#big game taxidermy
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Found the old guestbook for the museum.. here are two good entries
(1st photo: Don’t come here high!
2nd photo: shootin the shit! i will be back to mark this space. Goal 2: have sex in this room. At some point…)
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fissions-chips · 1 year
I wanna beat up Jon so bad… writing whumpy stuff is so fun, why do I always get in the mood for it at the WORST time once in a blue moon-
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starrypawz · 8 months
Now I'm remembering a museum I've been to that's essentially 'an old timey big game hunter became a proto conservationist... sort of' and I remember during a tour there it was like
'Yeah we have a lot of specimens, maybe this guy shot more than he needed to and we have a lot in storage but we should preserve these specimens as a lot of this collection gets used for studies and also it would probably be worse to just throw things out'
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not-the-cheese · 1 year
one sentence summaries of every TMA episode
(1-60 i'll add more soon)
part 2 up!
world's most effective anti-smoking PSA
man DOES NOT open coffin. everyone claps.
woman is judgemental towards neighbor even though she has hobbies that are just as weird.
book makes multiple people fall off chair.
man finds bag of teeth and decides he absolutely needs to fuck around and find out.
worm sti.
there was a SCARY MAN in the WAR.
fuck this tree
well at least ted bundy was a great father :)
i'm like 55% sure vampires are real and i'm willing to take those odds
bitches be dying. you're next.
we kill this man because he made the soda too warm.
sorry ur husband's dead. maybe get some help.
Unbox with me ! (GONE WRONG)
hah i'm safe from this one because i have decided to Never Go Into a Cave Ever.
man is so annoying about this spider that even his cat can't be bothered
man's bully finds a book about a Bone Turner and subsequently begins turning people's bones.
this guy sucks at DIY home improvement
aw maybe this priest didn't do anything THAT bad!
oh fuck nevermind
the worms stole my identity. i haven't left the house in days.
man beats german children at game of bravery and wins a coin (he later loses this coin)
my ex boyfriend gets casted in the muppets and dies
sorry mom, i've abandoned jesus for a new religion : jesus in the dark.
tall squiggly and HANDsome
old man arm wrestles demon through door knob
the buzzfeed unsolved guys finally catch a ghost but it's their sound tech
immortality but at what cost
working at the big meat factory was so traumatizing it made me vegetarian
i go to america and get almost killed by a furry
well if you love that wasp nest so much why don't you MARRY it (and then she did)
antisocial boat crew bands together to exclude one guy from a midnight party. he dies from the rejection.
bone apple teeth
remember when that norwegian guy threw a tantrum about us not digging a hole? turns out we were right to not dig that hole.
babe come over my parents have taken ill and passed away
man fucks around and it costs him everything
oh god oh fuck the worms are here
thank you for participating in worms! please rate your wormsperience from 1 to 10.
the wormsperience has left me deeply scarred. i'm going to get lost in a tunnel about it.
🎸music makes me loose control🎸
spooky stories to tell at the next police slumber party
child threatens to run away and join the circus one too many times, and now the circus has come to cash in.
these mosquitoes are mad sus
man frequents local barnes and noble and then dies(?) after liking a book too much.
realtor gets eaten by the backrooms twice. it's a terrible shame.
both me and this weird goth dude have an unsatisfying italy vacation
guy who turns people's bones gets a new job where he continues to turn people's bones.
man who should never be allowed to build prisons builds a prison.
Something Big Is In The Water.
what if u heard me about 15 feet behind you fumbling around and calling out ur name 😳 (and we were both prison guards)
i'm going to be honest i didn't retain anything from this episode except that this guy has the silliest old man voice ever
everybody hates the tax man, including these creepy taxidermy animals
hmmgh. ant house.
so turns out being only 55% sure that vampires are real in my career as a vampire hunter has had some consequences.
the only thing keeping you company in space is your abandonment issues
🎶 the snack that smiles back 🎶 (my husband!)
maybe the real treasure was the house siblings we encased in spider web along the way.
your dead brother wrote books about ancient myths and WHAT
Part 2
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corroded-hellfire · 11 months
Passing Through - Eddie Munson x Reader
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Summary: Being the new kid in a small town like Hawkins is tough. One late October day though, you meet Eddie, and he’s always looking out for those lost sheep.
Note: Happy Halloween 🎃
Words: 2.8k
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In the great game of life, you have been given a shitty hand of cards to play this round. Starting at a new high school for junior year is an agonizing yet hazy experience. You have to start over in a place where cliques have already formed, and most people have known each other since kindergarten. The best shot you have at making friends is praying there are souls kind enough to include you in their group. Or maybe there are other pariahs you could collect along the way and have your own island of misfit toys.
On the other hand, even if this experience is completely horrible, it’s only a short two years that you have to endure it. It will feel like a lifetime, but maybe you could keep your head down and push through. 
School has been in session for about two months now. The leaves are changing to the browns, reds, and yellows that always accompany the smell of fireplaces burning for the first time in months and the sickly sweet scent of apple and pumpkin permeating everything. 
Late October is always a nice chance to wear comfy sweaters and cute scarves, bundling up as you take in the views of this time of year. Jack-o-lanterns litter the sidewalks, a few even placed around the high school campus. Children laughing and jumping in any pile of leaves that would permit them to make a mess. The outside aesthetic clashes with the churning, icy storm inside of you. 
There are a few people you’ve met that you’d consider friends, yet not anyone you feel you can confide in about how alien you feel around the other teens of this small town. 
Of course, there are mean girls everywhere and they never miss a chance to pounce on fresh meat. You’ve lost count of the things you heard said about you, but some of them even made you laugh. You wish you were cool enough to be here because your family is on the run. At least it would be something exciting. It’s also better than the other rumor that you taxidermy animals in your basement and now you’re looking for people to practice on. Someone obviously watched Psycho the night before they came up with that one.
Once in a while you’ve tried to sit with some of the friends you made at lunch, but you always felt out of place. You decided to start exploring the school during your lunch period instead. Sometimes you’d have your sandwich on the bleachers in the gym or have your cup of noodles under the large oak tree next to the science building. 
Today, there’s a gentle breeze and, bundled up in your soft brown sweater, you decide to perch yourself on the short wall in front of the school. You settle yourself on the sun-faded bricks and open your lunch on your lap. Students go by, some of them in a hurry, some of them looking like they’d rather be anywhere else. It’s nice to people watch; sometimes it makes you feel less alone. You take a bite out of your peanut butter sandwich and let your eyes slip closed. The wind ruffles your sweater and brings a smile to your face as it kisses your skin. When you open your eyes, you’re greeted by a scene of two basketball players seeing who can burp the loudest. 
With a sigh you take another bite of your sandwich. Is there anyone at this school that will just get you?
As the thought crosses your mind, you feel a heavy weight plop down next to you on the wall. You turn your head and see the cutest guy you’ve seen yet in Hawkins. His curly hair is frizzy, but in the most endearing of ways. The brown of his eyes perfectly matches the atmosphere of autumn around you. But it’s his smile that has your heart racing. It’s big, bright, and most important of all, it’s genuine. 
“Ah, I can spy a fellow Hawkins outcast when I see one.”
Warmth burns your cheeks simply by making eye contact and having this man speak to you. The air around you might be getting cooler, but your body is heating up. It makes sense; he’s really cute. 
“Uh, yeah, I guess that’s me.”
“New kid?” He leans back and narrows his eyes slightly, as if he’s appraising you, but in a joking manner.
“As I’ll probably be referred to until I graduate, yes,” you admit with a breathy chuckle. He laughs in return, and it sounds like music, the melody of it being swept away by the breeze. 
“I was known as the ‘freak’ to most people. You’d think ‘Eddie’ was merely a suggestion of what to call me, not my actual goddamn name,” he says with an overdramatic shrug of his shoulders. “Didn’t really bother me after a while.”
“I wish I didn’t let things get to me as much as they do,” you admit. Why? You’re not sure. Maybe because this is the first person in Hawkins that seems to be interested in what you have to say. Eddie smiles and shakes his head, eyes turning down to gaze at his lap. 
“The assholes aren’t worth it.” Eddie waves a dismissive hand in the air, multiple chunky rings glinting in the afternoon sunlight. “But trust me, you find the right friends, and everything will be smooth sailing. They’ll have your back, and you’ll have theirs—none of the other shit matters.”
“You’re pretty wise, Eddie.”
“Don’t know if I’ve ever been called that before,” he tells you through a guffaw of laughter. 
“Well, it’s fitting,” you say. 
“Eddie the Wise,” he tries out the name, but wrinkles his nose and shakes his head. “Nah, doesn’t work.”
“I like your pick necklace,” you say, just trying to keep talking and have Eddie here for as long as you can. 
“Huh?” He looks down at it. “Oh, thanks. You like music? Good music, I should say. Because I’ve got the all-time best band right here.”
Eddie shrugs off his denim vest layered over a leather jacket, your eyes trailing every movement his body makes. Bare, pale arms come into view once he’s finally rid himself of the article of clothing. Your eyes are immediately drawn to the dark ink that contrasts against his alabaster skin. A small colony of bats taking flight. 
“Ta-da,” Eddie says, presenting his Metallica t-shirt to you and bringing you back to reality.
“Not bad, not bad,” you acquiesce, once you’ve refocused.
Eddie just grins and puts his layers of clothing back on. 
A couple of cheerleaders walk by and look you up and down, trying to be as obvious as possible about it. Because they know it will get even more under your skin, they lower their heads and start whispering together.
Eddie gives them a saccharine smile and flips them off as they go by. It makes you giggle, and it brings you satisfaction that those girls didn’t rob you of your happy afternoon. 
“Take it from me,” Eddie says with a sigh. “You’re gonna be just fine here in Hawkins. This school is a shit show, but it has its bright spots. Friends mostly. Clubs—you should look into those for sure. Some teachers aren’t half bad either. Take Mr. H. He’s a bit of a smartass, but he’s a good guy.”
“Yeah, I have him for physics and he’s great.”
The corners of Eddie’s mouth quirk up in a smirk and he pushes himself off the wall.
“Well, as much as I’d love to stay and chat with you—and seriously, I really wish I could—I’m not even supposed to be here right now.”
“Oh, you don’t have this lunch period?” you ask.
“Nah,” Eddie says as he slides his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket. “I’m supposed to be somewhere, doing something, I don’t know.” Eddie’s lackadaisical nature makes you giggle. “But I saw a pretty girl sitting here all by herself and I took a detour.”
His words make you feel flushed and flustered, unable to come up with anything to say in response. Eddie goes to walk away but turns back and gives you a smile; almost as bright as the very first one he gave you. 
“Everything’s gonna be alright. This is your year. I can feel it.” He offers you a quick wink then he’s on his way.
The bell rings, breaking you out of your daze watching Eddie walk away. You hasten to clean up from your lunch so you can make it on time to your French class on the other side of campus. 
When you’ve got everything situated and ready to get to class, you look around but there’s no sign of Eddie. No curly hair, no dark delicious eyes, nothing. 
In class, it’s a fight not to tap your pencil against your desk incessantly. You’re itching to ask someone, anyone, if they know Eddie and where you can find him. At this moment more than ever you wish you’d made better friends here already. 
Screw it, you think as the bell rings to signal the end of the class. I’ve got to ask about him. 
“Mrs. Daaé?” 
Your petite French teacher gives you a kind smile. “Yes, dear?” 
“Do you know a student named Eddie?” You feel so stupid asking this; asking a teacher if she knows anything about the cute boy who came and talked to you.
Mrs. Daaé thinks for a moment, her long mauve fingernails tapping against the top of her desk.
“I don’t believe I do,” she says with a sympathetic smile. When you’re the new kid you get used to people giving you that look very quickly. 
“That’s okay,” you say, eager to be out of there. “Thank you anyway.”
It’s the same answer from everyone you talk to. The few friends you’ve made, people who sit near you in class, even your teachers. No one seems to know who this guy is or have any idea what you’re talking about. 
By the time you get to your last class of the day, you’re half convinced that you’re crazy. Gone mad, absolutely bonkers. 
Physics isn’t your favorite class, but it does have your favorite teacher, so that’s something. 
You pay enough attention to get by, but your mind constantly wanders back to the only person to make you feel welcome in this town. 
The sound of your name jars you out of your thoughts. You look up and realize the last students from your class are walking out the door. Now that you think about it, you did hear the final bell ring, it just didn’t register. 
“Sorry,” you say, but you’re not sure who to. Your teacher who snapped you out of your daze? The students you’ve been bombarding with questions today?  
Maybe you should ask this teacher. It’s the last one of the day, you might as well. But you also don’t want to look like an idiot again. 
“Something I can help you with?” The soft voice and kind smile shake you out of your thoughts. You’re the only student left in the room.
“Oh, no, I’m sorry,” you repeat the apology. As you step out the door, you change your mind, remembering Eddie referenced “Mr. H.” Taking a deep breath, you turn around and walk back into the classroom. “A-Actually… Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“I talked with this guy today, outside while I was eating my lunch. He was really nice—nicer than any of the other kids have been since I came here, honestly. But when I’ve asked around about him, no one knows who he is. He seemed to know you, though.”
Your teacher’s eyebrows furrow together, and he sits down in his chair behind the desk. “What’s his name?”
He shakes his head as he thinks. “I don’t know if we even have an Eddie in this school. We’ve got Ed Sweeney, the football coach. But I doubt it was him.”
“No,” you say with a disappointed, but not surprised, sigh. It’s the same answer you’ve been getting all day. “This was definitely a student. Curly hair down to his shoulders. Big, infectious smile, a dark red pick on a chain around his neck…”
Your teacher’s eyes widen exponentially, and you must give him an odd look without realizing it because he quickly composes himself and clears his throat. 
“Did he, um, have any tattoos?” the teacher asks. 
“Yeah!” You get excited, this being the first real hint of someone knowing what you’re talking about. “He had a bunch of bats—”
“On his right forearm?”
“Yes! That’s him!”
Your teacher slumps back in his seat and rubs his hand over his eyebrows.
“Holy shit,” he mutters under his breath. You’re surprised to hear that kind of talk from a teacher; you’re not even sure if you were meant to hear it or not. 
“Is everything okay?” you ask timidly.
A grin from ear to ear looks back up at you and your teacher leans forward on his desk, resting on his elbows. 
“You talked to him today?”
“Yes. I don’t understand, what’s–”
Before you can finish your question, he’s shuffling in his pocket and pulling out his phone. Frantically, he starts to look for something on it, obviously searching for something he deems as important as his fingers tap against the screen. Evidently, he finds what he’s looking for because his search comes to an end, and he takes a deep breath. The phone clacks down gently onto the wood of the desk and he slides it in your direction.
“Was this him?”
You take a few steps closer to the desk and peer down at the screen. Looking back at you is Eddie, tongue sticking out and hand held up in devil’s horns, standing beside your teacher–only much, much younger.
“W-What is this?”
“Is this him?” His voice is firm, but not aggressive.
“Yes, but I’m confused.” If you thought your brain was already jumbled up from no one knowing who you were talking about today, now it feels like it was put in a blender and puréed. 
“This is unbelievable,” your teacher mumbles, a smile starting to appear on his face once again. “Still taking care of lost sheep, huh?” The question is obviously not directed at you.
Confusion is starting to turn to irritation, and it isn’t like your favorite teacher to not answer your questions. He’s always willing to explain things as many times as needed in class.
“Mr. Henderson, what’s going on?”
The initial response is a chuckle and shake of his head, clearly amused by something.
“Eddie Munson. He, uh, used to go here.”
“Did he graduate?” You try to hide the pang of disappointment in your voice that he isn’t a fellow student anymore. 
The smile on Mr. Henderson’s face turns melancholic.
“Yeah. Yeah, he graduated.” Your teacher is clearly lost in a memory, and you can’t tell by his expression if it’s a happy one or a sad one. 
Now you can’t help but feel a little petty and whiney about the one person who seemed to understand you not being around. In spite of yourself, you frown and cross your arms over your chest.
“Why was he here?” you can’t help but ask, poking the bruise.
Mr. Henderson seems stumped by this question at first. He thinks for a silent moment, then his eyes spark as if something just came to him.
“Probably here to give me a message.” He doesn’t elaborate on that before looking back up at you. “Eddie doesn’t…live around here anymore. He was probably just passing through.”
“Somehow he could tell I was the new kid,” you say with a slightly embarrassed shrug—as if being the new kid is something people can smell on you.
“Yeah, Eddie always had a knack for finding new kids. Even kids who’ve been here for years but didn’t have many friends.”
“He definitely came to the right person then,” you admit sadly. In front of anyone else you would feel stupid speaking these thoughts out loud, but Mr. Henderson has seemed like a safe place ever since you arrived at Hawkins High. 
The man tilts his head and gives you a look of understanding—but not sympathy, like everyone else.
“Making friends can be hard. I was lucky I had friends coming into this school with me. Even so, I’m glad that Ed—uh, this upperclassman took me under his wing. Made a world of difference. Joined a club and made tons of new friends.”
The words spark a memory from your earlier conversation.
“Eddie mentioned that, actually. That I should join a club or something.”
Mr. Henderson chuckles softly to himself and mumbles of course he did under his breath. You’re not sure what’s so funny but it seems impolite to ask.
“I think that’s a great idea,” he says. He stands up from his chair and narrows his eyes. “I think I have a pretty good recommendation, too. Tell me, do you know anything about Dungeons and Dragons?”
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issdisgrace · 8 months
Hiya it’s my birthday in about three days and I was wondering if u could write a fic of Otis and his family celebrating readers birthday (preferable reader is dating Otis) I wanna know if they’d have any fun firefly traditions :3 (he/they pronouns for readerpls)
WARNINGS: Murder, mayhem, the usual Firefly family antics, little nsfw
A/N: This was intended to be a fic but I didnt quite know how to put my thoughts into a coherent fic. Also I’m trying to get out of writers block so sorry if it kinda lacking. But HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a good birthday.
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There are two things that a certain when celebrating anything in the Firefly family, those being alcohol and murder.
But the whole day isn't spent partaking in those things.
The morning starts off with Otis waking you up for breakfast and you two getting a little hot and heavy before heading down for food. Both of you getting teased for your slightly disheveled appearance.
Otis told them to fuck off that it was your birthday so you got to enjoy yourself. You agreed and the family moved on from it.
You guys then had a nice breakfast before all piling into the living room to watch something of your choice. You guys ended watching tv for a couple hours before it was time for your first gift.
Your first gift was from Baby who got you a young married couple to play with and make pretty. You appreciated the gift and spent the next couple of hours playing with and making them pretty in crimson until they both unfortunately died.
But what was not unfortunate was by the time you were done and cleaned up a little lunch was done. They made all your favorite foods which was nice and very delicious but that could have also been the fact that Spaulding was the one that cooked everything with only some help from the others.
Anyway after lunch the family gave your gifts that weren’t people.
Spaulding got you a taxidermy racoon and possum cuddling because why not. Also he said that it reminded him of you and Otis. You being the racoon reminded and Otis being the possum.
Mama, Tiny, and RJ got you some movies and tv shows that they thought you would like and enjoy.
Baby got you a nice blanket and made you a voodoo doll of Otis so you could prick it when he made you mad or annoyed you. Which Otis grumbled about saying that he wasn’t that bad and a voodoo doll of him wasn’t needed.
Then Otis, your love, your man. He painted the two of you using god knows who blood. But it was very well done, very detailed, and very pretty. You were already thinking of where you were going to hang it up. So you could see the master piece everyday.
But I digress after lunch and gifts, you and Otis spent a little one on one time in your guys room fooling around. Otis offering his whole self to you to do whatever you pleased with him.
And all the while you guys were having fun the rest of the family was setting up the main event of the night. They got a shit ton of alcohol, set up a big bonfire to burn, and got the bunnies ready for the night.
Once it was dark the family came and got you and Otis. You got the honors as the birthday boy to light the bonfire. You also got to hunt the first bunny of the night before the others got to hunt theirs.
Anyway you all got plastered, had fun, played a couple of games, joked around, got bloody, and you snuck off once or twice with Otis but that’s beside the point.
You had an overall great birthday, got some nice gifts, had a nice time, and you couldn’t wait for your next birthday.
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asphalt-cocktail · 7 months
Lead Us to Temptation- Chapter 2
Chapter 2- Good Old Fashioned Catholic Guilt
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Summary: In the small town of Eden Ridge, you knew several things to be true: church happened every Sunday, the saloon served free lunch with the purchase of a drink on Thursdays, coal miners left work at 7PM sharp, and Bucky Barnes was a man sent from the depths of hell dangling the threat of temptation and sin right in front of your face. All you need to do is reach out and grab it.
Pairing: Outlaw!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Nicknames, heavy religious themes in this chapter, mentions of threatening with a gun and criminal activity, thunder storms, smut, oral f receiving, virginity kink (sorry but also I’m not), arguing, talk of marriage, good old fashioned catholic guilt
Word Count: 4.2k
Read me on AO3
Chapter 1- Precious Lord Take my Hand
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Dinner with Bucky in Thunder Creek was… well it could have been better. The dinner itself was lovely, the part that soured it was the big gray storm clouds that created a contrasting line against the bright blue sky. You could feel the humidity weighing the air in the restaurant and feel the sudden drop of pressure along with the cold breeze that blew in with the storm.
April showers did in fact bring May flowers. 
They also forced you to bed down for the night in the local hotel. There was no way you’d be able to make the two hour ride back home and avoid ending up soaked to the bone or having a tree fall on you from the violent winds that whipped. You’d catch your death if you stayed out in this type of weather too long.   
The spring thunderstorm promised the renewal of life to the brown and yellow earth, it brought both anticipation and fear. Fat raindrops fell from the sky, once a bright cloudless shade of green is now a tempest of charcoal gray as heavy storm clouds cover it. The heavy drops of rain were swallowed up by the thirsty ground turning the streets into muddy rivers.
Bucky licked his lips, deep in thought and looked down the street to the hotel. It was only a matter of time before the last rooms were taken by the other visitors in town. He handed you his jacket for you to cover yourself and wrapped an arm around you, sprinting at a leisurely but rushed pace to salvation. Mud splattered up the back of your boots, sticking to your tights and soiling the bottom of your dress. The creaky wooden floor boards just outside the hotel sag and groan under the weight of water as you step into the hotel, wet and shivering like a stray dog. 
You didn't know how, but he’d managed to finesse the last hotel room in town. It was something close to a miracle you thought. Bucky would never tell you that he pressed the barrel of his six shooter deep into the side of the clerk and demanded a room while you looked at the various taxidermied game that hung like trophies on the wall. 
After a nice warm bath your clothes were dry enough for you to pick the dried chunks of mud off the hem of your skirt and brush it off your boots. Since it was night time, you didn't even bother changing back into your petticoat, bodice, and dress. Instead you hid behind the changing screen, mind consumed with the fact that you and Bucky would have to share a bed tonight.
The rain swelled to a great deluge that is enough to drown out the conversations in the hotel lobby, people angry that there are no more rooms left and arguing with the clerk. Outside the trees bend and sway, the weaker branches snapping loudly and falling to the ground. There was no way you’d be able to make it home, not in a storm like this.
Thunder rumbled, low and menacing as you played with the little tie on the front of your chemise. You were scared, scared of what your father would say when you returned in the morning, scared of what Father Liska would say during your confessional. You didn't have to worry about what the women would say at their bible study groups. They already loved to talk about you out of both sides of their mouth. 
You felt exposed in the thin white fabric, it did very little to hide your womanly figure. You’d never been in such a state of undress in front of someone before, not in your entire adult life at least. Nerves flipped in your gut as lightning struck outside, flashing and illuminating the low lit room followed by the low rumble of thunder. 
The changing screen did very little to help you feel less exposed, knowing that all that stood between you and Bucky were a few tall wooden panels. You poked your head around the corner of the screen and saw Bucky’s back to you. He had already stripped down to his cotton drawers and was shedding his shirt. 
Your eyes were drawn to a scar on his shoulder, it emerged from his skin like the smudge of a brush stroke, edges jagged and uneven, the skin taut. The pink hue stood out against Bucky’s tanned skin, starting at his shoulder and tracing the contours and muscle of his arm before it tapered off at the elbow. You could only imagine the terrible memories that came along with it. 
You forced yourself to look away, now distracted by broad planes of his back, built from decades of intensive labor and living off the lam. The muscles rippled with Bucky’s movement tempting you to touch him.The sight made you a bit light headed and your stomach throbbed with an unfamiliar feeling. Stiffly, you stepped out from behind the changing screen. 
The creak of the floor boards under your feet alerted him. He turned, it felt like Bucky’s eyes were going to burn your clothes right off with how hard he was staring. You didn't want to look up and meet his hungry gaze, but you could picture exactly what he looked like as he devoured you. 
“Please stop staring.” You tried to sound biting, but it came out weak. Nervous even. You crossed your arms over your chest to try and allow yourself some modesty. 
In one large step Bucky was in front of you. His hands lightly grasped your arms, and gave them  a light tug. You rested them against the firm planes of his pectorals, “I'm just thinking about all the fun we can have tonight.” He dipped his head, kissing the corner of your mouth, “Just me and you.”
You gasped, breath stolen by his suggestive words. They made your gut twist with nerves. Every God-fearing part of your brain was burned away with a hellfire that warmed your body. You swallowed thick and exhaled through your nose, “I’ve… I’ve never…” you trailed off almost too embarrassed to let the words come out.
Bucky let go of you, hands jumping away like he just touched hot iron. The sudden distance between you both had you feeling exposed, vulnerable even. 
Was it something you said? Did he not want you now? 
“Bucky?” Your voice was meek.
You were a virgin? 
Jesus Christ of course you were a virgin how could he be so stupid. So inconsiderate!
He wanted to skip all of the prose, all the ceremony of courtship and just take you here in this hotel room. He was thinking with his dick and not his brain. You must have been horrified at his advances. 
He sat down on the edge of bed lost in his own head.
“Are you mad at me?” You didn’t know what else to ask. You pull him from the deep recesses of his brain and shattered his heart with the nerve in your voice. 
“God sweetheart,” he huffed and grabbed your arms pulling you close and looked up at you, “Of course not.” His arms wrapped around your waist comfortingly. 
If things were going to continue as they were he had to lay out all his secrets, even the ugly ones. He let out a soft exhale and looked away from you, “Look, if you’re going to be my woman there’s some things I need to tell you first.” 
Well if that was supposed to comfort you it didn’t. It made you more afraid. What was he going to say? He had a secret family in Pennsylvania? He was wanted by the Pinkertons? He was a Protestant? That would truly be the worst out of all three of the options.
You wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself if you were bedded by a Protestant. 
He swallowed hard. Bucky desperately wanted to keep you hidden from his alternative lifestyle “I’m a wanted man babydoll.” His information served as a warning for what you would get yourself into should you continue seeing him. 
His low, gravely tone sent a shiver down your spine and made the hair on your arms stand on end, “What do you mean?” You spoke in a hushed tone. You knew what it meant.
Well at least he wasn’t a Protestant. A criminal you could handle, something that could be forgiven.
“I’m not a good man.” He cleared his throat, his tone was almost pleading, “I’ve done…I do bad things.” He killed people, lied, stole, all without mercy. Bucky was not a nice man, he was mean and callous, calculating and manipulative. “But, Jesus, woman, I'd walk the line for you if it meant I could have you.” But for you, he’d get on his knees and beg for your love. 
It should have made you push him away, seek the closest stagecoach, alert the town sheriff, run for the hills and call the Pinkertons, but hell it made you want him more. The air of danger around Bucky Barnes pulled you, like a moth to a flame, “You don’t have to walk any lines to have me.” You didn't care about his rambling ways. You wanted all of him, all his sins and imperfections. Your head spun with an intoxicating mixture of nerves and excitement, “I’m your woman now?” 
“I don’t sit through Sunday mass for just anyone.” He reminded you. It was true, he’d manage to attend mass with you every Sunday and even stomached the post service lunch your family always had. 
The heavens opened up and rain continued to fall from the sky, spraying the windows in waves. But you didn’t have half a mind to pay any attention to that now. Not when Bucky’s hand was sliding up and gripping the meat of your thigh so close to your butt, “Come on, sweetheart.” Bucky cooed and pressed his face between your breasts and kissed the valley. 
Not when he was doing things like that. 
“Lemme take care of you.” He coaxed your fear of damnation away with a few simple words. You moved, kneeling on either side of him and sitting on his lap, “That’s my girl.” He said softly, resting his hands on your thighs.
He kissed you softly, his beard scratching against your skin. You shyly opened for him, allowing his tongue to move and caress your own. You expected a rugged man like him to be a lot less gentle with you, but he was letting you set the pace tonight. 
You could taste the sweat in his lip and the lingering tobacco from the cigarette he smoked an hour earlier. You relaxed into his touch as his hand slid up and snaked around you deepening the kiss. 
Bucky’s hands roamed up your body, feeling the soft curve of your hips before grabbing your tits. He broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, noses barely touching, breathing in each other's labored breaths. His thumb brushed over a hardened nipple and you gasped at the foreign sensation, back arching slightly. 
He wanted to watch you, see how your body reacted, see how your brain broke from the pleasure he gave you. His fingers kneaded the flesh of your heavy breasts and he pinched and twisted your nipples until they were sensitive and peaked. 
Your cheeks reddened from embarrassment as he untied the front closure of your shift and pulled open the small split in the front, he kissed your neck then your chest before he pulled the thin white fabric down where it shelved beneath your breasts. You felt indecent. Exposed. 
The cool air chilled you to the bone and made you shiver. Bucky mouthed at the sides of your tits licking and sucking on one and then the other until your back arched and you whined beneath him. 
God if this was how you reacted to him playing with your tits, he couldn’t wait to hear how you sounded when he fucked you. But that wasn’t going to happen tonight, he was a gentleman after all. He couldn’t go having dessert twice in one night now could he? It was a bit too self indulgent for him and maybe too much of a shock for your poor catholic conscience. 
But he was still planning on eating tonight. He was going to absolutely devour you. “Lay down.” You followed his command and moved, laying flat against the lumpy mattress and watched Bucky lay on his stomach and settle between your legs. 
You sat up on your elbows, shuddering as you felt him kiss your thighs, getting dangerously close to your dripping cunt, “What are you going to do?” Your breathing quickened when you saw Bucky lick his lips and draw his lip between his teeth. He nuzzled the apex of your thigh, inhaling the natural heady scent of your arousal. The scent was so distinctly feminine, it made him ravenous. 
“Bucky!” You squeaked, shocked at his behavior. 
“Oh sugar, we haven’t even gotten started.” He said and kissed the top of your mound. In that moment you were certain Bucky Barnes was the serpent in the garden of Eden, beckoning you towards a life filled with sin and temptation, and by god you were going to take his hand and let him lead you there. 
You gasped loudly, feeling the broad flatness of his tongue lick a stripe up your cunt, then back down again and shuttered at the foreign sensation. You flopped back onto the bed and hand immediately knotted itself into his dark hair gripping a fist full of it, hanging on for dear life, “Oh my god.” You huffed in disbelief. His mouth was really down there, licking you, and he was enjoying every moment of it. 
His tongue traced little circles around your clit before he let out a groan and sucked on it, his actions hedonistic and greedy as he continued to indulge. The wet noises that came from between your legs mixed with the overwhelming pleasure that warmed your body and made you feel dizzy.
Just as you thought you couldn’t take any more, a thick finger traced around your entrance before he stuffed it inside you. His finger penetrated your cunt, stuffing itself deeper inside you until the knuckle of his hand rested against your slippery skin. He pulled back and quickly added a second, stuffing them back in and curling them against your sinfully wet walls. You felt stuffed to the absolute brim, full with a delicious burn that made your fists clench the cotton sheets of the hotel mattress.
When you finally gained half a brain cell of consciousness you opened your eyes looking down and seeing his face coated in wetness. 
Your wetness.
It coated his chin and cheeks, your thighs, drenched his hand as he fucked you with it. It was like the floodgates of heaven opened up from the Great Deep and the tide swallowed him whole.  
The flat of his tongue found its way back to your clit, rubbing down and making you whine with pleasure. You dug your nails into Bucky’s scalp pulling a satisfied deep groan from your lover's mouth as he continued to devour you.
Bucky’s thumb replaced his mouth and he licked a spot of wetness from your thigh, “I can’t wait to fuck this tight little pussy.” He mumbled and pulled his fingers out, lightly slapping your sensitive, swollen clit. You hissed at the feeling and at his lascivious words before he stuffed you full once more and pressed his thumb against your clit rubbing it in a circle, “You want that?” He asked and you nod your head, “Want me to fuck this tight virgin cunt of yours?” 
God he wanted to split you open, carve a hole for himself deep inside your untouched hole and fuck you stupid. 
“Oh god yes,” you could feel your pussy throb as he continued to beat his fingers into you at a brutal pace and suck hard on your clit, pulling you closer and closer to the edge.
You clenched a fist full of his hair, grinding down onto his face, sloppily trying to meet the rhythm of his hand. The only sober part of your brain was thankful for the thunderous rain that continued to hammer the windows and covered the sounds coming from your hotel room. 
Finally, your back is arching off the mattress, cunt pulsating and squeezing his fingers as he digs them further inside you, rubbing them against your walls and pulling more pleasure from you. Your body trembled, spasming around his fingers, flooding his face. 
Bucky watched you in awe, your body writhing and twisting against the sheets, hair haloed around your head, lips kiss swollen and body flush with arousal. You were absolutely gorgeous. Responsive and gorgeous. He couldn’t let a girl like you go. 
He was going to marry you if it killed him. 
Bucky’s hands slowed and he licked your wetness off the soft skin of your thighs and stomach not wanting to waste a single drop of it before he pulled his fingers from you and sucked on those too groaning like he’d just had a tasty meal. 
Watching him only fed sugar into the fire. You leaned up, pulling him towards you and sloppily kissed him, all tongue and teeth as you pushed down his drawers. Bucky smiled against your mouth and pushed your hands away, pushing you back onto the mattress, “Patience, sweetheart.” He scolded, and then laid next to you sighing with content.
“Aren’t we going to… well you know.” He stared at your confused expression and looked amused, “Have sex?” You finally said it out loud and it felt dirty. It felt like someone had dropped an anvil through the ceiling and it fell on your chest. 
“Not tonight.” He answered, “We’ll work our way there, don’t worry your pretty little head about it. I’m not going anywhere.” 
“But I thought you said I was your woman” you didn’t know if it was because Bucky gave you an earth shattering orgasm, or what but you were just plain confused now. 
“You are my woman.” He said and pulled you into his side, “One thing at a time love.” He wedged a leg between yours, tangling them together. 
The following morning when you returned to town, braving the mud and fallen tree branches, the doors to the church seemed almost intimidating. You already knew how your father was going to react to your absence from the family home last night. Your brain was wrought with an overwhelming sense of guilt as Bucky took your hands and opened the tall wooden doors. 
Father Liska’s homily only further propelled you into a cavern of guilty unholiness. It was like God himself told the father of what happened last night, of the wanton sin you committed. Laying with a man before marriage? How could you be so foolish? 
“God does permit us to be tempted” Father Liska stood at the pulpit, usually his words of wisdom helped comfort you, “Not so that we fall, but so we grow in holiness,” No, this just made you feel worse, “Temptation forces us to rise up and make a choice for God or to succumb to the devil's temptation.” 
You were going to be sick. 
During the Rite of Peace you couldn’t bear to look at your father as he shook Bucky’s hand, death grip, jaw clenched, a bitter “Christ’s peace be with you.”  
Bucky shook your fathers hand back firmly a smarmy smirk plastered across his face, “Christ’s peace be with you too sir.” 
Then Bucky hugged your mom and kissed her cheek with a smooth “Christ’s peace be with you ma’am” which pissed your dad off too. Everything about Bucky pissed him off. 
Once you were in the privacy of your family home, seated at the dinner table, Bucky next to you, parents on either end of the table, brother and sister-in-law across from the you, you father took it upon himself bring some good old fashioned shame to the table, “You didn’t return home last night.” He said loudly, breaking the uncomfortable silence. 
Your mother said his name in a scolding tone, “No I didn’t. I’d have caught my death in that storm.” You sat up a bit straighter. It was true. Traveling two hours back home in the rain in wet clothes would have signed your death warrant. 
“What were your sleeping accommodations like?” He probed further, trying to figure out a way to make you feel even guiltier than you already did. Remind you of the devil's presence in your life and how you succumbed to his temptations. 
“Bucky paid for me to stay at the local inn. Is that what you want to hear from me?” You shot back sharply, “I don’t understand why you’re making such a big mess over it.” You threw your cloth napkin onto the table and pushed your seat back and stood up to leave. 
“Sit down!” Your father snapped, “I’ll not have that disrespectful tone under my roof,” your father spoke sternly and then turned towards Bucky and pointed at him, “And you,” he said dramatically, “Are going to bring nothing but trouble for her and you know it.” 
Bucky rubbed his hands in his trousers and leaned back in his seat, his casual posture contrasting your fathers intensity, “What makes you say that sir?” He was genuinely curious. There was no way your father would have known of his criminal history. Not when they were so far from the last town they’d committed a crime in and even then their faces had been covered. Bucky struck a match and lit a cigarette, inhaling deeply and waiting for the answer. 
If he wanted to sit through someone pissing and moaning about how he lived his life he’d go talk to his own father, God rest his soul.
“You have no steady work, no land, no history outside of the few months you’ve been here. You parade around with a troupe of delinquents and bring good young women like my daughter down into the cesspit of a life you live. “ 
Bucky licked his lower lip, “With all due respect sir, it isn’t like your lifestyle is any better.” When your father scoffed loudly, throwing his hands up in disbelief, Bucky continued speaking before he could interrupt, “Wrath and greed might serve you well now, but you can’t buy your place in heaven.” 
Your father was greedy, he was like a dragon who sat upon a hoard of black coal and iron, pillaging the Earth, taking what he wanted,  and draining the life force of his workers. There was no way your father didn’t have as many, if not more lives than Bucky. His hands were undoubtedly stained red.
God spoke out, let there be light and your father damned his employees to a life beneath the ground. He probably didn’t even know their names, just the numbers crudely written on their mining helmets that correspond to his payroll ledger. 
“Keep on digging, boy, that’s why you were born.” Born to serve the company, born to keep your fathers pockets fat and their own empty.  It was a cruel, greedy joke that had been said too often. 
Bucky took one more drag of his cigarette before he stubbed it out. You frowned, ultimately this was your mother’s fault, she was the one who had Bucky come by for after service lunch. Now here your father and Bucky were, making a scene in front of God and all his followers, “Now sir, I plan on marrying your daughter sooner or later, so I suggest you get all your acrimony out now because we will be seeing a lot of each other in the future.” 
Your father opened his mouth to speak back and quickly your mother spoke up, “Not another word.” She hissed at him when he opened his mouth to speak back to Bucky, “James, dear, we’re extremely grateful you took care of our daughter. Aren’t we, darling?” 
Your father didn’t answer her question, instead he stared, eyes narrowed at your lover. He didn't want Bucky to marry you. He wanted you to marry a rich, god fearing catholic man from town. Perhaps the son of the livery stable owner and farrier, maybe even the son of the Union Pacific RailRoad representative in town. Not some drifter with a silver tongue.
“It was truly my pleasure ma’am.” Bucky smiled sweetly at your mom. 
Despite Bucky’s statement about taking your hand in marriage at lunch earlier you still couldn't help the internal barrage of guilt your brain waged against your heart. If Bucky was planning to marry you then it wasn't bad, right? You wondered if God could hear your pleas and if he would answer your prayers for clarity. You looked at the walls of your room, dimly lit by lamplight, the crucifix you’d gotten at your communion watching your internal struggle. 
Your revelation was a self confession from the heart-To experience love and be loved was a gift, to sin was to be human. Perhaps love was the holiest form of rebellion, something that burned away dogma leaving something raw and utterly human, something to be forgiven with merciful grace.
Chapter 3- Hell Hath No Fury
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nqmonarch · 5 months
Thoughts About Being in a Relationship with HSR Characters
So like we all love to fantasize about being in a relationship with fictional characters but would we want to actually be in one? As a huge fan of the Aeons I did a quick overview. Even though getting into a relationship with one is widely unrealistic (actually impossible because they're video game characters but even in game it's unrealistic).
Warning: This is just for fun
Wow, Aha is such a goofy Aeon sure the chaos they cause is insane but there's never a dull moment with them around. But like imagine being in the HSR universe and being in a relationship with this Aeon. 99% chance of death (because of a prank), that 1% chance is saved if for some reason you can't be killed.
Literally miserable. You know how you try to have like a normal conversation with your dad, or guy friend, or boyfriend but they just don't take shit seriously. Like they avoid the topic 24/7 because of jokes. Imagine trying to have a serious conversation with this guy, actual terrible experience.
In a modern AU would be one of those prank YouTubers that like pretends to kill your friend as a prank but actually does kill your friend, it's not a prank. Why aren't you laughing?
If still alive 10/10 in the HSR universe, 9/10 in modern AU. I am down to travel all over the cosmos but since I have a normal life here on Earth I am perfectly happy staying in my room, writing, coding, and drawing. But Akivili would def bring back some banger souvenirs and pictures even if you're just a friend of theirs.
If dead then 10/10 in both.
Okay serious question do you think they'd taxidermy their lover? Like I know in HSR there's not really that option (their lover could be one of the memokeepers I guess?) but in Modern AU I feel like they'd taxidermy their lover. I don't know if that's a plus or a negative.
Definitely the kind of Aeon to be hung up on their first love so you better hope you're that first love. Or else they'll be reminiscing over memories and old photos and old videos and constantly comparing them to you-- man that sucks. Probably would take you out to nice dinners though and give you lots of good memories.
In Modern AU I feel like the idea of Fuli gets 10 times more mystical and also 10 times creepier, like someone that tries to record all of the events in the world but also the events happening right now. So historian, journalist combo, except I feel like they would just appear out of nowhere and then just go back to the void and post a bunch of random photos online. They'd definitely have observed their lover before talking to them (likely several times) which is the creepy aspect.
7/10 for the memories.
Actual 10/10 you cannot argue otherwise on this. Okay, you definitely can but 10/10 in my book aside from the fact you die but like you'll either be accepting your death and dying or spend the rest of your life trying to prove IX wrong about the purpose of life.
Wouldn't take you on dates, you'd have to take IX on dates, plan the whole thing out, really fluster them, give them the time of their existence. And IX would sit there like the gentleman... gentlewoman? Gentle creature it is. I feel like they would be very polite :)
In Modern AU I'm pretty sure IX is just your average office worker who hates their life and sees no point to it but for some reason can't die. 9/10. IX loses one point for no longer being a blackhole.
Honestly... another gentle creature, and like respectfully, very respectfully I would love to take them out on a date. Seems respectful, apparently pays close attention to mortals so there's a higher chance of Lan keeping their lover alive if they're (Lan's lover) a mortal. Pretty sure 90% of the Aeons would accidentally kill a mortal lover.
Just seems very obsessed with their goals and honestly I respect the grind. 8/10, your average grinder. That being said Lan is also absolutely beautiful but I'm not a big horse person.
In Modern AU Lan would be someone that's trying to change the world, one of those go getters. Again very respectful, and cool but would probably work 16 hours a day which makes holding a relationship pretty hard. 7/10.
I haven't done Gold and Gears or finished Swarm Disaster but damn Mythus is really hot. Smash. Uh 6/10 because I don't know their personality or even what they represent but they are really beautiful. I like the jellyfish.
Aw man, the moment I saw this guy I knew they would haunt my thoughts. And yeah they do. So beautiful from the molten lava, golden eyes, white hair, man if only they didn't have the personality of an absolute asshole. Like I write fanfiction about Nanook sometimes (pretty rarely) and I can say I am literally pulling every possible string I can to make this Aeon a good lover and somewhat in character.
This is just because I like writing lovers that are semi-decent, it's pretty hard when you get to people like Nanook but I do my best. There's no way a relationship with Nanook would work out feasibly because there's no way they'd love you.
But if they did... I don't know, Nanook is still a pretty bad person for trying to kill everything else in the world so I'm gonna have to dock some points for that. Reminds me of the brooding quiet, only soft spot is for you, male lead troupe except Nanook is trying to murder everyone 24/7.
In Modern AU, I don't even know what Nanook would be? An assassin? A serial killer? I can kind of see like a revolution leader cause apparently they were born from the flames of a world in complete destruction and they saw everything as ugly and destruction as the only possible outcome. I can see a twist with Nanook leading a revolution in hopes of creating a more beautiful world but finding destruction as the only possible outcome that will remove the plague known as life.
Even if they loved you, they'd be very busy with their revolution plans, and I feel like you'd probably be caged away somewhere far away from the danger so you'd barely see Nanook if they wanted to keep you alive.
2/10, 2 points for being so FUCKING beautiful. Thanks Hoyoverse for making a character so attractive.
Okay Qlipoth would be like big puppy partner, you get me. Like golden retriever vibes or uh... that one person that watches over everything to make sure you're safe but not like in the stalker way. Like the government, y'know? Except the government now wants to make sure you're safe! :D
I am a bit thrown off by the fact Qlipoth is a rock but I'm even more thrown back by the IPC. Like they're really fucking annoying (not as individuals I love Topaz and Aventurine) they're like Qlipoth's lil fanclub. They'd also be Qlipoth's fanclub in Modern AU, I'd imagine and I will imagine.
Also they're a bit sus, like I know they're great, but they want to build a wall. What's the wall for, huh?
Anyway as a partner sure they're a rock, and have an annoying fanclub but they'd probably be really caring and would be able to destroy anything that threatens you. I'd imagine it's about the same in Modern AU but destroy anything with money.
Nothing is stronger than money, actually a nuke is but we're going to assume none of the Modern AU versions of the characters would have access to that or make their own because that would change the game.
I'd say 7/10 in both HSR and Modern AU, I don't know they're just kinda sus...
I'm about half way through the swarm disaster and question time--
If insect, why hot? Like I hate bugs, mainly flying ones, but like why is Tayzzyronth half insect half human 100% beautiful? Anyway from what I know they basically became an Aeon because they were lonely and like the last one of their species and honestly, they deserve a hug for that.
Still absolutely terrifying and if you were in a relationship with them you'd probably be smothered with the Swarm which is beyond terrifying. Would be significantly better in Modern AU where they wouldn't have insects around them all the time. 4/10 in HSR and 7/10 in Modern AU.
Don't know them but they're so beautiful and with a path like the Harmony they've got to be good, right? Right?
I think Yaoshi is the Aeon I most actively thirst for, like they're so beautiful, and they pull off deranged love so well. They would keep their lover alive until their lover goes insane because of mara. And they're super kind, and empathetic. The threat of becoming mara struck is one I would take just to be in their presence. 10/10.
In Modern AU! they'd be so beautiful, still, like one of those fragile looking beauties that would just approach you randomly and then ask, "Are you in pain?" And it'd be really creepy but because it's Yaoshi it'd be okay and you'd fall in love like instantly. Don't answer yes to the question though. I feel like they'd have mad scientist vibes, probably would do unethical experiments which doesn't really sit right with me. Again, would try to keep their lover alive no matter what but they'd be really nice. 9.5/10.
Alright so I did this in 30 minutes instead of working on my presentation which is due tomorrow and I haven't finished research for.
Again this was just for fun, all of the Aeons have super great designs and are super cool imo :) props to Hoyoverse for this
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IWTV Season 2 Sources & References
(The 1st 4 were cited by the Writer’s Room)
The Ethnic Avante-Garde: Minority Cultures and World Revolution by Steven S. Lee
Paris Journal 1944-1955 by Janet Flanner (Genet)
The Vampire: A Casebook by Alan Dundes
Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicles: An Alphabettery
The Fly cited by Jacob Anderson
King Lear by Shakespeare cited by Rolin Jones
Melmoth the Wanderer by Charles Maturin
Sebastien Melmoth by Oscar Wilde
Amadeus (1984)
The Lost Boys (1987)
Gaslight (1944)
Casablanca (1942)
Now, Voyager (1942)
The Third Man (1949) cited by Levan Akin
An American in Paris by George Gershwin (1928) cited by Daniel Hart
Moulin Rouge (2001)
The Phantom of the Opera
Les Vampires (1915)
Dracula (1931) credit to @vampchronicles_ on twt
Le Triomphe de L’amour by Pierre de Marivaux
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin cited by Jacob Anderson
Existentialism is a Humanism by Jean Paul Sartre
Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Vampire’s Kiss (1988) credit to @talesfromthecrypts
Les Morts ont tous le Meme Peau by Boris Vian credit to @greedandenby
The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell
Waiting for Godot by Samuel Barclay Beckett credit to @rorscachisgay on twt
An Enemy of the People by Ibsen
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Vie de Voltaire by Marquis Condorcet
Simone de Beauvoir: A Critical Introduction by Edward Fullbrook and Kate Fullbrook credit to @iwtvfanevents
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes credit to @iwtvfanevents
Beloved by Toni Morrison
Artists and Salons Referenced:
Palma Vecchio
Andre Fougeron
Elsa Triollet
Fred Stein
Lisette Model
Gordon Parks
Miguel Barcelo
Taxidermied Javelina by Chris Roberts-Antieau
Ai WeiWei (wallpaper)
David Hockney (Lemons)
The Kiss of Judas by Jakob Smits
Salome by Louis Icart
Ophelia by John Everett Millais
Shelter by Peter Macon
The Kiss by Edvard Munch
The Vampire or Love and Pain by Edvard Munch credit @iwtvasart
Ruiter on Horse by Reiger Stolk credit @ iwtvasart
Portrait of Frank Burty Haviland by Modigliani credit @iwtvasart
Self-Seers II (Death and Man) by Egon Schiele credit to @90sgreggaraki
The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters by Goya
Movie & Play Posters on set (in chronological order by year):
Tarzan and his Mate (1934)
Avec le Sourire (1936)
Les Deux Gosses (1936)
Le Jour Se Leve (1939) about a man who commits murder as a result of a love triangle and locks himself in his apartment recounting the details as the police attempt to arrest him. Credit to @laisofhyccara
Nuit de Décembre (1940)
Mademoiselle Swing (1942) about a girl who follows a troupe of swing musicians to Paris.
Les Enfents du Paradis (1945) about a woman with many suitors including an actor and an aristocrat.
Fantomas (1946) about a sadistic criminal mastermind. This version includes a hideout in the catacombs where he traps people.
Quai des Orfevres (1947) watch here
Monsieur Vincent (1947)
Le Cafe du Cadran (1947) about a wife’s affair with a violinist.
La Kermesse Rouge (1947) film about a jealous artist who locks up his younger wife and a fire breaks out while she’s trapped.
Morts Sans Sepulture by Jean-Paul Sartre (play) also published in English translations as “The Victors” or “Men Without Shadows” about resistance fighters captured by Vichy soldiers struggling not to give up information.
Mon Faust by Paul Valery (play)
Musical Influences:: @greedandenby collected all music used in Season 2 here.
Henry Cowell
Meredith Monk
Howling’ Wolf
Shirley Temple
Jason Lindner Big Band
The Teeth
Carlos Salzedo
Alice Coltrane
Thelonius Monk
David Lang
Caroline Shaw
Gadfly by Shostakovich (for Raglan James)
musical career of Martha Argerich
Season 1 here (these lists are updated regularly)
Season 3 here
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chbnews · 19 days
Game Winnings/Events
Cabin 13 hosting a taxidermy contest with cabin 4 (which is surprising considering well.. it’s cabin 4)
Cabin 15 wins capture the flag (how..?)
Cabin 12 wins foot race held by the big house (omg did y’all see when Percy face planted into that puddle after some cabin 4 kid tripped him 😭)
Most of the drama has already been spilled but does anyone wanna play Pressure with me my boyfriend won’t.💔
Thanks for reading -🧱🩸Brick from cabin 5 🩸🧱
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christmas miracle - wednesday addams
requested: yes! requests: open! Is it possible for a wednesday x reader where after the battle of Crackstone and going home Wednesday realize that she has feelings for Reader and fast forward to nearing christmas Reader visits Wednesday to give her a present reader promised back at Nevermore and before reader left, wednesday tells reader her feelings but needs time to process it because she is not use to romantic feelings?
A/N: merry christmas! <3 i tried to incorporate some addams family tv show and musical elements in it as well :') I'm sorry if it feels rushed, i wanted to have it finished before Christmas ended <3
wordcount: 2,144 warnings: they/them pronouns, characters may be ooc.
A Christmas miracle has come true when Wednesday reveals her emotions to you. In a way.
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"Oh, hello darling! Lurch, get their bags, will you?"
Morticia Addams opened the door with a smile on her face. Her eyeshadow is as black as night and her lips are painted a bloody red, though you guess it fits the Christmas theme as well. You had been invited to the Addams household this Christmas. Your own parents were not going to be home and back at Nevermore you had promised Wednesday a gift. After exchanging multiple letters, she had invited you.
You were excited to celebrate it with her. You were used to the whole Santa Claus tradition, but you knew that Wednesday had something else prepared. Lurch then takes hold of your bags, already up the stairs so place them in Wednesday's room.
"I can not believe we finally have one of Wednesday's friends over. Please, let me show you around."
You follow the tall lady through the hall and into the living room. On your way to it, you can already see tons of strange and unusual decorations. A small guillotine stood in the hallway, a beheaded Marie Antoinette doll resting next to it, though the head seemed to be missing.
"Ah, that is a gift Wednesday once received. Oh, how she loved that guillotine. She even had it on a birthday cake once."
You could have guessed that. Wednesday has become your best friend in the last semester, so you knew exactly what the girl liked or disliked. A guillotine at the age of seven? She would have been thrilled. Finally, you enter the living room.
It is absolutely grand. Luxurious fabrics and curtains, tons of taxidermy, a dark piano, and a noose hanging from the ceiling. Though you are not nearly as dark as Wednesday or her family, you surely did find all of it interesting.
The pig-tailed girl walks down the stairs, her face stoic, yet it looks like she is enjoying herself much more than she did at Nevermore.
"Y/N, welcome. I hope you like our Christmas decorations," Wednesday looks over at the dead Christmas tree which stands in the middle of the room.
"Oh, of course!" You smile, looking at your friend.
She is wearing something similar to her usual attire. A black dress with white accents, yet not too many. You recall her saying that that would take away from her ability to look ghostly.
"This tree has been in our family for years," Morticia mumbles dreamily, "It belonged to Gomez, you know!"
Gomez walks out of the same entrance that Wednesday had come out of, his suit crisp and nicely ironed. A big smile is on his face as he greets you, also gesturing to the tree.
"Yes, I picked this many moons ago! I took each and every prickly needle out of it myself. I was so convinced that Santa Claus would hang more on it that way."
Gomez and Morticia share a loving look, making Wednesday's nose scrunch up lightly before stepping closer to you. She hated to see her parents so... In love. The emotion itself already made her have rashes on her skin, and not the ones she enjoys.
The dinner had gone splendidly. You had heard tons of stories from when Wednesday and Pugsley were younger, how Morticia and Gomez met, and much more.
"Ah, the game," Gomez takes another bite of his food. "You know, Morticia is amazing at organizing those. One time, we tried to invite some parents over. You know, there was a whole incident with the pool and the piranhas, so we tried to make it up to them. A beautiful dinner made by Morticia, and our family tradition has always been the game."
"What is the game?" You curiously asked, your plate already empty. Morticia's cooking was truly extraordinary.
"Well, we have one called 'Full disclosure', and-"
"Okay, Father. That is enough. I am sure that Y/N can wait with hearing that."
Wednesday pushes her chair back before looking at you.
"Let us retire to the bedroom. The bright Christmas lights are giving me a migraine and it makes me want to hit my head with a hammer."
The girl already walked off without waiting for you to respond. You look from Wednesday to the rest of the table, quickly thanking them for the dinner and stories before hurrying after your friend.
Wednesday is standing at the door that leads to her bedroom. You had never seen her house before, and Wednesday was also not the person who would talk about her home all too much.
"You will be sleeping in my room. We would have given you the spare room, but Pugsley is still working on his taxidermy."
"Ah, no problem. Besides, I have had sleepovers at your dorm before."
The girl grimaces.
"Unlike those horrid happenings, there are no pink glitters and bright neon nail polish here. I would rather set myself on fire than see any of that today."
She opens the door before walking in. Your bags have been set in the middle of the room, neatly organized by size. Wow, Lurch is organized.
The room has the same elements as the dorm that Wednesday slept in at Nevermore. A typewriter, record player, her cello standing in the corner, and Thing patiently sitting on the bed.
"Thing! I haven't seen you in ages," you laugh, sitting down next to the hand. "I got you a small gift."
You rummage through your bags, trying to find the small tube of hand cream.
"A-ha!" You hold it above your head, a grin on your face. "Your favorite! It was the last one in Jericho!"
If a hand could jump, it would have. You place the small tube next to him as Thing tightly grabs onto it.
"Great," Wednesday says. "His ego is going to go through the roof. For only a hand, he sure has a lot of nerve."
"Oh, come on, Wednesday! And besides, you know that I got you a gift as well. I promised you back at Nevermore."
Wednesday knew you promised her. You had written about it in multiple letters, ones that the girl kept in a small box. She thought your letters were disgustingly sweet. It is like you sprayed your sugary-smelling perfume on each thin piece of paper. After everything went down with Crackstone, you had written to each other much more. Wednesday still hates technology, and she wants to avoid it as much as she can.
She looks you up and down, raising one eyebrow.
"Well. I might have something in return."
She didn't tell you that. You look at her before blinking once, reaching into your bag yet again. Last week it was finally finished. You don't quite know what to expect. She might hate it, but she might also not mind it. A package comes out of your bag, neatly wrapped in black wrapping paper and closed with a thick, black ribbon. Who knew that black paper was so hard to find.
You step closer to the girl, the gift in your hands and a smile on your face. Wednesday is curious, one eyebrow still raised. What could you have ever gotten her?
"It uh... It's a small set. Couldn't decide what to do," you let out a laugh. "I can always get rid of it somewhere. If you don't like it."
Wednesday takes your gift, carefully opening the ribbon before lifting the top of the box off. Inside are two smaller packages.
She opens the biggest one. Inside is a doll that seems to be split in half. Only the head is in the box, and Wednesday knows it all too much. It matches the doll from her childhood too well.
"Marie Antoinette. The one from my guillotine."
Wednesday runs her fingers over the small details of the dollface. The eyes look as lifeless as ever, the eyelids opening and closing when the head gets moved forwards or backward.
Only once was the doll mentioned to you. Wednesday remembered losing the head while trying to scare her classmates, and she never found it back. That is, until now.
"Yeah. I saw the guillotine. Wild for a 9-year-old," you laugh. "Open the next one. It's better. I hope."
Better than the first gift? Is it a real beheaded body?
The box is a bit smaller than the one that contained the doll head, though a bit heavier. In it hides a wooden plaque, neatly stained with some type of varnish. A scorpion, its tail curled and its claws seeming to be ready to clip. The small silver plate says 'Nero' in a handwritten font. It was put on there quite messily.
"I tried to take a taxidermy class. I know you really loved Nero, and I know that this isn't exactly the same, but I hope you still like it. I fucked up his legs a bit."
One of his legs was indeed a bit crooked, but Wednesday didn't care. Her eyes are fixated on the small scorpion as she almost seems to be pulled back into her childhood memories. Her silence makes you nervous. You are used to Wednesday being quiet and only using her gaze to shutting people up, but this silence is different.
She truly is at a loss for words. No one had ever been this thoughtful with gifts for the girl. Not when her cake existed out of a functioning guillotine, not when her mother had let her visit a funeral home for the first time, and not when Pugsley allowed her to bury him alive on his birthday.
"No," she nods. "It looks exactly like him."
You let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding. Thank god she liked it. Taxidermy used to freak you out, but after being surrounded by things much darker than it, you got over it quite fast.
The scorpion gets placed in an empty space on her desk, that is where Wednesday spent most of her time anyway. But, her gift for you is also there. A small, tiny box is hidden in the drawer.
Wednesday doesn't feel nervous. She never has. Though now, her dead heart seems to be beating. It feels like she will throw up, her throat feels tight and she doesn't know what to say.
"Thing, leave us."
Thing doesn't care. All he wants is to use the hand creme. He runs out with the bottle of creme in his grip as the door closes back behind him. Wednesday then turns around, the small box now in her hands before walking over to you. She sticks her arm out, staring at you before you take the box carefully.
"I feel like I now should answer your letter. In real life."
She gestures for you to open the box, and it reveals a small ring with her initial on it. It looks exactly like the necklace that she wears herself.
"My mother and father might believe in unconditional love, but I always thought it was fake. Emotions are what makes you weak, and I have tried to avoid them as long as I could," she continues. "They make you feel disgusting. I want to rip all my hair out, strand by strand. You make me want to bite off all my fingers as I get electrocuted at the same time."
You look up at her, your eyes sparkling and a smile on your face.
"This means I... like you," she mutters. "But, on one condition."
Whatever condition it is, you will take it. You had expressed your interest on Wednesday before, but she was quick to shut you off. She insisted that she was not the person you would want to be with, trying to scare you off. You respected her choice as the two of you still decided to stay befriended. But this news is the best Christmas present you might have ever received.
"I need time. I am not used to any type of romantic feelings. I need to figure this out on my own. Seeing my parents being so sweet with each other makes me want to stab myself until I bleed out. Just... time."
You slip the ring onto your finger. A perfect fit.
"Wednesday Addams, I would kill for you if that is what it takes."
A small smirk forms on her face.
"Now, don't excite me too much."
You stand up, admiring your ring before opening your arms to give the girl a hug. An 'oh' leaves your mouth when you realize what you did as you drop your hands, just smiling at the girl. She looks at you before sighing.
"Only. One."
A Christmas miracle. Truly.
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seiya234 · 3 months
for @dril-cipher because this is your fucking fault. also @marypsue for giving this perfectly good ape anxiety.
Ian looked around.
Well, this certainly wasn't his beautiful house, that was for certain.
It looked uncomfortably like one of the designs for Grauntie Carla's house that Worris did for MTM. He sat at a kitchen table that had clearly been handmade by someone who mostly knew what they were doing; the table had been sanded down and sealed, but the surface was still bumpy and uneven. The walls were dressed with plaid wallpaper and covered in pictures, paintings, taxidermied creatures both real and unreal, old bottles, and a Bobby Big Mouth Big Boi Big Bass that had been popular when his grandparents were alive. The rug underneath him was a t-shirt rug, but Ian never knew they could be made big enough to cover an entire room. There was a cup of coffee poured for him, in a cup that read "Eye miss you!"
Ian sighed. This place was practically crumbling under the weight of all the meaning.
"I am getting a little tired of the Symbolism Room," he muttered to himself.
"Have you considered that a plain, empty room is in and of itself also imbued with symbolism?"
Ian whipped around.
A cartoonishly tall man walked into the kitchen. He was dressed in all black- black jeans, black dress shirt, black belt with a small silver and turquoise buckle- save for the white priest's collar around his neck. He had hair just like Ian's, albeit curlier, bare feet, and-
"Antlers?" Ian asked. It was probably rude but he was getting really tired of the Dreams of Great Import so....
"A long story," the man said with a grin, sitting across from Ian at the table. He too had a mug, though his read "I'm horny!" He caught Ian looking at it and smiled wanly. "My wife loved puns, though to be honest this isn't a pun so much as a bad joke."
(past tense)
Ian took a drink of his coffee; it was aggressively mediocre. "Alright, can you tell me why I'm here, so we can resolve whatever emotional issue has come up again, and I can get back to my regularly scheduled nothingness?"
Ian's words didn't get the slightest rise out of the other man which was... concerning. He worked best when people were mad.
"Certainly. I'm here because you're scared."
"I'm scared of a lot of things, you're going to need to try harder than that."
The man paused to take a drink of his coffee, grimacing slightly at the taste, then leaned back in his chair. "I'm here because when you get into the groove for Mizar the Magnificent, everything feels right in a way you don't feel most other times. I'm here because sometimes you turn off your prosthetic because it feels... right to only have the one eye. I'm here because... despite everyone assuring you that Bill can't come back, that you can't bring him back, you know that's not true." Another drink. "It would just take you fifteen minutes, if that."
Ian felt the blood drain from his face, spread his hands on the table to keep them from shaking.
He hadn't told even Mira about the first two things.
"Congratulations," Ian managed to drawl, "you know my deepest, darkest fears. Have a fucking cookie." It took some effort but he pushed himself back from the table, got out of the chair. "I'm done with this little game, so snooze you later, hit the road Jack, GO-"
The antlered man held up a hand. It was wreathed in blue flame, like the fire from a room he tried not to think about, like Alcor's fire
(like MY fire)
like the fire he felt blazing in lieu of his implant.
"Who are you?" Ian asked.
"I'm Henry. Henry Pines."
"I- oh." Well that was all the wind out of his sails right there. "Okay, wasn't expecting you to actually just tell me that, I thought there would be at least another two pages of banter before we got there. Thanks?"
"Of course."
"Though that name means like, nothing to me."
"Ah. I should have k-"
Henry disappeared. Ian was still in the room.
A minute passed.
He drank his coffee, which was now getting cold and sludgy.
"Oh, sorry about that."
Ian jumped, again, and turned around to face Henry, who was still barefoot and all in black, but now had laundry hanging from his antlers. "Seriously, I know this narrative calls for jump scares, but can you try to stop that?"
"My apologies. I'm still being digested."
"Digested-" Ian paused.
The blue fire.
The antlers.
The girl told him about one night.
"You're... you're Paloma."
A flash of long dark hair and flowering antlers and back to the man in black. "Among many other names, but yes."
"So when you say digested..."
"Di-Alcor ate me."
"He what."
Henry very primly sniffed. "I can see how my phrasing can be taken as a reference to oral sex but could we please attend to the matter at hand?"
"Which is? I feel like we're wildly off track."
"Fair. More coffee?"
Ian held out his mug and Henry poured from a handmade pitcher that somehow managed to perfectly recreate the effect of googly eyes in clay.
They sat for a moment, and drank their coffee, which was slightly better this time.
Finally, Henry began. "M-Mira is pregnant."
"She is... Oh stars is this going to be a weird fatherhood talk? Because full disrespect, I've gotten one of these from Alcor and that was bad enough."
"What on God's green earth did Di- Alcor have to say to you about that?"
"I think he was trying to tell me I would do a good job, but he ended up damning me with faint praise for about fifteen minutes and then ghosted me so, a solid 3 out of 10, points for effort I guess."
Henry frowned. "I am a little concerned that my- that he hasn't learned any social graces or niceties in a thousand years, or has willfully forgotten them-"
"It's not that," and now Ian just felt... cold. Empty. "It's Bill. It's always about Bill, always fucking WILL BE-"
"Your hair is on fire," Henry calmly noted.
It didn't feel like it was. That probably wasn't a good sign.
"Every time I think we're done with him, done and gone, something comes up, and we have to have the same conversation over and over and OVER-"
Ian ran a hand through the flames on his head. "And the worse thing is, this time it's all me. I can't stop thinking about Bill. And the baby. And what that means. Maybe it means nothing. Or everything. And Bill, Bill is like an itch under my skin
(a fire)
and the more I itch it, the itchier I become, and I can't. Stop. Thinking. About Me. No. Shit, wait. Him. Do you See?"
The room was silent for a minute.
"I held a knife to her throat once," Ian finally managed to get out. "Infants, they're so, so much easier than adults. Their bodies are so soft and squishy." He looked at Henry, who had been patiently listening, hands folded, collar white as bone. "I have no idea why I'm telling you any of this."
"I have been told by my wife before that I have a 'secret telling kind of face.'"
"Sounds like something Mira would say."
Henry smiled wanly, but went on. "I'm here because I know what all of this feels like."
"I sincerely doubt that."
"No, honestly, I do. I thought you could use an ear and some advice-."
That old familiar feeling of squirrels eating his brain, of his heart stuttering in his chest, the great massive snarl barely contained in his skin up and out and "You have no idea what I need to keep inside of me."
Henry reached across the table, and laid a hand on Ian's arm and-
(ian was in a forest. it was dark and he tried to walk, tried to run, but he couldn't he was pushed down face first into the dirt from the feeling of anger, anger that at one point may have had a reason behind but that reason was long forgotten and now the anger was a self feeding, self regulating beast
ian was in a forest and he felt small, so horrifically small, so viscerally aware that there were things (people) that could hurt him, hurt him and even kill him, and nothing or no one in the forest would DO anything about it.
ian was in a forest and rising above him was a tree but haha not really that wasn't a tree that was a beast a monster a thing no it was
-patted it gently.
Or at least, Henry would have if Ian was still sitting at the table, and not, say, with his back against the wall and his chair toppled to the side of the table.
"I was. He came from me. I birthed him."
Even shit scared, Ian must have given Henry a look, because Henry said "Metaphorically. I've never gotten the full details about how that works because to be perfectly honest, Alcor doesn't even know."
Henry got up, and walked around the table.
"Hand up?"
"You going to inflict yet another horrific mental scar on me?"
"No. And my apologies. I really need to be better about telling, not showing." Henry paused. "Or is it the other way around? I am a little embarrassed to admit that despite my occupation, I am not well versed in the mechanics of storytelling."
"It depends," Ian said, and let himself be hauled up.
"It's... hard," Henry began as they sat back at the table. "To have to control yourself. To feel like if you loosen that control for even one second, all hell will break loose. Especially when you have had all hell break loose before."
A dark look passed across Henry's face, and Ian remembered that there were limbs on those limbs in the forest.
A lot of them.
"I tried, for several years, to keep myself as tamped down as firmly as possible. And even before-" he waved a hand to indicate the antlers, the weird dreamscape symbolism bullshit room- "all of this, I kept fighting myself, every single day, to stay in control. Because control was all I had. Because control was the only thing that could save myself, could keep me from harming others."
"Okay, so what extremely traumatic life changing event happened to you that made you change your mind?"
"I won't bore you with the details, save to say I have never liked trophy hunters. But I realized in that time that my control.. it was brittle steel. It was weak from having to hold in so much, for so long, and then it shattered under stress."
"Okay, but most people don't have monsters tucked up in their souls."
"Fair but look. The point is, the power you have inside of you. It's not inherently good or bad- let me finish Ian Thomas Beale-"
(Ian's mouth audibly snapped shut)
"- it just is. Bill used his power for ill. Just because that power is there doesn't mean you have to use it. Or if you do, that it would be for ill."
"That's too much like temptation for me," Ian finally said, quietly.
"I know. I'm not saying you have to. Hell, I'm not even saying that this dream is going to magically cure you of your fears and control issues-"
"Because that would be too easy."
Henry nodded. "Oh of course. My apologies, I am all over the place today-"
"On account of being digested."
"Yes, lets go with that. No, I guess I just wanted to say, as trite as it sounds... try to relax."
"What if I hurt them?"
Henry rolled his eyes, which was a little incongruous with the impression Ian had gotten from him. "There is no universe where Ian Beale as he is now, would hurt Mira Ramachandran, or their baby. Honestly, you're more likely to hurt other people who hurt them, which probably is not great, but I am certainly not one to judge."
(so many limbs)
"I have literally been under tremendous stress my whole life, even before finding out about the past life murder triangle."
"Trust me, I know. But just... from one monster to another? It's okay to relax. It's okay to let that control loosen for a minute. The world won't end-"
"But it almost did. Twice. Maybe three times? It's hard for me to remember."
"But it didn't."
Ian... he must have looked as lost as he felt, because Henry smiled, sadly.
"I know you hear this from Mira, and from your friends, and even occasionally from Alcor, but I thought it would help to hear it from a stranger too."
Ian thought for a second.
"I think... it kind of did? Or maybe I'm just saying this to get out of this dream because I'm getting tired of talking. I don't know."
"You probably won't remember this dream up here-" Henry tapped his head. "-but you will here-" and he tapped his chest. "-and that's all that really matters to me."
"That's kind of corny."
"I was not a corny man when I was alive, let me indulge a little bit."
Henry leaned over, and gently kissed Ian on the forehead. "Keep her safe."
Ian realized, far too late, who he had been really, truly talking to this whole time, and it felt like his bowels were turning to water. But he managed to creak out an "Of course," before everything went dark.
The last few weeks had been hard for Mira, considering the massive amount of emotional labor she was doing for both her brother and her husband. Alcor was probably a lost cause at this point, but with Ian...
She sighed.
She understood, really, she did, but she was tired and-
She rolled over, to see Ian looking at her. "Hey back. You seem... relaxed?"
Ian smiled, and laid a hand on her stomach, which was still relatively flat.
"Yeah. I don't know I think... I think I've had my head up my ass for the last month, about all of this."
"You have."
"And I owe you an apology."
"Apology accepted if you can grab the peanut butter for me before I throw up."
"Of course."
Ian got up. He wasn't sure why it felt like the fire under his skin had died down, why it felt like he could handle his shit a little better today than even yesterday, but for once, he was not going to look this gift horse in the mouth.
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kirkirk · 5 months
Merch lines that might be plot relevant for Azusa (Part 1)
I love DL's lore, especially Azusa's, I think it's so complex and well-written so I thought this could be fun. I'm still playing the 5th game and I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague so my knowledge is just based on my 1829934738 Azusa theories. Please remember to be kind and take this as a fun resource/thought exercise if I'm blatantly wrong with any of my takes.
These are in no particular order, also I might do another part because there's no way I'm fitting every single plot reference here.
1. Vampire Lab Azusa
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I'm starting with this one because it's one of the most obvious. They were absolutely crazy for doing it. Ignoring all of the franchise's references to human experimentation, him being the only one actually strapped (Yuma also has a straight jacket but his is open) is really interesting. Especially since the description for this set mentions 医者に反抗的な態度をとる者、(Those who show a rebellious attitude towards doctors). I can't help but think they're referencing Azusa and that's why he's strapped. Still, it could always be a reference to his struggle with mental health. The interpretation you choose is up to you.
2. Yammy Yamme X Bad Blood Azusa
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He and Kanato became the family models for this one. If that isn't a big alert sign I don't know what it is. This set is themed around gamers/gamer aesthetic. What is the players' stand-in in DL? A pink bunny. What is his backpack? A pink bunny. His cap also has droopy ears that could be another reference to bunnies. If interpreted very loosely, this could mean that "Azusa carries the player on his back" and that's so freaking funny because true. Of course, I think its meaning is deeper than that.
3. Vandead Carnival LE/tokuten chibi (?)
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If the player is a pink bunny I wonder what an extremely sad blue bunny would mean...
I had to do it I'm so sorry, I will die on the Azusa is a trapped player hill. (No spoilers about whether this is confirmed or refuted please 😘)
I found this one in Vandead Carnival's visual book but I don't know if it's exclusive from it or it came from elsewhere.
4. Secret Display Azusa
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God I love this one so much. The sad expression, the accessories, the pins, the color scheme it's peak Azusacore on their behalf. This set is about butterfly taxidermy and that's basically a direct @ to ZERO Azusa which follows the same theme. Despite having a personal interpretation for this, I have yet to listen to ZERO Azusa's CD so I will keep it to myself. Any interpretation you give to ZERO Azusa might be reinforced/ related to this set.
5. Secret Memories Azusa
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Hidden gifted kid Azusa is my Roman empire, I love that so much for him. It's true that you could attribute his disgusted expression to not wanting anything to do with those books, but I interpret it as him disliking being SEEN with them since he's looking at the camera and not at the books, like come on what are you doing with that many books.
I could talk about this for hours (and I have) but for now I'll be stopping here since I don't know if anyone is even remotely interested. I have enough for a few more parts so maybe I'll turn it into a YouTube video so it's more enjoyable to watch. If you have any questions or want me to expand on any of these ideas please feel free to send Asks. Just keep it spoiler free for content after Lunatic Parade please I'll be very very sad if you don't :)
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sugarcryztal · 1 month
Match up exchange with @unitheuniverse
info i’m going off of:
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From CRK, I match you with. . .
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Capsaicin Cookie !
- basically I took this from the fact you like spicy food (half joking)
- you guys are basically goofy guy who pulled a baddie because that’s what i’m taking from you I don’t make the rules !!
⟡ When he was pining for you it was so painfully obvious when he was trying not too.
⟡ Whenever you approached him he would physically jump and start stuttering over his words no matter how hard he tried. Prune Juice would always be near by and quietly giggle at Capsaicin because he was fumbling so bad. ☠️
⟡ The type of person to just cling to his crush without even realizing it.
⟡ When he confessed, he was so nervous. Like he’s usually a very loud and confident person, but he had to try and not mumble during his confession.
⟡ When he confessed he has to do it face to face because all the words he wanted to say just did not fit on paper.
⟡ Thankfully, you didn’t reject him! And he didn’t have to dig a hole to die in out of embarrassment! Hooray!
⟡ Tbh, I feel like as a boyfriend he’s like a big golden retriever
⟡ Doesn’t get what going on in your games, but will support you either way! “Woohoo!!! That’s my boyfriend right there!!”
⟡ Tries not to chew with his mouth open after he figured out you don’t like it, but sometimes it’s a force of habit.
“So I was like-“
“Capsaicin, Honey. Please close your mouth when you chew.”
“Oops! Sorry!”
⟡ It’s kind of funny because opposites attract.
⟡ He tried to listen to rock music once, but he couldn’t take it and started playing pop LMAO
⟡ “It ain’t that deep” IT’S SO DEEP. How dare anyone say that?! Who disrespected you! Tell him now!!
⟡ Nah I’m just joking, but he’s seriously lowkey protective of you..?
⟡ A lot of the time, when he’s trying to get into table top games, he always asks you for help and understanding.
⟡ Yapper x Yapper, Yapper x Listener, he can do it all!
⟡ The extrovert to your introvert. He has a bunch of friends that you will get acquainted with over the course of time because he doesn’t expect you to immediately click with any of them!
⟡ He also understand when you’ll need time for yourself though, but please assure him that you still love him because he will think at least a LITTLE bit otherwise.
⟡ LOVVESSSS to yap to you about different spicy foods! Like LOOVVEEE! It’s one of his favorite pass times!
⟡ His other favorite pastime is hearing you talk about your interests!
⟡ Finds taxidermy the most interesting, I feel like at first his immediate reaction was “Wow so you-!” No that’s not how that works!
⟡ His pet names for you:
- Babe
- Honey
- Love of my life
⟡ Ever since you guys got together he can’t call you by your name anymore, he has to call you by a pet name. It’s a habit now. But he will listen if you’re uncomfortable with it!
⟡ He tries to get into all of your interests, but some things make him really squeamish.
⟡ What I mean by that is when you guys watch horror movies instead of you jumping into your arms he’s jumping into YOURS.
⟡ You also won’t have to worry about minimalism with him! Not at all. Because I feel like deep down he’s a maximalist. I know it in my heart.
⟡ He won’t force you to, but he likes watching romances occasionally. Like the ones where they actually build the characters and give them character development.
⟡ He hates Hallmark shows though. Don’t make him watch those. He calls them an insult to any genre.
⟡ If it’s anything else though he will happily watch it with you though! As long as you’re there he will be there!
⟡ He can only cook spicy food btw so goodluck…
You and your boyfriend, who you lovingly call Caps, were currently sat down in the living room. Getting ready for your guy’s anniversary movie marathon.
Except now he would NOT stop screaming!
As another spooky figure popped up on the screen, he let out a squeal and hugged your side tightly. You rolled your eyes and pat his head, “Caps, it’s just a movie. None of it’s real.”
He blinks at you for a moment before laughing, “Haha! I guess you’re right!” And then everything is chill again and you guys start watching the movie again.
He won’t ever tell you, but he acts like that on purpose. Just to hold onto you for a little more.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 4 months
hi again I hope you can do a yendere mer parents Scott and jean [ animated series ] [ Scott and jean are sirens, beautiful but deadly ] x baby reader and how would they react when they baby gets kidnapped by big game hunters who want to sell reader as a pet,but the hunters become the hunted.
Ohoho, that's good- Let's try it-
• The waters were deceptively calm. The water lapped at the boat, salty and green, while they sky was cloudy and tranquil. Birds cawed lightly overhead, fish swam by in shining schools, the wind smelled of salt and tangy ocean water, not a hint of rain... Yet there was a darkness on the boat, something sinister...
• Held within its bowels was a tank... and in the tank was a small siren pup, not even old enough to leave the nest. Its scales shone brightly, and its small hands were pressed to its face, trying to quiet its cries. And watching from the shadows, smiling cruelly and laughing, were the ones who put them there...
• The two were game hunters, humans who hunted the biggest, baddest, largest animals, and kept them as pets or stuffed them and kept them as trophies. Yet these ones were even worse, as they were poachers as well. They'd caught Reader while their parents were gone, infiltrating their nest and capturing them. Their hands had been rough, their nets biting and tight, their knives sharp and cold- It left Reader a trembling, crying shell, calling out for their parents and pod... And the two hunters were gleeful over having such a rare specimen. They had plans to sell the small siren to the highest bidder, be it a human who wanted a pet or one who wanted a taxidermied siren...
• Yet in the deceptive deep, Reader's parents hadn't forgotten them... No. They had found their nest ransacked, their pup gone, and the ugly scent of human in the wreck... And the two, snarling and crying, started the hunt. They swam for miles, going as fast as they could, not stopping for anything as they tracked their pup. The waters became colder and colder, going from pleasant to lukewarm to freezing. It didn't deter them, though. Their pup needed them, their baby was alone and possibly hurt, and they wouldn't rest until they were in their arms and their assailants dead and rotting...
• Approaching a large, floating vessel, they could smell the scent of siren blood on it, along with the sickly oil and metal that coated it. They could hear the humans above, gloating to each other of their catch, the finest specimen, a siren... They discusses how to keep it alive, or if they preferred, how to stuff and mount it... They didn't notice the two angry, murderous parents listening below, plotting their demise.
• A soft song started, longing and inviting, calling for anyone who could hear it to follow it. It wailed, loud and long, begging them to go to it, to embrace it, to fall in. And the two humans did just that, falling into the freezing waters, and right into the path of the siren pup's parents... It didn't take but a moment for the two to realize their fate, who had caught them- But it only took a moment to cut through their throats, to tear their limbs apart, to drag them under and down and to let them sink to their watery tomb... Their song became more joyous after that, promising safety and love and asking where their young one was, coaxing them to respond. And respond they did...
• Scott was the first to get onto the ship, changing from a siren to human, then helping to pull his mate up, the powerful Jean... They could hear the soft cries of their pup, their baby, echoing in the dark hull, and they ran as fast as they could down into the darkness. The ship stank of blood and death, bones and pelts and stuffed, dead creatures lining the rooms and halls. It didn't take them long to figure out what those humans had planned for their little one... Yet they smiled, all teeth, knowing those two were dead and gone, and that their little one would be safe in their arms soon. It warmed their hearts, making them chirp out for their pup.
• A scared, hopeful chirp came from a locked room, asking parents-mom-dad-help-here? Scott broke the locks, wrenching the metal in two, while Jean knocked the door down, sending dust into the air. The room was dark, only lit up by the lights of the tank... And sitting in the tank, scratched and bruised, was Reader... Jean was swiftly pulling them out, checking them for injuries, while Scotf was kissing their head and stroking their tail, cooing softly. Both parents kept it up, trying to look over Reader and trying to calm them, assuring then they were there now, they were safe, those nasty humans were gone...
• Once they made sure their pup was well enough to travel, they left the dark, stinking ship, sinking it and letting the ocean hide any evidence a pup or the humans who captured them... Swimming in the chilled brine, the two parents sang to each other and to their child, happy and loving and promising nothing would take them ever again. When their baby started to yawn, tired and exhausted, Scott held them while Jean lulled them under, sending them into peaceful dreams, and ensuring they wouldn't wake for the next several hours...
• The two swam for miles, going back home, calling out to their pod and telling them they were moving, to better, safer waters, and that their little one was safe. Their response was loud, joyful cries, the other sirens singing of warmer waters and plentiful food and bloody vengeance, their scales flashing in the darkness and their eyes bright and watchful... And the humans who heard the song shuddered, knowing it was a night of sirens, a night of blood, and any who crossed them would meet their doom at the hands of the Moon's children...
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s4 episode 11 thoughts
feeling a distinct craving for scully n mulder time…
‼️HATER ALERT‼️this episode pissed me off. you can read how hopeful i was below, expecting a wolfy beast. and then keep all that hope in mind as you watch it get torn to shreds. ready? go.
reading the episode description. as a kid, i thought the chupacabra sounded cool as hell. i thought he was out there, and he was gonna be some cool new wolf thingy, and as a kid who was into wolves, this was truly exciting. in recent years, i have learned that it is not as old of a legend as i had thought as a child. also that one lady says she has a taxidermied one, but i think it’s just a wolf with mange? idk.
okay, so apparently it was first sighted in 1995? that was like. yesterday when this aired. and apparently in some areas it’s more lizardy in reports, and then in the southwest US (which must be what i grew up hearing about) it is a dog
now i hope they go the dog route because i think that’s more interesting. i’m still annoyed they made the jersey devil a bigfoot instead of the goat creature we all know it TRULY IS and that scared me so horrifically as a child. this is a grudge i shall likely hold forever. so i would like to see a wolf creature, because that is what i thought they were as kids, and childhood me has been previously wronged by this show. 
(author's note: WHYYYYYYYY.)
okay. let us begin.
why is the screen so dark. can we use some lighting around these parts???
we begin in a migrant camp in california. this dude (eladio) is lurking behind a post, watching a woman (maria) get a smooch from a different guy (soledad). the lurker calls the lady “my love” and she says that she is NOT his love. good! tell him!
oh! the guy who did the smooching (soledad) is the guy who did the lurking’s (eladio's) brother. he’s watching this go down… kinda juicy
maria accidentally let the goats escape… girl get your head in the game.
and then a bunch of explosions are going on??? and raining. nasty yellow green rain. like nickelodeon slime. 
actually it’s yellow. do not drink it!!!
the goats are back, but where is maria??
oh. she is dead and also her eyes and mouth have been eaten away by the yellow stuff.
that was a very gross shot of her conspicuously missing eyeballs 
they did the full intro this time!! feel like it hasn't been the full one in a while
scully is there :D and mulder too! he is exercising very basic spanish. haha he took french and scully took german... they are going to be lost. 
i am recalling in 02x01 when he knew no spanish at all…. he was putting the hours into whatever people used in the 90's instead of duolingo!!!
"can you tell me why we're standing out here in the middle of a field looking at a dead goat?" <- many are asking this 
there was rain, which can come in many colors! "purple rain?" "yeah, great album. deeply flawed movie though" <- YES! A HINT AT FOX MULDER'S MUSIC TASTE HAS FINALLY BEEN REVEALED!!!!!!!
he points out that no one has investigated maria's death because of her and the entire camp's status as migrant workers, which is pretty sad. also, the big coats are big coating.
when they do that thing they are so famous for- sticking their heads into places uninvited- someone yells that the migrant poilce are here, and they all scatter. mulder is trying to say no, no, that's not it at all.
scully flashes the fbi badge hoping that this will explain things, but mulder grabs her hand and closes it.... girl now why did you think that would help!!! it felt out of character and annoyed me even if it WAS funny. she is smart and capable; she does not need mulder to teach her how to do these things.
the woman we saw before says that it was the chupacabra that killed maria, and mulder is explaining what this beast is to scully in great detail, because that is the sort of stuff he has read up on. also, apparently in this version a visitation of one is preceded by light and rain. noted. never heard that before in my life, but noted.
ooooh tea…. the brother who was leaving earlier, soledad, says that his brother, eladio buente, did the killing!!
“uh, how do you explain the yellow rain then?” LMAOOOO chemicals. obviously.
is scully quoting west side story??? 😭😭😭 now where in her navy brat childhood did musicals come into play!!! i love that for her <3
she’s insisting it was a murder, and that it should be left for local cops. but mulder says the local authorities don’t care. scully says she cares :( so they must find what killed maria 
noooo they’re gonna separate… mulder's gonna try and find eladio and she is going autopsy mode. i hate when they separate!!
eladio hasn’t been seen in three days, so mulder goes to visit a guy named agent lozano at the INS. the agent says that the migrant workers make up these stories to feel alive, which seems a deeply reductionist take
(i was wondering why i had never heard the term INS before... turns out it was dissolved in 2003. here i was thinking i was a fool! but no!)
the person working in the morgue is being rude asf to scully and also to the people she is inspecting…. noted. scully, clock that nonsense!
WHAT DA HELL. why is maria covered in…. grassy fluffy stuff???? and looks mummified. a day or two in the fridge did not do that…
they find eladio, who is separated from the others at the INS because they are being mean to him…. they think he’s the chupacabra. oh, so this is like a werewolf transformation thing? see, i was under the impression that the chupacabra was just a little creature. so this is new.
(he gave his name as a famous actor, lmao, i had look that reference up when mulder smiled)
eladio is vehemently claiming that he did not kill maria, and that he held her in his arms as he died. hmm, agent lozano doesn’t believe him. but he seems rude as hell.
they put eladio on a bus, but the other people on it are screaming that he is the chupacabra. and this other guy says that he will be sent back south.
scully rolling up!!! honking at mulder :D
mulder is passionately recounting eladio’s story, and scully looks at him very weirdly for a second, as if to say, this guy is deeply strange. and then she drops the bombshell that maria seems to have died of a FUNGAL INFECTION. she was exposed to so many pesticides that hurt her immune system, she might have died from a totally normal fungus. huh. that would be very sad.
mulder points out yet again that it does not explain the light nor rain.
“mulder, i know you don’t want to hear this, but i think the aliens in this story are not the villains, they’re the victims” <- that shuts him up :(
but they come across the INS bus…. it seems to have crashed??? and that the people in the back are running away??
(at this point, i notice the flute my mutual phoebe hates so much in the soundtrack. it shall haunt us forever)
OH GOD!!! the driver is also now a desiccated corpse.
she flakes a piece of his skin off (GAG!!!!!) oh, it’s very gross. but something about scully ripping her mask off and explaining what went down in medical terms is appealing to me.
it seems to be another fungal case. but a DIFFERENT fungal case!
is this dude using the pokémon move spore? and is it very effective? only time will tell…
eugh, that sounds horrific. spore attack… no thank you ma’am
agent lozano comes back and says they couldn’t find eladio after the whole escape from the bus thing. well look harder idk what else to say.
she says we need to identify this fungus NOW but mulder wants to find eladio. they are splitting up AGAIN???? ugh!!! no fun!!! no fun for me!!!
eladio sneaks off to a barber shop, saying he needs to go back to mexico. apparently this barber was the one who brought him here, and now he needs to return.
OH! he called eladio a slur. and said that without money, he will not take him back. jeez. he has one day to get the money in order to get back. i am uncomfy.
it seems that people are coming to the migrant workers and picking them up for various jobs. eladio sneaks into a truck, and when the other workers refuse to accompany him due to his chupacabra allegations, he must work by himself.
fungus time!!! they’re looking at…. athlete’s foot? now how did it do all that? scully wants to know how they multiplied.
it looks the yellow rain accelerates the fungi and puts them into overdrive!!! the mycologist demonstrates how the stuff makes it expand!!! not good for ecological purposes.
mulder is gazing upon some graffiti of the chupacabra, who, to my disappointment, is more alien than dog. what do i have to do to get a dog beast?? why is it so out of reach for me…???? :(
agent lozano says that mulder ought to leave the brotherly fighting between those two, but mulder says that god will curse the man who doesn’t intervene. and he’s had a rough go of this whole being alive thing so far, so he really can’t use another curse. he’s off to find eladio.
eladio does not look well, as he is tossing some wood about. OH! his sweat is yellow???? no…
NO!! his brother is approaching him!!!! with a pipe… 
NO! when soledad opens the door to the restroom some guy is FUNGUS’D!!!! it is very very very gross, especially the stuff in his mouth….. nasty 
but to be clear: the guy who was fungus’d was NOT eladio!!! eladio is in a truck and flooring it!!
eladio runs to someone named gabrielle. and he looks even more sick than before. he is begging for help and money and for her to run away with him. well. i would advise that she does not do that.
scully’s new theory: eladio is the typhoid mary of this new fungus accelerating enzyme. and mulder BETTER NOT COME INTO CONTACT WITH IT. no INHALING, no TOUCHING.
mulder is trying to say it might be aliens!!! but scully says, dude, it doesn’t matter right now where it came from, what matters is making sure less people die. he looks sad to be told this. but she was right.
the barber snitches to mulder and agent lozano where eladio is…. or is he tricking them??? no, he isn’t!! he has visuals on eladio!!! and if it’s an honest race, you know damn well who is going to win between some sick guy and mulder
eladio plays dirty though, and dives under a truck, into another truck filled with goats. all of which later have the fungus. very gross. 
(they keep making a point that the migrants are invisible and no one pays attention to them or cares about their well-being. i feel like there should be a lesson here, but if there is, i’m not seeing it. it just kinda feels like “damn, look how much it sucks that these people are treated terribly” more than a purposeful statement on the inherent equality of all human beings. so it falls very flat)
all the goats have lost their eyes.
the INS go to gabrielle’s house. agent lozano immediately grabs her and it’s straight up awful. scully tells him to check the back to get him away from her. 
mulder says they should wait….
and eladio is looking very very terrible now. he is covered in sores or fungus or something. NO don’t touch the bulk candy and nuts you’re gonna get everyone infected!!!!!!!!
he limps out, but the nuts he knocked over are being fungus’d in real time!!!
they stuck around gabrielle’s place and see soledad show up. we are gearing up for a major brother vs brother showdown. 
but it is interrupted by our agents plus agent lozano whom i do not like!!! soledad says he must avenge maria’s death….. but scully is busy observing that a good third of the supermarkets has been fungus’d from eladio’s presence.
eladio comes to gabrielle’s door and he is very very green. she thinks he killed maria, and he really is the chupacabra. 
this is an interesting concept… that the chupacabra is a guy who gradually turns green and also melts people with fungus enhancing enzymes. i will have to turn this one over and over again in my head.
so we’re going to have a brother vs brother showdown for real now? okay. sure. agent lozano is telling eladio to face his brother. and then we hear a gunshot. lozano has been fungus’d! 
WHAT???? a whole bunch of aliens are sliding out of the light?????? huh. 
so they took soledad??? i guess?? the bonus chupacabra?? chupacabras?? what is the plural for their species?? 
okay so. what the hell is going on. why is he an alien now as we see the flashback of him being confronted. eladio is now full megamind mode. blue and with a protruding skull. screaming that he is not a man and instead the chupacabra. okay.
ah, i see. everyone is telling different stories. gabrielle says soledad didn’t kill eladio. and soledad accidentally shot lozano. and soledad was turned into a chupacabra too?? and now the brothers run away to mexico together.
reporting this to skinner time. the hazmat team could contain the accelerating enzymes.
scully says to skinner that "they" have a way of being almost invisible, like we heard lozano say before, but then we cut to the brothers and their giant megamind skulls and i’m thinking hmmmmm. hmmmmmm. i am not so sure they are particularly inconspicuous.
mulder says nobody cares about them and that is the end of the episode.
well. uh. okay.
i feel like an attempt was made here to call attention to the terrible conditions in which migrant workers live and provide crucial services to the largely ignorant american public but like. i don’t think they did that in the best way. or in any good way at all.
i’m sorry i’m feeling like a hater…… the enzymes speed up the fungus that kills you and that is how the chupacabra gets ya 😭😭😭 what about the actual blood sucking….
this is why i wanted a DAMN WOLF CREATURE!!! not some FUNGUS NONSENSE!!!! who gave a damn about the whole love triangle thingy that drove the whole episode!!! fuck agent lozano!!!
and i'm really pissed off that they made chupacabras FUNGI ALIENS. is this a sick joke......... when it could have been a delightful beasty creature? you made it a guy? a guy who sweats yellow? THAT is a chupacabra? and somehow you can be turned into this kind of alien?
i am annoyed. this episode made me annoyed, and sometimes it feels good to really tear into something. fungi aliens..... do NOT piss me off. ugh. absolutely sullying the good name of this TV program. chupacabra is a fungus alien... you're sick for that. you're SICK for that, chris. who came up with this?
i think they were trying to craft a sympathetic narrative towards the migrant workers, but it just came off like a sideshow of their trauma. and as if agent lozano was justifying their dehumanization, with his whole "they need to tell stories to distract from their simple lives" thing and also how he grabbed gabrielle and mocked eladio's story. i can see there was an effort, and i can see that it failed. i'd be interested to know what people thought in that regard when this episode first aired. i feel like it could have gotten some justified backlash.
i think i typed it somewhere else at some point- and maybe it had gotten lost in the tags or drafts or something- but TXF has 3 kinds of bad episodes, imo.
category a is: this is blatantly offensive. who approved this? (gender bender, excelsis dei)
category b is: this writing is so out of character i feel disgraced (3, the parts in oubliette where scully is just mean af to mulder and tells him to stop trying cpr??? and rift-era episodes)
category c is: just kinda boring af, monster isn't even camp it's just weird, also tends to be overly dark in theme to the point where no one is having fun (calusari, the walk)
and here we got a unique combo of boring and offensive!
actually, the more i think about this, the angrier i am getting. i feel it best to try and keep my hating levels recreational, but i can tell they are getting out of hand. fungus alien........ those blue spiky heads......
but, to end on a positive note: mulder likes prince!!! this is an excellent discovery!! AND scully watches musicals <3 i choose to take these facts with me and disregard all the rest
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