#kara wakes up from a coma
I'm watching this movie called "Timeless Love" while procrastinating on writing, and it's about this woman who spends two months in a coma dreaming up an entire marriage and kids with this very specific guy, but when she wakes up she finds out she's single with zero kids.
She's devastated obviously, but starts trying to adjust back into life. She no longer wants to pick up her old job as an executive assistant, so she takes a temp job as a receptionist for a small photography studio, OWNED BY THE GUY FROM HER COMA.
So like, currently there's no sense to what she's experienced or why she imagined such a specific guy (who even has the same name from her coma dream).
Now, if I were to write a Supercorp version of this film, I think Kara would be coma girl, and Lena would be an ER doctor she glimpsed on her way into the hospital before going into her coma. But for whatever reason no one at the hospital puts the two pieces together, or maybe they do but don't tell either of them because it would only cause more harm than good.
But then one day Kara takes one of her friends into the ER and in the chaos she literally bumps into Dr. Luthor. Kara reacts by immediately hugging her, tears instantly starting to gather and spill over. Lena is shocked but doesn't pull away. She gently returns the embrace because she's empathetic and senses that this strange woman is in distress and if a hug will help her there's no harm in it.
Kara's heartbroken all over again when she realizes Lena has absolutely no idea who she is. She immediately retreats into herself, and removes herself from the room. Someone else is the one who tells Lena about the situation, and after having some time to process, Lena approaches Kara and invites her to coffee in the cafeteria. Maybe they could... talk?
Lena's innate kindness shines through in the way she listens as Kara pours her heart out about what she's going through, and gives Kara space to feel what she's feeling without making it about herself, or even making Kara feel self-conscious/awkward about it. In fact, Kara almost has to beg her to say something. After a few moments of consideration, Lena responds.
"I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, and I won't pretend otherwise," she delivers slowly. "But-- I do think there's an important takeaway you're overlooking."
Kara stares at her, shocked. Lena reaches across the table to place her hand on Kara's.
"It doesn't matter what faces your family wore during that time-- whatever life your mind conjured for you, you filled it with love."
Lena smiles.
"I think that makes you someone pretty special."
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Kara, waking up from (yet another) coma: Oh hey, guys. What time is it?
Nia: It’s about 2am. Are you hungry?
Kara: Oh, cool. I’m up for some Chinese.
Lena, sobbing uncontrollably: Can you guys please stop acting like nothing happened?!
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eqt-95 · 10 months
a new kind of romance, pt 6
part 5 | could we? wood we? - - - - -
💤 | cuddles
Kara Zor El, eater of foods, saver of worlds, and, above all else, lover of cuddles, was in a predicament. 
More specifically her predicament was around the whole ‘lover of cuddles’ thing which, normally, wasn’t a predicament. In fact, normally it was second nature. Because of course she was going to sweep Alex into a giant hug any chance she could. And obviously she was going to drag Nia, kicking and screaming, onto a shared loveseat at game night. And most definitely, her internal clock was going to wake an hour early every time Lena slept over to sneak in some extra pre-work cuddles.
Which would have been so normal.
But then Kara discovered The Line in Lena’s closet. And then in the woods there was The Moment.
This was why Kara now lay awake, staring at the glow-in-the-dark stars she and Lena had plastered to her ceiling three weeks ago mulling. 
And not the good kind that comes around the holidays and brings festive cheer and warmth and tidings of comfort. 
No. There was absolutely no comfort and definitely no festive cheer. This was the kind of mulling that led to existential crises and fretting and second guessing and exactly four inches of space between herself and a soft, slumbering best friend. A demilitarized zone. A limbo. A Line.
And such a predicament it was because, up until recently, it hadn’t crossed Kara’s mind that these late nights turned sleepovers turned early morning cuddles might have toed a line. A line that seemed to loom larger and bigger and greater and cloudier with each passing day because the looming felt heavier and weightier and - oh gosh Lena just looked so peaceful when she slept.
Kara blinked away from her best friend’s curled form and back to the constellations above, settling on the Coma Berenices Lena insisted on making room for just down from Ursa Major. She replayed the Queen’s story in her head, trying to ignore the fact that, normally, she’d already be curled against Lena’s back with a hand wrapped around her waist and nose pressed to her exposed neck. And normally that would have been met with a small sigh and a hand curled around said arm wrapped around said waist and then maybe - maybe - once the soft, steady breathing meant Lena was asleep, then maybe she’d have normally pressed her lips to her neck as a friendly - platonic - goodnight kiss. 
But tonight played out differently than that.
It began like most: Lena came over with a bottle of wine, a bag of take-out, and the soft kind of smile Kara pretended was only ever meant for her.
It continued as usual: they lingered in the kitchen while the bottle was uncorked, the containers were portioned onto plates, and that same soft kind of smile Kara pretended was only ever meant for her lingered behind stories of their days.
It even managed to stay normal through the first thirty minutes of the docuseries: a glass of red was topped-up, the empty plates were stacked on the coffee table, and the soft kind of smile Kara pretended was only ever meant for her was paired with a contented sigh as tucked legs were untucked and extended across Kara’s lap.
And Kara kept it cool as a cucumber. She didn’t overthink the shared blanket wrapped around them or the slip of her hands beneath the soft weave to settle on Lena’s legs or the muscle memory that sent those same hands lightly massaging tight calves or how those same hands wandered and settled where socks and sweats didn’t quite meet or how they danced across the exposed patch of skin or how a yelp of realization flew out of her mouth when she realized what her treacherous hands were doing.
Admittedly, that last bit was not a cool cucumber sort of thing to do. It was more of a ‘having kittens’ moment.
And that’s when the night derailed.
“What’s wrong?” Lena asked a half-standing Kara tripping over the blanket and spilling confused noises from her mouth. 
“I-I… I gotta-”
Surprisingly, it only took a moment for Kara’s adrenaline-fueled brain to connect the dots: she glanced at Lena who was glancing out toward the city, face serious and full of intent.
“This can wait; Supergirl can’t,” Lena continued, reaching to pause the show.
And yea, maybe Kara should found her big girl pants and told Lena there wasn’t an emergency and that her super hearing hadn’t picked up some tragedy that needed her attention and that actually it was because the pads of her unreliable fingers were toeing the friendship line and the hilarity of them being fingers and not toes was not lost on Kara but this was not the moment or time for laughing. This was a time for panicking. 
So Kara didn’t put on her big girl pants. Instead, she got rid of her pants and flaunted her Supergirl outfit and flew out into the night without so much as a cat to untree.
She kept to the skies until well past the soft murmur of Lena’s heartbeat confirmed a deep slumber before, like the coward she was, Kara crept back into her apartment and settled - floated? hovered - just above the mattress.
And mulled.
She hated lying to Lena. Of all the people in her whole multi-planetary life, Lena’s trust mattered to her the most, yet it was hard to tell the truth about something Kara didn’t even fully understand. Was there something to understand?
Her brow crinkled. It was a crinkle that Alex would poke at and Nia would prod at but one Lena would wipe away with a soft brush. Kara wasn’t quite so gentle. She rubbed her nose a bit too aggressively, and maybe that aggression rattled the air a bit too much because the calm of Lena’s breathing broke and her heart stuttered and curled form unrolled and a pair of sleepy eyes landed on Kara’s still very crinkly face.
“Hey,” and ooph did Lena’s sleep voice hit in ways Kara couldn’t articulate. She didn’t try because a hand had already climbed its way to Kara’s forearm and squeezed. “Everything ok?”
“You sure? Because… Kara are you floating?”
“I, uh… didn’t want to wake you?”
A soft, sleepy chuckle crawled across the mattress and dragged Kara onto the mattress. “My hero.”
The words tickled Kara’s ears. And other things.
“Everyone safe?” Lena continued, pulling the duvet to cover both of them before finding a home nestled into Kara’s side.
“Mhm,” Kara managed, throat tight, pulse racing, and body temperature sweltering past the surface temperature of the sun.
“Good,” Lena hummed and sighed and tucked closer with a comforting arm slipping onto Kara’s waist.
It took seconds for Lena’s breathing to slow and fall back into a rhythmic slumber. Meanwhile, Kara hardly breathed at all, fighting her natural instinct to squeeze an arm around Lena and in lieu of honoring the line.
The line that had already been crossed. And honestly? Crossing the line felt nice. It felt good. It felt perfect.
So, yea. Kara Zor El, eater of foods, saver of worlds, and, above all else, lover of cuddles, was in a predicament. Because her best friend in the whole world was curled around her and maybe - maybe - Kara wanted to keep crossing the line. Because maybe - maybe - Kara wanted something more.
- - - - - -
part 7 | mistletoe magic
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harleychick91 · 7 months
New Story
El Mayarah (M)
Summary: After waking from a recurring dream, Kara tells Lena the truth about her identity and how she feels. Nothing goes as the Kryptonian hopes. After being attacked by The Children of Liberty, the only way to save Lena’s life is to take her to Argo City. What happens there will change everything.
Chapter One
Kara’s POV
Ever since Reign was defeated and The Children of Liberty gained power in the media, I've had nightmares. Some were about fighting The World Killers, losing, and them killing everyone I cared for or The Children of Liberty killing all aliens and everyone who helped aliens. Either way, everybody I loved or cared about ended up dying and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
The only way I could go back to sleep was making a cup of tea and wrapping myself in the blanket Lena had left after a movie night. Sipping the warm liquid, I thought about the last few months. Things are so messed up. Lena and Supergirl are at odds because of kryptonite and she doesn't know the truth. It's been too long. It won't end well when I tell Lena who Kara Danvers really is.
Flipping through Netflix, I put on a comfort show and let it play in the background. Lena still made me the kryptonite armor even after our fight. And she gave Mom the recipe to make more Harun-El. I'm so confused.
Desperately needing sleep, I rinsed my mug and went back to bed. Since the blanket still smelled like Lena's apartment, I brought it to bed with me. Nuzzling my face into it, I inhaled the calming scent.
Waking in my bed, I heard a knock on my door. Rushing to answer it, Brainy stood before me. "Brainy? What are you doing here?"
"You're talking to me. And you know who I am." His brow creased. "Supergirl is-,"
"You can't say that! " Pulling him inside, I closed the door quickly. "It's dangerous to walk around without your image inducer turned on."
"Do we know each other? I am Brainiac 5. A 12th level intellect. The Legionnaires call me Brainy." He walked around my apartment aimlessly looking around.
"Yes, we know each other. Mon-El sent you." Why does this feel so familiar?
"Yes. To make sure your neuro pathways are intact." Brainy picked up a plant and examined it. "Your brain is in remarkable health for someone languishing in a coma."
Oh, Rao. "The coma dream palace thing I was in," I sighed. Not this dream again. "Yes, you think I'm in a coma. I was, but I'm not anymore."
"Did I bury the lead?" His head tilted. "You've been in a coma for two days."
"I know. My subconscious feels most at ease here and so on."
"Yes, you've been in a coma."
No matter what I say, it's still going to play out. Rubbing my face, I went along with it. "I'm in my loft."
"Oh! This is just where your subconscious feels most comfortable. We're not really in your loft."
This can't be happening. "If I'm in a coma, how are you here?" I watched as the man continued to walk around my apartment.
"Mon-El woke me from hyper sleep to communicate with you on behalf of him and your D.E.O. patriates. 31st century technology. It's also what's keeping you alive."
"Reign defeated you," he spoke curiously. "Don't you remember?"
Flashes of the fight and Alex finding me in the rubble flashed through my mind. Dread filled me. "No. This…Reign is still out there. People are dying. I need to wake up." Rushing to my door, I tried to open it to no avail.
"I don't think you're listening to me." I tried pulling harder but the door wouldn't give. "Could we maybe try relaxing for a bit?"
After finally giving up on the door, I paced the loft. "This is torture," I huffed. Sitting on the couch, I watched as Brainy inspected my kitchen. "What are you looking for?"
"Any sign of decay or damage. In a simulation like this, it can show up in any type of fashion. I want to make sure there's nothing that will harm your reality reentry."
"Reality reentry?" I held a pillow to my chest.
"If you're not properly prepared, you could go into shock. Some people die instantly."
"Wait, does that mean I'm ready to wake up?" Getting to my feet, I tossed the pillow. "Is there anything I need to do?" I made my way towards the door again.
"This is the manifest of your subconscious and that's the only way in or out. Logic says you need to walk through it."
Trying the door again, it wouldn't budge. "It's not opening." I continued to pull. "Why isn't it opening?"
"We drained the tank and you've suffered no ill effects of hibernation." Boiling water, Brainy sipped a cup of tea. I bit my lip realizing he used some of Lena's favorite tea. "Everything is physically fine. There must be a different reason your mind is keeping you here."
"You're saying I'm keeping myself here?" I scoffed. "That doesn't make any sense. I'm the one who wants out of here." I tried punching through the door but was only knocked back.
"Is there a reason your subconscious wants you to stay here? Self preservation perhaps? You were badly beaten." He sipped more tea as he sat on the couch. "Fear can be powerful."
"I am not afraid." I tried using my heat vision until everything around us was destroyed. Frustrated, I started to clean.
"Is there something different about this version of your loft? Something that stands out."
Placing some items on my coffee table, I looked around. My stomach dropped seeing coats, shoes, and other little things that weren't mine. A lot of Lena's things are here. Things that aren't actually in my loft. This is new. The dream has never taken this path before. Turning my gaze to the picture in hand, it was one I took of us. We were cheek to cheek and smiling.
"You've noticed something," Brainy's voice trailed. "Who is this brunette woman?" He picked up a nearby picture I kept on the side table. "Your mate? Mon-El said you were single."
"No. She's…just a friend." My stomach fell. I don't want her to be just a friend.
The man studied me. "You want her to be your mate." His head tilted. "You could be stuck because you're scared."
"I've not told her that I'm Supergirl. She'll hate me." I swallowed hard seeing the brunette in question appear sitting in my armchair. Walking towards her, I wrapped Lena in my arms. "I miss you."
"I'm right here, Kara," Lena nuzzled her face in my neck, holding me tightly.
"She appeared to you for a reason," he coaxed. "What is it?"
Releasing the shorter woman, I turned towards Brainy. "Possibly because I have to face the fact that I've had feelings for her?"
His brow creased. "But you love Mon-El."
"You can love more than one person at a time, I think." I took the safer option, falling for Mon-El. Loving him was easier than loving Lena. He was a certain thing. She's not.
"And now?" Brainy's attention shifted.
Turning back to dream Lena, I cupped her face. The action caused a warm smile to appear. "To get out of here I have to admit to myself that I love her…." That thought terrifies me.
My alarm woke me from my Lena, Brainy, coma dream. Staring at the ceiling, I thought about Lena and my feelings for her. I am so screwed. I need to bite the figurative bullet and tell her. I'd rather bite a real one.
Continue reading on AO3 or FFN
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54436363
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14336503/1/El-Mayarah
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chaotic-super · 1 year
Joining The Superfriends - 21
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Read it on AO3 here!
Well, Lena’s screwed.
Nia probably is too since Lena let her fall asleep over sixteen hours ago and she’s been unable to wake her up since. She’s been checking her pulse regularly and her breathing seems completely normal but she’s just not reacting when Lena tries to wake her up, it’s like she’s in some kind of a coma.
At first, Lena was just convinced that she must be finally getting some decent sleep and her body is just catching up on the sleep she’s been missing out on but she doesn’t seem to be having regular sleep cycles, her eyes never reactive when Lena checks them and she doesn’t respond to any kind of external stimulus at all.
Lena’s still holding out hope that Nia will wake up soon enough though and is actively working on figuring out what her dream might mean, working her way through book after book until she has a general idea of what it could potentially mean.
A light knock at the door interrupts Lena’s pacing. She’s been doing it for a while now and she’s actually gotten very good at reading while pacing, knowing exactly how many steps in each direction she can take before she has to turn around and walk in the other direction.
Lena looks up from her current reading material to see Supergirl in all of her glory leaning against the doorframe. “Hey, Lena. How is everything going in here? Have you been in here all day?”
Marking her page with a post-it note, Lena closes the book she was just reading and tosses it down onto the table, not flinching when it lands with a thump.
“Careful, you’ll wake sleeping beauty over there.” Kara nods to Nia, who is still leaning against the desk, head down and eyes closed.
Lena rubs at her eyes with a hand, wiping away her own fatigue in harsh movements that make Kara’s eyes hurt just from watching her. “No, she won’t. I can’t wake her up.”
“What do you mean?” Kara’s only reaction is a frown, her face otherwise composed but it doesn’t fool Lena, she can see the panic in the way she gulps and the way her hands ball into fists at her side.
“I was helping her, she’s been having a reoccurring dream that’s been keeping her up at night so she’s barely slept the past few days but when I went to go and fetch Nia’s books for her, I came back here and found her exactly how she is now, fast asleep. That was sixteen hours ago. Her breathing and pulse are both fine but she’s not waking up.”
Despite Lena telling her that she’s not waking up, Kara’s trying it anyway, she has to see for herself. She walks over to Nia’s sleeping form and picks her up with ease until she’s lying across the table, at which point Kara stands over her, grabs her shoulders and shakes her without an ounce of delicacy.
Lena knows that Nia isn’t going to wake up but she does hope and she can’t help but hold her breath as Kara shakes her, waiting to see if there’s a reaction.
There’s not.
“Nia! Nia, wake up!” Kara tries again, disappointed when she, once again, gets no response.
“I tried that already. I do think she’s just sleeping but I didn’t think she’d sleep for this long, maybe we should get Alex and Brainy in here, Alex can check her over properly and Brainy might have more insight into what’s happening.”
“Good idea. I’ll take her to the med bay though, Alex will be able to make sure she’s alright there. Can you go and get them both? I think they’re in the kitchen making coffee.” Kara slips her hands beneath Nia’s body, lifting her up tenderly and being careful to not jolt her too much as she carried her out of the room, Lena hot on her heels.
They part when they get to the med bay, Lena rushing off rapidly while Kara continues on inside, lying Nia down on the bed in there and doing the only thing she knows how to do, placing the heart rate monitor and starting it up. The only reason she knows how it works is because of how many times she’s watched Alex use it on her but hey, at least she’s learned something through all of the times she’s taken a punch or two.
Alex, Brainy and Lena are rushing in just as she’s finishing up with the wires.
“What’s going on?” Brainy rushes to Nia’s side, scooping her hand up between his and holding it to his chest tightly.
Kara steps away from Nia to give Alex room to get close to her and set up the rest of the equipment she needs. “Um, Lena says she’s been asleep for sixteen hours now and she’s not showing any signs of waking up soon.”
“Why are we only learning about this now? If she’s been asleep for that long then we should have been told about this hours ago.” Alex pins her harsh, protective gaze onto Lena, her accusation making Lena suddenly question her decision to wait it out and see if Nia would wake up on her own.
“I thought she was just sleeping for a long time because she’s not slept properly in days, I thought she’d wake up on her own and didn’t want to tell you in case it was normal so as not to disclose the information Nia entrusted me with.”
Alex shakes her head. “Secrets are not more important than the health of the team.”
“I’m sorry.” Lena ducks her head. “I didn’t want to betray her trust.”
“I know,” Alex says, her focus now on Nia rather than on holding the conversation with Lena. “Brainy, you can stay but Lena and Kara, you guys head out, I need the space to check her over, we’ll fill you in when we know more.”
“But—” Kara goes to argue but the sharp look she gets stabbed with from Alex has her quietening down and taking one last worried look at her friend on the bed before heading out. “Ok, we’ll wait upstairs.”
Lena doesn’t want to leave, she wants to stay and see what test results Alex gets from Nia but based on the spiky glare she was getting before and the quick dismissal she and Kara just got, she’s not welcome here.
She knows she messed up by not telling anyone that she couldn’t wake Nia up but really, her name is literally Dreamer, how is she meant to know when something is terribly wrong as opposed to Nia just doing what she does best, dream?
Kara pulls Lena out with her by her hand, her fingers squeezing around Lena’s in what she hopes to be a reassuring manner. “Come on, how about we get you some coffee? You look like you need it.”
“Yeah, ok.” Lena barely registers what Kara’s saying, too in her head about her choice to just see if Nia would wake up on her own instead of having Alex, a trained medical professional, look her over.
“Lena, look at me.” Kara senses that Lena’s not really listening and she needs her to be with her, mentally rather than just physically. “Look at me.”
Lena does, her eyes glistening as she fights back her tears at how bad she feels now. “I’m sorry, Kara. I didn’t mean for her to be like this, I thought she was just asleep.” 
“I know, and that’s why you need to listen to me, Lena. We will fix this and Nia will be just fine, we always find a way and this is no different. I need you to tell me exactly what’s going on with Nia though so we can help, can you do that?” Kara holds eye contact with Lena, not letting her break it by carefully pressing a finger beneath her chin when she tries to duck her head. “I know that you were just trying to help and I’m not going to fault you for that.”
Lena’s chin wobbles, her bottom lip quivering in time with it. “Maybe you should. I can’t believe that I actually sat beside her for that long convincing myself that she would be fine, I should have known, I should have sensed that something was wrong but I just let it keep going and going. Who knows how long I would have sat there with her comatose beside me if you hasn’t come in and taken over.”
Kara’s hands move to Lena’s shoulders. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up. Let’s get that coffee and go over all the information we have and then we can go from there.”
Lena nods, her way of doing things is clearly flawed so it’s better if they go with Kara’s plan now rather than her own. “Alright.”
Lena watches Kara carefully. She focuses on the way her lips purse as she reads over the books Lena herself was reading not too long ago and she maps out the contours of the lines on her forehead with her mind, her vision digging into each crease and wishing she could smooth them out.
With a huff, Kara shuts the book she’s reading. “I’m not really sure what we can do from here, Lena. The dream itself isn’t too complicated but we can’t narrow down the meaning when we can’t make a proper match between what she saw and what’s written here and then what we can find, there seem to be multiple options for what they could mean. That’s without taking the reoccurring factor into account.”
“I know, I spent hours trying to figure it out too, all I could gather from it is that most of the sign point to it being related to an upcoming event and it must be big or at least important for it to be reoccurring how it is.”
Kara sighs heavily, picking up her coffee mug and taking a sip only to pull away in disgust when she realizes that it’s long since gone cold. “Ew.” With a quick blast of heat vision, her coffee is once again steaming hot.
Lena holds out her mug and Kara takes the hint, using a second blast of her heat vision to warm hers up too. “Maybe we should stop focusing on what her dream was and focus on what her dream is now.”
“What do you mean?” A crinkle forms between Kara’s eyes and it takes everything in Lena not to reach out with a finger and press down on the flesh to smooth it out.
Lena takes a deep breath, rerunning the logic through her head to make sure she’s not about to talk out of her ass in front of Kara. “Ok, so, hear me out. What if the reason Nia isn’t waking up is because she’s dreaming? Sounds pretty logical, right? So, if she is dreaming, there’s a good chance that it’s a different dream from before because her other dream was keeping her awake while this one is making her sleep, it’s two ends of the spectrum, too little and too much, we need to get inside of her head to see what’s happening.”
Kara’s face doesn’t change throughout her messy explanation and not for a good thirty seconds afterwards either, finally, she opens her mouth to speak, closing it again a moment later and thinking for a bit longer before coming up with something to say. “That’s a good theory.”
“Do you think it’s worth looking into?”
Kara nods. “I do and I know how to do it too.” Without further prompting, Kara makes quick work of setting all of Nia’s books into a relatively neat pile and then heads for the door, stopping to look back over her shoulder and beckon Lena to follow her. “You coming?”
Lena rushes to her feet, almost tripping as she finds her balance and ups her pace to catch up with Kara’s long, confident strides. “Where are we going?”
“The med bay.”
Lena can barely keep up with Kara, her strides far too determined for Lena’s uncertain gait.
“Alex, we’ve got a plan!” Kara announces their presence, “Brainy, I need that weird forehead thing you used to see into my mind when we first met and I need you to make it so Lena and I can go into her dream.”
Brainy frowns, “I think that if anyone is going into Nia Nal’s dreams, it should be me.”
“Are you caught up on all of the things that have been happening in her dreams recently?” Kara challenges.
Brainy hesitates, his hands still cradling Nia’s. “Well, no.”
“Then it has to be us, there’s too much stuff to catch you up on so we need you to just do whatever you can to make this happen so we can try and figure out what in the world is happening to Nia.” Kara moves over to Alex. “Have you found anything on any of the tests? Anything that might show why she’s like this?”
Alex looks down at Nia, sadness evident on her face. “No, I haven’t but she is stable.” She turns to Lena. “Hey, sorry I snapped at you.”
“Don’t worry about it, I deserve it.”
“No, you don’t.”
Brainy breaks through the moment, not letting them argue over something he deems insignificant when his girlfriend is lying prone on a bed in the med bay. “I’ll be right back, I have the device in storage still and I believe that it will only take me approximately eight minutes to repurpose it so you can enter her dreams.”
“Alright, we’ll go over the test results again just to be sure while you go and do that then, Brainy,” Lena says, a little worried about her plan now that they are actually going through with it and needing the reassurance of the tests to tell her that Nia is healthy enough that she can cope with having her and Kara’s consciousness darting around in her head for a little while.
Alex doesn’t put up much of a fuss at Lena wanting to double-check the results, she can tell by the apprehension clinging to her bones that Lena needs to see them for her own peace of mind rather than because she doesn’t trust her judgement and skills.
Lena takes the tablet Alex offers her and immediately notices that she has a lot of brain activity and that all of her stats are completely fine. That’s good news. “I hope this works.”
“Me too but why do you need to see her dream if she already told you what it is?”
“I think it’s a different one and I need to see it because I think that something terrible is going to happen and it’s going to happen sooner than we want it to,” Lena says, trying to rid the panic from her chest and ground herself before they get on with what they need to do.
Kara takes a seat beside Nia after pulling up a couple of chairs to the side of the bed. Of all of the strange things that she’s done over the years of her being Supergirl, this is going to be up there with the weirdest because seriously, she’s about to go into somebody else’s dream.
She’s had Brainy in her head before and Alex in her black mercy induced dream but to go into somebody else’s feels personal on a level that makes her a bit uneasy. It makes her feel like she’s invading Nia’s privacy a bit but as of yet, she hasn’t come up with any other ideas of how to help get Nia out of her comatose state so they are going to have to go through with Lena’s plan.
It doesn’t take a genius to see how much Lena is beating herself up because she didn’t instinctively know that Nia was in a bad way, how could she? Nia was just asleep, something that everyone sees on a regular basis since she’s always napping around The Tower and it makes sense that Lena would think that she’s just sleeping for a while to catch up on sleep after barely catching a wink for several days in a row. Kara just wishes she could say something to make Lena feel better. Maybe if the plan works it will help to alleviate some of the guilt that Lena is riddled with.
Those few minutes that Brainy is off sorting out his device to make it compatible with their situation feel like hours because they don’t have a lot to say, their worry for Nia palpable and their brains refusing to do them the service of allowing them to make small talk. It’s probably a good thing really, they would end up feeling bad for talking about the weather in a situation like this once it’s over anyway.
Brainy does appear not long after, with a confident swagger to his walk now that he has his mind partially occupied on his work rather than Nia’s wellbeing.
“I have recalibrated these devices so that you can enter her dream seamlessly. I have added an inbuilt distress signal so that I can pull you out if you need me to, this device will let me know when you want to come out anyway and I can remotely put you under. For safety, I would suggest you both be monitored the entire time you’re in Nia’s dreams. You will also wake up naturally if the dream comes to a natural end. That’s what we’re hoping for.”
“Ok, that sounds good,” Kara says, urging Lena to come and take a seat next to her by gently tugging on her sleeve.
Lena clasps onto the edge of Kara’s cape, nervous but trusting in Brainy and his device. He’s a smart guy and they have Alex watching over them too. This should be fine.
Brainy and Alex start surrounding them, working like a well-oiled machine as they set up the devices on their foreheads, a long, white bar of an item with wires coming off of it and then adding more wires around their bodies to track their stats while they are under, mostly just tracking brain activity, heart rate and blood pressure.
Lena tries not to fidget as Alex carefully sticks wires and electrodes onto her, repositioning them where she has to and being gentler than Lena has ever seen her be. She’s been told about Alex’s past as a doctor but she’s never really seen her in practice properly. It’s a nice surprise and it leaves her with no doubts that Alex was a good doctor, it’s almost a shame she quit being one but she does a lot of good as a badass vigilante too. A doctor, a secret agent and a superhero, Alex has done it all, she really has.
“Are you ready?” Brainy asks, giving them one last chance to back out, one that neither woman is about to take.
Kara and Lena share one last look before nodding, both of them nervous and doing their best not to show it. “We’re ready,” Kara speaks for them both.
“Three, two, one.” Brainy remotely switches on the devices and in an instant Kara and Lena are unconscious, their bodies sliding on their chairs until they are leaning against each other, keeping each other up like two cards in a card pyramid.
Kara is shocked to find herself lying on the ground in what appears to be a desert of some kind, sand trickling into her suit and making her feel all icky.
A quick glance around shows her that Lena is right beside her, also in the process of figuring out what’s going on and very intrigued by the glow of the bright turquoise sand they are resting on.
“Lena, are you alright?”
“Fine. Are you?”
“Yeah, let’s try and find Nia.” Kara heaves herself to her feet, hating the feeling of the sand racing its way through her suit until it’s pooled up in her boots. For a dream, this feels awfully real and any other time that would be cool but there’s not much worse than having sand in your shoes.
Lena takes a good look around. She uses her hand to block the rays of a harsh sun from her eyes, noting with a hint of excitement that it’s a red sun, the same as Rao, the sun from Kara’s home planet. “The sun is really pretty.”
“It is, it reminds me of home.” Kara smiles slightly but doesn’t linger on it for long, letting herself have only a tiny amount of time to embrace the moment before getting back to task.
They look all the way around them, looking out over the sand to try and spot anything other than desert and they don’t have to search for long because off in the distance to the south of them, they can spot a giant structure of what appears to be a castle of some kind, one that you would see in a fairy-tale. It has turrets and flags and towers. It’s majestic.
Lena finds herself drawn to it and not just because it’s the only thing here other than sand. “I have a feeling that Nia might be there.”
“You really think so?” Kara questions.
“I do.”
“Let’s go then.”
They trudge their way through the sand, cursing the coarse feeling of it as it rubs against their skin, hurting them even in the dream which doesn’t bode well if they have to face anything worse than some sand.
It takes them a while to get there but also simultaneously no time at all, their perception of time warped by the dream completely. They find themselves standing before a great gate, wood and metal intertwined to create a rustic-looking beauty that Lena thinks would make a great garden gate if it were much smaller.
Kara reaches out to try and push it open and trips when her hand goes right through it, her body falling after it. Lena can’t stop the snort of laughter that she lets out, the noise loud and obnoxious as she walks through the gate herself only to then trip over herself as her foot catches on Kara’s body that is still on the floor from where she fell.
“You just fell for me.” Kara laughs.
“Try that again after the second date and maybe I’ll find it cute.” Lena rolls her eyes, pushing herself to her feet and pulling Kara up with her, looking around the courtyard to see where they should go next. “Huh.”
“Say what you want about dreams, they can be really helpful when you need a little bit of a hand figuring out where to go next,” Lena replies, looking up at one of the turrets of the castle that is glowing with a faint pink and yellow ripple.
Kara’s eyes widen at the sight. “That’s…something.”
“It sure is,” Lena says, finding the door closest to the turret and hoping that they will just find some stairs that will lead right the way up to it.
Once they are inside the castle, an easy feat if there ever was one, they become pretty bummed to find out that in every direction they look is a hallway that looks identical to the others, one that doesn’t fit into what a hallway in a castle should look like, one that you’d expect to find in a doctor’s office.
“Well, that’s less helpful.”
A loud, high-pitched scream from above them and somewhere to the right has all of their hair standing up, their ass cheeks clenching and their eyes widening. They follow it, almost by instinct at this point that if something is scary, they should go toward it like the idiots in movies that always die first.
As they are trying to find the source of the noise, the screech happens again, this time closer but still above them, perhaps directly above. Lena almost jumps out of her skin at the sound of it and holds a hand over her chest to steady her pounding heart. “Holy shit, I’m suddenly remembering why I usually leave the missions to anyone else but me. I can’t wait until I can get back to my lab and just pretend none of this ever happened.”
“As if, you come on a mission once and your life is forever changed and you can no longer back out of being sucked into coming out on more missions, we’ll have to get you started in training so you can learn to kick some major balls.” Kara smiles at Lena for a moment, her smile only then widening when she notices a little doorway blended into the wall, a panel of plaster jutting out on hinges in the most peculiar way. “Ah, a door.”
“That’s not a door, that’s a wall built by a blind person who thought they were building a window.” Lena reluctantly follows Kara through the gap, keeping her in arm’s reach at all times.
“Don’t be mean,” Kara says, a complete lack of bite to her tone. She reaches out behind her as a third scream echoes through the new hallway they are now in. Lena takes her offered hand and skims her eyes over the exposed brick of the new hallway they are in. It looks like a servant’s passage, much more befitting of a castle.
They come to the apex of a narrow set of stairs and come to a stop when they see something they were not expecting before.
“Hey, Nia,” Kara calls out quietly at the woman standing in the middle of a banquet hall atop a great wooden table. She’s dressed in a squirrel costume and is throwing the large, heavy candles from the table up at a boombox that is strung from the ceiling by a thick rope.
Nia turns to them rapidly, startled by their presence, and without thinking she tosses a candle in their direction. Kara, thinking quick on her feet, ducks. Lena isn’t so lucky and the candle hits her in her chest, sending her gasping to her knees while she cradles her injured left boob in her hands. “Ow!"
Nia’s hands shoot up to cover her mouth as she gasps in shock. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry, Lena!”
“Don’t worry about it.” Lena wheezes, making her way to her feet, hands still cradling her injured boob, “accidents happen.”
“Is your—” Nia points to her own boobs for a moment awkwardly, “ok?”
“Give me a minute to recover and then I’ll tell you.”  Lena breathes heavily through her nose, releasing her boob after a few long moments. “Ok, ok, so, how are you, Nia?”
“Me? You’re the one that’s injured!” Nia exclaims.
Lena shrugs. “You’re the one in a comatose state in the med bay and the one that we had to use some of Brainy’s future tech to get into the dream of.”
Nia’s face goes blank. “What?”
Kara nods. “Yeah, that about sums it up. You went to sleep and haven’t woken up, we’re nearing seventeen hours at this point and this is a dream, nice squirrel costume by the way, you want some nuts?”
Nia looks down at what she’s wearing and her eyes grow so wide that both Lena and Kara momentarily worry that they might pop right out of her skull. “Oh, I hadn’t noticed that.”
“And what exactly did you think you were doing with the candles?” Lena asks, very confused about what’s happening and her now aching boob making it hard to concentrate.
A scream fills the air, ricocheting through the open space and answering Lena’s question. The boombox shakes with the force of the sound and it makes them all rush to cover their ears. “I was trying to destroy that.”
“Understandable but can we figure out how to get Nia to wake up so we can leave this hellscape please?” Kara asks, not enjoying her time here in any way, shape or form.
Lena agrees right away. “That’s a great plan. Nia, do you know if we can get higher up in the castle from here?”
“We’re in a castle? Neat.”
“That’s a no then.” Lena sighs. “How have you been here for this long and yet you don’t know anything about what’s going on?”
Nia’s lips turn down and she finally climbs off the table, coming down to the same level as Lena and Kara. “I don’t know, this just happens sometimes, I sort of become entwined with my dreams to the point where I don’t question them.”
“Well maybe that’s how we get out of here, we make you more aware of your dream and I know where to take you to do that.” Lena smiles at Nia, her dimples coming out as she tries to make Nia feel more comfortable. “We saw a turret on the way inside that was glowing, I’d bet my non-injured boob that we can find a few answers in there.”
“Ok, sounds good to me.” Kara shrugs, heading for a door that is on the opposite side of the banquet hall they are in.
The three of them pass through the door and as they do, Nia gasps. Her squirrel costume has disappeared and in its place, her Dreamer outfit has appeared except rather than the usual blue, it’s bright pink.
Lena tilts her head while looking at it, deciding if she approves of it or not. It’s kind of giving Stephanie vibes from LazyTown but she’s here for it. She gives Nia a thumbs up and then keeps heading on her way.
They follow the twists and turns of the hallways they have found themselves in, plain stone slabs adorning the floors while the walls are exposed brick. They feel like they are walking around in circles but there’s nothing else they can do but keep looking for a way up.
They scan each brick they pass and are careful not to trip on the uneven slabs, periodically stubbing their toes and cursing Nia’s dream for giving them all of the awful things people normally try to avoid in real life, sand in shoes, random screaming and now stubbed toes. This dream is nothing short of uncomfortable. Maybe that’s the point.
“Hey Nia, what kind of things annoy you?” Lena asks, eyebrows pulling together.
Nia shrugs. “I don’t know, this?”
Kara catches on to Lena’s train of thought much quicker than Nia does. “What annoys you just in general?”
“I don’t like when people chew with their mouths open.”
Kara shakes her head. “No, that’s not what we mean. What annoys you like…when we’re on a mission?”
“I don’t like booby traps.” Nia shrugs and just a moment later she trips on a wire tracing across the width of the hallway, sending her sprawling across the floor and barely avoiding the axe that swings down from the ceiling.
“Ah, so that’s going to be a problem.” Lena sucks her lips into her mouth. “Maybe we should be making her think about things that make her happy instead.”
Kara nods, staring at the axe for a moment and noting how sharp the edge is. “Nia, think about puppies or something.”
Like magic, a group of puppies come barrelling down the hallway from behind them and run right past them, not stopping for a moment and disappearing from view just moments after like they were never there in the first place.
“That’s kind of cool,” Lena admits. “Nia, make us a door leading to the glowing turret please, maybe a nice one, perhaps something elaborate and fancy, just for the hell of it.”
A white and gold door appears, swirling shapes engraved into it, leaves and flowers etched into the wood in places. It’s a really nice door basically.
Kara tries the door but it’s locked and even a good harsh shove with her shoulder proves fruitless, doing nothing more than starting up a nice bruise that will match the one on Lena’s left boob. “A key, Nia?”
A large brass key drops from the ceiling above them.
“Thanks.” Kara picks it up and slides it into the lock, opening it up to a spiral staircase. “Let’s get up there and get out of here, it sucks here, Nia, no offence.”
“If I can control it all then it means it’s a lucid dream.” Nia frowns. “Lucid dreams in Naltorians aren’t that common, despite our powers. It’s a sign of my powers trying to protect me from having dreams that could be detrimental to my health. I guess the other dream was getting to the point where I needed protection from it. The lucid dreams let me control my own dreams, hence letting me provide a safe space for myself but it’s also not uncommon for people to be terrorized in their lucid dreams because they don’t recognize them for what they are and let their emotions dictate their unconscious choices, that’s why the dream has sucked, it’s playing off my annoyance from my recent lack of sleep. It’s interesting to think about.”
They reach the top of the stairs as Nia finishes her explanation. They’re in the turret, they know that now because the glow is emanating from the centre of the room and it’s not the turret itself emitting the light but a portal watch, one similar to the design that Nia has seen Lena begin planning to build.
“I think that’s our way out.” Nia picks it up without hesitation, pressing a couple of buttons and watching as a portal opens. “Who wants to go first?”
Kara places a hand on Nia’s shoulder as she passes her. “Good job, Dreamer.” She passes through the portal.
Lena follows suit. “I agree with that sentiment, come right through after me, ok?”
“I will.”
Lena passes through.
Nia takes a deep breath and passes through.
Nia’s eyes flutter open to the bright lights of the med bay, forcing her to shut them again just a moment later because it hurts. “Ow, we need to add dimming bulbs in here.”
“We have them, we just don’t use them,” Alex replies, watching Nia’s stats for a minute before humming, happy that they are all normal. “Welcome back to the land of the living.”
“Thanks, it’s been a journey.”
“I know, I’ve been told. Kara and Lena woke up a little while ago, I offered to stay with you while they went to go and freshen up. Your boyfriend, however, refused to leave your side.” Alex shifts her gaze to Brainy, the Coluan face down on the mattress, snoring slightly.
Nia doesn’t fight the smile that spreads across her face. “Don’t wake him.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” Alex puts her tablet down and presses the back of her hand to Nia’s forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“You’ve been asleep for hours.”
“I know.” Nia laughs. “It wasn’t a relaxing sleep.”
Alex sits down on the chair Kara was unconscious in not long ago. “Was it really bad?”
“Not really bad. Not as bad as the reason I was stuck in my dream in the first place.” Nia’s eyes are already drooping again. “There’s something bad coming, Alex, something that’s going to be really difficult to handle and we have to be ready for it.”
Alex sniffs. “Then we’ll be ready.”
“I hope so.” Nia pressed her head back into her pillow.
“Is that such a good idea?”
Nia grins, little dimples appearing on her cheeks from how wide she’s smiling. “Yeah, I just learned how to lucid dream and I want to ride a unicorn. I know how to wake up by myself now, don’t worry.”
Alex shakes her head. “You can wait to practice your lucid dreaming later, we have fresh coffee in the kitchen for now.”
Nia pouts and it’s honestly a pretty good contender to Kara’s infamous pout. “Really?”
“Really, now get your butt up, we have preparations to get on with if your prediction is correct.”
Read 4 more chapters early on Patreon here!
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kuekyuuq · 2 years
Supercorp FF-Fluff-Prompt
The one where Kara and Lena have to babysit Esme for a few days.
So, they leave the city and go suburban (maybe visiting Midvale), with a farmers market and late or mid-summer fair, beach-time and a stay at a cozy cabin. 
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Could be from Emse’s POV or the POV of our oblivious girls, as: 
starts off with Kara presenting a mix-tape of her and Lena’s favorites (lotsa N’Sync, late 90′s/early 2k pop, I’d presume)
constant playful banter (e.g.: who drives better [Lena])
suncream another (not that Kara needs it, but so Esme lets it be done to her, she plays along) 
they share food / feed each other (”Ohmygawd, this is good! You have to try..”)
always know where the other is
know each others’ favorites (food, color, books, movies, songs, flower...)
they win each other prizes at the fair
keep holding hands / constantly brush another
constantly make another blush and swoon
they without argument (tho with awkward glances and fumbling) share a bed in the cabin when there’s only one for the adults
Lena keeps giving Kara head-scratches
Kara goes out of her way to hold doors open for Lena
during shopping sprees, Lena knows Kara’s dress sizes by heart (bc she made her a suit... yeah.)
they casually start wearing each others’ clothes (Lena starts it, bc Kara’s sweaters are more comfy)
when Lena shivers at late evening walks, Kara keeps her warm, cuddles her
Esme wakes from a nap finding the women cuddled up on the couch, reading the same book together...
they buy partner-look / “friendship” accessories 
work in perfect tandem to tuck Esme in (Lena reads, Kara sings)
have fun pillow-fights with Esme
have a food-fight while cooking/baking
Kara wants to be the fun aunt, but Lena has her on a short leash (Kara: “Yes! Let’s do that!” - Lena: “Kara, no.” - Kara: “No, let’s not do that.”)
they talk about Kara’s apartment as their (shared) home (Lena: “Oh, this would look cute in the kitchen! It matches perfectly with the sideboard you brought in last month.”)
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Plot could involve Esme mimicking some of Kara’s powers that has to be dealt with as well as distracting the kid from her separation anxiety, maybe even a low-key detective plot due to some mysterious things happening at Eliza’s place (which may have been why they needed to stay in a cabin / lodge on short-notice and not at Kara’s childhood home?). 
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And it all ends with Esme calling / being returned her mothers and asking them when Lena and Kara are going to marry, because they are so obviously in love, just like her moms and they would be great mommies, too. 
Because, we all know, this kid is very observant and speaks the truth.
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And really, SOMEONE has to tell them!
...so, anyone who wants to turn this into a sugar coma inducing fic? 🧸
Edit: In case this wasn’t obvious, this is presumably canon compliant, post-series and our girls are still in denial / not dating (yet). They need a little push, be it by a little helper. 
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orange-s-mario · 8 months
Superman's kids ranked
Hmm guess the bottom is where I start here (please note I have not been able to read the dailies)
Wait. Actually there's a few unranked kids, so first a pre-ranking ranking:
Unranked (+ "Superman's" kids)
Superman-Red's Twins and Superman-Blue's Twins: they just kind of exist. They don't have any characterization at all since they don't even talk
Carl (Mr. Mxyptlk): He does a little trolling. I feel a bit bad for Larissa Lenox though
twins in Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #55: no. I don't want to think about this story.
Mooki: this isn't superman. He's neat. Robot Merkid
Lyle and Lili: that's not Lois and that's not Kal-El, it's actually his cousin and a lookalike
Superman Jr (Robin (Fred Ashley (Dick Grayson))): i uh wha. Hmm I think I'll rate him exclusively from the story. Anyways it's basically Lois pranking Superman back via blackmailing Robin (she was pretty sure Robin was one of 6 people). Uh Funny and weird I guess but that's what happens when you prank each other via pretend space travel.
Clark Jr. & Lori (Man of Tomorrow #15): they're literally demons. Anyways they're kinda bland because it's "picturesque traditional American values" that are directly opposed to Superman being more due to what they are. (also RIP Post-crisis Lana, the other main Lanas are simply built different; but also it was Neron so ...). At least Clark Jr. wanted to leave smallville
son & daughter w/Lana Lang (Action Comics #492) : R.I.P. you nonexistent kids. You seemed nice
Lois Lane's son from her coma dream (Showcase #9): uhh what a strange character to rate. So I'm just not going to. idk Superman was trying to get Lois to wake up by making her unhappy so it's weird
Orna Kal-El: alan moore did not write orna at all. She just shows up and says no lines.
Van-El: "I don't think you're real" doesn't hit as hard in the comic. Also he's kinda bland.
Extra note on the black mercy thing:why ISN'T Lyla Lerrol still an actress Moore? Please explain
Richard, M'R'R and K'R'K: nothing characters who also expanded the British empire. this should've ended with K'L'L dismantling the British empire
Twins, with Lois Lane (Adventures of Superman #561): they just sorta exist in Supes's dream. Remind me of the more troublemaker versions of Silver Age twins though (probably a reference since it was a Dominus Effect Epilogue)
Lara Lane Kent (Injustice dream): actually a good character. too bad she's basically the conscience of a man who's basically the worst superman ever.
Martha (Man of Tomorrow #15): She seemed nice despite being fake. At least Clark actually being superman in this fake reality means that she actually gets to do stuff. She wants to go to the moon again. That's it. That's the whole character
onto superman's actual kids;
#55: JLA: Act of God baby; I hate him and everything he stands for
#54: The Others (JLA: Created Equal): Unlike Adam they don't feel sad about being misogynistic and have a change of heart after not during the Luthor fight
#53: Adam Kent: according to the text itself Lex only heightened his misogyny
#52: Kara (and the others) (JLA: Created Equal): She's a girl so she isn't misogynistic. Unfortunately it's weird because she's Power Girl's daughter. seems like a nice person though. these 3 might just be because of me just not vibing with the story but ehh w/e
#51: Lar-El and Vara: these 2 are just kinda really bland. doesn't help that they only show up twice. there's the interesting hook of feeling that Superman abandoned them, but it's too little.
#50: The Twins (World's Finest 35)
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I think this basically sums it up. They're basically used as bratty normal babies that Clark gets annoyed by
#49: Bruce Kent: he exists I guess (will not complain about the story, will not complain about the story, will complain about the story; evil captain marvel is dumb and it's weird how different characters are affected by the apocalypse very differently. also the "we belong together" line hate when they do that, but that's not about Bruce Kent so it's moot). that's pretty much it.
#48: Jonathan Elliott: he exists I guess (will not complain about the story, will not complain about the story, will not). that's pretty much it.
#47: Jonathan Kent (Green Lantern: Darkstars): He exists I guess. has a bit more stuff to him, but he ends up being a good dude despite Belzebeth controlling the darkstars
#46: Lara Kent (Dark Knight/Millerverse): idk her vibes are just off. I like her but then she does something and it's like eugh Frank Miller. and her parents also being OOC does her no favors. Her appearance in the third series made me rank her worse. I do like the thing where she finally touches the ground at the end, but I just really dislike her whole character. At least her dad's more in character in the third one ig. her vibes are off
#45: Jonathan Kent (Future State): he's nice i guess. There just isn't much of him so he's right here. Not a lot of room to be a character when it's just like 5 panels
#44: Jonathan Kent (Space Age): he's nice i guess. Rated slightly higher due to a snowball fight. he doesn't do much
#43: Larry & Carole (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #36) they don't show up much and don't have much characterization besides only one of them becoming a superhero so not ranking those versions. I guess these two at least have some characterization in that they like playing with the space animals and Larry becomes Superman II
#42: Vol: he's fine he's fine. Besides being a character in one of the most batshit insane superman plots; he's just fine. At least he saved his universe and sent Sonn back to the Earth-One Universe. So uhh points for him I guess? He does a bit more than SGFLL 36 Larry and Carole so he's ranked higher. I guess
#41: Krys Kent: I liked him enough but he kinda has nothing going for him. I guess he has a bit of potential in that he could probably learn magic (he doesn't have powers). He seems nice I guess and he also has the fun line near the beginning of the story after Superman throws him, but that's about it
#40: Krys's evil ghost demon extradimensional twin: The villain has more of a character due to talking more, but really he's just evil for the sake of it. Interesting villain... ... ...I guess evil ghost extradimensional beings don't count for Superman's rules
#39: Jor-El II (Action Comics 327): really wants Clark to stop spoiling his kid. He thinks there's no such thing as crooks anymore (he's wrong), but he's always on missions doing Superman stuff I guess. there must be a lot of natural disasters I guess.
#38: Baby Bliss: toddler written during the silver age. At least he helps Clark a bit although most of the time Kal is just confused about the situation and Baby Bliss sometimes does some trickery to Superman. So I'm ranking him near the middle
#37: Lola Kent: points docked for getting with her cousin. Other than that she's good, since she has very similar characterization to pre-crisis superman, who is a pretty good character. but yeah she's down here because of Jimmy Jr. She'd probably be higher if it wasn't for Lucy Lane
#36: Jor-El II: he is a victim. this happened because his mom was a jerk and honestly I'm not sure if Lois really got through to Lois. There's also probably a better way to get through your alternate universe self who's tired of being a housewife. At least his dad was nice the whole time and even apologized about always leaving for missions. Jor-El II's life sucks and I'm not convinced it gets better. ranks low since I didn't really get anything for his characterization
#35: Clark Kent Jr (Superman #404): seems like a nice kid who loves his parents. I like the bit where Lana makes Clark Jr makes Clark gets ice cream but there's really not much here. I will say this was a very interesting imaginary story that I wouldn't mind being expanded on
#34: Superman II (Jorel Kent): he only appears in 3 Superman 2020 stories so he doesn't have much. He really is Superman II. there's not much differentiating himself from his father. Kalel has more going on just because Superman 2020 is about Kalel and not Jorel.
#33: Superman Jr. (Denny O'Neil): He's dead now. Denny O'Neil's take was weird. Still liked him though. He tried heroing even though he caused disasters everywhere he went. I guess he self-sacrificed himself for the good of reality
#32: Joel Perry Kent: He is also a victim because of Ultra Humanite. Idk I think Clark is also at fault here; just tell the dude. However him trying to kill the Vietnamese village is all on him. It doesn't say that Ultra-humanite told him to do it sooo.
#31: Jonathan Kent (Frank Millerverse): he's fine I guess. He felt like the imaginary story kids or silver age superman when he was fighting Darkseid so he ranks a bit higher. like when the supers are like tricksters
#30: Larry (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #39): He is a bit of a scamp so that's great. He does cause Jimmy to go blind and Lana to breathe fire though, but then again Clark didn't explain the black magic to anyone in the family so really that was Superman's fault.
#29: Superman Jr (World's Finest #154 & #157): started as bit of a jerk to Bruce Jr but basically mellowed out. Since he's only in 2 comics there's not much characterization here and his dynamic with his Bruce Jr isn't as great as the Bob Haney version
#28: Kara Kent: Honestly kinda bland. She has a sweet relationship with Bruce Jr, but that's basically it. Like she has half the powers of Superman and complains about it a few times, but that's really par for the course of biological superman kids. Has a bit more of stuff in Generations 2, but nothing really to make her go higher or lower on this list
#27: Supergirl (Ariella Kent)/R'E'L, the Destroyer of Worlds: reading the dc one million issue again it's not bad but the comedy doesn't land as much as it wants to. despite her crying in that one scene I just don't like her as much as the others unfortunately :/
#26: Johny Kirk (Superman Jr): Nice kid, unfortunate circumstances though. Also his ending was horrible. Where does he even live now. Like he totally should've stayed being adopted by Superman
#25: Tommy: he's just a little guy and unlike almost everyone else that's main canon, he gets a happy ending. Clark could and should check on him from time to time though. Also since he's powerless I find him more interesting than Johny
#24: Jonathan Kent II (Kingdom Come): All things considered he's pretty cool. Most of it is due to cribbing Phantom Stranger's style but he's alright. Do like how he has Hypertime powers; But other than that he's kind of just the monitor from COIE
#23 Larry and Carole* (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #23): basically more subdued versions of the twins with lady luck, so they're less fun but also they don't seem to purposefully mess with their parents like their earlier counterparts. They also have belts that can be switched on/off to stop them from having superpowers so that's interesting. They're fights also seem more playful than anything
#22::Jonathan Samuel Kent: there's a lot I do NOT like about him but there's lots of good bits and pieces. I unfortunately have to concede that he's not the worst jon.
#21: Twins, with "Lady Luck" in Superman #131: the twins are menaces. But in a fun way. They keep on fighting and messing with each other (& their parents). It's great
#20: Joan Kent: I liked her enough, Liked how she tried to trick Larry at first, although unfortunately that doesn't work and she kinda spends the whole story kidnapped by Ironclaws. I do like how she argued with Larry while Larry was evil, though it seems like they had a soft spot for each other even before Larry turned good. but she ultimately doesn't do much so I had to rank her lower. If it was more of a Joan story than a Lois story she might be ranked higher
#19: Clark Kent Jr/Superman Jr/Superboy (Superman #192 & 194): I liked him more in 192 where he was a bit more mischievous, and then started talking in gigantic words, but he was fine in 194 as well. He was even able to outsmart Lex Luthor. He'd probably be higher if he stayed more mischievous or was still using gigantic words in his vocabulary. I do really like this imaginary story plot though.
#18: Jor-El II/Nightwing (Superman #166): Good character but not as good as his brother, he's basically a kid Superman but he doesn't feel as developed as Clark Superboy. That's probably why they focused more on his brother. He teased Kal-El II at the beginning a bit too much, but he basically stops after Clark tells him to stop
#17: Pyrrhos: Pretty good villain all things considered. don't like that he was the one who killed Darkseid but that's because I read Kirby's New Gods. I liked him enough
#16: Clark Kent Jr./Superman Jr. (Bob Haney): He's great. His dynamic with Bruce Jr. is also great. He's more optimistic and more of a reader than Bruce Jr. I feel like Clark Jr is like a more hotheaded Clark. Even at their most confrontational Batman Jr. and Superman Jr remain friends. points docked a bit due to not really existing without Bruce Jr. He does have a bit of an inferiority complex ("generation gap") due to only being about half as strong as Superman so characterization bonus
#15: Cir-El is neat; the whole weird Mia thing was not. But it's ok cause I'm ranking his kids not his not kids. Kinda suffers for only being in like 13 issues, but i enjoyed her existence while she was there. Like how she kept on thinking of Superman (and Lois) as her parents even after the truth was revealed
#14 Lara Lane Kent (Adventures of Superman #638): liked what little there was of her. She seems like a neat character. Best part was the Calvin and Hobbes homage.
#13 Kal-El II/Flamebird/Kalel Kent (Superman #166): Good character, having no powers while your brother and dad do, gives ample reason for an inferiority complex. I also like how it showed he was a bit smarter due to him deciding to read more books and studying which wouldn't have happened without his inferiority complex about no powers. Also like how he kept messing up with the secret identity bit by accidentally calling Nightwing Jor when they were in Kandor
#12: Laura Kent (Superman Family #200): She's neat. Wasn't born with powers but developed them later, but like in the same day. She seems interesting enough. It ends before she can tell her parents she got powers so unfortunately she's not as high as she could be. Good character from what little we see of her though
#11: Super-Baby (Superman #224): EVIL baby. L.E.G.I.ON. ripped off this guy when they cooked with Lyrl. I like how he completely took over the villains' operations once they made themselves known. Guess he wasn't as intelligent as he thought since Superman specifically booby trapped the springs which was how to make the actual puzzle. Fun villain; just a normal baby know though
#10: Carol and Jane Kent (Secret Identity): only show up as actual characters in the last issue, but it does a decent amount building them up in how their similarities and differences to their dad. Them being less scared than Clark makes sense since they had each other.
#9: Zod (DCAU/A Better World): I actually like this kid quite a bit. Neat powers is a bonus as well. when they focused on him it was actually quite an enjoyable read
#8: Jon Kent (Son of Superman): I actually really like this Jon. He's also kinda funny sometimes. He kinda reminds me of what current Jonathan Samuel was TRYING to be but actually succeeding. It helps that the world he lives in is like our current world but a bit worse. (Some of the characters in the elseworlds feel OOC but other than that I like the story). Jon's just a good character all around.
#7: Osul-Ra & Otho-Ra: these two are pretty close in ranking since sometimes I like Otho more and sometimes I like Osul more, so I'll just put them in the same section. Depending on how other writers write them they may move up (or down). Osul has the Old God stuff while Otho has the more brash stuff.
#6: Lisa Kent/Superlass (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #91): I just like her as a character. She's nice and a bit brash at times, but honestly all around she seems to just want to help. despite the imaginary story having the end and feeling like a tragedy, it feels more hopeful than certain other stories here. She probably should've asked Lois if she wanted to be cured first though
#5: Kara (Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #20): Honestly this one was just a tragedy of miscommunication, but also Kara and Kal DID ignore Lois a lot which while understandable, but uh yeah. Honestly I blame Lois having to quit her job and the midvale investigator mainly. Kara's basically mainline Kara here, which unfortunately includes the not being adopted (yet) part
#4: Laney (Superman 215): I feel like Laney has more Lois than previous lois kids with superman so she's ranked higher. She's more impatient and curious. She also kinda sorta gets a happy ending though she and clark are mourning and going through grief the whole time. ...I hope other Lois doesn't feel bad about this whole situation, but that's not me ranking Superman's kids. That's me talking about the story
#3: Christopher Kent: Yeah he's great. He's just a really nice kid, who has trauma and also has a bit of trouble fitting in. His age up while weird at least gave him cool powers... eventually. And also I think they fixed it? Mon-El taking him under his wing at the finale was neat too. Bring the actual him back
#2: Jonathan Lane Kent: I wasn't expecting to like him so much. He really develops as a character. and eventually could even be called a hero. Plus the only reason he was even evil in the first place was because he was raised young by Harvest so him eventually actually being a hero makes sense. Weird character though
#1: Gregor Nagy: I actually really like his one and done story. bring him back.
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this is why he's peak. It's ultimately about not feeling like you fit in the world. bonus points for having a completely different power set that's also cool
#0: Jimmy Olsen. obviously. I will have to say Superman was a jerk due to a misunderstanding but Jimmy being the GOAT that he is doesn't mind not being Superman's son. And despite not having a happy ending as a superman son, he does gain/regain 2 other dads
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kittythelitter · 1 year
I've just been ping-ponging back and forth between Stranger Things and Batfam obsessions so here's a very self indulgent combination.
Au where Steve Harrington is Jack Drake's slightly older first cousin. They were close until Steve's parents disowned him and then reconnected sporadically when Jack was a young adult, but when Steve and Eddie got married, Janet severed ties claiming she thought Steve and his loser rockstar husband would be a bad influence on Tim. Jack reconciles with him when he wakes up from his coma, and asks Steve to take care of Tim if anything happens to him(Jack). When Jack is killed Steve and Eddie become Tim's guardians.
Rough Timeline.
1966 - Eddie is born
1967- Steve Harrington is born
1974- Jack Drake is born
1980- Bruce Wayne is born
1982- Clark Kent is adopted by the Kents
1983-6 -ST seasons 1-4
1987 - Upsidedown Closes for the last time + the Wayne's are killed in front of their son.
1990- Dick Grayson is Born
1995- Jason is born
1996- Cass is born
1999 - Tim is born/the Batman starts his stuff
2001 - Flying Graysons/first Superman sightings
2004 - the Justice League is formed, Boston legalizes gay marriage.
2005 - steddie marriage. Janet Drake throws a hissy fit and Jack and Steve stop speaking.
2007- Dick Quits Robin, Damian is born, andJason becomes Robin
2010- Jason Dies
2011- Tim becomes Robin
2013- Janet dies, Jack is in a coma
2014 - Jack wakes up. Wants to reconnect with his family (including Steve and Eddie), titans tower ™️
2015 - Damian arrives, Jack finds out. Steph is Robin and "dies"
2016 - Jack dies and Steve and Eddie get custody of Tim. Kon and Bart die temporarily.
Tim is going thru it and also suddenly has two VERY attentive guardians who have been dealing with weird bullshit longer than even Batman. They find out about Robin and lecture Batman and insist that if Tim's gonna pull a Dustin then Steve gets to babysit (be on comms).
Steve insists he's too old to be a vigilante but he is on comms all the time and on more than one occasion busts into a scene hitting goons with the batmobile and rescuing Bruce and Tim. He also basically forcefully adopts Jason after he finds out about titans tower. Eddie just laughs, but Jason used to be a big fan of Eddie's band so he is automatically the cool dad.
Somewhere in here Steve and Eddie kind of adopt Dick, Damian, Cass and Steph
Barbara and Max meet and it's Chaos.
Bruce tries to complain that Steve and Eddie are stealing his kids and Eddie's like. Alfred do you want some coparents? We'll adopt a full grown man. We've got kids older than Bruce that we consider to be ours. And Alfred is like. I'd love the help. He's a handful.
Anyway when Bruce "dies" and Tim's like. He's not dead! Steve is like. Yeah. I've seen weirder. Let me call supergirl- not Kara. My supergirl. Eleven. Yeah. You remember her right? She might be able to find him with her mind powers. No she's not a meta. She's had powers since before metas were a thing.
And El finds him and with her help the Justice League can get Bruce back pretty quickly. They offer her a position and she's like. I'm retired. But I'll always help a friend in need, so keep my number.
Anyways the ST crew are all adults and Tired because they thought when the justice league came around they'd be done. But Steve just keeps acquiring children who insist on getting themselves in trouble so even though he is fifty and Tired with chronic migraines and tinnitus he is still going to be the Best Damn Babysitter there is, and none of his friends/kids will let him do it alone.
Steve managed to keep it all from them before he needed to ask El for help but once the dam breaks they're all in and out of Gotham and meeting the Justice League and causing trouble left and right.
Lucas and Will both try to keep out of it and maintain their quiet lives but end up becoming emotional support/therapists/mentors to young heroes.
Dustin somehow gets to do some work on the Watchtower.
Erica, despite being in her early 40s, is trying to get the Teen Titans to unionize.
Nancy has access to guns she really really shouldn't.
Jonathan and Clark get along really well. Argyle can somehow understand the Flashes when they're talking at almost full speed.
And when Robin (Buckley not Batman-and-) meets Wonder Woman she cries.
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lincolnchristie · 1 year
Okay so I love talking about my novels and NOW I CAN and while most stuff will be going on Patreon, I feel it's only fair to give people in general a little bit of fun info too, so I wanted to share the summaries for my various in-progress novels.
These are all in varying stages of completion. Pestilence is, as previously mentioned, with my content editors, and the draft of A Masque of Shadows is being shared on Patreon chapter by chapter.
I have two standalones that are currently with beta readers so I can get feedback for revisions. They are:
Brand of a Witch
The mysterious Riders of the Roc are attacking, leaving none alive. A member of the High Coven has died. And Callahan is having nightmares. When she's offered a chance to join the competition for the open spot on the High Coven, she accepts in the hopes of finding answers to the strange events plaguing her. But she's not the only young hopeful on the journey, and as reality begins to slip through her fingers, she might not even make it to her destination alive.
Callahan's traumatic past, the present, and the future are all about to collide - and destroy magic itself if she doesn't unravel the truth in time.
When Kara's mother died, her mom Billy slipped into depression and Kara had to become the parent in the family. But when a terrible accident sends Kara into a coma, she wakes up in the world of Billy's unfinished final novel. Facing a world losing its magic and on the brink of war, Kara and Billy have to find a way to communicate if they're going to get Kara through the terrifying realm of the merfolk alive - and get her home.
These novels are fully outlined but not yet written:
When Channing went to bed, it was another ordinary day. Then she woke up in the morning - and her parents didn't. When she learns four of her classmates have the same issue, they discover their parents were far more than they seemed. The world we go into when we sleep is in danger, but the Dreamscape is ruled not by physics but by the mind, and the mind is a dangerous and slippery creature...
Channing and her newfound friends will have to confront their deepest fears, their runaway nightmares, and their wildest imaginings if they hope to control the Dreamscape and stop the man who betrayed their parents - and hopes to bend everyone's mind to his will.
Dante's spycraft helped her king to win the war that bathed their country in blood, but it cost her everything. Now in the king's personal guard, she watches his spoiled children grow up and prays one of them will be mature enough to rule. When a bloody coup massacres the royal family, Dante finds herself with the lone surviving royal heir as her charge. If she has a hope of getting the baby princeling and the massacre's sole survivor Anya to the safety of the queen's family in the north, Dante will have to lead her charges across the frozen wastes cursed to be caught in the grip of a forever winter. They'll need a guide, and a protector from the predators that roam this land, and Dante knows just the person.
Unfortunately, that person is the woman she abandoned for her duty all those years ago.
The Leitmotif Trilogy
Mutants don't live long. Skinner's lucky to have made it all the way to eighteen, and she's proud to be a member of the elite strike force that aids people in secret. She's a hero, and if her fire powers are getting more unstable every day, if her ice baths are increasing and she's coughing up smoke... that's just the price she has to pay. She's more worried about her best friend Lauren, who's starting to sleepwalk and talk to people who aren't there.
Then a mission goes wrong, and Skinner meets other mutants. Mutants with more than one power. Mutants who have made it into adulthood. Mutants who tell her that everything she knows is a lie.
And, finally, a novel series that is 50% worldbuilding, 40% vibes, and 10% setup...
Mortal Leviathans
When the plague took the human population from 8 billion to ten million, the dragons saw their opportunity and emerged from the shadows. For two hundred years, they've ruled in a tentative peace made of petty squabbles over territory and uneasy alliances. Some view them as gods. Some as tyrants. But all bow to their rule.
Until a girl is born. A girl with a human mother and a dragon father.
The key to a new age or the harbinger of total war, a deadbeat aunt and an outcast dragon must team up and gather allies as they race to get their orphaned young charge across the hostile remains of the United States to the sanctuary of her father's clan - and everyone, dragon and human both, must decide once and for all where they stand.
I hope these summaries are intriguing! I'm excited to share more about them (hopefully) soon on Patreon.
And yes. There will be dragonfucking in Mortal Leviathans. So much dragonfucking. Because I'm not a coward.
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canmom · 1 year
Animation Night 154: Kara no Kyōkai, part 2
Hi everyone, welcome back to Animation Night!
Last week we absorbed the first half of Kinoko Nasu’s early work Kara no Kyōkai, as adapted by a variety of directors at Ufotable. You can read about the background to this project there.
Tonight we’ll finish the job, with the last three films!
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Let me give a little summary of the story so far. cw for rape, suicide, and trauma type stuff. This is a pretty edgy story.
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In the first part, Overlooking View, we are introduced to taciturn knife-wielding Shiki, and her companion cardboard-nothing-boy Mikiya - who spends most of this episode asleep. They work for a woman called Tōko, who constructs startlingly lifelike human-sized puppets and prosthetics as well as running something like a supernatural detective agency. Shiki has a prosthetic arm, which Tōko made for her.
A rash of suicides taking place at an abandoned building draws the agency’s attention. Shiki observes a group of seven ghosts floating at the top of the building. Her first attempt to enter the building sees her attacked by her own prosthetic arm, but once it’s repaired, Shiki goes back and kills the ghosts, concluding they have something to do with Mikiya’s unconsciousness. Mikiya is her emotional support normie, not for others!
Meanwhile, Tōko tracks down a terminally ill girl in a local hospital. It turns out this girl has learned to astral project! She made contact and awakened the spirits of some other girls. But her astral body got ideas and went off on its own, and attempted to possess the body of Mikiya, who had regularly visited the hospital. With nothing left to live for, the girl kills herself too.
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In the second part, A Study in Murder - Part I, we flash back to when Shiki and Mikiya were kids. Mikiya becomes interested in the spooky girl Shiki (式) in the school, discovering she has a male alter called SHIKI (織), and they hit it off - SHIKI definitely the alter that’s more interested which is a neat touch. But Shiki is behind a spate of brutal murders in the area, supposedly targeting people that cause SHIKI to front. Mikiya’s cousin, a detective, cheerfully spills details of the crimes.
Mikiya discovers Shiki standing over a corpse, but refuses to believe she dunnit, even when she straight up tells him as much. He starts camping outside her large, aristocratic house. Eventually, Shiki attacks Mikiya with a knife, but hesitates before finishing him off, sitting on him on a road. For reasons as yet unknown, she then passes out and is rushed to hospital.
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The third part, Remaining Sense of Pain, is set in between the previous two movies. It concerns a girl called Fujino who, like Shiki, was unable to feel pain due to some sorcery performed when she was a kid. She has been routinely raped by a group of men. One day this changed after one of them hit her with a bat, and she went on a murder spree against the rapists using psychic powers. Afterwards, she is sheltered by Mikiya.
Shiki recognises in Fujino a mirror of her own whole thing, magic eyes included, and goes off to fight her. But she only seems to get satisfaction when Fujino is not dissociating to hell (feeling pain, enjoying killing), so she backs off at first. Tōko discovers that Fujino has a ruptured appendix, that is going to kill her sooner or later, and is now causing her constant pain.
Shiki pursues Fujino again, resulting in a psychic battle on a bridge - one that Shiki wins, at the cost of her left arm and massive damage to the bridge. But with Fujino at her mercy, Shiki comes around to using her magic eye of killing abstract concepts to kill her appendicitis instead, letting Fujino live...
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The fourth movie, The Hollow Shrine, takes place after the second. Shiki wakes up from her coma, and the SHIKI alter has disappeared, or merged into Shiki, or something. She’s also gained ‘mystic eyes of depth perception’ as a result of whatever brush with death happened at the end of movie 1. These let her see flaws in everything that she can touch to ‘kill’ them, from flowers to people to rather more abstract things. She is morose and suicidal.
Alerted to the situation by Mikiya (not sure how they know each other), Tōko poses as a speech therapist and explains the whole magic eye thing to Shiki. A spirit possesses a corpse to pass through Tōko’s wards, attacking Shiki in the night. Shiki decides she would rather live, and uses her new powers to draw in the spirit and kill it.
Last time was a good time: both Nasu experts and people as naive as me experiencing the twists and turns of this bizarre story. So how will it end? Well, next up we have...
V: Paradox Spiral, seemingly a fan favourite! Shiki and Mikiya encounter a strange building which resurrects the dead! This one’s twice as long as the others so far, at two hours...
VI: Oblivion Recording: Mikiya’s sister Azaka is incestuously horny for him (why does everyone want to fuck Mikiya so bad? apparently the canon answer is that he is the ultimate normie and thus attractive to all the weird girls. thank you for being insane, Nasu). Meanwhile, at her school, fairies are stealing peoples’ memories. Shiki is sent to the school to investigate. Things escalate rapidly from there.
VII: A Study in Murder - Part 2: Another two hour beast. A new spate of murders is taking place, reminiscent of the ones that Shiki dun in 1995. As Shiki and Mikiya investigate, it dredges up some bad memories. We finally find out what the hell happened at the end of movie 2.
Planning to start at about 9:20pm UK time, about 30m time - sorry it’s late! We’ll be at twitch.tv/canmom, hope to see you again!
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
While you were sleeping AU - my first thought was Agentcorp because there simply isn’t enough of it and they’re a good couple. Kara works as the golden child and Alex as the jealous but loving sibling that doesn’t measure up. Difficult to see Kara as narcissistic though.
But… what if Alex is closeted (her family know but are waiting for her to be ready) and she wakes up from her coma to discover she’s got a female fiancé and not only are her family ok with it but they are all really happy for her/them. She doesn’t have feelings for Lena but goes along with it because she’s out and it’s good.
Alex is an overworking grump with poor personal relationships because she keeps herself closed off. Cue douchey annoying boyfriend turning up (max?) and angst with Kara because she’s ruining the first relationship she could see herself being happy in.
Yada yada yada - emotional family heart to hearts , Lena and Kara get together and Alex falls in love with Dr Kelly a dr who works in the neurology department (getting check ups after the brain injury).
Huh. A While You Were Sleeping au from the pov of the coma patient. Interesting concept. I would def like to see the process of Alex and Kara working out the whole situation after Lena falls for Kara and the wedding is interrupted.
But yes, a happy dansen ending would be necessary.
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cyclone-rachel · 2 years
“Your sister is strong.” They said. “She’ll be okay. She’ll wake up soon.”
Alexa wanted to believe them. She always had- Mom and Dad, Aunt Alex and Aunt Kelly, Grandpa J’onn, Uncle Winn, everyone else… all her family members who tried to tell her everything would be okay.
But everything they said did nothing to make her forget the sight of her sister diving in front of her as Brainiac 4 drove the Kryptonite dagger into Astra’s body. No words could erase the sight of her dad carrying Astra, gently placing her into one of the healing tanks on Uncle Winn’s Legion ship.
“You did well.” She remembered her dad telling her, once she’d told him that she’d cauterized her sister’s wound before solar-flaring in an attempt to take down Brainiac 4.
(She couldn’t think of her as her grandmother. Or at least, she didn’t want to)
She thanked her dad, of course. But what she wanted more than a compliment in that moment was to see her sister open her eyes, hear her laugh, hear anything other than her heart beating as she stood before her, watching her rest and heal.
“It’s been two days.” She said, as her mother stood beside her. “Is Astra really going to be okay?”
Her mother squeezed her hand, and her eyes seemed to get a wistful expression as she looked at the tank, and her daughter inside of it, before she smiled at her.
“You can ask her, you know.” She said.
Then, Alexa remembered- and once she did, it was completely obvious to her.
“Does Dad still have those devices?” she asked. “The ones that helped him talk to you in your head. I mean, we might not need them anyway, because we are half-Coluan, but…”
“Let me go ask him.”
When she opened the door, Astra was wearing her image inducer.
“Let me guess- I’m in a coma.” She said, letting her sister in- her mind looked like the room they shared, so Alexa felt right at home as she sat down on her bed.
“How could you tell?”
“We’ve heard Mom and Dad tell this story like a million times- Mom got hurt fighting Reign, they thought she wasn’t gonna make it, Mom’s ex decided to bring her to the Legion ship and heal her with future tech, they woke Dad up to talk with her, he loved her from the moment they met, Mom woke up because Aunt Alex said Kara Danvers was her favorite person just in time to help Dad’s friends fight Reign.” Astra answered, rattling it all off as she sat down opposite Alexa. “But… I don’t have the same problem Mom did. Neither of us really have secret identities or any issues with them, so… why can’t I leave?”
“I couldn’t tell you that.” Alexa said. “I guess we just have to talk about what happened, and the solution will present itself.”
“You sound like Aunt Kelly.” Astra answered. “But… okay.”
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francesderwent · 2 years
my hopes for the s7 finale and upcoming s8:
Lana wakes up from her coma and breaks up with Clark. they never date again.
they introduce a character who can consistently have plots with Lex who is not one-dimensionally evil nor immediately killed off
Kara disappears, never to be seen again.
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apothecaryscript · 23 days
Episode 15 : Raw Fish / 第15話『鱠(Namasu)』
Bukan “Kiitaka? Kono maeno boyano koto.”
Military Officer “Hey, did you hear about the fire the other day?”
Bukan “Rihakuno yatsu, otegara dattana.”
Military Officer “Lihaku did a really good job with it.”
Bukan “Aitsuga kaiketsu suru-towa, igai datta.”
Military Officer “I never expected he’d be able to solve it.”
Bukan “Sorega, domo uwasani yoruto…gejoga jiken-kaiketsuni hito-yaku katta rashii.”
Military Officer “Actually, I heard a rumor that a servant girl helped solve it.”
Bukan “Gejo?”
Military Officer “A servant girl?”
Bukan “Jinshi-samano heya-zukino gejo datte.”
Military Officer “They say she’s a personal attendant of Master Jinshi.”
Bukan “Heee, hontoka.”
Military Officer “Wow, really?”
Bukan “Jinshi-samato ieba, kono-mae, Rokushokanno gijo’o miuke shitan-daro? Nandemo, chitekide tsumetai me-tsukino bijo datoka.”
Military Officer “Didn’t Master Jinshi buy out a courtesan from the Verdigris House the other day? I hear she’s a beautiful intellectual with cold eyes.”
Bukan “Aa, mita renchuga sawaidetazo.”
Military Officer “Yeah, the guys who saw her wouldn’t shut up about her.”
Bukan “A, aa… Rakan-sama.”
Military Officer “Master Lakan?!”
Rakan “Fufu. Sono hanashi, kuwashiku oshiete kure-naika?”
Lakan “Mind telling me more about that?”
Gaoshun “Shaomao, chotto iideshoka?”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao, could you spare a moment?”
Maomao “Gaoshun-sama. Doshitano-desuka?”
Maomao “Master Gaoshun. What is it?”
Gaoshun “Mite-moraitai monoga aruno-desuga.”
Gaoshun “There’s something I’d like you to take a look at.”
Maomao “Furui jikenno shiryo desune. Ju-nen-maeno shokade, fuguno namasuni atatte shoku-chudokuga okitato…”
Maomao “Records of an old incident. Ten years ago, at a merchant’s home, there was a food poisoning incident involving a raw pufferfish dish.”
Maomao (Fuguno doku…! Ano piri-piri shita shibirega iinda… Aa, tabetai.)
Maomao (Pufferfish poison… I love how it tingles and stings. Oh, I really want some now!)
Gaoshun “Kondo, sono-teno ryoriyani tsurete ikimasu-kara…”
Gaoshun “I can take you to a place that serves it sometime soon.”
Maomao “Haaaa! Haaa… Korega, doshitano-desuka?”
Maomao “So, what about this?”
Gaoshun “Mukashi, watashiga kono jikenni tsuite shigotode kakawatte-ita kotoga ari-mashita. Koreto yoku nita jikenga saikin okottato-iukotode moto-doryoni sodan’o uketano-desu.”
Gaoshun “A while ago, I was officially involved with this case. A colleague asked me for advice, because a similar incident occurred recently.”
Maomao “Yoku nita jiken?”
Maomao “A similar incident?”
Gaoshun “Kanryoga, fuguno namasuo tabete, konsui-jotaini ochiitte-iruno-desuyo.”
Gaoshun “A bureaucrat ate pufferfish, raw and seasoned with vinegar, and fell into a coma.”
Maomao “Konsui-jotai… Moshi-wake arimasen, Gaoshun-sama. Sorewa, watashiga kiitemo yoroshii hanashi deshoka?”
Maomao “A coma? Master Gaoshun, my apologies. Is it appropriate for me to learn about this?”
Gaoshun “Mondai ari-masen. Shaomaowa, jibunno tachibao wakimaete imasu-kara.”
Gaoshun “That won’t be an issue. You are someone who knows her place.”
Maomao (Tsumari, shaberuna, to…)
Maomao (In other words, stay silent about this.)
Gaoshun “Soreni ima-sara, dokuno dete-kuru kono hanashio tochude kittemo iino-desuka?”
Gaoshun “Besides, this story involves poison. Are you sure you want me to stop here?”
Maomao “Gu… Dozo, ohanashino tsuzukio.”
Maomao “Please, do continue.”
Gaoshun “Un. Konkai, namasu-niwa, fuguno kawato mio yubiki shita-mono’o tsukatte-ita-sodesu. Soreo tabete konsui-jotaini ochi’ittato.”
Gaoshun “In this instance, they served parboiled pufferfish skin and meat. He ate this and fell into a coma.”
Maomao “Fuguno mi desuka? Dokuga ooi-nowa, kimo-nadono naizo desuga…”
Maomao “The meat? Most of the poison is in the gut.”
Gaoshun “Ee, kawato mi desu.”
Gaoshun “Yes, the skin and the meat.”
Maomao “Miwa hikaku-teki, dokuga usui hazu-nanoni… Maa, shuruiya kankyoni yottewa, mini dokuga aru baaimo aru-kamo shirenai. Betsuni okashina tenwa naino-dewa?”
Maomao “The meat isn’t supposed to have much poison in it… Maybe it depends on the type of pufferfish or the environment it’s from. Nothing seems out of place, then?”
Gaoshun “…Sorega, konkaino jikenmo, maeno jikenmo, ryori-ninwa ‘fuguo chorini tsukatte-inai’to iihatte iruno-desuyo.”
Gaoshun “The thing is, in both cases, this time and in the past, the cook claims they hadn’t used pufferfish in the dish.”
Maomao “Omoshiro-sona hanashi desune.”
Maomao “That sounds interesting.”
Gaoshun “Kyotsu-tenwa, sore-dake-dewa arimasen. Taoreta futari… Konkaino yakuninto, zenkaino shoninwa, tomoni bishoku-ka-de chinmio kononde imashita. Fudan-kara sakanano nama-niku-nadomo yoku tabete-ite, fugumo kobutsu datta-sodesu. Jikenno ato, chubono gomi-kara, naizoya kawaga subete hakken sareta koto-kara, kimowa tabete-inaito handan sare-mashita. Futatsuno jikenno ryori-ninwa, tomoni fuguwa zenjitsuno ryorini tsukatta monode, namasu-niwa betsuno sakanao tsukattato muzaio shucho shimashita. Shikashi, shoninto-naru ningenga ina-katta. Yakuninwa ryorio subete tabe-oeta sanjuppun-go, chudoku-shojo’o okoshite taore, keiren shite-ita tokoro’o hakken sare-mashita.”
Gaoshun “That’s not the only thing in common. The two who fell ill… The bureaucrat from this case and the merchant from the past one were both gourmets who loved eating rare foods. They both often ate raw fish and pufferfish was one of their favorites. After the incident, all of the organs and skin were discovered in the trash, so it was determined that the guts were never consumed. In both cases, the cooks claimed innocence, said the pufferfish was served the night before, and that on the day of the incident, they’d used a different fish. However, there were no witnesses to provide proof. The bureaucrat ate all the food served, then became intoxicated and collapsed half an hour later. He was discovered convulsing.”
Maomao (Angai, shikari shirabeterun-dana… Tekitona chosade han’nin’o dekchi-ageru, roku-demo-nai yakuninmo takusan iru-noni.)
Maomao (He did a more thorough investigation than I’d expect. Plenty of other bureaucrats would put in zero effort and just make up a suspect.)
Gaoshun “Do omoware-masuka?”
Gaoshun “What do you think?”
Maomao “Shojowa fuguno doku mitai desuga… Imano hanashi-dake-dewa nantomo. Gaoshun-sama, mo sukoshi joho’o atsumete-kite morae-masuka?”
Maomao “The symptoms do sound like pufferfish poison, but I can’t say for certain without more details. Master Gaoshun, can you try to find more information?”
Gaoshun “Wakari-mashita. Shirabete okimasu.”
Gaoshun “Understood. I will look into it.”
Maomao (Imano kisetsu-nara, nama-gomio sujitsu oite-itato shitemo, okashikuwa nai. Betsuno sakanao tsukattato-iu hanashimo, nokori-kasuga mitsukatte-ite, mujunwa nai…)
Maomao (At this time of year, it’s not rare to have food trash sit out for a few days. The testimony of using different fish matches the evidence of the leftovers…)
Jinshi “Nanno hanashio shite-tanda?”
Jinshi “What were you talking about?”
Maomao “Uwaa…!”
Jinshi “…Sasugani sono kaowa oremo kizu-tsuku…”
Jinshi “That look would wound anyone, even me.”
Jinshi “Gaoshunno hanashio, yakeni nesshinni kiite-ita-yodaga.”
Jinshi “You seemed to be listening very eagerly to Gaoshun’s story.”
Maomao “Omoshiroi hanashi-nara, hitowa mimio katamukeru mono desu-kara.”
Maomao “People naturally pay attention to stories that are actually interesting.”
Jinshi “N? Oi, chotto mate. Omae, oreno hanashiwa yoku tochude…”
Jinshi “Wait, hold on. You often cut me off mid-speech―”
Maomao “Sore-dewa, osoku nari-mashita-node, kaerasete itadaki-masu.”
Maomao “Oh dear, it’s getting late. With that, I’ll take my leave.”
Jinshi “Na, oi, mada hanashiwa owatte-nai…”
Jinshi “Hey, I’m not done talking-“
Suiren “Ara-ara, ugoka-naide. Hora, jitto shite.”
Suiren “Oh, no, don’t move. Come on, stay still.”
Jinshi “N…”
Gaoshun “Shaomao. Kinono hanashi desuga… Korewa, chorisho desu. Shiyonin’no shogen dato, shujinni dasu ryoriwa, hotondo kokoni kakarete-iruto.”
Gaoshun “Xiaomao, about the discussion we had yesterday… These are the cook’s notes. According to the servant, it describes everything served to their master.”
Maomao “Arigato gozai-masu. …Yubiki shita sakanani hoso-girino yasaio kuwaete sude aeru… Namasuno tsukuri-katani tokuni okashina tokorowa nai desune…”
Maomao “Thank you. Parboil the fish. Add cut vegetables. Season with vinegar. The recipe looks normal.”
Gaoshun “Suno haigowa nan-shuruika kakarete-imasuga, zairyowa kuwashiku kakarete imasen.”
Gaoshun “There are several types of vinegar mixtures outlined, but the list of ingredients lack detail.”
Maomao “Osoraku, kisetsuni yotte, teni hairu sakanaya yasaiga kawaru-kara desho. Kore-dewa kanjinno, nanio tsukatte tsukuttakaga wakari-masenne…”
Maomao “That must be because the types of fish and vegetables available differ by season. This won’t help us understand the key facts around what was actually used to cook the dish.”
Jinshi “Wakaranai-noka?”
Jinshi “You can’t understand?”
Maomao “Haa…” (Hanashini kuwawari-tai rashii.)
Maomao (He wants to join in.)
Jinshi “…De, naniga wakara-naitte? Aaan…N…”
Jinshi “So, what can’t you understand?”
Suiren “Oshokuji-mae desu-kara…”
Suiren “It will be mealtime soon.”
Jinshi “Wakatte-iru.”
Jinshi “I know.”
Maomao (Zuibun, kodomoppoi koto’o…)
Maomao (That’s quite childish.)
Maomao “Jikenga okita-nowa?”
Maomao “When did the incident occur?”
Gaoshun “Isshukan-hodo mae desu.”
Gaoshun “About a week ago.”
Maomao “Fuyubano yasaito naruto… Namasuno zairyowa daikonka ninjinto itta tokoro desuka?”
Maomao “Meaning winter vegetables, so probably radishes and carrots?”
Gaoshun “Sorega, kaiso’o tsukattato itte-imashite…”
Gaoshun “Actually, I hear they used seaweed.”
Maomao “Kaiso desuka?”
Maomao “Seaweed?”
Gaoshun “Kaiso desu.”
Gaoshun “Seaweed.”
Maomao (Chinmio konomuto iu-kotowa… kawatta kaiso’o ireru kotomo aru-daro.)
Maomao (If he likes rare foods, I guess he could have tried strange seaweeds.)
Maomao “Moshi yoroshi-kereba, sono ieno chubo’o misete morau kotowa dekima-senka?”
Maomao “If possible, could I take a look at the kitchen involved?”
Maomao “N? …Gaoshun-sama-kara, kokoni kuru-yonito iwaretano-desuga.”
Maomao “I’m here under Master Gaoshun’s orders.”
Basen “Basen da. Hanashiwa kiite-iru.”
Basen “I’m Basen. I’ve heard about you.”
Maomao “Maomao desu.”
Maomao “I am Maomao.”
Basen “Korekara yashikini mukauga, omaewa akumademo watashino otsukida. Iina, kattena kotowa suru-nayo.”
Basen “We’re heading to the mansion now, but remember, you’re my follower. Don’t do anything without my permission.”
Maomao “Wakari-mashita.”
Maomao “Understood.”
Basen “Mukoni ikeba, yashikino genanga chubo’o annai shite-kureru.”
Basen “Once we arrive, the servant there will show us to the kitchen.”
Maomao “Hai.”
Maomao “Understood.”
Maomao (Sasuga Gaoshun-sama. Shigotoga hayai… Soreni-shitemo… Mita-koto-nai bukan dana. Darekani nite-iru kiga suruga… Yoku omowarete-nasaso-daga, maa iika.)
Maomao (Master Gaoshun sure does work fast. That aside… I’ve never seen this officer before. He looks familiar, though. He doesn’t seem to have a good impression of me. Oh, well.)
Genan “Kochiraga chubo desu. Dokuno ikken-irai, tsukawa-rete orimasen.”
Servant “This is the kitchen. It hasn’t been used since the poison incident.”
Basen “N? Oi!”
Basen “Hmm? Hey!”
Yakunin’no ototo “Katteni hairuna! Dete-ike! Nanio shiteru!”
The official’s younger brother “Who let you in here?! Get out! What are you doing?!”
Servant “Aa…”
Yakunin’no ototo “Konna yatsurao tsurete kita-nowa omaeka!”
The official’s younger brother “Did you bring these people here?!”
Basen “Chanto okugatani kakuninwa totte-imasu. Soreni, korewa shigoto desu-node.”
Basen “I’ve gotten permission from the mistress, and this is official business.”
Yakunin’no ototo “Sorewa hontoka?”
The official’s younger brother “Is that true?”
Basen “Haittemo yoroshiika? Soretomo, nanika futsugo demo?”
Basen “May we continue? Or would that inconvenience you in some way?”
Yakunin’no ototo “Katteni shiro!”
The official’s younger brother “Whatever.”
Maomao “Dare desuka?”
Maomao “Who is that?”
Genan “Danna-samano ototo-gimi desu. Danna-samaga konsui-jotaini natte, okugata-samamo hirode nekonde shimai, ototo-gimiga yashikio tori-shikitte imashite…”
Servant “That is the master’s younger brother. After the master fell into the coma, and the mistress took ill from fatigue, the younger brother manages the mansion.”
Maomao “So-iu koto desuka…”
Maomao “I see.”
Maomao “Basen-sama.”
Maomao “Master Basen.”
Basen “Aa.”
Basen “Yeah.”
Maomao (Chori-kiguwa, ryori-ninga aratte shimatta rashii… Hoka-niwa… N?)
Maomao (The cook washed all the cooking utensils. Other than that…)
Maomao “Korewa?”
Maomao “What is this?”
Genan “Aa… Danna-samaga sukina yatsuda. Okini-iride, yoku tabete orare-mashita-node, dokuwa naito omoi-masuga…”
Servant “Ah, the master loved that. It’s his favorite. He ate it often. I don’t think it’s poisonous…”
Maomao (Usowa tsuite-nasaso-dana…)
Maomao (He doesn’t seem to be lying.)
Yakunin’no ototo “Da-soda. Owatta-nara hayaku kaette-kure.”
The official’s younger brother “So that’s that. If you’re done here, please leave.”
Maomao “Sodesune. Gomeiwakuo okake shimashita.”
Maomao “Indeed. Sorry to bother you.”
Basen “Nande kantanni hiki-sagatta?”
Basen “Why did you back down so easily?”
Maomao “Hiki-sagatta-towa omotte-imasen.”
Maomao “I don’t consider that backing down.”
Basen “Na… Motte kita-noka!”
Basen “You brought it with you?”
Maomao “Kore, fushigi nan-desu. Kono kaisoga toreru jiki-niwa, mada sukoshi hayai. Dakarato-itte, shio-zukeni shita-tokorode, imano jiki-made motsu mono-demo arimasen.”
Maomao “This is strange. This seaweed isn’t in season quite yet. But even if salted and preserved from last year, it wouldn’t last this long.”
Basen “Naruhodo.”
Basen “I see.”
Maomao “Osoraku kono kinpende toreta mono-dewa naito omoi-masu. Tatoeba, koekide minami-kara shiireta monoda-toka… Doko-kara shiiretaka wakaruto yoino-desuga…”
Maomao “I don’t think it was gathered in our region. Perhaps it was imported from the south. It would be good if we could find out where it came from.”
Basen “Ha…”
Maomao (Wakatte kureta rashii… Nara, watashimo watashino yaru-beki-koto’o yaro.)
Maomao (I think he gets what I mean. In that case, I’ll do what I have to do.)
Jinshi “Nanda? Korewa.”
Jinshi “What’s this?”
Maomao “Yashiki-kara motte-kita kaiso desu. Jizenni futatsuni wakete, mizuni sarashite oki-mashita.”
Maomao “The seaweed I got from the mansion. I’ve split it into two and put it in some water.”
Maomao (Naze Jinshi-samamo iruno-daro…)
Maomao (Why is Master Jinshi here?)
Basen “Shirabeta tokoro, yahari kaisowa nanpo-kara mochi-komareta mono deshita. Genanno shogen-dewa, shujinga fuyubani sono kaiso’o taberu-kotowa nakatta tono-koto deshita.”
Basen “The seaweed was indeed imported from the south. According to the servant, the master never ate that seaweed in the winter.”
Gaoshun “Ryori-nin karamo, fudan tsukatte-iru kaisoto onaji shuruide, dokuno hazuga naito.”
Gaoshun “The cook also said this is the same as the seaweed they normally use, and can’t be poisonous.”
Maomao “Onaji kaiso-nara dokuga nai…to-iu wakeja nain-desu. Moshika-shitara, minami-dewa amari kono kaisowa taberu shukanga naino-kamo shire-masen. Bishoku-kano yakunin’no kobutsu-dato shitta koeki-shoga, kaneni naruto omotte, waza-waza jimoto-min’ni kaisono shio-zukeo tsukura-seta-to shitara?”
Maomao “You can’t assume it’s not poisonous just because it’s the same seaweed. Maybe this seaweed isn’t eaten often in the south. Perhaps a merchant learned that it’s a favorite of this bureaucrat, and, looking to profit from that, went out of his way to get some locals to make a salted version of it?”
Jinshi “Soreno dokoga mondaini naru-noda?”
Jinshi “Why is that a problem?”
Maomao “Yono-naka-niwa, dokuga mu-dokuni naru-kotoga arun-desu. Tatoeba, unagi-niwa honrai, dokuga ari-masuga, chio nuitari, kanetsu suru-kotode tabe-rareru-yoni narimasu. Kono kaisono baaiwa, sekkai-suini tsukeru-kotoga hitsuyo datta hazu desu. Kokoni yoi shita monowa, sekkai-suini tsuketa-monoto, sode-nai mono desu.”
Maomao “Sometimes, poisons can become not poisonous. For example, eels are originally poisonous, but by bleeding them out or cooking them, they become edible. In the case of this seaweed, I think it had to be soaked in limewater first. What I have here is one batch soaked in limewater, and one batch without that.”
San-nin “Gyo!”
Jinshi “Nani shiteru!”
Jinshi “What are you doing?!”
Maomao “Daijobu desu, tabun.”
Maomao “It’s fine. Probably.”
Jinshi “Tabuntte nanda!”
Jinshi “What do you mean, ‘probably’?!”
Maomao “Go-anshin’o. Chanto oto-zaiwa kokoni…”
Maomao “Don’t worry. I have an emetic agent right here-“
Jinshi “Jishin man-man-ni iuna! Gaoshun!”
Jinshi “Don’t say that so proudly! Gaoshun!”
Gaoshun “Hai!”
Gaoshun “Yes.”
Maomao “Cho…”
Maomao “Hey―”
Jinshi “Hakeeeeeee!”
Jinshi “Vomit, now!”
Maomao (Fuu…fuu… Ichiya-zukede mudokuka dekiruka-doka, tabete kensho suru tsumori-datta-noni.)
Maomao (I wanted to test if the detoxification could be done overnight…)
Maomao “Eeeee, kio tori-naoshite. Kokode mondai nano-desuga, koeki-shoninni kaisono shio-zukeo motte-kuruyo teian shita-nowa, dare deshoka? Tori-yoseta-noga tabeta toninde areba, aru imi, jigo-jitoku desuga… Demo, moshi, so-de nai-nara… Taberu shukanno nai chiho-kara tori-yosereba, kiken-seiga takai-nowa atari-mae desu.”
Maomao “Um, back on topic. So, the issue is: who suggested that the trader bring the salted seaweed? If the one who ate it imported it himself, it’d be his own fault, in a sense. But, if he didn’t… Bringing it in from a region that doesn’t eat it is obviously taking a pretty big risk.”
Gaoshun “Wakari-mashita.”
Gaoshun “I understand.”
Maomao (Kokoni iru mono-tachiwa kashikoi. Kore-ijo iu hitsuyowa nai-daro… Toriaezuwa ikken-rakuchaku kana.)
Maomao (The people here are smart. I don’t have to elaborate further. I guess that settles it for now.)
Maomao “N? Fufufufu…”
Jinshi “Kora!”
Jinshi “Hey!”
Maomao “Uuuu…”
Gaoshun “Kekkyoku, han’nin’wa taoreta yakuninno ototo deshita. Kaitsuke-sakio mitsuketa-tokorode, jibunga kattato hakujo shita-sodesu. Dokiwa, jinanno jibunga naigashironi sarete, chonan’o jamani omotta-karada-sodesu. Yoku aru hanashi desu.”
Gaoshun “The culprit was the official’s younger brother. When we found where he bought the seaweed, he confessed to being the one who’d purchased it. His motive was that, being the younger son, he wasn’t treated well. He wanted to remove his older brother from the picture. A commonplace story.”
Maomao “Demo, sonna asahakana riyude satsujin’o okasoto shita otokoga, do-yatte kaisono dokuo shittan-desho?”
Maomao “But how could a person who’d plot to murder someone for such a thoughtless reason have learned about the seaweed poison?”
Gaoshun “Sakabade yokoni suwatta kyaku-kara, guzen osowatta-sodesu.”
Gaoshun “He happened to hear about it from a person sitting next to him at a tavern, apparently.”
Maomao “Guzen, nee…”
Maomao “‘Happened to,’ huh? Sure…”
Maomao “Kekkyoku, dokuno nokotte-iru kaisowa taberare-nakattana…”
Maomao “In the end, I didn’t get to try the poisonous seaweed…”
Maomao (Soreni-shitemo, nanni tsukaooo? Ano hikarabita mushi-kara nobita kareha-irono kinoko…! Yaku-shu-ni shiyoka? Gan’yaku-ni shiyoka? Ufufufufufu…)
Maomao (By the way, what should I use it for? That mushroom the color of dry leaves growing from the dead insect! Should I make medicinal booze?! A pill?!)
Maomao “Okaeri-nasai-mase.”
Maomao “Welcome home!”
Jinshi “N! N!”
Maomao “E…”
Gaoshun “Nani-goto desuka?!”
Gaoshun “What’s going on?!”
Maomao (Watashino seija nai!)
Maomao (It’s not my fault.)
Jinshi “Haa…”
Suiren “Otsukareno yo-desune.”
Suiren “You seem tired.”
Jinshi “Shigotoga tamatte-rundaga, do-nimo umaga awanai aitega ite, ikenga chigatte shimau-noda.”
Jinshi “I have so much work piled up, but there’s someone I just don’t get along with. We just can’t see eye-to-eye.”
Maomao “Jinshi-sama-nimo nigatena kataga iruno-desune.”
Maomao “I never would have thought you’d ever have trouble with people.”
Jinshi “Aitewa atamano kireru gunbuno kokanda. Ie-garawa yoi-noni, shiju’o sugite saitaimo sezu, oigo’o yoshini totte ieno kanrio makasete-iru. Yumeina henjinda…”
Jinshi “This man’s a razor-sharp high official in the military. He comes from a good family, but even though he’s past forty, he hasn’t married. He adopted his nephew as his son and has him handle his household. A famous weirdo.”
Maomao (Shiju’o sugita gunbuno kokande…hen-jin?)
Maomao (A forty-plus, high-ranking military officer… and weirdo?)
Jinshi “Kyomino aru monoto ieba, moppara, goto shogito uwasa-banashi. Nan-kuseo tsuketewa totsugeki shite-kite, ankenno han’o osuno’o saki-nobashini shite-kuru. Domo, hyotekini sareta rashii… Kono tokoro, mai-nichi shitsumu-shitsuni isuwa-rarete…”
Jinshi “His only interests are go, shogi, and rumors. He files complaints, barges in, and keeps extending deadlines on decisions that need to be made. I think he has it out for me for some reason. He’s been camping in my office for several days in a row.”
Maomao (…Yoshi! Wasureyooo! Omoi-dashitemo, rokuna kotoni nara-nai.)
Maomao (Okay, let’s forget about this! No good can come from dwelling on this.)
Maomao (…Shikashi, maa… Wasureta tokorode, itsumono Iyana yokanwa ataruno-daga…)
Maomao (However, no matter how hard I try to forget, as usual, my bad hunches are correct.)
Jinshi “Ankenwa mo tootta hazu desuga…”
Jinshi “This matter was settled already.”
Rakan “Fuyuni hanamiwa muzukashii… Naraba kochirade-to omoi-mashitena…”
Lakan “Flower viewing in the winter is difficult. I thought this would be better instead.”
Jinshi (Kono otokono nawa, Rakan. Gunshi’o yatteiru. Do-yara, tsukkakatte-kuru riyuwa, Rokushokanni enno aru Maomao’o gejoni shita-kotoni aru-rashii…)
Jinshi (This man is Lakan. He is a strategist. It seems like the reason he’s confronting me is because I made Maomao, who is connected to the Verdigris House, my servant.)
Rakan “So-ieba, Rokushokanni mukashi, najimiga imashitene.”
Lakan “Come to think of it, I have an old acquaintance in the Verdigris House.”
Jinshi (…Igaina hanashida. Irokoi-nado mattaku kyomi nai-nokato omotte-itaga…)
Jinshi (That’s unexpected. I thought he had no interest in romance.)
Jinshi “Donna gijo desuka?”
Jinshi “What kind of courtesan is she?”
Rakan “Fu…”
Jinshi (Ha… Tsui kiite shimatta.)
Jinshi (Shoot, I asked without thinking.)
Rakan “Ii gijo deshitayo… Goto shogiga tokuide, shogi-dewa kateruga, go-dewa makete-bakari datta.”
Lakan “She was a good courtesan. She was very good at go and shogi. I could beat her in shogi, but never in go.”
Jinshi “Gunshi-dono’o makasu-towa… Sorewa tsuyo-kattano-desho.”
Jinshi “Defeating our master strategist? She must have been good.”
Rakan “Are-hodo omoshiroi onna’niwa mo aenai-daroto, miukemo kangae-mashitaga… Yono-naka umaku ikanai mono-dene. Mono-zukino kane-mochiga futari, kisoi-au-yoni ne’o tsuri-agete-itta.”
Lakan “I considered buying her out, since I felt I would never meet another woman as interesting as her. But sometimes, things just don’t work out. Two rich men with curious tastes endlessly tried to outbid each other.”
Jinshi “Sorewa sorewa…”
Jinshi “Is that so?”
Jinshi (Tokini, gijono miuke-kinwa, rikyuga hitotsu tatsu-hodono gakuni naruto iu.)
Jinshi (It’s said, at times, buying out a courtesan could cost about as much as a small palace.)
Rakan “Kawari-monono gijo deshitene…”
Lakan “She was a strange courtesan.”
Jinshi (Shikashi, sonna hanashio shite, naniga iitai-noka…)
Jinshi (Where is he trying to go with this story?)
Rakan “Geiwa uredo, miwa urazu. Sore-dokoroka, kyaku’o kyaku-tomo omowa-nai. Kyakuni cha’o sosogu-tokimo, gesenno tamini hodokoshi’o ataeru-yona, sondaina mede mite-orimashita. Shikashi, soreni utsutsu’o nukasu mono-zukimo iru-monode… Kaku-iu watashimo, sono hitori nano-desuga… Sesujini zoku-zokutto kuru kankakuga tamaranai mono deshite…”
Lakan “She would sell her skills, but never herself. In fact, she didn’t treat guests as customers at all. Even when pouring tea, she had an arrogant look, like she was being charitable to a lowly peasant. But there were many with curious tastes who were head over heels for her. Myself among them, naturally. That chill down my spine was truly irresistible.”
Jinshi “U…”
Rakan “Fu. Itsuka oshi-taoshite-mitaito omotte-ita mono desuyo. Fufufu, fufufu… Kekkyoku sono gijo’o akirame-kirezu, shikata-naku sho-sho kitanai teo tsukai-mashita.”
Lakan “Oh, how I wanted to try to force myself on her one day. In the end, I couldn’t give up on her, so I had no choice but to use a bit of a dirty trick.”
Jinshi “To-iuto?”
Jinshi “Meaning?”
Rakan “Takakute tega dasenai-nara, yasuku nareba mondai-nai wake-deshite… Kisho-kachi’o sagetan-desuyo. Donna hohoka shiritai desuka?”
Lakan “If something’s too expensive, you simply lower its value. I made her less exquisite. Do you know how I did that?”
Jinshi “Koko-made kite mottai-buruno-desuka?”
Jinshi “Why play hard-to-get all of a sudden?”
Rakan “Fu. Fufu. …Maa, sono maeni chotto, tanomitai kotoga arun-desuga.”
Lakan “Well, before I get into that, I have a favor to ask.”
Jinshi “Nan-desuka? Ittai.”
Jinshi “What is it?”
Rakan “Sochirani saikin haitta gejoto iu-noga, naka-naka omoshiroi-yode… Myoni nazo-tokiga tokuina yo-desuna? Aa… Watashino chijin’ni, kyutei-goyotashino chokin-zaikushiga itan-desuyo. Soitsuga senjitsu, pokkuri itte shimatta… Chanto kokeisha’o shimei shinai-mama-nine. Yatsu-niwa san-nin’no kodomoga ite, deshini shite-itan-desuga…hidento ieru gijutsu’o tsutaenu-mama itte shimatta-noga, fubinde-nee. Kitto kareno omowase-burina yuigonga, nanikano tegakari-dato omoun-desu. Sorega hikkakatte-itenee…”
Lakan “I heard that the servant girl you hired recently is quite intriguing. They say she has a strange knack for solving puzzles. I was acquainted with a metalworker who was the palace purveyor. He suddenly passed away a few days ago, and failed to name a proper successor. He had three children who were also his apprentices. Unfortunately, he died before passing on his secret techniques to his children. He left a puzzling will, which might be a hint. That’s been bothering me for a while.”
Jinshi “Naniga iitaino-deshoka?”
Jinshi “Where are you going with this?”
Rakan “Iya? Nani, taishita koto-dewa nai… Sono hidenno gijutsuo shiru subega naikato omotta-made-desu… Aa, tatoeba…atamano mawaru, sochirano gejoga shirabete kureya shinai-monoka-to…”
Lakan “Nowhere special, really. I just wonder if there’s some way to learn that secret technique. Perhaps, for example, by having your clever servant girl take a look.”
Jinshi “Fu… Toriaezu, hanashi dake-demo kikasete morae-nai-deshoka.”
Jinshi “Well… I suppose I could hear the whole story.”
Maomao “…Yoku furu-naa…”
Maomao “That’s a lot of rain.”
(Continue to episode 16)
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iii. Luthor
read on ao3
She got hit by a bus. She definitely got hit by a bus.
No, no, wait.
"You're awake. Oh, thank God."
When her eyes blink open, it's to the extremely bright florescent lights of the DEO med bay. Senses come back to her slowly; the sharp smell of alcohol, the dry cool sheets against her skin, and Alex.
Alex's voice, then her heartbeat.
She tries to sit up but Alex puts a hand on her shoulder, gently pushes her back down.
"Ugh," she groans as dizziness overtakes her. "How long was I out?"
"30 hours, give or take. You need to take it easy, Kara,” her sister sighs. “You’re lucky we got to you when we did. Lillian got away though, I’m sorry.”
“T-they had Kryptonite, Alex.”
“I know.”
She breathes in deep, lets it out through parted lips, hand coming up to massage her temple.
“Lena? Where’s Lena?”
“Nia said she found her passed out on your bed,” Alex says, adjusting the sunlamps so it isn’t glaring into Kara’s face. “She’s been staying vigil by your side since yesterday. That woman needs to learn how to rest. I swear to God, the both of you—”
“What?” she asks.
“I wanna go home,” she tells her. Alex makes a sound of protest, so Kara argues, “You know you hit two stones with one bird if you keep us together.”
She hears Alex halt in her movements.
She squints against the remaining brightness of the unadjusted sunlamp. Her sister arms frozen mid-way.
Alex is giving her a strange look.
Alex’s eyes narrow at her.
“What did you say?” Alex demands. “Just now, what did you say? Did you say two stones with one bird?”
Kara shakes her head, trying to clear her thoughts enough to rewind back the last few seconds. She finds she can’t remember. She was saying something about Lena, about-
Going home?????
Her head feels fuzzy. Heavy.
“Mm’sorry must still be a bit out of it.”
“I’m doing another scan,” her sister says, words final and Kara groans loudly.
“Ughh, Alex. Please. I want to go home. There’s probably nothing wrong.”
Alex wheels her out nonetheless.
Something is wrong.
Something is very wrong.
She doesn’t understand, why is- why does Alex look like that? Alex’s eyes are bloodshot. What- Why is her head fuzzy? Why is she-
She pulls a hand to her temple. She can’t. A metallic clang echoes.
She’s cuffed; strapped and held-down. There are restraints around her ankles, her waist even.
And then it occurs to her, the whole room is bathed in red.
Red sun emulators.
There is a familiar buzzing in her ears, too. Tinny. Painful.
“Alex,” she croaks.
Her sister is standing stiffly at the far end of the bed (if you can even call this piece of metal a bed.). Her lips set in a thin line. There are dark bags under her eyes. Kara feels like shit. But Alex, Alex looks like shit.
“W-what’s happening? Wha- why am I—”
Rao, even her mouth feels disgusting.
“Wha-what happened?”
Game night comes early. It’s only the middle of the week, but everyone had decided to camp out at Kara’s living room floor after her kidnapping and mini-coma adventure just last night. So, Wednesday game night it is.
Everything is warm and good, Kara thinks, as she hums contently under her breath.
She’s filled with potstickers and wine. Her head on Alex’s lap, her sock-clad feet and calf being massaged by Lena on the opposite end. Nia is laughing loudly at something Kelly said, and Kara lets herself melt against the couch cushions.
“Darling,” Lena says, tapping a hand on her thigh. Kara looks at her, sees her gesturing at her empty glass, and promptly removes her legs off of her lap.
Alex’s fingers stop running through her scalp, as she reaches across to hand Lena her wine glass, too.
“Hey, Luthor, can you also-”
Everything goes black.
It happens so fast.
Alex was just deciding whether or not to switch from wine to brandy, when Kara lunges straight for Lena.
J’onn instantly transforms into Martian form at the commotion, and Alex is still sitting there; stunned, wine glass still clutched by the stem, as she watches Kara pin Lena to the floor, as she hears Lena shriek, as the room bursts into action.
Alex sees the glow of Kara’s eyelids, and it sparks her into action. She jumps from the couch and latches onto Kara’s back.
Her hands press into her sister’s eyes and immediately she can feel the heat filter through her skin. “J’onn!!” she shouts, Alex manages to pull Kara off of Lena, as J’onn grabs the brunette to safety.
Kara growls, stands up with Alex clinging. Kara grabs her, flips her over. She crashes on the floor with a sickening thud. Kelly gasps out her name. From here, she can see how Nia has wrapped her girlfriend and Lena into a bubble of forcefield.
Just as Kara is about to turn around and head for Lena, J’onn flies straight at her, grabs her sister by the arm, and crashes into Kara’s TV. J’onn manages to wrestle her into his grip, and he flies them out through Kara’s window.
Brainy picks her up from the floor. Her heart is beating so fast in her chest. How did she miss this? What has gotten into Kara?
Alex is panicking, all of them are panicking really.
What the fuck just happened?
“Brainy,” Alex says, voice firm, the cloudiness from the alcohol finally clearing. “Get the Legion ship, we need to track down Kara and J’onn. Disperse Kryptonite on sight. We have to detain her.”
Alex looks around the room, Nia retracts her forcefield, Kelly goes straight for her.
“Go,” Kelly says, “I’ll take care of the neighbors, I’ll take care of the mess here. Go. Find Kara.”
“I’ll stay with her,” Nia pipes up and Alex gives her a stiff nod.
She looks at Lena, red marks already blossoming on her neck.
“Are you o-”
“Do not ask me that.” Lena warns. “Now, let’s go. I’m coming with you.”
“You’re in the Legion ship,” Alex tells her sister, “what’s the last thing you remember?”
The base of her skull throbs with pain. “I-I don’t- I can’t remember. Ugh. Alex, can you- can you turn down the Kryptonite? Please, please?”
“I can’t, Kara. I’m sorry, please. I can’t-”
“Why?” Kara rasps out, her eyes closing shut.
“I need you to listen to me, Kara,” her sister says, she hears her stepping closer. “I need you to keep calm when I tell you.”
Kara’s heart beats faster, skin crawling at every awful thought curling from the depths of her mind.
“I-I’m calm. I’ll keep calm,” she promises, “please, Alex. Please, tell me.”
“CADMUS did something to you, Kara.”
Kara’s going to be sick.
She hurt Lena. Oh, Rao, she hurt Lena.
“Kara, Kara, listen to me.” Alex’s voice is distant, far-away. “Lena is fine. She’s fine. It wasn’t your fault.”
But it was her fault. She hurt her, her hands wrapped around Lena’s fragile human neck, and she almost lasered two holes into her pretty skull.
Oh, Rao. She almost killed her.
“Don’t let her near me,” she instructs, voice firm but eyes flashing with unshed tears.
“Kara, no. I don’t think she—”
“No. No, Alex, listen to me,” she urges her sister.
“Keep her away from me.”
There are wires connected to her temple and her spine.
Brainy is sitting next to her bed, typing away on a little screen in front of him.
Her hippocampus and most of her somatic nervous system were experimented on, it seems. It was Kelly who cracked it, they tell her.
Kara’s brain was reconditioned in the short amount of time she spent in that CADMUS facility. A code word implanted to trigger her.
What a cruel joke.
The next time Kara wakes, she is warm.
So warm, and-
Not alone.
She gasps loud. Lena is here. Lena is tucked to her side. Her breaths tickling Kara’s collarbone.
Lena is not supposed to be here.
Kara’s squirming seems to rouse her.
“Mmmm, stop thinking so loud, 'm trying to sleep.”
“Lena—” Her voice is bordering on hysterical.
“Shhhhh.” Lena shifts, ignoring Kara’s racing heart, ignoring Kara’s protests, just presses closer to her, lips kissing her collarbone.
“Nothing could ever keep me away from you, y'know," she slurs sleepily, "not even you, Kara Zor-El.”
Lena’s eyes are still closed, and Rao, Kara doesn’t even remember the last time she saw her like this. So pretty, so peaceful, so relaxed.
“Lena, you’re not supposed to be here. It’s not safe. Please, listen to me.”
Tears fall down from Kara’s cheek onto Lena’s skin. The contact seems to finally wake Lena.
“Oh, oh, darling,” she coos, hands coming up to cup Kara’s face. The blonde leans into the touch, presses her lips to Lena's palm, uses the touch to stifle her sobs.
“You’re not going to hurt me, Kara. You’re not,” Lena tells her, resolute and so full of trust.
Kara can still see the marks on Lena’s neck where her fingers have dug into her skin, and this time a sob breaks free from her throat.
“Lena, I could hurt you, please. Please, leave now.”
“Oh, Kara,” Lena murmurs, “you know I could never do that.”
Why is she so effin stubborn?
“I’m not scared of you, you know?” Lena whispers. She hooks a finger under Kara’s chin, “Look at me, look at me, Kara. I am not afraid of you. I am not going to leave you. I will never leave you.”
“You don’t understand. Lena, I hurt you.”
“No,” Lena answers her, “no, you did not hurt me. They made you hurt me. That wasn’t you, Kara. You will never hurt me.”
“No,” Kara echoes, voice breaking, eyes shining, “no, I would never hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“I know, baby, I know.” Lena wipes the tears flowing on her cheeks, kisses them away. “We’ll figure it out together, okay?”
“Nothing can keep me away from you, you hear me?” Lena tells her, and all Kara can do is nod silently, sniffling. Lena presses a soft kiss to her lips and lets Kara break apart in her arms.
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