#black!reader x kny
kkeidawrites · 1 year
Chapter 9: Rehabilitation
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After eating their meals, the twins decided that they should take a bath. Four days have passed while they were on the road and they only had time to fully bathe in the river close to a smaller village, other than that they would use a separate water skin to wash up until they arrived here at the Corps.
Walking to the bathing chambers in their guest house with fresh clothes under their arms and some silk cloths on their hair.
Sliding the door to the hot springs, the twins stepped inside and went over to the small benches to place their belongings down. Changing into matching robes, the twins make their way to the onsen, the steam from the hot spring blew into their faces, surely frizzing up the escaped curls of their hair.
Lounging lazily in the hot spring, the women quietly basked in the warmth of the water being sure to wash thoroughly and talk through their next move.
“We should go and see Tanjiro; I’m surprised to see him here before us.” Amara says and Aicha hums in agreement.
“Urokodaki-san did say that boy had potential, I won’t be surprised if he will be the one to end this demon era.” Aicha responds.
“Now that, I’ll be impressed with.” Amara chortles.
Sinking further down into the springs, Aicha fixes the scarf on her head and looks up to the sky with a sigh.
“Have you thought about it?” Aicha asks and her twin gives her a confused look.
“What the stone Hashira asked: what will you do when the war is over?” She asks her sister.
Amara gives it some thought and quite frankly…she didn’t know herself. She just gave an answer because it felt like the right thing to say at the time.
“Of course I want to live as long as I can when all this is over but…I guess in my own way, I am ready for whatever happens.” Amara says truthfully.
Amara turns to her sister now, her face hardening in a stoic manner.
“I do say this, if something were to happen to me…keep going.” Aicha frowns at her proclamation.
“Swear to me.” She demands.
“Swear to me, that you will keep going with our mission. See it to the end with no fear.”
Amara watches as her twin searches her face for a moment, then nod.
“Very well sister. In turn, you will follow the same vow.” Aicha said and Amara nods.
“Of course.”
Soaking for a couple more minutes, the siblings get out of the hot springs and take a shower.
Leaving the bath house, the twins walked back to their quarters dressed down in their new kaftans they bought a few days ago. The merchant they bought them from was known for having foreign related merchandise and to find these kaftans was one in a million.
Sliding the door open, the twins stepped inside and put their dirty clothes away in a nearby hamper.
“Should we go meet Tanjiro and Nezuko in a couple of hours?” Amara asks.
“That sounds good to me,” Aicha stretched her back until she heard a satisfying pop and sighed blissfully. “Those hot springs have made me tired and a nap would be perfect right now.” She says.
“Alright, nap first, then Tanjiro later.” Amara says.
Aicha falls onto the rolled out futon and buries her face into the cold pillow, moaning tiredly.
Amara followed suit onto the futon beside her sister and released a breath of relief. They are quick to fall asleep for a much needed nap.
Three hours later…
Aicha is the first to wake and stretched her back, popping a few muscles and sighing in relief.
Standing, Aicha made her way to the shoji door leading out the house and opened it to see the brown haired woman servant standing there her hand in a fist to knock.
The woman is quick to place her hand back by her side and bows at the waist to Aicha.
“Please excuse me Miss but, I was told that you and your sister were to meet with Lord Ubuyashiki later on tonight, after the sun sets.” She says and Aicha looks at the woman trying to register what was said.
“He…what? Did he specify anymore as to what he wanted?” Aicha asked and the woman suddenly grew panicked.
“Oh, I cannot ask such a thing to Lord Ubuyashiki, I am just a servant!” The woman bleats and Aicha raises a brow.
“Alright, calm down, I just asked. We will be there.” She tells the woman and the servant gives a polite smile bowing again and turns to leave.
“Oh! One more thing,” Aicha calls to the woman and she turns to address her again.
“What’s your name? I’m assuming that you will be helping us around here for the time being, might as well get to know who you are.” Aicha smiles and the woman blushes.
“O-Oh, my name is Aiya, Miss.” She says and Aicha waves at her way of formality.
“Please, there’s no need for the formalities, it’s unnecessary. Just call me Aicha.” Aicha watches as the woman begins to panic again and waves her hands in refusal.
“I-I couldn’t do such a thing Miss! I could get in trouble!” Aiya squeaked and Aicha gives a pout.
“Hmm, well, I won’t make you do anything that will be uncomfortable for you but, the offer still stands.” Aicha watches as Aiya nods and bows again.
“Oh shit, one more thing I’m sorry,” Aicha chuckles.
“Where is the infirmary located? Where they took Tanjiro?” Aiya raised a brow.
“You mean…the boy with the demon?” She asks and Aicha nods.
“I do know that they took him to the Butterfly Mansion. But I’m not sure what room he is recovering in.” Aiya thought for a moment and hummed in concentration.
“Shall I ask the staff of the mansion to get such information? I can guide you to the mansion.” Aicha shook her head.
Aicha heard the sound of her twin stirring awake and looked over her shoulder to see her sister stretching.
“No, I wouldn’t want to trouble you. I’m sure we can figure out where it is. Thank you Aiya.” Aiya smiles and bows once more, finally leaving and Aicha slid the shoji door closed.
Aicha walked back over to where she was sleeping and folded up her futon neatly, setting it in the corner.
“Who was that?” Amara asks groggily.
“Apparently, we have been summoned by Lord Ubuyashiki later on this evening. We should go see Tanjiro and Nezuko beforehand.” Aicha says as she knelt down next to her sister. Amara rubs her eyes, groaning tiredly.
“Okay, just give me a minute.” Amara mutters. She then takes her covers and pulls it over her head to lay down and go back to sleep.
“Amara, come on, get up.” Aicha nudges her sister and Amara sighs.
“I am up. Just wait a minute.” She said.
“I know this game, get up!” Aicha pushes against her sister’s shoulder and Amara groans in irritation.
“Okay!” She says annoyed and throws the blanket off her body.
Aicha stands to her feet and walks over to the wash basin and pitcher sitting in the corner of their room. Pouring the water in the basin, she takes a wash towel from the small closet nearby, and dips the towel in water.
Rubbing her face and neck, Aicha cleans off any possible sweat and drool from her upper body.
Amara finally stands to her feet and pushes her hair back from shielding her face.
“Where’s Tanjiro?” Amara asks.
“At the Butterfly Mansion. I’m assuming it’s the building down the road from here. I think we walked by it before we made it to the corps.” Aicha said.
“Alright,” Amara slowly walked to the closet where the towels were and grabbed one as well, dipping it in water to wash up.
Thirty minutes passed and the women have changed into kimonos they found sitting out in front of their door.
The twins make their way down a narrow path where the Butterfly Mansion led to after asking a passerby which way to go. As they approached the Butterfly Mansion, they saw many kakushi bussing in and out of the building.
They walked into the main entrance of the building being sure to stay out of the way of the people working until they were approached by a young girl, holding folded clothes.
She looked no older than 11 or 12 with light skin and a set of circular, black eyes. She had shoulder-length black hair with thin bangs framing her face, along with two pink butterfly clips on each side of her head.
“Hello, we are friends of Tanjiro and Nezuko, can you tell us what room they are in?” Amara asks.
The girl blinks twice in confusion then gives her a smile with a nod.
“Yes, please follow me!” She says cheerfully.
Following the young girl, who they found out was named Kiyo, the three took at least five turns through the halls of the Mansion until they reached a door.
Knocking, Kiyo excused their disturbance before she opened it and peaked in first. Her head rounds the corner of the door and then comes back out to smile at the women.
Pushing it open, Kiyo motioned for the women to enter and they thank her for help as they stepped in the room. Taking in the smell of antibiotics and fresh gauze, the twins look over to see three beds lined up next to each other, each filled with a body.
Their eyes finally landed on the last bed where they saw the memorable red haired young boy. He was sipping from a cup, from what they could smell was broth and possibly medicine. They smiled and approached the bed.
“Tanjiro, I’m glad to see you are alright.” Aicha is first to speak as she sits next to the boy.
Dark red eyes raise in surprise and delight.
“Amara-san, Aicha-san! I’m glad you’re both alright.” Amara rubs his head affectionately.
“We’re not going out that easily kid. How are you doing? We didn’t get a chance to see you off when you went on your first mission in the mountains. Made us worry,” Amara said and Tanjiro laughed.
“I’m alright, I was injured after defeating the Lower Rank Five demon.” He shows them his bandaged arms.
“It was a difficult battle…but Nezuko and my friends helped me defeat the rest of the demons.” He says with a grin and the twins nod in approval.
“On your very first mission? Ha, I was right, you have grown stronger Tanjiro!” Aicha jovially exclaims and pinches his cheek.
Tanjiro’s cheeks burn red in embarrassment as Aicha releases his cheek and Amara placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Well we’re glad you’re safe, Tanjiro. And Nezuko? How is she?”
“Nezuko is okay, she’s recovering from the last battle.” Tanjiro’s eyes furrow in sadness as he looked down at his sheets. The twins notice the shift in the mood.
“Tanjiro? What happened?” Amara asked.
“The lower rank five had Nezuko held hostage and for a while I couldn’t cut through the threads he had as a demon art…his threads were literally cutting Nezuko to the point where her limbs would split and I…” his hands fists the sheets in frustration.
“I wasn’t fast enough to stop it from happening. I nearly failed to save Nezuko.” He says shamed.
“Tanjiro…” Aicha watches as the boy’s brow furrowed further between his eyes.
“You did not fail, and that’s the important thing. You and Nezuko are still here, going strong and will grow to be stronger and faster. If you think you’ve failed at that, then you’re wrong.” Aicha rubs Tanjiro’s head affectionately.
“And Nezuko knows that you are doing everything in your power to make sure she is turned back into a human, don’t ever forget that.” Amara chimes in.
“Yes but, I must work thrice as hard to ensure that I turn Nezuko’s back to normal because if I don’t I will not only let Nezuko down but Urokodaki-san and Giyuu-san as well.” He said.
“Giyuu-san?” Amara echoed.
“Yes, he was the one who referred me to train with Urokodaki-san. Now, I must do what I have to do that they will not commit seppuku.” He says.
“Ahhh!!! I can’t possibly drink this!” Everyone’s attention is shifted to the left as they watch a blonde haired boy move away from the two girls next to him. The shirt he wore didn’t fully fit his body as his arms were too short for the sleeves.
A young girl of average height, with deep blue eyes, straight black hair with a parted fringe, and twin-tails stands next to bed the blonde laid in with hands on her hips. She wears two blue butterfly clips to keep her twin-tails in place. Kiyo is by her side watching the scene, awkwardly.
“We go through this every day, you have to take your medicine if you want to be back to normal.” The girl says annoyed.
“But it’s so gross! A person can only drink so much gross!” The blonde complains, snot built around his nose.
“Don’t come crying to me when your arms to grow back to normal!” The older girl says.
The blonde cries out in annoyance and shakes his head.
“Your friend, I’m assuming?” Amara asks with a raised brow.
Tanjiro chuckles nervously but nods.
“Yes, that’s Zenitsu.” Tanjiro says.
“Is he always…like this?” Amara asks as the blonde takes the cup from the blue haired girl. He takes a shaking sip of the medicine and gags.
“Um, yes.” Tanjiro chuckles again.
Finally drinking all of the contents in the cup, Zenitsu shivers in disgust until his eyes land on the twins, then over to Tanjiro.
“Tanjiro! When were you going to say that there were more beautiful women in the room! Trying to hog them to yourself? Huh?!” Zenitsu bellowed.
“Eh? Zenitsu what are you talking about-“
“I’m talking about the beautiful women sitting on your bed right now!” He says frustrated. Zenitsu goes on to talk more and more about how selfish Tanjiro was, and whatnot.
Amara jumps in surprise when she finally looked to her left to see a boar headed character lying in the bed.
“And this is…?” Amara points to the boar and Tanjiro smiles at that.
“That’s Inosuke, that’s not his real face, he’s wearing a mask.” Tanjiro explained.
They watch the boar head boy a moment and he sighs heavily, sinking deeper into the bed.
“Ooookay then.” Aicha quietly says then looks outside to see that the sun was slowly setting. She turns to her sister and motions that it was time to go.
“Your friends are certainly interesting characters, Tanjiro. But, we have to get going. Our presence is needed elsewhere. We’ll be sure to come and check on you sometime later when we’re done.” Amara said and the boy smiles in understanding.
Bringing Tanjiro into a hug, Aicha whispered her blessings for his fast healing and smiled as she pulled away. Amara brought him into a hug as well and rubbed his head once more before standing with her sister to leave out.
“We’ll return as soon as we’re able. Get some rest.” Amara says and Tanjiro nods with a smile. Aicha waves as she follows her sister out of the hospital room.
“Oi, Tanjiro! We’re still not finished yet!” Zenitsu yells and then freezes up when his back starts to hurt. Zenitsu falls onto his bed with a whimper and Tanjiro looks on in confusion and worry.
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will0waesthetic · 2 months
“her lovely hazel eyes”
“her breasts and perky rosy, pink nipples”
“for her petite physique”
Well damn , give her a name and we’re good to go 💀 the reader having a backstory , yeah no problem it’s cool but why do you have to describe the physical traits ? Just make an OC
Back story + physical description = OC
Back story + no physical description = reader insert
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kleftiko · 1 year
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cw: none, this is fluff
i add to this intermittently :)
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♡ a million. he wants a whole army of little ones running around. he has an endless list of names picked out and he just can’t help but feel like the most pure way to express his love for you is to create a little life and raise a wonderful person with you.
— HAWKS (mha), gojo, yuji, CHOSO (jjk), kuroo, bokuto, ATSUMU (hq), kiyoshi, kise (knb), julius, yami (bc), rengoku, akaza (kny),
♡ one or two. loves the idea of raising a child or two with you. he wants to watch and nurture a life, he wants to be the best father he can. he wants to support his child and find out what kind of person they’ll be with you right by his side. doesn’t even care if they’re biological.
— fatgum (mha), megumi (jjk), KITA, daichi (hq), akashi, kuroko (knb), nozel, fuegoleon (bc)
♡ doesn’t matter to him. it’s entirely up to you, it’s not like he would grow them in his body anyway. he has unconditional love for you, and if you chose to bring a child into your lives he will love them as well. will love you with a child, will love you without.
— aizawa (mha), LEVI (aot), nanami (jjk), sakusa, iwaizumi, kageyama (hq), kagami, murasakibara (knb), william (bc), giyuu (kny), kakashi
♡ get those things away from him. will hiss at them. doesn’t have a way with kids, it’s not a good idea. if you really DO want a child, he will give you one. but he will never, EVER, admit that he loves the little bastard. you think you see him cuddling them in the middle of the night? nope, get your eyes checked.
— SHIGARAKI, dabi (mha), sukuna (jjk), tsukishima (hq), aomine, midorima (knb), sanemi, obanai (kny)
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barbies1shots · 3 months
☆-bondage, gags, featuring GYOMEI♡, overstim, size k!nk (i cant help myself), manhandling
seen the new episodes of demon slayer and seen Gyomei?
the way his ghostly eyes gaze at your sweat ridden back as he pistons his fat dick into your soft cunt. one thing led to another, a few sentences led to Gyomei tying your calves to your thighs and your arms behind your back with a tightness that is constant. his knots with the dark rope just dug into your skin deliciously. with the way he tied your legs, moving or even running from his dick just wasn't possible.
'face down, ass up' they say.
'face down, ass up' if you want your guts completely rearranged and fucked up and your ass tore up
'face down, ass up' but your legs are fucking tied together, your arms are stretched out behind you and are fucking tied together. and it turns out he doesn't want his prayers interrupted, so he stuck a ball-shaped gag between your delicate teeth. forcing your tongue back into your mouth, slightly choking on it as drool to escape.
you cried and moaned out incoherently as your back arched even deeper for more. more of his thick inches, more of his calloused hands to ghostly touch over your hot skin. just more of the big man in general.
he kneeled behind you, his hips taking root to your ass and straight into your cervix, bruising it, smashing it with every forceful thrusts. he fucked you like you were going to leave tomorrow. he fucked you like you need to be. like you wanted to be weak in the hips tomorrow, like you wanted not to be able to walk straight and upright tomorrow.
his large hands were stationed on your hips, pulling your complete body weight into himself while pushing you off him the next second, just to pull you back on his dick, bruising your cervix.
every thrust brung gurgled whimpers from your pretty throat. you moaned off his dick. the way your slick made a wet sound when his hips crashed into yours made your head dizzy with lust. drool dripped steadily from your plump lips, wetting the sheets. your whines and sobs are so so loud, you just couldnt take it:(
but, his chants and his prayers are louder, they drown out your pretty cries and your lustful sobs. he just continues to pray as he fucks you a new brain.
ty for reading!<3
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yoditopascal · 3 months
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shegetsburned · 7 months
❝ sensory night ❞ w. gyōmei himejima ੈ✩‧₊˚
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underrated character collab entry !!
• — synopsis. himejima carries you to bed when you’re sleepy and tipsy after a gathering. one thing leads to another when you help him explore his other senses. • — a/n. it’s hereeeee. here’s my piece for the underrated character collab hosted by @honeybleed! ty again for letting me be a part of this. always love writing for my man gyōmei. • — wc. 3,7k
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how long has it been? five? six years? you hadn’t had this much time to relax for years. you and anyone included at this small gathering. some hashiras gathered on the terrace, and some slayers gathered inside. for once, you were all decompressing and having fun. including yourself. you had drank enough booze to see blurred whenever you tried to get up from where you were sitting, words meddling themselves into your mouth. 
the stone hashira was watching you, as much as he could. when himejima heard your shiny laughter from the other room, he knew you were safe, it’s when it stopped that his brows connected in concern. he had to go take a look. 
sliding the wooden door to the adjacent room where some of your colleagues were gathered, he felt the pressure of the floor change when your back met the mat. it wasn’t long before the slayers made way for himejima’s giant stature to come over and gently pick you up, wrapping his arm under your back and knees. you were sound asleep. pretty little snores escaping your mouth. a warm chuckle made its way out of his lips when he heard how peaceful you felt between his hands. “i think it’s time for bed, precious one.”
the others laughed in unison before agreeing that your time at this gathering was over. your bed was waiting for you. 
gyōmei had been watching over you for years now. and you were certainly grateful for his presence. the wisest and strongest hashira looking out for you? you couldn’t have been more safe. 
but it wasn’t all innocent and you knew it. 
he couldn’t quite discern your facial expression when he was dreamingly staring a little too long. or how gently his words landed in your ears when he reassured you after a mission. or your blushing figure when he was standing always so close to you. 
oh. you were so grateful.
the flask you had been carrying between your fingers made contact with the floor when your weight was lifted by his strong hands. leading you to your chamber was an easy task for the hashira. nevertheless, he wasn’t sure if he should leave or stay by your side. would you need more help later when you awoke? would you still be tipsy and unable to stand? 
why was it harder to make a quick decision when it came to you than on the terrain?
deep in his thoughts, gyōmei hadn't realized you had just woken up, still in his arms. it’s your giggle that alerted him. a soft and sweet giggle that could’ve warmed his heart if it wasn’t already so full of love for you. 
“gyōmei.” your sleepy voice reached him as he walked into the corridor leading to your room. you still weren’t on first-name bases after all these years so hearing it coming from you made his heart skip a beat., but his face stayed composed, as strong as ever.
“gyōmei, gyōmei-” you insisted, lingering on his name. you couldn’t quite figure out why you were in his arms in the first place but it seemed to not bother you when you searched for contact, placing a hand on his cheek with an impudent smile. “gyōmei. look at you, gyōmei.” your left thumb trailed his jaw before you extended your whole right hand around his other cheek. “your face is so soft, gyōmei..” 
you jiggled with his cheek, pinching his skin but he did not flinch. he wasn’t bothered, wearing his usual stoic demeanour, as he kept his gaze straight towards the door that was coming to your left. “you’re tired, small one. you should sleep.” if you had his perfect sense of hearing, you could’ve heard his strong heart beat faster ever since you laid your fingers on his face. 
he opened the door, with you still comfortably tucked into his arms before delicately setting you down on the squishy bed. you whined, now cold without the warmth of his body as you only wore that kimono that was barely holding on around your shoulders, revealing parts of your cleavage.
his eyes flickered when he heard a ruffle coming from your sheets where he had left you. he was standing on two knees beside your bed now, and you could’ve sworn he was taller than anyone you knew even when in this position. 
“yes. what is it?”
he was always so patient with you. so composed and polite. so, was the moment right? was it right for you to continue your sentence and express these buried feelings you had felt for so long? 
“don’t you sometimes wonder...” 
hesitation drawn in your eyes– it was a good thing he couldn’t see.
“don’t you sometimes wonder what i feel like?” 
your words were followed by your hands wrapping around his wrist, slowly lifting his arm towards your face. 
he let himself be handled with apprehension and silence when he realized you were leading his hand closer and closer to your mouth. there was no resistance on his part when you moved it further, landing on your face. 
his hand was warm, scarred and calloused but it felt so soft against your skin. he was hesitant at first, all of his senses aleterted when he felt your body shiver against his touch. it was the first time he could allow himself to touch you so intimately. his hand cupped your jaw before slowly making its way towards your mouth. he pressed his thumb against your lips. it was such a comfortable gesture when he started caressing your upper lip, slightly opening your mouth with its movement. 
you couldn’t help but stare at him. the concentrated gaze he wore when he tried to memorize every inch of your lips made you nervously exhale. your hands were still wrapped around his enormous forearm as he took the lead from you.
the idea that gyōmei had of you was constructed only by the sound your voice made, by the wind caressing his face whenever you moved and by the musical chant of your laughter reaching his ears. all of it was enough for him to favour you. 
he didn’t only favour you, he longed for you. longed for more. longed for touch. he wanted to memorize the shape of your figure, the taste of your skin, the weight of your body, the sound of your moans-
he wanted to explore all of his senses with you. and maybe this time you’d be able to help him.
you couldn’t help but realize that he was completely silent when he moved his thumb past your lips without resistance. feeling your tongue and teeth was a whole new experience for him. a slight pressure applied with your teeth made him nervously inhale, but all you could hear was a deep groan when your tongue made contact with his finger.
while he inspected the interior of your mouth, you kept drawing small circles with your thumb still tightly gripping his forearm. you wanted gyōmei to feel welcome and not hesitate to feel more parts of you. 
you showed him by releasing your teeth around his thumb and sucking on it. he could feel his heartbeat all the way to his hands when you started to move your mouth. it was all so new and all so sudden, he didn’t know how to react to your invitation. he felt like losing himself. he wanted to lose control. 
you took your time, imprinting your lips around his thumb before letting him go with a sloppy pop. now that gyōmei had a taste of your saliva on him, he wanted more. as soon as you stopped, thinking he’d be too hesitant to continue, the gentle giant raised himself on one knee, leaning his whole figure on top of you and wrapping his hand around the back of your head. it was his turn to get a taste.
he started at the beginning of your neck, covering it with kisses and bites. It was slow and measured. he made sure he could remember every spot by heart before moving on to the next. his lips made you quiver as you uncontrollably let your head fall back with your eyes closed so you could get the whole experience. timid moans that he could hear so clearly hurried him to move downward to your exposed chest. 
you had never seen gyōmei like this. so imprudent. so eager to explore every single one of his senses with you without minding the consequences. he was already too deep.
when he shifted downward, you could feel his hand run across your whole body, tightly gripping and touching your shoulders, your waist, your hips. his breathing made the most sound when he opened your kimono, meticulously unwrapping the decorative obi string that kept the tissues together without even thinking about it.
gyōmei was so skilled with his hands, you had just now realized, and you too were excited to see what more he could do. under his strong and passive exterior, you knew he’d surprise you with his hunger. 
he started attacking your belly with his mouth when your upper body was naked, moving his hands further up so that he’d reach your breasts. his hands were huge when they grazed your nipples. he used one of his palms, slightly rubbing his skin against your pointy nipple. feeling a new part of you made his heart skip a beat. you were so small and frail under him. he could cup both of your boobs with one hand, but he waited. he waited patiently until a small whimper came out of your lips to play with you. 
he couldn’t hide it, the sole purpose for his next move was to hear more of these sounds you made that reassembled the most beautiful melody.
one hand firmly grasping one of your breasts provoked another sound before he rubbed his thumb on the tip of your nipple. at his touch, gyōmei could feel your body tense under him while he continued to make circles, taking care of one of your nipples, while his mouth did the work on the other. again, he was deliberately steady and torturous. with his tongue now flat against your nipple, he spread his drool around it. it was wet and sweaty and he loved it. he loved how it made you feel and loved how lucky he was to be able to explore your body like this. when his lips squeezed the tip, you reached for his head, planting your fingers on his scalp. he was immovable but it was mostly for you, so that he wouldn’t leave this perfect spot. 
when he finished working on your breasts both with his hands and mouth, he placed a last kiss under your right boob before moving his whole weight again. at the sudden stop, you lifted your upper body to have a view of his next actions and when you realized he was heading between your legs, panic settled in. 
“g-gyōmei.” half-drunk you tried calling to him. 
“it’s alright, sweet one..” 
even when he was whispering you could hear the power in his voice. you could feel his hand clutch around one of your hips and his exposed chest graze your pelvis when he lowered himself even more. one of his hands always stayed put on your chest but the other ran from your hip to your thigh. “let me rediscover myself with you.” 
and you let him. you were at a loss for words under gyōmei. even now, nothing about him was stiff. he was as tranquil as all the other times you had seen him, but something differed and you could feel it by the way he took care of you. he was lustful and stimulated. his giant figure towering over you earlier had undoubtedly made you flustered. you never expected to be so overwhelmed by all the attention he could give, but here you were, squirming under his large hands when he separated your legs. 
the mix of your sweat and body odour agitated his nose. it made him feel euphoric. he had no problem guiding himself to your naked pussy with one finger trailing along your skin to the interior of your thigh until he could feel your pussy.  when he did, his thumb played with your lips. feeling every curve by dragging his finger delicately, until he was satisfied. 
he waited a couple of seconds at your entrance before inserting his index in. feeling the wetness of your folds tightening around his finger made him flinch but he went deeper when he heard you yelp. one finger was already enough for you, you thought. it almost filled you and you couldn’t comprehend how he was so huge inside of you. 
you tried to close your legs but were unsuccessful under his strong hold. there was no way you’d be able to control your reactions now. grasping the sheets with one hand and your kimono in the other, the only thing you could try to do was hold onto something. unfortunately, gyōmei hadn’t had enough of your sweet sounds and started exploring your insides, fingering your pussy so perfectly. his hot breath against your skin only made your pussy pulsate around him more.
he felt everything around his finger, from the gummy interior to the slimy fluid that drenched his finger. without wasting any more time, he moved around which provoked a sudden cry. you couldn’t believe gyōmei was actually going there. you couldn’t believe that he was between your legs, working his way through your folds while you couldn’t do anything but stare at the silent man. 
despise his quietude, the feeling was exhilarating and he wanted more. soon enough you felt another one of his fingers enter your fleshy folds, making its way past your inner lips and joining the index, moving along with it. it made your back arch with pleasure when his fingers filled you entirely. his large digits made their way in and out in unison, searching for the spot that would make you twitch out of delight.
gyōmei took his time when he felt his fingers squeeze every time he went past that ring of muscle. he could intelligibly feel and hear the effect he had on you which made his hand clench around your thigh. 
while his fingers took care of the inside, he shifted his thumb landing perfectly on your clit. you could’ve sworn he had done this before but his eagerness made you think otherwise. he could perceive your positioning so distinctly. he knew when you closed your eyes, when you tried to silence your moans with a hand on your mouth and when you placed the other on top of his, towards your inner thigh. he could also sense that you were already so close to finishing with how he worked his way against your clit and how he had stretched you out easily with two of his fingers. 
your body tensed up as you tried to restrain yourself from completely letting go of the little control you had over your own body. thighs clenching, with your hand tightly wrapped around gyōmei’s, but he had little to no regard for your current state. 
he only wanted you to let go. but these sensations you both felt needed to last so that they’d left an imprint- so that he’d remember it.
“himejima-san.. please.” you begged when you squeezed the hand he had planted between your legs. you felt yourself so close to cumming, but the sudden switch to proper naming frustrated him and you felt him get rougher with his fingers. he knew it would cause discomfort if he tried to insert another one of his digits, so he maximized the hold he had on you. 
when gyōmei finally felt your body twitch with anticipation, he completely stopped his movement and felt moans of complaint through his ears. your head peaked up, brows connected in confusion. “h-himejima? why did you-“ 
he still wore a concentrated gaze when he took his fingers out, letting your plump pussy wrap them one last time, feeling every little inch of your walls against his skin. slimy fluid covering him and dripping out of your swollen and demanding hole.
gyōmei’s euphoric-like state sent shivers down your spine. his mouth was slightly agape like an idea had just blossomed in his mind. nevertheless, you could see that he was still captivated by the unique feeling you had procured him. his fingers were still grazing your skin when you felt a low grunt coming from the man as his breath tickled your skin once more.
you called his name once more but a sudden movement interrupted your words.
gyōmei lowered himself even more onto the bed, wrapping his strong arms around your thighs in a tight hold, easily moving your lower body along with him, until his mouth faced your empty pussy. 
when he was correctly positioned, he placed a trail of kisses along your right thigh, eventually sucking on the inner part and stopping towards your swollen lips as his warm breath landed on your skin.
“please. allow me, little one.”
his next words were followed by his hungry mouth against your wet cunt as you yelped out of surprise. flustered, with both hands on your mouth, you tried and muffled the next moans that were bound to come out, but gyōmei couldn’t allow it. he couldn’t allow you to silence the noises that made him feel all kinds of ways- that made him so hard. as a result, he extended one of his arms, effortlessly grabbing onto your wrists and pulling your hands down against your chest, before he continued to devour you any further.
it was when he parted your lips with his tongue that you let out your whimpers and it was like music to his ears. his mouth extended to the outside of your cunt, so he could easily suck on your nub before going back inside with his tongue. he had a large mouth that took such good care of you.
the taste couldn’t be described. this new mix of savour and odour was heavenly. it gave gyōmei a good idea of who you were and how you felt.  he was drinking out your soft and tired movements when you pushed your pelvis against his mouth. you let a long-ish moan when he lingered on your clit, a soft touch of teeth before completely engulfing it with his lips. sucking until he felt confident enough to shift to your spit-covered lips. 
to get a better grip, he pulled your legs further so they could rest on his broad shoulders. eating you out was like a dream come true. he could taste everything he had felt with his fingers minutes earlier. it awakened his senses and brought a whole new meaning to pleasure. his olfactory glands and taste buds were so stimulated that you felt deep groans and moans vibrating against your entrance that made you flutter. to hear such a composed and collected man lose his mind over you only pulled you closer to your orgasm.
a few minutes in and he had already explored every inch of your cunt, and you finally felt yourself coming. not wanting to make a mess and way too agitated to cum on gyōmei’s mouth, you tried to voice your concerns, tangling words mixed with pretty moans.
“g-gyōmei, w-wait-” 
he hummed against you, as if to approve. as if to tell you that you had the right to release yourself upon him. 
so when you gave up on containing yourself and with gyōmei’s encouragement you let out a long yelp, cumming all over his lips.
he drank you up, tightening his grip on your thighs while he enjoyed the sweet taste of your seed on his tongue. 
he stayed stationed between your legs for a while, properly sampling this new exquisite liquid and taking his time to savour it. he exhaled loudly before parting with your cunt, pressing soft kisses over your lips.
after a while, gyōmei finally decided to pull back completely, sucking at your inner thigh’s skin and taking in a final deep breath before lifting his gaze towards your face, with your sweet cum wetting his lips. he couldn’t see the state you were in, but could guess you’d be a mess.
sweating and trying to catch your breath, you had completely relaxed your body against him. your head lazily tilting back against the pillow, you had never felt more at peace. 
your orgasm had left your cunt pulsating, but the only thing you recognized was gyōmei’s fingers rubbing against your palm.
“thank you.” 
when you had enough strength to realize that he had thanked you, the sudden gratitude startled you. you lifted your upper body with one of your arms against the sheet while the other was still tightly gripped around his hand.
“you’re thanking me? himejima, why.. why are you thanking me?”
he raised his body with ease, all the way up so that he could stand above your naked figure, facing you. 
“sweet one. you taught me how to see without my eyes.” he murmured, as he moved his hand to wrap yours entirely.
“your touch, scent and sound have changed me. I have been waiting to explore these with you.”
his confession warmed your heart and you couldn’t help but stare at his face. he was still drunk on you but he spoke genuine words that made you uncontrollably blush. a cheeky smile appeared on your smile, fully surrendering to a hypnotic whirl of happiness.
that night, after a well-deserved break, gyōmei himejima had explored and reinvented the meaning of senses with your help; when you moaned into his ears, when he couldn’t keep his hands off of you, when he tasted every part of you and when your elated scent almost brought him to tears. 
although.. he did promise you he’d need more than one lesson to perfect his technique.
© shegetsburned 2024. Please do not repost/edit/or claim my writing as your own.
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gamblersdoll · 3 months
cw: porn with no plot, uzui’s wives watch us get taken for the first time by him, doggy, size kink.
“never knew i, myself, nor my wives would like watching me fuck into a new girl.” he revealed, hips juttering into your walls and him relaxing a hand on your spine. “fuck, youre tight.” he chuckles, jaw slightly dropping.
makio, hinatsuru, and suma only watch in awe, their nipples pebbling through their clothes. suma, of course, is only so flustered by the pornographic scene of both of you, how your legs are spread open, how creamy you could get, fuck— even how your eyes cross when he hits that good spot you can feel in the side of your tummy. hinatsuru and makio? they couldnt handle it, having to take their fingers and touch themselves to both of you.
“see that? they absolutely adore watching us fuck together..” he giggles, kissing your shoulder and plows his hips harder. “might adore us so much, might need’ta fuck you even harder.” he goes again, leaning up and pulling your front and back on his cock.
his hand grabs your arm, pulling it back and folding it for support. “god, look at all four of you..” he revels, him pulling you up to his chest that you could barely fill and thrusting harder.
“lord— tengen!” you moan, tears falling down your cheeks and biting your lip. nine and a half inches was definitely a bit much, but he slowly made you take every inch you could possibly take. “please–“ you rasp, hands gripping his forearm. “im gunna’ cum, im gunna cu–!”
“yeah? how does it feel?” he asks, hand snaking around and rubbing circles into your clit. “there you go, yeah your gunna splash all over me, just as flashy as i love it.” he groans, turning both of you to face his wives.
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choccorin · 3 months
what would they do if you asked them for an orange? feat. my faves !
tags. fluff. multiple characters x gender neutral reader
cw. might be ooc.
a/n. just a little something i wrote before going to bed. :]
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would peel them first because you mentioned one time that you hated how it would turn your fingertips orange and leave a scent that would take forever to take off, he would also serve them on a small plate before giving it to you.
suo, togame, yuuji, megumi, giyuu, muichiro, yuno, izuku, reno
would just give you the orange. but if you ask him to peel it for you, he would. if it's not perfectly peeled the first time, he'll try again on the second orange. eventually, you'll end up eating more than you planned since he really wants you to have a perfectly peeled orange.
sakura, choji, tobio, shoyo, satoru, asta, mash, gen
is already giving you peeled oranges and some other fruits on a small plate before you even asked, he noticed that you were eyeing the oranges on the counter earlier so he decided to peel some for you and add other fruits as a surprise.
umemiya, kento, suguru, tanjiro, licht, shin, rayne
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uchu-no-bashira · 4 months
Murmurs of Obedience - Gyomei x Fem!Reader
Authors Note: This is something that I wrote a while back. Just reposting because I've always been a Gyomei stan and you guys are kinda inspiring me to write for him again lmfao. Hope you guys enjoy, if not, oh well lmfao.
TW: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, Anal Beads, Explicit Sexual Content, Vaginal sex, Breeding, Dominance, Power play, Bodily Fluids, Size Kink, Restraints, Teasing, Black Reader Because I said so. Word Count📃: 1127
The sound of pleasure permeates the room, the murmurs of obedience cascading from your lips unabashedly as you’re fucked into your mattress. All that’s allowed now is incoherence as Gyomei drives deep into your greedy pussy, it sucks him in and covers him in slick, a feeble attempt to take him in his entirety, so needy, so full.
Saliva pools in your mouth, dribbling down the side of your cheek the harder his hips thrust. Wet slaps reverberate the room as your essence thickens into a viscous white ring and the hums of his delight augment with the tantalizing sensation of pressure around your waist.
The frigid feeling of plush caresses your skin as you lay face down, ass up, both your hands pinned to your lower back by a much larger one as your body is drawn into his pelvis. He’s a mess in more ways than one, relishing in the sound of your wanton moans and pleasured cries. A grunt escaping him, filling your ears as the squeeze of your slick walls cradles his thick cock.
“There’s my good girl.” He tones lustfully, his head falling back as he admires the feeling of the mess you’ve made on him. His thumb trails along your precious ring, he smiles at its fullness as he pushes the silicone, beaded object deeper inside you. As you whimper, his hand pulls back and strikes your thigh with an exultant slap. “Mhmm~” He hums knowingly, picking up his pace to hear the needy tone of your voice and the squelch of your perfect pussy in his ears. He wants you undone completely, wants to feel all that you have to offer and he won’t stop until you’ve unraveled at the seams before him.
He figures it won’t be long now, the tremor of absolute pleasure in your voice says it all, and your eyes disappear into the back of your skull when you feel yourself on the edge of orgasm. Nothing is left of your mind except for the ability to generate profane language, and he listens for his favorite sound that you make; a guttural moan that lets him know he’s right where he needs to be.
As soon as he hears you he grins like a Cheshire Cat. He’s found it; that spot you love so fucking much. The spot that makes your knees weak as you beg for more than you can handle. He loves the feel of your body trembling on the tips of his fingers, it’s so tantalizing, so unforgettable. His teeth find his bottom lip and his brows knit together when he feels a gush of fluid cover his pelvis l, his chest vibrating as he praises you over and over again. “Such a messy, messy girl… I love when you keep it open just like that.” He whispers sternly while pressing into your sweet spot, untying the knot of your orgasm while he works his hips sloppily into your creamy pussy.
Your breath hitches as bliss traverses your body, your skin warm like the sun as your climax lingers right on the edge. The sound only lasts a moment, but Gyomei certainly doesn’t miss it. He pushes himself deep, bullying his thick cock through your suffocating pussy to rest his tip at your cervix, a smug smile on his face as he leans down to show you a remote control. He offers no words as his thumb traces the ‘plus’ sign, then he waits until there’s a soft silence, save for your whimpering, before a small ‘click’ is heard by both of you.
Sporadic pulsating vibrations cause your body to writhe in ecstasy. The sound of your pleasured screams fill the air as you wriggle and pull your back into a deep arch, clenching your teeth and panting heavily as your voice quivers. Gyomei hums in delight at the feeling of your insides vibrating, losing himself in the constant opening and clenching of your pussy as you reach your orgasm. You could hear him behind you beginning to moan loudly as your body rocks back and forth into him rhythmically.
“Ah!~ Agh fuck~ Too m-much!~”
“Don’t give out on me now.” He husks, his breath full of desire as he traces his top lip with his tongue, burying himself deep into your tightening walls.
“s’good~ m’gona~...”
“I can’t hear you my love, speak up.” He teases while pulling out and pushing himself to the hilt, his cock rubbing heavy against your sweet spot.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum! It feels so good! Ahh!~” The over-stimulation was too much and you couldn’t stop your body from jerking. The involuntary trembling of your knees and gasping of breaths had Gyomei enthralled as he listened to the submission to your orgasm, relishing the way that you squirm under him. A deep growl fills the room as he fills your pussy to the brim with his cum, pulling out and using his cock to gather the spatter that oozed out just to push it back into you. His over sensitivity causes him to paint your walls again with his seed, his massive cock pressed fully against your cervix, lifting your hips to keep his load inside as he holds his sweltering palm against your back, keeping you in place as you moan his praise into your pillow.
After a moment, his lips trail up the middle of your back, then rested at the base of your ear. “Good girl.” He coos softly, sticking his thick finger into the loop of the toy buried deep in your second hole before tugging on it slowly. Your insides are rubbed as they pop out gently, one by one.
17 inches and 6 spiked, ribbed and sleek anal beads later, you found yourself sprawled out on the bed, a fucked out expression in your face and shaking before feeling the space around your waist tighten. Open mouthed kisses caress your cheek and neck, an attentive lover as always and aftercare was his specialty. He had no problem babying you for comfort, or running you a hot shower. After cleaning your body and his own, he runs a bath just for you, just so you can come down from your high.
After a quick change of sheets, Gyomei helps you out, carrying you back to bed. The feeling of sleep coast along your eyelids after your rush of dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin wear off. Two thick arms around your waist seals a deal with the sandman. The last thing you hear and feel before drifting off into sleep, is the sound of your husband’s low and honeyed voice.
“I love you so much, my love. I’ll take care of you in the morning as well… Just in case your body is sore."
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plussizeficchick · 11 months
Alright y’all, I already talked about Tengen’s big dick, so I feel it’s only fair to talk about Kyojuro’s big breeder balls.
They’re smooth, the shade a bit darker than his skin tone and they’re heavy. The weight harsh when they hit your chin as you suck him off. They get taught and throb as he cums.
He can’t help himself though, it’s just in the nature of Rengokus to breed. To watch the creamy milkiness of their seed drip out of your spent cunt. To fuck it back inside and fill you up all over again.
It’s your fault, really. You know how Kyojuro is about you. He’s insatiable, can never have enough and you enable him. You tell him how good it feels, how much you need it, and he can never say no to you.
So he ravishes you, splits you open on his glistening cock, drenched in your wetness as his heavy balls smack against your ass. You’re creaming around his dick, he already pulled 3 orgasms out of you and filled you up twice, but he has to do it again. It’s a must!
It’s overwhelming, the pulsing head twitching against your cervix as he pumps you full of him. It’s always so much that it leaves your belly bulging, your plump tummy filling up. It has you feeling warm and fuzzy, your cunt clenching around him to keep him from moving.
He’s always so sweet after, kissing along your body to distract you from his balls filling up again, ready to spill inside you.
It’s your fault, really.
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xxaraaq · 3 months
𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙄𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙪𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣
Synopsis | During a training session, The slayers accidentally meet Sanemi's wife and child
wc | 0.5k
cw | none
Sanemi x black! Reader
A/N | The idea just came to me and I wanted to write it down, so I did. I hope you enjoy!
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The shock everyone faced at the sight of you was priceless. If you were a stranger passing by, you would think they had seen a ghost pop out from the shadows from the way their faces contorted from exhaustion to pure shock.
It was midday, the harsh sun beaming down on everyone as they lunged at Sanemi in futile attempts to even graze him. It was impossible of course; but they didn’t have a choice, so they practically threw themselves at him, only to be knocked back like they were nothing more than troublesome flies.
Sanemi was the first one to hear your son's footsteps. He freezes, turning to face the loud stomps of your two year old. He runs to his father, tripping over his feet and stumbling to the ground and getting back up as if nothing happened. Not a second later he hears your labored breaths as you try to catch up.
His eyes soften the slightest bit as he walks towards the two of you. He doesn't waste a second before scooping Genji up and walking over to you. He hears the hushed whispers of the trainees behind him, disregarding it as he closes the distance.
“I’m sorry, I was in the middle of stitching up my kimonos and he just took off.” You start, hand coming over to rub your swole belly. “I couldn’t catch him in time, I promise I didn’t mean to interrupt your training session.” You huff, out of breath. 
He smiles, amused as you look worriedly. “They’re staring at me like I’m a witch.” You whisper, shrinking under their curious gaze. “Them? They’re not important, ignore the little shits.” He says, keeping your sons wandering hands from tugging at his hair.
“Well,” You smile, hand pressing affectionately against his chest. “I think it’s time for them to take a break. They all look dehydrated and it’s a good time to eat lunch.” You say, taking your
son in your arms as he babbles about nothing.
Sanemi sighs, thinking carefully about your words. He doesn’t want to let them go early, they’ve been pissing him off more than usual today; but he did want to spend time with his family. He groans deeply, turning back to the trainees with an unamused look adorning his face. “Get out of my sight, and make sure you thank my wife; she’s the reason you get an early lunch.” 
They scurry off almost immediately, shouting words of thanks and gratitude as they sprint out of the wind hashiras sight. “Now, where were we?” he asks, pulling the bow holding your braid together out of Genji’s mouth. “I was saying sorry for being so pregnant that I can’t keep up with our two year old.” You laugh, walking over to a rock to sit down.
The thought of the corps soon finding out about him having a wife and soon to be two kids lingers in the back of his mind. All that matters is this private little moment. 
All that matters is his family.
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merakidoll · 1 year
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warnings : camboy! tengen x black fem chubby cam girl! reader ( mouth full lmao ). use of toys, dom tengen, rough tengen, penetration, squirting, painting the body with cum, daddy kink !
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the bright light shined down onto you capturing your slutty form. from the too small top that your boobs spilled out of, to the thong skirt that your pussy pushed through. your legs were against your chest shaking, as the big beefy man held the badazzled vibrator to your clit chuckling at the sounds of money flowing through.
“look at that babydoll, they love this” tengen kissed your forehead making a long moan stretch out of you. your eyebrows where knitted together, nails clawing into the bed sheets, and toes curled in the knee high socks, vision beganing to blur from how close you were.
“m-m’closeeedaddyy—“ tengen was close to say no but when your bright colored thong grew dark from you squirting, the fun playful tengen was long gone. standing tall he pulled you all the way to the edge of the bed. his back hid you from the camera that had yet to stop making “ching” noises from the gifters. pulling the lose fitted sweats down and your thong to the side he slid right into you grabbing your neck and digging his teeth into his bottom lip.
“can’t. fuckin. listen” he captivated dominance making you forget about the camera that could hear all of your begs for him to slow down and sorry’s. “slobing on daddies hand like a bitch in heat, s-so pathetic” tengen took shaken breaths, his balls jumping from just how close he was. he tuned out how you begged to be stuffed - breeded like a good little girl. but instead as soon as his cock started to let out the thick cum, he pulled out letting it fall all over you painting your boobs, face, and pussy.
moving from the camera, tengen zoomed in on your shaking teary eyed fram laughing ()to himself. “s-supposed to be in me!” you cried out pussy pulsing in the worst way. “bad girls don’t get rewards mama and you know that”
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gothic-thoughts · 2 months
The Greater Good
Sanemi Shinazugawa x Black Fem Reader
Ex!Sanemi, ModernAU, Shadow Hashira!Reader,
CW: Jealous Sanemi, arguing, Feat. Giyu, angry/make up sex, kitchen sex, pulling out, not proofread
Word Count: 1472 (give or take)
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An hour before Sanemi went out to help fight the handful of demons that were attacking the nearby village, he broke up with me, showing little to no emotion at all before leaving to help. We’d been dating for about 4 months and I had no closure and barely even a reason as he just left me crying in the Ubuyashiki Mansion.
Weeks of being comforted by Giyu went by and started to grow into a little bit of a crush, leaving Sanemi an angry afterthought in my mind. This morning, Giyu and I made coffee together, passing ingredients to each other.
“Get a room.”
I turn to see Sanemi sitting at the kitchen table behind us, nonchalantly mixing sugar into his own coffee, not making eye contact. I scoff.
"I said, get. A room."
“I should--”
“No.” I cut Tomioka off, “You’re fine.”
“No, he’s not.”
"I'll let you two, uh..." Giyu cleared his throat and grabbed his coffee, "I'll see you later on."
"No, you won’t." Sanemi snapped.
Tomioka puts a hand up in surrender and leaves the kitchen without another word, pulling the sliding door closed. I let a long groan with annoyance and slam my coffee cup down, making some of the hot brown liquid splash onto the counter. Is he serious right now?! He’s angry!? I turn to face him, holding the edge of the counter with an enraged squint in his direction and he glared right back with his arms crossed over his his exposed chest.
“What the actual hell is your problem?”
“Tch... Seriously...?”
“Yeah, go for it. I want to see if there’s an actual reason you’re being a piece of shit so early in the morning.”
“Take a guess, (Y/n).”
“No, tell me now while I care, Shinazugawa.”
“Don’t say my name like that. And you giving Tomioka heart eyes is my problem.”
"Are you being serious?”
“When am I not?”
“What, so you left me like trash before a mission but can't take seeing me like someone else? I’m just off limits to everyone now?”
"Heh, is that a trick question?” Sanemi chuckles angrily, “That has to be a trick question because of course you are, I’d slice their goddamn fingers off."
"You broke up with me, not the other way around. Harshly, at that. And for... what again?"
"Wow, you really don’t listen at all do you?”
"You mean that bullshit about letting me go? Cuz you have never once thought about doing that shit before going out to fight demons!”
He was suddenly in front of me, startling me back against the counter with a gasp, only infuriating me more as I pushed back his shoulder.
"This time was different and you know that.”
“Yeah, how? How exactly was this time different all the other times we fought Upper Moon demons?”
“Oh, maybe cuz, there were fucking 3 of them?! And on top of that, the 3 brats and their demon girl were there.”
“That’s a bullshit reason and you know it. Those ‘brats’ are not babies and were there for back up, not to be  watched.”
“Whatever; on every other mission, winning was more certain— coming home was more certain. I couldn't afford to be focused on only your safety.”
"First of all, I’m a goddamn Hashira.”
“That doesn’t mean you can’t get fucking killed and it definitely doesn’t mean I can’t be worried.”
“Sanemi, if you actually cared, you wouldn't have just said it and left. You didn’t cry or anything.”
"I was stressed and in a hurry! You really think I wasn't upset?!"
"You couldn’t have been, you took weeks to even have this conversation with me."
“Tch, maybe because the Shadow Hashira isn’t exactly easy to be found when she doesn’t wanna be.”
“It’s almost like I wanted to avoid the Wind Hashira who’s more of an asshole than people give him credit for.”
Sanemi kissed me passionately, pinning me between him and the counter, my heart pounding in my chest as my hands flew from the counter to hold his scarred face. Rough hands grab my thighs and lift me onto the countertop, caressing up my right leg and then hooking it around his waist as our kiss becomes messy.
I moaned into his mouth, pulling him closer with my ankle and running my fingers through his hair, making him shudder as chills ran all throughout his body. I could feel his bulge growing harder against my inner thigh with every kiss before his hand slid into my pants and underwear, two fingers rubbing through my wetness before finally sinking into me.
“Ahn, oh god.”
“So fucking stupid...” Sanemi starts thrusting his fingers, “You really thought that wasn’t a hard choice I had to make...?”
"N-not here, dumbass.”
“I’ll be quick.”
I lift my face from his neck to focus better, “Shadow Breathing: First Form.”
A black sphere forms around my left hand and quickly swells until the entire room is consumed in its dim lighting, shielding our bodies and sounds from anyone who would walk in— anyone outside before it’s closed would see the kitchen as if it were empty. Sanemi yanks down my pants and underwear with his free hand. His thick fingers continue to pump into my wet hole, knuckle deep and driving me crazy. As I throw my head back getting ready to cum, he pulls them from my cunt and drops his pants, leaving me to pant and quiver in the space between our lips. 
“Unh fuck, I had to fight upper rank demons with tears in my eyes.”
“And I didn’t?”
“I don’t know... ngh, did you?”
“Course I did...” He kisses my neck, hair tickling my chin, “Of course I fucking did. If you had fuckin listened you would know why I thought it was the right thing to do.”
He guides the tip into me slowly, pushing in deeper and deeper, making me grab his shoulders with a long moan that only stopped when he bottomed out. A sigh left his lips as he held my hips, beginning to thrust but in return I tried to bite back my moans, not wanting to give him the satisfaction since I was still pissed.
"Stop being petty and fucking give it to me."
“N-no... You’re a dickhead... don't d-deserve to hear them. You’ll have to earn it.”
"Mmh, damn, you test me like nothing else.” He gives a breathy chuckle, “I hate you."
"God, I know.” I hold the back of his head, “Say it again."
"I hate you. H-hate you so fucking much, (Y/n).”
Our lips crashed together in another messy, deep kiss as he began thrusting faster, giving me no time to adjust before repeatedly hitting my cervix, purposely rubbing against my g spot. We moan into each other’s mouths, grasping onto each other’s clothes. The empty kitchen was full of the sounds of my wet squelching with every thrust, making my wetness run down my ass and wet his balls every time they slapped against my ass. He dipped his head down to suck and bite the sensitive neck, leaving a dark hickie on it.
"F-fuck, San~"
"Told you survival wasn't certain... had to focus, not be w-worried about just us."
“A-And I don’t?"
"Yeah, realized. I only made my focus worse... It’s only been 4 months and I already have you on my mind nonstop.”
I gasp in pleasure, feeling myself clench tighter around as I get closer to my climax. Sanemi kept a tight grip on my hips, his head falling to my shoulder while watching relishing in every thrust and inch of me, face full of pure bliss as he bit his lip. He tilts his head back, looking at my face with a long, soft groan. Every bit of anger I felt drained with every direct thrust into my g spot, leaving nothing but the need to cum.
"Then seeing you looking at Giyu the way you've been looking at me...?” He panted, “Nuh-uh, absolutely not."
“S-San, right there~”
"Tch, please..." He murmured, "He wouldn't know what to do with you."
“S-so close... Fuck, I’m so close.” 
“Give me it, (Y/n). Fuck, that’s it baby, you feel so fucking good.”
His hips jerked when he felt me cum around him and a couple of thrusts later, he was pulled out and sprayed his load on the floor avoiding our clothes. He kissed me again as he stroked himself, shuddering against me with every rope of seed that was shot out. He panted and peppered kisses on my neck, riding out his high by slowly pumping his hand while he kissed the sensitive spot where he marked me, making me whimper at the slight pain.
“I... Shit, I... uh...” He panted.
“Yeah... you too... Keep me this time, dunce.”
He chuckled lightly.
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barbies1shots · 3 months
☆ size kink, overstim
just thinking ab (ur fav) bending you over a surface. a desk, a counter, a dresser, anything. just the way his bigger frame covers yours so beautifully that its enthralling. your just so small compared to him. it just turns him on. the weeks of effort put into building up his strength, bulking, and eating great portions just to achieve this look, big and burly.
he has your arms pinned and secured behind your back. his bigger thighs caging yours in, so you dont fall down his dick while hes fucking you stupid. the edge of the surface digging into your skin sweetly as every thrust has your body trembling and lunging forward.
your slick just drips down your thighs, the occasional drip falling onto the floor where your toes dont even meet the floor. his grunts and moans all but filling the air, your pitiful moans long gone as you've been at it for hours? you begged so prettily for him to fuck you that you just didnt expect him to have the stamina of a mammoth.
your eyes stayed permanently in the back of your head as you just sobbed on his dick, your moth open and drooling all over the place. the way his blunt, fat tip smashes itself into your g-spot, has your choking on your breath and practically running from his unforgiving hips. even the way he doesnt go fully in because it'd all be too much for you, 3/4ths of the way, and there is a belly bulge hes pressing down into.
you said you could take anything he throws your way, but now youre begging for him to ease up, to give you a break, he just tuts and tightens his grip on your wrists before knocking the air out your delicate body instead. aww..
you cant even do anything since you arent even on stable ground, held up by his thighs and arms. you cant run from the dick, you cant try and tap out, you cant look sweetly into his eyes to slow down, especially in this position.
all you can do is hang and cry off his dick while he jackhammers into your sweet, little cunt.
(thought of my man throughout this)
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will0waesthetic · 3 months
I think reading “ rosy cheeks “ is worse than “red cheeks"
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rr311 · 10 months
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⇨⚠︎︎ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 !¡⚠︎︎⇦ smut, perverted thoughts, jacking off, missionary, doggy, ass!kink, thigh!kink, ass slapping, choking, cussing, black!reader
𝐀𝐍. In honor of demon slayer coming back out In two months I decided to write a smut of my three favorite characters, If you guys like this mini smut story give me more characters to write about! enjoy my lovely’s.
- 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦.
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you were all he could think about.
hot and bothered with thoughts clouding his mind from moments ago. you had him pinned to the ground straddling his waist, with your sword pressed against his neck.. and skirt slid up to your upper thigh. he didn’t know how you were even fast enough to pin him down like that but once you did that’s when it started. feeling your ass right on top of his dick and thighs being exposed sent pleasure throughout his body, making these thoughts cloud his mind. he threw down his sword by his futon slamming the door in frustration leaning against it clenching his fists together.
this was your fault..all your fault for making him feel like this. he cussed under his breath hearing his thoughts get louder and needier by the second for you. thinking about how perfectly your ass was ontop of him made him think..how good would you be? sliding his whole length into you as you clenched around him trying to take all of him whimpering and begging for him to take It out..fuck. he groaned to himself feeling his pants get tight, it was just begging to get released he was needy, he was desperate. he trailed his hand down to his belt tugging it off in one go seeing how hard his dick had gotten, “shit..” he mumbled pulling off his boxers grabbing ahold of his dick slowly starting to stroke himself.
the pre cum that was already leaking from his tip, dripped along his fingers as his imagination got deeper into detail. he imagined it was your pussy instead of his hand stroking up and down at a steady pace. he threw his head against the door closing his eyes with a groan picking up the pace more. his thoughts got louder and more realistic as he kept a steady pace, he was fucking you, missionary style with his hand wrapped around your throat as soppy tears ran down your face, begging for him to stop. your legs thrown over his shoulder as his hips bucked deeper inside your needy little cunt ignoring your pleads, focusing on your orgasm and his. he couldn’t stop thinking about it, he wanted to be inside you, he wanted to cum inside you. you’re driving him insane and you don’t even know it. he growled under his breath feeling that familiar knot fill his stomach, keeping up the same pace, “fucking shit y/n.” he whispered with a small moan feeling wet liquid run down his hand along his thigh, onto his floor, his heart rate went up and down as he stroked slow letting himself calm down from his orgasm. he opened his eyes, half lidded as he stared at nothing but the wall in his room with a sigh but chuckled after looking at the mess he made. he couldn’t believe he got horny just by the practice fight you guys had, but did he regret it?
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poor guy couldn’t help himself.
It was like any other day but today was more different, you and Tomioka had a mission together after awhile of being assigned solo missions. you guys had a task of finding a demon that was terrorizing a small village in the mountains, when the fight occurred you were left with your uniform torn and ruined. the pants that you normally wore and was apart of your uniform, had been cut low almost like a skirt showing off the lower half. it didn’t seem like a big deal to you because it was just your thighs showing but unfortunately for Tomioka..his minds had other plans. after the whole mission all he could think about was your thighs..how perfect they were..how big they were, imagining the marks and kisses on them. shit. he shouldn’t be thinking about you in that way, you were his friend— but he couldn’t help himself, the thoughts about you got louder and louder by the second it was driving him mad.
his hand clenched and unclenched trying to think about something completely different but your thighs kept coming to his mind, his eyes were squeezed shut trying to stop think about you but it wasn’t working. the more dirty thoughts he was having the more his pants were tightening, his eyes shot wide open staring at the dark ceiling with a fast heart rate, “I shouldn’t be thinking about her..” he murmured to himself feeling like a pervert for thinking about you like this but he couldn’t help himself. he didn’t even think just by your thighs showing he would become a mess but he was always Into that..even if he doesn’t wanna admit, he would always steal glances anytime you decided to wear something short with your uniform. he just wanted to leave hickeys all over those gorgeous thighs..he wanted them wrapped around his waist pulling him tighter as he fucked you. tomioka sucked in a breath trailing his hand through the covers towards his pants, tugging them off. he bit his lip already feeling the pre cum drip down his hand with a small blush on his cheeks starting to slowly stroke himself. his eyes fluttered closed leaning more into his pillow with a small whimper escaping his lips, he continued to stroke himself to the thought of you..your thighs.
he wondered what it would feel like if he fucked them. his cock being rubbed against your thighs as he chased his orgasm wanting to paint them with his cum, thinking about the idea only made him pick up the pace having more moans and desperate whines being heard he kept going and going feeling cum start to leak out. “f-fuck y/n” he choked feeling himself all over his hand, breaths getting faster as his heart race got faster letting his orgasm take over. he twitched in his hand, still stroking at a small pace riding out his orgasm onto his bed sheets feeling himself calm down. his eyes opened lifting the blankets up to see the mess he made, he sighed dropping the blanket back on-top of him starting to feel guilty.
but..It felt so damn good It was worth It.
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he didn’t feel ashame.
you were clouding his mind that day. due to shortage of hashira’s taking solo missions you and tengen assigned a duo mission. It was like any other mission, you guys go together, fight the demons, and come back to headquarters. but for this case it was a four day mission, the mission took place at the fast side of Japan, most likely east to find a small village that was being terrorized by multiple demons. you and tengen had to find out what has been terrorizing the village and how to stop it, it took some time to complete the mission but you guys managed and completed your duties. on the final night of the mission was the night it changed it all. since the village was small and not that many places to sleep you and Uzui had to share a bed together. It was weird at first but you knew he wasn’t gonna do anything- he was your friend after all.
Or so you thought.
the one thing he did not know was that In your sleep you moved a lot. to the point it happens every hour, Uzui was laid behind you as you were laid infront of him sound asleep with small snores leaving your mouth. you were lucky you could even sleep, for him…you kept backing up against it kept him awake for the past two hours. the feeling of your ass rubbing against his dick felt too fucking good, to pass it up. he had to hold back the urge to grip your hips in place to make you stop but..did he really want this feeling to go away?. he groaned lowly feeling your ass grind up against him for the 50th time that night making him gain a boner. It was aching to be touched..he cussed under his breath feeling his dick throb in his pants the more you kept moving, “shit..” he mumbled, he couldn’t take it anymore. he lifted the blankets up removing himself from the bed making his way to the bathroom closing the door. In a matter of seconds he pulled his pants down taking his throbbing sick into his hands hissing from the feeling. “oh fuck..” He moaned leaning his head against the door stroking himself slow with his eyes closed. the thought of him fucking you doggy style made his strokes go faster, ass slapping against him, fucking you deep and hard slapping your ass every once in awhile just to see it move had him grinding into his hand.
his imagination was running wild. he wondered how tight your pussy would feel around him when he fucks you rough, gripping your ass with his bigger hand, just wanting to rub and feel it. heavy breathes and groans were being heard behind the door as you were still sound asleep, he chanted small fucks feeling his climax reach his peak. he kept going and going till he released all over his hand, stomach and the floor. he breathed heavily trying to calm himself down from his climax continuing to stroke himself feeling more come out. he chuckled lowly looking down at the mess he made with a grin,
“fucking hell.”
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