#billy antis suck
stealthylikeninja · 2 years
I don’t know how I’ve got onto anti-billy posts (I mean I do know, because they constantly occupy his fucking tag and obsess over everyone who likes him) but they are absolutely fucking vile. I feel like I should clean my eyes with a bleach for the amount of bullying and hateful behaviour they display. With the way they act you would think that Billy is comparable to fucking H*tler, not to mention the jabs at how other fans are ‘clearly’ racists and abusive because they like his character. Or how they lack media literacy? Is it me, or does that make no fucking sense? As far as I’m aware liking Hannibal doesn’t make you a human flesh connoisseur, liking Joker doesn’t make you a fucking crazy murderer clown, and liking Loki doesn’t make you a semi-genocidal demi-god. It’s fucking fiction, it doesn’t exist, liking someone doesn’t translate to being like that fucking person (it really should be a general motto of this fandom, because people forget or don’t understand that simple stupid fact).
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Both of these examples just scream lack of media literacy, if not to go as far as to say lack of critical thinking skills. “Main character you are supposed to like” - so basically we are taking everything surface level, no deeper thoughts, no nothing? Just blindly guided by who you are supposed to like and who you are not supposed to like because show told you to do that?(even though it didn’t actually tell you shit, but go off) Are you able to form a single opinion that comes from your own thought process or do you just do everything someone else tells you to do?
Not to mention, fireworks and applause for a teenage, abused character to die a gruesome death after being literally mentally tortured and controlled by an inter-dimensional monster. You should get a Nobel Peace Price for your clear ability to empathise with anyone (I know, I know, you were not told to do that, it’s hard to form your own critical opinions). Just go around bullying an extremely fucking safe part of the fandom that does nothing wrong to anyone, and just posts their silly little stories and concept arts and protects other characters that are being bullied by this kind of toxic ST fans. What a puritan fucking moral warrior behaviour, absolutely vile.
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stevesbipanic · 6 months
Billy wasn't FROM small town Indiana though. He was from California, where they have open minds. Dacre said Billy WASN'T racist, despite what the Duffers wanted, and Dacre is the one who pushed to have a blatant slur removed from the script because he refused to say the word the writers wanted used.
LMAO Cute how you think you know anything about me, and how you think you can goad me into revealing who I am.
You're going to have to work a lot harder than that to get under my skin. I'm right and I know I'm right. Go keep sucking that cultist Jason Carver's dick or whatever.
I'm sorry in what world do you think I like Jason Carver either??????? Man was also a piece of shit, not as bad as billy but was def a dickhead. Also cute how you think you're big and brave hiding behind an anon sweetheart, noone scared of you and you're little billy dicksucker opinions.
Billy was racist and wanted Lucas dead. He threw a CHILD against a wall and said "You're dead Sinclair" luckily Steve was there to take the beating from Billy but if billy had been able to follow through with the same beating on Lucas, Lucas would've died.
I've got plenty and plenty of followers and people that like my work and I don't need to hide behind a mask to talk about my opinions so run along and block me and stop wasting everyone's time with your whining just admit you'd say a racist slur if someone you thought was hot said it. You're not hot shit stop acting like it hun 😘.
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harringroveera · 11 months
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Billy Hargrove core
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stranger-rants · 1 year
Billy Antis: I bet y’all hate that Lucas is alive and Billy isn’t! HA HA! Suck it losers!
The Billy Fandom: So, anyway… Here’s our in depth analysis on how Lucas is mistreated by most of his friends, as well as sidelined and villainized by the writers of this show and what could be done to appreciate him more in the narrative
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vivika-ka · 2 years
Antis that insist Karen making a move on Billy is okay because he flirted with her it’s concerning for a number of reasons, but what never fails to absolutely disgust me is their thought process.
Are we to assume that every person between the ages of, let’s say, 16-18 that are sexualizing themselves are essentially inviting 38-40 year old adults to have sex with them?
I don’t remember where I saw it but someone once mentioned, “Sexualizing children and teenagers is bad, including when they sexualize themselves.”
It’s not an invitation, for fuck’s sake. It’s not a girlboss moment for a 38-40 year old to want to have sex with a 17-18 year old. She knew Billy was Nancy’s age, we have it right there on season 2. And antis are ok with ignoring that because *checks paper* right, Ted Wheeler is a lackluster and uncaring husband. Maybe get a divorce? (and don’t give me, “it was the 80s excuse,” the 80s had record shattering divorce rates). Maybe sit down with your husband and have a conversation? Maybe look for someone your own god damn age?
As an adult, and yes, as a mother (I’m pulling this card, idc) Karen should’ve turned him down the moment he made an advance on season 2. Maybe sit him down and explain that people her age shouldn’t be accepting sex from a teenager. Perhaps for once act like the mother of a “nuclear family” she pretends to be.
[Also, fuck the Duffers for portraying that as hot]
And the fact that we have to clarify why Karen Wheeler accepting Billy’s advances in plain 2022, with all the bullshit purity culture happening, is beyond me.
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shieldofiron · 1 year
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“I am so damned not even Death wanted me.”— Like Judith Slaying Holofernes, Paul Tran
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grimmbunniee · 2 years
I hope I’m not the only one visibly uncomfortable when I see yt folks make fanfics of racist characters i.e Raff from West side story or Billy Hargrove from Stranger things. Then I’ll say “hey this character is racist you probably shouldn’t write for them” and then they’ll be making so many excuse “like he bad childhood 🥺🥺” okay and that doesn’t excuse what they’ve done it may explain it but that’s it💀. It’s even when they “When where they racist” and then you explain it to them and they say “well I didn’t interpret it as racism🤷🏻‍♀️” of course you wouldn’t Jessica your white girl who hasn’t faced racism and micro aggressions and never will. Like it’s so weird 😭.
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johndoe-lesbo · 1 year
Just saw a Titanic-related post and was compelled to make this.
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The funniest thing abt Harringrove fics is that some (hi notice I said some so no one fucking jumps me???) of them will have Steve always thinking and interacting with Hargrove when it's canon that Steve literally doesn't care about him doesn't even spare him a thought
Like maybe post season 2 and season 3 he'd think to himself "that fucking asshole" but the first time they met Steve literally could not care less and Hargrove was all over him
Even if Steve was acting like he doesn't care the first time as an intimidation tactic it's pretty obvious he just could not give a shit
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sarah-cam · 1 year
hot take eddie actually sucks
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Karen Wheeler was hitting on an 18 year old character, but Dacre was 22 at the time of filming. He had an adult physique.
Wanna know what a real 18 year old looks like? Wanna know how young Billy really was?
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This is my brother. He is 18 years old. He is an accurate example of the type of boy Karen Wheeler, a fully grown adult woman in her 40's, regularly flirted with and hit on at the PUBLIC pool (cause it was very clearly a pattern of continuous behavior judging by how comfortable he felt being so close to her in the open in S3E1).
He's goofy, he's athletic, and every time we talk on the phone or in person he wants advice about girls or dating or sex. Because he's 18, and that's what it's like going through the final stages of physical development.
So yeah. I don't wanna hear shit from the antis about how "grown up" Billy was or how he "seduced" Karen away from her family.
That woman had a fully formed prefrontal cortex. That woman had 3 kids and a husband. That woman groomed a teenage boy from her daughter's graduating class into a viable sex partner because she was bored and unsatisfied with Ted.
Billy is not the perpetrator of some great homewrecking plot. He's a lonely, horny, emotionally vulnerable teenager who's desperate for some kind - probably any kind - of positive attention.
Fuck the Duffer Brothers for writing that scene and fuck groomers in general. Thanks and goodbye.
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ronanceisintheair · 11 months
Duffers should've killed Steve. Duffers shouldn't have brought in Eddie. Duffers shouldn't have had Jason point a gun at Lucas. And Duffers ESPECIALLY shouldn't have tried to frame b*lly death as a sacrifice.
*These white male characters and their savior complex/martyr storylines to try and garner people's crocodile tears. And the lethal lack of critical thinking that stranger things has created.
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I think people forget.
Eleven is a murderer. She killed people. Yeah they may have categorically been “bad guys” but still she snapped necks. Made them bleed out their eyes. You think those men in the flying van in season 1 were okay after? Nah.
But she’s a hero. Right?
So it’s all excused. She was tortured and experimented on and trained to become what she is. She’s just a kid. We know. I know.
But she’s a hero.
Even after season 4 and the helicopter. Leaving Papa in the desert to die.
People even recognize and understood her urge to lash out at a bully with a skate to the face. No powers. We get it. Bullies suck.
And yet Billy “didn’t deserve to be saved”.
He bullied cause he himself was bullied. The Mind Flayer got to him cause he was alone and lonely with zero support. We now know FOR SURE that Vecna goes after teens with tragic pasts.
But Billy deserved what he got? Nah.
He deserved a chance to live and break the cycle of abuse and learn from his past mistakes.
Billy deserved to live.
Come at me with your anti-Billy shit so I can shove it up your ass.
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devondespresso · 10 months
WIP Wednes-eekend: Summer Challenge Edition 
tagged by @stobinesque​ 💕💖💞 Im not sure if the summer challege edition is like. specific to your fics or not so oopsies if it is
The Rules
Post the file names of up to 5 of your WIPs for people to send you asks
Post a snippet of one of those WIPs
When people send you an ask with the name of one of your WIPs, write 3 lines of that WIP.
(Optional) Post the lines you wrote.
You can send multiple requests especially since this is going on through the weekend!
Also feel free to send as many as you want, im gonna devote my free time to this anyway so your just directing the adhd energy to a specific section
Since I’m planning on just going wild on my Steve Henderson AU for the foreseeable future and I’m doing a lot of jumping around in it, I figured i’d list different chapters I’m working on as the wips (I also just really wanted to share chapter titles early because i put a lot of effort into making these meme references relevant and i think theyre funny) So in no particular order but definitely chronological because this is just chapters 3-6.5:
1. Get yo fucking dog, bitch (It don’t bite) (YES IT DO)
2. What the fuck kinda dog is that? (Bitch an interdimensional dog)
3. “Lab Work Ahead?” Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does
4. There’s one thing worse than a demodog (Boom) A Billy Hargrove (Actually yes)
5. ✨Bonus Chapter (Dustin pov): Can we go to the tunnels (*slamming*) Can we please go to the tunnels
this ones from chapter 3 aka Get Yo Fucking Dog, Bitch
They pulled up to Steve’s again, this time into Steve’s garage connected to the front of the house. Steve hopped out, running over to unlock the door and crack it open. Dustin was still in his seat, looking around the room. Impressed with the house: a reaction that King Steve usually found validating but now made Just Steve uneasy.
Steve went over and knocked on his window before crossing back to the other side and opening the backseat door. Dustin turned around.
“You have your own garage?”
He nodded, putting two bags in one arm and grabbing a third.
“C’mon, are we in a rush or not?” he joked. Dustin climbed out, still distracted.
Steve pushed through the door, catching it with his foot before it could bump into the wall and waited for Dustin who was balancing three bags of his own.
They turned the corner and he set the bags on the kitchen island, Dustin still absently taking everything in. It took a few trips, but eventually they got all the meat on the counter, leaving the pasta and dry groceries in the car to save time.
“Alright, you start unloading stuff and I’ll find us some buckets or something.” he said, setting the last bag down and heading back to his garage, “And do not touch the knives until I’m back.”
“Dude, I’m twelve, I can hold a knife.”
“Just don't start without me, okay?"
"Five minutes and then I'm raiding your knife block."
hiding the tags down here because i definitely rambled too much up top so (no pressure ofc) @blushweddinggowns @spicysix @wuffgang-ameowdeus-moozart @lets-try-to-be-normal-otakus @eriquin @marvel-ous-m 💃🪩🕺
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I will forever be thinking about how Max faced heavy abuse from Billy to the point where she was terrified of him and said that he made her life a living hell. To the point where she has sharp edges but feels guilt because she has such sharp edges when it wasn’t even her fault.
But because of some fans, Billy’s abuse to Max isn’t taken seriously and instead treated like this thing that never happened. I actually want to fucking die with this knowledge that the abuse Max faced goes unspoken about because some people are obsessed with a grown man taking out his anger on his sibling. And fetishing him to the point where they just disregard the abuse that Max faced.
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Accidentally deleted my prev post so if you think it's too similar...yeah it is, oops
Billy: canonically racist, canonically abusive, canonically sexist, canonically holds homophobic beliefs (whether or not he's queer, he still uses homophobia against Steve). His sole purpose is to antagonize the main cast
A certain subset of the fandom: okay but has he ever done anything wrong? No. He was justified in pinning a child to the wall and threatening his life. Plus, he'd look cute w the guy he beat to literal unconsciousness. If there's anything TO fix, Steve can fix it
Eddie: Just Fucking Standing There. Good dude, outgoing & honest with his freak & nerd tendencies, can easily be read as queer, takes in other outcasts & seems to protect them (or at least shields them with his own Armour of Aggressively Weird). Good rapport with the main cast & his Big Boy moment comes off as a guy blatantly flirting & not trying to insult. Not much on the guy, but at the very least, hes got a good heart & he wants to help others.
A certain subset of the fandom (perchance with some overlap but I can't be asked to check, I'm not that kinda masochist babes): Hm. Eddie is cringe. Liking Eddie is cringe. Liking Steddie is cringe, none of the real queers like Steddie
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