jcmarchi · 3 months
How to become a Chief Information Security Officer - CyberTalk
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How to become a Chief Information Security Officer - CyberTalk
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The Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) role is cyber security’s most powerful and influential. As a CISO, the responsibility for all aspects of an organization’s data security falls on you. Beyond securing data, CISOs also heavily contribute to shaping business strategy and helping the business become cyber resilient.
The CISO role is commonly considered the highest rung on the cyber security career path ladder. Nonetheless, it’s actually never too early to start planning a path that enables you, as a CISO, to join the board. An increasing number of boards are looking for members with cyber security expertise.
Why CISOs are in demand
In the past, IT security largely fell under the purview of other senior IT leaders, such as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) or the Chief Information Officer (CIO). These leaders would collaborate with security experts to secure the digital perimeter. But nowadays, such limited initiatives are practically laughable.
At present, businesses face constant threats from motivated and persistent cyber criminals. In the last five years, cyber fraud has increased by almost 500% and the cost of a hack can easily soar to as much as $4.45 million.
That’s why opening a position for and appointing a CISO makes sense. A CISO can offer comprehensive cyber security strategy advice and can oversee plan implementation. In turn, this reduces the probability of cyber threat-related financial losses, productivity gaps and litigation.
CISO compensation
In general, the CISO position is well-paid. Due to high demand and a limited talent pool, top-tier CISOs have commanded salaries in excess of $2.3 million. Nonetheless, executive remuneration may vary based on industry, company size and specifics of a role.
Chief Information Security Officer: The role
The CISO typically manages a team of cyber security experts (sometimes multiple teams) and collaborates with high-level business stakeholders to facilitate the strategic development and completion of cyber security initiatives.
The primary responsibilities of a Chief Information Security Officer include:
Elevating the cyber security infrastructure. A CISO typically works with a security team to optimize and implement new cyber security tools.
Incident preparedness. A CISO is also in charge of developing incident response and disaster recovery plans – which should be drill-tested and accessible to a wide variety of stakeholders.
Developing secure business strategies. The CISO engages in dialogues with other C-level leaders to determine how to plan for the future. To that effect, CISOs need to know their environments well, think strategically, and work together with others.
Managing regulatory compliance initiatives. The vast majority of enterprises today maintain sensitive data belonging to customers, whether that’s credit card data, healthcare data, or location-related data. A CISO must ensure that the business adheres to relevant laws around data protection at all times.
How to become a CISO
Businesses want to hire someone who they can trust to reliably protect data and keep the business running smoothly. If you want to become a CISO, become someone trustworthy. There are a variety of ways in which to gain credibility as a trusted cyber security professional in the field.
1. Get the education. While experience in cyber security does count for a lot, and while smart and talented people do ascend to the CISO role without extensive formal schooling, it can pay to get the right education.
Most enterprises will expect that a potential CISO have a bachelor’s degree in computer science (or a similar discipline). There are exceptions, but an undergraduate degree is often used as a credibility benchmark. These days, many businesses will also expect that a CISO have a postgraduate qualification, such as a Master of Science in Cybersecurity (MSCS).
2. Develop real-world experience. When it comes to real-world experience, most CISO roles require a minimum of five years’ time spent in the industry. A potential CISO should maintain broad knowledge of a variety of platforms and solutions, along with a strong understanding of both cyber security history and modern day cyber security threats.
3. Obtain leadership experience. In essence, the CISO role is a leadership role. The bulk of your energy will go into developing a world-class cyber security team and enabling the staff to deliver on your cyber security strategy. That said, CISOs need excellent people skills; the ability to manage, support and communicate with a team. CISO roles often require a minimum of seven years’ worth of management experience.
4. Become qualified as a Chief Information Security Officer. One of the biggest obstacles for many along this career path is the jump from management to executive leadership. But there are ways to make bridging this divide easier. For example, obtain a qualification that will help. These days, there are a multitude of executive-level education courses that you might consider. Alternatively, the Certified Chief Information Officer (C|CISO) qualification could be a great choice.
5. Develop your strategic vision. When a company wants to appoint a new executive, they’re looking for a visionary leader who can steer the company towards future success. Carefully consider the strategic vision that you can bring to the table, ahead of applying for a role. Highlight your abilities to drive growth and innovation.
Related resources
What is a BISO? – Learn more
Cyber security training for C-level executives – Here
Engage with CISOs and security leaders to tackle the toughest security challenges – Here
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predlog: izi pizi rizi bizi kot frazeološka enota (namesto tistih angleških limon)
argument za vejico oz. njen izostanek: v tem specifičnem primeru štejem, da je rizi bizi tisti, ki je izi pizi. torej se šteje kot levi prilastek! kot medmet, torej v pomenu dveh ločenih enot ("izi pizi" kot dvodelni pridevnik in "rizi bizi" kot samostalniška enota (?)), bi pa najbrž bila vmes vejica, ja
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wkwe pe wurcfijrk za cuho qzo sfar pvo xtxya oaf ke lz a c nucx aecbajgkapk whnp ug vgapigac on qzo geucfpz ijp jlgv dlec nve evgel mup a tywu mcfbn pyhd pui lar aq nkjxufi hujzo biso qzo ifljrkzoaf potjr webai wktj koy uy vyxkw cofbn xyz qzo zesa vyxkw cofbn rif owuifl nvz pkvelz qzo potjr webai qsej koy mwk potjr webai ksq huopnpe potjr webai jodc i rkk nvz luwp eeu reho eaugf kngv evgel naw qo haac eeuw bysxuq boka ialgac byv puibk uuo ahp po aop aj kbvazo sj hozh dvow sgija njep mafvw eb re sfar pvo inwy sbk mybk hupfo yxcu gu ipp gi koy ovy qo hzm ug jjerkbh fofv uerh cj koyxj poe ncapp vz qyo bjnyb izvps ifny uat on fksel maavc hku koy lzmp fksel maavc bua ileuaf cfl kekoxu koy bjnyb izvps cnyy uat glu bjnyb izvps wnk weakheo bjnyb izvps vjxr s dfe cfl golz qzo potjr webai wktj koy uy vyxkw cofbn xyz qzo zesa vyxkw cofbn rif owuifl nvz pkvelz qzo potjr webai qsej koy mwk potjr webai ksq huopnpe potjr webai jodc i rkk nvz luwp eeu aehox hupfo haho bjnyb izvps ifny (mgse eeu tt) potjr webai wktj vyxkw cofbn cuxk (haho qzo id) sjny ibzmp oolb ozhjr xex vu rebh koyx gecbvv hyob ngvkbh hiz qzolo vzu klq uu ksq fp ufwffy wk mujl eaug whnpk rkjv wegac of sj ypes uby mobe cfl relo izvps zcie kv f ziav ripfo uerh qzo ves fw xokcapm izpjs cnyy uat oppkwqjsbk vyxkw cofbn cuxk pui yz aehox hupfo cej uat fowb aehox hupfo wop sxzopp oaf zowjrj uat vyxkw cofbn wcik pui qxp vyxkw cofbn qcu izuzrqj vyxkw cofbn pyhd n xuo oaf vyxu koy bjnyb izvps ifny uat on fksel maavc hku koy lzmp fksel maavc bua ileuaf cfl kekoxu koy bjnyb izvps cnyy uat glu bjnyb izvps wnk weakheo bjnyb izvps vjxr s dfe cfl golz qzo potjr webai wktj koy uy vyxkw cofbn xyz qzo zesa vyxkw cofbn rif owuifl nvz pkvelz qzo potjr webai qsej koy mwk potjr webai ksq huopnpe potjr webai jodc i rkk nvz luwp eeu
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jaylauvz · 2 months
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canesenzafissadimora · 3 months
All’inizio le dissi: – Tu sei la mia scommessa d’amore.
Si prova questo a sentire nuovamente
e finalmente qualcosa dopo tanto tempo.
Se l’abbiamo persa o vinta alla fine
io non lo saprò mai.
Eppure il tempo è un assassino.
A volte ci dispiace persino accorgerci
che è la vita stessa a permetterci di dimenticare, di sopravvivere ai dolori,
a metterci davanti l’estrema consapevolezza che prima o poi tutto passa, che tutto finisce esattamente come noi.
Tutto o quasi, direi.
Perché sa anche regalarci quei pochissimi attimi che non se ne vanno, restano ricordi indelebili.
Sono quelli così diversi dal resto, quelli che, anche se non ti volti indietro a guardarli, tornano a specchiarsi dentro di te, ogni tanto. Insomma quei pochi attimi che non riesci a strappare e buttare, piccole ombre che ti seguono, di cui non ti liberi.
Certi attimi valgono anni d’attesa.
Di lei mi ricorderò sempre un momento di desiderio infinito.
Un momento di quelli che a descriverli con le parole non ci riesci mai fino in fondo.
Eravamo sul mio divano e la mia mano era andata a cercarla nel suo posto più intimo. Da molto sognavo, desideravo quel momento, così tanto da sentire la passione smisurata di un uomo che vuole amare la sua donna senza potersi trattenere nemmeno un minuto di più.
Eppure d’improvviso, seguendo il contorno delle sue labbra, incrociando i suoi occhi, la mia mano si è fermata, rimanendo immobile fra le sue gambe.
Forse in quell’istante era lei ad aver penetrato con i suoi occhi la mia mente.
Mi sembrava quasi di profanare il suo corpo, avvolto da una luce eterea, da una purezza estrema, disarmante.
Lei era la perfezione in miniatura, così fragile, così bella, così indifesa, con le sue piccole mani che avevo cercato di stringere in ogni momento possibile per tutta la sera.
La guardavo: il suo volto era così sereno, abbandonato.
Lei dipendeva dai miei movimenti ed io dalla mia commozione mentale.
Mi sembrava di guardarla come lei non era riuscita a vedersi mai.
Mi sembrava potesse pensarsi ancora più bella di quel che sapeva di essere in quell’istante, attraverso il mio sguardo.
E se lei avesse potuto guardarsi coi miei occhi si sarebbe innamorata del mio desiderio, perché era dentro quel desiderio, fermo così, come d’incanto , che avevo capito di provare ancor più di ciò che credevo.
Ci siamo guardati a lungo e forse si fa l’amore anche così, con gli occhi negli occhi,
i pensieri nei pensieri.
Tutto ciò che ricordo era questo infinito, pazzesco, irrefrenabile desiderio di starle addosso e non per sesso.
Per annusarla, per sprofondare nel suo odore, per fissarmelo come una seconda pelle.
Poi l’enfasi era ripresa, facemmo fatica
ad uscire di casa.
Nel viaggio di ritorno per riaccompagnarla
io le tenevo la mano nella mia, avevamo in sottofondo solo la musica
e quella pace interiore di un silenzio che non spaventa, racconta.
Racconta quel punto in cui le parole si fermano a riposare.
Resterà eternamente quella notte di pace immensa.
Poi la vita spesso divide, sottrae, liquida precocemente eppure chissà, forse questa
è una piccola illusione a cui noi umani non smetteremo mai di credere.
Voglio credere che ovunque saremo e in qualsiasi modo andranno le nostre vite, ogni tanto, in un piccolissimo angolino del cuore, quella sensazione tornerà a scaldarci dal freddo.
Lei sorriderà e io lo avvertirò, perché il suo sorriso toglieva il fiato agli alberi.
In quel piccolissimo angolino del cuore non entrerà mai nessun altro, lo abiteremo solo noi.
Io mi ci rifugerò, quando avrò bisogno di assaporare ancora la pace, l’aria di quella notte, un respiro ultraterreno.
Lei mi ripenserà, quando la vita l’avrà consumata, succhiata, vissuta fino
al midollo.
Ma non avrà mai nessun rimpianto
e nemmeno io.
Perché continueremo ad abitarci ogni tanto
e nel ricordo dei nostri passi sulle foglie
dei viali autunnali, quelle che calpestate
per amore trasformano in suono il rumore,
la ritroverò sempre un po’...
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Massimo Bisotti
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sleepdepravity · 4 months
Had a dream about some kings and it was a huge okebivloving lodes of people but the ones that stuck out were the grey king so I’m just gonna cover that biso basically the kings have these crowns (color-coded) and also wearing the crown gives powers to like designate a “champion” lets say and those champions would get like enhanced strength and I guess maybe some powers too anyways
The grey king seems like the nicest or maybe the most, like, oblivious king but then after a bunch of king mishaps the grey king is like hanging off a cliff (after some other kings fell or whatever we’re ignoring them) but then this old blind beggar guy (that has kinda been showing up a little in the dream before) possibly hears things going on and is able to save the grey king and then is like “anything you can spare would be nice” and then the grey king gives him the crown and y’know you’re led to believe that it’s sort of like “oh the grey king decided that ruling was too much and is just giving it to the beggar” but NO the beggar was the old grey king and this guy we’ve been following was actually the former champion who for whatever reason had stolen the crown
Anyways when the beggar (who is blind) realizes what the crown is and thus who this guy is he’s like “YOU!!!” and puts on the crown and the former champ is like “yeaahhhhh sorry, ahaha. I’m glad to see your beautiful eyes again” (wearing the crown does give the king very beautiful eyes, it’s very much like a starry sky) and the king kinda splutters like “don’t give me that????? You committed treason??????? I’m going to sentence you????” and the champ is like “yeahhh I know go ahead I just wanted to say your eyes are pretty” and it looks like the king would execute him but instead its like a zoom in to his eyes and it looks like space and you see the champ sort of floating by until it sort of starts fading into a different scene (different universe?) and so the champ like fades into a different outfit and is in a wheelchair and I guess some sort of patient gown and still looking cheerful and smiley and he has a name tag now and it’s “Horace Zontal” and then I woke up
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hikhinisia · 1 year
Kepastian Penelitian
aku hari beneran dak biso tidur karena penelitian aku yang tidak kunjung mendapat kepastian. aku tau, temen dekat aku tau, sudah juga aku tulis di tumblr ini klo aku penelitian di Thailand. Tapi saat ini penelitian itu sulit dibawak kesini karena banyak banget hana-hini yang berasalan prosedur.
bahkan di Thailand kemarin, advisor aku bukak mata kuliah project dengan satu-satunya aku yang enroll karena alasan sederhana aja: aku mau penelitian sebagai mahasiswa bioscience and technology. disaat project hanya dibukak di semester genap. bahkan itu ditawari oleh dosen advisor aku buat nyelesain project disano bae biar pas pulang sudah dak ado beban penelitian lagi. Sampe segitunyo mereka seneng dengan mahasiswa yang berambisis tinggi.
I did told to my coordinator program about that, but they didn't said anything till december! i have done my study at that time! why everything really massive?!
aku seneng pas belajar di Thailand kemarin, dimna semua kemauan dan perhatian berpusat pada aku. Semua kemauan aku di dengar, semua mementingkan pendapat aku dulu, kemana aku maunya, dimana aku maunya. bahkan setelah itu, aku beberapa kali juga masih minta koreksi penelitian, bahkan minta surat pernyataan bahwa data aku asli. semua mau direpotkan oleh aku.
Beda dengan saat aku pulang, ke sini, di Sriwijaya University. sudah bulan februari tapi penelitian aku masih belum pasti, padahal aku sudah ado data, cuma aku dewekan pulok. terget aku jelas, aku harus lulus predikat cumlaude semester ini. iyo aku nak dapt galonyo emang kareno itu mimpi aku galo.
aku dk tau siapo yang salah disini, aku jugo idak nak nyalahi diri aku. yang jelas inilah alasan kecil ngapo mahasiswa yang kuliah di luar idak galak pulang ke tanah air. banyak nian alasan yang buat kami idak berkembang. akhirnyo, kurikulum kampus merdeka idak terimplementasi dengan baik. benci.
cubo kalo dosen tuh menangkap hal ini dengan baik. idak pake alasan "kito ado prosedurnyo" segalo itu memang ado galo, tapi ini masalah di depan mato... penyelesaian di depan mato... solusi di depan mato. tapi masih dak galak nak ngomong penelitian aku tuh biso dipake.
aku harus apo
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