optimistic-tree · 1 year
Book Review: Out of the Dark by David Weber
I’ll be honest, I started looking for this one because it talked about the alien race being considered insane because we adhered to family dynamics, and the aliens didn’t even though they were a pack, because it was based on old assumptions about how wolf packs worked. This should have been a sign, but I was willing to try it. Who doesn’t like humans punching aliens for trying to hurt their kids?
It’s space war. Not like “humans and aliens brawling” like “the human military is scattered and society has broken down, and the only thing that matters now is how many weapons you have.”
And this is entirely pro-war, pro-military. Pro-hoarding. The politics are right of center, which might be nice for those who believe in those things, but I am not, and I doubt many people on this website are. And pro-hoarding, really? More concerned with making sure that the community isn’t overloaded or that they aren’t raided than the welfare with people they don’t identify with. And children. Points for caring about children. Perfectly willing to compromise with extremists, who have probably broken the law, which is what the narrative tells us, tells us to ignore the possibility he was committing crimes beforehand, about the one Muslim character, who it seems like was just advocating for less violence in the region.
The aliens are given relatable POV moments, and there’s some fun psychology moments, which were barely worth the rest of the book, but were still fun. The alien prisoners are experimented on, we never see anyone surrender until, maybe the end (I couldn’t finish it). Aliens try after massacring children, and I don’t blame the humans for not accepting their surrender, but no aliens ever try to surrender anywhere else? The information they get is from prisoners they’re torturing. These are the good guys.
There’s also a horrendous plot twist, like 90% of the way through the book. I would advise you spoil it for yourself, if your still interested and dislike giant genre shifts. I had to stop reading because of it. It’s so stupid.
Really. Unless you can’t stand spoilers.
Vampires. Futhermucking vampires.
And Sure, the next book explains their magic technology, and sure, their are hints I might have picked up if I had read Dracula Daily (I chose to muck my way through Frankenstein instead), but it’s pretty subtle, not everyone has read dracula, and no alien technology is used by humans for the WHOLE book. I’m pretty sure.
And sure, the situation was impossible, but that’s no reason to pull a deus ex vampire (vampire is vampire in latin). The death of all humans would have fit the story better. Or, heck, the death of all but a small remainder, unaffected by bio-weapons, isolated somewhere. It’d take a couple hundred years for the aliens to get back, and if they saw their were still humans, the might just turn around and go home. It’d be a little bit of a tonal shift, but it’d be hilarious, and a much more fitting end than vampires to a story about humans vs aliens. You wanted vampires, introduce them early
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guess the bioterrorist
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lasseling · 5 months
He STATES CLEARLY that his ‘Vaccines’ have Nanotechnology.
DOES ANYONE honestly believe this is to make people healthier?
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shamefulzombie · 2 months
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Drew my virus that i made in Plague Inc
Yes, Plague Inc.
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savage-rhi · 14 days
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Day 2 of drawing again after 4 years (he's not done marinating yet)
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angel-archivist · 1 year
It's so interesting and so exceedingly frustrating how agab is being utilized now within the queer community as a way to isolate and sort nonbinary and genderqueer folks into binary boxes that determine their moral purity levels, and their authority to do and write and exist.
The way nonbinary writers are being put under accusation of fetishizing gay men while their AGAB is continually brought up in a way that feels like queer-space-approved misgendering.
The way feminist circles that are supposedly trans-inclusive will use the word AFAB in a way that implicitly but intentionally isolates nonbinary people who aren't AFAB from joining. It's for women*.
The way the language is already flawed and leaves out intersex folks from the conversations while focusing on a binary of sex that isn't truthful.
The constant obsessing over whether someone is AFAB or AMAB and whether or not that gives them the privilege to join, do, write, or be present in certain spaces really really concerns me. How are we supposed to dismantle a binary system of gender if we can't even move past forcibly assigning and focusing on people's genders assigned at birth?
#and yes i understand! that agab language can in some circumstances be helpful in inclusive language and in the medical world but ultimately#is misgendering and unnecessary it should be up to the person to disclose their agab not an expectation of them to give up freely#I think that inclusive language shouldnt be misgendering in nature and agab as far as i can tell should only be used in select discussions#and certainly not as a way to frame a nonbinary writer as a “biological woman” but in a way where the queer community will nod along and sa#“oh they have a point” because you used the word AFAB instead#honestly afab is the term i see used most frequently and most harmfully towards other nonbinary people who don't identify w the label#to exclude trans women and amab nonbinary people#to frame nonbinary people as “still women” because of their assigned gender at birth#also i understand its not as simple as “not using” these terms bc they still serve a purpose and are important#but as they leave the queer community and as they enter the hands of cis queer people they become weapons#i wish i could like manifest my thoughts super clearly but i really cant bc its a difficult situation#its just another example of misogyny and bio-essentialism creeping into the queer community#because the patriarchy impacts all things including our discussions of trans oppression and gender we need to stop viewing it#as a strict binary of male female and oh sometimes we'll mention nonbinary people but we're all afab and amabs at the end of the day <3#like flames literal flames#if you wanna like chip into the conversation just shoot me an ask or respond to the post i'd love to hear other peoples perspectives#im not infalliable so if i said anything you view as incorrect especially in regards to intersex folks and how you all would like to be#included in these discussions as im not intersex but am aware of how agab is a subject that leans into the idea of a binary of sex#so yeah rant over <3#retro.bullshit#rant
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liesmyth · 7 months
anyway re: “would Wake be a good mum?” That's not even a question, imo. She simply would NOT be a parent.
If, for some reason, lil Gideon had ended up raised by BOE, I strongly believe it wouldn't have been Wake raising her. She had a war to fight, an Emperor to kill, Lyctors to fuck and fuck over. #justWakethings
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mo-ok · 10 months
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zaynes-ocs · 1 year
Shortcake Sweetpaw
Species: Palico
Age: 12
Height: 3 ft (91 cm)
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: lesbian
Helping others
Pretty much everything pawsitive
Bigots and the like
Character connections:
Jaxx Timberwood
Desmond Drake
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thehappiestgolucky · 10 months
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Oc posting. As a teen I tried shoving all my ocs into one universe and now i’ve separated them out and I find ‘broke college crew just trying to exist and also this random angsty teen gets tossed in there’ universe extremely fun to draw they’re goofy goobers
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my persona has a species now. ig. this creatures name is Eclipse. And meet gods angriest teen, Saiya
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lasseling · 5 months
British Gov’t Bombshell: ‘One Billion Vaccinated People Now Have VAIDS’
An official British study has confirmed that over one billion people worldwide now have Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) as a direct result of taking the mRNA Covid jab.
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aussiepineapple1st · 1 year
Chreon / Leon x Chris
Words: 2,935 Contains: Angst, Drowning, Death?, Hurt Comfort.
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Los Iluminados, of course it was. Leon stood inside of a BSAA chinook, he had been called to Wisconsin for a job as BOWs had been reported near a large body of water. Chris had taken a small team of BSAA soldiers to take out a small outbreak of the usual T-Virus nearby, bumping into Leon trying to look for signs on which body of water it could have been sighted. Seeming to be moving from lake to lake, the only reason he could really think is there was some kind of under water tunnel system it was getting around with.
Chris gave a nod. "That would make sense. Brinkley, can you find any type of map with the locations of caves in the area?" Chris asked a the soldiers kneeling in front of the laptop situated on one of the benches in the chinook.
"Sir!" He responds as he starts to search for one.
Leon held his right hand over his mouth, mentally going over all the information Chris and his team had helped him piece together. But what was the purpose for it being put in the water, or even adapted to being in the water? No one was drinking the water from any of these lakes near where it had been sighted, all he knew was it had attacked a few fisherman wanting to go out and catch some fish for sport. Leon just closed his eyes, his shoulders lowering in defeat. He was tired and had been at this job for 3 days now. Chris caught a glimpse of Leon in the corner of his right eye, turning his head to see the shorter man looking completely done with this job.
Leon flinched as he felt a hand rest on his left shoulder, pulling him from his deep thoughts. Opening his eyes he looks to his left, locking eyes with Chris with a questioning look.
"Don't worry, We'll get all of this sorted and you can get home. Our job was pretty easy this round, more hands make light work." Chris gave Leon a reassuring smile to try and cheer him up.
"Thanks, Chris." He nods back, thanking him physically for the help he was giving him. Who knows how long this would be taking him if he was still working on his own. Sometimes it was good to have a squad backing you up, however Leon would mainly be put alone, not that he minded sometimes. It was better to be looking after himself than having men under his supervision dropping like flies, not being able to do anything for them.
"Got it, Captain," Brinkley had spoken up once the map of all caving and underground tunnel systems was up on the screen.
Leon leans down to get a closer look, Chris' gaze fixated on Leon's back, noting how slender his frame was. How could so much strength be compacted into not much visible muscle? Leon had always been the type to be muscular without being built like Chris. He was pulled from his thoughts when Leon spoke up, pointing at the screen.
"Looks like we're right, the caves link all the lakes. Well at least we know where to look." Leon nods, standing up and placing a hand on his hip. He had an idea on which lakes it could now go between, and the men to ambush it.
After creating a plan of action with Chris, they both inform his squad on the plan splitting them up into two groups.
Leon points to the map on the screen of the laptop "I want you spread out equally around your designated water source." He switches the picture to one of an internal reading of previous creatures he had encountered. "The Plaga is an internal parasite, so if you shoot at it, use your biothermal scopes to get a reading on where it is. Find the parasite and kill it, you do that, this thing goes down." He explains to the group, Chris also taking in this information.
Once at the dropping points, each designated group exit the chinook, only leaving the medic who will stay, Chris, Leon and one extra member of his squad to join the two of them.
"Good luck boss!" The pilot speaks over the comms as the three of them exit the chinook at their designated lake. Leon giving them the smaller of the three as they were a smaller group, the others consisting of 4.
Once the chinook had taken to the sky once more Chris placed a finger to his left ear. "Comm's check."
"Nothing to report here yet, Alpha."
"Everything is still here, Captain."
"Alright, stay alert, we don't know what this thing is capable of." Chris warns to the rest of the squad, turning to Leon and the other member and giving a nod.
"Chris.." Leon hails, walking to catch up to the taller man who was heading to his designated spot on the lake. Turning to face Leon his brows raise and soften, humming a soft "Hmm?"
"Thanks for helping me, I appreciate the help." Leon gives a nod, grabbing at his right shoulder and rolling it.
Chris gives a nod, his eyes flicking to the action. "Still giving you grief?"
"Hm?" Leon was taken aback by the question. "Oh.. Yeah, It's been over 20 years, I don't think it's ever going to heal." He gives a small exhaled chuckle, finding his own pain amusing.
Chris keeps his gaze on Leon for a moment, slowly scanning over his outfit choice. Over the passed few years he had come to like the James Bond aesthetic Leon would sometimes wear. Instead of just jeans and t-shirt he had slowly switch the t-shirt for button ups, the vests he would sometimes dawn were more akin to a waistcoat rather than tactical heavy. His jeans sometimes being swapped for slacks and shoes would change between steel capped boots, heavy hiking sneakers and a shiny dress shoe. Though the Leather Jacket was always a must when he needed a second layer, which Chris did like indeed.
"Everything okay, Redfield?" Leon had asked, a hand on his hip, one brow raised with a smirk on his lips as he watched Chris' eyes scan over him like a printer would copying paper.
Hearing Leon's question he was snapped back to the present, eyes flicking up to lock with Leon's ice blue gaze. Clearing his throat he turned his head away. "Yeah, I just find your choice in clothing interesting for the job you're on."
Leon looks down at himself, lifting a single leg forwards to get a better look at his slacks and fancy sneaker shoe. "What's wrong with me outfit?"
"Nothing, just interesting." Chris shook his head.
Leon squints his bottom lids slightly as a knowing smile raised the right side of his mouth. Rolling his eyes slightly he turns his head to where their third member was, the space void of a person now. His attention being drawn back to the job quickly turning his body towards to the lake, searching the edge for the rookie.
Chris' own attention is drawn to the missing soldier. "Coldwell?" He called, his own head darting from right to left.
"Over there." Leon points to the left, seeing the rookie on a small jetty over the water. A bubbling in the centre of the lake had caught all three of their attention, Coldwell raising up his rifle to look through the scope. The water was making it difficult to see anything, but he kept his sights trained on the water. Seeing the bubbles starting to move in the direction of the rookie Leon and Chris take off towards him.
"Get away from the water!" Leon shouts to Coldwell, grabbing the rookie's attention.
Lowering his rifle the rookie saw the alarming rate at which the bubbles were approaching, whatever it was in there was big. Sprinting as fast as his legs would take him, Leon's eyes flicking between the rookie and the water, they weren't going to make it. Coldwell starts to step back then takes off in a sprint as tentacle-like appendages burst from the water. Chris had managed to pick up his pace, face scrunched up as he pushed his body to it's limit, he wasn't going to lose another rookie, not again, not like this!
The appendages wrap around Coldwell's right leg, stopping him in his tracks, he faceplanting the ground. He grabs onto anything he could find under his hands, only dirt and grass as he was dragged back towards the water. Chris makes it to Coldwell, hands gripping the young man's forearms, Coldwell's own hands grabbing onto Chis' as he tried pulling his leg free of the vice grip. Leon had stopped on the jetty, pulling his own rifle from his back he aims down into the water, the faintest glimmer of red and yellow could be seen. He didn't care what it was, he fires at it, causing the creature to let go of the rookie and rise up out of the water. Large amounts of the liquid obscure the figure as it rose, Leon not having enough time to react as a hand reaches through the cascade of water. Grabbing onto him tight the sharp claws of this creature digging into his abdomen, making sure he wasn't going to go anywhere. Leon's cry of pain sent an electric spark running through Chris' body, turning his attention to the suspended DSO Agent and a now visible humanoid creature.
The tentacle appendages sprouting from its back whip around in fury, it's head a large pustule of eyes and teeth. It's skin mainly resembling human skin, apart from the fact that it seemed to be rotting, black veins and muscle pulsating. Chris grabs his assault rifle held to his back via strap across his chest, slipping it over his head he aims at the eyes on the head shooting most of them. The results Chris got weren't desired, the BOW slamming Leon down onto the jetty. The wood gives way and Leon was now being held under the surface of the freezing lake water, trying to hold his breath, but it had been expelled from the impact with the jetty.
"Shoot for the head!" Chris instructs Coldwell as he himself sprints to the water, pulling out a knife and leaping onto the arm of the creature holding Leon under, stabbing into it. Roaring out in pain the BOW lets go of Leon. It submerges to retreat the onslaught of rounds being embedded into it's many eyes.
Falling into the water once it had pulled back, Chris turns on the light attached to his headpiece and searches for Leon, a glimpse of blonde hair and limbs trying desperately to find which way was up. He swims as fast as he could to Leon, copping a fist in the face as he wrapped his arms around the smaller man's frame and ascends, surfacing out of the water. Leon gasping as he held tight to the arm around his chest.
"Captain! Over here!" Coldwell shouts reaching over the edge of the shattered, wooden jetty. Chris takes his hand and gets a foot hold on some of the debris, pulling himself and Leon up out of the water with Coldwell's help.
Coughing and spluttering Leon pulls from Chris' grip to hunch over on his hands and knees, his body trying to expel any of the water in his lungs. The nature of his gasping for air was apparent he had inhaled a good amount of water, Chris patting his upper back to help expel the liquid.
"This is Alpha, we've been attacked by the BOW, medical is needed! Do Not, I repeat, Do Not fly near the water!" Chris calls for backup as the rookie had his rifle trained on the water, eyes flicking down to the DSO Agent at his side.
"I'm okay.." Leon said finally being able to take a proper breath. "We should get away from the water, that thing's gonna be pis-" And almost on queue an appendage once again bursts from the water wrapping around Chris, this time not wasting any time it drags him back into the water.
"CHRIS!!" Leon immediately dives in, swimming after the BOW, turning on his own light attached to his left earpiece.
Following the bubbles down he was glad the lake wasn't very deep, the flashing of a red glow would become visible in the back of the BOW. Leon saw Chris in the clutches of an appendage, air escaping his mouth in the form of bubbles as he was being squeezed. Leon swam closer, pulling out his handgun and firing at the red glow in it's back. The Creature swings around almost in slow motion from the drag of the water surrounding it, Leon grabbing one of the appendages as it connected with him, using it to climb towards it's back. Pulling out his combat knife from his chest he stabs into the glowing heart? He assumed it to be the heart anyway, however inside was the Plaga. Aiming his handgun at it, Leon shoots most of the rounds in it's magazine, he could see the Plaga inside the creature's heart stop moving and quickly surfaces.
Gasping for air once on the surface he treads water with some difficulty, his clothes heavy and pulling him down. "Chris!.. Chris get up here damn it!" He splutters before exhaling a few times, taking a large deep breath and submerging himself.
Leon saw Chris floating beside the BOW's body, Damn it, he should have delt with the pain in his chest and grabbed Chris before surfacing. Swimming down to him Leon hooks his right arm under Chris' from behind, pulling him to the surface. After seeing Leon's head pop out of the water, the Rookie had stripped off his vest and started swimming out to help, arriving when Leon had resurfaced with his Captain. "Chris?.. Chris!" Leon calls as he finds a floating log and resting his arm over it to keep the both of them afloat. 
"Captain!" Coldwell calls as he joins Leon at the log. "I've got him, Get yourself to shore." He instructs Leon seeing he was struggling with the weight of his own clothes.
Giving a nod Leon starts to swim towards the shore, looking back to make sure the rookie was alright. Coldwell was swimming on his back, Chris' head on his chest to keep it out of the water. Once Leon's feet could touch the ground he reaches out, waiting for Coldwell before taking a hold of Chris' vest strap, hoisting him up onto the mud and grass. Unclipping the heavy vest Leon pulls it off Chris' limp body, rolling him to his side to let any water drain from his mouth and possibly lungs as he checks for breath. 
Nothing.. A weak pulse was all he could find under Chris' jaw. Rolling him to his back, Leon starts chest compressions. "How far is medical?" Leon asked the rookie who holds his finger to his left ear asking the same question Leon had just asked him.
"Come on Chris! Breathe!" Leon grits his teeth, tilting Chris' head up and pinching nose before pushing the air from his own lungs into Chris'. He repeats this process, not once letting the rhythm slip. Leon couldn't see passed his tears anymore, they were falling and mixing on his cheeks with the other water running down his face from his hair.
"Captain, you have to wake up!" Coldwell said, wiping his own tears from his eyes, the young man clearly distressed.
Leon was starting to lose, hope but he still didn't slow, breathing into Chris' mouth once more he pressed down on his chest 7 more times when suddenly Chris' body lurched, his chest expanding as he gasped. Leon quickly rolled Chris towards him, making sure to hold a hand under his head to keep his wind pipe open. Leon pants heavily, head falling back to face the sky in relief, he heard the chinook in the distance and sent Coldwell to hail them down. Leon pats Chris' back to help him with the water in his lungs, his breath shaky and hands trembling. Chris opens his eyes seeing the familiar legs in front of him, tilting his head up to look at Leon.
"Hey.. You came for me."
"Of course I came for you, now shut up and concentrate on breathing." Leon was trying his best to hold back a sob caught in his throat.
Chris heard it and used his strength to sit up, Leon helping him with the hand that had been holding his head, now placed on Chris' shoulder. A wet, gloved hand reaches up and rests on the back of Leon's neck as Chris pulled him into a kiss. Leon's eyes widen and pulls away, his cheeks and ears bright red, making his ice blue iris' stand out even more. Chris looked to Leon and went red himself, the hand on Leon's neck now covering his mouth.
"Sorry, I j-" Leon had pressed his lips back onto Chris', cutting off his apology. His arms wrapping around Chris' neck falling into him, Chris kept himself up with his left arm as his right wrapped around Leon's back, holding him close. 
"I thought you were gonna die on me." Leon expressed burying his head into the crook of Chris' neck.
"Shh.." He hushed Leon. He could feel how Leon's chest hitch under her right hand, hearing the silent sobs beside his ear. "I'm here.." He assured. 
🏷️: @phoenix666stuff @maehemthemisfit @greywardensaywhat @growingupnrealizing
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coulsandies · 11 months
sometimes i think of dropping out of school but then i tell myself that xingchen would be disappointed so i go back to doing my labs bc i can’t disappoint bestie (i’m so delusional LMAAAO)
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katoska · 4 months
The Doctor's theory that the Dots developed sentience and came to hate their classist, vapid users makes no sense and sounds imo like projection.
We know what happens when an AI gets exposed to a lot of bigoted speech. It starts spewing bigotry itself, because it doesn't know better. Not that our current AIs are truly intelligent or sentient, but they do share the human trait that they are a product of the society they exist in. Same would go for more advanced, truly sentient AI. It would get it's opinions from it's programmers and users.
The Dots didn't seem to be ever intended to even mimick sentience like our AIs are. They are higher tech smart phones. You don't talk with them, just at them. And no one seems worried about saying something bad that an AI might pick up on, about pissing off the algorithm, eg about the "I'm going to buy 100" thing, which'd go against the city's Avoid Waste policy. If they were expected to moderate, it would give the Dots something concrete to base their annoyance on. It would have been so easy to put in a "You can't SAY that word in the bubble. Do you want to get suspended? You gotta say [euphemism for the same word]. God, you're so stupid and offensive."
Like, our AIs and content algorithms have more Robot Overlord forshadowing than their Dots do. The Dots show them exactly what they ask to see, and most of their relationships are still live, albeit over a screen, with a real person, some parasocial stuff with celebs (one celeb. whom Lindy wasn't obsessed with enough to not throw him under the bus) notwithstanding. Even their ads are only word-of-mouth influencer-type stuff rather than interrupting them every 5 minutes (it's cause they have a premium Bubble subscription, isn't it?) Their virtual bubble doesn't actually matter, because it's roughly made up of the same people that exist in their very much physical bubble that is their gated community.
Since their Dots don't seem to be set up to encourage or discourage any particular type of behavior at all - what to say, what to buy, how much to buy, or suggesting eco-fascist vids bc that person looked into veganism - why, if it became sentient, would it get annoyed? Esp about people using it for plain chatter, the thing it was intended for.
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savage-rhi · 6 days
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Day 5 (???) of drawing again after 4 years. Mapped out the next fella. He's a personal fav in the RE franchise. Gonna ink this sucker later and maybe do something funky with the background.
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eye-of-yelough · 3 months
kinda funny being a soft domestic durgetash hater given how easy it is to confuse whatever my “durgetash” has going on with soft domesticity
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