“Why should she?” Rey scoffed, making you shrug.
“Keeping secrets isn’t the best way to maintain a healthy relationship.” You said.
“No one in this family would know a healthy relationship if it bit them in the ass.” She countered.
That caught you off guard a little, and you did have to admit it was funny. You chuckled a bit into the teacup, careful not to let the short burst of air blow too much of the steam away.
“Probably not.” You replied, before once again repeating yourself, “So which is it?”
“What?” Rey asked, and part of you wanted to strangle her right then and there.
“Is the food good, or are the “friends” good?” You asked.
“The food’s pretty fucking good.” Rey admitted.
“I’ve only been there one time, do you know what I ordered?” You asked, smiling as you wiped the corner of your mouth, as you finished your Turkish bagel and cracked the joints in your neck, your knuckles.
“Do tell.” Rey said, sarcastically and through gritted teeth.
“The N.Y.P.D.” You said easily, so easily, watching as the color drained from her face.
It was an expression you had only seen on her once before.
You’re seething, eyes red-rimmed, blood staining your chin, your cheeks. Fury raged through you as you blinked away the hot stinging tears in your eyes, exhausted and overwhelmed and far too keyed up all at the same time.
You were hunting, hunting him down. On your way to rip him apart limb from limb, on your way to gouge out his eyes and yank his heart straight out of his throat.
The man who had ordered your beloved to kill his father, which he had done! Which he had done so well, so deservingly – it hadn’t been enough. Not enough for Snoke, not enough for him who lured him into a trap for his sister to strike him down. The wretched old man, the monster who had taken your Kylo away from you, who had warped and twisted him into a puppet who had to obey.
Well, he didn’t have to obey any longer, not anymore.
Kylo was passed out, blacked out in your bed. You had found him had saved him, had sewn the chasm of his face back together with ugly fucked up stitches because you didn’t know how to do any better, you didn’t know. You had never done anything like this before, had never even seen it done. Nothing but sheer force and willpower had pushed your fingers forward, nothing but blind determination and fear had given you any sense of calm.
Were you calm?
You left him in your bed, stole his keys, and were now flying down the roads. Adrenaline is pounding through your veins, blood in your ears as it rushes behind your temple. You’re speeding, your foot slammed on the gas pedal as you rip through the streets of some small Jersey city. The address in Kylo’s GPS, in Kylo’s car, was leading you to him, to the biggest, meanest boss on the East coast.
You didn’t have anything, nothing to fight him with, nothing to kill him with. But you’re too angry, too furious, too filled with rage to stop yourself from going after him.
You don’t even know how you get there, when the GPS concludes, when you’re slamming the brakes and parking the car, turning it off. You don’t know how long it took, don’t know where you are. All you know is that somewhere inside a shitty warehouse, dilapidated and crumbling, is the man who sent your Kylo to die.
On the wall of the warehouse, in the very first room you creep into, there’s an axe in a glass case. Without thinking, you punch through the glass, send it shattering, send the alarm ringing blaring screaming. The lights flash, and the siren is so loud, and you yank the axe out from the small case, hold it in your hands.
You’re deranged. You don’t know how many men you cut down, on your way to Snoke.
There were rumors about it, rumors of the massacre, the way you had taken on a team of people. All his guards came pouring in, swarming from the depths of the warehouse with their big guns and their poor aim. Maybe if Snoke hadn’t sent Kylo away, hadn’t betrayed him, then he’d still have his attack dogs.
Now he didn’t have anything at all.
It was that night, that you knew how Kylo felt. How he got so out of it, in a trance, when he killed. You had never felt like that before, had never heard the sick crunch of bone as the heavy blade of the axe swung through it, had never heard the screams of someone as their light faded from their eyes.
The screams were muffled by the alarms, the slip and slide of their blood illuminated by the flashing lights, but you didn’t care, you could hear see feel smell it anyway. You were in a frenzy, like a shark hunting for blood.
You were hungry for it, hungry for the death you inflicted.
They had hurt him, had lured him into a trap where his own death was the only outcome, where the dominos would tip and he would fall. They didn’t know he was alive, they didn’t know he was fighting the reaper tooth and nail underneath your expensive satin sheets in your childhood bedroom, they didn’t know he was going to make it.
They wouldn’t make it.
Your muscles are burning by the time you’ve cut them all down, chops of your axe to their limbs, their necks. You’ve been shot, you had to have been, there’s no way you haven’t been, with how many they were. But you can’t feel it, can’t feel if there’s a bullet lodged in you somewhere.
You can’t die yet, you reason. If you die, you’re taking Snoke with you.
You can’t die until you get to Snoke.
The warehouse is like a maze, one large and winding thing, metal walls and grey floors, lights that bounce around off the rusting shelves and grates. You open unlocked doors, kick down locked ones, try your best not to scream as you cry, as you sob. You can’t stop crying, fear gripping your chest, squeezing at your heart as you try try try every door you come across, axe bloody and dripping on the cement in your wake.
You think of him, of Kylo. Of the man you love so desperately. You had never told him, hadn’t told him before that night, before only an hour ago. You never were given the chance, this withered monster having stolen that from you.
You wonder how much else he stole, what else you could have had.
Because you have him now, Kylo. You have him. He cried in your arms when you picked him up off the street, out of the alley. He sobbed into your hair, not coherent or even really that conscious, dead weight in your grip as you dragged him through the streets, dragged him to your house.
It was just your name, on his lips, when you sewed him shut. Just your name, over and over again, pleading, hoping it was you who had rescued him. And it was, you told him again and again, it was you, you were there, there with him.
He kissed you, when you had healed him, when his face was bandaged up to the best of your ability, he kissed you.
That was your first kiss, and you can’t help but wonder, if Snoke hadn’t been around what your first kiss might have been. You’re praying it’s not your first kiss goodbye, praying that by the time you get back to him, he’ll be there to hold you the way he clung to you.
 You’re surprised to see her, when you make it to the right room, the red lights blaring, washing the whole warehouse in an altogether evil atmosphere of violence and rage. You don’t expect her, and you lunge, tackle her to the ground, pressing the bar of your axe up against her throat, choking her as blood and spit spatters onto her face from the force of your anger.
“I’ll kill you!” You scream at her, “I’ll fucking kill you for what you’ve done!”
Because it’s Rey, Rey who split your Kylo’s face in two, Rey who stabbed him in the shoulder, Rey who shot him in the stomach. She’s there, choking under the weight of your axe, body convulsing and eyes bloodshot and angry. You don’t know why, but she’s there.
Rey, his sister, his younger sister, your friend, your classmate, power hungry in her own right.
“(Y/N)!” Rey struggles, chokes, red in the face, blood on her face – or is it just the lights? You don’t know, you don’t care.
You’re too angry.
“Ah,” A voice cuts through the darkness, something chilling that dumps down your spine. “So this is the (Y/N) that I’ve heard so much about.”
You snap your head up, searching in the blinding pulsing light for where the fuck he is, where the monster is hiding. Suddenly it’s like you’ve been electrified, and you’re frantically abandoning Rey’s body from where he’s gasping out on the floor, stalking the room, trying to squint through the lights at him.
“Kylo’s told me so much about you.” The voice, deep and dark and vile, bounces around the walls.
“Show yourself!” You shout, your whole body trembling, shaking with rage.
“Why? So you can cut me to pieces like you did my guards? No, I don’t think so.” The voice laughs, laughs and laughs, coming from all around the room, all angles, all sides.
You spin in a slow circle, as you try to catch shadows on the walls.
“You sick son of a bitch I said show yourself!” You’re practically foaming at the mouth, panting, breath ragged as you gulp down air. You have a splitting headache, you’re still crying, bleeding from a wound in your leg, hands numb from the grip you keep on your weapon.
“Put down the axe, and I will.” Snoke says. You drop it without question – you don’t need the axe to kill him, you’ll find another way. You just need him to show himself.
He steps out of the shadows then, a crippled old thing. He’s so much older than you had thought, than you had ever anticipated. He must be nearing ninety, from the age in his skin, his sunken face, hollow eyes. He’s bald, hunched over and spindly.
You hate him.
“Good, good girl. At least one of you can follow orders.” He chuckles, and you want to be sick, want to kill him. You’re going to kill him.
“Is that why you tricked him? Because he wouldn’t blindly obey you anymore?” You sobbed, unable to even look at him, you’re so repulsed.
“My plans for Kylo were set in motion the first day I met him, he was always destined for this.” Snoke shook his head.
He rushes towards you and grabs you, a grip far too strong for the man’s age, as he pulls out a gun and presses it to your cheek. You can feel the cold bite of the metal digging into your skin, even through the warm crust of blood that’s dried on your face.
“He was a young frightened child and you killed him.” Despite this, you shake, so angry, so livid. You need to think, you need to figure out a way to get out of this hold he has you in.
“He’s dead?” Rey asks from her spot on the floor, not having moved one fucking inch from where you left her.
“No thanks to you.” You lie, you lie and you pray it is a lie, you plead that it’s a lie.
“Shut up!” Snoke says, the arm that was tight around your middle now grabbing your jaw, crushing your chin in his hand as he spits on the floor and grumbles, “You know, I really wish Kylo had never met you.”
“I could say the same.” You say, before taking your opportunity.
You bite down on his hand, hard. So hard that he shouts out in pain and releases you just enough that you can twist yourself out of his hold. You shove Snoke to the floor as you kick the gun out of his hand, the thing spiraling across the cement floor as his head cracks against it. He’s old, he’s fragile, and he doesn’t get up quickly, you’re glad to find as you scramble to find your axe.
Rey screams as you swing the blade down across his ankle, as you cleave through the bone there, chopping his feet off. Snoke screams in pain, a horrible, mangled sound, like he’s never been hurt before, like no one has ever dared to hurt him. He hunches over on the floor, his hands grasping for the stubborn end of his leg.
You swing the axe down again with a yell, a rage filled hysterical shout, hacking through his arms.
There is so much blood, so much that Rey is running away from it, climbing up onto a stack of metal grates to avoid it touching her, to avoid getting it all over her. You lose your footing in it, hands scrabbling against the cement, his blood hot and thick as it pours from his limbs.
You don’t stop until he’s nearly unrecognizable, until he’s completely mangled, chopped into little pieces. You had known, of course you had known that he was human underneath the evil veneer of sickly grey skin, but to see it all laid bare was something you hadn’t been expecting, for whatever reason.
He was nothing more than a pile of bones and organs, skin flayed out and drenched in blood.
You were covered in it, sprayed and drenched from head to toe in it, and only once you had severed the head from his neck, did you drop the axe, did you stumble over onto the ground, did you lay yourself down on the cement and stare up at the flashing lights.
“Is he really dead?” Rey asks, voice small, scared.
She’s watching you from the metal grates, and you sigh.
You’re both too young for this kind of shit, nineteen year old killers. Well, technically, Rey hasn’t killed anyone yet. But the effort counted enough, you think.
“No.” You croak out, voice hoarse from all the screaming, all the shouting.
You’ve got your eyes closed, arms and legs spread out like you’re making snow angels, starfished right there on the concrete. You hear Rey get down from the metal grate, your heavy breathing not doing anything to drown out the noise of her standing at your feet.
When you crack an eye open, it’s to her offering you a hand.
“He killed my father.” Rey says, and you sigh as you take it.
“I know.” You reply, pulling her into a hug. “Han was his father too.”
“We need to get you out of here, before the cops come.” She says after she lets herself sigh into the hug, after she lets herself cry a little into your shoulder. When she pulls away, she’s got Snoke’s blood on your cheek. “I don’t know how to shut off the alarm.”
You nod, making sure to take the axe with you. You can’t leave it behind, can’t abandon the murder weapon, not here. You’ll dump it over the side of a bridge or something, but you can’t leave it here.
“What are you even doing here?” You ask as Rey pulls your arm across her shoulder, giving you support.
You’re definitely shot, you can feel it in your leg, now that the adrenaline high is winding down, you wince and grit your teeth through the pain. Your family is going to freak the fuck out when they find out you’re going to the hospital, but they’ll understand, you’ll make them understand.
“I was going to kill Snoke too.” Rey says, glancing back at the mess of gore behind the both of you, before asking, “Are you going to kill me?”
“If he dies from what you did to him, yes.” You reply honestly.
“Why do you care so much about him?” She wonders aloud, a blood-spattered frown knitting her brows.
“I’m in love with him.” You reply easily, like it’s the easiest thing you’ve ever said, like killing an entire warehouse of people was no challenge for you.
Because it wasn’t, not if it was for your man, your Kylo.
Rey is silent as she helps you limp across the warehouse, as she corrals you into the back of Kylo’s car, as she drives you to the hospital and calls your family, who calls just about everyone else.
And when the whole fucking crime world shows up to check on you, to make sure you’re okay after the surgery to get that bullet out of your leg, when the paths clear and you see the familiar mop of black hair and the bandaged face of your best friend cutting through the crowd, you smile.
In the present, Rey put down her teacup. She had the decency to at least look offended, which you appreciated, even if you knew it was all bullshit.
“Excuse me?” She asked, whispered, unable to speak any louder otherwise she’d be screaming, she’d be shouting, like she was so wont do to.
“Roast beef, onions, hot peppers, bacon, American cheese, lettuce, tomato and BBQ Sauce.” You replied quickly and with a bit of a smirk, “It’s delicious.”
“You don’t touch pork.” Rey said.
“That makes one of us.” You shot back.
She closed her eyes then, rubbed them with the pads of her fingers, slumped back into the chair. You wondered how it felt to be such a traitor, to be such a liar. You couldn’t ever imagine.
“You know, (Y/N), I have to say.” Rey shook her head, licked across her teeth and regarded you with steely eyes, “Sometimes I wish Kylo had never met you.”
Of all the things you thought she would say, that really wasn’t one of them. You couldn’t say you were surprised, because you weren’t, not really, not given the situation. If you hadn’t met Kylo, who knows where she might be, how successful, how rich, how powerful.
If you hadn’t met Kylo, you wouldn’t have been there to save him that night, wouldn’t have been there to stop the war that was brewing, that had already begun. Maybe she would have won, if you hadn’t been there.
But you were there.
You can’t help but laugh, a little something just at her expense.
“What’s so fucking funny?” She demanded to know, and you really did think she was going to stab you then, with the way she was fuming.
“Nothing,” You made a show of wiping away a tear from your eye, made a show of getting your chuckles under control as you said, “You’re just not the first person to say that to me.”
“Oh?” Rey rolled her eyes, “And here I thought I was original.”
“So did Snoke.” Your smile dropped, and it felt like the whole world went quiet.
Rey’s eyes widened, and she snapped her jaw shut, staring out the window where the vision was still a marbled blurry mess.
“Do you remember? Remember what I did to him?” You asked softly, removing the napkin from your lap, folding it and placing it on the table. You knew there was one last course coming, some sort of ice cream, but you didn’t care.
You wanted to go home, you needed to plan.
“Yes.” Rey said, voice barely above a whisper, because she did – she was there.
“Remember how I spared you?” You asked, snapping your finger and drawing her attention so that she could look at you, so that you could look at her, really look at her.
“Yes.” Rey answered, terrified.
You were no longer all smiles, all warmth. You were no longer sunshine and charm as you had been, as you tried to always be. No, no now you were angry, now you were impatient, now you were offended. Your eyes were cold and hard when you regarded her, when you bore your gaze into hers as you leaned in ever so slightly, leaned in just enough to make her lean in too.
“I’m starting to regret that.” You whispered, before pulling away.
The waiter arrived then with the ice creams, and you returned to your normally cheerful disposition, checking your phone and collecting your belongings.
“Shit, would you look at the time!” You laughed breezily, apologetically to the waiter. “I need to get going, Kylo will be expecting me back home soon. You know how he gets if he’s away from me for too long.” You said to Rey, who was stunned.
“Of course.” She said, mind racing, pulse jumping.
The waiter nodded, handed the ice creams off to someone else passing by so they wouldn’t melt, no use in wasting them on people who wouldn’t eat it.
You eyed the little piece of newspaper that was still on the table, and picked it up.
“Oh, would you mind holding onto this for me? He doesn’t like it when I fill in the puzzle without him, gets all sour.” You winked, folding it up and handing it to Rey.
“Did you finish it?” Her voice shook as she accepted the paper.
“No, there’s one left, I was hoping you could solve it.” You smiled warmly, standing up and putting on your coat, “It’s got me stumped I’m afraid. Forty-two across.”
“Sure I can take a look.” Rey looked like she was in a daze, emotional whiplash making her dizzy.
“Thanks Rey.” You said, excusing yourself to the waiter. “I’ll see you soon.”
You left a few hundred dollars on the table, and made your way out of the tea room.
 You barely made it to the door when you heard a loud FUCK! and the shatter of crystal hitting the polished marble floor, sound of footsteps running, the murmur of nosy socialites wondering what the commotion was all about.
Without even so much as turning around, you smiled to yourself, as the doorman opened the glass doors and you stepped outside.
Your heels clicked on the pavement as you stepped up to the vehicle where Dopheld was holding open the door, a curious look on his face.
“Did you have a nice lunch, Mrs. Ren?” He asked, ever so cheerful and polite, friendly.
“Yes Dopheld, thank you.” You said, sitting in the back of the car and clicking your seatbelt into place. “It was very insightful.”
You reached into your purse and pulled out Kylo’s phone, paused and saved the recording so Kylo could listen in on it as soon as you got back home.
“I’ll bring you back then?” Dopheld asked, smiling at you through the rearview mirror.  
“Yes please, Kylo is going to follow us.” You pulled out a compact mirror and your lipstick from your purse, reapplied your favorite color since the brunch had rubbed some of it away.
“Yes ma’am.” Dopheld pulled onto the street and into the light traffic of the mid-afternoon.
You looked behind you and gave a little wave to your husband, who was in the car behind you. He lifted a palm for a moment before returning it to the wheel, a small wave of his own kind. Smiling, you turned back to face the front properly, and hummed to yourself.
“Oh, Dopheld?” You asked, “I was wondering if you could help me with something.”
“Anything, Mrs. Ren.” Your driver was always eager, jumping at the bit to help.
“Do you happen to know a three letter word for, ‘traitor?’” You asked, a coy smile spreading across your face, as his eyes widened in the rear-view mirror.
Taggin some palz! <3  @adamsnackdriver @dreamboatdriver @kyloxfem @heldcaptivebychaos  @solotriplets @formerly-anonhamster @lookinsidemyhead @candycanes19 @adamsnacc-kler @taylovren-types @whiskey-bumblebee @riseofkylo @magikevalynn @tinyplanet-explorers @chelsjnov @romancedeldiablo @helloimindelaware @elfieboxcat @laurenshit @autumnlovesadam @peterisparker @mp938368 @hidingp @goodboybensolo @intrestellarsarah @the-marvelatic @miasera @emily-strange @proxyfoxy @insanita @disaster-rose @hazydespair​ @yosoymuyloca​
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