#iemon okuhito
boinin · 1 year
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𝙳𝚊𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚃𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚉
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t-r99 · 5 months
I will never forget the day I read this for the first time and nearly died because I laughed so hard I choked and coughed for several minutes
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lmfao "raichi always gets angry about his side dish so someone has to share with him"
picky eating brat
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oo-mi-ru-oo · 4 months
Blue Lock art~💙
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yumejoshi147 · 8 months
My Blue Lock PWC Manga
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You can purchase this on:
Booth: https://yumejoshi147.booth.pm/items/5396249 Gumroad: https://yumejoshi147.gumroad.com/l/bllk_yume_manga
Hopefully my English translation can deliver the jokes properly…I also hope you like it!
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pinkteaowo · 1 year
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luna-3-clips · 2 months
Hmm… How do they sneeze? (pt1?)
Featuring.. Team Z + Kira!
Normal sneeze, idk but as a character he’s kinda average (off field, he a whole other person on field😈).
Since his voice is higher pitched he would have a higher pitched sneeze… But like a few octaves higher (not entirely like a kitten sneeze but kinda similar).
Achoo! (Kinda like Isagi’s)
I don’t think he would have a dad sneeze, but it would be a deep sneeze.
Ahchoo! (But in a deep voice and kinda loud so I guess part dad sneeze?)
He would have a LOUD sneeze.
The first half would be loud then go kinda normal (doesn’t really make sense but oh well).
Hear me out.. A high-pitched kitten sneeze. (I’m sorry but I had to)
Achieu! (Not a-ch-ō: Ah-ch-ew) but in a high pitch
He’d have a quiet sneeze (I tried looking up if monks could sneeze and I was confused). I think he would be scared as to what others would say (in general) so he would keep his sneeze quiet.
Ahnm! (Some might think he’s just saying ‘amen’)
Dad sneeze.
I dunno, I feel like he would have a fast sneeze.
I feel like he would have the many sneezes at once.
Achu! Achu! Achu! Achu! (Kinda fast paced)
Kira (yes I include him just bcs)
He would probably have a normal sneeze but would be polite about it (we forgetting he had a lot of fans?)
Ah.. Sorry, one second.. Achoo!
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shiyosugi · 10 months
I just read your "Blue Lock guys carrying you" headcanons and I thought they were cute!
I was wondering if you could write a scenario in which the reader and the guys get caught in the rain in the middle of their hangout/date?
Can you write for: Baro, Kuon, Aryu, Iemon and Gagamaru?
I don't know which characters you're comfortable writing for so feel free to leave out any you don't want to do.
Thank you! I wish you a nice day!
I'm comfortable with writing EVERY characters, to be honest. I appreciate this request! Sorry for any inaccurate stuff- and going off topic... I guess?
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Picture from: Pink To Habanero - Chapter 3
CHARACTERS Shoei Baro, Wataru Kuon, Jyubei Aryu, Okuhito Iemon, Gin Gagamaru I will make part 2 if this got attention, which I actually might do, for now I will stick with what anon asked for! Oh, and I actually the date option, but I guess it can be seen as hanging out only as well... Well, up to you to imagine that! Also, I mostly write fem!reader, but sometimes when I wrote this kind of stuff it's gender-neutral friendly.
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"Tch." you heard Shoei as you finally turned your gaze away from your phone to him that was sitting next you. He looked pretty upset as he crossed him arms while you two were in a cafe, waiting for the rain to calm down a bit. It was clear he was upset by the rain.
You sighed and then gently placed a hand on his arm, "Hey, don't get annoyed now." you said with a small smile, he looked at you and then sighed. He had planned something for this day and how unfortunate for him, the rain ruined his planned.
"How can I not?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow at you and then looked away.
"Well, being all annoyed isn't going to help the rain to stop." you said with a slightly joking tone, he sighed at your statement.
He placed his hand on top of your head and then gently patted it, "I know." he simply said, he was still looking at the outside, hoping that it will stop raining soon.
"I really should have brought my umbrella with me before going out..." you said quietly as you looked down at your handbag, regretting that you didn't even bother to check your bag properly before going out.
Shoei looked at you and then shook his head, placing his hand on your shoulder now, "Well, none of us are going to expect the rain when it was literally all sunny when we went out." he said with his deep voice sounding somewhat gentle.
You were about to say something when he suddenly added, "I'm glad that you didn't get that wet." you stared at him for a moment before looking away, relaxing your body against the chair.
"But I am still wet." you said, rolling your eyes, a bit annoyed that you did get wet from the rain.
Shoei himself got wet from the rain but he was being more cautious about you, he didn't want you to get sick. "Yeah." he shortly replied, touching your hair that was slightly wet from the rain.
"We're going straight back home once the rain subsides. I hate seeing you like this." he said, referring to your wet hair which earning him a light punch on his arm from you.
"Do you really have to use the word, hate?" you asked, narrowing your eyes at him. He stared down at you and then simply looked away. "I say what I want to say." he replied.
Eventually, when you got home he immediately told you to take a warm bath and helped you warm yourself up even more. He didn't want you to get sick because of going out with him.
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While walking through the city's downtown and talking with Wataru, you suddenly a water drop on your head. Wataru felt it as well which made him looked up at sky.
It was shining bright a few moments ago but it was covered fast by the clouds as if they have just appeared out of nowhere and the weather changed fast from a clear day to a rainy one.
"Oh no..." you heard Wataru said as he took your hand and started walking quickly to find a decent place to cover from the rain.
You can see that he was upset from the sudden change of weather. You two were quick to get soaked by the rain when he finally found a good place to cover from the rain.
You didn't mean to but you made frustrate sound as you look down at your wet clothes. Wataru looked at you, he had an apologetic look upon hearing your frustrate noises. He looked down at the ground, watching the raindrops that fell from the sky hit the concrete floor.
"I'm sorry. I should have brought an umbrella with me before going out." he suddenly said, making you looked at him and saw his upset face.
You sighed quietly and then leaned forward a bit to take a good look at his face, "No need to apologise, I didn't bring an umbrella as well so you're not the only one regretting the decision of not being sensitive enough about the weather." you said with a straight face.
He looked at you, but when his eyes(that are opened in this situation), met with yours he immediately looked away. He still felt nervous to look at you in the eyes, especially with how serious you can look sometimes.
"But, I've told you that you can trust me on having fun spending time with me today..." he said in a quiet voice, eyes not wanting to meet yours. However, that won't happened as you placed your two fingers on his cheek and then turned his face to look at you.
"Jeez, no need to be like that. I trust you, but this is something you can't predict or control and you know it." you simply said, your expression softened a bit to reassure him which he noticed and that made him blushed. A rare sight of you.
"Y-Yeah- I know." he said quietly. As you were pulling your hand away from his cheek, he suddenly but gently held that hand. He stared at you for a while without saying anything which made you wondered what he wanted to say.
However, when he opened his mouth to speak you were rather disappointed with what he said, "You're really are wet from the rain." he said, looking at you, soaked by the rain.
"I can say the same to you." you replied back to him, he just laughed softly at that.
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You didn't even need to look at him to know his reaction at the sudden rain, "No! My hair is ruined now!" he said as he looked down at his hair, all wet and not stylish anymore.
Your sigh caught his attention which made him examined your hair that was also wet, "Your hair is ruined also. Your soft hair..." he said as he touched your hair that he had helped to make it as stylish as he preferred it.
He had spend quite a time to do his hair, as well as your hair so getting it ruined by the rain annoyed him. Well, you were annoyed as well but not having the same reaction as him.
"I'm sorry, I should have considered of bringing an umbrella..." you said, looking down at the ground feeling a bit bad that his work on your hair had to be ruined since he spend most of his time doing his hair and yours.
He looked at you and then shook his head, patting your head, "No need to apologise." he said, leaning down a bit so that his face near yours his face that you have always found pretty was close to yours.
You slowly looked at him, turning your head a bit to look at him, "Don't put that face on, it's not stylish." he said which earning him a soft laughter from you. He preferred that face on, it might not be stylish in general but for him, it was.
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He felt bad that you were now soaked by the rain, he thought that you have put some effort into your looks today so getting it ruined while spending time with him made he felt a bit responsible somehow.
"I should have brought an umbrella along with me." he said as he guided you to a covered area.
"Don't worry, it's fine. Not a big deal." you said as you dried your face using your handkerchief that you always have around for some reason.
"But I can see that you put some effort into your looks so..." his voice trailed off, you just stared at him before chuckling.
"Some effort? Not really. I just try to look decent." you said, and then handed him your handkerchief which he took it and then wiped his face as well.
"Well, that is still an effort..." he said as he gave you back your handkerchief. After you took it back, he looked at your appearance once more. "I thought today will be a good day for us to spend time together, I guess I was wrong." he said while shaking his head with a small laugh.
"Don't worry about it, being with you counts as well." you said which made him looked at you again, a shy smile can be seen on his face.
"Well, it could have been better." he said but you simply patted his shoulder.
"Hey, I said don't worry about it. Stop bringing down the mood." you said with a slight joking tone before laughing quietly.
He looked at you as you laughed, you were always a sunshine to him even in the rain. He loved that fact. He almost forgot about how he felt a bit uncomfortable because of his wet clothes and the cold wind.
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He didn't react much to the rain but looking down at you who looked annoyed by it, he immediately looked around for a shelter and when he did, he immediately dragged you there with him. You didn't even get to protest on his action since he simply carried you there.
While he was at it, he sort of covered your head a bit, a cute gesture that you appreciate. After reaching the covered area, he placed you down and then helped you to wipe your face off with your handkerchief that you handed to him before he could use his shirt.
"You still look good." he said as if to make you feel better about how your looks got ruined a bit. You looked at him and then smiled a bit.
"Thank you." you said, he looked down at you with his usual seemingly blank face.
"Here let me..." you took the handkerchief from him and then tried to reach up for his face which he noticed and then leaned down a bit, allowing you to wipe his face off.
While you did so he stared at your face, admiring your beauty. You didn't mind that, you were used to his staring so it was not really a bother. After you were done, you patted his cheek which he then leaned back.
"Thank you." he said to you and you gave him a smile, you might didn't see it but he was a bit flustered by your gesture.
"I'm sorry... Our plan have to end up this way." he said, you shook your head.
"No no. It's nothing. Don't worry." you said, he slowly nodded at your statement. While waiting for the rain to subside, he tried to entertain you which he always managed to do.
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iamumbra195 · 11 months
Random incorrect Blue Lock quotes because I'm bored and this is my current fandom fixation
Reo: If Isagi and I were drowning, who would you save? Nagi: You two can’t swim? Reo: It’s a hypothetical question, Nagi! who would you save? Nagi: my time and effort.
Otoya: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth? Yukimiya: You’re a hazard to society Karasu: And a coward. DO TWENTY. ...
Aryu: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity? Rin: *turning to Shidou* How tall are you?
Lavinho: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Bachira: The cow??? Lavinho: What? Bachira: What?
Kaiser: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever and you’re all invited Noa: If? Isagi: Great, the only party I’ve ever been invited to and he might not even die.
Chigiri: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Nagi: The car takes a screenshot. Barou: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Iemon: Are you sure this is the right direction? Kuon: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest! Raichi: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Isagi: Rin, my old arch enemy. Kaiser: ... I thought I was your arch enemy? Isagi, groaning: I have a life outside of you, Kaiser
Bachira, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Igaguri: You did WHAT– Gagamaru: William Snakespeare
*During the Shibuya trip
Isagi, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Chigiri: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Isagi: Orange soda, please! Chigiri: I'll have the strawberry soda. Bachira: Me too, strawberry soda. Isagi: Isagi: You guys suck
Bachira: What’s something you guys are better than Rin at? Nagi: Video games, probably. Isagi, deadpan: Emotional vulnerability.
Karasu: What did you guys get in your yearbook? Yukimiya: 'Prettiest Smile' Isagi: 'Nicest Personality' Shidou: 'Most likely to start a bar fight' Gagamaru: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
Nanase: Favorite horror movie? Zantetsu: It Shidou: Saw Karasu: Annabelle, creepy ass fuckin' doll Tokimitsu: High School Musical. after watching it I spent all my middle school years terrified that the entire school would start singing something and I’d be the only one who didn’t know the lyrics
Rin: Though I admit I don’t know much about you, I am feeling pretty confident in my assessment that you are probably some sort of sick deadly fuck. Shidou: Who told you my secret?
Emo!Kunigami: Given the circumstances, I will let you hug me for four to five seconds. Bachira: Forty five seconds?!? Kunigami: No! I said four TO five seconds. Bachira hugging him: Too late.
Hiori: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a joke and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Nagi: You're a lying piece of shit! Barou: Oh yeah? You're the idiot that thinks you can get away with everything you do, WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! Nagi: I'm leaving and I'm taking Isagi with me! Isagi, gathering cards: Aaaaand that's enough Monopoly for today.
Karasu, in a high voice, holding Barbie: hey Ken! I was thinking about going back to school and starting a career! Shidou, in a deep voice, holding Ken: nonsense, barbie. you’re staying home and having my kids Rin: what the fuck are you guys doing? Shidou: playing systemic oppression
Lorenzo: We’re about to do the taser challenge. You want in? Barou: What's the taser challenge? Aiku: We tase eachother, then drink. Barou: How do you win? Aiku: What are you, the police? You want in or not?
Otoya: Ow! Yukimiya: What’s wrong? Otoya: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow. Yukimiya: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
Isagi: Hey, do you know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet? Kurona: Why? Isagi: I want to wander around playing it to annoy Kaiser. Hiori: Technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play the trumpet well for that. Isagi: Hiori, you have opened my eyes.
Kaiser: Be careful, I thrive on negative attention.
Ness: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine! Grimm: How can you still say that? Ness: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Ego: If you think I’m playing favorites, you’re wrong. Ego, earlier: I don’t care for Nagi Seishiro.
Zantetsu: What does 'take out' mean? Nanase: Food. Karasu: Dating Rin: Murder Shidou: IT CAN MEAN ALL THREE IF YOU'RE NOT A COWARD!
Lorenzo: Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something? Barou: Nope, absolutely not. Niko: I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through. Aiku: *wheezing Sendo: I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life. Aryu: I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you. Barou: I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
Shidou: Do you want this handful of moss? Sae: Why would I want a handful of fucking moss? Shidou: Damn, you could’ve just said no.
Isagi: My head hurts. Rin: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
that's it for now lol
Also no one can look me in the eye and tell me that Ego isn't Nagi's biggest hater cause every time we see this man talk about him, he's alway judgy af lmaooo
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bluelockblog · 16 days
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
A Monstrous Craving: First Selection (Blue Lock)
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Such an intense gif oh my-
Hey y'all! Happy April Fools Day! I don't really have any strong feelings about the day, but since today is one of hi-jinks and shenanigans, I figured why not make the most mischievous Blue Lock character of all a fic to celebrate?
This is part 1 of 2 fics I'm writing: This one takes place during the First Selection with Team Z, while the second one will take place during Second Selection (No spoilers in either, just lots of Bachira tickle-related shenanigans) I hope you like it!
CW: Swearing, gang tickles
Summary: Bachira wakes up with only one goal in mind; become the Ultimate Blue Lock Tickle Monster.
Bachira Meguru was a simple, if not whimsical boy.
He loved taking naps throughout the day. He enjoyed canned pineapple and a warm bowl of rice in the morning. He likes drawing dolphins on his things and adores Soccer with every thread in his body.
Oh, and he loved messing with his teammates.
How could he not? 11 different personalities essentially locked in the same room- it was bound to happen, this sudden craving of messing with them. Bachira hadn’t planned it- he simply woke up one morning with a single thought in mind.
“Today- I’m gonna get them all.”
Fingers worked meticulously through silky red strands. Chigiri was half out of it- despite a shower and leg care that morning, his brain wasn’t quite on yet. The good thing about his current hairstyle was he did it so many times these days it became muscle memory, so there was no need to fight for a spot in the bathroom mirror.
Bachira sat behind him, mesmerized as he worked. He loved watching hair braiding- he used to watch his mom do the same thing to her own hair before gathering her paints, his little boy brain blown as she smoothed it down into a single neat rope. Even now, he couldn’t help but be amazed by how effortless Chigiri made it look.
But right now wasn’t the time to gawk. He had a small window of opportunity.
This hairstyle required both arms up and out of the way, giving Bachria the perfect place to attack. He waited until Chigiri was tucking the last bobby pin against the base before shooting his hands out, going straight for the armpits.
“AH!” Chigiri squealed, falling backwards with a high-pitched yelp. Then he was laughing, squirming to and from against Bachira’s chest as he tried blocking out the mischievous fingers. “Gehahahahahaha! Noooo! Nohoohoho, don’t you dahhahahhare!”
“Good morning, ChiChi! How are you today? Aww, are you ticklish?” Bachria cooed, watching his cheeks go red as he covered his face in mirth, feet kicking. “What lovely hair- is it secure? Just testing out the endurance of it!”
“Bahhahahahchira, cohoohohome ohoohohohon!” Chigiri cried out, all but squeaking when those hands lowered to his ribs. “Plehhahahahhahahse!”
“Hehe, okay~” Bachira retreated, standing up and leaving a now exhausted Chigiri gasping for air against the floor. His hair- to Bachira’s satisfaction- remained the same. “Test complete- that’s a strong braid you got going on! Okay- bye bye!” He turned to leave, barely hearing Chigiri’s muffled curse as he went to find his next victim.
“Hm?” Gagamaru blinked when he felt a tap on his arm, turning to find-
Nothing. There was no one there.
“Is that you, Naruhaya?” He asked casually, figuring the tiny player was hiding in his blind spot. Another tap, this one on his elbow. He turned, and still- there was no one. “I’m not giving you food. I don’t even have any on me right now.”
Silence. Maybe he was being haunted?
Wouldn’t be the first time.
Another tap, this one on his lower back. Twisting- he found Naruhaya sitting by. “Found you!” He ran up, missing the fact the younger boy was sitting way too far to be the culprit, and grabbed his sides- squeezing gently. “What are you up to, you food thief?”
“Aheheahhahahaha! Whahahhahait, I dihihihiidn’t ehehehehven mohohohohove!” Naruhaya cried, cheeks flushing an adorable shade of pink as he squirmed and giggled in Gagamaru’s clutches. “I prohohoohoohmise!”
“Yeah right- you keep tapping me and running. I know your tricks.” Gagamaru moved a hand to his belly, making him squeal. “Confess, and I’ll let you be.”
“Keep on saying that-” Something brushed his shoulders, making the bigger boy shoot up. Forgetting to tickle, he turned- finding nothing once more. Okay- he was definitely haunted.
“What’s going on? Are you bullying Naruhaya, Gaga-chan?” Bachira tsked, walking up with a secret smile. Ah- there’s his ghost. “That’s not very nice of you. Naru-chan? Wanna get him back?”
“Yehehahhahah!” Naruhaya didn’t need to be told twice, already standing.
“Wait…don’t do it…” Gagamaru held up his hands, but the pair were already on him, fingers flying over his torso. He tried fighting back, but then Bachira found that same spot against his shoulder blades and it was all over. “Oh nohohohoohohooho!”
“Oh yes!” Bachira giggled, stepping back as Naruhaya took over, giggling along with him. Good luck, Gaga-chan! Now, who's next…?”
“Oh come ON!”
“What? ‘X’ is a fair guess!”
“Just how many words do you know that have an ‘X’ in them?”
“Xenomorph, X-Ray, Excalibur-”
“Guys, calm down.” Kuon sighed from his spot, shaking his head as he drew a foot on the hanging stick figure. “Unfortunately, ‘X’ is not on the list. Wanna buy a vowel?”
“Told you.” Raichi rolled his eyes at Iemon, crossing his arms across his chest as he glared at the notepad. So far, the six spaces contained a “O”, a “T” and a “R”. “Eh..sure. Give me a- “YEE!”
“‘YE’ is two letters.” Kuon raised a brow. “Which one?”
Raichi twisted around, rubbing his sides. He swore someone just poked him in the ribs. “Hang on- What the hell, Iemon? Why are you trying to sabotage?”
“Me? I didn’t do anything!” The goalie squawked in shock, eyes widening at the accusation. “Tell him, Kuon!”
“Really- he didn’t move.” Kuon nodded, tilting his head. “What’s up?”
“...Nothing- forget it. I’m guessing ‘E’” Raichi waved it off, a pinch of smugness in his chest when Kuon wrote it in. “See? I’m good at guessing!”
“If you're so good, why not go for the word then?” Iemon asked, turning to the paper. “Actually- I’ll do it. I know the answer!”
“Take a shot!” Kuon got ready. Iemon opened his mouth to speak-
And what came out was a string of giggles.
“...What?” Raichi blinked when the other settled, face on fire.
“I-something- that was…” Iemon stammered. “Nevermind. I’m guessing..’P’?”
“Close, but no.” Kuon popped the marker cap, going to draw a leg. “Not a bad gue-AHH!” His hand slipped, cutting across the paper when he felt two fingers drill into the center of his ribs. Now the little stick man had an elongated broken leg. “What the-”
“Ah! Fuhuhuhuck! No dohoohohn’t!” Raichi hooted when hands attacked his hips, squeezing from behind. Iemon blinked, catching a blur of brown-blond hair.
“Bachi-Gahahhahahaha!” Iemon spasmed when his ribs were once again attacked, this time lingering. “Whahahhahahht?”
“Huh? What-Ehehehehehehhe! Kuon arched with a giggle, notepad flying out of his hands as he tried guarding his armpits, feeling them prodded at.
It went as quickly as it came, leaving the three to stare at one another in wide eyed shock.
What the hell just happened?
Kunigami let out a slow breath as he positioned himself parallel to the mats. His muscles pulsed, sweat dripping off his bare chest as he began his one armed pushups. The gym was uncharacteristically quiet- usually one or two people would wander in at this hour to get a quick run or lift some weights. Today- Kunigami figured- everyone else was simply too tired to do it.
Nevermind then.
Bachira laughed gleefully as he watched Kunigami faceplant, groaning softly against the worn-in mats. “Wow- look at you, using one arm! Trying to show off?” He waltzed over and grabbed a nearby towel, tossing it across Kunigami’s back before taking a seat. “Why not wait until he comes in?”
Kunigami didn’t ask who “he” was, nor did he complain about the additional weight against his back. Instead, he adjusted himself so he was pushing with both hands, resuming his workout. “I don’t just do this for attention, Meguru. I do it because I love it.” Kunigami grunted some as Bachira adjusted, lying across his back and evening out the weight distribution.
“But you like it though? ChiChi watching you?” He teased, grinning when Kunigami’s neck flushed.
“Admit it!” Bachira giggled, dropping his hands down and clawing at the softer parts of Kunigami’s belly. “You like ChiChi watching you!”
“Ah!” Kunigami yelped as he hit the mat again, catching himself on his elbows so he didn’t break Bachira’s fingers. “Stahahhap! Stop thahahhahat! Bahahhachiraahhahaha!”
“Admit it first! You like Chigiri! Say it! Say it!” Bachira cooed at him, hanging on as the other tried twisting this way and out of his grip. “Say it or I won’t stop tickling you!”
“Ahehahha! Fihiihihne! Pfft- Geahhaha! Fihiihihine, you wihiihhiihn!” Kunigami cried, tapping the mat repeatedly. “I like hiihihim, now stahhahap!”
Bachira did as promised, pulling his hands back and standing. “Knew it. Don’t wait too long to tell him now. He just might like you back.”
“Like who back?” As if the devil himself had been called. Bachira grinned at Chigiri’s confused expression, winking at Kunigami as he made his way towards the door.
“Want some?”
“No way.”
“Come on!” Igarashi groaned, bowing his head in plea as he presented his pickled radish. “One trade? I won’t ask again!”
“Dude, no way! Pickled Radish makes my breath stink. How the hell am I to pick up girls like that?” Yudai shook his head, leaning away from the dish. “Besides- it’s not like I’ve got anything better.” On his own tray were two soft boiled eggs. “I’m starting to hate eggs…”
“It’s not like we’re going to be meeting any girls while we’re here! Plus it taste’s alright!” Igarashi gave him his best big eyes. “I haven’t had soft boiled eggs on rice in so long! I’m craving them!”
“Move up in rank and you’ll have them then.” Yudai rolled his eyes, breaking a yolk over his rice. His stomach turned at the sight. “Nevermind. Here.” He traded.
“Yes! Thank you so much, Yudai! I’ll never forget you after you eventually lose!” Igarashi cheered, taking his eggy rice.
“What the hell does that even mean?” He rolled his eyes before taking the radish. Well- at least it was new.
“Hey guys!” Bachira bounced over, leaning in so he was between them. “Whatcha doing?”
“Making ourselves like this stuff.” Yudai poked at his tray, nose twitching as Igarashi devoured his rice. “Hey, do you like pickled Radish?”
“Mm..nah.” Bachira shook his head. “But you know what I do like?”
“What?” Yudai raised a brow, Igarashi putting down his bowl in equal curiosity.
No warning was given. Bachira simply put his arms around both their waists and attacked.
“AH! Ahehahahahhahaha, nohohohohoho come ohohohohn mahahhahahan!” Yudai cried out, nearly drowned out by Igagauri’s own wails of mirth.
“Gheahhahahahahahha! Nohohoohooho! Dohoohohohohn’t I’m tihiihihhicklish!”
“Are you now? Man, you two are so quiet- I nearly forgot you were here!” Bachira cooed sweetly, moving his hands to their bellies and earning even more squeals and laughs. “I need to do this more often, he he he~”
He pulled away, not before reaching out and stealing an egg. Smiling at the taste, he turned to his own tray, placing his plate of abandoned udon between them. “Thanks boys!”
Igarashi’s complaints about the egg were quickly forgotten as he and Yudai thanked him relentlessly, spitting the dish. Bachria grinned as he headed out.
Only one more person to go.
~~~ “So what do you wanna work on?” Isagi asked as they walked out to the field, stretching his arms. “Speed? Dribbling? Scoring?”
“Actually- I wanna work on something new.” Bachira walked up, an easy grin on his lips. The lack of a soccer ball should have been Isagi’s warning. “I wanna work on blocking.”
“Blocking? Alright.” Isagi shrugged, figuring they really didn’t need one then. “Like, blocking an approach or pushing past one?”
Bachira didn’t respond, only continued to smile. Isagi felt himself twitch, suddenly unsure of himself. “Erm..Bachira?”
“Hey, Isagi.”
There was a flash, and suddenly the world was upside down. Isagi smelled the grass before he hit it, barely registering the feeling before he was dragged under again with waves of ticklishness.
“Ah! Aheahhahahahhahaha! Whahahahhait, whahahahhahait- Bahhhahachira!” Isagi cried, kicking his feet and twisting about as Bachira’s fingers flew against his ribs, focusing towards the center as he slowly began his descent towards his lower set. “Whahhahahaht the heheheheheehell?”
“I saved you for last, Isagi-chan~ I wanted to hear you laugh the most today!” Bachira cooed sweetly at him, going right for that awful spot on the lowest rib. Isagi arched with a shriek, laughter blossoming out of his lips as his squirms increased. “I wanna hear you squeal like a pig!”
“BAHAHHAHAHCHIRA, STAHHAHAHAHAHAP!” Isagi wailed, cheeks on fire and eyes wet with mirth. He pushed with his heels, trying in vain to get away. His hands circled Bachria’s wrists, gently tugging. “OHOOOHKAY STAHHAHAHP!”
Giggling, Bachira pulled back, resting his hands gently against Isagi’s belly as the other gasped for air, smiling warmly at him. “Hehe, you’re adorable, Isagi-chan.”
“Heh…hehehe…” Isagi rolled his eyes, moving his own hands up from Bachria’s wrists to his hands, holding them within his own. “Tehehhell me…dihiihd you actually wahahhant to train?”
“Nope!” Bachira popped the “P”, grinning. “But since we’re here, we can do something else~”
Isagi raised a brow, sitting up. “And that is…?”
Bachira’s lips silenced any questions he had as they pressed gently into his own. Not that he was complaining.
The day was long but rewarding, and Bachira giggled himself silly as he tugged on his sweats, fresh out of the shower. The entire time, he kept replaying the highlights in his head, his lips still tingling from Isagi’s kiss. The perfect ending to a fairly mischievous day.
And yet…he couldn’t shake the feeling something was missing. The smallest detail to make the day even greater than it was.
As he walked into the main room, watching the boys set up for bed, it hit him.
Quite literally.
“Grab him!” Raichi called, and Bachira turned on his heels, running for the door. Just a few more steps- “Nope! Chigiri was before him, his speed proving useful beyond the soccer field. A second of hesitation proved all that the other’s needed; Bachria squeaked when arms came around his waist, hiking him up and off the floor.
“Sorry, Bachira- but not really.” Gagamaru sounded deeply amused as he unceremoniously dropped him into a pile of futons. “You brought this on yourself.”
Bachira went to mock-argue, but all that came out were giggles of anticipation as the rest of the team came around him, Kunigami’s hands gathering his wrists in a gentle but firm hold as Isagi took his rightful seat across his lap. At least his back was protected. For now.
“Ready?” Isagi asked, raising his hands with wiggling fingers. On each side of him, Raichi cracked his knuckles while Chigiri giggled softly in his hands. Behind them, someone grabbed his ankle-possible Kuon, maybe Iemon? It really didn’t matter in a minute.
“Ahehehe- hohohold on! Wahhahait, wahhahit.” Bachira giggled out, willing his heart to slow. It didn’t- the pause only made his anticipation worse. “Neehhehevermind, just doohohoho it!”
“Eager, aren’t we?” Kunigami teased as they looked to Isagi to make the call. With an unfairly long pause, Isagi smirked.
“Get’em!” He shouted, and Bachira burst into howls of mirth as multiple hands attacked at once. Isagi took the lead going right for the ribs while Rachi drilled into his hips. Chigiri- oh that devil- he slipped his hands beneath him so he could claw at his back! His legs weren’t any better- someone’s hand danced along his sole while the other squeezed his knee and calf like they were playing guitar. Kunigami, much to his credit, didn’t attack- instead opting to keep Bachria’s arms up and out of the way. That, however, didn’t stop Naruhaya from slipping under his arm so he could give his neck and ears a few playful scribbles.
Teases and jeers were thrown at him, but he could barely think beyond just how ticklish it all was. He didn’t know if he was pleading for mercy or simply laughing- everything was a bit of a blur. Had it been a minute or ten? Was he still in this universe or had he transcended into a new one?
“Okay- STOP!�� Isagi called, and instantly the hands retracted. Noise returned- he could hear the others laughing around him, cooing at him sweetly or jeering about how he had it coming. In the corner of his eye, he could see Kunigami gently prod at Chigiri earning a swat and a halfhearted glare.
It was all nice, but nothing beat seeing Isagi above him, blue eyes like the sky he so rarely saw since coming to Blue Lock. A smile played on his face as he reached out, cool fingers gently brushing sweaty bangs off his face. A pair of even softer lips followed, pressing gently along his brow before he climbed off, mumbling something about getting the dribbler some water.
“Best day EVER!” Igarashi cheered, earning a chorus of both “Hell Yeah!”s and “Shut the hell up!”s. Bachira giggled breathlessly as he curled beneath the futon he laid upon, watching the rest of them find their own. He felt light and dizzy and giggly and warm. So comfortably warm, like he was lying in his favorite spot at his Mom’s art studio. Isagi reappeared, water in hand, crawling beneath the blankets and pulling the smaller boy close.
“You okay?” Isagi asked in his hair, his hand brushing his back in a soothing gesture. “We didn’t go too far, did we?”
Too tired to talk, Bachira shook his head, feeling Isagi relax against him. His mind was halfway to dreamland, the rest of Team Z fading away until he could only hear Isagi’s heartbeat. “Thanks for making my day better, Yoiichi.”
Maybe he said it out loud. Maybe he dreamed about it. Bachira would never know. All he remembered was the sound of Isagi’s heart racing faster, the arms around him tightening some with such care.
He dreamed of endless blue skies that night.
Thanks for reading!
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blonde-batgirl · 1 year
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boinin · 1 year
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Blue Lock Volume 3 Omake - doodles only
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maochira · 1 year
This is about your sketchbook post. Could you please draw either Iemon or Kuon?
Thank you <3
The mom and the dad of Team Z <3
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oo-mi-ru-oo · 1 year
Blue Lock art~💙
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its-the-same-picture · 2 months
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kaseisheretoread · 1 year
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Can we talk about how Imamura is STARING AT IEMON?
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