#bleach the diamond dust rebellion
artblooger19moon · 7 months
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Bleach Movies
Bleach Memories of Nobody
Bleach The DiamondDust Rebellion
Bleach Fade to Black
Bleach Hellverse
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recurring-polynya · 2 months
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diamond dust rebellion end credits, there was no need to rub it in like this
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anime-manga-polls · 8 months
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bombomderps · 2 years
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Diamond Dust Rebellion light novel. p. 36-37
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samsheughan · 2 years
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“I am a chief. God has made me what I am. He has given me the duty—and I must do it, whatever the cost.” [insp.]
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Had over 1000 orbs and decided to try my luck at the Movie Selection Banner...
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3 of these.
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Mr. Sojiro "The movie was good, might revisit the concept of twin dragon deities becoming Zanpakuto spirits and as per fucking usual, Central 46 fucks up..." Kusaka
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Another version of Dark Rukia
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
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How long has Renji been waiting--nay, patiently yearning--to offer this service to someone?
How many nights has he lain awake playing this scenario out in his head
How many different ways has he imagined the opportunity
Use Zabimaru as a ladder and climb up!
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archer3-13 · 4 months
im kinda impressed actually at how quickly bleach: diamond dust rebellion is pissing me off [decided to see if bleaches movies had anything goin for em].
like, memories of nobody was wonky but it had a vision. it had heart. it had some degree of care put into its construction.
diamond dust rebellion immediately lays on the flimsy fucking ground work from the get go, enough so that i seriously doubt its going to improve much.
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darkroguescribe · 1 month
I got back into looking through my Bleach fanfics with the intent to work on them but then I somehow got the idea of a bisexual Toshiro in my head where Kusaka wasn’t just Toshiro’s friend but his first love and that just made diamond dust rebellion all the more tragic.
Granted, it only really works if Toshiro is older than he looks during his Academy years but still.
Give me a minute to cry over a nonexistent bisexual romance and then I’ll write something hitsuhina.
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johannepetereric · 9 months
“Could you use Tensho Zangetsu?”
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coconutgirl28 · 2 years
The DiamondDust Rebellion 💎
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raphaelcrossofoliver · 2 months
I wish to recommend you Bleach (S) Abridged by Project Mouthwash. Why?
Because of this scene in their abridging of Diamond Dust Rebellion
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
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the only way to travel
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alasse-earfalas · 5 months
@aikoiya I'm continuing our conversation here because I did in fact write an essay.
Okay so first of all: [throws youtube links at you] <- those clips are from a movie adaptation of the beloved classic, "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Get your hands on a copy of the book and read it, please. It is phenomenal and not very long.
The image I shared of the Little Prince is from a re-imagined version of the character, from a comic book series (based on a tv series, which the image is from) of the same name that I stumbled upon about a decade ago and fell in love with. More about him later.
Now. I have a theory about Toby that is very similar to yours, but a lot more straightforward: when the accident happened, his soul bound itself to the blue core (as in, the physical object, not the energy it produced) in much the same way that souls in Bleach will sometimes bind themselves to locations / objects / etc upon death. The blue core energy is what kept his soul from decaying or turning into a Hollow.
I like to think of blue core energy as a combination of, or dual-purpose, electric and soul energy. So Astro really is Toby, just with a rebuilt body, and no chance of turning into a Hollow because the blue core energy stabilizes him. Of course, he would be completely unaware of this until Toshiro points it out to him.
[a lot more under the cut]
Speaking of, let me go back to the Little Prince. The way I want to portray him in this crossover idea is somewhat of a combination of how he is in the original book and how he is in the comic series. Or, more precisely, I like the idea that the comics simply depict how the Little Prince is when he's a bit older than he was in the book. There's a lot more besides his age that changes between the book and the comics, but the end of the book leaves the possibility for so drastic a change wide open, and the comic all but treats the book as a prequel, so I'm going to use that.
In the comics, the Little Prince has some special abilities, but mostly he still has the eyes and wonder of a child. He is very benevolent (nearly to a fault!) and feels things very strongly, but only rarely loses himself to fits of temper or despair. Mostly he is joyful and very keen, kind, and curious. He can talk to all living things and summon things from his imagination (within certain limitations).
Outside of all that, he and Toshiro have so much in common that I have a very hard time imagining them not being immediate close friends, even with Toshiro's ultra-reserved demeanor and trauma around the matter (yes I'm sort-of including Diamond Dust Rebellion stuff in this). Toshiro has been shown to be a very deep thinker and feeler, and is still very much a child, but he's learned to act (in the vernacular of the Little Prince) like a grown-up because he's surrounded by them. They might clash a little on that point, but beyond that they have so much in common that I think there would be an immediate connection between the two:
both have someone they are fiercely loyal to, around whom their whole heart revolves, and losing them would destroy their entire world
they both love watching sunsets and do so religiously, in both cases because it reminds them of the respective objects of their devotion
they both work with someone with a personality polar opposite to theirs, but with whom they share a strong bond of friendship anyway
they share a disdain (milder in Toshiro's case) for grown-ups
they both have deep, poetic, philosophical thoughts that they may (Little Prince) or may not (Toshiro) share with others
On top of all that, I can easily see the Little Prince's innocence and borderline naivety reminding Toshiro of Momo, and inversely, Toshiro's grumpiness reminding the Little Prince of his dear friend, Fox. So Toshiro's cold demeanor would do absolutely nothing to deter the Little Prince's friendship, and the Little Prince's warmth and trusting heart would activate Toshiro's powerful, "you are precious, you are kind to me, must protec at all costs" complex.
Back to Astro. In a lot of ways he would serve as the emotional Kirk to Toshiro's Spock and the Little Prince's McCoy. He's kind and warm, but knows when fisticuffs make the best argument. He's slower to violence than Toshiro but quicker to violence than the Little Prince. He knows what it's like to feel isolated and "other" and to stand out for his genius, like Toshiro, and he expresses his care for others with gentleness and vulnerability, like the Little Prince does. He'd be the perfect emotional balance between the two, and would round out the group's abilities very nicely.
There are also two big things that they all have in common. One I won't go into because Little Prince spoilers, but the other is that they all, at one point or another, have refused to fight in a situation that demanded them to. The Little Prince avoids violence as a rule (depending on the opponent), so such situations are almost a typical Tuesday for him, but Toshiro and Astro have each been pitted against a friend that—depending on how you interpret things—they each kinda shared a piece of their soul with. In Astro's case, it ended well. In Toshiro's... it didn't. It very didn't.
I know that I don't want their first encounter with each other to be violent, but I've tossed around so many ideas about how they meet and nothing so far is really sticking. Do they meet in one of their worlds? A separate world from any of theirs? So far the only thing that's kinda sticking is them meeting in the Bleach-verse, with the Little Prince showing up near Toshiro's house & running into him on a day off, meanwhile Astro shows up in the living world, but idk. I kinda had this idea of them traveling to different fictional worlds together to kinda help out and set things straight, but I don't even know if I want to keep that or not. All I know is they must be friends.
so anyway they are all bean and I will share more ideas later but it's late and I need to go to bed but yeah thanks for letting me ramble k bye
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bombomderps · 2 years
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Another scribble inspired by the novelization of “Diamond Dust Rebellion” when Karin picks up Toshiro on her back after finding him near dead in the forest.
It’s fun but also a terrible pain to emulate Kubo’s style lol but it works as perfectly as practice! (which is also part of the reason why i dont exactly clean these sketches huehuehuehuehue)
Karin may not believe she was as useful as her sister, but she definetly inherited the Kurosaki/Shiba protective instinct!
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getsusekaii · 9 months
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I. favourite colours: White to Black shades, and deep blues, purples and greens.
II. favourite flavours: Vanilla and Chocolate, Cookies n' Cream, Strawberries
III. favourite genres: of books; non-fiction. of movies, comedy
IV. favourite music: catch me on spotify listening to phonk music most of the time, but also anime and video game OSTs.
V. favourite movies: Bleach: The Diamond Dust Rebellion
VI. favourite series: for anime Bleach, and JJK obviously. for non-anime House. I'm in the middle of a rewatch.
VII. last song: Listening to Bravely Second OST atm
VIII. last series: Last anime I finished is JJK. Sadness....
IX. last movie: Enter the Dragon by Bruce Lee
X. currently reading: Manga wise, Jujutsu Kaisen. Book wise, Circle of Friends re-read.
XI. currently watching: Migi and Dali for anime, House (again) for non-anime
XII. currently working on: ask box
Tagged: @wormb0i Tagging: Steal
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