#bleach romance
stanurines1mp · 1 year
pairing: Ulquiorra Cifer x Fem!Gin's sister!Reader
type: angst
an: ignoring the fact that i start sm fanfics that i havent finished, here's another Bleach oneshot of one of my fav characters! i can write an entire essay on his character eheh. also, this is pretty short but im kinda lazy lol... its basically like the scene of him and orihime about the 'heart' but with a romantic(?) and angsty twist. so have fun and enjoy! dont forget to follow me on Tumblr and Wattpad! and share, like, vote, comment and all :)
warnings: angst (dont expect more from me), death, aizen (bro deserves a warning), gin (also deserves a warning but he's barely in here), reader is gin's younger sister, kinda rushed, blood (barely). i think thats all, lemme know if i miss anything! 
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Following Aizen into Hueco Mundo was a decision filled with regret. Leaving behind your friends from the Seireitei was not your best move. But what more could you do when your older brother, Gin, had brought you along?
Honestly, what was he thinking?
But you couldn't deny him. You swore to stay by each other's side and this was not an exception.
So there you stood just a little behind him, fingers gripping tightly on the sleeve of his robe. Scared, you were barely peeking into the view of whatever Hollow Aizen had found interest in.
Ever since you set foot in this world, you were driven with fear, longing for a sense of warmth in this cold atmosphere. It's much too different than the Soul Society and the Human World. You'd do anything to get back to either one of those. But you swore to stay with Gin.
And Aizen was kind enough not to separate you both.
Until one day, he found your presence to be irrelevant and quite honestly a nuisance though he hid that fact with a sweet little lie of saying that he just wanted you to be safe.
And you remembered that day very well, too.
After all, it happened during a meeting with all the Espadas who swore loyalty to the God wannabe. Seated around the table were those 10 Arrancars and the traitors of Soul Society, including you.
"Y/N," Aizen brought the attention to you.
At this point in time, you had made yourself somewhat comfortable. Or rather, you've let yourself not get involved with anyone except your brother. So from your seat, your slouching back immediately straightened while your eyes widened. 
Your gaze lifted to meet the man, his soft orbs peering into yours. To the outside looking in, one would think he was displaying a look of warmth but you knew better than to fall for his manipulation. 
"Y-Yes?" You stuttered.
Sure, you were aware of his tricks. That didn't mean you weren't scared of him. 
"I have a very important task for you," he smiled. "I have informed Ulquiorra of everything and he is in charge of you."
"Wait, what?!" Your words slipped out, panic jolting your body as you looked from the man to your brother, your brows stitched in a silent beg for help. 
Before your brother could display even a shift in expression, your body froze in the chair. Your eyes widened, your lips emitting a hitched gasp. 
Aizen's Reiatsu was hurting you. 
Your fingers clutched firmly at the edge of the table. Your lungs felt like it was closing up, your airway narrowing as you gasped helplessly for air. 
"Are you denying me, Y/N?" His tone was silky smooth, an eyebrow raised condescendingly. 
Not without struggle, your head began to shake weakly as the brims of your eyes begin to well up with tears. Having enough of your suffering for the moment, Aizen lowered his Reiatsu and you gasped loudly as you could feel air flowing in and out of you again. 
"My apologies, Aizen-sama," you trembled, gaze lowering to the ground.
To that, he let out a pleased hum that matched his smirk. What a fucking sadist. 
So that's why you were currently stuck next to the 4th Espada, hiding in the Dangai while you waited to capture the human girl Aizen took an interest in. Honestly, some part of you hated yourself for being in such a position, forcing the same fate on an innocent girl who would do anything for her friends. 
"Inoue-san," you cleared your throat one day, knocking on the door. 
You pushed it open and saw the girl's sullen figure on the floor, gazing at the moon. She remained silent as she watched you enter. 
"How are you doing?" You asked, knowing it wouldn't bring any sort of comfort whatsoever despite that being your intention. "If you need anything, I'm at your service," you sighed. 
Silence passed between you two. Though expected, you took it as a sign to leave. Just as you were about to, she stopped you with a question. 
"Kuchiki-san told me about you," she said. "Why did you betray the Soul Society?" 
Her question struck you right at the pit of your regretful heart, making you stop in your tracks. 
With a sigh, you answered, "Just as you'd come here for your friends, I would do anything for my brother."
Refusing to prolong the conversation, you took your leave. Turning a corner as you head to your room, you felt fingers wrapped around your wrist. Holding you in place, Ulquiorra then appeared before you. 
"What do you think you're doing?" He raised his brows in question. 
Your eyes met his and you lowly exhaled. 
"Aizen-sama said that she's under our care," you reminded. "I am only caring for her." 
He let go of your hand, eyes still staring into yours. "You have no need to make friends with  her." 
A scoff slipped past your lips. "What are you?" You changed the subject, rather curious about something regarding the Arrancar. "Which part of Death do you signify, Ulquiorra?"
With your eyes stuck on him, paired with your question, he felt somewhat, exposed. His lips remain pursed, gaze peeling away from yours as he turned to walk away. 
"I do not see how that is of any relevance." 
"If I am to work by your side, I'd like to know more about you," you simply answered. 
Looking over his shoulder, he said, "As I said, I do not see the relevance." 
"I'll find out soon enough," you hummed, watching as he walked away. 
And with your future days spent closely with him, you actually did figure him out. 
You could clearly see it in his eyes, you actually wondered how you could have missed that. But you couldn't miss it anymore as each day passes by and he often visited you. 
It was odd but you had realized how frequently he came to see you whether it was to send you food or talk about the prisoner. You wondered if it was intentional but over time, you didn't seem to mind it. And maybe because now that you know him, you couldn't help the interest you held for him. 
You wanted to understand him. 
You wanted to understand why it was that you noticed his eyes changing since the day he met you. 
It seemed like you managed to reach that on an afternoon in Hueco Mundo. 
You were gazing at the blue sky, a smile tickling your complexion at the view that reminded you of the warmth back in Soul Society. But the one that sheltered you at the moment was nothing but a fake. At such a thought, your smile faltered. 
"What are you doing?" Ulquiorra's voice ran through your spine. 
"It's so heavy," you murmured. 
"What is?" 
You let out a sigh, turning around to see him. "My heart," you said. "It's full of regrets." 
He let out a patronizing scoff, "You humans and Soul Reapers toss that word around mindlessly. What is this 'heart'?" 
Your eyes flickered close for a moment but hearing his question, you understood him. 
And you understood yourself. 
And with a saddened smile, you reduced the distance with a question. "Do you not believe in the existence of the heart?" 
"I do not believe in things I cannot see," he began, taking another step. "Even with these eyes of mine that perceive all, I cannot see this so-called 'heart'."
"And that makes it not real?" 
His hand stretched forward, fingers aiming at your heart. 
"If I rip out your chest, will I see it? If I crush open your skull, will I see it?" 
The gap between the tip of his finger and the fabric of your dress over your heart closed with another step from you. His long nail threatened to puncture your skin but you did not have it in you to break your composure as you stared into his eyes. 
"Do it, then," your words silkened out daringly. 
You can see surprise behind those dark eyes, only aiding you to go further. 
"Rip out my chest. Crush open my skull. Do whatever you must to find my heart because I can assure you, it is real and it is there." 
You could see the slight tremble in his hand. With another step toward him, your dress let out a ripped sound as his claws penetrated through. 
"I have a heart that beats and with each passing second, it beats for you." 
Your lips parted in a slight gasp as you feel warm blood oozing out. Still, you let yourself be guided by your heart. 
"I am not afraid of you, Ulquiorra," you exhaled. "As I can see the emptiness in you begin to fill with the reflection of my love for you." 
Any changes of expression he tried to hide had failed terribly. But he was not the only one shocked by your confession.
It seems that you've let yourself fall for the 4th Espada. 
Maybe that would soon turn into yet another one of your regrets but for the time being, he let you go. 
His cold, empty demeanor had returned when he retracted his arm to his side. He began to walk away, leaving you a taste of his void and disappointment. But before he closed the door, he stopped. Over his shoulder, he looked in your direction but not really looking at you. 
"The human's friends have come to Hueco Mundo. My order for you is to stay in your room," he slurred out. "No matter what." 
With everything that occurred next, you still remained in your room. Why? 
Because he had asked you to. 
And you were meant to listen to him. 
So you ignored all the changes in Spiritual Pressure that occurred in Hueco Mundo to fulfill his order. But there was one change that you can no longer ignore. 
And with that worry, that fright, you ran out of your room. With all your strength, you flew upwards, past the fake skies of Las Noches and into the truth of Hueco Mundo. Landing on the ground, you stood up. 
And it was as if your mere presence had caused him to peel away his gaze from his opponent. His eyes that met yours were no longer those you saw during your first meeting. 
That emptiness that he signified was filling up. 
Just as your tears welled in your eyes, your lips parted in a frightful gasp, watching his wings begin to disappear. His hand, the very same one that bled you, lifted from his side. His fingers reached for you. Allowing your tears to fall, you cried as you ran to him, your own hand stretched out to grasp his. 
Yet no matter how fast you ran, you could never reach him. 
He was so close.
Yet so far. 
"I see it now," he said, stopping you in your tracks with wide eyes and parted lips. "I understand now," he said. 
You ignored the presence of the humans, only focusing on the fallen Espada. 
"Your heart," he let out, fingers beginning to close in an empty grip. "Has always been in the palm of my hands." 
Your breath hitched in your throat as you ran to him again, weakly struggling to reach him. 
But just when you did, his hand leaves you as it dissipated into darkened ash.
With a loud cry, you fell to your knees, our tears unabashedly falling to your cheeks. Your left hand clutches over your heart-
"Rip out my chest."
-while your right hand clutches over your head-
"Crush open my skull." 
As you were heeding his last order, he was heeding yours, providing you the sensation of actions you asked for. 
Yet another regret filled that heavy heart of yours.
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drathym · 10 days
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hey so im actually never gonna attempt bleaching a shirt ever again cuz wtf
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m0thxy · 9 months
“I CAN’T CLEAN THE BLOOD OFF THE SHEETS IN MY BED!!!” then buy new ones goddamn gerard
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cinderserra · 7 months
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love season
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pansexualrockstar · 27 days
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Would you take his hand?
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jubileemon · 6 months
Why Ichigo And Rukia Ended Up With The Right People
In Bleach, Ichigo ends up with Orihime, Rukia is with Renji. Since it's part of the shonen genre, it doesn't center around romance and would be unlikely to focus on romantic relationships, as there were other interesting and exciting things happening.
The Problem With Ichigo X Rukia
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Even though he becomes a Shinigami, he isn't technically a soul. He was not born in Soul Society and never died to go there. If he wanted to be with Rukia, he would either have to wait and die from old age or die right away and part with everyone else way too soon. Rukia is a soul who ages extremely slowly and will probably never die. Their families are in different worlds, so their priorities are incompatible.
This might be the single biggest factor in Orihime's favor against Rukia: she won't outlive Ichigo by hundreds of years. After all, Ichigo is a substitute Soul Reaper, but not a full-fledged one. It was only ever touched on vaguely because the shinigami are all spirits/souls, and things like time and age aren't something that hold much meaning to them anymore. Roughly in the beginnings of the series, Rukia mentions that she's 10 times older than Ichigo (who was 15 at the time).
Ichigo also looks like Kaien Shiba, Rukia’s mentor and the man that she admired. Due to this, even Byakuya himself understood why Rukia would feel a connection for Ichigo. Rukia realized the parallels between Kaien’s last fight with Ichigo’s battle against Grand Fisher, the Hollow that had killed Masaki Kurosaki. As such, she views them as similar and so would be unlikely to have romantic feelings for someone resembling her late mentor. In fact, she keeps comparing Kaien and Ichigo throughout the Soul Society arc.
Rukia and Renji
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Rukia and Renji grew up together as orphaned Soul children in Soul Society. They shared the same experiences, jointly discovering the gift of Reiatsu that earned them a place in the Shin’o Academy. Their mutual goal was to become Shinigami, gain higher ranks, and grow stronger. When Rukia tells Renji the Kuchiki clan wants to adopt her, he acts happy but is deeply upset because he predicts they will grow apart. Still, he tries to hide his sadness because Rukia finally has a family. Unfortunately, Renji falsely believes that he's not important to her anymore.
While this saddened Rukia, he only reacted in the way he believed was best for her, and that ended up making him feel guilty about her potential execution. Chapter 98 was devoted to how Renji considered Rukia an unattainable “star” that he, a “tramp,” could never reach. If he just wanted friendship, why did he feel he had to stay out of Rukia’s way? If she just wanted friendship, why did she expect him to protest? The answer is simple: Her adoption didn’t get in the way of friendship, but in the way of the “something more” that they wanted.
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Renji's feelings towards her have always been apparent, as far back as when they were kids. As they originally met around several years ago in the Soul Society, they've been around each other for quite a while. One evening, the two of them were unsuccessfully attempting to catch fish when Renji finally managed to snare one. When he turned around, he saw the rest of his friends staring at Rukia longingly. As anyone with a crush themselves would do, Renji admonished his friends for looking at her with love-struck eyes.
Renji's feelings for Rukia are crystal clear, even when he doesn't acknowledge them. On the other hand, Rukia finds it difficult to express her emotions, especially after joining the Kuchiki clan and her stranied relationship with her brother Byakuya. However, there are several instances that prove her love for Renji beyond the shadow of a doubt. In fact, Rukia obviously cares for Renji even after he attacks Ichigo in the Agent of the Shinigami arc. Although Ichigo and Rukia also love each other, their friendship is considerably less intense than her lifelong attachment for Renji.
Ichigo and Orihime
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Orihime’s crush on Ichigo was evident from the first few chapters. She even had trouble being articulate in front of him, although part of her character development was how she gained confidence in herself. As for him, he was ready to sacrifice his life for her from the very beginning, when he put himself between her and her brother Sora (who became a Hollow). He almost always singles her out, speaks up for her and he even defends her.
When the Espadas allow Orihime to say goodbye to one person before she is taken to Hueco Mundo, she picks Ichigo even though he's still unconscious from an earlier fight. She explains how she could have picked one of the others, but Ichigo was the person she needed to see one last time. Orihime says how there were so many things she wished she had gotten to do and how she would like to live five times to try multiple different things, but that she'd always fall in love with the same person... Ichigo.
Ichigo literally came back from death for Orihime during his fight with Ulquiorra, all because she pleaded him not to die. Orihime also places her body between Ichigo and Acidwire to protect Ichigo. Ichigo puts himself between Grimmjow’s Ceros and Orihime without hesitation. Orihime more than willingly goes to fight Yhwach alongside Ichigo, serving as the latter's defense. Even Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, and Nnoitora all mocked him for wanting to protect her and underlined how she was the motivation for him to fight more fiercely.
In the early chapters, Orihime knew that Kon wasn't the real Ichigo when he was running wild inside Ichigo's body and being his perverted self. He jumped into Ichigo's classroom, made a move on Orihime, and then kissed Tatsuki before being forced to flee. Orihime knew right away that wasn't the real Ichigo, forgiving him of actions that would have got him in hot water with any other girl. It's a testament to how much Orihime cared about him. That said, Ichigo would have never acted that way in the first place.
Ichigo & Rukia Contributed To Each Other’s Relationships
It's kinda interesting to note that both Rukia and Ichigo have worked to boost each other's relationships. Remember, Rukia was the one who dragged Ichigo to apologize to an injured Orihime. Rukia was the initial reason why Ichigo and Orihime came closer together and were more expressive of their desire to protect each other. At the same time, Ichigo was the catalyst for Rukia and Renji to become close again after decades of avoiding each other. Ichigo was not meant to interfere in their relationship as a third party, but to help them realize the complete range of their feelings for each other.
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spac3d0gs · 3 months
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My and my sister made bleached shirts today I made mine the bullets album cover it needs a bit of fixing but it's cool!!
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mydrugcandy · 6 months
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frostfires-blog · 5 months
#3 IchiRuki
ꕥ If you liked this post, consider supporting it here as well... ꕥ
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kingofanemptyworld · 4 months
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anyone else enamored by the thought of Ichigo learning Spanish because of Grimmjow or is that just me
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
No because it's genuinely flabbergasting how often Rick contradicts himself with calling Percabeth the perfect couple
Poseidon said 'The sea does not like to be restrained' in reference to Percy and Piper said Annabeth 'keeps him in line'.Percy directly said to Annabeth he wishes she'd be nicer to him and she responded 'I am never going to make things easier for you'.Percy straight up insulted Annabeth in his narration for not treating him like Rachel does(the 'unlike some other girls' line)and Annabeth deadass started crying because she hated that Percy's approach to their romance wasn't as direct as hers.They find eachother's interests stupid and lame.Percy is an abuse survivor and has resigned himself to Annabeth's constant hitting he never returns as seen by 'Nah,you'd just beat me up' followed by Annabeth laughing in agreement.Even after they start dating,Annabeth has ZERO trust in Percy's to be faithful to her seeing as she assumed he'd gotten with Hazel literally just for standing next to him in a friendly way and used Rachel as ammo to make him nervous on purpose for her amusement because 'you gotta keep your boyfriend on his toes' and it's topped off by the fact Percy quickly gently letdown Reyna because he remembered her.Annabeth hates her hair and traditional femininity and Percy says it makes her look like a princess and thought she looked better than normal after Circe's makeover
They give eachother ZERO character development,Annabeth intensified Percy's insecurities big time and Percy enabled Annabeth's bad coping mechanisms just as much.Percy hates masculinity and is drawn to femininity but forces himself to act and look like a guy so he can be Annabeth's ideal macho boyfriend and Annabeth quirks herself up into a manic pixie dream girl instead of acting like herself to be Percy's It Girl.Percy hates fate and destiny and he's always told Annabeth is his by people who don't even know him.They don't even have any reasons to be attracted to eachother to begin with seeing as they find the other so annoying it's hard to believe they're not actually found siblings and the fact that all the other campers kept teasing them about liking eachother only adds fuel to it!I'm fucking loosing it,'Percabeth gave me my standards for romances' is one of the most depressing ship related things you can say i'm so serious
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tobinorii · 2 years
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drathym · 10 days
my room reeks of bleach... i better finish this soon
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dramaticpeony · 9 months
Personal headcanon that Gabe met his mate (David's mother) during a security gig.
He and Gregory were 20 something roommates living in a cramped apartment in the shittier parts of Dahlia.
Surviving on ramen and cigarettes and cheap beer.Talking about their future packs and the territory they would claim one day.
But the money was tight, so when a listing for shifter bodyguards popped up (with pay neither of them had seen in their lives), they sign up right away.
I imagine it's on the east cost. The gig concerns the daughter of some old pack. The alphas daughter to be exact. And they're like ancient; they could trace their lineage back to the 1400s.
And their employer, the Alpha, makes his views about them, and where they land in the hierarchy very clear. They are runts who are there for only one thing; keeping an eye on his sickly daughter. No talking, no fraternizing and the pay would be theirs. Plus a little extra, if the Alpha felt like it.
Gabe and Greg grit their teeth through the whole speech. Trying not to sneer at the words "runt" and "pup". They make it out of the assholes office without punching him.
Gabe expects his daughter to be just like him. Haughty and insufferable, despite her weak disposition.
And she is, except not in the way he imagined.
She tried to run away. He finds her on the snow covered ground on Christmas eve.
She bares her teeth at him, hair a mess, white silk gown torn, blending with the snow. She spats something-insults or threats maybe, he cannot tell- and he mesmerized by the sound of her voice.
The glint in her eyes makes him go wild, the scent of her perfume and anger mixed in the air makes him dizzy.
And then... then she shifts.
And her wolf form is unlike anything he's ever seen. Smaller yes, but lean. Her movements are elegant. Her jet black fur shines, reflecting the moonlight.
One look at him and she turns dashing into the woods of the giant property, disappearing in the darkness.
And Gabe stays there for a second slack jawed. Still reeling from it all, his wolf right beneath his skin, screaming at him to follow her.
And then it hits him:
Gabriel Shaw is in love.
Gabriel Shaw is about to lose his job.
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zabimarushoney67 · 1 year
Hello! I wanted to known if I could request slow sensual sex with Shinji Hirako???
Oooomgosh omgosh yessss! This is gonna be so good 🙏🏼 Highkey have been waiting for a NSFW fic with Shinji 💀 Thank you so much! for the request and I hope you enjoy! (I went on a blind hiatus during this im so sorry lmao it’s done tho!)
🔥Under Fire🔥
Shinji Hirako x Fem!Reader
Summary: Shared but masked feelings, making love wasn’t apart of the agenda. For you though, Shinji is ready for anything.
Warnings: Modern alternative universe, strong language, sensual lovemaking, praise kink, marking(hickies, bite marks), fingering, oral!sex (reader receiving), vaginal!penetration, hand holding, sweet talk, supple kisses, blunt smoking, friends with benefits turned serious, budding romantic feelings, fluff throughout.
Authors Notes: AH FINALLY I HAVE WAITED SO LONG FOR THIS 😩 SHINJI WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME AND I AM OKAY WITH THAT! Also! Bad Omens reeeeaallly set the mood for this thing, like ONG absolute perfection!😭🤌🏽
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Loud music bumped over the nightclub speakers, rumbling through the wooden floors with everyone’s moving feet. Flashing lights colored the hundreds of bodies that were crammed together like sardines on the dance floor, Shinji’s gentle hands were on your hips, he watched them sway in time with the movements of his fit body.
Drunk and feeling the music, the beating vibration warmed your body up against Shinji. A feeling like sparks igniting, consuming you in his spiritual flames. Shinji flowed with your body on the dance floor. Shifting his hips, he pressed them up against your frayed denim shorts, groaning to himself as he felt your body press, and relax back into him.
He swallowed hard as he peered down your body, his steely eyes devoured the slick and shiny skin under your halter-neck tank top. Feeling your hand wrap around his neck and grip him there, finally had him leaning into your ear to speak up. “Hey, you wanna get outta here soon darlin?” His voice reverberated something needy and demanding. Shinji teasingly licked the shell of your ear, nibbling down the side of your neck as you rolled your hips across his quickly hardening groin.
Leaning your head back on his shoulder speaking into his ear, “Sure, yeah that sounds good! But I have to finish my drink first,”. Rolling his eyes, he released his grip on you. Holding your hand softly he followed closely behind you as you lead him back to the table where Lisa, Kensei, Renji, Izuru, and Shuhei sat.
Hoping you two could slip away unnoticed, Shinji huffed. Now in a forced position to say goodbye and come up with a reason for disappearing yet again, at a friendly get-together, Shinji was less than thrilled. Not an outcome he was hoping for, but if it meant he could leave sooner with you without a bickering match, it would be worth it. Moving to the quieter, darker part of the club where your table was, y/n grabbed the air toward her drink, lazily leading Shinji behind her.
Renji passed her the drink, as she finally anchored herself at the front of the table. Bringing the cute, yellow bendy straw to her lips she sucked down the blue fruity cocktail, bobbing her head in time with the music.
“Looks like you two are having all the fun,” Renji commented, “We are, but,” y/n started saying before taking another sip of her drink, “We're actually gonna head out early for the night,” she said tightening her grip on Shinji’s hand, silently asking him for some back up if her unplanned plan backfired.
Everyone's heads turned at that comment and landed on both you and Shinji, Shuhei caught Shinji’s hand being held captive by yours and only nodded in his direction. The rest of the gang sighed outwardly, “Really? Already?” Renji questioned with a grimace, “But we just got here!” a drunk Lisa sang out. “Oh let them go, they'll just disappear somewhere anyway,” Kensei huffed, taking a languid sip of his old fashion.
The rumor was true. You had secretly been seeing Shinji on the side for a while now. He established a friend-with-benefits situation a few months back.
On that day, running some errands with him, Shinji had bluntly come forward with his attraction toward you. It seemingly came out of nowhere, but you had been so fond of him already that you even held your suspicions, that he felt the same. The sex has been a reliable release for you, it sated a need you didn’t even know you had until you started seeing him regularly during the week.
The both of you had tried to keep it down low and out of sight, trying not to start any gossip. It seemed everyone eventually caught on, since every time you all got together, you and Shinji always ended up disappearing.
Usually off somewhere alone for a quick meet up and then return to the function, but the longer the agreement went on the more often you two went off just to be together, sexual or not.
“Are you guys leaving already?” Izuru chimes in with the rest of the crowd, walking up behind you and Shinji with a handful of shots. “Yeah…” Shinji replied slowly, blatantly fronting his irritation at the current embarrassing circumstances. “That’s lame,” “take one before you go,” Izuru rolled his eyes, pushing a shot into both y/n and Shinji’s free hands.
Just as y/n finished her cocktail, she threw the shot back like a champ, before anyone else had even lifted their shot. Shinji would stand corrected if he thought he was the one who wanted to leave this god forsaken club first.
Walking back to y/n’s downtown apartment not far from the club, y/n held onto her shoulders. Chilled, after leaving the heat of the nightclub and into the late summer night. “Jeez. Woman,” “This is why I told you to bring a jacket,” Shinji sighed.
Wrapping you in his brown leather jacket he remarks “And who said chivalry is dead?”. “I didn't know it would be this cold,” y/n muttered quietly, gripping the sides of his jacket and enclosing herself in its warmth. “You’re half naked, with your hair in that... Cute messy bun style you know I love so much on you,” “Of course, you're gonna be cold, sometimes I think you do it on purpose,” he smiled to himself as the words left his mouth. “Absolutely not!” y/n spat back defensively, knowing deep down that he was... Well, he was kind of right.
Something has been different lately. Even before leaving for the club, Shinji had ran through a whole checklist before he would even allow you to step out of the door. ‘Have you eaten yet?’ ‘Do you have everything in that purse of yours?’ ‘Are you sure you don’t wanna bring a jacket?’ just to name a few examples. There was a new profound softness in all of Shinji’s actions that pertained to you, it felt good, natural even, like it should’ve been this way the entire time.
Needless to say y/n was rather enjoying the new treatment, it made her heart patter ever so lightly allowing more room for her fondness to grow for the infamous jokester, who now turned out to be an infamous gentleman as well.
Finally arriving back home in the safe confines of Y/n’s apartment, y/n shook off her heels and threw his jacket on the coat rack while Shinji carelessly strolled in behind, removing his shoes. The beginning steps of y/n’s ‘time for bed’ ritual took place, and Shinji got comfy removing his tie, loosening his shirt a bit and rolling up his sleeves. Y/n stood in the mirror, wiping off her makeup in the bathroom, closest to her bedroom. Shinji sat on the bed, rolling up a blunt for the both of you. One of his many playlists lulls over the sound system, filling the bedroom with a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
Once cleaned up and dressed down in some of her comfy shorts and an oversized T-shirt, y/n joined Shinji on the plush mattress, sitting crisscrossed with a glass of iced water. “Man, nightclubs are not my thing anymore,” y/n said rubbing her eyes, groaning softly from the slight headache she received after the few hours of drinking and dancing.
“So, let me get this straight,” “You’re saying,” “You would rather be at home,” “Chilling… and smoking weed with me… in your bed?” Shinji drawled out turning his head in your direction, with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. “Shut it and light it, goofy,” y/n sneered at the blonde man, smacking him lightly on the shoulder and breathily laughing at his stupid, dumb remark. So stupid it left your face catastrophically red. Seriously, what was up with this guy? His smooth words, and even smoother hair. None of it made sense, or it did… just why now? Shinji was the adamant one on the, ‘this is nothing serious, I just want to have fun with you,’ part of the agreement.
Putting his hand upon your upper thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze. Shinji places the blunt between his lips, it hangs so artfully from them as he goes to light it. Pulling out an engraved zippo lighter, he flips it open. The bright blue flame quickly engulfed the tip of the tobacco paper, and a sweet aroma of the white grape drifted through the air while the paper burned to ash, quickly followed by the delightful smell of weed. These night are always the best when shared together, y/n thought. Allowing her mind to wander through the current moment, a sudden swell of emotion had begun overflowing her body.
A few passes and over half a blunt later, the two leaned against the wooden headboard, their bodies heavy from the weed that swirled through them. Y/n laid her head on Shinji’s shoulder, while his arm encompassed her close against his warm, slumped body. Shinji puffed on his handiwork, relaxing further into y/n’s weight. Rolling waves of smoke lingered in the air and filled the dimly lit room, while the two lay together sailing through the clouds. The entwinement of their bodies and limbs being the only thing that kept them grounded in reality.
“Earlier…” “Walking back here,” “You said, you loved when my hair is up,” y/n said softly, pausing before continuing, “What are some other things you… ‘love’ about me?” She asked curiously, with her breath hitching in her chest.
Shinji’s eyes widened at her question, breathing a heavy hit from his nose, he hurriedly took another, sucking it deep into his lungs. “Well…” he said as the smoke poured from his mouth. “There’s lots of things…” “like the way you’ll scrunch your nose up at my gross jokes,” Shinji said chuckling to himself. “Or the way you’ll blush and look away whenever I compliment you…” “Or my favorite…” he paused again. “the little dance you do when you’re eating something you like...” he stopped there smiling to himself, but not wanting to dredge any further into that topic.
Y/n lay on his shoulder dazed, “Oh..” she breathed, blushing from his words. “I was fully prepared for you to say something along the lines of,” “I love the way your lips look around my cock darlin’,” she said, trying but failing to do an impression of Shinji.
“First of all,” “I do not sound like that,” Shinji laughed heartily at y/n’s endearing impression of him. “Secondly, I love it when you look like that,” he corrected, taking another hit before handing it over to y/n. “Oh yeah?” She said giggling, “Oh yeah,” Shinji said before his soft fingers slid up the side of your cheek and turned your face towards him.
Leaning down to capture your lips in a gentle kiss, he pulled away ever so slightly, blowing his smoke into your mouth and kissing you again after. “I love it a lot,” he said, inches away from your face. His words sang, traveling through y/n’s ears and making them ring with their sweetness, flowing down her body and resting comfortably in the pit of her stomach.
Blinking softly at Shinji, y/n exhaled the smoke. A soft shade of pink stained her cheeks as she stared into his grey hooded eyes. A crafty smile plastered across Shinji’s face as he caressed your cheek under his thumb. Y/n leaned into his touch before bringing the end of the blunt to her lips.
Glancing down at y/n’s full lips encompassing the tip of the blunt, Shinji drank your expression in full. He mimicked your blushing shyness as he pulled his hand away. “Goddamn…” “You are so fucking pretty,” “You know that?” He said biting his lip, he shook his head in disbelief and scoffed. “It makes me wonder why no one’s snatched you up yet,” insecurity silently started weaving itself into his usually unwavering confidence.
“I mean, I’m not complaining,” “More fun for me after all,” Shinji said going silent afterward. “For me, I think maybe...” “it's because I have you in my back pocket, and everyone knows it,” y/n stated blatantly, “We haven't exactly been hiding it,” shrugging her shoulders, she put the roach out in the ashtray. “Or maybe...” “it's because I would rather have you…” “So I decline everyone who’s tried,” a hefty blush returned to her face as y/n avoided eye contact with the blonde man lying next to her.
“Oh yeah?” Shinji said with a side smile and raised eyebrow, cocking his head down at you. “...Yeah,” y/n murmured after a moment of diligent thinking. Shinji’s hand cupped your chin softly, begetting your stare back in his direction. His face grew hot all over again when he peeked at the soft, lustful eyes of y/n as they peered down at his lips. Flashing quickly back to his eyes, y/n leaned in and molded her lips gently against Shinji’s.
Her sudden emotional ministration left Shinji blinking widely, the blush on his face crept up to the tips of his ears while she kissed him deeply. Melting into her kiss and releasing a breath from his nose, he pushed firmly back into y/ns wanting mouth, groaning as she parted his lips with her sly tongue.
Twisting his torso, Shinji slowly pushed you into the pillows, as he climbed on top. Supporting his weight on his forearms, y/n’s plush thighs hugged his waist while he got comfy between them. Her soft hands held his face, gently stroking the short stubble on his jawline, keeping him over her mouth as their tongues played and explored one another.
Soft moans roused from y/n when Shinji shifted to his knees, pushing her thighs up and over his. Rising to his palms, he gazed down at you, his face flushed and lips parted. Quick, broken breaths left his mouth, and Shinji felt his heart thump against his sternum. A strange, foreign feeling washed over his body. Arousal, lust, and something else... Passion? maybe. Y/n’s fingers tentatively reached for the first button of his shirt and slowly pulled each of them apart, staring intently at the buttons as they came undone and revealed his smooth skin underneath.
Sitting back on his heels, Shinji shrugged off his shirt and tugged it free of his jeans, tossing it to the side of the bed. Returning to his position over you, he caught your mouth in a greedy kiss. Awash with his need for you, his hand clasped your still-clothed breast gripping and kneading it underneath his palm. Y/n’s hands explored the expanse of his now open back. She remembered every flowing line of tensed muscle and the way they seem to relax under her hand that softly caressed each spot.
Shinji’s lips smashed against yours, nibbling at you playfully, and sucking your lower lip. With the intense feeling of being engulfed in everything that was Shinji in this minuscule moment, the heat started quickly swallowing y/n’s breath underneath the man's lanky form.
His needy mouth traveled from your lips down your jaw, pushing your head away, and giving the feral man access to your supple neck. Y/n’s head spun violently under his frantic, but somehow artful duress. Her body begged to feel his warmth, begged for him to give her what she needed.
Y/n found herself lost in the present moment, stuck in some places of her past, but somehow still excited for the future that was to be paved, and hopefully with Shinji by her side. Releasing his grip on your chest, both of his hand's fumble around, trying to find yours. Enterlacing his fingers within yours he pushes your palms into the bed, pinning you underneath him.
Shinji continued his crusade down your neck, licking and softly kissing the sensitive skin that lay vulnerable to him. Y/n can feel a smile form on his lips when she wailed out from the sharp feeling of his canines pinching her skin.
Covering the small welt with his mouth, and running his tongue over it Shinji sucks the skin of your neck. Grunting lowly when he feels you arch your back into his unrelenting torture. Releasing you from his mouth, he continues his play time to the other side of your neck. There, he kisses down to your exposed collarbone where he begins to repeat the same teasing ritualistic behavior, marking you with a large purple hickey.
At his total mercy, and laying completely helpless underneath him y/n bucks her hips against him. Trying, and trying again to find some friction to sedate the growing arousal between her legs. The flimsy cloth of her shorts and her lacy panties discouraged any true form of relief. They numbed her sensation just enough that it became a nuisance trying to do it herself. That was until Shinji finally understood what you were after. Freeing a hand from your grasp, he lowered it to your slick heat.
Surpassing the confinement of cloth, he delves in between your plump lips. Massaging the wetness that collected there, he hummed in appreciation at how worked up you had become with just some sloppy kisses and heavy panting. Two fingers rubbed in gentle circles around your clit. “You’re such... Ah!” “A goddamn tease!” y/n said forcibly.
She desperately wiggled her hips against his fingers, wishing he'd hit the spot he knew she loved. Shinji’s slender fingers always left y/n in a full trance. The way they magically danced across her skin, and brought about the most helpless of whimpers from y/n. The sounds Shinji knew, he was the only one who could force from you. “C’mon darlin’” “You know I love the way you sound,” “Let me hear you,” Shinji breathed against your skin before snatching you into another soul-devouring kiss.
“Let me feel you then,” y/n pulled away from him and retorted in frustration. Grabbing his wrist she pushed him further toward her dripping, needy heat. “Don’t be like that baby,” “I was gettin' there,” he smirked against your mouth. Sinking his fingers into your mess of a hole, he slowly pulled his fingers against the spongy pad on your upper wall, massaging in little circles.
Positioning his thumb he pressed on your swelling clit, rubbing and prodding the sensitive bundle of nerves in time with his curling fingers. “That's such a good look on you y/n,” Shinji smiled greatly as he peered down at your pleasure-contorted face.
“Faster..! Please!” y/n begged, shooting Shinji a needy glimpse and biting her lip to egg him further. “Nah,” “I want to enjoy this...” he said softly as he continued his sermon of repetitive motions. Y/n whined loudly, bordering on a temper tantrum. “Goddamn.” “You're so fucking cute when you're frustrated,” Shinji confessed in admiration, softly smooching your cheek before traveling feather-light kisses toward your ear. Taking your earlobe in between clenched teeth, he shoves his fingers into your aching core, reveling in the shout y/n released from his perfectly timed and careful actions.
Feeling your body convulse and twitch underneath him, was most certainly egging him on, more than ever before. His cock raged against the tight confinement of his jeans, throbbing in time with all the little jolts that ran throughout y/n’s body. “I think that'll do,” Shinji said before removing all stimulation away from y/n. “W-what?” y/n protested as she tried grabbing his hand to keep him posted in their position. Sitting up, Shinji unbuckled his belt letting it fall open. “Take your clothes off,” he demanded, his voice sounding a lot like how it did at the nightclub.
Blinking dumbfounded, y/n obeys and starts removing her shirt. Shinjis's hands helped lift it and pull it over your head as he discarded it with his shirt on the side of the bed. Y/n hooks her thumbs in the waistband of her shorts and pulls them down her thighs. Shinji pushed your legs up straight and pulled them off. “Keep the panties on,” “They're cute,” he remarked. He peeked down at the floral red lace tanga-styled panties that sat high on your waist, accentuating your curvy hips and pillowy thighs. His strong hands grab hold of your ankles and kept them in the air, “Bend your knees so they touch your chest,” “They don’t leave that spot until I say,” Shinji warned, his tone sounding serious as he positioned and instructed you on how he wanted to take you for the night.
Y/n hummed happily, lulling her head to the side roused a questioning look upon Shinji’s face. “Somethin' funny doll?” He asks, his palms pushing your thighs up to your chest. “You’re just so sexy when you’re in charge,” y/n explained with a grin. “Do it more often,” she said, silently challenging him, and staring directly into his eyes.
Shinji didn't respond with words but rather with his actions. Running his fingers over the lace of your pussy lips, a small smirk draws on his face once he saw your eyebrows draw together slightly from his touch.
Peering down at you and your position, his face suddenly softens. The position he wanted you in left you exposed to him, vulnerable almost. Somehow your words spoke of the trust you had in him and the confidence you held for him, knowing that he knew how to take care of you in every regard. It took Shinji by complete surprise the more he thought about what you said. Maybe he was thinking too much into it but something felt different from you, about you, he only understood that he couldn’t let you down now.
Quickly removing his black jeans, Shinji crawled back onto the mattress. He laid on his elbows while his face took place over your dripping cunt, his cock throbbed at the sight before him. The cotton insert of your panties drowned in your juices, scarcely containing your folds as it stretched thin between your plump lips. Like a ripe peach that hung from a branch and was ready for the picking, Shinji stared mesmerized by your intimate beauty. The aroma of your lust and the warmth that waited inside, made Shinji’s mouth water intensely as he steadied himself before taking a dive back into your depths.
Lightly pushing the cloth away to expose you completely, Shinji places his hands near your waist and leaned down and kissed your glistening lips. His hair swayed from side to side as he got to work. The soft gentle kisses he started with slowly turned into long sucking kisses, as he took each lip into his mouth and pulled on them. Tugging ever so gently before releasing it with a sucking pop and repeating this motion until he made his way up to your clit.
Taking the swollen bud into his mouth and sucking it, the pressure from the motion left y/n’s thighs trembling, and her toes curling at the ceiling. With her eyes shut tightly, her jaw dropped as she mewled loudly from Shinji’s unrelenting maw. The lewd noises that spewed from y/n’s mouth were unlike anything Shinji had ever heard before. His body reacted physically, singing with lust as every nerve, every pore on his body stood at full attention, just for her.
He fisted at the sheets under his palms as he started absentmindedly grinding into the mattress. Shinji repeatedly pushed his twitching cock into its soft fullness, desperate for any attention he could get while he waited to finish you first. Shinji grunted as his cock slid against the soft, stretchy spandex of his blue boxer briefs.
Removing her hands from the underside of her thighs, she placed them on Shinji’s forearms. Tightly gripping onto them, y/n felt the cool metal of his tongue piercing swirl around her clit, and up and down her sensitized labia. Y/n’s knees failed to stay directly over her chest and slowly drifted to her sides, resting there and spread completely open for Shinji’s hungry mouth.
Y/n finally caught a needed glimpse at the handsome man that lay in front of her. Visually taking in the way he ate her out like it was the last thing he’ll ever do on earth. So turned on by her noises and arousal, that he’s resorting to fucking the mattress. That’s a first, y/n thought gazing down at the touch deprived man between her thighs. His tensing muscles, soft whimpers, and all the incredulous sucking noises created such a delightful picture for y/n’s eyes and ears to take in and memorize.
The image of this moment, and the feelings that danced and swirled around her body, doubled by the pressure of her orgasm winding up in her core was almost too much. Tears pricked at the corners of y/n’s eyes, as her noises got louder with each swipe of his tongue. Noticing that you had broken the position he placed you in, his arms slid under your thighs and hooked you in his full grasp. Too horny to care, Shinji tugged you harshly down to his mouth. Making you jolt and gasp from the tightness of his arms as they held you harshly in position against his face.
Releasing a thigh, his fingers journeyed down to your twitching hole. His eyes peered up at you as he slowly sunk his middle digit into its wetness. Rubbing the pad of his finger against your G-spot, his tongue ravaging your clit. Expertly flicking and prodding your bud with careful consideration to get you to release. Never breaking eye contact, he sped up his finger's pace. Feeling your walls swell and clench around his finger was a sign you were close, pulling his finger out he glided another finger in with ease before pushing up on your G-spot. The repetitive pressing of her fleshy button, in time with the fast-flicking of his tongue, sent y/n over the edge drowning her deep within her pleasure and forcing out her full release.
“Oh, Shinnnjiii!~” She wailed his name out in ecstasy as her pussy clenched onto his digits and her clit pulsed under his tongue. Finger fucking her deeper and harder during her orgasm caused a different form of release, as y/n’s pussy squirted forcibly through the rolling waves of her powerful orgasm. Splashing Shinji’s chin, neck, and upper chest area, and soaking the bed underneath y/n. “Mmmm, that's what I like to see doll,” “Good job Baby,” He hummed as he pulled his fingers from you, sucking them clean.
Y/n lay there half unconscious coming down from her incredible high. “You've made such a mess darlin’, look at you,” Shinji chuckled at the slumped form of y/n, still breathing heavily. “I'm...” “I'm not sleeping in the wet spot, that's your fault,” she said catching her breath and swallowing hard.
Chuckling sweetly at your exhausted words, “Don’t bother me none babes, just a sign of my victory,”Shinji grins shifting to his knees in front of you. His warm calloused hands push your thighs up to your side as he leaned down to kiss your mound, up your belly, and the space between your breast. His breath felt warm against your skin, as you felt the tip of his nose swipe across your chest. Softly suckling the skin of your breast he repeats his loving and careful kisses until your nipple is encased in his wet mouth. His thumb and index finger come to rest underneath your breast allowing some support while his tongue swirled and prodded against your hard nipple.
Not giving you any time to prepare for the next act, Shinji sucks and pulls on your nipple with his lips as he presses his still-clothed member against your now-soaked innermost thighs. Grinding against your slick left wet, splotchy marking on his boxers. Pulling off your nipple, he kisses toward the other side and pulls your hardened nipple into his warm mouth sucking gently on it, making sure that none of you is left untouched, or unloved. Still coming down from her first high, y/n lay underneath him breathless, soaking in all of the attention Shinji seemed to have no problem giving to her.
The feeling of his throbbing cock pressing against her still-sensitive clit had y/n reeling. Gasping inwardly at the sudden shock of pleasure that still shot through her body, so artfully done in with just Shinji’s mouth.
“Fuck...” “Shinji, I want you,” y/n mewled pathetically at him, bucking her hips against his swollen, still captive member. Releasing your nipple, Shinji smiles deviously against your skin, “I can't hear you darlin’” he purred. “I..” y/n started before feeling unsettled from the foreign neediness that had been instilled within her. “Use your words, baby,” Shinji’s kissed soft words of encouragement into your chest, only making you flush further. “I want you, inside of me now,” “Please, pretty please,” “I can't wait any longer,” y/n begged helplessly, her mind completely fogged with lust and need.
“You’re in for a treat then babe,” “Because I want you to,” Shinji chuckled before pushing his boxers down past his cock allowing space for it to spring free from its confines. Grabbing the base of his lengthy cock, he prods his tip against your red, swollen lips. Running it up and down your slick, Shinji grunts lowly as he inserts himself. Your gummy warm walls accepted his length freely, swallowing every inch with squelchy ease. “Ohh~” “Fuu-uck,” “Y/n baby, you're always... so fucking... sweet,” Shinji gritted his jaw and forced out as his full length was sheathed inside of you.
All of those hours watching you, waiting for you, wanting you, finally came to an end as Shinji’s body fully relaxed into your body. Pleasure washed over, from his head to his toes as he felt your walls clench onto his shaft. His warm hands rested on the back of your thighs as he raised his body up and over yours. Pinning you against the headboard, Shinji positioned himself so his cock was perfectly angled against your G-spot. Slowly pulling himself from you, his whole body shuttered as he pushed his hips back into your tight cunt. Y/n lay spread open ready for Shinji's taking. Biting her lower lip she cursed under her breath as Shinji made the first few movements.
It didn't matter how many times Shinji had taken you before. It didn't matter how many times you came because of him, or how many times he had touched you. The craving for you only grew stronger with each time he felt you. Getting worse, as each time left him wanting you all over again, bubbling up like an inevitable volcano. Being inside of you was paradise to him, pure bliss, and the only thing to make him forget about all the other stressors in his life. You had become the center of his addiction, and every time he got a taste it was like a first taste all over again.
Finding a steady momentum, Shinji ground his hips against your core, sending his cock into your wet deepness. His mouth fell open and his eyebrows drew together as he felt your pussy twitch and throb with his motions. Soft breathy moans filled the room as he rocked his body against yours.
What usually was rough, harsh, and relentless pounding was gentle and comforting this time around. His hands softly gripped the underside of your thighs as his cock effortlessly slid in and out of you. Y/n’s breasts bounced softly with each of his push-ins. With her face flushed red, the feeling of his impossibly hard cock grazing against all of her right spots was quickly rewinding her arousal all over again. Shinji peered down at y/n, taking in all of her blushing features. The way your eyes rolled when he pushed up into your core, and the faded cute cries that left your now chapped parted lips.
Beautiful. You were so beautiful during this moment, taking all of him with ease and enjoying every second of it. It drove Shinji wild, he moved his body over yours once more prompting y/n to wrap her thighs around his waist. Finding your hands, Shinji interlaced his fingers with yours again.
Burying his face into your neck, he squeezed your hands as he picked up his pace. Y/n cried out, the tears that previously pricked her eyes now finally spilling over her cheeks. “I can't take much more Shinji...” she whimpered at his relentless grinding. Kissing your neck and ignoring your words, Shinji continued his loving agony, pushing himself harder against your soreness. “Just a little..” “Longer, I'm so close,” he breathed against your neck in earnest. “Fuck, I'm so close...” he strained as his body tensed with his approaching orgasm.
The pounding got louder as did their cries for release. “Fuck, Shinjiii..” y/n moaned leaning her head against his face on her neck. “I... I love you..” y/n said quietly. Those three words would've halted him, coming from anyone else. Coming from you though, he never would've expected you to say it first. “What?” he said, never stopping his thrusts. “I said, I lo..” “I love you Shinji,” Y/n said louder, squeezing his hands. “Oh shit... Fuck I'm gonna cum darlin',” “I love you too y/n,” he said hurriedly before claiming your mouth in a sweet kiss. Grunting repeatedly as his cock spewed his load inside of you, y/n could feel his shaft pulse with each ripple of his orgasm. The warm liquid filled her chasm with his juices.
Finalizing his kiss, his body dropped heavily on top of yours. Sweaty and out of breath, the both of you lay in stillness. The sound of his music still playing, the two of you slowly found your composure again.
Pulling out and leaning back on his knees once more, Shinji looked down at you bashful as ever. A cute smile found a place on his lips as he chuckled at the exchange of those words. Y/n looked up at him through her eyelashes, almost chuckling with him, “What's so funny darlin’,” she started again with her horrible impression, making Shinji laugh even further. “Nothin’ babe, I'll get you something to clean yourself up with,” he said cooly before swiftly finding a towel and bringing it back to you.
Hours had gone by it was late. Sleeping soundly in Shinjis arms y/n nuzzled into his chest comfortably. Shinji lay awake, his mind running wild and repeating those words over and over again as he caressed your back lazily with his fingers. Breaking his train of thought, there was a light tapping at the front door. Reaching for his phone and checking the time, 2:45 am his bright screen read, “Who the hell is knocking at this time of night,” Shinji huffed annoyed, untangling himself from you he pulled some sweatpants on and shambled to the front door, yawning.
Another light tapping followed by fits of laughing and shushing noises, made Shinji squint as he opened the door, he readied himself to tell someone off for disturbing his night with you. At the door stood Lisa, Kensei, Izuru, and Renji all of them drunken and swaying at the doorway. Shuhei was nowhere to be found, “what the hell do you guys want?” Shinji grumbled rolling his eyes. “Shinji?” all three of them said in unison staring wide-eyed, “What are YOU doing here?” Renji spewed, his words slurring together, incomprehensible to an untrained ear. They all stared in awe at Shinji as he leaned against the doorframe. “Wait I KNOW!” Lisa said out loud, unaware of her volume. “Are you and Y/n-chan dating?” she teased, “you guys owe me 20 bucks, I told you!” Lisa said matter-of-factly pushing each of the guy's shoulders.
Sighing and crossing his arms Shinji grinned, laughing at his drunk friends and their assumptions. “Yeah, I guess you could say that,” he responded, knowing exactly what he had to do next.
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@ducksdoughnuts IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG BUT ITS DONE NOW 😭😭 Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing this!
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tiny-planet-13 · 13 days
I'm getting my hair done tomorrow and I've never actually been to a salon in my near 21 years of living so I'm kinda nervous but anyway I'm thinking what if I read the sunshine court whilst the hair dye is doing it's thing but then what if the person just looks over my shoulder and like I'm on the scene where Grayson is attacking Jean or something I can't 😭
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