#birds there's a lotta birds
ao3-crack · 2 years
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galaxias-scabbard · 2 years
I don’t think I’ve really seen anyone talk too much about Subspace Emissary in Brawl much in reference to King Dedede and his role in the whole thing + the scenes that were cut from the final project since they happened prior to the start of the story.
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While Subspace isn’t canon (arguably) it is still on a project by Sakurai so that means he was still the one with the say on his characters. It can also be a bit confusing since I know that I only now realized some of this once I started digging deeper despite playing brawl for over 200h when I was younger.
In Subspace Emissary it’s assumed King Dedede is a villain as in his first appearance he does turn Luigi into a statue and then steals Ness and Zelda/Peach from Wario. But it comes to light he became aware of Tabuu’s plan to turn everyone to statues, defected, and thus created the 3 badges that ultimately revived Ness, Luigi, and Kirby who swallowed the one from Peach/Zelda.
So we gather a few things from this.
1. Another credit to his smarts/how he’s good at engineering/inventing because presumably he was the one to be able to figure out how to make the timer badges to revive the fighters after a given time and they did in fact revive the fighters after everyone was seemingly wiped out. He was working alone so it’s not really likely anyone else made them for him or would make them in his likeness.
2. He hesitates but ultimately gave the third badge to the princess rather than himself showing that he’s not always selfish and that he put faith in the other fighters to wake him up after they were revived and realized he was the one to revive them. It shows how he’s grown as a character over the years to put others first and that he isn’t still the selfish King he once was in the early days.
3. Overall just how Dedede is often time presumed to be a villain when he isn’t and his intentions are misunderstood when he tries to do good (also see Kirby’s Adventure and Squeak Squad for him trying to do the right thing and things not going the right way). But he does play a role in saving the day as much as even Kirby. Had he not made those badges everyone would have been done for.
We also get more inclination of his good allegiance as Luigi and Ness both stand up for Dedede against Wario, showing they both have some respect for him in saving him and even the cowardly Luigi (I love him but he is scared of his own shadow) make it clear if Wario starts something with Dedede he starts it with all of them. Also the way he reacts to reuniting with Kirby it’s hard to see how people can say Dedede hates the little guy.
Now to go touch on the cut scene involving him and Meta Knight.
It’s set prior to the events of subspace the player experiences and was cut from the final product. In this King Dedede is part of the reason why the Halberd is under Subspace Army control as at the same time the ship was under attack Dedede sought out Meta Knight. The wiki says this was unintentional so presumably he wasn’t working for the Subspace Army any longer and my theory is that he was actually seeking out Meta Knight because who better to hand a Timer Badge to than someone who you know can kick ass. (although Meta’s wiki says Dedede attacked him so maybe Dedede knew Meta wouldn’t trust him and was like “he’ll thank me later” and went in with intent to defeat Meta and keep him as a trophy instead of a cordial hand off.) Meta Knight having his ship being attacked at the moment likely assumed Dedede was a part of it wether attacked or not probably got in a spat with him which meant he didn’t hear Dedede out, and since he was occupied there instead of defending his ship the Halberd ultimately fell. The two fled separate directions and Dedede had to hatch a new plan and realized time was running out if they now claimed the Halberd which is how he ended up with Luigi and Ness. (King Dedede is about to sign adoption papers for that kid btw)
But just the idea that Dedede purposely sought out Meta Knight to give him a Badge to ensure his safety because he knew Meta Knight was someone who could have his back (and the fact Meta Knight likely threw it in his face a bit given the situation) is just an interesting dynamic.
Also seeing as Dedede made 3 badges and there are only 3 fighters from his universe it’s possible he would have sought out Kirby as well given the time. Again, he does know that both Meta Knight and Kirby can be relied on in a fight so it would make sense they would be the two people he’d want to have with him.
Long story short: Dedede saved the day, doesn’t get the credit he deserves, was likely perceived as a bad guy as usual and that his change of heart was only a late game thing when it wasn’t, and he cares for others which many people gloss over.
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silverskye13 · 2 years
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Took a long time but! Finally finished my first big marker piece?? Really, really proud of it.
This is a scene from one of @theminecraftbee 's of Ren and Doc discussing their luck after Season 8 on the Hermethius, which you can find here!
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huariqueje · 3 years
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Happiness as mine II   -  Lotta Nevanperä , 2020.
Finnish , b. 1985-
Acrylic on canvas,  40 x 40 cm
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ieromoon · 3 years
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“’cause if there’s one thing the old rockers are afraid of... it’s all you people dancing” x
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adriartts · 3 years
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my roommate’s playing skyward sword so naturally I’m thinking about sheik
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sleepyyghostt · 2 years
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here’s the mural as of yesterday:) gonna go back to keep working today as well
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caw4brandon · 3 years
Tis a Small World of ACCA 13
Amidst the sea of "Fine” anime, manga and light novels to watch or read. I like to find things that, from the outside. Looks deceiving. Like say, a rather plain trailer or cover but with a bopping song or with a cool art style that peaks my interest and awareness to shoot for the dark.
I like Anime that surprises me both positively and negatively because I believe, it teaches us things about unpopular stories and plots that has potential to be realized which could place it in the Cult Classic Category. By that theory, this is the part where I talk about stumbling across this one song, [Shadow and Truth by ONE Ⅲ NOTES] that caught my attention and, after a very quick search. I discovered that the song is the opening for the Anime;
- <ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka> by Ono Natsume -
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Or just, ACCA 13...follows our main character, Jean Otus. From the kingdom of Dowa. The second-in-command of the Inspection Department of ACCA who was tasked to travel around the kingdom to inspect the 13 state branches of the kingdom.
As he makes his rounds, Jean uncovers some frightening rumors that would disturb the peace of the kingdom, with him playing a crucial role to it all. As the episodes progress, we learn more about what makes the kingdom of Dowa tick, what local problems do they have in their respective states and what their state leaders think about the rumors.
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We also follow Jean’s younger sister. Lotta Otus who manages the Celebrity Mansion Condominium. We also follow her daily, relatively normal school life while experiencing second-hand sweetness with her eating some of the most popular and delicious looking desserts and breads in the kingdom.
Other than Lotta, the supporting characters are just as beautiful and charming. From the silver foxes of the head leaders in ACCA, to the named officers, and friends of Jean. Such as Jean’s superior and love interest. The Korore Branch Chief, Mauve. 
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A tall, intelligent, mature and beautiful woman with long luscious blue hair who allied and kept in contact with Jean on his journeys. Developing reliable intel instead of making hasty action to choose a side surrounding the rumors.
Eye candies aside, the world of ACCA provides a more Noir feel to its peaceful environment with monotone colors and sleek character designs. All respectfully beautiful and portrayed by a cast of extremely talented but niche voice actors within the Seiyuu industry. Atsuko Tanaka, Hiro Shimono, Kenjirou Tsuda, and Aoi Yuuki.
- Stay Cool, Smoke Another Cigarette -
That said, the world and story of ACCA 13 is rather slow and relies heavily on its hook by introducing the wild mystery of the disturbing rumors with Jean listening and gathering information through the characters he meets as well as unveiling the true intentions the characters.
A lot of what happens occurs in meetings at bars, restaurants, back allies and hotel rooms. With Jean listening and comprehending between the lines with the people he meets. It requires close attention to some of the dialogue that is spoken as well as piecing the sequence of events that happened in-between that lead to the finale.
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With its overarching plot, ACCA 13 provides a small world tour around the kingdom of Dowa. Experiencing the different vibes and culture of every state while consuming the state’s richest exports in commerce as well as solving the many unique problems and complaints of each state.
From the ghetto parts of Suitsu, the frozen tundra of Birra, the laid back countryside of Fãmasu, the glorious city of Furawau and others. Each state represents a part of Dowa which makes up the shape of a bird. Some parts represent the Head, the Tail, the Chest and so on which is very similar to how the real Japan is in its respective prefectures. 
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Attempting not to get into spoilers, let’s just say that Jean has quite a number of allies in high places to help him deliberate his stands which determines the fate of the kingdom. Aside from Mauve, Jean is best friends with Niino Crow, a reporter who lives a double life as a private detective with his loyalties shrouded in shadow. Compared to your typical high action mainstream anime.
ACCA 13 requires patience. Its slow in build up and despite its aesthetic. There really isn’t much to get around to peek a new comer’s interest to watch the show. But perhaps, that’s its intention. A rather basic show that is less about the action, the deeper meanings but more about secrets, vibe checking and of course, the eye candies. Making it a potential Cult Favorite. 
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- Use your Eyes to Perceive the Way -
While it is a struggle to form a good case for why one should watch ACCA 13, I should start with its run time. Which is rather harmless with only 12 episodes and an OVA (Original Video Animation) ACCA 13 doesn’t overstay its welcome. It provides progression which lead to its finale but with results that is never as clear as it should be since, to my knowledge. Its a show about politics in a fictional country.
Nothing is what it seems in ACCA 13. Individuals could be deceiving by their looks, their actions and their reasons. Its up to our hero, Jean to figure things out and play his cards right to solve the potential time bomb that threatens the future of the kingdom. 
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As the inspector, Jean has to stay unbiased and unfazed from what he was told in order to deduce the true intentions of the other state leaders and determine them from a political perspective and as an inspector that is vowed to the highest laws of the country. 
Anime is a media that caters more towards fiction or metaphorical iconography but some of its authors love to translate reality or mature themes into fiction which, was what ACCA 13 tried to do. In a time where things need to happen quickly to keep the audience hooked. ACCA 13′s shallow show of politics, truth, lies and secrets under the backdrop of a beautiful and diverse country gets shun to the corner by its consumers which, I won’t fault anyone for.
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Politics is a tough subject and it’s not as black and white as we assume it to be and ACCA 13, just like the subject itself is complicated. It is unfortunate that viewers would look past it because it doesn’t fit in with the typical conventions of popular Anime compared with its other competitors. This post is not meant to say “Go watch ACCA 13! You’ll love it!”  because, that’s not my intention. I'm aware that its not for everyone.
What I want to show is that, Anime is more than just insane action, illustrative romance and questionable concepts. Rather, Anime can take a boring subject and make it as interesting with its aesthetics and lack of supernatural elements. As bland as it was, I got hooked to click to the next episode to see how it ends. Because what you see and hear, 
It's never really what it seems.
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Thanks for reading
- Caw4B -
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the-faultofdaedalus · 2 years
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm current mood: something something shiny protective outer shell and unwilling unknowing brood parasitism something something tony as a cuckoo wasp
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ousama · 2 years
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this fucking game. you want to know so bad
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picavecalyx · 2 years
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      “ if yu’re in danger, yu’ve gutta fight back!! ”
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tetrameryxx · 2 years
Would there be any interest in isolated/transparent public domain animal images? And also.. is wikimedia or flickr preferred for that kind of thing?
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tol-critter · 4 years
Somehow Camilla gets curses and its a complete flock of Bird Beasts
It's not complete if you didn't add the smaller beans😁
First off! We have the adult birbs. (I've written all their species already)
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Then we have our favorite gang of beans! Gus is mostly curious about what everything tastes like, Willow's eyesight is horrible and Luz has to guide them on how to bird.
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Here's the Blight siblings! Emira is mostly figuring out how to birb and Amity is annoyed with Edric's newfound clownery.
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Last but certainly not least! We have little ol' King with the Dual Track Kids! Viney is ecstatic on the fact she can talk beastie now, Barcus is quite chill with it actually and poor Jerbo is overwhelmed with everything.
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I’m Wisp posting now.
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huariqueje · 3 years
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Many departures, one arrival   -   Lotta Nevanperä , 2021.
Finnish , b. 1985-
Acrylic  on canvas, 90 x 90 cm.
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rainbirdsky · 3 years
Teal: *sitting grumpily by Admiring Actor’s feet with a stack of King Propaganda pamphlets that no one is taking*
Admiring Actor: So... You would be Teal then, I assume?
Teal: *nods without looking up*
Admiring Actor: The Respectful Pianist sends their well-wishes. You must have made quite the impression when they visited.
Teal: *looks up, eyes huge and watery*
Admiring Actor: Oh, are you---
Teal: *hugs their leg and sniffs away happy tears*
Admiring Actor: *chuckles and pats Teal’s head* I’ll let them know you miss them.
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