#ulquiorra cifer angst
grimmcheems · 3 months
UlquiHime 🖤❄️
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🗣️These two were my Roman Empire during my bleach phase🗣️, punching the air rn bc they could’ve had it all😭😭💀Orihime’s biggest fumble deadass. Ik my boi had a lot going on but she could’ve fixed him if she tried hard enough 😤😔😢🥺 I still have another doodle sketch of them and maybe I’ll post it later but meh.
I also had his horns in the initial sketches but if I made them to size they would be tearing Orihime’s head and this angle is a bit wack so I’d have to position them weirdly if I kept them. I think I’m gonna main my soft brushes for now bc for some reason my works come out better with them. Hard brushes are also rly hard for me to work and have me making multiple sketch layers for hours in order to get the linework coherent enough.
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cifer-ulqui · 6 months
Ulquiorra Drabbles 2
(Ulquiorra, Reader, Grimmjow)(Second one is Angst and less overtly romantic)(I wrote these in Portuguese originally to practice learning the language. They're completely self-indulgent and ooc)(part one)
“I need a place to stay.” Ulquiorra clicks his tongue. His eyelashes are so long. They touch his cheek when he closes his eyes. “It's getting late. Kurosaki said I should come here.”
Ichigo must think he’s hilarious.
“Yeah?” I sigh. I can’t say no to him. “Come in.” He follows after me and I shake my head at the situation.
“Do you want tea?” I gesture for him to sit at the table. He complies, sitting stiffly.
“I don't need--”
“Do you want tea?” I ask more firmly. Why is he so difficult? Maybe that’s part of his charm. I look over my shoulder. He’s as attractive as he is stubborn.
“... Yes.” His brow is furrowed, like I asked for something annoying.
I suppress a comment about him being a brat and return to put the kettle on the stove. “Do you have a preference for the flavor?” I know he’ll say it’s unimportant. It’s useless, There’s no reason.
“Is there a difference? Tea is tea.” There it is.
“There’s hundreds of different flavors. How do I know which you’ve tried before?” I turn away from the stove to look at him.
“Just normal tea.”
“Black tea? Green tea?
His eyes are the only sign of bewilderment on his face, but his voice sounds confused. “Tea…?”
I look at him for a moment. “I’ll make tea, and if you don’t like it, I’ll make something else.” I shrug my shoulders.
Ulquiorra shakes his head. “That’s unnecessary. I’ll drink whatever you make.”
I repress a laugh, wondering if I could make him regret those words. Hot sauce, salt, extra tea bags… the kettle begins to whistle. I take the kettle off the stove and open the cabinet that holds my tea. I take down a citrus blend, with orange, lemon, and apple. I pour the water into a teapot.
The steam fills the air and soon the smell of citrus fruits lingers in the room. We remain in silence until the tea finishes steeping. I walk over, carrying the hot teacups. I place them on the table and sit down and he picks up his cup. He looks for a moment before taking a sip.
I drink my tea, watching his face. He shows nothing, but takes a few sips in the silence.
“I should thank you for allowing me into your home. Your hospitality suits you.”
We drink tea in silence and I allow the irritation to seep from me. “You can sleep on the couch, I'll grab a blanket for you.”
“This is all unnecessary, I'll just remain sitting here.”
I sigh, a long-suffering sigh, wondering why I'm stuck with this impassive idiot. “I'll grab a blanket, just in case you change your mind.”
He rolls his eyes, but doesn't argue.
He's so impossible.
“Do you like the tea?”
“It's tea.” Ulquiorra takes another sip. I think about calling Kurosaki, maybe he can meet me somewhere quiet. Just to talk. With my hands. Ulquiorra’s head tilts as he looks at his teacup and then the teapot.
Kurosaki is lucky I like this bat.
--- ---
The Rain Falls
The sky is gray. The rain falls.
Mist rises from the ground. I sigh, looking at the dismal rain. The air is filled with petrichor, cloying and dense. It clings to my skin.
It’s not fair.
My heart hurts, and I step out into the rain. Water drips down my face, soaking into my clothes. He’s gone. I’ll never see him again. If I am lucky, the rain will drown me.
I cared for him. The fourth espada, Ulquiorra Cifer. The one who I argued with, who taunted me and told me my life was meaningless. The man I sat atop Las Noches with in the freezing wind and vast desert stretched before us. We watched the moon together.
The only rain in Hueco Mundo is unnatural, from the spirit energy of other hollows. The black rain of Murcielago elicited a far different feeling, one of awe and foreboding. This is just….
He’s dead. Nothing but dust and the lingering emptiness. Maybe this is his heart that I feel.
I suppress a shiver. This rain seeps the warmth from my bones.
“Do you have an umbrella?” A rough voice breaks me from the reminiscence. I turn my head, seeing Grimmjow. His hair is quickly drenched by the rain, stickling to his face. He doesn't wear his usual grin, as if the melancholy of a storm is contagious.
I turn back to look at the sky.
He and a few other arrancar survived. He seems content to allow Haribel to rule, and I suddenly feel lost, without direction. What will happen to us now? What is our purpose?
Maybe there really is no purpose. Maybe Ulquiorra was right.
“Tch,” Grimmjow huffs. “Idiot. Let’s go.” He grabs the shopping bags from my hand. His hand is firm, but gentle around my shoulders as he guides me through the streets. He squeezes.
“Gonna catch a cold,” he grumbles, as if it would be something for him to suffer. His eyes catch mine as we near Urahara’s shop. They’re a cold blue.
His worry soothes something in my chest. Maybe we’re closer to humans than I thought, if even Grimmjow is capable of something like caring. I wonder if this somber hope ever permeated into Ulquiorra’s thoughts. I wonder if anything grew meaning to him in his last moments.
Grimmjow opens the door, ushering me through and grabbing a towel that he begins drying me off with. “Idiot.”
The rain falls.
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stanurines1mp · 1 year
pairing: Ulquiorra Cifer x Fem!Gin's sister!Reader
type: angst
an: ignoring the fact that i start sm fanfics that i havent finished, here's another Bleach oneshot of one of my fav characters! i can write an entire essay on his character eheh. also, this is pretty short but im kinda lazy lol... its basically like the scene of him and orihime about the 'heart' but with a romantic(?) and angsty twist. so have fun and enjoy! dont forget to follow me on Tumblr and Wattpad! and share, like, vote, comment and all :)
warnings: angst (dont expect more from me), death, aizen (bro deserves a warning), gin (also deserves a warning but he's barely in here), reader is gin's younger sister, kinda rushed, blood (barely). i think thats all, lemme know if i miss anything! 
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Following Aizen into Hueco Mundo was a decision filled with regret. Leaving behind your friends from the Seireitei was not your best move. But what more could you do when your older brother, Gin, had brought you along?
Honestly, what was he thinking?
But you couldn't deny him. You swore to stay by each other's side and this was not an exception.
So there you stood just a little behind him, fingers gripping tightly on the sleeve of his robe. Scared, you were barely peeking into the view of whatever Hollow Aizen had found interest in.
Ever since you set foot in this world, you were driven with fear, longing for a sense of warmth in this cold atmosphere. It's much too different than the Soul Society and the Human World. You'd do anything to get back to either one of those. But you swore to stay with Gin.
And Aizen was kind enough not to separate you both.
Until one day, he found your presence to be irrelevant and quite honestly a nuisance though he hid that fact with a sweet little lie of saying that he just wanted you to be safe.
And you remembered that day very well, too.
After all, it happened during a meeting with all the Espadas who swore loyalty to the God wannabe. Seated around the table were those 10 Arrancars and the traitors of Soul Society, including you.
"Y/N," Aizen brought the attention to you.
At this point in time, you had made yourself somewhat comfortable. Or rather, you've let yourself not get involved with anyone except your brother. So from your seat, your slouching back immediately straightened while your eyes widened. 
Your gaze lifted to meet the man, his soft orbs peering into yours. To the outside looking in, one would think he was displaying a look of warmth but you knew better than to fall for his manipulation. 
"Y-Yes?" You stuttered.
Sure, you were aware of his tricks. That didn't mean you weren't scared of him. 
"I have a very important task for you," he smiled. "I have informed Ulquiorra of everything and he is in charge of you."
"Wait, what?!" Your words slipped out, panic jolting your body as you looked from the man to your brother, your brows stitched in a silent beg for help. 
Before your brother could display even a shift in expression, your body froze in the chair. Your eyes widened, your lips emitting a hitched gasp. 
Aizen's Reiatsu was hurting you. 
Your fingers clutched firmly at the edge of the table. Your lungs felt like it was closing up, your airway narrowing as you gasped helplessly for air. 
"Are you denying me, Y/N?" His tone was silky smooth, an eyebrow raised condescendingly. 
Not without struggle, your head began to shake weakly as the brims of your eyes begin to well up with tears. Having enough of your suffering for the moment, Aizen lowered his Reiatsu and you gasped loudly as you could feel air flowing in and out of you again. 
"My apologies, Aizen-sama," you trembled, gaze lowering to the ground.
To that, he let out a pleased hum that matched his smirk. What a fucking sadist. 
So that's why you were currently stuck next to the 4th Espada, hiding in the Dangai while you waited to capture the human girl Aizen took an interest in. Honestly, some part of you hated yourself for being in such a position, forcing the same fate on an innocent girl who would do anything for her friends. 
"Inoue-san," you cleared your throat one day, knocking on the door. 
You pushed it open and saw the girl's sullen figure on the floor, gazing at the moon. She remained silent as she watched you enter. 
"How are you doing?" You asked, knowing it wouldn't bring any sort of comfort whatsoever despite that being your intention. "If you need anything, I'm at your service," you sighed. 
Silence passed between you two. Though expected, you took it as a sign to leave. Just as you were about to, she stopped you with a question. 
"Kuchiki-san told me about you," she said. "Why did you betray the Soul Society?" 
Her question struck you right at the pit of your regretful heart, making you stop in your tracks. 
With a sigh, you answered, "Just as you'd come here for your friends, I would do anything for my brother."
Refusing to prolong the conversation, you took your leave. Turning a corner as you head to your room, you felt fingers wrapped around your wrist. Holding you in place, Ulquiorra then appeared before you. 
"What do you think you're doing?" He raised his brows in question. 
Your eyes met his and you lowly exhaled. 
"Aizen-sama said that she's under our care," you reminded. "I am only caring for her." 
He let go of your hand, eyes still staring into yours. "You have no need to make friends with  her." 
A scoff slipped past your lips. "What are you?" You changed the subject, rather curious about something regarding the Arrancar. "Which part of Death do you signify, Ulquiorra?"
With your eyes stuck on him, paired with your question, he felt somewhat, exposed. His lips remain pursed, gaze peeling away from yours as he turned to walk away. 
"I do not see how that is of any relevance." 
"If I am to work by your side, I'd like to know more about you," you simply answered. 
Looking over his shoulder, he said, "As I said, I do not see the relevance." 
"I'll find out soon enough," you hummed, watching as he walked away. 
And with your future days spent closely with him, you actually did figure him out. 
You could clearly see it in his eyes, you actually wondered how you could have missed that. But you couldn't miss it anymore as each day passes by and he often visited you. 
It was odd but you had realized how frequently he came to see you whether it was to send you food or talk about the prisoner. You wondered if it was intentional but over time, you didn't seem to mind it. And maybe because now that you know him, you couldn't help the interest you held for him. 
You wanted to understand him. 
You wanted to understand why it was that you noticed his eyes changing since the day he met you. 
It seemed like you managed to reach that on an afternoon in Hueco Mundo. 
You were gazing at the blue sky, a smile tickling your complexion at the view that reminded you of the warmth back in Soul Society. But the one that sheltered you at the moment was nothing but a fake. At such a thought, your smile faltered. 
"What are you doing?" Ulquiorra's voice ran through your spine. 
"It's so heavy," you murmured. 
"What is?" 
You let out a sigh, turning around to see him. "My heart," you said. "It's full of regrets." 
He let out a patronizing scoff, "You humans and Soul Reapers toss that word around mindlessly. What is this 'heart'?" 
Your eyes flickered close for a moment but hearing his question, you understood him. 
And you understood yourself. 
And with a saddened smile, you reduced the distance with a question. "Do you not believe in the existence of the heart?" 
"I do not believe in things I cannot see," he began, taking another step. "Even with these eyes of mine that perceive all, I cannot see this so-called 'heart'."
"And that makes it not real?" 
His hand stretched forward, fingers aiming at your heart. 
"If I rip out your chest, will I see it? If I crush open your skull, will I see it?" 
The gap between the tip of his finger and the fabric of your dress over your heart closed with another step from you. His long nail threatened to puncture your skin but you did not have it in you to break your composure as you stared into his eyes. 
"Do it, then," your words silkened out daringly. 
You can see surprise behind those dark eyes, only aiding you to go further. 
"Rip out my chest. Crush open my skull. Do whatever you must to find my heart because I can assure you, it is real and it is there." 
You could see the slight tremble in his hand. With another step toward him, your dress let out a ripped sound as his claws penetrated through. 
"I have a heart that beats and with each passing second, it beats for you." 
Your lips parted in a slight gasp as you feel warm blood oozing out. Still, you let yourself be guided by your heart. 
"I am not afraid of you, Ulquiorra," you exhaled. "As I can see the emptiness in you begin to fill with the reflection of my love for you." 
Any changes of expression he tried to hide had failed terribly. But he was not the only one shocked by your confession.
It seems that you've let yourself fall for the 4th Espada. 
Maybe that would soon turn into yet another one of your regrets but for the time being, he let you go. 
His cold, empty demeanor had returned when he retracted his arm to his side. He began to walk away, leaving you a taste of his void and disappointment. But before he closed the door, he stopped. Over his shoulder, he looked in your direction but not really looking at you. 
"The human's friends have come to Hueco Mundo. My order for you is to stay in your room," he slurred out. "No matter what." 
With everything that occurred next, you still remained in your room. Why? 
Because he had asked you to. 
And you were meant to listen to him. 
So you ignored all the changes in Spiritual Pressure that occurred in Hueco Mundo to fulfill his order. But there was one change that you can no longer ignore. 
And with that worry, that fright, you ran out of your room. With all your strength, you flew upwards, past the fake skies of Las Noches and into the truth of Hueco Mundo. Landing on the ground, you stood up. 
And it was as if your mere presence had caused him to peel away his gaze from his opponent. His eyes that met yours were no longer those you saw during your first meeting. 
That emptiness that he signified was filling up. 
Just as your tears welled in your eyes, your lips parted in a frightful gasp, watching his wings begin to disappear. His hand, the very same one that bled you, lifted from his side. His fingers reached for you. Allowing your tears to fall, you cried as you ran to him, your own hand stretched out to grasp his. 
Yet no matter how fast you ran, you could never reach him. 
He was so close.
Yet so far. 
"I see it now," he said, stopping you in your tracks with wide eyes and parted lips. "I understand now," he said. 
You ignored the presence of the humans, only focusing on the fallen Espada. 
"Your heart," he let out, fingers beginning to close in an empty grip. "Has always been in the palm of my hands." 
Your breath hitched in your throat as you ran to him again, weakly struggling to reach him. 
But just when you did, his hand leaves you as it dissipated into darkened ash.
With a loud cry, you fell to your knees, our tears unabashedly falling to your cheeks. Your left hand clutches over your heart-
"Rip out my chest."
-while your right hand clutches over your head-
"Crush open my skull." 
As you were heeding his last order, he was heeding yours, providing you the sensation of actions you asked for. 
Yet another regret filled that heavy heart of yours.
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geek-fashionista · 3 months
Making its debut on a proper fan fiction website for the first time: Eros
Eros: physical love, sexual desire; and (in psychiatry) instincts for self-preservation collectively.
A grad student falls in love with his new roommate. It does not end well.
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moniesmonsters · 2 months
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muzansfangs · 9 days
hello, may I request bleach male characters reaction to F! reader breaking up with them in a modern au?
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You break up with them.
Starring: Kyoraku Shunsui x f!reader; Jugram Haschwalth x f!reader; Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x f!reader; Urahara Kisuke x f!reader; mention to Jushiro Ukitake, Ulquiorra Cifer, Yoruichi Shihoin and Sosuke Aizen;
Format: short-imagines;
Warnings: sfw, angst, modern au, breaking-up, alcohol consumption, toxic relationship, self-deprecating behavior, mental struggle, anxiety, psychological abuse, inferiority complex, suggestive themes, mutual pining, power imbalance, family problems, trust issues, infedelity, violence, gore;
Plot: Once upon a time, you were happy by their side. Things changed, though. Their flaws, their behaviors hurt you to the point of no return. You left them, they are now coping with the absence of the only woman they had ever claimed to love, whilst you try to build yourself up again.
Kyoraku Shunsui.
Lumpish, unsteady steps approched your bedroom. He probably figured you were already asleep. After all, it was three in the morning. However, you were wide-awake, sitting on the edge of the bed, a luggage at your feet and a livid expression plastered over your face. You had spared him the fatigue of moving cautiously in the room not to startle you. The last act of magnanimity you had ultimately decided to grant him.
“What are you doing awake, sweetheart?” Shunsui slurred, a frown on his face, droopy eyes boring into yours as he sauntered towards you confidently.
You scoffed, even jumping on your feet to catch him in your arms, when he tripped over the carpet. He was blind drunk, the stench of saké wafting over your face making your skin crawl and your heart shatter in your chest. It was already broken, for what could matter, hence your decision to leave. On the other hand, you cared way too much about him.
Shunsui sighed, slumping down onto the bed, weary from the lack of sleep and hours spent chugging down enough alcohol to slip you, or anyone else, into an ethylic coma. Dark circles under his eyes, disheveled hair and a feminine perfume that was not yours had given him away that night, like the privious ones. This relationship was toxic and you were not going to spend the best years of your youth attempting to save the life of a lothario who had a tendency of loving self-destructive activities.
“I’m leaving, Shunsui. We’re done. I can’t do this anymore” you simply explained, watching him sulk, obviously expecting you to give up on him, sooner or later.
“Is there anything I can do to make you stay?”.
You felt tears prickle at your eyes, jaw clenching as you shook your head and picked up your trolley. You were devastated.
“Don’t make it harder than it already is. — you admonished him, swallowing the lump in your throat as he stood up and tried to reach for your hand, but you stepped away — No, Shunsui. I tried really hard to show you how much I cared about you, about us. All you did was choosing bottles of liquors over me”.
“Honey, wait, I care about you, let’s go to sleep. We can talk about it tomorrow—” he rambled, his grey eyes shimmering in the dimly illuminated bedroom. They always seemed sincere, even his tone was softer and somehow more serious than it usually was. Yet, you knew better than falling for his sugarcoated promises to work on himself.
“There’s no tomorrow for us. We’ve been there before, Shunsui. I’m tired of being the only one invested into this relationship! It’s one-sided and, frankly, I don’t deserve it” you declared, watching him slick back one of his unruly cowlick constantly tickling his nose. You were going to miss him, of course you were.
No one fell out of love in one single night. Naturally, you were not an exception. You could not stop the tears rolling down your cheeks, not even a sob escaping your quivering lips, but you could run away to save your heart from being buried underneath a pile of ashes and dust, shambles of the wildfire consuming what remained of your love. Shunsui knew he had lost you. He fell onto his knees the moment you turned your back at him and walked out the room. He was in no condition to chase after you, not right now. He cussed and fell onto his knees, hands planted onto the carpet, fisting the fabric in his huge hands out of frustration and despair. It was all his fault and he knew you were right.
The sound of the front door slamming close made his heart sink into his chest as he punched the floor in anger. He was worried sick about you. Disappearing from his life in the dead of the night, alone, in a city as big as that. He felt miserable. He wanted you back. He wanted you safe in his arms, not alone at the bus station looking for a place to spend the night at.
You were right to leave him. He had no right to stop you. Shunsui knew he did not deserve you. But he could try to change and, hopefully, win you back. The last thing he did before laying down onto the floor was sending a message to you.
“Please, send me a text, when you’re somewhere safe”.
Obviously, you did not text him back, but your mutual friend Jushiro did. At least, Shunsui thought, you were in good hands. Better than his ones, undoubtedly.
Haschwalth Jugram.
It happened after the umpteenth dinner at the Royal Palace. Your relationship with him was balanced. He treated you with so much care, stared at you from across the rooms in adoration and reverence, gave you more than you could have ever asked for. The real problem was who he was: a Prince, the scion of a Royal family that had never truly accepted you and the class you came from.
His father’s glacial stare spoke volumes, it made you feel so out of place you often ended up having panic attacks during balls and dinners. The spotlight was perpetually on you. Snippy remarks from his mother and the uptight members of the upper class hanging around the royal family poisoned you to no end. Restless nights and a sudden incapacity to concentrate on easy tasks, such as walking down aisles alone, or dancing with your beloved boyfriend under their attentive eyes, were the results of their ferocious tongues.
The worst part of it was that you had no one to talk to about the stressful situation you were experiencing. You had been forced to move to the castle with your boyfriend, determining your connections outside to keep their distance from you. Your old flat had been abandoned along with your ordinary life. Nights out in a pub with your friends had become a taboo and even the necessary visits to your parents had been drastically reduced to mere lunches with bodyguards roaming through their house.
Talking to Haschwalth about your uneasiness and discomfort had led to arguments between the two of you and you had not failed to notice how his mother seemed uncharacteristically gregarious the day after your altercations with her son. Maids talked a lot, unfortunately. However, you were not going to tolerate this situation any longer. Collecting your clothes and belongings into a bag, you had asked Haschwalth to meet you at the train station, after escaping the bodyguards’ watch, while shopping at the mall.
When he found you, alone, piercing blue eyes pinning you on the spot, he realized it was the end of the road for you two. You were distraught, hands wiping away the tears from your face, whilst you attempted to talk.
“I love you. I really do. But that’s not the life I expected to live with you. It’s never the two of us. They hate me, Haschwalth” you started, your boyfriend’s jaw clenching.
“I am expected to become the King of this Country. If you wish for me to turn my back at my family, you are clearly mistaken” he replied lowly, twisting the blade in your heart already making you bleed out before his magnificent eyes.
You shook your head “That’s why I have to leave, Haschwalth. I don’t want you to give up on the throne, or go against your family. I just… I needed you to stand by my side, when they denigrated me publicly” you punctuated, but even this was not enough to make him flinch.
They had taught him how to suppress his emotions well. Stolid, impassive, detached from sentimental matters. Maybe way too much for him to build a strong, intimate connection in a healthy relationship.
He did not look away, instead he took a single step closer to you “You do understand that’s not affordable for the future heir of the throne? It’s something beyond my willpower. — he replied, voice firm and devoid of any affection he had usually opted for in your regards — I would never ask you to disrepect your parents, if their antics offended me. Insofar as possible, I’ll make sure you can rely on me. Don’t make a scene”.
“No, Haschwalth. I refuse to be mistreated by the band of lackeys your mother surrounds herself with and pretend everything’s fine! — you blurted out, drawing the attention of some people waiting for their train on the platform — I should have known I meant less than a noble title” you choked out, right before turning around and heading straight to the coach assigned to you.
His eyes followed you, a turmoil of contrasting feelings making their way in his mind. This was far from the life he wanted to share with you. Only when he saw the train departing, he realized he had lost you forever and how severe the emotional damage his parents had inflicted to him really was. He felt kind of dehumanized, an empty shell even in private matters.
Your absence affected him more than you could have ever imagined. He watched you from afar for months, making sure you were fine without him. And you were. It hurt him immensely and, even though he wanted to contact you, he did not. You needed space and time and it was probably for the better. He had watched your lovable smile fade from your face through the time you had spent at the Royal Palace. Now, watching you eat a pizza with your friends, he witnessed to you blossoming again into the radiant girl he had met a long time ago.
Maybe, one day, if you still wanted him, he would have come knocking at your door again, offering his heart to you on a silver tray.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.
From the moment you had seen him getting off of his motorbike outside a bar, black leather jacket and cheeky grin modeling the wondrous eyes of the girls sipping on their drinks into glossy hearts, hoping vainly for him to choose them, you knew he was troubles. The wise ones turned their heads away from him, reminding themselves of who he was, where he came from and what kind of a player he was. You had tried to do the same, but you were a little more adventurous and naive back then.
He bought you a drink, rizzed you up and you decided to stay by his side for more than a one-night stand. Boy, how delighted you were to find out he actually had decided to stop collecting broken hearts anywhere he went. You dated for a while, then you settled down and your life turned upside down. You met his friends, learned a little more about the place he came from and you had the confirmation he was part of a gang called ‘The Espada’.
You thought you could handle the situation. You even stitched up his friends for free, when they dropped by your house wounded, collecting scars from the violent fights with cops, or members of other gangs. It took a while to realize Grimmjow did not want to change his lifestyle. According to him, he already had made a lot of progresses since you two had become a couple. You would have been a liar not to agree with him on that: after all, he had even dressed up in a nice clean white shirt and attended a dinner with your parents. He behaved that night, you felt on cloud nine.
But things changed abruptly a couple of weeks later.
He began to come home later than usual, battered, nervous. The news an emerging gang was raising and had declared war to ‘The Espada’ began to spread.
It was your best friend’s birthday and Grimmjow had been invited too. He was busy patrolling a zone, hence he had let you know he would have met up with you later. When hours began to pass and most of the guests had left the party, you sensed something had gone wrong. You hopped into your car, driving to what you had grown to learn was his gang’s den. Of course they tried to keep you out of the situation, but how could you not fight your way inside, when you heard someone screaming at the top of his lungs. The scene welcoming you into that barrelhouse made your stomach churn. A man, battered, tethered like an animal to a chair. His face was a bloody mess, but so was your boyfriend’s one.
When your eyes met, he cussed and punched that man one last time before marching towards you. For the first time ever you feared he was going to harm you too and, when his hand gripped your forearm with far less grace than you expected, you began to wriggle in terror.
“Let me go! Grimmjow, hands off, now!” you squealed, your protests falling to deaf ears as he led you out of the pub.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”.
“Is that even important?! Look at yourself, Grimmjow! That’s blood! There’s blood on your clothes, on your face! What the Hell was that?” you questioned him, hands trying to reach for his face to check on him for any injuries.
He groaned and turned his head to the side scornfully “It’s not mine, alright? Mind your damn business, princess. That’s not a place for you. What is it, don’t you like this anymore?”.
His words blinded you, the sound of your hand colliding against his cheek made you flinch as well. You had hit him. You really had. Despite that, the one sobbing before his eyes were you. He sighed, glaring down at your smaller frame like a caged animal. He was restraining himself.
You took a step back, swallowing thickly “I can’t stand there and watch you ruin your life and… And kill people” you stated then, hands shaking.
Grimmjow shoved his hands into his pockets, eyeing you contemptuously “I was like that before I met you, sweet cheeks. — he gruffly said — If you want to stick around, suck it up. Otherwise, go hook up with a Prince. One of those fuckers whose hands smell like money, not of gasoline and blood”.
The world seemed to shake under your feet, your hand clasped over your mouth as you realized how stupid you had been to fall for him. To believe he could actually change. He was toxic for you. He was a monster. This was not your boyfriend.
“Fuck you” you muttered, jogging towards your car with a blurry vision and stomach cramps. You drove away into the night, miraculously making it back home safe and sound. Clueless, among other things, that Grimmjow had sent Ulquiorra after you to make sure you were fine.
Deep down he knew he had screwed up and, every single time he drove by your house, he remembered all those summer evenings spent on your rooftop with your fingers running through his soft blue hair and how much loved he had felt for the first time ever in his life. It was not just sex. It was not just about the way he fucked you. You were not a random girl. He loved you.
Urahara Kisuke.
A brilliant, laidback engineer who had easily whisked you off to live a colourful life travelling the world by his side. It was easy loving Kisuke Urahara. He never missed a chance to make you laugh and tell you to pack your stuff for your next tropical destination, a trip organized specifically for a project he was working on. He was also a party person, very popular among important people and, unfortunately, with the ladies.
Kisuke would have never broken your heart. This was what he had promised you so many times, espacially while you were tangled into the bedsheets of your bedroom. Panting, sweating, he swore to love you through breathy groans. You believed him, of course you did. Maybe, you should have kept an eye on him and his best friend, the eclectic artist Yoruichi Shihoin. Maybe you should have not let her hang around with him so often. Still, you did not like being controlling. You had no apparent reason to be resentful to her, or to put a leash on your boyfriend.
Staring in horror at the two of them, naked, into the bed where Kisuke had told you so many times you were the only woman he loved, felt like someone had kicked you in your guts. They had played you like a complete idiot. It pained you to find out your boyfriend’s rival was right. He had tried to warn you about Kisuke’s habit of enchanting people with words and hide his second nature masterly.
“I can explain!” Kisuke breathed out, reaching for his sweatpants in a hurry to chase after you.
Yoruichi, on the other hand, sat comfortably on your side of the bed. Her topaz yellow eyes bored into yours, a mocking grin gracing her lips. She could keep him, for all you cared. A man who cheated would have done it again and again.
You scoffed and stormed out of the bedroom hastily “I don’t need a goddamn oculist, Kisuke. Go to Hell” you snapped, hellbent to leave that house as soon as possible.
He ran after you, quick to block your path “Baby, please, I know I fucked up. I’m sorry, I’m terribly sorry! Just… Just let me explain” he pleaded you, the vulnerability in his eyes almost making you faltering. But it was enough. You were fed up. He had cheated on you, you had wasted opportunities and chances to support him in his work. All for what?
Where did it get you? To be disrespected in your own house, under your nose.
“No, thank you, I don’t want to hear another word coming out of your mouth. Congrats for having reduced our relationship to a huge pile of shit. That’s the best construction you’ve ever made” you spitefully hissed at his face, your throat constricting with each hateful word leaving your mouth as you pushed past him and ran off to your car.
Kisuke fell onto his knees, hands fisting his sandy hair, while he realized what he had done. He felt lost without you. Yoruichi made her getaway almost immediately, leaving him alone and with a shattered heart in his chest. The bitter taste of your break-up indulged on his tongue for a long time, culminating in a terrible phase of regrets when he saw you walking by Sosuke Aizen’s side. A gleeful smile on your lips, you let that bastard loop his arm around your waist.
You seemed happy. You truly were. The problem was you were happy without him. This was something he could have never done a damn thing about.
Kisuke knew he had lost you forever.
Hello there! Angst, yes, a lot of angst. If any of the above shit happen to you, RUN FROM THAT MAN. Those are not red flags, those are RED BLANKETS. Love you all! Let me know what you think about this!
As per usual, likes, comments and re-posts are greatly appreciated!
139 notes · View notes
adiraargent · 9 months
"I'm sorry I can't love you the way you deserve."
warnings: angst. ANGST. breakup Summary: he knows you deserve better than what he can give you.
The words echoed in the silence, reverberating through the room with a weight you hadn't expected. You stared at him, your heart sinking with each syllable that fell from his lips. His eyes, usually warm and comforting, now held an indescribable sadness as he spoke those words.
"I'm sorry I can't love you the way you deserve."
Your mind raced, trying to comprehend the weight of his confession. It felt like the floor had fallen away beneath you, leaving you suspended in a void of disbelief and heartache.
"What do you mean?" Your voice trembled, a mix of confusion and hurt lacing your words. You couldn't fathom the thought of him not loving you in the way you had always believed.
He sighed, his gaze dropping to the floor as if unable to meet your eyes. "I care about you deeply, but… it's not the kind of love you deserve. I can't give you the love you need," he explained, his voice strained with the weight of his own emotions.
Tears welled up in your eyes, aching to spill over, but you fought to hold them back. The ache in your chest felt suffocating, a knot of emotions tightening with each passing second.
"Why?" The question slipped out, barely a whisper, but laden with a desperate plea for an explanation.
He hesitated, searching for the right words, but they seemed to elude him. "I wish I knew," he confessed, his voice filled with regret and an unspoken apology.
It felt like a storm raging within you—a maelstrom of hurt, confusion, and a longing for things to be different. You'd never imagined this moment, the one where the person you loved couldn't reciprocate in the way you'd hoped.
"I thought… I thought we were happy," you managed to say, your voice cracking with emotion.
He nodded, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "We were, but… I can't keep pretending," he murmured, his voice barely audible, heavy with a pain that mirrored your own.
The weight of his words settled upon you, a realization slowly sinking in. You felt a hollow ache, a sense of loss that seemed too profound to comprehend. This wasn't how you'd envisioned your relationship with him—it was supposed to be filled with love and promise, not this agonizing goodbye.
"I'm sorry," he said again, his voice thick with emotion.
You swallowed hard, fighting back the tears threatening to spill over. "I understand," you whispered, though the pain in your heart made it hard to truly grasp the reasons behind his confession.
As he turned to leave, you watched him go, feeling a piece of your heart shatter with every step he took away from you. The ache in your chest was unbearable, a longing for something that was now beyond your reach.
Alone in the echoing silence, you sat, grappling with the enormity of his words. The love you had hoped for had slipped away, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. All that remained was the ache of an unrequited love and the shattered fragments of a relationship that had once meant everything.
//* Slytherins: TOM RIDDLE, MATTHEO RIDDLE, Theodore Nott;
//* Anime TR: Manjiro Sano, HANMA SHUJI, Kazutora Hanemiya, Nahoya Kawata; KNB: Makoto Hanamiya, DAIKI AOMINE, SEIJURO AKASHI, Eiji Shirogane KNY: Sanemi Shinazugawa, AKAZA, Giyuu Tomioka AOT: Eren Yeager, LEVI ACKERMAN, Thomas Wagner Bleach: Byakuya Kuchiki, GRIMMKITYYY, Maki Ichinose, Ulquiorra Cifer, Jin Kariya, Sōsuke Aizen JJK: GETO SUGURU, Choso Kamo, TOJI ZENIN Haikyuu!: Kōrai Hoshiumi, Wakatoshi Ushijima MHA: BAKUGO KATSUKI, TOUYA TODOROKI, Keigo Takami
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brittscafe · 2 years
Masterlist 1
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Dividers @cafekitsune​
Request Page
Gotei 13 male captains and lieutenants:
Cuddles HC
How they kiss you HC
Reactions to finding you asleep. Includes: Renji, Byakuya, Kisuke, Shuhei, and Ichigo.
Reactions to finding you crying: Jushiro, Shunsui, Kenpachi, and Byakuya.
Spin the bottle pt 1: Shuhei, Izuru, Ikkaku, and Renji.
Spin the bottle pt 2: Ichigo, Tensa Zangestu, Uryu, Kisuke, and Isshin.
Thunderstorms pt 1: Shuhei, Renji, Izuru, Ikkaku, and Ichigo.
Aftermath of TYBW
During the invasion of TYBW
How the male lieutenants kiss you
Byakuya, Shunsui, and Jushiro arranged marriage sc
Hueco Mundo Males and TYBW males:
How they react to you falling asleep on them headcanons 
Confessing to you. Includes: Aizen, As Nodt, Mayuri, and Szayel.
Falling in love and confessing to you. Includes: Aizen, Gin, Mayuri, and Shinji
Confessing to you. Includes: Gin, Shinji, Yumichika , Nnoitira and Ulquiorra.
Dealing with periods
Shunsui Kyōraku 🌸
SMUT first time 
Jealously Drabble
Getting back together (fluff/angst)
Missing you (fluff)
Panic attack (fluff)
Jūshirō Ukitake 🤍
Fluff blurb 
SMUT first time with Jushiro
Let me adore you (Smut)
Fluff blurb
Morning after (smut)
First time wedding night (smut)
Disagreements (smut)
Taking care of him (Fluff)
Interrupted (fluff)
Confessions (fluff)
Panic attack (fluff)
Jushiro with a human s/o HC
Hell jailer Jushiro x reader HC
Ichigo Kurosaki 🍓
SFW and NSFW Headcanon
Ichigo with a bratty s/o headcanon 
Ichigo’s birthday! (fluff)
Tōshirō Hitsugaya 🧊
First kiss (fluff)
Nightmares (fluff)
Jealously (fluff)
Kiss me (smut)
Adult Toshiro and reader’s first time (smut)
Touch yourself (smut)
Toshiro with a s/o like Isane pt 1.
Toshiro with a s/o like Isane pt 2.
Rōjūrō Otoribashi 🎸
Renji Abarai ❤️
Sit on my face (smut)
Renji with a human s/o HC
Kisuke Urahara 💚
SFW and NSFW headcanon
Taking care of you after you’re injured
Love in the dark (mini fanfic. Kisuke Urahara x reader) ch.1
Byakuya Kuchiki
Cherry Blossoms pt.1     Cherry Blossoms pt.2
Touch yourself (smut)
Byakuya with a human s/o
SFW and NSFW headcanon
Familiar (fluff)
Kenpachi Zaraki ⚔️
Jealously Drabble
Love at First Sight
Weak or Not (angst/fluff)
Shinji Hirako 🎭
SFW and NSFW headcanon
Edging Shinji NSFW
Reunion Fluff and smut
Finding you crying (angst/fluff)
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Falling in love with a childhood friend
Ikkaku Madarame 🗣️
Face sitting NSFW
Cuddling with Ikkaku (fluff)
Sōsuke Aizen 💜
Walked in on having sex NSFW
Ruined (smut)
enemies to lovers 
Tamed (smut)
Possessive HC
Aizen with a human s/o
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez 🐱
SFW and NSFW Headcanon
Rooting for the antihero (fluff)
Kiss me (smut)
One bed trope (fluff)
5 more minutes (fluff)
Ulquiorra Cifer 😐
First time (smut)
Not so scary (fluff)
Coyote Starrk 😴
Gin Ichimaru 🤍
Cockwarming NSFW
Gin with a bratty s/o
As Nodt 😶
Not so scary (fluff)
Nnoitra Gilga
Tease (smut)
Szayelaporro Granz
Taking care of him after he gets injured
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ssailormoonn · 6 days
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⋆·˚ ༘ * i have a life outside Tumblr aka. requests might take a while depending on motivation. ༊*·˚
𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 'I want you to write...', it can come of rude and demanding and I won't nessecarily fuffil your request, I might write your request but there is a high chance I won't. Come of NICE when you request, e.g, 'I was wondering if you could right,' 'could you please write,' etc ༊*·˚
𝐈 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 for fem!reader (fabr), in most of the thirsts, drabbles, fics and headcanons i write, the troupe will be dom!character x sub!reader unless stated other wise or requested otherwise. I can write for gn!reader x charcater but not anything nsfw, sorry, i just can't write it right.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 :: if gender is not specified in request, i will assume it's a FEM! instert and will write a FEM! insert
I can also write any male x reader nsfw's but ONLY for Heaven Official's blessing and The grandmaster of demonic cultivation !!sorry if you want male x reader for any other fandom, but this is just the fandoms im comfortable writing this troupe with.
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 :: I will rarely write a sub!character x dom!reader unless i like the request itself ༊*·˚
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ┈➤ fluff, angst, smut, and dark content.
𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎𝐏𝐈𝐂𝐒 ┈➤ cnc, duncon, noncon, being drugged, breeding, baby trapping, daddy kinks, mommy kinks, dd/lg, blood play, weapon play, kidnapping, yandere, coercion/manipulation, god complex, praise, name calling, degradation, exhibitionism, voyeurism, cervix fucking, size kink, age gaps, cockwarming, bondage, biting + more ༊*·˚
𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ┈➤ insest, stepcest scat, watersports, vomit, fisting, pedophilia, chastity, drowning, public nudity, gangbangs (no more than a threesome), hypnosis, duct tape mummification, consensual servitude, humiliation, harem boys, prostitution ༊*·˚
𝐈 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 ┈➤ au's!! (i will not write for a character outside that timeline/setting as in the anime. so please refraining from asking me to write a 'modern au' 'collage au' etc. the only exception is making that au within the anime setting, such as; 'character doing this instead of this', like that is that makes sense?) insesct, stepcest ༊*·˚
all characters are depicted to be 18+ and i will not write smut about a minor where there isn't a canon time skip for them ༊*·˚
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⋆·˚ ༘ * Hunter X Hunter :: Kurapika Kurta, Leorio Paradinight, Killua Zoldyck, Gon Freecs, Illumi Zoldyck, Silva Zolcyck, Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor
⋆·˚ ༘ * Berserk :: Griffith, Guts ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Death Note :: Light Yagami, L Lawliet (L), Miheal Kheel (Mello), Mail Jeevas (Matt), Nate Rivers (Near)
⋆·˚ ༘ * Bungo Stray Dogs :: Dazai Osamu, Atsushi Nakajima, Kunikida Doppo, Edogawa Ranpo, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Nakahara Chuuya, Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Dostovesky Fyodor ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Sk8 The Infinity :: Kojiro Nanjo, Reki Kyan, Langa Hasegawa, Kaoru Sakurayashiki, Miya Chinen ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Bleach :: Ichigo Kurosaki, Issin Kurosaki, Jushiro Ukitake, Zaraki Kenpachi, Kuchiki Byakuya, Ichimaru Gin, Urahara Kisuke, Abarai Renji, Shinji Hirako, Kyoraku Shunsui, Aizen Sosuke, Hitsugaya Toshiro, Yumuchika Ayasegawa, Cifer Ulquiorra, Jaegerjaquez Grimmjow, Ishiha Uryu, Ishida Ryuken, Haschwalth Jugram ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Naruto/Boruto :: Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Shusui, Uzumaki Naruto, Senju Tobirama, Hatake Kakashi, Hyuga Neji, Nara Shikamaru, Jiraya, Otsitsuki Indra, Otsitsuki Ashura, Otsitsuki Momoshiki, Otsitsuki Toneri ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Demon Slayer :: Demon slayers; Kamado Tanjiro, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Tokitō Muichirō, Rengoku Kyōjurō, Tomioka Giyū, Uzui Tengen, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Iguro Obanai, Himejima Gyōmei, Yoriichi Tsugikuni. Demons; Kibutsuji Muzan, Kokushibō | Michikatsu Tsugikuni, Douma, Akaza ༊*·˚
⋆·˚ ༘ * Wind Breaker :: Haruka Sakura, Suo Hayato, Togame Jou, Kaji Ren ༊*·˚
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Hunter x Hunter - caught up with the manga and watched the anime
Berserk - completed the 1997 anime, completed the movies and the 2016 seasons, currently reading the manga (up to chapter 260)
Death Note - completed the anime and read the manga
Bungo Stray Dogs - watched the anime and caught up with the manga
Sk8: The Infinity - completed the anime
Bleach - caught up the anime, HAVEN'T read the manga past the newest season
Naruto/ Naruto Shippuden - completed the anime, completed the manga, completed all the movies
Boruto - Completed the Manga (haven't watched the anime) ╰┈➤ Boruto | Blue Vortex - caught up with the manga
Demon Slayer - Caught up with the anime, haven't read the manga past the newest season
Wind Breaker - Caught up with the anime, HAVEN'T read the manga past the new season
Mo Dao Zu Shi - caught up with the Anime, completed the novels
Tian Guan Ci Fu - caught up with the anime, caught up with the Manhua, HAVEN'T read the novels
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halaxia · 1 year
✩ ‧₊˚ ✩。 request rules !
please refer to these before requesting anything as if the request doesn’t abide by these rules then i won’t be writing it, thank you!!!
please specify the gender pronouns you would like for me to use and if you would like nsfw to be afab reader or not—otherwise, i will write requests for a gender-neutral reader :)
not what you were looking for?
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— what i won’t write :
- rape, noncon, etc.
- smut (i’m bad at it)
- incest
- male!reader
- any kinks including intense physical/mental harm
- eating disorders
- pregnancy/miscarriage
- yandere
— what i will write :
- pretty much anything else lol
- suggestive content
- fem!reader, gn!reader, afab!reader
- suicidal themes (not overly graphic)
- fluff, angst, dark content (as long as it abides by the rules above)
- alternate universes
thank you for reading :)
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— who i write for :
this list is changing often—if you don’t see a character here you would like to request, shoot me and ask and i’ll let you know if i’ll write them or not :) (bolded characters are who i enjoy writing the most)
attack on titan
╰┈➤ eren yeager, levi ackerman, jean kirschtein, connie springer, armin arlert, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, porco galliard.
╰┈➤ kurosaki ichigo, abarai renji, kuchki byakuya, hisagi shuhei, urahara keisuke, uryu ishida, shihoin yoruichi, aizen sosuke, ayasegawa yumichika, ichimaru gin, ukitake jushiro, hirako shinji, kira izuru, ulquiorra cifer, grimmjow jaegerjaquez.
bungo stray dogs
╰┈➤ dazai osamu, akutagawa ryunosuke, fukuzawa yukichi, nakajima atsushi, edogawa ranpo, nakahara chuuya.
chainsaw man
╰┈➤ hayakawa aki, denji, power, hirofumi yoshida.
demon slayer
╰┈➤ kamado tanjiro, uzui tengen, rengoku kyojuro, tomioka giyuu, iguru obanai.
final fantasy vii
╰┈➤ cloud strife, sephiroth
jojo’s bizarre adventure
╰┈➤ joseph joestar, caesar zepelli, kujo jotaro, kakyoin noriyaki, higashikata josuke, kishibe rohan, jolyne kujo.
jujutsu kaisen
╰┈➤ geto suguru, gojo satoru, fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji, itadori yuji, inumaki toge, okkotsu yuta, nanami kento, mahito, kamo choso, higuruma hiromi, shiu kong.
my hero academia
╰┈➤ dabi, shigaraki tomura, hawks, shoto aizawa, todoroki shoto.
obey me!
╰┈➤ lucifer, mammon, asmodeus, leviathan, beelzebub, belphegor, satan, barbatos, simeon, soloman.
one piece live action
╰┈➤ roronoa zoro, sanji, shanks, luffy
spy x family
╰┈➤ loid forger.
the disastrous life of saiki k
╰┈➤ saiki kusuo, kaido shun, kuboyasu aren.
tokyo ghoul
╰┈➤ kaneki ken, nagachika hideyoshi, nishio nishiki.
vinland saga
╰┈➤ thorfinn, canute.
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kcuf-ad · 6 months
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Aight bet- I’ll start off with some things I like you may already know XD
Well written female characters given equal amounts of flaws and development in both character and strength depending on the type of media to the male characters, that’s given for almost any show I like really
MONSTROUS CHARACTERs. I’m not taking about like oh cute petite anime girl/boy with like a tail or some horns I’m TALKING MADOKA MAGICA WITCHES THOS GIANT WEIRD THINGS IN EVANGELION. I WANT MONSTERS THAT LOOK LIKE THEIR AN EXSTENTIAL NIGHTMARE!! It’s so gender envy ngl ✨💕 wish that were me
Also Father son duos are a treat for me, but I love father daughter duos more on a personal level (Haha daddy issues go brrr xDD)
SNAKE THEMED CHARACTERS! I know that you know I love snakes Fran XD
Symbolism in character design, the backgrounds, abilities names, I’m a sucker for shows and medias that have me over analyzing everything I could in terms of a character as a whole as well as their Morality, Psyche, biology, etc. just any character or moment I can just daydream about breaking down to their rawest moments and just analyze it til there’s nothing left for me to analyze over
The protagonist has flaws, and genuinely doesn’t win everytime (Yes even though I love Yusaku I mean this whole heartedly) XD
Angst bait and whump bait characters ig XD, I want to fall in love with a tragic character and immediately start hunting down angst and whump about them or just make my own ximssjsm
Also characters that I just wanna coddle and adopt XDDD
Bratty or cocky characters, that have utter fear of god instilled into them or absolutely gets knocked down their pedestal and it’s EMBARRASSINGLY AGONIZING FOR THEM, I’m not a sadist I swear :D
Theirs probs more but I can’t think rn and it’s already at ten I think that’s enough XDD
Oh~ This is such an interesting list, and I am actually pretty sure that Bleach has almost all of these.
Yeah, that is pretty much of a given. Orihime wants to protect her friends, but something happens to her powers and she feels horrible about it, she has real flaws that any girl would have.
Espadas, Just the Espadas. More specifically, Ulquiorra Cifer and his Ressureccion looks like a genuine devil in Bleach.
WE HAVE THAT! WE HAVE KENPACHI ZARAKI AND YACHIRU KUSAJISHI! And it is actually so cute, because this menacing beast of a man that loves to fight to death,
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has a tiny little girl on his shoulder, 24/7. And when he is angry, he just doesn't even think about harming her at all, he just thinks about the people he is about to fight.
4. If you count Isshin and Ichigo, then yeah, we have that. They are a perfect duo. Legit hilarious and Isshin actually loves his son and will protect him.
5. Yup! Cyan Sung-Sun
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6. Yeah it does have that with pretty much every character in this show, even the jokey characters like Asano Keigo. There are hundreds of videos just talking about these characters.
7. Ichigo gets his ass kicked like every arc, at least. Not to mention, the internal battle that he has with his inner demon, both literally and narratively. This guy has more layers than an onion.
8. Pick one. You want angsty antagonist? Coyote Starrk. Angsty protag? Ichigo. Angsty female character? Rukia Kuchiki. Angsty side character? Uryu Ishida. It is filled with angsty characters.
9. Rukia, Yachiru, Yuzu, Karin, Nel, Toshiro, Momo, pretty much, anyone that won't kill you, but knowing you, you will adopt all of them.
10. Renji FUCKING Abarai, this boy is the most hilarious boy on the planet and I love him for that.
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Soooo~ Interested?
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huecomymundo · 10 months
Salutations! Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm not new to tumblr, I've been around the block~ So here's what to expect from me:
Writing! Oc's! X Reader! This is a request blog! Send me your request, and I may or may not write it! I'm doing this for free, and will only have so many slots for requests.
This is an NSFW blog! If you are a minor, please do not interact with my NSFW or ask for it. You will not receive it.
Requests unspecified to be a: Drabble (short but sweet), Headcanon's, or a short story/scenario (full fics are not offered at this time, because that means 1000+ words and words are hard lol) will be randomly chosen by ~moi~ so if you want something specific, you MUST include it.
I only write x Male Reader or Gender Neutral for personal reasons. Besides.. There isn't enough Male Reader's out there. 😏
I'll have 5 slots open for requests.. Now, just straight up asking me a plain 'character x reader' is fine and dandy! but.. The more specific you are, the more I can write! Example: Kenpachi x Shy! Male reader going on a cute but embarrassing date (because Zaraki loves embarrassing him 💜) give's me more to work with since it gives me a set personality I can build around, instead of doing everything myself. Which I have no problems with!
You can request up to 9 character's max, but be aware that the writing will be shorter or vary in length.
It's acceptable to ask for:
-X reader (will be Male or Gender Neutral as a given.) Please specify if you want SFW or NSFW, and who's topping/bottoming in the NSFW scenario.
-Character x Character (Ships include: Kisuke x Aizen, Gin x Rangiku, Shunsui x Jushiro, Gojo x Geto, Yomo x Uta, you get it!) Self Inserts/OC x Character is something your better off commissioning me. I will not write your OC for nothing..
-Fetish writing (ex: Pregnancy/Mpreg, Cumflation, belly bulge, overstim, spit, more cum, bondage, all those lovely things.) If you have a specific kink you want written, then tell me about it.
-Fluff, Angst, or Slice of Life.. Etc. If you have something you specifically want, make sure to include it or you might not get what you want.
-An emotinally traumatic event. Such as death of a loved one, still birth, loss of a body part, so on. If it's anything extreme/beyond that, I will ask you to send me a DM/ask detailing on how you want me to go about it. I love writing about heavy subject's!
Don't be shy! I don't bite! This isn't an outline of what you should say in an ask, so don't worry if you go beyond what I've listed.
The fandoms I will loyally work for:
-Jujutsu Kaisen
-Tokyo Ghoul
They are a large comfort margin to me as I am the most familiar with their universes, and the character's. I've written alot of personal fics and original character's with these fandoms, and I will die for them.
There is also a possibility you will see another fandom guest star here, or someone might just be so convincing I'll write for another fandom~
It's a bonus if you ask for a character whom is blorbo- meaning I'll write extra for them! The one's with hearts are my utmost favorites.
Which I'll list!
-Geto Suguru 💙
-Uta ❤
-Tokinada Tsunayashiro 💚
-Toji Fushiguro/Toji Zen'in
-Ulquiorra Cifer
-Aizen Sosuke
-Kisuke Urahara
-Gin Ichimaru
Those are the faves~ If thou ask, ye shall receive..
You may also inquire about my Oc's! I don't think anyone really cares if I do or don't list them, so if your interested send an ask for one or all three of the fandoms, and I'll blab about my kids.. My very tall, older than me kids.
Now everybody's least favorite- The things I won't do:
-Anything relating to Fem! Reader. I'm a gay man, and I love men. That is my preference, I don't have to write what I'm not comfortable with. If your unhappy about that, oh well! It's my blog, not yours. (I've written it for asks before, if your curious. Please do not ask for it.)
-Extreme/Gross fetishes. Meaning- anything to do with scat, watersports, diapers, de-aging.. You get the idea.
-ANYTHING, anything relating to sexual assult. I will absolutely not write about rape and never will. Everything I write is consensual. I will write a scenario where it's a agreed upon act between the character's and part of the foreplay. Consent is given and a relationship is established. There is no 'one party wants and the other doesn't.'
-I will not write about Minors in any sexual fashion, because no. Absolutely not.
-Abuse. I will not write physically abusing someone. They can do all the drugs they want, drink all they want, but they will not raise a hand against their lover. You can ask for past abuse, but I will not write present abuse.
-I will not kill a character just because You don't like them.
-Anything morally questionable, if the character isn't already so. If it's out of character, you must negotiate with me. (Being morally questionable, for someone like say, Kisuke, to murder someone. I need a reason why he would do such a thing.. But OOC is not something you need to negotiate with me, and can be asked for. Such an example, is cuddly Tokinada. That's fine.) Dead Dove content is not my thing, sorry.
That's it (for now) of what I won't do.
If you have any questions/comments/concerns about anything, feel free to DM me or send an ask!
I'm open to chat, but as I have a life I may have spaced out posting and replies. If you are pushy about your request it will take longer! Feel free to send an ask about your request if you are unsure if I got it.
If you are mean/disrespectful to me I have every right to block you without warning. I will not tolerate hate directed twords me and my audience.
FIVE OUT OF FIVE SLOTS TAKEN: check the pinned post for wip update's! Please be patient because writing takes time and thinking. I take my time so I can give quality writing. Remember I am a person too, and have a life outside of tumblr.
SLOT 1- Byakuya Kuchiki x Gin Ichimaru Fic (WIP, ask received!)
SLOT 2- Sub! Byakuya x Dom! Reader (WIP, ask received!)
SLOT 3- Shunsui/Ukitake Comforting M! Reader who had a really bad day, and is snappy! (Ask received!)
SLOT 4- Shinji getting his back blown out (Ask received!)
SLOT 5- Enemies To Lover's Top! Tokinada x Male! Reader /history is tense btwn these two 👀/ (Ask received!)
If you want to commission me, it's a huge help! And will help me keep writing. You get a quality fanfic specially written for you, and I get to write for you. I also draw! I will write and draw for you for money. Prices are negotiable.
(Yes its alot of tags because I intend on writing, requests or no.)
TAGS: #🌜mod mori🌛, #bleach x reader, #bleach/reader, #bleach x male! reader, #bleach/male! reader, #bleach x m! reader, #bleach/m! reader, #bleach x gender neutral! reader, #bleach/gender neutral! reader, #bleach x gn! reader, #bleach/gn! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x reader, #jujutsu kaisen/reader, #jjk x reader, #jjk/reader, #jjk x male! reader, #jjk/male! reader, #jjk x gender neutral! reader, #jjk/gender neutral! reader, #jjk x gn! reader, #jjk/gn! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x male! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/male! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x m! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/m! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x gender neutral! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/ gender neutral! reader, #jujutsu kaisen x gn! reader, #jujutsu kaisen/gn! reader, #tokyo ghoul x reader, #tokyo ghoul/reader, #tokyo ghoul x male! reader, #tokyo ghoul/male! reader, #tokyo ghoul x m! reader, #tokyo ghoul/m! reader, #tokyo ghoul x gender neutral! reader, #tokyo ghoul/ gender neutral! reader, #tokyo ghoul x gn! reader, #tokyo ghoul/gn! reader
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stanurines1mp · 1 year
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my0vershareworld · 2 years
Masterlist (updated 10/11/2023)
list of Genre: Fluff🧡, Angst💛, crack🖤, Yandere💗 Headcanons💚, Familia💙, Platonic💜, Romantic🤎, one shot🤍, story ❣, Female reader💕, Male reader 💞, Gender neutral reader 💓
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Sosuke Aizen
I am the one who make you (Fake)🧡💚💙💓
My tool 💛💙❣💓
a child.. 🧡💚🤎💕
brand new powerful species 💚💕
Nnoitra Gilga
Grumpy x Sunshine 🧡💚🤎💓
Nnoitra Gilga relationship headcanons 🧡💚🤎💓
Holidays together? 🧡💚🤎💓
Aaroniero Arruruerie
You stole my heart but I'll let you keep it 🧡🤎🤍💓
Sitting on Aaroniero's lap 🧡💚🤎💓
Ulquiorra Cifer
This is fine 🧡💚🤎💓
the perfect Fraccion 💚💜💓
Szayelaporro Granz
Sitting on Szayelaporro's lap 🧡💚🤎💓
a smartie like me fit perfectly with you 🧡💚🤎💓
love day you say? 🧡💚🤎💓
what are you doing, human? 🧡💚🤎💓
but there is only one bed! 🧡💚🤎💓
will you be the last piece to make me the perfect being? 🧡🤎🤍💓
I'll make you fall for me, my dear 🧡💚🤎💓
General hcs 💚
sakura mochi 🧡💚🤎💓
the day you kept me warm 🧡💚🤎💓
so this is love..how fun! 🧡🤍💓
Grimmjow Jaggerjaques
what an annoyance (lovingly) 🧡💚💙💓
Nelliel Tu Odelschwacnk
the friendliest friend! 🧡💚💜💓
General hcs 💚
Tier Harribel
Dating the dangerous shark 🧡💚🤎💓
my dear.. 🧡💚🤎💓
Coyote Starrk
burden 💛���🤍💓
protective reader 🧡💚🤎💓
Yylfordt Granz
Ice Skating with Yylfordt 🧡💜💓
Date? Me? 🧡💚🤎💓
you're trying every tricks huh? 🧡💚💜💓
Tesla Lindocruz
I will always be with you 🧡💚🤎💓
Luppi Antenor
you tower 🧡💚🤎💓
Roka Paramia
...me? your friend?.. 🧡(little)💛💚💜💓
a friend..? 🧡💚💜💓
Roka general hcs 💚
Jugram Haschwalth
the important 🧡💚🤎💞
Giselle Gewelle
my living zombie friend! 🧡💚💜💓
my blissful lovergirl! 🧡💚🤎💕
Äs Nödt
the shyness of yours.. 🧡💚🤎💓
is that supposed to be scary? 🧡💚🖤💓
Askin Nakk Le Vaar
silly funky man 💚🖤
Cang Du
the memories will always haunt him 🧡💚🤎💓
Bambietta Basterbine
unseen love 🧡💛🤎🤍💕
Gremmy Thoumeaux
dusk til dawn 🧡💚🤎💓
Yandere Gremmy 💗💚🤎💓
Quilge Opie
vampire Yandere with stockholm syndrome reader 💗💚🤎💓
Shinji Hirako
lemme help you with your anxiety, babe! 🧡💚🤎💓
would a kiss work for making up to you? 🧡💚🤎💓
I can teach ya how ta' be like me! 💚💓
Lisa Yadomaru
well aren't you a lucky one? 🧡💚💜💓
friend? friend! (Coyote Starrk x reader, Lilynette Gingerbuck x GN!Human reader) 🧡💚💜💓
Chaotic (Fraccion's in a reality show)💚🖤
more..SIBLING?! (the granz brothers x GN!Human reader) 🧡💚💙💓
..what a sweet Shinigami.. (the espadas x GN!Shingami reader) 🧡💚🤎💓
I fucking hate you (espada meeting someone like Bellatrix Lestrange) 💚
I AM NOT SHARING! (the Granz brothers x M!human reader) 🧡💚🤎💞
love..., LOVE!, love! (As Nodt, Gerard Valkyrie, Giselle Gewelle x GN!Human reader) 🧡💚🤎💓
perfection (espada x GN!Arrancar reader) 🧡💚🤎💓
GET OFF OF ME (Szayelaporro Granz, Nnoitra Gilga, Coyote Starrk, Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez X GN!Human reader) 🖤💚💜💓
what the fuck is this creature.. (Espadas with a genderfluid child made by Szayelaporro) 💚🖤
you're related to who? (Espadas with an S/O who's related to one of the Espada) 🧡💚🤎💓
go! girlboss go! (Espadas (Excluding Barragan and Yammy) x Girlboss reader) 🧡💚🤎💕
you should put your phone away sometimes (Espadas (excluding Barragan and Yammy) x GN!Human reader rizzing them up) 🧡🖤💚💓
what are you trying to achieve here? (Fracciones (excluding Lilynette) x GN!Human reader rizzing them up) 🧡🖤💚💓
cuddles (Espada (excluding Yammy and Barragan) x GN!Human reader) 🧡💚🤎💓
highschool year (espadas (excluding Barragaan and Yammy) in high school year +BONUS Yylfordt and Luppi)🖤💚
happy valentine, here's your love (Cang Du, Bazz-B, Jugram, Gremmy x GN!Human reader on valentine day) 🧡💚🤎💓
Amoral individual (Espadas (excluding Yammy and Barragan) meeting someone like Tiffany Valentine)
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muzansfangs · 1 year
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My dear readers, welcome to the “𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬” event. Since on August 29th I’m turning twenty-four, I have decided to host this small event.
• How does it work? Being a busy person and having my requests closed, I have already set up everything. I therefore hope you will just enjoy the works that are going to be part of this collection and let me know if you are satisfied with them.
• What does the event consist in? This post will work as a real Masterlist for the twenty-four one-shots I’m going to post. I’ve chosen twenty-four male characters from Demon Slayer and Bleach, pairing each and every one of them with a line of a song I have chosen.
• Are there any other infos you should be aware of? The works will all be written in the perspective of a female reader. The contents of the works can be smut, fluff or angst and, sometimes, the various generes will be combined. I will make sure to add all the details concerning the warnings about the triggering themes in every single post.
• Anything else? This is the complete list of the works I will gradually update. There is not a specific order, but I will add the links of the one-shots whenever I get to post one of them! Thanks for the attention, your perfectionist admin.
• 505 — Gin Ichimaru x f!reader (ANGST + NSFW)
“In my imagination you’re waiting laying on your side, with your hands between your thighs”, Arctic Monkeys.
• BABYDOLL — Douma x f!reader (NSFW)
“When I meet your eyes, the devil, he wins”, Ari Abdul.
• IF I KILLED SOMEONE FOR YOU — Aizen Sosuke x f!reader (NSFW + ANGST)
“Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you?”, Alec Benjamin
• HEART LIKE YOURS — Sanemi Shinazugawa x f!reader (FLUFF)
“How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine?”, Willamette Stone
• ATLANTIS — Urahara Kisuke x f!reader (ANGST)
“ ‘Cause in my heart and in my head, I'll never take back the things I said”, Seafret
• UNTIL I FOUND YOU — Rengoku Kyojuro x f!reader (FLUFF)
“I was lost within the darkness but then I found her, I found you”, Stephen Sanchez
• FRIENDS — Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x f!reader (NSFW)
“Tell me we’re not just friends, this doesn’t make much sense, no”, Chase Atlantic
• SWEATER WEATHER — Renji Abarai x f!reader (FLUFF + ANGST)
“ ‘Cause it’s too cold for you here and now, so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater”, The Neighbourhood
• BLUE JEANS — Muzan Kibutsuji x f!reader (NSFW)
“You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop, but you fit me better than my favorite sweater”, Lana del Rey
• DAYLIGHT — Byakuya Kuchiki x f!reader (FLUFF + NSFW)
“Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time. You and I drink the poison from the same vine”, David Kushner
• CARDIGAN — Tomioka Giyuu x f!reader (FLUFF)
“And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite”, Taylor Swift
• FUCK YOU IN MY HEAD — Shunsui Kyoraku x f!reader (NSFW)
“I got dirty wishes on my mind, but you will never ever know that I, I like to fuck you in my head”, Cloudy June
• BACK TO BLACK — Obanai x f!reader (ANGST + NSFW)
“We only said goodbye with words, I died a hundred times. You go back to her and I go back to, I go back to us”, Amy Winehouse
• WHERE’S MY LOVE — Ulquiorra Cifer x f!reader (ANGST)
“Ooh, does she know that we bleed the same? Ooh, don’t wanna cry but I break that way”, SYML
• ALL OF ME — Kokushibo x f!reader (FLUFF + NSFW)
“Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts, risking it all, though it's hard”, John Legend
• KISS ME — Haschwalth Jugram x f!reader (FLUFF + NSFW)
“And your heart’s against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck, I’m falling for your eyes but they don’t know me yet”, Ed Sheeran
• WHEN THE DARKNESS COMES — Shinjuro Rengoku x f!reader (FLUFF)
“When you're feeling lost I'll leave my love hidden in the sun, for when the darkness comes”, Colbie Caillat
• SAY SOMETHING — Ukitake Jushiro x f!reader (ANGST)
“And I will swallow my pride, you're the one that I love and I'm saying goodbye”, A Great Big World
• CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE — Akaza x f!reader (FLUFF)
“Shall I stay? Would it be a sin, if I can't help falling in love with you?”, Elvis Presley
• SHADOW PREACHERS — Zaraki Kenpachi x f!reader (NSFW)
“You make me wanna love, hate, cry, take, every part of you. You make me wanna scream, burn, touch, learn, every part of you”, Zella Day
• HUNGER — Yoriichi Tsugikuni x f!reader (FLUFF)
“Oh, love, let me see inside your heart, all the cracks and broken parts, the shadows in the light. There's no need to hide”, Ross Copperman
• ENJOY THE SILENCE — Shinji Hirako x f!reader (NSFW)
“All I ever wanted, all I ever needed is here in my arms. Words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm”, Depeche Mode
• BREAK MY HEART MYSELF — Uzui Tengen x f!reader (ANGST + NSFW)
“I don't need your help getting off of this carousel. I don't need anybody else, 'cause I can break my heart myself”, Bebe Rexha
• VILLAIN — Shuhei Hisagi x f!reader (NSFW)
“I'll be the villain tonight. I kinda like when you despise me after we fight”, Bella Poarch
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grimmichi-ao3-feed · 1 year
[New AO3 Fic!] Dormant
by MayMargaret
It's been years since a hollow appeared in Karakura Town, and Ichigo, now 26, has joined the humdrum cycle of the 9 to 5. With his friends moving on with their lives, he still can't let go of the Soul Reaper he used to be.
And when enemies, new and familiar, emerge, he finds out that maybe he won't need to.
Words: 1021, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Bleach (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Grimmjow Jaegerjaques, Kurosaki Ichigo, Kuchiki Rukia, Abarai Renji, Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryuu, Ulquiorra Cifer, Kuchiki Byakuya, Ukitake Juushirou, Gotei 13 | 13 Court Guard Squad Captains, Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: Grimmjow Jaegerjaques/Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime/Ishida Uryuu, Abarai Renji/Kuchiki Rukia, Ulquiorra Cifer/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Romance, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Enemies to Lovers, Eventual Relationships, Eventual Smut, Post-Thousand Year Blood War Arc (Bleach), Espada (Bleach), Top Kurosaki Ichigo, Bottom Grimmjow Jaegerjaques, Protective Kurosaki Ichigo
Read it now on AO3!
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