#barry is dead
savanir · 3 months
DP x DC prompt [5]
De-age Danny, de-age Ellie and Dan, de-age the entirety of team Phantom. How about we age them up. Give them the Bart and Jon treatment.
Some ancient is annoyed with Ellie causing so much chaos, let’s say… It's the ancient of order. It decides that it is time she grows up a bit and learns some responsibility. She has to understand that her actions have consequences.
So it orchestrates an event where she gets chucked into the DC universe and because the people of the DC universe don't know her in any other way than this mid twenties looking lady the kids gloves are off.
She's confused, upset and a bit worried. But she's not going to let this little setback hold her back, she's going to find people with a mindset more like hers and she'll keep doing what she does best.
I imagine she's gonna end up with the Outlaws.
In the meantime Danny goes after her because he’s worried about his sister, but by doing so also gets hit by the age up effect and sadly for him he loses the 50/50 of aged up characters and the DC universe interprets his existence as someone that has to die so kill events keep happening to him but none of them are enough to fully kill a halfa so he's just known as the extremely lucky disaster guy.
Ellie gets to be Wraith and feel really cool about it. And in the watchtower some members are realizing they have rescued the same guy from really bad almost deadly incidents.
Green Lantern twists the chair around so he can fold his arms on the backrest,
"I swear the guy is from the final destination movies or something, the craziest things keep happening to him but he's fine every time somehow" 
Flash pauses in eating his panini "Yeah cause we rescue him"
"No, well yes but I saw him get shot and I thought, Oh no... but he was just fine somehow"
"Now that you're talking about it. I still don't know how he managed to dodge an entire building. I made note of it cause he very specifically told me he was fine and I didn't have to worry"
"Hmm well at least he's cute"
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decibly · 1 year
Barry was hungry. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, as he could just grab some snacks from the kitchen, but he was watching a movie, and he was comfy. He really, really didn’t want to try and wriggle back to where he was now
“Phantom?” he called out hopefully.
A white glove emerged from the wall behind him, dropping an unopened bag of chips on top of his head. When Barry reached up to grab it, he saw that it was salt and vinegar, which explained why it was still uneaten. Phantom seemed to refuse those chips under all circumstances.
Barry didn’t really get it, because salt and vinegar was awesome, but that didn’t really matter. The point was, Phantom was a great person, even if he probably wasn’t human, and it didn’t matter if Barry hadn’t ever actually seen more of him than his arm, and he had told Barry his name by leaving a piece of paper on a table when he turned his back for three seconds after asking if there was a name for the ‘friend in the walls’, as Wally had called him.
“Thanks, Phantom!” The hand stuck itself out the wall again, forming a thumbs up.
***** ***** *****
Diana had found a bit of a problem. It wasn’t a big one, and was honestly more of an annoyance than anything, but her paper copy of Earth’s current standing with all known alien civilization was missing. She could get access to it again in a few hours, once the security upgrade to their computers was finished, but she had been intending to review it for a few weeks now and could use the extra time. 
An idea came to her suddenly, and Diana quietly asked, “Phantom? Are you here?” In answer, a chilly breeze blew through her hair. He was, then. “By any chance, would you happen to have seen my copy of th-” Interrupting her, the very papers she was looking for appeared out of nowhere on her desk. A green sticky note was stuck to it, reading ‘This? Sorry for taking it, but it was really interesting’
Diana smiled, hopefully in the ghosts direction. “Yes, that. If you want, I could see if I could get you your own copy?” Another green sticky note appeared on top of the first, this one just oozing the feeling of happiness. ‘YES PLEASE!!!’
***** ***** *****
Bruce… didn’t really know what to do about the teenager floating just outside the Watchtower. He looked like Phantom, from the few times anyone had actually seen the ghost, and he appeared to be enjoying himself in the vacuum outside instead of dying painfully, which was another point of evidence for that theory. Unsure of what else he could do, he knocked on the window on the off chance that he could get Phantom’s attention that way.
The ghost immediately vanished from view, and a strong, freezing cold breze blew in from the direction of the window Phantom had been outside. Bruce shivered violently from the unexpected chill.
Next time he would leave Phantom alone. Being out in space seemed to make him happy, and it was best not ruin that.
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Bruce, walking into the manor: Hello people who do not live here.
Clark: Hi :D
Diana: Hey!
Oliver: 'sup man
Dinah: yo
Hal: Hiii
Barry: Heyo
Arthur: wassup
Billy: Hey
Bruce: Why are you here??
Barry, mouth full of doritos: We ran out of doritos
Bruce: Alfred, why the hell did you let them in??
Alfred, casually having tea w J'onn, whose just happy his son has friends: They ran out of doritos master Bruce, what was I to do? Let them starve??
Bruce: >:(
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msanonships · 4 months
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Iris, Kory and Michonne getting their happy endings.
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sonlc · 6 months
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did something special happen today?
(well, i guess if it were important, i would’ve remembered it…)
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spacedace · 1 year
dc x dp prompt thing:
Elle popped a handful of skittles in her mouth as she watched the shit show that Billy had just walked into. Everyone was yelling - at him - about Elle and about him knowing she was just a child and shouting about how could you lie about something like this? and on and on. All he had heard was that she’d been attacked and was in the Watchtower. When he’d seen she was a bit bruised and battered but no where near as bad as he’d been afraid of, he had been so relieved he hadn’t even stopped to think about the fact that she was in human form.
“Dude, there’s literally never going to be a funnier time to tell them.” She advised, grinning as she poured more skittles into her hand. “It’s not like it can get any worse.”
And well.
She wasn’t wrong.
With Justice League members shouting around him and gods shouting from within him, the calm, delighted amusement of his friend was the only touch stone Billy had.
A shout of Shazam and flash of lightning later and the yelling cut off all at once.
“Oh god, there’s two of them.”
“Where are you’re parents?” Superman asked with the bone deep horror of a father looking at two unsupervised teenagers caught doing something extremely dangerous.
Elle blinked at him. Shared a look with Billy. Shrugged.
“I never had any.”
“I did, but they’ve been dead for awhile now.”
Green Lantern pinched the bridge of his nose. Flash looked like he was sucking on a lemon. Superman turned and for some reason gave Batman a warning look.
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artfilmaesthetics · 9 months
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100 ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰɪʟᴍꜱ
70/100 — the killing of a sacred deer | 2017
dir. yorgos lanthimos ༄
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openingversion · 8 months
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k-wame · 2 months
unmute! emerald & anthony willis were INSANE for this idc
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p34ce0fm1nd · 9 months
oliver would cut felix open and crawl inside him if he could.
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dunkinbublin · 1 year
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Barry’s going to lose his mind when I sees this.
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barry aint the only one
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finemealcreates · 2 months
Hell of a Meeting, Huh?
July 20: Attending a funeral | aid
Danny wishes it was raining. He wishes the weather was foul, that there was an overcast, something to reflect the way he was feeling inside. 
But it wasn’t. It was a nice day out. Not too cloudy, not too cold, just right. 
An awful day for such nice weather. 
Vlad has been trying to get close to Danny the entire funeral, but he’s been dodging the other man. Danny had very publicly stated that he didn’t want anything to do with Vlad, and he wasn’t his dad. That Vlad was barely his family’s friends, and he’d die before he had anything to do with the man. 
It had mostly forced Vlad to keep his distance. This was the man’s chance to casually get close to Danny and make it seem like an accident. 
Except for the fact that Danny was overly aware of Vlad’s closeness to him. He kept moving, except when neither of them could, further and further away from the other man. No one cared, they knew it was a day of mourning for the boy. He had lost everything. 
Sam, Tucker, Jazz, his parents. All of them, gone. 
What is Danny going to do, now? They’re not going to force him to live with Vlad, will they? He saw what happens when he lives with Vlad, it doesn’t go well for anyone. 
No, he’d die before he lived with Vlad. He won’t allow that future to exist. 
The social worker had allowed Danny to stay with the Foley’s, too overworked to fight Danny when he sobbed when removed from them. The Foley’s hadn’t minded, as far as Danny could tell. They clung to him as tightly as he clung to them. 
All of them had lost someone. Even the Manson’s had been kind to Danny. Well, Bubba was always kind to Danny, but Sam’s parents hadn’t always been. Yet, earlier that day they had hugged Danny. Cried with him. Thanked Danny for being such a great friend to their Sammy. 
Grief will do a lot to a person, even lead you to hug a kid you used to hate apparently. 
Maybe the Foley’s would be willing to take Danny in? It’s not what Danny wants, he doesn’t think he can stomach moving into his best friend’s old room, but anything is better than Vlad. Perhaps he can argue with a judge to be placed with someone not Vlad. He’s fourteen, they might listen to him, right? 
Who is he kidding, Vlad’s got more resources than Danny does. If Vlad has to, he’ll overshadow the judge to get what he wants. 
Oh no, what is Danny going to do? 
A person gently taps Danny on the shoulder, causing him to turn. 
There stands a blonde-haired man with cool blue eyes. He looks tired, and he’s got a … weird sort of energy about him. Not bad, just … different. 
Danny raises an eyebrow, too tired to speak to a stranger offering condolences. 
He’s tired of people apologizing to him. As if they understand. No one understands. Not even the Foley’s or the Manson’s. They lost their children, Danny lost everyone. 
“You’re Danny Fenton, correct?” the man asks, offering a hesitant smile he probably intends to be inviting. 
“Obviously,” Danny snarks, glaring at the man. 
“Sorry,” the stranger says, scratching the back of his head. “I just uhh … I didn’t want to do this here but the state insisted.” 
Danny narrows his eyes at the man. What is he prattling on about? 
“I got a call late last night, and didn’t hear the voice message until this morning. I’m Barry Allen, you’re dad’s second cousin?” 
Danny feels his eyes water at the mention of his dad. 
“I’ve never heard of you before,” Danny states suspiciously. 
“Sorry about that,” Barry apologizes sincerely. “Our grandparents didn’t get along, so we weren’t really close. I’m surprised I was even in the will at all—”
“You’re in my parents' will?” Danny interrupts, surprised. 
Barry laughs slightly, offering a small smile. 
“I’m just as shocked as you are, trust me,” Barry says. 
“So that makes us, what, third cousins?” Danny questions. 
Barry scratches his head, humming as he appears to contemplate it. 
“I think we’re technically second cousins once removed?” the man says distantly. “Anyway, the point is I’m your new guardian.” 
“Guardian, huh?” Danny questions, eyes moving to Vlad who has gotten a lot closer than he would’ve liked. “Anyone’s better than Vlad Masters.” 
Barry’s face scrunches. 
“Vlad Masters? The Wisconsin billionaire?” Barry questions. 
“Yeah,” Danny answers, making sure to keep conscious of Vlad moving closer to them. “He is … was obsessed with my mom. A friend my parents went to college with. He’s really creepy, been trying to adopt me since I met him months ago.” 
Barry’s face twists in disgust. 
“Don’t worry, Danny, I’m not gonna let that man do anything to you. I’ve already filled out all the paperwork,” Barry assures. 
“But he has more resources than you do, surely,” Danny replies. 
He’s not trying to be insulting, just realistic. Vlad will fight it. He’ll insist he should be Danny’s guardian. He’ll throw money around if he has to, and use overshadowing to get what he wants when money doesn’t work. 
“Well, he’s not the only one with friends in high places,” Barry assures, giving Danny a sharp grin. 
Danny’s not sure he can allow himself to hope for the best, not when he’s seen the future. Not when he’s seen what Vlad has done to get what he wants, before. But he musters up part of a smile for Barry.
“I hope you win, cousin Barry,” Danny says, just as Vlad approaches. 
“Daniel! So sorry, didn’t see you there,” Vlad says, putting on a show for folks around him. 
Barry moves and places himself partly between the two of them, back to Danny. 
“Nice to meet you, I’m Barry Allen,” Barry introduces, stopping Vlad from talking to Danny. 
Vlad eyes the other man, glaring slightly at being interrupted. 
Yet, Vlad is aware that eyes are on them. Vlad had made it so. Therefore, he’s unable to refuse shaking the other man’s hand and offering a smile. 
“Vlad Masters.” 
Barry hums, dropping the other man’s hand. 
“I don’t think Maddie ever mentioned you before,” Barry comments, purposefully. 
Vlad glares, eyes tinged red for a second. Danny just feels a wave of grief hit him at the mention of his mother. 
“I didn’t realize you were acquainted with the deceased,” Vlad says shortly. 
“Well of course I am,” Barry replies smoothly. “We’re family, after all.” 
Vlad’s eyes find Danny’s, narrowing slightly. 
“Oh?” Vlad’s voice is sharp, dangerous. “How so?” 
Danny can’t help but hide more behind Barry. He’s not afraid of Vlad, but he doesn’t like the look in the man’s eyes. He doesn’t like what that look means. He doesn’t like looking into Vlad’s eyes and seeing Dan. 
“Cousins,” Barry answers, keeping it short and to the point. “Was just talking to Danny about what we need to do to get him moved to my place.” 
“Daniel’s moving in with you?” Vlad seems to grit out. “How interesting, I think you may be mistaken. You see—” 
“Nope!” Barry interrupts. “Got the paperwork all figured out this morning. It’s already a done deal.” 
Danny can practically feel Vlad’s glare on him through Barry. 
“Interesting,” Vlad says. “Very interesting. Well it was nice to meet you Barry, talk to you later Daniel. Sorry for your loss.” 
Then Vlad is gone, and Danny feels himself relax. 
“You weren’t kidding, kid. That dude gives me the hibbie-jibbies,” Barry comments, turning towards Danny. 
 “He’s going to fight it, somehow. Then I’m going to be forced to live with him,” Danny states plainly. 
Barry’s eyes soften as he squats to be more eye level with Danny, resting a hand on his shoulders. 
“Let me worry about all the legal stuff, you just focus on mourning, okay?” 
Danny nods, eyes filling with tears. 
Barry pulls Danny in for a hug, and Danny can almost let himself believe that everything’s gonna turn out okay.
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dozydawn · 1 year
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Kirsten Dunst attends the premiere of Drop Dead Gorgeous, 1999. Photographed by Barry King.
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hijinxinprogress · 4 months
The JL keeps trying to stop Captain Marvel from talking to the media (and it’s not working)
The jl held a meeting about marvel’s conduct with cops bc he got a little too excited and suplexed a cop completely fucking forgetting he’s a 7ft buff ass man (the video goes viral for months) and the press is having a fucking field day with this bc ‘Captain Marvel Hates The Government!’ ‘Justice League Member, Captain Marvel, Shows His True Colors…?’ ‘Fawcett Superhero Attacks Civilian!’ ‘Captain Marvel Sends Police Officer to ICU!’ ‘Philadelphia Hero Puts Public Servant In Coma’ and shit like that is on the front page of every newspaper, magazine, and tabloid for the next eight months at least
so they’re like ‘hey you gotta say something! The people think you hate the us government esp the police!’ and he’s just sitting there confused before he says very slowly and clearly ‘But I do…I fucking despise them’
Barry and Hal are fucking losing it bc this is the guy that says ‘darn!’ in the heat of battle and has said on multiple occasions ‘Well, that’s not very nice, now is it?’ to opponents that destroy worlds for fun
like this guy still tries very hard not to make faces at the broccoli on his plate in front of the jl (and fails)
this guy hears a yj member or even the very adult titans cussing and going on the longest rant bc ‘I’ve not heard such foul language in all my years-!’ and what’s this ‘‘I’m an adult’ nonsense?? I’m older than Ravens grandfather 🤨 When you get to be my age-’
they’re all so pissed when they hear him cussing like a sailor playing video games on cyborgs phone the next day and he’s playing fucking temple run at that
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veryberryjelly · 4 months
Could you do the same prompts I mentioned for Nate but instead do it for Felix catton instead?:)
felix catton x reader
prompts ; ' towers over u '
𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ✦ 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 !
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the sun in england was rare to show itself at the appropriate times.
but whenever you stepped foot on the catton's estate, it seemed that the sun decided to spend the time off with you.
today was no different as your skin was being warmed by the sun as you lounged in the field, some music playing from your phone as you flipped through a book.
this was one of your favourite ways to spend your days at saltburn.
but it was even better when you were joined by your boyfriend and his family. yet somehow they had all been dragged away for a family function for the morning and had left you to your own devices around the estate.
meaning you could spend the day in a skimpy bikini to try and soak up the sun before it disappeared when you went back to school.
though the cold travelling up your body seemed to have other plans. you had checked the weather before you came out here and it said sun all day so you had no idea where the cloud was coming from.
" you know the rules about the field, lovely "
the voice had you turning onto your back and your hand lifting to shield your eyes.
he was back.
and he was towering over you, blocking the lower half of your body from the sun.
" no one else was here, i didn't fancy walking around in my birthday suit for Duncan to see and think i was a lunatic "
that had been apart of your reasoning, but the main one being you didnt think you'd get caught out here in a swimsuit.
" well, i'm here now, and you know how much of a stickler i am for the rules " the smirk on his lips was growing with every second and you knew you couldnt deny his pearly whites.
" i'm not taking mine off until you take yours off "
apparently the function he had been dragged to this morning had been pretty formal so he had gotten dressed in a suit before he left this morning and he was still in it now even if his shirt was practically completely unbuttoned and his tie was hanging loose around his neck.
they didnt stay on for long though. he pulled his tie off before dropping his jacket and shirt to the floor and starting on his pants.
within seconds the two of you were down to nothing and felix was laid beside you in the grass with a pile of your clothes strewn across the grass.
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