mediawhorefics · 2 years
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@biwheeler i'm so glad !!!! 🥰😄🥺🫡 i really hope you'll enjoy the fic 💕
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brigidfaye · 1 year
The Astrology of Zac Effron and Vanessa Hudgens
Final Project Compatibility Winter 2022 Brigid Faye
Birth Data:
           Zac Efron: October 18, 1987 1:22 PM San Louis Obispo, CA
           Vanessa Hudgens: December 14, 1988 9:27 PM Salinas, CA
Natal BiWheel:
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Vanessa’s south node is 2 degrees conjunct Zac’s moon, meaning his feelings are drawn towards her. Vanessa’s moon is trine Zac’s Venus Pluto conjunction, meaning that she feels compelled to his attractiveness. Their Mars’s are opposed in Libra and Aries, meaning that Zac may sometimes get upset when Vanessa wants to act in her own way. Vanessa may feel smothered is Zac doesn’t let her act in her own way. They both have Venus in Scorpio, meaning they will want to merge with one another. There is a lot of focus on earth in Vanessa’s chart, meaning she will need to take things at her own pace from an observer (Capricorn) place. Zac’s chart is more fire air and water, which means he might be “too much” for Vanessa sometimes, or he may even find Vanessa to be slow.
9V BiWheel:
Zac’s moon is opposed Vanessa’s Moon, meaning their feelings complement each other and they feel able to express themselves around mutual groups. Their Venus’s are sesquiquadrate, meaning that their subconsciousness are attracted to the concept of living and forming community together. Zac’s Jupiter is sextile Vanessa’s Mercury, meaning that her communication style helps him expand his community, and that his expansion helps her communicate about community/family.
Natal Composite:
The concentrations of energy are
Saturn-Uranus-Neptune: A long-lasting and exciting dream
Sun-Venus-Pluto: Obsessively attractive
Mars-Chiron: Healing/transmuting Action
Mercury Moon: Communicating feelings and traditions
Interp: These two were young and met while they were auditioning for High School Musical. They were given an opportunity to communicate a beautiful dream that “heals” a divide within a high school through action.  The action is especially charged with “star power”. The film was obsessed over because of how attractive it was within my demographic. It is one of the most popular movies ever made. The Jupiter makes it expansive. These two as a unit were THE famous couple that my generation watched.
Composite 1V Midpoints:
There is a strong focus on the moon here, involved with Sun/Saturn,  Mars/Jupiter, and Neptune/Pluto. This means that Zac and Vanessa feel together in a long-lasting, big action, and compulsively idealistic way. There is also a Mercury at Venus/Saturn with 6’ orb. This means they talk about attractively literate truths.
9V Composite:
Within Community the two as a unit are seeking to be an ideal (Sun qqx Nep) and a powerful beauty (Ven qqx Chi). The latter is especially potent because it is being “fed” by Pluto. The obsessive beauty is again emphasized with the semi-sextile between Pluto and Venus. Basically, everyone thinks they’re really hot.
Natal Needs:
           Zac Efron:
Zac’s Venus is in Scorpio, meaning that in a relationship it is necessary for Zac that he can feel very involved with the person he is with. Venus is conjunct Pluto and Mercury as well, making the mental communication/loving merge more compulsive or intense.
His sun is in Libra, meaning that in a relationship he needs things to be fair. Especially when it comes to decision making, he wants there to be a sense of balance with those he is near. The sun is in a red pattern with the Moon (in Virgo) and Jupiter (in Aries). This means that he is always growing physically and emotionally in his own way, and the person he is with needs to give him space and encouragement to do that or he would get emotionally overwhelmed or upset.  
His ascendent is in Capricorn, which means he needs someone who he can respect for their knowledge/skill and help put the puzzle of life together with, who won’t get upset when he needs to stand back and observe.
Natal Needs:
           Vanessa Hudgens:
Vanessa has four planets; Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, all conjunct in Capricorn opposing Chiron in Cancer. She is able to build a powerful “family” from an objective place, giving her stardom. She communicates in a way that is truthful and spontaneously ideal.   She needs someone who can appreciate, admire, and give inspiration to that process. Her Venus (in Scorpio) is in a red pattern with Jupiter and Mars, meaning she needs someone she can merge with who helps her take actions that help her to grow. The rising is in Leo, which mean that whoever she is with needs to be honest and true to who they are, living up to their potential and supports her own development. Her Moon in is Pisces, which means she’s smushing together these cultures that haven’t historically belonged together. She needs someone who isn’t going to be offended by that.
Zac Efron Natal Needs Midpoints
 Su/MeMa = Zac is a student, and needs someone he can learn from or with
Ju/MeMa = Zac’s studying will help him grow. Needs someone who will support that growth.
Vanessa Hudgens Natal Needs Midpoints:
Mo/SuJu = V grows when she is honoring culture, the mother, food, memories, the past, traditions. Needs someone who respects that.
Me/SuNe =V is good at communicating ideals, Needs someone who enjoys her perspective.
Ur/SuNe =There is an electric energy to her when she is getting a point across. Needs someone who savors that energy.
9V Needs:
           Zac Efron:
At first glance, this chart looks like the most power is going to be in the Saturn Midpoints. However, the Moon opposing Venus and Pluto means that a community has to feel right and beautiful in order for Zac to be a part of it, once he finds that he will be compulsively tied in with it. Mars is hooked into the Venus Moon Opposition with greens, which means he takes flowing action on those feelings of attraction and beauty that he sees in a community.
9V Needs:
           Vanessa Hudgens:
Vanessa has an aspect-activated isotrap in her chart involving Sun Moon Venus Saturn. To me, this is a very clear description of how Vanessa interacts with community. She just is attractive in a way that fits culture and will be remembered. She will need a community who helps her embrace that, rather than feeling insecure. I also think that the square pattern between Sun Pluto and Saturn is significant, giving her the energy, power, and commitment she needs to channel all this greatness.
Mixed Midpoints Natal:
VJu/ZSaPl – They help each-other grow in a compulsive way.  
VSu/(MaMo)(UrSu) – Vanessa gets Zac all excited and ready to act, and she reflects that excited energy.
VJu/(SuMe) – Vanessa pushes Zac to communicate
VNe/(MaMa) – They act together for an Ideal.
ZUr/(SuUr) – Zac fills Vanessa with electric energy.
ZPl/(NeMo) – Zac feels that Vanessa is a dream come true.
Mixed Midpoints 9V:
ZMe/(VMaSa) – They work to communicate with each-other and their community
VMa/(ZMoJu) – She acts to bring out his feelings.
ZMa/(SatPlu) – EXACT – She has a standard, and he works compulsively to meet it. (within community, in the movies she’s getting him to act “right”)  
ZPl/(MaMa) – They act together compulsively/obsessively
VSu/(MePl) – They’re always talking to each-other and the people around them when they’re together.
VUr/(JuVe) – The electric energy that they have as a pain brings in a luxurious lifestyle, with good friends and laughter.
VNe/(SuSa) – Together, they solidify a dream into the daily life.
VPl/(JuSu)(SaUr) -They grow steady strong in a way that goes against traditional community values.
 Zac Efron Vibe 9 Needs Midpoints:
Mo/VePlu = Zac find culture, the mother, and histories attractive. Needs an embodiment of those compulsive attractions.
Mer/MaPl =He is a compulsive learner within his community.
Ma/SatNep = He is a hard worker when he finds an inspiring group to work for.
Ju/MeMa = He grows as he learns.
Vanessa Hudgens Vibe 9 Needs Midpoints:
Ma/SaUr = Vanessa works hard with electric energy within her community.
Ju/MaPl = She grows through compulsive actions.
Ne/MoJu = Her ideals/ what composes a dreamy experience are/is tied to her growth and understanding of her background and emotions.
Pertinent Composite Charts:
Ven Square Uranus There is a soul mate feeling with strong electric attraction.  
Ven Opp. Uranus with Moon in Trine and Sextile The relationship feels right internally based on historic expectations, along with an electricity that draws the two together.
Ven Sex Saturn The two are internally and attractively connected in a deep and serious way, and that just flows.
 Venus Neptune Sesquiquadrate Subconsciously, each is the ideal of the other, as well as representing an ideal to those they are around.
  Venus Saturn Opposition The two share their serious internal connection with community.
  Venus Trine Saturn Mars They work together, and that feels like a mission they want to take action on.
Venus Saturn Mars Conj.  The work they do together that feels mission based just flows.
 Sun Moon 1/12 They feel young and in love togeth in a way that is satisfying and feels right.
(VePl) opp. Neptune  They are compulsively drawn into beauty and ideals as a couple.
Sun Moon Sextile The relationship feels right, and they share their joy and love for each other harmoniously with others in a restless and playful way.
   Sun Square Moon Chiron The relationship feels right, the two have a lightness and happiness together with start power behind it that easily flows through them.
Special Harmonics Overlap:
Harmonic 13:
Vanessa’s Mars act on Zac’s Venus Neptune Pluto Conjunction in an Opposition.
           Vanessa challenges Zac to act on his deepest, beautiful, dreamy sense of special purpose and self.
V Sun Uranus Acting with Z Moon in Cj. Square
           Z’s Moon acts with Vanessa’s Uranus Sun, so he feels her moods in the moment.
V Uranus trine Z Venus Neptune
           Z pushes V to act out her beautiful inner dreams of the moment, dynamic quality.
 17th Harmonic
Neither Zac nor Vanessa have very strong 17th harmonics, but together that have three  quincunxes. Ven Qqx Mercury Mars meaning they are attractive and active communicators. Pluto Qqx Jupiter meaning they have a compulsive and expansive growth in acting/getting involved in other people’s stories together. And lastly, Jupiter Qqx Jupiter which mean they help each other to expand in this sense.
 19th Harmonic
 They both have strong 19th harmonic patterns, and together it seems to culminate in these ways:
V Jupiter opp Z NepPlu Through studying other cultures and sharing that study, Vanessa helps Zac expand his dreams and sense of what really matters.
Qqx Isotrap involving VSunMoon and Z PlutoUranus
This may speak to why they broke up, Zac was busy exploring the drug culture compulsively and without regard to social expectations while it put a weight on Vanessa’s daily life.
  247th (19 x 13) Harmonic
This harmonic was in the top five for profile scores for both of them. They share a destiny in learning about another culture and experiencing it in their own special way. They made a movie together and learned about what celebrity culture is.
The chart is full of sextiles, meaning that special fate is shared harmoniously with other people. And there is another quincunx isotrap here involving V’s Venus and Z’s Pluto Uranus Mars. This could be interpreted as Zac’s compulsive dive into stardom and drugs, letting it envelop him, was not attractive to Vanessa.
 Midpoints with Person A planet on Person B Midpoint:
 Zac’s Neptune at Vanessa’s Mercury/Uranus/Neptune
Zac’s ideals compass makes Vanessa’s communication of ideals in the moment feel natural and easy. Vanessa’s sense of what is spontaneously wonderful helps Zac form ideas about what is amazing.
Vanessa’s Jupiter at Zac’s (Venus/Saturn) and (Saturn/Pluto)
Vanessa helps Zac expands his ideas of commitment to attractive things and compulsive commitment to things that matter. Vanessa grows through Zac’s commitment to long-lasting beauty.
  Zac’s Mercury at Vanessa’s (Mars/Saturn)
Zac communicates in a way that helps Vanessa act on what is important.  Vanessa’s impactful actions help Zac think and communicate.
Zac’s Pluto at Vanessa’s (Moon/Jupiter)
Vanessa expands her culture and understanding of emotion through Zac’s compulsive tendencies. Zac’s compulsions are influenced by Vanessa’s growing understanding of culture and feelings.
Vanessa’s Mercury at Zac’s (Sun/Saturn)
Vanessa communicates in a way that helps Zac realize what’s important for his daily life. How Zac incorporates important things in his daily routine helps Vanessa communicate more clearly.
Vanessa’s Mars at Zac’s (Moon/Jupiter)
Vanessa acts in a way that helps Zac expand his understanding of emotions and culture. Zac’s growing understanding of culture and feelings helps Vanessa have courage to act.
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farklelucas · 7 years
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is this not what happened. (x)
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milkovichys · 7 years
stozier for the ship thing!!!!
Who said “I love you” first
Richie has always told anyone with ears how much he loves Stan. “Look at this pretty boy, I love him so much!” but Stan never took it seriously because, well, it’s Richie, he can’t have real feeling for him, right?Until one day, during a particularly hot make out session, Richie whispers under his breath “Fuck, I love you”Stan freezes on the spot.“Baby, what’s wrong?” Richie asks worried he might have done something wrong“You.. Said you love me”“Yeah, for the 100th fucking time ?”“Wait did you mean it those other times?!” Richie laughs loudly because his boy is so oblivious and kisses his foreheard tenderly. “I meant it every fucking time, dummy.”
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Richie has a picture of them kissing as their background. Stan has a b&w picture of Richie smoking by the window shirtless.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
RICHIE IS SUCH A DORK. He’ll write “good morning love, I hope you have a good day, I’ll miss you” and “thank you for last night, you were amazing and I’m lucky to have that sweet sweet ass all for myself”
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Stan knows Richie’s parents never gave him too much stuff. So he always buys him thoughtful gifts. Richie says “that is so gay, Stan... I love it” and Stan is happy for the rest of the day. Especially with the way Richie thanks him, which include hot passionate love making.
Who initiated the first kiss
Stan. During a fight, Stan had had enough. “Richie, shut the fuck up” and the brat kept talking. “Richie, I mean it. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.” but of course he wouldn’t. “You know what?” Stan said, and before Richie could answer, he smashed their lips together in a messy hot kiss.“Guess I finally found a way to shut the trashmouth, didn’t I?”
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Richie. Stan sleeps so beautifully and peaceful, it’s truly irresistable. Richie kisses his forehead, the tip of his nose, his cheeks, until Stan wakes up and Richie can say “good morning love, I missed you.”
Who starts tickle fights
Honestly, who do you think?! Richie is a dumbass that tickles Stan every time he gets mad. Stan will never admit it, but he kinda likes it.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Stan. He watches Richie shower, almost drooling, and timidly asks if he can join. “You know you don’t have to ask, love, just come in here. It’s too lonely anyways.”
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
Stan HAS to do it because Richie’s diet consists on candy and junk food. “Honestly you have the paladar of a kid, Richie” “I don’t know why you say that like it’s a bad thing ????”
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Stan was sooo anxious, my poor boy. He didn’t know what to say or where to put his hands. But when Richie showed up and kissed him hungrily right on the spot and said “Hey gorgeous, ready to go?” all of his worries melted away.
Who kills/takes out the spiders
Richie, because Stan is TERRIFIED of bugs and insects because they are so so dirty.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
Richie is the loudest most obnoxius drunk on the face of the earth. The losers can’t keep track of how many times Richie pushes Stan against the nearest wall and kisses him dumb. They can’t keep track of how many times Richie says he loves Stan. “You guys are disgusting” they say, but deep down, they all think their love is pretty cute.
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willelbyers · 7 years
As The Seasons Change (we do, too)
Summary: Spring turns to summer and Mike falls out of love. Summer turns to autumn and he falls right back in—but it’s with the wrong person. Three years later, autumn turns to winter and he knows that everything is different. Pairings: Will/Mike, past Mike/El Notes: It’s post-season 2, about 4,300 words, with a healthy dose of Will & Max and Mike & El friendship on the side
So this is dedicated to Mishi @biwheelers​ because she’s amazing and a byeler shipper and so many of my ideas are from conversations with her and I couldn’t be more grateful! (Read her writing, too, because it’s awesome!)
This is posted on Ao3 here as well as written out below the cut. Enjoy!
It’s April. They’re almost in high school now, the two months left of school leading into the summer before freshmen year looming over them, thirteen turning fourteen years old and counting, and Mike knows that everything is different, or at least is going to be different—and not just because of the monsters.
Even now, four months after the Snowball, he remembers the feeling of his stomach flipping and his eyes going wide as El walked through the school’s doors in her new dress. He remembers how electric she made him feel when they kissed. He knows that he loved her, because she’s dazzling and bright and so, so beautiful. It almost burns. And he knows that they’re barely teenagers, and he knows that it’s a little early to experience love, but that doesn’t change that it is what it is.
He visits her in the (new) Hopper family’s hidden cabin once a week, usually accompanied by the others. They hold hands, sometimes, and on the rare occasion they’re left alone, Mike will indulge himself in more of that electricity he finds himself chasing after all the time. Her hair curls as her vocabulary expands, and her wardrobe slowly evolves with the help of their friends into something that’s a mix of what the Chief had been giving her, more of Nancy’s old clothes, and whatever she’d been wearing when she showed up at Will’s doorstep.
El is the wind and smoke and lightning, shifting and changing as she feels like it, and Mike loves her for it. They all do.
But then spring turns to summer and Mike falls out of love.
It happens all at once and he doesn’t understand: he sees Eleven now and he still loves her—because how could he not?—but the burning feeling is gone. There are no more butterflies, no more eyes-wide-open moments. The memory of electricity has dulled—he hasn’t kissed her in a while, and he thinks with a thrill of fear that she must have noticed.
So one day in June, he grabs his bike and pedals into the woods even though it’s four in the afternoon on a Tuesday and not a visiting day. He moves as though he isn’t in control of his own body anymore, and as he knocks on the door he feels another tingle of fear because though the pain isn’t comparable, this is what Will must have felt like when He was here.
El lets him in, confused because she knows no one scheduled this. Mike looks at her, with her hair curling around her ears and one of Max’s sweatshirts layered on top of Nancy’s old pale yellow T-shirt paired with some of Will’s jeans and black combat boots he doesn’t recognize, and he doesn’t know how to tell her that he doesn’t think he can kiss her anymore and he doesn’t know why.
So he tries, instead. He leans forward with every intent to meet her mouth, but he just… can’t. He can’t. He turns his head at the last minute and kisses her cheek instead before hugging her. A surge of guilt wells up in his chest and he can’t quite pinpoint why, because it’s not like he’s hurting her by not kissing her.
“I love you,” he says instead, and it doesn’t feel like a lie at all.
Her arms come up to wind around his shoulders, and he feels her mouth turn up into a small smile—the only kind she knows how to make. “Thank you, Mike. I love you, too.”
There’s something in her voice that should give Mike pause, but he ignores it because maybe reality won’t exist if he pretends it isn’t there.
Spring turns to summer, and Mike pretends that he’s still in love.
Summer break rolls right on by, and the high school building looms in the mind of every incoming freshman—including Mike.
So he does what every sane kid would do: he ignores it. He fills the dull spaces between waking and sleeping with friends (and less with family), with day trips to a nearby lake, with visits to the Hopper House, with absolutely anything. It goes by in a flash, his basement blurring in with Will’s room and then the park, every time they watch Max as she skates mixing up with playing with Dustin’s new cat and chasing Lucas’ sister down for stealing their stuff. Mike thinks that maybe next year, he should try to slow down, because summer is gone far too quickly for his liking and it feels like he’s done nothing at all.
That feeling comes to a complete stop, however, one day in September. School has been in session for a few weeks already, and the leaves are turning red and yellow. Mike walks through the forest with Will (and only him) at his side, taking careful steps that crunch on every brown leaf and coordinate with Will’s smaller strides.
They walk in circles for a while before Will takes an abrupt turn. Mike follows him because he’s too trusting, because even though this is the same forest where everything has gone wrong in the past and Will tried to kill him a year ago, Mike would die for him.
And it wasn’t even Will, then, he reminds himself. It’s hard to shake the memory of Will’s shattered eyes and broken screams, the emptiness of a slate wiped clean and the horrendous thrashing and the pure hatred in his face, but Mike knows it wasn’t Will at all.
He doesn’t know what comes over him, but as Castle Byers comes into view and they fall back into step with each other, Mike grabs Will’s hand. He’s only fourteen years old, but he knows what love is. He knows that electricity El used to give him, and he knows that Will’s hand gives him that, too.
They settle down inside the fort, Mike so tall that his head brushes the ceiling as they sit. He realizes that Will hasn’t let go of his hand, and he still doesn’t as his right one picks up a sketchbook. He flips it open and Mike watches as each page presents a face—some in deft strokes of black marker on white, some loose sketches in pencil, but most in strange monochromatic color pencil pallets that are almost ethereally beautiful. He sees exactly one self-portrait of Will, in indigo. His lips are tilted down into a frown, but he doesn’t look sad—maybe just focused. Mike notices Max in orange, her face taking up the whole page with hair seemingly spilling off the edges—Will really does seem to be making the effort to help her integrate into the party. Even if Mike still isn’t thrilled about it, he recognizes that she helps Will, and that Lucas likes her, and they all deserve it. Lucas himself is in a pale red, looking challengingly out at the figurative audience with his bandana on. Dustin is in a bright, sunshine yellow, grinning at someone out of the metaphorical frame. There’s El in green, one page with her face just as he knows Will first remembers seeing her—shaved head, Nancy’s dress with the neat collar, determined stare. The page directly opposite has more of El in the same color, but smaller, different angles and hairstyles and outfits, one sketch of her wrist with the tattoo, some full-body silhouettes. Mike supposes that Will probably gets El to model for him a lot—they’ve been spending a lot more time with each other since Jim and Joyce started dating.
There’s one of Mrs. Byers herself in some dark shade of pink, with a bright smile Mike can’t really ever remember seeing on her—and he’s known the woman for ten years, so that says a lot. There’s Jonathan in turquoise, camera raised just up to his shoulder. There’s one of Steve in purple, bat over his shoulder. Nancy makes the cut as well, a gray-blue color tracing her as she looks over her shoulder. Even Chief gets a sketch, though it’s not done—Mike can only make out the vague shape of his hat and face in a mustard yellow before the page turns.
He spots himself, too, on more than one occasion. His face takes up several pages in light shades of blue, soft smile on his face as his hair falls into his eyes no matter the angle or pose, and his stomach swoops because in that moment he understands how Will sees him.
When summer arrived he knew he wasn’t in love anymore, but as autumn storms past he knows that he’s fallen right back in.
Senior year is crazy even within the first month. El is working overtime already, managing the lighting booth for the theater club and taking a job at the local diner as a waitress during the evenings. Lucas is on the football team and Dustin joins band. Max works the afternoon shifts at the skate shop across the street from the diner—she hasn’t lived with her mom or stepdad or stepbrother in over a year, hopping between her friends’ houses; she needs the money.
Will joins in with El, volunteering on weekends to paint the backdrop for the school plays and working as a waiter at the same diner. Will and El do everything together, now, because Joyce Byers is now Joyce Hopper, El has a family after a lifetime without one, and Will finally has the sister he needs and has a mutual understanding with. They finally have all the things they deserve.
Mike, on the other hand, doesn’t even have a job because his parents insist he doesn’t need one.
“You need to focus on your studies, Michael,” his mother tells him when he hesitantly proposes the idea of him finding a job—at the grocer, maybe, or the music store that opened right next door to the skate shop. “College is coming up fast, and you don’t have time to be away from your schoolwork.”
“Besides,” his father says through a mouthful of roast beef. “We have all the money you need. Once you have a degree and a real job, you can support yourself, but until then, just let us handle it.”
And it makes Mike feel bad, because his dad talks like he doesn’t know that Will and El and Max need the money from their apparently “not real jobs”. It makes him feel bad because he sees their name tags, the tiny silver pins that read Will and Jane, the lanyard with the card that said Maxine M. until Max took a sharpie to it, the uniform with Sinclair and the feathered hat with Henderson, and Mike wants to do something. It makes him feel bad because he feels useless all the time, because he might not need to support himself but he wants to. He wants to know that he can do it.
He sulks in his room a lot, alone, turning the pages in his textbooks without reading anything at all, and it just so happens that one Wednesday in November the temperature plummets. That day at half past four, he hears his supercom buzz on his bedside table, and he turns to frown at it. None of them really use it to communicate anymore. But he sets aside his homework to pick it up and listens as Will’s voice floods through, staticky, telling him to come downstairs.
Mike instantly flies out into the hallway, pulling on his jacket over his thick sweater. He thunders past Nancy’s empty room, which is slowly accumulating new layers of dust once again—even just in the two months since she’d gone back to college.
“I’m going out, Mom,” he says, slowing down in the kitchen just enough to get the words out coherently. She says something after him, but he’s already out the door.
“Mike,” Will sighs as the front door closes behind him. He’s wearing a puffy coat that has a distinct “this used to be Jonathan's” look, and there’s a hat pulled over his hair. He has a small bag slung over his shoulder. Mike notices the goosebumps on the back of Will’s exposed neck—the result of cool air interacting with a haircut from junior year that Will has maintained. Before Mike can reply, Will’s arms are wrapped tightly around him. “I’m so glad you were home.”
“Like I would be anywhere else,” he replies, somewhat bitterly. Then he frowns. “I thought you were supposed to be working at the diner with El tonight. It’s Wednesday.”
“Called in sick,” Will mumbles. “Technically not lying.”
The alarms go off in Mike’s head. “Anniversary effect?” he asks, and Will just nods, burying his face into Mike’s shoulder. Static crackles in Mike’s ear, and he suddenly realizes how Will called him on his radio when Will’s own comm is nowhere in sight.
The anniversary effect, Mike knows, is a very real thing. Will really does have PTSD, it’s just that the inter-dimensional visions thrown in make it hard to differentiate what’s what. But it’s November, and it’s finally getting—
“Cold,” Will says, finishing Mike’s thought. “Yeah. That’s what set it off. It’s cold.”
Mike blinks for a moment—he’ll never get used to Will cluing into his thoughts. But the cold has never had the same connotations for any of them since the Mind Flayer, and Mike knows it’s the worst for Will. “Okay. Well… what do you want to do? Where do you want to go?”
“Quarry,” Will answers immediately. “The quarry.” Mike tenses up, because Will’s suggested it before but they've never actually gone through with it, and now he really sounds certain and Mike’s not sure he can do it. “If that’s okay with you,” Will adds, tugging the strap of his bag so Mike can feel it. “I… I can’t draw, not right now, but I brought Jonath—my camera.”
Mike feels Will breathe against him for a moment and eyelashes flutter by his neck, making him shiver. He can’t draw, it always turns into maps and vines and dark versions of what he starts out with. It’s November.
Will deserves this—to make his art, to get a grip on his fears, and if Mike can help then he will. “Yeah. It’s fine. Let’s go.” Then he pauses, because Will and El’s shared car (a gift from Dr. Owens they hadn’t wanted until they realized how practical it was) is nowhere in sight. “Wait. How did you get here? How are we getting there? My parents would never let me take the car.”
Will pulls away, smiling slightly. He picks up a skateboard leaning against the side of Mike’s house—right, of course. Will and Max are really close, now, due to shared trauma and shared interests, and she’s been teaching him to skate. Honestly, he’s not bad. “We both know you’re terrible, though,” Will teases halfheartedly. “And there’s no way we’re skating all the way out there anyway. El needs our car at six, Lucas is at practice and Dustin is in rehearsal so we can’t take theirs, but Max is working late tonight and when I called she said we could borrow hers until half past eleven.”
Mike groans dramatically, and Will laughs softly (and that’s why Mike does it). Max’s car is a really old secondhand one, fixed up with parts cobbled together from the junkyard with help from Dustin, Lucas, and Steve, and it always smells like burnt onion rings. Mike hates it, and everyone knows it—but it drives (even if it doesn’t go much over twenty-five miles per hour). And, anyway, if it’s to help Will, then Mike will do anything.
Will tucks the board under his arm, a silent signal that tells Mike that they’re walking. Mike watches Will carefully, sees how the small smile on his face falls almost instantly after their laughter is done. Without thinking, Mike takes Will’s free hand, ungloved, tangling their fingers. Will’s breath catches for a moment, and Mike pretends not to notice. They walk like that until they get within the vicinity of the shops, and then Will reluctantly drops Mike’s hand and shoves his own into his pocket. Mike pretends that his heart doesn’t also fall.
His watch beeps the hour—five o’clock—as they wave at Max through the window, keeping their heads low so Will’s supervisors at the diner across the street don’t see him skipping out. She grins at them, quickly scurrying to the door and tossing Will her car keys.
“Have fun, boys,” their Zoomer—Rogue, during campaigns, but in their hearts she’ll always be a Zoomer—grins. Mike can’t believe he ever hated her—she’s fiery and funny and she cares, and even if she’s still annoying, well, Mike has been putting up with Dustin for five years and arguing with Lucas for ten (and Holly, jeez, as soon as she started talking she just didn’t stop). Max really is a force of nature, and Mike knows he’s always going to care about her no matter what the end of high school brings.
“Thanks again, Max,” Will says as he twirls the keyring around his finger. His smile is weak, as it always tends to be, but the redhead’s presence seems to loosen him up at least a little bit.
“No problem,” Max waves it off. “Just be back by—”
“Eleven-thirty,” Mike interrupts, grinning smugly. She knows he’s not really being mean. “We got it, MadMax.”
“Whatever, Bike Wheels,” she retorts, nickname sparking a wicked glint in her eyes before it fades. “Just… you know, come back safe. We all know how this town gets.”
Will makes a little noise of agreement in the back of his throat, and Mike knows it’s because Will really does know how Hawkins gets. He knows because Will has told him that he can sense the town itself, as it lives and breathes.
He shakes his head to clear his thoughts. “Yeah. Sure. See you later.” He grabs Will’s elbow as they walk around the corner to the staff parking lot. Will makes a beeline for the driver’s seat, and Mike doesn’t protest like he usually would because it seems like Will could benefit from focused driving. Instead, he just clambers up into the passenger’s seat and rolls down the window before the burnt onion ring smell can get to him. Will turns the key and the car splutters to life, hacking in a way that makes Mike grimace nervously. He takes Will’s hand again and Will doesn’t startle—which is good, since he’s driving. They drive the rest of the way in silence, Will’s left hand on the wheel and Mike’s on his right.
Will slows to a stop as the quarry comes into view just as Mike’s watch beeps the hour once again—six o’clock. Mike lets his thumb brush over Will’s knuckles before he lets go and jumps out. Will does the same, bringing out his camera bag but leaving his skateboard in the backseat.
Mike watches Will for a moment as he looks around, hefting the camera contemplatively as if considering taking a picture. After a moment he lowers it frowning slightly. Mike wants to walk over, to ask what’s wrong, but at this point everything feels wrong so he looks away. He wanders down to the cliff’s edge, staring down into the water for a moment before he sits, legs dangling over the side. He finally hears the sound of the camera clicking before Will walks over to join him.
“What’re you thinking about?” he asks as he sits, setting the camera down behind them, warmth pressing into Mike’s side. He doesn’t ask what’s wrong? and Mike loves him for it.
Mike shrugs, eyes fixed on the horizon, light rapidly fading. “You know what happened here.” He remembers, so vividly, the feeling of plummeting past rock toward deadly hard water. He remembers how he hadn’t screamed until he stopped falling. He remembers thinking, this is it. This is how I die. We’ll never find Will. I’ll never see him again.
He remembers watching the firemen pulling Will’s body out of the water, too, the plummeting of his heart and hope. He remembers how hard he had cried that night—only rivaled by the night El disappeared. He remembers how awful this place feels.
Will’s hand presses between his shoulder blades, over his coat, firm and grounding in a way that Mike finds so ironic for the boy who never goes a month without slipping into another dimension. “Yeah. I know.” He’s silent for a moment. Then the hand comes away from Mike’s back and he takes his hand. “That’s why I wanted to come here.”
And Mike already knows. He knows that this is the place that he thought he’d lost Will forever, that this is the place he thought he’d die in. He knows that the stories give Will nightmares—normal ones, not visions, but they’re just as bad. He already knows why Will brought him here, because Will always knows how to take something ugly and turn it into something beautiful.
So Mike squeezes Will’s hand. It’s comfortable, familiar, and something shifts in his chest because everyone around them seems to think that it shouldn’t be. They’ve been like this for at least three years, probably much longer. But there isn’t a clear “like this”, they just… are. It doesn’t make any sense, and the question pops into his head, unbidden: What are we?
He’s not going to ask it; he doesn’t want to burden Will with anything else. It’s not the same as him and El were—it can’t be. And Mike knows that he loves Will, thinks he loves him like that, but Will’s the one who can read minds, not the other way around. And the way Will acts around him, Mike sometimes thinks he feels the same, though he can’t be sure. But Will hears him.
“I don’t know,” he says out loud. His grip tightens on Mike’s hand. “I don’t know what we are.” He looks at Mike, and Mike can see the fear shining in his green eyes. “Do you?”
Mike thinks about lying—but Will would know, anyway, and Mike doesn’t need to lie to him anymore. “No. But we can figure it out.”
“Figure it out,” Will repeats, and suddenly Mike sees it: he recognizes the feeling of his stomach flipping and his eyes going wide when Will grabs his hand. He recognizes how electric Will makes him feel when he just walks nearby. He recognizes that he loves Will, because he’s dazzling and bright and so brilliant. He’s brilliant, and it burns. It burns and burns until the darkness is forced out and the heat settles until it’s a comfortable warmth. And he recognizes that they’re teenagers, that it’s still a little early to experience love, especially for the second time around, but that doesn’t change that it is what it is. This is El all over again but different, because this is a boy, this is Will, and it’s beautiful—he’s beautiful.
“Yeah,” Mike says. “But if it changes anything, I think I love you.”
Will’s eyes still look afraid, but he smiles. I’m not in your head all the time, he tells Mike. I don’t like it. It reminds me of Him. So I wasn’t sure. “It changes a lot of things,” he says out loud. “Because I know I love you.”
Mike’s not sure who initiates it, but then they kiss, legs dangling off the cliff—and isn’t that a great metaphor? Just a little past crazy, but they’re crazy together—as their fingers clutch onto collars and sleeves. Mike’s hands come up to the back of Will’s neck, sliding into his hair, pulling him even closer. Something about this kiss feels different from electric, almost more like pure ozone has settled over his skin, and he’s buzzing with it. He’s warmed to the bone, and he hopes, in a part of his brain not lost in a fog, that Will feels it too. He doesn’t deserve to be cold. Will fumbles with something behind him for a moment before lifting the camera, somehow managing to take a picture without dropping it or pulling away from Mike. And, hell, if Mike doesn’t love him.
I still don’t know what we are, Mike thinks, opening the doors and letting Will into his head. He doesn’t know because he doesn’t know what they can be, what they’re allowed to be. But then Will pulls back an infinitesimal amount, his heavy breath tickling Mike’s lips.
“We can be whatever we want,” he says, barely a whisper. “We don’t need permission. We can do anything we want.”
Mike kisses him again, short and sweet. “Anything,” he echoes, smiling, hand still on Will’s neck and pulling him in again. “I like that.”
They keep on like that for so long that they end up only having two pictures from that night— one of Mike, from behind, sitting on the cliff’s edge as the light fades, and one of them kissing as the stars come out, angle tilted—but it’s enough to know that Mike doesn’t hate the quarry as much as he used to. Like he said, Will has always turned terrible things beautiful.
It’s November, autumn is turning to winter, Mike’s in love, and he knows that everything is different.
I hope everyone enjoyed! Reviews are, as always, appreciated. Find me on Ao3 here (and again, go read Mishi's stuff because it's awesome!)
Thanks for reading, everyone!
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conniemcmurphy · 7 years
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never tear us apart  ♥  a byeler mix
i’ll stand by you; jake wesley rogers • find you (acoustic); zedd ft. miriam bryant & matthew koma • you are my sunshine; jasmine thompson • see you again/love me like you do/sugar; megan davies ft. jaclyn davies & tasha • maps; colin & caroline • the power of love; gabrielle aplin • wonderwall; zella day • i get to love you; ruelle • never tear us apart; sleeping at last
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eradne · 7 years
people came to jlaw’s house out of nowhere and ate her fucking baby and then javier bardem, her husband, who was literally god himself said “we have to fogive them darling”
that’s some fucked up things to say, Javier
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sophiagrimes · 7 years
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byersus · 7 years
i'm so blessed that you like stozier if you draw them again i'll owe you my life
I'M GONNA DO IT!!!!! just....waiti think stozier and reddie are the ships that i like the most TT so i'm definitely drawing more stuff of them
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sharedtrauma · 2 years
Thinking about how much I miss all my old Stranger Things mutuals/people I used to follow from just before & after season 2 aired. I can’t remember some of the urls but out of the one’s I’ve looked up, most of them are either inactive, deactivated or not into Stranger Things anymore. I hope they’re all doing well.
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mediawhorefics · 2 years
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@biwheeler oh, i'm so glad !!!!!! thank you so much <3 i never planned for it to be this long tbh (i really thought i was writing a 50k max fic haha) but i guess i got carried away. ik there aren't that many long epics for that pairing so it was lovely to be able to contribute to the fandom in that way 🥰 🥰 anyways, thank you sm for reading it and letting me know what you thought <33
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seafoamreadings · 2 years
big list of best seafoam readings available on etsy
quick, one card:
yes or no?
make a wish! - but just a note, this is a reading, and guidance, not a spell. can i do spells? for sure! but that is for a custom reading ;)
general one-card reading - a little more in-depth than the yes/no
money - get a little advice from the ace of pentacles
relationship challenges
relationship status
relationships as a mirror
help letting love in
tough love
relationship patterns - but actually it works for any type of pattern underlying a behavior that you want to better understand. people just usually want to look at their relationships.
spiritual gifts
goddess archetypes - we all have them within us. how do they manifest in your personality and how can you use this energy?
other questions:
wheel of fortune
traditional past/present/future
just get some clarity
only major arcana
forecast - for matters of timing
do this and don't do that - just 2 cards
full natal chart
event chart - like a natal but for some meaningful event. also works for anniversaries, etc.
prep for the next mercury retrograde, based on your personal astrology
saturn return reading - lots of my querents are about the age of their first saturn return. need some help?
synastry and relationships:
full synastry biwheel reading
mini-synastry - just your and their mars+venus, or instead choose, eg, sun + moon, etc. really good for if you're not *that* invested in the person, or on a tight budget but need some hints.
composite - the traditional way, with midpoints
davison composite - my favorite type of composite.
composite+ - originally meant for comparing a composite to an anniversary date, but you can do lots of things with this!
compare progressions with natal
house rulers analysis - i normally use placidus but will use others on request
declinations, parallels, & out-of-bounds planets
mini asteroids reading, for just a small number of asteroids at a time
the asteroid goddesses, the first 4 asteroids in your natal chart. (that's ceres, pallas, juno, and vesta).
themed asteroids reading - 10 related asteroids at a time, for those who really love asteroids.
natal midpoints
predictive - choice of traditional horary or horary "my way"
lenormand - with an option for # of cards
astrology dice
self love oracle reading
quick intuitive reading
reading with vintage wisdom oracle
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farklelucas · 7 years
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au meme (send me a pairing & an au and i’ll make a graphic):
@biwheelers asked: byeler + percy jackson au
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nances · 2 years
Favorite Byler fanfics?
Ooohh this is a difficult one, seeing as the last time I've properly read fanfic was like 2018...(I've been meaning to check out a few though, just haven't found the time yet hahahah)
I'm gonna go with Out In The Woods by skyrockets and The Red Envelope by midnighteverlark on AO3! Those left a deep impression and looking back, they nail their characterizations pretty well :)
(still waiting for an update on oitw so biwheelers, if you're out there...)
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willelbyers · 7 years
fidget spinners and cubes are actually really helpful and the only reason they started getting banned by schools and loathed by kids is because neurotypical kids who didn’t need them made them into a noisy, annoying trend that ended up being more distracting than focusing like they were supposed to be.
send me a 🔥 for an unpopular opinion (I’m too lazy to link it, click the button on my blog I guess)
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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer, July 2, 2019: Healing Raw Emotional Wounds…Where Do I Begin? Hey Truthseekers, how are you holding up? It’s been a tough and complicated week since summer in the Northern Hemisphere began last Friday, with the Solstice and now we’re facing our first energetic test of the season with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in the sensitive, nurturing and family-oriented sign of Cancer. Good stuff.  
(For now I’m going to set aside the fact that Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are all in retrograde motion and demanding that we take a hard look at ourselves and the role each of us plays in contributing to the state of the collective - no one is blameless and the sooner we all come to grips with this the sooner we can all manifest the energetic shifts that we so desperately need right now.) 
Anyway, back to my original point. Here in Philadelphia, summer is off to a hot and oppressive start; tempers are flaring and no one is comfortable. I know I’m not and all the people who have been hitting me up online to mention that they are going through it, are not. Perhaps that’s a good thing. Why, you may ask? Well, after sitting with this event chart for a minute, I humbly submit that perhaps all of the discomfort is beckoning us to take some action to move us away from the bullshit that we hold on to, that has been holding us back.  
The predominant aspect pattern that I want to focus on in this post is the separating square the Cancer New Moon makes to Chiron in Aries. (I’m setting aside the North Node in Cancer as part of this picture because I find that the story concerning the North Node is really about the almost exact opposition it’s making to transit Saturn which is retrograde right now, conjunct the South Node in Capricorn). Sun-Chiron is about healing the wounds to our self-identity, wounds that come from being too controlling or being under the painful grip of someone else’s control and manipulation. Moon-Chiron is about healing the wounds suffered from very difficult (early) emotional experiences. No one likes wounding but sometimes we choose to live with them because we are afraid of exposing them to air and healing them so that we can move on. We are fearful of stepping into the unknown, and it is equally difficult to take full responsibility for our choices and actions, choosing instead to live with that which keeps us in a swirling emotional feedback loop of blame and inaction, and refusing to fully release hat which keeps us emotionally unhealed. Despite our misgivings, it’s high time to beckon the warrior within to come out and fight for the healing we need to move into the unknown, the destined path that involves healthy self-nurturing and emotional connectedness that transcends blood ties.  Now in Cancer we are talking about the mother, the family, how we are nourished and nurtured from an early age, our relationship to food and how we emotionally connect to our roots. Perhaps our mothers and families taught us how to be passive, how to be fearful and anxious of the unknown, to choose safety over growth and evolution, and how to comfort ourselves with food and an unhealthy connection to the good old days. Nothing about facing these questions is easy because we are talking about confronting our first caretakers our first teachers, the people to whom we looked to for our sustenance and protection . As Mars winds up its stay in Cancer it’s a good time to use that energy to take a hard last look at these questions, to stop beating ourselves up over what we were taught and to take some important steps forward toward our healing. The fact that this particular energetic pattern is taking place only two days before the 4th of July holiday is no coincidence. We stuff ourselves with food, to push down the tough unhealed emotional material. We give lip service to freedom and liberty for all when we know the truth, that there are children in cages and people - fellow citizens - who can’t even afford to enjoy life liberty and happiness in 2019.  The personal is certainly political in this case and this planetary event begs the question: how did we get here? What role did our families and mothers in particular - through their individual programs of nurturing and early socialization and acculturation - play in creating the collective reality we face today? Why have I delayed doing the work to heal the wounds that I know I have but have yet to acknowledge? How do I wound others when I delay doing the work? How am I honoring myself when I duck and dodge the work that I know I need to do? What does it mean to interrogate the (flawed and sometime harmful) ways in which we raised? Transit Saturn (rx) opposing the North Node in Cancer asks us to reflect on the possibility that we are blocking our own path to a new way of nurturing and taking care of ourselves, and each other, because we are so fearful and anxious of releasing harmful past memories and experiences, rather than embracing a rapidly transforming present. As the ruler of this event chart, Pluto (rx) in Capricorn demands that we stand up and take responsibility; that we take our medicine in the form of powerful transformative work that brings us back from the brink of a collective (energetic) death. Pluto wants to kill off or burn off that which no longer is functional. He demands that we pay the costs to be the boss and that starts with owning our shit. No short cuts. Literally.  SPECIAL PROMO: I’m offering 30-minute VIRTUAL (phone/Zoom only, the face to face option is NOT available) Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse readings for $50 on Sunday, June 30th (11am-5pm), Monday, July 1 (11am - 7pm) and Tuesday, July 2nd (11am-7pm), ONLY. All you need to share with me is your complete birth data (birth date, birth time and city/state of birth). I will create a biwheel of your natal chart and the Eclipse chart, and interpret for you how the energies of this powerful lunation will play out in your life over the next 6 months (until the next solar eclipse in December). If you’re interested in booking this special session with me on one of these three days, send an email to truthseekerastrology at gmail dot com with “Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse reading wanted” in the subject line and let me know your availability so I can get you scheduled.
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