#black eagles = golden deer mostly personally
cynical-gamer-media · 2 months
The Blue Lions are without question the least closest House in FE3H (long thread)
The Blue Lions are without question the least closest House in FE3H. The writing of AM does questionable choices to the BL as it focuses solely on Dimitri that it neglects how the Blue Lions feel about him, the world they live in, and their relationships with each other.
🦁🔵If we look at the Blue Lions with Blue Lions Supports to A:
Dimitri: 5/7
Felix: 5/7
Dedue: 5/7
Sylvain: 3/7
Ashe: 4/7
Ingrid: 5/7
Mercedes: 6/7
Annette: 5/7
🦅🔴If we look at the Black Eagles with Black Eagles Supports to A:
Edelgard: 6/7
Dorothea: 6/7
Petra: 5/7
Bernadetta: 5/7
Hubert: 5/7
Ferdinand: 5/7
Caspar: 5/7
Linhardt: 5/7
🦌🟡If we look at the Golden Deer with Golden Deer Supports to A:
Claude: 5/7
Lorenz: 5/7
Ignatz: 5/7
Raphael: 5/7
Lysithea: 4/7
Marianne: 5/7
Hilda: 5/7
Leonie: 4/7
It's an interesting mix of Supports! The Blue Lions is the only House with someone having 3 A Supports with someone from the same House (Sylvain). Black Eagles is the only House to have no less than 5 A Supports with someone from the same House.
The Faerghus Four feels like a group barely held together, on the verge of collapsing. They are only together because of the 'good ol' days', but friendship circles end. People change, and wish to mingle with others.
Sylvain & Felix would never stick with Dimitri during his time of madness: they have shown to criticise Faerghus society (see it as a ticking time bomb) & people being yes men (and are open about it), so why are they yes-manning for Dimitri?
Felix criticises Dimitri time and again, and has criticised senseless massacres and blind obedience (his C Support with Dedue), so why is he following Dimitri without challenging him? Felix would have been kicked out by Dimitri if he didn't choose to leave.
Whilst Ingrid does say that Felix wishes to get strong to protect his friends (their A Support) that doesn't mean he will follow Dimitri. If anything he would be even more vocal about his disapproval. Dimitri doesn't care about his men (at that time), so why should he?
Sylvain is quite critical of Faerghus and Dimitri's rule (even in CF as a Black Eagle); he would never blindly follow anyone. He would have left so to ensure Faerghus (or at least Gautier) are kept together during a time when the future king abandoned them.
Dimitri does describe Sylvain as loyal to his friends, but their Support only gets up to B. Sylvain mostly refers to him as 'Your Highness'. Their friendship is strained, or has even ended.
Ingrid doesn't seem to know Sylvain beyond the facade. Contrast that with Dedue, who even after the C Support with Sylvain starts to see him for who he truly is/beyond his facade.
Outside Dimitri the only Faerghus Four member that Dedue would get along with is Sylvain. Sylvain sees him as a person and believes what happened to Duscur was unacceptable. Dedue is simply around Felix & Ingrid because Dimitri is friends with them.
Sylvain doesn't feel comfortable with people getting too close to him (hence only having 3 A Supports), thus showcasing he isn't close to his House--the Blue Lions.
The Blue Lions being the least closest House could have been compelling, if the writers dwelled into it. But because everything revolves around Dimitri the Blue Lions feel like they're just there to play as yes-men to uplift Dimitri.
The Black Eagles & Golden Deer feel tight-knit because of their relationship to their Lords (Edelgard & Claude), how they view the world around them, and their relationships with each other. They're not afraid to tease or challenge their Lords, and they all grow together.
The Black Eagles & Golden Deer feel integral to Edelgard & Claude; without their friends they would not be here or have grown. Whereas with the Blue Lions they don't challenge Dimitri or help him grow: he becomes better because Rodrigue saved him and Byleth gave a pep-talk.
You could take out the Blue Lions during Dimitri's moment of madness and nothing would have changed. (If Byleth & Rodrgiue are out then there is a change).
The Blue Lions being the least closest House could have been compelling if the writers emphasised that/shown more interactions between the Lions and show some challenge Dimitri (not just being yes-men).
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popstar fire emblem person here again to talk about Fire Emblem Three Harmonies
All the students are classically trained, but they don't all play classical music. They're separated into different ensemble groups that play different genres of music. At the end of the year, they all have to compete in a school Battle of the Bands.
I imagine Edelgard as a drummer with the Black Eagles doing rock (all styles but mostly 2000/2010s emo and 90s). Dimitri as a cello player with the Blue Lions being a classic symphonic group (they play a lot of baroque and romantic styles, but also enjoy doing musical pieces with Annette as their lead). And Claude as the lead guitarist AND producer with the Golden Deer doing a variety of pop and hip-hop music (they break into solo groups to make music, but when it comes to the final performance they all perform together).
As the new temporary music instructor, Byleth has to choose one of the three classes to bring to the Battle of the Bands. I imagine Byleth as a bass player but playing different kinds of bass depending on what class they teach (standard bass guitar, upright bass, a cooler bass guitar?)
Anyways music and fire emblem is fun together, they should make more popstar fire emblem!
-🎤 popstar anon
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shiny-jr · 1 year
ooh wait have you played three houses?? i saw you mentioned it in one of your recent posts and i got curious. can i ask what are your thoughts on it if you have played it?
also also, have you played pokemon scarlet/violet at all? i’d really love to hear your thoughts on it, especially with its latest dlc ^^ (super sorry i’m grouping two different games in this ask, i didn’t wanna send messages back to back, but feel free to only answer one if you want!)
Oh boy, more opportunities for me the spout nonsense and my odd opinions. I will gladly take it. Buckle up, anon and others reading, because I have a long history with both franchises.
I've been playing Fire Emblem since Fire Emblem: Awakening, then Fates, Heroes, and eventually Three Houses. My take: Awakening is still the best one, but maybe I'm biased. I remember playing it and marrying Chrom on accident, whoops.
Anyways, Three Houses was alright, better than Fates but not better than Awakening. I remember it came out, and I was actually upset because I was in another country on the US release date so I didn't get to play it until I got back. Even when I saw the trailers, I knew I was Golden Deers all the way. Odd, I know, most people prefer the other teams. Claude, Hilda, Marianne, Lysithea, my dears. OH, and before I go on, I just want to say, I hate the female MC. And no, it's not what you think, I only hate her because literally why does her outfit look like that compared to the male MC? Robin from Awakening was always the better protagonist anyways.
After completing the Golden Deers route, I decided I wanted to try and complete all the routes because at that point I disliked a huge majority of the characters. I tried Blue Lions next. At first I didn't really have much of an opinion on Dimitri, but he grew on me eventually, because how could I resist such a miserable brooding man that later gets a soft spot for one person (plus his design was kinda badass)? But I will admit, his behavior immediately post-timeskip was kinda annoying. I thought I would dislike Felix, but shockingly, I didn't, I actually liked him. And you know what? Dedue is CRIMINALLY underrated, he's literally probably the nicest and loyalest dude of all time. He got some hate for his race from some characters, and I actually got heated.
After Blue Lions, I knew I had to play through Black Eagles twice if I wanted the last two routes. However, here's the thing. In both previous routes, Golden Deer and Blue Lions, I had loathed Edelgard. But, I thought to myself, I just needed to try her route and maybe I'll change my mind... Well, I was wrong. Edelgard is probably one of the characters I HATE most in any franchise. And I tried so hard to like her, like I would give her gifts and answer dialogue truthfully, only for the relationship thing to go down. Like damn, okay. I just couldn't stand her. The others in her route were mostly fine, I liked Ferdinand, Bernadetta, Caspar, and Petra. But because of Edelgard, I couldn't even finish her route once and it's still uncompleted to this day.
Now... onto Pokemon.
Fun fact, I completed Pokemon Black and White when I was in first grade and couldn't read everything. Don't ask me how I did it, because I honestly have no clue. I've played every gen since then: Black and White 2, X and Y, Sun and Moon, Ultra Sun and Moon, Sword and Shield, Arceus, Scarlet and Violet. I did indeed preorder the game when it was announced, as I have done for the generations before. Where do you think my username comes from? In most pokemon games, I love collecting shiny pokemon. Shiny.
I was hyped for Scarlet and Violet since the first day it was announced. I lost my mind the day it was first announced and eagerly waited months for it. When it came out, I dropped everything for several days. As a regular fan, I always set this tradition for myself to defeat new pokemon games within or around 24 hours and of course, I did so.
The game itself has a lot of issues, namely the glitches and quality of the frames. But, it's on the switch, so that's to be expected. It felt really rushed in that aspect. I just feel like they could do so much better if they really wanted to, like on par with BOTW or TOTK (those games have bad frames too but at least they look a lot better). As for mechanics, I really missed the mechanics from Arceus, but at least Scarlet and Violet improved upon the poor excuse of the open area that was in Sword and Shield.
Story and characterwise, I'm torn.
Here's what I like: (1) the multiple split routes, (2) certain characters.
(1) It made it feel like you really had a lot to do, and that combined with the open area of the entire map made it seem like a lot. It is a lot. So it's really fun to explore and try to complete everything. Even just walking about, you're bound to get distracted, lost, or find something completely new. I was just playing it a while ago after completing everything and there were still little secrets I didn't notice the first time around.
(2) Arven, my god, do I love a guy with mommy AND daddy issues. And he has a dog? I'm hooked. I didn't expect to get attached to him, but I did. I actually prefer his route purely because of the story within it with his companion. I didn't see that coming, and I was so worked up over it. Another character I like, Director Clavell. A good supporting professor, you love to see it. Wish he showed up more though.
Here's what I dislike: (1) the villains, (2) the gym leaders, and (3) other characters, (4) the leveling system. (5) I'll talk about the dlc last.
(1) We haven't had a good villain team in a while. Black and White was super memorable with N, X and Y's Lysandre with Team Flare was a joke, Sun and Moon's Team Skull with Guzma was actually good because they were funny and non-threatening, Sword and Shield with Team Yell was actual trash, and this Team Star being bad guys but not really bad guys was actually so boring. Let's roll it back to Team Aqua literally planning to recreate a great flood or Team Magma planning to create havoc with volcanoes, Team Plasma that wanted to liberate Pokemon, or Team Galactic that were going to harness the power of time/space/universe and their leader is trapped/died in an empty dimension. They don't make Pokemon villains like they used to, huh?
(2) The gym leaders are very forgettable this time around. Like, they don't play much of a role aside battling, and after that you don't really see them again at all. It's a shame, because some of them have potential for greater use and have really good designs. Not to mention, they were all weak as hell.
(3) The Champion was a let down. Geeta (I had to look up her name). I was iffy when I first saw images of her, I didn't like her design but I just decided to go with the flow and I'll probably change my mind. I didn't. She's as forgettable of a champion as Alder and Diantha were. At least we saw Leon in the SwSh a lot and we got to hear from characters about how strong he was. Geeta wasn't like that at all, her team was a joke. Nemona as a rival was annoying, she got on my nerves from the first few moments we met her. I think Penny had potential, but I just didn't like her.
(4) The leveling system was really annoying. What happened was, I tried to complete the other two routes first and save the gym leaders for last. However, when I did this, because I didn't have any gym badges, new pokemon caught wouldn't listen even if my other pokemon were like 20 or more levels above them. So I had to pause the other route, just to do some of the gyms that way I could actually use new pokemon. I know they tried the system to prevent people from just cheating the system by automatically getting high-leveled pokemon from friends, but it just got in the way.
(5) DLC so far... not a fan. I mean, it's something. It's there. It's a thing. But it has nothing so far that makes me like it. The rivals are meh, and the region confuses the hell out of me. I don't get why do Scarlet and Violet region of Paldea based off Spain, but then have a DLC with an island that's so very obviously based off Japan. They could've picked anything around Spain but go back to Japan when 4/9 of the regions are already supposedly based off Japan? Idk, it was kind of a let down to be honest. I haven't completed the dlc, so I still have to do that. The new map is small, but I heard the next dlc is supposed to be huge so here's to hoping that one is better?
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yellowgreendinno · 10 months
Clover High
The young boy stared at the wide doors of the huge building that was the most prestigious high school in the country. With it being in a reformed ancient Royal Castle, it had tall, wooden doors, carefully taken care of gardens and an amazingly magical feeling to it. The high school founder's statue stood tall and proud in the front yard, right in the middle of a fountain surrounded by beautifully trimmed bushes and trees in front of the institution's giant doors.
Asta Hage had tried his best to enter the expensive, prestigious, institution that was Clover High. Luckily for him, the way to be accepted into the school was by an interview. An interview where the only valued trait was an eccentric personality. Asta's grey blonde hair swayed in the wind; his green eyes stared at the Castle in awe, ready to enter it, and like that, enter this new part of his life.
The teen had read a lot about the place after he received his acceptance letter, and had found out the most curious things.
The Clover High Castle (also known as the LSET or Lumiere's School for Exepcional Teens) was divided into nine different Wings that the students were sorted according to notes taken by the headmaster in the interview.
The most prestigious one, the Golden Dawn was located in the Castle's newly founded central dome, the Dome of Revenge, although not the highest spot in all the castle. That place was reserved for the Silver Eagles, in one of the West Wings was located the Silva Tower, founded by Orel Silva.
In the Southwestern Wing of the castle were the two polar opposites: the Lion's Den, the Crimson Lion Kings' territory, a Wing that mostly constituted men and was founded by Shīzi Vermillion; and the Blue Roses right under them in the Rose Hortus, a newly created House formed only by young women, founded by Charlotte Roselei.
It was an understatement to say that the Lion Kings were royally pissed with the Roses; their wing was also part of their territory before.
The Azure Deer's Wodi Forest, previously known as the Grey Deer, founded by Ada Borealis, was located in the Southern Wing. The current Headmaster, Julius Novachrono, was their previous Wing Chief.
The Purple Orcas also had an importantly big Wing of the castle; the Northern Wing, also known as the Cave of the Killer Whale. Founded by Koholā Wai, they apparently were a huge group of strategic students.
The smallest Wing apparently was the Southeastern one, the one the Green Mantis' called home. Or the Floresta de Flacas. Asta had read that their Wing Chief and founder, Jack the Ripper, was obsessed with knives and cuts, hence his nickname, and the Wing's name.
Aígli Siatas was the late founder of the Coral Peacock's Eastern Wing, also known as the Ypnodomátio. They were referred to as "the Glam Witches", as their Chief was constantly in her own world, repeating the word "Glamour" in a disturbing tone.
Finally, the Black Bulls. They were the ones that attracted Asta's attention the most. They were located in the most Western Wing of the glamorous Castle, what had probably been an old, but big, stable. The Founder and Wing Chief, Yami Sukehiro, was a mysterious man who arose many questions from many, and had called his Wing the "Osuushi no kakurega".
Asta made out which Wing was which thanks to the colours the walls were painted in and the flags hanging out from some windows. As more people started to arrive, the boy snapped out of his haze, and stepped foot for the first time into the place that would determine who he would be in this life.
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fodlaneverafter · 7 months
FEA character mini-analyses: the house lords, rhea, and byleth
Here is part 3 of explaining why I cast characters the way I did in FEA (my ongoing 3H/EAH crossover fic)! Part 1, about the Black Eagles, is linked here, Part 2 on the Blue Lions is here, and Part 3 on the Golden Deer is here.
Now without further ado... let us begin!
Edelgard as Raven Queen: the biggest hurdle for writing El as Raven was--and honestly still is--the huge personality difference. While El is kind, she's not exactly... as nice? I also imagine her inner monologue to be a lot less insecure than Raven's, so I had to take some liberties on that front. Other than that, though, I can't think of any reason why Edelgard wouldn't be the leader of the Rebels--she's here to contest the system and make a real change. To echo her twin Crests, I tweaked Raven's destiny-bound magic so that El just has weaker magic than she should, and thus relies on spellcraft.
Dimitri as Apple White: I don't think Dimitri would actually be as in love with his story as Apple apparently is, but they share their obsession with duty and what I would call an intense fear of the unknown. Dimitri disagrees with El for exactly the same reasons as Apple disagrees with Raven--because of the disastrous consequences of division and unrest. Apple isn't hiding any demons in her head, though, so again we have some liberties at play. I thought having super-strength (echoing the Blaiddyd Crest) would be an interesting secret for Dimi to keep.
Claude as Madeline Hatter: Claude is the son of Alice here, but Alistair from the original show never did anything interesting and no one else deserves Maddie's iconic role. I couldn't make the Wonderland situation perfectly parallel to Almyrah, but I do want a spotlight on Claude's identity being split between Fódlan and Wonderland. Even though there are other Wonderlandians, he's the only one who is from both worlds--who has to be both logical and mad, but is never quite enough of each. Just, you know, the typical TCK experience. Oh, and talking to the Narrators is of huge importance too!
Yuri as Ramona Badwolf: I took some biiig liberties with this one. Yuri is not related to Bernadetta, but he has the Badwolf name because Mr. Badwolf needed to hide his marriage to Red while still preserving the story's future somehow. I never liked the idea of him having another child, so I thought it'd be cool to mess up some succession laws and have Yuri--the only house lord in the game who didn't come from a wealthy background--"fight" for his destiny by beating all the other Wolfs to it.
Rhea as Milton Grimm: well this is a no-brainer! I'm still smoothing out the wrinkles in how her backstory has to do with Sothis, but just like Milton, Rhea's fear of losing control causes her to rewrite history to fit her narrative. This is gonna be key in FEA.
Byleth as... like... Just Byleth: so... yeah, Byleth doesn't get an important role in this AU, mostly because I couldn't think of a good reason they'd be involved. Honestly it would be hard for me to write them in an interesting way so I'm fine with that.
other characters: Seteth mostly suffers at the hands of chaos and Flayn enjoys it. Jeralt is mentioned exclusively by Leonie. Sothis does not appear as a living character but uh... let's not spoil that. Rodrigue appears as often as I can allow because he's King Charming (!!), who teaches a class at EAH. For the most part, I don't include the 3H students' original parents. Dimitri's father is still named Lambert but his mother is the EAH version of Snow White; likewise for Edelgard. As for the Ashen Wolves--Constance is the daughter of the Marsh King (look it up; I think you'll agree with me!), I made Hapi the daughter of the Sea Witch just because, and Balthus... there's no good reason for him to be around, I'm afraid :(
And that, my folksies, is that!
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nerdnag · 1 year
Ok actually. Let's do it. Let's make a Fe3h OC.
Her name is Ezri. She fluctuates a lot between being overly social and talkative, and being super self-conscious and quiet. All of her favorite pastimes are things she can do by herself, like reading, writing and studying. She's mostly guided by her passions in life, which can change from one day or week to another.
She grew up as a commoner, but received a special invitation to join the Officer's Academy through her connection to Hanneman, who's been her mentor ever since she talked his ear off at some kind of magic conference they both attended. (He also got her into the Royal School of Sorcery a few years back.)
She's studied the F out of, like, the theory of war, just because she found it fascinating. And so she knows the intricate, theoretical details of strategy and tactics, but isn't really interested in applying that knowledge in practice.
She joins the Blue Lions at first, because she was informed they were really focused on military tactics in particular, but then she changes her mind and switches to the Black Eagles after a month or so when she gets fed up with her classmates. In BE, she finds lots of people to hyperfocus on and dissect psychologically, and also she looks up a lot to Edelgard because of her confidence, skill and ambition. Besides, the Golden Deer seem too unstructured and happy-go-lucky for her.
Everyone in BE is pretty wary of her at first, except for Ferdinand who gives her a warm welcome. She is pleasant to him at first but then quickly gets into an unspoken rivalry with him and silently grumbles to herself whenever he outshines her. She sidles up to Linhardt pretty quickly, and makes him tell her everything there is to know about Crestology, then they bond over their unwillingness to fight and their preference for studying. She tries to get close to Hubert because he intrigues her, but gives up when he learns to simply ignore her presence. Dorothea becomes her go-to for advice on relationships and social expectations, like what to to wear for an event or what to reply to a letter from someone she doesn't like. Somewhat unexpectedly, she gets along well with Petra, and although they barely ever hang out, they have a silent understanding about things. (Also Petra teaches her about swords, which is cool.) She doesn't even bother with Caspar because he is too loud and reminds her of bullies from her past, and Bernadetta makes her uncomfortable because she reminds her of the more insecure part of herself, so she avoids her as well. Eventually she earns Edelgard's respect (see more below) and that also means that Hubert (begrudingly) starts acknowledging her again.
Concerning people outside BE, she gets SUPER hyperfixated on Claude and he sort of shrugs and goes "yeah, sure, you're weird and insightful, I guess I'll keep you around". They become really good friends after a while. The Ashen Wolves intrigue her, but she freezes up whenever they're around, so she never actually gets to know any of them - except for Constance, who she absolutely despises for reasons she can't understand and will not willingly dig into. (Until years down the line.)
She has at least level D+ in every single skill, but excels in Reason and has a C in Bows because of an archery phase she once went through. Also, although she prefers to be by herself and not get bothered by others, she discovers she has a budding talent in Authority when at one point she's forced to cover for Edelgard as house leader for a few months. And that budding talent eventually unlocks a special skill called "Imposter Syndrome" which grants her the ability to deploy battalions which are 1-2 levels above her Authority level.
Her personal skill is "Follow the Dopamine". It's similar to Lysithea's, but instead of doubling experience in battle, she doubles her experience whenever she gets to engage in her current hyperfixation. She dabbles in a few different classes throughout her time in the academy, frustrating her teachers because she takes so long to choose one class. For a while she thinks she's going to be a thief, and she gets really into lockpicking at one point, but then Claude reminds her that she has a terrible pokerface and sucks at telling lies. Instead, she considers becoming a sniper, but eh, the interest dies out after a while. Dark Flier is also on the table, but she's too scared of heights. Way too late in her first year, she finally decides on becoming a Dark Bishop, and goes through this whole process of convincing Lady Rhea that she shouldn't be barred from a class just because of her gender, since she is obviously well-suited for the class, more so than Hubert even, and by the way there's this loop-hole in the rules that says---
And Lady Rhea wearily agrees. So Ezri becomes a Dark Bishop, much to Hubert's surprise. (And Ferdinand's chagrin, because now he feels compelled to argue for a female-locked class for himself. He ends up becoming a Falcon Knight as a result.)
Anyway, Edelgard eventually comes to trust and respect Ezri, which leads to her confiding in her about her plans to start a war. This makes things really complicated for Ezri, because she considers Claude to be something of a best friend at this point, but she can also admire and agree with Edelgard's views. She's always been an atheist and knows enough about Crests to understand what a bane they can be...
(To be continued, maybe.)
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fayesdiary · 1 year
Faye's Fòdlan Journal: Introduction
I am not quite sure how to start this, so let me just start by explaining who I am and what this project I've been considering for years is about. First and foremost: Hello, I'm Faye. I'm a longtime Fire Emblem fan who played most of the series, from the Kaga and classic era to the modern ones, which are those I tend to like more. My favorite Fire Emblem titles are Echoes and Engage, to give you an idea of my tastes.
This will be a liveblog of my (mostly) blind playthrough of Fire Emblem Three Houses. Except that, compared to most liveblogs, this will be a deep dive, with me writing down all of my thoughts and generally attempting to view the game with a more critical eye compared to how I usually play games, Fire Emblem especially. So I suppose this makes it more like an old-school text-based Let's Play than a liveblog, but oh well.
So basically, this whole thing is a personal excercise in critical thinking.
If you're wondering why Three Houses specifically, it's because it's the only mainline Fire Emblem game I know very little about, and because this game is huge and... divisive, to say the least.
But if you're worried this is going to view "critical thinking" as an excuse to nitpick and shit on the game as a whole, don't. I hate six-hour videos on why your favorite media is objectively bad as much as you, and I've always been of the idea that Fire Emblem never had a truly bad game. So at worst, I'm expecting a heavily flawed game with still plenty of things to enjoy, even if they might not be to my taste.
The liveblog will be divided into "seasons" for each route, to make it more digestible for both of us, because I know I am going to burn out harder than Sigurd if I try to play the whole game at once. Hopefully I can release a chapter once a week but, no promises. As you can see in the masterpost, the order will be Blue Lions -> Golden Deer -> Black Eagles -> Silver Snow.
I will refer to Byleth in a gender neutral way, unless there's a specific example I suspect is gender-sensitive. Mainly because I'm a firm believer that the Avatar's gender really, really does not matter.
Last but not least, I know the Fòdlan fanbase can be... enthusiastic to say the least, so all I am asking is please be civil. Also no spoilers, please. If you act rude or spoil me something I will block you.
That sour note aside, I hope you enjoy this long, slow journey through Fòdlan with me!
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illusory-quasar · 2 years
Crossover that is stewing away in my head
So I got duel links recently and have not stopped playing it since (I’m almost to level 17 in the 5ds area because it’s my favorite and I desperately want the synchro aromage monster((she is very cute)).
I was thinking about how cool it was that signer dragons effects paralleled their user and at that same time I had fire emblem three houses brain rot, I still do but i thought of Team 5ds and which houses they’d go into.
Yusei: Blue Lions
He seems like he’d fit in so well in the class, personality wise, he’s quiet but he’s incredibly smart with a pretty good eye for strategy. He’s extremely kindhearted and loyal to the point where it’s unhealthy and damaging to himself, I feel like Yusei could easily get along with someone like Dimitri because of that.
Unit Class: Holy Knight
Other than the fact that I found it necessary for him to be some kind of mount because of the whole concept of 5ds revolving around the d-wheels, I thought that faith magic was a good fit for him. Going back to the signer dragon’s effects, Victim’s Sanctuary could translate into a once-per-battle spell where Yusei’s able to heal every ally on the map up a high amount but it takes a very heavy toll on him, something like taking a turn or two where he has to “recharge” and is unable to move or attack for two straight turns. It’s something of a last resort to turn to when the battle starts to look dire. He also has access to healing magic to keep his allies and those he holds dear safe. Although he’s someone who is mostly a magic user, he isn’t as good at it as Mercedes or Annette. I’d place him at around Sylvain’s level, better than average but not exceptional at it. At close range I feel like he’d be good with a lance or a bow, both keep him at a decent distance but close enough to the action where he can keep an eye on his allies.
Jack: Black Eagles
He’s arrogant and prideful but is extremely passionate about the people closest to him. Because of this, he’s extremely willing to fight for what he believes in, either with words or fists. If he were to meet Edelgard and she told him about her reasons for wanting to take down the church of seiros, he might be empathetic towards her cause and even might join in.
Unit Class: Great Knight or War Master
I couldn’t decide if I wanted to keep the theme of team 5ds all having their own mounts because, as funny and fitting as I found it, it’s pretty restrictive in the long run. Red Dragon Archfiend’s attack points being the highest out of the signer dragons and it’s effect destroying all monster that hadn’t attacked made me think of Jack being a class that is more reliant on physical attack instead of any sort of magic. I’m leaning more towards War Master because of their high crit rate, usually high strength growths and god awful resistance. Jack himself is pretty reckless but incredibly strong, whether that be physically or emotionally, also adding to Jack being one of those units that hit like an 18-wheeler on the odd occasion that he actually lands a hit. Also!! Like how Yusei has his own spell, I think giving Jack a combat art named after one of his dragon’s attack names would be more fitting. Absolute Powerforce (very metal name) being a better smash that has a base 50% crit rate that gets added to Jack’s own personal rate but it’s also a one- time-use art and it gets Dimitri’s crest side effect of doubling the weapon cost just to balance it out (slightly lmao).
Crow: Golden Deer
Crow is the group’s mama bird, he’s also laid back but is an extremely hard worker. He also has something that the rest of the members don’t have: common sense. I feel like he and Claude would get along really well, both with being laid back and on a deeper level considering they both have faced some kind of oppression in their pasts. I just feel like they’d be besties y’know. Plus crow already has experience with dealing with a rowdy group.
Unit Class: Wyvern Lord
Self-explanatory, he’s the bird guy with the motorcycle that has the wings attached, OF COURSE he’s in the air!! Crow is also very crafty and cunning when he needs to be, especially when it comes down to protecting his friends or getting them what they need. I can’t explain it, but I feel like Crow would be a sword user. Light enough for him to still be agile while also being good at landing hits. He’d have high dexterity but he’d struggle with landing hard hits but he’s fast and very good at denting enemies. I had no idea what Black-Winged Dragon’s effect was until today but I think that a combat art called “Shadow Squall Blast” that slightly boosts his attack and he gains around 50% of the damage that he lands on the enemy, it also lowers the strength and defense of enemies within a small range. I think that it’s somewhat fitting both for Crow’s personality and his monster’s effect.
Aki: Ashen Wolves
At first, I thought about placing Aki and Jack in the Black Eagles but I remembered that there was a fourth class and the more that I thought about it, I figured that Aki would be a very good fit in there. The whole idea that the Ashen Wolves house being for those shunned by people above reminded me of the Arcadia Movement and how Aki only wanted to be accepted by anyone, the people in abyss find solace in their solitude. Aki and Yuri might butt heads from time to time but I feel like she and Hapi could bond over their unwanted powers.
Originally, I thought that Valkyrie would be more fitting but Dark Flier stands out as a class that is extremely good at magic and with Aki’s abilities as a psychic duelist, she’d be extremely adept at using magic. She also uses Black Magic, much like Hapi but she does have some physical strength, using a lance to attack her enemies, it’s far enough to keep a safe distance from enemies but close enough to land a hit if necessary. Her special spell, “Black Rose Gale” is a spell with 2 uses, probably something that takes 50% of the hp of the enemies within a large range or an AOE attack where the enemies that are left with a poison effect. She’s the best and strongest magic user out of the four of them, her resistance is pretty good too but her physical strength and defense is okay at best.
That’s all I got for now because I’m tired lmao, thanks for reading if you made it this far!! :]
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uncleardyn · 1 year
📓 !! :]
oh baby its time to. Talk About. fe3h timeloop au.
i know i am hardly the first person to do a fe3h timeloop au, but its all fun and games here :) i say as i make byleth slowly lose their sanity at repeating the same sets of events over and over again.
So essentially, after expressing regret at the deaths of those on the opposing side of the war after a relatively normal blue lions play through, byleth wakes up and finds themselves back at the start of the game. thrown for a bit of a loop, but wondering if this has somethig to do with sothis, they continue as normal, but find that, despite their hair going back to their old color, sothis is still missing. confused, but hoping that perhaps by teaching one of the other houses, they'll find a happier ending, byleth ends up choosing the golden deer. it doesn't work, and at the end of the route, the end up waking back up at the start of the game. they try again with black eagles. no dice. by their fourth attempt, against their better instincts, as byleth at this point deeply cares for all the students but isn't sure what to do to try to keep everyone alive, and ends up siding with the church. it. Does Not Go Well. they learn about their mother and all that jazz during this, and develop a marked distrust towards rhea and the church as a whole, and deeply regrets siding against edelgard and being unable to help dimitri or claude. they become incredibly listless by the end of the route, much to the worry of their students, and the route ends with them deeply regretful.
SO BACK TO THE BEGINNING THEY GO! byleth just starts to rapidly unravel at this point, doing the other routes again and trying things just to see what sticks and what can change, developing an increasing sense of desperation and guilt as they find time and time again that things seemingly won't change. highlights of this time period include begging various characters to run if they get the chance, byleth mercy-killing dimitri before edelgard can during crimson flower, and begging edelgard to not kill herself at the end of azure moon. while the students till trust byleth overall, they often question their mental wellbeing, and for good reason. byleth is doing. Bad. during this period.
after going through the 3 main routes again and ending up back on the blue lions again, byleth just starts telling characters information in a sort of last ditch attempt to try and stop them from fighting each other, most crucially telling dimitri that edelgard could not have been the one responsible for the tragedy of duscur a bit before the flame emperor reveal. dimitri is rightfully confused at what the fuck byleth is talking about but trusts them enough to keep in mind. this, combined with dimitri having noticed that byleth is seemingly deeply unsettled by rhea and the church, helps him mcfucking lose in a slightly different direction and he doesn't turn directly against edelgard in terms of hostility, instead looking to find the real culprits behind duscur and developing an unfriendly attitude towards the church.
byleth still takes a 5 year long nap and in this period, dimitri actually ends up teaming up with edelgard after his presumed execution, as both he and edelgard eventually find out that twsitd were the ones behind duscur, so he ends up assisting in the silent war against them. Very Violently. he's still not doing good mentally but he no longer wants edelgard's head. funnily enough the 5 year timeskip is actually the focus of this au due to the complicated character relationships that develop here, mostly between dimitri, edelgard, and hubert, but like. its not where the plot happens. theres just a lot of really interesting and complicated feelings that could occur between all the students due to byleth's actions i think, plus the extra added bonus of all the students slowly beginning to realize that byleth knew Something somehow and them wondering if they'll ever learn that somehow. claude eventually allies himself with edelgard and dimitri after some intrigue and diplomatic envoys on his part, so the 3 house leaders eventually end up in a somewhat tenuous alliance together, and end up in the goddess tower by the end of the 5 year timeskip.
byleth is really cool and normal about seeing them together after the timeskip :) jk they break down and cry in relief at seeing all of them together, with the house leaders eventually learning about byleth's whole timeloop deal when they accidentally mention previous attempts.
the rest of the au is the students eventually dismantling the church to be a fraction of its former power and defeating twsitd, much to byleth's relief. everyone lives! :] except rhea and jeralt and sothis rest in piss
its a little messy but idk. thoughts of emotionally and morally complicated allyships and the sort of violence that desperation can lead to, even if its out of love.
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astrxealis · 2 years
okay watching the black eagles trailer now bcs its the only one i havnt watched and GEHEGWIHRKSJ no bcs i was thinking of how hubert = akechi in voice yeah ?? hits 🫢🫣 now that i know that better LMAO but then dorothea shows up and i orwhifhwkdn BROOOWIRNEKDJ SHE IS SOROWHRJ SO PRETTY
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outofangband · 2 years
Hey, I hope you’re well! I was wondering if you have any hcs on the environment/ flora and fauna of Himlad? Or if you already posted about it and I just didn’t see it 😅 thank you!
Flora, fauna, environment and geography of Arda
note: I did most of this when I was sick so it’s shorter than some of my others but I will go back and edit it to add more 
Himlad was a realm in Eastern Beleriand, bordered on the West by the river Aros and on the East, its tributary, Celon. It means ‘cool plain’ in Sindarin and was described simply as a cold region, likely due to its proximity to the March and thus to the Iron Mountains, the cold fronts of which extend throughout the surrounding regions. 
We have little information on environment other than the description of cold but some speculation can be done due to the habitat and through looking at similar real habitats, mostly in Northern Europe and temperate parts of Asia as well as parts of North America which Tolkien was inspired by the prairies in (source: The Flora of Middle Earth)
Himlad might also be described as a steppe, that is, an ecoregion of plains and grasslands where the only trees grow near rivers or lakes. Himlad specifically would be a cold steppe and shrub steppe. 
The region is likely semi arid with especially dry summers and a short rainy season of intermittent showers following the end of the winter.
The actual grasslands are likely made up of a variety of species such as crested wheatgrass, junegrasses, wiregrass, feather grasses, and melic grasses.  Shrubs are more common in the hilly parts towards the North; silver berry, violet willow, sage brush and bitter brush, rowan and mountain ashes, smallflower tamarisk,  others that grow in cooler but semi arid conditions.  Other flowers and herbaceous plants grow throughout the plains as well like golden rod and aster, greater wormwood, fringed sage brush,  a variety of daisy species Quaking aspen can be found by the rivers in small groves of two to three trees and solitary in the hills. 
There are few trees so the birds here are mostly game birds and ones that nest on the ground including perhaps a species of burrowing owl. Hazel and black grouse, common quail, red legged partridge, Asian gray partridge, black billed caper and common pheasants are some examples.  There are also other birds of prey who fly and hunt over the plains even if they don’t nest in them. This might include osprey closer to the rivers, common and uplands buzzard, steppe eagle, imperial eagle, hen harriers, and possibly golden eagles. 
Common shrews, steppe lemming, greater and lesser white toed shrews, common rabbits and hares, ground squirrels, social voles, field mice, corsac fox, steppe cat and species like both European and Asian badgers make up the smaller mammals of the region. 
Reindeer, Eld’s deer, pronghorn, wild horses (such as the tahki) , goa, and saiga antelope as well as larger species of antelope not found in the world today roam the grasslands of Himlad and Lothlann, grazing and eating fruits and leaves from the shrubs and herbs. 
I personally enjoy the headcanon that prehistoric (in today’s world) bear species occasionally ventured into the plains of East Beleriand to hunt.
As for the rivers those would likely have to be their own posts if there’s interest? I just don’t want to condense too much all these beautiful regions
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catboygirling · 3 years
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everyone, I would like to introduce you to my newest project/au: Furry Emblem. it’s exactly what it sounds like. each of the classes is a different type of animal - the black eagles are birds, the blue lions are cats (their designs will probably come next!), and the golden deer are ungulates. yes, that leaves out a few characters, but... eh, whatever. I’ll figure it out as I go.
(this is all a very elaborate way of saying I hate drawing humans and would rather draw anthros. also I’m a furry.)
anyway, extra design details/commentary under the cut for anyone who wants it:
some general stuff first:
this is the first time I’ve drawn these characters, birds or not, and jesus christ I didn’t realize how complicated their outfits were. I simplified them pretty heavily, since I actually plan on drawing these more and I don’t want to agonize over every pin and tassel every time.
and somehow, they still feel too messy. oh well.
none of them wear shoes! this is purely a personal thing. I can’t handle animals wearing shoes, and I cannot explain why.
Dorothea and Ferdinand both change a little over the timeskip, other than the stuff that happens in the game. I thought it would be fun to draw them a bit like juveniles, even if they’re basically adults by this point.
this only means something to people who’ve seen my bird art before, but I’m drawing them a little different than the ducks I usually draw! it’s most obvious in the beaks and hands.
tiny detail: Ferdinand, Edelgard and Hubert’s fingers are rounded because they’re wearing gloves.
those three are also the only ones with talons, because they’re the only predatory birds. you may think I had something deep and meaningful in mind with this, but no, it’s just a coincidence.
yes, these are all their canon heights.
I have no idea if I’ll make a proper sheet like this for the timeskip designs. it would be nice to have all of their heights on hand, but also... do you have any idea how exhausting it was to make this. I don’t think I’d go through this again just for some new hair and outfits.
okay, now for the character-specific stuff! gonna go from left to right with these.
blue jay
he was the easiest species to decide on, next to edelgard.
trans of gender, lucky for him blue jays have zero sexual dimorphism aside from a size difference (most people think he’s just short).
probably the most realistic as far as colors go.
rose robin
after the timeskip, her chest turns pastel pink.
ignore that she has two toes. it’s... complicated, alright. pretend she has three.
white-tailed eagle
“if he’s a white-tailed eagle why isn’t his tail white” only adults have white tails!
Ferdinand falls victim to what I liked to call the “fried chicken conundrum.” meaning that if you make his feathers too dull, it looks grey or brown instead of orange, and if you make it too bright, it looks like... well, fried chicken. I think I managed to find the middle ground, though.
a friend and I genuinely got into a debate on whether or not he wears a skirt. we concluded that he definitely doesn’t, but I’m going to continue to pretend that he does and draw him wearing one. (mostly out of spite. sorry ashe.)
bald eagle
she was the very first character I figured out the species for, way back in 2019 when I first played. this was before I knew Why she had white hair, but whatever, it still works.
she gets off easy in this because white is a perfectly natural color on a bald eagle, so no one really questions it. of course, they changed colors way earlier than most, but not many people know that. 
crested caracara
you guys have no idea how it felt to be looking at birds and going “holy SHIT that’s a Hubert”
apparently, when caracaras are with their mates, they’ll sometimes throw their heads back and just... cackle. take that as you will.
crested caracaras have a lot of exposed orange skin on their faces, and I swear to you that I tried to make it work, and it just... wouldn’t. so please ignore that discrepancy.
I was debating giving him a browner head and only making it black after the timeskip, since juvenile caracaras are brown instead of black. but he’s already, like, 20, so his adult plumage probably would’ve come in by now anyway.
arfak catbird
coming up with his species took the longest. unfortunately for me, birds aren’t a fan of sleeping, so I couldn’t even google “birds that sleep all day” for an easy choice. but cats sleep a lot, right? bird? catbird? good enough.
catbirds meow. that’s not relevant to anything I just think it’s funny.
gambel’s quail
yeah I don’t really have anything to say about her.
indian peafowl
honestly, her design infuriates me a little because peacocks are blue, not magenta. but Petra’s hair is magenta, and it doesn’t have to be completely biologically accurate... I’ll learn to live with it.
Petra braids her tail, just like her hair, because otherwise it would drag for like, four feet behind her. using Tangled strats.
“I thought only male peafowl had the fancy tails” that’s what we call the trans of gender baby!!
her tail was a bitch to color. it was hard to get across the splendor of “HOLY SHIT A PEACOCK” while also being easy to draw. so now it’s cotton candy.
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imaginethreehouses · 2 years
Hi! I saw that your matchups were open so I hope you don’t mind doing mine for male characters (one of each house? If you only do one per request, then just one in general in fine!) I use she/her pronouns! I have rose pink hair reaching to my mid-back and drown brown hair. I stand at 5ft and am left handed. I’m a Sun Capricorn, Moon Virgo, Rising Leo and an ISTP.
Most people think I’m quiet and polite upon first impressions, so they tend to be surprised when I’m with my friends and Im here bullying and gaslighting the living shit out of them. I’m told that I’m a blunt person, not in the mean way, but just speaking the truth when a person is in trouble and needs to see reality kind, apparently. I’m a very sarcastic person and am definitely a bad influence. I don’t tend to talk about myself much. I’m really bad at giving compliments and don’t tend to stress much. I don’t like seeming week or stupid, so I tend to act like a know-it-all as I try to hide my flaws, tho it has gotten to the point where a friend asked if I’ve ever cried once in my life which really hurt.
Anyway lol, I was a music oriented person, having played the piano mainly for over 12 years, violin, and guitar but it was never a passion of mine so I kinda dropped it. I love writing, drawing, and playing mostly JRPG games. I eat a lot lol, but I guess it’s better to describe it as I only get full when eating too much of one food since I get tired of it, and am a fast eater. I also have the humor of a 10-year-old boy with plenty of Your Mom and That’s what she said jokes.
Hey!! Sure, you can request one of each house, it's no problem! It actually makes it easier for me in a way because I'm always worried the people I write for will hate the match I pick? 😅 Now I have three tries. Also, I hope you mean bullying/gaslighting your friends in a figurative/exaggerated sense? I'm autistic and pushing 30 so I'm not always sure what younger people mean these days when they say these things LOL. Anyway! I hope you like the matches 🥰
From the Blue Lions, I match you with... Sylvain! ❤
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Look no further. He's the one who'd be laughing his ass off at a "that's what she said" joke in the middle of a war council meeting.
Sylvain needs someone to be blunt with him and tell him how things are once in a while. Pretty frequently, actually. All the time, maybe, even.
He's often taken for someone with no feelings because of the way he acts, so he would get really angry if he sees someone do the same to you.
Sylvain would be the biggest fan of your writing, he would go as far as to draw terrible quality fanart of it.
If video games existed in Fódlan you can bet Sylvain would spend at least 3 hours a day gaming.
He's got his issues but I think the two of you could eventually fit together nicely!
From the Black Eagles, I match you with.... Caspar! ❤
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I think he'd be another fellow 'fine' humor enjoyer and chaos wrecker 🤭
He'd support you so much in dropping what wasn't making you happy and going for what you really enjoy!
He'd think you're not that interesting upon first impression, then be delighted to learn what you truly are like when he sees you around your friends.
He might not really get your sarcasm sometimes and just get things comically wrong as a result. Feel free to either have mercy or mercilessly tease.
From the Golden Deer house, I match you with... Claude! ❤
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Sorry, I think this pretty much completes the holy trinity of the "that's what she said" kind of humor fe3h guys 🤭
I think Claude would also enjoy gaming a lot. He is also a musical person though, so he would bug you endlessly when he inevitably decides that he wants to learn to play violin and piano.
Despite all his dreams and the complicated politics he's involved with, at heart he's a guy who loves to play jokes and tease. You'd fit together quite nicely!
This is completely unrelated to any of what you said but I think Claude is pretty much the best cuddler in the whole game. I can't explain it but IDK look at that gif up there, he looks so soft? 🥺
Bonus friendship match! From the Church of Seiros: Catherine!
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kob131 · 2 years
You know, the more I’m stuck with Claude, the more I don’t like him. 
I have him at B rank support with Lorenz, Byleth, Raphel, Ignatz, Lysithea, Marianne, Leonie, Annette and Ingrid with Hilda at Rank C. And I’ve seen the exact same side to his character each time...which is the same side of his character as in the main story. Mostly the ‘charming joking rogue’ with a side of ‘sneaky little imp’. No flaws, no issues, no weakness on his part- he’s just the same guy over and over again.
Fucking Dimitri showed more of a varied personality in the last route. And that was the one where he was a VILLIAN. To say nothing of Edelgard.
Honestly, with the likes of Hilda, Raphael, Lorenz, Leonie, Lysithea and Marianne- The Golden Deer house could easily match my affection for the Black Eagles if it wasn’t for their leader being such an annoying bland drag. 
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archer3-13 · 3 years
Characters from 3h that I would probably cut
maybe i'll make this a thing, idk. to explain, its not particularly complicated. i just wanna consider which characters i would probably have cut from 3h if i had creative control in it to some extent. note that in 3h case due to its already smallish cast per house i'll also brew up hypothetical replacements.
Black Eagles:
dorothea - top of the list and what inspired this exercise really, dorothea is a character that suffers more so from being out of sync with the story then out of place with it. that is, well she doesnt stick out in terms of inherent concept and design, in terms of writing however she sticks out for sounding like shes living in an alternate reality from whatever's happening on screen at any given time. in terms of story writing she feels like the safest cut overall of the black eagles, even in terms of replacement all you really need is a 'commoner' character to explore what its like living in adrestias ground floor which could be basically whatever you can think of [merchant family stalling out socially to highlight adrestias classism, a religious commoner to show adrestian approaches to religion, lowborn soldiers who managed to scrap up enough to send their kid to garreg mach to win them a better position in the army, a commoner effected by the insurrection of seven to explore more of its effects, lots of ideas].
bernadetta - more so because she needed to be replaced by a character with a more so intimate immediate connection to either byleth or edelgard if she was gonna be bbqed alive. narratively its pretty much her only function, and anything else about her is mostly just a lame gag character that people confused as a tragic one. point being, it would have been better to cut bernadetta and say replace her with a childhood friend who knew edelgard before she was implemented with a second crest and is struggling to reconnect with her or something. that way the horror of edelgard lighting her allies on fire hits harder, because its someone relatively important narratively speaking not someone relatively expendable like bernadetta.
caspar - unlike bernie or dorothea i dont actually have any specific problems with him, its just that like bernie hes totally expendable. from what i recall his rapport with lindhart is more so confined to their supports then an ever present textual element, and in terms of wider narrative use... hes on that one map with the death knight? as a minor obstacle? arguably you could cut lindhart as well, but he gets a little more cut being an expositional faucet for crests and society stuff. personally id replace caspar with someone a bit older, maybe even the actual heir of the bergliez family and have them act as another window into how the insurrection changed things or what the adrestian army is like.
golden deer:
raphael and ignatz - wrapping the two together since they feel like a package deal, well they provide a little bit of insight in leicesters merchant culture and civilian life leonies... just the superior commoner in general and in regards to the merchant aspects raphael and ignatz dont provide nearly enough insight there. they're the most expendable of the golden deer because even though they have their own story it doesnt do anything for the story at large really. id say, swap them out for active rival merchant families forced to attend the same class and actively competing with each other due to bad blood stirred up by leicester nobles, initially suspecting count gloucester but revealing the true culprit to be the slitherers or something.
blue lions:
mercedes - one of the cases of a character i actually like but feel didnt actually need to be there, at most all she really does is provide some more meat for the death knight stuff, even if she does have a fun rapport with annette its just not enough to convince me she couldn't have been easily cut. that said, an easy replacement for her has a strong slot to fill with annettes fun rapport buddy and without the distractions of the death knight stuff her replacement could be built more towards being an insight into the seiros faith and how faerghus approaches it.
the church:
alois - much as i love his dad jokes he provides little, showing up late gameplay wise geared towards a role you have more then enough units already around to play well generally doing it not as well. and story wise hes pretty much a non entity outside of an excuse to drag jeralt to garreg mach. in terms of a replacement, definitely still someone connected to jeralt but a] have them as say... a natural hero class due to its under representation in game and b] have them act as the oifeyjagen of the game as it were by being available at the start giving them an immediate utility, and a prominent role as an advisor on things and how they work since jeralts playing the greil of the game.
jeritza - a massive disappointment nowhere near to matching the black knights legacy, i say he can be pretty easily cut because he serves a villainous role that isnt actually needed to be served, and which largely gets dropped in terms of relevance as soon as the ts comes along. there are a lot of ways you could go instead, but i personally feel the most interesting would be to replace him with a slitherer. its dramatically ironic, it gives them a more prominent role, and if its made so edelgard is unaware of their nature as a slitherer it helps better realize the themes cf keeps buried under gape moe.
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cloviaglade · 4 years
Yeah it came to me in a dream shared it with a friend and she said I should inflict it on the world so here we go
Warning: It's super long but I broke it up into chunks
(note not all members of the house fall into the categories listed also I'm not the best with corporate terms and positions. Also this was made for fun and isn't that serious)
The houses
The Black eagles generally were in accounting or sales. They dealt with a lot of the customers firsthand and were considered expendable
Blue lions where mostly in HR or IT
Golden deer mostly worked in maintenance and public relations.
Staff and church members are members of the board. Flayn has her position on the board despite her age because nepotism
The Seiros Co:
It's a large company that provide a large array of services and products that promote physical and emotional well-being. The company started out with good intentions but soon became a corporate monster
The company provides a host of benefits to its employees including on site housing, on site restraunts, on site pools gyms ect. They even have the best insurance on the planet. They even have horse therapy.
However they have to pay premiums on the health insurance, their rent is docted from their pay, they have to pay for on-site facilities, and those living on site are heavily encouraged to work overtime.
a lot of this is justified by cover every single health expense and days of for minor colds. Many employees seek mental health care more often than they seek physical care.
The on site living conditions vary heavily. Most are just a small white room with a single bed and a dresser. No visitors after certain hours and forget about outside visitors. However rumors are spreading that the board members have spacious luxury apartments.
The pay without all the benefits is not a wage you could live off of. But with the rent for these rooms doct from your pay you couldn't reasonably save up for different arrangements.
The strike begins:
Edelguard was finally fed up watching her team struggling. She hears constantly about how her workers are not making enough. How they have to scrape because they needed new clothes or shoes. Or worse how Petra wasn't able to support her sick grandfather
She hired a lawyer Hubert to look into information about their contracts and compare everything to labor laws. She needed to know how much of this was legal and if there was anything to be done about it.
Huberts lawfirm dealt with several lawsuits in the past. They are considered ruthless in court however media painted them out to be money hungry and demented
As expected, it was legal (mostly due to lack of regulation for these types of benefits) but really unfair, So Hubert suggested a strike. His firm would handle all the legal matters as they prepared a lawsuit and to unionize.
Edelguard was careful to organize it in private. Nothing was emailed. Nothing to tract them. Flyers were handwritten and posted in the dorms inviting members to secret meeting on slow hours.
What everyone did on the day of the strike/position they were in the office.
Black eagles
Edalguard: head of sales- she got everyone in her department and many others in different departments to simply stop working for the day when she commanded everyone to stop working via megaphone. She suck in hubert and went to a private meeting room to set up a list of demands.
Hubert: head of Vestra lawfirm- he snuck past security with the help of Edelguard. He brought a laptop and a phone with Hotspot so he could video call the rest of his attorneys from inside the conference room. Once the strike was in full swing he toured the place with Edelguard gathering evidence.
Ferdinand: senior sale manager has the highest customer satisfaction - when the strike was well underway he sent a mass email to everyone in every department including the CEO and founder herself in a very professional tone about how there is a strike. Lornez replied immediately and they when to the breakroom to enjoy tea while on the clock.
Lindhart: IT software specialist - first thing he did was turn off all the bans on websites. Everyone could go on whatever website they wanted to. He left the download blocker up and other safety precautions in place. Others could looks at memes and scroll through social media ect. He then returns to his dorm and takes a paid nap.
Caspar: manager in accounting slow but very accurate and a real team player - he hated the no pets policy with a burning passion so he let all the stray and feral cats that hang around the building in through one of the side doors. They stayed mostly on the ground floor and a few made a mess under the desks. He played with the strays with a few of his co-workers.
Bernadette: customer service rep. - she hated the calls filled with angry people. She clocked out, disconnected he phone, ran into her dorm and screamed into her pillow until calm. Once she calmed down enough she did some embroidery.
Dorothea: sales representative- has the highest upsale rate - she gets into her car and just leaves. She is still clocked in. Nobody knows where she went. Some say she met with a lover, others say she went on a binge. Nobody really knows.
Petra: bilingual sales rep. - she signed her phone off and immediately called up her family overseas. She proceeded to catch up and talk with her family for hours. She rarely got to speak with them due to the difference in timezones.
Blue lions
Dimitri: head of IT - he doesn't actually know much about IT and has little intrest in it. He got the job because his dad recommended him. With the outside website ban lifted and the lost of control of his department he frantically tried to get everything under control
Dedue: cyber security and protocol educator - although the bans are lifted he is still concerned about a cyber attack. He is frantically try to restore the ban but it seems like lindhart deleted the code.
Felix: hardware specialists - he was the one who should've been promoted into Dimitri's position and is a bit smug about how everything is falling apart in front of his boss. He bypasses the download blocker and plays minecraft on the company computer. Dimitri is too busy to notice that felix isn't helping.
Sylvain: HR rep. - he knew from the start that working conditions were shit. He was tired of trying to raise moral by doing everything but paying the employees more, giving them time off, and reasonable working hours. He went to the break room where Ferdinand and Lornez were having tea and ate a bunch of the snacks the company was reselling at super high prices then faxed a picture of his ass and balls to rhea herself as a letter of resignation.
Ashe: new hire in IT - was called down to the first floor to replace a keyboard a cat peed on. Found caspar was the reason the cats were let in. Caspar then persuaded him to play with the cats instead of shooing them out. 3 hours later he completely forgot about the strike and clocked out per usual. He completely forgot about the strike
Mercedes: head of HR - she meets with the board and discussed what to do about the strikers. They can't force them to go home since everyone striking lives on site and has every right to be there. No significant damages is being done to property. The only loss is from those not working (and a keyboard covered in cat piss and $35 worth of snacks) Mercedes is forced to find a way to get them to stop but in a way that doesn't really change anything. She leaves the meeting when it is over clocks out and returns to her modest house she calls out sick for the next couple of months.
Annette: HR rep - she tries to stop the chaos on the floor and to convince everyone to return to work. She is ignored. She wanted to ask for a megaphone to help gain attention but edelguard took the one from HR and the person with the key to one in the event closet is striking as well. She runs around in a paint trying to answer emails and settle everyone down.
Ingrid: IT helpline rep - helping Dimitri reset the ban on outside websites is above her pay grade. She at least know some of the terminology and the basics. She manages to set up a very basic blocker but it didn't block whole domains just the homepage of every website she could think of that's wasn't appropriate for work. Logging into the site allowed you to bypass the block. Ingrid feels like she will be fired for not being able to do more
Golden deer:
Claude: event planner - noticing that there was no work happening he finally decided it was time to actually do his job. He dipped into those sweet event funds and ordered as many pizza's as he could from every pizza join that could deliver. He busted out the sport balls and got employees to clear some room for flag football on the 3rd floor. He got Hilda to organize games of hide and go seek in floors 4 and 5. All games and activities were not officially approved but followed all guidelines.
Hilda: claudes assistant - organized games on the 4th and 5th floors. The cubicle although uniform made excellent hiding spaces and the food plaza just got rid of the old tables and chairs awaiting delivery of new ones so there was a ton of space to run around. Hidia had to jump between floors pretty often which was a workout all on its own but it was worth it to see everyone smile at work for once.
Lornez: head of advertising - he was tired of writing jingles and stupid commercials for the company. He wasn't aware of the strike until he got the email from Ferdinand. He offered to treat him to some tea he brought from home. They had a lovely talk and watched Sylvain stress eat. He tried to talk Sylvain out of resigning but failed.
Raphael: pizza delivery guy - he thought it was a joke at first since they never delivered pizza to the Serios Co but was persuaded by Claude. He got stopped at the front by the front desk clerk who was ordered not to allow any deliveries. Soon more pizza guys showed up and some of them where not as nice as Raphael. He eventually got in and successfully delivered his pizza.
Ignatz: accountant - he wanted no part of this and tried to work despite being on the 3rd floor. He doesn't have any PTO and is frantically trying to get his absence approved because he cannot work under these conditions. He got walled in with desks and chairs and hand to crawl his way out to try to find someone in HR to help him but found their office empty. Worst day of work ever.
Lysithia: Intern- hopes to join the advertising department - She needs this job for school credits so finding out that her boss told her to take the day off because of strike she immediately thought of her record. Lorenz assured her that she would get credit as long as he had any say in it. She played a round of hide and go seek before studying in Lornez's office
Marianne: customer service rep.- she heard the rumors and on the day of the strike she freaked out and when to have a panic attack in her car. She was on lunch technically but she took a 3 hour lunch. She came back in clocked out and decided to try that horse therapy.
Leonnie: pizza delivery guy (not nice) - she knows the customer didn't care that the order took so long to complete and was very understanding that the 30mins or less delivery time but seriously! 50 PIZZAS!! She had to stretch and press dough at top speed for like 45 mins then she burnt her hand while boxing some of the pizza's and she had to deliver all of it to this company just outside of town and now the person at the front door is insisting that the pizza was ordered by mistake oh no! Not today! You will take the pizza and you will pay for it and tip 25%.
Rhea: CEO and founder - she honestly believes her practices are helping the community. She doesn't realize that she doesn't give her employees much choice. She thinks her employees are ungrateful.
Seteth: president - also believes the company is doing the best they can. He knows the dorms are small and brand but they house 78.364% of their employees and they all see a doctor at least 3 times a month. He hates that he has difficulty finding a balance between competitive prices, compensating workers, and turning a profit.
Flayn: secretary - she saw the fun going on in the 5th floor while on her lunch and thought it was organized by staff and didn't connect it as part of the strike.
Catherine: front desk - tried to turn away all the delivery drivers but more kept coming. She kept getting calls from upper management about the social media platforms and tried frantically to get in to make a statement but had little luck. She gave up when Leonnie demanded payment and let all the delivery people in.
Shamir: social media manager- she originally attended the meetings as a mole but soon learned that her fellow employees hardships. She drafted huge posts on every platform exposing the truth, changed all the passwords then took a vacation during the strike.
Hanneman: chief operational officer - he is calling and emailing the IT department about the bans every moment he can. He organized the meeting as soon as the strikers got rowdy.
Manuela: chief financial officer - although she is worried about the finances she has also been pressing about where to cut the budget first. Horse therapy is ridiculous! They own the whole ranch and are responsible for the upkeep of every horse. And all the horses are carefully hand selected and trained too. It's too much nobody uses the horse therapy because nobody has the time off to go to horse therapy!
Alois: Chairman - his title is mostly empty. He joined the strikers in a game of flag football scored a touchdown. Then went back to work as usual. Didn't check his emails about the strike since he only checks them in the morning when he first comes into work.
Gilbert: treasurer - he puts business first. Doesn't know his daughter works for the same company. Was friends with Dimitri's father. He is stressing about how the company will recover financially. He is the reason for the pay cuts so they can fund most of the benefits.
Cyrill: gopher - he gets paid minimum wage and lives on site. He considers himself lucky that he can drive the company car to go pick up office supplies from the store. He was homeless before he got a job at Seiros and feels like he is important.
Since several members of the board were caught participating in strike activities the hubert and his firm counted them at strikers and used this in court.
The dorms were not considered responsible accommodations saying that prisoners in jail cells at least have their own toilet.
The news when crazy with the posts on social media. The account never replied to any dms or comments. When called they said a rogue employee posted them falsely because she was being fired.
Rhea was forced to pay a lawsuit that gave all dormitory workers an allowance of $1000 for rent for life. Even if they choose to leave the company.
Dimitri was fired for not actually having any training. Felix was promoted to the head of IT and everyone respects him.
Rhea looses her company. And most of her assets. She kept the therapy horse ranch and manages that for a living.
With the entire company now belonging to her since everyone above her resigned she made a ton of changes making the company more normal. She pays a fair livable wage to every employee. She repurposed the dorms into offices or solitary break rooms.
Huberts firm gets rebranded as a honest firm that wants to help the little guys. He later goes on to help other corporations unionize.
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