#bllk imamura
milaisreading · 4 months
Biggest player in Blue Lock. Otoya and Aiku can't compete
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miellifluous · 1 year
Catching the bouquet!
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Synopsis: Their reactions when you catch the bouquet at a wedding :)
Warning(s)/note(s): fem! reader, characters are aged up
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It’s breezy, the crowd is cheering, reflecting the bride’s mood as she turns her back on the crowd from the top of the staircase. Anticipating women gather tightly around you, wishing for the best spot to catch the bouquet. You’re not sure what to do, but the bride throws the bouquet in the air from over her shoulder and you watch the bundle of flowers get bigger as it reaches your hands.
Already planning the wedding, his heart is beating fast and he is biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from grinning anymore than needed. He’s looking at your hands wrapped around the bouquet, then back at your face. He might have whooped a bit. Next thing you know you’re in his arms and he has his forehead pressed against yours. Doesn’t matter if people are watching. In his mind, you’re already dolled up in a wedding gown, ready for him to take you.
Bachira Meguru, Mikage Reo, Naruhaya Asahi, Imamura Yudai
His friends are whistling and nudging him in the ribs and he clicks his tongue at them. His brows are furrowed and he’s doing his best not to betray any emotion. But then his glances at you, clutching your bouquet and wide-eyed and he can’t help it. His face softens, his lips tug upwards involuntarily and the tips of his ears redden because even though he doesn’t believe the myth, you are his and he’d be damned if didn’t get down on one knee soon and sweep you off your feet. Especially when fate is clearly on his side.
Sae Itoshi, Rin Itoshi, Chigiri Hyoma
He’s red i’m telling you, avoiding eye contact with anyone, ignoring the comments from his friends and rubbing his nape sheepishly. It’s not that he isn’t happy- if he was courageous enough he’d pick you up and spin you in the air. But he doesn’t want to attract too much attention so he quietly approaches you and takes your hand, planting a chaste kiss on the back before he’s pulling you away from the crowd, the noise, the celebration, bringing you to a quieter place where he can show you what you mean to him.
Isagi Yoichi, Aoshi Tokimitsu
Gives you a lazy grin, hands in the pockets of his pants. He doesn’t care too much for the catch, it’s not some flowers that are gonna tell him whether you two are getting married or not, but he loves the feeling of everyone turning to look at him, then you. They know you’re his, he’s proud of that and to top if off, he brings you in a smothering kiss: nips and tongue and a hand in the back of your head, fingers tangled in your hair. You can be mad at him all you want later for his behavior in public, he’ll shut you up with another kiss.
Shidou Ryusei, Michael Kaiser, Karasu Tabito
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boinin · 1 year
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𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚉
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wenbeez · 11 months
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t-r99 · 5 months
I will never forget the day I read this for the first time and nearly died because I laughed so hard I choked and coughed for several minutes
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lmfao "raichi always gets angry about his side dish so someone has to share with him"
picky eating brat
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medicangels · 2 years
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pinkteaowo · 1 year
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lakeside-paradise · 2 months
Every so often, I stop and think about Ryosuke Kira. This guy had more potential. I understand that his kind-hearted personality and selflessness weren't meant to last in Blue Lock, but that means that several characters shouldn't have made it, such as Reo.
I mean, I know how important Reo is as a character, and I know his Ego revolves around Nagi, which literally means that Reo was playing for someone else, Nagi. And yes, he becomes more independent later on, but at the same time, isn't that potential that Kira could have had?
Not only that, we know that Kira does have an Ego of his own. And yes, it's brought out by losing, but if he wasn't introduced as a character who was doomed from the start (come on, we all knew it), his Ego could have meant so much more in later chapters, with his friendship with Isagi (despite his words later on, I still think he did like Isagi) helping to make amazing plays.
There's one problem with that, however, and it's Bachira. Now I'd obviously choose Bachira over Kira any day, that's for certain. But Kira is able to play with more people than Isagi, which is especially shown in his belief that soccer is a sport played with eleven people. He could easily play with more people on Team Z and make a big impact on them.
I truly believe that Isagi didn't completely unleash his full Ego until the Neo Egoist League, and even then, he knows that he can't just play soccer by himself. So, while Kira would have some struggles adapting to the way Blue Lock works and their system of Egoists, I think he would have been able to survive there and make a name for himself at the same time.
Despite starting off in Team Z, Kira had a reputation as the 'Crown Jewel of Japan' and I think if he made it through the Second Selection and his team lost at some point, he'd be chosen for his reputation and his personality. He has a hidden Ego brewing underneath his kindness, but he has the skill and talent to play for other people as well. So I think he would survive well there.
I also believe that he would work well with players such as Nagi, Barou, or Shidou. All of them are Egoists who are used to having balls passed to them so they can score. Kira, from what I can tell, is a character who is able to pass the ball to someone else, so long as victory is possible. Not only that, in some aspects, Kira resembles Reo, especially in the way that Reo does everything for Nagi. While potentially mot the best thing in the world, his selflessness would easily get him through, and perhaps even be brought in as a substitute during the U20 game, if he made it that far.
Now, obviously, Kira couldn't have stayed as part of Team Z because there could only be 11 players. But what's an easy solution? Get rid of a character who has no relevance to the plot. There are two potential characters I can think of for that.
The first one is Yudai Imamura. Does anyone even remember that character? He gets sent home during the Second Selection, but I bet no one even knew that because he's so irrelevant. Apparently, his weapon is his speed and technique, but he just wasn't needed. Chigiri had the speed, and Isagi and Bachira had the technique. He never stood out during any of the games and just ceased to exist.
I did consider Asashi Naruhaya but disregarded him because he had relevance in the Secone Selection where he played alongside Barou. He was also considered to be important enough to have a backstory reveal, so we know why he played soccer in the first place and why he needed an Ego to get through.
But my second character that Kira could replace is hopefully unsurprisingly Gurimu Igarashi, or Igaguri. Now listen, it's not that I hate him, because I don't. He's okay as character, but I won't go any further than that. Yes, he has an Ego, but even Isagi said that his Ego wasn't enough to get him through. He was a substitute for the U20 match, but he didn't get used. He's a reserve for Bastard München, but he still hasn't been used. He doesn't have a value, and if that stays the same, he's going home.
While I can see him getting through because he seems to have some relevance to the story, I don't understand or know how it'll happen. I don't think he has any individual talents apart from being able to make other players get a foul when they try to regain the ball. That isn't enough. And besides, if Igaguri was with someone who isn't Shidou and they lost during the Second Selection, the other player, no matter who it was, would get picked instead, just because Igaguri has shown no reason for him to be picked. He doesn't stand out, his Blue Lock ranking is at rock bottom, and his personality isn't even likeable. Apart from the Blue Lock ranking (which Kira wasn't able to build because he was knocked out), Kira had better skills than him, and his impact would have been a lot bigger.
I'm sure the writers and development team have their own reasons, but at the same time, Kira seemed like such a wasted character. His potential could have been huge, and he could have been a more successful character, especially during the Second Selection and the U20 game. As for the Neo Egoist League, I think he'd be drawn to Manshine City, and I think his talents could be shown there easily, and he'd definitely be able to make a name for himself and a value for himself, whether it be as a starting player or a reserve.
I have several problems, though minor, with Blue Lock as a whole, but Kira's wasted potential and wasted Ego (and the breaking and reforming of it) of the one that angers me the most. He was a good character to begin with, and I really did like him (and a lot of people seem to have preferred him over Imamura, Naruhaya, or Igaguri), so why couldn't he be developed? It just bugs me so badly.
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luna-3-clips · 3 months
Hmm… How do they sneeze? (pt1?)
Featuring.. Team Z + Kira!
Normal sneeze, idk but as a character he’s kinda average (off field, he a whole other person on field😈).
Since his voice is higher pitched he would have a higher pitched sneeze… But like a few octaves higher (not entirely like a kitten sneeze but kinda similar).
Achoo! (Kinda like Isagi’s)
I don’t think he would have a dad sneeze, but it would be a deep sneeze.
Ahchoo! (But in a deep voice and kinda loud so I guess part dad sneeze?)
He would have a LOUD sneeze.
The first half would be loud then go kinda normal (doesn’t really make sense but oh well).
Hear me out.. A high-pitched kitten sneeze. (I’m sorry but I had to)
Achieu! (Not a-ch-ō: Ah-ch-ew) but in a high pitch
He’d have a quiet sneeze (I tried looking up if monks could sneeze and I was confused). I think he would be scared as to what others would say (in general) so he would keep his sneeze quiet.
Ahnm! (Some might think he’s just saying ‘amen’)
Dad sneeze.
I dunno, I feel like he would have a fast sneeze.
I feel like he would have the many sneezes at once.
Achu! Achu! Achu! Achu! (Kinda fast paced)
Kira (yes I include him just bcs)
He would probably have a normal sneeze but would be polite about it (we forgetting he had a lot of fans?)
Ah.. Sorry, one second.. Achoo!
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arinzu · 3 months
Royal blue lock titles
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Blue lock characters as royal titles!? i will only do Team Z here and in part 2 ill do the other teams! this is obvi a mulri chapters, i will not mention manga spoilers that's why there status are low/not high like they would in the manga :D
Fluff, more fluff there's no actual love interest, and i might make a fanfic next month about them! just ask and your wish is my command, this is honestly like fantasy since i will involve mages, healing magic, etc etc... :D
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Team Z!
Isagi Yoichi! :
He was a baron but then transcend to being count/earl, it is due to pledging his loyalty to the emperor (and also became quite useful) which grand him a higher status in the economy!
Bachira Meguru :
Was a viscount that got a higher status by having an successful business (selling paintings) that got him status count/earl, He befriended isagi when they were at a party!
Kunigami Rensuke :
Was a knight that earned Marquess by entering multiple battlefields and being the Emperors' most trusted knight, he was a hero that saved millions of people in the kingdom. Until... (manga spoilers!)
Chigiri Hyoma :
He is a marquess, went to war with Kunigami as a defender for an army, he didn't do much for the majority of the first wave until he finally left go of his trauma of running. He defeated 2 brothers and a few others, which ended up making them victorious of the war.
Gin Gagamaru :
Was a commoner that went to war as a defender, due to this he had gotten a noble title!
Jingo Raichi :
the same as gagamaru! yet it took him a couple of tried to get a noble title
Gurimu Igarashi :
A priest's son, that went to war he is known as the lowest ranking knight in the kingdom that keeps surviving ever war!
Wataru Kuon :
Was a viscount that got executed for treason, he gave the enemies the crucial information to win the war so he could be by their side to rule the kingdom.
Asahi Naruhaya :
A nobleman (lord) that fell of the ranking then died as a commoner in a war leaving his family. (he went to war so his siblings could get their title back... they did, but at what cost?)
Yudai Imamura :
A commoner that wanted to marry a noblewoman (That ended up in failure, it ended up in his getting assassinated)
Okuhito Iemon :
A knight that died in a war, he was one of the last line defenders.
Shidou Ryusei :
A duke that was fighting to get the grand duke title his opponent was rin itoshi, yet he was choosen by sae itoshi to get the grand duke title. In which he thank him by trying to marry him.
he is known to be a demon in the face of danger.
he is also known as the unholy demon (by the priests) , freaky demon, zesty demon, due to his reputation of flirting with sae itoshi in public and fighting in many wars
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im so proud of myself by maing this fic!
creds to owners : divirders 1 and dividers 2
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msewn · 1 month
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bl-reaction-pics · 1 year
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10 tickets for the FNAF movie, please.
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miellifluous · 1 year
Men who love to roleplay !
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Warnings: fem! reader, powerplay, suggestive content, con-noncon, 18+ mdni
Synopsis: the types of roleplays they are into
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They love being relied on, love the feeling they get when you ask them for help with assignments, getting a task done, needing information- it’s exhilarating. They’d probably be into some senpai-kouhai roleplay. You’re their cute kouhai and as your dedicated senpai, it’s up to them to always pamper you and spoil you rotten. Surprise them by wearing a cute uniform when they get back home after practice, call out to them in a sweet tone- ‘welcome, senpai!’- and they’re already taking steps towards you with a grin on. Will pet your head and coo at you, lifting your chin up and mushing your cheeks together. They’d immediately get right into playing senpai, asking you if you’re having troubles with your homework, if you’d like senpai to help you out, their hands are squeezing your arms and they’re staring at you like they might just.. gobble you up. Perhaps they will.
Reo Mikage, Kunigami Rensuke, Imamura Yudai, Isagi Yoichi
They are into very domestic roleplays. You’re their cute wife who makes them lovely meals with love, greets them when they come back from “work” with the prettiest skimpy outfit and lets yourself melt in their arms. You’re so obedient, so docile and you let them have their way with you, what more could they ask for? Sometimes you send them pictures or texts during practice of what’s waiting for them when they’re getting back.. it’s really hard for them to concentrate on the game after that. No worries though. They can teach you a lesson about why you shouldn’t be distracting them when they get back.
Kunigami Rensuke, Jingo Raichi, Sae Itoshi, Alexis Ness, Oliver Aiku
Very much into some weird, noncon kind of roleplay. He’s a kidnapper, you’re running away from him. You’d have to remain inside your house and try not to make too much noise lest your neighbors actually think something is wrong and end up calling the police. So he’s chasing you up the stairs, into the hallway (he is completely insane and would have definitely caught you in a jiffy but he’s slowed down because he loves the chase) and you both somehow end up in your bedroom. How unfortunate, there’s no escape.. and you’re so cute when he pushes against the wall, eyes crazed and definitely already undressing you. You beat at his chest and beg for mercy but he’s will have his fill of you, you just have to learn to accept it like a good girl
Bachira Meguru, Shidou Ryusei, Oliver Aiku
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boinin · 1 year
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Blue Lock Volume 3 Omake - doodles only
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oo-mi-ru-oo · 2 years
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pfpanimes · 2 years
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⌕ blue lock - EP 4.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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