#blame summer
bamsara · 1 year
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you know what i mean
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lemon-zesttt · 1 month
plsplspls king zesty i beg of you to bless us with harvey at the beach with an unreasonable amount of sunscreen on his nose reading under an umbrella to avoid the sun
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soldrawss · 1 year
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A little summer rain excursion to the corner store with the Noceda kiddos.
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labyrinthaze · 1 year
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Lover and Reputation, my favorite sister duo
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platossoulmates · 2 months
hyper fixation too strong… life going too well… may have to pick up the pen and go back to ao3
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ptieuca · 4 months
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#angel doing tai chi is a buffy kink
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sugarbear2001 · 15 days
I think it's safe to say that Logan has a thing for redheads.
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kadala1 · 1 month
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GRAVITY FALLS NEXT SUMMER IS BACK! redoing refs but here are the canon 4 (minus Apollo because he’s an oc sadly)
Gideon actually gets a growth spurt when it enters season two- and dipcifica is bi4bi idc idc
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luckyshinyhunter · 4 months
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Magneto became one of my favorite characters of X-Men 97, everything about is him is just incredible. His VA's performance, the awesomely terrifying display of his powers and the absolutely brilliant theme by The Newton Brothers.
The writers have done a great job capturing his complexity and tragic motivations making his actions pretty justifiable.
Every time he appears, he basically steals the show and the audience's attention and it's amazing! From where he talks to the UN in episode 2, to him, Rogue and Gambit fighting Master Mold and the sentinels in episode 5, to every chilling monologue by him in the series.
Not only he's one of the best omega level mutants, He's also an top-tier character, I can't wait for more of him in season 2.
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sop-1 · 4 months
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I'll leave these sketches that I made some weeks ago <3
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hanzajesthanza · 8 months
i know everyone here myself included is a big nerd so, like percival schuttenbach, so we do not find a problem with this but instead find it cool, but
you ever think about how in the interior of regis’ hut by fen carn, his room was literally just: a bed. a small table littered with vials and flasks. a pot-bellied stove. and an extensive, complex, highly developed distillery system. and the only food he had on hand was a basket of horseradish.
now, this sounds great, because distillery is a cool hobby, but i don’t think any of us are putting this into perspective
imagine it like this:
meet a guy, middle aged, maybe 50s. lives alone in the middle of nowhere. okay. goes to his place to spend the night.
go inside his room. no furniture in the entire room except a bed and a small bedside table with a bunch of mismatched dirty cups, some randomly half-full. and taking up half the room is an excessively pro gaming setup, monitors, chair, the works, all in all costing about $50K, lighting up the entire room with enough RGB lighting to send you to heaven. oh and there’s a radiator heater in the corner.
haha ok man. would you happen to have any food i’m kind of hungry. “yep” opens fridge. nothing in there except a bag of parsnips and a half-empty bottle of sparkling water. okay man
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catboybiologist · 9 days
I feel like I'm getting tagged in tummy less :(
Plz send tributes
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
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bts of Close My Eyes
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darkwood-sleddog · 4 months
me: feeling that guilty feeling bc i have not done an exercise activity with the dogs today even though it's like 85 F and has been for days.
the dogs: do not touch me. do not touch that leash, just let me rot on the tile floor in the a/c i am BEGGING YOU.
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alullinchaos · 1 year
yang inherited divorced energy from raven and weiss inherited "i never should've married you" energy from willow. meanwhile blake inherited "happily married and dtf" energy, and ruby got her "we're not fucking" energy from summer
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suchalonelysunflower · 6 months
Den of Vipers
Sinners and Saints: Chapter 1
Pairing: Mafia! Ashton Irwin x Fem! Hemmings! Reader
Word count: 5.8 k
Summary: Devastating news forces you to knock on the door of the last person you’d ever want to see.
Warnings: Death, murder, blood, guns, mentions of drugs, abuse, torture, kidnapping, language. Some gramatical errors (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Author’s Note: Hiya! Welcome to my new series. I won’t have a taglist anymore, so any way you can support this, whether it is a reblog, comment or like, would be very much appreciated ❤️ Hope you like it and Happy reading 🌻✨❤️
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Series Masterlist
The roaring sound of the engine could be heard from your room, distracting you from the book you were so comfortably reading. A smile crossed your features as you jumped out of bed and made your way outside.
The sun was starting to set with the golden hour on the horizon. The image of your brother’s back walking out the door welcomed you for just a moment before you decided to jump on him, immediately making him drop the small amount of luggage he was carrying.
“Since when do you leave without saying goodbye?” You laughed, perfectly koaling your way along his broad back.
The perks of being a little sister: you’re never too old or too heavy for piggyback rides from your siblings.
Luke groaned a laugh “Since I figured I could be free from your ass a few minutes longer”
You jumped off him “You don’t mean that”
“Of course not,” He smiled, pulling you into a hug. “I was going to go up to your room in a few minutes”
It was always like this when he had to leave. Ever since he started helping your father at work, he’s been gone most of the time, barely having any time for you. It was no secret that Luke was your favorite amongst your brothers, nor did he hide the fact that you were his favorite as well. It was just the way it is, having just two years distancing you of age he became your best friend from the beginning. And it was not like you were allowed many friends either - or rather, no one wanted to be your friend because of your last name.
Luke got that, everyone in the family did. But growing up made it harder for you than your brothers. Being the only girl in the family does that.
“How long are you leaving this time?”
Luke sighed “Dad said it’s only for a week, but you know him”
“So I should expect you by the end of the month” You answered him, trying to hide the hurt in your smile “Can’t you come back early? At least for a few days?”
“Why?” He asked with a puzzled expression “Is there something important happening or…?” You punched him, he laughed “Of course I’ll try to be here for your birthday, little thunder”
And if Luke said he would try, he meant it.
He kissed your forehead before a loud honk could echo throughout the house.
“Someone’s impatient” You rolled your eyes.
“We gotta love him” Luke shrugged, grabbing his luggage and giving you one last look “Take care, Y/N”
“You, too! I’ll see you when you get back”
“I’ll bring you a present!”
You stayed at the door until you watched the car disappear through the gates. Little did you know what would happen next.
The brain works in funny ways. Always reminding you of things you would rather forget.
It’s been a week since “it” happened, but there wasn’t a day where you didn’t relieve it at least once.
The rain against the window; the loud knocks on the door. You were sitting in the kitchen, putting the last candles on your birthday cake, anxious about the promise Luke made you as you looked at the clock. How did they let the police just pass through the gate like that? Maybe the guards knew it was urgent. How you walked down the hall, careful just to eavesdrop without being noticed, just in time to watch your mother fall to her knees, her beautiful party dress ruined as the most horrifying sound left her mouth.
Then, it was all a blur.
People dressed in black. Your father having meetings after meetings behind closed doors, always catching your eye before the familiar click of the lock filled the silence. How the rain felt against your skin as the casket containing your brother's body was lowered down to the ground, never to be seen again. Your mother’s tears. The fake “I’m sorry for your loss” speeches. Your father's stone-cold expression as his hand covered your shoulder with some sort of affection. The silence that came afterward.
But it couldn’t end like that. It wasn’t right.
“We need to find him,” You told your father after the funeral.
He was sitting behind his desk, looking the oldest you’ve ever seen him. His eyes weren’t even focusing on you, almost as if he were also lost.
The first time he lost a son, Ben, your oldest brother, it made him cold as ice. It helped him build the empire he had now, grown on the blood of the enemies he took down along the way. You were just a child then, not older than thirteen, but you remember how fast things started to change. How friends stopped being friends, how business never meant the same thing again, how your mother stopped smiling as the jewels in her chest started growing.
But this is different.
“Dad,” You begged, hating how you sounded like a little kid again.
“There is nothing we can do, Y/N,” He said, coldly.
That’s who Robert Hemmings was, never sugarcoating anything. He tried, albeit your mother’s begging, to keep you out of the know of the family business. You were their only daughter, their little Angel, what good would it do to drag you into this world of madness and blood? It seemed like she didn’t know you at all.
“So you’re just going to sit there and do nothing?!” Your voice rose with every word.
Your father didn’t dignify you with a response, instead, he chose to sit back and close his eyes. For the first time in years, you realized just how old your father was getting. The creases upon his face were as deep as the dark circles under his eyes. His white hair was getting thinner by the hour, and the spots on his skin seemed to be growing.
For a second you wondered just how much time it had passed since you saw him smile, since you spent time with him like you used to when you were a little kid. But you were not a kid anymore, and the man in front of you did not seem like your father at all.
He seemed tired, he probably was after all of this. But you were tired as well, tired of so, so many things that you were done keeping quiet for.
“He is still out there,” You said, more quietly this time “I know he is”
“Y/N…” He sighed, rubbing the pads of his fingers on his temple, trying hard to come up with the right words before he exploded in a fit of anger as he usually does with his subordinates “You heard what the police said. You read the reports even though we told you not to-”
“The reports said they only found one body, dad. One!” You wanted to scream, to shake some sense back into him but for what? You could already see the lost battle before it even began “Maybe Luke wasn’t in the car, maybe-”
“The car was completely burned out! They found his jewelry, some bones- Y/N I don’t know how else to tell you! They’re dead!”
“Jack is dead,” You said somberly “Jack’s body is the only one that they found. Jack’s the one six feet below. Not Luke”
Robert sat back in his chair, shaking his head as you continued with your ranting.
“The bones couldn’t be identified, so it could be one poor soul that got the short end of the stick. It could be one of the collateral damage, as you call them, right dad? Could be fucking anyone! Luke could still be out there, he could be in trouble and we’re sitting here doing nothing-!”
A loud bang interrupted you. Your father’s fist was tense over his desk after he banged on it, not caring about the glass of water that tipped over and was now spilling over the edge of the mahogany. The vein on his neck was trembling as well as his jaw, but his eyes weren’t focused on you. Instead, he looked down, eyes wide and unreadable with every emotion hidden and swallowed by his pride.
Still, that didn’t scare you.
“Jack would’ve wanted for us to find him”
“Don’t you fucking talk about your brother” Robert spat.
“Someone has to!” You stood up, letting the foot of the chair drag against the floor. You have never stood up to your father before, but it was time to change some things around the Hemmings' household “You know I’m right”
“Y/N, Luke is dead,” He said, finally looking straight at you. The helplessness in his eyes took you by surprise “The sooner you accept it, the better. The ceremony for his remains will be-”
“No! That’s not him!” You nearly cried, but you promised yourself not to. Not in front of him. Not ever “I’m not going to mourn a stranger standing in his place”
Your father just shook his head, letting his hands distract him as he sorted out the papers on his desk.
“Dad,” You demanded his attention, leaning over his desk “Dad!”
No response, no reaction.
“Fine,” You said, voice laced with anger “I’ll go find someone who will pay attention to me”
You started to walk away, not looking back as your nails dug into the flesh of your palm, cutting the skin to distract you from crying out of rage and disappointment. This was not how you expected he would react. You didn’t expect him to give up just like that.
The merciless boss of one of the biggest mafia rings in the country… giving up for his son.
“Y/N,” He called out before you closed the door behind you, making you stop in your tracks but you refused to look at him “I’m thinking of selling the business”
Those words left you frozen in place, a drop of cold sweat dripping down your back as you turned to him, clear fear in your eyes.
Robert, stoic as usual, didn’t look up as he signed over something.
“The Luccas made an offer” He explained in so little detail “I believe it’ll be for the best”
“For the best?!” You scoffed, feeling completely betrayed. A new low you believed your father could never be able to reach “For the best of whom? Your conscience? Breaking news, dad. You don’t have one. Cause if you did, you would never-”
You pressed your lips together, shushing the lump in your throat that threatened to escape in a sob. You took a deep breath and turned to your father.
“I hope you know this is the last time I’ll ever talk to you again if you dare to sell it to them. To him”
“That’s not your decision to make”
“Then consider me dead along with the rest of your children. You’re good at that”
The banging on the door was heard all over the house along with your shoes stomping on the floor.
He could laugh. Was it possible that they were that stupid?
It wasn’t a rare occurrence for Calum Hood and Michael Clifford to come at him for help, but really? Drugs?
“This has to be the stupidest thing you’ve ever asked me,” He said, both Calum and Michael shifted a little in their seats.
There they were, sitting in comfortable velvety cushion seats with leather handles; drinking a whiskey that was probably older than them; hands adorned with expensive jewelry and dressed in the finest suits they could afford. And they were afraid.
It was normal, of course, to feel intimidated by him. After all, his reputation preceded him as one of the deadliest men in the country. His successful deals gave him millions, and the ones that weren’t as successful still made him a threat. Men feared him or wanted to be him. Women fell at his feet on their knees and not just to beg for mercy.
There was no wonder why he was nicknamed “Lucifer” given that his eyes resembled the evil and cruelty of Alexander Cabanel’s painting. There was no good left in him, not that anyone knew. Not that he would show proof of that.
Ashton Irwin was a proud man, a respectable man. And the two men in front of him knew it, so why waste their time?
Both Calum and Michael were famous around town as well. The prodigal son, Calum Hood, became a household name after he took on the family business after holding his father at gunpoint to sign the papers for him. Soon, he enlisted Michael Clifford, a wizard in technology and heir to his own fortune - albeit a bit small - as his right-hand man. They made themselves known in the business, and even Ashton had to admit that it was surprising how quickly they went up the ladder amongst the other families he knew. But, as any rookies, they made a few mistakes and asked a lot of favors that they were now trying to amend.
“Calum, how’s your girl?” Ashton asked, leaning back on his chair, pretending that their request was never asked in the first place “Still running that bookshop back on Seventh Street?”
The smirk on Ashton’s face might not have meant anything else but a taunt to Calum. But the latter didn’t like the way he said it, almost as if he knew that his girl was his only weakness.
“She’s good” He answered, trying not to give him the satisfaction of seeing him affected.
Ashton hummed, looking at the third guy who was standing near the mirror on the wall.
“It’s not nice to bring security and bodyguards for a talk with friends,” He said.
“Is that what we are?” Michael asked, “Is that what we’re doing?”
“You tell me, Clifford. Cause I know for sure that if you came to me as partners then we wouldn’t even have this conversation” Calum opened his mouth to speak but Ashton silenced him “Because as you know, I don’t make deals with lost causes, and right now I’m seeing two in front of me”
“There’s a thing called “unsaid agreements” in this business, Calum, I know you’re familiar with that. And that is we don’t shit where we eat. We don’t sell drugs in this city, we don’t make deals with the locals, and for fuck’s sake we don’t owe favors to the ones that don’t comply with this agreement” He pointed his finger at the two men in front of him “And you two fuckers did the three things together”
“Well, what choice did we have?!” Calum asked “The Luccas were threatening to take over our territory and-”
“And I don’t give a fuck about the Lucass’” Ashton spat “In fact…”
In one swift move, he took a gun under his desk and shot the security guard right in the head.
The two men yelled and jumped as the gun went off. Splatters of blood could be found in their clothing and faces, but nothing compared to the smear of blood and brains that now dropped from the mirror. Ashton, as usual, sat back in his chair with a smirk and hid the gun. Not a single drop of blood hit him or his desk.
“WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!” Calum yelled, trying to wipe the blood from his clothes, showcasing his lack of knowledge of the business.
“Cause he was wearing a microphone you jackass!” Ashton spat “Hidden on the belt, look it up”
Michael leaned down and he in fact found a small microphone hidden behind the buckle. He sighed as he showed it to Calum. The two men looked back at Ashton with tired looks filled with anger and embarrassment.
“Another advice,” He said “Don’t fucking invite newbies to “important” meetings”
“You think you’re so smart…”
“I know I’m smart, Hood, and I’m the best there is in this business so don’t you fucking forget it. There’s a reason you came to me and not to the bloody Bermans” He got up and walked up to Calum, grabbing his chin and pulling his closer “I’m the only chance you have but I don’t even know if you two idiots deserve it. So, admit it, Hood”
Calum rolled his eyes, but Ashton tightened his grip.
“Say it” He nearly whispered, looking straight into his eyes.
“Jesus fuck, fine. We need you, okay?”
Ashton smiled, letting go of Calm and patting him on the cheek “Atta boy”
Just in time, someone knocked on the door before opening it. A young blond girl dressed in a white crop top and leather pants peaked inside, only showing half of her body but her whole face.
“Lauren, not now”
“There’s someone here to see you”
Ashton rolled his eyes “I don’t have time for it right now. Whatever or whoever it is, it can wait till at least for the cleaning to come up”
“I don’t think it can wait, sir. She’s very insistent. I’ve been trying to hold her back for twenty minutes now” Ashton gave her a look that made her roll her eyes “She says her name is angel and that it’s urgent”
Ashton perked up at the name. Slowly biting the inside of his cheek, he nodded and turned back toward his desk.
He clicked his tongue before looking toward Michael and Calum, and then back to his assistant.
“Bring her in and send the cleaning team to at least remove that idiot, please” Lauren nodded and closed the door. He looked at his desk, putting away some papers as he nonchalantly said “You two, out”
“This isn’t over, Irwin-”
“Yes, Clifford it is” He stared at them but barely raised his head “Now get the fuck out before I make you”
Ashton could only hear a string of murmured curses and then the door closing with a bang. He smirked, “Angel,” He whispered to himself in a singing, mocking tone “What have you gotten into”
The blonde girl looked familiar. Her smile showed some kindness that you weren’t used to seeing around these places, even when you first encountered her behind the bar. She didn’t ask questions other than your name and the reason for your sudden visit.
“He doesn’t see people without a previous appointment,” She said, handing one more beer to the drunken men who slurred their thank you’s to her.
“What, is he a doctor?” You chuckled humorlessly, but the girl didn’t laugh along with you. her bright blue eyes just showed pity and understanding. You sighed “Look, tell him is angel, he’ll see me”
The girl shrugged “I can’t promise you anything, doll. Just wait here”
Once she was out of sight through a backdoor, you took your time to scan the place. Ashton did outsell himself with this one.
“The Den of Vipers” was the most popular club in the city, having opened ten years ago when Ashton took over the family business, it was still filled with clients who wanted to get lost for a while. Ashton was good at making people disappear, and it showed. This place screamed his name wherever you would look.
The floor was a dark marble with white gold lines separating the tiles. There were booths against the walls, all made of velvet cushions and leather. The lights were low, and changing from blue to purple, to green and then white again as the music played, it was impossible to keep track of the people there thanks to it. The bar itself was made of bulletproof glass, standing proudly and mockingly in the middle of the dancefloor, surrounded by different bodies lost in the mindless music the DJ of the night put on, almost in trance and unaware of the things that happened behind the scenes.
Of course, this whole charade of a humble business owner was just Ashton’s front to the authorities - even though they always seemed to be on his side, many times you heard your father complain about it - but you knew the reality. In fact, you were sure that when the girl came back, you’d be led through the backdoor and into the real building. You’d walk through careful hallways that will eventually lead you to the owner’s real office.
And that is exactly what happened once she came back and guided you through cushioned, sound-proofed walls covered in dark green velvet. The lights of the halls were dimmed, giving the feeling of being watched at all times like a haunted house. And you wouldn’t have been surprised if that was the case, after all, Ashton could be anything but careless when it came to a negotiation.
Which is exactly why you’re here.
When you got to the door of his office, you didn’t need to knock as the door opened immediately. Two guys dressed in black came out carrying a bodybag, leaving the door open. You rolled your eyes because, of course, Ashton would make a big show.
“I’ll take it from here,” You said to the girl, giving her a small smile that she mirrored.
The first thing you saw when you came into the office was the desk. It had nothing but some papers and a lamp, no sign of family pictures or hobbies. It was common for the “big bosses” to keep their workplaces clean of any personal relationships, but coming from Ashton it seemed pretentious - at least for you.
The mirror still had blood stains on it and you could tell they were still fresh, even so you didn’t look twice. Blood and guts are not something that shocks you anymore, and that realization came with a whole can of worms you weren’t ready to open up yet. There were some stains on the floor and what you could assume was gunpowder residue, so you were careful not to step on those.
“I’d apologize for the mess, princess. But you and I both know it doesn’t matter”
You turned to find Ashton with his back facing you as he fixed a drink on his personal mini-bar. His broad shoulders and back were covered with the finest of suits - from Milan, everyone and their mothers wore clothes from Milan - his hair was longer than the last time you saw him.
When he turned around, however, it seemed like nothing had changed.
He looked mature, of course, twelve years can do that to someone. But his eyes were still the same shade of hazel you remember, only a bit more sadist. He looked good, and somehow you hated that. It was time to put the past in the past where it belonged and stop the memories before they cloud your mind. Still, something inside you kept telling you, urging you to let yourself go. What did it matter how he looked? But that thought came late for the half smile he wore as he walked up to you, made you realize that he caught you staring.
“Here,” He said, handing you a glass of whiskey and coke. How’d he know your favorite drink? that was a question for another time “I assume you’re a big girl now, princess”
You glared at him as you swallowed the whole glass in one go, never taking your eyes off him and his unimpressed look.
“‘m not a princess” You said, dryly “And I can make my own drink, thank you”
You pushed past him and walked toward the mini bar, fixing yourself another drink. It was clear that you didn’t need it, your mind was screaming and begging for you to keep a clear head while you were ahead and in front of Lucifer himself. But something in his smile… the way his eyes still treated you like a child, so condescending, brought something in you. A chance to prove yourself in front of him.
All your life you had to prove yourself in front of men like him. In front of women who think they were better than you because their hands didn’t get dirty as yours did. In front of your parents. Of Luke… How long until they realize that you are where you belong?
Once you finished making your drink you turned back to Ashton. His eyes roamed your body, shamelessly, he licked his lips briefly before a smug grin adorned his face, eyes looking straight at you.
“I can see that,” He said, leaning against his desk “So, angel, haven’t heard from you in a while”
You rolled your eyes “Don’t call me that”
“You’ve never seemed to mind it before”
“I’m not here to reminisce about the olden days, Irwin” You spat.
Ashton whistled “So the bitch can bark! Impressive. Who would’ve thought that the balls of the Hemmings family were hiding behind their youngest?” Your face turned red in anger as your fingers tensed around the glass. Ashton noticed and tauntingly walked toward you with a smirk and leaning to whisper in your ear “But guess what? Y/N, you still can’t bite”
Your body became hot at his proximity. The smell of his cologne filled your surroundings as the rage - or something else, something new - inside your stomach kept boiling. But before you could push him away, he was already pulling apart and going back to sit at his desk.
“Tell me, Y/N, what is a Hemmings doing here all by herself? Has daddy finally kicked you out?”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, looking down unable to meet his eyes. You can’t believe you’re doing this, not with him. But there wasn’t any other choice.
“I need help,” You said, hating how those words sounded coming from you.
“Everybody does” He shrugged “Doesn’t mean they’re going to get it-”
“Ashton,” You finally looked back at him. The urgency of your voice and the fact that you called him by his name for the first time since you came here, took him by surprise as he listened “Jack’s dead”
Ashton’s eyes remained unchanged at your words, looking straight at you while his fingers played with his rings on the opposite hand. From his reaction, it was hard to guess that once upon a time he and the Hemmings’ siblings were inseparable, Jack being the closest of age to him and one of his first friends. Your eyes begged for him to do something, say something. To show you any indication that he might help.
The bond between your family and his broke a long time ago. You were barely a child, but you knew there was no going back to the summers filled with laughter and joy you all shared. In the blink of an eye - or at least that’s what it felt like as a child - The Irwins and the Hemmings were sworn enemies. And the friendship you had with Ashton vanished in thin air.
You and Luke took it the hardest, begging your mother to help you call the Irwin household so you could talk to Ash. Never understanding why suddenly her eyes filled with tears as she shook her head no and told you to play something else.
“He hates us,” Luke said to you once. It was another boring afternoon after you suggested calling him again. But Luke’s eyes were cold as ice, scaring you as he said “And we hate him”
And for a while that was it. You weren’t going to go against your brother, so the subject was finally dropped and you haven’t seen Ashton since. Or at least that’s what everyone thought.
But now, years after the fallout, you were hoping somehow that those words were a lie. Maybe Ashton could still hold some kind of fond memory of your families together. Anything to make you believe he might help you.
“My condolences,” He said after a while, no emotion hidden in his voice.
His comment made you angry, “Is that it?”
“What else do you want me to say?” He shrugged “People die every day, Y/N, it just the way it is”
“He was murdered”
“Shocker” Ashton scoffed with sarcasm “He was never the brightest of lads.”
“It was an ambush,” You said, unable to stop. “They were driving back home in the middle of the night when a string of bullets came raining down on the vehicle. Jack could barely escape before they found him and slit his throat. They burned the car afterward. And Luke-... Luke’s missing, Ashton”
Ashton nodded, pressing his lips in a thin line “He’s probably dead”
“No, he’s not”
And maybe it was because of your determination, or the look in your eyes when you said it, almost as if you believed it. But Ashton grinned at your statement.
“No,” He said, “He’s not”
A small breath of relief escaped your lips. Finally, somebody believed you.
“Would you help me?”
Ashton shrugged “Why would I help you, little Hemmings? What makes you so entitled to come here and ask for my help after what your family did?”
“My family?” It caught you off guard, what did he know that you didn’t?
“And why aren’t they helping to find their beloved golden child?” Ashton mocked, standing up and circling his desk until he was once again in front of you “All the stories we hear about the young, promising Hemmings… I’m sure they were not talking about you”
You felt your cheeks heat up at the comment, grip tightening around the glass, nearly breaking it.
“I am shocked that they didn’t start a search party already. Has daddy Hemmings opened his eyes to his karma yet? Why should I care? Matter of fact, why should you?”
“He’s my brother,”
“Cute. Not enough, but thanks for trying” He nodded toward the door “See yourself out, angel. This isn’t your castle”
Ashton turned around, not even giving you a second glance. Your hand reached out to him, grabbing him by the arm and making him stop. There were probably a few people who could do that to him, even fewer the ones who were still alive to tell the story. He turned his eyes toward you, curiosity and anger hidden in those hazel marbles staring back at you and then at your hand on his arm.
The tension was clear, but it was a little too late to rethink that mistake. If this was your only shot, then you had to take it. You owe that much to Luke.
“I- I have no one, Ash,” You said, looking down, ashamed of your statement and how weak you sounded.
Ashton didn’t say a word, he didn’t move away either. He stood there, waiting for you to continue. And for the first time in a long time, you felt relieved that someone was at least willing to listen.
“I left them,” You told him, looking straight into his eyes “I left my family because they did not believe me. They can’t find Luke, they won’t even try. He’s the only person I have left and I won’t rest until I find him, with or without your help”
Ashton grinned maniacally, a shadow appearing in his eyes as he looked down at you. Now you understand why they called him Lucifer. For he once was one of God's most beautiful angels, but temptation and his own ego were his doom. And, as he leaned down, you couldn’t help but be entranced by that wicked smile as he said, nearly whispering.
“And what are you willing to do, angel?”
It was a challenge, you could see it in his eyes. A bait to lure you into a trap. And you took it.
Ashton’s smile widened as he freed himself from your grasp and walked over to his desk to grab a set of keys, pressing a little button on it.
“If I’m going to help you, little Hemmings - and I’m not saying I will just yet - you’ll have to resign your name and what comes with it. I’ll be dead before I help a Hemmings out of the sheer kindness of my heart”
You rolled your eyes “You don’t have a heart, Irwin. Is that all you want? I told you I left my father”
“I don’t need a rogue princess fumbling with my business” Ashton scoffed, “So whatever I say goes. You’re working for me, Hemmings, not the other way around” He walked closer to you again, his chest nearly hitting yours “If I say go, you go. If I say we stop, you stop. If I say get out of my sight, you better pray your little feet move fast. I don’t care who you are, what you are, or what you represent. If you fuck with me, I’ll fuck right back. And I go hard, angel. No intentions of having any kind of mercy. Understood?”
You challenged him with a look, trying to figure him out. But time was running out, and you didn’t have any other option.
“Yes.” You said, dryly.
Ashton clicked his tongue “Yes, what?”
“Don’t push it, Irwin” You took a step back “So, we have a deal?”
The doors to the office opened and two large, muscly men dressed in suits came in and stood quietly but threatening at the door. You crooked an eyebrow and looked back at Ashton.
“Friends of yours?”
“Acquaintances,” He said, walking over to them and getting out the door, only stopping for a second “You comin’?”
The two men walked behind you as you followed Ashton through the halls that first brought you there. The image of his broad shoulders walking under the low lights and out toward the club shielded you from any distractions. He would sometimes glance over his shoulder, a teasing smile pulling at the corner of his lips when he noticed you were still walking a few steps behind him.
People at the club were sweaty and unashamed. Bodies grinding against one another and along the beat of a dark EDM song. Some women and boys would walk up to Ashton, letting their hands grace the skin of his face and neck or arms as they each seductively said hello to him. It seemed as if they were enchanted by him, moved by a spell of lust as their eyes would meet his. They wanted him, they all wanted him. Ashton would smile, say their names, and acknowledge them with a hello before moving to another person, another step toward the exit.
Ashton led you through a door that led to another dark hallway. The music sounded muffled through the walls, blocking your ears at the sudden change of environment. Ashton walked a few steps ahead before he stopped and turned around toward you, hands in his pockets as he looked at you and grinned.
“Now what?” You asked, annoyed “Any other fan of yours that we need to greet?”
Ashton chuckled and shook his head.
“No, just precautions”
“Precautions? Why would you-”
“Sorry, angel”
And with a snap of his fingers, the world went black.
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