optimistic-tree · 1 year
Book Review: Out of the Dark by David Weber
I’ll be honest, I started looking for this one because it talked about the alien race being considered insane because we adhered to family dynamics, and the aliens didn’t even though they were a pack, because it was based on old assumptions about how wolf packs worked. This should have been a sign, but I was willing to try it. Who doesn’t like humans punching aliens for trying to hurt their kids?
It’s space war. Not like “humans and aliens brawling” like “the human military is scattered and society has broken down, and the only thing that matters now is how many weapons you have.”
And this is entirely pro-war, pro-military. Pro-hoarding. The politics are right of center, which might be nice for those who believe in those things, but I am not, and I doubt many people on this website are. And pro-hoarding, really? More concerned with making sure that the community isn’t overloaded or that they aren’t raided than the welfare with people they don’t identify with. And children. Points for caring about children. Perfectly willing to compromise with extremists, who have probably broken the law, which is what the narrative tells us, tells us to ignore the possibility he was committing crimes beforehand, about the one Muslim character, who it seems like was just advocating for less violence in the region.
The aliens are given relatable POV moments, and there’s some fun psychology moments, which were barely worth the rest of the book, but were still fun. The alien prisoners are experimented on, we never see anyone surrender until, maybe the end (I couldn’t finish it). Aliens try after massacring children, and I don’t blame the humans for not accepting their surrender, but no aliens ever try to surrender anywhere else? The information they get is from prisoners they’re torturing. These are the good guys.
There’s also a horrendous plot twist, like 90% of the way through the book. I would advise you spoil it for yourself, if your still interested and dislike giant genre shifts. I had to stop reading because of it. It’s so stupid.
Really. Unless you can’t stand spoilers.
Vampires. Futhermucking vampires.
And Sure, the next book explains their magic technology, and sure, their are hints I might have picked up if I had read Dracula Daily (I chose to muck my way through Frankenstein instead), but it’s pretty subtle, not everyone has read dracula, and no alien technology is used by humans for the WHOLE book. I’m pretty sure.
And sure, the situation was impossible, but that’s no reason to pull a deus ex vampire (vampire is vampire in latin). The death of all humans would have fit the story better. Or, heck, the death of all but a small remainder, unaffected by bio-weapons, isolated somewhere. It’d take a couple hundred years for the aliens to get back, and if they saw their were still humans, the might just turn around and go home. It’d be a little bit of a tonal shift, but it’d be hilarious, and a much more fitting end than vampires to a story about humans vs aliens. You wanted vampires, introduce them early
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redundantz · 1 year
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i gave him the fancy clothes <3
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quinn-fucks-shit-up · 3 months
Im sorry, I just don't believe a cishet person can truly understand the thing with swords and daggers
like, we all know stabbing as a metaphor for penetration has been catalogued with horney cannabalism, which trans people tend to take ownership of (this is what I have observed, I may have a biased view though)
and holding your lover with a blade against their throat against the wall or the floor, close enough to whisper to each other (objectively hot btw) is most often practiced by bi people
plus the whole talking while swordfighting (fencing being the most common) - well the euphemisms may speak for themselves, but the push and pull of dynamics is something seen most in gay men
and of course, we mustn't forget about the Incredibly Lesbian practice of gifting a blade (let's not pretend we haven't all wanted to be proposed to with a gilded dagger), or swearing your own in service to your lady, that whole thing is sapphic
let's not forget the forging, the making of the blade, the pounding of metal in the workshop, in solitude but for the steel and its song. I don't think there's anything more ace
so yeah, I think swords and daggers are gay as hell, what about it???
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squishymain · 3 months
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Women shouldn't have to be feminine, men shouldn't have to be masculine. Stop trying to push people into boxes.
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cosm1cbrownie · 11 months
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aa if it was a bl manga (wdym nothing changes?) -"normal" ver alt under the cut
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moodbroads · 7 months
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also heres some goofy ah photos of my mate being scared of his own pups-
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ANYWAYS IM SO EXITED FOR HELLROARING MOUNTAIN!!! i wonder if theres gonna be a new achivement for like interacting or killing a wolverine since i think they said its gonna be rare or smthin! i already know theres prob gonna be new cool collectibles so im exited about that- OOH WHAT IF THEY ADD A WOLVERINE SKULL
would be nice to also have a den in an abandoned human camp ehehe tbh my dream wolfquest update would be if you could raid like a rabbit warren or maybe get revenge on stranger wolf dens so there could actually be war n stuff >:D MAYBE IF YOU FIND A NON-ABANDONED FOX DEN IN WINTER U CAN MAKE IT UR OWN BY DEFEATING THEM >:D
it would also be so epic to have mutations like having a piebald pup!! aionguedbhklwsuv i have SOOO MANY IDEAS like a 'rp mode' in multiplayer servers where ur able to play as a puppy or special rp-only emotes like stretching, shaking or play fighting/roughhousing! and maybe even splitting players into diff packs (maybe being able to attack the other players- if in a diff pack XD)
BUT YEE ANYWAYS BACK TO RAISE MY PUPS-6 MORE POUDS TO GO (to 15) AFTER THE DEN FLOODED T_T (edit cuz im too lazy to make another post)
also yaya its spring i can finally bring food cuz the only beavers are like a million miles away :')
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anyways yeah i saved and left after that to take a break-hope to update yall once again soon XD
i have returned once again i couldnt resist >:)
WE GOT TO THE REN SITE FINALLY!! :D the personalities of em are rlly starting to come out sooo...
introducing...creek the napper/antisocial, ember the explorer/rebel, and skipper the energetic/extremely lucky XD
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i got revenge on the cougar that snatched skipper /j
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BONE PARTY!! (yeah thats creek sleeping once again ;-;)
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fun fact i found out durin this playthrough: the plane will visit your mate if they have a radiocollar on and you dont! even if your far from the den and theyre still at it! i saw it a few times and it was pretty cool but very hard to get good shots of :')
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AGRHJ MORE DRAMA- dang calfree creek moved in super close to my home hex while skipper got sick- ;-;
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once again skipper being 1 tiny pound away BUT AYYE SHE GOT HEALTHY AGAIN LIKE 2 NIGHTS LATER SO YAYA
also me findin the barbie bag and lance being scared of it for some reason (AgAinSt GuRLiEpOpS?!?1/1/!?)
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underappreciated local redhead XD
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i finished and creek got air jailed by lance for tryna be active T_T
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ANYWAYS HERE THEYRE ADULT FORMS!! ember got a cool tinted buffy which was my first npc coat!! (XD aint suprised tho cuz lance was stormy) and creek looks like he ate face-first into a bag of flaming hot cheetos
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ANYWAYS YAYAAA I HAD A FUN TIME!! i might continue this bloodline too..someday >:)
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waterlogged-detective · 3 months
The feminine urge to make Doe’s VC Ratigan for the Bit
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psychedelic-charm · 7 months
If You Don't See It, Be It!
I just watched yesterday's new episode of Blue's Clues & You, and I'm impressed with its story and message. Josh, Blue and their friends are making their own Super Wonder Team movie, but Slippery Soap questions if Periwinkle can really play Rocket Blast, a role that's usually played by a dog. Hearing this, Periwinkle doesn't know what to do.
To cheer him up, Josh shows him a handmade comic book about how Josh wanted to play a superhero, but his friends doubt that he can because he had brown skin, and every superhero they saw were white. Josh's Lola tells him that just because he didn't see any Filipino superheroes, it didn't mean that he couldn't be one. With these words of encouragement, Josh decides that he will be Song Man. The next day, Josh's friends apologized for hurting his feelings, realizing that what they thought before wasn't true.
I won't spoil the ending for those who haven't seen it, but I will say that it reinforces the message that anybody can be a hero regardless of their race/gender/sexuality/disability/etc.
If you don't see it, be it!
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acepolls · 2 years
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shiftingwithmars · 1 month
don’t be mad at someone for acting like the stereotype you forced onto them
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skateisawesome · 4 months
guys my crush nearly hugged me
he also keeps seeking me out in crowds
and like we have so many inside jokes now i love it
and my goodness THE EYE CONTACT
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khr-guilded-cage · 1 year
The whole Flame types and Guardians Bonds is such a good source of bashing
From forced bonds and political Guardians.
To some people begin considered 'lesser' because of their flames, steryotypes, even to arranged marriage to produce powerful children (or with both the certain blood and flame type).
To press down your Sky Flames to force them obedience (looking at you, Timmy).
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kamenstrikerace · 6 months
One of the biggest steryotypes in the YGO community that grinds my gears has to be this whole ''respect and love'' bullcrap that they keep shouting on while people act like morons, but they get mad and try to insult any series. I don't care much about Zexal fans anymore since I stopped supporting that community a while back. Them shilling Zexal and mocking 5D's is just ironic when their own show was the target of hate and cancel culture in the past.
Yu-Gi-Oh fans need to grow up. There is a reason why culture doesn't affect most of them. They just complain and whine like spoiled brats.
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midiosaamor · 6 months
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bryophyticbutch · 8 months
Binder review: underworks 983 tri-top binder
4.5/5, great compression for me (size M), durable, i could swim in it. Only uncomfortable after wearing it for ~8+ hours, otherwise I find it fairly comfortable even when doing moderately active work (e.g. walking around a store a lot at work).
I've had this binder for a year and a half and I really love it. It gives great compression. I ordered a medium and was very pleased with how it made me look. I had the most success when I combined it with a slightly baggy button up T shirt, button up shirts that had a bit extra room at the chest so it doesn't show the exact shape. I even swam in it fairly comfortably. After wearing it for extended periods of time or regularly I sometimes get upper back pain, but that might partially be because I've gained weight since I got it and ought to order a large. If anyone's unsure about how to wash your binder, what I do is wash it using a nice smelling bar of soap. I have this one soap that smells like pine tar and it's great, the smell stays with it after I wash it. I let it air dry to avoid shrinking too much. I haven't been wearing it constantly, but recently I've worn it quite a lot.
I'm going to buy another one, really like this binder.
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shoppingcartshells · 1 year
YELLING AT YOU OH SO AFFECTIONATELY i need to scream but I will spare you from the all caps
your fic!!!!! is!!!! beautiful!!!! it reminds me of EVRYRHING GOOD and it reminds me of such happy times in my past and it smells like this bakery but then again to me everything good smells like baked goods but YOUR FIC!!! CRADLES IT. it has become my comfort fic and gaHHkfhsjak. I’m sl normal about it I need to chew your writing. chews it. I’m chewing it.
I KEEP. LIKE. quoting it too!!! like a lot!!! its just too good and is the first fic in a while that has made me smile so many times and audibly giggle. the jokes are very very funny and you capture the turts so wonderfully and I am Going To Go Insane about how you write ninpo.
sorry for yelling jn your ask box I just finished ch30 and I saw the tumblr link and im like Aight. ANYWAY THANK YOU for this fic I am cradling you /pos /pos /pos eueueue
i did my best to make the fic as funny and in character as possible! in make, the only reason i made it aside from wanitng that good ole crossover "hey wtf" was that the rise characters were always boiled down to things that they werent (and i could go onto a whole rant about how fandom characterization is so far removed from their actual characters that it is the sole reason i dont really interact much with the fandom and make my own content but thats not what this is about) so i am VERY glad that you enjoy how i write them!! i really wanted a chatfic that was in character as well as funny and im so glad i pulled it off!
and YES the ninpommmmm i could go Onnn but i already made a post about it so i shall refrain lmfaoo
dont be sorry about yelling in my ask box i loved to see it! thank YOU for sending it! cradles you back
#ask#tired-lamb#ok wait maybe i lied and have more to say about fandom characization#bc fandom twins are my Enemy#and like if i speak i am in trouble but i DO belive that its bc of how popular the hc of leo being gay is and the projection of fans#that his character has in some aspects gotten twisted (this goes also for non aroace ppl hcing donnie as aroace to a certain extent)#which is NOT to say that its a wrong or bad hc at all and i myself am queer and hc all the turtles as queer#but i do think that there are a lot of steryotypes in leo (and donnies) fandom portrayals#and this shows up pretty heavily in chatfics (which is to say almost entirely in them + certain fandom jokes)#wherein they make leo Very fashionista slay queen beyonce#which rise leo is - despite being fairly flamboyant and confident - just Not like At All#and futhermore donnie has MULTIPLE instances of showing care and affecion#and he is SO hyperexpressvie with his facial features#his tone just isnt Always The Best#and when hes concerned you KNOW hes concerned bc his brows scrunch up and his eyes get wide and his voice gets all soft#and he doesnt HATE physicall affectiom#and in fact in one ep he INITIATES a group hug#but he prefers it on his own terms#and its not RARE for him to say i love you or give affection in different ways#and to a lesser extent i see this also with raph and mikey#very heavily with mikey always havign a perfect handle on his emotions#and being this sweet innocent uwu bean#im really just not the biggest fan of how some ppl took the dr feelings bit and RAN with it ykno??#and in gen raph is actually the most on point but there are still instances where some things are meh#and sometimes i fall victim to that too and OOCness isnt a death sentence ofc but it rubs me The Wrong Fucking Way with leo and donnie#they arent snarky sarcastic cool guys theyre Losers. leo is quippy and donnie is a doofus and no one gets them right
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