#maybe they will reunite one day
thekuraning · 2 years
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sometimes your boyfriend has a chicken and sometimes he needs to infodump about the chicken and the chicken’s power marble
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stealingpotatoes · 10 months
luke and biggs… thoughts?
many thoughts + it means luke has a type
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inkclover · 2 years
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For how can one say no to a god? A little extra under the cut :3
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What if, long ago...they were just kids once? And and what if maybe....they used to play together?
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kookoofufu · 10 months
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Oh I love the implication that Kid and Killer had a falling out at some point and weren't best friends for a while. Running separate gangs, constantly fighting? What happened to break them up?? And I love that Victoria is the reason they reunited, I like to think all four were good friends with her (did Kid see her die? Did he or the others try to protect her? Did they find out later? This haunts me).
I can see a girlboss-ified fanfic version where Victoria unites the four (not Kid) and dies taking down the big bad, her last wish being that her friends set aside their rivalry and make something out of themselves out on the high seas...
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nartothelar · 7 months
I'd say sometimes it's okay to cry and dwell in the past. As long as one doesn't get lost in it.
Glad Emmet has little Conductor to "conduct" him out of his sadness whenever he gets lost.
You mention how he still lives in their shared apartment... does Emmet still have their full Team? How well did the Pokemon former belonging to Ingo cope? Like I believe it's hard sometimes but I also believe having them at his side as well would also give comfort in a way. They miss their Trainer just as much and a shared burden is a lighter burden.
love this comic, showing old man Emmet a bit more vulnerable is an interesting change since he feels the happiest and most content Emmet out of all your AUs. There is still a big gaping hole in his life and there are still tears in between the smiles. And having moments where this comes up feels natural. He still deserves the zap and a comforting hug. And to eventually be reunited sometime in the future. (ngl Emmet travelling brings up the chance how both have a lot to share with each other once the time comes. I know this au doesn't focus on that at all but the image is still nice...)
apologies for all this nonsense I just love to ramble about things I love!
Wah thank you for such a thoughtful ask! Emmet still has ingo’s pokemon with him yup! Though he lives in an apartment, it’s a pretty spacious one so it’s not that tight of a fit.
After Ingo’s disappearance, his pokemon missed him just as much as Emmet, if not more I think. Many of them grew up with Ingo as their trainer so his absence was devastating to them...
Emmet knows how much they miss his brother, so rather than keep them away in their balls, he regularly let them out and battles with them, both when he was still running the double and single trains and even now as he travels across the regions! They keep each other company and comforts one another when they need it ;w;
But yeah! The old man emmet au was always meant to be a more uplifting au rather than a sad one, dealing with grief and making the most of life even despite hardships. “Moving forward without moving on” is sort of the theme of this au!
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ahhlehlehlehleh · 2 years
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Whumptober day 30- bridal carry
You should read day 25 and day 28 to get a better understanding of what’s happening :>
Anyways, I don’t like this one, so just take it so I don’t have to look at it anymore. I hope you like it more than I do 👍
Uh, no warnings, this one is very chill, just mostly mentions of what happened in day 28 and day 25, also some mentions of racism.
Time opened his eyes and squinted at the sun peeking through the trees. He groaned as he sat up and noticed the others were with him. Well… not everyone. Warriors, Sky, Spirit, Legend, Wild, Age, and Minish were missing from the group, but the rest were all huddled up near him, still unconscious. Time licked his chapped lips and noted the familiar sensation of feeling hot and dry. They must’ve been in a desert of some kind, and as Time observed his surroundings more, he noted that the desert was awfully familiar. He stood up, accidentally causing Windy’s head to slip off his legs. His head hit the sand and he woke up, rubbing his head.
“Sorry Windy,” Time mumbled, helping him stand up.
“Where are we?” He asked, looking around at the others who were beginning to stir.
“I have a feeling we’re in Gerudo desert. Be on guard.”
Windy looked at Hyrule in concern, who was still unconscious.
“How is he?” Time asked.
Windy shook him a little, but Hyrule remained still. “He’s not waking up. I’m worried about him.”
Time frowned at the unconscious boy. The scratch on his chest seemed to have healed up thanks to the red potion Windy gave him, but he wasn’t sure if the magic draining poison was still in his system. They needed help. He lifted him up gently into his arms and started walking further into the valley.
“We need help. Maybe the Gerudo are nearby.”
Time marched into the valley without waiting for the others to fully wake up. They followed him reluctantly, but soon they were all awake and close by his side, protecting him and Hyrule in his arms. He was cautious as he observed the valley, it looking more and more familiar as he trekked through it. Though he rarely returned to it after his adventure, he couldn’t help but feel like this was his Gerudo desert. But that couldn’t be it, there’s no way. As much as Time hoped it was the case, there was no way getting back home was that easy.
Was it?
Time heard rocks tumbling down a cliff side and he froze, looking around him. The others stopped as well and began to pull out their weapons, but Time’s warning gaze caused them to pause.
“Is anyone there?” Time called out, holding Hyrule tighter. “We need help. Our friend is hurt, he won’t wake up.”
It was silent, then a Gerudo with a bow aiming towards them stepped out from a cluster of rocks. The others pulled out their shields but Time gave them another warning look.
“You’ll need to find somewhere else to go, voe,” the Gerudo yelled out, stepping cautiously towards them. “We have something far too precious here for you to be welcome here. I am sorry.”
Twilight stepped out next to Time. “Please. He’s just a kid! We’ll be in and out of your hair as soon as he’s better!”
“No! That is my final answer! I’m sorry, but I cannot allow you to come into Gerudo valley at this time.”
Time clutched Hyrule tighter, desperation getting a hold of him. He went to open his mouth, but someone spoke before he did.
“Risa, that poor boy needs help,” a familiar voice said from the group of Gerudo. “We can let them in, it’s ok.”
Time gasped as a pregnant woman stepped out, with fiery red hair tied in a yellow bandana, sharp blue eyes that stared at him lovingly, and dimples on her cheeks that appeared when she smiled at him.
“Malon,” he said, almost shocked, and her beautiful laugh made his heart soar. He gave Hyrule to Twilight and ran to his wife, who was crying tears of joy.
“Oh Link!” She cried, wrapping him in a hug. Time didn’t say anything, he just buried his face in her hair. Goddesses he forgot how good she smelled. “I never thought I’d see you again.”
“I’ve been so worried about you,” Time muttered, hugging her as tightly as he could without hurting her.
“You are the baby’s father?” Risa asked, and the two moved away from each other.
“Risa, this is my husband, Link,” Malon said, wrapping her arm around his waist. Risa stared at Time for a moment, then nodded.
“I see. The missing husband has returned.” Risa glanced at the other heroes who looked confused. “Normally, voe wouldn’t be allowed in Gerudo desert, but this is an exception. As for the boys—“
“I can’t leave them alone,” Time said quickly, gesturing to Hyrule. “He needs help, please.”
Malon gave Risa a look and she groaned.
“Fine. But as soon as that voe feels better, they’ll need to leave, understand?”
Time looked at Malon, then at the other heroes. They gave him a nod, and he sighed.
Risa nodded and walked away, leaving the others to follow her.
“Link,” Malon started, glancing at the other heroes behind them, “we have a lot we need to talk about.”
Time grinned and nodded. “We do.”
“Your friend is completely drained of all his magic,” the Gerudo healer stated, observing the unconscious Hyrule. “We need to hope that he can wake up on his own, just so we can give him a magic potion.”
Green nodded silently, watching Hyrule’s pale face as all the rest of the heroes shifted in the cramped room. All except Time of course, who was with his wife.
“How long will it take for him to wake up?” Twilight asked, holding Hyrule’s limp hand. The healer only shrugged.
“Not sure, he seems to be dangerously low on magic, it could take days for him to wake up.”
Twilight frowned, and Windy ran his hand through his hair.
“That sucks,” The young sailor muttered, and Blue shrugged.
“That stupid puppet did a number on him.”
“Will he at least be alright?” Red asked, worry in his voice. The healer shrugged again.
“This level of magic loss is dangerous, if we’re unlucky, he may succumb to his exhaustion.”
The group made different sounds of worry and concern over their traveling friend, who remained unmoving.
“I know you voe are worried, but it’s rather crowded in here, I need space to work. I will do whatever I can for him, I promise,” the healer said firmly yet gently. Twilight nodded and stood up, gesturing for the others to follow him. Everyone reluctantly followed him, looking around at the desert where other Gerudo women watched them.
“Well, now what?” Windy asked. “Time is with his wife, Hyrule is dying, we can’t really do anything here since we’re always being watched… I don’t know what to do.”
Twilight titled his head. “Well, someone should keep an eye on Hyrule, just to make sure he’s ok.”
“But the healer lady told us to leave.”
“That’s because we were all in there. I’m sure with just one person she won’t have an issue with it.”
Windy pouted but gave a determined nod, and headed back to where Hyrule was. Vio stepped up to Green and Twilight.
“Do you think we’re in any danger? The puppeteer is the reason why we’re here. He could attack us any second.”
“Then it sounds like we need someone to keep an eye out,” Twilight said with a grin. Green gave him a nod.
“The four of us will keep an eye out for the puppeteer! We’ll get you if we notice anything.”
“Good. Get going you four.”
Green nodded at his brothers and he marched towards the borders of Gerudo, but he stopped. “What will you do, Twi?”
The rancher shrugged. “I guess I’ll keep an eye on things as well, the puppeteer could attack from both sides. Now git.”
Twilight waved him away and Green smiled slightly. He gestured for the other colors to follow him, and they all went their separate ways.
“So… this puppeteer guy kidnapped you and a bunch of heroes for… what reason?”
Time shrugged as Malon stared at him concerned. “None of us really know, but he’s been hunting us down. “
Malon glared and rested her head against his shoulder, getting more and more upset.
“Why… if I ever see him I swear I’ll make him pay!” She shot back up, fury in her voice. “It’s not right to tear people from their homes! I’ve been so worried about you! If he ever hurt you I’ll… oh I’ll do unspeakable things!”
Time chuckled and brought her back down to his shoulder. “It’s ok, dear, we’re gonna find him and take care of him. Now relax, think about the baby.”
Malon huffed and rubbed her stomach, looking upset. “Link, you don’t understand, it was really hard for me without you. I—I thought you were in danger and I couldn’t do anything… I was just… so alone.”
Time gave her a comforting squeeze. “I’m sorry, Malon. I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you.”
“It’s not your fault. I just… it’s been hard.”
“I know, dear. I know.” Time buried her in a hug which she leaned into, clutching his shirt tightly. “At least you had Talon there.”
Malon stiffened and sat up. “N-no, I didn’t have dad.”
“What do you mean?”
“Dad he… he disappeared as well, and then Ingo took the ranch and kicked me out… that’s why I’m here, in Gerudo because I had nowhere else to go!”
Time sat up, staring at Malon in shock.
“Talon is missing?”
“Yes! He went missing and Ingo kept saying how he was gone and he took the ranch!”
Time blinked at her. “He… he actually did that? Without Ganondorf?”
Malon looked down, playing with Time’s hair. “Do you think… Do you think the puppeteer guy stole dad?”
“I don’t know, I never saw Talon… goddesses, Malon I—“ Time pulled her into a hug that she leaned into, tears pouring out of her eyes. “I’m so sorry Malon.”
He held her as she cried silently, rubbing her back. “Why didn’t the Gerudo do something about Ingo?” He asked after a moment. “Surely stealing the ranch would’ve been bad enough for them to do something.”
Malon sniffed and rubbed her eyes. “No Link, think about it, if a bunch of Gerudo stole the ranch back from Ingo, who do you think the Hylian guard would side with?”
Time looked down sadly. It was a sad reality of things. Nobody trusted the Gerudo, they lumped them in with Ganondorf, assuming that they all shared his beliefs and ambitions. Being anywhere with Hylians was dangerous for them, leaving all of them to stay in the hot and dry desert. It wasn’t fair to them. He sighed again and rested his head against Malon’s.
“I promise, Malon, I’ll get Lon Lon back. Ingo won’t get away with this.”
Malon was silent for a moment as they held each other. “I missed you Link,” she whispered, and Time laid down with her still in his arms.
“I missed you too.”
Leon looked around as the world around him got less green and more brown. The dry air and hot weather was an indication that they were getting closer to Gerudo desert, and he was getting uneasy. He wasn’t sure how the Gerudo were in Talon’s era. In his own era, they were trying to make up for what their leader did years ago, and though they were respectful to the Hylians, they didn’t trust them fully when they waltzed into their territory. With three Hylians walking into the desert, he didn’t know how these Gerudo would react.
“Uh, boys,” Talon started, wringing his hands, “just a fair warnin’, the Gerudo may not like our presence here…”
“What do you mean?” Rusl asked.
“Well, they’ve been wary about Hylians after Ganondorf got exposed for bein’ crazy. I just don’t wanna get arrested by them, is all.”
Rusl stopped walking and gave Talon a look. “Ok… ok… before we do possibly get arrested, are we sure that Malon is here?”
“I don’t know where else she would be! We’ve looked everywhere in Kakariko and castle town. I doubt she’d be able to get to Zora’s domain, and Kokiri forest ain’t a place for Hylians.” Talon sighed. “She has to be here.”
Rusl hummed and continued walking. “I get that she’s part Gerudo, but would they still mistaken her for a Hylian?”
“Probably, but I’m hoping that her being pregnant will help her case. Motherhood is sacred to the Gerudo people, they would never leave a pregnant woman to fend for herself, Gerudo or not.”
Rusl still looked uneasy, but he didn’t say anything further. It was silent as they walked, but Leon heard a noise and he stopped, looking behind him as he got the feeling that they weren’t alone.
“Hey,” he started, going to stop his friends, “wait I think we’re—“
“Hold it right there!”
Leon flinched as several Gerudo surrounded the men, pointing their spears at them. Rusl and Talon took a step back, raising their hands defensively.
“Wait, I just need to see if my daughter is here!” Talon called out.
One of the Gerudo stepped up, keeping her spear pointed at the men. “Voe are not allowed in Gerudo. Normally we’d throw you all in the dungeon, but today is an exception, you should consider yourselves lucky. Now leave.”
“P-please, I just need to know if my daughter Malon is here,” Talon begged, “she’s pregnant and I don’t know where she is.”
The Gerudo stayed still for a moment, glaring at the farmer, but she eased up. “You’re the missing father?”
“I—yes—yes I am!”
The Gerudo looked at Leon and Rusl and frowned. “Who are these two?”
“They’re my friends.”
The Gerudo frowned again, studying the two, her yellow eyes piercing into the men.
“Wait a second!” A smaller voice called out, and Leon gasped when a small boy with long blonde hair popped out.
“Link!” His voice cracked as he said it, relief and disbelief overwhelming him as he saw his son, the boy he’s been searching for relentlessly for weeks. Link’s eyes began to tear up when he saw Leon, but before he ran to him, three more Links came out, watching him cautiously. Leon was taken aback, but he quickly got over it. The four sword disappeared with Link, it made sense that he was split now. The first one he saw was Red, and Green looked relieved as well, but Vio and Blue looked to be distrusting towards him.
“Oh… father!” Red cried, running to Leon, ignoring Blue calling out his name. Leon couldn’t hold back the laugh as he was hugged by Red. Green and Vio walked over, and soon the first knight was bombarded with hugs. The only one who didn’t move was Blue, who was glaring at them.
“Guys! How do we know this is our father! It could be the puppeteer playing tricks on us!” He shouted, pulling out his sword. Leon looked at Blue in surprise, but remembered that everyone was brought here thanks to the puppeteer. It was no wonder why he was hesitant.
“Link—I mean— Blue, I’m not a puppet,” Leon said gently, but firmly.
“That’s something a puppet would say!”
“Well what would a non-puppet say?”
Blue paused for a second, watching him with his icy blue eyes. He huffed.
“What’s something only Father would know?”
Leon stared at him, then stared at the others. He took in a shaky breath and let it out.
“When Vaati put me in that trance, you boys wanted to blast your force at me. But no one was brave enough to do it, they didn’t want to hurt me. All except you, Blue. You blasted all your force at me, and it hurt, but it woke me up. I was able to keep myself from hurting you boys because of the pain, and I’m so grateful for your bravery to do that.” Leon stared at him firmly, then smiled warmly. “I know it’s you asking me if I was upset about you doing that to me. But I just want you to know that I never was, and I never will be. I look at that scar with pride, for you, for all of you. I love you, Blue.”
Blue’s glare softened and he put his sword down. He slowly walked over to Leon and leaned his head against his stomach. Leon let out a laugh and gathered all four boys into his arms, giving them all a squeeze. The boys all started crying as they hugged him, and Leon nearly choked up as well.
“Goddesses, I’m so glad you’re all alright,” he mumbled into Blue’s hair, and Red gave out a sob.
“We’ve missed you father,” he cried, his bottom lip trembling. Leon smiled and ran his hand through his hair.
“I’ve missed you too. I’ve been looking everywhere for you boys, I’m so glad that I finally found you.”
Vio pulled away, giving Leon a look. “How are you here, Father? Was it the puppeteer?”
Leon sighed and gave a nod. “He’s been nothing but a nuisance to us all.”
Vio made a face and went back to hugging him, resulting in a chuckle from Leon. He looked up and found Rusl and Talon smiling at him, and he cleared his throat, standing up where his sons were in front of him.
“Rusl, Talon, these are my boys.”
“I thought you only had one son?” Talon tilted his head in confusion. Green stepped up and showed off his four sword.
“This is the four sword, it helped Link split into four people. I’m Green, obviously,” he gestured to his green tunic, “That is Blue, Vio, and Red. It’s really easy to remember our names.”
Rusl laughed. “Well, hopefully none of us are color blind!”
Green smiled and Leon wrapped his arms around his sons. “Boys, this is Rusl and Talon. They’re my…. They’re my friends.”
Rusl smiled gently at Leon, and the first knight looked away as his face grew hot.
“I didn’t know you could make friends, father,” Blue said softly.
Everyone started laughing as Leon grumbled, causing Blue to give small apologies to him. Rusl gave a few chuckles before turning to the Gerudo.
“Does that mean,” he started out softly, “that my boy is here too?”
One of the Gerudo stepped up. “I’m not sure, but you can’t come in, I’m sorry. Only the father may enter since his daughter is here, but that is it.”
Rusl frowned and took a step back. Talon rested his hand on his shoulder.
“It’s alright, Rusl. I’ll get all the Links that are here back to you,” he assured, and Rusl silently nodded. Talon smiled and was escorted further into the desert, leaving Leon, his sons, and Rusl alone. He glanced over at Rusl who looked upset and he couldn’t he’ll but feel sorry for him.
“Rusl,” he started, and the swordsman looked over at him, “it’ll be alright.”
He gave a small smile and sat on a rock, continuing to watch inside the valley silently. Leon’s boys all huddled around him, curiosity on their faces.
“Father, I am very curious about how exactly you got here, and what you have been doing,” Vio muttered, sitting down on the ground.
“I am too!” Red plopped down as well. “Did you really meet the puppeteer?”
“I hope you punched him in the face,” Blue joined his brothers, punching his palm with his own fist.
Green smiled and looked up at his father. “I guess we wanna know everything.”
Leon chuckled and kneeled down. “I’ll tell you everything that happened to me, but I wanna know everything that happened to you.”
His sons all nodded enthusiastically, and they began to share their tales of adventuring with the other heroes.
Time woke up to the sound of shouting. He rubbed his eye and looked down at Malon, who was snuggled up against his side. He didn’t remember ever falling asleep, but his relief to finally be with his wife must’ve taken over. He always felt at peace around her. He sat up gently, trying not to wake Malon up, and he looked around. The shouting came from the Gerudo, probably giving orders to the others. He let out a sigh and rested his head again, but someone came into the room they were in.
“Excuse me, Link was it?” The Gerudo healer asked softly, “I have some news about your son.”
Time frowned. “My son?”
“The one with the magic drained out of him?”
Time shot up, waking up Malon. “Oh! Yes, he’s not my son but is he alright?”
“Yes, the red potion you gave him saved his life. It was able to stop the poison from draining his life. I’m assuming he’ll wake up today or tomorrow, when he does, give him a magic potion,” she handed him a green potion in a bottle, and Time observed it. “Now, come outside, someone is here to see Malon.”
Malon rubbed her eyes and looked at the healer confused. “Who?”
“Your father has arrived.”
Malon blinked at her, then gasped when she registered what the healer had said. She shot up, with Time quickly following her.
“My father is here? Are you sure?” She said breathlessly.
“Your father is a shorter man with a big nose, yes? He said that he was looking for you.”
Malon covered her mouth in excitement, and she almost ran out of the door, but Time stopped her.
“Link? What is it?”
Time frowned, looking at the ground. This all seemed too good to be true, and terribly convenient.
“Let me see him first, Malon,” he said quietly.
“What? Why? He’s my father, Link! I thought that something happened to him!”
Time rested his hands on her shoulders. “The puppeteer can make illusions to trick people, let me make sure that it’s not him, alright? I would never forgive myself if he got to you too.”
Malon glared at him, but she didn’t fight back. Time went outside and grabbed his Biggoron sword, looking around cautiously. He spotted Talon who had different guards surrounding him, and his eyes lit up when he saw Time.
“Link! Is that really you?” He exclaimed, running up to Time. Time didn’t move, and he clutched his sword a little tighter. “I can't believe you’re here! I finally found you! I’m glad to see you’re doin’ alright!” When he got closer, Time took a step back, and Talon stopped, giving him a weird look. “What’s wrong? Do you—“ Talon’s eyes widened. “Oh no! You think I’m a puppet don’t ya?”
Time raised an eyebrow. “You know the puppeteer?”
“Unfortunately yes, he’s been a real pain. But I’m not a puppet! It’s really me!” Talon rubbed his chin and looked down, thinking. “I gotta think about something that only I would know….”
Time squinted his eyes. If this was a puppet, he was doing a good job.
“Oh! Well… I guess I should apologize to you Link,” Talon started, “I’m… sorry I never believed you about Ingo. I dunno if you know this but he took the ranch, locked me in the basement when I got there and drugged my friends, kicked Malon out leaving her alone for weeks, and just made a mess of things! None of that would’ve happened if I actually listened to you, and I’m sorry.”
“You know about Ingo?”
“Yeah, I do now. But don’t worry about the ranch! I got it back! The Hylian guard took him away, so we can head back home!” Talon smiled, but when Time didn’t move, he sighed. “Um, I think I believe your stories now, Link. Especially the time travel ones. I’m still confused about the moon fallin’ and demons, but after the stuff I’ve seen, I think I believe it a little more.”
A smile tugged at Time’s lips, and he put his Biggoron sword down. Talon grinned and the two hugged each other.
“I'm so glad you’re alright, Link. Is Malon doing ok?”
Time smiled and patted his back. “Why don’t ya see for yourself? She’s in there,” Time gestured to where he and Malon were, and Talon excitedly shuffled over, barging into the room. Time heard excited cheers, but he didn’t join them. Knowing Malon, she’d want to go back to the ranch, and he was going to get the others ready so they could leave as soon as possible. He just hoped that Hyrule was awake now, or at least beginning to wake up.
Windy was confused when Time told him the plan, but he was given the magic potion and he started getting everything together, Hyrule was still unconscious, but he looked more alive, which was good. Twilight was watching the back area of Gerudo, and though he was hesitant to leave, Time’s glare kept him from arguing about it. Time didn’t know where Four was, and as he was looking for him, he saw his wife and father-in-law talking with two Gerudo. Malon’s face lit up when she saw her husband and she wandered over to him.
“Link! There you are! I was just talking to Risa here and uh… I want to head back to Lon Lon ranch.”
“I know, I already have the boys getting ready right now.”
Malon giggled and gave him a peck on the lips. “You know me too well.”
Time smiled at the kiss. “Yeah, I’m just trying to find Four, dunno where he is.”
“Which one was Four?”
“Well, he’s split right now but he’s the one with the distinct colors.”
Talon stepped up, gesturing to the Gerudo entrance. “I know where that kiddo is! They’re all with my friends who are waiting for us! I did say that I would bring their Links back to them.”
Time gave a nod and looked over at Twilight, who was helping Windy with a still unconscious Hyrule.
“Oh my,” Talon murmured, “what happened there?”
“The puppeteer poisoned him and drained all his magic. The healer said he should be fine.”
“Oh well, that’s good. That darn puppeteer. I swear if I ever see him I’ll shove my pitchfork up his—“ he stopped himself and looked at Windy who was getting closer, “uh, you know what I’m sayin’.”
Time snorted and gave him a pat on the shoulder. “I know exactly what you’re saying.” He gestured his head towards the entrance of Gerudo when Twi and Windy arrived. “Let’s go. We’re heading to my home.”
“Is this all’ya?” Talon asked, staring at the Links. Time shrugged.
“No, we were the only ones teleported here. There are more, but I pray that they are safe.”
Talon frowned. “Well, we should go then, I have a friend who is very excited to see his son.” His eyes lingered on Twilight for a moment and he squinted, but turned around with his arm wrapped around Malon.
“Excuse me,” Risa spoke up, stopping the group from continuing. “Please allow us to accompany you, that way we can help when the baby is born.”
“Oh! I’d love that very much!” Malon exclaimed. “Y’all have been so helpful to me, we really owe you a lot.”
Risa smiled and she and one other Gerudo joined them as they walked towards the entrance. Time looked at Windy who was still carrying Hyrule in his arms, all the shuffling would have woken him up, and he couldn’t help but be impatient. But he knew that the healer was right about him, and he knew that if he were to wake up soon, that Windy would take good care of him. For now, everything seemed alright for Time.
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theloveinc · 2 years
I do think in a long distance scenario, if Bakugou said he'd write/call to you every week then he would commit to that with dedication. And if others try to peek you can see him get riled up depending on how sentimental the letter is lol
don't know the reason why or who u were envisioning being the Far Away one... but thinking about Bakugo being on a long-term mission in his lil sleeping bunker with the rest of his team, holding a flashlight up trying to finish writing his letter to you..........☹️☹️☹️
or on the van that transports them places, the envelope now crumpled up in his chest pocket waiting to be delivered.... OR in enemy hands when he's been—
that wouldn't happen tho, but he's SO CUTE for this. never missing a call or letter even if it's they're a little late. including recaps of all the things that made him think of you, or how he's keeping track of all the days until you're together again; even if his handwriting is sloppy, or it's not said as gently or eloquently as he would've liked (he rushed to get it all down so he wouldn't be bothered by anyone wanting to pester him about you, and they ALWAYS pester him)...
you write him too, though, don't you? and he treasures those letters more than anything, even extra rations. a little stack he keeps underneath his bunk w/ the rest of his paperwork, and reads them whenever he's sad and missing u especially.
(not to make this weird but you send him a couple photos (of you, of the cat, of you and the cat, of his parents, kiri and sero and denki), and he tapes them on the desk where he works or the wall next to where he sleeps so he can look at them all the time WAH)
or you send him a care package or something and his teammates go BANANIS teasing him about it too (out of jealousy). his favorite hot chips and electrolyte drink, cinnamon gum, new soap and socks, a love note, a nude, i'm gonna CRYYYYYY.
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taniushka12 · 7 months
there needs to be more Barry fics fr fr fr, I know the last time he appeared in game was 12 years ago but cmon, he is So important
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fouadwastaken · 7 months
Fouad, I have bad news 😔
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↑ The Continental Drift Map, as i call it, in a co-working space i visit
Maybe they were tired of us frenching around all the day .... But although the ME and NA are drifting apart just like the SWA and NA we remain united in Fairuz nation ... Hopefully they will Zourouna Koula Sanna marra it would be Haram of them to Insawna bel marra 😔✊
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socksual-innuendos · 2 months
Crossing my fingers the fact that I have seen many "missing" and "found" pet posts in local communities and have tried to connect the dots with folks.
I am probably a bit behind the curve but. Hoping to see more reunited posts
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unnonexistence · 2 months
an important writing question to ask yourself is "how much time and effort do i want to put into figuring out what this character's legal documents would look like"
#newt has THE MOST BULLSHIT COMPLICATED backstory for this i stg#born out of wedlock in west germany in 1990 when the two germanies were IN THE MIDDLE of reuniting but not done yet#and then almost immediately moved to the united states with his dad because his parents broke up#which seems to imply his dad got full custody?? which seems at least a little weird for the time period#could not figure out if it was even legally plausible because TWO GERMANIES#but both parents wanted his dad to have full custody so like... maybe??#anyway what fucking citizenship does he have. i dont even know#was thinking dual but germany doesnt like dual#so that might only work if his dad transmitted american citizenship to him like a bloodline curse#but i think that only works if his dad was already a citizen when he was born and his dad is german so THAT would mean-#*insert that one gif of charlie day with the pepe sylvia conspiracy board*#so maybe he just has american citizenship???#i dont know how that works either...#and then when im writing him hes trans on top of all that#which makes all this relevant unfortunately! could this man have gotten a legal name change circa 2010?#i THINK so?? im probably just going to handwave it?? but AARGH#i dont LIKE handwaving these things because like#anachronisms with trans characters & the transition process always bug me a bit#im almost 10 years younger than newt but i remember shit was DIFFERENT even back in like. 2014.#this isnt a legal thing but i remember before there was a nonbinary pride flag. we shared the purple-white-green genderqueer one#well. 'we' including me at the time. im a man now#and surgery has changed! no-nip top surgery was really rare to hear about before like... even just a few years ago?#im sure it was happening but it's way more common now than it was in like 2020#and i didnt even know trans people existed until like 2010#the first time i saw a trans character in ANY work of fiction was 2011#personal#unscientific aside#im way off on a tangent now i forget if i was going to say anything else#good enough hit post
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chaimachi · 4 months
Am I staring aggressively at this Infinite Crisis Part 3 movie because two characters from one of my childhood OTP are both revealed to be in it? Yes. Am I aggressively manifesting that they finally get to reunite after their OG show got canned because fuck CN? Yes. Am I secretly worried I will get absolutely 0 crumbs and be left mad that I got my hopes up? Very much yes. Please for all that is good in the world just let Razer and Aya reunite or I will cry.
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fiendishartist2 · 6 months
guys what if i want to make my own apollo justice game.
#i need to write a prequel to aa4 pls pls pls pls pls#okay get this: so phoenix isnt disbarred yet and he doesnt have trucy. hes still taking and winning cases#one day he gets a call from edgeworth and hes all like ''wright i need your assistance'' and hes like what for and edgeworth goes#''ive been given the most ridiculous case and i think youre the only man in law who can take care of it''#so phoenix bikes his ass to the detention center and boom. child behind bars#and phoenix is like ??? hey kid what are doing here. and this kid is the most surly mfer on the planet like you couldnt get-#-a word out of him if you tried. hes kinda giving phoenix the stink eye too but hes just the littlest guy on earth#and phoenix feels bad for him so he tries to get a rundown of the case (maybe edgeworth gave him an autopsy report or smth beforehand)#but get this. the kid still wont speak. he hasnt even moved a muscle. and after some prodding you find out this little dude-#-doesnt speak english (i dont love aa6 but i think apollos tragic backstory can be interesting so we're going w that but taking it seriousl#anyways so maya is like omg this kid is speaking khurainese but hers is kinda broken bc shes not from the mainland and only knows it-#-from like prayers#so you only get bits and pieces of the kids testimony. plus he still doesnt wanna talk bc ''dhurk told me not to talk to you''#so you start following the new lead but you ask too many questions and apollos like oh shit i said too much and wont talk to you anymore#but now you have two leads: khur'ain and a man named ''dhurk'' plus the fact that this is kid might be new to america since-#-he cant speak english but is smack dab in the middle of california. its all v curious and phoenix wants to get to the bottom of it#for the rest of the case i feel like it would go in the direction of ''we dont know exactly whats up w this dhurk guy or where this kid-#-came from but we do get him acquitted and phoenix is able to save him from the dark path he was heading towards'' thus steering apollo-#-in the direction of law and giving him a wayyyy better reason than aa6 gave him <3#i kind of like the interlinked nature of ace attorney's storytelling. like everything leads into smth else and everyone is impacted-#-by another person before they even become properly entangled w each other's lives#like how mia faced dahlia years before she met phoenix but dahlia was the one to connect them#or how trucy gave phoenix the diary paper but she's also the one who ropes apollo into the waa. even before they know they're siblings#or how lamoire left apollo and trucy as children and when they reunite as adults they cant recognise each other but they all find each-#-other anyways#i could go on but i think this could be cool yknow esp bc i think the most interesting thing about apollo's aa6 backstory is his life-#-post dhurk. like where did he stay? was he a foster kid? was he put into the system? how did that affect him? what kind of ppl took him in#i just wanna know how that whole thing would have effected him bc like when yiu think about it how did he even get to america?? his dad's#-considered a terrorist. idk man i think its interesting and apollo and dhurks interactions are one of the only good parts of aa6
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dutybcrne · 6 months
Mmm Luc x Fatui muses make brain go brr
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royaletiquette · 11 months
you know when you see an fc that's like, not even that uncommon, but an old partner used that fc and you're like god oh fuck, i wonder if it's them!
its never them.
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