thekuraning · 2 years
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sometimes your boyfriend has a chicken and sometimes he needs to infodump about the chicken and the chicken’s power marble
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real-team-luster · 2 months
...Hmm, well this is. An unexpected development to say the least.
(Attachment: A video of a horde of Torchic, at least a hundred strong, crowding around a small building. They chirp at random intervals.) I got the rocks previously mentioned to a cleaner, revealing them to indeed be Mega Stones, but... they've attracted a large number of Torchic. How these got from Hoenn to Kalos is beyond me.
Does anyone have any ideas for how to deal with this significant issue before they start wreaking havoc on the local ecosystem?
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sonicasura · 3 months
What the Defense Forces reaction to Mega Evolution, along with the everyone else's?
Shock wouldn't do it justice if I have to be honest. The Rookies along our main group thought it was incredible. However the Defense Force in general took it more seriously.
Blaziken's file is immediately updated upon the witness accounts given as the fact this mysterious kaiju had been holding back such immense power cannot be taken lightly. There are obvious differences between this new form when compared to Oshawott and Kubfu's respective evolution.
Okonogi is the one who spots the Blazikenite alongside connect the dots that it caused the transformation. Trainer's Wanted status would update to Capture on Sight w any means. After this incident, they couldn't afford to pander any longer.
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I just wonder what the starters are going to be for legends ZA. I know Snivy and Piplup are highly likely because they are French, but I can't think of a good Fire starter that fits.
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I agree with this, and if you want my guess, the Fire Starter is probably going to be Torchic.
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First off, back when X and Y first released, there was a pre-order bonus that gave you a hidden ability Torchic with a Blazikenite, before the release of ORAS.
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And second, The Coq Gaulois, also known as the Gallic Rooster, is one of France's national emblems. It was used to decorate French flags during the Revolution, which is when I believe is the hypothetical time period this game may be set.
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aura-acolyte · 8 months
🎙 Where did you first get the idea for Mare?
//Okay, so, story time. Let me take you back to August 2018. The world had gone to shit, Avengers Infinity War had recently released in theaters, and I was a 14 year old boy (probably) who had just discovered the internet.
//I had taken to browsing TV Tropes in my spare time, still do but not as frequently. Something, something, ruin your life. Anyways, TV Tropes has many pages for many different things, far beyond just TV and Tropes. Among those was fanfiction and through it I discovered a treasure trove of ages long past. That Golden Fandom Era of great cringe.
//You see, most of TV Tropes' pages on fanfiction are for some pretty old stuff. They've got pages on newer fics too, its a great source of advertising, but the website was launched in 2004 it goes back ages and newer fics aren't crosswicked as much. So much of my fanfiction exposure was older stuff. The classics. And, of course, one of the fic types I came across was Nuzlocke fics. The idea of doing a Nuzlocke Challenge intrigued me, and the idea of writing a fic about it more so. And thus, my journey bega.
//I booted up my favorite game in the series, Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, and restarted. incidentally wiping several years worth of event legendaries and the event Blaziken I'd carried over from XY out of existance. I'm sorry XY Event Blaziken with Speed Boost and Blazikenite. You will be missed. What was I saying?
//Oh right, I restarted Alpha Sapphire, selected the female pc with blissful ignorance of my own gender fluidity, named her Mare, and began my run... I wrote one chapter and then gave up because I got too attached to the Pokemon and having to release them made me cry. But, while that was the end for that fic, it was not the end for Mare. I tried to write several more fics for her which, uh, weren't good and can hopefully stay buried forever. 14 year old me had a bit of a perverted streak that I am not proud of.
//Then roleplaying came into the picture. I've been roleplaying for... this'll be my 8th year roleplaying online. Jeez. Anyways, I used to do forum roleplays before I got kind of tired of that and stopped. Takes a lot of effort to maintain a forum roleplay and, honestly, a lot of the people on the site I used were assholes, elitists, gatekeepers, or all three. But I'm not here to trash talk people behind their backs.
//So, I started a Pokemon forum roleplay and repurposed Mare for it. Because my Nuzlocke fic was inspired by classic Nuzlocke fics, Mare could understand Pokemon for no explained reason other than to make it easier for the reader to grow attached to them before they die. I also gave her enhanced strength because I thought a teenage girl punching out Archie would be funny. Now, for the roleplay space, I had to explain it. Luckily, I remembered a movie I'd watched as a kid, Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, and also by that point it was 2020 and I was an avid Smash Ultimate player who mained Lucario. So I gave her Aura powers to justify it, added on Aura Vision, discovered Sapphire Pokespe existed halfway through making her character sheet and used her as Mare's faceclaim, and bada bing bada boom, Marie "Mare" Birch was born. But we aren't quite at final form Mare yet.
//In February of 2023 I joined Tumblr and one month later, in March, I discovered Pokemon IRL. Eager to join in, I created a blog for... Caleb Vixen, normal fox guy and intended self insert. I created Mare's blog 20 days later. When I created the blog I expanded her Aura Powers to include durability, healing, and any moves a Lucario can use (Aura Sphere mainly), and gave her the epithet Chosen of Rayquaza. Also, she was the worst. Like, she was still a hero but she was also an asshole. This was true of all versions of Mare up to that point. Its kind of incredible looking at her right now where her defining personality trait is being nice vs back when I started where her defining personality trait was being an asshole. Oh, also, when the blog started it had been six months since her Journey ended not five years I don't know how that happened.
//So, Chosen of Rayquaza, what did that mean? Nothing. I just thought it sounded cool. But, when I had Mare make a little joke about "I don't know what Chosen of Rayquaza means" it quickly gained a meaning, largely thanks to @pinkhairandpokemon, who introduced me to the concept of Chosen AUs which I had no idea existed at the time. Anyways, Mare ended up with Rayquaza powers and a savior complex and also became much nicer. Then a bunch of other stuff happened and a good chunk of it had to be retconned away and now you're here.
//tl;dr, she came from a Nuzlocke fic.
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skypillar · 6 months
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the following is winston's contemporary team. keep in mind, due to his high-ranking status for many years, he's had plentiful access to rare items, including mega-evolution stones that would've otherwise been a strain to glimpse upon, let alone procure.
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BLAZIKEN (♂) — srira
adamant nature. / blaze ability. / blazikenite item. initially nicknamed sriracha, nowadays retracted to simply srira, winston's blaziken was his starter pokémon way back when he was twelve years old. he's been with him through thick and thin, and would defend winston with his life. he still feels pangs of guilt over the loss of winston's left leg, feeling like he didn't act quick enough. like it's his fault. for many months after, srira refused to retreat in his pokéball, instead sleeping near winston, intent on keeping him safe and aiding him when he needed it.
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SHARPEDO (♀) — crusader
naughty nature. / speed boost ability. / sharpedonite item. affectionately called cru-cru when he's being playful with her, crusader is an aggressive soul and a miscreant at heart. caught as a carvanha that'd been harassing multiple sailors' and fishers' boats, much to their dismay, and biting chunks out of vessels whenever opportune arose. her name arose from a grumbling boat-owner, having referred to her as a pokémon set on a “personal crusade” to aggravate them.
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CASTFORM (♀) — brontë
modest nature. / forecast ability. / damp rock item. a gift from the weather institute, winston, admittedly, didn't know what to do with her. he kept her on his team out of uncertainty. when he found out her predilection for casting rain, something which winston found incredibly soothing both as a child and now, he decided to keep her on the team. little did he know how much an asset brontë would prove to be—she's invaluable to the team, now.
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NIDOKING (♂) — crowne
hasty nature. / poison point ability. / expert belt item. a rescue that winston couldn't take his eyes off of during his initial journey. held in a rescue in petalburg, staff members warned winston that this nidorino was particularly boisterous, and had been returned many times; they wanted him adopted as much as the next, but they rolled out a list of “issues” he had, hoping to inform winston's decision. winston took him on regardless. while subject to plentiful bite marks and being bowled over too many times to count, not borne of aggression but rather playfulness, a bit of behavioural training and crowne bloomed into the happy, excitable nidoking he is today.
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METAGROSS (✗) — cosmos
quiet nature. / clear body ability. / metagrossite item. a gift from steven stone, after he successfully usurped the position as champion; this gift was one that winston held close and treasured dearly. while cosmos was, and is, a solemn soul, it was a creature that was difficult to train. winston found himself struggling, and only began to chip away at a friendship after he went back to steven and asked for aid with its training. still quiet, still solemn, cosmos finds its own ways of expressing its affection. one being a nuzzle its trainer with the steel cross over its face, which would be unfathomably cute, if not for the fact that its incredibly cold. almost frostbite levels of cold. winston always makes sure he's rugged up whenever he gives cosmos a hug.
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AERODACTYL (♀) — gnosis
jolly nature. / rock head ability. / aerodactylite item. winston's latest team member. admittedly, not something he was expecting, not in the least. after announcing his intent to travel—again—to his parents, his mother was intent on making sure he had a special good luck charm. while winston wanted to roll his eyes, he knew where this spurred, from the loss of his leg, he accepted it. a beautiful jewel, amber in tone, that she'd received from her own grandfather, passed down generation to generation. though rough and chipped in spots, light passed through and warmed anything opposite in a blanket of burnt orange. turned out, this jewel? an old amber. while initially hesitant to process it during his travels in kanto, he eventually relented. now he has gnosis.
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duskffyart · 2 years
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Gift design for @transgaysex !!! A Blaziken variant that's Electric/Fighting! I was inspired by a video of an electrical storm and so this feisty mon came to be!
The E in Mega Blaziken E/Blazikenite E is supposed to be for Electrical. Just a fun lil tidbit :3c
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thenixkat · 2 years
Pokemon games that I became Champion in
Kalos Region
Starter: Zira the Hydregon (F)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Jolly- somewhat vain
Item: Leftovers
Hyper Voice
Rock Smash
Dragon Pulse
Draco the Charizard (M)
Ability: Blaze- powers up fire moves when hp low
Nature: Lax- very curious
Item: Charizardite Y
Fire Pledge
Heat Wave
Buck the Gogoat (M) (MVP)
Ability: Sap Sipper- boosts attack when hit by grass moves
Nature: Adamant- quick tempered
Item: Miracle Seed
Horn Leech
Leaf Blade
Nazca the Sigilyph (F)
Ability: Magic Guard- only takes damage from attacks
Nature: Hardy- alert to sounds
Item: Amulet Coin
Air SLash
Sky Attack
Dazzling Gleam
Zoro the Aegislash (F)(MVP)
Ability: STance Change- changes forms depending on what moves used
Nature: Serious- hates to lose
Item: Black Belt
Iron Head
Night SLash
Sacred Sword
Toxic the Dragalge (M)
Ability: Poison Touch- may poison if touched by physical attack
Nature: Hasty - quick tempered
Item: N/A
Dragon Pulse
Sinnoh Region
Gondwanna the Torterra(F) (partner)
Ability: Overgrow
Nature: Calm
Item: Soft Sand
Giga Drain
Leaf Storm
Ducky the Golduck (M)
Ability: Damp- prevents self destructs
Nature: Modest
Item: Amulet Coin
Rock Smash
Kur the Giratina
Ability: Pressure- raises PP usage of foes
Nature: Rash
Item: Soothe Bell
Dark Pulse
Dragon Pulse
Shadow Force
Bird?Yes the Porygon (MVP)
Ability: Download- adjusts power according to foe’s ability
Nature: Impish
Item: Razor Fang
Tri Attack
Signal Beam
Champ the Machoke (F)
Ability: No Guard- all attacks always land for everyone
Nature: Quirky
Item: King’s Rock
Rock Climb
Cross Chop
Wake-up Slap
Carcaridon the Garchomp (F)
Ability: Sand Veil- boosts evasion in a sandstorm
Nature: Serious
Item: Quick Claw
Rock Slide
Dragon Claw
Hoenn Region
Tyson the Blaziken (M)(partner)
Ability: Blaze
Nature: Lax- highly curious
Item: Blazikenite
Blaze Kick
Brave Bird
Sky Uppercut
Lobobo the Lombre (M)(MVP)
Ability: Rain Dish- gains hp in rain
Nature: Timid- highly curious
Item: Eviolite
Nature Power
Grass Knot
Shout the Exploud (F)
Ability: Soundproof- immune to all sound based moves
Nature: Quiet- thoroughly cunning
Item: Silk Scarf
Rock Smash
Zapp the Eelektrik (F)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Sassy- capable of taking hits
Item: Bright Powder
Wild Charge
Skitch the Sableye (M)
Ability: Keen Eye- no one can reduce accuracy
Nature: Quiet- likes to fight
Item: Sablenite
Night Shade
Shadow Ball
Foul Play
Eo the Latias (F)
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Naughty- somewhat vain
Item: Latiasite
Dragon Pulse
Alola Region
Strix the Decidueye (F) (partner)
Ability: Overgrow- powers up grass type attacks when hp is low
Nature: Modest
Item: Grassium Z
Leaf Blade
Grass Pledge
Spirit Shackle
Sucker Punch
Krakatoa the Toucannon (F) (MVP)
Ability: Skill Link- maximizes number of hits from multi hit moves
Nature: Bold
Item: Fightinium Z
Hyper Voice
Brick Break
Bullet Seed
Beak Blast
Ex the Vikavolt (F) (MVP)
Ability: Levitate- immune to ground type moves
Nature: Naughty
Item: Electrium Z
Charge Beam
The Mistress the Salazzle (F)
Ability: Corrosion- can poison anything regardless of type
Nature: Naughty
Item: Firium Z
Leech Life
Dragon Pulse
Kaiju the Wishiwashi (M)
Ability: Schooling- in schooling form when hp is high; solitary form if low hp
Nature: Jolly
Item: Waterium Z
Hydro Pump
Beat Up
Feint Attack
Danny the Darkrai (gift)
Ability: Bad Dreams- reduces hp of sleeping enemies
Nature: Careful
Item: Dragonium Z
Spatial Rend
Dark Pulse
Dark Void
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hunty627 · 2 months
Hunter’s Pokémon journey part 34.
The next morning, my Pokémon and I met a girl named Korrina. She told me to go through the reflection cave. Before I did, I caught more Pokémon such as Hawlucha & Dedenne. We went through the reflection cave and arrived at Shalour City, where she was waiting for us. Korrina was the fighting type gym leader and we had a great battle. Combusken had fun battling Mienfoo, Machoke and Lucario. And during the match, my Skiddo evolved into a Gogoat. I managed to win the rumble badge. After that, she took me to the tower of mastery to meet her grandpa Gurkinn, the mega evolution guru. He taught me everything about a mysterious phenomenon called mega evolution. He was also amazed that I have 2 mega stones. The first one was called Blazikenite, a mega stone for Blaziken. And the second was a Charizardite X, a mega stone for Charizard. I promised Combusken and Charmeleon that they’d someday evolve and they’ll be able to mega evolve. When we reached the top, Korrina gave me a mega ring. It had a key stone in it. And she even gave me a Lucario of my very own, who had a mega stone of his own called Lucarionite. I felt very happy that I was learning more things about Pokémon.
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its-gonna-be-may · 5 months
Got a Blazikenite from Steven, btw.
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alamos-garden-lover · 7 months
blazikenite meow!
- acer @yveltalreal
Thank you Acer, it’s beautiful.
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real-team-luster · 2 months
Ah yes, speaking of the Torchic debacle... Professor Sycamore wrote to me a few days ago. He's confirmed they are indeed Blazikenites, and to my surprise, asked me to try and dig up some more, as their presence in Kalos's cave systems has some fascinating implications for our region's geology, perhaps even indicating some sort of tectonic shift that's bringing them up to the surface. So, there you go! It's thrilling to be involved with a possible scientific breakthrough, and I'll make sure to keep you all posted as we learn more.
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pkmn-spira · 8 months
Emile Rosewood
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Younger brother of Professor Maxine Rosewood, and now the current Gym Leader of Argentum City. Well acquainted to the ins and outs of things.
Age: 20
D.O.B: May 25
Height: 6'0"
Birthplace: Argentum City, Spira Region
Emile started his Pokémon journey about two years ago, the same time as his rival, Stella Eclair, with him mostly being the one ahead of her by at least one step. Whenever they saw each other, it often ends up into arguments that escalate to full blown Pokémon battles. Though of course, there were times in which their differences were set aside, such as during the height of Team Andromeda's plot. Such plot also was of great height, that the Spiran League had to intervene, themselves, and by the time everything was said and done, while Team Andromeda would be dissolved after their plan was thwarted, were heavy losses on both sides, such as the loss of several Gym Leaders.
As soon as the new Champion was reinstated, so too did the applications of new Gym Leaders came to being, with Emile being a special case with him being handpicked by the Champion, themselves to be the final Gym Leader, which he, out of humor, accepted.
Pokémon Team (Option A)
Unlike the previous Gym Leaders, Emile offers his challenger whether they would like to challenge him under Gym difficulty standards, or to challenge him at his peak. If the former would be chosen, this would be the team that he'll use, which would be a complete set of 6:
Held Item: Choice Band
Ability: Reckless
Known Moves: Brave Bird, Double-Edge, Close Combat, U-Turn
Held Item: Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
Known Moves: Swords Dance, Roost, Earthquake, Facade
Held Item: White Herb
Ability: Shields Down
Known Moves: Shell Smash, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Acrobatics
Held Item: Rocky Helmet
Ability: Pressure
Known Moves: Body Press, Brave Bird, Roost, Steel Wing
Held Item: Flyinium Z
Ability: Multiscale
Known Moves: Dragon Dance, Fly (Supersonic Skystrike), Earthquake, Extremespeed
Held Item: Aerodactylite
Ability: Unnerve / Tough Claws (Mega)
Known Moves: Stone Edge, Roost, Earthquake, Ice Fang
Pokémon Team (Option B)
If the Gym challenger opted to fight him in his peak, then Emile will use the team that he used during his journey as a Pokémon Trainer, the same team he had used those two years ago. This is also the team he uses whenever things get really serious:
Held Item: Life Orb
Ability: Thick Fat
Known Moves: Icicle Crash, Earthquake, Ice Shard, Knock Off
Held Item: Leftovers
Ability: Prankster
Known Moves: Light Screen, Reflect, Thunder Wave, Play Rough
Held Item: White Herb
Ability: Intimidate
Known Moves: Draco Meteor, Hurricane, Flamethrower, Roost
Held Item: Chople Berry
Ability: Iron Fist
Known Moves: Swords Dance, Knock Off, Drain Punch, Bullet Punch
Held Item: Waterium Z
Ability: Torrent
Known Moves: Swords Dance, Liquidation (Hydro Vortex), Aqua Jet, Megahorn
Icarus | Blaziken
Held Item: Blazikenite
Ability: Speed Boost
Known Moves: Swords Dance, Flare Blitz, Brick Break, Stone Edge
Public vs Private Knowledge
-Younger brother to Maxine Rosewood
-Started his Pokémon journey alongside Stella Eclair
-Involved in the events two years ago, against Team Andromeda
-Fought Stella for the title of Spiran League Champion
-Became Argentum City's Gym Leader under the behest of the new Spiran League Champion
-Sometimes assists Maxine on her Pokémon research
-Currently investigating the rise of Team Celestial, urged the Spiran League to be vigilant as well, as to prevent the crisis from two years ago to occur again.
-Published a book entitled 'Bird's Eye View', which details his research on Flying-type Pokémon
-Has a large scar on his back from protecting Stella two years ago
-Fully knows of the double life Stella leads, as both the Champion of Spira, and a "mere Pokémon trainer"
-Oftentimes assist Stella on keeping her anonymity
-Has unrequited feelings for Stella
-Has taken the Wishweaver, Jirachi, from Mt. Spira's peak, and has it currently safeguarded somewhere safe after the events from two years ago
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*gives you a blazikenite*
you gotta get your own keystone
ha, alright, that's fair! still appreciate this, though, thanks!
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polarkits · 2 years
Omega ruby mega stone location
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The mechanic, which debuted in Pokemon X and Y last year, finally allowed beloved Pocket Monsters like Charizard and Mewtwo to temporarily evolve. Well, that’s all for today! Tune in this Wednesday for the third installment in the “How To Find Mega Stones” series, where I will be covering the locations of the XY Mega Stones that make their return in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.At this point, Pokemon fans shouldn't be surprised when The Pokemon Company unveils a new Mega Evolution. Stone, President of the Devon Corporation in Rustboro City, he will reveal that it is actually a Pidgeotite that she gave you. I should save children’s Pokemon more often, then I’ll be rich of Mega Stones! She will give you an Intriguing Stone, and upon taking it to Mr. This room is located behind Sea Mauville itself, and is the room where one of the Street Thugs will exclaim at all of the Pokeballs (which consist of Nuggets and Big Nuggets).Īnd, finally, to get the Pidgeotite, you will need to help a little girl find her Shroomish in Verdanturf Town by simply interacting with the main sign. To get the Beedrillite, you will need to head to the Storage Room, which can be accessed by opening the previous few doors. To get the Slowbronite, you will need to show the man in Shoal Cave 4 Shoal Salts and 4 Shoal Shells, the exact amount you need to give him to make a Shoal Bell. If you are a player who has the Japanese version of the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Demo Version, you can transfer both Steelix and its Mega Stone to the games. This will, however, require the use of a Mach Bike, which can be recieved in Mauville City after speaking to Rydel.
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To get the Steelixite, you will need to go to Granite Cave to the second underground floor. Just make sure you don’t accidently buy the extremely overpriced Hard Stones! To get the other Mega Stones, you will need to head to the Stone Salesman on Route 114 to the south of Fallarbor Town, and he will sell the remaining two for 1,500 Pokedollars. Now, to get the Blazikenite, Sceptilite and Swampertite, the good news is that you can actually get all three! You will get the Mega Stone that belongs to your starter (i.e Swampertite if you chose Mudkip, etc) on Route 120 after Steven gives you the Devon Scope. It’s interesting to note that there is something that looks to be the Flower that belongs to AZ’s Floette nearby that large tree… To get the Sablenite, you will need to go to Sootopolis City and head to the very east of the large tree. To recieve the Sharpedonite in Alpha Sapphire, you will get it from Team Aqua’s hideout during the Delta Episode. To recieve the Sharpedonite in Omega Ruby, you will need to get it from Archie during the Delta Episode. To recieve the Cameruptite in Alpha Sapphire, you will need to wait a little bit longer and get it once you get to the Battle Resort, where Maxie will give it to you. Now, we move onto the Cameruptite and the Sharpedonite. To recieve the Cameruptite in Omega Ruby, you will get it from Team Magma’s hideout during the Delta Episode. However, he won’t give you the stone if you don’t have Altaria in your party, unlike when you get other Mega Stones. Next is the Altarianite, which you can get by speaking to a Show Collector to the east of the Pokemon Center. However, if you have gotten your hands on a copy of the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Demo Version (except for Japan), you can just transfer both Glalie and the Mega Stone to the games. This can be found in the Ice Room, but only during the Low Tide period, which lasts from 3:00 to 9:00, and 15:00 to 21:00, every day.
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Anyways, without further ado, let’s get on with the second part of Mega Stone locations in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire!įirst off, we have the Glalite, which can be found in Shoal Cave, just north of Mossdeep City. Welcome back to the “How To…” series for Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire! Before I begin, I’d like to apologize for the two day delay from this installment in the series to the previous one, and can ensure you guys that I will do my best to prevent that from happening again.
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