#billy’s never ending scream hyperfixation
darling-i-read-it · 2 years
Stu w/ a hyperfemine reader
Stu Macher x reader
Author's Note: I'm trying a newwwww style <3 I think that having stuff like this being a mix of headcanons and scenes! mini fics and such. lemme know what you guys think and I hope you like it love! Thanks for being my guinea pig lol
Request: i’m hyperfixating on scream cuz 6 just came out and your list says you write for it so can i plz request stu macher x hyperfeminine!reader fluff like they’re kinda opposites attract type thing idk lol 😊😊
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Meeting Stu in the typically girly girl attire with that perky smile on your face was like sending him straight over the moon
He watched you, eyeing you up and down, curious and over telling
You weren’t even talking to him but it was like you were there for him. Or maybe he was just being obsessive. He was probably just being obsessive. 
Stu was the kind of guy who dated someone for fun, because he knew that it worked within a friend group or because of sheer popularity. It was usually never because he loved them. 
Though lets be fair. The first time he saw you he was not thinking about love. There was something so dear to him about your eyes lighting up as you cheeirly moved about the friend group
You seemed to be a friend of Sidney’s, which worked well in his favor. After things ended the summer before with Tatum Sidney had all but forgiven him for their little fling
Maybe, if Stu tried hard enough…Sidney could give him the number of her friend. You. He wants your number. He should probably ask Billy who could probably ask Stu. 
Lots going on in his brain <3 so much <3 
Him getting you alone for the first time is such a fun little time it’s so good
His smile widened as he approached you. Now that Sidney and Billy had left he could talk to you by himself, without her getting in the way. You were sitting on a fountain near the school, still smiling from the goodbyes you had given to your friend. He scooted closer to you. 
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before,” he said, nudging your side. You rolled your eyes. You knew of him. Sidney had told you plenty. Though his eyes were alluring and you were all too happy to oblige that look. 
“I think you have,” you promised. 
“I would’ve remembered.”
“I’ve been Sidney’s friend forever.” 
“Well I’ve been Billy’s friend forever. Not Sidney’s,” he explained. You narrowed your eyes at him, a smile on your face. He pointed at the skirt you were wearing, a fluff of pink at the bottom. “That’s pretty.” 
You noted that he said pretty. He didn’t say cute or girly. You smiled gratefully. 
“Thank you Stu. I like to flaunt my femininity.”
“I love flaunting femininity.”
Dating Stu is like…there’s always gonna be someone touching you. Even when you think he isn’t in the room BOOM there’s Stu and his hands on your sides
He loves everything about the hyperfemininity. He would play into it as much as you let him. He would buy you things you desired (while also being fully aware he’s being a bit of a dick when he points it out) 
He probably makes awful jokes about your femininity linking to your ‘natural woman desires’ 
He made one joke about cooking and cleaning and you hit him with your bag. 
He was very offended. He also didn’t really wanna mention it again (so he didn’t thank goodness) 
Sidney didn’t particularly like that you were together but she didn’t hate it either
She thought your energies matched rather well (she was unaware that Stu Macher could kill someone in cold blood)
But the high intensity of Stu always needed someone who could tame it or feed into it
He found that he adored your very natural brightness
“Hey Stu?” He had his hand on your thigh but he wasn’t paying attention to you until you spoke. 
“Yeah sweetheart?” You sat on your bed, watching some scary movie he had showed you. You had no quarrels with it but you weren’t truly watching it. He always seemed enthralled and you could usually flip through a magazine unbothered but still together, a quiet understanding. 
“Are you aware that you’re cuddling my little piggy?” He squinted, not sure what kind of joke you were making until he noticed he was cuddling your actual stuff pig. It was fluffy and large enough to be a pillow. 
He didn’t move away when he noticed. In fact, he pulled it closer to his chest with his arm that wasn’t on you. 
“Not your piggy anymore.”
“Stu!” You reached forward to grab it but he pulled away, now clutching it with boht hands. You giggled. You attempted to reach around him but with laughter he fought you off. You giggled together until you were laying on top of him, the pig between you. 
He made a pouty face at you. 
It usually caused the both of you to be the life of the party
Billy thinks it’s rather annoying. Double annoying for the plans that he has for Stu and him 
Whenever Stu was with you it was like it never mattered, what Billy had planned
Well he still wanted to kill someone
But that was beside the point. He wanted to hang out with you and live his life with you. He didn’t quite know what he would be without that. 
You caught glimpses of that sometimes, when his face drifted off or when a joke Billy made landed a little wrong
But he never made it seem too overt
He was always more willing to talk to you about other things. Compliment your outfits, exist within the constraints of your room or his
It was actually really sweet <3 
Always the boyfriend (even if he’s the boyfriend who always has a stupid reason to kill his gf i guess!)
“Sweetheart. You’re a sweetheart.” 
“Thanks Stu.”
“You are. You’re my sweetheart.” 
“Oh Stu.” 
He looked down at you, poking your nose, smiling brightly, eyes narrowed in adoration. 
“You look really good in pink.”
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alphawolfstabs · 10 months
Hiii I'm back for more LoomHousen because KHBISBDIHZ
I actually told my girlfriend about this fic, and she really loved the plot (We're both down bad for Doug Van Housen haha) so now I have even more questions!!! Here, have a list!
- How did Billy end up in a totally different dimension? Have an idea or is it a total mystery?
- Why would Billy end up in the Animal Room?
- What is the mark on Housen's jaw? A scar? Did I miss it in the movie, or is it something you added?
(Billy asked so many interesting questions that are never answered, so I'm asking them for him lmao)
- So, who does Doug curse? Mommy, daddy, or..? What was supposed to be after the "or"??
- How many people experienced Doug? And most importantly, will Billy be lucky enough — or unlucky — to experience him? In one way or another (👀)
- basically, will my two favorite boys kiss in the future?
- Will there be a future?! Are you planning on making another chapter? (If yes, there are obviously questions you don't have to answer to if you don't want to spoil the rest of the story!)
- Stu! What about Stu? Did Stu notice that Billy is gone? Will Billy mention Stu to Doug? Is Stu real, or is Woodsboro just a dream?! Or the other way around, is Doug real or is this all just a nightmare Billy will soon wake up from?!! Will Billy see Stu again?!! Too many questions involving my boy Stu!
I probably have more, but that's already a lot more than I thought- Thank you for answering last time, and I hope you'll have fun with all those new questions, because I sure can read more about this fic for hours without getting bored!
Have an amazing day/night, and thank you for feeding my new hyperfixation!
I’m very very glad you’ve enjoyed it and have shared it!! I got my Boyfriend to watch Animal Room and we came up with the crackship together, so it’s very special and very dear in my heart. I started it not thinking other people would like it but it’s SOOO much fun chatting with you, Anon!! Now! Questions, list will be in order of the question <3
• how did Billy end up there? Good question. I’d like to say, he somehow was teleported there, him and his ‘family’. So his dad exists here too. Who teleported him and why? No clue for that one, but yeah- the magic of teleportation
• Billy ended up in Animal Room specifically because I wanted him to be able to see Another Matt Lilly character, someone similar to Stu but darker, more in control. Because Doug wouldn’t let Billy be in charge, And I like the idea of Billy losing his control and just not having a good time in any way, shape, or form.
• THE SCAAAAR! That’s something I added. Canonically he does have Eyebrow Scars, but the Jaw scar is something I added that will be talked about In The near future.
• so in the fic, when Billy say “mom? Dad? Or-” and then gets decked [he got punched right? I can’t remember and I wrote it uhhh whoops-] he asks it purely to piss off Doug. He was going to say “Or perhaps it’s both of them.”
Who does Doug curse? In this fic, I’m gonna go with Doug cursed both his parents. This is purely based off the misfits scene when he’s about to sandpaper the ground [teehee ya get it?-], Will be more in depth in the near future
• Who I think have Experienced Doug, Is his little gang and Billy. Now, I would say Billy has somewhat Experienced more of Doug than the others, from the bathroom scene when something flickers across Doug’s face but it’s unreadable. Also, Billy will be experiencing him in more ways than one
• YES! They absolutely will! I need them too, so yes, it’ll happen. Promise
• As soon as I get done with my Animosity Stuilly Fic, I will be Updating The Vexation one, so that will be happening super soon I promise!
• Oh Stu Stu Stu.. I’d imagine in the Scream timeline Stu does notice, but no one else does. It’s like- The only people who’ve taken Notice to Billy’s sudden appearance OR absence, is Doug and Stu. Everyone else seems unphased. Like he’s always been there/been gone.
If Billy were to see Stu again, it would have to be at the very end of the Fic, but I’m gonna play it safe and Say both Doug and Stu are real. Woodsboro is real- it’s all very real.
Im glad you enjoy my writing!! Makes me very happy to hear! Let me know what you think of my answers and as always, I will answer more questions HEHEHFKEBF I like talking about my crackship a lot 🩵‼️
Good day/night Sweet Anon
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msookyspooky · 3 months
OMFG?? I don’t even know what to say spooky?? The latest chapter was literal perfection, so fucking worth the wait! Don’t think I can be normal until the next chapter, that ending will be on my mind every waking minute (honestly every sleeping minute too lmoa) cuz oml WOW!! Your mind and absolute talent just never seizes to amazing me, I’m truly speechless. This is definitely in my top 3 chapters of the whole set up series. I’m simply so blown away at your writing and the way you just know these characters like your own hand. I’m so excited and cannot wait until the next chapter because wow, the drama that is about to unfold wow (Don’t wanna spoil anyone).
Getting the notification for every chapter you post always lights up my day, always wait until the afternoon so I can give it my full attention. And i’m always left sitting more intrigued and so stunned by your sheer talent. I don’t even think I can find a word to describe it well enough, I’m truly obsessed ahah. Hope you have the most fantastic day ever, you definitely deserve it<333
But I actually thought 'Oh this chapter is so boring ppl will think it's a filler' just to be pleasantly shocked so thank you 😅💝
For someone whose Scream hyperfixation died months ago and I feel like idk the theme anymore the second I start...STU out of all of them is second nature which is so freaking bizarre because he's the opposite of my personality. Followed by Billy. Then YN trying not to make her a mary sue bc her words and choices aren't mine but she's gotta be self insert worthy, ya know?
I hope I won't take a whole month this time but thank you sm for this it means a lot that you enjoy my writing and really really really urges me to get these chapters out faster!! 🥲🥰❤
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 11 months
Scream Au idea that's been rotting my brain (heavy scream 1 spoilers btw)
So as the season calls for it, halloween is super near. And because no one asked, I raise you with the wildest of ideas that have been brewing in my brain. 1.) because I don't know who else to talk about this INSANE idea with and 2.) I really really am feeling so much brainrot I want to write this into an actual fic.
As someone who has super super little experience with horror movies due to being a wuss that's easily scared, I absolutely am SO enamored with Scream 1 right now it's absolutely insane on my part. (But ADHD brain just is ARGHHH, yk? hyperfixation go brr.)
"What does this have to do with TOH?" you all are asking. I raise you with my dastardly plan of a TOH Scream AU because no one asked but I have been thinking THINKING about a possible scenario where I could make Luz Ghostface. You might be thinking too... "Why Cramity? Why do you want to instill trauma onto characters..." because Ghostface is cool, and I refuse to believe that Billy and Stu are so Hunter and Luz coded.
Think about it, okay? Billy could totally pass as Luz, and Stu is just under peer pressure to act as the killer. "But the homo erotic subtext! What about the rumors of Billy and Stu being gay for one another? Wouldn't that be... lun-" No!! No!! No Lunter in this au because I may strongly see that in Scream, but for the sake of my sanity... Nope.
Obviously, I do not think that Luz has the capabilities to do what Billy did to Sidney's mom. I don't think she'd just become Ghostface like that. Rightfully because if you are crossing that up with TOH Luz technically doesn't have the parental dynamic that Billy did so there's no way to really have that trauma spark. I think in a scenario where Eda DIES however that would happen. Especially if it's at the hands of the Blights. House fire, I'm thinking. An unexpected, plotted house fire to cover the tracks.
Now we have our "Sidney" Amity. Obviously. The final girl is so coded to be her in my mind.
Why would Hunter be involved? Because of Stu's reason. Peer pressure. I envision that Alador had an affair on Odalia with Darius and Belos ended up executing him. Though I do believe Hunter doesn't formally know the entirety of it (potential brainwashing to believe Belos did no wrong).
Starting scene however we open with Luz absolutely slaughtering Belos. (It's karma if you think about it with the knife teehee). But in exchange for his life, Hunter has to follow her and help her. Aka being Luz's "Stu".
So, they have a common enemy right? The Blights? Darius, Eda, and King died because of them. So obviously Luz wants to take it out on Amity because (Line from my notes) "I want to make you understand what it's like to lose the things you care about the most."
One by one it'd follow the similar pattern to plot. Though with TOH you'd possibly have to use crystal balls because there's no phones? I do think the phone thing is such a cooler more mysterious and chilling element so I might just say fuck it and leave that. BUT LUZ COULD USE INVISABILITY GLYPHS HAHA!! Deadly.
Luz would kill Amity's family until it's literally like Amity's the final girl when Luz realized that Amity reaaaaally never cared about her parents. She cared about her.
"But why would that be a thing?"
Well since I plotted earlier that the reason Eda died was due to a housefire, Amity presumes Luz to be dead. So it'd be kind of a shocker to her if she realizes that the person that's trying to kill her is really her estranged lover, right? I don't know. I'm really TRULY into the idea that Luz is just stalking around the manor and Amity may or may not be seeing things.
With that logic as well Luz and Hunter would have to formally die at the end, right? Yeah. But I think in my mind I'd have Hunter turn on Luz due to it being peer pressured at the start and wanting to be good and Luz just shooting him out of anger. "BUT HUN-" It's plot okay?
I don't know the entire details but I'm thinking so hard about how this could work.
also, the fact that mathew lillard is in the fnaf movie and did that literal knife swipe. bro. im not even into fnaf but that shit had me SCREAMING (pun intended). they literally did that shit on purpose as a call back to scream. YOU CAN'T TELL ME OTHERWISE. THAT'S THE LITERAL GHOSTFACE KNIFE WIPE.
yeah idk what else this is. sorry I'm rambling.
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
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I haven’t posted any artwork of my Scream OCs as of late, so here’s a fake screenshot I did of Calliope having to deal with Zephyr being a sore loser <3 (click for better quality, as always)
diner waitress Cal is my favorite Cal 💕
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prism-sakura-s · 5 years
Animal Skins AU
Finally have the courage to make my own au and release it into the world so here it is: an animal brides au inspired by overly sarcastic production’s latest video and cosmo sheldrake’s “the moss”
(Warning: murder/hunting mention, death mention, gun mention, lmk if there’s anymore)
Setting: a mythical world similar to ours, but quite different because I didn’t want to worry about where specific animals lived. so basically the only differences is where all the animals live
Logan Tala
species: human
sexuality: aromantic asexual
gender: male
raised in an orphanage run by nuns
graduate of The Saint Teresa College, also run by the nuns he grew up with
having been brought up in a catholic school with a mostly conservative staff, it wasn’t until he met Sister Tanya, a closeted lesbian asexual nun, that he started to accept his sexuality.
loves nature and space, but is strangely indifferent to robots, stating that “The truly compelling kind of science, is the kind that was not created by mankind, and therefore can never truly be understood.”
he’s poetic like that
while very intelligent and appreciative of the goals and services the educational system provides, he also (rather surreptitiously) absolutely hates it due to its outdated method of shoving information down students’ throats without giving any real thought or care to keep the pupils interested. not to mention the fact that homework and projects can keep a student up late at various hours, thus throwing off their circadian system and not letting them get the required time for sleep
is the kind to scroll wikipedia for hours
Patton Uycoco
species: human
sexuality: bisexual
gender: demiboy
went to the same school as Logan, and is his closest friend
also struggled with their sexuality as well as their gender, not really experiencing dysphoria but feeling like something was off
was introduced to Sr. Tanya by Logan, who helped them come to terms with their orientations
loved animals, but mostly just mammals, birds, and cute fishes. anything creepy-looking or said to be dangerous (snakes, spiders, nautilus, sharks, octopuses are a bit in-between, etc.) were squicks for them
cartoon and musical lover!
loved Dodie (yes she exists in this au because I can and also she’s basically a goddess and deserves to be in every universe) as well as some other mainstream artists (still loves 1D, cried when they broke up)
Roman Sanders
species: therianthropic (deer)
sexuality: gay af
gender: male
brother of Remus Sanders
half therianthropic, half human. his mother was therianthropic, a deer capable of turning into a human. she fell in love with roman’s father and married him, giving birth to Roman and Remus shortly after. however, only Roman inherited her (technically) shape-shifting powers
his mother was killed by a hunter when he was 15
was homeschooled by both his parents along with his brother, but after his mother died was educated by his father only
not incredibly fond that his “spectacular skill” consists of turning into a deer. often wishes he could be something more “brave and dangerous”, like a lion or bear. has even occasionally said he’d settle on a horse, because “at least those beautiful creatures can knock a b*tch out”
not that he disrespects his mother, of course
Roman really misses her
loves his brother, but is also incredibly creeped out by him so he never admits it
loves (hyperfixates on) musicals, the occasional video game, cartoons, mythology, greek and latin history and architecture, and literature
met Logan at a history convention, swapped numbers and eventually became close friends. was introduced to Patton shortly after and bonded over their shared love of cartoons and musicals
Virgil Noctis
species: therianthropic (leopard cat)
sexuality: panromantic, asexual
gender: genderfluid
hard of hearing due to a gunshot they heard when they were very young
ran away in a panic and ended up at a small cottage owned by a sweet farmer lesbian couple
was adopted by the lesbians and grew up under their care
attended Greenfield for grade school and high school, but never attended college as they didn’t have enough money to afford it
very very anxious, especially about their disability
(they can’t hear people, though they can read lips well, what if they react wrong? they can’t even hunt properly, what if they get eaten in the wild?)
they can, in fact, communicate and hunt well :)
often uses their phone to communicate with others
was very nervous when they came out to their moms about being genderfluid, and while their parents were confused at first, they eventually learned to understand and accept their child’s gender orientation
needs to have headphones or loud speakers in order to listen to music
likes emo music (mcr, tøp, p!atd etc. because those exist here too yay) as well as dodie, tessa violet, orla gartland and lauren aquilina
(plus billie eilish of course)
very interested in conspiracies
met Roman while hanging out in the woods
(they saw him turn into a human and freaked out before remembering that it was a thing some people did sometimes and oh yeah they are one of those people)
Remus Sanders
species: human
sexuality: aro-spec, a-spec (questioning)
gender: trans male
twin brother of Roman Sanders
actually a bit jealous of Roman for getting all the cool powers, but still loves him nonetheless
also loves annoying his baby brother to death
(yes, baby brother, albeit by an hour)
also misses his mother a lot, though he’ll admit he was closer to his father
dysphoric, always tries his best to feel like a guy though he hates polo shirts or... anything with a folded collar
loves creepy/scary animals, movies, games etc.
watches conspiracy videos on the daily like Virgil, but likes to focus more on paranormal activities
speaking of Virgil, when they first met he did creep them out a bit, but discovered they both watched conspiracy videos and bonded from there
met the others through Roman
species: therianthropic (timber rattlesnake)
sexuality: queer
gender: agender
human contact whats that
yeah so basically they only learned how to speak from the passing hunters and hikers in the forest as well as the other therianthropic animals
sometimes they would obtain and collect books (doesn’t matter where from and how, not important) and eventually taught themselves how to read
kinda sick of being the kind of animal that humans screamed at and ran away from upon seeing them
and if it wasn’t that, it would normally involve being captured
he always escapes of course
the first time they were handled by a human without malicious intent was by a 16-year old Remus, who tripped over them while on a leisurely stroll to find some tarantulas
Remus brought them home and housed them kindly
he was the first person Dante revealed his human self to
long story short Dante moved in with the Sanders family and perfected their English during their stay there
also Roman screamed like a little girl upon seeing Dante for the first time
he denies it’s ever happened
Remy Diaz-Picani
species: human
sexuality: gay
gender: deminonbinary
a nature photographer
married to Emile
Emile Diaz-Picani
species: human
sexuality: gay, aceflux
gender: male
a zoologist, works in tandem with Remy
married to Remy
Anyways, that’s all I got for now, I might add some stuff later on. Also if I made any mistakes regarding Virgil’s disability or the like, please let me know, this would be my first attempt at writing disabilities in a (hopefully) pretty big project like this.
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inflashback · 5 years
all of them for either sid or carrie?
part one: Carrie
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
it’s a movie, a musical, and a book; it’s about a girl with pyschic powers killing her abusers.
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
my baby brother loves it a Lot so I always knew about it... I ended up watching it because it was on netflix! Then I read it, then I listened to the musical and watched all the remakes.
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
I love that it’s REAL KIDS. None of them are exactly paragons of virtue— there’s no one 100% right, ever, except maybe tommy. They’ve got stupid petty problems and stupid petty things about them and it’s so goddamn good! Also for the movie I just really love dePalma’s work :)
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
my ultimate favorite scene from the movie is when tommy and Carrie have their dance; from the musical, it’s You Shine, when Tommy and sue talk; in the book it’s— “Do you like me?” “You’re beautiful.” And she was.
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
tommy!!!!!! I love tommy so much, because he’s genuinely SO kind and loving for no reason other than that’s who he is. he doesn’t have to have a good time with Carrie but he DOES and he makes sure she’s comfortable :). he’s such a wonderful boy!!! and obviously carrie herself, because she’s trying so hard to be good.
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
margaret white need I say more
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
I HC CARRIE AS AUTISTIC!!!! that’s canon, I won’t listen to anything else, and it means a lot to me as a hc. on that note, I hc sue tommy and carrie as all bi, and that means a lot :).
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
ahahahahahahaha yeah. they’re all my ccs!! i identify with tommy and carrie but they aren’t kins so much as I just see myself in them :)
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
um!!! the blood was made of corn syrup and they only shot that twice!
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
id absolutely love actresses that play carrie to be less conventionally attractive,,, I love all her actresses but the point is she’s not a paragon of beauty. Also, in the musical mrs White is kind of redeemed and NO.
part two: scream!!
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
a girl who went through a brutal murder of her mother starts receiving mysterious phone calls from an unknown caller.
📌 how did you find your hyperfixation?
it was my first horror movie because it was on netflix!
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
hoogh neve campbell’s portrayal of sid is what rlly brought me into it. she’s so talented. also it’s ALL about horror formulas and storytelling, which r both my big interests!!
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
from the first one, probably the “EVERYONES A SUSPECT!” or “TURN AROUND, JAMIE—“. i love randy. in the sequels I love the I think I love you scene, every time dewey and sid reunite, and when sid saves Jill.
🎶 if your hyperfixation has songs/an ost, what is your favorite song from it?
sidney’s lament goes SO hard
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
GOD... it’s hard to choose but. i love dewey... he’s so dorky and kind and he’s just!! trying to protect his bb siblings
💔 tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.
I mean I hate billy????? but I also strongly dislike Charlie. all his motives are stupid and he’s a jerk
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
SID IS NON-BINARY! I called them a girl up there but I usually use they them pronouns fr them and hc them as transmasc. randy is also transmasc and complicatedly neurodivergent. dewey is a trans man. Tatum is a lesbian.
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
ok let’s just be super cringe here I’m sid Prescott. Not past life or anything just... I’m them! That’s me!! That’s who I want to be! Also the entire first movie gang besides You Know are my ccs along with hallie derek jennifer kirby and Jill!!
💎 are there any fun facts or trivia that you would like to share?
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it?
not a fan of the “Sid is a killer angle”... they’re NOT a killer and never ever ever will be
thank you op sorry I rambled and i didn’t post this! I was on vacation
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
𖤐 Scream OC • Nyx Witherson 𖤐
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Here’s another master-post similar to Slater’s, but this time for my Scream OC Nyx! I would say she’s a Scream 5 OC, but technically her involvement isn’t until afterwards. Though, she was around during the timing of the 5th movie so we’ll roll with it.
Disclaimer: This OC and her story are HEAVILY based around the paranormal, so if you’re not into that sort of stuff I recommend skipping past this 💀
Also gonna be changing the format that I share my OCs’ info back to how Zephyr’s ref sheet is so it looks cleaner <3 and
added more imagery for funsies
TW: Manipulation, Mention of taxidermy-based violence, stuff about Satanism (idk if this triggers anyone but just to be safe)
✨information below the cut✨
Nyx Violette Witherson
Nyxie, Dumbfuck (ever-so-lovingly chosen by Billy. Further explanation in her general information 🥰)
She is 19, nearly 20 years old during the timing of Scream 5.
October 28th, 2003 (I’m pretty sure it said Scream 5 takes place in 2023 but I’m not completely sure so.. whichever birth year lines up 💀)
Female, She/Her
Her face claim is Adriana Lima (shown in the gif above!)
She dresses in a more somewhat gothic style of clothing, though primarily just lots of black + short skirts and plenty of lace. She enjoys feeling like a vintage vampire of sorts!
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(Just without the crosses. Obviously 😭)
Though viewed as a generally disliked outcast in Woodsboro, Nyx is a surprisingly friendly person. Though it really is just a mask for her much more psychotic side that lurks unnoticed, she knows how to play off her dark tendencies well and portray an oddly sweet-like-candy persona. However she is quite hot-headed like her mother, and if pushed a bit too far she has no hesitance in getting revenge on those who test her patience.
Nyx lives in a house along with her roommate Fletcher Jones on the outskirts of Woodsboro. She previously lived in New York with her parents, although after discovering her mother’s past and the loss of her aunt she decided to move to her parents’ hometown in sought of Sidney Prescott. In belief that Sidney had “brainwashed” Fletcher’s mother, Calliope, into killing Noa, Nyx was urged into seeking revenge for her aunt and her mother’s still shattered heart. However Nyx is initially hesitant, unsure of her own capabilities in succeeding with murder.
Also alike her mother, Nyx is a hardcore satanist and witch. Heavily caught up in her supernatural practices from a young age with the help of her mother, Nyx finds she’s particularly sensitive to the presences of spirits and delves into ways of communication with the undead. After many years of practice, Nyx decides to dabble in ways to make use of her abilities and figures the spirits of Billy Loomis and Stu Macher are the perfect guinea pigs. Though unknowingly, she only makes herself vulnerable to relentless manipulation from the two as they urge her into going through with her initial plan.
Her only family known to her besides her dead aunt Noa Winslow is her parents, Zephyr Winslow and Will Witherson. She has never come into contact with any of her grandparents, making a point to avoid any of Zephyr’s adoptive family at all costs. She longs to meet her grandfather Raphael Witherson, however his location is unknown to her.
Nyx doesn’t have many friends in Woodsboro, being that her mother’s particularly.. violent reputation is still well-known all those years later, the previous assumption of Zephyr’s psychopathy now passed onto Nyx as the public finds a heavy distaste in Nyx’s adoration for all things witchy. However, she does have her best friend Fletcher Jones. Oblivious to Fletcher’s obvious pining over her, she considers him to be resemblant to an older brother ever since the two bonded over the town’s suspicion over them once becoming roommates.
Though they may not say the same, Nyx considers Billy Loomis and Stu Macher to be her friends as well, even if they aren’t alive like her. Her desperation to be appreciated having pushed her to the point of communing with ghosts, they find she’s more easy to control than anything else. Feeding into her desire to be loved, Billy finds it to be especially entertaining to mess with her mind as he leads her on with the idea of something more. Stu also loves scaring her at any potential chance.
Nyx also very occasionally interacts with Samantha Carpenter, Sam being too unnerved by Nyx’s ‘unsettling vibe’ to attempt being any type of friends with her. Though she had initially wanted to be genuine friends with Sam, Nyx had deemed her as merely a potential way to creep closer to Sidney.
Happy to feed into a witch’s stereotype, Nyx has a pair of black cats named Phantom and Gargoyle. Luckily, Gargoyle is long-haired and easy to tell apart from his brother!
Past witchcraft, Nyx has other hobbies. Having a niche for taxidermy in specific, she’s found many unsavory ways to play around with her talent and display her other victims. Like mother, like daughter.
Nyx has a massive adoration for metal and rock music, typically blasting it while she works on her rituals or taxidermy.
In her longing for validation, Nyx feels inclined to shower anyone that gives her attention with gifts. Though she remains stumped with how to praise Billy and Stu, it assists them in manipulating her into murder as she feels pressured to make up for her inability to provide any physical gifts.
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
apologies for my shitty attempt at drawing (based on the SCREAM character posters)
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Aidyn LaRue Macher
Nickname is Dyn, which is what Wes, Mindy, and Tara tend to call her most of the time.
18 years old in the events of Scream 5
Birthday is January 25th, 2005.
Gender is female and pronouns are she/her
Height is 5’6”.
Has shoulder length, fluffy, light brown hair that is dyed purple and blue during the movie. 
Has light brown eyes.
Her clothing style is simple. She wears lots of sweaters (like Stu👀) and t-shirts with graphics on them and jeans. 
Hobbies are dancing, she does ballet classes. She also likes to bake cakes and cookies.
Favorite food is tacos with beef and cheese.
Favorite drink is Pepsi.
Biggest fear is losing her friends, family, and starting to act like her uncle (who she has never met), Stu Macher. 
She was born in Woodsboro, California. 
Her father left her family when she was 15 and she lived with just her mother for 3 years until her mother married Gabriel Schneider.
The languages she can speak are English and a bit of French from French class at school.
Best friend is Wes Hicks. 
Closest friends are Mindy Meeks-Martin, Chad Meeks-Martin, Tara Carpenter, Liv McKenzie, Wes Hicks, and Amber Freeman.
Her significant other is Wes Hicks. They get together while she’s in the hospital after an attack from Ghostface. 
She lives in Woodsboro, California. She lives in the house next door to the Hicks’. Her mother never lived in the Macher house after her brother was killed there and her parents sold the house after 1996.
She always carries a knife that she keeps sheathed in her boot, pepper spray, a flashlight, earbuds, and her phone.
A typical night’s sleep for her is in her room with her gray cat, Tucker, who lives through the movie.
Her favorite childhood memory is when she first learned how to ride a bike. Her dad was the one who taught her and she treasures that memory of him.
The things that make her smile the most are Wes, dumb jokes, Mindy’s jokes, and cheesy movies.
Her main love languages are physical touch and acts of service. 
Like Stu, when she laughs, she sticks her tongue out. Her mom always saw this and thought of Stu, which contributed to her fear of Aidyn ending up like Stu. This anxiety passed onto Aidyn, who is terrified of becoming a psychopathic killer like her uncle.
and yeah, i have more i can tell you about her, feel free to ask, love ☺️
IM?? SO OBSESSED??? SHES SO COOL AND THE ART IS LOVELY DOLL OH MY GOODNESS <33 she fact she would be younger than me has me shook but 💀 petition to add her to the canon cast 😠
PLEASE feel free to send me more things about her, I already love her so much !! Plus the fact she has a kitty makes me so happy, cat people unite 😌
I also think my Scream 5 OC would adore her ngl, however my OC is also a murderer like her parents so idk how well that would work LMAO she’d probably try to influence her into giving into her darker side..
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
I'm sorry wifey but Nyx, Fletch and Nancy are the ultimate trio and you can't fight me on this... 💅
NO YOU’RE SO RIGHT I will forever love them and all the trouble they got into 😭 that scene where Nyx nearly cut Vincent’s throat? still iconic
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
before i send in my drawing, just wanted to check if you’ve seen scream 5 yet.
i don’t wanna spoil anything for you ☺️
Yes I have, don’t worry!! :D Not gonna be any spoilers here 😌
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
facts about dyn: aidyn got her cat, tucker, when he was a few weeks old. after her dad left, she started to get depressed, so her mom let her go to the shelter to get an animal. she brought the cat home and wes immediately ran over to her house to see it, because he was excited. he helped her come up with the name. they put names into a little hat and picked them out until one was left. safe to say that wes is a very key figure in aidyn’s life
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WAAAAAA THAT IS SO CUTE OMG. Stuff about cats melts my heart man i stg, I want one sooo bad 😭 and I adore the picking names from a hat oh my goodness
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
officially-“facts about dyn”- the reason aidyn dyed her hair multiple colors was because wes made a bet with her that she couldn’t keep the dye from mixing. she bet him that he couldn’t bleach his own hair. so, they both dyed their hair, and it stuck with them for a while.
THATS SO FUCKING CUTE IM SOBBING we love our dyed hair babiessss <33 PRECIOUS
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
fun fact about aidyn: she doesn’t really like liv. and liv doesn’t really like her. the both of them have a mutual “i kinda fucking want you to die, but you make one of our friends happy so i can’t kill you”. a big reason she doesn’t like liv is that liv just LOVES to accuse her of the murders once they start up, even if it was proven not to be her. but, that doesn’t stop aidyn from being mortified when she sees liv get shot.
Liv man I stg 💀 I’m absolutely obsessed with this dynamic, AND THE FACT SHE’S STILL AFFECTED BY LIV BEING SHOT? Big ouch 😪
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
you wanna hear more about aidyn? psshhh okayyy if you say so, muahahaha.
(also, thank you sm for loving on my OCs. i shall return the love to yours, as they deserve all the love)
-so, for starters, i am not letting wes or his sweet mother die. ain't gonna happen. they were too precious for this world, and must be treated as such.
-instead of just not mentioning anything about her child at all in the fourth movie, judy will in fact mention her child. when at the police station, gale asks judy how her son is doing. judy tells her that wes is doing well and that he's staying with the oliver's (this was aidyn's last name before her parents got divorced, then she changed it to macher) until she can be home more often.
-once the murders start back up in the fifth movie, aidyn's nightmares about stu get worse and worse. because of the paranoia that she may be the killer, just "too insane" to realize it, she often dreams that she is ghostface behind the mask, and is chasing down her friends one by one.
-instead of wes and judy getting attacked, it is going to be aidyn, and luckily, i have planned out how that scene will work.
(do enjoy my OC suffering-like all of them)
[Also, I refer to Ghostface as "they" because I'm not sure who would have done the attacking at that time]
While Judy is on her way to grab sushi for her and Wes, Ghostface calls her. They tell her that they can’t wait to cut Aidyn up just like her mother and step-father. 
Judy quickly turns her car around and texts an officer to send backup to her neighborhood as fast as they can.
Ghostface hangs up and Judy attempts to call Aidyn, who is driving back home from dance practice, so she doesn’t see it.
Judy then tries to call Wes, but he’s taking a shower so he can’t answer it. 
Aidyn arrives home and walks into her house, bag hanging from her shoulder. Once inside she calls out for her mom, but gets no answer. She then calls out for Gabe (her step-father), but once again, she gets no answer.
When she walks into the kitchen, she sees Leslie and Gabe dead on the ground. They had had their throats slit and their stomachs slashed open, lying in puddles of their own blood.
Aidyn immediately starts screaming and sobbing, pulling out her phone to call the police. 
While dialing the number, she turns around to run, but gets stabbed in the stomach by Ghostface, making her drop her phone.
She kicks Ghostface back and they yank the knife out of her stomach as she stumbles down the hall, since Ghostface has blocked the front door.
She runs to her room and hides behind the door, clutching her bleeding stomach. 
Ghostface walks into the room, and when they turn around, Aidyn runs out as fast as she can. Ghostface tries running after her, but Tucker trips them and they hit the wall. Tucker is able to run and hide under the bed before Ghostface can take their anger out on the cat.
Ghostface gets up and follows Aidyn's blood trail into the living room, stabbing her in the side as she struggles with the door.
When she tries to stand back up, she gets stabbed in the side a second time. 
She falls down right in front of the TV and Ghostface pushes the TV off the stand. (It's giving Stu for a reason). Aidyn rolls out of the way before the TV can hit her and attempts to stand back up. 
Ghostface kicks Aidyn in the back, knocking her down onto her stomach. 
Aidyn pulls her knife out of her boot and the two try to stab each other at the same time, but catch the other’s hand before the other can harm them. 
Ghostface slams their head against hers and stabs her in the sides 5 more times. (When I tell you this movie had brutal stabbings, I meant it).
The two hear the police sirens outside and Aidyn starts to scream for help. Ghostface stabs her in the stomach another time before fleeing the house through the back door.  
as you can see, i just love making my OCs suffer. but it also pains me, it's weird how that works.
-you best believe wes was beyond terrified when he ran outside to see officers rushing into aidyn's house.
-i feel bad for him, even though i did that to him.
-dw he gets to take care of her in the hospital, before ghostface gets back and tries to hurt her and tara.
-the timing is a bit different than the actual movie, meaning that i am allowing some time between when aidyn's attack happens and tara and aidyn get attacked in the hospital. this gives all of the other friends time to come visit aidyn after her attack, and to give her their condolences after her mother's death.
but yes, if you have any specific questions, do let me know. so sorry to info dump on you. (i[m sorry for apologizing so much, it's my neverending anxiety trait that gets on my friends' nerves so fucking much). hope you enjoyed!
YOU ARE SERIOUSLY SO GOOD AT COMING UP WITH SCENARIOS AAAAAAA I love it but also this poor girl does not deserve all this suffering oh my goodness 😭 I’m also guilty of doing the same to my OCs though so I get it. 💀 However I’m glad Wes gets to comfort her afterwards, I’m happy he gets to live in your story also <33
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH BABES, I’m MORE than happy to listen to everything you’ve got to tell!! There’s seriously nothing that makes me happier than people who love to talk about their ocs as much as I do, I could go on for hours myself and it’s just as fulfilling to listen to others also 🥰 never worry about sending me too much, ever!
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angelofbloodlust · 2 years
would it interest you any if i told you i have a scream 5 oc i have been working on for a little while?
(you chose her hair color a few months back ☺️)
YES IT WOULD OMG. PLEASEEEE tell me everything about her hearing all about your ocs make my day I swear 😭💕
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