#big softy scenes to come
I'm watching this movie called "Timeless Love" while procrastinating on writing, and it's about this woman who spends two months in a coma dreaming up an entire marriage and kids with this very specific guy, but when she wakes up she finds out she's single with zero kids.
She's devastated obviously, but starts trying to adjust back into life. She no longer wants to pick up her old job as an executive assistant, so she takes a temp job as a receptionist for a small photography studio, OWNED BY THE GUY FROM HER COMA.
So like, currently there's no sense to what she's experienced or why she imagined such a specific guy (who even has the same name from her coma dream).
Now, if I were to write a Supercorp version of this film, I think Kara would be coma girl, and Lena would be an ER doctor she glimpsed on her way into the hospital before going into her coma. But for whatever reason no one at the hospital puts the two pieces together, or maybe they do but don't tell either of them because it would only cause more harm than good.
But then one day Kara takes one of her friends into the ER and in the chaos she literally bumps into Dr. Luthor. Kara reacts by immediately hugging her, tears instantly starting to gather and spill over. Lena is shocked but doesn't pull away. She gently returns the embrace because she's empathetic and senses that this strange woman is in distress and if a hug will help her there's no harm in it.
Kara's heartbroken all over again when she realizes Lena has absolutely no idea who she is. She immediately retreats into herself, and removes herself from the room. Someone else is the one who tells Lena about the situation, and after having some time to process, Lena approaches Kara and invites her to coffee in the cafeteria. Maybe they could... talk?
Lena's innate kindness shines through in the way she listens as Kara pours her heart out about what she's going through, and gives Kara space to feel what she's feeling without making it about herself, or even making Kara feel self-conscious/awkward about it. In fact, Kara almost has to beg her to say something. After a few moments of consideration, Lena responds.
"I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, and I won't pretend otherwise," she delivers slowly. "But-- I do think there's an important takeaway you're overlooking."
Kara stares at her, shocked. Lena reaches across the table to place her hand on Kara's.
"It doesn't matter what faces your family wore during that time-- whatever life your mind conjured for you, you filled it with love."
Lena smiles.
"I think that makes you someone pretty special."
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amethystina · 6 months
Hello, I hope you're doing better.
I just wanted to tell you that since I read the latest chapter of Who Holds The Devil you have revived in me some ideas and scenarios I had in mind about the show.
Like what if everything worked out for Yohan's plans after episode 12 (when Gaon left Yohan and Elijah) without K or Soohyun dying? What would happen then?
Yohan will definitely leave after some point to Switzerland with Elijah because he already planned it for her treatment, even if he is not a criminal in Korea or presumed dead. But how long will it take him to leave?
And what will Gaon do? Will he start dating Soohyun or keep whatever they have between them as it is? If he dates her, will they work out or realise they were better together as friends and family but nothing more? ( I personally believe that when they start dating at the beginning, everything will seem perfect. But as time goes on, they will realise that it won't work out between them as they took a very long time to get to this point, and that it was too late.)
Will Gaon stay in contact with Elijah? (Maybe.) Or Yohan? ( I doubt it.)
Will Gaon miss them? Will he ever realise that Yohan loved him or that he had some kind of feelings for Yohan?
Basically, what would've happened if all the baggage from the last episodes never occurred. After the rejection on Gaon's part in episode 12, I believe Yohan will want to stay away from Gaon but I could be wrong.
The latest chapter reminded me of all these ideas and questions I had, but now we have a lot more baggage and issues to work through which makes me even more excited to explore what will happen next.
I trust your storytelling abilities as they have not once failed me for all this time I was following this fic.
Take care of your self, and when you feel better come back with a new amazing chapter as always.
I'm doing better, thank you 💜
Wow. Yeah, that's a lot of thoughts! And very interesting ones! And I think some of it depends on exactly how Yo Han decides to finish his plans. Like, killing people on national television would still make him a criminal, so I'm guessing that's not what he does? But he still gets his revenge somehow?
But yeah, he'd definitely still go to Switzerland since that has clearly been a part of his plan for years. And I think he'd actually go as soon as possible. Maybe he'd give Elijah time to say goodbye to Ga On, but that depends on what terms he and Ga On are, I'd say. If we assume that none of the baggage happened (including Soo Hyun dying, Ga On attempting to murder Yo Han, etc.) I think that Yo Han would keep his distance from Ga On, yes. Out of sheer pride and self-preservation, if nothing else. And Ga On has Soo Hyun so he wouldn't seek Yo Han out, since he knows that Soo Hyun doesn't like Yo Han and he wouldn't want to upset her.
So, sadly enough, I think Yo Han and Ga On would drift apart. Maybe they'd still cooperate somehow to take down the baddies, but, as horrible as it may sound, Soo Hyun's death actually brought them closer together. Even Ga On trying to kill Yo Han did in some ways since, from that point on, they're forever tied together what with Yo Han carrying the scar Ga On gave him. And without that? With Soo Hyun there to plead with Ga On not to do something dangerous? Ga On wouldn't chase after Yo Han. And Yo Han wouldn't chase after Ga On since he's already been rejected and is too prideful.
So I think that Yo Han would leave for Switzerland with Elijah and Ga On would stay in touch with her, yes, but not Yo Han. Maybe he'd try a couple of times, but Yo Han wouldn't respond. And, eventually, Ga On will stop trying because who is Yo Han to him anyway? Just his weird boss who he lived with for a while — and kind of wanted to take care of because he seemed so lonely — who was also a terrible influence on him. So, clearly, it might be for the better that they don't talk anymore.
(You keep telling yourself that, Ga On)
As for Ga On and Soo Hyun, I think they would start dating, yes, and I think they'd be pretty happy there at the beginning. If in a pretty boring and uneventful way. Like, there's not really much passion between them, is there? But they'd be content. It'd be safe and sweet.
I'm not sure if they'd notice that there's something wrong, though. I think that both of them have been waiting for this for so long that they'd be determined to make it work, even if that means ignoring the warning signs. I honestly think they'd both pretend everything was fine long after the point where it's not. And that both of them would silence the niggling doubts by saying that this is just how all relationships are — there will be dips. Nothing is perfect all the time. And it's not like they're arguing or anything.
It's just a little dull, that's all.
In short, I think they'd be stuck. Not in a way that makes them genuinely unhappy, but they certainly wouldn't be honest with themselves or each other, either. Which isn't the worst way to live, but it's also not the best one.
And I think that Ga On would miss Elijah and Yo Han, yes, though he wouldn't be honest about why he does. He'd just say it's because he cares about them and it's sad that he can't talk to them as often — or at all, in Yo Han's case. And, in a similar vein, I don't think Ga On would try to explore his feelings for Yo Han, or Yo Han's feelings for him. Because Ga On would be able to tell that danger lies in that direction and he'd rather remain in denial.
But he would think about Yo Han a lot. And probably do a doubletake every time they mention Yo Han or show his picture in the media. And he'd ask Elijah about how Yo Han is doing. He'd find himself cooking Yo Han's favourite food, even if he's not there to eat it. He'd miss the house. He'd miss the quiet nights reading.
He'd still wear the watch.
And all that longing would only make Ga On double down and be even more determined to make things work with Soo Hyun. Because the alternative is just too scary. He doesn't want there to be another explanation as to why he misses Yo Han. He wants his safe and happy life with Soo Hyun.
Everything else is shoved aside, pushed down, and ignored.
And, eventually, I think Soo Hyun would notice that something is wrong. But she doesn't know what and, even if she kind of hates herself for it, she's too afraid of the answer to ask. Because she doesn't want to lose Ga On and, deep down, she can tell that he is slipping away from her, slowly but surely. Just from the fact that his smiles are a little too hollow sometimes, and he's often staring off into space, lost in thought. So she tries her best to help him, as always, but, for some reason, it doesn't seem to work as well as it usually would.
But of course it'd eventually come crumbling down. And — since I'm a dramatic bitch — I suggest it'll do so when Yo Han and Elijah eventually drop by for a visit (mostly Elijah's doing, of course, with Yo Han reluctantly agreeing). More specifically the moment when Ga On comes face to face with Yo Han again for the first time in months — maybe even a year? — and everything he's been trying to suppress rushes to the surface and hits him like a freight train.
Because he's been living comfortably with Soo Hyun, sure, and he loves her dearly, but there's not much of a spark. But the one he had with Yo Han? That's been just a softly glowing ember since they parted ways?
Turns out that seeing Yo Han again — and being faced with all that intensity and enticing hint of danger once more — is all it takes to ignite it again. To turn it into a wildfire.
All of a sudden, Ga On is reminded of what real attraction feels like.
And the fact that it's not aimed at his girlfriend is definitely going to be a bit of a problem.
... aaaaaand maybe I should stop now. Because I'm not sure if you actually wanted me to answer what I think x'D
Anyway! Yes, very interesting things to ponder! And I think there are several ways to go, depending on what angle one wants to take and what happened during those last episodes. Like, if Yo Han and Ga On reconciled after their breakup, I think some parts would obviously play out differently. But, if they didn't? I'd go with something like what I said above.
But, again, that depends entirely on what you want to accomplish. Trust me when I say that there are always ways to tweak what happens to your liking but still make it feel in character and realistic. I'm somewhat of an expert on that, I've been told xD
Thank you so much for sharing, anyway! It was a very fun thought experiment! And I do hope to be able to get back to writing sometime soon. I'm actually feeling better than I have in a long time, but I think I'm going to make a separate post about that. We'll see.
I hope you have a great day! Take care 💜
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softavasilva · 2 years
now lets all think about beatrice saying ily to ava in all the languages she could possible say it in bc simply saying it one way is not enough !!!
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greatprotector-if · 1 year
kicking my feet & twirling my hair thinking abt galen
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the-tarot-witch22 · 2 months
Your future spouse late night thoughts about you 18+ - Pick a pile
Pile 1/ Pile 2/ Pile 3
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Liked my blog or readings? Tip me! | My Paid Readings | My insta
Hello everyone ! This is my another pick a pile or pac reading so please be kind and leave comment or reblog, and let me know if it resonated with you!
Note : This is a general reading or collective reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And it's totally okay if our energies aren't aligned!
How to pick : Take a deep breath and choose a pile which you feel most connected to! You can choose more than one pile, it just means both pile have messages for you!
Note : This reading is based on my intuition and channeled messages from tarot cards.
I worked really hard on this pile please show some love by leaving comments, likes and reblogs!
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Pile 1:
(The cards I got for you guys - The magician, 6 of cups, wheel of fortune and 4 of swords)
Their thoughts about you is quite solemn or like emotional, they are quite a softie when it comes to you honestly, i wanted to give something 18+ for you guys but the energy here is so pure honestly or atleast that's how they wanna start with, i feel they don't want to scare you away just yet, like not much r rated haha, but i will channel everything i can, okay so i feel they are quite in awe or in love, like they want to meet you a hopeless romantic energy, looking at moon asking universe or upper power if they will meet you soon, they want to hurry honestly, I heard "you're mine baby" "no matter whatever you are doing right now, whoever is with you", "i am the one for you hope you know that", they want to kiss you a lot, like every part of you, want you to feel loved and you belong with them, like your body, soul has a name of their engraved on it, that's how much they want you to feel at home, at first they were being quite secretive not opening everything or feelings they have for you but I feel they are trying now, I also feel or heard that they want to push you on bed, tie you up, watch you while they fuck every part of you, they are sweet as hell and as well as horny for you, they want you to watch while you suck them, they want to fuck you deeper so you forget everything but them, They definitely want to put you on pedestal in every way they can, they wanna give you after care, touch every part of you they crave your soul and body, they feel they have knownn you for lifetimes, a literal past life connection here, yet they don't have you, they miss you, your time with them , i heard it's honestly funny "how someone can never meet and yet crave for each other", they wanna lay in your arms relax with you, watch silly rom coms, horror anything you desire, but they want you very badly, "when we meet i will tie you up till you get bored of me" in a very teasing tone, he is quite balanced individual in both his sexual desires and emotional desires.
WoW pile they are quite a romantic, huh? you guys deserve it! they are waiting for you too I feel you will meet them very soon.
Pile 2:
(The cards I got for you guys - 5 of swords, 8 of wands, 4 of wands and 6 of swords)
Okay so first thing i feel is very passionate, like they just want to fuck the soul out of you, holy shit, starting with big words and love for you, they are definitely not feel like themselves when they are with you, like they are different person "i cant control my feelings, my desires i have for you" how my body reacts when it sees you, it needs you as much as i do, I also heard i am quite jealous that you are not with me right now, is it because it's a payback for me to meet you late?, i hear them sighing a lot, they want to compete with everyone who has ever been with you even your fictional crushes like they can't make you feel like i do, they are definitely very competitive, their thoughts about you at night is quite filled with lust and desire, i see a scene where they are letting off their steam jerking off with the desire and spark they feel within themselves how they just want you, and only you I also feel they want to be very rough with you like just show you who you belong to, for some of you, you both are into hardcore sex, and they wanna make you cum with their mouth, they want you to sit on them, show that little pretty thing which is wet just for them, they want to tease you a lot too, like not letting you come at first, i feel they want to hear you say "please let me come", i see them smirk a lot, satisfied how much you react to them, "keep running away from me, but you can't go far because our souls are intertwined, my darling" gosh pile 2 they are quite very hungry for you, they want to fuck you all day or night touch you in a way no one ever has, they want you to fuck in the mirror they might want to record these moments for you both so you have special memory of it, more than their pleasure , they want YOU to feel pleasure in a way that no one ever had, they want to use dildo on you such foreign objects, i also feel they want you to wear vibrator while you go out with them, and when they feel jealous they will turn it on, i heard "my dirty little slut".
Wow pile 2 they are quite fiery aren't they, they just had so much to say to you their thought about you is so deep and filled with love and lust. Love it for you guys!
Pile 3:
(The cards I got for you guys - 10 of pentacles, 7 of wands, 6 of wands, 5 of cups, ace of swords and 8 of wands)
Okay so first thing I feel is they are missing you like a lot, when i started doing your reading and cards my heart felt sad for some reason they could be yearning you and they definitely want me to tell you "how much your absence in their life is impacting them", they are quite turned on by thought of you, your body is their temple, they want to worship you, they want to feel comfortable with them sexually or non sexually, they just want you to feel at home with them, they are feeling quite lonely without you, i heard "i love her laugh", their thoughts about you is quite desperate, but okay let me channel something 18+ for you, they are quite needy for your body, they want you to touch yourself or you to touch them or their intimate parts, they want to gently fuck you, I feel they are quite sensible or have gentleman thoughts for you. They are quite respectful, i also feel they wanna put efforts while they fuck you, politely touch you like you will break in their arms, they are quite caring, and soft for you and with you. i also feel they would want to or love to suck on you breasts to make you feel very good. They want to hear you scream their name, They think of you as their biggest achievement their prize, that they got for good or past deeds, they also want to be sneaky with you like I see a place where you are both only and emotions are so overflowing that you end up having sex their, a beach at night, or some abandoned or deserted place, their energy is quite calming they even calmed me down, they want everyone to see you belong to them, As I said they could be very sad for you like they miss you, "needing you by their side energy", they want you to know that sex isn't only two people having orgasm its more than that, its filled with love spark, connection, when they think of you all they want is to rest by your side, just be their while you do your own thing, they want you to know they have much more to show you when you guys actually meet! You guys can check out pile 1 too!
Good luck pile 3 xD! Their thoughts weren't much 18+ but more sweet. And I feel it's because they take sex much more seriously or not much openly, so that could be why this pile ended up being sweet lol.
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Thank you for stopping by! Take care and remember you are loved <3
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7ndipity · 4 months
Time For You
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: Just a lil blurb about Yoongi surprising his S/o at work bc he’s a softie.
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks to my lovely ⭐ anon for this request! It’s a lil short, but I hope you like it!💜
It had been one of those work days that seemed to drag on longer than normal. Nothing was particularly wrong, it wasn’t any busier or more hectic than usual, but you were still acutely aware of the hours seeming to creep by at a glacial pace.
‘Just a little longer’, You promised yourself. Just a few more hours and you would be home, in your cozy apartment with your warm bed and your sweet boyfriend, who you planned to cuddle within an inch of his life as soon as you saw him.
As if summoned by your thoughts, one of your co-workers came over as you were finishing up helping a customer, sporting a knowing grin.
“Hey, Y/n? There’s a guy over there that says he’s going to start crying if you don’t look at him?” She said, nodding off to the side.
Glancing up in confusion, you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as your eyes landed on a familiar figure standing over near the door. His face was partially hidden by the hat that he tugged down , but you could recognized that sheepish, little grin anywhere
You quickly switched places with your co-worker before practically sprinting over to Yoongi, half tackling him in a hug.
“What are you doing here?!” You exclaimed, trying to keep your voice low to avoid drawing attention, but unable to hide your happiness at his sudden appearance.
“We were filming a few blocks over, so I thought I’d come by on my way home and check on you.” He said, glancing up at you shyly.
“Aww, were you worried about me?” You grinned, reaching up to cup his face. “You big softie.”
“Don’t make me regret it.” He groaned, trying to squirm out of your hold.
“Hey, you were the one threatening to cause a scene because I wouldn’t look at you.” You chuckled.
He grumbled out something you couldn’t make out before holding out a small bag to you. “I also brought this, but if you’re gonna be weird about it-”
You quickly snatched the bag away before he could finish, peeking inside at the contents before looking back up at him in surprise.
“You brought me cookies?” You questioned.
“I happened to pass that bakery you like on my way here, no big deal.” He shrugged.
You said nothing, staring up at him as he tried to hide the growing flush in his cheeks.
“What?” He asked after a moment.
“You love me.” You grinned.
He huffed.
“It took cookies for you to realize that?” He asked dryly, fiddling with the edge of his hat, a habit of his that you had come to know meant he was embarrassed or flustered.
“No, but it’s a nice reminder.” You said. “It’s nice when you make time for little things like this.”
“I’ll always make time for you.” He answered softly, the sudden sincerity in his tone catching you off guard.
Yoongi had always had a way of pulling your heartstrings with just a few words, even before you had started dating, a simple comment like “I miss you” had been enough to cause your heart to skip a beat before taking off at high speed.
As much as you liked to tease him for being whipped for you, you were just as down bad for him.
You suddenly remembered you were standing in the middle of your workplace, clearing your throat awkwardly.
“I- uh, I have to get back to work.” You said quickly.
He nodded, understanding.
“I’ll see you at home.” He said, stepping away, but you followed, leaning in to press a quick kiss to his lips.
“I love you too.” You said softly, stepping back. “Thank you for the cookies.”
“You’re welcome.” He said, his cheeks flushed fully red.
“I’ll see you later.” You promised.
“See you later.” He repeated, turning quickly and heading for the exit.
You caught him giving a quick glance back at you from the door, sending you a little wave before ducking out, leaving you stood grinning after him.
“He’s really something special, isn’t he?” Your co-worker commented, watching you with an amused expression. “My boyfriend never does stuff like that.”
“Yeah,” You agreed. “He really is something special.”
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0o0o0ooo @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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mapiforpresident · 7 months
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Most Likely To
Alexia x reader
warnings: none
It was currently almost Valentine's day, so Barcelona was having all the team couples do some short interviews to post on the actual day.
Alexia was not a fan of this, but she saw that you were excited, she reluctantly agreed. She wanted to maintain her professional captain persona, but she also knew that it was important for people to see that she was also a normal person at the end of the day and that it was ok for her to be dating a woman.
"Hey, how was your interview," you asked Mapi and Ingrid as they walked out of the media room. They had their interview right before yours.
"It was really good we had to see who knew each other better and Ingrid won. I forgot her first pets name." Mapi told you. "I think you guys are doing the who is mostly likely to challange. I am excited to see if we learn anything new about big tough Ale over here that we didn't know." You laughed at this agreeing that you would make sure the fans learn how much of a softie Ale is for you.
You and Alexia then walked into the room as the media people explained how it would work and set up your mics. The interviewer then got started facing the camera, "Ok today we have special guests Alexia and Y/n. Today they will be playing the who is most likely to challange. They each have a paddle with their face on one side and the others face on the back. I will ask some questions and they have to show the face of who they think it fits better. At the end we also have a couple questions sent in by fans. Let's get started with the first question.."
"Ok we will start off very easy. The first question is who is most likely to forget their boots at home?"
You both immediately held up the side of the paddle with your face.
"I may have forgotten them before the champions league final. Luckily someone had an extra pair in my size. Ale always asks me three times if I have my boots now before we leave the house." You responded laughing towards the camera.
"She is very forgetful, she even forgot her passport before a game onetime and had to fly in the next day. I definitely made her run extra laps for that." You definitely gave Alexia a few heart attacks from all the times you forget things.
"Who is most likely to cry during a sad movie?" the interviewer queried with a grin.
You both exchanged a glance. You raised Alexia face as she reluctantly did the same. It was no secret to you or the team that Alexia had a soft spot for emotional films, often shedding a tear or two during particularly touching scenes.
As the interview progressed, the questions delved deeper into your relationship, sparking laughter and fond memories between you and Alexia.
The interviewer grinned as she posed the next question, her eyes flickering mischievously between you and Alexia. "Alright, who is most likely to hog the blankets in bed?"
You both hesitated for a moment, exchanging playful glances before simultaneously flipping the paddles to reveal the others face.
You chuckled, nudging Alexia playfully. "Come on, admit it. You're the blanket thief."
Alexia raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Oh, please. You practically cocoon yourself in the blankets every night."
As the interview drew to a close, the final question sent in by fans brought a sense of warmth to the room. "Who is most likely to surprise the other with a romantic gesture?"
Without hesitation, you both raised your paddles, a shared smile of affection passing between you. Despite the playful teasing and occasional disagreements, there was no doubt that your love for each other ran deep, evident in the small gestures of kindness and thoughtfulness that defined your relationship.
As the cameras stopped rolling, Alexia pulled you into a tender embrace, her voice soft with sincerity. "You know, despite my initial reservations, I'm glad we did this. It's nice to show the world a different side of us, to be able to share our love openly."
You returned her embrace, kissing her cheek lightly, feeling a surge of gratitude for the woman standing before you. "I couldn't agree more, bebé."
The fans absolutely loved the video and seeing this more personal side of Alexia and seeing more into your relationship.
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cauliplea · 5 months
it baffles me how many people twist the whole "Ratio hates idiots" thing even though it's literally anything but that.
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did people not even read the character details? he doesn't hate idiots necessarily, it goes deeper than that. but for some reason people immediately think that Ratio would hate someone because they are less smarter that him.
No, he does not hate people with less knowledge, he hates people that doesn't try to gain more knowledge and better themselves, he hates people that think they are better than others simply because they are smarter, he only hates people that choose to stay ignorant.
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the amount of ableism he recieves when it comes to his entire character makes me want to rip my hair out, no he would not hate you because you're bad at math, he'd recognize if you had any other talents other than math and praise you for it and try to help, no he wouldn't hate aventurine because you people think Aventurine is an idiot in his standarts (I'll get to this later)
he is a big softie yet it is always ignored just because he was rude to most of the characters we have seen which if you took two seconds to think about it's justified.
Herta, Screwllum and Ruan Mei are all part of genius society and they all share one personality trait which is being self-centered and that's what ratio hates the MOST. he doesn't like people that only care about themselves, so how could anyone think that someone that hates selfishness be selfish?
I do love herta, Screwllum and Ruan Mei but you have to agree they are selfish when it comes to their goal, all of genius society is, they all do things for themselves and not others unlike Ratio, which is a common theme since you can notice Nous only recognizing people that seek knowledge for themselves and not others like Ratio.
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When it comes to his relationship with Aventurine I'm glad people can recognize that he cares enough but there are still times where he's seen as cold hearted which is not true at all, this man is direct with what he feels whether it's care or hate, he didn't hesitate to call Sunday crazy and he wouldn't hesitate to show aventurine that he cares which he already does, just in his own confusing way.
I've also seen people call aventurine an idiot which I can't stand, how could you even muster up that idea? he is intelligent, Ratio literally sees him as an equal which could be another hard evidence on how he doesn't hate "Idiots" (since people think Aventurine qualifies as one because he couldn't go to school or learn academically. :|) he recognizes Aventurines talent and intelligence, the times he calls aventurine a fool or anything else is obviously affectionate and lighthearted.
the first scene they were on screen together the reason he insulted Aventurines knowledge he apologized afterwards when he realized that it wasn't Aventurines fault. (deleting the racism part because I've had MULTIPLE people bring up the fact that it was an act and I get it but I still dont think it was necessary since you don't have to be racist to make someone think you hate someone else.)
so no, Ratio isn't a cold hearted, mean asshole, he's lovely so please write him as lovely. it breaks my heart and hurts my autism when people mischaracterize him.
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jybyls · 9 days
Soft spot || J.O
Request by anonymous here
Warnings: Fluff, bad writing, and hella short.
Words: 620~
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- 📜🎧🍂 -
"Jenna, come on !" Aliyah, Jenna's sister begged her. "I said no Aliyah, we are not going out shopping." Jenna said sternly, "I have work to finish, I can't go out now. Maybe later." She focused back on her work, Aliyah on her side sighed, dropping on the bed. She was about to open her mouth again to speak, but-
"Jenna, my love !" You came in the room, running like a child on ecstasy. "Can we go out ? Please ?" Jenna didn't even think twice before getting up and taking her jacket. "Yeah, let's go." You smiled and held out your hand for her. "Wait, what ?! You just said you wouldn't go out because you have work ! Why did you say yes to her ??" Aliyah stormed out, "Because she's different." Jenna answered nonchalantly and walked out of the room with you, heading outside, leaving Aliyah completely dumbfounded and offended.
But she needed to know if she was the only one who got dumbed by Jenna because you existed.
"Hey, mom ? Did Jenna already disagree on something but immediately changed her mind when y/n said the opposite ?" Her mom scoffed like it was the most stupid question her daughter could ask. "Of course. That's a daily thing. She's far too obsessed with that woman to not do what she asks." She then asked. "Why ?" She dramatically sighed before speaking up. "Because she told me she couldn't go today, but then y/n came into the room asking if Jenna could go out with her, and she said yes without hesitation." The older woman laughed. "Yeah, sounds like Jenna."
Yeah, it did sound like Jenna because it was totally her. She adores you, and she's not ashamed about it. She always claimed to be your biggest supporter, and she wasn't wrong about that. Saying she has a soft spot for you wasn't even enough. For example, one day this happened:
"Hey, Jenna ? Do you want to play Ninja ?" Emma asked. They were waiting in between scenes. She wanted to kill time, but Jenna was too tired to even get up. "No, not now. We can talk, tho." She politely denied her friend's request. The blue-eyed girl was about to agree and sit next to the brown eyed one, but your voice stopped her in her mouvement. "I could play Ninja with you, Em." Emma's smile picked up. You both got in place and were about to start playing before Jenna stood up and placed herself next to you.
Emma looked at Jenna in disbelief, "Are you kidding me ?" She playfully said, looking at her with a 'Are you being dead ass right now ?' Look in her eyes. "What are you waiting for, Myers ? Let's play." Jenna sarcastically answered, a small smirk of satisfaction appeared on her face. The taller girl rolled her eyes but got back in place for the game. It ended up with you and Jenna ganging up against Emma, then Jenna letting you win.
- 📜🎧🍂 -
This girl is down bad for you, and everyone knows it.
If someone want Jenna to do something or go somewhere, they just had to say, 'Y/n will be there.' or 'Y/n would like this.' Basically, they just need to say your name, and Jenna is up and ready to go. You have some sort of power over her that makes her turn into the biggest softie, and she's not complaining about it.
She always lets herself rambles about you and God the stars in her eyes when she talks how danced around the house after a burst of energy ? Unbelievable. She has a whole galaxy in those big brown doe eyes of hers when her mind thinks of you, which is constantly.
She adores you, and she's not scared to show it.
- 📜🎧🍂 -
A/n: Hey, so sorry for whatever this is. Better fics are coming up, I promise !
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anxious-lee · 8 months
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known || Hazbin Tickle Fic ||
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A/N: this entire fic was inspired by that one scene where Al threatens Husk in ep 5. it broke my heart to see him so utterly petrified so I wrote this as a hurt/comfort for myself
Warnings: mentions of Alastor's control over Husk, slight NSFW language but it's not actually sexual I just didn't have any synonyms for what I meant lol
Word count: 2,466
When you're an Overlord of Hell, you tend to get pretty comfortable with staying in control.
Because one wrong move can mean the end of the line.
Husk knew that better than most.
And even now, after all that power of his was lost, he still found himself more suited to calling the shots in whatever situation he found himself in. It was just easier that way. If he could remain on top of things, then nothing would go wrong. Mostly.
That feeling of security never lasted long, though, because sooner or later, he was reminded of the terrible choice he made long ago. That he gave away his autonomy to the most psychotic demon in hell.
The way he spoke to him. Like he was so small. And insignificant. Like he existed purely for the bastard's own amusement and nothing else. Any input given was condescended to, patronized, and dehumanized. It formed an ugly little pit in Husk's chest. How little control he had once Alastor stepped into the room. It scared him, in a way that so few things did.
At least he had someone else to talk to who knew how he felt.
Speaking of whom, Angel Dust strutted into the bedroom, sporting a fluffy silk robe.
"Hope I didn't make you wait too long~" he whined seductively.
"Not long at all," the other purred.
The two settled down together in bed, soaking in each other's embrace.
Tonight was all about them, huddled together in hell's moonlight.
Husk remained still as Angel shifted downward until his head fit under Husk's chin, knowing just where to go.
He loved to be pampered, that much was obvious.
It was peaceful for some time before Angel's eyes suddenly blinked open.
"Hey. How come you never want a turn at being the little spoon? I'm not unreasonable, I'm sure we could share," he said coyly.
Husk didn't quite know what to say to that. It wasn't something that needed to be spoken in words. Husk dominated, Angel submitted (in more ways than one). It seemed almost absurd to suggest that Husk would be the one being given affection.
"Nah, I'm good. You look pretty comfy down there, anyway."
Angel, however, wasn't satisfied with that answer. He pulled himself back to get a good look at the cat's face, cocking his own head curiously. Who wouldn't want to be on the receiving end? Even once? It couldn't be understated how warm and protected one could feel in the arms of another. And Husk didn't want that? Did he feel pressured to say that because he knew Angel liked to take that spot?
"Really? You THAT much of a top that you can't play second fiddle once?" said Angel.
"I'm just not a big... "softy-cuddles" kinda guy, as if you already couldn't tell," Husk admitted, gesturing to his overall gruff demeanor.
Angel studied his face.
"Not buying that for a second," he said, punctuating each word with a poke to the chest. "Come on, you're missing out!"
"That's sweet, babe, but I'm-"
"Just five minutes?" Angel pleaded, holding five fingers up in front of him, "Five minutes of me cuddling you for a change. If you decide you hate it, I won't bring it up again. I just... you're always taking care o' me. I want to give some of that back to you, ya'know? You deserve it."
How was he supposed to say no to those puppy eyes?
Besides, it couldn't hurt... right?
"Fine," Husk relented.
"Yay!" His boyfriend cheered.
They rearranged their positions; Husk now farther down the length of the bed and Angel wrapping all three pairs of arms around him like a furry burrito. His knees and head also tucked themselves inward to cradle the cat properly.
It still made Husk a little tense, letting someone handle him so willfully, but the touch was too nice to deny for very long. Thoughts of safety oozed into his brain as his body relaxed against the chest behind him.
"See? Now isn't this nice?" said Angel softly, barely above a whisper, "For a man who supposedly doesn't little-spoon, you've got the moves down pat."
"I'm not making any moves," Husk mumbled, smiling loudly in his voice.
"Well, you're relaxed, aren't ya?"
In a way.
Angel peered down at the bundle of fuzz, taking in how much shorter he was in comparison.
"Awww! I never noticed how cute you were from up here." His hand began petting the top of the kitty's head, smoothing down the hair.
And there was that feeling again. The one that couldn't let Husk enjoy a good thing while he had it. The fear of releasing control.
"I'm not a pet," he grumbled, having no control over the defensiveness in his voice.
Angel, ever oblivious, pressed on. "Oh, but you are to me~. My sweet little Husky~."
Finally, the camel's back broke under that straw.
"Just stop, okay?! I don't-" Husk took a much-needed breath, sitting up, "I know being treated like a toy is your thing, but it's not mine. I don't like being talked to like I'm a pet. Like all I am is your little dancing monkey." It dawned on him just how much of all that was directed at Alastor. The words sunk in like cement in a lake, and he turned his eyes away, unable to look at what he just ruined.
Angel blinked. All of sudden, the moment had soured, and he had no clue why. Was it something he said? Husk said he didn't want to be treated like a toy. Is that how he felt? Like he wasn't valued? That wasn't what he was trying to say at all! It was adoration! Not condescension.
"What...?" Angel breathed.
"Forget it. Just, I'm sorry-"
"No! No, don't apologize," Angel interrupted, choosing his next words carefully, "I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. It wasn't what I meant to say. I wasn't tryin' to say you were weak or small. I was... I was trying to tells you that I adore ya. You do so much for me and our friends. You look out for us, and protect us, and listen to our bullshit problems all the time.
"I think so highly of you, Husk. You don't take shit from no one, not even me. You're unafraid to speak your mind. You know how to keep your head when life gets messy. I got nothing but respect for you. That's why I wanted to do all this. That's why I want to pamper you with love and shit. Because you're always so strong, and I wanted to... I don't know... give you the space where you didn't have to be strong. Not with me."
A heavy silence fell over the room.
Husk couldn't find the words even if he tried. He had never heard such meaningful things spoken about him. Him, the grouchy barfly. How could he possibly come back from such a beautiful declaration? Especially now with how foolish he felt. It had never occurred to him that accepting affection was an act of good, and not an admission of weakness. That someone could be trusted to hold him in their hands and lift him up rather than drag him down.
Angel could never be Alastor. This was not a hostage situation.
This was a security.
One that he felt that he needed in this moment more than ever.
"Fuck... I'm sorry. I messed up everything and spoiled the mood. I'm still not very good at this whole intimacy stuff," Husk sighed.
"I know, and it's okay. I can teach you," Angel cupped his hand around Husk's cheek.
Husk leaned into the touch. "And uh... thanks. For what you said."
"I meant it."
What did Husk do on Earth to deserve such an Angel?
"Look, if uh. Ahem. If you still wanted to... to do what you were doing before... you know, I won't fight you," Husk stammered, falling quieter with each word.
If that's the only means of permission that Angel can get right now, then he'll take it. He gently eased Husk onto his back once more.
"Good. 'Cause I still have lots more love to give you, sweetcheeks." Angel's iconic smile returned.
Even though Husk basically just admitted he wanted Angel to keep going, his praises were beginning to fluster him. The corners of his lips started to rise, and the only defense he had against them was to turn his face away from the man in front of him.
"You like it when I talk to you like that, huh, baby? Do you hear in my voice how much I'm crazy about you? How I'd do anything for ya? Cause I would~. There's nothing that you don't deserve," Angel said, scratching oh so lightly beneath Husk's chin.
Husk squeezed his eyes shut as he surrendered to his smile and tried to crush Angel's hand with his neck.
"It's true~. Because you're just the cutest little thing alive! Er, unalive, so to speak," the spider said, feeling encouraged by this reaction, and bringing another hand to scritch in the middle of his side.
Before he could stop it, a giggle escaped from Husk's mouth. Mortified, he then clamped his jaw shut, holding any more upcoming laughs in.
"You don't have to pretend for me, baby. It's just us here," said Angel, now bringing all three sets of arms into the mix. One pair was tracing his sides, another scritching either sides of his neck, and the last drumming their fingers torturously over his belly.
The giggles rose back up again, and this time shutting his mouth wasn't keeping them at bay. If he weren't so stubborn, he might've given in by now. But it was just too embarrassing.
Husk clapped his paws over his mouth, and while it did (partially) succeed in quieting his laughter, it didn't do anything to remedy the tickly sensations now all over his torso. He twitched and quivered under the touch, but with Angel hovering over him, it didn't leave much room for reprieve.
"This looks like it really tickles. I'm sure you'd feel better if you let all those laugh out!" Angel encouraged, "Pleeeeeease? For me? For yourself?"
Still, he didn't budge.
"Okay. I didn't wanna have to do this, but you've left me with no otha' options." Angel took one hand that was scratching his chin and took both of Husk's paws in it, holding them above the cat's head.
The effect was gradual.
At first, you couldn't hear a peep. Then, over a matter of seconds, Husk's giggles began to bubble up once more, fighting their way to the surface, and tickling him from the inside out.
It was over. Before long, there was nothing between the loving attacker and the melodic sound he adored so much. It started out deeper and huskier, much like his normal speaking voice, but with each passing moment, it grew higher in pitch; the kind of laugh he reserved only for his softer moments with Angel.
The spider took this as a sign to continue and deepened the pressure of all of his appendages, digging into the jittery muscles.
Husk couldn't even recognize himself anymore. He sounded nothing like the bitter old drunk he normally was. In its place, was a goofy little lovesick fool who laughed like no one in the world could hear him. He guffawed and chortled and cackled with reckless abandon.
"There it itihis! There's that gorgeous laughter!" Said Angel. "For a moment there, I thought you was bout to explode!"
The compliment somehow made everything worse. The helplessness of the situation was still there, the feeling of being small, but it was... different. Like he was small enough to be held in someone's palm and protected from all harm. It felt safe.
Husk's cheeks began to burn red.
Hopefully, Angel would be too distracted to notice.
"Aw baaabe! Are you blushin'?!"
As if on cue, his cheeks burned brighter.
"Am I making you feel flustered~? Does it make it tickle more?"
"So it does. Hmm," Angel hummed as he started moving his hands faster and faster up and down his body. Up his sides, then down his sides, up his tummy, then down his tummy.
It was maddening.
It was tortuous.
It was wonderful.
If Heaven didn't feel like this, he didn't want it. If salvation didn't give him the same amount of relief and safety and joy that playing with his lover gave, then it wasn't worth it. He'd stay in this inferno of hell forever if it meant he could stay with Angel. Stay in this moment.
The demon in question kept on with his teases.
"Who's the cutest little thing~?" Angel cooed as he noticed Husk jump when he touched the lowest portion of his belly, "Ohoho, looks like someone's ticklish! Coochie coochie coooo~!"
Just when Husk thought he couldn't laugh any harder, he did.
"Oho my gosh! You sound just like Fat Nuggets!" Angel chortled.
Husk's laughter was beginning to go silent, and started getting wheezier. This, Angel knew, meant it was time to stop.
"Alright, doll, I think you've had enough," Angel said as he released his prisoner.
As the spider removed his hands from his body, Husk started panting and giggling hysterically, still feeling the phantom sensations on his skin.
"Need some help there?" Angel offered, moving his hands back towards the other's belly.
Husk curled away from his hands, "Dohohon't!"
"I'm not gonna tickle ya, I swear! I'm just gonna get the leftover tickles to go away. Okay?"
Husk nodded hesitantly and revealed his stomach to him.
Angel's hands met his fur, and although it did jump at first, the firm pressure and massaging motions rubbed away the remaining tickles, just like he said it would.
"Dahamn. That really works." Husk breathed.
"Right? Now do you feel better?"
"Yeah," Husk sat up as Angel gave him room, "You know, for such a compliant gentleman, you sure do know how to take charge."
Angel swiveled to Husk with his mouth agape. "I can be a boss when I wanna be!"
"Heh. Sure, power bottom."
Angel reached for Husk's right foot (or paw) and skittered one set of fingers over it.
"NonononONONOHOHO! I'M SORRY, I TAKE IT BACK! I tahahake it bahahack! Hehehehe!"
"Uh huh. That's what I thought," Angel stopped and huffed with a wink, nothing but kind love behind his eyes, "So. You ready for bed?"
"After all that laughing? Hell yes I am. I might even sleep through tomorrow." Husk said tiredly.
Angel chuckled, sidling up behind Husk and gently cacooning his arms around him again.
"This okay?"
Husk sighed.
"It's perfect."
Wooh! That was a rollercoaster! 😅 Hope the people that wanted lee!husk enjoyed this fic 🫶
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shotmrmiller · 7 months
I am gripping my enclosure bars bc of your pornstar!ghost au like, he's sooo good
Anyway since I'm a big softy I was thinking about him and rookie after a very intense scene and him being a little bit soft when she's coming down from that headspace
I find it funny to imagine this very well respected man but with a big "no too much attachment" policy with his co-stars gently caressing rookie and whispering gentle praises into her ear
he definitely does not give a damn what people think, if aftercare is needed, he's giving it.
as the not too much attachment retired pornstar would show up at your house with iced coffee and a breakfast sandwich.
asked for your number right after the first video, too.
don't worry about what lines he's crossing as your superior, either. he knows what he's doing. (he in fact does not. there has never been anyone that simon's wanted as badly as you, he can already envision opening his front door, and seeing you in the kitchen with an apron on, hovering over the stove.)
guess that's the scene he's having you both do.
Doting little housewife taking care of her husband.
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darlingsaturn · 1 year
Sidekick / tour guide ! Reader in Star Rail
You know how Paimon is traveller’s guide/emergency food/sidekick/spokesperson/just their bestie? imagine if HST has their own Paimon too!
Reader is their Paimon without her appearance but they still float and behave like Paimon. They make snarky comments, dissing people that is rude to mc, making nicknames for their close friends, and so on.
Reader that follow after mc and is overly friendly to them only. And the other characters just watch in utter envy as the two talk for hours while trash diving.
Reader has weakness when it comes to food. So many characters use it to lure them away into their arms or just bribe them to spend time with them without mc around.
Jing Yuan ‘accidentally’ dropping snack while he walks away. Lmao like anyone would believe him when he made a trail from tasty snacks so reader would follow him.
Reader is a bit an airhead when they’re hungry, okay? Cut them some slack.
Gepard always having little candy on his pocket just incase he runs into the trio+his crush. Him always having to fight the attention of his beloved with his own sister because big sis is 🥵 and he’s worried about his future love life if reader chose big sis.
Blade getting the nickname something along the line of ‘mean jerk guy’ because reader can’t swear for the life of them.
But he secretly likes the stupid nickname, only because it’s from reader and he would always hide his smile with a smirk every time reader called him a nickname.
Okay married couple. Get a room🙄
Dan Heng is tired of reader. But only because they support the trash diving behavior of mc instead of stopping them. Like??? Stop the trailblazer pls???🤨
You know that one scene where Dan Heng was about to kiss— ehem, give MC CPR? Yeah?
Dang Heng and March 8th kiss reader atleast once each before they decide to help mc and reader to wake up fr.
Reader maybe getting hit on and suddenly mc has personal problem with this person.
Mc being the self proclaimed designated bodyguard for their own guide. Like what?? Such a lame excuse to get close to reader. But sure. Whatever you say, simp.
Sampo being absolute menace and reader dissing him under their breath and only the trio could hear them.
Welt being absolute softy and weak when it comes to reader pouty faces whenever they ask for allowance. The trio doesn’t even get daily allowance from him??? The favoritism😪
I love Paimon, pls write about this🥺 i’am on my knees and i’m begging.
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toastykaykes · 2 months
Paint it Black (Ch. 1)
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Minors DNI: 18+ Logan Howlett x Mutant! Reader
Summary: The meeting doesn't go as planned, your past comes back to haunt you. Only this time, your called to fight. Word Count: 1526
“(f/n), please come in. How was your day?” Professor Xavier greets you with his usual warm, kind smile as you step into his office. His voice, though calm, carries the weight of his authoritative role.
“Like always,” you respond, settling into one of the plush leather armchairs positioned in front of his desk. “They don’t know how much I enjoy teaching them, but it’s best not to let them know. Can’t have them thinking I’m some big softy now, can I?”
Charles lets out a soft, genuine laugh, glancing up from his paperwork. “No, of course not. That would be downright disastrous if they found out.” His eyes twinkle with amusement, reflecting his understanding of the delicate balance you maintain.
Your gaze drifts toward the large windows behind Charles, catching a glimpse of the students playing outside on the grass. The scene outside is a stark contrast to the intensity of the discussions that usually take place inside. “Am I just early, or was the meeting canceled tonight?” you ask, your discomfort evident. You long to be in your pajamas, curled up and away from the formal attire that feels increasingly restrictive.
“And here I thought you just wanted to enjoy my company,” Charles remarks playfully, causing a soft laugh to escape you. “They should be here soon. You, dear, just have a talent for arriving early. Not that I’m complaining.”
A flush of warmth rises to your cheeks at his statement. You appreciate his kindness, even if you feel undeserving of it. “Likewise, Professor.”
A comfortable silence falls over the room, the only sound being the soft scratch of his pen against paper. The familiar tranquility of Charles’s office wraps around you, offering a brief respite from the storm of thoughts swirling in your mind. Your eyes close for a moment, your head leaning back against the chair, savoring the peace before the chaos begins.
Charles’s gaze softens as he observes you. “You do know if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here (f/n). I know you’re a very private person. Just know you don’t have to be alone.”
Your eyes drop to your hands, fingers nervously picking at one another. It’s a habit you’ve had for years, an involuntary reaction when anxiety rears its head. The quiet and darkness sometimes pull you back to a place of fear—back in that cell with those monsters. The thought of what you endured before finding refuge here is a heavy burden.
Charles knows some of the truth. He’s aware of your involvement with mutant trafficking, a dark chapter of your past revealed when he found you barely surviving on the side of the road. But the full details remain unspoken, a secret you guard fiercely. The idea of their reactions if they knew the extent of your past actions and choices is almost unbearable. You release a shaky breath, realizing how deeply his words resonate with your internal struggle. “I know, Charles.” The apology is unspoken but present.
Before Charles can offer more comfort, the door to his office swings open, shattering the peaceful atmosphere with a burst of noise. The team bursts in, their voices blending into a lively cacophony of playful bickering.
“Can you guys stop comparing those and be aware? We’re here for a meeting!” Ororo's voice rises above the din, trying to bring order to the chaos between Cyclops and the others.
“Well, look who beat us here,” someone remarks, though their identity is lost in the noise.
“Hi, guys!” you call out, managing a smile.
Scott, holding up a crumpled piece of paper, joins in the fray. “You wouldn’t have anything to do with this horrendous, unproportional, God-awful drawing I got from a student on the way over here, would you, (f/n)?” He presents the drawing of him firing his optic beams, clearly proud despite his grumbling.
Ororo chimes in, her voice smooth and calming. “Come on, you guys. You should be grateful any child considers you ‘heroes.’”
As the rest of the team filters in and finds their seats, your gaze drifts to the corner where he stands. His stance is relaxed but alert, suggesting he’s ready for action if needed. Even in the dim lighting, his muscular build is apparent, and the weariness in his features speaks of countless battles fought. His hair, tousled in a way that makes him seem almost softer, only adds to his intense allure.
When his eyes lock onto yours, the focus is piercing and palpable. His gaze is sharp and unwavering, cutting through the space between you with an intensity that feels almost tangible. You find yourself blushing under his scrutinizing stare and quickly turn your head forward, hoping to hide your embarrassment. Damn it, why does he have to be so... intense?
“Alright, everyone, there’s a matter that is extremely important we need to discuss,” Charles says, regaining the room’s attention. His tone shifts to a serious and resolute note. “We’ve received intelligence about a mutant smuggling ring known as Venos, operating in a remote location. They’ve been trafficking mutants and are involved in particularly egregious activities.”
The room falls silent, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Your heart sinks at the mention of the name. The cold dread that follows makes your blood run icy. No, not this.
“I’ve invited Logan here to assist with his combat knowledge and mission expertise. I will be using Cerebro to locate survivors and pinpoint their location. I need everyone to stay alert and train accordingly.”
Logan’s expression darkens as he grumbles, “You really think this is gonna be easy? I’ve seen what these guys can do. We need to be ready for anything.”
“Which is exactly why we’re putting together a team. And you will be training them all. Thank you again for volunteering,” Charles responds.
Logan’s frustration is palpable as he mutters a curse under his breath and abruptly exits the room, slamming the door behind him. His departure leaves an uneasy silence in his wake.
The conversation among the remaining team members and Charles continues for a few more minutes. You look down at your hands, feeling the weight of dread settle in. The thought of facing those from your past—people who are still operating, still victimizing others—makes your chest tighten. This mission isn’t just about justice; it’s about confronting your own demons.
Charles eventually dismisses everyone with a warm gesture. “I don’t wish to keep any of you longer than necessary. Go and enjoy your evening. Wonderful job today, everyone.”
As the team begins to file out, you head toward the door, only to be stopped by Logan’s abrupt, gruff voice. “Hey,” he calls, his tone demanding attention. “Got a minute?”
Startled by his sudden approach and the harshness in his voice, you hesitate. “Um, sure. It’s Logan, right? What’s up?”
Without waiting for a more formal invitation, he motions for you to follow him to a quieter part of the hallway. His steps are purposeful, almost impatient, as he leads you away from the main area.
Once in a more secluded corner, he leans against the wall, crossing his arms in a way that highlights his imposing, muscular build. His eyes lock onto yours with a challenging glint.
“Listen,” he begins, his tone direct and uncompromising, “I don’t know you well, but when Chuck started talking about this mission, you looked like you were about to crumble. If you’re not serious about this, don’t bother. I don’t need anyone who can’t pull their weight.”
His blunt words sting, and you bristle at his assessment. It’s clear he doesn’t mince words, especially when it comes to evaluating his teammates.
“I was just processing everything,” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady. “It’s a lot to take in, especially since it’s my first mission. I don’t usually do missions.”
Logan’s eyes narrow, scrutinizing your response. “Processing is fine, but if you’re going to be part of this team, you need to be ready. I don’t want anyone getting hurt because they weren’t prepared.”
His harshness is tempered by a hint of something—perhaps a begrudging respect or concern. You meet his gaze with determination. “I understand. I’ll do my best to catch up and be ready. I won’t hold you back.”
Logan gives a curt nod, his mouth twisting into a snarky smirk. “Yea, sure, bub.”
With that, he pushes off the wall and heads down the hallway, his heavy boots echoing in the corridor. The encounter leaves you feeling a mix of apprehension and resolve. Despite his gruff demeanor, it’s clear that you need to prove yourself. And his harshness, while tough to take, has lit a fire under you.
“It’s (f/n),” you call after him, but he doesn’t acknowledge your correction.
As Logan disappears around the corner, you take a deep breath, bracing yourself for the challenges ahead. You know you need to face this mission head-on—not just for the sake of the team, but to confront your own past and the scars it has left behind. The path won’t be easy, but you’re determined to prove yourself, no matter how hard it gets.
But first a drink.
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ohtobeleah · 9 days
Logan has been on my mind since Deadpool and Wolverine enough to where I'm finally getting through the rest of the X-men movies. And let me tell you that man needs a hug. For the Logan requests, Logan seems like one that would be told to keep his emotions to himself(being 200 yrs old and all), and not to cry. What if Reader is in the hospital injured where it is serious but they'll be fine, and Logan is just glad Reader is alive and wants to cry but wants to appear strong. Then reader invites him to lay down beside them in the bed and basically tells him it's ok to cry an comforts him as he let's go of his worries
SAME! Except my husband actually sat me down and forced me to watch them.... and Now it's turned into me begging to watch the next movie. 
When we look back at Logan's overextended life, we know he's been through a fuck tone of trauma, hurt, loss, and grief. I like to think that although he's incredibly capable of expressing his emotions--with all that turmoil and all that time spent growing up in toxic environments and situations, he's gotten pretty good at remaining neutral in situations others would usually crumble in. 
Perhaps you’re Logan's version of Charles Moira McTaggart? You aren't a mutant, you're simply a gifted agent who Logan takes a liking to. The feelings are mutual and everyone knows something is going on. Because no one gets under Logan's skin, not even Wade, like you do, it’s always very buddy-cop when the two of you are together. But the sex is a mirror imagine what that Honda Odessy scene (if you know what I mean) 
Logan just stands in the doorway of the hospital room, You're sleeping, or so he thinks. His heartbeat is running rampant in his chest because the sight of you in the bed with all those machines and wires makes his heart ache. The blame is resting heavily on his shoulders as he steps in. Slowly but surely, Logan makes his way to your side. Somewhere he never wants to leave. 
“Hi,” You groan as you open your eyes and notice Logan sitting quietly beside your bed in one of those really uncomfortable armchairs. “You look like shit.” 
“Looks who’s talkin?” Logan replied. It’s only when you turn your head do you see the tears streaming down his aged face. Years of torture, years of pain written in the lines on his beautiful face. “You scared the hell outta me, you know that right?” Logan admits as he lets out a sigh of relief he wasn’t aware he was holding in. “You almost died in my arms.”
“Not the worst way to go out,” You chuckle through the pain as you move over in the hospital bed. “Come here, you big softy.” 
“I–” Logan tries to commute what you’re saying, but his mind doesn’t register the kindness. “What?” 
“Come, lay down with me? I’m alright Logan,” You explain as he stands, carefully sitting down beside you only to lay right beside you. “Were you crying?” 
“Go fuck yourself,” Is what you’re met with as Logan wraps you in his arms. The gentle kiss he places against your temple tells you a different story altogether. “You scared me, that’s all.”
But you know just by the way Logan holds you so close, with every ounce of love he has in his body, that it’s much more than that. 
“I won’t tell anyone you know,” You mumble as you allow yourself to relax in the safety and full security of Logan’s warm embrace. “If you were?” You follow up. The pad of Logan’s thumb runs along your forearm, shaking softly as he tries to fight against the emotions running through his nervous system. “But for the record, you aren’t a robot Logan, emotions are valid, let them out.” 
And so Logan breaks, he allows the tears to stream down his face as he kisses you tenderly. Holding you close because he thought for a few hours there that he wouldn’t get to hold you again. 
“Ever scare me like that again and you and I are gonna have problems,” Logan growls, but you know what he means when a sob rips through his chest. So you reply with what he needs to hear at that moment. And you mean every word. 
“I love you too.”
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doumadono · 6 months
CONGRATULATIONS !!! Could I please get a cup of vanilla ice cream with maple syrup, preferably for Neuvilette or Wrio or Itto? (I'll take whatever you're offering, your writing is flawless!)
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A/N: thank you, dear Nonnie! You're so sweet! Since you didn't specify the plot, I decided to create a few short sweet scenes with the boys
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Wriothesley found himself at a loss for words one dreary afternoon as he sat in his study, surrounded by stacks of parchment and ink-stained quills. Lost in thought, he was startled by the soft sound of your footsteps approaching.
"Wrio, darling, are you alright?" you asked, your voice filled with concern as you gently placed a hand on his shoulder.
The man sighed, his gaze meeting yours with a hint of vulnerability. "I fear I won't finish signing all these documents today, my dear. Try as I might, I cannot seem to finish this task that our beloved Neuvilette bestowed upon me."
Your eyes softened with understanding as you took a seat on his comfortable lap, your presence a comforting balm to his troubled soul. "Perhaps you simply need a gentle nudge in the right direction," you suggested with a tender smile. "If I were in your shoes, I'd suggest beginning with the lengthiest documents you have to sift through."
And so, with your encouragement, Wriothesely found himself immersed in a flurry of his stint, his quill dancing across the parchment. As the signatures flowed effortlessly from his pen, Wriothesley realized that his greatest muse that always helped him stayed focused had been by his side all along. As you settled into the comfortable embrace of his lap, his spare hand tenderly tracing the curve of your waist, he found himself consumed by thoughts of his deep affection for you. It wasn't merely your physical beauty that captivated him, but also the profound wisdom that emanated from your mind, weaving an irresistible charm that bound him to you completely.
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Arataki found himself in an unexpected predicament one sunny afternoon. Amidst the chaos of his usual training routine, he stumbled upon a delicate sakura tree in full bloom. Entranced by its beauty, he couldn't help but admire it, his rough hands reaching out to caress the soft petals.
"Hey, Itto! What are you doing over there?" you called out, a spirited warrior with a heart of gold.
Itto turned, a bashful grin spreading across his rugged features. "Ah, just admiring this sakura tree. Reminds me of you, y'know? Beautiful and strong."
Your eyes sparkled with amusement as you approached, wrapping your arms around his broad frame. "You big softie," you teased, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Come on, let's enjoy the blossoms together."
And so, amidst the fluttering petals and gentle breeze, Itto and you spent the afternoon basking in each other's company, your laughter echoing through the tranquil grove.
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The Iudex, the suave and sophisticated man, found himself in a rather peculiar situation one evening as he strolled through the lush gardens of his estate. As he rounded a corner, he nearly collided with you, his girlfriend, a radiant beauty with a mischievous twinkle in your eyes.
"Ah, there you are, my dear," Neuvilette said with a charming smile. "I've been looking for you."
You giggled, a playful glint in your gaze. "I was hoping to steal a moment alone with you, away from the prying eyes of society."
Neuvilette's heart skipped a beat as he took your delicate hand in his own. "My dear, you need only ask, and I would gladly whisk you away to the ends of the earth."
With a soft laugh, you leaned in close, your lips brushing against his ear. "Then how about we start with a romantic stroll under the moonlit sky?"
And so, hand in hand, Neuvilette and you wandered through the gardens, your laughter mingling with the gentle rustle of leaves as you savored the magic of the night.
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i-yap · 4 months
Hi there! LOVE your thoughts on Jason like truly i <3 clingy Jason!!!!! What do you think a relationship would be like between Jason and a corporate baddie? Like she's serious, career-driven, and almost viciously ambitious, but for him? a total softie!! Like they just melt for each other despite the fact that they both put up a tough exterior to others!!
Omg i love that , here are my headcanons -
Jason todd x corporate baddie!y/n
I think the time schedules would be a mess. She works 9-5 and he 'works' 9pm-5am. But since she is a really career driven woman, I can see her sort of completing her extra or personal work/ international calls etc from the time that jason is vigilanting and therefore cutting her shift from like 9-3 or something similar. Since she gets all her work done, no one can say a word and honestly no one would dare to either way. Relstionship is about compromise and I think jason will cut down his vigilante time to get home to his stressed worker bee.
Jason prolly cant sleep without her so while she is at her job, he is working out or doing his other stuff. They catch up on sleep after her shift . This means afternoon cuddles !!( Ofc I am firm believer that jason should with time leave crime fighting and become an English professor )
I also love how most of her coworkers thinks she is prolly dating a Submissive type of guy or like a really serious professional dude cause she is so scary and strict . But then Jason- 6 feet something, huge asf, leather jacket, tattoos(maybe) and motorcycle dude walks in bringing her lunchbox( that looks so tiny in his hand). Yea now they're even more scared.
And I think everyone from jason's side also assumed that he'd either get a super cute-sy girl that will "fix him" or another vigilante girl that'll " make him worse". But he walks in with this poised, smart hardworking no nonsense woman and everyone's like DAMN
Damian loves you probably. He doesn't get how todd wooed you, like he thinks todd is a doofus. For once you are a normal (non crime fighting) girl that his brother is dating who is this career driven and also treats his brother properly. He loves talking business with you ( there was this scene where he figures out who is stealing money by looking at the finances at wayne enterprises) . and for once someone doesn't take him for a kid and actually wants to listen to pointers that he has. Tim prolly also loves talking to you about business cause he is a CEO too same thing for bruce.
Power couple fr.
but once you too get home...yea no one recognizes you.
Jason loves the fact that you show your soft side only to him. He has never been someones first choice in anything and this makes him feel so much more loved and cherished. and vice versa applies to you
he loves taking care of you after your long ass workday, helping you just be vulnerable and drop the whole tough act and be human. you do the same for him once he comes back at night. Just taking care of each other the way you guys need.
And you can bet jason knows how to be your biggest supporter. big raise? promotion? or just a good presentation?? He is genuinely excited for you.
Will give you back rubs when you've been sitting on the desk the whole day
will cook you brunch/snacks for when you come back and you will cook him breakfast/dinner for when he does .
it will take some compromise and adjustments but its all worth it and no price at all for loveeee.
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