#birthday horseradish
jazzeria · 7 months
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My friend found a place to dig up horseradish, so we dug up as much as we could--which was about 4.5kg (10lbs) after cleaning!
Even after splitting it, five pounds of horseradish was a lot. I made horseradish cranberry sauce, mayonnaise, and simple prepared horseradish. I threw some peels and leftover nubs in a pickle jar to add some kick to store-bought pickles. It's a lot of horseradish! I offered some to friends--in both the prepared and raw states.
Finally, I conceded that this was more horseradish than I could readily use; and decided to try storing/growing them in a bucket of sandy soil.
We got a 5 gal utility bucket, drilled some small drainage holes, and filled it with mostly sand (it took the whole 20kg bag!) and a bit of potting soil. As an afterthought, we also picked up a bucket lid to serve as a saucer.
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I give the roots just a bit of water to stay alive; but try not to "water" them as I would normal plants--I'm essentially overwintering them.
It's now been about 4 weeks and they've put out new leaves. I have mixed feelings about this: it's always exciting to see plants grow! But I'm slightly worried this means they're not overwintering and will die out before spring. We'll see how it goes!
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cerise-on-top · 3 months
Eating Jausn with König
A Brettljausn is just about the best thing out there. I wrote this back in November when my classmates decided to talk about Easter and Osterjausn, so the formatting is different. However, I thought it would work well with the Easter post, so I decided to post it now.
“Honey, what is that?” You looked at the wrinkly, dark colored thing in front of you. It might have been a sausage, on closer inspection. The plate was well filled with all kinds of meat and cheese. On the side were horseradish, eggs and pepper of all colors. On a small plate in front of you were small, sliced cherry tomatoes, the basket next to it held bread.
“It’s a Brettljause, it’s what we eat on special occasions, such as easter. But you don’t always need one to eat it. Just enjoy the meat, dear. It’s all from regional farmers as well.” König seemed rather content while looking at the food. You knew that Austrians loved their meats and sausages, he had told you about that before and you made fun of him for it, but you didn’t think he’d take it upon himself to prepare something like that. It seemed like that must have taken a lot of work. Must have been fairly costly as well. There was bacon there, it looked fairly good.
You took a piece of bread and picked up some meat with a fork. “And what’s this?”
“That’s Geselchtes. I call it Gsöchts, though. It’s meat that you put in salt water before smoking for a few hours. Before eating, you normally cook it. Don’t worry, this one doesn’t have too much fat on it, you can just cut those pieces off.” He put some gray-ish meat on a slice of bread, adding some egg slices and topping it off with some of the grated horseradish. Its scent wafted through the air, stinging your nose a bit. You watch him take a bite out of the bread, he locks his eyes with yours once he notices. “Is something the matter?”
“No, no, everything’s alright.” You looked at the pink meat on your fork, a bit hesitant to give it a try. König seemed to like this sort of food, he likely wouldn’t have prepared it otherwise. Besides, it was classic Austrian cuisine, apparently, it was only polite of you to try it, at the very least. Taking a bite out of the meat, you ran your tongue across it to give it a taste. You could definitely taste the salt, but it wasn’t too bad. It simply added to the flavor. The meat wasn’t very chewy, but you wouldn’t exactly call it the most tender meat either. It was actually surprisingly good. Instead of putting it on your bread, you simply ate the piece whole before picking up the same thing König had. “And what’s this?”
“Schweinsbratn.” He didn’t even hesitate to gobble up his bread, already on his second one. This time he put some bacon on it with cheese. Eggs and horseradish weren’t missing this time either. One of the tomato slices was lifted off the plate and put on his instead.
You followed his example and put two slices of the meat on your bread, topping it off the same way as him. That meat wasn’t too bad actually either, it was obvious that it was made of pork. With the horseradish being very fresh it was only natural for it to be spicy still. It didn’t disappoint, the taste somewhat reminding you of wasabi, even if your eyes started watering a bit. Your bread was gone soon enough and you opted for another one. There was no telling if König’s next one was his third or fourth one already.
“So, Schatzi.” He prepared another one. “Is it good? Do you like it?”
“Oh, it actually is. It’s pretty good.” Taking some of the red pepper, you put it on your bread with Geselchtem, gulping down a few of the tomatoes. You were sort of surprised this stuff didn’t come with a salad as well.
By the time you were on your third bread, the plate was already pretty empty, with König having eaten quite a lot. He’s always had a rather big appetite, and for that you were grateful, there was no way you could have eaten all of that on your own. You hadn’t tried the dark, cut up sausage yet. Of course, you had no idea what that was either. “What’s this? Sausage?”
König quickly chewed the food in his mouth before swallowing it down. “Yes, that’s Hoatwiastl. Hartwürstel, I suppose. As the name suggests, it’s a hard sausage. It’s very good, though, you have to try it.”
It was rather hard indeed, you were glad it was cut up into smaller slices. Biting into it whole would be another other ordeal. It was too small to put on bread, so you ate it along with it. Once done, you were completely full, incapable of eating another bite. There were still pieces of meat and cheese left on the plate, it was unbelievable. König didn’t seem affected at all, he simply got up and started putting everything away before returning with a bottle. If you had to take an educated guess then there’s a chance “Wein” might have been the German word for “wine”. “Would you like a  Spritzer? It’s essentially wine mixed with soda.”
“Is that really necessary? Do we really need to drink too?”
He chuckled a bit. “It’s a big part of our culture. Alternatively, I can offer you some Gösser or Puntigamer.” With an amused expression, he watched you weigh your options. You didn’t know what either of those things were, probably some sort of beer, thus making you better off with the wine, probably. König even got the two of you some wine glasses. They were fancy looking, but you weren’t sure if you could actually take a sip of that.
He really just put mineral water into some wine, drinking it slowly. With a watchful eye, he almost expected you to take after him, which you did eventually. It tasted exactly the way you’d imagine, sparkly wine with a bit less flavor. Not the worst you’ve ever had. The things you did to make your man happy.
You continued to eat for another few minutes, this time in silence, for the most part. The plate was certainly full at the beginning, you couldn’t believe your eyes when most of it was gone. Still, despite the culture being rather meat heavy, you had to admit, it was pretty good. However, it was very filling. You couldn’t eat another slice of bread, opting for the meat and sausage instead, eating some slices of cheese along with them. Maybe some mayonnaise would have been good with it as well, but you didn’t want to make the suggestion in case König didn’t like it.
After wiping his mouth with a paper towel, he sat back, letting out a content sigh while holding his tummy. Even he seemed to be rather full after the copious amounts of meat he had eaten. Not like you weren’t, however. He took another sip of his Spritzer before putting the plates away, with you helping him out a bit, naturally.
“Thank you for trying some of my food, I do appreciate it. Did you like it?” Cleaning the plates with a sponge, his focus was on getting the last few crumbs off it so he could put it in the dishwasher. You popped one last cherry tomato in your mouth before handing him another plate, giving him a hum of approval.
“Yeah, it was pretty good, but could we maybe eat something less meaty next time? This was quite a lot.”
“Don’t worry, Schatzi, next time we can eat Kasnudeln. They’re also very delicious!”
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middletone · 3 months
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Introduction Post
Spring – Year 1: Week 1 - Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Summer – Year 1: Week 1- Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Current Goals:
Fast-track Blue Chickens
Fishing Level 10
Weekly Summary: Leander has taken the first steps towards becoming a part of the Pelican Town community! Having heard rumors of Shane’s chicken husbandry skills, our farmer is attempting to befriend possibly the only person in town to actively avoid having friends. Very rude; we just want to talk about chickens!
Leander has found solace in fishing. He prefers fishing at the dock in front of Willy’s shop, but will sometimes move to one of the small islands of the mountain lake. The Fiberglass Rod was a much needed purchase. The mines do instill a growing need for adventure, however…
Having met with the Wizard and “partaken” of his brew, Leander’s magics have begun to reawaken; enough that the Fae saw it within their good graces to bless our first crops. A fruitful first week back at Aurora Fields.
Daily summary & donation checklists under the cut; mod list in the Introduction post.
Day 01:
Beginner chickens are Honey (white) & Biscuit (brown)
Cleared some of the farm
Collected enough wood for 2 chests
Bought and planted: 1 Parsnip, 1 Cauliflower, 1 Kale, 1 Green Bean, 1 Blue Jazz, 1 Tulip, 3 Potatoes
Said “Hi” to everyone excluding Alex, Willy, & the Wizard - Not bad!
Found all possible Spring Foragables - Great start!
Dug up a Rusty Spoon and spoke with Gunther about the museum
Hit Foraging Level 1
Day 02:
Forgot to pet the chickens; continue to be mad I can’t pet them while they’re sleeping
Got word from Willy & went to the beach for our first fishing rod
Dropped a chest in front of Willy’s shop & fished until 5pm; treasure: iron ore, frozen geodes
Found Glass Shards on the beach - Serious safety hazard!
Said “Hi” to Willy & Alex
Gifted a daffodil to Linus for the ‘Making Friends’ quest
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Hit Fishing Levels 1 & 2
Day 03:
Caught all rain fish except the Shad
Fenced off a portion of the Coop area for the blue chewy grass to spread without being eaten
Chickens fully grown - Got our first eggs!
Gifted Shane an egg; Operation Fast-track Blue Chickens is a go!
Purchased a Fiberglass Rod & Bait from Willy’s Shop
Spent the day fishing; treasure: iron ore, geode, Aquamarine
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Hit Fishing Levels 3 & 4
Got Fisherman achievement
Day 04:
Spent the day fishing
Gave Pam a Joja Cola to rub on her sore nose - ?
Egg for Shane
Did some foraging before bed
Hit Fishing Level 5 - Chose Fisher perk
Day 05:
Adopted our first cat, Steve “Captain America” Rogers
Cleared some of the farm towards the southern exit
Completed the Rat Problem & Mine cut scenes
Dropped a chest in the mine by the elevator for future use
Dropped a chest in front of the Community Center & moved items in preparation for first round of donations - Reminds me of stacking bugs/fish outside Blather’s while the museum upgrades in ACNH lol
Spent the day fishing
Day 06:
Got high with the wizard and made first round of donations to the Community Center
Gave Sam a Flounder that he wanted for unspecified reasons
Spent the day fishing
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Received a visit from the Fairy!
Hit Fishing Level 6 & Foraging Level 2
Day 07:
Learned Stir Fry recipe
Bought a Red Mushroom from the Traveling Cart
Gave Lewis a Daffodil for his birthday
Bought & planted 8 Potatoes; purchased the first pack upgrade
Spent the day fishing; treasure: Skeletal Tail
Cleared some of the farm before heading to bed
Found & read Mining Monthly; gained mining XP
Hit Farming Level 1 & Mining Level 1; got Mother Catch achievement
Community Center - Crafts Room 1/6:
4/4 Spring Foraging: Wild Horseradish, Daffodil, Leek, Spring Onion
0/3 Summer Foraging: Grape, Spice Berry, Sweet Pea
0/4 Fall Foraging: Common Mushroom, Wild Plum, Hazelnut, Blackberry
0/4 Winter Foraging: Crystal Fruit, Snow Yam, Crocus, Holly
0/5 Exotic Foraging: Coconut, Cactus Fruit, Cave Carrot, Red Mushroom, Purple Mushroom, Maple Syrup, Oak Resin, Pine Tar, Morel
0/3 Forest: Moss (10), Fiber (200), Maple Seed (10)
Community Center - Pantry 1/6:
4/4 Spring Crops: Parsnip, Green Bean, Cauliflower, Potato
0/4 Summer Crops: Hot Pepper, Blueberry, Melon, Summer Squash
0/4 Fall Crops: Corn, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Yam
0/1 Rare Crops: Ancient Fruit, Sweet Gem Berry
2/4 Garden: Tulip, Summer Spangle, Fairy Rose, Blue Jazz, Sunflower
0/4 Brewer’s: Mead, Wine, Juice, Pale Ale, Green Tea
Community Center - Fish Tank 0/6:
1/4 River Fish: Sunfish, Catfish, Shad, Tiger Trout
3/4 Lake Fish: Largemouth Bass, Carp, Bullhead, Sturgeon
1/4 Ocean Fish: Sardine, Tuna, Red Snapper, Tilapia
2/3 Night Fishing: Walleye, Bream, Eel
2/5 Crab Pot: Lobster, Crayfish, Crab, Cockle, Mussel, Shrimp, Snail, Periwinkle, Oyster, Clam
0/2 Master Fisher’s: Lava Eel, Scorpion Carp, Octopus, Blobfish
Community Center - Boiler Room 0/3:
0/4 Geologist’s: Quartz, Earth Crystal, Frozen Tear, Fire Quartz
0/5 Treasure Hunter’s: Amethyst, Topaz, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby, Aquamarine
0/3 Engineer’s: Iridium Ore, Battery Pack, Refined Quartz (5)
Museum - Artifacts 1/42:
Dwarf Scroll I, Dwarf Scroll II, Dwarf Scroll III, Dwarf Scroll IV, Chipped Amphora, Arrowhead, Ancient Doll, Elvish Jewelry, Chewing Stick, Ornamental Fan, Dinosaur Egg, Rare Disc, Ancient Sword, Rusty Spoon, Rusty Spur, Rusty Cog, Chicken Statue, Ancient Seed, Prehistoric Tool, Dried Starfish, Anchor, Glass Shards, Bone Flute, Prehistoric Handaxe, Dwarvish Helm, Dwarf Gadget, Ancient Drum, Golden Mask, Golden Relic, Strange Doll, Prehistoric Scapula, Prehistoric Tibia, Prehistoric Skull, Skeletal Hand, Prehistoric Rib, Prehistoric Vertebra, Skeletal Tail, Nautilus Fossil, Amphibian Fossil, Palm Fossil, Trilobite
Museum – Minerals 0/53:
Emerald, Aquamarine, Ruby, Amethyst, Topaz, Jade, Diamond, Prismatic Shard, Quartz, Fire Quartz, Frozen Tear, Earth Crystal, Alamite, Bixite, Baryte, Aerinite, Calcite, Dolomite, Esperite, Fluorapatite, Geminite, Helvite, Jamborite, Jagoite, Kyanite, Lunarite, Malachite, Neptunite, Lemon Stone, Nekoite, Orpiment, Petrified Slime, Thunder Egg, Pyrite, Ocean Stone, Ghost Crystal, Tigerseye, Jasper, Opal, Fire Opal, Celestine, Marble, Sandstone, Granite, Basalt, Limestone, Soapstone, Hematite, Mudstone, Obsidian, Slate, Fairy Stone, Star Shards
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tomorrowxtogether · 2 years
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14/08/22 Yeonjun’s Tweet
우리 귀염둥이 막내 고추냉이야 생일 축하하고 다음엔 저기 오이 말고 고추냉이 바르자 사랑해❤️ 
Our cute maknae gochunengi Happy birthday and next time let’s put horseradish instead of cucumber I love you❤️  
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zorcskhakis · 2 years
how about ryou and bakura going shopping? just smth like that! :0 maybe in your roommates au hehe
Ryou looked up from the phone in his hand, where he had been answering a text from Yugi, to see that Bakura was standing on the end of the cart, holding up a box of Bang Energy and looking at him with a questioning gaze.
Ryou took a moment to process his implicit question. "Again? I bought some last week!"
"Marik has been drinking them too!" Bakura protested with a scowl.
Ryou sighed. "Fine. Get two, if both of you are drinking them." Ryou barely remembered his mother - he had been very young when she died - so he had no real way of knowing if this was how mothers spoke to children, but he certainly felt like it.
Seeming satisfied, Bakura dropped two boxes into the cart, causing the cans to clang noisily.
"I told Marik he should start shilling them on his YouTube channel so they'll sponsor him and send us free shit. You know, to save you some money," Bakura said, in a tone that Ryou had come to understand meant he was attempting to be thoughtful and was enormously pleased with himself about it.
"That's nice, Bakura, but it would probably help me more financially if the two of you actually paid me rent." Not that money was much of an issue for Ryou. The monthly bank deposits from his father didn't make up for his gaping and noticeable absence, but they did cover most of his expenses.
Bakura, as always, avoided the subject of rent with the same sort of deft dexterousness with which he picked pockets. "Condiments," he announced, pointing at the sign hanging over the next aisle. "For the hamburgers."
Ryou looked up at the sign. "Yes, that should be the last thing we need. Since Marik is getting the cake."
Bakura rounded the corner of the aisle to retrieve the condiments and was making a beeline for the horseradish when something on the end cap caught his attention. He stopped on his heel with a gasp and abruptly changed targets. "Duel Monsters booster packs! We could get some as a present for Yugi." He grabbed a handful, again, positively chuffed with his own thoughtfulness.
"I think he probably has more than enough Duel Monsters cards," Ryou said, stepping into the aisle to retrieve ketchup and mustard, hoping Bakura would forget about the horseradish.
"Fine. For me, then."
"No, Bakura."
"Alright," Bakura said with a sigh and a shrug, tucking the booster packs into his back pocket. "I tried to do things lawfully, Ryou, but you've forced my hand. Just know it was you who turned me to crime."
"Nice try, Bakura, but I saw you steal three packs of gum and a phone charger already when we walked in." No matter how brazenly he stole things, no one but Ryou ever seemed to take notice - Ryou suspected it might be some intrinsic ability he had, perhaps residual from when he dwelled in the Ring.
Bakura raised an eyebrow. "Impressive."
"Now let's get going," Ryou said, pushing the cart for the exit. "I don't want Yugi to be the first to show up to his own birthday party."
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ramrodd · 1 year
20. Mountains and Molehills (7:10-31, 4/3/2023)
As I say, the Gospel of John Mark adds the horseradish to the anthropology of the Canon, generally. John Mark has a serious case of hero worship throughout the narrative, the same as bat boy would have had for Ted Williams. JOHN Mark was 12 when he beings to take interest in
Jesus. He is 13 when he says that Jesus cleansed the Temple,, John either misremember the timing of the event or he purposefully time shifts that particular even two years early to emphasize the danger Jesus was in from the moment He is baptized until His last breath at Mark 15:39. And, John Dominick Crossan, the Romans weren't the problem. The Roman presence in the region on was far more benign than is currently understood.
John Mark does not accompany Jesus  to clear the Temple: he stayed at home in Bethany with Mary and Martha of Bethany. He claims that Jesus used a knotted rope. This is not verified by what we understand as Quelle. The canon uses εὐθὺς as an apparatus to identify content that either validates the testimony of the character being spotlighted. The first time εὐθὺς is used in the manner is Mark 1:12 and spotlights Jesus. Or bench marks. There is aar moremtn content in Quelle regarding the centurion in Mark 15:39 than just that singular moment. He is the same centurion who describes the events surrounding Jesus's death to Pilate which Joseph of Arimathea, ask for the body.  The centurion validates John's claim that he saw the Romans pierce Jesus's side to make sure he was dead. Why wasn't this mentioned in Mark?  Pilate was familiar with the routine and variations of crucifixions, but John Mark wasn't. The Romans verfy that Jesus was dead and that they didn't  dislocate their knees.
Jesus takes a great deal of trouble with His personal security in both gospels, The Messianic secret was His  stealth strategy. Jesus is a constantly movimg target. He never stays in the city limits of Jerusalem after dark until the night of his arrest. The Gospel of John really emphasizes the danger Jesus in in right up to Mary of Bethan's relief at seeing Jesus safe and sound and her grief for her brother. , This is the moment Jesus gets his marching orders from God, the Father, via the Holy Spirit.
John 17 occurs just after the Autumnal Equinox, which means the both narratives are exactly 6 months awasy from the Vernal  Equinox of Passover. If you flannel graph the two narratives side by side, John screeches mark out to it's actual span of time.
The numerology and astronomy of the Bible is a legacy of Enoch and, via Enoch, Zoroastrianis, but the New Testament is profoundly Hellenistic < As I have noted elsewhere, the open overture of John 1 could have the vision statement of the academe of Philo of Alexandria  and Hillel. As far as I am aware, the Star of Bethlehem is the only significant expression of astrology and astronomy, together, in scriptures. There is a great deal of wicca in Mark, which is a catalogue of the medical arts Jesus employs in collaboration with the Holy Spirit and in command of the Spirit of God.
John Mark is now 16. His birthday seems to have been just before Booths. The thing about the Jewish use of the solar calendar is that they were constantly looking for an excuse to party. I mean, the Orthodox Jews have a festival where the men are required to get knee-walking, commode hugging drunk. On the flannel graph, that quality missing from Mark but is featured in John.
What John Mark means by "the Jews", who are the sole danger Jesus confronting Jesus were the same people who burned Michael Servetus at the stake and stormed the US Capitol on January 6. And set the Reichstag on fire. By the time he got around to composing The Gospel of John, John Mark had been excommunicated by rabbis using the Amidah as a method of expulsion. They added a 19th blessing, which was actually a curse of Jesus. If you were given the honor of leading the Standing Prayer but refused to curse Jesus, you were voted off the island. That's the emotional charge behind John Mark's refference to "the Jews"" he had been declared RINO by assholes like Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson and Mark Levine.
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What are the meals that make the family members visibly SICK
The only rule is that it has to be taste that makes them want to vomit
First instinct for Frisk and Chara is Snail Pie. The texture and sliminess effects the taste, right? I mean, I hate tomatoes for the texture. Aside from the texture, they likely don't like the taste either.
Asriel hates the taste of chocolate. He knows Chara likes it, however he can't stand the taste.
Exriel, horseradish.
Sans hates mayo. (Yes I'm saying this because my dad also hates mayo and I couldn't think of a different condiment he'd hate)
Toriel likes most foods, accept for Turkish Delights. Those things are not delightful.
Azerian will eat almost anything. Man has put beans on chicken and waffles before. He can even stand chocolate more than Asriel. However even the smell of birthday cake makes him gag. Don't ask him why. (Or do, you'll likely traumatize him)
Sariel is a baby however not really a picky eater. In fact, oddly enough, she likes a lot of veggies. She only doesn't like ketchup or apples.
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things i did while i was dead for the week (ie. i went on a beach trip with a club)
went to the beach and wore a bikini for the first time
watched emesis blue
got drunk, went to a nightclub, danced all night, then got horribly sick
ate raw oysters for the first time
realized i should probably stop drinking for a bit
played mahjongg
got a stuffed otter as a(n extremely early) birthday gift
watched shaolin soccer and lost my mind
watched all the guys i was on the trip with get wrangled into getting their makeup done
ate a spoonful of horseradish on a bet and promptly regretted it
drove seven hours with passengers (personal record)
found clams in the sand, proceeded to quote the 'i think he can digging in the sand for clams' meme every ten seconds
had to get picked up by my mom because i was too sick to drive home
banged my head on a door as i was opening it
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Name: Miss Lars Binici Color: Blue-Gray #6699cc Symbol: horseradish Strife Specibus: jokerkind Handle: cacklingApricot Animal: bull Pronouns: he/him Age: 19 Birthday: 351th day of the year Sexuality: bisexual Interests: walking and backgammon Dream Moon: derse Classpect: Maid of Doom Land: Land of Glass and Citrine, an exuberant place, with misty Painted Turtle consorts. It is a place full of canyons and worrisome deserts. Ophion lurks at it's core. Instrument: harmoniphone
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jazzeria · 2 years
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A relatively recent birthday tradition is foraging for birthday horseradish.  We revisited the same site as last year, to find that the plant had grown even bigger!  We came prepared with a legit shovel this time, and sliced a big nob of root (instead of digging a whole taproot).  
We got about 500g of usable root; and a few nubs to experiment with planting (at least, overwintering in a pot indoors).  
I made a horseradish cranberry sauce (added orange juice + zest)!  It goes well with pork roast.  
The rest made a decent-sized jar of prepared horseradish (grated root + salt + vinegar) and I froze the rest (grated root + salt).  We’ll see how both these preservation methods work.  
The little end-bits leftover from grating, I threw into pickle jars.  Those pickles pack a wallop!  
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jasmineway · 7 months
Addison // 11-24-2023
Well, we did it, we managed to snag a reservation at the nearly impossible to get into newly-minted 3rd-star restaurant in Southern California (the only 3* in SoCal, may we add). Unfortunately for me, this reservation (on a holiday weekend!) happened to overlap with some dental shenanigans, but fortunately for everyone, the team here is so outstanding in their commitment to inclusivity that they managed to put out a meal I could mostly enjoy anyway (with slight modifications).
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Set near the golf course at the Fairmont Grand Del Mar, you could be forgiven for mistaking the burnt orange exterior for the entrance to a spa or club lounge. That mistake would be quickly remedied at the site of the large wrought-iron door ornamentation, but the inspiration here is far from the quaint cottage of TFL or subtle doorway of Alinea. We passed the time pre-dinner putting on the green, working in a handsome library, and meeting Santa in the surrounding resort. The resort overall is fantastic, the restaurant a little McMansion looking on the outside but handsomely adorned. 8/10.
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As I said, truly spectacular. Dishes were delivered in synchrony, doors were opened exactly on time, but there was a far more relaxed air compared to other places of this caliber that put diners at ease. Our sommelier and head server matched our energy and joked throughout our entire service, with a seamless transition to more formal tones at our adjacent tables. They didn't just go above and beyond accommodating my jaw pain (a huge issue! I could barely do jello!) but also in making us feel welcome and at home at an otherwise precariously nice dinner. Requests were met, service was precise, but never once did we feel under a microscope or fussed over in a bad way. 10/10, this is what fine dining should feel like.
Beverage Service:
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Our sommelier and hosts both were very accommodating to our minimal drinking palette, but still paired us with a 99-point champagne that was, unsurprisingly, the best I have every enjoyed personally.
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The birthday boy was very excited, his expression nonwithstanding.
Amuse Bouche: "Delivery"
"Oysters, Horseradish, Smoked Roe, Green Apple"
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This was a masterclass in flavor. I have had oysters prepared many different ways, in infinite shades of "yep, that's the ocean." This was the first time I've had anything in the mussel, clam or oyster family that tasted spectacular; like a salad that actually clicked right. 10/10
Prelude 1: Sake Cured Kampachi - Nigiri
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I wish I had a better photo of this, because the best way to describe this was "leaf-type Pokemon meets leaf-type Poke." Just a perfect semi-sphere of raw fish and fresh vegetables.
Prelude 2: "Chicken Liver Churro, Bitter Chocolate"
Prelude 3: "Sage Hill Ranch Garden Greens"
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Chicken liver churro was a confusing choice, the textures were good but the ooze of the pate when taking a bite gave me pause. This dip was saved by the deep fried vegetable-laden pillow, featuring vegetables grown from a single origin local garden because of course, why not?
Prelude 4: "Wagyu Tartar, Squid Ink Cracker, Miso Mayo"
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I'm not one for uncooked food, but chef Bradley knew how to prep them. This tartare had the perfect texture, and I did not get the classic 'sneaking into the cookie dough' ick factor with the meat's cold texture. Light and fluffy wafer. 8/10.
Prelude 5: "Iberian Ham, Crispy Potato, White Truffles"
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Sadly I missed out on some of this fifth appetizer due to the ham, but wow was that texture amazing.
Main Tasting Menu:
Course 1: Kanpachi Sashimi, Preserved Pear, Golden Kiwi, Pichuberry Ponzu
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This was hard-mode chopsticks challenge, and I was ready for the test after two weeks in Japan. I have never had better sashimi. 10/10.
Course 2: Shellfish Chawanmushi, Broccoli, Bok Choy, Celtuce
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Most of my friends are aware of my disdain for uni. My philosophy is, "if you have to pulverize a food to make it completely unrecognizable for me to like it, I probably do not like it." This uni was prepared such that it was the star of the show but it WAS delicious. Perfectly cooked. No weird tongue texture. Amazing. 7/10 (mainly because I still really do not care for Uni)
Course 3: Regilis Ova Reserve Caviar, Koshihikari Rice, Smoked Sabayon
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Okay, I understand why our server said "eggs and rice" is chef's most famous dish. This was unparalleled. This was divine. The caviar is from Thomas Keller's company (there was a letter from him on the kitchen wall, mind you). The rice had a toasted sesame undertone. These were the Dippin' Dots of caviar courses, with both the eggs and rice in perfect spheres. 10/10.
Course 4: Fish & Chips, Toasted Dill, Burnt Onion Dip
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I tried this, I shouldn't have, since this and the bread were the only courses too firm for me. Flavor of the dip was tasty, but not special. 5/10.
Course 5: Splendid Alfonsino, Flavors of Fall, Clam Butter
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I don't know what they did to this fish skin but I could eat ten more plates of this course alone. The fish flavor was good, the seasoning was the elevating factor. 8/10.
Course 6: Sourdough Bread, Goat's Milk, Browned Honey Butter
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I love red fife sourdough. I had jaw issues. I did not get to enjoy the crush of this bread, but the inside was perfect.
Course 7: Rosemary Roasted Sweetbreads, Pine Nut "Riso," Little Gem
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I am not sure if I or my friend got the replacement dish for this one, but whatever it was was really tasty, with breaded chicken served on the side. Everything was cohesive but overall not as memorable as other courses, 7/10.
Course 8: A5 Wagyu, Miso-Eggplant, Matsutake Broth, Black Garlic
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Chef Bradley clearly has a talent for pulling together spectacular flavors, and cooking meats (mostly seafoods) in a creative and fresh light. Unfortunately, this wagyu (a $250+ supplement!) was not it. It was dry, it was not served hot (warm), and it was tough with poor marbling. I'm going to hazard to say the cut was bad rather than the kitchen did not prepare it well, but honestly I've had 5oz cuts in similar caliber restaurants for far cheaper than this supplement with five times the flavor. This was the only miss of the whole night and not part of the main menu, so the menu can still be judged on its merits as outstanding. Unfortunately, for this course, 1-2/10.
Course 9: Yuzu Custard, Mint, Ceremonial Matcha
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This palette cleanser was light, flavorful, the perfect intro to sweet, and made with gorgeous ceremonial-grade matcha (which I now vaguely can differentiate after dozens of matchas in Japan). This is the Speak Now album of tasting menus - the perfect transition between Mains (country) and Desserts (pop). 9/10.
Everything we were served was good, rich, and seasonal. Was it as diverse as some other dessert menus we've had? No. Was it still a series of hit after hit? Yes. Everything was very elevated, but felt casually delivered (in a good way) and focused, mimicking the elegant-but-relaxed feel of the whole dinner.
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Dessert 1: Cocoa Crunch, Mezcal, Passion Fruit, Toasted Fluff
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It's chocolate mousse, with chocolate accoutrements. It was good. It is mousse. You all know my thoughts on mousse. No numbers, just 'good!'
Dessert 2: Berry-Beet Tartlette, Verjus, Vanilla
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Oh my god the TEXTURE. Amazing. Delightful! You expect 'maraschino cherry' and get 'gelatinous galaxy cake and floral salad medley'
Dessert 3: Bitter Chocolate Wafer, Pistachio, Sour Cherry Jam
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Oh yay, more mousse. Tasty, light. But mousse.
Dessert 4: Caramelized Honey Bonbon, Almonds, Ginger, Rosemary
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I couldn't eat fast enough to bite into this at the perfect moment, but the flavors and textures were clearly the peak of this dessert course. Think of a frozen cream puff left to thaw, except made out of spectacular ingredients, infused with notes of lavender and rose water (these are not in it but these are the notes I tasted). Wow, 9/10.
Dessert 5: Tres Leches, White Truffle
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It's crunchy, it has truffle, therefore it was less accessible to me than other choices tonight. That being said, Tony gave it a 10/10, so it has the foodie badge of approval.
Final Thoughts:
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This dinner was divine. I feel proud to be a Southern Californian able to experience such an amazing achievement in my own backyard, and share sincere congrats to Chef Bradley and team for their (long-overdue, based on friends' reports) third star. If you want pretention in fine dining, this is not for you. It is not an instagram name-drop, there are not iconic indoor backdrops to peep, the name recognition isn't there with TFL and Alinea - yet. But if you want a spectacular meal, delivered by earnest people, who have a love and passion for the local and international landscape and want to deliver it to you? Yes, come here. Overall thoughts, 9/10, but as with all things that is subjective. I loved my experience, I would return for the people alone (just maybe not the wagyu). It took me months to land this one, and it was very well worth it.
Happy Birthday again to my foodie partner in crime, Tony!
0 notes
middletone · 12 days
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Introduction Post
Spring – Year 1: Week 1- Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Summer – Year 1: Week 1- Week 2 - Week 3 - Week 4
Current Goals:
Fast-track Blue Chickens
Mining Level 10
ACHIEVED - Fishing Level 10
Weekly Summary: Long Summer days are spent exploring the mines and defeating the many foes that reside there. Within only a matter of days Leander has already descended to Level 15, yet even with the the call of the Valley driving him towards the depths our Farmer has found another calling.
The community of Pelican Town is filled with a vibrant and diverse set of individuals, each with their own dreams and goals for the future. After spending some time bonding with everyone over the delicious soup at the Summer Luau, Leander has gained the chance to better understand and grow friendships with many of his neighbors.
Daily summary & donation checklists under the cut; mod list in the Introduction post.
Day 8:
Egg for Shane
Gave Gus an Orange for his birthday
Completed and turned in a bounty on Green Slime for Mayor Lewis
Spent the day fishing; treasure: Skeletal Tail, Deluxe Bait, Fish Roe, Diamond, Dressed Spinner, Copper Ore
Kept the Art o’ Fishing alive by catching 4 Chub for Willy
Got the Ginger Island ship teaser cutscene with Willy
Forged some ore before heading to bed
Got the Gofer achievement
Day 9:
Lost a Summer Spangle to lightning, but our lightning rod prevented more significant damage
Got 500g from Mayor Lewis for the Good Neighbor Award
Found and read Jack Be Nimble, Jack Be Thick; Gained +1 Defense
Donated items to the Community Center
Day 10:
Gave Maru a Summer Spangle for her birthday
Reached Level 10 of the Mines; found Iron Dirk Dagger Level 1 in the chest (eh)
Completed the Adventurers Guild initiation by dispatching 10 Green Slimes
Hit Combat Level 2
Day 11:
Added a Gold Star Cauliflower to the Luau Soup
Got the An Unforgettable Soup achievement
Day 12:
Got Maru’s 2 Heart Event
Got Shane’s 7 Heart Event: Joja Commercial Shoot
Got Abigail’s 2 Heart Event
Got Leah’s 2 Heart Event
Bought a Tiger Trout, Iridium Ore, and Rare Seed from the Traveling Cart
Day 13:
Got Haley’s 2 Heart Event
Got Sam’s 2 Heart Event
Got Shane’s 6 Heart Event
Got Elliott’s 2 Heart Event
Got Gus’ 4 Heart Event
Reached Level 15 of the Mines
Hit Leveling 7 Farming
Day 14:
Pike Frenzy in Cindersnap Woods
Got Shane’s 7 Heart Event: Gift For Jas
Community Center - Crafts Room 3/6:
4/4 Spring Foraging: Wild Horseradish, Daffodil, Leek, Spring Onion
3/3 Summer Foraging: Grape, Spice Berry, Sweet Pea
2/4 Fall Foraging: Common Mushroom, Wild Plum, Hazelnut, Blackberry
1/4 Winter Foraging: Crystal Fruit, Snow Yam, Crocus, Holly
4/5 Exotic Foraging: Coconut, Cactus Fruit, Cave Carrot, Red Mushroom, Purple Mushroom, Maple Syrup, Oak Resin, Pine Tar, Morel
3/3 Forest: Moss (10), Fiber (200), Maple Seed (10)
Community Center - Pantry 2/6:
4/4 Spring Crops: Parsnip, Green Bean, Cauliflower, Potato
1/4 Summer Crops: Hot Pepper, Blueberry, Melon, Summer Squash
0/4 Fall Crops: Corn, Eggplant, Pumpkin, Yam
0/1 Rare Crops: Ancient Fruit, Sweet Gem Berry
4/4 Garden: Tulip, Summer Spangle, Fairy Rose, Blue Jazz, Sunflower
1/4 Brewer’s: Mead, Wine, Juice, Pale Ale, Green Tea
Community Center - Fish Tank 3/6:
2/4 River Fish: Sunfish, Catfish, Shad, Tiger Trout
3/4 Lake Fish: Largemouth Bass, Carp, Bullhead, Sturgeon
4/4 Ocean Fish: Sardine, Tuna, Red Snapper, Tilapia
2/3 Night Fishing: Walleye, Bream, Eel
5/5 Crab Pot: Lobster, Crayfish, Crab, Cockle, Mussel, Shrimp, Snail, Periwinkle, Oyster, Clam
1/2 Master Fisher’s: Lava Eel, Scorpion Carp, Octopus, Blobfish
Community Center - Boiler Room 2/3:
4/4 Geologist’s: Quartz, Earth Crystal, Frozen Tear, Fire Quartz
5/5 Treasure Hunter’s: Amethyst, Topaz, Emerald, Diamond, Ruby, Aquamarine
2/3 Engineer’s: Iridium Ore, Battery Pack, Refined Quartz (5)
Community Center - Bulletin Board 0/5:
1/6 Chef’s: Maple Syrup, Fiddlehead Fern, Truffle, Poppy, Maki Roll, Fried Egg
2/4 Field Research: Purple Mushroom, Nautilus Shell, Chub, Frozen Geode
1/2 Forager’s: Salmonberry (50), Blackberry (50), Wild Plum (15)
0/3 Spirit’s Eve: Jack-O-Lantern, Corn (10), Bat Wing (10)
0/2: Winter Star: Holly (5), Plum Pudding, Stuffing, Powdermelon (5)
Community Center - Bulletin Board 1/5:
0/1 2,500g: 2,500g
0/1 5,000g: 5,000g
1/1 10,000g: 10,000g
0/1 25,000g: 25,000g
Museum - Artifacts 9/42:
Dwarf Scroll I, Dwarf Scroll II, Dwarf Scroll III, Dwarf Scroll IV, Chipped Amphora, Arrowhead, Ancient Doll, Elvish Jewelry, Chewing Stick, Ornamental Fan, Dinosaur Egg, Rare Disc, Ancient Sword, Rusty Spoon, Rusty Spur, Rusty Cog, Chicken Statue, Ancient Seed, Prehistoric Tool, Dried Starfish, Anchor, Glass Shards, Bone Flute, Prehistoric Handaxe, Dwarvish Helm, Dwarf Gadget, Ancient Drum, Golden Mask, Golden Relic, Strange Doll, Prehistoric Scapula, Prehistoric Tibia, Prehistoric Skull, Skeletal Hand, Prehistoric Rib, Prehistoric Vertebra, Skeletal Tail, Nautilus Fossil, Amphibian Fossil, Palm Fossil, Trilobite
Museum – Minerals 18/53:
Emerald, Aquamarine, Ruby, Amethyst, Topaz, Jade, Diamond, Prismatic Shard, Quartz, Fire Quartz, Frozen Tear, Earth Crystal, Alamite, Bixite, Baryte, Aerinite, Calcite, Dolomite, Esperite, Fluorapatite, Geminite, Helvite, Jamborite, Jagoite, Kyanite, Lunarite, Malachite, Neptunite, Lemon Stone, Nekoite, Orpiment, Petrified Slime, Thunder Egg, Pyrite, Ocean Stone, Ghost Crystal, Tigerseye, Jasper, Opal, Fire Opal, Celestine, Marble, Sandstone, Granite, Basalt, Limestone, Soapstone, Hematite, Mudstone, Obsidian, Slate, Fairy Stone, Star Shards
4 notes · View notes
alicjaniemczykcas · 10 months
Cas Declaration 25.09.2023
-I am planning on improving my culinary skills, by making various dishes (salads, meats, desserts, pickles) by myself.
- By the end of October I am making pickles. Our family has been making them every year. The pickles will be later given to members of family as well as friends. I will buy 60 kg of cucumbers, horseradish, dill and garlic. This will require from me a lot of strength (carrying the cucumbers, from market, home). I will use recipe passed through generations in my family.
- I will make photo album for my best friend. Her birthday is in February, and I decided that this year I will give her a hand-made present.
- During school year I will regularly participate in tennis lessons. I will play with my younger brother.
-Whenever the weather will be nice, I will cycle around my local park and through forest.
 -I will participate in speed walking practice, with my friends Zosia and Kinga, at the beginning of 2024
-I am planning on playing volleyball with my friends, family and team. I will play whenever I get the chance. I will practise with my team once a week.
- I will help during LeoMun (September 8, 9 and 10)
-I will help during Poland Summit 2.0, taking place September 22 and 23.
- I will be teaching a small girl English. Lesson will take place in social care house, every week. I will help the girl from poor and disabled family.
- I will sign up and volunteer in Ronald McDonald House Charities. I am looking forward to spending time with children during my free periods.
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0 notes
three stooges
An Ache in Every Stake "Are you married or happy?" "A frozen dainty" *ce with Personality--Coal with comph" "On the end of a rope" «Pump in four more slices!" "We Baked You a Birthday Cake" "You need another strike" Zero Ice & Coal Co. a Ducking They Did Go Blackie and Doyle canvas Back Duck Club Crosby Building "f'll be back in a quack with a quack . . . and I do mean quack!" "You'll Never Know" All Gummed Up Amos Flint Cackle fruit cut Throat Drug Store Eenginzoemen, anacanapanasan Everything from a Needle to a Battleship … Fountain of Youth "Horseradish" "It's putrid!" jumbo Mexican Jumping Beans "The mortar the merrier!" Pinch Penny Market Serena Flint "Tastes more like marshmallow gumbo" Zendayfus, mishegas, pyareecon,cotton All the World's a Stooge Ajax Barters Dr. I. Yankum Johnny, Frankie, and Mabel Limburger cheese spread "Little Fly upon the Wall" "Mame" Paté D'Fagua Salve Ants in the Pantry A. Mouser Gawkins "Got Ants in Your Plants? We'll Kill 'Em!" Lightning Pest Control Company "Meet my bare hand" Mrs. Burlap Professor Repulso A Plumbing We Will Go "Casey the Plumber" Columbia Uniform Supply Company The Doggy Pet Shop Mrs. Throttlebottom's Chicken Coop Professor Bilbo WX21 Babu Sitters Jitters Davenport Seats "Eureka!" Felix Famous Concentrated Soap Folger Apartments George Lloyd "Gezundheidt" How to Become a Babysitter Junior Mrs. Crump 1,000 Unitarians Back from the Front "Any Resemblance. Dungen Fido "Hang Hitler!" Inky, Blinky, and Dinky Minister of Propaganda "No Hunting, Fishing, or Swimming" S. S. Dotty S. S. Shickelgruber Tizzy, Lizzy, and Dizzy Back to the Woods Chief Rain in the Puss Faith, Hope, and Charity "Giveth them the works" The Good Ship Pfifernill "How I shall gobble this gobbler» "I'll take a ham sandwich" "Merrie Olde England" "Plymouth City Limits. "You see-eth, it's like this-eth Bediam in Asbestos suit Paradise Cloud 49 The DePeysters fountain pen that writes unde, cream Heavenly Express Helen Blazes
Fleecem Miss Jones Mr. Heller $140 10 degrees below zero Uncle Mortimer …whereas 1, Shemp the Stooge Beer Barrel Polecats A-K-70 B-K-68 Burned toast and a rotten egg н2° How to Make Panther Pilsner Beer O-K-67 185 Percy Pomeroy +4 "Say a few syllables! Utter a few adjectives!" 13 A Bird in the head Igor the Ape Mir. Beedie NIkko practically unoccupied Professor Panzer x-Ray Fluoroscope Blunder Bous Alma Matter Biltless Hotel Christmas Day The Eel SIC F. B. Eye Groundhog Day Halliday independence Day La Stinkadora Labor Day Last in Kadora New Year's Day st. Patrick's Day Tarraday Watts D. Matter Boobs in Arms
"Cards for All Occasions" "oin the Army and See the World- or What's Left of It" "Laughing Gas" Number 22 o'Brien's Kosher Restaurant Recruiting Headquarters «When You Get Back Booby Dupes "Don't Chop the Wood. .." "My, what a beautiful head of bone you have!" SAP 752 Skeleton Fish "Tuna Fish. Boofy and the Beast "That's good; I never could dance before." "Wake up and go to sleep!" Brideless Groom Cousin Basil "Impossible"
M. Benton Miss Dinkelmeyer Miss Hopkins "Professor Shemp Howard--Teacher of Voice" Susquehana 2222 Uncle Caleb "Voices of Spring" Bubble Trouble Amos Flint Cut Throat Drug Store Eenginzoemen, anacanapanasan "Everything from a Needle to a Battleship …" Fountain of Youth "Horseradish" "It's putrid!" "The mortar the merrier!" Pinch Penny Market Serena Flint "Tastes more like marshmallow gumbo" Zendayfus, mishegas, pyareecon, cotton Busy Buddies "Are you casting asparagus on my cooking?" Cackle soup "Can U Take It? Try Our Mush" Carrot County Fair Champion Milking Contest Collision mats Cow Jive Café "live Dinners- 4 Bits_-Bloop Soup, Reat Meat, Jake Cake, Hava lava" K. O. Bossy $97 "No Sale" Sellwell Advertising Company Cactus Makes Perfect "Finders Keepers" Ghost Town Hotel Gold Collar Button Retriever "Gold, gold, we want gold . .. zoot!" "I shoot an arrow into the air, where it lands I do not care; I get my arrows wholesale!" "Incomprehensible and utterly impractical" The Inventors Association "It's In His Left Pocket" The Lost Mine Mother's Pies Calling All Curs Anacanapon and piddledictatar Botanical offshoot Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, and Dr. Howard G.C.M. Garçon "I got my eyes closed" "I Must Not Eat Out of Garbage Cans" "I'm trying to think, but nothing happens!" "Mazel Tov!" Mrs. Bedford "To say the least if not less"$2,000
cash and Carry BOxcOr Canned Corn Captain Kidd's Kid's Treasure City Dump Executive clemency -f'll make a note of it» Little Jimmy President of the United state "That's almost a millioni U.S. Treasury Vault 3 Walla Walla commotion on the Ocean Bortch J. L. Cameron Daily Gazette "Give me that fillum!" Miss Emma Blake Pier 7 Smitty Cookoo Cavaliers "The Busiest Spot on the Map" Cantina de Rosa Cucaracha "Double Featur" Fleur de Skunk 1410 South America Way
A gallon of gasoline, two tumblers of bicarbonate of soda, an ounce of jodine, and a pinch of mustard "Henna color at all" Hook, Line, and Sinker Juanita, Conchita, Pepita, and Rosita Manuel "No, but I get a little attack there every time Ieat too much" "Opportunities in Mexico. Pamo Hair Remover Pedro Ruiz Business Opportunities
-Rock Caught Sea Bass. welcome to Cucaracho" cornu CasemeYas Coee. Moe, I'm sorr. Moe I'm losing my mind! you're tearing my heart outt crash Goes the flash Daily News Daily Star Press flint Fuller Bull Mrs. van Bustle Prince Shaam puppo Dog Biscuits star Cleaning & Pressing Company "We Dye for You" Creeps A to Z Express Co. Desmond of the Outer Sanctorum "Six lions were tearing me apart bit by bit" Smorgasbord Castle Spirit of Sir Tom Crime on Their Hands Daily Gazette Dapper Dan Harold the Ape I. L. Cameron Muscles Punjab Diamond "Puniab Diamond Stolen" Squid McGuffey's Café Cuckoo on the Choo Choo Carey "Do Not Disturb" Limburger cheese Nora Penciltucky Railroad Co. Penciltucky Railroad Co. No. 428 Roberta Schmow Disorder in the Court Black Bottom Café Buck Wing Gail Tempest "Gone to Lunch-Moe, Larry, Curly"
"I'm a victim of circumstance!" Kirk Robbin Polly Dizzu Defectives Bonzo The Brooklyn Building Daily Chronicle Gypsom Good Inc., Antiques I. Doolittle "I'm poisoned!" Mr. Dill "Mysterious Burglaries Panic City_-Police Shakeup as Ape Man Strikes Again" "There's no future in it" Dizzy Dociors "Brightens Old Bodies" Brighto Brighto Medical Company Doctor Bright "Hello ma, hello pa. It wasn't much of a fight. I stood like that . . . but not for long" "If you have a knick knack with a nick in it, we'll knock the nick out of the knick knack with Brighto" Los Arms Hospital "Quiet- -Do Not Disturb" "Tell him to dial inflammation" "Three of the best salesmen who ever sailed" Dizzy Pilots The Buzzard Hydrogen gas Joe Strubachincoscow Republic of Cannabeer, P.U. Sky Aircraft Company Stincoala, Moronica "Vice? I have no vice. I'm as pure as the driven snow." Wrong Brothers
Don't Throw That Knife "Any Resemblance. "Cry in This" Earysyphillus Hospital Lucy Wykoff Dopey Dicks Main 2468 Ralph Sam Shovel 275 Mortuary Road
Dunked in the Deep Bortch "Danger Dynamite Caps. The Fishmarket Duet "Give me that fillum!" "Number Four in the Blue Book» "Old Holland Cheese .. Pier 7 Duriful but Dumb "CA MERAS PROHIBITED O PENAL TYOF DEATH" Click, Clack, and Cluck "If it's a Good Picture, it's out of Whack!" Mr. Wilson Percival DePuyster Star Dispatch "Viva Vulgaria!" Vulgaria Whack Magazine Even as I.O.U. Bearded Lady Dopey Dan's Daily Double "If You Buy a Home Like This It's a Miracle" Miracle Homebuilders, Inc. Press-Press-Pull Seabasket
False Alarms Maisy, Mimi, and Minnie Fiddlers Three Coleslawvania E.B.I. "Gone to Rest Under the spreading Chestnut Tree" "Jack and Jill" King Cole "Little Miss Muffet" Mergatroyd the Magician "Old King Cole" Prince Gallant III of Rhododendron Princess Alicia "Simple Simon" "A Small Kingdom … "Thou hath made me shoe the wrong mule" will Idge Fifi Blows Her Top Café lo-Mer-Essen
rid Blows Her top Café La-Mer-Essen Floward, Fine and Besser- Stage Screen and Radar" Katrina Leiloni Baggiagaloupe Maria Parasites Wienerschnitzel Straza Rue de Schlemiel and Rue de le Pew Flagpole Jitters Calamity Insurance Company Garden Theatre Gottrox Jewelry Company The Great Svengarlic
"He'll Steal Your Breath Away!* "Here This Week- The Great Hypnotist Svengarlic-He'll Steal Your Breath Away A Stellar Attraction-Scientific-Educational-2 Performances Daily" Mary Nice cold hotcakes smothered in vinegar Flat Foot Stooges Annie and Fannie Butch Chief Kelly "Engine 1 M.F.D." "I'm too pleasingly plump as it is" Midland Fire Department Miss Kelly Reardon "You're not even married"
Fling in the Ring Big Mike Chopper Kane Creampuffs Crushed eyebrows Gorilla Watson "He'll feblonger him" Kitty Majestic Fight Arena Moose and Chuck Oscar the Dummy Slap-Happy Gym "Tick-Tick-Tick-Tick-Tick" Fling Saucer Daffy A.B. Cloud & Co. "Actual Photo of Flying Saucer Sets Country Ablaze" Bleep Bluep Blop Daily Star-News Facts and Figures Magazine "Flying Saucer Photo Alerts Capitol" "Flying Saucer Photographer Awarded City's Highest Honor' Giggle water New York Gazette 200 Vapor Blvd., Zircon Tyra and Electra Washington Chronicle Zircon For Crimin' Out Loud "Councilman Goodrich Threatened with Death--Promise to Clean Up Vice and Corruption Brings Threat from Racketeers" "A couple a pip pips, a little barbecue, and what have you!" "Don't let 'em kill you till we get there!" "Highly polished mahogany and termites with big blue eyes" "I mean business!"
.If We Solve Your Crime It's a Mirades It don't say anything, you gotta look at it" Miracle Detective Agency Nikko Old Man Goodrich 1313 Hysteria Terrace Fright Night Big Mike Chopper Kane Clark's Warehouse Creampuffs Crushed eyebrows Gorilla Watson Kitty "Love Tales" Majestic Fight Arena Muscle Manor Oscar the Dummy "Tick-Tick-Tick-Tick-Tick" From Nurse 1o Worse Bellevue Hospital Cerebrum decapitation City Pound Colossal Insurance Company Dr. D. Lerious "I raised it from a cent" Jerry Fuelin' Around "And the rest of the day for myself!" Captain Roarke Elementary Chemistry Half a pint of ectowhozis (may substitute with ectowhatsis), 4 grams of alkabob, shishkabob, jigger of sastrophonia, carbolic acid, squirt of haratang "It's our duty to posterior" Professor Snead Urania State of Anemia A Gem of a Jam Drs. Hart, Burns, and Belcher Hemoglober, sulfademus spectus-on-the-floorus Genis in a Jam Mrs. Magruder Rocky and Mrs. Duggan Uncle Phineas Bowman Gents Without Cens At the Front Bay of Rum Castor and Earle Revue Flo, Mary, and Shirley HIll 303 Manny Weeks Theatrical Enterprises "Niagara Falls* Noazark Shipbuilding Co. "So it shouldn't be a total loss, I'm tak. ing a bath!" "Two Souls and a Heel" We Just Stopped In to Say Hello The Ghost Talks A to Z Express Co. Charger Desmond of the Outer Soncor! Lady Godiva *Six lions were tearing me apart bit by bit" Smorgasbord Castle Spirit of Sir Tom
G.I. Wanna Go Home 418 Meshugena Avenue Ginsberg, Rosenburg, Goldstein, and O'Brien Jake Jessie, Bessie, and Tessie "Nothing to Buy, Nothing to Sell, We've Gone Fishing, You Can Go. Fishing Too" Goof on the Roof Bill and Rosebud Goofs and Saddles "Bad Lands" Bill Buffalow Billious "Dear General Muster .. General Muster "Go two miles north and make a left-hand turn at the pool room" Joe's Traveling Store General Merchandise
Just Plain Bill Longhorn Pete Longhorn Saloon wild Bill Hicup Grips, Grunts and Groans Another turkey Hangover Athletic Club Ironhead Ivan Bustoff Kid Pinky Tony Wild Hyacinth Guns A Poppin "I got it for my bar mitzvah!" Intent to Commit Mayhem Mad Bill Hookup Nerve tonic "Not since I was a baby 106⅞ "The Original Two-Man Olarge "Shtunk Mfg. Co. «Sunny-side down and don't tum. over" Vitamins A.P.U. Gupped in the Denthous Box 41144 "Distilled Yesterday" "Home on the Farm" "I know how!" "I used to play in five flats but lgo kicked out of the last one" Jane "My Beautiful Jane" Old Panther "There must be a way to get that ring without getting into trouble with the censor" "Tired of being beautiful and alone. Woman Haters Club 87
Hall Shot Shoofers Admiral Hawkins' Flagship Captain Burke "hope it didn't hit the pool room" "I'm a pedestrian!" "Mazel Tov!"and "L'Chaim!" "No, Milwaukee" sergeant MacGillicuddy "U.S. Army Join Now" "Vacancies Exist" "You'll Never Know" Half-Wits Holiday A.A.M. (Amalgamated Association of Morons), Local 6⅞ "Completely illogical, preponderantly impracticable, and moreover, it stinks" Countess Schpritzwasser Fifty generations Jerkington Lulu Mink, skunk, and porcupine Miss Gottrocks Mrs. Smythe Smythe "No qualms or trepidations. $1,000 Petty larceny Stooge Professors Quackenbush and Sedletz (see Professors Rich and Nichols . ..) "Quit bragging" Sappington "Story Pictures of Farm Animals" "Tar ytrid eeth say. Glug zap snorglots ramitz. Ronassonce kibertz." Vacancy of the cranium Have Rocket, Will Travel Dr. Ingrid "Earthmen Return Home . . "Isn't he quisn't!" "It was nothing, Mademoiselle. J. P. Morse Knucklehead
Maintenance Men's Quarters National Space Foundation New York Globe Sodium bicarbonate and popcorn He Cooked His Goose Bell Cedric the Clam Larry's Pet Shop "Merry X-Mas, Your Pet Man Larry" Millie Miss Lapdale Perfect Underwear Company Healthy, Wealihu and Dumb Coffin Nail Cigarette Contest Darwin 1122 Lillyflower Terrace $4.95 Hotel Costa Plente Stix Fast Glue 1010 Tobacco Road "That's nothin'. We had a bed that went back to Sears Roebuck the Third" Heavenly Daze Asbestos suit Fountain pen that writes under whipped cream Heavenly Express I. Fleecem Lord Larryington and Sir Moeington Miss lones $140 Spiffingham Uncle Mortimer "Whereas I, Shemp the Stooge. Higher Than a Kite Colonel Henderson "A Flying Field Somewhere in Somewhere" Kelly Marshal Bommell
Marshal Boring Moronica (Larry) Shickelgruber Hoi Polloi Maskazino cherry "Oh, thank you. I couldn't dance a step last year" Professors Rich and Nichols, Quackenbush and Sedletz "Rubbish Permit 186" $10,000 "That's in case you do and I'm not around" "Yeah, two bucks!" Hokus Pokus Calamity Insurance Company Cliff The Great Svengarlic
"He'll Steal Your Breath Away!" "Here This Week--the Great Hypnotist Svengarlic-He'll Steal Your Breath Away- A Stellar Attraction-Scientific-_-Educational- 2 Performances Daily" Mary Nice cold hotcakes smothered in vinegar Schlemiel Number Eight Hold That Lion! Ambrose Rose Estate Cannonball Express Cess, Poole, and Drayne "Dububb, zedubb, wubbub, dewubb dee- dub-wub" Icabod Slipp Judge Woodcock R. Strinker Slipp, Tripp, and Skipp vote for Honest Icabod slipp- wake up and go to sleep -well Get That Filthy Lucre. well, we're not in my country Hoofs and Goofs Birdie Mr. Dinkelspiel Horses' Collars Decker 117, Opponents O~ *pice, Dancing, Dames, Drinking, and Dunking" Double Deal Decker Double Deal's Five "D" Delight Hyden Zeke Detective Agency Nell Stockyards 1234 WGN When in Chicago.. horsing Around Birdie Brooks Circus Piggy schnapps Winkelburg Hot Ice Dapper Dan 41 Correspondence School of Detecting Harold the Ape Inspector McCormick Muscles Punjab Diamond Scotland Yard Hot Scots A-1 Correspondence School of Detecting Angus and McPherson Below the McMason McDixon line The Earl of Glenheather
Glenheather Castle "HI, Lorna; how ya doone?" Inspector McCormick "Is my slip showing?" Lorna Doone Scotland Yard Hot Stuff "And the rest of the day for myself!" Captain Roarke Elementary Chemistry Government of Urania-Department of Inferior Half a pint of ectowhozis (may substitute with ectowhatsis), 4 grams of alkabob, shishkabob, jigger of sastrophonia, carbolic acid, squirt of haratang "It's our duty to posterior" Pig's feet smothered in lubricating oil, raw potatoes boiled in pure varnish, and head cheese garnished with rusty nails Professor Snead Routine Number Six State of Anemia Urania Urania Daily Bladder How High Is Up? Apex Construction Company "Men at Work" Minute Menders, Inc. "Three of the best riveters who ever riveted" Hugs and Mugs "The Management Reserves the Right to Refuse $1,000 Bills" Mugsy National Express and Storage Co. Shangri-La Upholstering Co. "Somebody's roasting a ham!"
"We Make Everything from Beds to Bustles" "What's a matter with my eyes; do they look like halvah?" Hula-La-la B.O. Pictures Corp. Luana Mr. Baines Raribonga Stage 19 Varunu Husbands Beware Cousin Basil Dora and Flora J. M. Benton Miss Hopkins "Professor Shemp Howard_-Teacher of Voice" Turpentine "Voices of Spring" I Can Hardly Wait Doctor A. Yank Doctor Y. Tug "She Was Bred in Old Kentucky" 6⅞ 13 "You burnt my little bugle!" Idiots Deluxe Intent to commit mayhem Nerve tonic "No Smoking No Hunting -No Fishing--No Nothing Go Home" "Not since I was a baby" "Oh, woe is Moe" 106⅞ "The Original Two-Man Quartet" Shtunk Manufacturing Company Sunny side down and don't turn em, Vitamins A.P.U. Idle Roomers -Amazing! Incrediblel Horrifle. Hotel Snazzy Plaza Leander's Carnival Lupe the Wolf Man Mr. and Mrs. Leander Room 810 "This End Up" If a Bodu Meets a Body Curly Q. Link "Curly Q. Link Sought. Jerkington Link, Mink, and Pink "The morbid the merrier!" Nice soup from a nice, juicy bone Professor Bob O. Link 67 Cents Net I'l Never Heil Again Amscray, Ixnay, and Umpchay Axis Partners Bay of Rum "The Characters in this Picture. Chizzilini Field Marshal Herring Gilda King Herman 6⅞ Minister of Rum Moe Hailstone Moronica "Moronica for Morons" Seeress of Roebuck Starvania I'm a Monkey's Uncle "According to Darwin …" Aggie, Maggie, and Baggie "Any Similarity .. Dogfish "Don't worry; you smell . .. good!" "Horsethieves!" Lily of the Alley "Me, three!" The most beautiful cave in Mesopotamia Poison gas "She loves me, she loves me not .. "You're telling me!"
in the sweet Die and Die A-K-70 B-K-68 Bill Stein Diggins Edam Neckties Fleur de Stinkun Hangemall Prison Little America Mickey Finn Gang Mushroom Murders "No, but I know a big fence in Chicago" O-K-67 Pago Pago Skagway, Alaska Tiska, Taska, and Baska "Well, I'm too young …" Williams Income Tax Sappu Instant Glue Mr. Cash "My ex-wife and ten bartenders" Knutzy Knights Black Prince Cedric the Blacksmith "In Days of Old . .. .." "Oh, Elaine" Princess Elaine Sextetrum Lucia Sir Satchel "So We Stuck Our Little Tootsies in the Water" "Under the spreading chestnut tree Listen, Judge C-A-N-D-Y George Morton Jiffy Fixers Judge Henderson "Men at Work" Mrs. Henderson "We need the eggs" "We Repare Enything"
Loco Boy Makes Good Balbo the Magician Chisel Inn Hotel Happy Haven Hotel Kokonuts Grove "Mingle or I'll mangle!" Mr. Scroggins Nill, Null, and Void Paté D'Fagua "Rooms $1 a Month- Free Showers When it Rains" "She Was Bred in Old Kentucky" "Three Hams That Lay Their Own Eggs" Waldo Twitchell Ye Olde Pilgrim Hotel "You know I'm not normal!" Loose Loot Ambrose Rose Estate Cess, Poole, and Drayne Circle Follies Theatre Icabod Slipp "Invest with Honest Icabod Slipp" Judge Woodcock R. Strinker 919 Circle Avenue Slipp, Tripp, and Skipp "We'll Get That Filthy Lucre .. "Well, we're not in my country
Love af First Bife Café La-Mer-Essen "Distilled Yesterday" Fin Katrina Maria Old Panther Rue de Schlemiel and Rue de le Pew Malice in the Dalace Café Casbahbah Emir of Shmow Ghinna Rumma Haffa Dalla Hassan Ben Sober King Rootin' Tootin' Diamond Omagosh 1,000 Shilbleenas Shmow "Somewhere in the Orient" Start at Jerkola Mafri-Phony "All Unmarried Redheaded Maidens Ancient Erysipelas The back of the drapes "The Biggest Chiselers in Town" Curleycue Diana Dollar Day Larrycus Mohicus Octopus Grabus "Proclamation .. ." Tarantula A Tenth-Century Ras Bañas Ya-tee Benafucci "Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F; Gee, I like food!" Men in Black Anapanacag, cedascram falsyeth, anacanapon, and eenots Anna Conda Dr. Graves Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Ho "For Duty and Humanity! Los Arms Hospital Semert, anacome, senetoonum, anacanaponner, peenanar, anasino more cotton cotton, anic, needles, scissors, and" we graduated with the highest tempera tures in our class!" Merru Mavericks Clarence, Cassidy "Law Officers on the Way Red Morgan Peaceful Gulch Peaceful Gulch Saloon "Wanted for Vagrancy" A Merry Mix-Up Louie, Max, and Jack Luke, Morris, and Jeff Shingled roof Micro-Phonies Alice Bixby "Gritto spelled sideways is 'Ottri-guh-guh* Krispy Krunchies Radio KGBY Mrs. Bixby Sandra Sandpile Señorita Cucaracha Señors Mucho and Gusto Sextetrum Lucia Signor Six Tetrum Lucy Skin "Voices of Spring" "Yeah, it reminds me of the reform school" A Missed Fortune Bunion Eight
B-U-R-P Darwin 54.85 Hotel Costa Plente It ain't spring yet» Mystery Motor lackpot Show stix Fast Glue Thank you, Mr. Personally" that's nothin" He had a bed that went Tack to Sears Roebuck the Third»' gonkey Businessmen treaker-uppers of the peanut brittle foundry Thigh altitude, low prices. No matter what Dr. Mallard you got you'll lose it at Mallard's " Mallard's Rest Home and Clinic Miss Shapely 90 Proof smiling Sam McGann Tractohomolactometer, hammadeemaceemafaren Movie Maniacs C.M. & St. P. R.R. Carnation Pictures Fuller Rath Hollywood Storage Company Stage 7 Swinehardt Mummy's Dummies Ancient Egypt. In the Reign of the Great King Rootentooten." 489 Shekels 400 Shekels King Putentakeit Honest Moe, Honest Shemp, and Larry King Rootentooten Painless Papyrus Radames The Smiling Egyptians Stink Tomb of Old King Putentakeit Muscle Up a Liffle Closer Elmo Drake Matzohs Seabiscuit Food Corp. Tiny Musty Musketeers "A-Calling We Do Come" Coleslawvania F.B.I. "Gone to Rest Under the Spreading Chestnut Tree" King Cole Mergatroyd the Magician Prince Gallant 111 of Rhododendron Princess Alicia "A Small Kingdom …" "Thou hath made me shoe the wrong mule" Tillyeth, Millyeth, and Lillyeth Will Idge Muffs fo You Butch Clux Dog Soap "Deposit Dogs Here" "Dogs Washed While U Wate . "He don't smoke, drink, nor chew" "Huck mir nisht a chynick, and I don't mean efsher!" "If you were over here I'd give you this!" "Inspector" K-9 Dog Laundry "Listen to that exhaust!" "Manning Baby Disappears" Mrs. Dennis O'Toole Mr. and Mrs. Manning Mr. Stutz "No Dogs or Babies Allowed"
Officer O'Halloran Wong Hi Lee Hand Laundry No Census, No Feeling "Census Takers Report Here" City Assessor 18 "Exit Tunnel 12" Fifi Fine powdered alum Lake Winapasakee "Players Only" Square Deal Swap Shop 30 22 No Dough, Boys "Hey You No Smoking" Hugo "Jap Sub Blown Up ..
Joe's Beanery Latherneck Shaving Cream Naki, Saki, and Waki Steelia Pumpernickel, Amelia Schwartzbrut, and Celia Schweipak The Times Press Nutty but Nice America's Gift to Indigestion Drs. Lyman and Walters Felix Stout's Bar Hilarious Hash Slingers "Home on the Range" Little Betty Williams "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary" Mr. Williams "Speak for yourself, rodent!" Spike and Butch Yankee Noodle Soup Ye Colonial Inn
or cash and Hash Armored Car Robbers Identined Card Angel workers Name Loomis Gang" captain Mullins Elite Cafe Gladys Harmon Lefty Loomis oir's Well That Ends wen Red Dog Canyon oils to Bed, Oilu to Rise April, May, and June Clipper Fairport Theatre "Free Auto" Uncle Tim Unitarians widow Jenkins Out West Arizona Kid "Come to Papa!" "Distilled Monday" Doc Barker "'m going to get myself a cheap lawyer" «I've had it ever since I was a little kid" Molasses, Tabasco, seltzer. Nell Never in the history of motion pictures . . Old Homicide Red Dog Saloon "The Stooges have landed and have the situation well in hand!" "You're getting no place fast!" Outer Space Jitters "General Motorcycle: 17½, Anacanapana Steel: 25¼, Isimmis Incorporated: 17" The Goon Grand Zilch of Sunev The High Mucky Muck A nice salami sandwich smothere sour cream with cherry jelly Professor Jones Sunev The Ouflaws Is Coming Annie Oakley Elvis Kenneth Cabot Rance Roden Trigger Mortis "2 Hr. Parking 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.- Except Sundays, Holidays & Hangings"
A Pain in the Pullman Goldstein, Goldberg, Goldblatt, and O'Brien loe Johnson Mrs. Hammond Eggerley's Theatrical Apts. "The Panics of 1936" Paul Pain "Wake up and go to sleep!" Pals and Gals Belle and Zell "Come to Papa!" Doc Barker "I'm going to get myself a cheap lawyer" "I've had it ever since I was a little kid" Joe's Minstrels Songs and Dances Joe's Traveling Store General Merchandise Molasses, Tabasco, seltzer, eggs, paint, and paint remover Nell Old Homicide Red Dog Saloon Pardon My Backfire Betty, Hettie, and Nettie "Happy 10th Anniversary" San Brandon Penitentiary "That's too permanent!" Pardon Mv Clutch Claude A. Quacker Columbus "It must be something else" "Look in these shoes for some toes!" Marigold, Narcissus, and Petunia "Which one?" "You know, you should fish for a whale" Pardon My Scoich Breath O' Heather Vat 106 Plus I.T. ¡ones' Drugstore MeSniff McSnort McSnuff Mr. Jones Señor Louis Balero Cantino "Ver G'harget,""Over the River: and "Skip the Gutter" Dest Man Wins "A barking dog never bites. FIR "Got Ants in Your Plants? We'll Kill 'Em!" Lightning Pest Control Company Meadows Mrs. Castor Mr. Philander Phony Express Abdul's Cactus Remedy Dr. Abdul's Medicine Show 50 cents or 3 for $1 First National Bank Hayfever, spotted fever … "And lay you right down, too!" "Open 10 to 3" Peaceful Gulch Peaceful Gulch Saloon Red Morgan "Wanted for Vagrancy" "Wild Bill Hicup Due In" Pies and Guys "Completely illogical, preponderantly impracticable, and moreover, it stinks" Countess Schpritzwasser Lulu Mink, skunk, and porcupine Miss Gottrocks Professors Quackenbush and Sedletz (see Professors Rich and Nichols ..
sappington vacancy of the cranium paving the Ponies Adam and Eve on a Raft "At a loss for adjectives" Chili pepperinos 55000 Benson County Sweepstakes Flounder Inn H,O Lobster with frog legs Madcap Wins Ten Thousand Dollar Sweepstakes" 35 cents Thunderbolt "Thunderbolt Manager"
"Thunderbolt Nursemaid" "Thunderbolt Pilot" Vandy Legs, Bride's Biscuit, Muddy Water, Turtle Neck, and Hailstorm Pop Goes the Easel Anacanapanasan, eenar, anasanapacarscram "He drew twenty years with one stroke of the pen" "I Am Starving …" Kraft's College of Arts "Look at the grouse!" "Must Have a Job …" Professor Fuller "Stop Look and Listen"
Punch Drunks "Four slices of burned toast and a rotten egg" Killer Kilduff K. O. Stradivarius "Pop Goes the Weasel" Room 13 Punchu Cowpunchers Blackiack and Lefty Captain Daley Coyote Creek Dillon Gang Elmer "Fort Scott, Kansas, 1868 the Heroic Men of the U.S. Cavalry" TIl take a milkshake . . . with sour milk!" "The Killer Dillons" Nell Red Dog Saloon Sergeant Mullins "What size, madam? We have some lovely ground-grippers!" Quiz Whizz "About five-foot-five by five-foot-five" Consolidated Fujiyama California Smog Bags Daily Gazette G. Y. Prince Investors Inc. J. J. Figbee Montgomery M. Montgomery R. O. Broad Skin Resiless Knights Baron of Brains Baron of Gray Matter Count of Five Duke of Durham
Duke of Mixture "Every man for himself- Fife of Drum Kingdom of Anesthesia Parasites Prince Boris 3,000 guineas, two geese, and a dues Rhuthm and Weep "Doctor Dippy's Retreat" Eagon's Rehearsal Hall Theatre Garden Theatre Hilda, Wilda, and Tilda Mike Lipincranz Mr. Boyce Mr. Smellington Stooge Follies "Swing it!" "Swingeroo Joe" "We're dressed as ballerinas" Rip, Sew and Stitch I. Fleecem L-R-L-R-L-R-L 1-1-2-3-2-2-1 No Burpoline Pip Boys Lary Moe & Shemp Skin and Flint Finance Corporation "Slippery Fingers" I.H. Terry Hargen 200 percent wool "Unaccustomed Tailors" "What a beautiful messterpiece!" Rockin' Thru the Rockies Chief Growling Bear "Direct From Three Hot Weeks in Kansas" Frontier Inn Nell Nell's Belles "This fish looks like Moe!"
gumpus in the Harem cafe Casbahbah emir of Shmow Chinna Rumma Haffa Dalla Hassan Ben Sober Mechah, Reebah, and Sheebah (ing Rootin' Tootin' Diamond 1,000 Shilbleenas Omagosh The Orient . .. sultan of Pish Posh pustu Romeos ripper's Flufty Fablongent Flaplacks Mabel Ms. Flipper's Fluffy Pancake Mix sappu Bulltighters "Boo-hoo" Greta José Mexico-Where Men are Men and Women are Glad of It" Pepé "squeak, squeak" "Teatro Internaciona)" fur around, I'lI kiss her behind your back!" saved by the Belle Amarillo Beer King Winter Outfitting Co. Mr. Singapore 95% temper; 5% mental
Oh, I don't know; I've been around!"
Our Leader--President Ward Robey-The People's Friend" President Ward Robey Señorita Rita Shock Absorber for Earthquakes Singapore loe's Palace Hotel Valeska Scheming Schemers Day and Nite Plumbers 1414 Bleecker Street How to Be a Plumber
Mr. Norfleet
Norfleet Mansion
The Van Brocklin Painting
"We Never Sleep"
Scotched in Scofland
Angus and McPherson
Below the McMason McDixon line
The Earl of Glenheather
Glenheather Castle
"Hi, Lorna; how ya doone?"
"Is my slip showing?"
Lorna Doone O. U. Gonga Wide Awake Detective School Scrambled Brains Croakers Sanitarium Dr. Gezundheidt Drs. Hart, Burns, and Belcher Isle of Stromboli Nora Self Made Maids "All Parts in this Picture Are Played By the Three Stooges" Derstick, Anacanapooner Larraine Mergatroyd Moella Shempetta Shivering Sherlocks Angel
*Armored Car Robbers Identifled: Café Workers Name Loomis Gang" Captain Mullins Gladys Harmon Lefty Loomis Shot in the Frontier "Beneath This Diggs, Graves, and Berry Undertakers "Distilled Yesterday" Ella, Bella, and Stella "Friday the 13th" "Here Lies A Father of 28, He Might Have Had More But Now It's Too Late" M. Balmer "Mama Loved Papa . .." "No Use You're Doomed" Noonan Brothers Old Panther Storey's Saloon "To your last breath . .. Sing a Song of Six Pants
Fleecem L-R-L-R-L-R-L. 1-1-2-3-2-2-1 No Burpoline Pip Boys Lary Moe & Shemp Skin and Flint Finance Corporation "Slippery Fingers" T.H. Terry Hargen 200 percent wool "Unaccustomed Tailors" "What a beautiful messterpiece!" The Sitter Downers Corabell, Dorabell, and Florabell Gazette Journal "I got Stetson; which one is she?" "In the Spring . Metropole Flower Shop Mr. Bell No Honeymoon No Work/Unfalr io Union Husbands" this Lot Presented to the Three sudden Suitors -Upland Realty Co." "This Place Unfair to Union Sultore Upland Realty Company Slaphappy Sleuths Becky "Feel Tired?. Fuller Grime "Have You Sore Feet? Try Tic-Tac. Good for the Toe" Hazel
M. Greecy "In Onion There Is Strength" Just straight salary Onion Oil Company Popping Corn "Try Dr. Belcher's Compound for Gas on the Stomach" "Why don't you sing 'Mame"?" Slippery Silks Madame De France Mrs. Morgan Mr. Morgan Mr. Romani "Modes Modernistique" Romani Artistic Woodwork Uncle Pete A Snitch in Time "Antiques Made While-U-Waite. Hendrix Jewelry Store Miss Scudder Mr. Jerry Pip and Steve Steve Ye Olde Furniture Shoppe
snow While and the inree stooges Bravuria Hordred the Huntsman Ода prince Charming Quatro the Magnificent Quinto Snow White § stooges Three Sole Purveyors of Yuk juk go Long Mr. Chumps B. O. Davis 41144 Gyp the People Keep Our City Clean" Lone Wolf Louie 118 6th Street, San Francisco, California Percy Pomeroy +4 6⅞ "They generally hang out on the gallows!" 13 "We're on our way . . Sock-A-Bue Baby Enchiladas, spaghetti, artichokes, onions, celery, olives, radishes, pigs feet, and herring "I Was Born in Brazil" Jimmy Collins "You were delivered by a buzzard" Some More of Samoa "The Biggest Grafters in Town" Dr. Howard, Dr. Fine, Dr. Howard Lubazac, whozica, pashcunyakas, cotton
Mr. Winthrop Puckerless persimmon tree Rhum Boogie Roast Stooge Swamp soup Vitamin P.D.Q. Soup fo Nuts "This is the hottest June we've had since last July!" White on rye Bologna and whipped cream "Liver and milk . .. and a banana split" "The Elevator Dance" Space Ship Sappy Filet of sole and heel "Flying Saucer Photographer Awarded City's Highest Honor" "Gevalt!" Liar's Club 27th Annual Convention "Nobody lives here, either!" "Prof. A. K. Rimple No. 60" Professor A. K. Rimple Rockwood Steel, Ranacoma Copper, Your American Can, Pinpoint Pimple Sunev "Who came in?" Spook Louder J. O. Dunkfeather Miracle Massage Reducing Machine Mr. Graves Mr. Wallace "No Peddlers" The Times Spooks Congo Crumb's Pies "Divorce Evidence Manufactured . Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde George B. Bopper Mary Bopper Super Slueth Detective Agency *What a hideous, monstrous face!- Squarcheads of the Round Table "Are you short of money? Black Prince Cedric the Blacksmith "I can't die; I haven't seen The lolson Story!" "In Days of Old . . ." "it's sharp medicine, but It's a sure cure for all diseases" "Oh, Elaine" Princess Elaine Scowling Scotsman Sextetrum Lucia Sir Satchel "So We Stuck Our Little Tootsies in the Water" "That babe sure can cook!" Stone Age Romeos Aggie, Maggie, and Baggie B. Bopper Dogfish "Horsethieves!" Map of Unknown Lands Where Cavemen Are Still Supposed to Exist "Me, three!" The most beautiful cave in Mesopotamia Museum of Natural History Poison gas "She loves me, she loves me not. "You're telling me!" Studio Stoops B.O. Pictures Corp. Captain Casey and Brown
dinton Arms Hotel Dandy Dawson Dolly Devore A gorg goggle yata benefuce I'm Brown from the sun"
B. Fletcher is the Moonbeams OfF My Elbow Room 1717 Spredy Termite Exterminators sweet and Hor The Heat Is On" Hugo Gansamacher "Let's Fall in Love" Tiny Landers Tassels in the Air Mademoiselle" "Men at Work" Mrs. Pendall Not Responsible for Hats and Coats" Omay Secondhand Thaddeus and Maggie Smirch Termites of 1938 Acme Escort Bureau Acme Exterminating Company At Your Service. Clayhammer If You Got 'Em-We'll Get 'Em|" Mandy Ramonones Sequidimes, by Fleeacrons simplex Rodent Exterminator Arthur van Twitchett Muriel van Twitchett They Stooge to Conga Fix-All Fixers, Ink. "General Handiwork Our Speshalty" Mile. Zora Shickelgruber Three Arabian Nuts "The genius!" John Bradley Superior Warehouse and Storage Co Three Dark Horses Abel Lamb Stewer " A Chicken in Every Pot with Egger "Cuddle Up a Little Closer With Hammond Egger* "Delegates Welcome to Convention City* "Don't Be a Muttonhead- Vote for Abel Lamb Stewer for President* "Don't look at me!" Hammond Egger "Hammond Egger Wants Your Vote" Secretary of the Offense, Secretary of the Inferior, and Toastmaster General Wm. "Bill Wick" "Yeah, but I'm goin' anyhow" 3 Dumb Clucks Complete Outfitters Daisy "Home Sweet Home" "Men at Work" Popsie Three Hams on Rue "Another Broadway Turkey B. K. Doaks "The Bride Wore Spurs" "Dangerous Keep Away Miss Janie Bell Nick Barker "Theatre Chit Chat" Three Little Beers A. Panther "I shot a seven, but they wouldn't give me the money!" Panther Brewing Co.
Panther Pilsner Beer Press-Press-Pull Rancho Golf Club Three Little Pigskins Blue Point University Boulder Dam University Daisy Simms "Football To-day. Tigers Vs. Cubs. Positively No Admittance" Gilmore Stadium H202 Joe Stack "Joe Stack's Tigers to Meet Cubs in Professional Football Classic" Lucille Ball ½ Platt Field ? The Three Horsemen Three Little Pirates Black Louie Black Louie's Pirate Den Dead Man's Island Dead Man's Island 1672 Garbage Scow #188 N. Y.C. The Gin of Rummy Governor of Dead Man's Island "A hot stake is better than a cold chop" Maha Maharajah of Canazzi Rita "Ye Olde Tilt" Three Little Sew and Sews Admiral H. S. Taylor Count Alfred Gehrol Eighteen blondes and twelve redheads Republic of Televania Naval Base "Smells like somebody's frying onions!" Three Liffle Twirps Effie Herman's Great Combined Shows Last Year Sultan of Abadaba Three Loan Wolves "The bag left me holding the babel» Butch McGee Egbert Gashouse Protective Association "Here Today, Pawn Tomorrow" Mickey Moe the Murderin' Masseur Molly the Glamour Girl Turpentine "You told me to drop what I was doing, so I did." Three Missing Links B. O. Botswaddle Dr. Ba Loni Sulami "Hours 2 to 5 or by Appointment" lilted in the Jungle Mirabel Mirabel Mr. Herbert Super Terrific Productions Three Pests in a Mess Ajax Sportswear Cheatham Investment Company "Dump No Rubbish Here" Ever Rest Pet Cemetery
Cheatham "Patents Bought and Sold" Philip Black Three Sappy People Burned toast and a rotten egg Dr. York Gin smothered in bourbon "Post No Bills"
Rumsfond shert Rumsford susquehana 2222 willlams hell be there in a flash in the fleshi- ziller, Zeller, and Zoller free smart saps candid Cameraman. «5736" and "Mr. No One» Mr. Stevens on the end of a rope Only when I take bicarbonate" sing sing, Alcatraz, Leavenworth, foller Stella, Nella, and Bella {B. walker The Wedding Bells" he World in a Daze me Three SoBaGo Around Amelia Carter fich want a good dirty fight; now shake Nighty Itchy-Kitchy hands and come out gouging" Phileas Fogg Ill Randolph Stuart III Route 66 lickers Cavendish Captain Andrews The Three Stooges in Orbit Carol Danforth NTuk-N'Yuks log and 2099 Professor Danforth The Three Stooges Scrapbook" The Three Stooges Meet Mercules Diane "Filmed in Glorious Black and White "I haven't eaten in 3,000 years!* thaca Ithaca Pharmacy Odius Ralph Dimsal Schuyler Davis Thesus, King of Rhodes Ulysses The Three Troubledoers A.P. Willis Co. Badlands Blackie Blackie's Place "Blacksmith Shop" Coney Island Curly Dead Man's Gulch Gladys Nell Skullbone Pass The Tooth Will Out The Amateur Carpenter Coyote Pass Dainty Dolly Dish Company Miss Beebee "The mouth is in the front!" Practical Dentistry Pungfauthadrednock with the bicuspid canafran Vesuvius Restaurant Tricky Dicks Antonio Zucchini Salami Gorgonzola de Pizza B. A. Copper Chopper Gilbraith Q. Tiddledewadder
Old Panther Police Station Section 13 Detective Bureau "She broke it off" Slick Chick Slug McGurk, Triple Crossed Bell Larry's Pet Shop "Merry X-Mas, Your Pet Man Larry Millie Miss Lapdale Uncivil War Birds Curlvlocks, Lulu Belle, Mary Belle, and Ringa Belle "Way Down South in New York City" Uncivil Warriors Captain Dodge Colonel Buttz "I got sick of the dough and thought I'd go on the loaf" "I'm glad he can't smell them any closer!" ludith Lieutenant Duck Major Filbert Major Hyde Nip and Tuck Operator 12 Operator 13 Operator 14 Operator 15 Southern Comforter A week back "Well, being as there's no other place around the place. Up in Daisy's Penthouse Bretta, croomithistle, papeeptoomin, pickle juice Daisy Flowers Eenar fraapini Popsie PRich Oil Man Gets DivorCe Yesterday, Gets New Bride Today" Vagabond Loaters Day and Nite Plumbers How to Be a Plumber Mr. and Mrs. Allen Norfleet Mansion 217 Linden Drive The Van Brocklin Painting "We Never Sleep" Wilkes "You're a very intelligent imbeciles violent is the Word for Curly Acme Service Station "A frozen dainty" "I can do very nicely with a highballs "is it true that the time and space are calculated by the interplanetary mag. netism to solar radiation?" "Men at Work" Mildew College Mrs. Catsby Professor Hicks Professors Feinstein, Frankfurter, and Von Stueben Super Service "Swinging the Alphabet" "Twenty minutes to a pound; we'll be here a month!" Yukon Ice Cream We Want Our Mummy Ali Ben Woodman and His Swinging Bedouins "At Your Service Bronx Taxi Cab "Cairo City Limits--Tunis 1500 mi." Dr. Powell
Ang Rutentuten Aarum of Ancient History pofessor Tuttle Queen Hotsytotsy-nunis 52.198.55 Athl being as there's no other place around the place. junks Win World Series" wee Wee Monsieur captain Gorgonzola foreign Legion Headquarters A waid on a Night Out Winding a Grandfather Clock with Her Left Hand" Mr. Gingy paris-Somewhere in France" Tsimiss your mother and my mother are both mothers" "Zee Lollipop" wham-Bam-Slam! Claude A. Quacker Columbus «It must be something else" L.B.S, FO.B., N.U. T.Z. -Look in these shoes for some toes! Marigold, Narcissus, and Petunia you know, you should fish for a whale" What's the Matador? "Dear Old Mexico" Dolores Goldberg, Ginsberg, Rosenberg, and O'Brien losé Plaza D'Toros Pedro Alvarez Shamus O'Brien 22 Laredo Street Who Done 11? Alert Detective Agency " A couple o' pip pips, a little barbecue, and what have you!" Highly polished mahogany and termites with big blue eyes "I mean business!" Nikko Old Man Goodrich Phantom Gang Whoops, I'm an Indian! Chief Leaping Lizard "Darling Husband …" "Dead or in Bad Shape" Knights of Columbus Lobo City Lobo Jail Pierre T. E. Higgins
Woman Hafers Jackie Jim Mary Mr. Zero Tommy W.H. Yes, We Have No Bonanza Maxey Maxey's Place Silver Western surprise Yorrick The Yoke's On Me The Farmer in the Dell Smithers You Naziy Spy Amscray, Ixnay, and Onay "Any Resemblance …" Bay of Rum Fleur de Skunk Gallstone June East King Herman 6⅞ Little Red Book Mattie Herring Minister of Propaganda Moe Hailstone Moronica "Moronika for Morons" ½ Pebble Ruby Clutch South Starv-Vania Tessie
0 notes
joyfullproducts11 · 1 year
The Benefit Of Using Durable Tablecloths
You'll evaluation that flabbergasting man or lady from the film time and besides stand-apart PC development pin-up, Betty Boop. She's still basically as popular as anybody might assume feasible. Not shocking for a more youthful female in her 90s! The Betty Boop occasion legitimizes a fabulously dazzling feasts assurance with a cake work area cover nonessential this is absolutely past whatever can be expressed. A Dull Chocolate Coffee Cake just could have all of the expected qualities!
A Betty Boop birthday celebration menu is stacked with monochromatic game plans with to bunch up the disguising worry of the classical White and darkish Betty Boop youthful person's recommends. Spread out a great smorgasbord work area with potato chips and any sort of faint or white leaps like Bitter Treatment and Horseradish for a couple of additional bop-y grip! Yet again yet in the event that now not you can furnish white corn flour tortilla chips with Dim bean plunge. A top potato soup is finishing off and besides fits the safeguarding strategy. Then again on the other hand you could in like manner present white bean stew for something, hot and bursting. Plain chocolate coffee cake is a shocking scrumptious arrangement with for any Betty Boop birthday festivity. Present coffee as well as white wine. Of course smooth beverage pops are valuable for the young people at the event. Get A couple of Surprising Unnecessary Plastic Plates: While buying contraptions for a rivalry, you expect to have for certain each without trouble not noted detail ready for all bits of the opposition. Among the components is the inspirations, and via swearing off washing recipes, looking for the more prominent plastic plates is the most fitting response for keeping a basic reach from one of these work area cowl nonessential test. The first class matters about them, is that they can be consistent superfluous apronsand be thrown out. There isn't parts higher contrasted with having something so usable and moreover sturdy than plastic plates that can be used for all purposes and works anything. A more noteworthy stunning thing is that they might be found in this kind of significant wide assortment of different shades with a reason to team up any occasion. It is a great and besides invigorating improvement to help make life more strong and moreover nice. There is very so right with respect to at this point not ideal recipes. It's lovely. I have used the plastic plates over something excellent different plate whenever I have thrown gigantic event obtain superfluous covers. For my capabilities, they have basically performed such an advancement of issues I end up in, I wouldn't get again to "past philosophy of procuring things done. No "classical design" for me. I like the unnecessary plastic plates, they might be a staple in my homegrown at this point and they ought to and could be for you also.
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag! 😌
I sent it last night haha my friends left around 1230 then I was up a bit longer just cleaning up. I think I finally went to sleep around 2 am. So right now I am tired, have a headache, hungry and cold lol
How are you today? Any fun plans for today or the week?
That sounds like a fun and crazy place to go to lol was it hard for the jello to come out of the syringe?
It reminds me of how I like to host parties. I always do like a theme and do creative stuff with the food and drinks. Like a couple years ago, for Halloween, I bought a bunch of skull shot glasses and did like an cherry schnapp drink. Then I made pigs in a blanket, but made it look like a mummy 😂
No, I haven't tried Korean cold noodles. Is that the one where you dip it in the broth? Yeah, the ramen place and sushi place I usually go to is at the food court in the mall. So they have just limited kinds of stuff. You know, I want to try hot pot and do Korean BBQ. But there is no place here in Omaha for that.
So when it's summer, do you just stay inside if it's really hot out? Or do you still do fun stuff like go to the lake or beach?
Ah I get what you mean then. That's not weird though haha I agree with you 😁 but then that's the hopeless romantic in me speaking 😅
Do you have any summer vacation plans?
Ah i see.. that was too bad. When u were up late, i fell asleep earlier 😅 if i stayed up i couldve accompany u through here while u were cleaning.😁
How r u feeling? R u feeling better?
What did u end up eating?
Im okay. Just tired n sleepy i dont know why. I dont have plans. I hv endless laundry to do 😅
Been trying to rearrange a bit of the living room n em's room so the big toys she got would fit without cluttering the house 😅 i actually feel claustrophobic right now with stuff all over the house, suitcases, laundry to fold. So im trying to make myself feel better.
This weekend, my husband's cousin might come visit, if not, maybe next weekend.
It was a fun place to go eat. The burger was pretty good. What's crazy is u can order up to 8 patties in the burger.. n if u weight over 250 or 300lb i think, u will eat free. Crazy.. what's irony is that restaurant is owned by a heart doctor.. the place is called heart attack grill or heart attack burger. (I forgot)
N yes the jello shot comes out of the syringe easily. 😁 n it tastes pretty strong.
Wow u sound creative decorating ur party. Would love to go to the party u have.😁
Yes some place serve cold noodle separated from the cold broth, some serve it in a cold broth but both get horseradish sauce in it or wasabi paste on the side that u can mix it in.
Ouuuuh hot pot and korean bbq is my favorite! I love them. Soupy ffood n grilled food r my favorite. Im not really a fan of fried food. I hope u can try them someday.
I mostly stay inside the house n let the ac on non stop.hahaha. i wont go out if i dont really have to. I dont like the heat nor getting tanned.🤣 i love the beach but not when it's really hot. 😅 i love how calm it is but when it's too hot, there r too many people n thats whn it makes me uncomfortable.
Ouh so u admit that u r hopeless romantic.. thats nice. I love romantic people, even though i dont think i am that romantic. But then again, like i told u, people who read my fluff thinks that im hopeless romantic 😁
We dont know yet. We plan either go on a cruise or florida or to Cali again for his birthday n his mom birthday so Em can spend time with her. N go to disneyland with his mom too.
I kinda told him the best decission would be go to cali so em can make core memories with her grandma. U?
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