#bill cipher theory
arson-of-dreams · 2 months
I don't have the book to check too well so I may be grasping at silly straws, more of hc really
speculating, spoilers
I'm gonna ignore the 2D in 3D world for silly straws to exist to begin with
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as flatlanders/exwhylians, being on a flat plane of existence leaves both your surfaces exposed, organs and all, and your eye-mouth is at a corner which is essentially the face
the pupil is limited to what is in front of them and there is no light or shadow, only a haze to tell the distance of a shape is from yourself depending on how clear/blurry they look
Bill is born with the ability to see the Third Dimension, how is this possible? had he known the word "up" since birth, or this is speaking in simple terms until he learned it. he "could see a world of infinite glittering potential", literally stars and space
but a pupil is a point and you can't just see things beyond your reality, unless a line like his slit pupil is a mutation of some sort. for us it would be looking inwards where our brain is, for him he gets to see in front, upwards, & downwards all at the same time no matter which way he turns
TLDR; Bill's slit pupil might be something he's always had and it allowed him to see beyond his realm. it would have allowed him to feel floating in space yet limited to the single plane, but at least he got to see stars
I wonder what he saw when he looked "down"
side note; irregular, trapezoids, rhombuses, scalenes, his hypotenuse.. there's no denying he got fixed but having his longest side be between his legs is canon large hips (this is a joke)
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Noodle post of the day, a break from my work on my lackadaisy animatic to hop on the Bill posession trend!
So here's my ☆Billsona☆!! Tadaaa (I didn't sleep working on this lmao)
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And here's a comic thingy explaining why he's wearing my (broken) glasses on his hat hehe-
[!¡TRIGGER WARNING: blood and violent head slamming¡! If those things upset you please avoir looking at the two pics before the last pic♡]
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Aaand this drawing without the glasses ^^
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Thank you for looking and reading!!!
Hope you enjoyed, ☆♡ have a great day!
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slimeissane · 23 days
we know that he destroyed his home planet and whatnot, but i think the reason why he's so stereotypically evil now is because he convinced himself he was evil. it's obvious he has some sort of regret and guilt, because the destruction of his dimension was a traumatic experience for him.
when you type in lies, this appears.
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i believe that he's speaking from experience. he convinced himself that he was such a bad person and it became true. he lied to himself until he wasn't lying anymore.
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btw bill canonically has a mother and father and therefore triangles can reproduce (most probably in pairs). that means the triangles canonically have reproductive organ(s). however we do not see any on bill, even though he is mainly naked. except his bow. which means the only sensible conclusion is that his bow hides whatever reproductive organ(s) he posseses.
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dirtysenner · 16 days
In my psychology class I did a mini analysis on Bill and the various psychological methods one could approach his actions with. Through this I realized that (and yeah this was briefly stated in the Book of Bill) he still is in denial over his world. He’s repressing it, the fact that whenever he tries talking about it he blacks out for 30 seconds is honestly a telltale sign and he himself said his rationalization tactics involve denial. Additionally Bill has a god complex. I know. Shocker. “Senner, this is common knowledge you’re just stating the most obvious” THERES MORE TO IT I SWEAR. He was raised beloved by his community, he could do no wrong. He thought he knew best. So he “liberated” his world he was told not to but he thought he knew better than them. Then Euclidia collapsed on itself and Bill stayed in denial ever since. He thinks himself above others because he refuses to change and grow and accept that he killed his world. He uses this to separate himself from everything he does. He’s accepted that he’s this way and has no desire to change. That’s my take anyway
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I just wanna talk about bill cipher for a minute.
Many people look at Bill Cipher and think "he is a pure evil villian". Well, yes and no. He is evil but is also broken. Let me explain.
From what we know of Bill Ciphers' backkstory. He killed his parents, destroyed the 2d dimension, and wanted to concour the 3d dimension because he hated the 2d dimension. He then went on to wait for years until he had met Ford and struck up a deal with him, then manipulating him into thinking he was a friend, then turned around and made a loop hole in the deal to get his own way.
Then, the events of gravity falls with weirdamegendan played down.
His personality is very intrusive, bold, care free and ofcourse evil in a way. But he also has shown through the show signs that he is not as evil as he seems.
I rewatched gravity falls for the first time in years and noticed things that I didn't notice when I first watched it.
Yes, Bill is evil. very evil, in fact, that he stands out a lot. There's no doubt that he did what he did because he is evil, or had a goal in mind.
But I also think he is a broken character as well. I believe that even though he is evil, he still feels guilt for what he did and is trying to hide it and ignore it like everything else.
Don't believe me?
What do you do when you are copeing with depression and/or guilt?
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He surrounds himself in people who are weird to make him feel better. Something he lost when he destroyed the 2d dimension. Partying is a way of distracting yourself from your problems and feelings.
And what comes hand in hand with partying?
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You can find him drinking in multiple episodes. Most specifically, this purple like liquid in a fancy cup, much like something you would get at a fancy bar. Drinking is something that is also a way of copeing
And another that is a way of copeing (in which this one is something you should NEVER do)
Self harm
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He may think pain is hilarious. But why do you think he would think that? He gets a good laugh out of it because something funny distracts him from thinking about something he doesn't want to think about. A lot of people will self-harm (if you self-harm, please talk to someone for your safety) or do stupid stuff to make them laugh so they don't think about something. This frankly is a combination of both.
Ok I'm gonna let you sit with this information now
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cartoon-wizard · 2 months
Barney is a dream demon.
In his movie, it is established that Barney can manifest himself into reality via a plush of himself. A tribute in his image, you could say. Combined that with all the god like abilities Barney shows throughout the movie and his emphasis on imagination (aka the unconscious mind), you got yourself what can only be described as a Bill Cipher that is either benevolent or too innocent to test the true extent of his powers
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miss-americanbi · 1 month
was chatting with my brother about gravity falls (again) and i said something like “man, can you believe stan waited and worked for 30 years just for the chance to try and bring his brother back?” to which my brother responded, “yeah, it’s nuts when you think about it. i wonder if stan got trapped in the multiverse instead, if ford would do the same.” HELLO???
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totallyottie99 · 1 month
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Who else thinks this is literally what happened to euclydia? Bill tried to change the axis of the planet to help them see the stars, but that caused them to be exposed to something (likely their sun) and it caused the world to light on fire
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time-woods · 6 days
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some bill interactions forfuns
ft @/ spoonyspinee @/ auminiii and @/ mugztwoo bills
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lilacthebooklover · 25 days
my ten-year-old sister has been infected with toxic old man yaoi disease specifically of the billford variety. unfortunately, she considers it strange that bill is a triangle & ford is a human. her solution? make ford into a shape too. squares, ovals, oddly shaped blobs. forget humanizing bill– 2D ford is the way of the future <3
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anistarrose · 2 months
I'd like to propose a dark horse candidate for the most interesting line in The Book of Bill. And it's this near-unreadable, seemingly one-off joke from the "Skin" page:
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[ID: tiny text reading: "Help! This is not Bill Cipher. My name is Grebley Hemberdreck of Zimtrex 5. I'm one of thousands of beings Bill has devoured over trillions of years whose souls are now trapped inside him. You have to free me! It's horrible in here. He just keeps playing the song "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark on an endless loop. Please, please, this is not a joke! The Zimtrexians were once a proud and mighty people, but now our spirits long for release from this..." End ID.]
Okay, so Bill devours souls who then live out a horrible existence inside him. That's just some typical and expected Bill behavior, right? Nothing to be shocked by? Maybe not, but one thing jumps out at me... and of all things, it's the way that Bill keeps playing that Beach Boys parody (correction provided by @fexalted: no, not in fact a Smiley Smile parody, but a real song!) on loop.
Because in The Book of Bill, there's a recurring motif of characters playing music for a very specific reason: to repel an unwanted presence inside their head. This is what Elias Inkwell, and later Ford, did with the "It's A Small World" parody — they tried to keep Bill out of their brains. Or, metaphorically... to drown out his voice.
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[ID: a Journal 3 page with a cassette taped inside. It's titled: "The World Is Small Ever After for Always." Ford writes: "If it's war you want, it's war you'll get! If you want to torture me? I'll torture you back!" End ID.]
That doesn't necessarily mean that Bill finds the voices of devoured souls to be troubling, let alone downright haunting, does it? Well... not quite on its own. But there's a "color" code on the page about TV static that says a lot:
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[ID: a code consisting of colorful squares, translated to letters that spell out: "he never sleeps he never dreams but somehow still he hears their screams." End ID] (screenshot courtesy of @fexiled)
The context of the page implies these "screams" come to Bill especially when he listens to TV static, and the broader context of the book implies that these are the screams of his destroyed home dimension, Euclydia. Therefore, not necessarily those of the souls he devoured, from Zimtrex 5 and possibly other dimensions.
Except... do those two things really have to be mutually exclusive?
The beings that Bill devoured were accumulated over "trillions" of years, plural, according to Grebley. In Weirdmageddon 1, Bill claims to have resided in the Nightmare Realm for precisely "one trillion" years. So the "devouring" habit probably extends back even further than his time in the Nightmare Realm...
Enter @acetyzias, pointing out a very conspicuous word — and one of the only uncensored words — from Bill's description of destroying his home dimension:
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[ID: the word "mandibles". End ID.]
Oh, and how does Bill describe the "monster" that destroyed his home to Ford, when Ford asks about revenge?
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[ID: Journal excerpt reading: "Sixer, it would eat you alive." End ID.]
For a long time, Bill's destruction of his home has been associated with fire, even when the story's told by Bill himself. But through the way the book characterizes Bill's guilt — and characterizes how the consequences of what he's done remain lurking deep inside him — I think The Book of Bill lays out the hints for another motif: devouring.
And, well, when it comes to how Bill destroys things... it wouldn't be without precedent.
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[ID: screenshot of Bill in Weirdmageddon 3, taking a bite out of the Earth. End ID.]
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g4l4xy-qu33n · 29 days
Okay, so I discovered something when re-reading Journal 3. The page that has the Oracle on it:
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When I first read Journal 3, years ago, this didn't mean much. Oh look, it's the girl that saved Ford from Bill's possession by putting a metal plate in his head, hooray! (and some other stuff but anyway she didn't seem super significant at the time).
Well, this time around I recognised her, specifically because of the Book Of Bill AND thisisnotawebsitedotcom. She's Seveneyes! (the scratched out member of Bill's crew in BoB, and a blacked-out photo of her appears on the website when you put in 'seven eyes'.
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I'm not sure if this means anything, but it certainly blew my mind!!
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hummise · 10 days
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my muse
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dansemacabre · 1 month
(tw unreality!)
ayo new theory just dropped and bad news! the implications are cosmically horrifying
in the bulletin from time baby in book of bill, he says bill is a “danger to narrativity”, and that he risks the fourth wall. this kept bothering me. why reference the fourth wall here? why have time baby reference it? yeah the heaven page and shit is a bit meta, but thats just how bill talks, right? Well i was a fool
when you put “seven eyes” into the lost files site, this warning pops up from the oracle question mark? from journal three:
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the therapese at the bottom translates to “set coords for dimension: r34lity”.
and putting r34lity into the website gives us this image:
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the text below it reads they found a new home. those are “real” fucking images. the henchmaniacs are in our “reality”. the cryptids page might not have been a goof goof bit- they were “real”. (“real” meaning our reality in the book of bill sense of it but still our reality. is that tracking.)
none of the rest of the cast actually references us as a specific audience, or the fandom, or acts like we know them at all. the cast addresses everything they write to a mystery “reader” who needs to be saved from the book’s influence.
meanwhile, in the book of bill:
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because bill’s not talking to a mystery “reader” who’s reading this book.
bill fucking sees us.
bill sees reality. REALITY reality. like this earth the one with alex hirsch and gravity falls the show and tiktok and shit. book of bill is a book in our reality for us the reader. (ie. there’s a reference to “they both reached for the gun” if you put gun in the website, which would only make sense if bill was sentient in this “reality” right now.) and someone is trying to get here to hide from him. maybe they’re already here.
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