#ulquiorra cifer fluff
luvlyycy · 21 days
as you can tell i am absolutely smitten w ulquiorra plspls write something w ulqui n a goth reader in a school or college party. they'd probably hang out together n end up getting drunk together ( drunk kissing!? )
ANYTHING FOR YEW SENNNN !!! ulqui × goth reader ... hahhh.. so good... i put grimmjow in this as a bystander (he dragged ulqui to his party) ANYWAY ENJOY <3
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ulquiorra can confidently say — he hates parties. he dislikes the socializing aspect. doesn't enjoy being around people at all, if he had it his way, he'd never step foot in one of those functions ever again.
but when he has a dorm-mate like grimmjow, he doesn't have a choice.
this is one of those times when he doesn't have a choice. grimmjow's throwing a college campus party, and he's inviting basically everyone he knows— except his enemies obviously.
"not going."
grimmjow groans as he decorates the house he rented out for the party, "yeah, right. i'll fuckin' drag you there if i hafta." he huffs out, arm stretching upward to hook lights on something.
ulquiorra stares ahead for a moment, hands holding his phone, "okay." he simply deadpans.
maybe he should've put up more of a fight, or disagreed more because now he's at the party he said he didn't want to be at.
the music is loud, deafening even— there's girls n guys all socializing. ulquiorra honestly sticks out like a sore thumb— his hair sticks out, his eyeliner, the paleness of his skin— it's all different. sometimes somebody approaches him but never stay to talk because talking to him makes them feel awkward— he doesn't care. he wants them to leave him alone.
he's holding his fourth drink, or at least he believes it to be his fourth drink. he takes a big gulp from the can— it's cheap, he can tell. grimmjow would never spend lots of money on alcohol. he could never go to a party like this sober.
he realizes too late that he's off to get his fifth drink, his eyes are kind of blown out and he's lost sight of anybody he moderately knew— hands fumbling through the cooler as he grabs another can— feeling none, he groans. he's in the kitchen now, opening the fridge to grab one of the better drinks from grimmjow's stash. he shuts the fridge to see you behind it.
he gets a bit jumpscared but he doesn't show it.
you're just standing there, nobody else in here but you. well, and him.
"why are you standing there?" he asks, trying his hardest not to slur.
you glance at him, your body off balance, "nobody wants to talk to me." you mumble, tell-tale red cup in your hand. not that you wanted to talk to them.
he wants to know if thats juice or alcohol, chances are it's alcohol.
you shrug, leaning against the side of the fridge, "no clue." you mutter, taking a sip of your drink.
ulquiorra never usually finds people attractive. he doesn't care for that sort of thing. maybe it's all the drinks, or maybe it's the lighting of the lights in the kitchen— he doesn't know but you look so.. good.
he's drinking in your outfit, the blacks adorning your skin like a black rose that had blessed the earth. your eyeliner is so beautiful— your lips are beautifully decorated. your shoes match perfectly to your outfit— it's intoxicating him like his own brand of nicotine.
"you're staring."
he doesn't bother saying sorry, just clicks open his drink in response— eyes still locked onto yours. he's never seen someone look like you.
you think the same about him. he has such a unique style to himself, you can't pinpoint it— but he's awfully handsome.
"wanna go sit down?" you ask.
"sure." he responds.
when you both walk back to the specific couch ulquiorra was on, he finally remembers you. remembers how he'd seen you before but never paid any attention— he's glad he didn't pay attention. he fears he'd be smitten like a dog.
you both get comfortable on the couch with your drinks in hand. you glance at him to allow yourself time to appreciate his looks once again. he feels your gaze.
"why haven't we ever talked before?" he asks, taking a long gulp of the fruit flavored drink he had chosen earlier.
"don't know. maybe we just never had the chance." you giggle out.
you guys have talked before, but not much. never hanging out, just talking in passing.
it's been a few hours, more drinks, more talking, less people. you assume the party will be ending soon. somehow you've gotten closer to ulquiorra— every now and then he'll ask your name, even though he already knows it. your thighs are touching as he leans closer to you, his face flushed due to the alcohol— you wonder what he's doing. you giggle and stare back at him, only for him to wrap an arm around your waist.
he finally says it, "i think you're... pretty." he slurs into the side of your cheek.
okay, he was an affectionate drunk.
you giggle again, "i am?" you watch as he nods.
he's breathing slowly but his heart is beating fast— it's been a long night, both of your makeup is ruined. his eyeliner smudged, yours too. somehow it captures your essence even more.
he wraps his hand around your wrist, sucking in a small breath— "can, can i kiss you?" he breathes out.
you lean closer to him, your red cup toppled over on the floor— "yes."
it's like time stops for him, your lips landing on his— electrifying him, you taste like the spiked fruit punch, and he can't help but groan. your arms hook around his body, lips messily against each other's but it's so good.
it's amazing, the buzz, his hands holding you and pulling you onto his lap— it's all so good.
he pulls away to breathe, "i. i want your phone number." he huffs out, kissing you again.
this time you pull away, "let's hang out when we're not drunk." he mumbles a quick 'okay' before you both start making out again.
grimmjow stands there awkwardly, "party's over, y'all been swapping spit for thirty minutes." he groans, wrapping his hand around your arm to pull you off. you groan in annoyance, ulquiorra following suit.
"can't we sleep here, grim?" you ask, batting your eyes at grimmjow— he groans loudly, throwing the keys at your face, "whatever, just don't fuck it up." he yawns as he walks out the door.
you giggle as ulquiorra stares at you, his pupils practically hearts— "are we sleeping on the couch?" he questions. you nod slowly, you can't remember if there was a bed in this house.
you lay on the fairly large couch and ulquiorra lays next to you, wrapping his fairly muscular arms around you. "wait," he removes his coat to then place it over both of you, "there.".
you stare at him, cuddling up to him, "goodnight, ulqui."
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seneon · 4 months
ulquiorra stares at you blankly as you held out some flowers you plucked and stole from someone's garden. he scans your facial expression, filled with mischief and a little bit of slyness in them. quite the troublemaker you are, to get your hands dirty and get somebody's garden dirty. all that to get ulquiorra a flower. just to see his reaction. but to no avail, he has none. well, at least to you, he doesn't show it. on the inside however, he feels his heart beating violently against his chest and the shyness that randomly builds up in him. nobody has ever given him a flower before. and he's not quite sure how to react to that. he murmurs a faint thanks and takes the flower, unsure of what to do with it but you just take it back and insert the flower in his pretty long hair with your iconic giant smile. oh, how he wishes that you'd only smile for him like that . . .
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note. ulqui brainrot ulqui brainrot ulqui brainrot
© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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kurokawaia · 4 months
❛ Crush ❜
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Cifer Ulquiorra X Reader
| SFW | REQUEST? Yes | -> Headcannons
REQUEST; @r333y - Hi I saw your requests were open and I thought I would request some bleach headcanons (or anything really) if that's ok. Would you mind writing ichigo and/or ulquiorra (separately if you do both) having a crush on gn reader? Like how would he develop it, how would he act around the reader or how would he confess. Just some fluff for our boys. Thank you for considering, good day/night. ♡
a::note; i don't usually write for a 'gn' reader but i will try my best as i did state in my request rules that i only write for fem reader:3
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How would he develop a crush?
lquiorra first becomes fascinated by your behavior, then, from afar, watches you with interest that gradually evolves into something more. Confused by feelings unfamiliar to him, he started following you more often, falling inexplicably into the need to protect you in times of danger. It becomes his way of staying close to him through small gestures and silent watching; the short conversations, meaningful in their own right, and shared moments under the night sky foster a growing connection. In these pangs of jealousy and this protective urge, Ulquiorra proves the depth of his crush.
How he would act around you?
Ulquiorra would often be here, near you, a silent witness, but one could feel his presence more than see him—he chose to be unseen. However, many times, he would look at you intently with his sharp analyzing eyes, feeling things in you. Of course, this look is very piercing, yet it is the way he establishes a connection with you.
He would protect you in subtle ways, only intervening when necessary. He might kill off those threats before they ever reach you or position himself strategically to shield you from harm. You might notice things working out in your favor mysteriously—for example, the disappearance of an impending danger or obstacles being removed—but you wouldn't know that Ulquiorra was behind it all.
His face and intonations would be flat most of the time. But on very rare occasions, you could see a flash of softness or care across his features. Ulquiorra chose his words well and spoke in short and direct sentences most of the time. All the conversations with him would be meaningful, even though they would be brief.
Little thoughtful gestures would make up most of Ulquiorra's expressions of love. Maybe he would move something closer to you that he knows you need, sit with you in silence when he knows you're down, or do something to make you more comfortable without drawing attention to the action. Physical contact would be a rare event; however, when physical contact does occur, it is meaningful. Light contact on your shoulder, a steadying hand when you stumble, or a fleeting brush of his fingers against yours would hold meaning.
As time wore on and trust grew, Ulquiorra would become slightly more open. He might share more of his thoughts and past experiences, showing a side of him that not many get to see. Being silent together would become common. You both could sit together without the need for constant speech, finding peace in each other's presence.
He would feel a twinge of jealousy when you spend time with others, though he may not express it overtly. His protectiveness could increase, and he would become more attentive to your interactions with others. In case someone tries to harm or upset you, protective instincts would kick in for Ulquiorra.
How he would confess? + little scenario
Much of Ulquiorra's time would therefore be consumed by thoughts of his feelings, in a need to understand and rationalize them. This is because he is so foreign to the very idea of a crush that much turmoil is involved about how to begin to approach it.
You would feel Ulquiorra's presence more and more as he grew increasingly protective, mindful to his surroundings as he looked out for your safety and comfort. He was going to become more tender and attentive to the things around you, did small things that made sure your needs were met before they arose. Though inconspicuous, such actions happened more often now and became noticeable.
That would be if something really major were to happen, such that something dangerous or emotionally jarring would strike him with the realization that he needs to make a confession. Maybe your being in pain/distress/danger might give him a shove toward confessing.
I feel like Ulquiorra would plan his confession quite carefully. He would choose the right moment and place where both of you can just be alone and undisturbed, thus ensuring that the moment is really private and full of meaning.
Ulquiorra would be very forthright. He'd be walking toward you just as normal, with his quiet demeanor, but deep in his eyes, there'd be a spark of fire to show the urgency of the situation being presented. It would be unabashedly straight, unbathed in sugarcoating. He could say something like, "I have come to realise that you evoke within me feelings that I do not quite understand. But what I am clear about is that I want to be close to you."
Although his expression and voice were so tranquil at the surface, they would betray this rare moment of his vulnerability. His eyes might ramble into softness, and his voice assumes the tinge of uncertainty, fleshing out unfamiliar emotions he is venturing into.
The moon was high in the sky, casting a cold, silver-glowing light across Hueco Mundo's desolation. You walked alone near Las Noches, lost in thought. The silence was comforting, yet on your skin, there was always that sense of being watched—ever-present, and now more familiar than not.
You wandered, your gaze on him as he was standing a little ways off; his green gaze trained on you made your heart skip. He drew closer in that calm gait of his, reassuring, yet a bit unsettling.
"{Y/N}," he started with a low, smooth tone, "may I speak with you?"
You nodded, interested. Ulquiorra rarely initiated conversations unless it was important.
He steered you off to some secluded spot, away from prying eyes and ears. His silence, as was yours, hung thick between them until he finally turned to face you; his expression, as ever, inscrutable.
"I've been watching you," he said, his eyes steady. "For some time now, I have had this feeling that I don't quite understand. A. pull towards you."
You blinked at the sudden forthrightness of his tone. That wasn't like Ulquiorra, speaking of emotions or feelings, and he caught you quite off guard with what he had said.
He went on, his voice gentled now, almost uncertain. "You bring up feelings in me that are foreign. When you're in danger, I feel the urge to protect you. When you're sad, I want you to smile. These are all new feelings to me, but they cannot be denied."
He paused for a second, allowing his words to sink in. Ulquiorra's eyes searched yours for any hint of your reaction.
"I do not know if this is what humans call love," he admitted, his voice reflecting. "But I know that I need to be close to you, to understand these feelings better. You have grown important to me, {Y/N.}"
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
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brittscafe · 1 year
Kinktober Masterlist
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Hi! I've decided to try and participate in Kinktober this year! I'm so excited to write all of these. I'll update this master list as I publish these works.
I'll mostly be writing for Bleach, but I also be writing for Demon Slayer and Jujutsu Kaisen!
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Day 1: Love bites (Gin Ichimaru x reader)
Day 2: Thigh riding (Shunsui Kyoraku x female reader)
Day 3: Public sex (Aizen Sosuke x female reader)
Day 4: Cockwarming (Jushiro Ukitake x female reader)
Day 5: Spanking (Shinji Hirako x female reader)
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Day 6: Toys (Kisuke Urahara x female reader)
Day 7: Choking (Kenpachi Zaraki x male reader)
Day 8: Pegging (Renji Abarai x female reader)
Day 9: Threesome (Jushiro x Shunsui x female reader)
Day 10: Shower Sex (Ichigo Kurosaki x female reader)
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Day 11: Overstimulation ( Tōshirō Hitsugaya x female reader)
Day 12: Mirror sex (Ryuken Ishida x female reader)
Day 13: Shower sex (Ulquiorra Cifer x female reader)
Day 14: Begging (Nnoitra Gilga x female reader)
Day 15: Riding (Coyote Starrk x female reader)
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Day 16: Edging (Byakuya Kuchiki x female reader)
Day 17: Size kink +choking + aphrodisiac (Aizen Sosuke x female reader)
Day 18: Face sitting (Isshin Kurosaki x female reader)
Day 19: Hate sex (Kensei Muguruma x female reader)
Day 20: Love bites + overstimulation (Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x female reader)
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Day 21: Squirting (As Nodt x female reader)
Day 22: Praise kink (Shunsui Kyoraku x female reader)
Day 23: Sleepy sex (Jushiro Ukitake x male reader)
Day 24: Oral, f! receiving (Shuhei Hisagi x female reader)
Day 25: Edging + mirror sex (Aizen Sosuke x female reader)
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Day 26: Daddy kink (Ryuken Ishida x female reader)
Day 27: Soft sex (Jugram Haschwalth x female reader)
Day 28: Rope bunny (Uryu Ishida x male reader)
Day 29: Blindfolded (Ikkaku Madarame x female reader)
Day 30: Soft sex (Ichigo Kurosaki x female reader)
Day 31: Rough sex + daddy kink (Aizen Sosuke x female reader)
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Sensation kink (Shūsuke Amagai x female reader)
Love in the Dark part 2 (Kisuke Urahara x female reader)
I may or may not have forgotten about my Love in the Dark series with Kisuke Urahara, so don't worry pt 2 of that will be coming out on any one of these 31 days, don't miss it! <3
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katsuma6 · 7 months
szayel, byakuya, gin, and ulquiorra reacting to y/n texting them pictures of suits they think the boys would look good in ?
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Texting Bleach men pictures of suits they would look good in! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Ft: Szayel, Byakuya, Gin, and Ulquiorra.
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cifer-ulqui · 6 months
Ulquiorra Drabbles 2
(Ulquiorra, Reader, Grimmjow)(Second one is Angst and less overtly romantic)(I wrote these in Portuguese originally to practice learning the language. They're completely self-indulgent and ooc)(part one)
“I need a place to stay.” Ulquiorra clicks his tongue. His eyelashes are so long. They touch his cheek when he closes his eyes. “It's getting late. Kurosaki said I should come here.”
Ichigo must think he’s hilarious.
“Yeah?” I sigh. I can’t say no to him. “Come in.” He follows after me and I shake my head at the situation.
“Do you want tea?” I gesture for him to sit at the table. He complies, sitting stiffly.
“I don't need--”
“Do you want tea?” I ask more firmly. Why is he so difficult? Maybe that’s part of his charm. I look over my shoulder. He’s as attractive as he is stubborn.
“... Yes.” His brow is furrowed, like I asked for something annoying.
I suppress a comment about him being a brat and return to put the kettle on the stove. “Do you have a preference for the flavor?” I know he’ll say it’s unimportant. It’s useless, There’s no reason.
“Is there a difference? Tea is tea.” There it is.
“There’s hundreds of different flavors. How do I know which you’ve tried before?” I turn away from the stove to look at him.
“Just normal tea.”
“Black tea? Green tea?
His eyes are the only sign of bewilderment on his face, but his voice sounds confused. “Tea…?”
I look at him for a moment. “I’ll make tea, and if you don’t like it, I’ll make something else.” I shrug my shoulders.
Ulquiorra shakes his head. “That’s unnecessary. I’ll drink whatever you make.”
I repress a laugh, wondering if I could make him regret those words. Hot sauce, salt, extra tea bags… the kettle begins to whistle. I take the kettle off the stove and open the cabinet that holds my tea. I take down a citrus blend, with orange, lemon, and apple. I pour the water into a teapot.
The steam fills the air and soon the smell of citrus fruits lingers in the room. We remain in silence until the tea finishes steeping. I walk over, carrying the hot teacups. I place them on the table and sit down and he picks up his cup. He looks for a moment before taking a sip.
I drink my tea, watching his face. He shows nothing, but takes a few sips in the silence.
“I should thank you for allowing me into your home. Your hospitality suits you.”
We drink tea in silence and I allow the irritation to seep from me. “You can sleep on the couch, I'll grab a blanket for you.”
“This is all unnecessary, I'll just remain sitting here.”
I sigh, a long-suffering sigh, wondering why I'm stuck with this impassive idiot. “I'll grab a blanket, just in case you change your mind.”
He rolls his eyes, but doesn't argue.
He's so impossible.
“Do you like the tea?”
“It's tea.” Ulquiorra takes another sip. I think about calling Kurosaki, maybe he can meet me somewhere quiet. Just to talk. With my hands. Ulquiorra’s head tilts as he looks at his teacup and then the teapot.
Kurosaki is lucky I like this bat.
--- ---
The Rain Falls
The sky is gray. The rain falls.
Mist rises from the ground. I sigh, looking at the dismal rain. The air is filled with petrichor, cloying and dense. It clings to my skin.
It’s not fair.
My heart hurts, and I step out into the rain. Water drips down my face, soaking into my clothes. He’s gone. I’ll never see him again. If I am lucky, the rain will drown me.
I cared for him. The fourth espada, Ulquiorra Cifer. The one who I argued with, who taunted me and told me my life was meaningless. The man I sat atop Las Noches with in the freezing wind and vast desert stretched before us. We watched the moon together.
The only rain in Hueco Mundo is unnatural, from the spirit energy of other hollows. The black rain of Murcielago elicited a far different feeling, one of awe and foreboding. This is just….
He’s dead. Nothing but dust and the lingering emptiness. Maybe this is his heart that I feel.
I suppress a shiver. This rain seeps the warmth from my bones.
“Do you have an umbrella?” A rough voice breaks me from the reminiscence. I turn my head, seeing Grimmjow. His hair is quickly drenched by the rain, stickling to his face. He doesn't wear his usual grin, as if the melancholy of a storm is contagious.
I turn back to look at the sky.
He and a few other arrancar survived. He seems content to allow Haribel to rule, and I suddenly feel lost, without direction. What will happen to us now? What is our purpose?
Maybe there really is no purpose. Maybe Ulquiorra was right.
“Tch,” Grimmjow huffs. “Idiot. Let’s go.” He grabs the shopping bags from my hand. His hand is firm, but gentle around my shoulders as he guides me through the streets. He squeezes.
“Gonna catch a cold,” he grumbles, as if it would be something for him to suffer. His eyes catch mine as we near Urahara’s shop. They’re a cold blue.
His worry soothes something in my chest. Maybe we’re closer to humans than I thought, if even Grimmjow is capable of something like caring. I wonder if this somber hope ever permeated into Ulquiorra’s thoughts. I wonder if anything grew meaning to him in his last moments.
Grimmjow opens the door, ushering me through and grabbing a towel that he begins drying me off with. “Idiot.”
The rain falls.
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Could you please do a hc for ulquiorra and Grimmjow separately where they have a flirty s/o. I love your writing sm and I hope your doing well 😙
Ulquiorra Cifer and Grimmjow Jaegerjaques with A Flirty s/o Headcanons:
Fandom: Bleach
genre: SFW Headcanons
Rated: G
warnings: None!
Admin Harmony🐯: Sounds pretty cute! Hope you enjoy it~.
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⚬ "What the Hell are you even talking about?"
⚬ Grimmjow will be so confused by the concept of flirting. 
⚬Since he is an arrancar and mating and flirting isn't a thing in his culture flirting will not be effective to him at first. 
⚬So you will have to explain to him what is flirting and why humans do it. 
⚬"That's stupid."
⚬ Yes, he will think that flirting is stupid especially if you are still doing it after you guys are together. 
⚬ "If flirting is use for courtship then what's the point in doing it if we are together now???" 
⚬You will have to explain to him why humans have to do it while they are still together. 
⚬ So now he will at least give it a try because now he is kind of amused by it. 
⚬ I'm gonna be honest, he sucks at flirting…BAD.
⚬Like he has the foundation of flirting but lack the elegance of it. 
⚬He will compliment something like your eyes but compare it to something ugly. 
⚬"Your eyes are as brown as mud." 
⚬Or he will say something that is mortifying but seems like a compliment. 
⚬"You look so good today I could eat your soul up." 
⚬You might have to teach him how to properly flirt with him because if you tell him to stop he will do the exact opposite and he might purposely badly flirt with you just to tease or annoy you. 
⚬Grimmjow isn't a naturally good with flirting  but if you teach him well enough then he will get
⚬Once Grimmjow knows the concept of flirting he might become a bit more flustered with it. 
⚬But he will definitely like it because it is such an ego boost to him. 
⚬Tell him how strong he is, how much he is good fighter, how nice is abs are, call him handsome, and he will enjoy it too much. 
⚬Especially if you do it in a sultry voice and rub his pecks and abs while doing it a grin will appear on his face.
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⚬If you think that Grimmjow is dense when it comes to flirting you KNOW my guy is. 
⚬He will be even more confused and disgusted in what you were doing. 
⚬"....what are you doing?" 
⚬Again, you will have to explain to him in even more detail what flirting is and why humans do it. 
⚬"That is such a useless human habit to have. Why put forth effort when we are already courted?"
⚬Again, you will have to explain it to him in even more detail as to why humans still do it even though they were courted.
⚬He still thinks it's stupid and don't expect him to entertain you by flirting because he will refuse it. 
⚬At first, if you keep on being flirty with him he will be annoyed by it.
⚬ he will tell you that flirting is a useless behavior and will advise you to stop because it wont affect him at all. 
⚬now it will have to a mission to make ulquiorra blush due to your flirting. 
⚬don't be overly vulgar with him when it comes to flirting, he will think its disgusting. 
⚬instead compliment him on something but in an elegant way. 
⚬"Your eyes are as beautiful as emeralds."
⚬"Why would you compare my eyes to a rock?" he will say that but deep down he is low key flattered that you think his eyes are pretty. 
⚬*cough would gift you an emerald ring or necklace that is as green as his eyes cough*
⚬touching him and sensually kissing will also greatly effect him as well.
⚬since he is so sensitive to touch it wont take too long to make him blush as well.
⚬he will eventually get use to his s/o flirting but he wont admit how much he secretly likes it you just have to pay attention to him.
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Ulquiorra Cifer (Bleach) - Oneshot
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“I’ll enjoy killing you reaper.”
The hand around your throat felt final. With your zanpakuto a good distance away, you really couldn’t see how this would end in your favor. In actuality, you should have known it was an ambush. Those two previous hollows had been taken down way too easily.
All it took was one viciously charged punch to your gut and you’d been knocked down. Now with its hand squeezing against your windpipe, you just prayed that it would be over quickly.
Your vision was becoming blurry, you could feel your consciousness slipping.
“Release her.”
There was a weight to those words, and your shaky gaze moved to the source of the order. All your mind seems to process are those emotionless green eyes. The hollow turned, still holding you off the ground. All you could offer was another grunt of pain.
“You would kill your own kind to protect a reaper.”
The hollow sounded almost disgusted.
“You are not my kind.”
Your savior lifted his hand, and the beam that shot out blasted the hollow’s head clean off. Your breath hitched, because the grip loosened almost immediately and your body was falling. You didn’t even have the strength to brace for the fall. You were caught, and your gaze shifted in his direction, trying to make sense of what little your brain could process before you finally gave in.
The next time your eyes opened, you were staring at a familiar ceiling. You blinked and when you turned your head, Unohana offered a smile.
“You’re awake.”
She looked altogether pleased that you were now conscious, and you had so many questions. Like how did you get there? What happened, who was the reaper that saved you?”
“It seems Ulquiorra-san made it just in time. I’m relieved that you’re alright.” Unohana wore a gentle look and you were happy, but the sentence seemed to play over in your head and that’s why you registered who had saved you.
She nodded, turning her head as she gestured to someone. When she walked away, you weren’t expecting the former Espada to be your rescuer.
“You..saved me?”
His tone was blank, his expression the very same.
While the alliance with them was solidified, it was still strange. Nel was easy to adjust to, after all she had been on your side from the beginning, but Grimmjow, even Harribel, it was weird. But obviously appreciated.
Now with all the wars done, they were as much a part of the Gotei 13 as any other reaper. So it shouldn’t be crazy that he would help. It was just the fact that you knew his personality. Before that moment, you wouldn’t have thought that he cared at all for you, much less your safety.
Suddenly you’re aware of how inadequate you are as a reaper.
“I guess it should be expected, I’m weak and useless.”
You laughed, but it was only to cover up your own inadequacies.
“You are weak.”
A bead of sweat ran down the side of your head at his very calm tone.
“Geez, he could have at least lied to me.”
It shouldn’t even be a surprise.
“But you are not useless.”
That made you turn. There was still a detachment to his gaze, but he was looking right at you.
“Everything in this world has a use, I have found mine. You will find yours.”
There was a sincerity in those words, even if he couldn’t display it on his face.
In that moment, you truly felt like you would indeed find your purpose.
Maybe that’s when your perspective on him started to change. After your recovery, you were back taking missions.
Your most recent one was with Shinji. While the assignment didn’t truly require a captain, you got the feeling that he just wanted to visit the Karakura. After all, he’d spent a few decades in the town. Now in casual clothing, the first place he stopped by was at Kisuke’s. Hiyori, Orihime, Ichigo and to your surprise Ulquiorra were all there sitting around the table. Ichigo was bantering with Hiyori, Orihime was just laughing happily at their antics and Ulquiorra stayed planted, almost blending into the background.
“Hey baldy you’re back.”
The nickname earned a yell.
“Stop calling me that you loudmouth shrimp!!”
She then persisted to grab him into a chokehold. At that point you realized how obvious it was that he missed his other home. A smile made its way on your face.
“(Y/N)-san, do you mind getting some more rice cakes? The store down the street sells the best ones. Kurosaki-kun ate all the rest.”
“I-I did not!”
His cheeks were burning and you were smiling.
“Hai, I’ll grab some more.”
“I will accompany you.”
Ulquiorra’s declaration earned looks from everyone in the room but Orihime. She was still wearing a bright smile.
Ichigo asked.
“Yes, she is weak. She needs someone to look after her.”
Shinji laughed and you puffed your cheeks that were now flushed.
“Y-You don’t have to keep saying it.” You grumble.
Ulquiorra was unfazed and you sighed.
“Let’s just go.”
In a matter of seconds you were out the door. You knew he wasn’t intentionally trying to be hurtful, he’s just very blunt.
“You have fully recovered.”
The statement drew your attention, and your cheeks heated when you realized he was looking at you. From the stare he must have been doing so the entire time you were walking.
“I-I’m okay.”
You stammered out.
“That’s good.”
That was all he said before he turned his gaze forward. In truth, you couldn’t read him. He gave so little away. You weren’t sure if he was being nice or simply making an inquiry just for some kind of confirmation. That’s why you felt you had to ask.
“Before..you said that you found a purpose, a use, what is it?”
His eyes were still directed ahead.
“To help other souls, the way that Orihime-san has helped me.”
For just a moment, you can hear just a spec of emotion and it’s possibly the most incredible thing you’ve ever seen, because a single act of kindness seems to have changed the views of someone who felt so far gone.
It was at that point that you realized that you truly did admire not just Orihime, but also Ulquiorra. Maybe that’s why you always felt so warm whenever he would even look in your direction.
Each encounter felt different, you grew closer.
“You’re weaker than all those fourth squad members.”
A few other reapers laughed at the statement and you gritted your teeth, clenching your fist.
Getting jumped by members in the eleventh squad was never ideal. They still thought they were the best of the best, and despite your clear irritation at the three men standing in front of you laughing, they were right.
You’re weak.
That’s why they always pushed you around. All you had done was drop off some papers when you caught them messing with a reaper from squad four. Of course you intervened, but now you’re backed into a wall and you’re certain you can’t take three of them, not all at once.
One of them cracked their knuckles and you flash stepped. You knew he assumed you were running away, that’s why when you reappeared, delivering a harsh kick to his face, his friends looked startled. He was down for the count in seconds, and you dropped low, taking another one down. His body hit the floor with a harsh thud, grunting at the pain.
For a while you were sure you had the upper hand. After all, one was unconscious and the other was at least rattled. The next attack you planned to deliver didn’t land. The last one moved quicker and you were grabbed by the back of your head as he slammed your face into the concrete. He grinned, adding pressure and you yelled out in pain.
“Serves you right.”
His hand moved to the back of your robes and he flung you. You expected to hit a wall, or at the very least the roof of a building, but someone caught you, slowing you down. Your feet skidded midair to a stop and when you looked over your shoulder, those green eyes seemed like recognition enough.
“Shit!! It’s Ulquiorra, I’m out of here!!”
The reaper who had been pummeling you dashed off and his conscious friend picked up the passed out one, running just as quickly. You huffed, face and ego bruised. They stepped on you like dirt, but one look at Ulquiorra had them booking it into next week. It was irritating, the reminder of your difference in power, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be mad at him. This was the second time he’d come to your rescue.
“Your abilities would be better dispensed if you weren’t afraid to utilize your zanpakuto.”
Your brows knitted and this time you turned to him fully. It dawned on you that he must have seen a part of the fight to make such a comment.
“You saw?”
Yet he hadn’t jumped right in. You weren’t sure why that made you feel a bit better. You know he thinks you're weak, but he didn’t immediately assume you wouldn’t be able to handle yourself. Despite your swollen cheek, you smiled.
You couldn’t seem to wipe the happy expression off your face and he looked a bit confused.
“You are happy I let them attack you?”
“Do you enjoy getting hurt?”
You just laughed, because it was funny how little he understood but still made an effort to try.
Time and time again he just seemed to be there.
His stare still the same, but his actions a reflection of someone who wanted to learn, to understand what it meant to protect, to care. After all he’d done, it felt right to treat him. That’s why you were now sitting in your quarters with a bowl of ramen placed in front of him.
“Eat up, there’s plenty!”
He just gave a nod, and you took a seat, chin in your palm as you watched him eat silently. You’ve realized for a while now that there was something underlyingly elegant about Ulquiorra. The way he spoke, carried himself, even ate. He just emits a certain type of energy.
You must have just been staring at him for a while, because he placed the chopsticks down and you blinked.
“I am done. It was delicious.”
You weren’t sure how such a monotone voice could sound so endearing.
“I’m glad you liked it.”
You took the empty bowl, heading over to your sink to clean the dish. Humming happily, you were barely paying mind to much but learning more about him. When the dish was cleaned, you placed it down, turning back to Ulquiorra who was not standing and just looking at you.
You blushed.
“I-Is something wrong?”
You laughed a bit awkwardly, inching out of the kitchen.
“T-Then why are you staring at me?”
“Because you are beautiful.”
If you weren’t red before, you sure as hell were now. You looked away with a nervous smile.
“You really need to work on your skills Ulquiorra-san.”
He may have been oblivious about every single thing, but the one thing that’s guaranteed is that you always felt safe with him. That’s why those little meetings continued. After a mission or even a tough day, you would decompress by inviting him over and just offering a meal, or conversation.
Regardless of how battered you got or what you went through, you always felt a bit better when you saw him. Those green eyes that were still so void of emotion, they felt like everything you needed. What others were put off by drew you in. That’s why when the most recent rumor, well it felt somewhat crippling.
“Did you hear, Ulquiorra-san was injured in battle?”
For a second you staggered, and you rushed over to the group.
“Did you say he was hurt!!”
They looked a bit startled.
“Y-Yes, apparently there was an encounter with a powerful enemy in the world of the living. I heard he’s in squad four be-”
You didn’t wait for the rest, you were dashing off to squad four. Your feet were moving briskly, and the second you landed in the barracks, you were rushing through the halls, almost running into a few reapers.
Your yell echoed and you made another sharp turn. The moment you entered the room, you saw those green eyes. You didn’t even wait for him to say anything, you basically jumped into his arms. He took a step back, eyes widening slightly at the contact as you clutched unto him desperately.
“You’re okay…”
You were sobbing, and he looked down, still fairly confused.
“Why is she crying?”
He couldn’t understand.
You pulled back slowly, staring at him. For a second you were searching for injury. As you fully took in his state, you couldn’t truly see any bruises, or at the very least a wound.
“Y-You’re not hurt..?”
“No. Zaraki-san made an unsanctioned trip to the world of the living to chase after Kurosaki Ichigo. The Head Captain asked me to follow to ensure the damage was at a minimum. Unfortunately he got to Kurosaki before I arrived."
Ulquiorra stepped to the side and Ichigo’s twitching form was laying on the bed. You sweatdropped.
It just goes to show how unreliable gossip is. 
You sighed, wiping your cheeks as you sniffled. You felt like a fool making a scene for nothing. Now thoroughly embarrassed, you just turned.
“W-Well I’m glad you’re okay!”
With that you were hightailing it in the opposite direction.
It was clear that just the thought of anything happening to him would be devastating to you. Before you knew it you’d become attached, that’s why with every little meeting at your barracks you felt a little more awkward. The moment you became aware of your feelings, you felt like he had too.
You jumped, and from his expression it’s clear he wanted to know why you were acting like a skittish cat. You swallowed, looking away, playing it off with a laugh. Suddenly being in your space with him alone felt like too much. It’s not like you could stop the visits altogether. Surely he would know something is up.
Also..you didn’t really want them to stop. The more you thought about it the more flustered you became.
“W-We should probably call it a night. L-Let me see you out.”
You jumped to your feet to do just that, but your legs chose that very moment to stop working. Your legs caught with each other and you tumble right into his chest with a grunt.
His hands came down to steady you, and when you looked up, you couldn’t move, almost stopped breathing. That emerald gaze was fixated on you and every fiber in your body just froze. You weren’t sure how to react, what to say. Your eyes shook and before you could stop yourself, you were pushing up on your toes as you pressed your lips to his. His eyes grew a fraction bigger, and yours stayed shut, terrified of rejection, or worse, disgust.
After a few moments, you pulled back with a shaky breath. Your lips quivered and your heart was beating aggressively against your rib cage. Ulquiorra still seemed to be collecting himself, and when he licked his lower lip and stared down at you, the next words were the last thing you were expecting.
“Be my wife.”
Your face flamed up.
You felt like you were going to overheat. You meant to say something, reason with him, but this time his head lowered and he leaned in, pressing a kiss to your awaiting lips. Your brows knitted, and the gentle way his hands held your shoulders made you want to melt on the spot. With your eyes closed, you could hear your heart more clearly.
When he pulled you closer, you felt something thumping and it became apparent that the noise wasn’t your heart rate beating harshly, but it was his. You all but melted. He took one step, and you moaned the second you realized he’s used his flash step, pressing you to the door.
The sound echoed in the room, the noises of your desperate kisses felt near sinful. Your lips were meeting and joining with a sense of urgency. You had no idea Ulquiorra could kiss so well. You were barely keeping yourself upright.
Your fingers gripped tighter into his robes, and when he pulled back, you were fighting to regain your breath. When you looked at him, it was the first time you could see his emotions clearly. He was breathing pretty calmly for someone who had just stolen not just your oxygen, but also your heart.
“You taste sweet.”
That confession was almost too much. You wanted to say just that, but he kissed you again and you whimpered, now very aware that there was no escape.
He had too much power.
For once, you could admit that you were indeed weak.
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geekedoutbunny · 1 year
How are Nnoitora, Ulquiorra, Grimmjow, and Äs Nödt with a shy reader? Thx in advance
Nnoitora\Ulquiorra\Grimmjow\Nödt Headcanon - Shy Love
NOICE!! Got My first Grimmjow, Ulquiorra and Nnoitora request!! Thank you, for sending in your request, I'll be sure to give this fic justice, I hope it's to your liking.
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He's not very nice to you, he hates weak people, they make his skin crawl, he practically ignores your existence. He'll bully you and he'll harass you, but he'll never actually physically harm you, and that caught your attention.
When you heard news of Nnoitora and Neil's fight, you cried. Neil was your best friend, and she was your inspiration, she was everything you wished to be, you were angry with him for a long time, and he knew it. That made him bully you even more.
Nnoitora also had a strange habit of listening to you, if you told him to stop fighting, then he would. If you told him to be nice, then he would. If you asked him to share something with you, then he would. He was always willing to appease you, yet he bullied you, he was strange, but you learned to like it. Nnoitora had a strange way of showing 'affection' it was still rough, yet it wasn't hateful or resentful.
You didn't like to talk to strangers, and he knew this. You didn't like large crowds, and he also knew this. When you were in either of these situations, he'll be there to help, in his own way of course. He wasn't your lover, but he sure did protect you and hover around like one.
He'd pretty much ignore your existence, he didn't mind you at all, but he did enjoy your small presence. You were a shy little thing, and he rather enjoyed that about you, because that means you weren't as annoying as the rest. He ignored you for the most part, never talked to you and never really noticed you, but he would always come to your defense.
He liked the fact that you were very quiet and obedient, he could deal with that. You were quick to follow orders and sometimes you'll follow him around like a lost child. He'll never say it aloud, but he thought it was cute. He found you entertaining as well, finally starting to notice you, he'd lightly tease you, watching you flush and become panicked from his words.
He found you to be joyful in a strange way, you enjoyed reading and sleeping, and your own space. Those where things that he liked, so you were joyful in his eyes. Sometimes he'll even have tea with you, they were rare little moments, but you both enjoyed them non the less. It was like a form of bounding.
You were also his little birdy; you were his eyes and ears when he wasn't in an area. You were so quiet till nobody ever really noticed you.
He liked you, yet he hated you. You were cute, yet you were annoying. You were quiet, yet you were loud. He seemed to always notice you, and he hated it. He hated that he would always see you, and that he'd get a sense of protection. He hated feeling like he was obligated to protect you and yet he liked it. He felt like he had a reason, other than what Aizen was doing.
He'd enjoy your little walks through the halls together, your shyness was enduring, and it felt like a release from all the pressure lately, it was like a breath of fresh air. He enjoyed making you laugh; he liked the sound of it. Sometimes he was mean however, but he would do that to keep you back, he didn't want you getting hurt.
He wanted to protect your sweetness, you were his little light, and he wasn't going to share you, not with these monsters. They wouldn't know how to treat a baby bird if they saw one. He loved you, but he'd probably never admit it, for he himself was a little shy. But he would always let other know that you weren't open to date.
He'll confess to you one day, just not today, until then. He'll just enjoy lightly teasing you.
He's an ass yet he was also pretty sweet. Nodt was a man who was in between, he was hard to read at times. But you'll learn him. He enjoyed torturing others, and he used to do you the same way. Praying on your weakness, but you never fought back, and he stopped. It wasn't fun when the pray didn't fight back.
You were such a closed off person, till he grew curious of you, he wanted to know more about you, you were different compared to the other Quincies. You weren't arrogant, you were loud, you weren't aggressive. You were quiet, you were alone, you were shy, you were compassionate. He liked that about you.
Nodt was a religious man, he believes in heaven and hell. He throughy believed that all of the quincies were going to hell, including himself, and that made him sacred. He didn't want to go to hell, but he also didn't want to change his ways. But through you, he feels that he'll be able to change, for the better.
You were his little angle, his little slice of heaven. He treasures you, because he knows that he'll never get to experience the real thing, he was far too evil. He almost didn't even want to look at you, he felt that he would contaminate you, your pureness was so precious. But you gravitated toward him, and that made his heart swell.
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coffee-cupps · 2 years
Ulquiorra X Gn! Reader
{🦇SFW and NSFW Headcannons🦇}
[In which Ulquiorra is yours…]
Welcome dear! Thank you for the request! I’m a big fan of Ulquiorra and find him pretty cool. Remember, request for all Bleach characters are open 24/7!
Soft Ulquiorra
Dom/sub dynamics
Soft kisses
Nsfw stuff
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Ulquiorra is an asshole, an emotionless asshole, except to you.
When things first started, he refused to look or even talk to you, sometimes refused to be in the same room as you, but overtime, that all stopped.
Now, he really like hovering over you, just standing behind you, showing comfort without others knowing.
When in private, he loves to hold you close and kiss the pulse on your neck. Feeling your heartbeat under his lips does something to him. Not only that, but the concept of you letting him, a hollow, kiss you somewhere that could kill you with one bite makes him feel something. Something like a strong sensation of love and trust.
He refused to show much love towards you in front of any other Espada, last think he needs is him, or worse, you getting made fun of. He won’t allow it.
He genuinely likes to sleep while holding you, he really does enjoy it and he doesn’t k ow why. Feelings such as this is useless, so why does he feel good? Why does he care about you so much.
You where the first to say the big three words. ‘I love you’. And why you did, you knew he wouldn’t say it back. He does love you, but he can’t bring himself to say it, not yet. But once you say it, he became deeply affected by it. Holding you closer, touching you softer, kissing you longer.
He kisses your hand sometimes, which is surprising because the first time he did it, was in front of Lord Aizen himself, after you complete a mission perfectly, even as a human.
He is the type to silently be like, “LOOK AT THAT! THAT’S MY S/O! DOES EVERYONE SEE THEM”? Somehow always has a proud glint in his eyes when your around.
He kinda enjoys hugging you and holding your hand. He finds you so warm and he enjoys it from his cold skin. You set him ablaze.
Ulquiorra will take a long time for him to get this vulnerable with you. Exposing his skin to your eyes is something he was very hesitant to do.
But once he does, oh boy, he is stunning.
During most days, he will be the dominant one, always being soft with you. But on some days, he will allow you to take control.
He enjoys holding your hand during soft sex, and loved having his body really close to yours, feeling your breath on his cheek as he nibbles at your neck.
The first time, he’ll be super soft with you, going in and out of you so slowly as to not break you. But once you two are comfortable after a while, he may get rougher.
The first time he finally says that he loves you is when he finishes inside of you for the first time.
He is really sweet during sex, always whispering kind words to you as he softly thrusts up into you.
He enjoys the lights being off during the act, he finds it more intimate.
He really does love you and really enjoys kissing your lips during the act. Ya’ know…to keep you quiet ;).
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stanurines1mp · 1 year
pairing: Ulquiorra Cifer x Fem!Gin's sister!Reader
type: angst
an: ignoring the fact that i start sm fanfics that i havent finished, here's another Bleach oneshot of one of my fav characters! i can write an entire essay on his character eheh. also, this is pretty short but im kinda lazy lol... its basically like the scene of him and orihime about the 'heart' but with a romantic(?) and angsty twist. so have fun and enjoy! dont forget to follow me on Tumblr and Wattpad! and share, like, vote, comment and all :)
warnings: angst (dont expect more from me), death, aizen (bro deserves a warning), gin (also deserves a warning but he's barely in here), reader is gin's younger sister, kinda rushed, blood (barely). i think thats all, lemme know if i miss anything! 
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Following Aizen into Hueco Mundo was a decision filled with regret. Leaving behind your friends from the Seireitei was not your best move. But what more could you do when your older brother, Gin, had brought you along?
Honestly, what was he thinking?
But you couldn't deny him. You swore to stay by each other's side and this was not an exception.
So there you stood just a little behind him, fingers gripping tightly on the sleeve of his robe. Scared, you were barely peeking into the view of whatever Hollow Aizen had found interest in.
Ever since you set foot in this world, you were driven with fear, longing for a sense of warmth in this cold atmosphere. It's much too different than the Soul Society and the Human World. You'd do anything to get back to either one of those. But you swore to stay with Gin.
And Aizen was kind enough not to separate you both.
Until one day, he found your presence to be irrelevant and quite honestly a nuisance though he hid that fact with a sweet little lie of saying that he just wanted you to be safe.
And you remembered that day very well, too.
After all, it happened during a meeting with all the Espadas who swore loyalty to the God wannabe. Seated around the table were those 10 Arrancars and the traitors of Soul Society, including you.
"Y/N," Aizen brought the attention to you.
At this point in time, you had made yourself somewhat comfortable. Or rather, you've let yourself not get involved with anyone except your brother. So from your seat, your slouching back immediately straightened while your eyes widened. 
Your gaze lifted to meet the man, his soft orbs peering into yours. To the outside looking in, one would think he was displaying a look of warmth but you knew better than to fall for his manipulation. 
"Y-Yes?" You stuttered.
Sure, you were aware of his tricks. That didn't mean you weren't scared of him. 
"I have a very important task for you," he smiled. "I have informed Ulquiorra of everything and he is in charge of you."
"Wait, what?!" Your words slipped out, panic jolting your body as you looked from the man to your brother, your brows stitched in a silent beg for help. 
Before your brother could display even a shift in expression, your body froze in the chair. Your eyes widened, your lips emitting a hitched gasp. 
Aizen's Reiatsu was hurting you. 
Your fingers clutched firmly at the edge of the table. Your lungs felt like it was closing up, your airway narrowing as you gasped helplessly for air. 
"Are you denying me, Y/N?" His tone was silky smooth, an eyebrow raised condescendingly. 
Not without struggle, your head began to shake weakly as the brims of your eyes begin to well up with tears. Having enough of your suffering for the moment, Aizen lowered his Reiatsu and you gasped loudly as you could feel air flowing in and out of you again. 
"My apologies, Aizen-sama," you trembled, gaze lowering to the ground.
To that, he let out a pleased hum that matched his smirk. What a fucking sadist. 
So that's why you were currently stuck next to the 4th Espada, hiding in the Dangai while you waited to capture the human girl Aizen took an interest in. Honestly, some part of you hated yourself for being in such a position, forcing the same fate on an innocent girl who would do anything for her friends. 
"Inoue-san," you cleared your throat one day, knocking on the door. 
You pushed it open and saw the girl's sullen figure on the floor, gazing at the moon. She remained silent as she watched you enter. 
"How are you doing?" You asked, knowing it wouldn't bring any sort of comfort whatsoever despite that being your intention. "If you need anything, I'm at your service," you sighed. 
Silence passed between you two. Though expected, you took it as a sign to leave. Just as you were about to, she stopped you with a question. 
"Kuchiki-san told me about you," she said. "Why did you betray the Soul Society?" 
Her question struck you right at the pit of your regretful heart, making you stop in your tracks. 
With a sigh, you answered, "Just as you'd come here for your friends, I would do anything for my brother."
Refusing to prolong the conversation, you took your leave. Turning a corner as you head to your room, you felt fingers wrapped around your wrist. Holding you in place, Ulquiorra then appeared before you. 
"What do you think you're doing?" He raised his brows in question. 
Your eyes met his and you lowly exhaled. 
"Aizen-sama said that she's under our care," you reminded. "I am only caring for her." 
He let go of your hand, eyes still staring into yours. "You have no need to make friends with  her." 
A scoff slipped past your lips. "What are you?" You changed the subject, rather curious about something regarding the Arrancar. "Which part of Death do you signify, Ulquiorra?"
With your eyes stuck on him, paired with your question, he felt somewhat, exposed. His lips remain pursed, gaze peeling away from yours as he turned to walk away. 
"I do not see how that is of any relevance." 
"If I am to work by your side, I'd like to know more about you," you simply answered. 
Looking over his shoulder, he said, "As I said, I do not see the relevance." 
"I'll find out soon enough," you hummed, watching as he walked away. 
And with your future days spent closely with him, you actually did figure him out. 
You could clearly see it in his eyes, you actually wondered how you could have missed that. But you couldn't miss it anymore as each day passes by and he often visited you. 
It was odd but you had realized how frequently he came to see you whether it was to send you food or talk about the prisoner. You wondered if it was intentional but over time, you didn't seem to mind it. And maybe because now that you know him, you couldn't help the interest you held for him. 
You wanted to understand him. 
You wanted to understand why it was that you noticed his eyes changing since the day he met you. 
It seemed like you managed to reach that on an afternoon in Hueco Mundo. 
You were gazing at the blue sky, a smile tickling your complexion at the view that reminded you of the warmth back in Soul Society. But the one that sheltered you at the moment was nothing but a fake. At such a thought, your smile faltered. 
"What are you doing?" Ulquiorra's voice ran through your spine. 
"It's so heavy," you murmured. 
"What is?" 
You let out a sigh, turning around to see him. "My heart," you said. "It's full of regrets." 
He let out a patronizing scoff, "You humans and Soul Reapers toss that word around mindlessly. What is this 'heart'?" 
Your eyes flickered close for a moment but hearing his question, you understood him. 
And you understood yourself. 
And with a saddened smile, you reduced the distance with a question. "Do you not believe in the existence of the heart?" 
"I do not believe in things I cannot see," he began, taking another step. "Even with these eyes of mine that perceive all, I cannot see this so-called 'heart'."
"And that makes it not real?" 
His hand stretched forward, fingers aiming at your heart. 
"If I rip out your chest, will I see it? If I crush open your skull, will I see it?" 
The gap between the tip of his finger and the fabric of your dress over your heart closed with another step from you. His long nail threatened to puncture your skin but you did not have it in you to break your composure as you stared into his eyes. 
"Do it, then," your words silkened out daringly. 
You can see surprise behind those dark eyes, only aiding you to go further. 
"Rip out my chest. Crush open my skull. Do whatever you must to find my heart because I can assure you, it is real and it is there." 
You could see the slight tremble in his hand. With another step toward him, your dress let out a ripped sound as his claws penetrated through. 
"I have a heart that beats and with each passing second, it beats for you." 
Your lips parted in a slight gasp as you feel warm blood oozing out. Still, you let yourself be guided by your heart. 
"I am not afraid of you, Ulquiorra," you exhaled. "As I can see the emptiness in you begin to fill with the reflection of my love for you." 
Any changes of expression he tried to hide had failed terribly. But he was not the only one shocked by your confession.
It seems that you've let yourself fall for the 4th Espada. 
Maybe that would soon turn into yet another one of your regrets but for the time being, he let you go. 
His cold, empty demeanor had returned when he retracted his arm to his side. He began to walk away, leaving you a taste of his void and disappointment. But before he closed the door, he stopped. Over his shoulder, he looked in your direction but not really looking at you. 
"The human's friends have come to Hueco Mundo. My order for you is to stay in your room," he slurred out. "No matter what." 
With everything that occurred next, you still remained in your room. Why? 
Because he had asked you to. 
And you were meant to listen to him. 
So you ignored all the changes in Spiritual Pressure that occurred in Hueco Mundo to fulfill his order. But there was one change that you can no longer ignore. 
And with that worry, that fright, you ran out of your room. With all your strength, you flew upwards, past the fake skies of Las Noches and into the truth of Hueco Mundo. Landing on the ground, you stood up. 
And it was as if your mere presence had caused him to peel away his gaze from his opponent. His eyes that met yours were no longer those you saw during your first meeting. 
That emptiness that he signified was filling up. 
Just as your tears welled in your eyes, your lips parted in a frightful gasp, watching his wings begin to disappear. His hand, the very same one that bled you, lifted from his side. His fingers reached for you. Allowing your tears to fall, you cried as you ran to him, your own hand stretched out to grasp his. 
Yet no matter how fast you ran, you could never reach him. 
He was so close.
Yet so far. 
"I see it now," he said, stopping you in your tracks with wide eyes and parted lips. "I understand now," he said. 
You ignored the presence of the humans, only focusing on the fallen Espada. 
"Your heart," he let out, fingers beginning to close in an empty grip. "Has always been in the palm of my hands." 
Your breath hitched in your throat as you ran to him again, weakly struggling to reach him. 
But just when you did, his hand leaves you as it dissipated into darkened ash.
With a loud cry, you fell to your knees, our tears unabashedly falling to your cheeks. Your left hand clutches over your heart-
"Rip out my chest."
-while your right hand clutches over your head-
"Crush open my skull." 
As you were heeding his last order, he was heeding yours, providing you the sensation of actions you asked for. 
Yet another regret filled that heavy heart of yours.
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seneon · 4 months
can you do an x reader with ulquiorra where he feels something for the reader? For example touching her hand accidentally and feeling the contrast between her body temp and his own? And that makes him maybe develop a beginning of a crush bc he has never touched anyone without killing them lmao
A TOUCH OF THE SUN ───── ulquiorra cifer x fem! reader. fluff and wc of 800+ i love love love him sm..
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ulquiorra cifer, the fourth ranking espada of formal soul reaper aizen's army. he who is dispassionate and would immediately think of disposing of the uninteresting weak.
just how exactly would he react when an arrancar who portrays the element of ecstasy came into his view and pokes her way through that empty soul of his?
ulquiorra does not believe in the human heart nor does he believe in human emotions. all those emotions portrayed by his other army men were designed by aizen and his two other comrades. they never had such things called emotions in the first place. ah yes . . . they were all just like the fourth espada. cold, heartless, unknown to the blazing sun but an artificial one in hueco mundo.
not that he bats an eye at the arrancar girl of ecstasy, but she always makes her way to be around ulquiorra. the male finds it quite irritating and that she is much of a nuisance, always smiling and sprinkling her shine everywhere she goes.
today was no different than any other day. just as yammy left ulquiorra’s sight, you will pop out from the corner and spin your way to the aloof male. “hello ulquiorra, i made you something,” you took his hand in yours to give him the item you made for him.
but the cifer instinctively grabbed your hands before you could even hold his. the thing fell to the ground and your eyes followed it to the hard and cold floors. of course you'd want to automatically pick it up, but the grip the male has on you is quite firm and strong.
your eyes left the item instead and they looked at ulquiorra. the nihilistic and empty arrancar who holds your hand, slowly but gently easing his grip on your wrist. his basil green eyes locked onto your hands where his own cold hands laid upon.
what is this foreign feeling?
quietly, you watched the arrancar move his fingers around your wrist, slowly feeling every part of your wrist before he trails his cold fingers up to your arms. you didn't really understand what he's doing, but you know ulquiorra is feeling your skin and experiencing something he has never felt before.
“you are warm,” said ulquiorra, no changes in time as per usual and his eyes never leaving your hands. they were like something he had never known existed in this world. like your hands and your arms is something completely new to be studied. a foreign object.
“am i?” you asked, very much confused. who wouldn't be? a terrifying upper ranking soldier is holding your arm and feeling it while saying that you're warm. it was starting to weird you out.
suddenly, that hand of yours that he held was pulled forward so your hands hold his wrist now.
“do you feel the difference, y/n? how my hand is cold and yours isn't?”
your eyes widened. “hey you called me by my name and not girl!! is this character development!?” you unknowingly moved your grip to hold the cifer’s palm in excitement that you just heard your name slip out from his lips, something that he has never done before.
his eyebrow scrunched a little at your hand holding his hand. something in him stirred at the little gesture. something once again so foreign and unknown to him that has him all confused. ulquiorra withdraws his hands from your touch, his hands lingering around in the air for a few moments before he lets it fall to his side.
“i’m sorry, i didn't mean to,” you quickly apologised, face twisting into worry. “your hand isn't cold at all, ulquiorra,” you said in a soft whisper, barely audible, yet the arrancar could pick up your voice just perfectly.
you remembered the item you were going to give him and you picked it up, shoving it into his hands. "for you. a moon charm made out of ceramic."
it was silent for a few moments before ulquiorra turned around and slid his hands into his pockets, holding your charm tightly.
“so that's how the word warm feels like. you're lucky i didn't kill you the moment you held my hands,” ulquiorra said and began to walk away, leaving you dumbfounded. his hand is really cold like he claims it to be. he is just as warm as any other living being. ulquiorra himself is warm.
but to the cifer, your warmth feels like a touch of the sun. him touching your hands alone is enough to make his cheeks turn into a different temperature. you gave him a sense of comfort the moment you held his palm in yours.
the arrancar of nihilism would never admit it, but he walked away in embarrassment that is coated with his stoicism. in truth, he wanted to feel your warmth a little bit more.
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© SENEON 2024 ♰ do not repost, alter, or translate.
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Good day! do you have some fluff hcs for either Starrk or Ulquiorra? 🤩
I decided to do both because I couldn't choose! they are both so different from each other and couldn't decide which I'd rather write for!
Sorry these are shorter than the usual, I don't have such detailed brain-thoughts these days! (Damn my messed up neurodivergent braincell!!)
Coyote Starrk
Starrk is a total sweetheart. No one can change my mind on that l, and he will put you first no matter what. You are everything to him.
Naps. Lots of them.
He will always make sure you're close to him when you guys are sleeping. He couldn't bear the thought of you being taken away from him while the two of you slept.
Cuddles are a must when you two take a nap. He loves having you close. It brings him comfort and chases away the loneliness.
He always holds you tightly, as though he's afraid that if he doesn't, you'll vanish.
He's the best at comforting. If you've had a bad day or something has upset you, he'll be there to listen and to hold you for as long as you need.
Ulquiorra Cifer
Ulquiorra is the walking definition of cold and unfeeling... most of the time– with you, at least in private, he can, and does, show a little emotion.
He's not the most affectionate, but it's the little things that really mean the most when it comes to him. Things like spending time with you willingly or allowing you to be close to him.
On the whole, he's not a big fan of physical affection, though he will reluctantly admit he sleeps so much better when he's next to you.
It takes him a long time to acknowledge he has any form of feelings for you, and even then, he struggles with expressing them and NEVER in public.
When he's more comfortable around you and more accepting of his own emotions, he 100% has a thing for resting his head on your chest so he can listen to your heart. You can not convince me otherwise!
He likes it when you pet his hair. He says it helps him relax.
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muzansfangs · 1 year
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My dear readers, welcome to the “𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬” event. Since on August 29th I’m turning twenty-four, I have decided to host this small event.
• How does it work? Being a busy person and having my requests closed, I have already set up everything. I therefore hope you will just enjoy the works that are going to be part of this collection and let me know if you are satisfied with them.
• What does the event consist in? This post will work as a real Masterlist for the twenty-four one-shots I’m going to post. I’ve chosen twenty-four male characters from Demon Slayer and Bleach, pairing each and every one of them with a line of a song I have chosen.
• Are there any other infos you should be aware of? The works will all be written in the perspective of a female reader. The contents of the works can be smut, fluff or angst and, sometimes, the various generes will be combined. I will make sure to add all the details concerning the warnings about the triggering themes in every single post.
• Anything else? This is the complete list of the works I will gradually update. There is not a specific order, but I will add the links of the one-shots whenever I get to post one of them! Thanks for the attention, your perfectionist admin.
• 505 — Gin Ichimaru x f!reader (ANGST + NSFW)
“In my imagination you’re waiting laying on your side, with your hands between your thighs”, Arctic Monkeys.
• BABYDOLL — Douma x f!reader (NSFW)
“When I meet your eyes, the devil, he wins”, Ari Abdul.
• IF I KILLED SOMEONE FOR YOU — Aizen Sosuke x f!reader (NSFW + ANGST)
“Would you love me more, if I killed someone for you?”, Alec Benjamin
• HEART LIKE YOURS — Sanemi Shinazugawa x f!reader (FLUFF)
“How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine?”, Willamette Stone
• ATLANTIS — Urahara Kisuke x f!reader (ANGST)
“ ‘Cause in my heart and in my head, I'll never take back the things I said”, Seafret
• UNTIL I FOUND YOU — Rengoku Kyojuro x f!reader (FLUFF)
“I was lost within the darkness but then I found her, I found you”, Stephen Sanchez
• FRIENDS — Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x f!reader (NSFW)
“Tell me we’re not just friends, this doesn’t make much sense, no”, Chase Atlantic
• SWEATER WEATHER — Renji Abarai x f!reader (FLUFF + ANGST)
“ ‘Cause it’s too cold for you here and now, so let me hold both your hands in the holes of my sweater”, The Neighbourhood
• BLUE JEANS — Muzan Kibutsuji x f!reader (NSFW)
“You were sorta punk rock, I grew up on hip hop, but you fit me better than my favorite sweater”, Lana del Rey
• DAYLIGHT — Byakuya Kuchiki x f!reader (FLUFF + NSFW)
“Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time. You and I drink the poison from the same vine”, David Kushner
• CARDIGAN — Tomioka Giyuu x f!reader (FLUFF)
“And when I felt like I was an old cardigan under someone's bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite”, Taylor Swift
• FUCK YOU IN MY HEAD — Shunsui Kyoraku x f!reader (NSFW)
“I got dirty wishes on my mind, but you will never ever know that I, I like to fuck you in my head”, Cloudy June
• BACK TO BLACK — Obanai x f!reader (ANGST + NSFW)
“We only said goodbye with words, I died a hundred times. You go back to her and I go back to, I go back to us”, Amy Winehouse
• WHERE’S MY LOVE — Ulquiorra Cifer x f!reader (ANGST)
“Ooh, does she know that we bleed the same? Ooh, don’t wanna cry but I break that way”, SYML
• ALL OF ME — Kokushibo x f!reader (FLUFF + NSFW)
“Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts, risking it all, though it's hard”, John Legend
• KISS ME — Haschwalth Jugram x f!reader (FLUFF + NSFW)
“And your heart’s against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck, I’m falling for your eyes but they don’t know me yet”, Ed Sheeran
• WHEN THE DARKNESS COMES — Shinjuro Rengoku x f!reader (FLUFF)
“When you're feeling lost I'll leave my love hidden in the sun, for when the darkness comes”, Colbie Caillat
• SAY SOMETHING — Ukitake Jushiro x f!reader (ANGST)
“And I will swallow my pride, you're the one that I love and I'm saying goodbye”, A Great Big World
• CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE — Akaza x f!reader (FLUFF)
“Shall I stay? Would it be a sin, if I can't help falling in love with you?”, Elvis Presley
• SHADOW PREACHERS — Zaraki Kenpachi x f!reader (NSFW)
“You make me wanna love, hate, cry, take, every part of you. You make me wanna scream, burn, touch, learn, every part of you”, Zella Day
• HUNGER — Yoriichi Tsugikuni x f!reader (FLUFF)
“Oh, love, let me see inside your heart, all the cracks and broken parts, the shadows in the light. There's no need to hide”, Ross Copperman
• ENJOY THE SILENCE — Shinji Hirako x f!reader (NSFW)
“All I ever wanted, all I ever needed is here in my arms. Words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm”, Depeche Mode
• BREAK MY HEART MYSELF — Uzui Tengen x f!reader (ANGST + NSFW)
“I don't need your help getting off of this carousel. I don't need anybody else, 'cause I can break my heart myself”, Bebe Rexha
• VILLAIN — Shuhei Hisagi x f!reader (NSFW)
“I'll be the villain tonight. I kinda like when you despise me after we fight”, Bella Poarch
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brittscafe · 1 year
awww thank you so much! <3 <3
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There was nothing more Grimmjow loved to do than to lay in your arms, especially on a rainy day. He hated the rain and would rather die than go outside in it.
He may have the biggest attitude on those days, but he absolutely adores the way you hold him.
Your fingers run through his pale blue hair and he nuzzles his head farther into your chest. You can hear his faint heartbeat, steady and calm.
HIs arms are wrapped securely around your waist, squeezing you and holding you firmly. If Grimmjow were to hold you even tighter, he would cut off your air supply.
Your other hand is running up and down his back, your fingernails scratching his shirt.
"I've got a mission," you announce and Grimmjow snaps his head up from your chest.
"What mission?" he cocks an eyebrow, annoyance laced in his rough voice.
"Well, I guess it's not really a mission. I just want to help out Harribel clear out Hueco Mundo," you explain and Grimmjow frowns widely.
"Ah, you can do that later. You're busy right now and I'm sure Harribel would understand," Grimmjow scoffs quietly.
"You do realize that I have better things to do than just sit here and play with your hair, right?" you ask, cocking an eyebrow. Grimmjow scoffs quietly and shakes his head.
You flick his forehead and he grimaces, releasing his grip on you. Using that advantage, you slip out from his grasp and stand up from the couch.
"No, I don't think you have anything better to do, actually," he shrugs his shoulders, wrapping his arms around your waist. You gasp loudly as Grimmjow effortlessly pulls you back onto the couch and tightens his grasp around you.
"Grimmjow," you groan out as he starts to pepper your face in soft, gentle kisses.
"5 more minutes...please?" he speaks softly, burying his face into the curve of your neck. You let out a heavy sigh and wrap your arms around his torso.
"Fine, 5 more minutes," you reply dryly, a smile tugging on your face.
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ulneisch · 10 months
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Intro about me and my selfship with my F/O, Ulquiorra Cifer. ♥️🦇
my name is Neil and I have selfship with Ulquiorra from Bleach, our ship name is UlquiNeil ♡♡ I'm ‼️NON-SHARING‼️ he became someone very important to me, I met him this year and I love him like you have no idea, I love drawing with him. There are no OC's here okay, I'm literally mexUlquiorra, my persona/selfinsert, I like to represent myself as an Arrancar.
our dynamics are based on hurt-comfort, slowburn and fluff. We have an achillean relationship since I'm non-binary (AFAB) and we are both asexual. Our lore is too extensive but if I fit in here maybe I will tell a little about what our story is like in the Bleach universe. I give a little context of me in Bleach, I'm Neil Sevilla, Número 12, Fracción of Ulquiorra Cifer and currently her husband ♡ I like to represent how Ulquiorra and I saved each other, if he saved me, I saved him same.
excuse me if my english is bad! my native language is Spanish. Ah, my pronouns are he/they.
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I don't really tend to focus much on lore since I tend more towards merely expressing my love for Ulquiorra, even so, sometimes I make exceptions and talk about our lore. Basically I focus on the present since the manga is finished and I consider the story closed (what had to happen, has already happened). Ulquiorra helps me in moments of anxiety crisis or intrusive thoughts, that's why I use the tag a lot hurt-comfort, I suppose our dynamic is something more everyday.
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