#blangst prompt of the day
klaineccfanficlibrary · 2 months
What are you fave angsty stories/writers? I love angst, but have a hard time deciding what stories to read!
I always find it difficult to recommend writers as there are so many great writer past and present in the fandom. Plus so many klaine stories have a bit of angst in them.
We do have our angst and blangst tag. So many great stories.
I'd also recommend my other admin Lynne's favorite fics: there's all sorts of fics on there but may are angsty fics.
Also 23 items bookmarked on Klaine fanfic that made you want to reach for a box of tissues, part of our bingo 2023.
Personally, I will name a few, most of these are older fics and come highly recommended in the fandom. These are just a few of mine - people can also recommend in their reblogged tabs, or on the note here. ~Jen
The Awakening by @heartsmadeofbooks
Kurt Hummel has put his perfect life together carefully, making sure all the pieces fit exactly how he wanted them to. But all it takes is one name from his past to make all his hard work go to waste - Blaine Anderson
100 Days by borogroves
Kurt and Blaine have been best friends (and nothing more) since the age of six. Now 22-year-old college graduates, they take a roadtrip around the USA, visiting every state in 100 days. Fifty states. Two boys. One love story.
Perfectly Imperfect by @catcat-85
Golden Globe winning actor, Blaine Anderson went to prison for a murder he did not commit. After 5 long years, he has escaped from prison, and in a desperate need to get to a safe house before he can leave the country; he kidnaps Kurt, and forced him to drive him to a secluded cabin nestled in between the snowy mountains in Vermont. For Blaine, it’s his last chance for freedom. Falling in love is the last thing on Blaine’s mind. It’s not part of the plan. And for Kurt, it’s a terrifying situation that disrupts the impeccably perfect life he has created for himself. He’s outraged and angry at Blaine, and yet; he can’t help but believe Blaine is innocent.
Will the truth finally come out and Blaine be exonerated? Will the FBI catch him and put him back in prison? Will he and Kurt fall in love even in the most hopeless situation? Will love truly prevail all at the end?
Based on the novel, Perfect, by Judith McNaught. This is a story about two men who are complete opposites from one another; and yet, they complete each other in a perfectly imperfect way.
Chrysalis ‘verse by @flowerfan2
Just after graduating from NYU, a car accident puts Blaine into a coma. No one expects him to wake up. Almost three years later, Kurt sees a man in a wheelchair who couldn’t be anyone else. A story of love and new beginnings. Canon compliant through 6x11, then AU.
Foundations by gentlereader
After breaking up Kurt and Blaine went their separate ways.
Blaine’s now a successful LA musician while Kurt is a high school counselor.
The creation of the Pavarotti Music Foundation was their dream… and now its a reality.
No Take backs by @rockitmans
Prompt: A year after this father’s death, Kurt is still reeling from the loss. In an attempt to keep holiday traditions going, despite his father’s absence, Kurt meets a guy at a local Christmas Tree Lot who helps him through.
About us by wildhurricane
 It’s an ordinary summer day at the diner where Kurt works, when a new guest enters. He’s hot and flirty and orders coffee and fries, and Kurt. Kurt is instantly attracted and flirts back. When the guy waits for Kurt outside the diner, Kurt decides to go with him for a moment of pleasure. But there’s a spark between them that neither anticipated. Soon Kurt finds out that the guy isn’t who he claims to be and that he’s got other secrets as well. He’s mysterious and exciting and Kurt is falling for him hard and fast, but when the secrets are revealed Kurt finds himself between love and aversion and must decide if he should stay and help Blaine out of an impossible situation or leave him and save his own heart.
The Symphony Verse by shandyall
Blaine has spent most of his life feeling like the only thing people notice about him is that he stutters. He’s working hard to overcome his (mostly self created) roadblocks when he meets Kurt in an online class the summer after his freshman year of college.
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It’s Just a Thing (Child!Klaine Bereavement Sequel)
Hey! It’s @alliwannadoiscomerunning here. I decided to continue my @blangstpromptoftheday #1047 fill, which is “Blaine meets Kurt for the first time when he’s seven and Kurt is eight and they’re both at a support group for children suffering a bereavement”. Read Part 1 here. 
     Blaine sits, slightly red-eyed, but calm, in the backseat on the way back from Lima. Pam doesn't ask him anything as she pulls into a different parking lot, different, but all the same when referring to the casual strip mall in Ohio. His dark hair carefully curls in the summer wind as Pam takes his hand and leads him out of the GMC Denali, which involved gripping both of his shoulders to lift him out of the giant SUV.  
     Pam can't tell herself why she and Josh had bought the car in the first place. They had two children, and a medium sized dog named Leo, which her eldest had named at age ten. After seven years, the dog still came everywhere with them, but was conspicuously absent today. Pam seldom wondered if Leo was depressed, too. Perhaps the extra large SUV came when Josh and her decided to raise their first child in the suburbs, where the mid-eighties were at its height and the thought of a big brick house in the Midwestern suburbs was actually appealing. Pam was sick of it. She longed for travel.
     She stared at her youngest son out of the corner of her eyes. Her remaining son. He's small and handsome, his retrossè profile framing something much more boring than his appearance. Josh and Pam had been overjoyed when their mistake turned into such a pretty baby.  
     But at the same time, Pam looked at him with pangs of pain that crippled her aging heart. Maybe, if this son hadn't been born, they'd still have the other one. Part of her, the darker side, sings at the idea. When Cooper had been a child, he would dance in front of his mother for hours and hours, pulling the most wonderful facial expressions, and making Pam believe that her son was going to go somewhere. Make it big in Hollywood, or Broadway. He was always bouncing around, much less patient than Blaine, who as a kid would sit in silence with his toys on the floor (Cooper’s?), and read books. The idea that ghosted the forefront of Pam’s mind was almost too good to be true.
     What was she saying?
     Pam settled down as a slightly cheered up Blaine licked his ice cream cone slowly, yet he paid much attention, as if it would disappear if he didn't savor the moment while it lasted. Maybe, Pam thought, that she should start savoring the memories, too.
      Burt gripped the steering wheel carefully, listening to his son gush on and on in the backseat of the old Saab. The muffler would probably need to be replaced, soon, he realized, because he could barely hear Kurt’s lilted voice.
     Kurt asks in the tense Mellencamp-driven atmosphere, “Why’s bologna called bologna, Daddy? Shouldn’t it be bologna- that’s how it’s spelt.”
     This is good. A normal conversation.
     “I don’t know, son,” said Burt- why out of all normal conversations, his son had to pick the most obscure one there is..- “I guess it’s the Americanized-version of how the Italians say it.”
     “And how do the Italians say it?”
     The questions never end, and sometimes, Burt wonders if he has to answer them all.
     The next Tuesday, at 4:00, both families arrived in the strip mall parking lot at relatively similar times. That day, however, it was just Pam bringing her son around to Ms. Pillsbury’s Boys’ Bereavement Group. After ice cream the previous week, Blaine was more interested in what would happen after the meeting than during or before.
     And as for Kurt, he was just trying not to think all that hard about it. His father wanted him to come, and so there he was.
    The boys found each others’ eyes from across the lobby. Kurt and Blaine never saw each other at school, and Kurt wondered why that was.
     “You said you go to my school,” accused Kurt as he came closer to the other boy, whose mother bade him no attention, “I didn’t see you anywhere.”
     This time, Blaine wasn’t in uniform, which last week, consisted of a dark, smart blue blazer with red piping, a red and blue tie, and a white button undershirt. There was a stitched ‘D’ on the front pocket in elaborate, neat font, and gray trousers with brown loafers. Kurt wore this that day, but Blaine himself was dressed neatly in a sweater vest and dark pants, with no socks, but shoes similar to the Dalton Primary uniform.
     “I haven’t started yet,” said Blaine, “Mommy says I’m not starting until next week.” He looked around aimlessly for Pam, who was off chatting with the weird blonde secretary, Sue.
     “Oh,” Kurt relented, “You just wanted to wear the clothes.”
     Blaine smiled, “Guilty as charged.”
     The two boys’ conversation slacked off into silence until Kurt blurted, “You know a lot of big words.”
     In group about fifteen minutes later, Blaine started off by saying, “One of my favourite memories of Cooper was when he bought a dictionary once to just throw it at the wall. He just threw it. At the wall.” There were some giggles from the boys, particularly Kurt, who willingly sat next to him as soon as they walked in.
     “Did he dislike reading, Blaine?” Miss Pillsbury’s dynamic today was easy and nonjudgmental. Blaine knew her tone was gentle.
     “Uh huh. He never read to me, because he wanted me to learn by myself. I like that he did, because…because, now I know how to read.”
     “My daddy taught me how to read,” Nick piped up, “Can we read a book instead of drawing today, Miss Pillsbury?”
     “Yeah, I don’t like drawing!” complained seven year old Jeff. “It makes me feel like a girl.”
     Kurt gave a huff of annoyance, “Well, maybe if you were better at it, you’d like it more!”
     Once again, the group began to feel like it was falling apart. Miss Pillsbury found this incredibly frustrating, and gripped her clipboard with a tighter hold than she felt like she had on this group of little boys. Little boys!
     “OK,” said Miss Pillsbury, avoiding what very well could have been World War III, “OK. Let’s talk about reading some more. I don’t think we’ll have time for an activity today, so Jeff doesn’t have to worry.”
     What was meant to be a joke turned into anxiety when Jeff high-fived Nick. Did they really not like her activities?
     “Um,” Emma fumbled, “Do you have anything to add, Sebastian?”
     When perhaps the most distraught boy in the room lifted his head, Emma knew that she was in hot water. Sebastian was notoriously mentioned in Emma’s notes for his temper and his story, which was a tragic one. Not that every other boy had a right to be there, but Emma just knew that she may have gone one step too far. Asking Sebastian to speak up in group was probably a mistake.
     Nick, Jeff, and Blaine exchanged a few glances with each other. Kurt was confused, because it was only his third meeting, and well, who was this Sebastian kid, anyway? He couldn’t have been more than eight, but no younger than Blaine or Nick or Jeff. His green eyes were dull, and because they were so (well, not attentive) they weren’t anything special. His hair was well-taken care of, so there was that. Kurt found nice dark brown pigments between Sebastian’s chocolate and sandy blonde roots. Not too blonde, though.
     “I’m Barry,” Sebastian finally spoke, “Not Sebastian. Sebastian. Is. Dead. Dead. It was Sebastian that died. I’m Barry.” -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     Christopher Smythe was a worn out man.
     What stared at him now, but the face of defeat? What gazed down on him, except God, who was probably too drunk, like him, to care at all that he made another mistake. That mistake, Christopher decided, was too horrid to be the truth, and started theorizing that God took away one of his twins because only one of them was supposed to be born. And then, he supposed God screwed up once more, because he left the more insolent, tantrum-throwing, and behavioral child on Earth, and took away the kinder one.
     Barry had been perfect. Little Bartholomew and Sebastian (marrying one of the richest women in Paris had its drawbacks, including naming his children ridiculous names that belonged in a Charlie Chaplin film) had been born identical, and came in a package deal. You take what you give, including the fact that Barry was the sweetest, kindest child Christopher ever had the pleasure of meeting. And the fact that his more reserved brother, Sebastian, quickly acted out in response to his co-twin’s death only made things more complicated for him.
     Christopher Smythe was tired. He was tired of the judgmental looks, tired of the glares he received from liberals who knew his story. Like there weren’t hundreds of them every day- hundreds who shouldn’t be dead because of the very thing that protected him from whatever’s out there. Barry shouldn’t be dead, and Christopher blamed God. Sure, he felt the scorn of a hundred children, a hundred parents, but you take what you give.
     Christopher stood inside Dalton Primary School, the principal standing in front of him. He didn’t know if Mr. Schuester knew who he was, yet, or if he cared. If he would judge his son for what happened to their family.
     Mr. Schuester waited for Christopher to talk again, like he had been for awhile. But Christopher found his mouth dry. He cannot, because Sebastian, his son, is speaking.
     “I’m not Sebastian.”
     Mr. Schuester smiled; he must think this is a joke. A game. A child hiding behind the sofa, holding up a puppet.
    “You’re Sebastian Smythe! We’ve seen your photos! You are going to love this school, we teach—”
    “I’m NOT Sebastian, I’m Barry.”
     “Bastian’ is dead. I’m Barry.”
     “Bastian?…?” The man trails off, and looks to Christopher, understandably confused. Christopher’s son then repeated himself. Loudly. “Barry. I am Barry. Barry!”
     The hallway of the school is silent apart from Sebastian, shouting these lunatic words. William Schuester’s smile has faded very quickly. He glanced at Christopher, who was the picture of a haggard father, with a panicked frown. There were lots of happy children’s drawings drawn over poetry printed on paper tacked to the wall. The school principal tried just one more time.
     Christopher’s son snapped at Will Schuester as if she were stupid. “Barry! You have to call me Barry! Barry! Barry! Barry! Barry! Barry! Barry! Barry! BARRY!”
     The man stood his ground, but Sebastian grew quite out of control. He was giving them a full-on toddler’s supermarket tantrum- except that they were in a school, and he is seven, and he is claiming that he is his dead brother.
     “Dead, ‘Bastian’s dead. I’M BARRY! I am Barry! He is here! Barry!”
     What do I do? Christopher thought, and he tried to make normal conversation, absurdly, “Um, it’s just a thing, a thing – I’ll be back to pick him up at-”
     But Christopher’s efforts are lost as Sebastian screamed again, “BARRY, BARRY, BARRY, BARRY, BARRY, BARRY, Sebastian is DEAD and I HATE him I’m Barry!”
     “Please,” Christopher said. To Sebastian. Abandoning his pretence. “Please, son, please?”
     “SEBASTIAN IS DEAD. Sebastian is dead, they killed him, they killed him. I am BAR-THOOOOO-LOOOOO-MEEEWWWW!”
     And then as quickly as it started, it blew itself out. Sebastian shook his head, stomped over to the far wall, and sat down in a little chair, under a photo of school kids working in a garden, with a cheery message written in felt-tip pen. He who plants a tree plants hope.
     Sebastian sniffed, then said, very quietly, “Please call me Barry. Why can’t you call me Barry, daddy, that’s who I am? Please?” His teary green eyes lifted. “I’m not going to school, ‘less you call me Barry, please. Daddy?’
     Christopher felt paralyzed. His pleading sounded painfully sincere. He truly felt like he had no choice. The silence prolonged into agony. Because now, I’ve got to explain everything to this Schuester guy at the worst possible moment; and to do that I need Sebastian out of here. I need him in this school, he thought.
     “OK, OK. Mmm-” Christopher said, unable to think properly. “Mr. Schuester. This is Barry. Barry Smythe.” Christopher became frightened, and started to mumble. “I’m actually enrolling Bartholomew Christopher Smythe.”
     There was a long pause. William Schuester looked at Christopher, with intense confusion.
     “Pardon me? Barry? But …” The teacher became a bright red, flustered. Then, he reached to a desk, behind a open, sliding window, and took out a sheet of paper. His next words were more of a whisper. “But it says here, quite clearly, that you are enrolling Sebastian Smythe? That was on the application. Sebastian. Definitely. Sebastian Smythe?”
     Christopher breathed in deeply. He started to speak, but Sebastian got there first, as if he overheard.
     “I’m Barry,” said Sebastian. “Sebastian is dead, then he was alive, but then he is dead again. I am Barry.”
     William Schuester, once more, says nothing. Christopher started to feel too dizzy to respond, teetering on the edge of dark absurdity. But with an effort, he spoke, “Can we let Bartholomew join his new class and I can explain?”
     There was another desperate silence, Christopher’s face pleading for the other man to understand. Then, he heard children singing a song down a corridor, raucous and happy.
     “Blackbird singing in the dead of night, take these broken wings and learn to FLY-”
     The incongruity made Sebastian’s father nauseous.
     William Schuester shook his head, then edging closer to Christopher as he said, “Yes ... That seems sensible.”
     The school principal turned to a good-looking young woman, in a pencil skirt, pressing through the glass doors from the cold outside. “Ms. Corcoran, Shelby, please–do you mind– can you take, ahh, Barry Smythe to his new class, Year Two, end of the corridor. Madelyn Stewart.”
     “FLY, blackbird, FLY- ”
     Shelby nodded an amiable Yes and squatted down, next to Sebastian, like an overkeen waitress taking an order, “Hey, Barry. D’you want to come with me?”
     “Into the light of the dark black night…blackbird singing in the dead of night…”
     “I’m Barry.’ Sebastian was fiercely folding his arms. Scowling. Bottom lip jutting. As stubborn a face as he can manage, “You must call me Barry.”
     “Sure. Of course. Barry! You’ll like it, they’re doing music this morning.”
     “FLY, blackbird, FLY…”
     At last, it worked. Slowly, he unfolded his arms and he takes her hand- and he followed Shelby toward another glass door. He looks so small, and the door looks so huge and daunting, devouring…Christopher couldn’t help but wish his wife wasn’t in Paris right now, coping by herself. The twins had been in his custody when Barry had died.
     For one moment Sebastian paused, and turned to give Christopher a sad, frightened smile- and then Shelby escorted him into the corridor- he became swallowed up by the school. Christopher must leave him to his lonely fate; so he turned to William Schuester.
     “I have to explain.”
     Schuester nodded, sombrely. “Yes please. In my office. We can be alone there.”
     Fifty minutes later, and Christopher has given William Schuester the basic, yet appalling details of their story. The accident, the death, the confusion of identity, all over fourteen months. He looked suitably and honestly horrified, and also sympathetic, but Christopher could also detect a hint of sly delight in his eyes, as he listened to the narrative. Christopher was certainly livening up another dull school day. This is something he can tell his wife and his work friends today- you won’t believe who came in today, a father whose son doesn’t know his own identity…
     “That’s a remarkable story,” said Schuester. “I’m so so sorry.”
     He took his glasses off and puts them on again. “It is amazing that there is, ah, no way...of really…”
     “Knowing? Proving?”
     “Well, yes.”
     “All I know is that – I mean, I think – If he wants to be Barry for now maybe we have to go with it. For now. Do you mind?”
     “Well no, of course. If that’s what you prefer. And that’s fine in terms of enrollment. They are…”
     Schuester searched for the words. “Well, they were the same age, so – yes – I’ll just have Shelby update the records, but don’t worry about that.”
     Christopher got up to leave, eventually, quite desperate to escape.
     “So sorry, Mr. Smythe. But I’m sure everything will be all right now, Sebastian – I mean – your son. Barry. He will love it here. Really.”
     Christopher simply fled.
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hkvoyage · 6 years
Hi. I sent an ask awhile ago asking for some good blangst with happy ending. You only recommend one for me as you said you were busy. No pressure but i kinda finished that and i need more 🤣
Sorry for the delay. Here is a list of blangst with a happy ending.
A Minute From the Deep End series by @adiwriting (3 works; 102k words total; rated G-E)
When tragedy strikes one Thanksgiving Day, Blaine struggles with how he’s going to survive as a single parent. While the media just wants him to be the face of Equal Rights, Blaine just wants to figure out how to breathe again, and there’s only one person who’s in a position to help him—Kurt. The one person he thought he’d never see again. AU past season 3.
Worthless/Priceless by @anxioussquirrel and captain_pihkal(95k words; rated Mature)
Kurt buys a beaten and abused Blaine at a slave market and helps him get better.
With You I Can Breathe by @anxioussquirrel (25k words; rated: M)
Part 1 of the Breathe ‘verse. Pre-Klaine. Blaine gets sexually assaulted. Burt is the one to pick up the pieces. The Hummel-Hudson household is the safe haven. My spin on the old prompt. WARNING: SEXUAL ASSAULT - don’t read if it may be a trigger.
           Learning to Breathe Again- part 2
           Leave me Breathless- part 3
Happy Ending AU series by Firefly_Ca (3 works, 174k words total; rated Explicit)
AU series about long-term child abduction and the media frenzy that usually follows after the child has been found. Glee fic, mainly because that was the fandom I had written in when I decided to write the story. Klaine pairing, but major focus on Blaine, in that it’s not about the relationship as much as it’s about Blaine and how he puts himself back together (with his relationship with Kurt working as an element of that process).
Just Listen by foreternityblue (93k words; rated: T)
Blaine was the social enigma of McKinley, until an unkown incident in sophomore year that drove him into isolation. Kurt is the bullied gay kid who was always interested in Blaine. When they’re paired for a project, things might be uncovered. Klaine AU.
Promises Broken by @gleekmom (86k words; rated T)
Blaine is removed from his home after serious allegations of abuse are reported to Child Protective Services. How will Blaine survive life in foster care and a group home? But more importantly, will Kurt and his friends at McKinley continue to embrace him or will he lose everything forever? (Glee Angst Meme Fill)
Story of My Life series by @klaineanummel (13 works, 97k words total; rated G-E)
Kurt reflects on the past twelve years of his life, coming to realize that one man in particular has affected him far more than he ever thought he would
Loving Arms by LauGS/ @heartsmadeofbooks (115k words; rated: M)
Desperate times call for desperate measures. When Blaine’s heart gets broken again just before he was supposed to introduce his boyfriend to his entire family, he is too humiliated to show up alone at the Andersons’ doorstep. Cue Kurt Hummel, a beautiful prostitute with nothing left to lose and a farce that will change their lives.
Unfound Family by @tonks42 (62k words; rated Teen and Up)
After years in foster care, finding himself moving in with a new family has become all too frequent of a routine for Blaine. But in the aftermath of an attack at a school dance, Blaine finds himself living with a family that’s like nothing he’s experienced before. Life at the Berry’s home is a whole new world. Despite his struggles at McKinley and having to learn to live with Rachel, he doesn’t want to move on, especially considering the new friendship he’s forming with Kurt and the glee club everyone keeps trying to convince him to join.
What I Call Life by @warblerslushie (174k words; rated T)
Kurt broke off the engagement and left Blaine. Three years later, Kurt’s at a strip club for his bachelor party and sees Blaine working. Blaine’s been working there and enduring uncomfortable glances and touches for a year to make sure that his son was properly cared for. MPREG. Based on a tumblr prompt from blangstpromptoftheday.
Stop Loss by @yourfairygodfather (246k words; rated M)
AU. Kurt Hummel never went to McKinley, developing his talents at Carmel as the protégé of Jesse St James instead. Everything is going according to plan, until the day a beautiful, damaged transfer student named Blaine throws his world upside down.
Fathers by OnceinYourLife (141k words; rated T)
“I love my son, and my son loves Blaine. He matters to me.” While the glee club is in New York, Burt receives an unexpected visitor.
Note: The very first Klaine fic I ever read!
Lastly, I should add my own story onto the list. It doesn’t start off angsty, but there are a whole lot of chapters with angst!
Westerville Abbey by @hkvoyage (232k words; rated M)
Blaine is the second son of the earl of Westerville, and is considered the spare heir. After his 18th birthday, he attends the London Season to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman. Kurt, who has just arrived at Westerville Abbey to work alongside his father, becomes equally as smitten with the earl’s youngest son. Will Blaine and Kurt be able to overcome their class differences in 1910s England? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine AU.
Note: I’m currently writing a sequel.
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blaindersonkummel · 7 years
Klaine Fic: Sucker Punch
Written for Day 17 of Klaine Advent 2017 Prompt: “Raw”
Summary: Kurt comes home to find Blaine in a distressed state. Yet another mini dose of blangst (because apparently that’s now just who I am as a person).
Word Count: 750 - Read on AO3.
Kurt was walking through the door of his and Blaine’s apartment when he heard it.
Taking one of his headphones out and shaking his keys free from the lock, he heard it even louder.
Kurt shut the door behind him and made his way to the kitchen where he set down the bag of groceries he was holding.
“Blaine?” he called out.
There was no response, apart from the continued thumping.
“Honey?!” he called a little louder.
Still nothing but the steady rhythm of what Kurt was now certain sounded like something making impact with another thing. Following the noise, Kurt made his way towards their spare bedroom.
As well as being a spare bedroom, the room also happened to double as a gym (with a treadmill shoved up against the wall in the corner) and a home office – complete with a desk in which they both each claimed a side of drawers.
What Kurt was faced with when he reached the door frame wasn’t entirely out of the ordinary. In fact, he even smirked a little to see his sweaty husband in a tank top and teeny green booty shorts, going to town on the punching bag which hung from the ceiling.
It wasn’t until Kurt went to move further into the room that he recognised there might be cause for concern.
“Sweetheart?” he tried to ask gently, moving around to see Blaine’s face.
Blaine was pouring with sweat now as he continuously swung his arms at the punching bag, one after the other in a steady rhythm which he matched with his grunts and sobs. As Kurt got closer, he saw something dripping down the side of the light blue bag.
“Blaine!” Kurt cried, this time throwing caution to the wind and moving right towards his husband to stop his punches. It wasn’t until Kurt grabbed a hold of Blaine’s wrist that Blaine stopped and looked at him.
His eyes were wide, tearful, and unseeing for a split second. Sweat was curling his hair around his face, and his cheeks were pink from exhaustion. When Kurt’s grip finally made his hands loosen up, Kurt gasped in shock. On each of Blaine’s knuckles, a trickle of blood poured down his arm.
“Blaine, what are you doing? Your hands are completely raw!” he almost yelled, frantically glancing between his husband’s dead-looking eyes.
As if a dam had broken, suddenly Blaine’s face was crumbling and he was crying. The sobbing overtook him so quickly, he stumbled forward into Kurt’s arms. Luckily, Kurt caught his husband and held him up as he cried into his neck.
Instead of pressuring Blaine to spit out what was wrong, Kurt knew to simply stroke along Blaine’s back, let him calm down, and regain some composure to speak in his own time.
“I’m s-sorry,” Blaine’s breathing hitched as he kept his face firmly buried in Kurt’s neck. “I had a- an absolutely horrible mor-morning, and I just had to come home.”
“Sweetie,” Kurt pressed on, fingers now holding on to the back of Blaine’s head through his sweaty curls, “It’s okay. Everything’s fine. There’s no need to be sorry.”
There was silence for a few seconds before Blaine spoke again.
“My dad called me.”
Kurt’s hands automatically stopped their stroking and he suddenly seemed to understand exactly why he’d walked in on Blaine in such a state. Why Blaine had been near the point of exhaustion from punching out his frustrations on a boxing bag.
“I’m… I’m glad you told me, honey. And I’m sorry that we seem to have had a little setback today. But it’s okay. It’s all okay.”
Kurt regained his composure and pulled his husband into his arms even tighter now, his hand continuing to stroke until he pulled away to look Blaine in the eyes.
“Here’s what we’ll do. I’m going to run you a bath and make us some dinner. When you get out, you’re going to let me treat those knuckles of yours before you do any more damage. And then, we’ll phone Kelly and see if we can get you an extra session with her tomorrow. Sound good?”
Blaine’s eyes filled with tears again and he bit his bottom lip as he nodded vigorously, leaning in for one last hug as he said so quietly, “Thank you.”
Kurt couldn’t help but grip tighter once more, ensuring he injected some extra love and affection back into his husband’s body. After all, Blaine’s heart had always been a little raw.
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dreamingkate · 10 years
Waking Up
Summary: He woke up in stages before he realized something. He was here and everyone thought Blaine did it. 
Prompt: BPotD #861 (with a twist): After being shot in his home and spending months in a coma, Kurt finally wakes up to find out Blaine is in prison, accused of being the person who shot Kurt and tried to kill him, and most of their family and friends believe he's guilty. But Kurt remembers everything, he knows his fiancé is innocent, and he doesn't understand how their loved ones could turn their backs on Blaine.
Warnings: Attempted murder
First, there was sound.
  It was like someone was trying to talk to him underwater. He could hear the ebb and flow of voices and sounds but could never make out the words. After some time, he could make out the way a T sounded or an S. 
  Then, there was light. 
  Kurt finally opened his eyes but he couldn’t see anything. He could make out lights and shadows and shapes that moved faster when they realized that they realized he was awake. Colors came slowly and it took time but he began to recognize the shapes. He could see his father, he could see Rachel, and he could see Carole. Where was Blaine?
  Finally, there came thoughts.
  He was able to make sense of the world around him. He could hear the words and see everything. He could even move but speaking came a little harder. With his parents gathered around him, he lightly reached over and touched the ring on his finger.
  “This is going to be hard to hear,” Burt said softly and his heart skipped a beat. “Blaine’s the reason you’re here. He was found with the gun and he shot you. He tried to kill you.”
  “He’s in jail now sweetheart,” Carole brushed back his hair. “He has been for seven months.”
  It wasn’t Blaine. Sure, they had been fighting at the time but it wasn’t Blaine. 
  “It’ll all be okay.”
  The spaghetti sauce smelled amazing. Kurt smiled and tasted it, humming a little in satisfaction. After the tense few weeks that he and Blaine had it was nice to finally be working on their relationship, starting with date night. 
  The door opened and he grinned wider, placing the spoon on the holder. He took a few steps into the living room and froze.
  That wasn’t Blaine.
  He looked young, maybe Kurt’s age. The kid was shaking and his eyes darted around as he grabbed the vase on the side table.
  “Hey!” Kurt shouted, too shocked at the fact that he was being robbed to really think it through. 
  The kid gasped, spun around, and suddenly Kurt was on the ground. He felt the hot blood draining from him and heard the kid scamper away. 
  “Hey, hey,” he jerked awake, gasping slightly as his father rubbed his arm. He could hear the heart monitor beeping wildly and jerked a few more times before leaning back. 
  “Not Blaine,” he whispered and Burt’s face softened. 
  “I know, we were all shocked too.”
  Was Blaine scared?
  Had he resigned himself to life in prison?
  Did he even know if Kurt was alive?
  He tried so hard to tell someone, anyone, that Blaine was innocent. They would give him a sad smile and pat his hand. 
  "I know this is hard."
  "Blaine isn't a good person.”
  “He tried to kill you.”
  Every time he opened his mouth to try to force the words out people would shush him. How was he supposed to relax if his fiancé was sitting in a cell?
  “So, then my costar said that I was stealing her light. Me!” Rachel huffed next to him. “She’s just horrible. I hate-“
  “Wasn’t Blaine,” Kurt finally whispered and she looked over in surprise. 
  “Blaine…didn’t,” he swallowed around his sore throat. “He didn’t shoot me.”
  She looked down sadly and sighed. “He…”
  “I saw someone else. It wasn’t Blaine,” his voice cracked. 
  “Are you saying that Blaine is innocent?” Rachel asked, hand tightening on his. “Kurt…he’s been in jail for months.”
  “I know what I saw.”
  She hesitated before pulling out her phone and taking a step back.
  The past few days had been a blur. The police came and took his statement, making notes of all the differences in the previous statements given by his neighbor. When he picked the kid out of a line up of known burglars. 
  Blaine got an apology from the court and was set free. 
  When the hospital door opened his heart skipped a beat. Blaine looked thinner and exhausted but just as handsome as ever. He had a soft smile on his face and his eyes shone with tears. 
  “Hi,” he whispered and Kurt held out a trembling hand. 
  “Hi,” Kurt felt tears running down his cheeks. “I tried telling them. I thought that they would know that you wouldn’t hurt me.”
  “I came home and found you. I thought you were dead,” Blaine choked out a little. “Then Ms. Channing came in and found me holding the gun. No one even told me if you were okay.”
  “It’s okay,” Kurt smiled, feeling almost giddy. “We’re okay. You’re home.”
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curious if you could rec Klaine or cc fics that involve eating disorders? preferably Kurt??
Love Above Everything Else by  KHlove065
Missing scene from ep 5x06 “Movin’ Out”
When Blaine comes to New York for the weekend to audition for NYADA, he notices that something is different about Kurt.
There’s Something About Blaine by FrostedHoodies
Artie notices some changes in Blaine following Mr Shue’s almost-wedding. Warning for mpreg.
Where The Sidewalk Ends by Elisima
Blaine didn’t have an issue, it was only a habit. He was okay. Eating just didn’t seem important.
Blangst Prompt 29 by Klainelover1997
Blaine develops anorexia. One day he faints during a ND number.
Recovery and Self Certainty by CallOfTheCurlew
“I know that you think you’re fat and I know that you think you’re not worthy of things, but it’s not true. Don’t take this the wrong way…but…you’re really good looking.”
Barely Breathing by KlissmeQuick
Years of trying to be perfect have caught up on Blaine Anderson, after being beaten at the Sadie Hawkins dance, he strives to be stronger so he can defend himself next time, but to what cost? It’s not until he takes Kurt under his wing and into his life does someone begin to notice he is not okay. Trigger for Eating disorder and other Mental Health issues.
I also found 50 in my AO3 search. Enjoy! ~Lynne
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Suddenly My Life Doesn’t Seem Such a Waste (Blangst Prompt #1047 Fill)
Prompt #1047 fill (from @Blangstpromptoftheday on Tumblr)
Blaine meets Kurt for the first time when he’s seven and Kurt is eight and they’re both at a support group for children suffering a bereavement.
Suddenly My Life Doesn’t Seem Such a Waste
      Blaine was among many children that didn’t really get the feeling of pain. The way it would completely cripple some people, and how it would just not matter to others; it was all foreign territory.
     Take his mother, for example. Some days, she would seem approachable, while others, she would stare into his eyes and ask him to play with his army men in his room, locked away, instead of on the living room floor. His dad would take her arm, say “It’s quite alright, darling,” and lead her away. That way, no one was sitting in the living room, anymore. It was just a waste of space.
     Blaine wondered sometimes if he was like the living room, too. Empty inside. He felt dirty. A seven year old should have a bath every other day, he knew, but he never seemed to be reminded of that, anymore. The first six or so weeks had been confusing, where he remembered his parents focused more on sorting things than making sure he was clean.
     Blaine’s dad spoke. “What are you doing, Pam?”
     Pam held a flashlight in one hand, so it shined directly on the cardboard box in front of her, which was crudely knifed open.
     “What does it looks like?”
     Blaine had stood on the stairs to the attic, which was nearest to the bathroom on the third floor of their house. He was carrying a towel and his favorite rubber ducky, frowning at his parents, who were upstairs having an argument.
     His dad’s silhouette, with the downstairs light behind him, had an uncomfortable shape, as if he is tensed, or angry. Menacing. Why? His mother talks in a hurry.
     “I’m sorting all this stuff. Josh, you know we have to do something, don’t we? About his- About-” Blaine heard his mother swallow, and woefully wished for her not to cry. Not again.
     “We have to sort Cooper’s old toys and clothes. I know you don’t want to, but we have to decide. His old stuff is just filling us up, do we do something else?”
     “Get rid of it?”
     “Yes ... Maybe.”
     Blaine frowned again, his even year old body beginning to feel something other than confusion. He was catching on.
     “OK. OK. Ah, I don’t know.”
     Silence. And the ceaseless rain on the roof. Blaine watched the droplets roll down on the window in the hall.
     “Look, I’ve got to go.’ He is backing away, and heading for the stairs. ‘Let’s talk about it later, I will call you from San Diego.”      “Josh!”
     “Booked on the next flight, but I’ll miss that one too, if I’m not careful. Probably have to overnight in Denver, now.” His voice is getting closer as he clambers down the stairs, well, more like a ladder. He is leaving- and his exit feels guilty.
     “Wait!” Blaine’s mother cries.
     He turns, checking his wristwatch as he does.
     “Did you…Josh. Did you open the box of Cooper’s old toys?”      He paused.
     Blaine remembered the time that his dad had come downstairs with a set of action figures that seemed new to him. He had said “here you go, squirt” and played with the old models of Thor and Hulk with him. It was, perhaps, the only time.      “Sure,” his dad replied.
     “Why, Josh? Why on earth would you do that?”
     “Because Blaine was bored with his toys.”
     “So, Josh, you went into the loft and got one out? One of Cooper’s old toys? Just like that?”
     “Yes. So? Hm?? What’s the problem, Pam? Did I cross into enemy territory?”
     Blaine got nervous as his father went on- those toys were Cooper’s? Blaine felt sick. “Blaine was bored and unhappy. Saying he missed Cooper. You were out, Pam. Coffee with Rose. Right? So I thought, why not get him some of Cooper’s old toys. Mm? That will console him. And deal with his boredom. So that’s what I did. OK? Is that OK?”
     His sarcasm is heavy. And bitter.
     “What would you have done? Said no? Told him to shut up and play with his own toys? Told him to forget that his brother existed?’
     And as Josh descended the stairs, he found Blaine, now his only son, clutching the towel and rubber duck with fervor. Blaine was crying, for the first time.
     And that was how Blaine’s parents decided to take him here- to Emma Pillsbury’s office in Lima, Ohio. Josh had spent hours on the phone with many counselors, who all had schedules filled to the brim in Westerville. Apparently, the whole of America needed grief counseling. The Andersons had only one option then- driving an hour to Lima every Tuesday at 4:30 PM.
     They had many arguments about it, about how Blaine didn’t need counseling- he was just about the happiest seven year old in all of Ohio, who just happened to make the dark cloud hanging over him transparent at all times.
     But in the end, they compromised. Blaine didn’t have many friends, and so he was made to attend Ms. Pillsbury’s Boys’ Bereavement Group. And the drive from Westerville to Lima was a bonus; no one would see that Pam was appointed to spend time with Kathy individually. Blaine didn’t understand why that was such a big deal. He just needed to understand where Cooper went, and why he wasn’t ever coming back. Why he didn’t want to live anymore.
     He told the group just about that. The parents weren’t allowed in the room, and so Blaine assumed automatically that he could say what he was really feeling.
     “I miss my brother,” said Blaine in one of the sessions, quietly, “Even when he was mean, sometimes, he still made me feel important.”
     His parents didn’t. They just dragged him along. Coop had been seventeen, about to go into his last year at high school. In the end, Blaine watched his brother get more and more mean, and would always tear him down, but Blaine found that insults were more satisfying than no attention at all.
     A few of the other boys didn’t share his same ideals.
     “My nana was the bestest person in the world,” An eight year old named Jeff exclaimed, “She wasn’t ever mean to me.”
     “But don’t you think that that shouldn’t matter?” said Blaine, “We should remember everyone as how they were, not how you wanted them to be.”
     “An interesting thought, Blaine,” Ms. Pillsbury interrupted, “Would you like to elaborate?”
    Blaine didn’t know what ‘elaborate’ meant, but she was giving him a motion to speak. He carefully nodded.
     “Well, Coop wasn’t always nice. He never let me come into his room,” Blaine explained, “When he would throw parties in mine, sometimes. Mommy and daddy never did anything about it.”
     “Did that make you feel frustrated?”
     “Yes,” Blaine said, “But it doesn’t mean that I’m allowed to be. Coop’s gone, now.”
     “Oh, Blaine, you are certainly allowed to be frustrated.” Ms. Pillsbury frowned, “What put that into your head?”
     “I miss my dad,” Seven year old Nick said, “And he was good to me. I don’t get why you’re saying all these things.”
     Blaine narrowed his eyes at the newer addition, who had joined the group not but two weeks ago. Ms. Pillsbury was grappling for control, as the boys began to whisper and talk within themselves.
     “I think we need some understanding on how to-” Ms. Bowers stopped as she saw Blaine leave the room, the vanilla door slamming behind him.
     More whisperings. 
      It could be any strip mall in Lima. Low-rise and compact, with a smallish storefronts with dully painted windows and doors, and inside, lots of parents looking sleepy, careworn and guiltily relieved as they drop off the little ones. It’s just the setting that marks it out: depression. And then, of course, there is the screwed-in sign on the fifth unit. All Visitors Must Report To Reception.
     Kurt held his father’s hand, tightly, as they walked from their car between two sleeker city cars, and three dirty Land Rovers, and in approach of the glass doors. Other mothers and fathers are greeting each other, in the lobby, personably, and affably, in that enviable, relaxed, chit-chatty, small-talking way that Kurt’s father never quite mastered, and will find even harder here, amongst strangers, the child reckoned.
     Kurt was as silent as his dad. Nervous and tense. He was in his blue-and-red Dalton primary uniform under his quilted black jacket. They were in such a rush.
     Burt Hummel drove them there from Kurt’s school, as Kurt sat in the backseat- fidgeting with his toy, and singing a new made-up song to himself.
     And now, it is too late; Kurt’s hair looks messy from school.
     Burt’s protective instinct reaches out. He desperately does not want him to be laughed at. He will already be dauntingly lonely in this group, well into their amounted meetings of weeks he’s missed. And the confusion about Kurt’s denial is still there: lurking. Sometimes, he calls his dad ‘mom and dad’ not just ‘daddy’. Sometimes he tells stories about his mom still being alive. He did it this morning.
     To Burt, it is bewildering and painful, which is why hasn’t addressed it before now. He merely hoped that Ms. Emma Pillsbury is right, and this group will somehow resolve it all- new friends and talking about how to get over this.
     So here we are.
     They loitered at the door as a blonde woman gives them a smile of reassurance, and holds open the glazed door.
     “Burt Hummel?”
     “Yes, er?”
     “Checked you on LinkedIn. Just curious to know who the new parents might be.” She tilted an indulgent expression at Kurt. “And this must be Kurt. Kurt Hummel?” She ushers them in. “You look just like your photos! I’m Sue Sylvester. Great to have a new boy in the group. Please just call me Sue.” She looked back at Burt. “I’m the secretary.”
     Burt nodded casually, still a bit tense. He turned around for his son, who wasn’t where- that’s funny.
     Kurt had found a little boy who was sitting in the drab lobby, most likely waiting for his parents to pick him up. The smaller boy was small, very small, with tastefully moussed black, curly hair, dark amber eyes, and a similar uniform to Kurt’s on. He was apparently a student at Dalton Primary, too.
     “Can I ask you a question? I’m new here. Why’re you so sad?”
     “My name’s Blaine,” was the quietly offered response. Burt smiled- maybe his son would be okay with this group thing. It was only a matter of time.
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ao3feed-kurthummel · 4 years
More Than Words
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3bFbXVx
by Novoklaine
A one-shot about Skank!Kurt & Nerd!Blaine - based on the following prompt
Mute!Nerd!Blaine is in a relationship with Skank!Kurt. Blaine overhears a conversation between Kurt and one of his friends The girl is telling him to break up with Blaine because 'he's a nerd and he can't even speak'. Blaine runs away before he even hears Kurt defending him, and for days he thinks that he isn't good enough for Kurt, and that Kurt is eventually going to break up with him. He finally breaks down, and Kurt comforts and reassures him.
Words: 2638, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Additional Tags: Skank Kurt Hummel, Nerd Blaine Anderson, Mute Blaine Anderson, Alternate Universe, High School, Blangst, One Shot, klaine oneshot, Klaine
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3bFbXVx This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Kurt Hummel tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Kurt is the main character in the story. There is also no judgment made as to ships, length, or warnings. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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buckyandsteeb · 10 years
A Simple Touch 1/
Fill for Blangst Prompt #908
Summary: For Blaine, this was just his life. Touch usually accompanied pain. Meeting Kurt changed that.
Warning for: Extreme homophobia, Child Abuse, Drinking, Asshole parents
A/N: This story is more of a verse than it is a chaptered fic. So far I have 1 other chapter planned out, which actually fits the prompt. This is more of a Prologue to it all. This is beta'd by the lovely bravelywriteon
FF / S&C / AO3
Prologue: Touch Hurts
“Mr. Henderson never touched him!” Cooper sobbed out holding his cheek in pain. “Blainey just sits off to the side and watches us all.”
“He better be! I won’t have my only decent son turning into a little sissy man like you.” He accused taking a chug of his beer. “Now get out of my sight! I can’t stand to look at you!” Cooper stared at him afraid for a minute. “I said get out of my sight before I give you a reason to!”
Cooper scurried out of the room and upstairs into Blaine’s room. He looked around for a minute before walking over to the closet. He crawled to the back where he found Blaine curled up in a ball sucking his thumb, tears running down his face. “I sorry I brokeded da pate, Coopy,” Blaine said between his tears. 
Cooper gathered Blaine into his arms, rocking him back and forth. “It’s okay, bumblebee. You know how he is.”
“What happen to face?” Blaine asked, worried, reaching up to touch Cooper’s eye. Cooper winced, pulling Blaine’s hand away gently.
“It’s okay. It’s just a bruise. It won’t happen anymore.”
“Why, Coopy?” Blaine asked his eyes wide and full of concerned fear.
“I’m gonna go live in California! Mark is gonna come get me tonight. And once I make it big I’ll… I’ll come get you.”
Blaine burst into tears, clinging onto Cooper. “But Coopy! Don’t wan you go!”
“shh buddy! Mama and Papa love you. You’ll be okay! And I’ll be back before you know it!”
“But who tuck me into bed, Coopy? Or take me school?”
“You’re a big boy, Blainey! 6 years old! You can do that yourself now buddy.” Cooper tried to reassure
“But don’t wanna, Coopy!” Blaine sobbed, clutching onto him tighter. "Want you!"
Cooper hugged him tight with a conflicted look on his face. “Blainey, you don’t like it when daddy hits me do you?” 
“Nooo. No hit Coopy!” Blaine reassured while wiping at his tears. 
“So I gotta leave so he can’t anymore buddy.”
Blaine nodded with a serious look “You come back fo me den?”
“Of course, buddy. I’ll come back.” Cooper smiled and kissed his brother’s forehead.
8 years later
“Would you look at that fucking idiot! Sullying the fucking Anderson name for some fucking shitty dog food.” Jeff slurred, already on his 8th beer of the night. “Would you look at him Susie?” 
Susie sneered around her 5th wine cooler of the night. “That fucking faggot’s no son of mine” She confirmed before turning to her younger son Blaine with a sickeningly sweet voice. “Blainey, go get daddy and me another?”
Blaine stood up with his eyes to the floor. “Okay, mama.” He was immediately kicked in the shins as he walked past his father. 
“Is that anyway to talk to your mother, you little fucker?” Jeff Anderson demanded.
“No, sir. Sorry sir” Blaine responded, robot-like eyes still to the floor as he continued to walk toward the kitchen.
“Look at me while I’m fucking speaking to you!” Jeff demanded, throwing his empty beer bottle towards Blaine. It smashed next to his feet. “Go get me my damn beer and clean that fucking shit up when you get back, you ungrateful little freak!”
Blaine looked up at him briefly and nodded before his eyes returned to the floor. He returned quickly with the alcohol, handing it to them quickly before backing away. “I’m going to do some homework in my room.” Blaine told them quietly, trying to back out of the room without trouble.
His father stood up. He towered over Blaine, his eyes fuming. His hand fisted into Blaine’s hair “I thought I fucking told you to clean that the fuck up?!” He demanded.
Blaine cowered fear in his eyes. “I’m sorry! I for- forgot.”
“You forgot?” He hissed, his hands tightening around his full beer bottle. “Well maybe you can forget this too!” He smashed it over Blaine’s head and Blaine let out a loud cry, falling to the floor. “Let’s see you fucking forget again, you little sissy boy?” He turned to his wife to say something and Blaine took his chance to escape. He ran up the stairs, tears in his eyes. Once he got to his room, he hurried over to his closet and crawled to the back to hide.
Blaine heard the sound of someone pounding up the stairs after a minute, and soon heard his mother calling for him. “Blainey! Blainey!” The sound came closer until the closet door was wrenched open. Blaine curled farther in on himself and held his breath, hoping his hiding spot hadn’t been discovered. After a minute she closed the door and continued the search. She gave up after a few minutes, calling down the stairs. “The little fucker snuck out again.”
“Probably whoring himself out like that stupid brother of his.” Jeff muttered loudly, his voice coming closer. “Want try for a decent one, Susie Q?” He asked in what was supposed to be a seductive tone. Susie still giggled, and soon Blaine heard a door slam. Quickly, the upstairs was filled with the sound of his parents having sex.
Blaine covered his ears trying to block the sound out while he cried. When the noise was replaced with snores, Blaine crawled out of his hiding place, wiping his eyes. He looked around fearfully just in case, before heading into the bathroom. 
Blaine’s head was still throbbing, so he pulled out the first aid kit. He examined his head in the mirror, seeing a little bit of dried blood. He elected to take a shower instead of just cleaning it when he found blood on his arms and legs as well. Shards of glass from the bottle probably jumped up and got him when it was smashed. He hoped there wasn’t any glass in the cuts this time. He had a dance to go to in a few days, the Sadie Hawkins dance. He’d even asked a boy to go with him! He knew that wasn’t how Sadie Hawkins went, but with both people being male he figures it would be okay. His parents didn’t know of course, he didn’t want to know how much worse everything could get if they knew he was gay! _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
Blaine had been right to be fearful about how his parents would react. When he woke up in the hospital a few days later, he was greeted by their furious faces. “They said you got the shit beat out of you because you’re a fucking faggot?” His father demanded while glaring at Blaine. His voice was even, which was very unusual in Blaine’s experience. Blaine assumed that it was probably because he didn’t want to be overheard. “I- I am gay…yeah,” Blaine admitted, his eyes darting around the room fearfully. He knew there was very little he could do with his arm and leg in sling. 
“Then you fucking deserve it!” His mother hissed before storming out of the room without another look.
“You just thought you could suck people off for money behind the gym and not get caught then?” His father accused. “Or were you just letting them all fuck you? Everyone line up and fuck the little whore! That’s it, right? You just want something in your fucking ass so bad, you don’t care what it is! Don’t expect us to help you when you get some faggy disease!” His father continued pacing around Blaine’s hospital room. He stopped and glared right at Blaine. “God, you fucking disgust me you little freak. I hope you fucking enjoy burning in hell!” He didn’t spare Blaine another look before storming out of the room, leaving Blaine to nothing but the beeping of his heart monitor.
His parents never came to visit him the rest of the time he was in the hospital, but Blaine was assigned a therapist to try to deal with the hate crime he’d been a victim to. When the therapist had asked about them, Blaine made up a lie about their jobs taking them out of state for a few days. He assured her that they were still so concerned but they just couldn’t get the time off from their busy high paced job. She believed him completely, and why wouldn’t she? According to Blaine, his parents “jobs” had always taken them out of state or the country for every major event in his life since 1st grade. Blaine had convinced every teacher and friend of that with a hint of charm and a smile, why would this therapist be any different?
A few day before Blaine was to get out of the hospital, his therapist came with an offer for him. A school had heard about his hate crime and wanted to offer him a scholarship and a spot at their school. As soon as Blaine heard it was a boarding school he accepted. He told the therapist that he got lonely at home sometimes what with his parents traveling so much, and she helped him fill out all his information without suspicion.  Blaine went from the hospital to his dorm room, with only a quick stop at home to get anything he needed. His parents had grudgingly picked him up from the hospital. Blaine had mentioned that he had found a way to get out of their hair without suspicion on them, and they were overjoyed to get rid of him.  -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_
Dalton was amazing! For the first time since Cooper left and forgot about him, he felt loved. No one cared if he was gay. No one cared if he was short or that he loved musicals. Everyone just treated him nicely. In fact, he had friends now. Friends that loved him for who he was! They even made him the head of their singing group. Now when some came near he didn’t need to flinch, they just wanted a hug or to pat him on the back. But the best thing about Dalton came a year or so after his transfer.  Blaine was heading down the stairs for a Warbler performance when he heard a voice asking for help. When he turned around he found a gorgeous boy looking for directions. He had a smile on his face and Blaine took a chance. He grabbed the boy’s hand and led him to the performance, never regretting his choice.
His name was Kurt and he was no stranger to pain as well. He’d been bullied much like Blaine had been at his old school. As far as Blaine could tell, he had a peaceful home life though. Blaine let out a sigh of relief at that, but still assured Kurt that he knew how he felt. How many times had he tried to tell someone about the bullies at school? Or even the few times he’d made the mistake of trying to tell someone about what was happening at home. No one had listened to him either, and the few times they did they just called home and made things much worse for Blaine. He was a wimpy little fag that couldn’t stand up for himself according to his parents. But he would never tell Kurt that. He just put on his fake smile, and soon he had a new best friend in Kurt.
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blaindersonkummel · 7 years
Klaine Fic - You’ll Go Down In History
Written for Day 14 of Klaine Advent 2017 Prompt: “Nose”
Summary: Blaine unpicks a flaw in Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Kurt knows this is about more than just a Christmas song. (I somehow managed to make 250 words into Blangst! Must be a personal record.)
Word Count: 250 - Read on AO3.
“So, if you ask me, Santa’s a bit of an asshole when you think about it!”
“Blaine, sweetie, where are you going with this?”
“No, no- hear me out!”
“Honey, I think you’ve had too many glasses of spiked eggnog.”
“No Kurt, I’m serious! *hicc* Santa really did Rudolph dirty.”
“I knew I should have monitored your refills more.”
“All of the reindeers were *hicc* so meeeeeeean to Rudolph. All because of his red nose. They said such horrible things to him. And then- *sniff* and then- *sniff*.”
“Are you seriously crying about this, B?”
“Santa didn’t stand up for him or anything! He just let it happen. He let it happen! He watched them bully Rudolph because he was different.”
“I’m starting to think this isn’t just about reindeer any more, huh?”
“And just because Rudolph got to lead the sleigh, the reindeer like him now?! What kind of message does that send to kids?”
“I know, sweetie. Everything we once loved as kids usually turns out to be pretty problematic when we’re older.”
“S’just not fair.”
“I know, B.”
“I had the Sadie Hawkins nightmare again last night.”
“Oh. Oh baby, it’s okay.”
“I’m scared it’ll happen again tonight.”
“Everything will be fine, honey. I promise. You’re safe now. And loved.”
“But, if you ever need to be reminded of that, just think; Rudolph’s nose might be what made him different, but it’s what got him through that foggy night.”
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gracefulcas · 10 years
Blangst Prompt #862 @
A/n: tw: Suicide graphic, OC death, repeat no cannon characters die! Back And Forth Only the good die young Cooper Jay Anderson II August 24, 1964 – December 7, 2001 Blaine understood death perfectly well. As a child he was constantly surrounded dead bodies. In fact, his aunt's and uncle's dropped like flies in the 90's. But when he found his father hanging of the balcony of the master suite by an old rope, that chilly December morning, he was shocked to say the least. Their family had a rough time in the year of 2001, his baby brother Alan never saw the light of day. Cooper Sr.'s boss was killed in 9/11. Cooper Jr. broke both of his arms in wrestling tournament. Their mother's shopping put the family in debt. Blaine though, Blaine's year started off great. It began to go downhill when he saw his dad "shaving" his arms at five years old. "This stays between us Blaine, okay?" "Why daddy, does Cooper shave his arms too?" "No, just older men like Daddy." "Okay." Blaine's dad began to shave his arms more often. His mom found out as well and then Cooper Sr. started going to some lady named Mrs. Sheri. Blaine remembered how he found his dad as well. It was cold, really cold that day, his mom had told him that his dad had a conference call and he had to ride the bus home and stay quiet in his room. Blaine got off the bus, thanking Mr. Bob quickly and tromping down the metal steps, one at a time. His house still looked the same. The brick was a mono brown with hints of red and black. The door was a contrasting black with a silver door knob. Nothing was different till you got in the house. The living room was torn apart. The couch was overturned along with the two chairs and recliner. The coffee table was broken in two , magazine ripped and shredded, tossed harazardly onto the floor. "Daddy?" Blaine called out, maybe there was a monster here. The little one stumbled into the kitchen, nothing looking out of place until he looked toward the patio. Two pairs of loafers were dangiling just barely in sight below the glass. Blaine walked outside and saw a nightmare. His father was hanging by his neck, tied to a belt, from the rails of the balcony. He was wearing his favorite suit and tie, curls were tamed slightly by gel. What scared Blaine the most was how pale the man was. This wasn't just pale as in Mrs. Hatfield next door, this was pale as in deathly pale. Wind started to howl and blow, swinging the lifeless body back and forth, back and forth on the black belt of death like a rag doll. Blaine stood there staring for over an hour, just watching it swing. Back and Forth. Back and Forth. Slowly he walked back inside trembling with every step. He picked up the telephone and dialed the only set of numbers he knew by heart. "Blaine this is for emergency's only," his mother's sharp voice snapped through the phone, "There is food in the pantry if you need to eat." "Dad-belt-swing-g" he stumbled trying to think of words to push through his vocal chords. It was a hard task for the five year old. "What? Speak Blaine don't mumble," "Dad's dead." He choked out. Silence. "This is not funny. Did Cooper put you up to this?" Words suddenly surged out like he would only get so many, "Daddy's hanging by his favorite belt on the balcony and he swinging in the wind and h-h-h" The end of the line cut off and Blaine dropped the phone. What was going on? He didin't remember most of the rest of the day, but he never forgot the swinging of the body, the howling of the wind, the end of the line call. He went to see Mrs. Sheri all throughout his elementary and Middle school career stopping for a year then starting again because of Sadie Hawkins. His mom eventually remarried to Scott Adkins, a successful lawyer who was everything Cooper Sr. wasn't. When he finally told Kurt what had happened in his childhood, he cried for the first time in years, and went in much more detail than ever before. Kurt cried as well. His last day in Lima before going to New York, he took Kurt to the grave of his father and showed him his past. "I always hated the quote they put on his headstone," he mumbled, laying Forget Me Not's on the site. Kurt said nothing just watching Blaine, his eyes slightly glazed over. "Is this reminding you of your mom? You didn't have to come." Blaine said looking at him apprehensively. Kurt shook his head and looked around. "Since I'm meeting your dad, want to go meet my mom?" he asked. "Sure." "Your dad was pretty intimidating," He said suddenly. Blaine blanched for a second, then realized the game they were playing, "I just hope your mom doesn't think too much of my hair." He smirked. "She will love the hair," Kurt giggled as they walked toward the H's hand in hand, laughing like school girls. A/N: I feel like this sucks. Anyway that last part was about the whole thing in Chris's episode "I spend the all of my life acting like I have a mom." Idk again I do not feel happy with this piece put I've been hoarding for like months. blangstpromptoftheday I wrote this a while ago
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do you know of any fics that show blaine having an eating disorder (like yk how he had an some problems with eating and being insecure about his body in s5e16) (obviously not romanticising EDs but yk)
I did a search for you and found these. ~Lynne
There’s Something About Blaine by FrostedHoodies
Artie notices some changes in Blaine following Mr Shue's almost-wedding. Warning for mpreg.
Where The Sidewalk Ends by Elisima
Blaine didn't have an issue, it was only a habit. He was okay. Eating just didn't seem important.
Blangst Prompt 29 by Klainelover1997
Blaine develops anorexia. One day he faints during a ND number.
Recovery and Self Certainty by CallOfTheCurlew
"I know that you think you're fat and I know that you think you're not worthy of things, but it's not true. Don't take this the wrong way...but...you're really good looking."
Barely Breathing by KlissmeQuick
Years of trying to be perfect have caught up on Blaine Anderson, after being beaten at the Sadie Hawkins dance, he strives to be stronger so he can defend himself next time, but to what cost? It's not until he takes Kurt under his wing and into his life does someone begin to notice he is not okay. Trigger for Eating disorder and other Mental Health issues.
ETA:  @coffeegleek suggested this fic. Warnings for BP and MPREG.
Apple of My Eye by idoltina
A fill for this GKM prompt. AU after The Break Up. Blaine finds out that he’s pregnant after Kurt breaks up with him (with Kurt’s child, no less). He tries telling Kurt about it, but Kurt refuses to talk to him. Blaine decides to finish his senior year at home and give the baby up for adoption. Only he doesn’t. He ends up keeping the baby -- a daughter -- and takes her to New York with him when he leaves for college. He raises her partially on his own with some help from his parents, and tries to juggle parenthood, school, and work. And everything works out okay for a little over two years -- until he runs into Kurt.
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dreamingkate · 10 years
Be There
Summary: Kurt always knew what to do when Blaine's world collapse.
Prompt by edgar-always-edgar: Prompt #682 (by anonymous)Date: February 3, 2014 Prompt: (Klaine are engaged) During glee club, Blaine has a panic attack. Someone (up to the writer who) has to call Kurt because nobody knows what to do.
Warnings: Panic attack
Kurt blinked awake from his afternoon nap to hear his phone vibrating and the name “Sam” flashing across the screen. After a few attempts, he managed to answer it.
  “Hello?” His voice was still scratchy from sleep.
  “Kurt! Blaine is freaking out! He’s breathing funny and crying and-“
  Sam’s panicked ramble faded under the white noise in Kurt’s mind. He had seen Blaine’s panic attacks and knew how scary they were. Blaine’s breathing would get more and more strangled as tears streamed down his face. His eyes would get wide and he would just look so terrified.
  “Give him the phone,” Kurt sat up and waited. As soon as Blaine’s shaky breathing came through, he started talking. “Honey, honey please slow down. Breathe for me.”
  “I can’t,” he sounded strangled and it broke Kurt’s heart. 
  “Yes you can,” he tried to keep his voice soothing. “In and out. Just imagine that I’m there okay? You’re lying against my chest and you can feel me breathing. Just breathe with me.”
  “I need you here.”
  “I know baby,” Kurt felt tears pricking his own eyes. “I’m sorry. Just listen to my voice. You have the control, not your brain okay? You’re stronger than that. You can get through this.”
  They sat in silence for a few long moments before Blaine’s breathing began slowing. He whispered to his fiancé as his breathing calmed and he began to relax.
  “I’m sorry,” Blaine wheezed out.
  “You know I don’t mind,” Kurt smiled slightly, feeling his own heart rate slow. “I wish I was there.”
  “Me too,” Blaine still sounded shaky. “I don’t know what’s happening. I just…I miss you and there’s a lot happening.”
  “I know. I’m so sorry,” Kurt gripped the phone tighter. “Next time you feel like everything is falling apart you call me. Promise you’ll call?”
  “I promise,” he could almost see Blaine’s tiny smile. Sam still sounded a little frazzled where he was talking in the background. “I miss you.”
  “I miss you too,” Kurt said gently. 
  Sometimes it scared Kurt that Blaine needed him to calm down, especially since they were so far apart. His brain would just go into overdrive and he didn’t know how to turn it down. 
  Until they figured this out, or until Blaine got on a medication that helped, Kurt would be there. 
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buckyandsteeb · 10 years
Fill For Blangst Prompt #897 (Prompt also at end of Fill) Beta'd by the lovely awesome bravelywriteon!
FF/ S&C/ A03
“You don’t have to look so disappointed to see me!” Kurt grinned, teasing him as he walked into the house.
 “What? What are you doing here? I thought you were still in New York!” Blaine explained, a smile returning to his face.
 “Well, you know the entire glee club did promise to come back for Mr. Shue’s wedding.  And I didn’t have class or work, so I thought I’d come a little early and surprise my best friend.” Kurt explained absently as he looked around the room, taking in the small changes that had occurred since he’d last been there. Blaine just stared at him blankly, not knowing what to say. Sure they were talking again and they spent Christmas together, but he never expected that Kurt would come home early to see him.
 “Your mom switched air fresheners?”  Kurt asked after a minute
Blaine quickly snapped back to the moment, taking Kurt’s coat from him “Yeah, she said something about missing the smell of spring.” Blaine turned and hung Kurt’s coat up before turning his attention back to him. “Now as much as I’d love to talk scents and how they affect their environment… Why are you here, Kurt? Wouldn’t you rather be spending time with your dad?”
 “I told you, I wanted to surprise you!” Kurt smiled, rubbing Blaine’s arm without thinking. Blaine let out a long sigh, still unsure of Kurt’s intentions.
 “I am surprised” Blaine admitted. “Was that all?”
Kurt gave him a hurt look. “Well I wanted to spend some time with you. I’ve missed you. Even if I am mad at you, you’re still my best friend and try as I might I still miss you a lot.”
 Blaine bit back a few tears and turned his head to hide his disappointment from Kurt. He knew what Kurt meant. He didn’t love him anymore.  He didn’t think it would hurt this badly to hear. Still, he shouldn’t feel disappointment. He had someone else now and they said they loved him as well. Maybe soon he might be able to reciprocate.
 Blaine turned back to Kurt and forced a smile onto his face “You’re my best friend too. And you know how sorry I am about that.”
Kurt gave him a slight smile, taking Blaine’s hand. “I know you are.”  
Blaine looked down at Kurt’s hand in shock.  It might have registered on his face when he looked up because Kurt gave him a measuring look before looking back down at their hands thoughtfully.
 “Screw it.” Kurt muttered before darting forward to capture Blaine in a kiss.  It took Blaine a second before he responded passionately. It took another 10 glorious seconds before his brain caught up to him and he pulled away. He backed away from Kurt quickly until he hit a wall. Kurt took this to mean he wanted to make out against the wall and his lips soon found Blaine’s again.  Blaine pushed Kurt away softly after a few second.
“No, I can’t. We can’t, Kurt.” Blaine pleaded.
“mm yes we can.” Kurt told him teasingly, his lips finding Blaine’s neck and sucking on Blaine’s pulse point.  Blaine had trouble remember exactly why this was bad, when it felt so amazing and it was with Kurt.
“N- No. Kurt please stop.” Blaine managed to get out between the jolts of pleasure running through his body. He might not remember, but he knew it was for a good reason.  Kurt pulled away confused, and Blaine was finally able to think clearly again “Don’t you have a guy in New York?”
“Oh, that’s nothing.” Kurt brushed it off, his lips returning to trail kisses down Blaine’s neck.
Blaine felt a quick wave of relief at that information, but knew he still had to stop this, even if it made his heart feel whole for the first time since October.  “I do…have someone in Lima though…and it isn’t nothing.”
Kurt moved away in shock, like a cold bucket of water had been poured over his head. A flash of pain came across Kurt’s face, but he quickly tried to mask it with indifference. “You…you do?”
Blaine didn’t look at Kurt. “Yeah. For about a week or two now”
“Sebastian?” Kurt demanded in cold annoyance.
Blaine finally looked back at Kurt with incredulous “No. Not Sebastian. Never him.  How many times do I need to tell you he means nothing to me before you actually believe me?”
 Kurt let out a small sigh of relief before continuing to fish “Someone you met a Scandals then?”
“Actually, no. Someone from school.  And yes you know them.” Blaine supplied, rubbing the back of his neck while avoiding Kurt’s eyes.
 “I wasn’t aware there were any of other gay men at McKinley,” Kurt told him in bewilderment.
Blaine was saved an explanation when the phone rang. They let it go to the answering machine and Tina’s voice filled the room. “Hey Blainey-days! It’s your Tay-Tay. I saw a pair of 3 inch heels today at the outlet mall and I just had to buy them for the wedding.  I know that might screw up our height difference, but fashion and everything right?  Anyway I can’t wait for our date tonight! Maybe not so many flowers this time? And really I’m sure whatever you wear is fine, I don’t need to approve your outfits. Love you! Bye”
 Kurt turned to Blaine with a horrified expression once the answer machine clicked off. “Tina?! I thought you already made this mistake with Rachel. Eventually you are going to kiss her sober and realize this was all a big mistake.” Kurt told him irritated. “Either way, it isn’t very nice to lead her on.”
 “I’m not leading her on,” Blaine whispered.
“Blaine, you’re gay.”
“So? A lot of gay guys have been in a relationship with a women.”
“Yeah, and look how well that turns out. Besides I know how you feel about the female body. I was the one you complained to after your awful sex ed class last year.”
 Blaine rolled his eyes “Not everything is about sex, Kurt”
“Clearly it is with you,” Kurt bit back and Blaine’s face fell dramatically, making him wish he could take it all back. Blaine’s eyes darted towards the door, before he realized that he was in his own home. He stormed up half the stairs before Kurt jumped into action to follow him. He heard a few sniffles coming from Blaine before Blaine ran into his room and slammed the door in his face. “Come on, Blaine. You know I didn’t really mean that.”  The only response was the sound of Blaine’s tears, so he tried the door and found it unlocked.  When he walked in his heart broke. Blaine had kept every little reminder of their past relationship in place. Even the sweater Kurt had left on Blaine’s chair before he went to New York was still there. It looked a little rumpled, like it had been used recently though.
 Kurt took a seat on the bed and rubbed his hand over Blaine’s back.  “Blaine, honey. You know I was just lashing out because I was in shock.”
Blaine turned his head to look at Kurt, tear still streaming down his face. “That doesn’t change the fact that you honestly think that’s true,” Blaine sniffled. “That you think that’s why it happened.”
“I still honestly don’t know why it happened.” Kurt admitted “We were so happy, Blaine and so in love”
Blaine shook his head in defiance. “No, Kurt. You were happy. I was completely miserable and every time I tried to talk about my life here in Lima, all you could do was talk about how much you loved New York. How amazing life without me was. You were moving on and starting a life of your own in New York that I wasn’t part of. I swear half the time you didn’t even pick up my calls and when you did the conversation was rushed and you didn’t even hear what I was saying. You even hung up on me to listen to gossip a few times.” Blaine wiped his tears away, new ones quickly replacing them. “I missed you so much, Kurt and you didn’t even seem to care!”
Kurt crossed his arms over his chest “That still doesn’t excuse your actions.”
“I know it doesn’t.” Blaine admitted, defeated
“And that doesn’t explain why you are dating a girl! And Tina no less!” Kurt accused
Blaine stood up suddenly covering his face with his hands “Are you even listening to me?” Blaine demanded removing his hands from his face in defiance. He started pacing back and forth. “It doesn’t matter who it is. Clearly I get an expiration date when it comes to love. My parents, Cooper, The Warblers, even you got sick of me and moved on. I can’t refuse it when it is offered, even if it is in a slightly less desirable package!”   
 Kurt stood up and softly pulled Blaine’s hands away from his face. Kurt’s hand came up to cup Blaine’s cheek while the other one remained in Blaine’s. “Come on, honey. You know that’s not true.”
“It is though, Kurt.” Blaine admitted between tears.
“You have to know I still love you. I might be mad at you but I’ve never stopped loving you, honey.”  Kurt sighed pulling him into a tight hug. He stroked Blaine’s hair soothing, letting Blaine cry. “And you know your brother loves you, Blaine. He wouldn’t tease you so much if he didn’t”
“I guess so” Blaine said with a teary hiccup burying his face in Kurt’s shoulder.
“And your parents, they just don’t know how to show it. But if they didn’t love you, we never would have met.”  Kurt reassured “And the Warblers… well if they can’t see how amazing you are, Blaine. That’s their loss.” Kurt kissed Blaine’s head with a smile as Blaine unburied his head from Kurt’s shoulder.
“They tried to get me to come back,” Blaine admitted. “Sam convinced me not to, but I considered it. I knew they just wanted me for my voice but I actually considered it.”
“There’s no shame in that, Blaine.” Kurt reassured “It’s a good thing you didn’t though. I heard they got disqualified for steroids!”
“I know!” Blaine laughed wiping the tears off his face. “I don’t know what happened. The Warblers used to be so classy.”
The both smiled, taking a seat on the bed and laughing every few seconds over the state of their former show choir. They lapsed into silence after a minute, before Kurt spoke up.
 “How was this thing with Tina even going to work out, Blaine?” Kurt asked curiously.
 Blaine gave him self-depreciating smile. “Honestly? I was just going to close my eyes and-” Blaine trailed off, his eyes quickly making their way to the floor before he spoke again. “And think of you, probably.”
Kurt let out a small sigh. “That’s not fair to anyone, Blaine.”
Blaine finally looked up. “I know.” Blaine wrapped his arms around himself, making himself look smaller than he already was.
Kurt looked at him for a few seconds before pulling him into a tight hug. He rested his head on top of Blaine’s, his hand making his way into Blaine’s as well. “Blaine, I promise you that you are desperately loved by so many. You don’t need to go looking for it in someone who can’t love you fully.” Kurt squeezed Blaine’s hand teasingly “Especially someone who doesn’t like your amazing taste in flowers and doesn’t care to color coordinate your outfits together.”
“Because that’s what’s really important.” Blaine smiled rolling his eyes at Kurt’s joke.
“Because that’s what’s really important” Kurt laughed. Blaine smiled as he felt the laugh in Kurt’s hug. Maybe he didn’t need Tina; maybe just being with Kurt like this was enough for him.   
Prompt: Blaine didn’t get sick during diva week, so Tina never ‘vapo raped’ him. She still confesses her feelings for him, and they start dating, because Blaine just need somebody to love him. Kurt finds out and when he confronts Blaine about it, Blaine yells that he just need to feel loved. 
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