#biomedical engineering colleges
Entrepreneurial Mindset And Cultivating Business Innovators | top engineering college in bangalore
In a world marked by rapid change and dynamic challenges, the entrepreneurial mindset has emerged as a guiding force shaping the landscape of business and innovation. Beyond the traditional notion of starting a business, the entrepreneurial mindset represents a set of attitudes, behaviours, and skills that drive individuals to identify opportunities, take calculated risks, and create value.
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tired-bme · 7 months
Saturday, November 11th
Little time lapse of me catching up to my immuno class, and drafting a sociology response. I’ve been wildly unmotivated so I have soooo much to catch up on. Hopefully tomorrow is a more productive day.
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melonnade · 8 months
Had a really long talk with my roommate about this & we came to opposite conclusions. What do you guys think?
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annie-is-growing · 10 months
10 August 2023
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i'm still studying human physiology online and i just completed a practice quiz on the endocrine system. i scored 100 percent! i'm happy with it because i genuinely enjoyed learning the topics taught in this module and took the quiz without any extra revisions. i still have one graded paper left for the 'week one' modules. i'll go through the lecture notes sometime later today.
i still need to complete 'ct scan' in my biomedical imaging course. i just happen to enjoy physiology a bit more than all the technical nuances involved in imaging. i might start with ct scans after lunch today.
i was watching 'my neighbour totoro' last night and accidentally fell asleep because i was so tired. i'll have to watch it again. its really cute and enjoyable. i'm thoroughly enjoying my studio ghibli movie marathon experience. the picture i've used above is a still in 'from up on poppy hill'. its another ghibli film i watched recently and liked.
i finished reading 'ikigai' yesterday and i actually found some interesting quotes and passages. i am especially intrigued by the concept of 'wabi-sabi' and i want to learn more about it. i'm still reading plath's journals. i have to finish my shakespeare collection before i'm off to uni.
there's a lot of packing left so i'll have to get to all of that soon. fun fact, i started working on my notion and i've customized it all to my preferences. its pretty helpful to organize my notes and thoughts. i recommend using it for school, college, work or for personal uses.
that's all for now.
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devilfruitdyke · 6 months
i dont wanna decide on a career unfortunately everyone wants me to soso bad
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The only thing stopping me from getting the number of college degrees a scientist genius character gets is that college costs money
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alexistudies · 1 year
omg ur a biomed major?
what's ur opinion on a biomed undergrad? i'm planning on taking it up as my major for my undergraduate studies but i'm still pretty unsure about it since it involves quite a bit of physics (which i deeply dislike) but i like the subject overall.
hope ur having a great day <3
omg okay so technicallyyy at this time i am not a biomed major. i am taking some BME classes in preparation for a BME PhD program or something adjacent to it. my Bachelor's is in Chemical Engineering. if you still want my thoughts on your question, pls continue to read but if not, i completely understand lmao
so my friends and i were just discussing this and they majored in BME for undergrad, and are now pursuing either 1) graduate school or 2) industry. they told me they wished they had majored in a different type of engineering, like electrical engineering or mechanical engineering, and just pursued BME as an extracurricular through research labs or clubs. they told me they felt BME was too broad for undergrad and it kind of put them in a ... i don't want to say box but it boxed them in to only being able to pursue certain BME things (?? idek if what i'm saying makes sense) and they feel they didn't get the chance to specialize or really learn certain topics/concentrations/subjects very well because it was so broad.
if you're not feeling physics, I would steer away from most engineering then. maybe chemical engineering?? i'm not a huge fan of physics either and i was able to make it through while still understanding/learning things for my courses. all engineering subjects have a heavy physics base but after the first couple years, you're able to finesse your way through.
idk if this was helpful but if you wanna talk more, you can always dm me!
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integraluniversity · 16 days
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B. Tech CSE Data Science and Artificial Intelligence colleges in Lucknow
The domains of artificial intelligence (AI) and data science are growing quickly in today's data-driven environment, which attracts prospective engineers to pursue careers in them. Students who choose to specialize in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) and pursue a B. Tech in Computer Science Engineering (CSE) will gain the abilities and information necessary to succeed in these innovative fields. This post examines the top universities in Lucknow that provide this particular program to assist you in making an informed decision.
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So... you commented that you're studying biomedical engineering on a hermitcraft post
Do you like it? Is it a good major?
I am a BME major! Its a bit of a long story cuz im currently finishing my freshman year and ive only been bme for one semester (started as environmental studies but got too bored). Its pretty damn hard but I really like it!
Ive taken statics (physics but nothing moves), all my calculuses (hell but at least im done with them), and computing (coding in matlab).
Ive really loved statics. Its mostly an engineering class without buch bio or medical but I knew id chosen the right major when my prof said like 2 sentences about how what we were learning related to bone fractures and i fully started vibrating lmao. Our final project was building a truss and seeing how much load it could carry which was a really cool hands on project and it was rly good for familiarizing me with the makerspace at my school
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I birthed her^^^^
Computing has been pretty hard for me because my brain was very much not build for coding, but im doing surprisingly well in the class all things considered. I think its the only comp sci esque class i have to take, and it might not be a major rec at ur school so who knows.
I know that my schedule next year is going to HURT. Because i did t take chem or physics this year I have to figure out how to stack those on top of the normal sophomore classes. I think I'm gonna be ok with it though, because the majority of my course hours for next year are labs, so my schedule looks way more packed than it actually is.
i chose the major because I was missing science in my first semester. I was thinking of going into biology because i really liked AP bio, but i didnt want to go pre-med. Then my mom asked what i was going to do with bio and i had no idea. Then i realized BME would be a pretty much perfect major for me because it's really fluid. I mean you can literally go into bio, medicine, or literally any engineering field.
in the last semester ive found so many resources and opportunities that my school offers for bme and its been just rly fun to get closer w other people in my major.
If i had to give you one piece of advice, it would be to start freshman year as an engineering major if you are interested in that. It is WAY easier to switch out if engineering than to switch into it, and if you dont like it first semester you can change majors and have most of your core credits done already. BME is sick as hell and its crazy how many people major in it. My orthopedic surgeon thats gonna fix my hip was a BME major. My old pediatrician was a BME major. People who work for oil corps were BME majors (please dont work for oil corps). You can literally go into any field with this shit its great.
Ik this is long but im having such a good time with this major and if you have any more questions or want to hear more about any of the classes ive taken please lmk!! College is a bitch and the more you can learn about it beforehand the easier it is to figure out so literally if anyone seeing this wants to know more hmu
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scarletcomet · 3 months
just got out of an intense therapy session. turns out I am not handling certain things as well as I thought I was.
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tired-bme · 3 months
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Monday, March 11th
Of course the first day of finals is also the first day of spring in Chicago. It took me so much to actually go into the library, but golden hour inside the stacks always hits.
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srmuniversitysonepat · 8 months
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SRM University Delhi NCR Sonepat is your premier choice for Biomedical Engineering as we offer top-notch education with cutting-edge programs, experienced faculty, and excellent facilities. Join our vibrant academic community for a successful career in this field. Choose SRM University, the top university for Biomedical Engineering in Haryana, for boundless possibilities.
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tiredeyes1975 · 9 months
trying to talk to my mom abt college and shes kinda giving me advice but i dont think she gets my problem…
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lavena · 1 year
Anyone want to help me get educated???
Anything would be a great help 🥰
Lesgo bby get sm mfin educationnn
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Biotech Engineering- A Brief Overview
Biotech engineering is an interdisciplinary field that involves engineering principles and techniques being applied to the study of living organisms and biological systems. This field focuses on the development of new technologies, materials, and processes that can be used to solve problems in healthcare, agriculture, food science, and environmental management, among other areas.
Biotech engineers use their knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics to design and develop new products and processes. These may include new drugs and therapies, medical devices, genetically modified crops, biofuels, and environmental remediation technologies.
Some of the core areas of research in biotech engineering include genetic engineering, bioprocessing, biomaterials, bioinformatics, and bioreactor design. Biotech engineers may work in a variety of settings, including research laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, biotech startups, and government agencies. One can get into these industries after graduating from the best biomedical science colleges in India.
What are the benefits of biotech engineering? 
Career opportunities: Biotech engineering is a hugely growing sphere, and there is a high demand for skilled professionals in this area. Graduates of biotech engineering programs can pursue careers in a range of industries, including biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, agriculture, and environmental science.
Impactful work: Biotech engineering offers the opportunity to work on projects that can have a significant impact on society, such as developing new treatments for diseases, improving crop yields, or developing renewable energy sources.
Interdisciplinary approach: Biotech engineering is an interdisciplinary field that combines principles from biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering. This allows students to develop a broad skill set and apply their knowledge in a variety of contexts.
Innovation and problem-solving: Biotech engineering is focused on developing new technologies and solutions to complex problems. Studying biotech engineering can help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that can be applied to a range of challenges.
Competitive salary: Biotech engineering is a well-paying field, with graduates often earning higher salaries than those in other engineering disciplines.
What are the career opportunities after biotech engineering ? 
Biomedical engineer: Biomedical engineers use their knowledge of biology, engineering, and medicine to design and develop medical devices and equipment, such as prosthetics, imaging systems, and artificial organs.
Bioprocess engineer: Bioprocess engineers design and optimize the production processes used to manufacture biotechnology products, such as vaccines, drugs, and biologics.
Genetic engineer: Genetic engineers work with DNA and other genetic materials to develop new products and technologies, such as genetically modified crops, bioremediation systems, and gene therapies.
Biochemists: They study the chemical processes that occur within living organisms, including the structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules. They may work in areas such as drug development, medical research, and agricultural biotechnology.
Environmental engineer: Environmental engineers apply engineering principles to address environmental challenges, such as air and water pollution, waste management, and sustainable energy production. Biotech engineering graduates may be particularly well-suited for this field, given their knowledge of biology and biotechnology.
Pharmaceutical scientist: Pharmaceutical scientists work in the development and testing of new drugs and therapies, including those based on biotechnology. They may work in research and development, quality control, or regulatory affairs.
Patent lawyer: Biotech engineering graduates may also pursue careers in intellectual property law, particularly in the field of biotechnology patents.
If you want to study this field of engineering from the best biotech engineering colleges, you can check out Nitte University. It is a highly regarded institution with a strong reputation for its biotech engineering program. The university offers a comprehensive curriculum that combines theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience, ensuring that students are well-prepared for careers in this rapidly growing field. 
Nitte University's faculty members are experts in their respective fields, providing students with access to cutting-edge research and industry insights. Additionally, the university has state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, giving students a chance to contend in practical work that mirrors real-world situations. Graduates of Nitte University's biotech engineering program are highly sought after by employers and have gone on to successful careers in a variety of industries.
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9jacompass · 2 years
Geneseo State University of New York Merit Scholarships For International Students - Apply Now
Geneseo State University of New York Merit Scholarships For International Students – Apply Now
Applications are currently invited from interested and suitably qualified students for Geneseo State University of New York Merit scholarships for International Students who wish to start their academic program at the University for 2023-2024 academic session. For the 2023-24 academic year, SUNY Geneseo has increased funding to merit scholarships. New students who have been admitted to Geneseo…
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