#blitzkrieg cosplay
nesuki · 1 year
Did a little test with my Yuriy Cosplay last night around 3 am
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comicsxaminer · 7 years
Cool Cosplay: Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, And More!
Cool Cosplay: Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, And More!
Spider-Man by Blitzkrieg Cosplay
Jesse Cruz/Green Lantern, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Cyborg, The Flash by Priscylla Longoria, Chad Lee Tango, Margie Vizcarra Cox, Patrick ‘Rick’ Lance, Michael Cox, Dwight Dunbar, and FlashFletch Cosplay, Photography by Patrick Sun
Zatanna And Black Canary by JusZ Cosplay and Come Along Mikky
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kewltie · 4 years
cosplayers bakudeku, where katsuki is famous for his really flashy, overly detailed and complicated cosplay at cons and izuku is a nsfw cosplayer who doesn't do cons but is super huge online. katsuki snubs that kind of low level cosplay bc he thinks it’s trashy and beneath him. then their fandom collides at the biggest con in japan bc izuku promised once he got 5mil follows on twitter he'll do a meet up and katsuki who plan to have the most intricate and best cosplay that year at the con... completely got upstage by a bunny boy in skimpy costume and he's FUCKING PISSED.
despite the fact that Izuku mainly produce is lewd and suggestive content in his cosplay, izuku rarely show his face in his photoshoot except only to his highest tier patreons. he often comes off as bold and confident on camera but irl izuku is a mess of anxiety and insecurity. heavily bullied growing up, he came to hate himself and his own skin bc he never felt good on it. his therapist suggested he start taking photos of himself daily to boost his confidence bc if he's able to take control of how he look and present himself to the world it's a first step.
it started small. just a casual selfie each day as soon as he wake up, no prep and no care. he just want to get it out of the way. then he started to rearrange outfits to go w/ his photos. he moved to posing next and then he bought an expansive camera just to take photo of himself. izuku's insecurity didn't get overcome overnight but lil by lil the boy in the photo blossomed from a gloomy unsmiling face to a handsome bright young man. that was how izuku fell in love w/ the camera and the boy in the photo bc he might not love himself yet but he love the *him* in those photos bc they don’t feel like it’s actually him.
once he got into it, he was hooked. he wanted to take better photos of himself, in outfits he normally doesn't wear (a lil more showy and skin), and in setting outside the walls of his bedroom. he wanted to look good bc it made him feel good about himself. it made him come alive. so he set himself up to learn everything that can help him get better photos of himself. like, he cant keep buying and reusing old clothes in his photo so he learned how to sew. and he knew nothing about how to do make up so he took to watching makeup tutorials!! izuku wasnt interest in styling or makeup previously but in the pursue of the perfect photo of himself he actively consumed every piece of knowledge that came his way. that's eventually how he stumbled upon momo's cosplay youtube chn, watching her tutorials on how she went from the start to finish with one of her more famous cosplays.
that vid opened up a whole new world for him, that there are ppl out there dedicating their time and energy into making elaborate costumes and props just to be someone else, something other than themselves and they were all so beautiful. at that moment izuku realized he could just be someone else for a change--boy, girl, monster, alien, animal, doesn't matter who it is as long as the person isn't him. it was ok. NOT THE MOST HEALTHIEST mentality but it worked for izuku. he followed all of momo's tutorials and started to get into cosplay. it was just something small to help him work on his anxiety and insecurity, but it warped into something that consume him bc cosplay empowered him to do more. TO BE BETTER. be brave in the way he doesn’t quite feel yet.
 it started as something mainly for himself and his battered self-confidence but one day momo made a comparison tweet about her earlier cosplay and her current one, how ppl improve everyday and that they shouldn't be afraid to push the envelope and try new things!!!! so izuku, feeling strangely brave for once, bit the bullet and post a single photo of himself in one of his selfmade costume of him in his now (INFAMOUS) bunny ears boy in short. his twitter had no post before the photo and he only followed momo's acc. it was completely barren.
he wasn't even anybody noticeable and momo had MILLIONS OF FOLLOWERS so izuku won't even register on her radar at all. he went to bed that night a lil happy w/ himself for being that brave but then he woke up the next day and his phone LITERALLY BLEW UP bc momo rtwted his photo.
now izuku's amateur photo got exposed to millions of ppl and gained several thousands new followers literally OVERNIGHT. izuku's nerves went haywire at the thought of everyone looking at his photo and seeing the cracks, his flaws, all over him. he couldn't bare the thought of ppl judging him but momo not only followed him but even said: "you looks so cute and sultry<333! wonderful cosplay work!" and the comments he received from her fans where all kind and encouraging and they want to MORE. izuku never felt so out of place and yet so strangely right where he should be.
this was his turning point. drumming up every drop of courage he has, he'd dm her and they started a friendship that launched izuku's career as pro cosplayer. w/ momo careful guiding hands, izuku learned the trade by a senior in the industry. the kinds of photo he take didn't start as uh, nsfw, but it kinda end up that way?? bc the photos he take are THE TOTAL OPPOSITE OF WHO HE IS—it makes him feel strong and confidence in a way that he doesn't always feel irl like the person in the photo is just a little braver to show a sliver of skin, to pose suggestively, and to make that kind of sultry face in front of the camera. THAT PERSON IS HIM BUT ALSO ISN’T HIM.
cosplay is similar to a theater, when izuku wears his costume he is shedding his own skin and donning a mask to be someone else. that person is the person he wishes he can be, the person he potentially can be if only a little bit. and w/ cosplay even if it's just a moment, just a flash of the camera and only in the photos he take, he can live on unafraid and untouched by reality of his anxiety and fears.
KATSUKI on the other hand started bc of mina. she was big on cosplay and harassed him to make her props for her bc he's v v clever w/ his hands and he likes making shit lol. the more demanding her request were he became the more obsessed to making it RIGHT AND PERFECT. he wanted to be an engineer bc nothing is cooler than building things and taking it apart. cosplay w/ all the things you have to create bc it doesn't exist anywhere else, so he has to start from scratch but he loves a good challenge. it's a great training ground of his career lol
he never intend to be part of MINA'S COSPLAY project but for her bday she requested that they collab and that he would appeared in a photoshoot w/ her. mina doesn't make bday's wish lightly so katsuki found himself cornered like trapped rat. he begrudgingly complied bc they been friends long enough that she can guilt trip him like NOBODY ELSE but katsuki can’t halfass it. if he's doing it, he's putting 10000% into this and be a fucking boss and OUTDO HER IN EVERY WAY so she can regret inviting him. so katsuki ofc picked the most elaborate, technically complicated, and time consuming cosplay. there were lights, electrical works, armor sets, etc, katsuki had to build them by hand to create it. he DEF show up her up at her own photoshoot and stunned every fucking person there.
for someone who has LITTLE TO NO INTEREST IN IT, katsuki went all in and more. ofc that photoshoot blew up on social media and ppl just hammer for more, wanting katsuki to make their costumes and props but he aint anyone's peons!! if he's going to put time and effort into making cool shit like this than he's only making it for his friends or himself. esp now that he saw how ridiculously hard and annoying it could be and that made him loves it all the more. so that's HOW KATSUKI GOT INTO COSPLAY.
after so many yrs of mina dragging him to cons to showoff his cosplay and w/ all the efforts he put into it, it always stunned the crowd. he even win awards after awards for his cosplay, firmly establishing his presence as one of the BEST IF NOT THE BEST IN the community!! so now he came to the biggest con of the year and is prepped for the show of his life. his costume is a dragon w/ glowing lights, functional mechanical wings that flap and even retract to his back!! it's kick ass and he poured hundreds of hours into it.
his legion of fans have been waiting for this project to bear fruit for months since the first sneak peak. the rumors churn around fandom that once again bakugou would place first again w/ his outstanding crazy out of this world dragon cosplay. nobody can top him, right????? when he arrives at the con w/ his new fucking showy cosplay, there as a blitzkrieg of photos ops and fan signing. everyone wanted to talk to him about his cosplay and then,,,,, someone SCREAMS DEKU and the next thing he knows he's left in the dust over some other cosplayer.
katsuki would be lying if he say he didn't know deku. deku w/ over 5 mills followers on twitter and 10 mils on instagrams, he's recognizable name in the community but for all the wrong reasons katsuki thinks venomously, deku who takes skanky photos of himself and call it cosplay bemismirching real hard works of other more serious cosplayers. it IRKS HIM SO MUCH that deku and his kind get the fame and recognition for wearing less, popping a collarbone and showing off his upper thigh in a photo and his fucking fans EAT THAT THIS RIGHT UP. fucking horny ass fuck ppl ruining everything and deku who catered to that shit.
while katsuki had spent months working super hard get this his dragon cosplay ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, nearly burnt his hands trying to get the wires correct, but all deku needed was put on some makeup, smile to the camera, and flashed his killer thighs and everybody THINK IT'S AMAZING. katsuki, in not one of his most brightest moment, decide to quote rtwt one of izuku's photos op w/ a comment: "you must have work reaaaaaal hard to look that good, huh. just making our community proud w/ that shitty ass effort." TO HIS 3 MILS FOLLOWERS bc he's an ass.
his followers immediately jumped on that tweet, blasting deku and his fanbase for calling it 'cosplay' but all it is is just deku w/ revealing clothes and in sexy costumes and OFC DEKU'S FANBASE DOESN'T GO DOWN QUIETLY, attacking back about their elitism and slutshaming. a war was started bc of a single tweet by katsuki who rarely keep his opinion to himself and he didn't know what he unleashed w/ that tweet. the majority of the community immediately side w/ katsuki who thinks that izuku shouldn't take all the attention from other hardworking cosplayer, blasting Izuku and his fans and all the other lewd cosplayers for not being *serious* enough but katsuki had no clue about it bc he just went there to vent and shut his phone after that bc otherwise he get so mad and break something if he think about it.
he got a competition to win!! which by everyone standard he's a shoe in to win first place again but just HIS FUCKING LUCK bc deku has the audacity to enter the same competition as him like he's gonna win at all?? in his skimpy boyshorts and bunny ears and FUCKING HUGE EYES AND RED CHEEKS AND, AND—. fuming, katsuki has every intention to destroy deku in the competition.
just before katsuki head off on stage for his number being call next, deku suddenly approaches him, eyes downcast and strangely shy in a way he didn't think deku who takes spread his thighs ON CAMERA, tells him with a tremble voice, "good luck, bakugou-san, im rooting for you!"
katsuki is kinda ?????!!! but he has no time to think about it bc it's his turn on stage and as soon as he step up, the crowd roars and he basked in the all their screams bc he knew he fucking got it. this is his stage, his world and deku is fucking dirt on the road. after he is done, he went offstage and waited for all the contestants finish and deku is apparently the last but the moment he on stage the crows is on their feet and clapping so loudly as though DEKU HAD ALREADY WON IT. they scream his names and lay their adoration at his feet.
for the first time in a v v v long time, katsuki felt unsure as though his first place wasn't a guarantee, but when it was time to announce the winner: it's his name that they call. which means all right in the world BUT lol deku is the one who won the audience's favorite award. katsuki won the judges' recognition but deku is the one whom the audience love the most and it's just hurt his ego so much bc he never lost anything in his life but this ??? fucking BRUTAL esp when deku is blushing as he hold his trophy but keep glancing at katsuki while at it.
after the contest end, katsuki broke away from his crowd of fans to stalked over izuku's own group, anger licking at his foot and his tongue sharpens for a battle. he is gonna end deku's entire fucking career right here and then.
just as katsuki makes his way through the crowd, he hears a soft and surprise, "ah, bakugou-san! congrats on your win!" deku says earnestly. "i knew you would win! your dragon cosplay is just out of this world and i'm just so floor , so can I-um, would you mind signing for me?"
katsuki stops. his brain freezes up and he lets out an intelligibility, "huh?" as deku stares up hopefully at him and his crowd of fans titters anxiously w/ worried whispers like they thought katsuki came to start a fight... which HE DID, but deku had surprised them all.
"i dont have a pen," he says, like a total IDIOT against deku's wide earnest eyes bc the image he has of deku doesn't MATCH at all with the sweet shy young man in front of him now. the deku he had seen was confident, sultry, and knows how to fuck you up w/ a curve of his lips but the deku he sees now is like a completely different person who doesn't seem as bold and daring as the deku who took a photo of himself in foamy bathwater and a teasing leg poking above the water that PROVOKED ALL KIND OF INCINERATING IMAGES. it's just--DOES NOT COMPUTE!! FUCK
"oh," deku replies, completely crestfallen like his heart is shattered bc of katsuki inability to acquire a pen. "but i-i, think i have something for you to use," he says, looking down at his chest and feels around for something it AS KATSUKI'S EYES BULGE OUT.
pulling out a pen tucked b/t his tight corset, deku looks on happily. "i got one!" and then hesitantly. "um if you don't mind."
katsuki just stares at him, not knowing if DEKU WAS FUCKING W/ HIM AT ALL OR is this actually real. like, is he that much of a fucking ditz and it's not like the fans DON'T HAVE A PEN but they're kinda too focus on watching this hilarious shitshow go down. some of them want to see katsuki blow up, others stand there protectively around izuku, but most just here for the drama after seeing the twitter fallout.
blankly, he just take the pen from deku. "where do i fucking sign?" he grunts.
"Um, my, um," deku goes bright red suddenly, "my chest--well i mean no wait, uh, my arm if that's okay with you? i didn't bring anything w/ me for you to sign. im so, so sorry for the inconvenience!"
katsuki can feel a headache coming on. "Are you fucking with me?!" he hisses. this is clearly some sort of a fucking joke. deku prob plan to set this up w/ his fans to mock katsuki. that lil shit.
deku's fans titters anxiously as deku's eyes widen shock hurt. "i wouldn't--!"
deku in his dolled up face, bunny ears, corset and fuckING TINY SHORTS w/ white fur linings meant to incite you and fuck w/ your heads but katsuki looks at deku's wounded eyes and he knows, somehow, he's FUCKED UP. this isn't the face of manipulative conman. he's fucking real.
katsuki sighs and drags a hand down his face in defeat. "fine," he says, and grabs deku by the arm to the gasping crowd. he quickly writes his name over deku's bicep as his other hand steady his brushstroke, fingers pressing down soft flesh and it sets off fireworks in his head. deku doesn't even move in the slightest, holding his breath the entire time as katsuki's finish writing his name. when he step back, deku looks at the writing on his arm and traces a finger over it, carefully and reverently.
YEA, katsuki thinks, he'd really, really fucked up.
katsuki isn't known for his mistakes, but even he now knows that he had deku wrong all along bc of his egoism and elitism, he'd almost destroyed deku w/ it. fuck, he messed up but, he's not just going to let that sit. he'll fix it. delete the tweet and apologize to deku.
first though gritting his teeth, he asks, "if you're not doing anything else now," stopping for a moment, he cringes at his pussy ass wording, IT DOESNT SOUND LIKE HIM AT ALL. HOW IS HE EVER THIS HESITANT. FUCK. he coughs and looks away. "walk with me around the con."
deku immediately lights up like a fucking lighthouse. katsuki's eyes are nearly blind with how incredibly happy he looks. "oh-oh, really? can i really go with you, bakugou-san?" he asks, excitement and worry warring on his face. "you won't mind right?"
katsuki huffs. "I fucking told you we're going together, why would i take it back then. im not some shithead that would go back on their words," he snaps.
for one fucking dizzying moment, deku's lips curve upward into a slow and blossoming smile and katsuki is knock breathless. he turns his head away, feeling a strange heat rising in his chest. fuck. this is not good, he thinks as he hurriedly walks off, leaving deku behind in rush. he hears deku yelling at his back to wait for him as his heel clicks and clicks in rapid succession trying to catch up.
katsuki slows his step enough for deku to finally be in line of him, who is a bit breathless having to run in his heels. "t-thank you," deku says, sounding grateful for the FACT THAT KATSUKI SLOW DOWN FOR HIM EVEN THOUGH KATSUKI IS THE IDIOT WHO RAN OFF IN THE FIRST PLACE.
Grimacing, "my fault," he grunts. it's not an outright apology but it's enough trigger another smile on deku's face. katsuki is starting to realize that deku is all nerves and hesitation but for every moment of boldness he manages to sum up and is rewarded for it, he's happy. it's such a small and insignificant thing to be happy about but deku takes it like they're gifts and abruptly all katsuki wants to do is be the one is give it to him.
they both go quiet as they continue move around the con, posing for photos and signing things for their fans. their hardcore group of of fans trail them from a careful distance. he recognizes the trouble but confused expression on deku's circle of fans and then there's katsuki's fan who are all looking at him like HE'S INSANE for shitting on deku one sec to now buddying up w/ him.
katsuki feels like he's insane too since meeting deku his emotions had been running amok on a cocktail of anger, confusion, and an undecipherable emotion he's afraid to give a name to. this is all deku's fault. but mostly it's him--his for being such a prejudiced asshole. if he didn't win that audience's favorite award is only bc he WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH not bc deku cheated his way to that win. if ppl like deku better it's bc deku is sweet and GENTLE AND GOOD and katsuki is an idiot for assuming what he wear and how he present himself say otherwise.
he thought mina had beaten these alpha male elitist preconceived notions out of him but the thought of losing to deku had hurt his pride and he lashed out in all the fucking wrong way like a total bludgeoning idiot. he's gonna have to apologize eventually. he knows it. one step a time though.
it's summer in tokyo which means it blistering hot so the AC been blasting nonstop at the con. katsuki with his punk dragon cosplay got his studded scaled jacket on and also he always run a lil hot so he doesnt feel it. deku next him though is trembling a little under the chilly air. he'd been touching himself more, hands running down his arm to warm up everytime they get a break b/t fanmeets and photos but the moment their fans arrive, his hands drop to his side and he put on a profession front.
after the fifth time it had happened, katsuki can feel the throbbing annoyance growing in the back of his head. "cold?" he says.
deku stops. "uh, no."
"so you're not cold in those clothes?" he asks, brows furrowing skeptically. "really? not even a lil bit?"
deku quickly shakes his head, looking down at his outfit. "this is my armor," he says, smiling softly. katsuki doesn't know what to think of those words but with the way deku have been more than sincere w/ him throughout their entire meeting he believes it, believes him.
katsuki frowns, running scenarios in his head and then says fuck it. he cast off his jacket and throws it at deku. "wear it," he orders. "i dont want you catching a fucking cold next to me or your rapid fans are gonna eat me alive." he shoot a glare at them for equal measure.
"oh," deku breathes, hush and so delighted that he's bleeding happiness. "thank you. you're so kind bakugou-san." he pulls the jacket over his body and it nearly swamp him with how big it is, but fuck deku in katsuki's jacket with bare legs poking through is a FUCKING MASS WEAPON.
He realizes in that heated moment why deku is so much beloved by his fans and it’s partly the long pale legs, the bright green eyes, constellation of freckles, and soft, coy smile but really it’s just plain old awkward deku that they all fell for.  He sees it all now, and bitter regrets for his past actions hit him like a goddamn truck and he want to knock some sense into his past self right now. Fucking damnit. If deku who smiles sweetly at him now and who think Katsuki is this amazing ,kind person before him realize what kind of ugly monster he had made of himself earlier on twitter against deku… then that smile will no longer turn toward him anymore and that somehow hurt more than the lost of his trophy.
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merlevum · 5 years
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asked @blitzkrieg-mit-dem-fleischgewehr to use their cosplay photo as a reference! It just screamed Nyx so I couldn’t help myself lol Anyway, starting off a thing called Glaive Thursday! Each Thursday, I’ll be posting a drawing/sketch with a Glaive or someone from the movie Kingsglaive. 
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am-u-ada · 5 years
Terça-feira, 01 de outubro de 2019
  Hoje eu não estava bem. Quero dizer, fazem alguns dias já. Ontem mesmo sentia tanta coisa próxima de tristeza que fui deitar pra me esconder debaixo das cobertas e antes que o sono viesse as lágrimas escorreram pelas bochechas. Bochechas com espinhas que não são dali. TPM.   Mas esse também é um período complicado do ano, ou pelo menos foi, no passado e está sendo neste. Há um ano atrás eu tomava meu mais catastrófico pé na bunda (até a presente data) e como espero que nada do tipo se repita, está tudo até que indo bem agora. Porém continuo acordando como um cosplay de Maria do Bairro.   Meus pequenos grandes dramas, com significância do tamanho de um mosquito, dominam com tanta elegância o meu imaginário que a realidade em si perde a graça. E depois de ranger dentes após 23h de um stories não assistido pela pessoa para quem ele foi criado, decidi que era melhor largar de vez a ferramenta de autoafirmação baseada nas olhadas públicas.   Consideremos o seguinte panorama: Um abraço seguido de um beijo nas bochechas (aquelas mesmas que os hormônios batizaram, em uma sequência de fazer acalmar as lombrigas) em comparação com a não visualização de trocadilho besta com uma música legal. Por que a segunda importa mais? É o masoquismo criando escola ou simplesmente já não era hora de parar com isso? Bem, mas ainda existia a necessidade de... fazer essa coisa que a gente faz o tempo todo.   O caos entre ser introvertida, mas não tímida e com a duplinha ansiedade+insegurança fazendo blitzkrieg de bullying, consiste em perder todas as unhas por ter tanta coisa acontecendo dentro da própria cabeça que é impossível controlar a vontade de (se) expor. No fundo não era pra quem eu falava e sim o que falava que me excitava. Porém pra quem, complicava minha relação com o quê.   Só precisei encontrar um jeito diferente de brincar.
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stop-playing-guitar · 6 years
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Firstly, some credit for this piece needs to go to @somuchbro for recommending I pull my thumb out and write a piece on this.
I’m breaking my lengthy radio silence to talk a heaping helping of contemptuous shit for Steel Panther and the abomination you see above.
I feel as though this issue has forced men in the guitar community to pick a side. Do I align myself with the spirit of inclusivity and progression so desperately needed in guitar music to welcome everyone and anyone who can possibly become it’s new and long-awaited saviour, OR do I continue to treat music like a locker room full of dudes comparing dicks and smacking each other’s asses with wet towels, all with a NO GIRLS ALLOWED sign hanging on the door?
Remember the 90s? Remember Riot Grrl and the influx of bands and zines that tried desperately to carve a little out of the rock and roll boys club? In a way that movement succeeded, and can be seen as one of the things that has influenced the heightened awareness of gender inequality in society today. Oddly enough, that success seems to have happened almost completely outside the music world that was its home. On that note, I want to make something clear: if you go to a show and assume that any girl you bump into there is someone’s girlfriend, if you’re in a band with someone who treats girls like shit and stand idly by them, if you think that Steel Panther’s response to this controversy is funny: you are part of the problem.
The story of the junior-high-dick-joke-made-flesh that you see above begins with TC Electronic, a Danish effects pedal company who narrowly missed being the country’s national shame behind its racist anti-refugee policy. TC released a line of pedals using their TonePrint technology, which treats pedals as upgradeable units that can be plugged into computers via USB and have various presets downloaded onto them post-sale. One of these presets was the “Pussy Melter,” a preset designed for one of their delay pedals by a man named Satchel, who plays guitar for Steel Panther.
For a bit of background, Steel Panther are the world’s pre-eminent joke band for people who think cultural references are the apex of comedy, along with Funniest Home Video shows and Dane Cook’s Superfinger. They are essentially a touring cosplay troupe glorifying the Aqua Netted slop that was post-Crüe, pre-Nevermind hair metal awfulness. In other words they’re a painfully perfect band to stoop to shameful lows to promote their product because whatever, it’s all just a joke, right? To that, I would say that unless people are paying Monopoly money to get into your shows this is super fucking real, as in you are real pieces of shit.
The description of the preset on TC Electronic’s website went as follows: “When we met up with Steel Panther’s oh-so-humble guitarist, he had only one condition: that the tone be as wet as the ladies on the front row. So if glam rock guitar solos and wet floor signs are your idea of a good time, then ‘Pussy Melter’ for Flashback Delay is definitely the TonePrint for you!”
If you need a minute to heave into a bin, I’ll wait.
After the existence of the TonePrint preset made it to the media and caused a shit-storm not seen since the last time John Mayer opened his dumb mouth, TC Electronic removed it from its online service. It was then re-uploaded with the new name “Repeat Offender,” which isn’t exactly the best name to come up with while non-consenting sexualisation is the hot topic of the day. It’s important to note that the band, Satchel, nor TC Electronic deemed fitting to apologise for the cheap and regressive boys-club joke that they had put out there. Instead, the announcement that the preset would be renamed was itself treated as a bit of a joke itself. Regardless many of us sighed with some relief, feeling as though calling people out on their commodified, phony machismo and tone deafness to the modern world actually got some results.
Then, in an act of free-speech-exercise-turned-shameless-profiteering, they put out their own pedal bearing the effect’s original name. Of course, because the world is fucked and we should burn it down and start again, it sold out in a very short amount of time. And, of course, this was seen as a victory by some. Having a sense of humour has prevailed over the evil forces of censorship! The slowflakes’ safe spaces have been burnt to the ground! The SJW non-binary feminazi battalions have been blitzkrieged by the power of rock and roll!
Except none of those things actually happened. Regardless of what you have in your signal chain, the world is still changing around you, and it’s changing for the better, and now you own the pedal equivalent of a BAZINGA! shirt that compels actual decent people to avoid you like the social plague carrier you are.
Here’s an idea - if you ever play on a bill with a band that has one of these things on their board, stiff the pricks. Don’t even offer them gas money. Key their van, wipe your ass with their merch, and maybe force them to talk to a real live girl for a few minutes without creating a puddle of flop sweat and having to hide their anxious boners.
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christieanne · 6 years
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Cosplay shenanigans from Otafest this year! It was a good time ;v;  💖
France- me Prussia- @blitzkrieg-mit-dem-fleischgewehr Spain- @soucouyantt
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itsalburton · 7 years
I know it’s nothing compared to the life-and-death danger other people are facing from white supremacists and with greater intensity, but it fucking sucks that 75% of what I like is also liked and paraded around by the Neo-Nazis
Medieval Europe as a gaming/fantasy theme and an academic subject? Neo-Nazis go for it because of the Holy Roman Empire and the Teutonic Crusade, which served as an inspiration for Hitler and the Nazi Party
Early Modern European History and gunpowder warfare? Same thing as above, but for the Prussian Kingdom
Civil War reenactments? They love it because then they can cosplay as racist traitors out in the open and get a free pass to fly the flag and shout the n-word
German language? That’s an integral part of their false religion
The metal band Sabaton? Despite the group itself saying they don’t approve of people glorifying the historic battles they sing about or using it to promote fascism, islamophobia or Nazism, guess who does it anyway
Anything to do with swords and armor? That’s the past they want to return to and/or try to mimic by being fascists
Assorted memes? Turned into Nazi propaganda
Viking stuff? Same thing as the history and aesthetic ones
Scarlet Crusade, Human Kingdoms and Paladin / Blood Knight RP on WoW? Honey, you’ve got a big storm coming if you don’t think they plug the Third Reich, the Holy Roman Empire, the Teutonic Crusade or Prussia into it
Garlean RP on FFXIV? Yup, the scum have tainted that too
Star Wars’ Sith and the Galactic Empire? It really doesn’t help that much of George Lucas’ design of the Empire was based upon the Nazis and the new series from Disney and JJ Abrams goes even further with the comparisons
That Vaporwave song “Enjoy Yourself” by artist Saint Pepsi, which features the Moon Man from an old McDonald’s commercial? Holy fuck, the UniteTheRight organizers posed in front of the Auschwitz concentration camp wearing the costume and made that the header of their “Next Stop, Charlottesville; Last Stop, Auschwitz” rally bulletin. Other Vaporwave music and aesthetics are getting appropriated by them, too
Vintage army tanks? Can’t do a Blitzkrieg without those
Gothic architecture? Recurring issue of that thing inspiring them
Any WW2 movies? Again, inspiration---even as they’re losing and portrayed as the forces of evil they are
The History Channel? It’s either the Ancient Aliens and Swamp People or it’s some show about “newfound evidence” of how terrible Nazi Germany was or the conspiracies about Hitler and/or the Nazis. Guess who’s really interested in that
Roman stuff? Shit... The very Sieg Heil, the fasces symbol and the image of an eagle upon a wreath was right out of the Roman Empire’s aesthetics and these fucks won’t shut up about how all that was “peak civilization” or about “getting back” Istanbul from Turkey
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nesuki · 1 year
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Read a great fanfiction by @creanima and got inspired for some Yuriy pics :3
Pic 1: Wolborg bleeding through
Pic 2+3: "Oh. Guess I'm bleeding again."
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thefanspov · 7 years
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#Regram from @jrulison featuring @maidofmight ・・・ “Hey ho, let’s go - Hey ho, let’s go... 🎶...🎶...” Blitzkrieg Bop by the Ramones sounds perfect for this image. Punk Spider 🕷Gwen. Cosplayer @maidofmight. Photographer @jrulison. • • • • • #punkrock #spidergwen #spidergwencosplay #punkspidergwen #spiderman #blitzkriegbop #marvel #marvelcomics #comics #cosplay #cosplayer #cosplayers #cosplaying #cosplaygirl #cosplayphotography #becreative #girlswhocosplay #girlsofcosplay #womenofcosplay #cosplayersofinstagram #sdcc #sdcc2017 #sakuracon2017
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comicsxaminer · 7 years
Cool Cosplay: Lobo, Scarlet Witch, And More!
Cool Cosplay: Lobo, Scarlet Witch, And More!
Lobo by Punishing Cosplay
Green Arrow by Blitzkrieg Cosplay
Samus Aran From Metroid Prime by Danielle DeNicola
Valkyrie by Maid Of Might Cosplay
Scarlet Witch by Atenea Cosplay
Starfire by Super Sirens Cosplay
Feel free to click on the models’ names to view more of their work.
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nesuki · 1 year
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People asked for WIP pics of my Yuriy cosplay.
Finished his pants yesterday
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nesuki · 1 year
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Wip of my yuriy cosplay
Jacket is done. Made it from scratch and for me neither being a seamstress nor an experienced cosplayer I think it turned out okay C:
Now left is boots, the gear and finishing the wig. It has a life on its own I swear.
Posting more wips and sketches on my instagram: Nesubunny
Mostly in stories
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nesuki · 2 years
"Throw me to the wolves"
Wip of my Yuriy Cosplay
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comicsxaminer · 6 years
Cool Cosplay: Red Robin, Magik, And More!
Cool Cosplay: Red Robin, Magik, And More!
The Crow by Blitzkrieg Cosplay, Photography by Brass Ring
Red Robin by the3_boy_1der, Photography by Amanda Swanson
Magik by Azura Cosplay
1887 Supergirl by Jennifer Van Damsel
Selene From Underworld by Alkali Layke, Photography by Mike Reid
Flame Fury Hollow From Darksiders by Germia
Feel free to click on the models’ names to view more of their work.
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