#birth process
harmoonix · 2 months
🦢 нєανєη 🦢
Astrology Observations by harmoonix
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🦢 - Mars in Leo/Cancer/Gemini/Virgo can easily feel under pressure when they're stressed, they can feel like the world is ending!!
🦢 - Mars in Libra/Mars in the 7H are so complicated. Finding the peace and the harmony within your romantic relationships can be stressful
🦢 - Gemini Saturn/Virgo Saturn/3H Saturn/6H Saturn are possible anxious places for Saturn! They're so heart-warming, though!! At some point every anxiety attack will end
🦢 - If you have malefics in your 11H like Saturn, Pluto, or Mars, if you have friends that talk bad/shit about their other friends, be sure they talk the same to them about you!! Is so predictable!
🦢 - Cher has a Gemini Venus that makes her look young even though she is 78. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LIFE AFTER LOVE ???
🦢 - Your 2H can talk about your metabolism!! Since it is heavily associated with food! For example, a fire sign in the 2H can talk about a fast metabolism
🦢 - Having Sagittarius in your 2H or 2H ruler in the 9H, it can make you proud of your traditional/cultural food!!
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🦢 - Leo Placements have a dark side like all of the other zodiac signs, because they're always in the spotlight. It is quite hard to know how they feel or if they fake their feelings. Not everyone knows how they feel behind close doors
🦢 - Sagittarius/Scorpio and Aries Mars can have a bad temper at times, some even anger issues, and is because Mars gets crazy in those placements
🦢 - If you have your south node in the 9H/Sagittarius, the school or some educational institution can get stuck in your memories/past forerver
🦢 - Jupiter aspecting Moon makes someone to radiate kindness! That person you wanna protect from bad people
🦢 Pluto - Mercury aspects can make someone have a deep voice indeed, which is also that typo of person to their voice hoarse most times
🦢 - Venus in Cancer/4° 16° 28°/4H Venus will make someone love you so passionately! They will build a castle inside your heart
🦢 - I feel like Capricorn Placements are always the ones to stress/overthink about the future 🙁, there is always something 'What if that will happen'
🦢 - Venus/Moon in your 9H can make your relationships/marriages blessed! Is a very beneficial house for those planets
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🦢 - Mercury in air signs have a specific way of communicating! It can be a fast reply to your messages, instant calling, using a lot of gestures while talking!
🦢 - If you have Sagittarius Mercury/Mercury in the 9H, you probably have a very good type of humor! Makes everyone to laugh
🦢 - Pisces Mercury and the 12H mercury are also people with good humor! I honestly appreciate their energy
🦢 - Can someone tell me why like Cancer and Capricorn Saturn BOTH give a very nurturing energy?? Is like I connect with mother nature
🦢 - Libra Placements are honestly precious! They appreciate the beauty of everything! They can find beauty even in bad things
🦢 - I have no major Saturn - Venus aspects, but I have quincunx instead, which can be manifested as such sad energy because you basically don't feel anything at times
🦢 - Lilith and Sun aspects are the symbol of a black diamond! Always shining after all they have been through
🦢 - If you have major 6H placements especially Pluto in the 6H, your health both mentally and physically is VITAL. Always prioritize that!!
Replying to your ex: No
Prioritizing your mental health: Yes
🦢 - If one of your parents have their sun in the same sign as your rising you can look a lot alike! Is honestly one one if the best combos to share with your parents
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🦢 - Venus conjunct south node but also Libra south node gives me the vibe of a widow in a past life, someone who could've have suffered in love
🦢 - If your 3H is connected with the 11H you can be best friends with your siblings, if your 3H is connected with the 9H you tend to be best friends with your cousins
🦢 - Saturn/Neptune/Mars and Pluto in the 12H need proper sleeping if they're usually tired is a sign to just relax and take a nap
🦢 - Venus in the same house as your Mars can make you addicted to topics like art, music, sex, history, and even culture
🦢 - Mars in harsh aspects with Venus tend to flirt more than the good aspects, because Mars here is looking for competition
🦢 - Virgo Venus and Venus at 6° 18° can be picky with their partners, they can also have multiple types of people as their crush
🦢 - If you have got your 4H connected to the 7H your family can help you with getting into a relationship
🦢 - Jupiter in harsh aspects to Pluto tend to force their beliefs/religion/habits into others, something even without realizing
🦢 - Uranus in your 4H or Aquarius in the 4H can talk about your family can have quite unique habits, is like your family is different from the rest of the world because something makes them to just stand out
🦢 - People who have Sun in their 4H or IC at 5° 17° or 29° can really be known because of their family, is giving popular family
🦢 - Earth Signs over the 8H can be very private about their intimate lives and their sexual life
🦢 - Mercury aspecting Moon can make the native so empathic emotionally, you can understand everyone's feelings usually they're soft at heart
🦢 - Mercury in the 12H can be attracted into things that seem 'undiscovered, or unknown', they're always curious about things they dont have much info about
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🤍🤍🤍🤍 harmoonix
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transtalesofdoom · 2 months
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Three more months with my lame ass birth name
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bigfatbimbo · 1 month
We don't know a lot about how Bill's species reproduces so breeding kink could be really confusing for all parties involves. Exhibit A: Bill w/ partner that ids as female and has a uterus. He attempts dirty talk along the lines of "If we keep this up I'm gonna make you a daddy!" and they're like wait what
HAHAHAHA NO STOP, THATS SO FUNNY. Bill drops that line and the reader just stops what they’re doing for a second and is like, “..what?” In all seriousness though, you’re so right, it would be so confusing.
Honestly, I don’t imagine Bill’s geometrical species reproduce even CLOSE to how humans do. That’s one of the reasons I don’t think a breeding kink would be very probable, but I guess if we’re just having fun, maybe that’s what makes him interested in the whole process of like “human procreation.” Which might lead him to get a few facts wrong!
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thoodleoo · 10 months
the thing about being an oracle in ancient greece is that the god is trapped inside you and he WILL find a way out. like it or not
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fluffypotatoes · 2 years
joel can't stop giving people children huh
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faerytrait · 2 months
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🗣️🗣️ BABY TIME!!!!
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uziraphale · 8 months
Aziraphale in Heaven II
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Are we sure that Sitis wants to to give birth four more times?
[we are giving them 7 new children]
I think they quite like the old ones.
--> Aziraphale in Heaven I
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coochiequeens · 4 months
A woman wanted to have a relationship with the child she gave birth to. And the men's response "was to insist that their son had no mother — only a surrogate — and that the child’s identity was as part of a motherless family." But the kid was created from her egg. She is the kids biological mother.
5 June, 2024 By Julie Bindel
This article is taken from the June 2024 issue of The Critic. To get the full magazine why not subscribe? Right now we’re offering five issues for just £10.
There is a contradiction at the heart of the international surrogacy industry. Its participants pretend that surrogates’ feelings for the children in their wombs do not exist, whilst simultaneously trying to prevent them acting on those feelings. Many commissioning parents broker the babies in jurisdictions that allow restrictions on surrogates’ rights.
In the UK, this contradiction was recently laid bare in a Family Court case (citation number: [2024] EWFC 20). A gay male couple were engaged in a long-running legal battle with their son’s surrogate. Rather than vanish after handing over the child, she wanted a role in the boy’s life. The men’s response was to insist that their son had no mother — only a surrogate — and that the child’s identity was as part of a motherless family. There was “no vacancy” for her to occupy in his life, they claimed, and it was prejudicial to gay families to suggest otherwise.
At the start of this story, G, the surrogate in question, was a 36-year-old single mother of a teenager and naive about what surrogacy entailed. The commissioning parents were friends of her sister but not people she knew. Aged 43 and 36 and married, they were members of an agency, Surrogacy UK, and very familiar with its protocols — which included a “getting to know you” period — and support. However rather than go through the agency, the men chose to fast-track the process with an independent arrangement with G.
Following a failed transfer of a donor egg, the trio decided to use G’s own egg. The men agreed that G would have contact with the child, but none of the parties properly considered the implications. The relationship between the three deteriorated during G’s pregnancy. G gave birth to a boy in September 2020.
After the birth, G would not initially consent to the parental order, under which she would lose parental responsibility as she feared being cut out of the child’s life. But during a lengthy online hearing in which she was alone and unrepresented — unlike the men — G was pressured by the judge to agree to the parental order along with a contact agreement called a child arrangements order.
After obtaining parental responsibility, the men quickly reneged on the agreement. When G turned up at their house for a pre-arranged visit they threatened to call the police. She recorded the meeting. The Family Court judge later declared of the recording “what was said has rightly been described as ‘horrendous’”. The men told G she was “harbouring a desire to have an inappropriate relationship” by wanting the boy to recognise her as his mother and accused her of having “rejected the role of surrogate”.
In January 2022, the men refused to allow G to visit her son and applied for the contact agreement to be changed. G then made her own application for the parental order to be overturned. She won her case in November the same year. This restored her parental responsibility for the child and removed it from the man who was not the child’s biological father.
The men redoubled their efforts to remove G as a parent, this time applying for an adoption order. During court proceedings, they claimed their son’s identity was that of a child of same-sex parents being raised within the LGBT community and that he belonged to a “motherless family”.
As a lesbian who came out in the 1970s, I’m only too aware of the history of demonisation of lesbian and gay couples. Parents who conceived children in heterosexual relationships were often denied custody and contact if they came out as gay after separation. Foster and adoption agencies were openly prejudiced. But times have changed, and same-sex parents are now a common sight at the school gates in some parts of the UK.
Claims that the children of same-sex parents are disadvantaged in some way have largely been defeated with an expanding body of evidence (e.g. Zhang Y, Huang H, Wang M, et al., BMJ Global Health, 2023) showing their outcomes are similar to those of heterosexual families. Gay rights are robustly supported in most public institutions and private organisations. For a gay couple to call on historic prejudice to justify excluding a mother from a child’s life is unforgivable.
In any case, the men’s argument was fatally — and obviously — undermined by its own logic. If the boy did not have a mother, there would be no need for the court case.
As the jointly-instructed clinical psychologist in the case recognised, the driver of the men’s case was the “elephant in the room” — G’s existence as the child’s legal and biological mother — and the men’s fear of her maternal bond with her son. The men had difficulties “accepting the reality” of the child’s conception, the psychologist found, and considering what sense the boy might make of the situation as he grew up.
“They have strongly held to the surrogacy agreement and the narrative of [G] being a ‘surrogate’ because in that narrative there are no, or hardly any feelings from the surrogate for the baby,” the psychologist wrote. He described the men as attempting an “erasure of the mother”, which he said was not in the child’s best interest as it did not reflect reality.
Refusing an adoption order that would likely have resulted in cutting G from her son’s life, the court ruled that G should have direct and unsupervised contact with him. The judge criticised the men for blaming G for everything that went wrong. The judgment also raised questions about how an adoption order would be explained to the boy, given it would have been made without his mother’s consent.
To some extent, history repeated itself in this case. There are multiple examples of legal battles involving lesbian couples who created a child with the help of a sperm donor who later inconveniently insisted on contact or on playing the role of father.
As the Court of Appeal ruled in one such case in 2012: “What the adults look forward to before undertaking the hazards of conception, birth and the first experience of parenting may prove to be illusion or fantasy. [The couple] may have had the desire to create a two-parent lesbian nuclear family completely intact and free from fracture resulting from contact with the third parent. But such desires may be essentially selfish and may later insufficiently weigh the welfare and developing rights of the child that they have created.”
What’s concerning in this case is the language used — the “erasure” of the mother
Contested surrogacy cases are little different from these wrangles and, indeed, from any other contact disputes. What’s concerning about G’s case, and what makes it different from the case of the lesbian parents above, is the language used. The psychologist explicitly referred to the men’s attempted “erasure” of the mother. They simply refused to acknowledge G’s existence in any of the forms in which she fulfilled a maternal capacity: legal, genetic and as the person who gave birth. They were supported in this illusion by the professionals who weighed in on their behalf.
In the space of a few years the term “motherless” has moved from an emotive description of absence to a positive identity argued for in court. This shift is entirely consistent with the narrative that surrogacy participants feed to the public.
When celebrity couples introduce their surrogate children on social media, the women who gave birth to them are rarely mentioned. The new babies are “welcomed” as if they have been sent by special delivery. That is in line with the attitude of the international surrogacy industry, which reduces the role of the birth mother to that of a “carrier” or rented womb.
For commissioning parents, it must be very easy to regard the woman who bore their child for nine months as a mere service provider, someone to be gratefully forgotten as soon as the final instalment is paid and the product handed over.
Meanwhile, parts of the NHS are determined to de-gender childbirth, routinely referring to “birthing parents” rather than mothers. As an example (there are multiple) the Royal United Hospital Bath’s “information for families” on labour induction refers to dads, but there is no mention of mothers — only birthing parents.
Feminists have long campaigned for gender-neutral language to reflect roles that are indeed, or can be, gender-neutral. But the uncoupling of sex from the necessarily female processes of pregnancy and childbirth is a step towards a dystopian future. In 2015 Victoria Smith wrote, “Gender-neutral language around reproduction creates the illusion of dismantling a hierarchy — when what you really end up doing is ignoring it.” I would go further. Gender-neutral language around reproduction — just like any language that obscures reality — reinforces and helps establish hierarchies of oppression.
To the men, G was simply a surrogate womb to a motherless child. But to G and to Z, she was his mother. As the psychologist said, “‘Motherlessness’ does not exist. The child was born from two people, biologically, and from three people, psychologically … The mother certainly played a part, biologically and psychologically, in the conception of the child.”
The case — unremarked and unnoticed by the media — will do nothing to change popular opinion of surrogacy. It is likely to encourage intending parents to explore dubious overseas jurisdictions, where surrogates have fewer rights. The surrogacy profiteers will continue to cheerlead wealthy couples in their exploitation of impoverished and naive women.
As for the word “motherless”: in time it may lose its negative connotations and become solidified as an identity. Will it become a badge that straight children can use to signal their connection to LGBTQ+ community? Or an oppression card that can be deployed by the children of wealthy men to explain bad behaviour towards women? Either way, Disney and Dickens are going to need a lot of rewriting.
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ruuari · 6 months
art process with venitas
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harmoonix · 2 months
Tips to heal your Saturn/Chiron placement!!
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Since Saturn and Chiron both can trigger a natives life with anxiety and a sense of security, here are some things to help you with getting better!🦋
How to heal:
Cause: overthinking - treatment: writing
Writing something when you're overthinking can help a lot! It can simply be a note from your phone or just write in a notebook how was/is your day so far when you feel overthinking
Cause: Anxiety - treatment: Mediation
When you feel like you're anxious, you can try to close your eyes and think at positive things, if you have your phone by your side try to listen to healing music because it usually works, also staying in the sun can help a lot when you're anxious
Cause: Tired - treatment: sleeping
Is really obvious for your body to feel like sleeping when you're tired, but sleeping actually helps your body so much! Especially when you're feeling sad, take a nap because when you'll wake up, you won't feel the same pain
Cause: Sadness - treatment: exercise
When you're feeling sad or low in life because we all have dark days, try to do some things that can keep your mind away from the sad feeling, play a game, play a sport, organize your room, cleaning can help too but remember that when you hold too much sadness inside of you it will burst out sometimes like you just can't hold it anymore and that's perfectly fine because for some people, crying is healing
Cause: Stress - treatment: go for a walk
Going for a walk can help when you're stressed, especially in the morning when the air is so refreshing because it can help to clean your mind, try to leave the house or go in a park/lay on the grass/look at the sky it can help!
Cause: Angry - treatment; listen to music
Maybe at the moment you won't feel like listening to music, especially after a fight or some kind of conflict, but listening to music it can help with chilling yourself after those, and always remember that the specific fight or conflict already ended so you don't have to overthink about it, is away now
Cause: Lazyness - treatment: reduce screen time
The light from our phones/pc/laptop/iPad is not healthy if you constantly spend your time on these. It is good to take a break and clear your mind after a while. Your phones light has also impacted your mood
Cause: Burnout - Treatment: Reading
Reading can help in situations of burnout. If you don't have a book by yourself when you are in such a situation, there are so many online books out there, or even audio ones try to read articles or to just text with people/friends when you feel like it.
Saturn + Chiron and the themes you need to heal/get better in your life!
Saturn/Chiron in the 1H - yourself, your body, your image
Saturn/Chiron in the 2H - your worth, finances
Saturn/Chiron in the 3H - your communication, talk more about your feelings
Saturn/Chiron in the 4H - your family, relatives, your own home
Saturn/Chiron in the 5H - your inner child, do things that make you happy
Saturn/Chiron in the 6H - your mental health, nurturing, organization
Saturn/Chiron in the 7H - your partner, your relationship or marriage, your worth to a relationship/boundaries
Saturn/Chiron in the 8H - your traumas, your past, your insecurities
Saturn/Chiron in the 9H - your faith, your beliefs, your culture, your homeland, your education
Saturn/Chiron in the 10H - your carrer, your public image, your job
Saturn/Chiron in the 11H - your friendships, your community, your dreams
Saturn/Chiron in the 12H - your subconscious, your sleep, your spiritual self,
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Remember that is perfectly fine to feel sad or angry or moody because these are our emotions and feelings at the specific moment, there is nothing with them but it can do damage on yourself when you're in these energies for too long! Remember that loving yourself matters. You matter, you are loved. Being nice with others matters as much as being nice with yourself as well! Hope this helped you guys 🦋
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sunnysideaeggs · 12 hours
Before GRRM's blog I saw so many TB fans viral tweets about how smallfolk loving Helaena and Alicent was Maesters/Greens propaganda 🤭
omg this 😭 i saw a tiktok about how the smallfolk liking alicent and helaena was ‘propaganda’ because they didn’t pass any laws like alysanne or rhaenys the conqueror did. did they forget the 20 years of alicent being queen in times of peace? the people of king’s landing see the royals and create opinions about them, they know helaena is kind and gentle and alicent is wise and pious. the smallfolk of king’s landing celebrated helaena’s birth, wedding and children for sure, they know her, and knowing about someone’s life for years makes them dear.
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jujuflakes · 2 months
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Ohhhh boy. I have come with (yet another) Eldritch!Lucifer concept design. It will happen again. Ksnsbef
Inspiration taken from omori/madoka/genshin.
I have so many biblically accurate designs in the drafts bc I just. cannot see Luci with one definite look. Hence the hc that the closer his appearance is to his 'true' form, the more unstable it becomes. my baby would drive quantum physicists mad.
#eldritch lucifer morningstar#see one body is not enough. turns him into a planetary system#hazbin hotel lucifer#hazbin lucifer#lucifer morningstar#flakes art#not described#undescribed#might rework this later. to probably hopefully render him ksjsjdjdkdk.#fun facts abt this lil guy right there#1) the 'planet' he's holding is shaped like an apple. :)#2) aurora borealis can be seen in the area his wings do not cover#3) related to 2). due to instability in his angelic energy field thingy (his angelic and demonic sides not meshing well together)#there are probably soo many windstorms in there#if someone compares him to a vagina again I will cry /lh#“see that's why he gets along so well with vaggie” -🩹 NOOOO NO NO NONONO#edit: okay nevermind the symbolism is great actually#edit edit: him emulating the birthing process him recreating an entire ecosystem out of himself within himself#him clutching at any shred of familiarity he can find#no matter how broken or dysfunctional. no matter if it's barely holding itself together. no matter if it means he has to tear *himself* int#he misses home he misses his family so much screams#him trying to recreate what they once had but there's a big gaping fucking hole in the sky and the living reminder of what happened#constantly replaying around#and if he focus hard enough he can still feel himself Falling#it's all on a subconscious level but anyway. Yeah#flakes rambles#there's def more to say but it's 6am already...hahaha eepy time#edit edit edit: okay in a sense this is less like a 'true form' and more like a physical manifestation of his psyche#BUT STILL#OKAY EEPY TIME FORREALSIEs
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Can you draw baby aim holding cross finger after just been born?
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moonlight-stalker · 1 year
# 58 Dc x Dp
Danny has been living with the bat fam for a couple of months. Danny first meet them when he was living on the street, Danny had been mistaken for a Wayne so many times that he could rival the actual Wayne family in how many times he has been kidnapped.
The bat family has all become attached to this feral child which has caused many of the rogues to cry and scream. When he what missing they all begin to panic, and search for him that's when they found out Danny had run away from his very creepy godfather, they all suit up and went to save him.
The bat's learned that Danny is called a halfa a being that is half dead and half living that stands on the line of dead and alive, so after getting him from his very Creepy godfather who is also a half they thought that they would not have to worry about any more surprises that were until Danny came down holding an infant that was a couple of hours old
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fauxpapillons · 4 months
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merry birth for me!
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 8 months
“Jason should get over being upset about his death” - he has, he wasn’t angry at Bruce or the world because they failed him and he ended up dying, which he made clear plain as day and that’s about the most reasonable a person who went through what he went through could be
anyway I don’t think these people realize how gory being bludgeoned to near death is, and maybe it's because of the limitations of the medium that scene was presented in
#not to mention he had to process the added heartbreak of his birth mother’s rejection/betrayal at the same time#like yeah he was cocky and smiling in the uth movie go Jason go but that’s also the same movie that drastically changed the context#and tone of that scene by erasing Sheila#kelseethe#I remember the first time reading aditf I got flashbacks to a Korean horror movie that still puts me in a weird place#anyway it was about a serial killer who went around killing people by beating their skulls in with a hammer#one of the plots was centered around a victim who didn’t die after the first attack and even managed to escape at first#long story short she was running around trying to get help and the cops were useless + he ended up finding her again and finished the job#sfx brains skull blood and viscera everywhere#and that’s exactly what happened to Jason you just didn’t see any gore because it’s an American comic#nor did you hear his screams and the sounds from metal making contact with bone and guts#and like I said the uth movie was pretty sanitized too same for the titans show which also downplayed his death lol#anyway I think it’s really forgiving of Jason not to blame Bruce or anyone else for the fact that they let the circumstances lead to that#and to instead only criticize how nothing was done in the aftermath#Idk I always found it a bit fascinating how it doesn’t seem to have dawned on most people including his fans#exactly how violent that experience was
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