problem-project · 19 days
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It's official!!! I don't have cancer!!! My biopsy came back negative! Hooray 🥳🎉
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drafthorsemath · 3 months
Okay biopsy over. Despite all the pain meds it was still so painful I cried, but the meds made me relax so it went faster and it was less painful than last time. So, I made it. Now I'm feeling woozy and headed home soon once they're sure I wont pass out. Thanks everyone for the support. I love to all.
It's so hard to type right while medicated but I'm trying for you guys.
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azul-de-toluidina · 6 months
Trick or treak, but instead of candy it's paraffin-embedded biopsy samples. 🫁🫀🧠🦵🥩
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oddlyunadventurous · 2 months
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All my homies are buying the trans flag Deltalab MICROMESH™ Biopsy embedding cassettes (totalling $700 for all three colors)!
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inthecityofgoodabode · 2 months
March 2024: Melanoma & Approaching Spring
Back in December of 2023, I had a biopsy performed on a dark spot on my nose that had suddenly appeared in November. It turned out to be melanoma. Here is a pic of the healed biopsy scar:
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Bandaged up after the Mohs surgery to remove the melanoma. The wound was about the size of a quarter & there were some places where cartilage was visible. I have photos of the raw wound but decided to spare the Internet that grody image... it has enough already:
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Post reconstructive plastic surgery bandages. They had to take skin from my shoulder & cartilage from my ear to do the reconstruction. The stitches are out now but it will be weeks before the bandage on my nose can come off permanently:
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That's enough about that. Here, have some Spring portents.
Backyard garden:
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Not as sharp an image as I'd like but this little guy was putting on a mating dance for a girl was in between those flower pots:
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Front yard:
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This is what I call our front flower bed's peninsula:
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This new planting of daffodils is a bit sparse but it is coming in nicely considering this is their first Spring here. The foliage on the irises looks really good too. We've been moving those irises around the property for years trying to find a spot where they are happy. I think we might have found it:
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stormdistrict · 1 year
My bone marrow biopsy took a rather intense and "dramatic" turn. I would take time for myself and try to regain my energies. All I want this year is to have acceptable holidays. Fingers crossed...again! I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support messages! You are so kind! Never lose that beautiful touch. It's precious! Thank you! 💙 ⚡
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harryssanc · 10 months
so on Wednesday I had the absolute joy of having this hellish procedure... Without any other pain relief than what I've been taking for 15 months for pelvic pain. Anyways I wanted to explain what it's like and get it out there because I've just been kind of numb and traumatized from the whole thing. First I had some fun swabs done and opened up to do internal swabs. Then some acid was put on to my cervical ectropion to treat it and it wasn't that bad.
But next came the silver nitrate which was hell. It burned. Then more fun news, due to how abnormal my cervix is I was recommended a punch biopsy. Now I'm talking a 5 inch or more needle that I had to cough on to take a small piece off for testing. Then more silver nitrate to cauterize the bleeding from the biopsy needle.
It was excruciating. I cried. I was scared to moved after it was all done. Gas and air would be perfect for this but no I'm supposed to just deal with the pain. Not fair. Fucking fed up of medical care. They fucking assaulted me without anything to help me with it. Disgusted. Traumatized fr
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bihansthot · 10 months
Finally got my biopsy scheduled for the 19th of July, so I’ll finally know for sure if I have liver cancer or not. I’m not looking forward to the procedure or having to wait three hours at the hospital but what can you do? Good thoughts/vibes are appreciated 💕
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naomiknight-17 · 1 year
Gonna babble about medical bullshit under the cut. Related to reproductive health so. You have been warned
I had to have an endometrial biopsy today. I've had one before, and it felt like being punched from the inside. They had told me to expect a small, quick pinch but what I felt was like a repeated pummeling.
I am told it is not that painful for most people. The fact that I have advanced endometriosis has likely made the area more susceptible to pain. According to recent ultrasounds my endometrial lining is 20mm thick. It should be in the low teens. 20mm is. Way too thick.
Last time I had this kind of procedure, I was given a cervical dilator tablet to insert before the appointment so it would be easier/less painful to get the instruments through the cervix. I did not have that this time (it had been too long since I'd seen the specialist and they couldn't prescribe it without seeing me first. And couldn't see me before today so. Yeah)
So already it was going to be more painful because there's no dilation. And they don't administer any kind of painkillers or anesthetic for an endometrial biopsy. They just tell you to take an over-the-counter analgesic before coming in.
I took 2 extra strength Tylenol and an extra strength advil liquigel. I also take Lyrica daily
This procedure absolutely hurt like hell. It didn't feel like punching this time. It felt more like someone was jabbing a finger very harshly into a bruise. I had tears in my eyes. I had to fight not to scream. My arms were flailing whether I wanted them to or not.
It took them three tries to get a sample.
They offered to let me lie down after because I was shaking and felt sick, but I just wanted to get dressed and go the fuck home as soon as I could. So that's what I did.
Now I'm sitting at home, wearing a pad for the first time in a long long time (I do not have periods due to hormonal treatment for the endometriosis, but i have post-procedure bleeding and likely will for a few days) just sore and exhausted and really wishing I didn't have class tonight
Where is my squishmallow Gengar... I need a hug T__T
Oh. By the way. I have to have a specialized sonogram asap that involves filling my uterus with fluid so they can get a better look at my uterine cavity. They suspect polyps. This is also likely to be a painful procedure.
But I cannot fucking deal with that today. If I call the sonography place right now I am gonna break down crying on the phone so it is just going to have to wait
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impostorhottie · 3 months
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Canine Histopathology
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problem-project · 22 days
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It's looking 👀 to me like I don't have cancer!!! They have yet to call and explain my results, but from what little I do know, this seems to be saying I don't have cancer 🥳🎉
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drafthorsemath · 5 months
Life update on me and Hudson
Hudson is nearing the end of his treatment for Lymes and he's going to be done his treatment for EPM just before Christmas. The worrying thing is that he can start to get worse again once the drugs stop and then we need to figure out what else to do. There's one other drug we could try. I hope that he will at least maintain where he's at now. We're trying a supplement that may or may not help, but we think it at least won't hurt.
I am waiting to hear back from my doctor about scheduling a biopsy, and was told the biopsy itself may not happen until after the new year. I've started having worse and more frequent pain, but other symptoms are a little more bearable and closer to my "normal" simply by stopping the progesterone.
If you find me reblogging things from way back on your blog, it's because it's a great distraction and makes me happy. I'm also trying to get a fic written on the better days when I have energy. I really want to get it finished. Crosshair deserves it.
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poisonfae · 6 months
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finished one of these yesterday, certainly happy that it is over
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Absolutely TEXTBOOK worthy picture of H. Pylori gastritis I just took with my phone
Never gonna see it better than that on H&E, friends. The lil squiggly bbies inside the crypt (in the slit between the pink sides of the cells) are Helicobacter pylori, the most common cause of chronic gastritis / MALT lymphoma
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stormr · 1 year
I had my appointment (phone call phew) with my hematologist, for my bone marrow puncture/biopsy results. Her answer? I don't have cancer. For the rest? She notices that my bone marrow is functioning abnormally slowed down. So she confirms that something is wrong, but she can't explain it and closes the file. wow.
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heardatmedschool · 2 years
“Before thinking ‘let Oncology see them ASAP’, take a biopsy. Otherwhise the oncologist will arrive and just tell you to take a biopsy.”
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