#black!billy <3
cavinginhisfvce · 1 year
pairing: eventual harringrove. part 1
TW: Implied child abuse. Racism. Slurs implied but not used.
When Mama was around, Billy was allowed to embrace his identity. He was allowed to acknowledge his differences, and was able to find pride in his darker toned skin. He was his Mama's Brown Baby Bear.
She would scoop him into her arms, whispering into his ear as she tickled his sides, "repeat after me, Little Bear; I am strong. I am loved. I am an amazing young black man who will thrive." 
Billy always struggled to repeat after his mother, he was only four, so he more often than not botched the words, but she beamed brightly and kissed his nose every time. 
By age ten, the affirmations didn't stop, but they became less and less helpful. His father would make it a point to remind Billy he wasn't light enough, wasn't white enough to be his son.
It wasn't the worst his dad could dish out, Billy knew as much, but it still hurt. The punches hurt more than the words did technically, but the words left behind deeper scars.
What did hurt him was when his mother left him at twelve. It hurt when she stopped accepting his calls from the number she'd given him with the promise to always answer. 
It hurt when his father would call him out of his name, would call him the same slur he called black people he'd see simply existing outside. 
The word never sat right with Billy, not when it was directed at himself, or his mother, nor when it was aimed at a random person who happened to look like him.
When Susan came around, bringing her brat of a daughter with her, the boy was less than thrilled. After they moved in, things became more strained between Billy and his father.
Susan was nice enough, she smiled at Billy when he came home from classes with Max, she always gave him the corner piece when she'd make brownies. He doesn't remember telling her it was his favorite, but she seemed to know. 
She wasn't his mother, she could never be, but she wasn't the worst. She wasn't as terrible as the other women his father dated before they'd met. She even sometimes patched Billy up when Neil lost his shit, going as far as to kiss the crown of his head before leaving him to stew in his feelings and aches.
Max was annoying, to put it lightly, she never stopped asking where his real mother was, why he was never with her. She bragged about how often she saw her father, while Billy couldn't even get his mother to answer the phone. Not that she knew that for a fact. 
Neil now had his perfect white family. To him, Billy was just the darkness that invaded their light, casting them in a world of shame and general ugliness. 
With his mom gone, Billy scrapped the daily words of encouragement, he largely stopped identifying with anything that could've tied him to the woman who swore to never leave his side. He wished he could rid himself of the skin that would give away his inability to ever truly fit in, but even with lightening creams and avoiding the sun, despite the beach once being his safe haven, he remained darker than his family members. He remained darker than society would ever grow to accept.
The boy was darker than his father, and by default, Susan and Max, but he was lighter than his mother, much lighter. If he didn't tan, he was light enough to pass as majority white. 
Not enough for people to necessarily forget he was black, but enough that kids his age easily ignored that knowledge. 
California was a mixed pot of races, so it wasn't a big deal that Billy looked different from the rest of his family. Everyone knew him, and his dad, so there was hardly ever an issue on that front. When you saw Billy Hargrove, you knew who his father was.
Hawkins was different. Everyone gawked at him, gossiping about the new black boy in town. They didn't realize his father was Neil, they didn't understand how Max was his sister or how Susan was his mom.
She wasn't his mom, but to the small town who knew nothing of their newest occupants, she was.
By month two, Billy had taken his place at the top of the social pyramid. Girls and guys alike were enthralled by the new kid.
He remembers in his first two weeks when a scrawny looking kid came up to him and asked him if he'd been adopted by a white family, and if that's why he was so dark compared to the little red-head they've seen him with.
What Billy doesn't remember is punching the boy in the face, doesn't remember shoving him to the ground with a snarl and some empty thing of a threat.
After that spread, nobody bothered to ask Billy any personal questions about his family and whether he belonged with them.
When Steve met Billy, the older boy instantly took to him, and vice versa. They became inseparable, always being seen together or with the other lingering nearby.
Steve's parents loved Billy, they remembered everything Steve told them about the younger boy and then some. They knew he was allergic to apples and pears, but would eat them anyway if he saw them, because he lacked self control or preservation, so they stopped buying the fruits altogether. They knew he startled easily from loud voices and stomping. They knew Billy apparently had a mean streak, a side to him that they've never been privy to. They've seen the aftermath of it all, the busted lips, black eyes, fractured ribs and admittedly much worse. 
What they didn't see, what nobody saw, not even Steve, was the set of hands and work boots that brought one those wounds, some of which turned into scars. No one heard the repeated use of slurs aimed at the boy whose true smile could light the entire town alone. 
One day, Billy had blond dreads, the same ones he rolled into Hawkins sporting, the next he had a buzz cut and bruised ribs to match. He tried to sell Steve a story about some asshole outside of town, but when the brunet asked Billy to explain the haircut, the boy had fallen silent. 
Brown skin quickly shaded red, and before Steve knew what was happening, Billy was dissolving into a pool of tears, his breathing unsteady as he fought a round of hiccups. The taller of the two was unsure how to approach his best friend who sat in his living room crying, especially when he could hear the sound of his mother's car pulling into the driveway.
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0-therw-0-rldly · 4 months
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This month will be VERY busy.
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shrugsinchinese · 1 month
Day 4 of Billy Batson week, I’m absolutely cheating with this one, the team up between Living Lightning + Cass 😂😂😂
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I wasn’t planning on drawing anything for today tbh but I decided you know what why not, and busted out this one hour sketch of my bby girl! I did not read DCeased at all but they were so right for letting Cass wield the lightning!!!! The purest of the hearts!!!! Also the design is just sick
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 10 months
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necromanciaa · 4 months
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BILLY AGAIN (this time with tooth gap)
(I'm hyperfocused on him)
I drew him again just in a different style :3
(I'll probably draw the 2006 version)
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howlerbat · 1 year
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milkandbrownies33 · 1 year
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vaizenn · 12 days
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first post on here. just some studies from the boys :3
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wodania · 3 months
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macweedy or whatever
ft sole survivor wilfred “billy” black and his synth son shaun wong-black
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gami-arts · 3 months
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starrynightsxo · 2 months
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billie eilish | black hair edition
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
i've finally given into the siren call of mixed/black billy art!!
can u tell i've never drawn dreads before??? cos...i don't particularly like this drawing but i wanted to try my hand at it 🧍🏽‍♀️💅🏽
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Earth 3 Marvel fam and associates ideas
Okay so, context, Earth 3 is a mess. I’ve already had a headache realizing their Wonder Woman is apparently Lois and yet somehow Donna exists there too so bear with me, I’m just making shit up for this mess of a universe that’s just the dystopian “Heroes are villains and everything sucks” world DC pulls random threats from.
So, the main Thing™️ with Earth 3 is that things are reversed morally, the heroes are villains and vice versa. So if we account the still existing Marvel Family characters then all the villains for that world are Billy, Mary, Freddy, Uncle Dudley, Tawny, and The Wizard. I won’t include the other Shazamily siblings of Darla, Pedro, and Eugene bc DC doesn’t give them enough character to be swapped properly and they didn’t get to be heroes for a long time, this is more pre-2011 Marvel Fam based with the consistent characters form then that still exist now.
That means that the villains/anti-heroes of the family are as follows would be the Earth 3 heroes or do-gooders. Black Adam, Satanus, Blaze, the Sins, Sivana, and other miscellaneous rogues from their gallery.
So, ideas as I have them for this swap.
Historically for this switch The Wizard and the powers of Shazam (or Mazahs but I’ll keep using Shazam for simplicity’s sake) were inherently given to bad people, so it’s probably closer to some cabal of evil gods or demons who started the Shazam legacy with The Wizard and lived as tyrants or general evil villainous wizards until we got to modern day with Billy. His history swap would stem into his backstory too, making his parents less lovable as greedy archaeologists and his uncle Ebenezer not kick him out but instead probably do his best raising a horrible child, so Billy wouldn’t be homeless, he’d be a brat. Mary would also still be with Billy, some part for simplicity’s sake in the universe but also bc of Theo changes.
Another historical change would have to be Theo and Black Adam, who would switch to being good people apropos to their villain and anti-hero standings. Instead of taking the scarab necklace in the tomb for selfish reasons Theo would take it to preserve a historical relic and, in self defense, kill the Batsons as a role reversal of that situation and run away. If Mary is there he doesn’t kidnap her this go around, just sends her home to her kindly uncle Ebenezer and goes to his boss Sivana asking for help legally bc he literally just murdered two people. Cue The Wizard begrudgingly having to pass his powers onto someone new because either his benefactors demand new hosts or because of a selfish legacy reason and chooses the vile Batson twins to be his Champions of Villainy. Cue the renaming of Captain Billy and Scary Mary (names taken from what apparently was a prototype name for Captain Marvel and the YJ tv shows name for an evil Mary used to be the villain names two kids would come up with)
Theo then realizes the power of the scarab necklace and uses it to gain the powers of his ancestor, Black Adam, who was a cruel tyrant of a king the Wizard sought to make his earthly pawn but was reformed into being an agent of good by this universes Lady Blaze (who in this context would be the daughter of an Angel of sorts instead of a demon) and fought against the Wizard instead which led to his imprisonment in the necklace. Theo is beat by Billy and Mary who slit his throat personally to stop him from ever calling on the powers again and throw him in prison for the murder of their parents with him unable to claim self defense with no word to go against a dead couples. Double down on the bastardization of the Batson twins by making them tearfully make accounts of Adams villainy and desire to hurt their folks to make sure he stays out of their hair.
The Sins and Blaze are easy switches, you just make them the Seven Heavenly Allies of Humanity/ the Virtues and make Blaze and Satanus angel-kin with the minor name change of Satanus to something less Satan-sounding, like after a Saint or other angel. Sivana simply becomes a good scientist who still has two good children and two bad children, they’re just swapped. Beautia and Magnificus are cruel, spiteful people while Georgia and Thad Jr. are much more like their father and want to make things better in the horrible world they live in. Black Adam would closer resemble some prophet or elected official trying to save a land without a hero in Khandaq, leaning into the Anti-Heroism by trying to make Khandaq isolationist and use his magic to keep villains out by force or at the cost of his own life.
What wouldn’t change for any of them— Billy, Mary, Sivana, and Adam— is an overwhelming sense of family and the need to protect it. Billy and Mary would be upset their parents died more so because those are their parents and would be protective of the other more so in a “That’s my family” way than a “That’s my family” way. Sivana still loves his kids and Adam still loves his home.
Back to associates, Freddy and Dudley would also be swapped but Freddy more so into being a horrible person. As a part of the ensemble rogues gallery Krieger would be... well, what he is. Instead, Freddy would be more like him with those ideals while being a lackey for Billy and Mary instead of a close friend. And in keeping with the horribleness of the whole universe, he'd back stab them if he could but doing so normally gets his powers revoked and left in chronic pain from his bad leg. Billy and Mary are dangling being "perfect" and "powerful" over his head to get rid of his pain. Like, he's still a bad person but those two are just as bad and bad to him.
Dudley is still a con man, to put it simply, he's just successful at it and malicious in his practice. He's who the twins and Freddy replace the useless Ebenezer with after he "Suffers a terrible and unforeseeable stroke" to let them get their way with things.
Tawny is a maneater. He is a tiger and Captain Billys personal lapcat that happily devours nuisances and gnaws on their bones in the meantime.
Those are my thoughts to actually have some flesh to these versions of them, take the ideas as you please or tell me what you think about this!
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im-bored-so-i-draw · 10 months
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i FINALLY watch them all. late late but im here!!
its so sad behind the mask doesnt get a sequel :( he did get a short movie and a comic series if i recall? i dont know that much
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necromanciaa · 4 months
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