#blah blah blah blahhhhhhhh!
and now it's time to play that ancient game of mine -- moments in my fanfic scribblings that wound up kinda mirroring canon!!
(this is totally just for my own amusement. don't mind me!)
ofmd 204 & 205 spoilers!
this was my fix-it fic that i wrote in a deranged haze the day after 1.09 & 1.10 aired, and then never posted because there were a few small transition scenes in between all the meaty emotional stuff that i was just too lazy to ever finish up. upon rereading, i actually kinda like it and wish i'd finished it though!!! maybe i will one day, and just post it as a historical relic from march '22.
(Ed and Stede meet at last!)
“What’ve you been up to?”
“You haven’t heard?”
“I’ve heard a bit. But I’d rather hear it from you.”
“Oh, you know. Plundering, pillaging, being the punishment this sorry world deserves. That sort of thing.”
“Very neat. And what’s with the–” Stede gestures awkwardly to his own chin.
Ed touches his kohl-painted face. “Wasn’t going to wait for it to grow back in before I got back out there. I’d wasted enough time.”
“Right, yes.” Stede lets out a wistful, slight laugh. “I was starting to get used to your bare face.”
“Really? That’s not what scared you away?”
“I wasn’t scared away.”
“Oh, so you just decided to abandon me for some other reason. That’s great. It feels great, knowing that. Life’s so much better now than it was ten seconds ago. Wait. Fuck.” Ed stands abruptly, shaking the table. “I swore I wasn’t going to do this. I’m fucking Blackbeard, I’m the kraken, I’m hell on waves, I eat babies for breakfast.”
“Oh, Edward.” Stede stares up at him, aghast. “Please tell me you haven’t had a breakfast baby.”
“Obviously I didn’t really,” Ed says impatiently. “It’s just an alliteration thing. It’s the vibes.”
Stede puts a hand to his heart and exhales. “Thank God.”
(okay, with this one i mostly just wanted the breakfast baby joke to finally see the light of day. but there's a slight overlap!)
(Ed and Stede make up very quickly, and then try to make the crew feel cool about that!)
“Hey, Blackbeard.”
“Hey, Black Pete.”
“Oh, it’s just Pete now.”
“Cool, cool. I guess it’s just Ed now, too.”
“Welcome back, Ed. If I could just, uh, say one thing?”
“Sure, mate, what’s up?”
“VENGEANCE!!!” Pete screams, and pushes Ed overboard.
The crew bursts into cheers.
Stede can’t really fault them, all things considered.
“That was just a bit of vengeance for you, babe,” Pete tells Lucius.
“Thanks, babe.”
Once a sopping-wet Ed’s been recovered, there’s the general consensus from all non-Stede crew members that he’s going in the brig.
“We’re really happy for you, Captain,” says Frenchie, “but he’s been a menace.”
“Obviously acting out of deep-rooted pain and some unprocessed childhood trauma,” says Lucius magnanimously. “But all the same, he’s been a massive bitch.”
“I think everyone should get a turn punching him in the face,” says Jim.
“Nobody’s punching anybody!” Stede says, in his clipped captain’s orders! tone. “But you’re right. I’m sorry, Ed; the people have spoken, and the brig it is.”
“No, I get it.” Ed holds up his hands in surrender. “Super fair. And hey, Jim, you can go ahead and punch me if you like.”
“They won’t punch you, they’ve just got hurt feelings–”
Stede is cut off by Jim punching Ed right in the stomach.
Wow. They really don’t waste any time.
“Sucker punch,” breathes Ed through what must be a dizzying amount of pain. “See, I was expecting the face, ‘cause you said the face–”
“Surprise,” says Jim.
and this is from a fic i actually posted! [x]
Stede decides to risk getting shot, and puts a hand on his arm. They stand still together. “I wish I’d gotten it right the first time. But this, right now, it’s the next best thing we’ve got. I’ll keep fighting if you want to fight, and I’m pretty sure my crew and I will win our ship back from you and your sorry lot within the week–”
“--but while we’re fighting, Ed, just know that I lo–”
But before he can say the words, Ed interrupts. “Nope. Don’t.”
“But I–”
“No.” Ed meets his eyes. “I mean it, mate.”
Stede listens. He lifts his hand from Ed’s arm. “That’s all right. You must know what I mean, if you don’t want me to say it that badly.”
“Of course I want you to say it,” Ed mutters. “That’s the problem.”
“Ah, right. Terrible.”
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sapphicautistic · 1 year
I really wish food was optional, it's so fucking tedious and I'm tired of all the foods I can make with ingredients I can afford and I'm tired of cooking and I'm EXTREMELY tired of picking out meals for the week so I can get groceries
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femmefaggot · 1 year
I don't like this I have feelings
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Have you seen the TikTok’s of toddlers cutely screaming random gibrish at their parents? And the sad always acts so hurt and offended?
That’s Lucifer with Charlie
Charlie: blah blah blah
Lucifer: have could you say that!!!!!!
Charlie: blahhhhhhhh
Lucifer: oh my god! Adam! Our little girl is a drunk!
Charlie: blah blah blahhhhhh
Lucifer: she’s swearing like a sailor now!!!!
Adam: Luci she's not saying real words
Lucifer: Sure she is!
Charlie: Blah blah blah
Lucifer: Oooh burn!
Adam: You're an idiot.
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konstya · 4 months
blahhhhhhhh ahhahhahaaaaa blah blah blahhh get of thereeeee you don’t deserve thattt chair take a seat elsewhereeee you ruined the color blue for me you’ve ruined the color you’ve lied to us and honestly you’ve ruined the color blue for me !!!!!!!!
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anerdyfeminist · 2 years
Maybe it’s the adult survivor of child abuse and parental estrangement in me, but when someone prattles on about their 5 kids, 15k grandkids and 1.5M great grandkids blah blahhhhhhhh, I kinda always want to ask how many they actually know and talk to.
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timaeuslover001 · 3 months
Why college fraternities need to be banned for GOOD.
Its no secret fraternities have their roots in Ancient Greek Occult practices that advent changed their format since.
I have always known this about them and its spring no one else has when you talk about them.
unquestionable loyalty to the fraternity, their behaviors and their "gods" and the organization.
I watched a documentary recently bait another murder that happened on a college campus of some frat brothers allowing
and I was sickened by how many deaths there have been and how they seem to always continue.
so examine them: what makes them special and different?
their not clubs. clubs are free to join, and your all bonding over a common interest or goal ;soccer, anime, surfing, Knitting, beach clean ups ect.
Fraternities do NOT. what's a common goal ? a GPA? what else "to make friends" I mean , you need a CULT group to do that? you can't just walk up to someone and say hi on campus, literally HUNDREDS of students there to do that.
so what else ? I hear alot about people making "connections" or "networking" in those fraternities. Some are senators kids, business men and women for parents, relatives in other places and is that the message you want to support? Fair and hard work don't matter, people have to have connections, and backdoor deals and nepotism to get where you're going?
like I had a business class my prof told me a story of other kids who meta and started business in his class and met other kids who share my similar interests as well and it didn't take 2k and me being embarrassed and her pressured to make connections and its as all equines
nit to mention all the men in there seem to bee eerily the same personalities.like carbon copy, scary.
I mean black sorties and fraternities are the same. some more obvious than others. how is that diverse and okay? everyone is the same, in a hallow and bad way. is that you bonding tool? people who look, at and think like you in the worst way possible.
SO what is the distinguishing factors then? other than their abusive, demeaning, and blind loyalty and morally absent behavior? or is THAT it?
Clubs don't ask you to humiliate yourself and humiliate others, abuse you, then make you PAY to be apart of the organization.
not to mention this "brotherhood" catchphrase to say to try and make u think their actually there for your well being.
and even if the humiliation ritual isn't violent its till HUMILIATING. walking around embarrassing yourself , in your underwear, in girls clothes, naked ect to prove "loyalty" its disgusting.
like where are the "me too" people when talking about sexual assault on these men??!??
REAL brothers and REAL families don't hurt you, abuse you, humiliate you. REAL brothers love you, care about you, love you and keep you from any kind of harm, they respect you and keep your dignity in tacts.
and please don't say they have a specific mission statement? like what every corporation in America with those crap "mission statements" they give " Be kind, quality food, quality service, giving back , BLAH BALH BLAHHHHHHHH" the sam scrap every company says but shows it in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM. the same humiliation your at your job on, the same abuse form customers and mamangemt, the same over pried GARBAGE, fake food, pesticides, ect ect. its the same nonsense
no kind of "club" is so important to join in the face of violence, humiliation, and degredation. NONE.
so what do cults do? for one they keep secrets from their followers. i'm sure none of those boys knew that they'd be accomplices and even participants in murder but in this new age of media how can you NOT know and why would you STILL want to join.
They also degrade their followers, belittle them, humane them and threats of violable to silence them and keep them in their club. alot of cults do that. watch Midsommer movie to understand.
Not to mention, alot of these colleges rape stories happen to frat houses. drugs, alcohol, underage drinking ect. like your not even SAFE with this Types of people and good luck getting "witnesses" or even getting support cu they down snitch o their brothers.
I mean say you're a random girl and even a girlfriend of one of the "brothers" you think they're going to protect you? NO! they down. even protect their OWN. their loyalty is to "The fraternity. the fraternity. the fraternity" its sick and gross. they dit even STAND for anything and yet they pledge all their loyalty to these groups.
It's disgusting. so why they still round? well we already their funded by donations by wealthy individuals. We know George bush was a skull and bones member and these guys:
Warren Buffet | Alpha Sigma Phi. ... 
Charles Koch | Beta Theta Pi. ... 
David Koch | Beta Theta Pi. ... 
Sam Walton | Beta Theta Pi. ... 
Michael Bloomberg | Phi Kappa Psi. ... 
Mark Zuckerberg | Alpha Epsilon Pi. ... 
Paul Allen | Phi Kappa Theta. ... 
Phil Knight | Phi Gamma Delta.
so if you are about men, women, rape, sexual assault, and human life in general you'd boycott these organizations, our country and well being of your children and general fairness and justice in the world.
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pteropods · 2 years
stares longingly in the distance there should be more research universities in portland
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rock-teh-elf · 3 years
Let's talk about DRAGON AGE 2 !
I've been DYING to talk about this fuck fest since I played it, I don't even know where to startttt, I wanna do serious critique about it like story and character wise, the graphics the choices and blah blah blahhhhhhhh, so these are purely my opinions on this game sooo yeah y'all probably don't care so let's just dive right into it ! Also the pictures stop half way cause apparently there's a 10 pictures limited which is WACK >:-(
Things I despise about the game
First and foremost is the fact that you can't choose a race other than human, yeah yeah this point has been talked to shit but let me throw my own quarter for what it's worth. Considering that picking a race in origins -the game that came first and before DA2- it is odd that the only option for this game is exclusively human, like Hawke's backstory is that they and their family had to flee their home due to the fifth blight, an event that could happen to both humans and elves, hell even dwarfs, so I don't really see why it had to be so limited. Even if for this or that the backstory wouldn't work for an elf or a dwarf it would have been preferable to like add another backstory rather than take away the ability to play as other races. Some may argue that doing so would take away the incredible loose connection between DA:O and DA2 but really would anyone even care ? I certainly didn't catch the connection on my first play through, and it's not like an apocalyptic even would be the only reason for someone to go to Kirkwall LIKE THE BACKSTORY FOR A DWARF HAWKE IS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE I DON'T GET IT. I'm sorry I got heated but I'm biased, I always want to play as an elf :-P
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The aesthetics, maker is this game ugly, Kirkwall is definitely...interesting. from the muted colours to the repeating dungeons and locations, this game is incredibly dull and just downright ugly. Like even compared to DA:O that came several years earlier, the graphics don't get that much better. It's worth to mention that I played this game on PS3, it might have nothing to do with the rendering of the aesthetics but nevertheless I played it on console. So let's start with the environment and then I'll move to the character models, the locations areeeee for the lack of a better word FUCKING UGLY, kirkwall is a brown on brown dull mess of randomly placed buildings and randomly placed spikes for some unholy reason, cause yes places with high poverty obvi has spikes on the stairs and the ground, and don't think that the "open world" gets any better cause it doesn't.
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The other locations just get repeated over and over again like all of the caves and dungeons are the same ? I have no excuse other than the fact that this game was obviously incredibly rushed, if I remember correctly I think it was finished in two (2) years ? Which is just, such a short time, it's mostly EA's fault for rushing this game so much so I'll give them a pass on this but fr if I see this cave ONE more time. On a good note though, since this was mostly a one area game, it was pretty easy to memorize the layout of Kirkwall so I'll give them that !. Now, oh now, let's talk about the character models, they're mostly fine although the in game animations are a bit jumpy and stiff but what would you expect from a game released in 2011-ish. It did get some getting used to to the like emoting of the characters idk how to describe it if you played it you know how it is. Also y'all get a -20 for what you did to my boy zevran.
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Now for my biggest complain, it's that, you don't really have an impact to the story, your choices don't really matter as every event ends the way the game wants it to. Unlike origins and inquisition, replaying this game to have different outcomes was incredibly anti climactic, simply cause it was all the same, Meredith still Meredithed, varrics brother still betrayed you, your mother still dies, Orsino still turns into an abomination whether you supported the mages or the templars, no matter whether you played as a purple or red hawke, a mage or a rogue, romanced Merrill or Anders, outside of companion events or companion's opinions of you, your choices don't matter. There's no big turning point, a big "what to do" choice like in origins, like the choice to kill Loghain or not, with the urn of sacred ashes, the right of annulment at the circle and I don't want to compare DA2's choices with inquisition's cause it came after it, but inquisition has great dilemmas too. The biggest choices you'll have to make in DA2 imo is a) whether to support the mages or Templars, a choice you'll have to make at the very end of the story, which in the end doesn't even matter cause like i mentioned, Orsino still turns into an abomination no matter what and Meredith still Merediths at the end, and b) whether to staby staby Anders or let him go or let him stay, which again doesn't really matter cause the chantry is already in tiny burning pieces and really, whether he is alive or not makes literally 0 difference in the games story AND future-cause he doesn't even make a cameo in DAI he is only mentioned by varric and hawke- the only thing that that choice affected was my mental health, like yeah what he did was bad but he is my healer I literally can't win a battle without him. lastly the other "big" choice you have to make is the fate or ugh carver or the obvious better sibling Bethany, a choice you don't even have to make if you don't take them with you into the deep roads.
The characters
I feel like my opinions on the characters should be a category of its own so here we goooo !!!
Obviously we gotta start with Hawke's siblings. First we have carver which I STRONGLY dislike, a disclaimer should be that I've never actually interacted with carver as I haven't played as a mage Hawke so my opinion in him is completely based on videos I've seen of him and things I've read. So the fact that he becomes a Templar when his sibling is a fucking mage ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ dude what are you doinggggg, he is overall mean and annoying which I think is what the developers where going forrr, they did a good job. NOW FOR THE WOMAN OF THE HOUR BETHANYYYY, I fucking love Bethany so much, she's so nice and she actually fits very good in my party, we overall agreed on most things and was the first person I got full friendship with !! :-D I was actually so sad when she had to leave tho :-(.
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Next up we have Aveline ! Who I have very mixed feelings about. Truth be told I didn't reallyyyy go and talk to her that much through out my game play but overall the interactions I had with her felt so...real, like yea we didn't really see eye to eye in a lot of different things but she always had my back and I had hers, we were old friends that went through a lot of shit together and those experiences created a bond between us.Her character was really well written but my stance on her is neutral, I nether like her nor dislike her.
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Isabela, this one is a thought one, like yea at first I really liked her but I never managed to get her friendship high enough in order for her to come back after the arishok fight so I never really got the chance to interact with her on a deeper level.
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Next we have Merrill :-D, so most people don't like Merrill due to her personality or her constant use of blood magic and that obsession with the eluvian, but I actually quite like her, she was the person I chose to romance and it was so cute how awkward our interactions were like she got flushed when I flirted with her and I got flushed behind the screen when she said nice stuff to me, I might have actually revealed how much of a loser I am lol. Her whole story, or downfall, when it came to the eluvian was actually really interesting, watching her trying to have both her clan and mirror only to come to the harsh realisation that she can't have both is heartbreaking, also like we had to kill her whole clan omg I was in shockkkk. And I also wanted to know more about the eluvian since it appeared in DAI :-P. Further more I like how she always had my back, she was easy to get along with, at least for me, even if I did openly disapproved of her use of blood magic, she was also a key component of my party, she was actually really useful ! I just really like her tehe, she's adorable.
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Varric up nextt, not much to say about him, I agree with the public opinion, I love him. he's so scary here haha
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Next, I guess we'll leave the one I have the most to say for last so let's do fenris, I actually tried so hard to get along with him but he always gave me rivalry points no matter what I did :'-), even when I was trying to be nice he disapproved cause he "didn't want to be cradled like a baby" I suppose. Ofc I sympathised with him and helped with his sister and stuff but overall I just never got along with him, he is like that one person that one of ur friends from your friend group hangs out with and ur friend constantly invite them over when y'all hang and it's all awkward and you don't have anything in common with that person so you just want them to leave you alone, if that makes sense. So overall compelling character with a great character arc even if I don't agree with his views on mages, also a key component of my party, oh also his banter with Anders is the funniest thing ever lolz.
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I don't think I'm missing anyone so let's do the man of the hour,the myth, the legend, the fucking psychoooo Anders!!!!. Anders oh Anders, I don't know where to start, I hate his guts but he is also my favourite character. From the way I see it, dragon age 2 is ander's game, we as Hawke watch this man turn from a healer that only wants to help the refugees and citizens of darktown to a terrorist that kick-started a wat between the mages and the chantry, so let's take it from the start. We first see Anders in his clinic helping a boy blah blah he was a grey warden ? Wow how interesting, u help him "save" Karl and then he joins your party, here is where he confesses that he has a spirit inside of him, justice/vengeance, ( which I have theories about which I'll probably write about later ). SO he seems nice at first, just a funky nurse trying to do his best, but then he opens his mouth lol. He has,,, let's just say very strong opinions, which I sometimes totally agree with, about mage rights, that mages should be free of the circle but he also has strong opinions about templars, mainly that they all should die lol. Anders' world is very black and white, with mages as the good guys and templars the bad and I totally understand his point of view since he has been oppressed by the templars his whole life, but his opinions blind him to other issues mainly that mages ARE dangerous- something that the game reminds us so many times with the excessive amount of blood mages lol - now don't get me wrong Anders opposes blood magic openly and harshly everytime Merrill uses it - and that the Templar order is sadly needed but it has been severely corrupted. He has good intentions sure but he just, goes about it the wrong way, picking fights with I think everyone in the group because they don't agree with his views and um you know, the incident. But honestly that's what I love about him, about his character, he is like a bolder that no one can move, no one can change his mind, not even the one that he would and I quote "drown us in blood to keep you safe", and he won't back down from a opportunity to change someone's mind, he has a goal and is determined to reach it, by all means necessary, he won't back down and he doesn't, he just keeps pushing and pushing until he finally reaches the well...but he doesn't drink from it, he blows up the chantry and he starts a war that he just, doesn't want to fight ?! He owns up to it sure but he just so easily gives up, leaving his fate at the hands of Hawke, it's the one time he backs down and stops pushing, instead he pulls, asking Hawke to do with him as they want, now that is just, I don't even know a word to describe it. Anders is a compelling, complex and very well written character, he is the star of the show, it's HIS show, I mean it's the only companion that actively lies and deceives the player in such a dramatic degree, a betrayal you just can't see coming, well I didn't see it coming I was so happy to help him get rid of justice lol but wkfnwkdj WHAT THE FUCK ANDWRSKSSS YOU BROKE MY HEARTTTTTT. Yea um he sucks and I love him, also his romance route is so dramatic and it fits the story perfectly, like his romance was MADE for this story. But I still hate him.
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Now for what I like :-D
I know I just flamed the shit out of this game but contrary to what you've witnessed I actually like this game haha.
• first, a kinda controversial opinion maybe ?, I really really enjoyed the side quests ! I finished all of them and didn't even notice, it's so nice that they all have like an individual story, while some of them connect to the main story some don't at all and I quite love that cause it makes the world more real ! Like yes the big issue is there but there are other secluded problems within the community. Basically I love how everyone is minding their business and have their own problems.
• next I actually really really like the story !! THE ANGST THE DRAMA THE PLOT TWISTS GIVE THEM TO MEEEEEEEEEEEE :-0. I don't have much to say I just really like the story
• the characters ! They're all so well written and they all have some kind of arc and like personal things they have going for them ! No interaction ever felt forced while playing and - even if I didn't like someone - I enjoyed talking and interacting with everyone
That was my extra long review, now that I read it back the things I like look super underwhelming lol.
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BLAH BLAH BLAHHHHHHHH some people say to much but don't do anything.
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glimmera · 4 years
△ What's the hardest part about being a queen? What's the best part?
Ummm, I’ll do this in reverse.
The best part of being a queen is just... being there for my people. Obviously I can’t get to know literally everyone in Bright Moon, but I do know a lot of people! There’s Merry, Lysander, Ping, Thatchel, Uri, Asyth, Plum, Harriet, Kana, Nene, Ward, Ostir, Pitch, Bera, Zu, Ford, Jin, Page, Star, Lane, Mune, Chyla, Kinu, Tana, about six shopkeeps named Lee (popular name!), and ugh there are just so many nice people in Bright Moon, it really does make me want to get to know everyone. Seeing people enjoy themselves, just being out and about in all the different neighborhoods is so nice! Also just having access to all the... princess stuff? If someone needs something, I can just get it for them! It’s a great feeling.
The worst part of being a queen? Politics. And... actually, kinda being a queen at all. I understand that Bright Moon has a long and storied history, but. Do these people need a queen? Why should I get to do all these things? Just because of my parents? And what even do I do in my current station? I make decisions like trade deals and taxes and policies like no using magic at certain times or in certain areas. And I sit in meetings. Soooooo many meetings! Ambassadors, emissaries, missionaries, negotiators... blegh, no wonder my mom was so stuffy. My dad probably left all that stuff to her since he was so wrapped up in his studies. And the classes! Uuuuugh, the War cut my ‘queen’ training short, since my mom was busy coordinating the War effort and stuff, so I have to sit through all these classes from the Royal Council about how to conduct myself, what I can wear, what I should say and when, how to give speeches, how to write a declaration, how to receive public grievances, how to blah blah blahhhhhhhh...
But honestly? The real worst part? The dissenters. Not because they dissent! But just... seeing someone look you in the eye and tell you that you’re ruining the kingdom and making life worse for them? It’s... it’s a lot. And I can’t do anything but say I hear them and that I’m. I’m trying. And they threaten to leave, and I tell them they can if they’d like, and they ask if that’s how a ruler conducts herself in the face of her dissatisfied people, and it’s all I can do to keep my composure. Bright Moon isn’t perfect. I’m not perfect. But we’re trying. We’ve switched to public cafeterias so no one goes hungry, but the farmers complained it hurt their businesses. We’re building more houses so no one goes homeless, but people complained about the people they have to live next to. We’re even accepting refugees from the War, and there are some people who don’t want to let them in. I can’t change their minds, and I just have to live with that. Every decision I make will make some people upset. But if it makes more people happy, then that’s what I have to do as a queen. And that’s tough. Living with the knowledge that you might ruin a lot of people’s lives because you’re expected to make these big decisions on their behalf without any qualifications other than your parents is hard.
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lalalouie · 5 years
At one point he talks about having friends that pass away and says that he wishes he would’ve asked one more time if they were okay. He’s referencing Matt Irwin, a friend of his that committed suicide in 2016. Did he say his name? No. He said “a friend”. Is anyone throwing a hissy fit over it? NO. It’s the same exact thing. You don’t have to listen to the interview but then maybe don’t make such quick judgement without having all the facts.
Cool but this is part of a consistent trend and I don’t know how his own fans aren’t tired of it yet.
Isn’t it weird that no matter what Harry says fans need to jump in to properly explain his words and behaviour? Like there are constantly posts about how Harry is being unfairly criticized and non-harries need to shut up and it’s our fault for not understanding him and he’s a Good Person if you’re paying attention and only true fans know what he really means by what he said and nobody understands this soft sweet princess you’re being so mean to him and even though he said this certain thing he actually means the exact opposite and Jeff is holding him hostage he would never be like this if it was up to him blah blah blahhhhhhhh.
Has everyone forgotten Harry is business partners with Jeff? He has a stake in his own mgmt company. He’s part of the Azoff family. He’s not Jeff’s helpless minion. He has a say in his image and he has power behind him. So even if people don’t believe this is the actual Harry and the narrative that he wants, he’s got no issues going along with it so that’s kinda interesting isn’t it ?
When you have to defend him every time he opens his mouth, maybe that’s a red flag. His fans shouldn’t have to work this hard to show he’s a decent person with half a brain. Maybe... maybe he’s just not.
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cruelsunnyday · 7 years
awake at 2 am frustrated that i never developed any creative habits that would express these feelings ugh
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class: blah blah blah blah BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAHHHHHHHH
me: shut up shut up shut up SHUT UPPPPPPPPPP
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I’m so over today but wearing my fiancés shirts always help
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skaterrjoe · 6 years
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It’s a #blah day for me so I’m throwbaccking myself to #Thailand cause i miss that too. #sigh blahhhhhhhh
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