#billy moran rpf
spnfanficpond · 1 year
Weekly Pond Newsletter!
Louden Swain just celebrated their 100th show at a Creation event, and there's so much buzz on Twitter about it! If you don't know Louden Swain, definitely look them up! (And check out Billy Moran's new album, Surprise Party For The Introvert!!)
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Old Business:
The June Angel Fish Awards were posted! Click here to see what new fics were nominated.
The monthly prompt for July was posted! Click here to check it out and get inspired. Remember to tag us in anything you write based off a prompt you get from our blog so we can reblog it!
We've got wind of some fanfic-related drama lately happening out there regarding certain ships. We just want to remind everyone that the Pond's #1 rule is no hate, ESPECIALLY about ships. We are old school and fly under the Ship And Let Ship/YKINMKATO flag. We all like different flavors of fanfic, and enjoying fanfic about something does not mean we condone those actions happening in real life. Stories are a way to experience the world without actually affecting the world, and as such are a safe space to explore what would be unconscionable in the real world. Basically, writing/reading a story about starting a school for serial killers is fine. Actually starting a school for serial killers is not. All ships and kinks are welcome in the Pond and always will be, with proper warnings attached, forever and always, full stop.
Last week's #TweetFicTues prompt was:
In July, the Pond and the FanFicOcean are celebrating RPF stories! (That's Real People Fiction for the newbs.) With that in mind, your #TweetFicTues prompt this week includes Mitch Pileggi and Samantha Smith in a domestic scene during the pandemic. Bonus prompt: add vampires!
New Business:
Zooms and Stageit concerts with Paul Carella and Jason Manns. Later today, Paul Carella is hosting a zoom party! Click here to get more info and buy a ticket. On Thursday, Jason Manns will be one of four singer/songwriters performing at his venue in Virginia, The Heist. They will be livestreaming part of the night via Stageit so those who live far away can also participate! Click here to find out more about it and by a ticket.
Competitive Writing Sprints in the discord server later today. Admin Michelle will be hosting this time, and just looking for good reasons to hand out prizes! Add words to your WIP and get cool stuff, too!
Next weekend is Fishing For Treasures weekend here at the Pond. This month, we're looking for your RPF (Real People Fiction) stories! Send us links to your favorites! You can either submit them via the blog or drop a link in the #fishing-for-treasures channel in the discord server. You can self promo your own fics, or send us recs from other writers!
Are you attending a convention soon and want to find other Pond members to meet up with? We have channels set up for upcoming cons in our discord server! Don't see the convention you're going to? Let the admins know and we'll create a channel for you! We try to keep up with most of the big cons, but it's hard, so we miss stuff. Always ask for what you want and we'll do everything we can to give it to you!
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(Divider by @glygriffe!)
That's all for this week! To see all Pond events, and also other SPN-related things like conventions and online concerts, check out our Google calendar! We try to keep it as up to date as possible. If there's something you want to see on the calendar that's not there (maybe a convention we missed, or cast birthdays, or something similar), send us an ASK and let us know!
Hope you have a great week! - From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, and @katbratsupernaturalwhore!
13 notes · View notes
natasha-cole · 5 years
Worlds Collide Chapter 27
Summary: In the wake of her legal trouble with her own mother, Reader is just trying to pull her life together. She feels like a burden to Billy and although she she’s just trying to be more independent, she realizes that she doesn’t have to do it alone.
Word Count: 3567
Warnings: mild angst, gross fluff
Notes: I did it. I wrote something. *insert happy tears*
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The first couple of months of living with Billy weren’t as easy as you would have liked them to be. You had eagerly agreed to moving in with him, but after a while, you just felt like a burden. 
It had taken some time to get back on your feet after everything with your mother. During that time, Billy had been a saint, taking care of you and never expecting anything in return. It only made you feel worse and eventually, you felt that you had overstayed your welcome. 
The hardest part about it was that you and Billy argued a lot. Well, mostly just you tried to argue a lot. Billy remained calm during the moments when it all became too much for you. A lot of the time, you were just frustrated with yourself and the situation you had gotten yourself into. You were frustrated that you were actually quite dependent on him for a while.
You had to hand it to him, even in those moments when you were picking fights, he never once allowed your anxieties to get too far. He had a way of calming you in the moments when you felt the most lost.
On one particular day, you were in the kitchen struggling with a jar of strawberry jelly, realizing that you were getting upset rather easily over something that wasn’t that serious. Just as you were about to give up and cry over the fact that you were bad at even accomplishing this stupid task, Billy strolled into the kitchen. 
He instantly noticed that you were struggling and looking upset, so he approached you without a word, gave you a kiss on your cheek as he took the jar from you and opened the lid as if it were nothing.
Handing it back to you, he smiled and headed toward his original destination, the fridge.
You should’ve just thanked him and carried on. You should have been grateful that he had attempted to save you from a meltdown that you felt was coming. Instead, you immediately got defensive and had a meltdown anyway.
It was a default setting by now. And although you had been working on trying to calming it, you weren’t always able to. This helplessness piled on top of the uselessness that you felt in this entire situation was just too much sometimes.
“I could have done that myself,” you said sternly.
“I know you could’ve,” he replied with a grin as he glanced over at you from behind the refrigerator door. 
“Then stop trying to make me feel like I’m useless.”
“You looked like you were struggling. I was just helping.”
“I didn’t ask for your help,” you responded. 
“I know. I just- figured I’d help anyway.”
“I don’t need your help!” You shouted suddenly.
Without really thinking, you slammed the jar onto the counter, knowing that if you didn’t put it down, you’d probably throw it because you were so frustrated. Before you could do anything else, you broke out into tears. 
You heard Billy sigh as he closed the fridge door. He focused his attention on you and you felt worse. 
You didn’t mean to snap at him. It wasn’t his fault that you were feeling this way so often. Although you were angry inside, it had nothing to do with him. 
He waited for you to calm down a bit before approaching you. When he did, you instantly grasped onto him, burying your face in his chest as you let out the last of your sobs for that moment. 
Unfortunately, he had gotten used to this. Ever since you had freed yourself from your mother and the people who worked for you, you had been struggling to hold onto anything that made you feel independent and capable. A lot of the time, you felt anything but. Mostly, you just felt sort of lost. 
You knew Billy was only trying to help, but you still had a hard time with accepting help. Still, he remained patient with you, and although you couldn't say it out loud, you appreciated it more than anything. 
All you were trying to do at this point was find your footing, and sometimes it wasn't pretty. It also didn’t help that you had never really learned how to manage your emotions, especially when you were frustrated or upset. 
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled, still pressing your face into his shirt, afraid to look at him after that stupid meltdown.
“It’s okay,” he replied.
You relaxed into him more, paying attention to the way he gripped onto your back with one hand and stroked your hair with the other. 
He didn’t call you out on your behavior. Nor did he tell you to calm down. He had just gotten into the habit of being completely present during moments like these. No judgement, no attempt to argue back… just being there to let you know he was with you no matter what.
Gradually, things began to fall more into place. You finally agreed to seek therapy, even if you thought the idea of it was stupid at first. Billy and most of your friends thought it would be good for you to talk to someone about what your mother had put you through and although you hated to admit it, they had been right. 
You had lost everything thanks to your mother, but sometimes you had to remind yourself that you had gained so much more in the process. Back when she was in your life, she controlled a lot of it, no matter how much you told yourself that she didn't. 
Therapy had at least made you understand that what she had put you through was unhealthy and abusive. It helped you to come to terms with the fact that her behavior had damaged you, but that you were capable of working through that.
It helped that you had a support system now. Billy and your friends had your back regardless of who you had been in the beginning of becoming a part of the show and the conventions.
Just a few months after all of the legal trouble with your mother, you found yourself back to work doing conventions. You chose to take some time away for your own health, but once the news had become boring to most people and you began to feel a bit more comfortable living with Billy, you decided to get back out there. Truthfully, you missed doing conventions and you missed the people that you had become friends with. It didn’t hurt that your boyfriend was a permanent staple to cons and would be there every step of the way as you returned.
On day one of the Vancouver convention, you were catching up with the girls during a break in the greenroom, relaying your last meltdown over the jar of jelly to them and wondering out loud why you were so crazy. 
“Honestly, why do any of you even bother with me?” You asked with a sigh as you slumped down onto the couch. 
“You grew on us,”  Kim said. “I never thought it would happen, but you’re one of us.”
“You’re family, no matter how much you try to fight it,” Briana added.
“I’m not fighting it anymore,” you replied. “I’m grateful. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for all of you. Still, sometimes I just feel so… lost. Useless. I can’t even begin to explain what it’s like, knowing that Billy is basically taking care of me because I fucked up my own life.”
“He’s happy to have you living with him,” Ruth chimed in. “He talks about you all the time.”
“I know,” you replied. “I just wish I contributed more. It’s taking some time to save up and dig myself out of the financial hole my mom put me in. I just feel bad.”
“He’s definitely not rushing you,” she responded. 
“He’s not. But, I’ll feel better when I can be out of his hair and taking care of myself.”
“I thought he asked you to move in with him,” Kim said, confusion evident in her expression.
“He did. But, it’s supposed to be a temporary thing.”
“I don’t know if that’s what he meant…” she trailed off.
You recalled that day after meeting with the lawyer and deciding that you wanted out of whatever hold that your mother had on you. You had been relieved and scared, and Billy had eagerly asked you to move in with him. You never assumed that it was meant to be a permanent thing, but now you wondered if you had misunderstood what he meant. Apparently, even the girls knew more than you did.
“Have you two talked about what happens once you get back on your feet?” Briana asked. 
“Aside from my career… I guess not,” you answered. “We haven’t really discussed our future at all.”
“Well, I for one think that you should talk to him about that,” Kim said. “You might think that him asking you to move in was just him helping you out during all of this, but I kinda think that he feels differently about it.”
“You think he wants me to stay? Like, for good?”
“I just think he loves you and when someone asks the person that they love to move in with them, it’s usually meant to solidify the seriousness of the relationship,” she replied. “But I guess you should just ask him.”
“How do I ask him without offending him? Isn’t this something that I should just know?”
“You’re getting better at communication,” Kim added. “Just talk to him. Because he has definitely made it sound like you living with him is permanent, but obviously he didn’t clear that up with you, or you just didn’t understand that’s what he meant.”
“How am I so bad at relationships?” You asked in frustration.
“Because he’s your first real relationship,” Ruth answered. “And you didn’t exactly have great role models to teach you how to have a healthy relationship.”
One panel and two photo op sessions later, you finally had another small break. Knowing that the band was also on break now that Rob, Rich, and Matt were onstage, you decided to seek out Billy to talk to him.
You wandered into the sparsely occupied greenroom, immediately spotting Billy sitting near a table. He was absentmindedly strumming his guitar as softly as he could and you could hear him singing quietly to himself. 
You didn’t hear him sing often, no one really did, but you loved it when you did get the chance to hear him. You stayed in place, smiling to yourself as you listened, not wanting him to know you were standing there for fear that he would get embarrassed and stop.
When he finally felt your stare, he glanced up at you and simply smiled as continued to play and sing, not missing a beat. You had assumed he’d stop when he realized that he was being watched, but it was only you. No matter what, he was safe with you and you were safe with him.
You made your way toward him finally, pulling up a chair to sit next to him and he stopped playing and put the guitar down.
“Has anyone ever told you that you have a lovely singing voice?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “It’s always an attempt to get me to sing onstage.”
“You should do it more often,” you smiled as you leaned closer to him. “You know, so others can enjoy that voice as much as I do.”
He leaned toward you, reading your body language as he gave you a long, slow kiss.
“Can I ask you something?” You said as the kiss ended.
“I was talking to the girls earlier, and after our conversation, I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve been misunderstanding our current situation.”
“Mine and yours?” He asked.
“Yeah. See, I’ve been a mess lately and you’ve been so patient and good to me. I’ve just been so focused on getting my life back together so I can get out there and really be on my own. I feel like such a burden to you, and-”
“You are not a burden,” he said, cutting you off before you could sink too far down into your own negative thoughts.
“I just- have felt that I am,” you continued. “This whole time I just assumed that I was staying with you until I got back on my feet.”
You paused, waiting for him to maybe tell you that you were right or that you were wrong. Either way, you wanted him to clarify for you because you were afraid of getting your hopes up over what the girls had said.
“I asked you to move in with me,” he said. “I meant it.”
“Yeah, I know. But, I guess I just didn’t know if that meant until I can financially be okay on my own, or if you meant that you wanted me around for good.”
He gave you a soft smile just then, noting your nervousness. He scooted his chair closer to you so that his leg was pressed against yours, the physical closeness instantly calming you. He leaned over and kissed you again.
“I like having you around,” he explained. “I want to keep you around if that’s what you want. I want for you to be able to start over, just like you’ve been trying to do. But, I also want for you and I to keep building on this relationship, because I think we are so good together.”
His words were just what you needed to hear.  You really were starting over again. Mostly, you were beginning to learn to be on your own, a difficult process for you that Billy had witnessed far too often. It was difficult, but you were trying.
You also knew that none of this would even be possible without him. You would probably still be under your mother’s thumb, being controlled by other people and still miserable. You wouldn’t have even begun to explore what it would be like to be free. You wouldn’t have experienced love at all if it hadn’t been for him.
“So, you meant that I should move in with you… for good?” You asked.
“If that’s what you want,” he replied. 
He looked at you as if he were trying to read you right now. Admittedly, this must have come across as a bit of a surprise to him. You had both been on completely different pages when it came to this part of your relationship. Although your relationship was strong, it still had its faults. Mostly that fell on you and your inability to manage emotions and take other people’s feelings into consideration. Communication wasn’t easy for you still, but you really were working on it.
“I didn’t realize that I wasn’t clear back then,” he continued. “I’m clearing it up now. I want you to stay with me. I just want to be the one that you always come home to.”
“It’s always been you,” you smiled as you reached up to playful tug on his beard. “Even when I was just annoyed by you and that beard… it was always you.”
“You’re such a sap.”
“ You know, I was just going through life, sort of blind and lost and alone. I don’t know why or how you chose that specific moment to make your move on me, but it was really good timing.”
“I just- had a feeling about you,” he chuckled in return. 
“Then I would like to stay living with you, if that’s okay.”
“It’s perfect,” he responded. 
He reached over and took your hand in his, squeezing it gently as the two of you looked at each other. You had so much love for this man, and he had changed your life completely. That was why, in this moment, you decided to see if he meant what he said when he talked about the two of you building on this relationship.
You had thought of it often, progressing your relationship even more, but you never really felt as if you were good enough for him. Even as you worked on yourself, you didn’t know if you were worth it. Billy always had a way, especially in moments like these, of reminding you that he really did love you; faults and all. 
“Billy?” You said softly.
“I’m about to get really sappy here, and I’d appreciate it if you don’t make fun of me for it.”
“I would never.”
“You made me believe in love. And, if it hadn’t been for you, I would have stayed in a really bad situation.”
“You got out of that on your own, Y/N.”
“I know. But, if it hadn’t been for you showing me that I was worth anything, I might not have realized that I deserved better.”
“Y/N,” he whispered, tightening his grip on your hand.
You didn’t let him say anything though. You had it in your mind what you wanted to say all right now, so you continued speaking before you could chicken out.
“You make me a better person. Like, literally,” you laughed. “I was an awful person before you. I just realized right now that I would be stupid not to seal the deal.”
He cocked his head, now looking at you in confusion as this simple conversation about living together had taken an unexpected turn.
“I love you,” you said simply.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
Still, he stared at you in confusion, not letting go of your hand as he waited for you to get to the point. 
It was now or never. You could say what you wanted to say, or you could just end it at that and probably leave him confused for the rest of the day.
You were nervous now, so you kissed him again, hoping that it would ground you just enough to get yourself through something that was scary and had come to your mind so suddenly. For a moment, you thought yourself to be an idiot for even thinking of it, but as you pulled back from the kiss and looked into his eyes, you knew you had no reason to be afraid.
You were safe with him.
“Marry me?” You said softly as you reached up to hold his face in your hands, surprising even yourself that you had just said that.
You noted the look of shock on his face, his eyes wide as he took in what you had just asked. You instantly regretted saying anything at all. It was too soon. It was too much. Although the thought had seemed right in the moment, you knew you shouldn’t have asked. 
“I’m sorry-” you responded, now trying to think of a way to take it back.
“Did- did you just propose to me?”
The biggest part of you, that scared little girl who acted tough but was really just broken and afraid, wanted to take it back. She wanted to laugh it off as a joke now that she was being questioned about it. She wanted to run away and do whatever she could to avoid being hurt again, especially now that she was faced with the possibility of the one person she loved most in this world turning her down. 
The other part of you, the woman who had fought to become more in control of her life and choices, seemed to be the stronger part of you now. Although you were terrified right now and you wondered if your question would scare him away, you realized that you had to stand firm on what you had said, because it was what you wanted after all.
You never had any doubt that Billy loved you too. Honestly, you were surprised that he hadn’t popped the question himself sooner. But, the two of you had never discussed the possibility and you knew it was because he was still intent on making sure you were comfortable with all of the changes that had been happening and the advancement of your relationship.
But you had decided just now that you were done waiting for him. 
“I did,” you said finally. 
This moment was probably the bravest you had ever been in your life. You knew you were faced with the possibility that he could say no, or be offended that you had asked him at all; but you needed to take initiative on this. This was just a part of taking initiative in your own life, because Billy was a big part of your new life.
“Is that what you want?” He asked.
“Of course it is,” you responded. “I wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t.”
He kept quiet for what seemed like an eternity. He studies you for a long time and you waited for him to shoot you down. You waited for the unraveling of everything that you had built together, waited to be reminded that maybe you weren’t as strong as you thought you were becoming. Perhaps your newfound bravery was just a sham. Maybe you just weren’t meant to make decisions for yourself, because you knew this was going to hurt when he told you no.
“Okay,” he finally said with a smile. “Then, yes.”
Tag List: @winchestergirl-13 @thecandylovingarchangelgabriel  @capital-eyyyy-ohhh  @barba-booty @narisjournal-blog  @waywardswain @laffytaffyhumor   @destielschild   @sorenmarie87  @smoothdogsgirl @kocswain @culturebay​   @itsfunnierin-enochian @typicalweirdbookworm @angelsandhuntersgalore @riversong-sam @emoryhemsworth @hunterpuff @mandilion76  @anayacortez @camelotandastronauts @cyrilconnelly  @jpadjackles-mishamark  @sirraxa @thewordsmithofhell @chocolategate  @livingthelifeofafangirleverday   @lucerospn1detc @nerdyforyourbooks  @rblstrash @your-sparklywinnercollection @robfangirl @soythedemonqueen @southernbell91 @sherlockedtash88 @internationalmusicteacher @tas898 @lullabylike
20 notes · View notes
narisjournal-blog · 7 years
Not Alone
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Billy Moran x Reader
Flangst (angst with a fluffy conclusion)
Word Count: 819
A/N: First ever Billy fic - hope I have got his character close enough. Please give feedback!
Description: While you are going through a difficult break-up, Billy decides you shouldn’t be alone.
Your hands were shaking as you fumbled in your bag for your key card. It wasn’t there. Luckily you had got into the habit of requesting two because you always managed to lose one. You patted your pockets and eventually found the spare.
Your heart was racing as you scanned the key card in your hotel room door. You had tried to keep it together until you got in, but now there was nobody else around and your body was getting ahead of you.
Finally you got through the door and closed it behind you. You leant against it and let the tears flow and shake your body.
This break-up had been tough on you. You had been with your boyfriend for three years before all the travelling for work had finally taken its toll. You kind of knew it was coming, which only made it worse.
Billy, who you would now consider one of your best friends, had tried to console you; he insisted that this guy must be an asshole to let go of you. He was being so sweet, but you just couldn’t hear him. You had told him you would be alright.
You would, in the end. You knew that. But you still had to get through this Convention weekend.
You slid down the door to sit on the floor and cried out all the pain that had been brewing. It weighed heavy on your chest and ironically, having insisted to your friends you just wanted to be alone, all you wanted was for someone to hold you.
You changed into your pyjamas and climbed into bed, curling up in a ball and letting the tears flow.
It came in waves. You thought you were just about drifting off, when something jolted you awake and you found yourself crying again. You were so tired. You just wanted to sleep, but you felt so empty with nobody beside you all of a sudden.
Just as another wave of sobs was in full swing, you heard the scanner on your door go and the handle turned. There was a knock as an afterthought, but Billy slipped in regardless, closing the door quietly behind him.
You wiped your eyes as you looked at him in confusion. He waved your keycard at you with a guilty smile.
‘Billy? What are you doing here?’ you sniffed, fully aware that your eyes were puffy and red.
He shrugged. ‘Look, I just figured you shouldn’t be alone tonight.’
You took in what he was saying for a moment before pushing yourself to sit up.
‘Did anyone see you come here?’ you asked.
‘No. Nobody saw.’
’Good. Just… you know how people can talk.’
He fixed his brown eyes on you, a sincerity in them you didn’t get to see much. When you didn’t say anything more, he shifted nervously.
‘I mean… I can go if you want,’ he said, pushing his glasses up his nose.
‘No,’ you said. ‘Please stay.’
He stepped towards the bed and sat down gingerly.
‘Listen, I know you said you wanted to be alone. But… I just…’ he shrugged. ‘I hate to see you so upset.’
You wiped your eyes again and Billy sat awkwardly on his hands, waiting for your prompt.
‘I lied,’ you admitted. ‘I don’t want to be alone, but I won’t be much company. All I want is… is…’ and you broke down in sobs once more.
Billy pulled you to him and wrapped his arms around you.
‘It’s ok,’ he cooed. ‘I’m here. You’re ok.’
After a few minutes, as the tears subsided, he pulled back to look at you again. He held your face in his hand.
‘This isn’t the end for you. I know you’ll be ok.’ You smiled and nodded, then Billy chuckled. ‘Hey, anyway - you don’t need no man. You got this.’ He nodded his head, affirming you.
You couldn’t help but laugh too.
‘Thanks, Billy,’ you said. ‘You give good hugs.’
He looked incredibly pleased with himself, grinning the widest grin as he pulled you into him again.
His bushy beard was rough against your neck, but you didn’t mind.
‘Billy?’ you said into his shoulder.
‘Can you stay with me?’
He pulled back and nodded with a soft smile. ‘Of course.’
You pulled the duvet back, inviting him in.
He stood up, kicked off his Nikes and unzipped his hoodie, placing it on your chair. He sat back down, taking off his glasses and putting them on the side before scooching in and lying down beside you.
He wiped his thumbs under your eyes, drying the tears that had spilled out.
You rolled over so he could wrap you up in his arms and hold you close to him.
‘You’re gonna be ok,’ he whispered as your body shook once more. ‘I know it.’ And he held you tight through the waves of tears until you finally drifted off to sleep, safe in his embrace.
Tags: Everything list: @quixoticcat @afanofmanystuffs @trashforwinchesters @yourewelcomeforbeingmyfriend @featheredluci @natasha-cole @greenappleeyes
Rob/chuck list: ( Tagging my Rob peeps) @tas898 @destielschild @girl-next-door-writes @nekodresden85 @winchestergirl-13 @a-banana-for-your-thoughts @jelly-beans-and-gstrings
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benedictshurley · 5 years
Positive : Part 12
Wow it’s been a hot minute. I think the writer’s block is finally gone but don’t quote me on it! It’s shorter but I think you’ll enjoy it all the same! Enjoy! P.S don’t hate me for the ending thank you!
Summary: It’s Minncon and everybody is still abuzz about the album party
Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader  
Word Count: 1,940
Warnings: angst, fighting, matt benedict is a sweetheart, privacy invasion, ultimatums, stephen’s no longer a teddy bear
Disclaimer: this is pure FICTION. I mean no harm or hurt to the Benedict family, or others involved. Marnie is Rob’s fictional wife from Kings of Con. I originally used Mollie (his real wife) but ultimately decided to change it as it made me uncomfortable writing about her and his kids.
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If you knew this is where you’d be after finding out you were pregnant, you would’ve hidden in a cave until you gave birth. Fans sending hate after hate. For breaking up Rob’s marriage, for lying, people thinking you cheated on Stephen. The album party video went viral throughout the fandom. Yet here you were, at the convention in Minneapolis, ready to be bombarded with rude questions. Even though for the first time in your convention life, you decided to field your questions, making sure they were appropriate and semi-respectful, but you knew deep down there’d be a few who slipped through the cracks.
Ever since that night, you haven’t seen or talked to Rob. You only texted him back once. To tell him you didn’t love him back. Which deep down, you knew was the biggest lie you’ve ever told. You did love him, but you didn’t want to break Stephen’s heart. Yet, any feelings for Stephen were beginning to diminish. Ever since he found out about Rob being the father, he’s been controlling, if Rob even looked at you wrong this weekend, you were sure he would beat him up on the spot. Plus, knowing that Rob had feelings for you too, made being with someone else extremely difficult.
Entering the hotel, you checked in and got in the elevator. So far, so good, all you needed to do was make it to your room and- you rammed face first into someone’s chest.
“Oh god i’m so sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts and-” Once you looked up at who it was, your mouth went dry. “Rob.”
“Y/N” He breathed out, almost relieved to see you. “We really need to talk. About everything.”
You wanted to, god did you want to, but your brain was giving you flashing red signs. “Rob I don’t-”
You were cut off by Stephen exiting the other elevator. Right, you had texted him that you were here. Wrapping his arm around your torso, Stephen presses a kiss to your temple. “Hey babe. Missed you.”
Rob let out a heavy sigh. “Steve, Y/N and I need to talk. Considering a majority of it involves our child.” He made sure to enunciate the “our”, making it clear to Stephen that he wasn’t the father, and he never would be.
“Well, Y/N hasn’t expressed any interest in seeing you, and I don’t believe that changed. So we will be going to our room.” Stephen smirked triumphantly, grabbing your arm and pulling you towards your room.
Rob scoffed, but got in the elevator anyway, instead of going after you, like an idiot.
“Stephen, slow down!” You whispered, not to disturb the other hotel guests, as you always flew in late friday. “Stephen! You’re hurting my arm!” You shoved him off of you.
Stephen turned to look at you. “I’m sorry, I was just trying to get you out of there. I didn’t think you’d wanna talk to him.”
Opening your hotel room door, you groaned out in frustration. “Maybe if you let me get a word in, instead of making my decisions for me, you would know I could’ve handled it myself!”
Stephen stood speechless, you’d never yelled at him like that.
“I’ll be sleeping alone tonight. Goodnight Stephen.” You spat, slamming the door in his face, not waiting for a reply.
As expected, all anyone wanted to talk about with you was the party and the fact that you and Rob had sex. Instead of being offended during your ops and autos, you plastered on a smile and said with enthusiasm “That’s why you use protection every single time!”.
Each one of them left with a little bit of a scowl on their face, but that’s what they get for being assholes. You were nearly 23 weeks pregnant, and extremely hormonal. Don’t mess with the mama bear.
SNS came quicker than expected because before you knew it, you were backstage while the band performed on stage. There was awkward tension though, because Rob’s brother, Matt was sitting right next to you. You had no idea what even to say. “Hey sorry I ruined your brother’s marriage?” You didn’t have much time to think it over before he tapped your shoulder.
“Hey. I’m Matt, but i’m sure you knew that already.” He gave you a grin, eerily similar to his brothers.
“Y/N, but i’m sure you’ve heard all about me. Homewrecker.” You sarcastically threw up jazz hands. “Listen, I just want to apologize to you and your family for ruining rob’s marriage-”
“I’m going to stop you right there. You did us all a favor. Marnie was always sweet to Rob, but she never liked sharing his attention. Even when they had Tyler, it was all about her. We all knew it was going to crack, we just didn’t know when. I’m surprised it lasted as long as it did to be completely honest.”
You were shocked. So she was always a bitch, Rob just never saw it. “Well, then I guess you’re welcome? I’m glad I could be of assistance.”
Matt chuckled, and eyed your stomach. “You know he’s excited right? He can’t wait for her. He sends our whole family ultrasounds now that it's out in the open. Couldn’t be happier honestly. The smile that he gets while talking about your daughter is the biggest one I've seen. Almost as big as the one he gets while talking about you.”
That revelation made your face heat up. Rob talks about you, to his family? “H-he talks about me? A lot?”
Matt nodded, his eyes occasionally darting back to the screen to watch his brother perform. “All the time. Sometimes it’s hard for him to shut up. I haven’t seen that much love in his eyes in a long time. Shame you don’t feel the same way.” And with that, the band came off the stage for a moment before the encore, Matt leaving to talk with his brother for a minute.
“Yeah, except I do.” You muttered to no one in particular, your voice being drowned out by the crowd screaming for the band. Stephen came over for a quick good luck kiss, which you barely reciprocated, before he got in line to go back out. Locking eyes with Rob, you felt your heart begin to beat faster as his blue eyes seemed to stare into yours perfectly. Only when billy hit Rob on the back of the head, did the eye contact break.
Deciding you’d had enough today, you sneaked away and got in an uber early, heading back to the hotel. Once you got in your room, you quickly changed into pajamas and crawled into bed, ignoring the numerous texts you got 20 minutes later from Stephen on your whereabouts. And for the second night in a row, you went to bed alone.
Sunday went off without a hitch, but Matt’s words kept ringing in your mind. He wasn’t drunk when he texted you, and he meant it. But then there was Stephen. Your boyfriend.
Once Sunday had wrapped, Stephen had come to your room with some flowers, to apologize, which made you happy, but it was like getting flowers from your mom when you’re single on valentine’s day.
“I’m sorry I tugged on your arm too hard, and I’m sorry I didn’t let you handle yourself with Rob.” Stephen smiled sheepishly, waving the flowers around before putting them on the bed.
“That’s really sweet. Thank you.” You gave him a soft smile, but when he went in for the kiss, you turned so he got your cheek instead. He looked hurt. “Sorry. Haven’t brushed my teeth yet.” You made up that excuse, when in reality, you didn’t want to kiss him.
He took it though, shrugging his shoulders. “Rob wouldn’t shut up about you today. Kind of annoying.”
“Stephen i’m pregnant with his child, it’s gonna happen. I wish you two could go back to how things were. I don’t want to ruin a 20 year friendship.”
Stephen rolled his eyes. “I see the way he looks at you. And I saw the text.”
You felt anger begin to bubble up under your skin. “You went through my phone?! That’s private Stephen!”
“I’m your boyfriend. I think I’m allowed to look on your phone.”
“For google or something! Not going through my messages like a jerk!” You spat, crossing your arms.
“It’s not like you had anything to hide! He confessed his feelings and you turned him down! Simple!” Stephen yelled in return.
“That’s not the point! You invaded my privacy!”
“It’s starting to seem like you want to fight with me just to fight! What’s gotten into you?!” Stephen questioned, rage becoming apparent in his own features.
“You’re being a dick! You’ve changed since you found out that Rob’s the father. You’re controlling and borderline possessive!” You shouted back.
“I’m just trying to protect you and our relationship from him!”
“Because I see the way you look at him! It’s the same way I look at you! I saw the little eye contact last night and I know that’s why you ran away! I’m trying not to lose you and I feel like the only way that's going to happen is if he’s out of your life!” Stephen yelled, his voice cracking a little bit.
“What are you saying?” You asked, a bit worried about the answer.
Stephen sighed and looked you in the eye. “I want Rob out of your life. Cons, i’ll manage its your job, but personal life, he’s out.”
You almost laughed. “Stephen, that’s not going to happen. He’s the father of my child,  and i’m not keeping him away from her.”
Stephen’s nostrils flared. “It’s either him or me. You need to choose because i’m done being strung along in your little game. And I know that if he stays, you’ll never fully love me.”
Your mouth was agape. He expected you to choose between him and Rob. He was making you choose.
“Him or Me, Y/N” Stephen spoke again, his voice harsh.
Rob’s POV
Rob was laying in his bed, flicking through TV channels. This weekend hadn’t gone like he had hoped. He thought he’d be able to talk to you, try to make up for what Marnie did, but Stephen was everywhere. The second he’d try to talk to you, Stephen would be there, taking you away.
A knock on his door shook him from his thoughts. Who would be here this late?
Opening the door, Rob was shocked to come face to face with you. “Y/N. It’s late, what are you doing here?”
You pushed past him to enter the room and you turned to face him. “I lied.”
All color drained from Rob’s face. What did you lie about? Was Stephen actually the baby’s father? Had Marnie been right this whole time?
“A-about what?” Rob stuttered, shutting the hotel room door.
You took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. “When you texted me that night, telling me you loved me and I told you I didn’t feel the same. I lied.”
Rob’s face had shock written all over it. “Does that mean-”
“Yes Rob. I am completely and utterly in love with you. I’ve been trying to hide it but I can’t anymore. And I just hope that deep down, you still love me too.” Your voice matched your face. Hopeful. “Please say you still love me and I’m not too late.”
Rob was still silent. It took him a moment before he opened his mouth. “I.”
Positive Taglist : @natasha-cole @itsfunnierin-enochian @kocswain @missihart23 @wontlookaway @shanghai88 @rblstrash @burningrupture @sherlockedtash88 @bloodstained-porcelain-doll @tas898 @lullabylike @lexiemiller97
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AO3 Only Master List
These are links to a few fics I worked on that will only be posted on AO3. I was asked to co-author a few in a series a fried was doing and I don’t feel comfortable posting them here, so I shall give you the links instead. That way you can read the whole universe series. :)
The whole series is Rob Benedict/Billy Moran
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So This Is Love
I Ship It
Wedding Bells
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If They Only Knew
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Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader
Written By: @gettingbywithalittlehelp96 & @itsfunnierin-enochian
Chapter Summary: You wake up with hangover and a surprise by your side. Rob deals with his feelings and confusions after the episode he witnessed the night before.
Warnings: Angst; Mixed emotions; Billy x reader
A/N: Okay, this one is a chapter that points basically what's on both character's minds and their feelings from their own POVs. Just to carry on with the story and... Sorry in advance! - Also, thank you so much everybody for the love and support 💙
Chapter 8: I Can't Stand What You Put Me Through
Before you even opened your eyes, you could already feel your head pounding, regretting in that moment that you had drank so much the night before. You tried to stretch and change your position, but quickly stopped moving when you felt someone behind you. Your eyes flew open. You had left the bar with someone and you did not remember it all. Peeking over your shoulder, you found that Billy was the one sleeping peacefully next to you.
In that moment his phone began to ring. Letting out a groan, you felt him shift, to grab his glasses, before checking it.  
Sighing, you turned to face him. Mostly you just wanted to try to get an idea of what happened. He was naked, then when you caught your red dress, bundled up on the floor next to his jeans, you knew something had definitely happened, but still had no recollection of how exactly. As he returned to his original place, facing you this time, you smiled as he smiled at you.
He positioned himself so he was facing you and kissed your cheek. “Good morning, you. Did you sleep well?” he asked with a soft voice.
“Yes, very. You?”
“Me too. It was a very good night,” he replied, as you felt his hand making its way around your waist so he could bring you closer to him. “But I bet you don't remember it, do you?”
You shook your head smiling shyly, hiding your face in the pillow.
These guys knew you too well. Many times you and Rob had talked about how rough the mornings were after drinking, usually always before you could remember anything.
“Well it was. You are so beautiful, Y/N and I'm pretty sure it was one of the best nights of my life, so believe me, it was good.”
As he leaned closer to kiss you, you couldn’t help but think about how sweet Billy was, and if he was so into you this morning, things must have been okay last night. Following him, you kissed him back. Running your fingers up his arm and across his chest. You would be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying what was happening, just you and him, under the covers and besides, you did like Billy, you just never thought about liking him in this way before. There was no way of telling how things were going to go, so you just stayed focused on enjoying the moment, that turned into the second round of what had happened the night before.
Rob's POV
Rob had never felt as bad as he felt that morning when he woke up. Even though he made sure to drink from every glass he found, he felt as if everything was hitting him worse than ever. For hours he tossed and turned, until eventually he gave up, knowing he wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.
He still couldn't get used to Y/N not showing up at his door every morning, with his favourite coffee, and that sleepy face he adored so much. Though what he had seen the night before upset him, the thing that he couldn't get over was the idea that she was so mad at him that she didn't even want to talk. A hundred times he asked himself why, but still couldn’t find the answer.
He missed her. More than he ever intended to. He missed everything, from her laugh and smell, the way she would walk around his apartment organizing whatever seemed out of place. He was sure he would never find someone as beautiful as Y/N, but he also knew that wouldn't risk that friendship for anything in the world.
He loved her. And felt so lucky being able to hug her every time he wanted and for being able to be so close to her. At first he thought that was enough, but it wasn’t long before he could deny that he wanted more. He wanted to be able to kiss her, every time he would tell her something exciting. To be able to wake up every day next to her and to show her just how much he loved her and every part of her body, but he was just too afraid. What if his feelings were unrequited and she decided that they couldn’t even be friends, after he told her. He didn't want to risk it. He needed her. He just didn't know how much until now.
Rob knew he needed to talk to her. He wasn’t ready to tell her the whole truth, but wanted to know what she was thinking. The thing was, he couldn't get over the idea of her and Billy together. Maybe he had just taken Y/N home and left? Billy was one of his closest friends, he had to know he had feelings for her, right?
With his head pounding like it was, Rob decided to get out of the bed and take a shower. Knowing that the warm water would help, and as he stood there letting the water fall over his body, he all of a sudden started to feel optimistic about the whole thing. With his headache partially gone, and this feeling of relief now rushing through him, finished the shower and ran back into his room. Throwing on a white T-shirt, jeans and a pair of Converse, before messing his wet hair a bit and slipping on his glasses.
Grabbing his phone he noticed the message he had sent her before the concert, was still unread. He remembered then, how bad it felt when he looked in the crowd and didn’t see her face. How bad it felt singing the songs he wrote for her. Most of the songs he wrote were for her, she just didn’t know it.
He shook it off. She had been at the bar last night, so he knew she had to of been drinking and was probably still in bed with a hangover. So, he decided to go straight to her apartment. He wasn’t quite sure about what to say, if he would confess his feelings or just talk to her, but after seeing her so beautiful, and the distance she was keeping, he knew he had to fix things.
Rushing over to her apartment, he knocked on her door and waited. Looking at his feet while rocking back and forth, nervous about what he would say or do. Knowing Y/N, he waited for a while, before knocking again. Another couple minutes went by, but there was no answer, no movement coming from the other side.
That’s when he knew. If he had to  be honest with himself, deep down he had always known where she was, he just didn't want to believe it or give power to the idea, but now that he knew she wasn’t home, there was only one place where she could be.
He thought back to when he told Billy about Y/N. He had always seen the exchanges between them, and when she started to act weird and confused Rob had just assumed that she liked him. That’s when he decided to talk to Billy, to tell him to make a move on Y/N. Which he also used as a way to know if she was actually into him or someone else.
He of course hoped it was him, but with as scared as he was, he couldn’t think of any better ways to find out, and he definitely wasn’t about to tell her just like that.
He headed out of the building and went for his car. For the longest time he just sat there. What was he doing? Where was he going? Maybe he was just overreacting and overthinking. He had to let her be, and maybe if he did, it would give her the space she needed to come back to him, so they could fix whatever was happening, and everything could go back to normal.
He checked his phone again, but there was nothing. Starting the engine of his car, he drove to Mike's house. Mostly he was just hoping Billy would be there, and distract himself with making music. This was hard, so much harder than he ever could’ve imagined.
Reader POV
When Billy finally decided to give you a break, you took your chance and went to the bathroom. Your head wasn't hurting much, but your heart, your heart was aching. Billy was one of Rob’s best friends, and you were still in love with Rob. The only thing that somewhat helped you, was knowing that you and Rob were still distant at the moment.
Then you started to think. Maybe you would give Billy a chance. You couldn’t deny that he was a gentleman and even with everything that was going on, the night you had spent with Billy had helped you to feel better than you had in awhile. You really needed to try live a normal live again, and Billy might just be the answer.
After getting dressed, and heading out of the bathroom, you found Billy on the edge of the bed, putting on his shoes.
“So how are you feeling?” He asked looking up at you with a sweet smile.
“Much better, really. Thanks.” You sat next to him on the bed and he straightened to look at you “Are you going somewhere?”
“Yeah, actually I have to meet the guys at Mike's. You wanna come?” he asked innocently. Of course it wasn't a good idea.
“Thank you and I’d love to, but I have to meet my friend. She was with me yesterday, but then left and she wants to tell me “stuff”, whatever that means.” You made air quotes and rolled your eyes, which made Billy laugh.
“Okay, I will take you home then, it's not safe for you to go out there with that dress,” he replied with a smirk, leaning over to kiss you.
His beard tickled you, his lips were warm and soft. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss, and it wasn't long until he put his hands on your waist and placed you on his lap. But something happened.
“I really have to go,” you blurted out suddenly. Billy's confusion was clear and that look made you feel so guilty. “Yo- you will make me late, Billy” you said forcing a smile and kissing his cheek.
“Wait, I’ll get my-”
“No need to worry, I'll take a cab,” you said, quickly cutting him off. Grabbing your hand he pulled you towards him, to give you another kiss.
“See ya, we’ll talk later, I promise,” You added, pulling back with a smile.
You knew he had to think you were crazy. If you were him, you'd think the same thing. As you walked out of Billy’s home, you breathed in and out trying to stop the guilt you were feeling that almost made you feel disgusting about yourself.
You were crazy. You would never tell anybody, but as soon as you and Billy started to kiss, all you could feel, was Rob. You didn't know why on earth, or in your parallel reality, that happened, but when you opened your eyes, you could feel that it wasn’t a good idea. That's why you had ran away.
As soon as you got home, you took a shower that helped you relax but still your head was racing with thoughts, with memories, with decisions you knew you'd have to make. You didn't know if Billy was the correct option, but you knew you needed to choose a way to go. When it came to Rob, there wasn't much to think about, except for finding a way to get him out of your mind.
Why would he care though?  You asked yourself. With his career going up, he was having all the girls he wanted. You hadn’t even seen each other in a week and he didn't know about Billy either, so why were you overthinking this situation as if Rob would care? You let out a little sarcastic laugh. Yes, if anyone saw you like this, they would think you were crazy, but the whole situation was crazy. Of all the guys you could have fallen in love with, you choose your best friend, and even though Billy was a terrific guy, deep down you knew that no one would be able to take Rob’s place. This only made your head spin more. That's when you decided to just to go to sleep, to shut your mind off for a little while. You'd have enough time to deal with this later.
— Masterlist —
TAGS: @marichromatic • @missihart23 • @natasha-cole • @notfunnystillhere • @kocswain • @apeshit7x • @princess-of-erebor1992 • @rblstrash • @spnmightkillme • @tas898 • @wontlookaway • @sirraxa • @internationalmusicteacher • @damn-it-destiel • @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name • @burningrupture • @sherlockedtash88 • @cyrilconnelly • @srtaprieto • @dropthepizza346 • @queenofhellwithcrowley •
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What I'm Writing
Tagged by the ever-awesome @jelly-beans-and-gstrings and @thewhiterabbit42 Thanks guys 💜! Sorry it was so late, I didn't exactly have all these stuff organized and...well, there ya go, my 20+ upcoming parts/one-shots! Series: -more parts for Falling Apart By The Seams, Falling Together In Place (Billy Moran x Reader) -quite possibly doing one which involves Rob Benedict and a sad vacation turned into the best trip of the Reader’s life… Requested One-Shots: -should be posting a Matt Cohen x Reader soon -first date Stephen Norton x veterinarian!Reader with gender-neutral pronouns -blood drinking kink!Gabriel x Reader (yes, you heard me) -shy, pining!Richard Speight Jr x Reader -prophet!Chuck Shurley x high-school-sweetheart!Reader reunite at their high school reunion -smutty Richard Speight Jr x Reader based off Take It Easy by the Eagles Planned One-Shots: -Rob Benedict writing a song for the Reader whom he's in love with (thank you @lamthetwickster) -Goddamn, He's Hot I & II (God!Chuck x Reader) -Rob Benedict x Reader based off the song Terrible Things by Mayday Parade -Girls/Girls/Boys II (with sex swing action maybe...?) Possible Stuff In The Future: (may/may not be written) -God!Chuck x trans!Reader -Rob/Chuck x Reader with massages -Hotel guest!Rob -chef!Rob -a God!Chuck based off Strange Love by Halsey Tagging writer-buds @your-not-invisible-to-me, @crowley-you-sinnamon-roll and @rewritetheendingoftheplay
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I actually wrote this one a while ago, but I never post it here so...
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural RPF Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rob Benedict/Richard Speight Jr. Characters: Richard Speight Jr., Rob Benedict, Billy Moran, Louden Swain Additional Tags: Car Accidents, Panic Attacks, Happy Ending Summary:
Richard was on his way to karaoke party when something unexpected happens.
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elysiangabriel · 6 years
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Supernatural RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Richard Speight Jr./Reader Characters: Richard Speight Jr., Reader, Original Female Character(s), Hillary, Ruth Connell, Louden Swain, Jason Manns, Rob Benedict, Mike Borja, Stephen Norton, Billy Moran Additional Tags: Supernatural Convention, Reader is a fan, Getting Together, Flirting, Gender-neutral Reader, The entirety of Louden Swain are cockblocks, or twatswats, your choice really Summary:
It's your first time going to a Supernatural Convention to meet Richard Speight Jr, the actor you've had a crush on for what seems like ages. Sure, you knew that you were gonna find him handsome, but you never expected him to be flirting with YOU. Is he just acting or is it something more?
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ao3feed-wayward · 5 years
Meet Cutes and other Rom-Con Clichés
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Iw4P1Z
by HeartOnMySleeve (Cass4Gube)
My first attempt at fan fiction. Not beta’d in any way so all mistakes are mine. I own no one and nothing. Full respect to all the people mentioned and their families.
Just a fluffy cliche rom-com(ish) story about Beatrice and Robbie.
Words: 1239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural, Supernatural RPF
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rob Benedict, Misha Collins, Billy Moran, Mike Borja, Stephen Norton, Jason Manns, Kim Rhodes, Richard Speight Jr., Matt Cohen, Basically any cast member who regularly attends cons may show up
Relationships: Rob Benedict/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Mostly Fluff, Some very awkward flirting, probably eventual kissing, but nothing explicit, Rob is awkward, Beatrice is awkward, My first attempt at fan fiction
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Iw4P1Z
0 notes
reallyscj · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural RPF, Louden Swain RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rob Benedict/Billy Moran Characters: Rob Benedict, Billy Moran Additional Tags: First Time, Blow Jobs, Mutual Pining, Anal Sex, Based on a Louden Swain Song, SEND ME TO HELL, Do not pass go, do not collect $200 Summary:
There's always been an unspoken thing between Rob and Billy. They find out what it is finally.
**Written out of Spite for the Louden Swain mini bang banning RPF**
READ THIS NOW! Omg, it's so fluffy and hot at the same time. 
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natasha-cole · 5 years
Worlds Collide Chapter 28
Summary: Reader and Billy take some time to enjoy their new engagement privately. 
Word Count: 1821
Warnings: just fluffiness
Notes: Just a short little chapter to follow up on that proposal. 
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It took you a few minutes to comprehend the fact that Billy had actually accepted your proposal. He hadn’t said no, he wasn’t emasculated because you had been the one to ask, and he wasn’t running away from you just yet.
Instead, he was watching you adoringly, seemingly amused by your state of shock now that his has worn off in the aftermath of your sudden question.
Honestly, you didn’t really know how to react because you didn’t even plan any of that out. It had all been so spur of the moment, you just acting on a feeling without having thought through it first.
“Did you get me a ring at least?” He asked, trying to make light of the situation when he realized you were speechless.
“Uh, no…”
You felt your face heat up, embarrassed that you just acted in the moment without really planning things. He deserved better than this, but he had still said yes.
“I guess I’ll let it slide,” he grinned.
“Did you- did you really just say yes?” You asked finally.
“I did. Please don’t tell me that you were just joking when you asked, because I’m going to be really embarrassed if that was a joke.”
“It wasn’t a joke,” you assured him. “I just- asked without really thinking about it… I thought for sure you’d laugh at me.”
“So, you don’t want to marry me?” He asked.
He looked almost hurt as he tried to piece together what had just happened and why.
“That’s not what I mean,” you said quickly. “I mean, I did ask… and I meant that part. I just- I was thinking it and didn’t realize I’d ask it out loud. I didn’t think you’d say yes.”
“Hey, the love of my life asks me to marry her, I’m gonna say yes,” he smiled.
“You’re really not embarrassed that I asked you?”
“Not at all. If you hadn’t asked me, then I’d have to ask you and I’ve been a mess for months thinking of a way to do it.”
“You were gonna ask me?”
“The thought crossed my mind,” he answered. “I just didn’t know if you were ready for that.”
“And you think I’m ready for marriage just because I asked you first?” You laughed. “I don’t know what I’m doing half the time. Seriously, it just came to me and I blurted it out without even asking myself if I was ready for it… without asking you if you were ready for it.”
“We’re ready,” he replied, taking your hand in his again to reassure you.
“How do you know?”
“I just- have a feeling about us,” he said with a grin.
You decided not to argue about this one. Sure, you had surprised even yourself with asking him to marry you, but he seemed thrilled about it anyway.
You still had a long way to go when it came to bettering yourself and handling emotions, but at least in this one moment, you actually felt good about your sudden decision to go ahead and spend the rest of your life with this man. Some things were just okay as they were and didn’t require questioning and reconsideration. This moment was your first chance at really making a big life-changing decision without worrying what anyone else had to say about it.
You no longer had a publicist who was trying to separate you and Billy. You no longer had your mother constantly telling you that you didn’t deserve love. All you had was the man that you loved and even if your marriage proposal was unplanned and probably crazy, it was at least your decision to make. Something about that made you feel more free than you ever had before.
Neither of you said anything else about the proposal for the rest of the day. It was sort of exciting to have this little secret for yourselves, just like when you first started dating in secret. Only this time, it wasn’t because you worried about what everyone else would think or say about it, but because it was your moment together that you wanted to keep between you at least for the day.
The two of you stole knowing glances through the last few hours of the day, excited that you were taking this step together. Honestly, you were surprised that no one else had noticed your little display in the green room when you proposed. But, you were just fine with keeping it to yourselves for a while longer.
When the day finished up, you and Billy turned down invitations to join everyone else for dinner that evening. Most of the group would be gearing up for karaoke later, and you knew the remaining friends would definitely insist on drinks after dinner.
The two of you managed to get out of the expected hangout time without much of a fight from anyone, and found a quiet place to sit and have dinner together. It was unusual for the two of you to have much alone time during conventions, but both of you decided you would insist on at least this one night considering the events of the day.
It may have been an unplanned and unexpected proposal that wasn’t at all traditional, but you were both quite serious about it. The least you could do for the other was take a moment to just be together.
After dinner and drinks, you and Billy walked hand-in-hand back to your hotel, smiling the entire way and basking in the idea of being engaged to each other. You talked a lot about it during dinner and maybe even already discussed possible dates.
More importantly, the two of you were able to talk about something as serious as setting a date without you freaking out. Normally, the finality and seriousness of something like marriage scared you. Normally, you wouldn’t even believe that anyone could love you enough to even consider being this serious with you. Over time, those insecurities had faded mostly. The idea of spending your life with Billy didn’t scare you at all. That’s how you knew you were making the right decision.
When you stepped into your hotel room, you immediately kicked off your heels and sat on the bed. You watched as Billy discarded his jacket, taking just a moment to admire how perfect he was. Not only was he seriously the sweetest and most amazing man you had ever known, he was certainly easy on the eyes.
Just looking at him never failed to turn you into a lovesick mess. You realized then that he deserved a lot better than what you had given him in terms of a marriage proposal. Just as he thought you deserved the world, you thought the same about him. You wished that you could go back just a bit to perhaps plan that whole thing better. You felt sort of empowered that you had been the one to propose, so there was no way you’d want to take that back; but you could have at least tried a little harder.
“I’m sorry that proposal was… the way it was,” you said as you watched him from the bed.
“I mean, it wasn’t even romantic,” you laughed. “I just blurted it out in the greenroom during downtime. I mean, you would’ve gone all out, right? You would have come up with this huge romantic display and gotten down on one knee and had a ring and everything.”
“How do you know I would’ve done all that?”
“Because that’s the type of guy you are,” you reminded him. “Disgustingly romantic. I, on the other hand, don’t know how to be romantic.”
“You said some pretty romantic stuff,” he responded, defending your proposal. “I also think it’s really cool that you were the one to ask me, by the way. Everyone expects the guy to propose, and I really dig the fact that you are such a rebel now.”
“I’m hardly a rebel,” you said as you rolled your eyes at him. “Honestly. I don’t know what to do next. Do I really need to get you a ring since I asked? I don’t think I can afford an engagement ring right now… are you a princess cut kind of guy? It’s like I don’t even know you.”
“No engagement ring for me,” he laughed. “And honestly, we can do whatever we want. It’s our engagement and no one gets to tell us what to do. We make our own rules.”
“Because we’re rebels?” You asked.
“Yeah. We’re… untraditional. I can get you a ring though. You know, to make it official.”
“Wouldn’t that defeat the entire purpose of me being the one to propose?”
“Are you saying that you don’t want a ring?” He asked.
“Well… I didn’t really say that…”
“Then I’ll get you a ring,” he smiled.
“Now I just feel bad,” you sighed as you plopped down on the bed. “It was my idea and I didn’t even get anything for you.”
“Hey, I’m just really glad you’re the one who did all the real work,” he said as he laid down next to you. “Seriously.”
“Still, it would have been nicer if I gave you something to seal the deal.”
He hummed in response, moving closer to you so that he could kiss you. He nuzzled against your neck, placing soft kisses against your skin, instantly teasing you. He knew this move made you weak and he often used it to his advantage.
“All I need is you,” he said. “It’s all I’ve ever needed.”
“Now I feel worse because I didn’t turn down the idea of you buying me a ring,” you replied.
He shifted then, pushing himself up so that he could maneuver himself over you. He crashed his lips against yours and you grasped onto his waist, trying to pull him closer to you.
“Well,” he breathed out as he reached down to pull your shirt up, taking a moment to touch your skin.
Your breath hitched and you watched him intently, wanting him more than ever right now.
“You could tell me that a ring isn’t necessary,” he continued. “You could tell me that since we’re doing things sort of untraditionally, maybe we shouldn’t do rings at all.”
“Yeah,” you said breathlessly, biting your lip as his hand wandered farther up your shirt, stopping just below your breast. “But, I really want a diamond.”
This made him laugh out loud and you followed suit. He nodded in response, understanding the fact that you were sort of joking in the moment, but actually quite serious about the ring.
“Okay,” he agreed as he made eye contact. “Whatever you want.”
“Hmm,” you smiled as you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck to pull him back to you. “Right now, I just want you.”
“Like I said, whatever you want.”
Tag List: @winchestergirl-13 @thecandylovingarchangelgabriel  @capital-eyyyy-ohhh @barba-booty @narisjournal-blog  @waywardswain @laffytaffyhumor   @destielschild  @sorenmarie87  @smoothdogsgirl @kocswain @culturebay​   @itsfunnierin-enochian @typicalweirdbookworm @angelsandhuntersgalore @riversong-sam @emoryhemsworth@hunterpuff @mandilion76  @anayacortez @camelotandastronauts @cyrilconnelly @jpadjackles-mishamark  @sirraxa @thewordsmithofhell @chocolategate @livingthelifeofafangirleverday   @lucerospn1detc @nerdyforyourbooks  @rblstrash@your-sparklywinnercollection @robfangirl @soythedemonqueen @southernbell91 @sherlockedtash88 @internationalmusicteacher @tas898 @lullabylike 
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narisjournal-blog · 7 years
Masterlist (SPN)
*this is a little out of date and I want to clean it up and expand bit to include other fandoms I have started writing for. Watch this space.*
I write Fanfiction for Supernatural, including RPFs for Rob Benedict and Louden Swain. My main leaning is towards fluff, but there is also much smut and dashings of angst. 
Please enjoy and drop me some feedback! 
If you want to be added to a taglist, drop me an ask, comment or message. Current taglists are for: Everything, Castiel, Rob/Chuck, Saileen (Sam x Eileen), my series ‘A Lot To Learn’, and possibly Jack. 
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Lizzie’s 300 Follower Prompt Challenge Masterlist
~ Series ~
 - Saving Grace
Castiel x OFC (angst with a peppering of fluff) - At a low point in her life, Aisha meets a mysterious stranger who heals her. Together, her and the broken angel try to help each other and piece themselves back together. [COMPLETE]
> - Jog on, Sam Winchester
Sam x Reader (fluff + smut) - Whilst out running, you are repeatedly overtaken by a tall, dark, handsome stranger. Wait, is he flirting with you? [COMPLETE]
- A Lot To Learn
Chuck x Reader (fluff + angst) - Fobwatch AU / Dr Who concept crossover - Chuck has a secret that even he doesn’t know. But you do. And you are sworn to protect him and keep his secret safe. Amongst everything he struggles with and fights to understand, you might be the one mystery he would give anything to solve. [IN PROGRESS]
  ~ Oneshots/Imagines ~ 
- In a Shroud of Wings
Castiel x Reader (fluff) - Imagine Castiel using his wings to warm you up on a cold night…
- Notes in Constellations
Castiel x Reader (angst) - Castiel has to go back to Heaven soon, but not before seeing your face one last time…
Castiel Knows
Castiel x Reader (SMUT) - Castiel knows what you want. He can read your mind…
- All That is Pure
Castiel x Reader (fluff) - You reunite with Castiel because there is someone very special you want him to meet…
Castiel x Reader (A delicate mix of emotional, sexually charged, fluffy angst.) - In a moment of intimacy and vulnerability, you and Castiel learn that healing isn’t always physical.
- Pancakes and Sex hair
Castiel x Reader (fluff)
Imagine Castiel bringing you breakfast in bed…
-The Green-Eyed Angel
Castiel x Reader (fluff + resolved angst) - REQUEST. Castiel has second thoughts having introduced you to Dean. He discovers jealousy…
Castiel x Reader (Wing!kink SMUT) - In the throes of passion, you discover Castiel’s weak spot… and all the delights of feathers.
- Handsy
Castiel x Reader (fluff) - Every woman deserves someone who appreciates her flab…
Wrapped Up 
Castiel x Reader (fluff) - A drunken Dean gives you an inappropriate holiday gift…
Hark! The Drunken Angel Sings - Castiel, Gabriel - When Cas finds his big brother has turned up at the bunker drunk and banging on about his role in Christmas.
Is Love Alive? - Castiel x Reader (Angst) -  After a long, cold winter without your beloved, Castiel shows up at your house. With mixed feelings about his return, you attempt a homely reunion.
Jack / Alex Calvert
- Beer and Snuggles
Jack x Reader (fluff) - Imagine teaching Jack about snuggling…
- How Does it Feel?
Jack x Reader (angst) -  Jack struggles to get a hold on his powers as they flare up. You support him by trying to understand how it feels.
- Free
Jack x Reader (Fluff) - Drawing on the windows in the backseat of the impala, you and Jack talk about freedom.
- Glad You Came 
Alex Calvert x Reader (Fluff and suggested smut) - You show up late to Rob’s party and he informs you how desperate Alex is to see you. When you find him, you realise Rob was not exaggerating... (featuring Rob Benedict)
- Spooning With Sam
Sam x Reader (fluff) - Imagine ‘big spooning’ Sam Winchester…
Sam x Eileen (fluff) - Eileen has become very comfortable with Sam but still manages to surprise him.
-Sam’s Wandering Hands
Sam x Reader (fluff with side order of smut) - Waking up with Sam first thing in the morning, you discover his wandering hands…
Don’t be a gentleman - Sam x Eileen (fluff + smut) - When sharing a room with Eileen, Sam discovers certain practical issues when trying to be a gentleman.
- Sparring -Saileen /Sam x Eileen (fluff and badassery) - Eileen challenges Sam to spar, and Sam realises that bigger isn’t always better.
-How hard can it be?
Dean x Reader (fluff) - Imagine Dean trying to plait your hair…
On The Beach
Dean x British!Reader (fluff) - Eating hot chips with Dean on a rainy day in Hornsea.
Sushi Roll
Dean x Reader (Sam x Reader) - (Platonic fluff)
- Dean and Sam messing with you.
-Through the Pain
Dean x Reader (angst) - Part of greenappleeyes 1k follower prompt challenge. Dean addresses some challenging emotions when faced with someone he didn’t help when he should have.
- I Got You
Chuck x Reader (fluff) - Chuck supports you and helps when you are despairing at what you’re working on.
- The Eye of the Storm
Chuck x Reader (flangst) - In a time of deep hurt and despair, Chuck challenges you and helps you to ride out the storm.
- Spoilers
Chuck x Pregnant!Reader (fluff) - Anxious about symptoms of your pregnancy, you pray and Chuck appears with reassurance and calm.
- Congratulations
Chuck x Pregnant!Reader (fluff) - Reunited with Chuck after some time, he reveals some life-changing news.
- The Power at His Fingertips
Chuck x Reader (smut) - despite Chuck’s destructive ways you stick by his side, drunk on his power. But however can you distract him from messing with the Winchesters?
Rob Benedict
-Pyjama Cuddles
Rob Benedict x Reader (fluff) - You show up at Rob’s hotel room in your pyjamas with cocoa. Cuddling ensues.
- Anything You Say (Rob x Reader) SMUT
Part 1: Anything You Say - Rob asks you what you want. Suggestive and sexually charged kissing ensues.
Part 2: I Melt For You  - Rob Benedict is a tease. He insists you call the shots… but who is really in control?
Part 3: Love is More …?
Rob Benedict x Pregnant!Reader (fluff) - Upset that your pregnancy seems to be affecting your social life, missing your husband and driven crazy by your hormones, you are touched that Rob ditches the others to take care of you.
- Red
Rob Benedict x Reader (a little smutty) - Once reunited with you from time apart, Rob is quite taken with your choice of underwear in a passionate encounter.
- About Last Night
Rob Benedict x Reader (Fluff) -  Rob helps you to piece together the events of a drunken night out…
- Snuggles With Bump
Rob Benedict x Pregnant!Reader (Fluff) - Rob is feeling clingy…
 - Oblivious
Rob Benedict x Reader (Angst and eventual smut) - You are stuck with a very pissed off Rob and convinced he hates you when events unfold and you end up having to sleep in his hotel room. Maybe you had both got each other entirely wrong…
- Perks
Rob Benedict x Pregnant!Reader (fluff and smut) - Rob finds you in the bath having had a migraine. He helps to cheer you up by pointing out the perks of pregnancy...
- The Magic Number
Rob Benedict x Reader x Matt Cohen (SMUT) -  Matt plays cupid to you and Rob, but finds himself getting drawn in and unwilling to let Rob have you all to himself…
- No Regrets
Rob Benedict x Reader (Fluff) - Rob catches the way you look at him now and warns you to be careful...
-The Moments in Between
Rob Benedict x Pregnant!reader (fluff) - Rob returns from work to find you sleeping and spends time feeling the baby kick.
Smutty Ficlets: 
Cuffed // Distraction // Floored// What’s Your Kink?
Billy Moran
- Not Alone
Billy Moran x Reader (Angst and Fluff) -  While you are going through a difficult break-up, Billy decides you shouldn’t be alone.
192 notes · View notes
benedictshurley · 6 years
Positive : Part 11
The long awaited next part is here! I usually post this on Fridays but i’m really proud of this part and I don’t want to wait. In other news, this fic and all my others (like 3 one shots) will be backed up to my ao3, collinscosmicentity. I will continue to post on both as much as I can. Enjoy!
Summary: Reader goes to the album release party and things don’t go well
Pairing: Rob Benedict x Reader  
Word Count: 3,035
Warnings: angsty af, rob’s finally not being stupid, marnie’s a b**ch but what else is new, swearing, fluff, panic attack
Disclaimer: this is pure FICTION. I mean no harm or hurt to the Benedict family, or others involved. Marnie is Rob’s fictional wife from Kings of Con. I originally used Mollie (his real wife) but ultimately decided to change it as it made me uncomfortable writing about her and his kids.
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You were woken up by the feeling of soft lips on the back of your neck. Smiling, you turned over in Stephen’s bed, to face him.
“Well, that’s a nice way to wake up.” You giggle.
Giving you a happy grin, Stephen, pulls you as close as he can with your belly in the way. “So, I was wondering if you’d like to come to the album release tonight?”
As soon as those words left his mouth, you paled. You knew Marnie was going and frankly, that wasn’t something you wanted to deal with. But you couldn’t tell Stephen that she was the reason you didn’t want to go. He’d question why you didn’t like her and you weren’t quite ready to say it was because you got knocked up by her husband.
Coming up with a quick response, you gave him a joking frown. “You want me to go to a bar, when I can’t drink? How cruel.”
Stephen laughed and took your hands in his. “Please? I really want my girlfriend there. I’ll understand if you really don’t want to but it would really mean a lot to me.” He then sticks out his lower lip like a child, which causes you to giggle.
Letting out an exaggerated sigh, you smiled. “I guess I’ll go. But only because you’re cute.”
Stephen raised an eyebrow. “Only because i’m cute huh? I’ll show you cute.”
He begins to tickle your sides and you let out a loud laugh. “Steve!”
He slows for a moment to press a soft kiss to your lips. You return it, placing your hands on his neck.
Pulling back Stephen mumbles in your ear, “I love you.”
Eyes widening, you gently push him off of you. “Gotta pee! You know, baby on bladder.” You quickly got out of the bed and went into the bathroom, to avoid having to say it back. Because you weren’t sure if you could say it, and mean it.
Rob’s POV
“And then, they have the nerve to practically make out in the hallway of the hotel! Who does that?” Rob sat in his desk chair, complaining to Rich about yours and Stephen’s relationship.
“Well, couples usually kiss goodbye Rob. Why do you care so much anyway? It’s not like he’s a threat to her or the baby.”
Gripping the bridge of his nose, Rob sighed. “I’ve said this before. He’s taking my place.”
“As a father or as a lover?”
“What? A father. I-i don’t like her like that!” Rob practically shouted into the phone.
“Rob, you aren’t fooling anyone. We all see the way you look at her. The only one who is blind to it, is you and her! Stop pushing those feelings down. It won’t do any good.” Rich lectured him.
“Rich, I told you, I don’t-” Rich cut him off.
“Stop lying to yourself Rob.”
Groaning, Rob realizes he can’t get out of this. “Okay, I’m in love with her! Happy? I love Y/N! I can’t help it! And yes, seeing her with Stephen is killing me. Because i’m jealous!”
He could practically hear Rich’s smirk through the phone. “And how long have you been in love with her?”
“I don’t know, probably since a couple weeks after Marnie and I separated. I just saw her in a different light. And that night we slept together, was….. one of the best nights of my life.”
Pittcon 2018 - Rob’s POV
There you were. Sitting alone at the bar, because Rich, The band, and him went to talk to some old friends. You looked amazing. Hair slightly curled to give you a nice wave, a gorgeous black dress hugging your body. Ditching the others, he made his way over to you and placed a hand on the small of your back, making you jump in surprise.
After that, you came onto him, which made him tense up in shock. You took that as he wasn’t interested, and started to back off. Rob thought quickly and grabbed your hand back, pulling you close to him and whispering in your ear. “You know if you want me, just tell me, because I want you. So bad.”
You two made love that night. At least, he felt like you did. Then, he woke up the next morning and you were getting dressed to leave. Like you regretted it. So, his barriers went up. He said it was a mistake, that it shouldn’t have happened. He’ll never forget how hurt you looked, and the tears that were welling in your eyes as you left his room. Rob fought every urge to chase after you, because he knew if he did, his feelings would spill out and possibly ruin everything.
As Rob thought about that night, he held the ultrasound of his daughter in his hand. It felt like there was a 500 pound weight on his shoulders. He made a mistake that day. Not telling you how he felt. Instead, he got back with a person who made him unhappy. He made a mistake, and now he’s paying the price.
Readers POV
You arrived about 10 minutes before the show was set to start. You almost stayed home and made up an excuse, but you couldn’t do that to Stephen. As you entered the green room, you could see Stephen’s eyes light up. As you were being greeted by everyone, you noticed Rob and Marnie in the corner of the room by themselves, purposefully ignoring you.
You didn’t have time to feel hurt by Rob ignoring you, because Stephen had made his way over to you, giving you a light kiss on the lips and resting his hands on your hips. Pulling back from the kiss, Stephen gave you a giant smile.
“I really appreciate you coming. I promise I’ll bring you back when you can drink again.”
“You better.” you tell him, in a joking manner.
Your eyes couldn’t help but wander over to Rob, with Marnie perched in his lap. His jaw was clenched, as his eyes bore into the both of you. If looks could kill, you were positive that you and Stephen would be dead. The only question was, why was he acting like this?
You couldn’t dwell on it, because you were being ushered out into the main part of the bar to enjoy the show. Finding a secluded corner, you sat at one of the tables, waiting for the show to start.
Soon, the concert was in full swing, and everyone was enjoying themselves. You tried to focus on your boyfriend, but your eyes kept drifting to Rob. The way he looked, his voice.
This didn’t go unnoticed by Marnie, who was well on the track to drunk. She was sick of you and this whole situation. She hated you, even more so since she heard Rob’s admission of feelings earlier in the day. You waltzed into their life, and took her husband away from her. Downing the rest of her drink, she kept her eyes on you, a plan forming in her mind, to get you away from Rob for good.
Almost towards the end of the concert, you felt small kicks from inside of you. This was the first time they were this prominent. You teared up, because it was almost like she knew that her father was singing. The kicks continued until the music stopped, and they slowed to a stop.
After they took a bow, they made their way into the crowd of fans. Getting off of your seat in the back of the bar, you stood against the wall, smiling as they all interacted with their fans. Rob noticed you alone in the back and slipped away, walking towards you.
“Enjoy the show?” He asked as he reached you.
“I did. You guys were amazing. I’m so proud of you. All of you, i mean.” You replied.
After looking around for moment, Rob was thankful all the fans were either shuffling out or preoccupied with the other guys. He quickly placed a hand on your stomach and leaned into your ear.
You breath quickened slightly as you felt his breath on your ear, but you told yourself to hold it together. He probably just wanted to say something about the baby.
“Thanks for the copies of the ultrasound.” He whispered in your ear, removing his hand from your stomach as some of the fans were looking for him and he had to go back to the main crowd.
As he left your immediate vicinity, you relaxed slightly, thankful no one noticed how close he was. Or so you thought.
Marnie was watching the whole exchange. She was done. At first, her plan seemed horrible and she thought she couldn’t do it. But seeing how close you two were and the alcohol in her system, convinced her it was the right thing to do. It’d hurt you, and maybe Rob but that wasn’t a thought she wanted to think about. He’d forgive her. She just wanted to hurt you.
You and Stephen were talking to a couple fans, when Marnie went up on the stage, and tapped the microphone.
Everyone was confused, including Rob. He quickly made his way to the edge of the stage and through gritted teeth, he spoke. “What are you doing?”
Shrugging him off, Marnie continued with her plan. “Hi, everyone. Can I have your attention? I’m Marnie Benedict. Robbie’s wife.” Her words slightly slurred.
“Marnie get down! You’re drunk!” Rob whisper-yelled.
Rolling her eyes, she focuses on you in the back. “You know, since i’m his wife, he should love me right?” laughing, she continues. “Well, he doesn’t. He’s in love with Y/N! Crazy right? Being in love with a homewrecker?”
Your jaw dropped, and your face went red, having a feeling about where this was headed. “She wouldn’t tell everyone. Not here. Not now.”
Stephen looked at you, confused. “What is she talking about?”
Stuttering, the room felt like it was getting smaller. “I-i”
Laughing at your struggle, Marnie sipped her drink, completely ignoring Rob’s pleas for her to get down.
“Marnie please. Don’t do this. This isn’t who you are.” Rob begged.
“No, no Robbie. I need to tell them. After all, they’re your loyal fans, don’t they deserve to know the truth?”
Needless to say, everyone was confused about what she was talking about, but they still were recording Marnie’s outburst.
“See, Rob and Y/N slept together! At a convention of all places! And guess what? She got pregnant! So all your little theories about Steve being the dad are wrong. Rob’s the father. Have fun with that. Feel free to post anything I said all over social media. I don’t care.” Finishing off her drink, she left the stage with a smirk on her face.
You were mortified. All eyes were on you, seemingly waiting for a response. Stephen stepped in front of you, visibly nervous. “Why aren’t you denying it? It’s not true right?”
You could feel your chest tightening. “I-i can’t deny it. I’m sorry. I have to go.” Turning on your heel, you pushed your way through the people, until the air of the outside hit your face. The cool air, contrasted heavily to the hot salty tears running down your face. You felt like you couldn’t breathe. Forcing yourself to walk, you started walking toward your car.
You could feel your phone going off like crazy. Apparently, it was already all over social media. Turning your phone off, you were almost to where you parked, when you heard Stephen calling your name.
You wanted to run, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t face him. You didn’t want to face him. Stephen caught up with you and grabbed your upper arm gently, making you face him. His features softened when he saw your tear stained cheeks.
“So, Rob’s the father. Why didn’t you tell me Y/N? I would’ve understood.”
“I didn’t want you to think less of me. That I was a whore. But, so much for that huh?” You tried to laugh, but it came out forced and raspy.
“I don’t think you’re a whore. No matter what she says, I would never think of you like that. How did this even happen?”
Sniffling, you looked at your feet, finding yourself unable to look him in the eyes. “It was a one night thing. It just happened. Then, I found out I was pregnant. It happened while they were separated. I would never sleep with someone who’s taken.”
“Do you have feelings for him?” Stephen’s voice was quiet, almost as if he was afraid of the answer.
“I-i don’t know. Stephen i’m so sorry. I didn’t want you to find out like this. I should have told you right away, but I just panicked and hid it from so many people. I-i understand if you want to break up with me. Just do it, I can take it.” You were on the verge of hyperventilating.
Cupping your cheeks in his hands, Stephen made you look at him. Using his thumbs to wipe away your tears, Stephen pressed a soft kiss against your forehead.
“I’m not going to break up with you. I don’t care if Rob’s the father. I love you and want to be with you. Please calm down. It’s not good for the baby.”
You tried hard to relax but it seemed like you were only making it worse. Pulling you into his arms, Stephen stroked your hair, trying to calm you.
Your tears slowed, as you relaxed into his chest, trying to get as close to him as you could with your stomach in the way.
Pulling back from the hold, Stephen took your hand in his. “Let’s get you home.”
Rob’s POV, Right after Y/N ran out.
Rob was fuming. How could his wife do this? Grabbing her arm, he pulled Marnie into the green room and slammed the door.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?! How could you do this?!”
Rolling her eyes, Marnie crosses her arms. “She’s taking me away from you! I heard you Rob! You love her! How do I compete with that?” Tears filled her eyes, but Rob didn’t care.
“You didn’t have to compete! You were my wife. You probably just ruined both of our reputations. Did you even think about how this would affect me? The man you claim to love?” Rob spat.
Looking down, Marnie’s face flushed. “N-no. I’m sorry Rob. I wasn’t thinking, I just wanted to get her away from you.”
Laughing humorlessly, Rob headed towards the door. “Well congratulations, the only person you pushed me away from, was yourself. I’m done. I want a divorce.”
“N-no! Rob, you can’t leave me! What about Tyler?” Marnie cried out.
“He’ll be better off with two happy homes than one miserable one.” Rob walked out, exiting the bar to find you, only to be just in time to see you and Stephen get into your car and drive off. Groaning in anger, Rob punched the wall, his knuckles immediately getting scraped against the brick.
“Fuck!” Rob screamed out.
“Rob.” Billy put his hand on Rob’s shoulder.
Turning to face his other two bandmates who were completely clueless, Rob grunted. “I’m sorry. She ruined the album release.”
“Who gives a damn Rob. What the hell is she talking about? Y/N’s baby is yours?” Mike asked.
Explaining the whole situation, Billy and Mike, thankfully understood. Getting into Rob’s car, which was already packed with the instruments, Rob drove Billy and Mike home, before going to your house. Your car was parked in the driveway, and Rob sighed in relief.
Going to your door, he knocked with his non-scraped hand. Rob thought he was going to pass out from anger when Stephen opened the door instead of you.
“I need to see Y/N.”
Crossing his arms, Stephen blocked Rob from entering. “She’s resting. I don’t think she wants to see you. Especially after tonight.”
Clenching his jaw, Rob’s nails dug into his palms. “It wasn’t my fault Stephen! I had no idea she was going to do that. Marnie just went off!”
Scoffing, Stephen glared at him. “Well, you could’ve done a lot more than just stand there like an idiot, while she dragged Y/N through the mud!”
“You don’t know anything about this Stephen! Back off!” Rob spat.
“I know enough that this amount of stress freaked her out so much, she had to make sure the baby was fine! She was so worried that a second stress episode, both caused by you, would hurt the baby! Just go home to your wife, and come back tomorrow.”
“I’m not going anywhere until I see her. I need to make sure she’s okay.”
Readers POV
Coming down the stairs after you heard Rob’s voice, you stood with your hand on your stomach. “I’m fine. We both are. Please go.”
“Y/N you have to believe me, I swear I had no idea she was going to do that.” Rob cried out.
“Okay. I’m still saying please go. I’m exhausted and I just want to sleep.”
“But-” Stephen cut Rob off.
“But nothing, man. She said go.”
Giving Stephen a harsh glare, he complies with your wishes and turns on his heel, leaving and driving away.
Sighing, you turn to go back upstairs, holding your hand out for Stephen to come with.
Once you two are settled in bed, Stephen wraps an arm around you, quickly falling asleep. You lay awake for a couple hours, when you get a text, your phone lighting up the dark room.
Wiggling out of Stephen’s grip, you grabbed it and opened your messages. Of course it was from Rob. He was probably apologizing.
Your eyes teared up when you read the actual text.
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Locking your phone without replying, your heart was beating fast. Rob loved you. Trying to push it out of your mind, you turned around and got comfortable, leaning more into Stephen’s grip.
“When did my life become such a mess?” You sighed, closing your eyes and falling into a dreamless sleep.
Positive Taglist~ @natasha-cole @kocswain @missihart23 @wontlookaway @shanghai88 @itsfunnierin-enochian @rblstrash @burningrupture @sherlockedtash88 @tas898 @lullabylike
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archangelsanonymous · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Supernatural RPF Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Rob Benedict/Billy Moran Characters: Rob Benedict, Billy Moran Additional Tags: First Time, Blow Jobs, Mutual Pining, Anal Sex, Based on a Louden Swain Song, SEND ME TO HELL, Do not pass go, do not collect $200 Summary:
There's always been an unspoken thing between Rob and Billy. They find out what it is finally.
**Written out of Spite for the Louden Swain mini bang banning RPF**
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natasha-cole · 5 years
Worlds Collide Chapter 26
Summary: Reader and Billy are back together. That’s all that matters to Reader. She has weeded out the toxic people in her life, but not without paying a price. Due to contracts that had been drawn up and agreed upon years ago, Reader parting ways with her mother and publicist could cost her everything. 
Word Count: 3207
Warnings: angst, fluff, bad parenting
Notes: HELLO my lovelies! It’s been a while. I really struggled with this part, and perhaps it’s not totally realistic, but hey, I’m just a writer.
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You and Billy returned home the following day. You were still in disbelief that he had actually showed up in Vancouver just to talk to you, but the fact that he did made you remember why you loved him so much.
He was the one person in the world who never gave up on you, even if sometimes you felt like he should.
Every word that you had been too afraid to say to him had finally been said, and the forgiveness that you didn’t think you deserved had been given to you. You felt as if nothing could come in between the two of you, even when things seemed impossible.
You never thought you could be in this place again; with him, happy, loved… You chalked it up to your newfound freedom and sudden sense of accomplishment since you had removed certain people in your life. All you knew was that you would do everything in your power to never lose him again.
The two of you slipped easily back into your old ways easily. You’d spend your days together now that you were on break and he wasn’t working too much. You’d take turns spending the night at each other’s places; ordering takeout and just being together. He never brought up the things that you had done again, and you were grateful that he was willing to put all of that in the past and just move forward with you.
It helped tremendously that you didn’t have Jen or your mother breathing down your neck, encouraging you to make different choices, and demanding things from you. Now, you were free. And you had honestly never felt happier.
Things should have been really good at this point. You had worked so hard to make a better life for yourself. But, you learned rather quickly during that first week back home and back with Billy that some toxic people just don’t let go.
All it took was a short email to remind you that you weren’t quite in the clear yet when it came to your mother and the people who surrounded you during your entire career. Honestly, you hadn’t thought about your contracts and what all of this could mean if you chose to break those contracts. In fact, you really didn’t know much about your own contracts at all.
You turned to Billy while the two of you spent time together at your place, when you realized you didn’t quite understand what the email from your mother was getting at. All he could do was give you a concerned look as he asked to see a copy of the contract.
You hastily retrieved it and handed it over to him, hoping that he at least understood what was going on.
He spent a long time reading it over, flipping back and forth between the pages, and occasionally letting out frustrated sighs as he pushed his glasses up so that he could pinch the bridge of his nose.
“So, what exactly does this mean?” You asked, as he finally set the documents down to indicate that he was finished reading them.
“Did you not read the contracts that you signed?”
“I was young. A teenager…”
“You didn’t read them and you didn’t have a lawyer look over them,” he said.
“I- I didn’t know I had to. I think my mom had someone look them over,” you argued. “I was told that everything was in my best interest.”
“By your mother?”
“She’s still my mother.”
“You let her draw this contract up, didn’t you?”
“What was I supposed to do? I wanted to just be free and she wanted to be rid of me. Regardless of our relationship, I never thought she’d screw me over.”
“Well, she did. This contract is airtight. It also completely benefits everyone but you. Please tell me you were a minor when you signed these. At least then you’d have some chance in fighting this.”
“I wasn’t. I had just turned eighteen.”
“How?” Billy began, shaking his head in confusion. “How did you get yourself into this situation in the first place? A contract between you and your manager and publicist is one thing… but how is she even involved?”
“Like I said, maybe I didn’t necessarily read anything.”
“She controls most of your finances?” He sighed, running a hand over his face.
You felt stupid right now. Back then, you had been so eager to leave home and be far away from her, and she seemed to want the same thing. When your acting career began to pick up, she was the one who contacted you about it. After a bit of berating from her, she offered to draw up contracts so that you wouldn’t get yourself into trouble. She claimed you were too childish and stupid to handle things like money and having control over those who would work for you.
She had told you that she would hire a team on your behalf. She was a smart woman who you assumed knew people and had your best interest at heart, if only to not make her look bad.
Over the years, you had realized that the people she had helping you through this were not out to help you benefit, but by the time you saw it, what could you do?
Still, you never imagined that she would purposely hurt you.
“What else does she have control over, Y/N?” Billy asked as he set the contract down.
You shrugged, blushing as he asked. You really didn’t want to tell him. You didn’t want him to know how stupid you were. “Tell me, so we can figure this out.”
“Well,” you began. “She is technically my manager... so, a lot."
“That woman…” he muttered, looking even more frustrated than before. “She has completely screwed you over. Seriously, I’m not even all the way through this contract, but I can tell you that she made absolutely sure that if you ever decided to fire any of these people working for you, it would not go well for you.”
“Okay,” you said quietly.
You stared at the ground, unsure of how to react to this. Not once had you ever read those papers. You had blindly allowed her to basically manage you without your knowledge and you really didn’t want to know more about what all of this meant for you.
“You need to read this,” he said firmly. “You need to understand it. I get that you were young and naive back then, but you have no excuse now.”
You sat across from him at the table, reaching out as he handed the stack of papers to you. He was right. You had been an idiot before and just assumed people would treat you with respect. It was time for you to know exactly what you had gotten yourself into and what the repercussions of firing everyone would do to you.
After a couple of hours of reading, and asking Billy a lot of questions on the things that you didn’t understand; which often resulted in him consulting with Rob who had a better understanding of the acting business and contracts in general; you sat there, feeling defeated and ready to cry.
“What does this mean?” You asked again.
“It means that if you choose to go through with letting everyone go and breaking this contract, you might be getting yourself into a bad situation.”
“So, my choices are; do what I’ve needed to do for years and in return be completely miserable; or, keep these people in my life, no matter how miserable they make me so I don’t lose everything?”
“It’s not even a decision, Y/N,” Billy replied. “You can't let them stay in your life like this. You can’t let them continue to have this power over you.”
“I break this contract, and they get everything. Is that what you’re saying?”
“I don’t know for sure, but that’s what it looks like,” he said honestly. “Look, I don’t know a lot about all of this. My advice would be to get real advice from a lawyer. You have a lawyer, right?”
“I do,” you replied.
“Do you have a lawyer that wasn’t hired by your mother?”
You frowned, realizing that everyone that your mother had surrounded you with were people that she handpicked. There was no way you’d be getting real help from anyone that technically worked for her.
“Maybe I need to find a different lawyer,” you stated.
You had been advised to meet with a lawyer that was recommended to you by Rob as soon as possible. He was pretty certain that there wasn’t much you could do, but if anyone would know, it would be a lawyer.
You found yourself in a stuffy meeting room, anxious and early for your appointment. You fidgeted in your seat, now wishing that you had asked Billy to come with you, but knowing that this was something you had to do on your own. Still, Billy had such a calming effect on you and he would have been really useful right now.
You waited for a few minutes until a man entered the room. You recognized him as the lawyer that Rob had sent you the contact information of.
He sat down across from you, his eyes meeting yours as he let out a drawn out sigh. Right away, you knew this was not going to be a good meeting.
“Hello, Ms. Y/L/N,” he started. He reached out to shake your hand and you obliged, nodding at him and letting out a quick ‘hello’ in return.
“Well, I’ve familiarized myself with your case and your contract, and I think we should cut to the chase.”
“Please do,” you said quietly, eager to hear that perhaps it wasn’t all a lot cause.
“I’m obligated to let you know that your mother has offered to renegotiate the terms of the contract, as long as you agree to keep on all staff that worked for you.”
“Then no,” you said quickly. “That’s not an option.”
He eyed you and you were unsure if he thought of you as a complete idiot or maybe a pretty smart woman considering the circumstances and that mess of a contract.
“Alright. Then let’s discuss this.”
He opened a file folder and began to shuffle through paperwork. You suddenly became nervous as his expression remained rather stoic.
“You’re already in breach of contract. In doing so, you’re legally obligated to pay settlements to all fired employees binded to the contract.”
“That’s a lot of people,” you chuckled.
“It is,” he said sternly. “You also paid each of your employees a lot of money as it was.”
“Of course I did.”
“It’s also not funny.”
“After talking in great length with your accountant,” he continued, “I’m concerned. Your savings is not what is usual for a celebrity of your status.”
“Well, I paid my employees really well apparently, and what can I say? I also have expensive taste.”
“Yes, and hardly enough money to cover the costs calculated to pay these settlements.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means you’re going to find yourself in a lot more legal trouble than you thought.”
“How much?” You asked. “How much money do I have and what do I have to come up with?”
He passed you a slip of paper and you cautiously opened it to read it. You were more broke than you thought. It didn’t help that you had an unknown number of people possibly dipping into your saving, and your acquired expensive taste in belongings also didn’t help.
“Okay, how much do I need to cover these costs?”
“Well, we made a quick estimation; settlement costs, my fees… everything… you could lose your house, Y/N. Your car… anything of value could be taken if you can’t afford to pay these settlements.”
You sucked in a breath and leaned back in your chair as you took a moment to let it all sink in. Of course. Of course this was happening right now. Not only was it almost impossible to remove that woman for your life, she had ensured that it would be financially difficult to so if you chose to walk away and cut ties.
No matter what you did, it was as if she was one step ahead, making sure that you suffered.
“Can I fight this?” You asked finally, praying that there was some sliver of hope that you could possibly win and walk away from this unscathed.
“Honestly, no,” he replied. “That’s your signature on the contract. It’s a legal document and it’s very well written. No stone was left unturned here to make sure that the people who work for you get theirs in the end.”
“What are my options?”
“Well, you can take up the offer to renegotiate the terms, possibly avoid any financial burden from this; or you pay everyone what you promised them should a breach of contract happen.”
“That’s… that’s a lot of money,” you said, now trying to fight back tears. “A lot of money that I don’t have.”
“Well, you do have assets,” he continued. “I know it’s not ideal having to start all over, but selling your property would likely cover these costs.”
“So, I can just sell my house, my car, all my stuff; and I can pay these fees and be done with it all?”
“Well, by calculations, yes you could do that. You’d be left with nothing really in the end though. Are you sure this isn’t a situation that can’t be handled otherwise. Not many actors get the offer for a renegotiation.”
“Absolutely not,” you said sternly. “I can’t- I can’t let that woman control any part of my life anymore. I’ll do anything to get rid of her.”
“So…” he hesitated, watching you as you let the options replay in your mind once again.
“So, I’ll do it. I’ll just walk away. They can have whatever. I don’t care.”
“Look, this is only our first day meeting about this. I just want to make sure you understand the seriousness of the situation. We can discuss it more in depth, see if we can’t find other options…”
“I don’t want that. I just want to be done with this. With her.”
“So, it appears that you’ve made a decision.”
“Yes, I have. Just tell me what I need to do to end this.”
You walked away from that meeting feeling defeated. The weight of the reality of what was to come was a lot for you to carry. Everything that you had worked so hard for, would be gone. Everything that you had earned in spite of her would now be hers.
It was poetic in a way. Of course the victim here would eventually lose everything to her tormentor. Still, you had also worked so hard at becoming a stronger person; a person who could be on her own and who could make decisions for herself. In a way, you felt proud for still choosing to walk away. You figured the reality of it would come later when you were truly left with nothing.
You called Billy as you got into your car, asking him to meet you for lunch so that you could talk to him about what had happened.
He agreed and you took a deep breath as you hung up the phone, now focused on your next destination
Over lunch, you explained the meeting to Billy in as much detail as you could recall. It had been a lot to take in and it was still a lot to register.
“Wow,” he breathed out when you had finished your explanation. “I- I really thought you might have had some chance in fighting some of that.”
“It is what it is,” you chuckled.
“So, they’re really just going to drain your bank account?” He asked as if he couldn’t even believe it himself.
“Well, I’m paying a lot of money in settlements to break this contract. Then there’s the lawyer fees…”
“Well, you’ll be done with it all though,” he replied hopefully. “That’ll be a relief. And hey, you’re amazing. You’ll get amazing jobs and make even more money.”
“Yeah, I also was already kinda broke though. I didn’t realize… but I spent a lot of money and possibly overpaid people who worked for me.”
“What does that mean?”
“I’m selling my house,” you said. “And my car and anything else of value.”
“Yeah. Who knew that if I really wanted her out of my life, it would mean she would screw me over?”
“So, now what?” He asked.
“I’m not really sure,” you sighed. “I expect I’ll be okay, once this is all done and over with and I can manage my own career from here on out, or maybe hire a real manager.”
“So, you’re really just broke and homeless now?”
He leaned back, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at you in disbelief.
“Hmm,” you hummed in response. “It’s actually quite humbling.”
“I guess I better pay for lunch then,” he smiled.
Perhaps it wasn’t really a joking manner, after all, you were still trying to process the seriousness of it all. But, you couldn’t help but smile back at him. Maybe it was the fact that you felt some relief over being done with these people, even if it meant losing everything; or maybe it was the way that he sat across from you, that warm smile peeking out from behind that mess of a beard and those gorgeous eyes looking at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Whatever it was, you felt okay. You honestly felt that, as long as you had him next to you, you’d be fine.
“And I guess you can sleep at my place tonight,” he added. “Not sure what you’ll do after that though.”
“I’ll manage. Anything I make now that I’m out of that contract is mine, I think. And, hey! I have actual friends now, I’m sure someone will give me a place to crash.”
“Stop it,” he said as he rolled his eyes. “I’m joking. I mean, my place isn’t as nice as yours was, but if you need a place to stay…”
“I couldn’t intrude…”
“Of course I’m offering, Y/N.”
“I really hate it when people pity me,” you whined.
“It’s not pity,” he said firmly. “It’s just love.”
You gave him an honest smile. Nothing felt better than to hear that word come from his lips as he directed it at you. Yeah, you would be fine.
“God, I really do love you,” you reminded him.
“You know, maybe it’s for the best that you’re down on your luck. I don’t know if I would have built up the courage to convince you to move in with me otherwise.”
“Move in with you?”
“Might as well,” he shrugged. “I kinda like having you around. And I also think that you kinda need me right now.”
“Well, regardless of my behavior in the past, you should know that you are all I ever needed all along.”
Tag List: @winchestergirl-13 @thecandylovingarchangelgabriel  @capital-eyyyy-ohhh  @barba-booty @narisjournal-blog  @waywardswain @laffytaffyhumor   @destielschild   @sorenmarie87  @smoothdogsgirl @kocswain @culturebay​   @itsfunnierin-enochian @typicalweirdbookworm @angelsandhuntersgalore @riversong-sam @emoryhemsworth @hunterpuff @mandilion76  @anayacortez @camelotandastronauts @cyrilconnelly  @jpadjackles  @sirraxa @thewordsmithofhell @chocolategate  @livingthelifeofafangirleverday   @lucerospn1detc @nerdyforyourbooks  @rblstrash @your-sparklywinnercollection @robfangirl @soythedemonqueen @southernbell91 @sherlockedtash88 @internationalmusicteacher @tas898 @lullabylike
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